Energy Challenges for the Next Decade - 16th IAEE European Conference Ljubljana, Slovenia 25-28 August 2019 - IAEE 2019 Ljubljana

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Energy Challenges for the Next Decade - 16th IAEE European Conference Ljubljana, Slovenia 25-28 August 2019 - IAEE 2019 Ljubljana
16th IAEE
    European Conference
    Ljubljana, Slovenia
    25–28 August 2019

      School of Economics and Business, University of Ljubljana (SEB LU)

Energy Challenges for the Next Decade
Energy Challenges for the Next Decade - 16th IAEE European Conference Ljubljana, Slovenia 25-28 August 2019 - IAEE 2019 Ljubljana
Energy Challenges for the Next Decade - 16th IAEE European Conference Ljubljana, Slovenia 25-28 August 2019 - IAEE 2019 Ljubljana
Energy markets are becoming increasingly
complex. Over the past decades, we have
witnessed tremendous changes in the
industry’s fundamentals induced by policy
and technological advancements, which
required redesigning of markets. Climate
policies aimed at decarbonisation extensively
contributed to the changed energy mix.
Recent shifts in geopolitical relations with the
EU partners additionally add to the industry’s
complexity and uncertainty. The EU energy
policy in the next decade continues to be
directed towards achieving competitive,
secure and sustainable energy system, which
calls for huge investments in infrastructure
and low-carbon technologies with increased
private sector and consumer engagement.

The central topic of this conference is to
assess the impacts and identify the main
challenges of these disruptive changes for all
energy sectors through the entire value chain
in order to design a sustainable energy policy
for the following decade. The main question
to be addressed is: Have we learned from the
past experiences and mistakes how to design
effective policies involving all stakeholders
– consumers, companies, governments and

We welcome 300 participants from 40
countries to be a part of this debate. We
hope you will enjoy the conference and the
vibrant city of Ljubljana, the Green Capital of
Europe in 2016 and the seat of ACER.

Nevenka Hrovatin
General Conference Chair
Energy Challenges for the Next Decade - 16th IAEE European Conference Ljubljana, Slovenia 25-28 August 2019 - IAEE 2019 Ljubljana

      General Conference
                                 Chair of Organising             Chair of               Chair of Local
                                     Committee            Sponsorship Committee      Organising Committee

     Nevenka Hrovatin              Jelena Zorić              Sarah Jezernik              Matej Švigelj
       Professor, School
                                 Associate Professor,       President of SAEE;         Associate Professor,
       of Economics and
                                School of Economics          Deputy General           School of Economics
      Business, University
                               and Business, University     Manager, Plinovodi       and Business, University
       of Ljubljana; Vice-
                                  of Ljubljana; SAEE              d.o.o.                of Ljubljana; SAEE
       President of SAEE

    Secretary-General of the          PhD Day                    PhD Day
                                   Janez Dolšak              Ivana Jovović
         Jana Pucelj
                               Doctoral student,School    Doctoral student,School
     School of Economics          of Economics and           of Economics and
    and Business, University    Business, University of    Business, University of
         of Ljubljana              Ljubljana; SAEE            Ljubljana; SAEE
Energy Challenges for the Next Decade - 16th IAEE European Conference Ljubljana, Slovenia 25-28 August 2019 - IAEE 2019 Ljubljana
Welcome to Ljubljana and

enjoy the conference

 Your IAEE 2019 Ljubljana Conference Team
Energy Challenges for the Next Decade - 16th IAEE European Conference Ljubljana, Slovenia 25-28 August 2019 - IAEE 2019 Ljubljana
International Programme

    Chair of International Programme Committee
    Nevenka Hrovatin
    Professor, School of Economics and Business, University of Ljubljana; Vice-President of SAEE

    Amela Ajanović                     Richard Green                      Michael Pollitt
    Technische Universität Wien        Imperial College London            University of Cambridge
    Kostas Andriosopoulos              Reinhard Haas                      Ricardo B. Raineri
    ESCP Europe Business School        Technische Universität Wien        Pontificia Universidad Católica
                                                                          de Chile
    Lars Bergman                       Christian von Hirschhausen
    Stockholm School of                Berlin University of               Ronald Ripple
    Economics                          Technology                         University of Tulsa
    Carlo Andrea Bollino               Einar Hope                         Joachim Schleich
    University of Perugia              NHH Norwegian School of            Grenoble Ecole de
                                       Economics                          Management
    Christophe Bonnery
    Enedis, President IAEE             Gurkan Kumbaroglu                  Vilayat Valiyev
                                       Boğaziçi University                Institute for Scientific
    Enrico Cagno
                                                                          Research on Economic
    Politecnico di Milano              Andreas Löschel
                                                                          Reforms, Vice-President for
                                       University of Münster
    Georg Erdmann                                                         Regional Affairs of IAEE
    Berlin University of               Reinhard Madlener
                                                                          David Williams
    Technology                         RWTH Aachen University
    Massimo Filippini                  Machiel Mulder
                                                                          Adonis Yatchew
    CEPE, ETH Zurich, USI              University of Groningen
                                                                          University of Toronto
    Elena Maria Fumagalli              Anne Neumann
                                                                          Mine Yücel
    Utrecht University                 Universität Potsdam
                                                                          Federal Reserve Bank of
    Angelica Gianfreda                 Boyko Nitzov                       Dallas
    Free University of Bozen-          ACER
                                                                          Jelena Zorić
    Bolzano, London Business
                                       Aaron Praktiknjo                   School of Economics and
                                       RWTH Aachen University             Business, University of
    Jean-Michel Glachant                                                  Ljubljana
    European University Institute
Energy Challenges for the Next Decade - 16th IAEE European Conference Ljubljana, Slovenia 25-28 August 2019 - IAEE 2019 Ljubljana

Sunday, 25th of August
TIME                   EVENT                    VENUE
10:00 am to 8:00 pm Conference Registration SEB LU, foyer between Large and Small Hall

11:00 am to 6:00 pm    PhD Day: Seminar 1,      SEB LU, Senate Conference Room
                       Seminar 2 & Special      XXSee the programme on page 25
6:00 pm to 8:00 pm     Welcome Reception for    SEB LU, foyer between Large and Small Hall
                       all Participants         XXSee information on page 28

8:30 pm to 10:00 pm Student Happy Hour          Pivnica Lajbah, Grudnovo nabrežje 15, Ljubljana
                                                XXSee information on page 28

Monday, 26th of August
TIME                   EVENT                    VENUE
7:30 am to 6:00 pm     Conference Registration SEB LU, foyer between Large and Small Hall
8:00 am to 9:00 am     Student breakfast        SEB LU, Senate Conference Room
9:00 am to 9:30 am     Welcome and              SEB LU, Large Hall
                       Introduction             XXSee the programme on page 10

9:30 am to 11:00 am    Opening Plenary          SEB LU, Large Hall
                       Session                  XXSee the programme on page 10

11:00 am to 11:30 am   Coffee break             SEB LU, foyer between Large and Small Hall,
                                                outside and hall between lecture rooms
11:30 am to 1:00 pm    Dual Plenary Session 1   SEB LU, Large Hall
                                                XXSee the programme on page 10
11:30 am to 1:00 pm    Dual Plenary Session 2   SEB LU, Small Hall
                                                XXSee the programme on page 10
1:00 pm to 2:30 pm     Lunch                    SEB LU, foyer between Large and Small Hall,
2:30 pm to 4:00 pm     Concurrent Sessions 1    SEB LU, Various Rooms
                                                XXSee full listing on pages 14-16
4:00 pm to 4:30 pm     Coffee break             SEB LU, foyer between Large and Small Hall,
                                                outside and hall between lecture rooms
4:30 pm to 6:00 pm     Concurrent Sessions 2    SEB LU, Various Rooms
                                                XXSee full listing on pages 14-16
7:00 pm to 10:30 pm Cultural/Social Event   Ljubljana Castle, Courtyard in Estate hall and
                    and Conference Cocktail Palatium in the case of bad weather
                    Dinner                  XXSee information on page 28
Energy Challenges for the Next Decade - 16th IAEE European Conference Ljubljana, Slovenia 25-28 August 2019 - IAEE 2019 Ljubljana

    Tuesday, 27th of August
    TIME                  EVENT                    VENUE
    8:00 am to 5:30 pm    Conference Registration SEB LU, foyer between Large and Small Hall
    8:00 am to 9:00 am    European Affiliate's     SEB LU, Senate Conference Room
                          Leaders Meeting
    8:00 am to 9:00 am    EEEP Board of Editors    SEB LU, Executive Conference Room
    9:00 am to 10:30 am   Dual Plenary Session 3   SEB LU, Large Hall
                                                   XXSee the programme on page 11
    9:00 am to 10:30 am   Dual Plenary Session 4   SEB LU, Small Hall
                                                   XXSee the programme on page 11
    10:30 am to 11:00 am Coffee break              SEB LU, foyer between Large and Small Hall,
                                                   outside and hall between lecture rooms
    11:00 am to 12:30 pm Concurrent Sessions 3     SEB LU, Various Rooms
                                                   XXSee full listing on pages 17-19
    12:30 pm to 2:00 pm   Lunch/Poster Session     SEB LU, foyer between Large and Small Hall,
                                                   outside and hall between lecture rooms
                                                   XXSee the programme on page 24
    2:00 pm to 3:30 pm    Dual Plenary Session 5   SEB LU, Large Hall
                                                   XXSee the programme on page 11
    2:00 pm to 3:30 pm    Dual Plenary Session 6   SEB LU, Small Hall
                                                   XXSee the programme on page 11
    3:30 pm to 4:00 pm    Coffee break             SEB LU, foyer between Large and Small Hall,
                                                   outside and hall between lecture rooms
    4:00 pm to 5:30 pm    Concurrent Sessions 4    SEB LU, Various Rooms
                                                   XXSee full listing on pages 17-19
    7:00 pm to 10:30 pm Cultural/Social Event      Cankarjev dom, Grand Reception Hall
                        and Gala Dinner            XXSee information on page 29

