Page created by Charles Vargas
ElEctronic EscapEs
                 from thE DEutschE DEmokratischE rEpublik 1981 - 1989

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artists who would make up the Eastern electronic
                                                              scene were in attendance, fascinated and inspired.
            their country wasn’t particularly big – in fact   By the time they were finally able to bring out their
     at times it felt downright claustrophobic to them,       own albums in East Germany between 1981 and
     hemmed in by an impenetrable border. how vast            1989, this style of music had already been successful
     and wide open outer space seemed by comparison,          in the West for almost a decade. the lag time was a
     expanding above their heads to infinity. No wonder       result of how heavily the socialist state regulated
     then that one day some of them began to flee their       pop music. there were licenses necessary to play
     cramped country into the cosmos. not literally, of       live, and only state-sanctioned artists were allowed
     course. instead of Energia rockets and soyuz space       to put out albums on the one state owned record
     capsules, their means of space travel were synthesi-     company, the Volkseigener betrieb Deutsche schall-
     zers, drum machines, and samplers. out of those          platten berlin DDr and its label, amiga. the raw
     devices artists in the German Democratic republic        materials for manufacturing records were scarce,
     – post-war socialist East Germany – created drea-        limiting the number of lps being brought out.
     my, spacious electronic music that let musician and      but at some point in the early 1980s, the East Ger-
     listener flee from the everyday realities of East Bloc   man government leadership decided microcompu-
     life. off into a swirling, nebulous fantasy landscape.   ters were the future and gave the green light to the
     into strange, faraway galaxies. and sometimes            then futuristic sounding music made with them. still,
     straight into a pumping discotheque in a space           Eastern electronic musicians had the problem of
     station orbiting the earth.                              getting hold of synthesizers and drum machines
     tangerine Dream, klaus schulze, Jean michel Jarre,       from Japan or the us and smuggling them into the
     ash ra temple, manuel Göttsching, and Vangelis           GDr. none of them wanted to work with the few
     were their conspirators in flight, along with Genesis,   available home-produced music machines – they
     pink floyd and Emerson lake and palmer. the West         were considered too unreliable. in the beginning the
     berlin band tangerine Dream played a seminal con-        musicians could only hear the bands that inspired
     cert on January 31, 1980, in East berlin’s palast der    them surreptitiously, listening illegally to Western
     Republik (Palace of the Republic) – the first pop        radio. cassette tapes of the West berlin radio show
     band from the West to play there. many of the            “steckdose” (plug), which billed its focus as “com-

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puter music/music computer,” were passed around            music when i ran across an old album being used
     among members of the Eastern scene. only from              as a prop in a display at a well-known swedish fur-
     1986 on could they could listen legally via the East       niture chain. on the back of the sleeve was a photo
     German youth radio station Dt64 and its radio              of two men in identical overalls; on the front was a
     show “Electronics.” Dt64 also organized several            cyclone swirling above a computer-grid-like hori-
     festivals for electronic music in the late 1980s.          zon. across the top, written in digital alarm clock
     from the inception in the 1980s on, East German            letters, was written pond – planetenwind. it was,
     musicians began to produce their own versions of           the liner notes said, electronic music from the
     Western electronic music from the 1970s.the ama-           GDr! having grown up in West Germany, i didn’t
     zing thing: in a land where engineers and cosmo-           know such a thing existed. My first thought was to
     nauts were held up as heroes, nobody, it turned out,       steal the record. instead i asked one of the emplo-
     was allowed to release machine-like electronic mu-         yees at the furniture warehouse if i could have it. it
     sic on the state-owned label. No influence of Kraft-       had spent many years molding in the attic of one of
     werk, for instance, or industrial music can be found       his colleagues, and was now nothing more than
     on the albums of the time. instead, it was all about       decoration. Which was a real shame, as i would
     expansive jams that were so psychedelic it’s hard to       discover as soon as i listened to it at home. but
     imagine they were not fueled by drugs ( though             where that had come from, there must be others.
     everyone involved claims they really weren’t ). there      I began scouring flea markets in Eastern Germany,
     were endless synth epics describing trips to distant       slowly assembling a collection. i sought out the
     galaxies. there were balearic ambient sounds that          original musicians, getting them to tell me their
     made you daydream about the nude beaches along             stories and to play me their vintage music. for all
     the baltic sea. there were disco tracks with guitar        of them, the end of the GDr in 1989-1990 marked
     solos as heartbreakingly emotional as they were            a stark break in their personal histories. What is
     cheesy.there were italo-disco odysseys from artists        preserved are twelve lps of electronic music issued
     who had never been anywhere near lake Garda. it            between 1981 and 1989. a forgotten branch on the
     was a series of daring ideas, virtuosic rip-offs, seren-   evolutionary tree of electronic music, but one on
     dipitous screw-ups, and beautiful misunderstandings.       which some delightful obscurities blossomed.
     I was first intrigued by East German electronic            florian sievers

