Envy and Positional Bias in the Evolutionary Psychology of Management

Page created by Francisco Hartman
                                                                            Manage. Decis. Econ. 27: 131–143 (2006)
                      Published online in Wiley InterScience (www.interscience.wiley.com). DOI: 10.1002/mde.1288

Envy and Positional Bias in the Evolutionary
       Psychology of Management
                                     Sarah E. Hill* and David M. Buss
                                             University of Texas, Austin, USA

             We propose that humans have evolved at least two specialized cognitive adaptations shaped by
             selection to solve problems associated with resource competition: (1) a positional bias by which
             individuals judge success in domains that affect fitness in terms of standing relative to their
             reference group; and (2) envy, an emotion that functions to alert individuals to fitness-relevant
             advantages enjoyed by rivals and to motivate individuals to acquire those same advantages.
             We present new data supporting the existence of design features of these hypothesized
             psychological adaptations and discuss implications for economists, organizations, marketers,
             and managers. Copyright # 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

                   INTRODUCTION                                     Evolutionary psychologists have recently begun
                                                                 to apply evolutionary psychological thinking to
Over the past 15 years, evolutionary psychology                  traditional economic theories, questioning some of
has emerged as a major theoretical movement                      the core assumptions on which many of these
within psychology specifically and the social                     theories rest (see Aktipis and Kurzban, in press;
sciences more generally (Buss, 1995, 2005a, b;                   Todd, 2001; Wang, 2001). For instance, Wang
Pinker, 1997; Tooby and Cosmides, 1992). Evolu-                  (2002) examined how framing decision-making
tionary psychology provides new theories of entire               tasks in terms of kinship problems affects how
domains of human functioning, such as mating,                    people make use of risk distributions in ways not
kinship, morality, and social exchange (Buss,                    predicted by rational actor models. Applying the
2005a, b; Pinker, 2002). At a minimum, it has                    logic of sexual selection theory (Darwin, 1871;
guided researchers to discover empirical phenom-                 Trivers, 1972) to explore one contextual effect on
ena previously unknown. In its grandest aspira-                  the degree to which imminent goods are valued
tions, it offers the promise of a unifying meta-                  over future goods (i.e. hyperbolic discounting),
theoretical framework for the study of all human                 Wilson and Daly (2003) demonstrated that men’s
cognition, emotion, and behavior. Since human                    discount functions increase significantly when they
reasoning, motivation, and behavior are all tasks                are primed with attractive, but not unattractive,
critical to the development of ecologically valid                female faces. Economists, organizational psychol-
economic models, evolutionary psychology has the                 ogists, and other scientists have also begun to
potential to provide important insights into                     explore the utility of evolutionary theory in
phenomena that affect research within these                       illuminating human investing behavior (Burnham,
disciplines (Browne, 2002; Colarelli, 2003; Gintis               2005), human resource management (Colarelli,
et al., 2005; Saad, 2005).                                       2003), and behavior in the workplace (Browne,
                                                                 2002). Such applications of evolutionary psychol-
                                                                 ogy to traditional economic research questions
*Correspondence to: Department of Psychology, University of
Texas at Austin, 1 University Station A8000, Austin, TX 78712,   have begun to inform economic thinking by
USA. E-mail: sehill@mail.utexas.edu                              providing a conceptual framework through which

