Elementary School Dictionary Activation Methods

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ISSN 2660-9630
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              Elementary School Dictionary Activation Methods

                                   Safarov Firuz Sulaymonovich
      Associate Professor of the Department of Theory and Methods of Primary Education of the
                       Pedagogical Institute of Bukhara State University

     Abstract: The article explains how to explain the meaning of the word to elementary school
students and how to activate elementary school vocabulary.

          Date of Submission: 07-11-2021                                              Date of Acceptance: 10-12-2021

One of the main areas of speech development in elementary school is vocabulary. Native language
vocabulary and reading lessons are important to build a student's vocabulary. According to M.R.
Lvov, half of the new words that the pupils of the elementary grades learned up to the 4th grade end
up in the vocabulary of the pupils in these lessons. “Vocabulary work is not a sheet of teacher’s
work, but systematic, well-organized, pedagogically expedient work associated with the entire
section of the Russian language course,” wrote the well-known methodologist A.V. Tekuchev [9].
The stages of vocabulary work can be described as follows: 1) explaining the meaning of a word, 2)
activating a word, 3) using a word in speech.
Enhancing the vocabulary of students is one of the most important aspects of vocabulary work in
the native language and in reading lessons. Therefore, the teacher's task is to help the student
master the combination and use of inactive words in order to transfer inactive words from the
student's vocabulary to active vocabulary. Even if the student uses the word only once in his
retelling, story, conversation, writing, statement, essay, the word is considered active. To learn a
word means to know its meaning, conjugation and volume.
Explain to the student the meaning of the new word so that he or she understands the word
correctly. For this, the teacher must be able to explain the meaning of the word and use it correctly.
MR Lvov identifies the following ways of explaining the meaning of a word: visual, contextual,
synonymous, logical description, detailed description, antonym, analysis of the structure of the
word [7, 17–24].
Mother tongue and reading textbooks contain a number of words that are incomprehensible to
students and inactive in their speech. These are the words you need to work on in order to activate
your learners' vocabulary.
Student dictionary activation consists of the following basic steps:
 1. Explain the meaning of the word in one or more ways:
 a) use of context;
 b) use of the meaning of the word;

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 d) the use of the antonym of the word;
 e) in a descriptive way (using a dictionary or independently by a teacher).
 2. Read and write the word (work on correct pronunciation and spelling of the word).
 3. Work on examples of word usage (work on ready-made phrases and sentences).
   The teacher introduces students to ready-made phrases and sentences in which the studied words
are used, some of which can be written out loud.
 4. Work on the semantic relationships of words.
Exercises that teach students to distinguish and assimilate paradigmatic word connections can help
enrich their vocabulary. These exercises develop the ability to choose the right word, convey the
meaning of a sentence, and understand the meaning of a word.
5. Compose phrases and sentences with the words you are learning on your own.
For elementary school students, words that they do not understand in their native language and in
the textbook differ in content. Therefore, it is important to choose the most effective way of
explaining the meaning of these words in accordance with their nature. Here are some tips on how
to choose the most effective way to explain the meaning of a word in several textbooks.
In elementary school, Native Language and Textbooks, there are many words that students do not
understand. Their significance can be explained in the above and in other ways.
1. The meaning of the following words found in textbooks can be explained by showing a picture:
mint, incense, kiyikoti, ermon , embroidery, garmdori, feces, factory, rocket, ski, Quran, sona,
sogal, sava, pig, crane, rice, waterfall, charos, dew dome, pearl, soda, sava, plum, hussaini, skiing,
skates, steam locomotive, birch, orange, hawthorn, fiber, locomotive, diesel locomotive, electric
locomotive, wagon, mountain, metro, rainbow, fog, mosh, purple, chuchmoma, gulsapsar, norin,
shilpildik, pine caravan, blue, turquoise, pe-shaivon, namatak, hawk, cherry, palace, piima, tin,
husk, soy, barley , chukhmoma, mint, walnut, spinach, crane , jug , pona, maple, map, tower, tent,
for life, greenery, danyar, taka, tivit, peacock, bekasam .
Obviously, these words refer to the names of things that are clearly visible to the naked eye. When
explaining the meaning of words belonging to the category of nouns and adjectives, it is necessary
to show the image of the object, and when understanding the words of the category of verbs, it is
necessary to show the image of the object.
2. The meaning of the following words can be explained by giving them synonyms. Independence -
independence, radiance - bright, congratulations - congratulations, sky - sky, blue, rose - flower,
clog - wind, attitude - connection, medicine - healing, leaf - leaf, gift - to give, gift to make, respect
- respect, rich - rich, oppression - oppression, tradition - habit, reproach - dashnom, condolence -
mourning, information - message, disappointment - sadness, spring - spring, chuck - time, swing -
thread, crack - crack, range - adversity, ganj - wealth , treasure, sluggish - slow, bol - honey, smile -
laughter, duration - time, comfort - consolation, purity - clean, clean, read - read, buy - buy, miss -
need, rarely - not find, earn - grow, satisfied - satisfied, busy - full, surkash - drive, slowly - slowly,
meat - meat, income - income, table - table, treasury - leaf fall, kindness - comrade, sheet - bed,
smooth - even, discipline - order, universe - peace, cunning - cunning, baby - coin, bird - bird, rest -
oh rest, purpose - purpose, vibration - movement, beauty of the body, exhortation - exhortation,
work - work, accumulation - accumulation, pleasure - pleasure, courage - courage, greatness - great,
gift, gift, beloved - beloved, education - look, charm lmoq - to enchant, flawless - clean, pure,
shadow - shadow, narrow - short, wide - wide, strange - interesting, alert - sensitive, alert, tourist -

