Employee Interview - Ceibs

Page created by Shawn Green
Employee Interview - Ceibs
Employee Interview


                Employee Interview
                         “Employee Interview” is a new section launched together by CEIBS’
                         President's Office and TheLINK with the aim of fostering a spirit of employee
                         involvement and engagement, promoting communication between
                         departments, and discovering the richness of the CEIBS spirit through
                         interviews and reports on employees who have contributed greatly to the
                         school during their years of service.

theLINK Volume 3, 2018
Employee Interview - Ceibs
Employee Interview


theLINK Volume 3, 2018
Employee Interview - Ceibs
Employee Interview


        is a Culture
    By Lei Na

              s the first class coordinator (CC) at the CEIBS   an HR management course at the Hilton. Professor Keith
              Beijing campus, Zhou Yi has remained in           Goodall flew in from London and arrived in Beijing at 12
              her post for more than 20 years. During her       midnight to teach. That day, a heavy snow fell in Beijing.
              interview with TheLINK, Zhou talked about         Teaching assistant (TA) Zhou Yi and office manager Yang
her job interview at CEIBS when she couldn’t find the office    Xiaoyan didn’t have the classroom arranged in accordance
building with the CEIBS logo on it and the many days            with the professor’s requirements until after 1 a.m. Snow
she spent at the Hilton, Dayuan Hotel, Raycom Infotech          lay thick on the roads. Zhou Yi was supposed to take a taxi
Park, and CEIBS’ new Beijing campus. Zhou’s memories            back home, with the fare reimbursed by the school. Instead,
are simple, yet pleasant. The most remarkable is that she       she made a decision to sleep in the classroom. It turned out
and her colleagues have always warmed up to each other,         that it would take her an hour to get home. Fearing that she
moulded each other, and stuck together. As Huffington           might fail to get back by 6 or 7 the following morning, she
Post founder Arianna Huffington once said, “Your first          borrowed a blanket and quilt from the hotel and slept in the
100 employees define your company culture”. If the first        classroom for four or five hours.”
100 employees each contributed to CEIBS’ culture in                  Subsequently, the author of the book went on to
different ways, Zhou has contributed conscientiousness and      conclude that “CEIBS employees have invested far too much
faithfulness.                                                   of themselves in order to get courses in their best shape.”
     An earlier book about the history of CEIBS includes the         When we discussed the story more than 20 years later,
following story:                                                Zhou confessed that this happened a lot during CEIBS’
     “In the winter of 1997, the CEIBS Beijing office hosted    start-up days. These days, she says she is accustomed to

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Employee Interview


going to bed early and getting up early, but she will be           What has your time at CEIBS been like?
online at midnight if there is work to be done.                         I first connected with CEIBS in 1997 after graduating
     She also shared with me some common sayings among             from Beijing Normal University. At that time, I attended
CCs. “One who doesn’t have nightmares is not a good TA,”           an admissions event held by CEIBS at the Wangfu Hotel
Zhou says. “Many of the TAs are obsessive and can’t relax          in Beijing, where I exchanged business cards with the head
until they’ve counted materials at least five times. The class     of CEIBS’ Beijing office. She soon contacted me and asked
is like a play. As stage managers, we ensure that sound,           if I was interested in a position there. The position was as
projection, and lighting equipment is well placed. CCs have to     a TA for the EMBA class of ’96. Following the interview, I
be a jack-of-all-trades, from organising classes to distributing   decided to take the job. That’s how I came to CEIBS.
materials. A myriad of details are handled in a standardised            The class of ’96 was very special. Its members –
way with excellence and careful attention.”                        government leaders and top executives from various
     Back in 1998, a Dutch colleague told Zhou, “What              state-ow ned enterprises and foreign companies –
is professionalism? It’s when you wear a suit with light           couldn’t fly to Shanghai to take courses every month. So
makeup, shake hands with students, and call them by name           the school gave them special permission to take courses
on their first day here.” She has since kept up the tradition      in Beijing. In June 1998, the class of ’96 graduated. The
and passed it on to more colleagues. I think that is probably      teacher who hired me asked me if I wanted to stay at
what cultural integration looks like in an international           CEIBS or join InterChina as a consultant. I was still
organisation.                                                      young and I said I wanted to stay here, but I hadn’t
     Below is a transcript of our interview.                       given much thought to working at the school. At that
                                                                   time, there were no plans for the school to offer EMBA

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Employee Interview


programmes in Beijing. I worked as a CC in the Executive        Dayuan was a place of charm and quiet beauty. We did,
Education (EE) department for more than six months. I           however, discover a number of problems after moving in.
officially joined CEIBS in June 1998.                           Classes were offered in the hotel’s movie theatre. Before
     At the end of 1998, after giving consideration to          each class, we asked hotel staff to move the tables and chairs
the importance of the North China market, the school            and we worked with them to arrange the classroom. Back
decided to offer EMBA programmes in Beijing. Soon,              then it was not easy to communicate with state-owned
Mr Ma Yusheng (EMBA 1995) joined CEIBS as its chief             hotels. We once took the staff to watch and study five-star
representative. Together we recruited students at the Hilton    hotel services, such as handling coffee breaks and catering.
and then offered courses at the Dayuan Hotel. As a CC           At times, when we encountered unexpected issues, we had
and TA, I began class management with the class of 1999.        to offer courses elsewhere, which involved arranging other
Beginning in 2010, I worked as course manager responsible       venues, equipment, dining services, and other things. That
for maintaining the high-quality operation of courses. My       period was really challenging.
work included administering academic rules at the Beijing,
Shanghai and Shenzhen campuses, assigning TAs based on          Xiao Bin, Director of Operations at the Beijing campus,
curriculum arrangements, sharing experience in curriculum       once said that the campus “services were not up to
management, acting as a substitute teacher or class manager,    standard despite having good facilities”. Was that when
and providing support for events such as commencement,          you started focusing more on services?
graduation, and other student activities. The job was simple,       Exactly. The lack of CEIBS standards-compliant
but no mistakes were allowed.                                   teaching facilities had been a problem for us. At that time,
                                                                Mr Ma also called for staff to perform “multiple functions”
What kind of difficulties did you encounter prior to the        and “multiple roles”. What we tried to do was to provide
construction of the Beijing campus?                             a better experience for students and professors through
    At the time, we spent a lot of time discussing what         considerate services while working to improve facilities.
kind of environment students needed in class. In terms              With more than 60 faculty members, the Beijing
of facilities, as high-class as it was, the Hilton was not a    campus has a warm atmosphere. In response to an
desirable venue as it lacked space for group discussions        increased demand from students for more interaction,
or projectors. So, Mr Ma selected Dayuan in west Beijing,       the faculty team put their heads together to create an
which he saw as the most culturally rich area in the city.      executive forum, a campus newspaper, and to hold a New
Located deep in a maze of hutongs – or narrow alleys –          Year’s concert. The activities and products have remained

           We spent a lot of time discussing what kind of
           environment students needed in class.

