Einen Guten Rutsch ins Neue Jahr! - Gold Country German American Club - Gold Country German ...

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Einen Guten Rutsch ins Neue Jahr! - Gold Country German American Club - Gold Country German ...
GOLD COUNTRY GERMAN-AMERICAN CLUB NEWSLETTER                                     JANUARY, 2019

                       Gold Country
                   German American Club
                         P. O. Box 571, Grass Valley, CA 95945
    Promoting German Culture and Stronger German-American Ties in Northern California

   Einen Guten Rutsch ins Neue Jahr!

    We don't know how this fellow "stuck" his landing, but he's off to a good start -- plenty
    of forward momentum, leaning bravely into the wind, arms raised, defying danger and
    expecting triumph. Er fliegt wie ein Flieger! And, his skis haven't gotten crossed up, yet.
    So it goes with our "slide", our Rutsch, in to the new year of 2019! The Gold Country
    German-American Club is just now heading down the ramp of the 2019 ski jump.
    Who knows how we will launch, let alone stick our landing?

    Well, you can help! Our next club meeting in February will be our annual Membership
    Meeting. We need a quorum there to elect new club officers, and just as importantly,
    we need some people to take over the reins of control at the club and become club
    officers, themselves, and push the club in new, exciting directions (see photo, above)
    while still adhering to our traditions. Tall order, but you can do it!
                                 Friday, February 8, 5:00 p.m.

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                                 NOTES FROM THE BOARD
Happy New Year! 2019 is shaping up to be another wonderful year of fun and warm friendships.

We should celebrate 2018 as a great year for the GCGAC. We gained 20 new members. Meetings were
entertaining and well attended – capped off by the Annual Christmas Party

GCGAC Annual Dues: Annual dues are payable on January 1 and past due on March 1. The dues are
unchanged from 2018 - $30 per person. Mail your dues to:

Gold Country German American Club
PO Box 571
Grass Valley, CA 95945

or bring to our club meeting on February 8th.

Like our Facebook page! Go to our Facebook page, “Gold Country German Club” and give it a “LIKE” - !.

Your Board would like to receive feedback from you – questions, comments, suggestions, criticism,
complements, etc. Send an email to any board member.

President Bob Scheetz                  bobscheetz@gmail.com
Vice-president Dave Emanuel            daveandjess50@comcast.net
Program Director John Hettrich         jhettrich@gmail.com
Treasurer Christa Benson               cbenson1@suddenlink.net
Secretary, Margot Schulze              margothelenschulze@gmail.com
Vice-Secretary Dave Moss               modavek@aol.com
Membership, Susanne Bader              susannes_bader@hotmail.com

               More Germanic Excellence from Mid Century
Before the advent of computer word processing
programs and laser printers, we used typewriters to make
neatly printed text on a sheet of paper. Prior to the 1970's
almost all typewriters were totally mechanical, needing no
electricity and powered only by the operator's fingertips.
The Mercedes-Benz of portable mechanical typewriters was
the Hermes model 3000, as shown at right. Swiss-made,
it was renowned for its "buttery smooth" typing action.
Every Hermes portable was supplied with a luxurious lined
carrying case and a rudimentary tool kit.
The movie actor, Tom Hanks, owns a collection of more
than 100 classic typewriters. (Maybe he loves the smell of
typewriter ribbon?) His Hermes is the "cornerstone" of his
collection. Hermes typewriters such as this are selling on
Ebay for $500 to $1000 or more, depending on condition.

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                       German Language Classes
      Interested in learning German? There is only one (as indicated by Herr
   Erhobenem Zeigefinger at right) place in Nevada County to take classes, and
         that is RIGHT HERE at the Gold Country German-American Club!
                      Classes are FREE with club membership.

 The Beginning level class is under the direction of Rebecca Claus; Intermediate
   level is taught by Erica Meier. These two classes assemble at various class
              members' homes. For more information, call Rebecca at (916) 710-0033.

                             Conversational German Group
 The German Conversational Class will meet January 8 from 4 to 6 p.m. at Christel
 Hermansen's, 150 Sutton Way, Apt 132. Hope to see you there! PLEASE call her if you are
 coming 530-274-2715. If anyone would like to join the class, give Christa a call at
 530-913-1836. New members are welcome!

                                                          Here are Kristina Wetherbee and husband Mark
                                                          comparing gifts received. Nice tie, Mark! But...
Erica Meier opening a "white elephant" tchotchke at the   You traded a bottle of hooch for that?
Language Class's Christmas party at Rebecca Claus's       Thanks to Kristina for making the
house. Just what is a tchotchke, anyway? Looks like a     "white elephant" exchange happen!
tiny beer stein! Perfect for sampling home brew!