                                                                                                 Photo: Kongresni trg; Author: Nea Culpa d.o.o.
Energy Challenges for the Next Decade - 16th IAEE European Conference Ljubljana, Slovenia 25-28 August 2019 - IAEE 2019 Ljubljana

Wednesday, 28th of August
TIME                  EVENT                     VENUE
8:00 am to 12:00 pm Conference Registration SEB LU, foyer between Large and Small Hall
9:00 am to 10:30 am   Concurrent Sessions 5     SEB LU, Various Rooms
                                                XXSee full listing on pages 20-23
10:30 am to 11:00 am Coffee break               SEB LU, foyer between Large and Small Hall,
                                                outside and hall between lecture rooms
11:00 am to 12:30 pm Concurrent Sessions 6      SEB LU, Various Rooms
                                                XXSee full listing on pages 20-23
12:30 pm to 1:30 pm   Lunch                     SEB LU, foyer between Large and Small Hall,
1:30 pm to 3:00 pm    Concurrent Sessions 7     SEB LU, Various Rooms
                                                XXSee full listing on pages 20-23
3:00 pm to 3:30 pm    Coffee break              SEB LU, foyer between Large and Small Hall,
                                                outside and hall between lecture rooms
3:30 pm to 5:00 pm    Closing Plenary Session   SEB LU, Large Hall
                                                XXSee the programme on page 12
5:00 pm               End of Conference         SEB LU, Large Hall

Thursday, 29th of August
TIME                  EVENT                     VENUE
9:00 am to 5:00 pm    Post-conference           SEB LU, Executive Conference Room
                      Seminar:                  XXSee the programme on page 27
                      Energy Transition &
                      Power Markets

Programme updates
The programme will be updated daily.

Check for the most up-to date programme.
Energy Challenges for the Next Decade - 16th IAEE European Conference Ljubljana, Slovenia 25-28 August 2019 - IAEE 2019 Ljubljana

     Monday, 26th of August
                                      Nevenka Hrovatin, General Conference Chair, School of Economics and
     WELCOME AND                      Business, University of Ljubljana (SEB LU)
                                      Marjan Eberlinc, President of the Energy Industry Chamber of Slovenia,
                                      CEO of Plinovodi d.o.o.
     Welcome Address and
                                      Metka Tekavčič, Dean of School of Economics and Business, University
     Opening Statements               of Ljubljana (SEB LU)

                                      Alenka Bratušek, Minister of Infrastructure, Republic of Slovenia
     9:00 a.m. – 9:30 a.m.            Christophe Bonnery, IAEE President, 2019
     Large Hall

                                      Chair: Christophe Bonnery, IAEE President, 2019
                                      • ENERGY TRANSITION - THREE DS: DECARBONISATION,
                                        DECENTRALISATION AND DIGITALIZATION - Laurent Schmitt,
     Energy Challenges and              ENTSO-E
                                      • EUROPEAN ENERGY STATE-OF-THE-ART: AN OUTSIDE VIEW -
                                        Edward C. Chow, CSIS

                                      • CLEAN ENERGY PACKAGE AND THE FUTURE CHALLENGES FOR
                                        THE ENERGY SECTOR - Alberto Pototschnig, ACER
     9:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.
     Large Hall

                                      Chair: Hans Auer, Vienna University of Technology

                                      • A TALE OF TWO MARKETS: CONTRACTS FOR RENEWABLE AND
     DUAL PLENARY SESSION               CONVENTIONAL GENERATORS - Richard Green, Imperial College
     1 AND 2:                           Business School

                                      • HEADING TOWARDS SUSTAINABLE AND DEMOCRATIC
     Prospects for Future               ELECTRICITY MARKETS - Reihnard Haas, Vienna University of
     Electricity Markets
                                      • SECTOR COUPLING, FLEXIBILITY, AND OUTLOOK ON THE 2ND
                                        PHASE OF ENERGY TRANSITION - EXPERIENCES FROM THE
                                        WINDNODE PROJECT - Markus Graebig, WindNODE consortium

2    Prospects for Future Natural
     Gas and Oil Markets
                                      Chair: Kostas Andriosopoulos, ESCP Europe Business School

                                      • GAS MARKETS AND INFRASTRUCTURE - Karolina Čegir, Energy
                                        Community Secretariat

                                      • THE GROWING ROLE OF LNG IN EUROPE - Lucie Roux, ESCP
                                        Europe Bussiness School Alumna

                                      • GEOPOLITICS IN THE EUROPEAN GAS - Tatiana Mitrova,
                                        SKOLKOVO Business School
     11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
     1 - Large Hall, 2 - Small Hall

    Tuesday, 27th of August

                                     Chair: Christian von Hirschhausen, Berlin University of Technology
                                     • MAKING THE ENERGY TRANSITION HAPPEN – SMART
    3 AND 4:                           TECHNOLOGIES AND NEW BUSINESS MODELS - Gašper Artač,

    Energy in the Digital World:     • DIGITALIZATION IN THE ENERGY WORLD: THE ROLE OF BIG
                                       SECURITY - Christoph Burger, ESMT Berlin
    the Energy Business
                                     • COMPETITIVENESS OF DIFFERENT RENEWABLE ENERGY
                                       COMMUNITY CONCEPTS IN A SMART ENERGY FUTURE - Hans
                                       Auer, Vienna University of Technology

                                     Chair: Reinhard Haas, Vienna University of Technology

    Challenges in the Final Energy   • ELECTRIFICATION IN TRANSPORT: ECONOMICS AND
                                       ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS - Amela Ajanović, Vienna University
    Use: Innovation, Technology,       of Technology
    Efficiency, Conservation
                                     • MARKETS FOR NEW ENERGY STORAGE TECHNOLOGIES - Georg
                                       Erdmann, Berlin University of Technology

                                     • ENERGY EFFICIENCY POLICY IN (CENTRAL) EUROPE - TARGETS,
                                       INSTRUMENTS, AND INVESTMENT - Michaela Valentová, Czech
                                       Technical University in Prague
    9:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.
    3 - Large Hall, 4 - Small Hall

                                     Chair: Andreas Löschel, University of Münster
                                     • WHAT DOES THE PARIS AGREEMENT IMPLY FOR THE
                                       STRATEGIES? - Frank Jotzo, Australian National University’s

                                       Crawford School of Public Policy
    Energy and Climate:
    International Governance of      • CURRENT DISCUSSIONS ON ENERGY AND CLIMATE TARGETS -
                                       Georg Zachmann, Bruegel
    Energy Transition
                                     • WHAT IS THE INVESTMENT FRAMEWORK NEEDED TO PERFORM
                                       THE ENERGY TRANSITION? - Maria Sicilia, ENAGAS

                                     Chair: Jelena Zorić, School of Economics and Business, University of
                                     Ljubljana (SEB LU)

6   Future Role of Consumers,
    Prosumers and Prosumagers
                                       GAP, BOUNDED RATIONALITY AND THE ROLE OF ENERGY
                                       RELATED FINANCIAL LITERATURE - Massimo Filippini, ETH
                                       Zurich, Università della Svizzera Italiana

                                     • ENERGY PROSUMAGE, ENERGY POVERTY, AND ENERGY JUSTICE
                                       - Reinhard Madlener, RWTH Aachen University

                                     • HOW SHOULD BUSINESS MODELS CHANGE IN CONSUMER
                                       DRIVEN ENERGY MARKETS? - Dejan Paravan, GEN-I
    2:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.
    5 - Large Hall, 6 - Small Hall

     Wednesday, 28th of August
     CLOSING PLENARY SESSION:         Chair: Yukari Niwa Yamashita, IAEE President-elect 2019

                                      • ENERGY SCENARIOS, PROJECTIONS AND MODELLING
     Europe’s Energy Sector in the      (ACADEMIC APPROACH) - Pantelis Capros, National Technical
                                        University of Athens
     Global Energy Industry: State-
                                        FOR THE NEW EUROPEAN COMMISSION - Michael Pollitt,
                                        Cambridge Judge Business School, University of Cambridge

                                      • SOUTH EAST EUROPEAN ENERGY CHALLENGES AND
     3:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.              OPPORTUNITIES - Atanas Georgiev, Sofia University St. Kliment
     Large Hall

                                                                                                        Photo: Bled; Author: Jost Gantar
Concurrent Sessions/Room        P-019                P-021              P-217               P-128           P-216              P-127             P-126

Concurrent Sessions 1A to 1G,   1A Energy Markets    1B Energy          1C Climate I        1D Energy       1E Renewables I:   1F Natural Gas    1G Best Student Paper
Monday 26.8.2019,               I: CO2 Emissions     Modelling I                            Efficiency I    Wind                                 Award
2:30 pm to 4:00 pm

Concurrent Sessions 2A to 2G,   2A Electricity I:    2B Flexibility     2C Energy           2D Household    2E Country         2F Oil            2G Transportation I:
Monday 26.8.2019,               Capacities           & Storage          Policy I:           Behaviour I     Studies I                            Low Carbon Future
4:30 pm to 6:00 pm                                   I: Demand          Renewable
                                                     Response           Support Policies

Concurrent Sessions 3A to 3G,   3A Energy            3B Flexibility &   3C Energy           3D Household    3E Renewables      3F Nuclear        3G Transportation II:
Tuesday 27.08.2019,             Markets II: Market   Storage II         Policy II: Carbon   Behaviour II    II: Solar          Power             Electric Vehicles
11:00 am to 12:30 pm            Integration                             Markets

