Engaging with Francophone Communities in Ontario Where to start? - Health Nexus for: Healthy Communities Consortium 2010-11

Page created by Adam Rice
Engaging with Francophone Communities in Ontario Where to start? - Health Nexus for: Healthy Communities Consortium 2010-11
Engaging with Francophone
  Communities in Ontario

      Where to start?

         Health Nexus for:
 Healthy Communities Consortium

Establishing French Language Services – guides

1) Across the Chasm – guide
This guide aims to foster a better understanding of the defining elements of
quality French Language Services, to situate these services in their historical and
legal contexts and, above all else, to make clear why Francophone women who
are victims of violence need to
undertake and to continue their healing process in the French Language.

2) Making your organization bilingual
Welcome to Making your organization bilingual, an online guide and source of
practical tools to help you offer services in English and French.
This site offers tools and strategies for organizations that want to foster a new
bilingual corporate culture and for those who would like to improve the services
they already offer in Canada's two official languages. The material is general
enough to be adaptable to the needs of voluntary, private and public-sector
organizations. http://www.pch.gc.ca/special/guide/index-eng.cfm

Ontario Ministries FLS supports

1) Ontario government ministries French Language Services Coordinators

The French Language Services Coordinators are your primary contacts with
Ontario government ministries. You may contact one of the French Language
Services coordinators; if you have a question about French language services
(FLS) within a particular ministry, or if you wish to submit an application to have
your organization designated under the French Language Services Act.

2) Ministry of Health & Long Term Care - French Language Health Services
French Language Services Consultants Serving Regions – by Local Health
Integration Network (LHIN)

3) Regional Services Branch (various ministries)
Regional Services Branch implements programs and services that support
Ministry results-based plans to clients at the local and regional level in sectors
within the Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration including the Ontario Women's
Directorate and the Ontario Seniors' Secretariat, Ministry of Culture, Ministry of
Tourism, and the Ministry of Health Promotion's Sport and Recreation Branch
and Healthy Communities fund


Francophone community profiles
1) Portrait of Official-Language Minorities in Canada: Francophones in
Ontario (Analytical Paper)
http://www.statcan.gc.ca/pub/89-642-x/89-642-x2010001-fra.pdf (French)
http://www.statcan.gc.ca/pub/89-642-x/89-642-x2010001-eng.pdf (English)

2) Identifying Francophones: An analysis of definitions based on census

3) Francophone Community Profile of Ontario
It is part of a collection of profiles of Francophone and Acadian communities in
Canada published by the Fédération des communautés francophones et
acadienne (FCFA) du Canada and updated in 2004 and 2009.

4) Portrait of the francophone Community in Ontario
Directly from the Ontario Office of Francophone Affairs, this web page gives a
statistical portrait, a description of the diversity of the Francophones in Ontario.
Etc. http://www.ofa.gov.on.ca/en/franco.html

5) Ontario's Francophone Community:
Regional Views Provide Important Perspectives – Trillium Foundation
Five new regional reports released today detail the demographic trends of
Ontario’s Francophone community in Toronto and targeted regions in Eastern,
Northeastern and Southwestern Ontario.

Francophone Engagement and Outreach
1) Engaging Francophone Communities
From the Hearth Health Resource Centre bulletin – winter 2010

2) Francophone Community Engagement: Insight | Guidance | Action
This report presents a review of consultations that the Northern Ontario School of
Medicine (NOSM) held with Francophone communities located within its service
area, the entire north of this province. It relates the comments and suggestions
about NOSM made by Francophone communities with the aim of helping the

institution to better fulfill its mandate of social accountability and community
engagement concerning them, and in partnership with them.

3) How to Reach Francophones – Maternal and Early Years Programs
A guide for service providers, describing the challenges of reaching
francophones in minority settings. It offers strategies to overcome these. Many
program examples are described. The resource is bilingual.

4)Francophones and Tobacco Use in Canada. Lessons Learned From the
Tobacco Demand Reduction Strategy 1994-
The purpose of this document: to share the many insights gained over the years,
to identify challenges and obstacles and, lastly, to map out key areas where
priority action clearly needs to be taken in coming years if Canada is to bring a
first generation of non-smoking Francophones into the world - providing a
comprehensive sketch of the socio-demographic and tobacco use situation of the
entire Francophone population of Canada.

5) Participation citoyenne, francophone minoritaire et gouvernance des
services de santé: les conceptions des acteurs (Available in French only)

6) Research from the Canadian Health Services Foundation
Public engagement (part 1.):engaging the public in healthcare policy: why
do it? And what are the challenges?