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reinhard lakomy, born in        geheime Leben, featuring dark,
     magdeburg 1946, was famous in          brooding cloudbursts of synth
     the GDr for his albums of              built atop a complex structure.
     children’s music, jazz, and rock.      this is like klaus schulze with evil
     inspired by tangerine Dream, in        premonitions. “Der Traum
     1981 he became the first East          von Asgard” (asgard’s Dream)
     German artist to release an            is the title track of lakomy ’s
     electronic album: Das geheime          1983 second electronic album:
     Leben (the secret life). accor-        a melancholic urban elegy, com-
     ding to the liner notes, the music     plete with bursts of industrial
     – made with “electronic instru-        noise. could Detroit be in East
     ments, band mellotron, piano” –        Germany? asgard is the gliste-
     speaks about “cosmic longing.”         ning paradise of excess that
     and that description is spot on.       upon closer examination turns
     the epic opening track “Es             out to be rotten at the core –
     wächst das Gras nicht über             obviously a commentary on the
     alles” (“Grass cannot Grow             capitalist West and the way
     over Everything”) is taken from        many Easterners looked envi-
     this album. the song title is an       ously at it. in 1985 lakomy
     idiom equivalent to “time doesn’t      released Zeiten (times) in co-
     heal all wounds.” Were there po-       operation with rainer oleak.
     litical undertones to this? “not       1991 he ended his foray into
     at all,” says lakomy, “it ’s just an   electronic music with the album
     eternal truth.” “Das unend-            Aer. today lakomy produces
     liche Rätsel” (the Endless             records for children together
     riddle) is another track from Das      with his wife.

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pond was led by Wolfgang      many, selling over 100,000 co-     track to a tV documentary.
     “paule” fuchs. he was born 1948     pies, topping the charts, and      from this lp comes “Galaxis”
     in the prenzlauer berg borough      being used constantly on tV.       (Galaxy), in which a space ship
     of berlin, and was to become the    a shuffling beatbox, a catchy      blasts off toward the final fron-
     commercially most successful        spacey melody, and a grandiose     tier, where no cosmonaut has
     electronic musician of the GDr.     fanfare in the bridge – this is    gone before. bombastic, pom-
     fuchs founded pond in 1978 as       great pop music. While the lp      pous, opulent. and all with that
     a prog rock band; from 1981 on      version of the track is 18 mi-     uniquely brittle synth sound.
     he and his partner harald Witt-     nutes 30 seconds long, this is     Galactic disco from the plastic
     kowski – both inspired by klaus     the more concise radio edit.       fantastic East. in 1990 pond
     schulze and tangerine Dream –       the same lp features “Cassio-      released their last album on the
     concentrated on instrumental        peia,” a soundtrack to an ima-     Deutsche schallplatten label, Ma-
     electronic music. fuchs and Witt-   ginary rave in a communist         schinenmensch ( machine man).
     kowski wore matching overalls in    youth camp with an almost          after the fall of the wall, fuchs
     concert and presented them-         whipping snare, chugging bass      produced Eurodance and com-
     selves as music engineers from      layers, and a bubbling synth       mercial techno music for a while.
     another planet. “Planeten-          melody that together make for      today he has returned to more
     wind ” ( planetary Winds) is        a track which still kills on the   abstract electronic music and
     the title track of pond’s 1984      dance floor today. in 1986 pond    has just released the soundtrack
     debut album. it was the biggest     released Auf der Seidenstraße      to an exhibition of the famous
     electronic music hit in East Ger-   (on the silk road), the sound-     GDr painter Willi sitte.

