Page created by Bruce Miller

      9 July – 15 July, 2017

Table of Contents

 1. Faculty & Group Photo

 2. Schedule

 3. Faculty Biographies

 4. Fellows Contact information

 5. Diaries

    a Program of the
Faculty Group Photo, (L-R): Magnus Grabe, MD PhD, Richard Lee, MD MBA, Christopher Barbieri,
MD PhD, Wolfgang Aulitzky, MD, Douglas S. Scherr, MD, Christopher Chapple, BSc MBBS MD FRCS
FEBU DHC, Olivier Traxer, MD, Christian Wagner, MD FEBU, Marek Schmidt, MD, Francisco Cruz,
MD, Jochen Christoph Walz, MD.

Group Photo of Faculty and Fellows
2017 Salzburg ESU Master Class in Urology
                                                                    Sunday 9 July – Saturday 15 July 2017

                                                M onday                        T uesday                   Wednesday                        T hur sday                        Fr iday
                      Sunday                                                                                                                                                                        Satur day
                                                 10 July                        11 July                     12 July                          13 July                         14 July
                       9 July                                                                                                                                                                        15 July
                                           P RO STATE CANCER                 IN F ECTIONS                U RO LITHIASIS           BENIGN PROSTATIC HYPERPLASIA      RECONSTRUCTIVE UROLOGY

07:00 – 08:00                                 BREA KFAST                    BREA KFAST                    BREA KFAST                      BREA KFAST                      BREA KFAST               DEP A RTURES
                                                8:00 – 8:30
                                             Intr oductions
                                                                                                    H olmium YAG Laser for        M edical Assessment of a
                                           P r e-Seminar Test          Ur inary Tract and M ale
                                                                                                   Stone T reatment: H ow to       P atient with BPH and                  Ur ethroplasty
08:00 – 09:00                                   8:30 – 9:15              Genital Infections
                                                                                                               Use it?               M edical Treatment            C hristopher R. C happle, M D
                                         Imaging of Prostate               M agnus G rabe, M D
                                                                                                        O liv ier Traxer, M D     C hristopher R. C happle, M D
                                               C ancer
                                           Jochen Walz, M D
                                               9:15 – 10:00
                                                                                                            P C NL:
                                       Sur gical Evaluation of the         Infection and                                          Sur gical M anagement of              Str ess Urinary
                                                                                                    What’s New in the Last
09:00 – 10:00                            P atient with Prostate              Infer tility                                          the P atient with BPH                  Incontinence
                                                                                                          1 0 Y ears?
                                                  C ancer               Wolfgang A ulitzky, M D                                        Richard Lee, M D                F rancisco C ruz, M D
                                                                                                       Richard Lee, M D
                                         C hristopher Barbieri, M D
10:00 – 10:30                               C O FFEE BREAK                 C O FFEE BREAK               C O FFEE BREAK                  C O FFEE BREAK                  C O FFEE BREAK
                                                                            10:30 – 11:00
                                                                                                          10:30 – 11:00
                                                                          M anagement of                                                  10:30 – 11:00
                                       Sur gery for Local Disease                                  EA U-AUA Guidelines: Are                                          P elvic Floor Prolapse
                                                                            Ur inary Tract                                        T he Underactive Bladder
10:30 – 11:30                              D ouglas S cherr, M D                                    T hey Really Different?                                          Roger P . G oldberg, M D
                                                                             Infections                                           C hristopher R. C happle, M D
                                                                                                       O liv ier Traxer, M D
                                                                          M agnus G rabe, M D
                                                                                                                                          11:00 – 11:30
                                                                                                                                                                     Review of Guidelines
                                                                                                                                  P har macology & Function
                                                                            11:00 – 11:45                                                                              Relating to Failed
                                              11:30 – 12:00                                               11:00 – 12:00           of the Lower Urinary Tract
                                                                        P er ioperative Anti                                                                             T r eatment and
                                        M anagement of Locally                                        ESWL Indications,                F rancisco C ruz, M D
                                                                       micr obial Prophylaxis                                                                       Discussion of M esh for
                                           A dvanced Disease                                          T echnique, Results                 11.30 – 12.00
                                                                         M agnus G rabe, M D                                                                       Str ess Incontinence and
                                            Jochen Walz, M D                                             Richard Lee, M D           M edical Treatment of
11:30 – 12:30                                                               11:45 – 12:30                                                                          the EA U Consensus and
                                              12:00 – 12:30                                               12:00 – 12:30                   Incontinence
                                                                       C ases by P articipants &                                                                      Discussion of C ases
                                       M edical Management of                                       T ips and Tricks in RIRS       C hristopher R. C happle, M D
                                                                           Review of EAU                                                                           C hristopher R. C happle, M D
                                           M etastic Disease                                            O liv ier Traxer, M D             12:00 – 12:30
                                                                             Guidelines                                                                                 F rancisco C ruz, M D
                                        C hristopher Barbieri, M D                                                                Review of AUA Guidelines
                                                                               F aculty                                                                              Roger P . G oldberg, M D
                                                                                                                                  with Discussion on C ases
                                                                                                                                    Drs. C happle, Cruz, Lee
12:30 – 14:00                                     LUNC H                       LUNC H                        LUNC H                         LUNC H                          LUNC H

14:00 – 15:00                                                                                          H ands-on Training             H ands-on Training
                                                                                                          Laparoscopy                    Laparoscopy
                                              Wor kshop                      Wor kshop                   (18 P articipants)             (18 P articipants)
                                                                                                                                                                          Wor kshop
                                         C ase P resentations by        C ase P resentations by    Drs. Theodoros Tokas, M arek   Drs. Theodoros Tokas, M arek
15:00 – 16:00                                                                                                                                                        C ase P resentations by
                                              P articipants                  P articipants          S chmidt, C hristian Wagner    S chmidt, C hristian Wagner
                                                                                                                                                                          P articipants
                                        Drs. Walz, Barbieri, S cherr            F aculty
                                                                                                        Fr ee Afternoon                 Fr ee Afternoon
16:00 – 17:00                                                                                        (remaining participants)        (remaining participants)

                                              17:00 – 17:15                                                                                                           P ost-Seminar Test
17:00 – 18:00
                                        O M I/AAF P resentation                                                                                                      E v aluation & Discussion

                Faculty Only Meeting
18:00 – 19:00                                                                                                                                                       Far ewell RECEPTION
                to Review the Week