Public engagement (part 2.): how do deliberative processes achieve
meaningful public engagement?

Public engagement (part 3.): how is it done? How can we tell if it’s

French language services various recommendations
1) Health Care Services for Franco-Ontarians: A roadmap to better
accessibility and accountability

The French Language Health Services Working Group on Ontario’s major reform
of the health care system submits the following report to the Minister of Health
and Long-Term Care after nine months of consultations, discussions and
research. The recommendations contained in this report represent the Working
Group’s best advice to the Minister of Health and Long-Term Care

2) Office of the French language services commissioner –various reports
and letters

Toronto, June 3, 2010
FLSC 2009-2010 Annual Report Open for solutions

Toronto, October 21, 2009
FLSC 2008-2009 Annual Report: One Voice, Many Changes

Toronto, June 6, 2009
Letter to the newspaper Le Droit regarding the new definition of the Ontario's
Francophone population.

Toronto, May 7, 2009
Special Report on French Language Health Services Planning in Ontario, 2009.

Toronto, November 12, 2008
Letter to the Honourable David Caplan, Minister of Health and Long-Term Care
regarding the proposed regulation

3) Making your organization bilingual
This site from Heritage Canada offers tools and strategies for organizations that
want to foster a new bilingual corporate culture and for those who would like to
improve the services they already offer in Canada's two official languages. The
material is general enough to be adaptable to the needs of voluntary, private and
public-sector organizations.

Various Francophone Needs Assessments

1) Second Report on the Health of Francophones in Ontario
Laurentian University’s Franco-Ontarian Institute and the Ontario Public Health
Research, Education and Development Program and the Sudbury & District
Health Unit have released the Second Report on the Health of Francophones in
Ontario. This report provides an in-depth picture of the state of health
of francophones in Ontario and what differentiates them from other Ontarians.

2) Report on the 2004-2005 Ontario Health Promotion Resource System
Provincial – Needs Assessment
http://www.ohprs.ca/resources/ENAC/Main_Report_-_8_May_2005.pdf (english)

3) Setting the Stage: Primary Health Care in French in Ontario
Setting the Stage is a national project with the objective of improving access to
primary health care in French for Francophones living in a minority situation. In
Ontario, four French language health networks received the mandate to conduct
this project.

4) Étude des besoins en formation au sein des organismes communautaire
francophones de l’Ontario
Report concerning training needs of volunteers involved in different
organizations’s boards in Francophone communities across Canada

besoins2005.pdf (in French only)

de.pdf (In French only)


Please note that these events are in French only. Translation at these
events is not consistent. It is preferable to send someone who has a good
command of the French language to attend them.

1) Forum communautaire L’AFO (l’Assemblée de la Francophonie de
L’AFO community forums are usually every 2 years. Their goal is to mobilize the
various sectors of the Francophone community in Ontario to determine
community strategic plans. http://afo.franco.ca

2) Réseau franco-santé du Sud de l’Ontario (Franco Health Network of
Southern Ontario)
The Réseau franco-santé du Sud de l’Ontario (Franco Health Network of
Southern Ontario) brings together key stakeholders from the health care sector
and the Francophone community to improve access to French language health
services in Southern Ontario. The last Forum was held in Hamilton on March 23-

24, 2010

3) Researcher Forum from Consortium national de formation en santé
(National Consortium for Health Research)
The last researcher Forum was held in 2004 – stay tuned for the next one

4) Congrès de l’ACELF (Association Canadienne-française d’éducation de
langue française)
French-Canadian Education Association: next Congress will be held in
Charlottetown, Prince-Edward Island September 30th to October 2nd 2010.

5) Congrès de Société santé en français
The Société Santé en français mobilizes 17 health networks in francophone
minorities across Canada. Its annual conference is always demonstrating great
innovative initiatives and brings together key players. This year Forum is in
Charlottetown, Prince-Edward Island, June 23-25, 2010.


Created in 1976, the Association de la presse francophone (APF) is the only
network of Canadian French-language newspapers published outside Quebec.

This is a sample of key organization in various communities across
Ontario. They can serve as a first point of contact to get further information
on a community.

For a more complete directory of Francophone organizations across
Ontario visit the Franco-Ontarian Directory on the Office of Francophone
affairs website.