Copyright # 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
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to examine human rationality and deviations from        dust. Rather than being due to particular political
rationality.                                            systems such as capitalism or psychological
   In this article, we explore two evolutionary         pathology as some have argued (Bhugra, 1993),
psychological hypotheses that are of potential          we propose that the motivation that many men
importance to economists, managers, and others          and women express with outperforming their
involved in organizational decision making. We          rivals, neighbors, friends, and relatives reflects
first address the nature of psychological satisfac-      evolved psychological design for resource compe-
tion. We propose that satisfaction for goods in         tition.
some domains is not judged according to the                This general proposition is supported by exist-
absolute amount one has of that resource, but           ing research and likely also resonates with
rather on how much one has compared to                  individuals’ intuitions about the nature of well-
others}a positional bias. Predictions follow for        being and satisfaction for certain types of goods.
how this bias affects our preferences for certain        People who earn $40 000 a year may be happy or
types of resources. Although marketers have long        sad. But they are far more likely to be satisfied
understood and capitalized on the fact that             with their income if their co-workers earn $35 000
individuals are typically less concerned with how       than if they earned $60 000 a year (Frank, 1999).
much they have in an absolute sense than they are       Individuals appear to be satisfied with their
with how much more they have than their                 incomes only if they are better off than those
neighbors (the so-called hedonic treadmill), the        with whom they compare themselves. So pervasive
evolutionary significance of this bias offers fresh       is this effect that economists have given it
insights that will be detailed below. We will then      its own name. Relative poverty describes indivi-
address one of the human motivational systems           duals who are not objectively poor, but feel poor
likely involved in facilitating behavior that is        compared to everyone else. Households with an
consistent with the positional bias: envy. Finally,     income below 50% of the median in the country
we explore potential implications that these            studied are considered to be living in relative
psychological processes might have for managers         poverty. In the United States, the median house-
and businesses.                                         hold income in 2000 was $41 994 (US Census,
                                                        2000). Although this income is substantially larger
                                                        than the amount of income needed to provide the
                                                        basic needs for survival, the feelings of deprivation
      ENVY AND THE POSITIONAL BIAS:                     experienced by individuals living in relative pov-
       COGNITIVE ADAPTATIONS THAT                       erty are very real. This suggests that relative
      FACILITATE SOCIAL COMPETITION                     deprivation and the negative feelings associated
                                                        with it are psychological states that require
Individuals differ in their abilities to succeed in      explanation.
resource competition. Throughout human evolu-              Existing empirical research appears to support a
tionary history, individuals possessing character-      link between positional income and happiness.
istics that granted them preferential access to         Economists have found that subjective well-being
fitness-augmenting resources would have outcom-          is affected by relative, rather than absolute income
peted individuals less able to secure such resources.   levels (Clark and Oswald, 1996; Duncan, 1975–
Outperforming rivals in fitness-relevant resource        1976; Easterlin, 1973, 1995; Frank, 1999): at any
competitions delineates an important domain of          point in time, the rich tend to be happier than the
adaptive problems that humans have had to solve         poor. But over time, the proportion of people
throughout our evolutionary history. We hypothe-        reporting that they are happy or satisfied with
size that individuals who judged their success in       their income does not increase with corresponding
resource competition based on their position            increases in a society’s average income (Diener
relative to their competitors would have continued      et al., 1985; Myers and Diener, 1995). In a recent
to strive for a better, more desirable position,        study designed to identify what types of things
regardless of their standing in an absolute sense.      individuals judge based on concerns about relative
Such individuals would have left their more             position, Solnick and Hemenway (1998) created a
complacent competitors}those not concerned              list of items}of which income was a part}and
with their relative standing}in the evolutionary        had subjects choose between two alternatives. One

Copyright # 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.                         Manage. Decis. Econ. 27: 131–143 (2006)

described a greater absolute amount and the other        HYPOTHESIS I: THE POSITIONAL BIAS
described a greater positional amount. They found
that individuals are most concerned with where         The process of natural selection is a process in
they stand relative to others in the domains of        which individual phenotypes}and the genes that
physical attractiveness, income, years of educa-       code for them}are selected based on their ability
tion, and intelligence. They also found that           to outperform existing alternate forms in domains
individuals are least concerned with where they        that affect fitness. For example, in the domain of
stand relative to others in the amount of vacation     mate competition, there are a limited number of
time they have each year.                              men and women who embody the characteristics
   The researchers explained these findings in terms    that men and women most desire in their mates
of positional concerns looming larger for ‘goods       (Buss, 1994/2003). Since there are fewer ‘high-
that are crucial in attaining other objectives than    mate-value’ mates than there are individuals who
for goods that are desirable primarily for             desire them, those individuals lucky enough to win
themselves’ (Solnick and Hemenway, 1998, p.            the hearts of those deemed most desirable neces-
379). Although this provides an accurate summary       sarily do so at the expense of their competition.
or re-description of the findings, it does not          From an evolutionary perspective, the qualities
provide a principled theory that explains why          possessed by those individuals able to gain
positional concerns exist in some domains and not      preferential access to desirable mates, over evolu-
others. Similarly, it does not generate novel          tionary time, have out-reproduced their mating
predictions about as yet unknown aspects of this       competition. Success for scarce resources that
phenomenon that can only be derived from a             affect fitness, such as mates, money, or game from
larger theoretical framework, such as from an          a hunt, is not based on absolute amounts of
evolution-based theory, as we describe below. The      success in these domains. Rather, success in an
application of evolutionary psychology to this         evolutionary sense depends on how much better
domain of research provides a framework from           one is doing than the average performance of one’s
which to derive predictions about differences           rivals. The outcome of selection is thus inherently
between      men’s    and     women’s    positional    competitive. As Gore Vidal noted, ‘It is not
concerns in addition to the domains in which           enough to succeed, others must fail.’
individuals are likely to express them and those in       Based on this logic, we propose that the human
which they are not. It also allows us to derive        mind has been shaped by selection to posses a
predictions about the cognitive processes that         positional bias in judging success in resource
may guide behavior in resource competition             competition games. That is, we expect that hu-
situations.                                            mans attend to the positional rather than absolute
   We hypothesize that feeling dissatisfied with        value of (1) resources that are known to affect
one’s position in specific domains of life is the       survival or reproduction and (2) personal attri-
outcome of at least two adaptations: a ‘positional     butes that affect individuals’ abilities to acquire
bias’ adaptation and a cognitive/motivational          such resources. Conversely, we do not expect to
mechanism captured by the term ‘envy.’ We              see the positional bias in judgments of the
propose that these complementary cognitive pro-        desirability of unlimited resources or resources
cesses are motivational systems designed by            whose amount or desirability does not have an
selection to propel individuals to acquire fitness-     impact on survival or reproduction. This selective
augmenting resources or positions that are pos-        attention to relative standing in some domains but
sessed by one’s social competitors. We hypothesize     not others is proposed to be a design feature of
that judgments of success in those domains where       cognitive structures favored by selection due to
larger quantities or more desirable resources have     their ability to judge success in social competitions
historically augmented fitness are intensely socially   in a manner that has historically augmented
mediated, based on social comparative processes.       fitness. We expect that the positional bias
We will provide supporting evidence from some of       will be sex differentiated in those domains where
the data thus far collected that bears on these        the fitness payoffs from competition have been
hypotheses and will then discuss the possible          qualitatively different for each sex throughout
implications for the business and management           human evolutionary history. In sum, we do not
world.                                                 expect to see a ‘general’ positional bias, but rather