                    19:00 – 19:30                                              DINNER
                                                                                                                                                                     Gr aduation DINNER
19:00 – 20:00   Welcome RECEPTION                DINNER                   Faculty Dinner in                 DINNER                          DINNER
                                                                                                                                                                      C ertificates Awarded
                                                                           P r ivate Home
                    19:30 – 20:30                                                                                                         20:30 – 21:30
20:00 – 21:00
                 Welcome DINNER                                                                                                   C hamber Music C ONCERT

        July 9 – 15, 2017

Wolfgang Aulitzky, MD is the Medical Director of the
American Austrian Foundation.
He is Associate Dean for International Medicine and Distance
Learning, Adjunct Prof. of Clinical Urology and Adjunct Prof. of
Clinical Reproductive Medicine at the Weill Medical College of
Cornell University/New York Presbyterian Hospital. In 2016, he
was appointed Adjunct Professor of Pediatrics in the
Associated Faculty of the Perelman School of Medicine at the
Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. He is also Associate Prof.
of Urology at the Medical University of Innsbruck and Visiting
Professor at the Medical University of Vienna.
Amongst others he is a member of the American, German and
Austrian Societies of Urology and was awarded the
Zuckerkandlpreis of the Austrian Society of Urology in 1989. In
1995 he received the Silver Medal, in 2007 the Golden Medal
for Merits to the Republic of Austria and in 2014 the cross of
honor of the Land Salzburg.
As Director of the Medical Program of the American Austrian
Foundation he has initiated the Open Medical Institute, a
scientific and educational collaboration of Weill Cornell and the
NewYork Presbyterian Hospital, the Children Hospital of
Philadelphia, Duke University, Columbia University, the
Cleveland Clinic and leading hospitals in Austria. Dr. Aulitzky
earned his medical degree at the University of Innsbruck in
1977, was a research associate at the University of Uppsala,
Sweden and the Rockefeller University, New York. He
received his training as an urologist at the University of
Innsbruck and the General Hospital of Salzburg. He is the
author of more than 140 publications on Urology, Andrology
and Health Care issues and is co-author of books on basic
and clinical urology/andrology.

Wolfgang Aulitzky, MD

Director, Open Medical Institute
American Austrian Foundation

Gerhard Andlinger Professor and Associate Dean
for International Medicine & Distance Learning
Adjunct Professor of Clinical Urology
Adjunct Professor of Clinical Reproductive Medicine
Weill Medical College of Cornell University

Associate Professor of Urology
Medical University of Innsbruck, Austria

Visiting Professor
Medical University of Vienna

Mailing address:
Kärntner Straße 51/II/Top 4
1010 Vienna, Austria

Phone: +43-1-533 8658
Fax: +43-1-533 8658-10
Email: w.aulitzky@openmedicalinstitute.org
Christopher Chapple BSc MBBS MD FRCS (Urol) FEBU
DHC, (Course Co-Director) is a Consultant Urological
Surgeon at Sheffield Teaching Hospitals, Honorary Professor
at University of Sheffield and Visiting Professor at Sheffield
Hallam University. He has a particular interest in functional
reconstruction of the lower urinary tract and the underlying
pharmacological control mechanisms, and provides a tertiary
service in lower urinary tract reconstructive surgery.
He trained at the Middlesex Hospital where he completed his
doctorate thesis. He continued there and the Institute of
Urology in London for his sub-specialist training. He is
Secretary General of the European Association of Urology,
having previously been Chairman of the International
Relations Committee, Adjunct Secretary General Responsible
for Education, and Director of the European School of Urology.
He was editor-in-chief of the journal Neurourology and
Urodynamics from 2006-2016 and is on the editorial board of
several international journals. He is an active member of
many urological associations and societies including the
British Association of Urological Surgeons, the European
Association of Urology, the International Continence Society,
the Association of Academic European Urologists and the
American Association of Genitourinary Surgeons.
He has chaired a number of guidelines initiatives including the
NICE Guidelines Development Group on male LUTS and was
co-chairman of the ICUD consultation on male LUTS. BAUS
awarded him the St Peter’s medal 2011 and SUFU awarded
him the Lifetime Achievement Award in 2015.
Prof. Chapple has co-authored 700+ articles, comments and
letters in peer-reviewed journals and has written several
chapters and books.

Christopher Chapple, BSc MBBS MD FRCS (Urol) FEBU DHC
Department of Urology
Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Royal Hallamshire Hospital
Glossop Road
Sheffield, S10 2JF
United Kingdom

Phone: +44 (0)114 271 3048
Email: c.r.chapple@sheffield.ac.uk
Douglas S. Scherr, MD (Course Co-Director) is currently a
Professor of Urology and Clinical Director of Urologic
Oncology at the Weill Medical College of Cornell University.
Dr. Scherr began his education at Cornell University where he
received a B.A. in Government. Following this, he completed
his medical school training at The George Washington
University School of Medicine.
Dr. Scherr then came to NY to complete his urologic residency
at The New York Hospital-Cornell Medical Center. This was
followed by a two-year fellowship in urologic oncology at
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center under the tutelage of
Dr. Peter Scardino.
Dr. Scherr currently focuses his practice on urological
malignancies, and in particular, he has developed a busy
robotic oncology service in the treatment of clinically localized
prostate and bladder cancer. In addition, Dr. Scherr has an
active basic science research laboratory in which he focuses
on the molecular and genetic basis of prostate cancer.