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                                 Upcoming Events
           This Month:
January 7, 2019: Beginning/Intermediate
Language class at Robert Gosselin's see p.3.
January 8, 2019: Conversational German
at Christel Hermansen's, see p. 3.
January 9, 2019: Board of Directors'                   Coming soon, keep an eye
Meeting at Bret Harte Hotel, see p. 7.
                                                              out for...
January 19, 2019: Feuerzangenbowle
movie at Turn Verein. See below.                    February -- Annual Membership Meeting
January 21, 2019: Beginning/Intermediate            March -- no club meeting
Language class at TBD see p.3.                      April -- Language Class Extravaganza

"Feuerzangenbowle" is a German movie
with English subtitles. The movie was filmed in 1944, during
the second world war, and it was intended to be light, cheerful
escapism entertainment to distract the German population
from the horrors of the war. Today, in Germany, the movie
has a cult following, with viewers (university students)
bringing props such as alarm clocks and flashlights to the
theater for "audience participation" during certain movie
scenes. Sounds like fun...
The story is about a young writer who was home schooled and
has missed out on the fun some of his friends had in public
school, pranking their teachers. He decides to masquerade as
a student at a small town high school and to become a
prankster. The plot develops from there.
The movie will show at the Sacramento Turn Verein, 3349
"J" Street, Sacramento, Saturday, January 19, 2019, at 7:00
p.m. Cost is $15, which includes the Feuerzangenbowle drink
or alternative non-alcoholic punch. Other drinks are sold
separately. Car pool, anyone?

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        Happy Wanderer Christmas Dinner Photos

                  Upper left: What could be better than a guest who helps in the kitchen? That's
                  Shelly North, along with Kathleen Kelly and Renate Hettrich, on KP!

                  Upper right: Could this be the new Germania Voices, singing German and
                  English Christmas carols? Club members sang along using their librettos.

                  Middle left: Patsy and Ben Hannebrink, the Hannebrink Duo, provided sweet
                  instrumental music. On that music stand is an inexhaustible supply of tunes.

                  Middle right: Weihnachtsman Phil Missimore, dispensing a gift to Hildegard
                  Kramer's granddaughter, Farrah -- one of our beloved "club kids."

                  Left: Hank Stoffel and his friend, Ray.

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GOLD COUNTRY GERMAN-AMERICAN CLUB NEWSLETTER                                                  JANUARY, 2019

                                     Unsere Leute
It is with sadness that we report the passing of Ken Welch, a long time club member, on December 7, 2018. Our
hearts go out to the Welch family during this time of loss.

                                          Anneliese Welch writes:

                                          Memorial Service will be held 3/22/2019,
                                          Details later.
                                          Kenny loved the German Club, even though he could not hike or ski any
                                          more- fond memories of friends.

                                          The following was written by Ken's son, Kevin, on December 8, 2018:

                                            Thank you family and friends for your outpouring of love and support. It
                                            means a lot to us as we wade through these unfamiliar waters. Kenneth R
                                            Welch passed peacefully in his sleep early Friday morning at Mercy San Juan
                                            Hospital. For those of who have known him recently, he has been in and out
                                            of the hospital over the past year, but he always maintained a positive bent
                                            and strong will to supersede all the hospital tubes and trappings.
                                            Kenny was an amazing man that embodied the timeless qualities of kindness,
                                            calmness, and an easy-going patience that belied an intensely strong and
                                            persistent force. He was clever and funny but not loud. A stoic man born of a
                                            generation where feelings were not openly shared, Ken became more
                                            loquacious later in life. An Army Ranger once and for life, he introduced me to
                                            outdoor living through the natural rhythms of camping, hiking, fishing, and
                                          canoeing. He taught me how to handle my first jigsaw and radial saw and let
me set up my own wood shop in the corner of his spot our basement. Back in my Daniel-Boone days, he even brought
me a road-kill raccoon so that I could fulfill my dream of making my own coonskin cap. Needless to say, that adventure
ended up making me a vegetarian for quite some time!
His love for Europe and his Austrian wife (Anneliese Welch!!!!) inspired him to raise us three kids in Germany and
England early in life. He even challenged himself by learning German and would always surprise me with his
knowledge of the language. He loved soccer even when it was an oddity in America and coached my YMCA league
soccer for many years. By all accounts, he was a great father.
Kenny loved the music that my brother and I created over the years. Never a musician himself, he loved almost all of
the styles of music from classical to funk, from bluegrass to Brazilian music. He would perk up when Jerry-jams would
come through the stereo and was particularly fond of Ripple. Somehow that song embodies his sensibility, his rhythm
and his inner peace.