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one that is specific to delimited domains of              men when choosing between greater absolute or
reasoning.                                               relative attractiveness.
                                                            Prediction 4: When choosing between two poten-
                                                         tial income losses, individuals will prefer an
                                                         absolutely smaller, but positionally larger income
      Specific Predictions about Positional Bias
                                                         loss to an absolutely larger, but positionally smaller
Prediction 1: The positional bias will be present        income loss (i.e. the positional bias will be absent).
when choosing between two potential incomes (i.e.           Since natural selection selects phenotypes based
individuals will prefer a larger relative income to      on their ability to outperform the average perfor-
an absolutely larger, but relatively smaller in-         mance of one’s competitors, it is evolutionarily
come). Since gaining access to resources that            beneficial for one to do better than the average
augment survival and reproductive success has            performance of others. However, imposing costs
been an adaptive problem that humans have been           on one’s neighbors at a long-term net cost to
solving throughout the course our evolutionary           oneself (i.e. there is no immediate nor future
history, the mind has been shaped by selection to        benefit) is both detrimental to one’s own resource
judge success in the pursuit of such resources in        acquisition goals and unlikely to have any impact
terms of relative position. Although cash econo-         on the mean performance of all of one’s compe-
mies were not present throughout most our                titors. Indiscriminate spite of this nature (i.e.
evolutionary history, money is the ultimate fungi-       imposing costs on another at a long-term net loss
ble resource and, as such, can be converted into         to oneself) is thus unlikely to have been selected
resources that augment fitness. Thus, we predict          for over evolutionary time (Hamilton, 1970;
the positional bias to be present when individuals       Knowlton and Parker, 1979). It is important to
are reasoning about incomes.                             point out that indiscriminate spite is different than
   Prediction 2: The positional bias will be absent      spiteful interactions in which the individuals
when choosing between two different lengths of time       inflicting the costs benefit from doing so either
being happily married (i.e. individuals will prefer an   immediately or in the long term.1 Spiteful beha-
absolutely longer length of happy marriage to one        viors of this nature are expected to be selected for
that is absolutely shorter, but longer than their        and are readily observable in the form of murder,
peers’). Although mate choice is a domain in             warfare, mate poaching, stealing, and numerous
which individuals compete for access to scarce           other cost-inflicting activities that are abundant in
resources (i.e. mates), one person’s increment in        human social life (Buss, 2005b). Thus, in framing
marital happiness does not logically entail a            dilemmas about income loss for empirical testing,
decrement in another’s marital happiness.                we required the loss to have two important
   Prediction 3: Women, more than men, will              properties: (1) it was imposed by a third party
demonstrate the positional bias when choosing            (i.e. not imposed by the same-sexed peers one uses
between (a) possessing a greater amount of absolute      as a comparison group in the question) and, as
attractiveness and (b) being absolutely less attrac-     such, (2) there would be no long-term reputational
tive, but more than their same-sexed peers. Since        or signaling benefit to be gained from ‘punishing’
men have been shaped by selection to preferen-           the same-sexed peers. In such loss situations,
tially desire attractive women (attractiveness pro-      choosing a greater loss for oneself to punish one’s
vides a cue to youth and fertility), attractiveness is   peers comes at a net cost to oneself, making it
a central feature of female–female mate competi-         unlikely that selection would have shaped a
tion (Buss, 1988, 1994/2003; Symons, 1979).              positional bias when judging the desirability of
Furthermore, since a man’s optimal mating                two such losses.
strategy depends not only on the attractiveness
of a woman with whom he would like to mate, but
                                                                  Study 1. Methods and Materials
also on the desirability of her same-sexed peers
(Hill and Reeve, 2004), women’s success at               Materials: Participants (N ¼ 205) were given a
attracting a long-term mate is dependent on the          37-item instrument similar to that used by Solnick
attractiveness of both herself and her same-sexed        and Hemenway (1998), of which the four predic-
mating competition. Therefore, we predict that           tion items were a part. For each item subjects were
women will exhibit the positional bias more than         shown two states of the world, State A and State B.