Douglas S. Scherr, MD
Professor of Urology, Clinical Dir., Urologic Oncology
Weill Medical College of Cornell University
525 E. 68th St. Starr 900
New York, NY 10021

Phone: +1-212-7465788
Fax:   +1-212-7460975
Email: dss2001@med.cornell.edu
Christopher Barbieri, MD, PhD is Assistant Professor of
Urology and Assistant Professor of Cell and
Developmental Biology at Weill Cornell Medicine and
NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital. He is a urologic surgeon
whose long-term goal is definition of distinct molecular
classes of prostate cancer, functional modeling of these
subtypes to define drivers and therapeutic vulnerability,
and translation of this information to care of prostate
cancer patients.
Dr. Barbieri received his undergraduate degree from
Dartmouth College and then attended Vanderbilt
University School of Medicine, where he obtained both his
MD and PhD degrees. During his PhD training, he
studied transcriptional targets of p53 family members,
gaining extensive expertise in cancer biology and cell and
molecular biology techniques. He completed both his
Urology Residency and Urologic Oncology Fellowship at
Weill Cornell Medical College. Dr. Barbieri’s post-doctoral
work led to the identification and characterization SPOP
mutations in prostate cancer, and the definition of SPOP
mutant prostate cancer as a distinct molecular subclass.
Dr. Barbieri’s research focuses on improving molecular
classification of prostate cancer and identifying novel
drivers, defining the signaling pathways and biology
underlying distinct subtypes of the disease, and exposing
new therapeutic avenues. His work has led to recognition
as a Prostate Cancer Foundation Young Investigator and
a Urology Care Foundation Research Scholar; he is also
the recipient of a Career Development Award from the
National Cancer Institute to fund his work on prostate
cancer. In addition, Dr. Barbieri has also been recognized
as a Rising Star in Urology Research by the American
Urological Association, and with a Clinical Investigator
Award from the Damon Runyon Cancer Research

Christopher E. Barbieri, MD, PhD
Assistant Professor of Urology and
Assistant Professor of Cell and Developmental Biology
Weill Cornell Medicine
New York Presbyterian/Weill Cornell
525 East 68th Street, Starr 900
New York, NY 10065

Phone: +1-212.746.5562
Fax    +1-212.746.0975
Email: chb9074@med.cornell.edu
Francisco Cruz, MD was graduated in Medicine by the
Faculty of Medicine of Porto in 1979. In 1990 he obtained the
title of Specialist in Urology In 1993 achieved the PhD degree.
In 2002 he was appointed Vice-chairman and in 2004
Professor and Chairman of the Department of Urology of the
Hospital S João and Faculty of Medicine of Porto, positions
hold at the present moment. He is member of the EAU
Guidelines panel for urinary incontinence since 2010. He is the
Chair of ESFFU (European Section of Functional an Female
Urology). He is member of several international societies
including the European Association of Urology and the
International Continence Society. He is also member of ICIUD
panel on male LUTS and Incontinence. He is member of the
Editorial Board of European Urology, BJU International and
Neurourology and Urodynamics and is a frequent reviewer to
prestigious journals in the area of Functional Urology. Between
2004 and 2012 he served as member of the Scientific
Committee of the European Association of Urology.Between
2012 and 2017 served as consultant of the EAU International
Relations Office.
He authored numerous papers and chapter books and
oriented several PhD thesis in the area of Functional Urology.
Francisco Cruz has been primary investigators in several
national and International Research projects and including EU
funded consortiums for bladder research.

Francisco Cruz, MD
Chair of the Department of Urology
Hospital S Joao

Email: cruzfjmr@med.up.pt
Roger Goldberg, MD, MPH completed his undergraduate
degree at Cornell University, medical degree at Northwestern
University, residency training at Harvard University's Beth
Israel Hospital, Master's degree at Johns Hopkins University,
and fellowship in Urogynecology at Northwestern University.
Dr. Goldberg is widely published in the field of urogynecology,
publishing over 75 peer-review scientific articles and book
chapters, and has authored two books including
"Urogynecology for the Primary Care Provider" (Springer,
2006), and "Ever Since I Had My Baby" (Random House,
2003) which represented the first book on post-childbirth pelvic
floor disorders written for the layperson. Dr. Goldberg's
leadership roles include recently serving on the Board of
Directors for the American Urogynecology Society (AUGS).
He holds several medical device patents and has innovated
surgical procedures for pelvic organ prolapse that are now
performed worldwide, and has regularly lectured and taught
surgery throughout the world. Dr. Goldberg's urogynecology
division in Chicago is home to a 3-year fellowship training
program in Female Pelvic Medicine and Reconstructive
Surgery (FPMRS). Their research has received top awards
from nearly all major societies including AUGS, IUGA, ICS and
SGS, and in recognition of this work, in 2013 Dr. Goldberg
was presented with his institution's Distinguished Physician
Award. Dr. Goldberg lives in the Chicago area with his wife
and four children.

Roger P. Goldberg, MD, MPH
Director, Division of Urogynecology
NorthShore University HealthSystem
Clinical Associate Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology
University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine

Email:   roger.p.goldberg@gmail.com
Magnus Grabe, MD, PhD, was born in Sweden and grew up
in Geneva, Switzerland, where he also studied at the School of
Medicine of the University of this international city. He returned
to Sweden after graduation and specialised in general surgery
and urology at the Malmö General Hospital. After a PhD thesis
at the University of Lund, he eventually became Associate
Professor. As consultant in general urology, he built up the
endourologic activities of the Department of Urology at the
Malmö University Hospital. His main interest and research
focus have been on the management of kidney stones,
bladder cancer and infections in urology, which has resulted in
over 100 publications and book chapters.
Dr. Grabe was for many years a member of the European
Association of Urology’s Section on infections in urology and
chair of the Guidelines Panel on Urological infections. He is a
faculty member of the European School of Urology and a peer
reviewer for several major urological journals.
After graduation, he also volunteered in West Africa stricken
by severe drought. He worked subsequently at numerous
occasion in large humanitarian medical emergencies in Africa
and Asia as field doctor, surgeon or medical coordinator. He
has also worked for the Swedish cooperation and the World
Health Organisation. Teaching and surgical training have been
core activities, independently of the social and medical
environments, and the work has resulted in a series of related
Dr. Grabe is presently active with academic work and teaching
and training of residents and young urologist both at home and
in East Africa.