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Julius krebs was born in      lation, showcases pumping disco
     stalinstadt, today Eisenhütten-     funk, and in the breaks sirens
     stadt, in 1954. the trained engi-   sing from the cliffs of the oder
     neer was a big fan of Emerson,      river. moving. according to
     lake and palmer and Genesis         Krebs, he was the first East Ger-
     and started his solo project        man artist to play live on stage
     JsE (‘Julius krebs – sinfonische    with a c64 and a 303. after the
     Elektronik’) in 1981. but “SE ”     wall came down, he ran his own
     from 1985’s compilation Klee-       studio until 2001 and worked as a
     blatt No. 14 – Electronic-Pop is    product tester for a synthesizer
     not symphonic electronics, as       company. today he writes books
     the abbreviated title suggests,     about synths, translates manuals,
     but rather bass synths and          still runs a small home studio
     an orgiastic guitar solo – think    and recently recorded a compi-
     “ miami Vice” on rostock’s be-      lation in cuba. and, not to be
     ach, with the glowing lights of     over-looked, he also produces
     the harbor in the background.       music for a trashy 1980s disco
     “Intro,” from the same compi-       pop project.

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hans -hasso stamer was        about electronic music and
     born in a small village in bran-    “Datenbank” about computer
     denburg’s brown coal mining         technology. according to arti-
     area in 1950. he started to play    cles written about him at the
     piano as a child, and was also      time, his apartment was littered
     fascinated by circuitry. later he   with hot soldering materials and
     studied information technology      music composition notebooks.
     and became an electrical engi-      “Sonnenregen” (solar rain)
     neer. he built his own synthesi-    appeared on the 1985 compila-
     zers from parts he took home        tion Kleeblatt No. 14 – Electro-
     from work and modified units        nic-Pop. This track is a sun-filled
     he was able to get from the         deep breath. his solo album
     West. from 1980 on, he perfor-      with the visionary title Digital
     med live with his English titled    Life, featuring great old school
     solo program live Electronics.      computer graphics, and was only
     in addition to this he parlayed     released as the GDr was collap-
     his two obsessions – circuitry      sing – lost in the vortex after
     and music – into a pair of radio    the fall of the wall. today stamer
     shows he co-hosted: “kontakt”       works as a piano teacher.

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key was founded by andre-        did them by hand. and then his
                              as fregin and frank fehse in           synth even starts to make turn-
                              1984. they were the most pop of        table-scratching sounds. fehse,
                              the GDr electronic musicians           the main man behind key, was
                              and played everything “ from bach      born in a small village near cott-
                              to break ”, as their slogan went.      bus in 1953. he studied music in
                              key even performed live with           leipzig in the university’s then
                              break dancers in the palast der        new department for “dance and
                              republik ( palace of the republic)     entertainment music,” and wor-
                              in berlin in the late 1980s. their     ked as a session musician for
                              1988 album Key included cover          orchestras and tV studios. after
                              versions of Jan hammer’s               the fall of the wall, he earned his
                              “crockett’s theme ” and harold         living as a piano player on cruise
                              faltermeyer’s “axel f.” on “So-        ships, making up for the long
                              laris,” from that album, key play      years behind the iron curtain by
                              a captain future version of disco      traveling the world. today the
                              funk, culminating in a rousing fina-   excellent musician showcases
                              le. “Ketchup,” from the compi-         new pianos, keyboards, synthesi-
                              lation Kleeblatt No. 14 – Electro-     zers, and even digital accordions
                              nic-Pop (1985), showcases key          at music tradeshows. his key
                              playing a tight bit of synth funk.     partner andreas fregin has re-
                              the hammering chords weren’t           turned to his old job as a con-
                              created on a sequencer – fehse         struction engineer.

