Evaluation of the effectiveness of three sticky traps to monitor four species of cockroaches (Hexapoda: Blattaria) with simulated use tests ...

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Ann Ig 2021 Mar 30. doi: 10.7416/ai.2021.2442. Online ahead of print.

Evaluation of the effectiveness of three sticky traps to
monitor four species of cockroaches (Hexapoda:
Blattaria) with simulated use tests
A. Drago1, F. Montarsi2, M. Dutto3, S. Martini1, M.L. Vitale1
Received: 2020 November 27
Accepted after revision: 2021 February 10
Published online ahead of print: 2021 March 30

Key words: Blattella germanica, Blatta orientalis, Periplaneta americana, Supella longipalpa,
           disinfestation, pest, medical entomology, cockroaches
Parole chiave: Blattella germanica, Blatta orientalis, Periplaneta americana, Supella longipalpa,
               disinfestazione, infestanti, entomologia medica, blatte

    Background. Cockroaches are the pest of major concern for the disinfestation programs of the sanitary
    system in Italy. Hygienic-sanitary interest is linked to the role of mechanical vectors of pathogens and to
    their allergological potential. Sticky traps are the best tool to monitor the presence of these insects and
    several types of them are available on the market. In most of the cases the traps are not indicated for a
    given species, but, instead, generically for cockroaches. Domestic cockroaches differ in morphology, size
    and habits. Consequently, the effectiveness of the trap can change in relation to the target species.
    Materials and methods. In this study three of the most employed traps in Italy were compared: the INDIA
    trap with and without its attractant tablet (hereafter mentioned as INDIA-A and INDIA-E, respectively),
    the ZAPI Simply trap and the CATCHMASTER Spider & Insect Glue trap. We chose the four most common
    species of cockroach (Blattodea) in Italy, Blatta orientalis (L.), Periplaneta americana (L.) (Blattidae),
    Blattella germanica (L.) and Supella longipalpa (F.) (Blattellidae). Each species of cockroach was tested
    separately inside arenas containing one of the traps. Each test (one species with one kind of trap) was
    replicated five times.
    Results and discussion. The INDIA-A trap collected more cockroaches of every species, followed by the
    INDIA-E. The ZAPI trap caught less specimens of each species in respect to the INDIA traps, with the only
    exception of B. orientalis, for which the ZAPI trap caught more than the INDIA-E. The CATCHMASTER
    trap performed significantly less for all the species. B. orientalis was the species most abundantly caught by
    all traps, followed by B. germanica, S. longipalpa and P. americana. No significant difference was observed
    in the catch according to the developmental stage. In general, there was no particular predisposition of any
    trap to catch a particular species.
    Conclusions. It is not possible to indicate a model of trap for each species of cockroach, but it is clear that
    different traps have different performances in terms of attractiveness and capture. Therefore, the choice of
    the trap affects the results of the monitoring, and as consequence, the evaluation of the infesting population
    of the pest.

 Entostudio s.r.l, Ponte San Nicolò (Padua), Italy
 Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale delle Venezie, Legnaro (Padua), Italy
  Studio di Entomologia e Fitopatologia, Verzuolo (CN), Italy
2                                                                                  A. Drago et al.

Introduction                                      some of these individuals can be found in
                                                  bathrooms (18) and kitchens (15). Both the
    The word “cockroach” refers to over 4,000     Oriental cockroach and P. americana have
species of insects belonging to the order         been reported all over the Italian peninsula
Blattaria. Of these species, approximately        (11, 19-21), but B. orientalis more tolerates
30 live in close association with humans (1).     low temperatures (22) and is therefore
The hygienic-sanitary interest is linked to       common also in the northern part.
the role of mechanical vectors of pathogens           Disinfestation from cockroaches is the
(2-4) and to the allergological potential (5,     intervention of pest control most requested
6).                                               from the Italian Public Health Units,
    The most widespread species in Italy are:     followed by rodents and mosquitoes (12).
the Oriental cockroach (Blatta orientalis,        A monitoring plan to keep under control
L.), the German cockroach (Blattella              potential infestations in food industries,
germanica, L.), the American cockroach            commercial enterprises and public buildings
(Periplaneta americana, L.) and the brown-        should be implemented (23) as also required
banded cockroach (Supella longipalpa, F.)         by the legislation on food hygiene (e.g.
(7-9). These four species are distributed         European Regulations 852/2004) and
differently throughout the Italian peninsula      voluntary certification standard (e.g. BRC
(10, 11).                                         and IFS).
    Blattella germanica and S. longipalpa             Sticky traps are the best tool to monitor
are considered as “small cockroaches”. The        the presence of cockroaches (24) and in the
German cockroach is common all over the           case of low infestations they can represent an
Italian territory (12) and is strictly linked     effective control tool (25). Sticky traps also
to the food industry and coffee shops,            reveal which species are in the environment
restaurants, bakeries, hospital (12, 13) but      and give an idea about the infestation level
also houses, in particular rooms where food       (23, 26). These kinds of traps are cheap and
is handled (e.g. kitchens, dining rooms, etc.).   easy-to-use. They are employed by pest
Supella longipalpa is a species of relative       control companies, as well as by private
recent introduction and its distribution          citizens and researchers. Sticky traps are
is currently widening (14). Reports of S.         also suggested by the European Chemical
longipalpa in Italy are far less numerous         Agency (ECHA) in field tests for biocidal
than B. germanica, with which it often gets       products, to measure a cockroach population
confused. The brown-banded cockroach              size before and after the application of the
more commonly infests houses and offices          testing product (27).
rather than stores and restaurants (14, 15).          Several types of sticky traps are available
This cockroach colonizes furniture and the        on the market. These traps are different
high interior fixtures of an environment (e.g.,   in shape, color, number of openings,
false ceilings, shelves, walls, etc.) (16).       position of the glue surface and type of
    Blatta orientalis and P. americana            attractant. In most cases, traps are not
are called “large cockroaches”. Both the          specifically indicated for a target species
Oriental and the American cockroaches live        but generically for “cockroaches”, even
in very moist spaces like the sewage system,      though the four considered species differ
drainage systems and urban underground            in terms of morphology, size and habits.
environments (17). These species of               Consequently, the effectiveness of a trap can
cockroach are not commonly found indoors          vary depending on the target species.
but when the outside infestation reaches high         In this study, three of the most employed
levels or when external temperature drops,        sticky traps in Italy were tested to separately
Sticky traps to monitor cockroaches                                                                    3

