Effectively Utilising and Spending the Physical Education and Sport Premium - Sue Wilkinson MBE - Inside Government

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Effectively Utilising and Spending the Physical Education and Sport Premium - Sue Wilkinson MBE - Inside Government
‘Effectively Utilising and Spending the
Physical Education and Sport Premium
            Sue Wilkinson MBE
Effectively Utilising and Spending the Physical Education and Sport Premium - Sue Wilkinson MBE - Inside Government
The outcomes for the session are as
• Receive an update on the Primary PE and
  Sport Premium accountability processes
• Understand the role of Ofsted
• Know how to evidence the impact
• Know what you want pupils to achieve to
  demonstrate sustainability and deliver on
  the Key Indicators
                     April 2018
Effectively Utilising and Spending the Physical Education and Sport Premium - Sue Wilkinson MBE - Inside Government
Making the difference
Remember the following:
• The contribution that you make: ‘Everyone
  who remembers his own education
  remembers teachers, not methods and
  techniques. The teacher is the heart of the
  educational system’. Sidney Hook
• The Law of diminishing intent - Change one
  thing when you leave today.

                      April 2018
Effectively Utilising and Spending the Physical Education and Sport Premium - Sue Wilkinson MBE - Inside Government
Exploding the Myths
•   Physical activity is new
•   Health and emotional well being are new
•   Standards versus competencies curriculum
•   It’s the sector’s fault
•   It’s all about food
•   It’s too late to change attitudes and behaviours
•   We do not have the funding or resources
•   The PE National curriculum is not fit for purpose

                          April 2018
Effectively Utilising and Spending the Physical Education and Sport Premium - Sue Wilkinson MBE - Inside Government
Primary PE and Sport Funding
• DfE know that there is varying practice
  across the system, and they are working
  with partners to provide more support to
• DfE considered measures to target
  funding at certain groups, but in light of
  funding pressures on schools, decided to
  retain the ethos of providing doubled
  funding to every primary school

                        April 2018
Effectively Utilising and Spending the Physical Education and Sport Premium - Sue Wilkinson MBE - Inside Government
DfE Accountability Measures
To ensure that this funding continues to deliver value for money
and that Government build on the success of the existing premium,
DfE intend to increase the levels of accountability within the
• There is an additional condition of funding to require schools to
   take part in a ‘sampling review’ if selected.
• These reviews would be carried out by an external organisation,
   with the aim to look at how schools are complying with the
   existing conditions.
• Each school would receive an individual report, with the reviews
   helping to: ‘Build the DfE understanding of local practice and
   inject challenge into the system, highlighting the importance of
   using the premium funding effectively.’

                             April 2018
Effectively Utilising and Spending the Physical Education and Sport Premium - Sue Wilkinson MBE - Inside Government
DfE Accountability Measures
• A proposed sample of up to 5% of primary schools a year
  depending on geographical spread. Avoiding undue
  burdens on schools.
• DfE intend to undertake a procurement exercise with a
  view to conducting the first reviews in the summer term
  2018. This timeline is under review
• To respond to recommendations within the report from
  the swimming working group, which found that many
  pupils leave primary school being unable to swim, DfE has
  added a further condition of funding to require schools to
  publish how many pupils within their school are meeting
  national curriculum swimming requirements.

                           April 2018
Effectively Utilising and Spending the Physical Education and Sport Premium - Sue Wilkinson MBE - Inside Government
• List in priority order what you as a
  school have spent the grant funding
  on over the last three years.
• Now consider if the funding ceased
  what activity/ activities would go if the
  money ceased with immediate effect.
There are no right or wrong answers.
What do you think my next question will

                        April 2018
Effectively Utilising and Spending the Physical Education and Sport Premium - Sue Wilkinson MBE - Inside Government
How to use the Primary PE and Sport
• Schools must use the funding to make additional
  and sustainable improvements to the quality of PE
  and sport you offer
• This means that you should use the premium to:
  develop or add to the PE and sport activities that
  your school already offers
• Build capacity and capability within the school to
  ensure improvements made now will benefit pupils
  joining the school in future years

                          April 2018
Effectively Utilising and Spending the Physical Education and Sport Premium - Sue Wilkinson MBE - Inside Government
The State of Play
             • What is statutory?
             • Are you delivering
             • What can be added
               but not replaced?
             • How do you know
               and where is the

April 2018
New Reporting Template for the Primary PE and
               Sport Premium
                    April 2018
afPE’s advice
• impact is about the pupils not the teachers
• to include benchmark data
• use a combination of qualitative and
  quantitative measurement data
• include activities that have cost nothing or
  have been funded by alternative methods
• be clear and concise about sustainability
• demonstrate connectivity

                      April 2018
Meeting national curriculum requirements for swimming and water            Please complete
safety                                                                     all of the below:

What percentage of your Year 6 pupils could swim competently,              %
confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres when
they left your primary school at the end of last academic year?