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Employee Interview


Conscientiousness – which is part of our culture – is like
an underlying design or an operating system.

            in place. TAs also pick professors up at     words “Welcome NCCU students!” on
            the airport on their first trip to Beijing   it for coffee breaks. There are many
            and communicate with them about              such stories. I think these careful and
            the details of their courses. For older      considerate details are a kind of soft
            professors who come here for lectures,       power.
            we will even provide blankets if they             Soft power is also reflected in
            want to take an afternoon nap. When          conscientiousness. CEIBS’ motto is
            National Chengchi University (NCCU)          “Conscientiousness, Innovation, and
            students went to Beijing for the first       Excellence”. From my experience,
            time for classes last year, our back-        “conscientiousness” is very important.
            office colleagues prepared tanghulu –        We t a k e g r e a t p a t i e n c e t o g e t
            a traditional Chinese snack consisting       repetitive work done well because
            of candied fruit on a stick – with the       “conscientiousness” – which is part
                                                         of our culture – is like an underlying
                                                         design or an operating system.

                                                         What kind of experience have you
                                                         had in serving students?
                                                             Professors are cer tainly the
                                                         most vital element for a good
                                                         course experience. But curriculum
                                                         management details and services are
                                                         also vital. At the Beijing campus, the
                                                         ayis – or cleaning staff – even know
                                                         which student likes iced Red Bull and
                                                         drinks two cans at a time. On one
                                                         occasion I saw dozens of board erasers
                                                         lined up in the sun on the second
                                                         floor terrace. It turned out that the
                                                         ayis regularly clean the board erasers
                                                         after class. Such good intentions are
                                                         certainly admirable.
                                                             For CEIBS Open Day events,
                                                         the admissions office staff will

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Employee Interview


 We hope that with our hard
 work we will transform
 two years of school life into
 beautiful memories for

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Employee Interview


prepare audio guides. They will show              character are the same.                   hopes: 1) be happy at work, 2) learn
applicants around the campus and get                                                        and grow at work, and 3) contribute to
to know each of them. A student once              What are the most important things        the organisation. During my time with
told me that he was impressed with                you’ve gained during your twenty-         CEIBS in Beijing, I have developed
the guidance and reception he received            year career?                              a deep appreciation for this caring
during his interview. We have also                    There are three:                      culture.
developed many activities, including                  First, self-improvement, self-              Third is the expansion of
learning forums, corporate visits, class          learning, and self-grow th. I have        h o r i zo n s . It’s d i f f e re n t to wo r k
committee meeting sessions, project               always kept an open mind and have         at CEIBS compared with other
post-mortem meetings, and forums                  constantly tried to improve the way       organisations. Students bring a lot
for the EMBA programme. In short,                 I work, which has benefited me a lot.     of practical experience to class and
we hope that with our hard work we                CEIBS is a leader in many areas. In the   engage in discussions, analysis, and
will transform two years of school life           beginning, there were no standards        thought. We heard Prof Fang Yue talk
into beautiful memories for students,             to reference and we had to constantly     about big data even before people
so that they will recommend more                  improve our work in order to address      knew what it was, Prof Chen Weiru
people to apply to CEIBS after they               students’ needs and our pain points       talked about platform strategies,
graduate.                                         as we went along. Continuous              and Prof Xu Xiaonian talked about
                                                  improvement is key to operations          prospects for the service industry.
How do you v iew CEIBS’ EMBA                      management and it is a process of         All of them have been very inspiring.
students?                                         learning that goes on without end.        CEIBS professors are very forward
      We are not teachers in any real                 I’ve begun training new colleagues    looking and their ideas are frequently
sense, although we possess some of                in recent years. I’m very introverted.    confirmed by market movements. In
the same qualities, like helping others           Although I can do my job well, I also     my view, CEIBS is unparalleled when
succeed. Bearing this in mind, I look             encounter challenges when working         it comes to expanding horizons.
at students with more appreciative                with others. I have gradually improved         Finally, I’d like to express my
eyes. CEIBS champions conscientious               my communication skills and have          g r at itude to CEIBS President Li
and rigorous scholarship, a value                 learned to look at problems in a more     Mingjun. During last year’s New
s h a re d by m o s t o f t h e s t u d e n t s   rational and scientific way. These        Year’s concert in Beijing, President
recruited. CEIBS students are excellent           things – from getting my own job          Li suggested that TheLINK should
– they are middle and senior level                done well to working well with others,    interview me. I didn’t expect this to
managers from across a range of                   to sticking to principles in the face     happen, as he is always busy with
business sectors. Earlier this year, I            of conflict, to seeking out the best      school affairs.
met with members of the class of ’96,             solutions – are important to me.               I’m just an ordinary member of
who, in my view, were among the first                 Second is friendship. Seven or        the CEIBS team. I hope, through some
to embrace reform and opening up.                 eight of us have worked together at       of the scattered thoughts I’ve shared,
They and the companies they work                  the Beijing campus for more than 15       to help others understand CEIBS in
for have made a huge contribution to              years. We’ve worked together for so       their own way.
China’s economic development. Now                 long that we have shared values and
more and more start-ups and private               can cooperate well. These workplace
entrepreneurs are joining the EMBA                friendships are valuable to me. Each
programme, but their pursuit of                   time a new employee was added, Mr
excellence, studiousness, and rigorous            Ma would express the following three

