Page created by Morris Schmidt
2021       1ST EDITION                                   MARCH


                                                                                                 COURSE DIRECTOR:
                                                                                          Prof. Romaric LOFFROY
                                                                                             Prof. Marco MIDULLA
                                                                                       François-Mitterrand University
                                                                                               Hospital, Dijon, France

                         Discover, learn and share on when, why,
                         and how to use liquid embolic agents
                         Educational live cases transmission with european operators
                         Hands-on corner – Current researches and perspectives
                      Why did we create
                                                              this new course?                                                                                                               Sharing experience
                                                                                                                                                                                             on your liquid embolization practice
                                                                                                                                                                                             Get trained on techniques & tools
                                                                                                                                                                                             for liquid embolics applications
Liquid embolization is currently used more and more by        ethylene-vinyl-alcohol-copolymer (EVOH), N-phenyl amide-        hands-on sessions, short lectures on latest data and
interventional radiologists, out of neuro embolization.       modified methyl methacrylate/acrylic acid copolymer             techniques, to allow all participants to get the exper-        Discover the perspectives
High embolic efficiency and good clinical results are the     and Iodinated polyvinyl alcohol polymer ether.                  tise that IR need in the management of liquid embolic          of development of liquid embolics
main strengths of liquid embolic agents.                      Sclerosants include alcohol, polidocanol, sotradecol and        agents.                                                        pointing out the future directions
However, liquid managements and practices are diffe-          doxicycline that can be applied pure, mixed with contrast
rent and a bit more complex than using conventional           or in foam.                                                     We truly hope this 1st Edition of ELEC will meet all of your   Studying the edges & risk
coils or particles. T hat’s why, we have conceived ELEC,                                                                      expectations, and we look forward to meeting you in            of liquid embolics
European Liquid Embolic Course, an annual event to            Knowing the indications for use, chemical properties            Dijon in March 2021!
support all IR willing to learn and develop this innovative   and clinical benefits, edges and risks of these products
                                                                                                                                                                                             Enhance your expertise
techniques into their daily practice.                         are essential for a well-trained IR.                                                                                           in the use of liquid embolic agents

Liquid embolics can generally be classified into 3 main       This learning curve will be realized in collaboration with
groups, cyanoacrylate(glue), non-adhesive DMSO based
embolics and sclerosants-foams.
                                                              a european Faculty, through a 3-day course, featured
                                                              by educational live cases transmissions from François                                                                              Learning
Despite their similarities, these products demonstrate        Mitterrand University Hospital Dijon and case-based in-         Prof. Romaric Loffroy,    Prof. Marco Midulla,
also some big differences. DMSO based embolics include        teractive discussions, tips&tricks from real life experience,   Course Director           Co-Director
SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE                                             FACULTY
                                                                                                                          Thursday, March 11th