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servi was founded 1975 in     from this album, is named for
     bautzen as servi pacis (servants    giants and cannibals from homer’s
     of peace) by Jan bilk (born in      Odyssey, but at heart it’s a song
     1958) and tomaš nawka (born         about homesickness and longing
     in 1957).the band played church     for another place – like all the
     services and religious youth con-   songs assembled here. in 1988 a
     ferences – activities associated    second, more pop oriented ser-
     with opposition in the strictly     vi album followed, called Pas
     secular GDr. nevertheless, in       De Deux In H. after the fall
     1986 the renamed servi were         of the wall, bilk and nawka star-
     allowed to officially bring out     ted a publishing company and
     their debut album, Rückkehr aus     wrote music for theatre and mu-
     Ithaka (return from ithaca). the    sic productions. 1995 the band
     sanctuary of the church, coupled    began occasionally to perform
     with a captive audience, allowed    live again. today nawka runs his
     the two musicians to experi-        own graphic design company
     ment extensively with electronic    while bilk operates a studio in
     music, the results of which found   the basement of his house and
     its way onto their debut lp.        manages his daughter, a well
     the track “Laistrygonen,”           known theremin player.

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Wolfgang paulke, born in
     berlin in 1952, made an early
     career in sports as a member of
     the national ice speed-skating
     team. later he worked as a sound
     engineer at a pantomime groupe.
     When his grandmother from
     West berlin sent him some mo-
     ney in the mid-1980s, he used it to
     buy synths and sequencers. this,
     combined with influences from
     ash ra temple, resulted in the
     beautiful combination of guitars
     and machines that can be heard
     on “Zeitmaschine” (time
     machine) from 1987’s compilation
     Zeitklänge – Electronics. his
     “Frau in Blau” (the Woman
     in blue) from the 1985 compilati-
     on Kleeblatt No. 14 – Electronic-
     Pop is a cosmic GDr tune with
     stuttering marching drums, whi-
     ning synths, and an over-the-top
     plastic guitar solo. like windsur-
     fing on the lakes of Mecklenburg.
     today paulke runs a small studio
     and produces meditative music.

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rainer oleak was born in
                              1953 and studied piano, compo-
                              sition, and music theory at the
                              renowned berlin music college,
                              hochschule für musik hanns
                              Eisler. he played keyboards in
                              various pop and rock bands be-
                              fore being asked by reinhard
                              lakomy to record an album to-
                              gether. the two started to jam
                              and out came Zeiten (times,
                              1985), a concept album about
                              time. “Raumzeit” (spacetime)
                              is taken from that album. the
                              first part of the track is woozy
                              and ethereal, then it breaks into
                              a frenetic rave fanfare. it all fini-
                              shes with a tense Blade Runner
                              style denouement. today oleak
                              writes movie soundtracks and his
                              name can often be found in the
                              end credits of German tVmovies.
                              he produces the successful “East
                              rock in classical music” shows
                              for nostalgic former-GDr citi-
                              zens and runs a substantial studio
                              out of his home.

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1. reinhard lakomy                                                     6. Julius krebs
               Es wächst das Gras nicht über alles                                                  sE
                             Band-Nr. B10379,                                                 DEC739800573,
        Kompositionen, Arrangements und Tonregie: Reinhard Lakomy,    (Composer: Krebs), Performer: Julius Krebs, ℗ 1985, BMG Berlin
       Produktionsjahr: 1981, Mit freundlicher Genehmigung der Sony     Musik GmbH/Amiga, Mit freundlicher Genehmigung der Sony
                   Music Entertainment Germany GmbH                               Music Entertainment Germany GmbH

                               2. pond                                                  7. reinhard lakomy
                            planetenwind                                               Der traum von asgard
                               DEC739800566,                                                  DEC730800001,
      (Composer:Wolfgang Paule Fuchs), Performer : Pond, ℗1983, BMG       (Composer: Reinhard Lakomy, Lyricist: Reinhard Lakomy),
      Berlin Musik GmbH/Amiga Germany, Published by: Copyright        Performer: Reinhard Lakomy, ℗1982, Amiga Germany, Published
            Control, Mit freundlicher Genehmigung der Sony Music       by: Copyright Control, Mit freundlicher Genehmigung der Sony
                        Entertainment Germany GmbH                                 Music Entertainment Germany GmbH