Concurrent Sessions 4A to 4G,   4A Energy Markets    4B Energy          4C Climate II       4D Energy       4E Country         4F Coal and       4G Special Session:
Tuesday 27.08.2019,             III: Energy &        Modelling II                           Efficiency II   Studies II         Nuclear Phase-    Revealing Trajectories
04:00 pm to 05:30 pm            Capacity Markets                                                                               Out               Towards a Sustainable
                                                                                                                                                 Energy Future

Concurrent Sessions 5A to 5G,   5A Electricity II    5B Energy          5C Energy           5D Household    5E Renewables      5F Energy         5G Energy Markets,
Wednesday 28.08.2019,                                Modelling III      Policy III:         Behaviour III   III: Spatial       Investment &      Innovation & New
9:00 am to 10:30 am                                                     Carbon Tax &                        Capacity           Finance I         Technologies
                                                                        Decarbonization                     Allocation

Concurrent Sessions 6A to 6G,   6A Energy Markets    6B Flexibility &   6C Energy           6D Household    6E Renewables      6F Energy         6G Transportation III:
Wednesday 28.08.2019,           IV                   Storage III        Access & Energy     Behaviour IV    IV                 Investment &      Policies & Household
11:00 am to 12:30 pm                                                    Poverty                                                Finance II        Choices
                                                                                                                                                                          Concurrent Sessions Overview

Concurrent Sessions 7A to 7G,   7A Energy            7B Energy          7C Energy           7D Firm         7E The Role        7F Energy & the   7G Transportation IV:
Wednesday 28.08.2019,           Markets V: Market    Modelling IV       Policy IV: Low      Performance     of Energy          Economy           E-mobility
01:30 pm to 03:00 pm            Design & Trading                        Carbon Policies                     Communities

     Monday, 26th of August

     1A - 1G                                           Application of Benders Decomposition
                                                       to CVaR-constrained Unit Commitment
                                                                                                      Session 1D: Energy Efficiency I
     2:30 pm to 4:00 pm                                Decisions in Large Energy System Models
                                                       Considering Feed-in                            Chair: Joachim Schleich
                                                       Uncertainties                                  (Grenoble Ecole de Management)
     Session 1A: Energy Markets I                      Authors: Moritz Nobis (RWTH Aachen
     - CO2 Emissions                                   University), Alexander Lindner, Carlo          Quantifying and Comparing Economy-wide
     (P-019)                                                                                          Rebound Effects in Europe
                                                       Presenter: Moritz Nobis (RWTH Aachen           Authors: Anne Berner (University of
     Chair: Einar Hope                                                                                Göttingen), Stephan Bruns, Alessio Moneta,
     (Norwegian School of Ecnomics)                                                                   David Stern
                                                       Model-based Analysis of the Contribution of    Presenter: Anne Berner (University of
                                                       the Gas Supply System to the Integration of    Göttingen)
     The Impact of a Carbon Tax on Cross Border
                                                       Fluctuating Renewable Electricity Generation
     Energy Trading Abstract
                                                       Authors: Hedda Gardian (German Aerospace
     Authors: Bowei Guo (University of                                                                Energy Subsidies, Energy Intensity and
                                                       Center (DLR)), Hans Christian Gils             Management Practices
     Cambridge), David Newbery, Giorgio
                                                       Presenter: Hedda Gardian (German               Authors: Helena Schweiger (EBRD),
     Castagneto Gissey
                                                       Aerospace Center (DLR))
     Presenter: Bowei Guo (University of                                                              Alexander Stepanov
     Cambridge)                                                                                       Presenter: Alexander Stepanov (European
                                                       The Pricing of Univariate European Crack       Bank for Reconstruction and Development)
                                                       Spread Option with Jumps
     Scenarios for Decarbonizing an Integrated
                                                       Authors: Lenny Suardi (UNSW), David
     European Energy System - First Results                                                           Long-term and Step-by-step Deep
     From a Top-down-bottom-up Modelling                                                              Renovation Approach: Including Building
                                                       Presenter: Lenny Suardi (UNSW)                 Owners’ Ability to Invest in a Retroffiting
     Authors: Leonard Göke (TU Berlin,                                                                Optimisation Model
     Workgroup for Infrastructure Policy),             Session 1C: Climate I                          Authors: Iná Maia (TU Wien), Andreas
     Claudia Kemfert, Konstantin Löffler, Pao-Yu       (P-217)                                        Müller, Lukas Kranzl
     Oei, Christian von Hirschhausen                                                                  Presenter: Iná Maia (TU Wien)
     Presenter: Leonard Göke (TU Berlin,               Chair: Eirik Schroeder Amundsen
     Workgroup for Infrastructure Policy)              (University of Bergen)                         Endogenous Energy Efficiency Improvement
                                                                                                      of Large-Scale Refurbishment in the Swiss
     Equilibrium Forward Premium and Optimal           Navigating Various Flexibility Mechanisms      Residential Building Stock
     Hedging in Electricity Markets With Green         Under European Burden-sharing                  Authors: Sergey Arzoyan (EPFL),
     and Brown Producers                               Authors: Marc Vielle (EPFL - LEURE)            Marc VIELLE, Quirin Oberpiller, Michel
     Authors: Shanshan Yuan (Carlos Iii                Presenter: Marc Vielle (EPFL - LEURE)          Zimmermann
     University in Madrid), Juan Ignacio Peña                                                         Presenter: Sergey Arzoyan (EPFL)
     Presenter: Shanshan Yuan (Carlos Iii              Fossil Fuel Subsidies and the Paris
     University in Madrid)                             Agreement                                      Session 1E: Renewables I
                                                       Authors: Sebastian Rausch (ETH Zurich),        - Wind
     Pass-through of CO2 Emission Costs to the         Jan Schneider
     Italian Electricity Price in the Third Phase of   Presenter: Jan Schneider (ETH Zurich)          (P-216)
     EU-ETS: A VECM Analysis
     Authors: Fulvio Fontini (University of            Analysing Transfer Flows of the Swiss          Chair: Jaroslav Knápek
     Padova), Massimiliano Caporin, Samuele            Emission Trading Registry: What Can We         (Czech Technical University in Prague,
     Segato                                            Learn About the Carbon Market Under the        Faculty of Electrical Engineering)
     Presenter: Fulvio Fontini (University of          Kyoto Protocol?
     Padova)                                           Authors: Regina Betz (Center for Energy        Benefits of Spatial Integration: Optimal
                                                       and the Environment, ZHAW)                     Allocation of Wind Capacity in Europe
                                                                                                      According To Modern Portfolio Theory
     Session 1B: Energy Modelling I                    Presenter: Regina Betz (Center for Energy
                                                                                                      Authors: Javier López Prol (Wegener Center
                                                       and the Environment, ZHAW)
     (P-021)                                                                                          for Climate and Global Change, University
                                                       Climate Change - a Challenge for the Grid?     of Graz),
     Chair: Lisa Ryan (UCD)                                                                           Fernando De Llano Paz, Anxo Calvo Silvosa,
                                                       – Results from an Economic Model for
                                                       Germany                                        Sungmin O
     Reliability Based Design Approach to                                                             Presenter: Javier López Prol (Wegener
                                                       Authors: Ulrike Lehr (Institute for Economic
     Stochastic Supply Planning Including                                                             Center for Climate and Global Change,
                                                       Structures research (GWS)),
     Renewable Energy Sources                                                                         University of Graz)
                                                       Markus Flaute, Lara Ahmann
     Authors: Matthias Ondra (Vienna University
                                                       Presenter: Ulrike Lehr (Institute for
     of Technology)
     Presenter: Matthias Ondra (Vienna
                                                       Structures research (GWS))
     University of Technology)
The Effect of Offshore Wind Capacity          Economically, Do Environmentally Regulated     Session 2B: Flexibility &                       15
Expansion on Uncertainties in Germany’s       Firms Perform Worse? Evidence from the         Storage I - Demand Response
Day-Ahead Wind Energy Forecasts               German Manufacturing Sector
Authors: David Schönheit (TU Dresden,         Authors: Maja Zarkovic (University of Basel)   (P-021)
Lehrstuhl für Energiewirtschaft), Dominik     Presenter: Maja Zarkovic (University of
Möst                                          Basel)                                         Chair: Fulvio Fontini (University of Padova)
Presenter: David Schönheit (TU Dresden,
Lehrstuhl für Energiewirtschaft)              Electric Vehicles and Consumer Choices         Adjusting or Shifting? - The Economic
                                              Authors: Filip Mandys (University of Surrey)   Differences Between Demand Response and
Managing Spatial Sustainability Trade-offs:   Presenter: Filip Mandys (University of         Energy Storages in a Long-run Equilibrium
The Case of Wind Power                        Surrey)                                        Model
Authors: Paul Lehmann (University of                                                         Authors: Amelie Sitzmann
Leipzig/UFZ), Erik Gawel, Charlotte Geiger,   Model Based Dispatch Optimisation for          (Energiewirtschaftliches Institut an der
Jennifer Hauck, Jan-Niklas Meier, Philip      Residential Districts – Analysing the          Universität zu Köln gGmbH), Martin
Tafarte, Daniela Thrän, Elisabeth Wolfram     Integration of Electricity Storage Systems     Hintermayer
Presenter: Paul Lehmann (University of        and Their Environmental Impact                 Presenter: Amelie Sitzmann
Leipzig/UFZ)                                  Authors: Steffen Lewerenz (Pforzheim           (Energiewirtschaftliches Institut an der
                                              University)                                    Universität zu Köln gGmbH)
The Dynamics of Renewable Energy              Presenter: Steffen Lewerenz (Pforzheim
Investment Risk: a Comparative Assessment     University)                                    Simulation-supported Quantification of
of Solar PV and Onshore Wind Investments                                                     Demand Response Actions Applied in a
in Germany, Italy, and the UK                                                                Block of Residential Buildings
Authors: Florian Egli (ETH Zürich)            2A - 2G                                        Authors: Xiubei Ge (EIFER - European
                                                                                             Institute for Energy Research), Enrique
Presenter: Florian Egli (ETH Zürich)
                                              4:30 pm to 6:00 pm                             Kremers, Malcolm Yadack
                                                                                             Presenter: Xiubei Ge (EIFER - European
Session 1F: Natural Gas                                                                      Institute for Energy Research)
(P-127)                                       Session 2A: Electricity I
                                              - Capacities                                   Swarm Demand Response: Virtual Storage
Chair: Atanas Georgiev                                                                       by Small Consumers
(Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”)
                                                                                             Authors: Joachim Geske (Imperial College
                                              Chair: Jean-Michel Glachant (Florence          London)
Natural Gas Market Globalization Revisited                                                   Presenter: Joachim Geske (Imperial College
                                              School of Regulation)
Authors: Evangelos Kyritsis (VATT), Anne                                                     London)
                                              Evaluation of the Need for Capacity
Presenter: Evangelos Kyritsis (VATT)                                                         Disruption and Collaboration: the Growth
                                              Remuneration Mechnanisms: Impact of
                                              Design Parameters and Key Assumptions          Strategies for Demand Response Business
Oil and Gas Development on Private Land:                                                     Models in Finland
                                              Authors: Kris Poncelet (KU Leuven), Steffen
Landowner Absenteeism and Willingness to                                                     Authors: Hanna-Liisa Kangas (Finnish
                                              Kaminski, Erik Delarue
Lease                                                                                        Environment Institute SYKE), Salvatore
                                              Presenter: Steffen Kaminski (KU Leuven)
Authors: Claudia Hitaj (USDA Economic                                                        Ruggiero, Tiina Ohrling, Salla Annala
Research Service), Daniel Bigelow, Rebecca                                                   Presenter: Hanna-Liisa Kangas (Finnish
                                              The Future of Capacity Remunerations
Hernandez                                                                                    Environment Institute SYKE)
                                              Mechanisms in the EU
Presenter: Claudia Hitaj (USDA Economic
                                              Authors: Giuseppe Franco Ferrari (studio
Research Service)
                                              legale), Íñigo del Guayo                       Session 2C: Energy Policy I
Natural Gas Involvement in China’s Energy
                                              Presenter: Íñigo del Guayo (University of      - Renewable Support Policies
Transition                                                                                   (P-217)
Authors: Silvana Mima (CNRS), Olga
                                              Strategic Reserve for Switzerland: Is it
Garanina                                                                                     Chair: Ivan Diaz-Rainey
                                              Needed and (how) Would it Work?
Presenter: Olga Garanina (Graduate School                                                    (University of Otago)
                                              Authors: Moritz Schillinger (University of
of Management, St Petersburg University)
                                              Basel), Jonas Savelsberg, Hannes Weigt,
                                                                                             Economic Analysis of Energy vs. Capacity
                                              Ingmar Schlecht
The Strategy Analysis of Liquefied Natural                                                   Focused Renewable Support Policies for the
                                              Presenter: Moritz Schillinger (University of
Gas Security in Taiwan                                                                       2030 EU Power Market
Authors: Kuei-Lan Chou (Industrial                                                           Authors: Ozge Ozdemir (PBL Netherlands
Technology Research Institute)                                                               Environmental Assessment Agency),
                                              Relevance and Potential for Industrial On-
Presenter: Kuei-Lan Chou (Industrial                                                         Benjamin F. Hobbs, Marit van Hout, Paul
                                              site Electricity Generation on a European
Technology Research Institute)                                                               Koutstaal
                                                                                             Presenter: Ozge Ozdemir (PBL Netherlands
                                              Authors: Patrick Dossow
Session 1G: Best Student                                                                     Environmental Assessment Agency)
                                              (Forschungsgesellschaft für
Paper Award                                   Energiewirtschaft mbH (FfE)), Serafin von
                                                                                             How not to Design Renewable Energy
(P-126)                                       Roon, Timo Kern, Andrej Guminski
                                                                                             Auctions: Endogenous Rationing
                                              Presenter: Patrick Dossow
                                                                                             Authors: Ann-Katrin Hanke (Karlsruhe
Chair: Massimo Filippini                      (Forschungsgesellschaft für
                                                                                             Institute of Technology), Karl-Martin Ehrhart
(ETH Zürich & Università della Svizzera       Energiewirtschaft mbH (FfE))
                                                                                             Presenter: Ann-Katrin Hanke (Karlsruhe
Italiana)                                                                                    Institute of Technology)