Magnus Grabe, MD, PhD
Associate Professor of Urology
University of Lund, Sweden
Private address:
Gylle byaväg 11-6
23191 Trelleborg

Phone: +46705691211
Email: magnus.grabe@med.lu.se
Richard Lee, MD MBA, completed his undergraduate degree
at Duke University and his MD/MBA in Healthcare
Management at the University of Pennsylvania School of
Medicine and the Wharton School. He completed his surgical
internship and urology residency at Weill Cornell Medical
College/New York-Presbyterian Hospital. He completed his
fellowship in Voiding Dysfunction, Female Urology, and
Neurourology at both Weill Cornell Medical College/New York-
Presbyterian Hospital and Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer
Center, after which he was appointed to the full-time faculty at
Cornell in July 2011. He currently holds joint appointments
within the Departments of Urology as well as Healthcare Policy
& Research and currently serves as Program Director for the
Urology department.
Dr. Lee maintains an active practice in both men and women.
His expertise is in the treatment and evaluation of men and
women with incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse, overactive
bladder, and benign prostatic hyperplasia. Dr. Lee is an active
participant in translational research and is currently involved in
several research protocols as either primary or co-investigator
that includes NIH, non-profit foundation, and industry support.
He is active in global health efforts, helping to spearhead HIV
risk reduction efforts in both China and Africa. He has
established collaborations with several other leading
institutions, including The Population Council, Rockefeller
University, Cornell Tech, and the Mayo Clinic. He is an active
peer reviewer for European Urology, Journal of Urology,
British Journal of Urology International, and Advances in
Urology. He has also published over 150 peer-reviewed
articles and co-authored chapters in several urologic
textbooks. He serves on national committees for the AUA. He
serves as Section Editor for Current Bladder Dysfunction
Reports and as an Editor for the Asian Journal of Urology. He
is board certified by the American Board of Urology and holds
a subspecialty certification in Female Pelvic Medicine and
Reconstruction as well.

Richard Lee, MD
Assistant Professor, Department of Urology
Weill Cornell Medical College
New York-Presbyterian Hospital
525 E. 68th St., F9 West
New York, NY 10065

Phone: +1-212-746-4811
Fax: +1-212-746-5329
Email: ril9010@med.cornell.edu
Marek Schmidt, MD is an urologist who specializes in
advanced     urological     laparoscopy,    urooncoogy    and
endourology. Dr. Schmidt completed his graduate studies at
Charles University School of General Medicine and completed
his urology residency at Motol University Hospital in Prague,
Czech Republic.
Dr. Schmidt’s professional interests include laparoscopic
surgery in urology, urooncology and endourology, especially
the use of new technologies and novel surgical procedures.
He performed first single port laparoscopic radical
nephrectomy in Czech Republic in 2010. Since 2011, he is
member of Hands on training team of EUREP, regularly taking
part in HOT sessions and E-BLUS in EUREP and in local
national annual conferences in various European countries.
Since 2015 is a deputy of head of Clinic of Urology, Charles
University, Motol University Hospital, Prague, Czech Republic.

Marek Schmidt, MD
Doctor of Urology
Clinic of Urology, Charles University
Motol University Hospital
V Uvalu 84
Prague, 150 06
Czech Republic

Phone: +42024434803
Email: marek.schmidt@fnmotol.cz
Theodoros Tokas, MD, FEBU is a urologist who specializes
in endourology and laparoscopic urology. Dr. Tokas grew up in
Athens, Greece and completed his undergraduate studies at
Pierce College, the American College of Greece. He
graduated from Pecs Medical School in Hungary and
completed his Urology residency at Athens Medical School, 1st
Department of Urology. His fellowship training in laparoscopic
and robotic Urology took place in SLK Kliniken, Klinikum
Heilbronn, Department of Urology, Germany, under the
guidance of Prof. Dr. J. Rassweiler.
Dr. Tokas’s research interests include innovative imaging in
prostate cancer, training and ergonomics in laparoscopy and
endourology, as well as active renal and ureteral stone
treatment. He has taken part in more than 20 single- and
multicenter studies based on the above topics. His research
efforts have earned him scholarships and grants from the
Greek Urological Association as well as the European Urology
Scholarship Program (EUSP) of the European Association of
Urology. He is an active European Urology Residency
Education Program (EUREP) tutor of endourology and has
participated as an ESU/EAU tutor of laparoscopy in more than
15 national and international meetings.
Dr. Tokas is currently working as a Urology Consultant in Hall
General Hospital, Tirol, Austria.

Theodoros Tokas, MD, FEBU
Consultant Urology
General Hospital Hall in Tirol
Milser Strasse 10/5
6060 Hall in Tirol

Phone:   +43-50504-36310
Fax:     +43-50504-6736310
Email:   ttokas@yahoo.com
Olivier Traxer, MD is currently Professor of Urology at the
University of Paris 6th (Pierre et Marie Curie) and works in
Tenon Hospital (academic hospital). After a training in general
urology in Paris, Dr Olivier TRAXER did a research-fellowship
at Southwestern Medical School, University of Texas, Dallas-
Texas (under the supervision of Professors Charles Y.C PAK
and Margaret Sue PEARLE) to subspecialize in Endourology
and kidney stone management which represents his main field
of interest.
As endo-urologist, his main goal is to improve the knowledge
on urinary stone disease and endourology, to optimize the
quality of treatment given to patients, and to promote the role
of his specialty in that field. PrTraxer Olivier is responsible in
Tenon Hospital-Urology department (University Hospital,
University Pierre et Marie Curie Paris-6) of the minimaly
invasive surgery section and published more than 160 per-
reviewed papers.
Pr Traxer is a board member of the EndoUrological Society,
and for the EAU a board member of the EULIS, ESUT and
ESU office. He is the treasurer of SIU and he also received in
2010 in Chicago (WCE) the Arthur Smith Award.

Olivier Traxer, MD
Professor of Urology
Hôpital Tenon
4 Rue de la Chine
75020 Paris

Email: Olivier.traxer@aphp.fr
Christian Wagner, MD, FEBU is a urologist who specializes
in minimally invasive treatment of both oncological and benign
/ reconstructive diseases, with a focus on Robot-assisted
urologic surgery.
Dr Wagner grew up in North-Western Germany and graduated
from Medical School in Muenster, Germany, to then conduct
his training in Urology in Gronau and Recklinghausen
(Germany), to become a board certified urologist. He is also
Fellow of the European Board of Urology.
Dr Wagner´s reseach interest includes clinical studies in
robotic urologic surgery, with another focus on training and
simulation. He has written and edited several book chapters
on the topic of robotic urologic prostate and kidney surgery,
and produced numerous educational videos presented ad
various conferences.
Dr Wagner is founding member and board member of the
German Society of Robot-assisted Urology (DGRU), as well as
a long-term Member of the Working Group on Education and
Training of the European Urology Section of Robotic Urology
(ERUS). Moreover, he has been serving as a Hands-On
training tutor for Basic Laparoscopy and Examiner for EBLUS
for numerous years at the European Urology Residents
Education Programme (EUREP), as well as a trainer for
Robotic surgery at numerous international EAU Trainings, and
in his institution.
Dr Wagner is currently faculty member and serves as Head of
Robotic Urology at one of Europe´s largest robotic urology
centers (at PZNW / St. Antonius Hospital in Gronau,
Germany), which performs more about 1,400 robotic surgeries
per years, including more than 1,200 Robot-assisted radical
prostatectomies. He is furthermore the medical director of the
training center „European Robotic Institute”.
He lives in Muenster, Germany.

