EU Farm to Fork Policy for Sustainable Food Systems - NESTLÉ POLICY RECOMMENDATIONS - Nestlé

EU Farm to Fork Policy for Sustainable Food Systems - NESTLÉ POLICY RECOMMENDATIONS - Nestlé
EU Farm to Fork Policy for
Sustainable Food Systems

EU Farm to Fork Policy for Sustainable Food Systems - NESTLÉ POLICY RECOMMENDATIONS - Nestlé
EU FARM TO FORK POLICY                                                                                                            EU FARM TO FORK POLICY

                                                                    NESTLÉ IS READY TO PLAY A
                                                                    LEADING ROLE
                                                                    We will achieve zero net greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2050
                                                                    and halve GHGs by 2030 as a first step.

                                                                    We joined the One Planet Business for Biodiversity (OP2B) coalition to
                 We need a strong EU Farm to Fork policy            take bold actions in protecting and restoring biodiversity.

                 to help guide all players along the food
                 chain in adopting a sustainable approach.          We work directly with 716 000 farmers (5 000 000 indirectly) around the
                                                                    world through Farmer Connect, which enables us to develop supply
                                                                    chains that meet high social, environmental and ethical requirements.
                  Marco Settembri
                  CEO Nestlé Europe, Middle East and North Africa

                                                                    We are introducing Nutri-Score on more than 5000 products in Austria,
                                                                    Belgium, France, Germany and Switzerland.

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EU Farm to Fork Policy for Sustainable Food Systems - NESTLÉ POLICY RECOMMENDATIONS - Nestlé
EU FARM TO FORK POLICY                                     EU FARM TO FORK POLICY

    EU Farm to Fork policy:

               To define ambitious EU-wide standards
               for sustainable food systems to boost
               new business models

    2          To agree on ambitious CAP goals for a
               greener agriculture

    3          To incentivize all actors to provide
               transparency as basis for improvement

    4          To promote investment in sustainability
               by pursuing a “fairness for all” approach

    5          To guide consumers towards more
               sustainable and healthier diets

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EU Farm to Fork Policy for Sustainable Food Systems - NESTLÉ POLICY RECOMMENDATIONS - Nestlé
EU FARM TO FORK POLICY                                                                                                                     EU FARM TO FORK POLICY

                         FOR SUSTAINABLE FOOD SYSTEMS TO
                         BOOST NEW BUSINESS MODELS
                                                                                            2         AGREE ON AMBITIOUS CAP GOALS FOR A
                                                                                                      GREENER AGRICULTURE

         Create a level
     playing field across         Realign contradicting
                                                                   Install multi-       Transform agriculture whilst
        the food supply            policy objectives by                                                                   Stimulate carbon farming (eg.
                                                              stakeholder platform        restoring the environment.
       chain by defining           repurposing existing                                                                    carbon sequestration in soils)
                                                                with all food supply     Set EU-wide target for GHG
       what constitutes             legislation towards                                                                      by providing technical and
                                                                chain stakeholders       emissions, biodiversity, water
      a sustainable food           the common goal of                                                                      financial support for farmers
                                                               to ensure structured       quality, animal welfare, etc.
    system and by setting         sustainable and healthy
    ambitious and robust               food systems
      EU-wide targets

                      Agree on natural              Horizon Europe to                  Promote biodiversity by better
                                                   support Food System                                                         Invest in digital and
                     capital accounting                                                   land management, forest
                                                     Transformation by                                                    sustainability skills across all
                       framework and                                                    conservation & reforestation,
                                                      stimulating new                                                     food supply chain stakeholders
                       promote uptake                                                     limit pesticide usage and
                                                      business models                                                          including stimulating
                    amongst investors and                                              encourage crop diversification/
                                                       and value chain                                                           agri-preneurship
                     busines community                                                             rotation

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EU FARM TO FORK POLICY                                                                                                    EU FARM TO FORK POLICY

           3             INCENTIVISE ALL ACTORS TO PROVIDE
                                                                              EXAMPLE OF TRANSPARENCY: GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSIONS
                                                                              IN NESTLÉ’S SUPPLY CHAIN


       End-to-end transparency is           Strengthen non-financial
       a key tool to identify issues,        reporting and introduce
                                                                              17%                                                   55%
         establish and implement          mandatory due diligence on
         action plans and assess         human rights and environmental
        progress against EU target       sustainability for all food supply
                                         chain actors (except farmers) in
                                          local and global supply chains


       Use product environmental           Use technology to enable
         footprint methodology             end-to-end transparency to
        to improve environmental            track comprehensive and                     9%
       performance and introduce           consistent data across the
        circular economy thinking               entire food chain
       during product development
            including packaging

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EU FARM TO FORK POLICY                                                                                                                                   EU FARM TO FORK POLICY

                         PURSUING A “FAIRNESS FOR ALL” APPROACH                  5            GUIDE CONSUMERS TOWARDS SUSTAINABLE
                                                                                              AND HEALTHIER DIETS

                                                                                                              Introduce EU-wide
                                                                                                           mandatory Front of Pack
                                                                                                           nutrition labelling (Nutri-
        Promote fairness across the         Broaden the definition (and                                   Score) to guide consumers

      food supply chain by extending                                                                       and stimulate healthier
                                           interpretation) of "consumer
                                                                                                            product development
     the scope of the Unfair Trading      welfare" in EU competition law
       Practices Directive to all food    by including other aspects (eg.   Leverage existing product                                          Set EU-wide voluntary
      manufacturers to better protect     sustainability) than the lowest   environmental footprint                                             reduction targets for
          all farmers and workers             possible consumer price
                                                                             methodology to guide                                              product reformulation for
                                                                             consumers and improve                                           salt, sugars and saturated fat
                                                                                  product offer

                                                                                                           Propose EU-wide target to
                                                                                                          reduce food loss and waste
                                                                                                             by 2025 (at least 50%)

                                                                               Invest in education:                                         Propose EU Nutrient Profiles
                                                                            consider sustainable diets                                      to ensure consistency between
                                                                            a cost-effective prevention                                        nutrient composition and
                                                                                       tool                                                   nutrition and health claims

          Competition authorities         Define methodology to better                                        Recommend revision
         to assess impact of retail       reflect the true value of food                                    of national Food Based
         alliances on food system          in food pricing by integrating                                    Dietary Guidelines to
                                             environmental, health and                                    include sustainability criteria
      transformation and innovation
                                                                                                           and promote consumption
                                                   societal costs
                                                                                                               of whole-grain and
                                                                                                              plant-based proteins

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Edited by Nestlé S.A. – Corporate Communications and Government Relations
Zone Europe, Middle East and North Africa
Rue de Birmingham 221, 1070 Brussels
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