Tiago BILHIM,                Mohammad BADRAN,                            Geert MALEUX,
Lisbon, Portugal             King Faisal Specialist Hospital             UZ Leuven, Leuven, Belgium
Gianpaolo CARRAFIELLO,       & Research Center, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia     Ian MCCAFFERTY,
Varese, Italy                Tiago BILHIM,                               Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham,
                                                                                                                          14.15 Welcome/Introduction                                  16.00 Coffee break
Geert MALEUX,                Lisboa Central University Hospital,         Birmingham, United Kingdom
Leuven, Belgium              Lisbon, Portugal                            Salah QANADLI,                                   14.30	SESSION 1                                            16.30 SESSION 2
Ian MCCAFFERTY,              Gianpaolo CARRAFIELLO,                      Vaudois University Hospital,                            LIQUID EMBOLIC AGENTS OVERVIEW                       16.30	LIVE CASE #1
Birmingham, United Kingdom   Milano Policlinic, Varese, Italy            Lausanne, Switzerland
                                                                                                                           14.30 Cyanoacrylates: properties & indications                    Embolization using cyanoacrylates
Salah QANADLI,               Luc DEFREYNE,                               Anne-Virginie SALSAC,
Lausanne, Switzerland        Ghent University Hospital, Ghent, Belgium   Compiègne Technology University, Paris,           14.40 Tips & tricks for use                                17.00	“5 minutes to convince”
                             Ricardo GARCIA-MONACO,                      France                                                                                                              (audience voting)
Christof Matthias SOMMER,                                                                                                  14.50 Copolymers: properties & indications
Heidelberg, Germany          Italiano Hospital, Buenos Aire, Argentina   Marc SAPOVAL,                                                                                                17.30 My worst case / My best case
                                                                         Georges-Pompidou European Hospital,               15.00 Tips & tricks for use
José URBANO,                 Hicham KOBEITER,
                             Henri Mondor Hospital, Paris, France        Paris, France                                     15.1 0 	Sclerosants & alcohol: properties & indications   18.00 Closing remarks
Madrid, Spain
                                                                         Christof Matthias SOMMER,
Vincent VIDAL,               Romaric LOFFROY, Course Director            Stuttgart Clinic, Heidelberg, Germany
                                                                                                                           15.20 Tips & tricks for use
Marseille, France            François-Mitterrand University Hospital,                                                      15.30 Thiodized oil: properties & indications
                                                                         Gilles SOULEZ,
                             Dijon, France                               Montreal University Hospital, Montreal, Canada
                                                                                                                           15.40 Tips & tricks for use
                             Marco MIDULLA, Co-Director                  José URBANO,
                             François-Mitterrand University Hospital,    Madrid Vithas Hospitals, Madrid, Spain            15.50 Liquid embolics: daily practice overview
                             Dijon, France                               Vincent VIDAL,
                                                                         La Timone Hospital, Marseille, France

SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE & FACULTY                                                                                            PRELIMINARY PROGRAM
2021                  Friday, March 12th                                                   Saturday, March 13th

 08.30	SESSION 3                               14.00 SESSION 5                            08.45 	SESSION 7                       11.00	SESSION 1
 08.30	LIVE CASE #2                            14.00	LIVE CASE #4                        08.45	LIVE CASE #6                            NEWS & OUTLOOK
        Embolization using DMSO-based liquids          Embolization using copolymers              Embolization using sclerosants   11.00 On-going clinical & experimental studies
 09.00	“5 minutes to convince”                 14.30	“5 minutes to convince”             09.30	“5 minutes to convince”          11.20	Current researches
         (audience voting)                             (audience voting)                           (audience voting)                      & perspectives: round table
 10.00 My worst case / M y best case             15.15 My worst case / My best case         10.15 My worst case / M y best case    12.30 Glimpse on live cases’ patients

 10.30 Coffee break                             15.45 Coffee break                         10.30 Coffee break                      12.45 Summary & take home messages

 11.00 SESSION 4                                16.15 SESSION 6                                                                    13.00 Lunch break & closing remarks
  11.00	LIVE CASE #3                            16.15	
                                                       LIVE CASE #5
         Embolization using glue                       Embolization using ethiodized oil

 12.00	“5 minutes to convince”                 16.45 “5 minutes to convince”
        (audience voting)                               (audience voting)
  12.30 My worst case / My best case            17.30 My worst case / My best case

 13.00 Lunch break                              18.00 Closing remarks

                                                                                                                                                         REGISTRATION ON

                        Dijon Exhibition & Convention Centre
                        Centre Clemenceau - 3, Bd de Champagne
                        21078 Dijon Cedex - France
                        Tel. +33 03 80 77 39 00

                                                                 SCIENTIFIC CONTACT
                                                                 Morgane Airaudi
                                                                 Tel. +33 (0)7 83 45 45 63

                                                                 COM&CO, Aurélie Tourret
                                                                 Tel. +33 (0)6 09 10 54 16

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