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traveler, tourist, first - first, thirsty - thirsty, thirsty, hangu- man - surprised, irritated - restless, grass
is grass.

 When using this method, the teacher should remember that explaining words through synonyms is
only useful if students have a good understanding of the meaning of each explanatory synonym.
Therefore, to explain the meaning of a word, it is necessary to choose only general words that
children understand well as synonyms.
3. The meaning of very general and broad words in textbooks can be explained by listing their
 Insects - worms, ants, bees, beetles, spiders.
 Fruits - apples, pears, figs, apricots, peaches.
 The text is a story, a poem, a fairy tale.
 Melons - melons, watermelons, hazelnuts.
 Ancestors - father, grandfather, grandmother, great-grandfather.
Generation - child, grandson, great-grandson, great-grandson.
 Technique - tractor, car, harvester, TV, iron.
4. The meaning of many words in the textbook can be determined by their constituent parts -
morphemes. It is well known that both adults and students try to decipher an unknown word by
dividing it and establishing a semantic link with a known related word. In grade 3, using word
formation, the following words can be explained - the basis and the preposition.
Remnant - rest - core, -gox - word-formative adverb, place. So this is a resting place. Informant -
message - core, -dor - derivational adjective, possessive. So, a word means a message, a pencil is a
pivot, an eyebrow is a word-builder, a drawing is a drawing. So, this word means a person who
works with a pen, a poet, a writer. Enlightenment - enlightenment - the core, parvar is a word-
formative addition that brings up what is understood from the horse means a good attitude towards
it. So this word means one who feels and aspires to enlightenment. Plaintiff - Plaintiff - trunk, gar -
derivational suffix, name of a person representing the owner of a profession or activity that
produces a horse. So this word means plaintiff. Influential - effect - core, vat - word-formation
means, addition, possession, excess. Thus, this word means an effect, strong or fast.
Administration is adjective and adjectives are adjectives. To find out the meaning of this word, you
need to know the meaning of the root. The word "administrator" is defined in the Uzbek dictionary
as "successful". So the word "administration" means luxury. Childirimkash - whistle - stem, -kash
- word-formation suffix made by a professional horse. So this word means drummer.
A wreath is a wreath of flowers.
Spherical - spherical - core, -simon - derivational adverb, similar. This word means "balloon".
Once the meaning of a derivational adverb is explained to students, they will be able to determine
the meaning of other words used in the adverb.
Serkatnov - katnov - core, ser - word-forming adverb, plural. This means that this is the same crazy
time of the year.
Wisdom is full of wisdom.
The entrepreneur - the owner - the core, -cor is a derivational suffix, the owner of the profession
creates the horse of a person related to the specialty, occupation. Means a master of his craft.
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Badfe'l is a stem verb, bad is a derivational suffix, bad. So this word means bad.
A stem is a stem, a stem is a derivational adverb. The word means cotton stalk. Draka is the core,
the word is a word-formation adverb. The word means fighting, active. Mechanical engineer -
machine - core, word - word-builder means addition, proofreader. So this word means auto
Humor is the essence of humor, kash is an adjective, a doer. So this word means funny.
5. You can illustrate to students the meaning of the following words that do not have synonyms in
A conference is a large gathering.
A citizen is a permanent resident of a country.
Mava is accommodation.
Pressure is force, compulsion, compression.
Tradition is tradition passed down from generation to generation.
Enlightenment is a deep and virtuous knowledge of nature, society and man.
The Koran is a holy book sent down to Muslims by Allah to the Prophet Muhammad.
A continent is each of six distinct parts of the Earth, surrounded by seas and oceans.
A wart is a solid, round lump on the body, usually on the arms or legs.
A miracle is an unusual event or thing.
Sona is a large plant that feeds on grass, while females feed on animal blood.
6. Illustrations can be used to explain the meaning of abstract words. (More on this: [8].) Here are
a couple of examples.
The word “justice” can be figuratively defined as follows: “Students, justice is about treating people
the same. It's like a balance of fairness. (The teacher shows a picture of the scale.) If the same load
is applied to both sides of the scale, the two phases will be equal. When a heavier weight is placed
on one side, the scale is raised one step and one step lower. Let me give you an example from life.
For example, a father has two sons. Dad brought 4 apples from the market. It would be fair to give
two boys two apples each. It would be unfair to give one apple to one son and three apples to
another. "
Courage can be figuratively defined as follows: Learners, courage is work done without fear of
danger or difficulty. It takes a lot of courage in life. For example, if you have a toothache, it will
take courage to go to the dentist. Or, if you have a difficult math problem, it will take courage to