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ENVY AND POSITIONAL BIAS IN THE EVOLUTIONARY PSYCHOLOGY OF MANAGEMENT                                                        135

                                                        Percentage Choosing the
For each item, in one state of the world the subject                                            Testing the Positional Bias
would possess a greater absolute amount of a

                                                           Positional Answer
resource (e.g. attractiveness, money, etc.), but they                             80%                                             Women

would have less than their same-sexed peers. In the                               60%
other state, they would have a lesser absolute                                    40%
amount of the same resource, but more than their                                  20%
same-sexed peers. For each item, subjects were                                     0%
asked to choose which state of the world they                                            Income***    Pay cut*** Attractive*** Marriage***
would prefer. The exact instructional set read as
follows.                                                Figure 1. Note: N ðmenÞ ¼ 87; N ðwomenÞ ¼ 118; p
   In the questions below, there are two states of            values: p50.05, p50.01, p50.001.
the world, State A and State B. You are asked to
circle the letter (A or B) corresponding to the world
you would prefer to live in. Treat each question        differences were found for either item. Prediction 3
independently from the others (i.e. State A in          was also confirmed. Women (65%) were more
question 1 is different from State A in question 2,      likely than men (41%) to choose the positional
which is different from State A in question 3, and       answer with regard to their physical attractiveness
so on). There are no ‘correct’ answers, so please be    (w2 ¼ 10:50, df ¼ 1, p ¼ 0:001) (see Figure 1).
completely honest when choosing which of the two
worlds you prefer.
   Below is a sample problem presented to
participants when testing for the existence of the      The positional bias hypothesis states that men and
positional bias in the domain of physical attrac-       women will attend to positional rather than the
tiveness:                                               absolute values of limited resources that are
                                                        known to affect survival and reproduction and
  1. Assume physical attractiveness can be mea-
                                                        that this preference should occur for gains but not
  sured on a scale from 1 (lowest) to 10 (highest).
                                                        for losses. Replicating a finding that was first
  A: Your physical attractiveness is 5; your same-
                                                        demonstrated by Solnick and Hemenway (1998),
  sexed peers average 3.
                                                        men and women in our study exhibited the
  B: Your physical attractiveness is 7; your same-
                                                        positional bias when choosing between two
  sexed peers average 9.
                                                        potential salaries. When asked to choose between
  Participants: A total of 87 male and 118 female       having an absolutely larger income or an income
undergraduates who completed the instrument to          that was absolutely less, but greater than one’s
partially fulfill an experiment requirement for          rivals, both men and women preferentially chose
course credit.                                          the greater positional income.
                                                           The three novel predictions introduced in this
                                                        paper were also supported. The prediction that
                                                        women will exhibit the positional bias in the
Tests of predictions: As predicted by the positional    domain of physical attractiveness more so than
bias hypothesis, both men (84%) and women               men was supported. This finding suggests that the
(88%) preferred the positional answer with regard       positional bias may be sex differentiated in at least
to their preferred monthly income (w2 ¼ 110:15,         one area where the fitness benefits available for
df ¼ 1, p50.001). No significant sex differences          men and women have differed throughout human
were found for this item. Conversely, confirming         evolutionary history. Neither current theories
predictions 2 and 4, both men (83%) and women           within economics nor any non-evolutionary the-
(77%) preferred the non-positional answer with          ories within psychology have generated specific
regard to their preference for length of time being     sex-delimited predictions of the positional bias
happily married (w2 ¼ 70:73, df ¼ 1, p50.001).          phenomenon. Research is currently underway
With regard to their preference for a potential pay     examining additional domains in which men and
cut, 67% of men and 78% of women chose the              women are expected to exhibit the positional bias,
absolute rather than the positional answer              those in which they are not, and those in which sex
(w2 ¼ 45:45, df ¼ 1, p50.001). No significant sex        differences are expected.