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Employee Interview


        Finding Joy on the Job
            By Lei Na

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Employee Interview


       f you are a frequent visitor              CEIBS Logistics Department. Out of
       to CEIBS’ Shanghai Campus,                curiosity, I recently paid a visit to their
       yo u m i g h t s t a r t to s e n s e a   office for an interview with Senior
       certain rhythm: posters along             Manager Cheng Fengxiang. When
the corridors are regularly updated,             he first joined CEIBS nearly 20 years
like ever-changing musical notes;                ago, everyone referred to him by his
when weekends approach, banners                  nickname, Xiao Cheng (Little Cheng).
announcing various forums hang                   Since then, he has grown from being
overhead like orderly piano keys;                a junior staff member into a manager
and when crowds of people gather                 responsible for both the teaching
on campus and seat themselves in a               support and engineering teams. And
classroom or a conference venue, a               yet everyone continues to call him Xiao
feeling of peacefulness and comfort              Cheng as it has now become both a
inexplicably surrounds them. But no              term of endearment and well-earned
matter how busy it is on campus during           respect. Whether you are preparing for
weekends, before Monday arrives                  courses or an activity at CEIBS, this is
everything is ‘magically’ restored to a          the most reassuring name you can hear.
state of cleanliness and tidiness – ready             During our interview, Xiao Cheng
for another busy week to begin.                  frequently spoke of the value of learning
     The ‘magician’ behind it all is the         new skills and strategic thinking. “We
                                                 were working on a project to upgrade
                                                 the school’s audio-visual facilities. I
                                                 couldn’t get it off my mind,” he recalls.
                                                 “Finally, one day, I got up at 2AM and
                                                 combed through every step in the
                                                 project before organising them on four
                                                 sheets of A4 paper.” As he speaks, it is
                                                 clear Xiao Cheng is recalling a happy
                                                 memory rather than complaining about
                                                 the arduousness of his job.
                                                      Working day by day, one can
                                                 develop a certain level of intuition,
                                                 accumulate experience and in the
                                                 process become stronger and more
                                                 confident. This mig ht be one of
                                                 the simplest ways of finding joy on
                                                 the job. Rather than being a purely
                                                 draining experience, this approach to
                                                 working can also facilitate a kind of
                                                 rejuvenation. A well-run department

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Employee Interview


    CEIBS has the best audio-
    visual facilities in China
    and is always being studied
    and copied by other business

is able to recognise employees’ ideas    lasting ways of self-improvement.          to a shortage of team members, we had
and convert them into action, creating                                              to do everything personally, including
a win-win for both the organisation          Read on for more from the              preparing classrooms and working
and the individual while at the same     interview with Xiao Cheng:                 onsite at our conference venue.
time generating value. For Xiao Cheng,
the CEIBS Logistics Department is          What were some of your earliest            How different are the facilities
precisely this kind of platform.           responsibilities at CEIBS?                 nowadays? Do you think they are
     He also mentioned possessing a          I joined CEIBS in June 2000 and          sufficient?
“heart full of wonder”, a phrase used    my job focused on logistics from the            The audio-visual facilities at CEIBS
by almost every CEIBS interviewee        very beginning, supporting the school’s    only really took shape after a decade of
with whom I’ve spoken. One might         curriculum management by taking            experimenting and there is a world of
feel at ease at work after he/she has    care of audio-visual equipment. At that    difference between now and then. In
dealt with a magnitude of tasks and      time, teaching activities mainly took      the classroom, every piece of equipment
projects for a decade or two. But        place in Academic Centre I and only        you can think of – the air conditioner,
behind that confidence lies a special    basic facilities were available. There     curtains, lighting, as well as audio and
kind of fascination, especially at the   was only one projector, one power          video – can all be controlled by a phone
beginning of one’s career. Many CEIBS    amplifier, and two microphones in          or an iPad. CEIBS has the best audio-
staff members have transformed this      each classroom. Things would often go      visual facilities in China and is always
fascination into professional ethics,    wrong and dealing with the issues was      being studied and copied by other
which has allowed them to develop        a daily responsibility. In addition, due   business schools. But, equipment is just

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Employee Interview


hardware. We are now thinking about          particular device declines more than       but they will feel how comfortable the
ways to improve things like integration      90%, the system will automatically send    classroom is and get a sense of whether
and management – it is easy to copy          an email to remind us to replace it.       it matches the surroundings. To me,
high-end and expensive facilities, but       Switching from passive maintenance to      comfort means that when participants sit
what is harder to learn about is the         active action in order to keep teaching    in our classrooms, they can completely
management process, logic, and culture       activities on track is what we have        immerse themselves in their studies.
behind it. These “invisible” elements        constantly been striving to do.                 Recently, the Asia-Pacific Director
are the things we are most proud of.                                                    of an office furniture manufacturer
     Now, we pay more attention to the         What do you think the ideal              visited CEIBS Logistics Department
stability of our teaching facilities. We       teaching space is like?                  in order to ask the question, “Why did
utilise excellent operational software to        I think the arrangement of audio-      CEIBS choose our chairs?” I told him
visualise the school’s overall operations.   visual facilities always depends on the    that we had compared 70-80 different
For example, when the connection             actual activity and a sense of space       kinds of chairs before we made our
between a laptop and a projector fails,      and comfort are the main points of         choice. CEIBS classrooms are relatively
a ‘backstage roadmap’ can be checked         consideration. Even over the course of     compact and finished with a lot of
on a mobile phone which enables us           several days at the school, participants   teakwood. If we used hard-seat chairs,
to more quickly assess the cause of a        may not have a chance to see how           they could scratch the furniture; but
problem. When the effectiveness of a         powerful our backstage equipment is,       soft-seat chairs provide the same level of

                                                     Comfort means they can completely
                                                     immerse themselves in their studies.

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Employee Interview


                                    My personal development is inseparable
                                    from CEIBS’ development.