solve it. Courage, students, is like a horse jumping off a cliff. Because jumping off a cliff takes a
lot of courage. Students, if you act bravely, without fear of life's difficulties, you will achieve your
goals. "
Explaining the meaning of a word is only the first step towards building a student's vocabulary. It
takes a lot of effort for the word to become the “property” of the reader, that is, to be included in the
active vocabulary.        The experience of speech development shows that stereotypes and
unplannedness are unacceptable. The wording planned for each lesson should be worked out
consistently, thoroughly and consistently.
Here are some ways to activate obscure or inactive words for students:
1. Follow the vocabulary exercises in your native language basics textbooks.
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2. Repetition of the lessons of reading, conversation, storytelling, the use of new and inactive words
in the composition.
3. Use teacher-generated native language exercises and activities and reading lessons.
4. Add additional activities to the exercises in your native language textbook.
In this article, we will talk about the third and fourth methods.
The following teacher-created activities can be used to activate students' vocabulary in their native
language and in reading lessons:
1. Find synonyms on each line.
  Dear, dear, dear;
  Faithful, faithful, unfaithful;
  Merciful, kind, compassionate;
   Rough, rude, rude.
  Share related words. Check the kernel. Use any of these words.
2. Find words related to patience, respect, and consideration.
Read and memorize the meaning of these words in the glossary.
1) Why can a person be respected?
2) Does anyone deserve respect?
3. Determine which category each word belongs to.
Trust, trust, attention, trustworthy, hospitable, mocking, upset, kind, tolerant, hateful, loving,
indifferent, respectful, honest, truthful, honest, ruthless, humane.
Write the words in three columns: noun, adjective, verb. Indicate the positive qualities of the
person. Explain the meaning of the words forgiveness and kindness.
4. Find and write words whose meanings are opposite to the given words.
A wise man is a fool; good-natured young man - ...; brave warrior - ...; a cute baby -…; tolerant
person - ...; angry look - ...
Words used: hot-tempered, kind, cowardly, rude, kind.
5. What is the general aspect of these qualities? What is the difference between them?
Kind, sweet, kind, gentle, polite, gentle, proactive, kind.
6. Vocabulary dictation.
Write the words in the first column that tell you how people should look, and in the second column
write the words that tell you how not to look.
Kind, rude, deceitful, honest, conscientious, vengeful, patient, compassionate, truthful, ruthless.
Choose three of these words and say them.
7. Compare the meanings of the correct words from the following statements.
The right person doesn't lie. Nadir's answer is correct.
Which words match the first sentence and which words match the second sentence: honest, clear,
fair, true.
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8. Which of the following horses are associated with the words "soft" and "gentle"?
Sofa, word, man, candle, laughter, pillow, dough, blanket, treat.
9. Write a word with the opposite meaning and explain its meaning.
 ruthless - ...;
 polite -…;
 conscious - ...;
 ischan - ...;
 lokayd - ...;
 sabrili - ...;
 andishali‒ ...;
 Saxon‒ ...;
We recommend the following additional exercises for your native language textbook in primary
1. Exercise 25 in the textbook "Native language" for 2 grades [4]. Make a phrase using the words
unity, discipline, progress, science, hay, seedling, universe.
Words used: friends, subscription, country, school, weave, plant, no limit, take.
Find words that mean synonyms, science, sprout, universe.
2. Exercise 53 in the textbook "Native language" for the 2nd grade. Make phrases with the words
sculpture, nurse, handalak, hashar, temperature, frame.
Used words: fragrant, navo, woman, simple, room, notebook.
Choose three of these phrases to compose a sentence.
3. Exercise 21 in the textbook "Native language" for 3 grades [1]. Make a phrase with the words
ankhor, plum, javon, nordon, lasso, pod, trouble, sabr. Key words: big, book, long, black, fast, blue,
What is the difference between a herd and a herd?
4. Exercise 39 in the textbook "Native language" for the 3rd grade. Use a dictionary to explain the
meaning of the words tradition, marifat, confession, taana, and condolences.
Make up a phrase from these words.
Find words that mean tradition, morality, and body.
5. Exercise 40 in the textbook "Native language" for the 3rd grade.
 Use a vocabulary to explain the meaning of the words spirituality, enlightenment, aspirant,
influence, management, responsibility, safety, faith, despair. Find words that mean effective,
administrative, responsible, faithful, disappointing. Make one sentence out of these words.
The third grader does not know the meaning of these words in the activity. Without a vocabulary,
these words will not even be included in the student's passive vocabulary.
6. Exercise 42 in the textbook "Native language" for the 3rd grade. Using a dictionary, the Koran,
fortress, miracle, appeal, sona, masul, architect, continent, sogal, sava, tun, explain the meaning of
the words "trace".