Dr. med. C. Wagner, FEBU
Head of Robotic Surgery
Medical Director of the training center
European Robotic Institute
Ärztl. Leitung Trainingszentrum
EBU Certified Training and Sub-speciality Centre
St. Antonius-Hospital
Möllenweg 22
48599 Gronau

Phone : +49 2562 915 2100
Fax :   +49 2562 915 2105
Email: wagner@st-antonius-gronau.de
Jochen Christoph Walz, MD is the head of the Department of
Urology at the Institut Paoli-Calmettes Cancer Centre in
Marseille, France. He was chairman of the EAU Section of
Urological Imaging from 2009 to 2017.
Dr. Walz attended the Medical School of the University of
Mainz, Germany. He completed his dissertation at the
University of Mainz about “Mechanisms of mutagenesis of
ultimate geno-toxique substances influenced by homogenate
of human erythrocytes”. Afterward, he completed his residency
in Urology at the University of Marseille / France and Hamburg
/ Germany. He is board certified urologist since 2005. He
became a research fellow at the Cancer Prognostics and
Health Outcomes Unit at the University of Montreal, Canada in
2006/2007 and received his “Habilitation” in 2008 in Urology at
the University of Hamburg, Germany. He is specialized in uro-
oncology and urological imaging.

Jochen Christoph Walz, MD
Institut Paoli-Calmettes Cancer Centre
Department of Urology
232, Bd Ste. Marguerite
13009 Marseille

Email: walzj@ipc.unicancer.fr

        July 9 – 15, 2017

Haitham Abdelmoteleb, MD, MSc         United Kingdom

University Hospital of Wales
CFIHHXW Cardiff, United Kingdom
Phone: +07-8-841827995
Email 1: haitham.abdelmoteleb@yahoo.com

Petar Antonov, MD Bulgaria
Assistant Professor, Specialist

University Hospital "St. George"
Department of Urology
66, Peshtersko shose blv
4002 Plovdiv, Bulgaria
Phone: +35-9-3602913
Email 1: p_antonov@abv.bg

Ulanbek Balpukov, MD Kazakhstan
Teaching/research/clinical Associate, Specialist

Medical University Astana
Department of Urology
010000 Astana, Kazakhstan
Phone: +77-1-72539450
Email 1: ulanbek.amu@gmail.com
Email 2: ulanbekbalpukov@gmail.com
Goksel Bayar, MD     Turkey

Fatih Sultan Mehmet Training and Research Hospital
Department of Urology
Istanbul, Turkey
Phone: +90-5-315849749
Email 1: goxelle@gmail.com

Rosita Bazarauskaite, MD      Lithuania

Republic Hospital in Klaipeda
Department of Urology
S. Neries 3
92231 Klaipeda, Lithuania
Phone: +37-6-1888241
Fax: +37-4-6410716
Email 1: bazarauskaite.rosita@gmail.com
Email 2: rosita.bazarauskaite@kal.lt

Arben Belba, MD     Italy

Hospital Santo Stefano
Via Suor Niccolina Infermiera 20
59100 Prato, Italy
Fax: +39-5-74804707
Email 1: arbenbelba@gmail.com
Volodymyr Chernylovskyi         Ukraine

Dnipro City Multifield Central Clinical Hospital 4
Department of Urology
Blyzhnya, 31
49102 Dnipro, Ukraine
Phone: +38-5-67560132
Email 1: chernylovskyi@gmail.com

Joerg Ellinger, MD      Germany

University Hospital Bonn
Sigmund-Freud-Str. 25
53105 Bonn, Germany
Fax: +49-2-2828714249
Email 1: joerg.ellinger@ukbonn.de

Mohammed Essam El Din, MD            Egypt

Urology Department Ain Shams University
Ramsis street, El Demerdash Hospital
11331 Cairo, Egypt
Phone: +20-1-021056594
Fax: +20-2-22668057
Email 1: mohamedesaam@med.asu.edu.eg
Elieser Fernandez Vivar, MD       Mexico
Professor, Attending Physician

Mexican Institution of Social Security Puebla. Specialties
Department of Urology
2004 2 Norte Street
72000 Puebla, Mexico
Phone: +52-1-2222424520
Email 1: felieser21@gmail.com
Email 2: elieser.fernandez@upaep.mx

Ivan Gorgotskii, MD, PhD Russian Federation
Teaching/research/clinical Associate, Attending Physician

Saint-Petersburg State University Surgical Center
Department of Urology
154, Fontanka River Emb.
190103 Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation
Phone: +79-6-02696343
Email 1: casextra@yandex.ru

Angelica Anna Chiara Grasso, MD         Italy

Fondazione IRCCS Ca' Granda Ospedale Maggiore
Via Della Commenda 15
20100 Milano, Italy
Phone: +39-3-474535881
Email 1: angelica_grasso@yahoo.it
Email 2: angelicagrassosu@gmail.com
Abdel Rahman Samih Jaber, MD          Qatar

Hamad Medical Corporation
Department of Urology
Al Rayyan Road
Doha, Qatar
Phone: +97-4-33763216
Email 1: AJaber3@hamad.qa

Shuhrat Khalilov, MD Uzbekistan
Teaching/research/clinical Assistant, Attending Physician

Republic Specialized Scientific Centre of Phtisiology and
Department of Urology
Sh. Alimov-1
100086 Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Phone: +8-371-278-04-70
Fax: +8-371-278-04-70
Email 1: shuhratdoktor@mail.ru
Email 2: shuhrat_doktor@mail.ru

Teele Kuusk, MD Estonia
Teaching/research/clinical Assistant, Specialist

Antoni Van Leeuwenhoek Netherlands Cancer Institute
Department of Urology
Plesmanlaan 121
1066 CX Amsterdam, Netherlands
Phone: +37-2-555584961
Email 1: teele.kuusk@gmail.com
Email 2: t.kuusk@nki.nl
Artur Leminski, MD, PhD Poland
Assistant Professor, Specialist

