Electives 2019 -2020/ TERM 1 - Tytherington ...

Page created by Samuel Norman
Electives 2019 -2020/ TERM 1 - Tytherington ...
THURSDAY 2 .30 -3.30pm

201 9 -2020/ TERM 1
Electives 2019 -2020/ TERM 1 - Tytherington ...

Electives is a programme of
activities that fulfils our ambition
to provide ‘extra’ provision for our
students at Tytherington School.
These Electives are in addition to our
existing range of extra-curricular
provision which will continue to run
throughout the week.
It is expected that all students in Years 7
and 8 take part in the Elective Programme.
It will be optional for all other year groups.

There will be a second bus to Bollington
each Thursday at 3.30pm (paid service) to
support the transportation of pupils taking
part in Electives. If transport is still a barrier,
please get in contact with the school.

In order to encourage breadth of learning,
the programme is organised within three
categories. Students have the opportunity
to make their choices from:
                                                      Some Electives require fees; these will be
• Citizenship, Service, Enterprise and
                                                      paid via the Parent Pay System.
                                                      Some Electives may not run if there are
• Curriculum and Cultural Enrichment
                                                      insufficient numbers/interest. Parents
• Personal Leisure, Health and Well-Being
                                                      please be aware that in cases of financial
Across the year it is expected that students          hardship some support is available.
will access choices across the three areas.

During the term, we promote Electives                   Please note that this booklet contains
through assemblies, form time and Electives             basic details of the programme, further
area of the school website. A selection form            information is available through the
will be sent electronically to parents to make          school website:
the choices with their son/daughter for the             www.tytheringtonschool.co.uk/
term ahead. Students select and rotate three            electives-programme
times in the year.
Electives 2019 -2020/ TERM 1 - Tytherington ...
What’s on offer

TITLE            CATEGORY                  VENUE    COST        DESCRIPTION

*Jujitsu         Personal Leisure,         School   £5.00 per   An opportunity to try Jujutsu, a popular
(Martial arts)   Health & Well-being                session     martial Art. Sessions are provided by
                                                    (External   Macclesfield Dojo. There is opportunity
                                                    supplier)   for further classes at their specialist centre
                                                                on other dates.

*Badminton       Personal Leisure,         School   Nil         This Elective is the perfect opportunity to
                 Health & Well-being                            practice and develop your skill in this             TITLE           CATEGORY                VENUE    COST        DESCRIPTION
                                                                popular sport.
                                                                                                                    *Chess Club     Curriculum & Cultural   School   Nil         This Elective is suitable for all levels, from
**Table Tennis   Personal Leisure,         School   Nil         Learn to play table tennis or use it as an                          Enrichment                                   beginner to the advanced. Hone your skills,
                 Health & Well-being                            opportunity to practice and develop your                            Personal Leisure,                            enhance your problem solving ability,
                                                                skills if you already play this increasingly                        Health & Well-being                          increase mental alertness and challenge
                                                                popular sport.                                                                                                   your opponents.

**Charity        Citizenship, Service      School   Nil         Open to all students to help make our               Drama           Curriculum & Cultural   School   £5 per      This Elective will be great for the student
Elective Group   Enterprise & Leadership                        charity events a fun time for everyone in our       Elective        Enrichment                       session     who enjoys drama and performing. It will
                                                                school. Your endeavours will help people in                         Personal Leisure,                (External   be a combination of improvisation and
                                                                need. This group will help to plan our main                         Health & Well-being              provider)   script work (for Year 7 and Year 8 students
                                                                fundraising events.                                                                                              only) and for up to 16 students.

*Classics        Curriculum & Cultural     School   Nil         This Elective runs all year as there is a           Cartoon Art     Curriculum & Cultural   School   £4 per      This elective will be delivered by Marc
                 Enrichment                                     qualification included. Discover the joys of                        Enrichment                       session     Jackson, a cartoonist who has contributed
                                                                learning about the ancient world and of                                                              (External   to The Beano and is behind the town’s
                                                                learning to understand and read Latin. The                                                           provider)   hugely popular Comicon Festival and who
                                                                study of Classics will fire your imagination                                                                     has also launched an online comic.
                                                                and also shed a dazzling light on why we
                                                                are as we are today. You will be able to gain       **Film Club –   Curriculum & Cultural   School   Nil         This Elective is open to all students in the
                                                                a qualification for this too as we will be          Lower School    Enrichment                                   lower school. Films will be shown for your
                                                                completing the OCR Entry Level qualification                        Personal Leisure,                            pleasure and entertainment across
                                                                at the end of the year.                                             Health & Well-being                          different genre themes and discussed.