Germany’s Market Transparency Unit for                                                       Comparing Second-best Strategies to
Fuels: Fostering Collusion or Competition?                                                   Manage a Spatially Heterogeneous and
Authors: Marco Horvath (RWI - Leibniz                                                        Interacting Externality of RES Development
Institute for Economic Research)                                                             Authors: Charlotte Geiger (Leipzig
Presenter: Marco Horvath (RWI - Leibniz                                                      University), Paul Lehmann
Institute for Economic Research)                                                             Presenter: Charlotte Geiger (Leipzig

     Monday, 26th of August

     The End of the Beginning: Evolution of the    Meta-Analysis of Country-Specific Energy        Session 2G: Transportation I
     French Large-Scale Renewable Electricity      Scenario Studies for Neighbouring Countries     - Low Carbon Future
     Supply Support Scheme                         of Germany
     Authors: Arash Farnoosh (IFPEN (IFP           Authors: Soner Candas (Technical University     (P-126)
     School))                                      of Munich), Andrej Guminski, Claudia
     Presenter: Arash Farnoosh (IFPEN (IFP         Fiedler, Christoph Pellinger, Clara Luisa       Chair: Gurkan Kumbaroglu
     School))                                      Orthofer                                        (Bogazici University)
                                                   Presenter: Soner Candas (Technical
                                                                                                   A Low Carbon Future of Transport in Ireland:
     Session 2D: Household                         University of Munich)
                                                                                                   an Approach with an Integrated Transport
     Behaviour I                                   Phasing Out Nuclear- policies in Germany        Model Coupling with Computer General
     (P-128)                                       and Europe                                      Equilibrium Model
                                                   Authors: Hermann-Josef Wagner (Ruhr-            Authors: Shiyu Yan (Economics and Social
     Chair: Souvik Datta                           Universitaet Bochum, LEE)                       Research Institute (ESRI) (Ireland)), Kelly de
     (Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz)              Presenter: Hermann-Josef Wagner (Ruhr-          Bruin, Emer Dennehy
                                                   Universitaet Bochum, LEE)                       Presenter: Shiyu Yan (Economics and Social
     Home Energy Audits: What Can We Learn                                                         Research Institute (ESRI) (Ireland))
     from a Field Experiment?                      Revisiting the Oil Price-Macroeconomy
     Authors: Nina Boogen (ETH Zurich), Claudio    Relationship in the US: The Role of Model       Estimating the Spatial Effects of CO2
     Daminato, Massimo Filippini, Adrian Obrist    Specification and Sample Period                 Emission Control Policy in the Transportation
     Presenter: Nina Boogen (ETH Zurich)           Authors: Erkal Ersoy (Heriot-Watt               Sector Among U.S. States
                                                   University)                                     Authors: DooHwan Won (Pusan National
     Behavioral Anomalies and Energy-related       Presenter: Erkal Ersoy (Heriot-Watt             University), Jaewon Lim, Sandy Dall’erba
     Individual Choices: the Role of Status-quo    University)                                     Presenter: DooHwan Won (Pusan National
     Bias                                                                                          University)
     Authors: Julia Blasch (Vrije Universiteit
     Amsterdam), Claudio Daminato
                                                   Session 2F: Oil                                 The Role of Gas in Cost-Effective Green
     Presenter: Julia Blasch (Vrije Universiteit   (P-127)                                         Transport Transitions – a Whole Energy
     Amsterdam)                                                                                    Systems Modelling Assessment Applied To
                                                   Chair: Kostas Andriosopoulos                    Denmark
     Household Preferences for Load Restrictions   (ESCP Europe Business School)                   Authors: Erik Ahlgren (Chalmers Univ
     – is there an Effect of Pro-Environmental                                                     Technology), Dejene Hagos
     Framing?                                      Low Oil Investments and Emergence of            Presenter: Erik Ahlgren (Chalmers Univ
     Authors: Lars Persson (Umeå University),      Climate Risk: the End is Now or Just Business   Technology)
     Thomas Broberg, Aemiro Daniel                 Cycle as Usual?
     Presenter: Lars Persson (Umeå University)     Authors: Sindre Lorentzen (University of        Clean Sky-technology Diffusion Modeling
                                                   Stavanger), Petter Osmundsen                    for a Better Understanding of the Air
     Developing a Consumer Model of                Presenter: Sindre Lorentzen (University of      Transportation Future
     Opportunity                                   Stavanger)                                      Authors: Xueying Liu (Institute for Future
     Authors: Cordelia Frings (University of                                                       Energy Consumer Needs and Behavior, E.ON
     Cologne, Chair of Energy Economics),          Oil and Gas Investments: Effect of Oil Price    Energy Research Center, RWTH Aachen
     Broghan Helgeson                              Fluctuations                                    University), Reinhard Madlener
     Presenter: Cordelia Frings (University of     Authors: Bård Misund (University of             Presenter: Xueying Liu (Institute for Future
     Cologne, Chair of Energy Economics)           Stavanger), Petter Osmundsen                    Energy Consumer Needs and Behavior, E.ON
                                                   Presenter: Bård Misund (University of           Energy Research Center, RWTH Aachen
                                                   Stavanger)                                      University)
     Session 2E: Country Studies I
     (P-216)                                       Dynamic Relationship Between CDS Premia
                                                   Volatility and Oil Shocks.
     Chair: Georg Erdmann (TU Berlin)              Authors: Ibrahima Bah (University of
                                                   Montpellier 1)
     Environmental Impacts of Germany’s Future     Presenter: Ibrahima Bah (University of
     Energy System                                 Montpellier 1)
     Authors: Christiane Reinert (RWTH Aachen
     University), Nils Baumgärtner, Sarah Deutz,   Oil Price Shocks and Cost of Debt - Evidence
     André Bardow                                  from U.S. Oil Firms
     Presenter: Christiane Reinert (RWTH Aachen    Authors: Johannes Lips (Justus-Liebig
     University)                                   University), Christoph Funk, Karol Kempa
                                                   Presenter: Christoph Funk (Macquarie