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   The predictions regarding the absence of the          the adaptive problem being faced, (2) prompting
positional bias when choosing between two lengths        storage of the relevant information in memory (3)
of time spent happily married or when choosing           motivating action to reduce the strategic inter-
between two salary cuts were also supported.             ference, and (4) motivating action to prevent
Additional research is underway to further explore       future such interference. We propose that envy
the nature of the positional bias in gains as            has been shaped by natural selection to signal
opposed to losses, the impact that this logic might      competitive disadvantage, making individuals ex-
have on traditional psychological and economic           perience a strong resentful awareness of a fitness-
theories of loss-aversion and risk-taking, and           augmenting advantage enjoyed by others with
whether this asymmetry exists across adaptive            whom they are in direct competition combined
domains. Studies are underway to test whether the        with a desire to possess the same advantage
absence of the positional bias in loss situations        (Gilbert, 1990, 2000). We propose that the
holds in domains where the impact of the loss is         emotion of envy will cause a person to focus on
not potentially life-threatening, as could be the        the source of their envy and serve as a motiva-
case with income. Demonstrating the absence of           tional mechanism, prompting action designed to
the positional bias in situations that cannot be         acquire the fitness-enhancing resources that rivals
interpreted as potentially life-threatening}such as      have that one lacks, as well as taking away the
decreases in attractiveness or time available to         fitness-enhancing resources that rivals enjoy in as
accomplish a task}are necessary to further our           much as doing so benefits oneself. Evolutionary
understanding of the nature of the positional bias.      theory and, more specifically, the theory of
   We are also testing for the positional bias in loss   strategic interference, give us a framework from
situations where the individual or individuals that      which to derive predictions about the targets of
one uses a comparison group are instrumental in          men’s and women’s enviousness and the existence
one’s loss. We expect the positional bias to be          of sex differences in the content of men’s and
present in such cases, as the benefit of punishing        women’s envy.
one’s rivals will likely exceed the greater immediate       Evolutionary logic and strategic interference
loss of resources. As with the sex-differentiated         theory predict that the focus of men’s and
prediction above, it is important to note than no        women’s envy feelings will differ in domains where
other existing economic or psychological theories        each has faced qualitatively different adaptive
have predicted such contextually linked predic-          problems throughout human evolutionary history.
tions of this phenomenon. Future research will           One such domain is in the arena of mate
explore additional contextually sensitive features       competition. Throughout human evolutionary
of the positional bias adaptation in hopes of a          history, the primary way by which men have been
more in-depth understanding of the phenomenon.           able to directly increase the fitness benefits
                                                         available to them from mate choice has been by
                                                         gaining sexual access to young, healthy, and fertile
                                                         women (Buss, 1994/2003; Symons, 1979; Williams,
            HYPOTHESIS II: ENVY                          1975). Conversely, a primary avenue by which
                                                         women have been able to increase the fitness
Successfully outcompeting rivals in resource com-        benefits available to them from mate choice has
petition requires extensive social comparisons and,      been by securing a partner who is able and willing
more specifically, (a) taking note when rivals            to invest in herself and her offspring (Buss, 1994/
possess a fitness advantage not enjoyed by oneself        2003; Symons, 1979; Trivers, 1972). Accordingly,
and (b) feeling motivated to acquire those same          researchers have demonstrated that women place
fitness advantages. Strategic interference theory         greater a premium than do men on their potential
(Buss, 1989b) posits that negative emotions have         mates’ financial prospects and economic resources.
been shaped by selection to signal someone or            Men’s mate preferences, in contrast, reflect a
something impeding one’s preferred behavioral            preference for those cues most reliably correlated
strategy. Strategic interference has been hypothe-       with fertility or reproductive value, such as a
sized to function by (1) focusing attention on the       woman’s youth, attractiveness, and relatively low
source of strategic interference, temporarily            waist-to-hip ratio (Buss, 1989a, 1994/2003; Ken-
screening out information that is less relevant to       rick and Keefe, 1992; Singh, 1993; Symons, 1979;

Copyright # 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.                          Manage. Decis. Econ. 27: 131–143 (2006)

Sugiyama, 2005). Consistent with this evolution-        their rival so that they can adjust their competitive
ary logic, researchers have also demonstrated that      strategy as necessary.
men prefer sexual access sooner than women                 Prediction 3: Women will feel more envious than
(Byers and Lewis, 1988), that men desire a higher       men when one of their same-sexed peers’ romantic
number of partners throughout their lifetime than       partners buys them expensive gifts. The magnitude
women (Buss and Schmitt, 1993; Schmitt et al.,          of resources invested in a woman by a man reflects
2004), and that men are more likely than women          both her mate value and the intensity of her
to consent to sex with someone who they have just       partner’s commitment to her}both domains
met (Clarke and Hatfield, 1989). We hypothesize          central to female–female competition. Since wo-
that one domain in which men’s and women’s envy         men’s mate preferences have been shaped by
feelings will likely differ is in the domain of sexual   selection to place a premium on traits indicative
competition, reflecting the differences in the            of a man’s ability and willingness to invest
qualities with which each competes for mates.           resources in herself and her offspring (Buss,
                                                        1989a), feeling envious of a same-sexed rival
                                                        whose mate buys her expensive gifts would call
         Specific Predictions about Design
                                                        attention to her rival’s fitness advantage, motivat-
                 Features of Envy
                                                        ing the woman to acquire the same advantage for
Prediction 1: The target of men’s and women’s envy      herself.
feelings will most often be their same-sexed peers or      Prediction 4: Men will feel more envious than
individuals with whom they are in direct resource       women when one of their same-sexed peers has more
competition (e.g. friends, siblings, co-workers)        sexual experience than themselves. Sexual access to
rather than celebrities or people outside of their      multiple mates has been one critical path by which
immediate social group. Since humans have spent         men, more than women, have been able to increase
the majority of their evolutionary history in small     their reproductive success over the course of
groups where same-sexed peers were the most             evolutionary time (Buss, 1994/2003; Symons,
direct reproductive competitors, envy should be         1979). Thus, men should feel more envious when
designed to focus most intensely on their primary       one of their same-sexed peers outcompetes them in
reproductive competitors: (1) same-sex peers with       this evolutionarily critical domain.
whom they most closely compete for access to               Prediction 5: Men will feel more envious than
mates and status and, and secondarily on (2) their      women when one of their same-sexed peers acquires
same-sexed siblings with whom they compete most         an attractive mate. Female attractiveness provides
closely for access to parental resources. Although      a powerful cue to a woman’s fertility, and
same-sex siblings often compete over parental           occupationally successful men are better able than
resources, envy should be mitigated, compared to        their less successful peers to acquire physically
that over same-sex peers, due to their genetic          attractive partners (Buss, 1994/2003). The physical
relatedness.                                            attractiveness of a mate, therefore, provides an
   Prediction 2: Women will feel more envious than      honest signal of a man’s success. Men should feel
men when one of their same-sexed peers becomes          more envious in this domain, calling attention to
noticeably more physically attractive. Men’s mate       their rival’s success so that they can adjust their
preferences have been shaped by selection to place      competitive strategy accordingly.
a premium on a woman’s attractiveness when
choosing a mate, as physical appearance provides
                                                                 Study 2. Methods and Materials
a wealth of cues to health and fertility status of a
woman (Buss, 1989a, 1994/2003; Singh, 1993;             Materials: Participants were asked to describe 7
Symons, 1979; Sugiyama, 2005). Physical attrac-         instances when they had felt envious of another
tiveness has thus been an evolutionarily recurrent      individual. They were asked to specify who they
domain in which women have had to compete               were envious of and why they felt envious.
more than men (Buss, 1988, 1994/2003). Women            Participants were then given a 19-item instrument
are thus predicted to feel more envious than men        in which the four prediction items were embedded.
when one of their same-sexed peers becomes              They were asked to rank the 19 items in the order
noticeably more physically attractive, making           of the degree to which each would cause him/her
them take note of the advantage possessed by            to feel envious. They were asked to give a ‘1’ to the