functionality, plus they pose no threat    I then visited CEIBS alumni company         photography and traveling. Over the
to the surroundings. The director was      MoHen Design International and they         past few years, I have developed a love
impressed by our explanation. We make      were generous enough to design the          of yachting. The sport requires an
many similar observations during the       project at no cost to the school.           extremely strong team spirit which
course of our work. The key is how                                                     inspires me to recreate that kind of
to make good use of these ideas and          Working with CEIBS for almost             spirit in the workplace. To balance work
provide classrooms that are comfortable      20 years, what are some of the            and life isn’t difficult for me. My wife
for professors and students.                 most important things you’ve              is a wise woman who is able to arrange
                                             learned?                                  everything at home in a way that allows
   Was there ever a particular                  In serving CEIBS, the school has       me to devote more time to my career
   moment that gave you a strong           also helped me to grow. My personal         and to developing my own hobbies.
   sense of achievement?                   development is inseparable from
     Quite a few. For example, you         CEIBS’ development. The trust I have          What expectations do you have
know the CEIBS eLab is located on the      received from leaders and colleagues has      for the future?
first floor of Building 5. Previously,     provided me with a huge space where I            I hope CEIBS will continue to have
that space was designed to house the       can perform at my best. I often attend      a brighter future, which will also lead
Logistics Department, but after hearing    industry salons. Through talking with       to my own growth. I hope my team can
that eLab needed an office, I proposed     peers, I have learned that it isn’t easy    better serve the school. I personally enjoy
that we give it to them. This is because   to do renovation work at universities.      challenges; overcoming them involves
the buildings on the Shanghai Campus       However, CEIBS is an exception.             a process of self-reflection, adjustment,
are very precise in their design, and so   We have an excellent operational            and improvement. The key for the
they differed from the style of the eLab   mechanism, adequate funds, and smooth       logistics team is to have a strong sense
space I had imagined and the Logistics     communication, all of which enable us to    of responsibility and an enterprising
Department space was the only suitable     accomplish our intended plans.              spirit along with the courage to engage
one we could find. I also found a                                                      in self-reflection. “Conscientiousness,
designer for the eLab through one of         How do you maintain a healthy             Innovation, and Excellence” is the CEIBS
our class coordinators. The Director of      work-life balance?                        motto and it is also at the core of what
the eLab Professor Vincent Chang and          I h ave m a ny h o b b i e s . I l ove   our logistics team does.

theLINK Volume 3, 2018
Employee Interview


                                                       Savouring Each

                                                            By Lei Na

        t seems perfect for me to write about Charmaine, since      communications, she has to be both bold and detail-
        I am on her team, and my desk is only a few steps           oriented, innovative and precise, as well as keep inner peace
        away from her office. We spend almost every weekday         while tackling complex issues. She compares her situation to
        together. However, when I get down to writing this          “trying to avoid raindrops as I walk on egg shells”. Most of
piece, I have no idea where to begin. CEIBS’ International          the time, we can only be the on-lookers of her busy life as she
Media Team is one of “tranquillity” with each member                completes a succession of heavy tasks on her own. Until this
focused on his or her own responsibilities while contributing       interview, I was ignorant of her life story or the source of her
to the success of the overall team. If there is any exchange        courage. Now I know a bit more about her curiosity about
of ideas, instead of engaging in small talk, it will be direct,     the world around her, her unremitted quest for the breadth
to the point and efficient. Meanwhile, team members are             of life, as well as a series of magical coincidences that brought
on good terms with each other. Although foreigners make             her to China, to CEIBS. While introducing CEIBS to the
up half the team, it embodies the ideal esteemed by ancient         world, she also gives us a better impression of the world.
Chinese people: “Friendships between gentlemen should be                  Read on for Charmaine’s story at CEIBS:
as fresh as water” – whenever a team member is in need of
help, others willingly give a hand. The one who sets the tone       Can you briefly tell us about your life before you came to
is Charmaine Clarke, Assistant Director of CEIBS Marketing          China? How long have you lived in China? What’s your
and Communications Department.                                      overall impression of the country?
     I still remember that it was three in the morning when              In my former life I was a journalist in my home country,
I received her first email, attached with a document I had          Jamaica. I covered everything from violent street protests to a
requested for my job interview. That was beyond my wildest          state visit – full of pomp and ceremony – by Queen Elizabeth;
expectation. After joining the team, I heard the legend:            from local government meetings to the G15 Summit of
Charmaine replies to emails at any time she is available            regional leaders. I travelled to Wales, Germany, China, The
– during work hours, midnight or the small hours of the             Bahamas and more, on assignment.
morning. It seems she is online 24/7. Fortunately, even                  I began as a cub reporter in the Jamaica Observer
though she spends so much time on work herself, she has             Newspaper’s Western Bureau and by the time I resigned in
never asked us to follow suit, and has never uttered a word of      2005 to do my Master’s degree in China I was part of the
self-praise.                                                        editorial department’s core management team, working from
     In charge of the school’s international media                  the HQ in Kingston. I was in charge of the Sunday paper,

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Employee Interview


bureaus and correspondents.
     It was a great career, though very stressful towards the end.
I would wake up at 5am every Sunday morning to listen to the
radio to see if there were any big stories I had missed.
     Overall I enjoyed being a journalist, I just got bored after the
majority of the job became editing other people’s work. I like the
thrill of being out in the field. But my mom used to get nervous
when she occasionally saw me on TV, trying to do my job while
caught up in the crowd running away from tear gas during a street
protest. Of course by the time the news aired on TV, I would be
safely back in office or even at home in my apartment.
     As I mentioned before, I came to China to study. I
                                                                         On the border of Germany
successfully applied for a Chinese government scholarship                    and another European
to do a Master’s Degree in International Finance at Shanghai            country, during a press visit.
University of Finance & Economics. I had been to China once
before, for work, and I had absolutely loved that visit – except
the food. I was among a group of about 15 journalists from the
Caribbean. We met all these government officials and they served
us very fancy food – sea cucumbers and bird’s nest, even snake
at one point – but we were not used to this type of cuisine. I
would push the food around on my plate, pretending to eat, then
find the nearest western fast food place that evening after I had
written and filed my stories.
     I’ve been here for the past 13 years and I still don’t eat those
things – but I consider China my second home. Nothing can
replace Jamaica, of course, but China comes pretty close. What
I like most about China is the way they harness tech to make
life convenient – the plethora of car hailing apps, being able to
order something online today and receive it tomorrow. These far
outweigh whatever negatives come with being here.

What circumstances led to you joining CEIBS, do you still
remember your first impression of the school?
     A fellow founding member of the Caribbean Association
in China (CAC) was hired as English Editor in the Marketing &
Communications Department at CEIBS but he got a better job
with a big bank, a job more in his field. He didn’t want to leave
CEIBS in the lurch so he recommended me as his replacement.
At the time I was in my last semester at school, and apart from
writing my thesis and doing volunteer PR work for the CAC, I had

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Employee Interview


                                                                   the time. So I applied for the part-time job and was successful.
                                                                        My first day on the job was June 25, 2007. It was also the day
                                                                   the King and Queen of Spain came to visit. What a start!
                          On the job as a journalist in Jamaica,
                                   interviewing my boss’ boss.
                                                                   Can you describe your career path during the last ten years at
                                                                        When I graduated in 2008, I was hired full time and given
                                                                   additional duties. Media relations were added to the list, I was
                                                                   responsible for the special BMT page on the website and I was
                                                                   to negotiate media partnerships, among other things. I was
                                                                   eventually promoted to Senior Associate Editor and the list
                                                                   of tasks just kept growing! But I liked that there were always
                                                                   opportunities to learn. I had to learn how to write an ad for TV,
                                                                   for example, by doing a Google search for the topic then through
                                                                   trial and error. I had no option but to learn… I had negotiated
                                                                   millions of RMB in free TV ads and the media partner needed
                                                                   me to provide the copy!