Tuesday, 27th of August

3A - 3G                                        Evaluation of Peer-to-Peer Electricity
                                               Sharing in Prosumer Communities
                                                                                               Session 3D: Household
                                                                                               Behaviour II
11:00 am to 12:30 pm                           Authors: Mahdi Karami (RWTH Aachen
                                               University, EON ERC), Reinhard Madlener         (P-128)
                                               Presenter: Mahdi Karami (RWTH Aachen
Session 3A: Energy Markets II                  University, EON ERC)                            Chair: Elena Fumagalli
                                                                                               (Copernicus Institute of Sustainable
- Market Integration                                                                           Development, Utrecht University)
                                               Is Sector Coupling a Well-Defined Strategy?
                                               Authors: Jasmine Ramsebner (EEG TU
                                               Wien), Reinhard Haas                            Social Norms and the Residential Electricity
Chair: Ingela Tietze (Pforzheim University)                                                    Mix
                                               Presenter: Jasmine Ramsebner (EEG TU
                                               Wien)                                           Authors: Joëlle Velvart (University of Basel)
Integrating European Electricity Markets –                                                     Presenter: Joëlle Velvart (University of
What Impact for Consumers and Producers?                                                       Basel)
                                               The Influence of Energy Prosumers’
Authors: Lisa Ryan (UCD), Ewa Lazarczyk,
                                               Arbitrage Strategy on Power System
Guneet Kaur                                                                                    Individuals’ Preferences, Displacement
                                               Flexibility: A Game Theoretic Approach
Presenter: Lisa Ryan (UCD)                                                                     Effects of Pollution Costs and the EKC Curve:
                                               Authors: Donghoon Ryu (Hanyang
                                               University), Jinsoo Kim                         an Empirical Investigation
Electricity Market Integration in North                                                        Authors: Marco Baudino (Université Côte
                                               Presenter: Donghoon Ryu (Hanyang
America: A Quantitative Analysis for                                                           d’Azur, CNRS-GREDEG)
Transmission and Generation Planning                                                           Presenter: Marco Baudino (Université Côte
Authors: Elmar Zozmann (Workgroup                                                              d’Azur, CNRS-GREDEG)
for Infrastructure Policy / TU Berlin),        Session 3C: Energy Policy II
Citlali Lizbeth Rodriguez del Angel, Theo      - Carbon Markets                                Attitudes to Renewable Energy
Schönfisch, Andrea Ruíz López                  (P-217)                                         Technologies: A Survey of Irish Households
Presenter: Elmar Zozmann (Workgroup for                                                        Authors: Sanghamitra C. Mukherjee
Infrastructure Policy / TU Berlin)             Chair: Richard Green                            (University College Dublin)
                                               (Imperial College Business School)              Presenter: Sanghamitra C. Mukherjee
Is the U.S. Natural Gas Market Integrated or                                                   (University College Dublin)
Segmented? A Dynamic Study of Regional         Assessing Shocks and Overlapping Policies
Natural Gas Prices                             in the EU ETS – Can the Reform Live up to its   Session 3E: Renewables II
Authors: Hayette Gatfaoui (IÉSEG School of     Promises?
Management)                                                                                    - Solar
                                               Authors: Lukas Schmidt (Insitute of Energy
Presenter: Hayette Gatfaoui (IÉSEG School      Economics (EWI) at the University of            (P-216)
of Management)                                 Cologne), Martin Hintermayer
                                               Presenter: Lukas Schmidt (Insitute of Energy    Chair: Regina Betz
Uncertainty in Integrated Electricty and Gas   Economics (EWI) at the University of            (Center for Energy and the Environment,
Markets – Analysing the Economic Impact        Cologne)                                        ZHAW)
Authors: Thomas Möbius (BTU Cottbus-
Senftenberg), Iegor Riepin, Felix Müsgens      Welfare Distribution Effects of Introducing a   Model-based Assessment of Concentrated
Presenter: Thomas Möbius (BTU Cottbus-         Multicountry Carbon Price Floor in the 2030     Solar Power in Spain: A Case Study Analysis
Senftenberg)                                   EU Power System                                 Authors: Franziska Schöniger (Energy
                                               Authors: Marit van Hout (PBL), Ozge             Economics Group, TU Vienna)
Session 3B: Flexibility &                      Ozdemir, Paul Koutstaal                         Presenter: Franziska Schöniger (Energy
                                                                                               Economics Group, TU Vienna)
Storage II                                     Presenter: Marit van Hout (PBL)
(P-021)                                                                                        An Economical Analysis on the Installation
                                               The Reformed EU ETS - Intertemporal
                                               Emission Trading with Restricted Banking        of Photovoltaic Cell (PV) and Battery in the
Chair: Reinhard Haas (TU Wien)                                                                 Residential Sector
                                               Authors: Martin Hintermayer (EWI, Institute
                                               of Energy Economics), Johanna Bocklet,          Authors: Yoshiki Ogawa (Toyo University)
Local Flexibility Markets in Smart Cities:                                                     Presenter: Yoshiki Ogawa (Toyo University)
                                               Lukas Schmidt, Theresa Wildgrube
Interactions Between Positive Energy Blocks
                                               Presenter: Martin Hintermayer (EWI,
Authors: Stian Backe (The Norwegian                                                            Short-term Photovoltaic Power Forecasting:
                                               Institute of Energy Economics)
University of Science and Technology),                                                         A Statistical Approach
Pedro Crespo del Granado, Güray Kara                                                           Authors: Dragana Nikodinoska (BTU
                                               Carbon Leakages: Towards Tailored Policies
Presenter: Stian Backe (The Norwegian                                                          Cottbus-Senftenberg: FG Energiewirtschaft)
                                               to Reduce Emissions Embodied in the EU
University of Science and Technology)                                                          Presenter: Dragana Nikodinoska (BTU
                                               Petrochemical Sector
                                               Authors: Michel Zimmermann (École               Cottbus-Senftenberg: FG Energiewirtschaft)
                                               Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne),
                                               Vincent Moreau
                                               Presenter: Michel Zimmermann (École
                                               Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne)

     Tuesday, 27th of August

     Integrating Solar Photovoltaics into           Session 3G: Transportation II                    Energy and Reserve Markets: In(ter)
     Singapore’s Long-Term Energy Technology        - Electric Vehicles                              dependent in a High-RES World
     Portfolio                                                                                       Authors: Kenneth Van den Bergh (KU
     Authors: Anthony Owen (Energy Studies          (P-126)                                          Leuven), Erik Delarue
     Institute, National University of Singapore)                                                    Presenter: Kenneth Van den Bergh (KU
     Presenter: Anthony Owen (Energy Studies        Chair: Erik Ahlgren                              Leuven)
     Institute, National University of Singapore)   (Chalmers Univ Technology)
                                                                                                     Impact of Renewable Auctions on Renewable
                                                    Coping with Uncertainties Induced by Battery
     Session 3F: Nuclear Power                      Electric Driven Vehicles in Distribution Grids
                                                                                                     Energy Promotion taking the Spatial
                                                                                                     Dimension into Account
     (P-127)                                        Authors: Roland Broll (Universität Duisburg-     Authors: Siamak Sheykhha (E.ON ERC),
                                                    Essen), Paul Baginski, Christoph Weber           Reinhard Madlener, Frieder Borggrefe
     Chair: Christian von Hirschhausen              Presenter: Roland Broll (Universität             Presenter: Siamak Sheykhha (E.ON ERC)
     (TU Berlin / DIW Berlin)                       Duisburg-Essen)
                                                                                                     Offshore vs. Onshore Wind Energy: Effects of
     “Nuclear Diplomacy” - State of the Art of      Good Chargers? The Impact of Electric            the Technological Capacity Mix on Regional
     Nuclear Power Plants Exports and some          Vehicle Density on Local Grid Costs              Market Values in Germany
     Econometric Analysis                           Authors: Paal Wangsness (Institute of            Authors: Manuel Eising (EIFER - European
     Authors: Christian von Hirschhausen (TU        Transport Economics), Askill Halse               Institute for Energy Research), Hannes
     Berlin / DIW Berlin), Anne Neumann, Lars       Presenter: Paal Wangsness (Institute of          Hobbie, Dominik Möst
     Sorge                                          Transport Economics)                             Presenter: Manuel Eising (EIFER - European
     Presenter: Christian von Hirschhausen (TU
                                                                                                     Institute for Energy Research)
     Berlin / DIW Berlin)                           Generation Z Ready to Embrace the Electric
                                                    Vehicle Revolution? Predictors of Electric
     Cost Estimates and Economics of Nuclear        Vehicle Adoption by Young and Older Adults       Session 4B:
     Power Plant Newbuild: Literature Survey and    in Austria                                       Energy Modelling II
     Some Modelling Analysis                        Authors: Paula Brezovec (Alpen-Adria-            (P-021)
     Authors: Simon Bauer (Technische               University Klagenfurt), Nina Hampl, Robert
     Universität Berlin), Ben Wealer, Christian     Sposato                                          Chair: David Broadstock
     von Hirschhausen, Claudia Kemfert              Presenter: Paula Brezovec (Alpen-Adria-          (Hong Kong Polytechnic University)
     Presenter: Simon Bauer (Technische             University Klagenfurt)
     Universität Berlin)                                                                             Integrating Energy System Modelling
                                                    Analysis of CO2 Emission Reduction and           and Life Cycle Assessment for both Cost
     The Economics of Radioactive Waste             Energy Interactions in Turkey Via Genetic        and Environmental Optimisation of a
     Management - Status Quo, Lessons Learned       Algorithm and Buems-macro for Electric           Decentralised Regional Energy System
     and Policy Perspectives                        Vehicles                                         Authors: Lukas Lazar (Pforzheim University),
     Authors: Ben Wealer (TU Berlin and DIW         Authors: Cem Tiranlar (Bogazici University)      Ingela Tietze
     Berlin), Christian von Hirschhausen            Presenter: Cem Tiranlar (Bogazici University)    Presenter: Lukas Lazar (Pforzheim
     Presenter: Ben Wealer (TU Berlin and DIW                                                        University)