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138                                         S. E. HILL AND D. M. BUSS

item that would make them feel the most                     t ¼ 6:08, df ¼ 214, p50.001. Women also ranked
envious. . .all the way down to ‘19’ which is the           their same-sexed peer’s romantic partner buying
item that would cause them the least amount of              them expensive gifts (M ¼ 13:17, SD ¼ 4:92) as
envy. For the first part of this study, individuals          more envy-inducing than did men (M ¼ 14:48,
were asked to describe instances that they envied           SD ¼ 4:70) t ¼ 2:00, df ¼ 213, p ¼ 0:05, confirm-
others, and their responses were coded for                  ing prediction 3. In confirmation of prediction 4,
content by two research assistants blind to the             men ranked their same-sexed peer’s having more
purpose of the research. If the researchers                 sexual experience than themselves as significantly
disagreed on how any of the items should be                 more envy-inducing than did women (Men:
coded, a third person was asked to resolve the              M ¼ 11:89, SD ¼ 5:9; Women: M ¼ 16:07, SD ¼
discrepancy and designate the category in which             5:27; t ¼ 5:43, df ¼ 213, p50.001). Men also
the item is best fit.                                        ranked their same-sexed peer acquiring an attrac-
   Participants: A total of 116 male and 99 female          tive romantic partner as more envy-inducing than
undergraduates completed the questionnaire to               did women. Men’s rankings (M ¼ 8:49, SD ¼ 5:19)
partially fulfill an experiment requirement for              exceeding women’s rankings (M ¼ 10:58, SD ¼
course credit. None of the undergraduates who               5:56) t ¼ 2:84, df ¼ 213, p ¼ 0:005, confirming
participated in this experiment had participated in         prediction 5 (see Figure 2).
Study 1.

                                                            When men and women were asked to write free-
Tests of predictions: Consistent with prediction 1,         form about seven instances in which they felt
the target of both men’s and women’s envy feelings          envious of others, individuals were most likely to
were most often individuals with whom they were             describe their same-sexed friends as being the
in direct competition (see Table 1). Same-sexed             targets of their envy feelings. The second-most
friends overshadowed all other objects of envy for          frequently cited targets of envy, although a distant
both men and women, as predicted. Same-sexed                second, were individuals’ same-sexed siblings.
siblings came in second as objects of envy for both         These findings are consistent with the hypothesis
sexes, as predicted, although this was a distant            that envy has been shaped by selection to facilitate
second.                                                     social competition and that the target of our envy
   In confirmation of prediction 2, women ranked             feelings should most frequently be these indivi-
their same-sexed peer becoming noticeably more              duals with whom we are in the closest social
attractive (M ¼ 9:45, SD ¼ 6:06) as more envy-              competition for access to scarce resources.
inducing than did men (M ¼ 14:04, SD ¼ 5:04)                Although celebrities, millionaires, and rulers
                                                            may be in the most enviable positions, individuals
                                                            appear to reserve most of their envious feelings for
Table 1.   Who do men and women envy?                       those individuals with whom they directly compete
                                                            in day-to-day transactions. It is important to note
Who do we envy?                 Women (%)       Men (%)
Same-sexed friend                59              53
Same-sexed sibling                8               7
Opposite-sexed sibling            4               6         More Attractive***
Classmate                         5               6
Family members (non-sibling)      6               6         Gifts from Mate*                                        Women
Opposite-sexed friend             2               4         Sexual Experience***                                    Men
Celebrities                       4               4
Athletic competitors              1               4         Attractive Mate**
Mate                              4               3
Co-worker                         1               3                                1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19
Neighbor                          2               2                              Most Envy (1) to Least Envy (19)
Stranger                          2               2
Other                             3               1         Figure 2. Note: N ðmenÞ ¼ 116; N ðwomenÞ ¼ 99; p
Total                           100             100         values: p50.05, p50.01, p50.001. Based on
Note: Based on self-reported episodes of envy feelings. N   ranking items from 1 to 19 in order of likelihood to
ðmenÞ ¼ 116; N ðwomenÞ ¼ 99.                                                    cause envy.