1) Ontario’s Community Health Centres - Francophone Centres

Centre de santé communautaire         CSCHWN
Hamilton/Niagara                      460 Main Street East, 2nd Floor
(CSCHWN Inc.)                         Hamilton, ON L8N 1K4
1 Vanier Drive                        Tel: 905-528-0163
Welland, ON L3B 1A1
Tel: 905-734-1141 Fax: 905-734-1678

Centre de santé communautaire de Kapuskasing et région
27, avenue Kolb
Kapuskasing, ON P5N 1G2
Tel: 705-337-1201
Fax: 705-337-1215

Centre Francophone de Toronto
22 College Street, Main Floor
Toronto, ON M5G 1K3
Tel: 416-922-2672
Fax: 416-922-6624

Centre de santé communautaire de l’Estrie
841 rue Sydney
Cornwall, ON K6H 3J7
Tel: 613-937-2683
Fax: 613-937-2698

Alexandria Site
280, boulevard Industriel
Alexandria, ON K0C 1A0
Telephone : 613-525-5544 Telecopieur : 613-525-3991

Crysler Site
1 Nation
Crysler, ON K0A 1R0
Telephone : 613-987-2683 Telecopieur : 613-987-9908

Centre de santé communautaire de Sudbury-Est
21, rue St-Antoine,
Noëlville, ON P0M 2N0

Tel: (705) 898 2594

Centre de santé communautaire de Sudbury
19, chemin Frood
Sudbury, ON P3C 4Y9
Tel: 705-670-2274 Fax: 705-670-2277


Centre de santé communautaire de Chelmsford
26, rue Main, C.P. 368,
Chelmsford, ON P0M 1L0
(705) 855-1513 T
élécopieur: (705) 855-2510

Centre de santé communautaire de Hanmer
4446-5, rue Dennie,
Hanmer, ON P3P 1L2
(705) 969-5560
Télécopieur: (705) 969-1402

Centre de santé communautaire de Gogama
P.O.Box 21 Gogama, ON P0M 1W0
(705) 894 2005
Télécopieur: (705) 894 2782

Centre de santé communautaire du Temiskaming
C.P. 38,83 avenue Whitewood
New Liskeard, ON P0J 1P0
Tel: 705-647-5775 Fax: 705-647-6011

Satellites:                        Kirkland Lake:
                                   C.P. 40, 22, rue Water
Earlton:                           Kirkland Lake, ON P2N 3M6
CP 1, 1, 9 rue                     Tel: 705-567-1414
Earlton, ON P0J 1E0                Fax: 705-567-1422
Tel: 705-563-8110
Fax: 705-563-8130                  Virginiatown:
                                   C.P. 159, 61, rue Connel
Larder Lake:                       Virginiatown, ON P0K 1X0
C.P. 149, 1, 15 Godfrey            Tel: 705-634-2223
Larder Lake, ON P0K 1L0            Fax: 705-634-2180
Tel: 705-643-2442
Fax: 705-643-2162

2) Équipe de santé familiale communautaire de l'Est d'Ottawa
2339 Ogilvie Road
Ottawa, ON K1J 8P6
Tel: 613-842-7960
Fax: 613-842-4428

3) La Clé d’la Baie is a catalyst organization serving the Francophone
community in Simcoe County. http://www.lacle.ca

4) The French Canadian Association of Ontario across the province are
also good entry doors in the various communities.

L’ACFO Windsor
http://www.acfowindsor.ca/ (French)

L’ACFO London-Sarnia
http://www.acfo-ls.org/en/centre-ressources.htm (English)

L’ACFO mille-Iles (Thousand Islands)
http://www.acfomi.org/acfo/ (French website with some English)

L’ACFO Ottawa-Carleton

L'ACFO de Prescott et Russell

L’ACFO du grand Sudbury

L’ACFO Durham-Peterborough

L'ACFO Champlain (Pembroke)
http://home.primus.ca/~montstemarie/ACFO/CentreCulturel.html (French)

5) The Francophone Health Network in Ontario are also good entry doors in
the various communities.

Réseau francophone de santé du Nord de l’Ontario
(French health network in northern Ontario)

Réseau de santé en français du Moyen-Nord de l’Ontario
http://www.rsfmno.ca/sitersfmno_fichiers/accueil.htm (French)

Réseau franco-santé du Sud de l’Ontario (Franco Health Network of
Southern Ontario

Réseau des services de santé en français de l’est de l’Ontario (French
Language Health Services Network)

Education Sector

Canadian Centre for leadership and evaluation (Le Clé). This Centre leads
various initiatives; one of them “Élargir l'espace francophone” links the Ontario
education sector with the development of the overall Francophone Community.:
=1 (French)
Here is the list of Coordinators across the province.

Provincial Coordinator
Pierre Bourbeau

East Region
Daniel-Pierre Bourdeau
613 298-2944

North Region
Michel Perron
705 499-5982

South Region
Mireille Coulombe-Anifowose
416 705-5681

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