Europe at the Crossroads of Contemporary World 100 Years after the Great War

Page created by Raymond Watkins
Europe at the Crossroads of Contemporary World 100 Years after the Great War
International Conference

Europe at the Crossroads of Contemporary World
          100 Years after the Great War
              Internationale Konferenz              Forum for the Humanities                                                         Villa Vigoni
                                                    Ljubljana, Slovenia                                                Loveno di Menaggio, Italy
Europa an den Scheidewegen der gegenwärtigen Welt                                       

        100 Jahre nach dem Großen Krieg                In the spring of 2014 the Institute Nova          Villa Vigoni is a laboratory of ideas, a
                                                    Revija for the Humanities presented to            landmark for dialogue and collaboration
                                                    its collaborating partners in the field of        between Italy and Germany within the
                                                    interdisciplinary humanities the initiative       European context.
                                                    for the establishment of the Forum for the
                                                    Humanities with the intention:                      Academic conventions, international
                                                         • to stimulate an international critical     conferences, and cultural events make
                                                           discussion regarding the situation of      Villa Vigoni a place for coming together
                                                           humanity in the context of European        and discussion, a place for promoting
                                                           and global circumstances defined,          projects and learning more about scientific,
                                                           on the one hand, by an immense             political, economic, and artistic matters.
                                                           developmental potential and, on               Villa Vigoni brings expertise and tools
                                                           the other, by overwhelming social          together. Every activity developed here
                                                           contradictions and conflicts;              unfolds within an ideal setting for both
                                                         • to extend invitation to participate in     institutional meetings and informal
                                                           the productive discussion not only         debates, establishing favorable conditions
                                                           to humanist scientists, but also to        for coming up with and sharing ideas.
                                                           representatives of other scientific        Facilitating   communication       between
                                                           disciplines, as well as to personalities   interlocutors and institutions, thereby
                                                           active in the realm of cultural            strengthening relations between different
                                                           creativity;                                countries, represents the key to providing
                                                         • to seek for such an international          answers to the most topical issues affecting
                                                           discussion conversation partners           Europe today.
                                                           within the media and in the sphere
                                                           of political decision-making.                 With a program of more than 80
                                                                                                      initiatives per year, implemented alongside
                                                       Humanistic knowledge can, insofar as           leading partners in the fields of research,
                                                    it traverses historical horizons and future       culture, and politics, Villa Vigoni is a
               September 6 – 9, 2018                perspectives, offer fundamental precepts          platform that offers optimal conditions
                                                    for a contemporary human dialogue open
         Villa Vigoni, Loveno di Menaggio           for the common as well as for the different.
                                                                                                      for the development and sharing of ideas,
                                                                                                      visions, and projects.
                  Italy | Italien                      The FORhUM today comprises already
                                                    114 members from 38 countries of the world.
                                                    At the second international conference
                                                    Europe at the Crossroads of Contemporary
                                                    World. 100 Years after the Great War the
                                                    Villa Vigoni will host 23 participants—
                                                    historians, philosophers, social scientists,
                                                    legal theorists, literary historians, and
                                                    politicians—from 13 countries.
Europe at the Crossroads of Contemporary World 100 Years after the Great War
Thursday, September 6 | Donnerstag, den 6. September

Program committee: | Programmkomitee:                      17:30      Opening Address and Introductory Discussion
                                                                      Eröffnungsrede und einleitende Diskussion
                   Prof Dr Adriano Fabris,
    Prof Dr Dr hc (mult) Harald Heppner,                              Prof Dr Enrico Letta
                     Prof Dr Dean Komel,
                                                                      Europe in a World Which Is No Longer Eurocentric
       Prof Dr Mira Miladinović Zalaznik,
                         Tomaž Zalaznik.                              Moderator: Prof Dr Adriano Fabris

                                                           19:30      Dinner | Abendessen

                                                  Institute Nova Revija for the Humanities, organizes the conference of the Forum for
                                                  the Humanities, FORhUM, within the research program P6-0341, the research project
                                                  J7-8283, and infrastructure program I0-0036, which are financially supported by the
                                                  Slovenian Research Agency, Ljubljana, Slovenia.

Gospodinjska ulica 8, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija   Das Institut Nova Revija für Humanwissenschaften veranstaltet die Konferenz des                         Forums für Humanwissenschaften, FORhUM, im Rahmen des Forschungsprogramms                           (P6-0341), des Forschungsprojekts (J7-8283) und des Infrastrukturprogramms
                                                  (I0-0036), die von der Öffentlichen Agentur der Republik Slowenien für Forschung,
                                                  Ljubljana, Slowenien, gefördert werden.
Europe at the Crossroads of Contemporary World 100 Years after the Great War
Friday, September 7 | Freitag, den 7. September                  Friday, September 7 | Freitag, den 7. September

9.00      The Legacy of History and the Understanding          15.00    From Stories to History
          of Contemporary World                                         Von Geschichten zur Geschichte
          Das Vermächtnis der Geschichte und das
                                                                        Moderator: Prof Dr Marco Russo
          Verständnis der Gegenwart
          Moderator: Dr Jan Brousek                                    • Prof Dr Roland Duhamel
                                                                         1918: Untergang des Abendlandes?
          Keynote speaker:
          Prof Dr Dr hc (mult) Harald Heppner                          • Prof Dr Mira Miladinović Zalaznik
          Rückblicke auf die Zukunft. Europa und „sein“                  Drei Männer am Isonzo und eine Frau. Hundert
          Südosten                                                       Jahre danach