Copyright # 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.                              Manage. Decis. Econ. 27: 131–143 (2006)

that the participants in this study were university     affect fitness. Rather, success in reproductive
students, many of whom are still heavily depen-         resource competition depends on how much better
dent on their parents’ financial resources. It is        one is doing than one’s rivals. Although humans
likely that as financial and emotional dependence        spent the majority of their evolutionary history in
on parents decreases}which corresponds to lower         the social context of small hunter-gatherer groups,
levels of competition for parental resources}the        not in the modern world of business, cash
degree to which siblings are cited as targets of envy   economies, and large organizations, selection has
will also decrease.                                     shaped a psychology rich with psychological
   The situations that are most likely to invoke        adaptations that get played out in this context.
feelings of enviousness are sex specific, stemming       The current research explored two cognitive/
from the different adaptive problems that men and        emotional adaptations proposed to have been
women have had to solve throughout human                designed by natural selection to facilitate success
evolutionary history. Since, historically, men have     in resource competition: the positional bias
had to compete for sexual access to mates more          adaptation and the emotion of envy.
than women (Trivers, 1972), men are more likely            The findings provide a starting point from which
to experience envy when their same-sexed peers          to begin to understand how consumer-driven
acquire sexual access to mates. Additionally, since     economies like the ones in the US and Western
selection has designed men to have a heightened         Europe operate on the individual level. Individuals
preference for youth and attractiveness in their        are motivated not by absolute amounts of status
mates (Symons, 1979; Buss, 1989a; Kenrick and           or resources, but rather by the desire to be better
Keefe, 1992), men are more likely to feel envious       off than their reference group. This has potentially
of their same-sexed friends when they have mates        important implications for business. One is that it
that are more attractive than their own.                verifies the importance of innovation in consumer
   Since physical attractiveness plays such an          products, particularly those that signal status.
important role in men’s mate choice, women have         Expensive products that are owned only by those
had to be more competitive with their same-sexed        who can afford them are honest signals of
peers regarding their own physical attractiveness       possessing the financial resources necessary to
(Buss, 1988). Women, more than men, ranked              invest in pursuits beyond rudimentary survival
both their same-sexed peers becoming noticeably         problems. The value of such products as signals
more attractive and their same-sexed peer’s mate        depends on their rarity. As soon as one’s social
buying them expensive gifts as significantly more        competitors all own the same BMW or Chanel
envy-inducing. Since women’s mate preferences           suit, it no longer signal relative advantage to one’s
have been shaped by selection to place a greater        peers. Consumers look to the marketplace to
premium on a potential mate’s access to resources       provide them with the next generation of expensive
than have men’s (Buss, 1989a, 1994/2003), it            products to signal their advantage and it is up to
follows that men’s and women’s envy feelings            marketplace to anticipate and meet these signaling
should reflect this sex difference. Additional            demands.
research is currently underway to explore the              A second implication is that men’s and women’s
behaviors that envy motivates and how they relate       marketplace motivations inevitably differ from
to the adaptive problems that humans have faced         one-another in delimited domains. From the
throughout our evolutionary history.                    findings presented and other data currently being
                                                        analyzed, men appear to be more likely to be
                                                        motivated by envy to purchase resources that
                                                        showcase the amount of financial resources that
            GENERAL DISCUSSION                          they have and items that demonstrate status and
                                                        sexual prowess. Conversely, women are more
The process of evolution by natural selection           likely to be motivated by envy to purchase items
selects phenotypes}and the genes that code for          that enhance their sexually selected traits (e.g.
them}based on their ability to outperform exist-        makeup and clothes). These findings are poten-
ing alternate forms. Thus, success from an evolu-       tially relevant to advertisers who seek innovative
tionary perspective is typically not based on           ways to tap into men’s and women’s marketplace
‘absolute’ amounts of success in domains that           motivations to better market existing products and