     The Relationship between Nuclear Power
                                                    4A - 4G                                          Methodological Analysis of Investment
                                                                                                     Decision Making Algorithms in Long-term
     and Military Expenditures: A Panel Data        4:00 pm to 5:30 pm                               Agent-based Electricity Market Models
     Analysis                                                                                        Authors: Zhenmin Tao (KU Leuven), Jorge
     Authors: Lars Sorge (DIW Berlin and TU                                                          Moncada, Kris Poncelet, Erik Delarue
     Berlin)                                        Session 4A: Energy Markets III
                                                                                                     Presenter: Zhenmin Tao (KU Leuven)
     Presenter: Lars Sorge (DIW Berlin and TU       - Energy & Capacity Markets
     Berlin)                                        (P-019)                                          Economic Evaluation of Energy Resilience in
                                                                                                     a Virtual Power Plant
                                                    Chair: Reinhard Madlener                         Authors: Felipe Sabadini (RWTH), Reinhard
                                                    (RWTH Aachen University, FCN-E.ON ERC)           Madlener
                                                                                                     Presenter: Felipe Sabadini (RWTH)
                                                    Analyzing the Effects of European Co-
                                                    Optimized Day-Ahead Energy and Reserve           Shaping Social Acceptance of Energy
                                                    Market Coupling                                  Projects
                                                    Authors: Emily Little (RTE), Marco Schudel       Authors: Mathilde Tessier (MINES ParisTech),
                                                    Presenter: Emily Little (RTE)                    Sandrine Selosse
                                                                                                     Presenter: Mathilde Tessier (MINES
Session 4C: Climate II                         4E: Country Studies II                          Session 4G (Special Session):                    19
(P-217)                                        (P-216)                                         Revealing Trajectories
                                                                                               Towards a Sustainable Energy
Chair: Yukari Niwa Yamashita                   Chair: Jacek Kamiński
(Institute of Energy Economics, Japan)         (Mineral and Energy Economy Research
                                               Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences)    (P-126)
Evaluations on Consumption-Based CO2
Emissions in Europe                            The Arctic and Siberia as Megaregions in the    Chair: Eyjolfur Ingi Asgeirsson
Authors: Takashi Homma (Research Institute     Period of Global Climate Warming: Economic      (Reykjavik University)
of Innovative Technology for the Earth         and Geopolitical Perspectives
(RITE)), Shuning Chen, Junichiro Oda, Keigo    Authors: Vladimir Suprun (Foundation for        Introduction: Methodological Overview
Akimoto                                        socio-prognostics research “Trends”)            and Past Development Trajectories of the
Presenter: Takashi Homma (Research             Presenter: Vladimir Suprun (Foundation for      Icelandic Energy System: Lessons for the
Institute of Innovative Technology for the     socio-prognostics research “Trends”)            Future
Earth (RITE))                                                                                  Authors: Brynhildur Davidsdottir (University
                                               Benefits and Costs of Conventional and          of Iceland)
Prediction the CO2 Emissions of China and      Renewable Power Sector in Siberia               Presenter: Brynhildur Davidsdottir
Identify its Drivers                           Authors: Natalya Gorbacheva (The Institute      (University of Iceland)
Authors: Zhili Zuo (China University of        of Economics and Industrial Engineering
Geosciences(Wuhan))                            within the Siberian Branch of the Russian       Implications of Fiscal-induced Electro-
Presenter: Zhili Zuo (China University of      Academy of Sciences)                            mobility Transition on Iceland’s Energy-
Geosciences(Wuhan))                            Presenter: Natalya Gorbacheva (The              economic System
                                               Institute of Economics and Industrial           Authors: Ehsan Shafiei (Finnish Environment
Low Carbon Strategic Analysis of Taiwan’s      Engineering within the Siberian Branch of       Institute), Brynhildur Davidsdottir, Hlynur
Industrial Sector                              the Russian Academy of Sciences)                Stefansson, Eyjolfur Ingi Asgeirsson, Reza
Authors: Wei-Chen Liao (Institute of Nuclear                                                   Fazeli, Jonathan Leaver
Energy Research), Fu-Kuang Ko                  Renewable Electricity Energy Policies: Case     Presenter: Ehsan Shafiei (Finnish
Presenter: Fu-Kuang Ko (Institute of Nuclear   of Turkey                                       Environment Institute)
Energy Research)                               Authors: Kemal Sarica (Işık University), Esin
                                               Tetik Kollugil                                  Modelling Geothermal Resource Utilization
Blockchain in the Energy Industry –            Presenter: Kemal Sarica (Işık University)       By Incorporating Resource Dynamics,
Comprehensive Analysis of Potential Use                                                        Capacity Expansion, and Development Costs
Cases                                          Market Design of an Energy Exchange: The        Authors: Nathalie Spittler (University of
Authors: Michael Hinterstocker (FfE            Case of Greece                                  Iceland/ University of Clermont Auvergne),
GmbH), Alexander Bogensperger, Andreas         Authors: Filippos Ioannidis (Aristotle          Ehsan Shafiei, Brynhildur Davidsdottir
Zeiselmair, Christa Dufter, Serafin von Roon   University of Thessaloniki), Kostas             Presenter: Nathalie Spittler (University of
Presenter: Michael Hinterstocker (FfE          Andriosopoulos, Kyriaki Kosmidou, Georgia       Iceland/ University of Clermont Auvergne)
GmbH)                                          Makridou
                                               Presenter: Filippos Ioannidis (Aristotle        Stakeholder Engagement for the
                                                                                               Development of Indicators for Sustainable
Session 4D: Energy                             University of Thessaloniki)
                                                                                               Energy Development
Efficiency II                                                                                  Authors: Ingunn Gunnarsdottir (University
(P-128)                                        4F: Coal and Nuclear                            of Iceland), Brynhildur Davidsdottir
                                               Phase-Out                                       Presenter: Ingunn Gunnarsdottir (University
Chair: Mona Chitnis (University of Surrey)     (P-127)                                         of Iceland)

Usage Disaggregation of Smart Meter Data       Chair: Andreas Loeschel                         Identifying Robust Development Trajectories
of Japanese Commercial Customers Using         (University of Muenster)                        for the Icelandic Energy Systems Towards
Random Forest Regression                                                                       Carbon Neutrality Using MCDA
Authors: Minao Watanabe (The University of     Can We Phase-Out All of Them? How Market        Authors: Reza Fazeli (University of
Aizu), Kenta Ofuji                             Interventions Impact Security of Electricity    Iceland), Bjarnhéðinn Guðlaugsson, Ingunn
Presenter: Minao Watanabe (The University      Supply in Germany                               Gunnarsdottir, Brynhildur Davidsdottir,
of Aizu)                                       Authors: Lars Nolting (RWTH Aachen              Ehsan Shafiei
                                               University), Aaron Praktiknjo                   Presenter: Reza Fazeli (University of Iceland)
Conveyance, Envy, and Home-Owners              Presenter: Lars Nolting (RWTH Aachen
Adoption of Energy-Efficient Appliances        University)
Authors: Joachim Schleich (Grenoble Ecole
de Management), Corinne Faure, Marie-          A Multi-criteria, Multi-actor Approach to
Charlotte Guetlein, Gengyang Tu                Germany’s Coal Phase Out: Contrasting Short
Presenter: Joachim Schleich (Grenoble Ecole    With Long Term Phase Out Options
de Management)                                 Authors: Christopher Ball
                                               (Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH), Stefan
Energy Efficiency and Institutional Quality:   Voegele
The Role of Energy Efficiency Governance       Presenter: Christopher Ball
Authors: Josue Barrera Santana (University     (Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH)
of La Laguna), Gustavo A. Marrero Díaz,
Francisco J. Ramos Real                        Coal Phase-out Implications for Steam Coal
Presenter: Josue Barrera Santana (University   Producers: The Risk of Asset Stranding
of La Laguna)                                  Authors: Christian Hauenstein (TU Berlin),
                                               Roman Mendelevitch, Franziska Holz
Analyzing Heterogeneity among Residential      Presenter: Christian Hauenstein (TU Berlin)
Energy Consumers in Slovenia: is there Room
for Energy Efficiency?                         Assessing Coal Plant Exit Trajectories for
Authors: Janez Dolšak (University of           Australia
Ljubljana, School of Economics and             Authors: Frank Jotzo (Australian National
Business), Nevenka Hrovatin, Jelena Zorić      University), Salim Mazouz
Presenter: Janez Dolšak (University of         Presenter: Frank Jotzo (Australian National
Ljubljana, School of Economics and             University)