        • Prof Dr Malachi Haim Hacohen                         16.30    Coffee break | Kaffeepause
          The Habsburg Monarchy and the Future of Europe
        • Prof Dr Éamonn Ó Ciardha                                     • Prof Dr Tatiana Shchyttsova
          Dreary Steeples/Hard Borders: Ireland, Britain and             Literary Imagination and Emotional legitimacy of
          the European Union, 1918–2018                                  National Consciousness (The Case of Belarus)
                                                                       • Prof Dr Zoltán Szendi
11.00    Coffee break | Kaffeepause                                      Schicksalsfragen der kulturellen
                                                                         Identität – Literarische Fallbeispiele
11.15    The Diversity in the Common
         Die Verschiedenheit im Gemeinsamen
          Moderator: Prof Dr Anđelko Milardović                18.00    Review of the Day (Discussion of presented
        • Prof Dr Adriano Fabris                                        Rückblick auf den Tag (Diskussion der
          Patterns of Identity for a Multicultural Europe               vorgetragenen Referate)
        • Prof Dr Dragan Prole                                          Moderator: Prof Dr Mira Miladinović Zalaznik
          Renewal and Responsivity. Europe and Experience
          of Acknowledgement                                   19.30    Dinner | Abendessen
        • Prof Dr Gertrude Cepl-Kaufmann
          Eskapismus und Integration. Kulturmuster im
          schwierigen Prozess regionaler, nationaler und
          europäischer Kulturtransfers in der Zeit nach 1945
          bis in die Gegenwart
        • Prof Elmar Bordfeld
          Freiheitserfahrungen mit Gott – Humanismus im
          Dialog der Meinungen

13.00    Lunch | Mittagessen
Europe at the Crossroads of Contemporary World 100 Years after the Great War
Saturday, September 8 | Samstag, den 8. September                Saturday, September 8 | Samstag, den 8. September

9.00      The Prospects of Globalization and the                15.00    Oh, Europe!
          Horizons of Humanism                                           Ach, Europa!
          Die Perspektiven der Globalisierung und die
                                                                         Moderator: Prof Dr Gertrude Cepl-Kaufmann
          Horizonte des Humanismus
          Moderator: Prof Dr Werner Wintersteiner                       • Prof Dr Dr Andrzej Wierciński
                                                                          Learning toward Understanding the Tradition
          Keynote speaker:
          Prof em Dr Dr hc Bernhard Waldenfels                            that We Are: Hermeneutic Reading of the Greek
          Europa unter dem Druck der Globalisierung                     • Prof Dr Ion Copoeru
                                                                          Is Europe’s Constitutionalism an Answer to the
        • Prof Dr Anđelko Milardović
                                                                          Problem of Violence?
          Globalization of Migration, Anti-Immigrant Parties
          and Xenophobia in the European Union                  16.00    Coffee break | Kaffeepause
        • Prof Dr Marco Russo
          Humanism Reloaded. Hints for the Third Millennium             • Prof Dr Werner Wintersteiner
        • Prof Dr Dean Komel                                              Europa? Ja, aber nochmals von vorne bitte!
          Ein Jahrhundert der Krise: Europa und der Geist der           • Tomaž Zalaznik
          Philosophie                                                     Die Mimikry des Verbrechens. Ideologien,
                                                                          Totalitarismen und Autokratie gegenüber
11.00     Coffee break | Kaffeepause                                      Humanismus

11.15     The Crossroads of Politics, Power, and Authority
          Die Scheidewege der Politik, Macht und Autorität
                                                                17.30    Round Table Discussion and Concluding
          Moderator: Prof Dr Dr hc (mult) Harald Heppner
                                                                         Rundtischgespräch und abschließende
          Keynote speaker:
          Prof Dr Dr hc (mult) Erhard Busek
          Hauptgrundlagen des zeitgenössischen Europas für
                                                                         Prof Dr Dr hc (mult) Erhard Busek
          heute und die Zukunft
                                                                         Prof Dr Dr hc (mult) Harald Heppner
        • Dr Jan Brousek                                                 Prof em Dr Dr hc Bernhard Waldenfels
          Das Scheitern der Demokratie als Scheitern
                                                                         Moderator: Prof Dr Dragan Prole
          herkömmlicher Konzepte von Verbindlichkeit
        • Prof Dr Mihael Brejc                                  19.30    Dinner | Abendessen
          Policy Requires Good and Capable People

13.00     Lunch | Mittagessen

                                                                         Sunday, September 9 | Sonntag, den 9. September
                                                                                  Departure | Abreise
Europe at the Crossroads of Contemporary World 100 Years after the Great War Europe at the Crossroads of Contemporary World 100 Years after the Great War Europe at the Crossroads of Contemporary World 100 Years after the Great War Europe at the Crossroads of Contemporary World 100 Years after the Great War Europe at the Crossroads of Contemporary World 100 Years after the Great War Europe at the Crossroads of Contemporary World 100 Years after the Great War
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