           January Birthdays                                               Fini Hackl
                                                                          Stefan Arth
     January 7                 Jamie Hogan                            Christel Hermansen
    January 24               Hildegard Kramer                          Christa Benson
    January 24                  Dino Tribuzi                    Please notify Christel Denzler when you are well or
                                                                when you want to be taken off the Gute Besserung list.
    January 25                  Hank Stoffel                    Thank you!
    January 28                  Daly Petereit

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GOLD COUNTRY GERMAN-AMERICAN CLUB NEWSLETTER                                                      JANUARY, 2019

         German Music Notation Nomenclature
 Here's a quick lesson, in case you should find yourself in the "anxiety dream" situation where you are the
 member of an orchestra, in Germany, and the conductor is referring, auf Deutsch, to note pitch names, key
 signatures, time signatures, and any of the rudimentary terms illustrated below:

       der G-Schlüssel                              der Bassschlüssel
                     die Taktbezeichnung                         die Tonartvorzeichnung            die Sechzehntelnote
                                    die Viertel                                                  die Achtel
                             die Halbe                                         die ganze Note

                                            “B”                                   “A”             “H”       “Dis”
                                  “Es”                                                      die Erhöhungszeichen
                                               die Notenlinien

 About the pitch names, for example, "Es," "B", "Dis" and "H": We Americans use the letters "A" through "G" to
 name the notes. In Germany, they also include "H", to identify what we call B-natural. German "B" is what we
 call B-flat. Names of other flatted notes are appended with "es;" sharped notes with "is". So, D-flat is called
 "Des," and D-sharp is called "Dis." E-flat, as shown above, is shortened to "Es". Not shown above is the word
 for "flat sign," which is "das Erniedrigungszeichen." 6 syllables instead of 2. Seven, if you include the article.
 German ensemble directors could probably save valuable rehearsal time if they used the English word, "Flat,"
 instead. Maybe they already do!

               GCGAC Board of Directors
                                                                       The next Board of Directors meeting will be held on :

Officers (Elected -- 5 votes):                                          Wednesday, January 9, 2019, 4:00 p.m. at
Acting President: Bob Scheetz                  (925) 518-8626
Vice President: David Emanuel                  272-2017
                                                                           Bret Harte Inn, Grass Valley, CA
Secretary: Margot Schulze                      477-2205
Treasurer: Christa Benson                      530-913-1836
                                                                      GCGAC Committee Chairs (appointed, non-voting)
Program: John Hettrich                         (650) 207-3681

                                                                     Refreshments: Volunteers
Directors (Appointed):                                               Get Well & Sunshine:
Membership: Susanne Bader                      510-282-0721
                                                                              Christel Denzler             878-0504
Dance: Dave Moss                               432-2236
                                                                              Annaliese Grasshof           (916) 783-5411
Happy Wanderers: Fred & Karen Herrmann         346-7392
                                                                     Kaffee & Kuchen: TBD
Newsletter: Paul Trethewey                     265-0763
                                                                     Inter-Club Liaison: Hank Stoffel      269-3137
Publicity: to be filled
                                                                     Webmaster: Paul Trethewey             265-0763
German Language:
                                                                     Property: Dennis Naumann              477-1622
           Conversational: Christa Benson      272-6095
                                                                     Historian: Kristina Wetherbee         432-9941
           Intermediate: Erica Meier           619-335-6499
           Beginning: Rebecca Claus            (916) 710-0033

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GOLD COUNTRY GERMAN-AMERICAN CLUB NEWSLETTER                                                  JANUARY, 2019

    Be sure to check out the official club web page! It has all kinds of interesting stuff,
          including photo galleries, links, and prior newsletters. It’s located at:

Newsletter printed at: Advantage Print & Marketing, 528 Auburn Ravine Rd., Auburn, CA 95603 530-885-0464 Dean Wood, President

            Gold Country German-American Club is a Member of the German-American Heritage Foundation of the USA®
                                            719 Sixth St., NW, Washington, D.C. 20001
                                    “Representing Americans of German Speaking Heritage”
                       Ph: 866-868-8422 (toll free)  email: info@gahmusa.org      web: www.gahmusa.org

                                            Please Forward
                                       First Class Mail                             Grass Valley, CA 95945
                                                                                    P.O. Box 571
                                                                                    Gold Country German-American Club
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