                                                                                                   Receiving my certificate
                                                                                                   for completing a media
                                                                                                          course in Wales.

Being “interviewed” by former
 Prime Minister of France and
CEIBS Distinguished Professor
          Jean-Pierre Raffarin.

    On the job at CEIBS, taking
  notes during one of the many
events at the Shanghai Campus.

                                                   I liked that there were always
                                                   opportunities to learn.

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Employee Interview


      Then in 2011 my then boss left and        interview requests, providing media tips      stand out. We need to tell stories that
I was promoted to Assistant Director            and training to faculty, students and         evoke emotional responses and we need
of Marketing & Communications. I                alumni, and contributing to the crafting      to take advantage of the technology
immediately began the task of establishing      and implementation of the school’s            out there (without abusing data or
CEIBS’ presence on international social         overall communications strategy.              invading people’s privacy) to do targeted
media. I realised it could be an efficient           I savour each victory, no matter         campaigns. For at least 5 years. Then we
way of telling our story directly to the        how small. I get a thrill when I pitch an     may see improved recognition of the
outside world, of showing potential             interview topic to a reporter and he/she      CEIBS brand outside of China.
students, and even potential faculty,           accepts it. I get a thrill when a professor
what CEIBS is all about. Because of its         accepts an interview request. I get a         How do you balance work and life?
entrepreneurial DNA, and the fact that          thrill when I write a story and all the       What do you do in your free time,
it’s still a relatively young b-school, CEIBS   words fall into place just right. I get a     what are your hobbies?
provides a lot of leeway to try new things.     thrill when I see a team member master             Well, I’m replying to your questions
Today we have a strong presence on all          a new task. I must savour all these wins,     at 9:30pm on a Monday night, so that’s
the major international social media            no matter how small, because there are a      an indicator of the level of my work-
sites. It does help that now even the           lot of challenges.                            life balance. But seriously, a few years
Chinese government has seen the value                                                         ago I made a decision that I would leave
of communicating its message on these           One part of your work is communi-             work at 6pm every day, no matter what.
international social media platforms.           cating with the international media           It helps that I need to walk my dog Ruff
      I also made a big push, when I            and leveraging those resources to             at 6:30pm. Of course I still reply to
got to director level, to integrate video       help build the CEIBS brand. What are          emails when I am home because that’s
into our communications effort as it            some of the channels typically used           the nature of the job. I get a lot of emails
was obviously the next wave back then.          to introduce CEIBS to the rest of the         from media outside of China’s time
Now video is the norm, and we work              world? And what kind of image of              zone and I like to respond to their needs
to find even more innovative ways to            CEIBS do you want to deliver to the           when they are at work.
communicate our message.                        whole world?                                       I love reading but don’t do enough
                                                     I mentioned social media before –        reading just for pleasure, I spend most
Can you tell us a bit about what you do         Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn,         of the time reading the news as I need to
at CEIBS? What’s your favourite part?           iTunesU. We also use traditional media        be up to date for work. I love long walks,
     I do a bit of everything at CEIBS. I       – TV, radio, newspaper, magazines. Over       as it gives me time to think. I also enjoy
have edited a fire drill, written or edited     the last 10 years I have seen the media       simple things like hanging out with my
speeches for the school leadership, I have      landscape evolve and these changes have       friends in a teashop. I’m not into bars. I
cleaned the mini studio when I needed           had an impact on how we craft content         also spend a lot of time talking with my
it urgently for a TV interview. [The            and the channels we use. For example,         family and friends – all over the world –
cleaning crew eventually came and they          we have moved away from print ads             on the various social media apps.
were very puzzled because there was no          and more towards digital. I would love             I need to do more volunteer activities
dust on the furniture]. But my official         to see us increase our ad spend in the        like the one I did with the CAC during
role is leading the team that is in charge      international market but that has to          summer break. We took a group of kids
of non-Chinese language external                be done in a strategic and sustained          to the Shanghai Aquarium. I had done it
communications. This covers everything          way for it to be effective. Now everyone      a few years back but this time was even
from the website and the alumni                 is focused on digital ads, we need to         better! Nothing compares to the joy you
magazine, TheLINK, to handling media            strengthen our ad content in order to         get from making someone else happy!

theLINK Volume 3, 2018
CEIBS in 5


                                                 CEIBS Around the World
                                                 Highlights from our 5 locations

                                        AI CA



                         China’s Service Sector Will be Major Focus of Reform & Opening-up
                         On Sept 12, CEIBS Professor of Economics and Finance, Sheng Songcheng, who is also former Director
                         General of the Financial Survey and Statistics Department at the People’s Bank of China (PBoC) and
                         Counsellor to Shanghai Municipal Government, told members of the European Union’s diplomatic
                         community in Shanghai and business executives that China’s service industry will be a major focus as
                         the country pushes ahead with reform and opening up. In fact, he said, China had itself taken initial
                         steps, before the current trade war with the US, to open up the increasingly important service sector;
                         but the results will take time to become evident.

theLINK Volume 3, 2018
CEIBS in 5

            G CAM


Executive Forums in Beijing

On July 3, as part of a series of events paying tribute to the 40th anniversary of China’s Reform and Opening-up, President of
Sinochem Group Co, Ltd Ning Gaoning (above) gave a keynote speech on “Four Decades of SOE Reform”, before an in-depth
discussion with CEIBS Associate Dean and Essilor Chair in Accounting Professor Xu Dingbo. Then on August 23, Director
General of China Entrepreneur Club and Former President of China Merchants Bank Ma Weihua argued that impact investment
and public welfare finance are important approaches to solving social problems and achieving quality economic growth.


                                G C RE


          Shenzhen Campus Hosts Annual HR Forum
       On September 1, CEIBS Shenzhen Campus held the 2018 CEIBS HR Management Practice Alliance
      forum. CEIBS Professor of Accounting Hwang Yuhchang as well as Vice President of Better Life Group
     and General Manager of Supermarket Business Division Wang Xiangjie (CEIBS EMBA 2017) attended the
    event and shared their experiences.

