Emperor Penguins - William Martin

Page created by Walter Cooper
Emperor Penguins - William Martin
Alternative English

Here are some alternative tasks that can be done if the Titanium work is a bit too tricky!

           Emperor Penguins
Do you want to be an                                                                  expert on
emperor penguins? Yes?                                                                Then read
on to find out more.

                             Where do they live?

                             Emperor Penguins are large
                             birds who live in Antarctica.
                             Antarctica is a very cold

What do they look like?

Emperor penguins are large. They are as large as a 7
year old child. What a tall bird! Adults are black,
white, yellow and orange. Babies are grey and fluffy.
Emperor Penguins - William Martin
What do they eat?

Penguins eat fish, krill and squid.
Mother penguins spit food into
babies’ mouths. How strange!

  1. Where do emperor penguins live?

  2. Is Antarctica a hot place or a cold place?

  3. What colours is an adult penguin?

  4. What does a baby penguin look like?


  5. What do penguins eat?
Emperor Penguins - William Martin
L.O. To recognise adverbs and use them in full sentences.
Spot the adverbs in the word search, then choose your 8 favourites and
put them in interesting sentences with conjunctions and new punctuation.

                quickly,          slowly,      quietly,
                 loudly,          happily,      sadly,
                silently,      easily,         angrily,
              energetically,       rapidly,        kindly,
                       nastily,       carelessly
Emperor Penguins - William Martin
L.O. To use adverbs in a sentence with capital
         letters, finger spaces and full stops.
Adverbs usually end in –ly. Underline the adverbs in the sentences:

Now use the                                             underlined
words in your own sentences.

Emperor Penguins - William Martin
All about Dinosaurs

Long ago, before there were any humans, there were dinosaurs. Dinosaurs lived

on the earth for over 165 million years but then they strangely became extinct,

this means they all stopped living.

There were lots of different kinds of dinosaurs that lived at different times.

Some were huge and some were much smaller. Some dinosaurs could move quite

quickly on two legs. Others walked on four legs in a slow and clumsy way. Some

dinosaurs could fly. The biggest complete dinosaur found by historians is the

Brachiosaurus. It was about the length of two large school buses. The smallest

dinosaur, the Compsognathus, was about one metre long and slightly bigger than

a chicken.

Different dinosaurs liked to eat different things. Dinosaurs like the Diplodocus

liked to eat leaves and plants: these types of dinosaurs are called herbivores.

Some dinosaurs like the T-Rex liked to eat meat: these types of dinosaurs are

called carnivores.
Emperor Penguins - William Martin
Check your work:

 ☺ Write in full sentences with capital letters and full stops.

 ☺ A full sentence includes some information from the question.

 ☺ You can not start sentences with ‘and’ or ‘because’.

How long did the dinosaurs live on earth for?


Did humans live on earth at the same time as dinosaurs?


List the ways that the text says dinosaurs could move.


How long was a Brachiosaurus?


Name the animal that was slightly bigger than a chicken.


What did the Diplodocus like to eat?

Emperor Penguins - William Martin
What are dinosaurs that only eat leaves and plants called?



Insert adjectives into the following sentences.

The car went down the street.
The fast car went down the street.

   1. The boy played in the park.
   2. The house was at the end of the street.
   3. The bird sat in the tree.
   4. The shark swam in the sea.
   5. The girl played in the park.
   6. The man ate the ice cream.
   7. The rollercoaster was in the theme park.
   8. They ate a meal at a restaurant.
   9. The footballer kicked the ball.
   10. The shop sold sweets.


Rewrite these sentences using the correct punctuation.

john went to france on holiday
John went to France on holiday.

   1. julie always played tag with ben at school
   2. the man sunbathed on holiday in greece
   3. bill’s favourite film was toy story
   4. the girl went shopping with her friends
   5. peter pan is a film by walt disney
   6. the birds chirped in steve’s garden
   7. the girl liked going to scotland on holiday
   8. the lady bought flowers at the garden centre
   9. robert always wanted to be a superhero like iron man
   10. the lady ran a mile every day
Emperor Penguins - William Martin
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