Copyright # 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.                         Manage. Decis. Econ. 27: 131–143 (2006)
140                                     S. E. HILL AND D. M. BUSS

make new products more appealing to the                structures for achieving organizational goals. One
product’s target gender.                               method might be to shift the psychological frame
   This research also has potential implications for   of individuals within the organization to direct
the design of retirement plans for employees.          envy and positional bias toward rival organiza-
Fitness payoffs from signaling resource holdings        tions rather than rival individuals within the
by way of accumulating of consumer products (or        organization. This frame-shift could reduce the
attractiveness augmentations via fashion or sur-       undermining effects of competition within an
gery) necessarily depend on how one’s spending         organization and align individual interests so that
compares to a rival’s spending. An individuals’        they have a ‘shared fate’ vis-à-vis competing
arsenal of products or beautification techniques        organizations. Furthermore, that envy and posi-
only signal superior relative position when these      tional bias have been found to contain many sex-
items are not possessed, or are possessed to lesser    differentiated design features implies that men and
degrees, by others. Thus, by virtue of mate            women are motivated by somewhat different
competition, consumers can find themselves              incentives. The presence of a physically attractive
caught in perpetual spending arms races with real      same-sex individual, for example, is more likely to
or perceived competitors to demonstrate advan-         trigger envy in women than in men. Managers
tage over their peers.                                 could become sensitive to the sex-differentiated
   Since the fitness benefits associated with such       activation of these potentially damaging adapta-
costly resource displays in one’s reproductive         tions in the work environment, and take steps to
prime are necessarily greater than the benefits         pre-empt conflict before it erupts in the workplace.
available from the same resources spent during            More generally, the existing research sheds light
retirement (when the effects of selection are most      on the nature of satisfaction both within and
diluted), individuals who decide to invest mone-       outside the workplace. Psychological processes
tary resources into savings rather than resource       such as the positional bias and envy guarantee
display will be penalized in domains such as mate      that long-term constant satisfaction with one’s
competition. Thus, it is not surprising that           income, position in the status hierarchy, or job will
consumers in the United States and elsewhere are       be difficult to achieve. Indeed, satisfaction is
plagued by credit card debt, with many finding          problematic as a long-term psychological state.
themselves without sufficient savings for retire-        Individuals who are satisfied for a long term with
ment. When setting up retirement programs for          the amount or desirability of their existing
employees, if the goal is to induce employees to       resources are less motivated to pursue additional
save more for retirement, employers may benefit         resource acquisition opportunities. This works to
from recognizing that individuals possess evolved      the advantage of their less-satisfied peers, who
psychologies that steeply discount the future in       continue to strive for additional fitness-augment-
order to compete successfully during prime repro-      ing resources at the expense of their satisfied
ductive years (Daly and Wilson, 2005), and design      counterparts. Thus, from the standpoint of re-
programs that counteract those evolved future-         source competition, permanent states of psycho-
discounting tendencies.                                logical satisfaction unlikely to be achieved. Future
   On the other hand, marketers of products            research is needed to explore how this negative
pegged at enhancing perceived positional success       side-effect of the positional bias and envy can be
in mate competition may wish to do precisely the       attenuated both inside and outside the workplace.
opposite and exacerbate positional concerns. This         For the findings presented in this paper to be
can be accomplished by exploiting evolved future-      directly applicable to economists, future research
discounting adaptations to induce current spend-       could fruitfully explore whether the positional bias
ing. Exhortations to ‘go for the gusto’ or ‘just do    and envy serves a motivational function (i.e.
it’ or ‘you only go around once in life’ may attain    should we know what our co-workers make?)
their success by explicitly exploiting positional      and if so, does this outweigh the costs of possible
biases and future discounting to induce current        employee resentment? Within-organization envy
spending by rendering saving for the future seem       can undermine organizational goals. Managers,
foolish.                                               for example, might undermine the efforts of
   An additional implication of this research is       workers to prevent them from out-shining her or
that managers might harness these psychological        him. Workers might also undermine the efforts of

Copyright # 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.                        Manage. Decis. Econ. 27: 131–143 (2006)

co-workers to prevent them from excelling in                   (Johnstone, 2001; Johnstone and Bshary, 2004). In
performance (Buss, 1999/2004). The behavioral                  this way, it plays a role in reputation formation and
expression of these adaptations can potentially                maintenance (called ‘image scoring’ in the literature,
                                                               e.g. Nowak and Sigmund, 1998a, b; Lotem et al.,
weaken the efforts of management to achieve                     1999, 2003; Leimer and Hammerstein, 2001). In such
organizational goals. While envy might motivate                models, individuals improve their reputation by
some individuals to perform at superior levels,                acting spitefully toward others, decreasing the prob-
thus enhancing organizational success, envy also               ability that they will be taken advantage of in the
motivates efforts to undermine the work of peers                future. Most recently, Lotem et al. (2003) have linked
                                                               this type of indirect reciprocity to Zahavi’s handicap
and management at the expense of organizational                principle (1975) demonstrating that behavior that
success.                                                       comes at an immediate cost to oneself may have
   We presented research bearing on two hypothe-               reputation cultivating value precisely because it is
sized adaptations that are likely to play a role in            costly. Since spiteful behavior comes at an immediate
individuals’ behavior in a business context: envy              cost to oneself, it serves as an honest signal of the
                                                               spiteful individual’s quality, which may prove attrac-
and the positional bias. These are just two                    tive to potential mates as well as discouraging others
adaptations among what are likely to be dozens                 from taking advantage of one in the future (John-
that affect the business world. The human mind                  stone, 2001).
likely consists of a great number of specialized
adaptations that have been specially selected for
their ability to facilitate competitive success.
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