                                                                                                       theLINK Volume 3, 2018
CEIBS in 5


               H CAM


               RSLM: Vital to CEIBS Excellence Exchange Programmes
           By Lukas Tonetto

        CEIBS’ Excellence Exchange Programmes (EEP) are much more than your typical b-school study tour.
        They are specifically designed for Chinese executives and provide a link between East and West through
       teaching, research, and business practice. With EEPs CEIBS strives to establish mutually beneficial
       partnerships between the school and European companies, generate unique insights across industries,
      and engage in constructive and open dialogue among senior executives from both Europe and China.

    EEPs are a key element of the CEIBS EMBA programme. Following the principle of learning from the
    best, the CEIBS Zurich Campus offers several study tours in Switzerland, Germany, France, and Italy.
   “We conduct these high-end study tours for Chinese executives on topics such as Smart Manufacturing,
  Service Excellence, Innovation, and also Family Business,” says Philipp Boksberger, CEO & President of
  CEIBS Zurich Campus.

theLINK Volume 3, 2018
CEIBS in 5


EEPs are composed of input sessions        o n a t o u r o f t h e c o m p a ny ’s               the Elsener family. “Modesty,” says
by academics, panel discussions            manufacturing facilities.                             the company’s CEO, “means family
with industry experts, and visits to                                                             m em b ers s h o u l d ke ep t h ei r fe e t
innovative companies, combined with        The case discussion, one of the                       on the ground and realise that the
case studies – all of which collectively   core elements of the RSLM, posed                      success of the company is attributable
make up the CEIBS Real Situation           the question of who or what                           not only to key employees, but also to
Learning Method (RSLM).                    has contributed to the success                        the entire team.”
                                           of Victorinox. The company
One of the companies visited during        has transitioned into a family                        Over the past three years, CEIBS’
a recent study tour was Victorinox,        firm under full control of the                        Zurich Campus has offered more
in Ibach in the Swiss administrative       Vi c t o r i n ox F o u n d a t i o n a n d n o       than 20 such EEPs and will continue
division of Schwyz. Here, participants     longer conforms to public company                     to expand on this offer. So far, the
had the opportunity to meet with           listing requirements. The Victorinox                  demand for study tours to Europe
Carl Elsener Jr, the President, CEO,       Foundation regulates that 90% of its                  has far outstripped supply. Demand
and Chairman of the world-famous           annual profits are retained earnings                  is expected to remain robust as these
Swiss penknife manufacturer, and to        a n d 1 0 % a r e s p e n t o n c h a r i t y,        programmes might also appeal to
discuss the risks and opportunities        env ironmental, and e ducat ional                     CEIBS AMP students or even the
associated with his business.              projects in Switzerland.                              school’s alumni.

Victorinox is a notable example of a       Ca r l E l s e n e r J r s ay s t h a t f a m i l y   During these high-end study
built-to-last family business. Dating      members usually press for                             tours, students can participate in a
back to 1884, when founder Karl            considerable dividends once they have                 flexible format alternating between
Elsener opened a knife manufacturer’s      passed the baton to their successors                  experimentation, evaluation, and
workshop, the company became the           as their interest in corporate affairs                feedback. They have the opportunity
sole supplier of knives to the Swiss       begins to wane. However, he cautions                  to explore an unparalleled branding
Ar my after acquir ing its biggest         that “this would make the company                     channel throug h the CEIBS Real
rival in 2005. The brand has literally     financially weak and impact its long-                 Situation Learning Method (RSLM)
become a symbol of Switzerland. The        term development.”                                    and the opportunity to gain deeper
company bears the Swiss coat of arms                                                             insights into innovative European
in its logo and even U.S. presidents       R e m a r k a b l y, i n o v e r a c e n t u r y      companies.
have g iven Victor inox knives             Victorinox has never applied for a
embossed with their presidential           bank loan. All its investment funds
signature as souvenirs.                    are drawn from its surplus reserve.
                                           What is more, the company has never
Carl Elsener Jr personally welcomed        had to lay off employees – not even
the CEIBS group on their recent            during the two world wars in the 20th
visit. The day started with CEIBS          century, nor after the acquisition of
Vice President & Dean Professor            its competitor in 2005.
Ding Yuan opening the programme.
EEP participants then analysed the         Much of this can be attributed to
Victorinox case before embarking           modesty, one of the core values of

                                                                                                                   theLINK Volume 3, 2018
CEIBS in 5





Connectivity and Beyond
~ Stories from CEIBS Africa
AMP/ODP Shanghai Module
By Kate Jiang

Fourteen students, a mixture of senior             and industries. The module included              opening visit to the Bund.
executives from Ghana, Nigeria and Benin,          classes on China’s unique business
travelled to Shanghai in late September,           env i ron m en t w h ere t h e y s o u g h t     Read on and meet two of the students,
the first ever CEIBS Africa participants in        answers to questions such as how                 both successful businessmen who have
the Owner Director (ODP) and Advanced              to e n g a g e co n s u m e r s t h ro u g h a   a keen interest in the China market.
Management (AMP) programmes. This                  we l l-g rounded customer ser v ice
was the Shanghai module of a journey               and marketing strategy and how to                Kofi Owusu-Nhyira
that began seven months ago with classes           navigate and upgrade the surging                 Nationality: Ghana
in Accra, Lagos and Casablanca and will            collaboration between China and                  Company: Nsano
culminate with a graduation ceremony in            Africa. It also looked at managing               Position: Chief Executive Officer
Accra in January, 2019.                            skills across cultures and developing
                                                   flexible perspectives to rethink the
The five-day Shanghai module that                  key challenges they are facing and lay
ended on September 30 was a mixture                a solid foundation for scaling their
o f cl a s s ro o m l e c t u re s , co m p a ny   business growth in a dynamic business
visits, and excursions tailored to their           landscape. There were visits to industry
quest for a more comprehensive                     giants Sany and Fosun, a panel on how
understanding of the China market                  to do business in China, and an eye-