     Wednesday, 28th of August

     5A - 5G                                        The Value of Intraday Electricity Trading
                                                    – Evaluating Opportunity Costs of Units
                                                                                                   Prices vs. Percentages: Use of Tradable
                                                                                                   Green Certificates as an Instrument of
     9:00 am to 10:30 am                            Distributing on Local Flexibility Markets
                                                    Authors: Timo Kern (Forschungsgesellschaft
                                                                                                   Greenhouse Gas Mitigation
                                                                                                   Authors: Arild Heimvik (University of
                                                    für Energiewirtschaft mbH), Serafin von Roon   Bergen, department of Economics), Eirik S.
     Session 5A: Electricity II                     Presenter: Timo Kern                           Amundsen
     (P-019)                                        (Forschungsgesellschaft für                    Presenter: Arild Heimvik (University of
                                                    Energiewirtschaft mbH)                         Bergen, department of Economics)
     Chair: Moritz Nobis
     (RWTH Aachen University)                       Local Energy Sharing Considering Different
                                                    Technologies, Individual Preferences, and
                                                                                                   Session 5D: Household
     Optimizing Congestion Management by            Contributions                                  Behaviour III
     Integrating Redispatch into the Day-ahead      Authors: Theresia Perger (Vienna University    (P-128)
     Market                                         of Technology), Hans Auer
     Authors: Ksenia Poplavskaya (AIT Austrian      Presenter: Theresia Perger (Vienna             Chair: Nina Boogen (ETH Zurich)
     Institute of Technology / TU Delft), Gerhard   University of Technology)
     Totschnig, Fabian Leimgruber, Laurens de                                                      An Examination of Domestic Appliance
     Vries, Gerard Doorman                          On the Characterization and Evaluation of      Curtailment Contracts
     Presenter: Ksenia Poplavskaya (AIT Austrian    Flexibilities in Energy Management Systems     Authors: William Brazil (Economic and
     Institute of Technology / TU Delft)            Authors: Carlo Corinaldesi (Technische         Social Research Institute), Jason Harold,
                                                    Universität Wien), Daniel Schwabeneder,        John Curtis
     The Role of Frequency Regulation with High-    Andreas Fleischhacker, Georg Lettner           Presenter: William Brazil (Economic and
     Penetration of Renewable Energy Sources        Presenter: Carlo Corinaldesi (Technische       Social Research Institute)
     Authors: Claudio Agostini (Universidad         Universität Wien)
     Adolfo Ibanez), Shahriyar Nasirov, Carlos                                                     Preferences for Environmentally Friendly and
     Silva, Franco Armijo                                                                          Unfriendly Measures to Control the Climate at
                                                    Session 5C: Energy Policy III                  Home: a Stated Choice Analysis for Germany
     Presenter: Claudio Agostini (Universidad
     Adolfo Ibanez)
                                                    - Carbon Tax & Decarbonization                 Authors: Moritz König (University of Kassel),
                                                    (P-217)                                        Andreas Ziegler, Victor von Loessl , Claudia
     The “Current” Battle of the Currents: AC vs.                                                  Schwirplies
     DC – An Applied Lock-in- and System-Good       Chair: Frank Jotzo                             Presenter: Moritz König (University of
     Economics Approach                             (Australian National University)               Kassel)
     Authors: Florian Weiß (TU Berlin), Christian
     von Hirschhausen, Raluca Dumitrescu,           Tax or Turn Off: That is the Question          Optimization of Behaviors by IoT for Energy
     Daniel Phillip                                 Some insights in Power Sector Emissions        Efficiency in Smart Buildings
     Presenter: Florian Weiß (TU Berlin)            Reduction Measures’ Effectiveness in a         Authors: Lucas Desport (Mines ParisTech),
                                                    Small, Open Economy                            Sandrine Selosse, Gilles Guerassimoff
     The Impact of Distribution Grid Injection      Authors: Danielle Devogelaer (Federal          Presenter: Lucas Desport (Mines ParisTech)
     Limits on the Investment Strategy of           Planning Bureau)
     Prosumers                                      Presenter: Danielle Devogelaer (Federal        Do Households in Developing Country
     Authors: Chiara Gorrasi (Katholieke            Planning Bureau)                               Choose Energy Efficient Air Conditioner?:
     Universiteit Leuven), Kenneth Bruninx, Erik                                                   Evidence From the Philippines
     Delarue                                        Dosis Facit Effectum Why the Scope of the      Authors: Miwa Nakai (Waseda University),
     Presenter: Chiara Gorrasi (Katholieke          Carbon Tax Matters - Evidence from the         Minoru Morita, Majah-Leah Ravago, Toshi
     Universiteit Leuven)                           Swedish Residential Sector                     Arimura
                                                    Authors: Anita Thonipara (ifh Göttingen        Presenter: Miwa Nakai (Waseda University)
                                                    University of Göttingen)
     Session 5B:
                                                    Presenter: Anita Thonipara (ifh Göttingen
     Energy Modelling III                           University of Göttingen)
                                                    How Effective was the UK Carbon Tax?—A Ma-
     Chair: Hans Auer                               chine Learning Approach to Policy Evaluation
     (Energy Economics Group (EEG))                 Authors: Mirjam Kosch (ZHAW), Jan Abrell
                                                    Presenter: Mirjam Kosch (ZHAW)
     The Impact of Sector Coupling Options
     on Electricity Systems – An Evaluation of
     Different Flexibility Options
     Authors: Mario Kendziorski (Technische
     Universität Berlin), Wolf-Peter Schill
     Presenter: Mario Kendziorski (Technische
     Universität Berlin)
Session 5E: Renewables III                     Session 5G: Energy Markets,                    Session 6B: Flexibility &                       21
- Spatial Capacity Allocation                  Innovation & New                               Storage III
(P-216)                                        Technologies                                   (P-021)
Chair: Shahriyar Nasirov                                                                      Chair: Joachim Geske (Imperial College
(Universidad Adolfo Ibañez)                    Chair: Michael Pollitt                         London)
                                               (University of Cambridge)
Trade-offs Associated with the Spatial                                                        Influence of Electric Vehicle Uptake
Allocation of Future Onshore Wind              Pricing Mechanisms and Market Designs in       on Competitive Dynamics of Storage
Generation Capacity – a Case Study for         Peer-to-Peer Electricity Trading               Technologies in Electricity Sector
Germany                                        Authors: Jens Weibezahn (Technische            Applications
Authors: Philip Tafarte (University of         Universität Berlin), Alexandra Lüth, Jan       Authors: Martin Beuse (ETH Zürich), Bjarne
Leipzig)                                       Martin Zepter, Pedro Crespo del Granado        Steffen, Tobias S. Schmidt
Presenter: Philip Tafarte (University of       Presenter: Jens Weibezahn (Technische          Presenter: Bjarne Steffen (ETH Zurich)
Leipzig)                                       Universität Berlin)
                                                                                              Energy Storage Investment in Switzerland:
Minimum Distances or Economic Siting           Potentials of the Sharing Economy for the      A Household Model Approach Linking Heat
Incentives? – An Ecological-Economic           Electricity Sector Regarding Private Capital   and Electricity
Analysis of Instruments for Governing Future   Involvement and Decarbonisation                Authors: Héctor Antonio Ramírez Molina
Spatial Wind Power Deployment                  Authors: Ingela Tietze (Pforzheim              (University of Basel), Hannes Weigt
Authors: Felix Reutter (Helmholtz Centre for   University), Pia Szichta, Lukas Lazar          Presenter: Héctor Antonio Ramírez Molina
Environmental Research - UFZ)                  Presenter: Ingela Tietze (Pforzheim            (University of Basel)
Presenter: Felix Reutter (Helmholtz Centre     University)
for Environmental Research - UFZ)                                                             From Single Family Buildings to Energy
                                               Innovation in the UK Electricity Supply        Communities - Economic Viability of
Trade-offs between Regionally Equitable and    Industry: Whose – and What – Innovation?       Upscaling Battery Storage Systems
Cost-Efficient Allocation of Decentralized     Authors: Geoffroy Dolphin (University of       Authors: Albert Hiesl (Technische Universität
Renewable Electricity Generation               Cambridge Judge Business School), Michael      Wien)
Authors: Jan-Philipp Sasse (University         Pollitt                                        Presenter: Albert Hiesl (Technische
of Geneva, Renewable Energy Systems),          Presenter: Geoffroy Dolphin (University of     Universität Wien)
Evelina Trutnevyte                             Cambridge Judge Business School)
Presenter: Jan-Philipp Sasse (University of                                                   Pumped Hydro Storage in France: Stand-
Geneva, Renewable Energy Systems)                                                             Alone Market Player, TSO Service Provider or