What percentage of your Year 6 pupils could use a range of strokes         %
effectively [for example, front crawl, backstroke and breaststroke] when
they left your primary school at the end of last academic year?

What percentage of your Year 6 pupils could perform safe self-rescue in    %
different water-based situations when they left your primary school at
the end of last academic year?

Schools can choose to use the Primary PE and Sport Premium to provide      Yes/No
additional provision for swimming but this must be for activity over and
above the national curriculum requirements. Have you used it in this
Academic Year:                                                                       Total fund allocated:
September 2017 - August 2018                                                         £18010

            Please insert Page 4
Key indicator 1: Engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity               Percentage of total

         Action plan and budgeting
School focus with
clarity on
intended impact on
                         Actions to achieve       Funding
                                                               Evidence and
                                                                                     Sustainability and
                                                                                     next steps:

             for key indicator 1
- Introduce              - Additional             £785         - 55 pupils           - Aim to increase
breakfast club to        member of catering                    attending breakfast   numbers at breakfast club
encourage more           staff to order food,                  club which includes   - possibly minimal charge
pupils to attend         prepare and                           'Wake up and          for breakfast to cover food
school earlier and       supervise.                            Shake' session -      costs.
get involved in          - Identify a staff                    97% attendance        - TA to work with another
activities.              member to                             (previously 94%).     member of staff in order
                         undertake activities                  - TA and coach        to up- skill so no
- Develop scoot to       (possibly a TA or                     working together      requirement for external
school in order to       external coach                        with nearly all the   coach - employing the
get more pupils          initially).                           pupils above          coach as an additional TA
travelling to school     - Introduce activities   £200         involved.             is being explored.
under their steam        in which all pupils                   - More pupils         - Continue to work closely
rather than being        can be involved (e.g.    40 x £30 =   getting involved in   with parents to increase
dropped off in a car.    wake up and shake)       £1200        scooting with over    the number of pupils who
                         - Purchase 20                         100 now.              own scooters - 25 pupils
- Introduce the daily    scooters to              Additional   - ALL pupils          asked for them for
mile to get all pupils   introduce scooting       track        involved in 15        Christmas.
undertaking at least     in school.               required =   minutes of            - Daily mile firmly
15 minutes of            - Identify course for    £3000        additional activity   embedded in school day.
additional activity      daily mile.                           every day.
per day.
Section 5 Handbook Questions

            April 2018
Ofsted Additional Questions

            April 2018
April 2018
April 2018
2018 Policy Challenges
All Senior Leadership Teams will need to respond
to the following policy updates:
• Transition from April to the new funding
• By May respond and adhere to the new Data
  Protection Regulations
• Recognise and understand the new short
  inspection revisions

                      April 2018
State LA Funded Schools
There are two key requirements that are critical
to these schools and are statutory in achieving
children and young people’s outcomes:
• The National Curriculum
• Safe guarding and Safe Practice for all children
  and young people
And of course these are judged by OfSTED; the
rest is added value, evidence and impact.

                        April 2018
Your role and challenge
afPE asks of the sector irrespective of your
role and the context in which you work:
‘ Please do different things, not the same
things differently in order to make a
and that ‘You can't promote what you can't
see, so please put PE at the heart of school
Sue Wilkinson January 2018
                     April 2018
Physical Education Programme of
Aims:                           Key Indicators:

• The national curriculum for   •    Engagement of all pupils (5-18) in regular
                                     physical activity - kick-starting healthy
  physical education aims to         active lifestyles (CMO 60mins: 30/30)
  ensure that all pupils:
                                •    The profile of PE and sport being raised
• develop competence to              across the school as a tool for whole school
  excel in a broad range of          improvement
  physical activities           •    Increased confidence, knowledge and skills
• are physically active for          of all staff in teaching PE and sport
  sustained periods of time     •    Broader experience of a range of sports and
• engage in competitive              activities offered to all pupils
  sports and activities
                                •    Increased participation in competitive sport
• lead healthy, active lives.

                            April 2018
‘Window of Opportunity’

          April 2018
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