**Classic        Personal Leisure,         School   Nil         If you love to spend some social time playing       *Shaun Goater   Personal Leisure,       School   £5 per      Practice your footballing skills with direction
Boardgames       Health & Well-being                            classic board games such as Monopoly and            football        Health & Well-being              session     from a professional football coach from
                                                                Cluedo, then this is the Elective for you to try.   coaching                                         (External   ex-Manchester City Shaun Goater football
                                                                                                                                                                     provider)   coaching.

                                                                                                                    *Photography    Curriculum & Cultural   School   £4 per      Using your camera or smartphone learn
                                                                                                                                    Enrichment                       session     many specialist photography techniques.
                                                                                                                                                                     (External   A practical and interesting elective with a
                                                                                                                                                                     provider)   professional photographer. This elective is
                                                                                                                                                                                 delivered by Picture Train.

                                                                                                                    *Reading Club   Curriculum & Cultural   School   Nil         Read some exciting teenage literature. We’ll
                                                                                                                                    Enrichment                                   look at some new modern writers as well as
                                                                                                                                                                                 some older ones. You will have the chance to
                                                                                                                                                                                 discuss what you’ve read with other students
                                                                                                                                                                                 who also share a passion for reading.
Electives 2019 -2020/ TERM 1 - Tytherington ...
TITLE           CATEGORY              VENUE    COST                            DESCRIPTION

                                                                                                                       *Beginners      Personal Leisure,     School   Sleeveless top – Bring the      Pupils will make a sleeveless
                                                                                                                       Course in       Health & Well-being            following to 1st session –      top by following a dressmakers
                                                                                                                       Dressmaking                                    2 metres of cotton woven        pattern. Alternatively, student
                                                                                                                                                                      fabric and 3 metres of Bias     may opt to make a drawstring
                                                                                                                                                                      Binding in a matching or        bag. They will need 1 metre of
                                                                                                                                                                      contrasting colour.             cotton woven fabric and 3
                                                                                                                                                                      Drawstring bag – bring to 1st   metres of cord for the draw-
                                                                                                                                                                      session – 1 metre of cotton     string. Dressmakers pattern,
                                                                                                                                                                      woven fabric and 3 metres       threads, interfacing and
                                                                                                                                                                      of cord for the drawstring.     fastenings will all be provided.
TITLE             CATEGORY                VENUE        COST         DESCRIPTION
                                                                                                                       *Music          Curriculum &          School   Nil                             Choose to develop keyboard/
*Lacrosse         Personal Leisure,       School       £3 per       Learn to play the popular field sport of           Mastery         Cultural Enrichment                                            instrumental skills or basic
                  Health & Well-being                  session      Lacrosse. This Elective will be provided by                        Personal Leisure,                                              music technology skills in PA2.
                                                       (External    Poynton Lacrosse Club at Tytherington.                             Health & Well-being
                                                       provider)    All equipment will be provided. Classes
                                                                                                                       Fun golf        Personal Leisure,     School   £5 per session                  All aspects of golf skills covered
                                                                    will be lead by Mr Jordan Clarke.
                                                                                                                       activities      Health & Well-being            (External provider)             in a fun and interactive way,
**Quiz Elective   Personal Leisure,       School       Nil          Think, Learn and Know. Open to all students        (indoor &                                                                      including putting, clipping,
                  Health & Well-being                               from any year groups to get involved in the        outdoor)                                                                       swing and video analysis.
                                                                    Quiz Elective.                                                                                                                    Delivered by PGA Dave Myers

RiCH Group        Personal Leisure,       St.          Nil          A place to be yourself! The church is open         Science Crest   Curriculum &          School   One-off £5 fee for exam         This is a great Elective for
                  Health & Well-being     Oswald’s                  from 3-5pm where hot chocolate and                 Award           Cultural Enrichment            board registration &            students who are fascinated by
                                          Church,                   homemade cakes are provided, space to                                                             certificate                     science, especially practical
                                          Bollington                chill and chat with your friends, to take                                                                                         experiments. The course leads
                                          SK10 5EG                  part in craft activities and games, plus                                                                                          to achieving Bronze Science
                                                                    opportunities to fund raise for charity and                                                                                       Crest award.
                                                                    celebrate annual events. Open to pupils
                                                                                                                       *Science/       Curriculum &          School   £5 one-off fee                  This popular activity is for all
                                                                    in years 7, 8 & 9.
                                                                                                                       STEM Club       Cultural Enrichment                                            science enthusiastic scientists.
Student           Curriculum & Cultural   School       Nil          The school will be hosting its first student                                                                                      It’s a great way to develop
Literature        Enrichment                                        Literature Festival in 2020 and are offering                                                                                      problem solving skills and have
festival                                                            students with IT, Business and literature                                                                                         fun at the same time.
organisational                                                      interests to be part of the development and
                                                                                                                       *Practical      Curriculum &          School   Nil                             Do you enjoy practical work and
team                                                                organisational team for the festival. This is
                                                                                                                       Workshop        Cultural Enrichment                                            working with materials such as
                                                                    a great opportunity for interested students.
                                                                                                                       Craft           Personal Leisure,                                              wood and metal? If yes then
*Creative         Curriculum & Cultural   School       Nil          If you like to write creatively then this is the                   Health & Well-being                                            practical workshop craft is an
Writing           Enrichment                                        place for you. Try some new writing techniques                                                                                    enjoyable elective for you.
                                                                    out and create your own masterpieces.
                                                                                                                       **Basketball    Personal Leisure,     School   Nil                             A great opportunity to practice
Artificial        Curriculum & Cultural                £4 per       Through a series of entertaining and                               Health & Well-being                                            your skills, get some exercise
Intelligence      Enrichment                           session,     educational workshops, based on practical                                                                                         and shoot some hoops.
                                                       with full    hands-on experiences, this course is
                                                                                                                       *Computer       Curriculum &          School   Nil                             Learn how to create your own
                                                       term         designed to give an appreciation of how
                                                                                                                       Animation       Cultural Enrichment                                            animations using Adobe suite.
                                                       payment      Artificial Intelligence contributes to
                                                       in advance   everyday applications and how it may do
                                                       direct to    so in future, through the medium of
                                                       provider     Photography/Imaging and for pupils to gain
                                                       company      an insight into a range of related careers.