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Составьте фразу из этих слов. Используемые слова: сильный, природа, бдительность,
человек, чтение, строительство, шесть, грубый, карлик, охота.
7. Задание 310 в учебнике «Родной язык» для 3-го класса. (В упражнении вам предлагается
написать текст из 5-6 предложений на тему «Моя мама».) Используйте в тексте следующие
слова и фразы: вымыть белое, причесать белое, будь добрым, хочу, помогай, давай.
8. Упражнение 326 в учебнике «Родной язык» для 3-го класса. Найдите синоним Кезаман.
9. Упражнение 94 из учебника «Родной язык» для 4 класса [2]. Объясните значение слов
театр, радио, интерес, какао, чтение, всадник, используя словарь.
Составьте фразу из этих слов. Используемые слова: актер, видеть, мастерство, пить, книга,
10. Упражнение 103 в учебнике «Родной язык» для 4-го класса. Объясните значение слов
таблица, газель, журнал, разрешение, переводчик с помощью словаря.
Составьте фразу из этих слов. Используемые слова: красивая, размножаться, брать, «бутон»,
В чем разница между газелью и газелью?
1.   Фузаилов С., Худойберганова М., Юлдашева Ш. Учебник родного языка для 3-го
     класса. - Ташкент.: «Учитель», 2014. - 144 с.
2.   Икромова Р., Гуломова Х., Юлдашева Ш., Шодмонкулова Д. Родной язык. Textbook for
     grade 4. - Ташкент: «Учитель», 2015. - 192 с.
3.   Матчонов С., Шоджалилов А., Гуломова Х., Ш. Сариев, З. Долимов. Textbook.
     Textbook for grade 4. - Ташкент: «Янгиюльская полиграфическая служба», 2015. - 240 с.
4.   Касимова К., Фузаилов С., Нематова А. Родной язык. Учебник для 2-х классов. -
     Ташкент.: «Чолпон», 2014. - 128 с.
5.   Гаффорова Т., Шодмонов Э., Гуломова Х. Родной язык.                  Textbook for grade 1.        -
     Ташкент: «Шарк», 2015. - 112 с.
6.   Гаффорова Т., Шодмонов Э., Гуломова Х. Чтение книги. Textbook for grade 1.                        -
     Ташкент: «Шарк», 2015. - 112 с.
7.   Львов М.Р. Речь младших школьников и пути развития. - М .: Просвещение, 1975. -
     176 с.
8.   Сафаров Ф. С. Объясняйте абстрактные концепции ученикам начальной школы с
     помощью изображений. - журнал «Педагогическое мастерство». Бухара, 2013, вып.2,
     с. 50 - 53.
9.   Текучев А. В. Методика обучения русскому языку в средней школе. Москва, 1980. -
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