                        3. reinhard lakomy                                              8. hans-hasso stamer
                       Das unendliche rätsel                                                 sonnenregen
                            Band-Nr. B10379,                                                  Band-Nr. 50-569,
        Kompositionen, Arrangements und Tonregie: Reinhard Lakomy,         Kompositionen und Arrangements: Hans-Hasso Stamer,
      Produktionsjahr: 1981, Mit freundlicher Genehmigung der Sony        Produktionsjahr: 1985, Mit freundlicher Genehmigung der
                   Music Entertainment Germany GmbH                             Sony Music Entertainment Germany GmbH

                         4. Wolfgang paulke                                               9. Wolfgang paulke
                            Zeitmaschine                                                      frau in blau
                             Band-Nr. 50-653,                                               DEC739800569,
            Kompositionen und Arrangements: Wolfgang Paulke,             (Composer: Paulke), Performer:Wolfgang Paulke, ℗1985,
         Produktionsjahr: 1987, Mit freundlicher Genehmigung der      BMG Berlin Musik GmbH /Amiga, Mit freundlicher Genehmigung
               Sony Music Entertainment Germany GmbH                         der Sony Music Entertainment Germany GmbH

                5. reinhard lakomy / rainer oleak                                                10. key
                               raumzeit                                                          solaris
                            Band-Nr. B11141,                                                 Band-Nr. B11896,
      Kompositionen, Arrangements und Produktion: Reinhard Lakomy /            Kompositionen und Arrangements: Frank Fehse,
          Rainer Oleak, Produktionsjahr: 1985, Mit freundlicher           Produktionsjahr: 1988, Mit freundlicher Genehmigung der
       Genehmigung der Sony Music Entertainment Germany GmbH                    Sony Music Entertainment Germany GmbH

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11. key                                                        14. pond
                               ketchup                                                        cassiopeia
                             Band-Nr. 50-569,                                         Band-Nr. B10944 DEC730800128,
              Kompositionen und Arrangements: Frank Fehse,            (Composer:Wolfgang Paule Fuchs), Arranger:Wolfgang Paule Fuchs,
         Produktionsjahr: 1985, Mit freundlicher Genehmigung der         Performer: Pond, ℗ 1984, BMG Berlin Musik GmbH / Amiga,
               Sony Music Entertainment Germany GmbH                    Published by: Copyright Control, Mit freundlicher Genehmigung
                                                                               der Sony Music Entertainment Germany GmbH
                               12. pond
                                Galaxis                                                        15. servi
                              DEC730800130,                                                  laistrygonen
      (Composer: Wolfgang Paule Fuchs), Arranger: Wolfgang Paule                             Band-Nr. B11390,
         Fuchs, Performer: Pond , ℗ 1986, BMG Berlin Musik GmbH /         Kompositionen und Arrangements: Jan Bilk/Tomaš Nawka,
           Amiga, Published by: Copyright Control, Mit freundlicher       Produktionsjahr: 1985, Mit freundlicher Genehmigung der
        Genehmigung der Sony Music Entertainment Germany GmbH                   Sony Music Entertainment Germany GmbH

                           13. Julius krebs
        K+A: Julius Krebs, ℗ 1985, BMG Berlin Musik GmbH /Amiga,
        Mit freundlicher Genehmigung der Sony Music Entertainment
                              Germany GmbH

                                      ℗ & © 2010, permanent Vacation. all rights reserved.
              mastered by andreas kauffelt at schnittstelle. mastered from vinyl. artwork by mathias schuckert.
                permanent Vacation would like to thank Jörg stempel and marco John for their cooperation.
                                              translation: Virginie Varlet / tim mohr
                                                  compiled by: florian sievers

                                                  florian sievers thanks:
     annika for everything, heiko for the idea,Virginie Varlet and tim mohr for translation, robert csik for records,
        Olaf Zimmermann for first hand information and support, and all the artists involved for their music.

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