*Product          Curriculum & Cultural   School       Nil          This Elective will enable students to design
Design            Enrichment                                        and make products with creativity and
                                                                    originality, using a range of materials and
                                                                    techniques in a workshop. Packaging, labelling
                                                                    via Computer Aided Design will also be
                                                                    encouraged as part of the complete designed
                                                                    product. A hands on fun activity.
Electives 2019 -2020/ TERM 1 - Tytherington ...
TITLE              CATEGORY                    VENUE        COST            DESCRIPTION

 *Cookery           Curriculum & Cultural       School       Students        Students will cook items each week and the
 Elective           Enrichment                               bring           end of term will culminate in a competition.
                    Personal Leisure,                        ingredients     TERM 1 - The Great Tythy Bake off
                    Health & Well-being                                      TERM 2 - Tythy MasterChef
                                                                             TERM 3 - Summer cookery
                                                                             (Students provide their own ingredients).

 *Coding Club       Curriculum & Cultural       School       Nil             The perfect elective for students who wish
                    Enrichment                                               to advance their coding skills. Taught by one
                                                                             of our specialist computer science teachers.

 Squash             Personal Leisure,           Prestbury    £3 per          Students are transports via minibus to
                    Health & Well-being         Squash       session, inc.   Prestbury Squash Club for this Elective.
                                                Club         transport       Please do note it is approximately 4pm
                                                             (until 4pm)     when students return to school.

 *Tytherington      Citizenship, Service        School       Nil             Help the school become more green!
 Goes Green         Enterprise & Leadership                                  Eco-friendly, energy saving, self-sufficient.
                                                                             Also help to improve wildlife habitats in the
                                                                             grounds. They are the leading the school
                                                                             plastic free & recycling agenda.

 *Tytherington      Personal Leisure,           School       Nil             Help to plant and grow flowers and
 Garden             Health & Well-being                                      vegetables in our very own Tytherington
                                                                             garden and Poly-tunnel. Our garden is only
                                                                             a couple of years old and developing every
                                                                             year. Students find this a relaxing and
                                                                             interesting Elective.

 *Public            Curriculum & Cultural       School       Nil             Public Speaking is a great opportunity to
 Speaking           Enrichment                                               come along and have your say on topics
                                                                             you feel strongly about, whether that be
                                                                             climate change, social media or issues
                                                                             connected with school life. Learn how to
                                                                             speak eloquently and effectively and boost
                                                                             your confidence in being able to stand up
                                                                             and speak in front of an audience. Also,
                                                                             just enjoy the opportunity for a good
                                                                             debate and lively discussion.

 Adopt a            All categories                           Nil             This Elective is for Year 12 and 13 students
 Teacher                                                                     only and they can opt to lead the activities
                                                                             marked with ** or ‘adopt a teacher’ and
                                                                             support any Elective activity marked with *.
                                                                             This is part of the Sixth Form Leadership

                                               * This activity will be led by teaching staff and supported by Sixth Form students.
                                                                               ** This activity will be led by Sixth Form students.

    An ambitious school at the heart of the community
01625 610 220        @TytheringtonSch       www.tytheringtonschool.co.uk
    Tytherington School, Manchester Road, Macclesfield, Cheshire SK10 2EE
Electives 2019 -2020/ TERM 1 - Tytherington ... Electives 2019 -2020/ TERM 1 - Tytherington ... Electives 2019 -2020/ TERM 1 - Tytherington ... Electives 2019 -2020/ TERM 1 - Tytherington ... Electives 2019 -2020/ TERM 1 - Tytherington ...
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