Pomeranian Medical University
Department of Urology
Al. Powstancow Wlkp 72
70-111 Szczecin, Poland
Phone: +48-9-14661100
Fax: +48-9-14661101
Email 1: artur.leminski@gmail.com

Ioannis Leotsakos, MD, PhD     Greece

University of Athens
Department of Urology
Athens, Greece
Phone: +30-6-944328431
Email 1: j_leot@yahoo.gr

Branimir Lodeta, MD, PhD     Croatia

General Hospital Varazdin
Department of Urology
Ivana Mestrovica bb
42000 Varazdin, Croatia
Phone: +38-5-98737857
Email 1: branimir.lodeta@gmail.com
Roberto Lopez Maguey, MD        Mexico

Hospital Dr. Manuel Gea Gonzalez
Department of Urology
Calzada de Tlalpan 4800, Tlalpan Centro I, Tlalpan,
14080 Mexico City, Mexico
Phone: +01-5-240003000
Email 1: rpatloma@gmail.com

Sorin Lupu, MD, PhD      Romania

Emergency Clinical County Hospital
Department of Urology
Oltet street
500152 Brasov, Romania
Phone: +40-7-22988921
Email 1: so_lupu@yahoo.com

Mohamad Mabrouki, MD        France

Clinique Saint Augustin
114 Avenue d'Ares
33074 Bordeaux, France
Phone: +33-6-99376587
Email 1: dr_mabrouki@hotmail.com
Anthony Magoda, MD, MSc Tanzania, United
Republic of
Teaching/research/clinical Associate, Specialist

St. Francis Referral Hospital
Department of Urology
P.O.BOX 73 Ifakara-Morogoro
255 Ifakara, Tanzania, United Republic of
Phone: +25-5-232931581
Fax: +25-5-232625389
Email 1: magodaam@yahoo.co.uk

Dong-Ho Mun, MD       Austria

Medical University of Vienna
Department of Urology
Waehringer Guertel 18-20
1090 Vienna, Austria
Fax: +43-1-4040026200
Email 1: dong-ho.mun@meduniwien.ac.at

Vlad Pantea, MD     Germany

Katholisches Klinikum Essen
Hospitalstr. 24
45329 Essen, Germany
Phone: +49-1-7638940165
Email 1: vladpantea@yahoo.com
Kremena Petkova, MD, PhD Bulgaria
Assistant Professor, Assistant Attending Physician

Military Medical Academy
Department of Urology
3, Georgi Sofiiski blvd.
1606 Sofia, Bulgaria
Phone: +35-9-887626583
Email 1: dr_petkova@yahoo.com

Ekaterina Philippova, MD, PhD       Russian Federation
Assistant Professor, Specialist

Ural State Medical University, Sverdlovsk Regional
Clinical Hospital
Department of Urology
Volgogradskaya, 185
620102 Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation
Phone: +73-4-33511587
Fax: +73-4-33511678
Email 1: filippova.cat@yandex.ru

Wojciech Polom, MD Poland
Teaching/research/clinical Assistant, Specialist

Medical University of Gdansk
Department of Urology
Mariana Smoluchowskiego 17
80-001 Gdansk, Poland
Phone: +48-5-83493160
Fax: +48-5-83493170
Email 1: wojtek.polom@gmail.com
Miguel Angel Rodriguez Cabello, MD         Spain

University Hospital La Moraleja
Avenida de Francisco Pi y Margall 81
28050 Madrid, Spain
Email 1: mrcabello@gmail.com

Ikrom Rofiev, MD Tajikistan
Teaching/research/clinical Associate, Specialist

Tajik State Medical University
Department of Urology
Ayni 12a
734000 Dushanbe, Tajikistan
Phone: +99-2-938706717
Fax: +99-2-372510404
Email 1: dr_ikrom@mail.ru
Email 2: dr.ir.ikrom@gmail.com

Judith Stangl-Kremser, MD        Austria

General Hospital of Vienna
Waehringer Guertel 18-20
1090 Vienna, Austria
Email 1: judithstangl@gmx.net
Veronika Sturcova Kaliska, MD        Czech Republic

2nd Faculty of Medicine Charles University in Motol
Department of Urology
V Uvalu 84
15006 Prague, Czech Republic
Phone: +42-7-21115737
Email 1: veronikakaliska@yahoo.com

Alexey Suchshenko, MSc Kazakhstan
Teaching/research/clinical Assistant, Specialist

City Hospital 2
Department of Urology
6, Rysculov ave
Z05K7M0 Astana, Kazakhstan
Phone: +77-1-72432661
Email 1: alexei.suchshenko@gmail.com
Email 2: alexei.doc@mail.ru

Aleksandar Trifunovski, MD       Republic of Macedonia

University Clinic of urology
Department of Urology
Vodnjanska N 17
1000 Skopje, Republic of Macedonia
Phone: +38-9-70387096
Email 1: trifunovskia@gmail.com
Arman Tsaturyan, MD, MPH Armenia
Teaching/research/clinical Assistant, Staff Physician

"Astghik" Medical Center
Department of Urology
Daniel Varuzhani St., 28 Building
0032 Yerevan, Armenia
Phone: +37-4-60651219
Email 1: tsaturyanarman@yahoo.com

Evisa Zhapa, MD      Albania

Italian - Albanian Hospital "SALUS"
Department of Urology
Rruga "Vidhe Gjata" Mezez-Kashar, Tirane
00000 Tirana, Albania
Phone: +35-5-662004463
Email 1: evisazh@yahoo.com
                              Diary of Veronika Sturcova Kaliska, MD

Sunday, July 09th

Although I was tired after the long trip to Salzburg I preferred to take the public transport instead of
a taxi knowing the bus would take me through the beautiful city centre on the way to the castle.
Then the iron gate of wonderful Schloss Arenberg opened and everything started. The reception staff
was very friendly and helpful. My single room was comfortably equipped and offered a lovely view to
green Würth sculpture garden.

At 7 pm we all met for the evening welcome drink with the faculty members, all of whom were
introduced to us and the introductions of all participants followed. After the dinner, most of us spent
the rest of the evening engaging in pleasant conversation in the lounge before we moved to bed in
the late hours.

It is going to be a long day tomorrow.

Monday, July 10th

The first day started with a 30-minute pre-seminar test, which covered the entire scope of seminar
themes. We will take the same test again for reference at the end of the week.