Potential of Offshore Power-to-gas to
                                               6A - 6G                                        EDF Nuclear Fleet Support
                                                                                              Authors: Corentin Simon (Université de
Compete With Onshore Blue Hydrogen
Authors: Machiel Mulder (University of
                                               11:00 am to 12:30 pm                           Nantes), Rodica Loisel
                                                                                              Presenter: Corentin Simon (Université de
Groningen)                                                                                    Nantes)
Presenter: Machiel Mulder (University of       Session 6A: Energy Markets IV
Groningen)                                     (P-019)                                        Session 6C: Energy Access &
                                               Chair: Lars Bergman
                                                                                              Energy Poverty
Session 5F: Energy Investment                                                                 (P-217)
                                               (Stockholm School of Economics)
& Finance I
(P-127)                                        Real-Time Pricing and Imperfect Competition    Chair: Nevenka Hrovatin
                                               in Electricity Markets                         (University of Ljubljana, School of
Chair: Boyko Nitzov (ACER)                     Authors: Stephen Poletti (University of        Economics and Business)
                                               Auckland), Julian Wright
Acquisitions in Markets with Frictions? The    Presenter: Stephen Poletti (University of      Energy Poverty and Energy Inequality in
German Electricity Distribution Sector         Auckland)                                      Japan: a Direct Measurement Approach
Authors: Dominik Schober (ZEW)                                                                Authors: Shinichiro Okushima (University of
Presenter: Dominik Schober (ZEW)               Non-Linear Demand Curves in Electricity        Tsukuba)
                                               Markets: Impact on Market Power Estimation     Presenter: Shinichiro Okushima (University
Cross-Border Oil and Gas Mergers and           Authors: Yi Wan (Paul Scherrer Institute),     of Tsukuba)
Acquisitions Transactions and its Geography-   Martin Densing
Based Comprehensive Overview                   Presenter: Yi Wan (Paul Scherrer Institute)    Subjective Well-Being and Energy Poverty:
Authors: Sevkat Özgür (University of                                                          New Insights from the Combination of
Vienna), Franz Wirl                            Hedging Instruments in Electricity Markets     Objective and Subjective Indicators
Presenter: Sevkat Özgür (University of         for New Technologies - a Long-Term             Authors: Rinaldo Brau (University of
Vienna)                                        Perspective                                    Cagliari), Erica Delugas
                                               Authors: Helene Linda Huber (University of     Presenter: Rinaldo Brau (University of
The Cost of Debt of Renewable versus Fossil    Vienna - Faculty of Business, Economics and    Cagliari)
Fuel Firms: Evidence from the U.S. Energy      Statistics), Jörn Richstein, Karsten Neuhoff
Sector                                         Presenter: Helene Linda Huber (University of   Paying for Green Energy: The Fiscal
Authors: Karol Kempa (Frankfurt School         Vienna - Faculty of Business, Economics and    Incidence of Renewable Energy Support
of Finance & Management gGmbH), Ulf            Statistics)                                    Mechanisms in the EU
Moslener, Oliver Schenker                                                                     Authors: Lawrence Haar (Oxford Brookes
Presenter: Oliver Schenker (Frankfurt School   Electricity Futures and Stock Market           University), Doctor Laura Haar
of Finance and Management gGmbH)               Response to Electricity Sector Material        Presenter: Lawrence Haar (Oxford Brookes
                                               Disclosures                                    University)
Taxation and Extraction Rates                  Authors: Ivan Diaz-Rainey (University of
Authors: Petter Osmundsen (University of       Otago), Xing Han, Greg Sise
Stavanger), Aksel Hiorth                       Presenter: Ivan Diaz-Rainey (University of
Presenter: Petter Osmundsen (University of     Otago)
22   Lessons From Deploying Large Scale Solar
     Electrification in Bangladesh. Can the Last-
                                                     Hypothetical Green Certificate Program in
                                                     Korea: Application of a Choice Experiment
                                                                                                     7A - 7G
     Mile Become the First?
     Authors: Georg Heinemann (TU Berlin, WIP,
                                                     Authors: Jeonghwan Bae (Chonnam
                                                     National University), Hojeong Park
                                                                                                     1:30 pm to 3:00 pm
     Workgroup for Economic and Infrastructure       Presenter: Jeonghwan Bae (Chonnam
     Policy), Raluca Dumitrescu, Christian von       National University)                            Session 7A: Energy Markets V
     Hirschhausen                                                                                    - Market Design & Trading
     Presenter: Georg Heinemann (TU Berlin,
                                                     Session 6F: Energy Investment                   Arrangements
     WIP, Workgroup for Economic and
     Infrastructure Policy)                          & Finance II                                    (P-019)
                                                                                                     Chair: Carlos Silva (Universidad de Chile)
     Session 6D: Household                           Chair: Simon Cadez (University of Ljubljana)
     Behaviour IV                                                                                    Revising the Trading Arrangements of the
     (P-128)                                         Evaluating the Impacts of Auctions on           Nordic Electricity Market?
                                                     Financing Conditions for Renewable Energy       Authors: Lars Bergman (Stockholm School
     Chair: Claudio Agostini                         Projects                                        of Economics)
     (Universidad Adolfo Ibanez)                     Authors: Mak Dukan (Technical University of     Presenter: Lars Bergman (Stockholm School
                                                     Denmark), Lena Kitzing                          of Economics)
     Residential Energy Efficiency Investment and    Presenter: Mak Dukan (Technical University
     Demand Response under Different Electricity     of Denmark)                                     The Competitive Effect of EU Transparency
     Pricing Schemes: a Hybrid Physical-                                                             Reforms: Evidence from Nord Pool
     Microeconomic Approach                          Rethinking Renewable Energy Auctions:           Authors: Ewa Lazarczyk (Reykjavik
     Authors: Walid Matar (KAPSARC)                  Revenue Stabilisation Instead Of Support        University), Chloe Le Coq
     Presenter: Walid Matar (KAPSARC)                Payments                                        Presenter: Ewa Lazarczyk (Reykjavik
                                                     Authors: Lena Kitzing (Technical University     University)
     Designing Effective and Acceptable              of Denmark), Barbara Breitschopf
     Energy Policies for a Low Carbon Heating        Presenter: Lena Kitzing (Technical University   Proposing a Framework for Cross-Border
     Consumption                                     of Denmark)                                     Electricity Trade in South America
     Authors: Elena López Bernabé (Basque                                                            Authors: Shahriyar Nasirov (Universidad
     Centre for Climate Change (BC3))                Mapping Climate and Energy Finance:             Adolfo Ibañez), Carlos Silva
     Presenter: Elena López Bernabé (Basque          Lessons Learnt from Czechia and Germany         Presenter: Carlos Silva (Universidad de
     Centre for Climate Change (BC3))                Authors: Michaela Valentová (Czech              Chile)
                                                     Technical University in Prague), Aleksandra
     Time to Pick up Pace of Dynamic Electricity     Novikova, Jaroslav Knápek                       Investors’ Perspectives on Factors
     Pricing                                         Presenter: Michaela Valentová (Czech            Influencing Bidder Participation in the
     Authors: Abbas Hussain (Frontier                Technical University in Prague)                 Chilean Energy Auctions
     Economics)                                                                                      Authors: Shahriyar Nasirov (Universidad
     Presenter: Abbas Hussain (Frontier              Pricing of Associated Petroleum Gas,            Adolfo Ibañez), Carlos Silva, Diego Jorreto
     Economics)                                      the Feedstock of GPPs, Considering              Presenter: Shahriyar Nasirov (Universidad
                                                     Environmental Aspects                           Adolfo Ibañez)
     Utilising Applied Behavioural Research to       Authors: Rohollah Mahdavi (Sobhan
     Execute Subsidy Reform in Kuwait                Institution for Energy Studies (SIES)), Ali     Session 7B: Energy
     Authors: Hessah AlOjayan (Kuwait                Taherifardhanjani, Hamed Sahebhonar,            Modelling IV
     University)                                     Mostafa Pourkaveh Dehkordi
     Presenter: Hessah AlOjayan (Kuwait              Presenter: Mostafa Pourkaveh Dehkordi
     University)                                     (ISU)
                                                                                                     Chair: Pantelis Capros (E3MLab)

     Session 6E: Renewables IV                       Session 6G: Transportation III                  Run-Time Reduction for Linear Optimizing
     (P-216)                                         - Policies & Household Choices                  Energy System Models
                                                     (P-126)                                         Authors: Yvonne Scholz (German Aerospace
     Chair: Machiel Mulder                                                                           Center), Karl Kiên Cao, Manuel Wetzel, Kai
     (University of Groningen)                       Chair: Amela Ajanović (TU WIEN)                 von Krbek, Hans Christian Gils, Benjamin
                                                                                                     Fuchs, Frieder Borggrefe
     Measuring Regional Impacts of an Energy         Vehicle Tax Design and Car Purchase             Presenter: Yvonne Scholz (German
     System Transformation - a Contribution to       Choices: A Case Study of Ireland                Aerospace Center)
     Sustainability Analysis                         Authors: Ivan Petrov (University College
     Authors: Philip Ulrich (Institute of Economic   Dublin), Lisa Ryan                              Quantifying The Worst Case Impact Of INC-
     Structures Research (GWS mbH)), Ulrike          Presenter: Ivan Petrov (University College      DEC Gaming on a Redispatch Market
     Lehr                                            Dublin)                                         Authors: Simon Voswinkel (University of
     Presenter: Philip Ulrich (Institute of                                                          Duisburg-Essen)
     Economic Structures Research (GWS mbH))         The Cost of Driving: Choices, Policies          Presenter: Simon Voswinkel (University of
                                                     Authors: Boyko Nitzov (ACER)                    Duisburg-Essen)
     A Version of Net Metering for a Set of          Presenter: Boyko Nitzov (ACER)
     Households after the Feed-in Tariff Regime                                                      Energy System Response to Future
     Authors: Yoshihiro Yamamoto (Takasaki City      The Impact of Preferences and Socio-            Uncertainties
     University of Economics)                        Economic Factors on Households’ Travel          Authors: Sannamari Pilpola (Aalto
     Presenter: Yoshihiro Yamamoto (Takasaki         Mode Choice                                     University), Peter Lund
     City University of Economics)                   Authors: Alessandro Silvestri (Basque           Presenter: Sannamari Pilpola (Aalto
                                                     Centre for Climate Change (BC3)), Sébastien     University)
     The Long-Term Effect of Renewable               Foudi, Ibon Galarraga
     Electricity on UK Employment                    Presenter: Alessandro Silvestri (Basque
     Authors: Theodoros Arvanitopoulos               Centre for Climate Change (BC3))
     (University College London)
     Presenter: Theodoros Arvanitopoulos
     (University College London)

     Analysis of Consumer Preference on a
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