theLINK Volume 3, 2018
CEIBS in 5


“[Our company’s name, Nsano] is              my perspective of doing business,” he               This makes service either unavailable
a word in the twi dialect in Ghana           says. “The case studies offer concrete              or very expensive. Carl decided to
which means ‘fingertips’. We want our        scenarios, both positive and negative, of           do something about it. “My team
service to be on everyone’s fingertips       directing the company, and it helps in              and I decided to build cross country
and used with ease,” explains Chief          anticipating the first wave of the fintech          connectivity by land from Nigeria to
Executive Officer Kofi Owusu-Nhyira          industry before being swallowed by the              Benin down to Togo, using terrestrial
who founded Nsano in 2013. As a fully        swirl.”                                             radio links, and this proved to be a
Ghanaian owned start-up providing                                                                great and rather interesting experience,”
custom applications and telecoms             Prior to starting Nsano, Kofi consulted             he said. Now he has even bigger plans.
software, Nsano now leads in the             for several international electronic
provision of mobile financial services in    payments organisations, building on                 “Thanks to CEIBS, I’m growing the
the country and surrounding regions.         several years of practicing law. He is a            vision bigger. Before, I was just looking
Kofi and his team of entrepreneurs with      member of the Ghana Bar Association.                into connectivity, but the real picture
significant years of experience in mobile    “I think I’m a risk-averse person;                  is connectivity for something else.
financial services walked the company        probably a ‘misfit’ in the fintech field,”          So my idea is to use connectivity as a
through hard times in its early stages       he says with a chuckle. “But one of the             rallying point for solutions to various
of development to its position today: a      keys of my business is how to harness               needs. We are providing software as
fully-fledged, diversified industry leader   risk and translate it into value for our            a service-based solution to multiple
in the fintech field. “We have some of       customers.”                                         other segments such as hospitality and
Africa’s finest experts in this field, who                                                       transportation with a completely new
through a unique vision of the financial     Carl Aniambossou                                    business model,” he explains. Faced
technology landscape, have given the         Nationality: Benin                                  with intense competition for what
company an edge over its competitors,”       Company: TRINET SA                                  can be a very lucrative market, Carl
Kofi says. “We differentiated ourselves      Position: Founder & CEO                             credits his inspiration to classes taken
as an early beginner in the provision of                                                         during the CEIBS ODP. “It helped me
B2B solutions and have, over the years,                                                          think outside of the box. I realised that
created customised payment services                                                              instead of selling just internet services,
for merchants, institutions, and mobile                                                          we should provide services adapted
financial operators in Ghana, Cote                                                               to diverse needs,” he says. He has now
d’Ivoire, Zambia, and Rwanda.”                                                                   positioned himself as a bridge between
                                                                                                 multiple stakeholders, an interface for
Given Africa’s relatively immature                                                               French West Africa. “My multilingual
industrial and legal framework for           C a r l A n i a m b o s s o u’s j o u r n e y a s   and multicultural background gives
financial technology, the company has        co-founder of TRINET SA, a                          me a privilege to connect people on
no shortage of challenges – but there        telecommunications provider in Benin,               both sides, and close the demand-
are also opportunities. Kofi positions       Togo, Burkina Faso and Nigeria began                supply loop,” he explains. But what gets
Nsano as the converging point between        as many entrepreneurial ventures do                 him most excited is the idea of doing
business experimentation and legal           – by offering a solution to a problem.              business in China. “It keeps me awake
regulation, between Africa and China.        “There are connectivity gaps and severe             at night,” he says.
He sees the CEIBS AMP as a way to            downtimes on French West African
stay ahead of the competition. “The          coast countries that could even last
programme substantially broadens             for over two weeks,” he explained.

                                                                                                                  theLINK Volume 3, 2018


Raffarin: Similarities and differences
between Chinese, French, and US leadership

   Former French Prime Minister
   Jean-Pierre Raffarin, who is          “The history of leadership can be        In modern society, leadership is
   Distinguished Professor and       traced back to 1700 BC to the Code of    not just a matter of politics, but also a
   Charles de Gaulle Chair in        Hammurabi, a solemn, fundamental         matter of business management.
   Global Leadership at CEIBS        code of law of Mesopotamia (now              In a business context, leaders
   visited the school’s Shanghai     Iraq) which states that the powerful     need to inspire team spirit in order
   Campus for a series of            must abide by the law and that leaders   to encourage team members to grow
   academic exchanges from           must be respected.                       and act. As an aspect of business
   July 6-10. As part of the             Historically, a lot of thought has   management, leadership is one of
   “CEIBS Insights 2018 Master       been given to leadership. Confucius      CEIBS’ core responsibilities. Many of
   Class” series of lectures,        proposed many great ideas on state       the professors at CEIBS are engaged
   Raffarin analysed and             governance in the 5th century BC         in in-depth research on leadership. In
   compared Chinese, French,         in China. Also, philosophers such as     addition, the French-based Charles De
   and US leadership from the        Cicero diligently studied leadership     Gaulle Foundation has entered into a
   perspective of a politician and   and people management in ancient         partnership with CEIBS to examine
   a scholar. Below are excerpts     Greece.                                  leadership together.
   from his speech.

theLINK Volume 3, 2018


                                                                                   For Americans, leadership
                                                                                   starts with learning.

    A cross-cultural comparison will           T h e s e co n d t y p e i s p a t e r n a l   wealth of literature about leadership –
uncover different types of leadership.    leadership. If you are willing to work              for example, on how to get the attention
However, we are not going to draw         with me, I will care for you like a                 of an audience and quiet a noisy
conclusions about which is better or      father-figure, providing care and help              auditorium during public speaking.
which is worse; instead, we are going     for you. That is, as a leader, I offer you          When stepping up to the podium
to highlight some of the differences      love and respect, and in return, you                and greeting an audience, former US
as a way to provide inspiration and       work for me.                                        President Barack Obama often used
encourage improvement.                         The third t y pe is democratic                 the words “Hello, everyone”, instead of
    As Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, the      leadership. According to this approach,             just “Hello”, as a way to communicate
French writer and author of The Little    we work together equally and                        directly with the audience.
Prince, put it, “Love does not consist    democratically, with work organised in                   For Americans, leadership starts
of gazing at each other, but in looking   a collective fashion, but still with only           with learning. Everyone can be a good
outward in the same direction.” The       one leader.                                         leader. The US way of thinking is that
purpose of cultural comparison is              The four th t y p e is col lective             everything can be organised as long
not convergence, but idea sharing. At     leadership. Here, within the group,                 as they learn to work, speak, write,
CEIBS, we can help define leadership      there are no leaders, but instead only              arrange meetings, make decisions,
by learning about both Chinese and        individuals. The group is led by a team.            manage, and control things.
European cultures.                        No one stands in front of, or hides                     In the US, leadership is, in reality,
                                          behind, the team.                                   a game of success. Plenty of research
    Five types of leadership                   The fifth ty pe is laissez-faire               has been conducted into this area,
                                          leadership. In this case, there are no              especially research centred on Obama.
    In general, there are five types of   leaders and team members can just do                As the first Africa American President
leadership, or five ways for leaders to   what they want to do.                               of the United States, Obama attained
use power.                                                                                    the status of both a winner and a
    The first type is autocratic           The US: Leadership is a game                       pioneer in leadership.
leadership. I’m your leader and you do    of success with an emphasis on                          Obama's principles of leadership
what I say. This is how the military is        rules and techniques                           include the following:
run – subordinates act on the orders of                                                           (1) Believe you are unique.
their superiors.                               At American universities there is a            Uniqueness is not a barrier, but an