The theme of the day was prostate cancer. Dr. Walz talked about the role of imaging in the
diagnostics, active surveillance and treatment of prostate cancer. He mentioned indication for MRI
targeted biopsy of patients with prior negative biopsy. Prof. Barbieri continued with risk stratification
and evaluation of the patient and also with new biomarkers.

The coffee break is essential for our brains, so after short refreshment we were ready for radical
prostatectomy with Prof. Scherr and his tips and tricks for nerve sparing surgery enriched with
techniques for optimizing the return of continence. A perfect presentation, very helpful for practice
in my opinion. The rest of the lectures were dedicated to treatment of locally advanced as well as
metastatic cancer.

After delicious lunch, we continued with the first group of case presentations by seminar fellows. We
all engaged in very fruitful discussion and - as we were all coming from different countries - many
cases are really unique and therefore interesting. Have you ever seen an echinococcus bladder cyst in
your practice?

After the wrap up of the presentation session, some of us decided to go for a short walk around
Salzburg. Later after the dinner we met again in the lounge for talk and couple of drinks before we
went to sleep.

Tuesday, July 11th

Urinary tract infections day. The morning session with Dr. Grabe was focused on the new EAU
guidelines classification of UTI and sepsis followed by investigation possibilities. One of the slides
surprised me. Does each of our bodies really contain 2.5 kilograms of bacteria? Interesting idea. Prof.
Aulitzky talked about the impact of urogenital infection on male fertility and described several
methods of sperm retrieval techniques used in treatment of an infertile couple, including
microsurgical repair of iatrogenic injury of the vas. Nowadays, a highly pressing topic, since nearly
20% of couples have difficulty conceiving. After the coffee break, we returned to UTI, its
management of treatment, and importance of rational antimicrobial prophylaxis.

We were looking forward to our well-deserved lunch and discussion over a cup of coffee and creamy
dessert. Relaxed, we were able to continue with the second part of case reports presented by
participants, and widely discussed again.

During my free time in the afternoon, I went to the train station to buy a return ticket to Prague.
Again, I cannot help but admire this wonderful town. I love its picturesque narrow streets lined with
small shops and cafes.

The rainy weather made us sleepy so after dinner I went to bed early.

Wednesday, July 12th

Wednesday was dedicated to urolithiasis. Excellent endo-urologist Professor Traxer shared with us
his rich experience with Holmium YAG Laser treatment for retrograde intrarenal kidney stone surgery
down to the last detail. Obviously, I have to change my approach to the work with a laser fibre and
shorten it more often. Prof. Lee came forward with news in PCNL treatment, talked about
advantages and disadvantages of prone and supine position of the patient, miniaturized PCNL and
combined approach with simultaneous PCNL and endoscopic procedure. He also mentioned
innovations in technology in the most recent years. After a short break we talked about some
differences between EAU and AUA Guidelines in urolithiasis treatment and finally received some
greatly appreciated tips and tricks in RIRS from Professor Traxer. This sort of practical information
cannot be found in any literature.

This day was really great.

Our brains need glucose, let’s have lunch. This afternoon starts with hands-on laparoscopy training
for the first half of the group, which means I am free for the rest of the day. I went for a walk to buy
some presents for my family. I really need “Mozartkugeln” and Zotter chocolate.

Dinner time found us meeting in the Schloss Arenberg restaurant. After dinner most of the group
moved to a nearby club to enjoy mojito and unexpected celebration. It is Abdel’s 30th birthday
today! Best wishes from all of us! That was a long night.

Thursday, July 13th

Here comes BPH and functional urology. Prof. Chapple directed our attention to the issue of
complexity of symptoms and medical assessment of male LUTS. He emphasized the importance of
the frequency-volume chart in the investigation of a man with benign prostatic hyperplasia, so often
omitted. He also mentioned the benefits of combination therapy and concluded his presentation
with a wonderful warning. “There is a man around his prostate.” Prof. Lee presented surgical
management of BPH from gold standard TURP through different laser technologies to prostatic
urethral lift, Rezum and Aquabeam.
The time after the coffee break was dedicated to underactive bladder with Prof. Chapple, followed
by Dr. Cruz’s presentation concerning pharmacology and function of the lower urinary tract. AUA
BPH guidelines and related cases closed the fourth seminar day. The discussion was interrupted
because of a planned group photo with Faculty members in front of the castle. The debate continued
even during the lunch.

I moved upstairs to join hands-on laparoscopy training in the afternoon. Five laparoscopy trainers
were prepared for 16 participants, we were using five different models for basic skill training under
the supervision of skilled surgeons Dr.Tokas, Dr. Schmidt and Dr. Wagner. Three hours passed too

In the evening we were invited to a concert. We enjoyed the excellent soprano voice of Erin Snell
accompanied by the talented pianist Tatjana Meyer. Among others, this duo performed the Czech
‘Song to the Moon‘ from ‘Rusalka‘ opera by Antonin Dvorak.

Friday, July 14th

Last day’s theme was reconstructive urology. Professor Chapple prepared for us an illustrative and
detailed description of different types of urethroplasties. Next presentation’s concern was stress
urinary incontinence in women and also in men, it mentioned pharmacological and surgical
treatment. Dr. Goldberg showed us detailed view of female pelvic organ prolapse presented in
almost 40% of women in the age over 40 with its huge impact on quality of life. Surgery involves
multi-compartment approach as well as different types of meshes. The last seminar day ended with
discussion of cases.

We enjoyed lunch together and went back for last workshop with case reports prepared by
participants. The topic of my presentation was epididymitis followed by testicular infarction in
patient with Pseudomonas aeruginosa urinary infection. Discussion was just short, we are already

The post-seminar test brought a surprising feeling. I am not sure if my choice of answers has
improved since the first test and I finally found out this is overall group feeling. Probably we need
more time to absorb such a huge amount of information.

And finally, there was a farewell reception and Graduation Dinner. Prof. Aulitzky told us his final
touching speech. A little bit sad in this moment.

In this one week, we have established not only professional contacts, but also a friendship. I wish to
thank to all of those who sacrificed their own time to give us their experiences and knowledge in the
friendly atmosphere, as well as those who brought us this beautiful encounter. I hope we will meet

Veronika Sturcova Kaliska

                             Diary of Artur Lemiński, MD, PhD, FEBU
                          Pomeranian Medical University, Szczecin, Poland

9th of July. I arrived to Salzburg early afternoon and headed to Schloss Arenberg directly from the
airport. The castle looked magnificent with a large park surrounding it, full of pieces of modern
sculpture. I received a friendly welcome form the reception staff, together with some basic information
about the Seminar, Salzburg, and the castle itself. We met the Faculty during the welcome drink, and
were greeted by professors Aulitzky and Scherr, who encouraged us to participate actively in the
Seminar. We familiarized and socialized with each other during the welcome dinner which lasted well
into the evening.

10th of July, Monday. Woke up early, and had a nice 5km jog with a Lithuanian colleague along the
banks of the Salzach river. We didn’t know this will become our daily routine yet. The Seminar started
shortly after the breakfast with a short introduction and a pre-seminar test, which was fairly
straightforward, perhaps except some laser-specific questions. The first session included lectures on
prostate cancer imaging and surgical evaluation, which were given by doctors Jochen Waltz (Institut
Paoli-Calmettes, Marseille, France) and Chris Barbieri (Weill Cornell, NY, USA). These brought
significant updates on the use of multiparametric MRI and PET/CT in the diagnosis and clinical staging
of prostate cancer, along with overview of risk stratification, and expectant management strategies.
After the coffee break we enjoyed a great talk on the surgical management of organ confined disease
by dr Scherr (Weill Cornell, NY, USA), followed by lectures on treatment for locally advanced and
metastatic disease given by doctors Waltz and Barbieri. Afternoon brought a very expected lunch
break, after which the fellows were presenting cases. My case was a cytoreductive prostatectomy in
the oligometastatic setting, which came under heavy fire from the Faculty as not being performed as
a part of a clinical trial. We enjoyed this afternoon though, as many of the fellows had very interesting
clinical problems to present.

11th of July, Tuesday. Started with a Polish-Lithuanian running event again, after which we enjoyed
the day full of lectures dedicated to infections in urology. This was largely due to outstanding efforts
of prof. Magnus Grabe (Univerisity of Lund, Sweden), whose talks covered the areas of urinary and
male genital tract infections, their management and antibiotic prophylaxis in urological procedures.
He was joined by prof. Aulitzky (Weill Cornell, NY, USA), who dwelled on intriguing and not fully
understood relationship between infection and infertility. These excellent talks sparked significant
interest and intense debates concerning use of antibiotics in chronic prostatitis and optimal
antimicrobial prophylactic policies. The rest of the day was packed with case presentations, again often
dealing with very unusual clinical entities.

12th of July, Wednesday. After the morning run and a nourishing breakfast we started another day of
the Seminar dedicated to urolithiasis. It’s hard to believe we’re almost half way through, but everyone
stays on high alert not to lose a thing, even though the evening lasted quite long. We began with prof.
Oliver Traxer’s (University of Paris, France) lecture on lasers in the treatment of urinary stones.
Everyone was impressed with his profound understanding of physics of lasers, and found his lecture
(and visuals!) very informative. The next talks were provided by doctor Richard Lee (Weill Cornell, NY,
USA) and brought notable updates on the evolution of percutaneous nephrolitotripsy and ESWL. It
may seem at first these procedures are slowly becoming obsolete, due to rapid progress in flexible
ureteroscopy, however their robustness and cost effectiveness makes it likely they will constitute the
mainstay of endourology for the years to come. Last of the lectures was given by prof. Traxer, and dealt
with retrograde intrarenal surgery. Again lots of technical information, very nice visuals and practical
tips were delivered, but regretfully only few of us have access to flexible ureteroscopes on a daily basis.
The hands-on training in laparoscopy started after the lunch break, and consisted of some basic
dexterity promoting exercise in trainers. Frankly, even though there were numerous training stations
available, there was not much to do for more skilled laparoscopic surgeons. A RIRS training could be
an attractive alternative for these participants who won’t benefit from basic laparoscopy.

13th of July, Thursday. I had to run alone, as my Lithuanian partner wanted to have some rest. I chose
to run along the the Salzach river towards the centre, as this provides amazing views of the old town,
with a Hohensalzburg Castle overlooking the city from the top of the Festungsberg mountain. The
lectures started shortly after breakfast, and were largely devoted to functional urology, again with top-
notch lecturers like prof. Chris Chapple (Scheffield Hallam University, UK), dr Robert Lee and prof.
Francisco Cruz (University of Porto, Portugal) addressing the issues of medical assessment of male
LUTS, surgical management of BPH, bladder underactivity and the pharmacology of urinary tract.
Having so many experts in functional urology available for discussion, the fellows were eager to ask
questions and participated actively in debate. After the lunch we enjoyed a free afternoon, as the other
half of the group was having laparoscopy training. I took the opportunity for sightseeing and visited
the old town, the Schloss Mirabell and neighboring Mirabell gardens, where I spent a pleasant
afternoon. We met again at a Grand Hall in the evening for a Chamber Music concert performed by
Artists from the Mozarteum University: Tatyana Meyer (piano) and Erin Snell (soprano).

14th of July, Friday. The calm and relaxing atmosphere of the Schloss Arenberg could not stop the time
from passing fast, and as I started my last morning jog with an Austrian colleague, we found it hard to
accept as true, that the Seminar is coming to an end. Obviously I was missing my family, kids and
friends, but the hospitality we received, quickly made us feel like home. The last lectures of our seminar
were dedicated to urethral strictures (prof. Chapple), stress urinary incontinence (prof. Cruz) and pelvic
organ prolapse (dr Roger P. Goldberg). The morning session ended with a consensus discussion among
the faculty and fellows on the use of meshes in stress urinary incontinence. Afternoon session
comprised the last part of cases presentations from fellows, which were followed by a post-seminar
test. After the comprehensive week everyone tackled the test with very few difficulties.

The last, and the most pleasant part of the seminar programme was the farewell dinner with the
Faculty, during which the fellows were granted their certificates. I was very pleased to acknowledge
that together with two colleagues from Bulgaria – dr Petar Antonov and dr Kremena Petkova we were
awarded Certificates of Academic Excellence for the results of the post seminar test. The dinner and
drinks lasted well into the night, but we knew this is our last day together, so nobody wanted to sleep.
During the seminar week I made many new friends, whom I’ll always look forward to seeing again.
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