                                                                                                               theLINK Volume 3, 2018


advantage. Obama, for instance, was        always conceal your intentions, always             qualities:
able to use his ancestry as a trump card   say less than is necessary, always pay                 (1) A leader should be a man of
in order to win the US presidential        attention to your enemies, always make             character. He is action-oriented with
election.                                  yourself indispensable, master the art             aspirations and a passion for taking
     (2) Credibility. Show you are         of timing, and always be unpredictable.            action. He is not willing to just sit on
capable of leading the country and              In t h i s w ay, Am e r i c a n s h ave       the side-lines. In addition, he cares
prove to voters that you can do it.        established a set of ideas, rules, and             about decision making – if he becomes
     (3) Third, considering that most      practices for leadership.                          a leader, he won’t let others make
young Americans prefer to look ahead                                                          decisions. A leader welcomes challenges
to the future, as a leader you must         France: Leadership is heroism                     – for only by overcoming difficulties
constantly express your vision for the                                                        can he realise his full potential.
future.                                        T h ro u g h o u t Fr e n c h h i s t o r y,   Instead of passing the buck to others
     In the US, leadership is about        many leaders have relied on personal               or to his subordinates, a leader takes
creation and reform – two ideas which      char isma as a means to defining                   responsibility for failures.
have often been incorporated into          leadership. General Charles de Gaulle,                 (2) Leadership needs to be suited to
campaign slogans. American leaders are     for example, exemplified French                    actual conditions. The environment is
willing to promise changes. They want      leadership through his actions.                    essential to the execution of leadership.
to grow and improve their leadership in        Charles de Gaulle believed that                France is a country full of ideologies
order to help everyone grow together.      leadership is impor tant and that                  where people like to think. However, a
     Another interpretation of             nothing great could ever be achieved               leader cannot be limited to one type of
American leadership can be found in        without great men. Besides possessing              thought. He needs to observe the real
The 48 Laws of Power, an international     innate talent, leaders have the ability to         environment and base the direction of
best-seller published in the US. Some of   learn from their experiences.                      decision-making on that environment.
the principles mentioned in this book          According to Charles de Gaulle,                    (3) A leader is aware of his fate and
include: never outshine the master,        a leader needs to have the following               knows clearly if he is a leader or not. A

theLINK Volume 3, 2018


good leader is enterprising, daring, and            time of both Confucius and Ancient          however, I often don’t know who the
non-complacent.                                     Greece. At that time, both East Asians      most important person is because he
      Furthermore, Charles de Gaulle                and Westerners were interested in           doesn’t always walk in front.
emphasised authority. He believed                   the organisation of politics and the              In France, leaders are always among
that silence is where the authority and             distribution of power.                      the first to rush to the forefront to hold
reputation of leaders lay. He saw the                    Confucius’ primary responsibility      the banner high. In China, however,
need to be brief when communicating                 was to act as a consultant for rulers. In   they often work behind-the-scenes to
w i t h o t h ers . He a dv i s e d a g a i n s t   the process of doing so, he developed       develop strategies and are responsible
remaining close to others, since a sense            a set of ideas about power, which           for coordinating people in order to get
of detachment could help enhance                    continue to inspire leaders around the      things running.
prestige. He also believed moral power              world today. For instance, Confucius              When it comes to exercising
is important, as it could prevent one’s             believed that without integrity one         power, Han Feizi believed everything
status and reputation from coming into              could not be a leader.                      should be done according to laws,
question.                                                Similar to Charles de Gaulle,          w h i ch , u n l i ke w h a t we n ow c a l l
      In his view, being led is a basic need        Confucius advocated the need for            l aw s , we re s i m p l y a s e t o f r u l e s
for French people, similar to eating or             rituals. Leaders require rituals in         guiding people’s actions based on
sleeping. A person becomes a leader                 order to make it easier to lead people.     co l l e c t ive re a s o n i n g . Acco rd i n g
not because he imposes leadership on                A military parade, for example, is a        to this approach, leaders execute
others, but because others want to be               reflection of a culture that governs a      projects which serve as platforms
led. Great leadership is needed in this             particular country. In France, we also      for communication and the
kind of scenario.                                   award medals to people for various          implementation of collective ideas.
                                                    contributions to society. Such rituals      On such platforms, leaders merely
China: Leadership is the wisdom                     are important.                              represent sets of rules.
 to take stock of the situation                          There is a wise saying about power
                                                    in the Analects of Confucius: “Lack of         12 keywords on leadership
     T h e 5 t h ce n t u r y B C w a s t h e       forbearance in small matters upsets
                                                    great plans.”                                    Lastly, I would like to say that
                                                         Wisdom is the pursuit of Chinese       anyone can be a leader, whether it is in
                                                    thought. Laozi, an ancient Chinese          his family, the workplace, or on a sports
                                                    philosopher, had many sayings about         team.
                                                    leadership. In saying that he should “not        Regarding leadership, I have 12
                                                    dare to be ahead in the world”, Laozi       keywords to share with you.
Many French leaders
                                                    meant one should remain neutral.                 First, there are four major features
have relied on personal                             According to Chinese philosopher            of leadership: courage, creativity,
charisma.                                           Han Feizi, “the ruler must not reveal       trust, and emotion. Second, there
                                                    his desires”. Han Feizi also argued that    are four areas in which leadership
                                                    a monarch’s real power could not be         can be applied: strategy, influence,
                                                    shared.                                     relationship, and execution.
                                                         When welcoming delegations from        Finally, there are four things which
                                                    most countries, I find that the most        subordinates or teams expect to receive
                                                    important person always walks in front.     from leaders: respect, belief, stability,
                                                    When welcoming Chinese delegations,         and hope.”

                                                                                                                    theLINK Volume 3, 2018
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