catch B. germanica, B. orientalis, P.                   S.p.A., Padua, Italy) with and without its
americana and S. longipalpa. By doing so, it            own food bait tablet (hereafter mentioned as
was possible to evaluate eventual differences           INDIA-A, i.e. the trap with its attractant tablet
in catch according to the species, so that              and INDIA-E, without attractant), the ZAPI
traps can be used specifically for a particular         Simply trap (ZAPI Expert S.r.l., Conselve,
species of cockroach.                                   Padua, Italy) and the CATCHMASTER
                                                        Spider & Insect Glue trap (AP&G Co. Inc.,
                                                        Brooklyn, NY 11232, USA) - the latter two
Materials and Methods                                   with the attractant incorporated into the glue,
                                                        as reported on the label. All the traps are
   The experiment was carried out at                    made of cardboard.
Entostudio s.r.l. facilities from November                  The INDIA trap is a box with a trapezoidal
to December 2016.                                       section (base of 10.0 x 15.5 cm and 2.0 cm
                                                        tall). It has four entryways, one per side; the
Target insects (cockroaches)                            two on the long sides have a slope of 45°.
    Four species of cockroaches were                    On the bottom of the trap, there is a sticky
employed: B. orientalis, B. germanica,                  surface. This trap is sold together with a
P. americana and S. longipalpa. All the                 licorice-scented tablet, which has to be
tested species are reared in colonies at                placed on the sticky surface as the attractant.
the Entostudio laboratory since 2011. The               The external surface is blue-and-yellow-
colonies of B. orientalis, S. longipalpa and            colored and the interior is white (Fig. 1a).
P. americana were derived from specimens                    The ZAPI trap has the same shape and
collected in a field in the Veneto region (NE-          size as the INDIA trap, with an external
Italy), while B. germanica was obtained                 surface that is red-colored and the internal
from laboratory colonies from Germany.                  white. It contains a visible attractant, which
They are reared in 45 liters plastic boxes              is a red stripe on the glue board (Fig. 1b). The
under laboratory standard conditions:                   composition of the attractant is not explained
temperature of 25 ± 1 °C, relative humidity             on the label.
(RH) 50 ± 5% and light–dark cycle of 12:12.                 The CATCHMASTER trap has a
Colonies are provided with food (cat biscuits           rectangular section (6.0 x 9.0 x 1.3 cm)
and potatoes) ad libitum and cardboard                  and is completely white. The vanilla-
shelters.                                               aromatized glue is spread on the entire inner
                                                        surface of the trap (Figure 1c). This trap is
Traps                                                   registered to catch insects and spiders, and
   Three types of traps were compared:                  is also suggested for cockroaches. Since
the INDIA trap (India, Industrie Chimiche               the CATCHMASTER trap is about half

Figure 1 - The traps. a) INDIA trap; b) ZAPI trap; c) two CATCHMASTER traps.
4                                                                                 A. Drago et al.

the size of the other traps, two adjacent           At the end of each trial, the room was
CATCHMASTER traps were used for each             ventilated and the arenas were cleaned up
replication.                                     to remove the smell and fecal material to
                                                 avoid cockroaches following fecal trails (28).
Experimental design                              Shelters, water and food containers were
    The experiment was carried out using         changed for every trial.
four round arenas, 1.0 m in diameter and
35.0 cm tall, covered with a nylon film on       Data analysis
the top to prevent insects’ escape. Each arena      Each test (one species with one kind of
contained a: Petri dish (without cover) filled   trap) was replicated five times. The difference
with water, shelter made of black cardboard,     among percentages of overall catches by
Petri dish (without cover) filled with ten cat   each trap was screened using the chi-square
biscuits (Vita-day croccantini mix, Conagit      test. The average numbers of specimens of
S.p.A., Città di Castello, Italy) and one of     the different cockroach species collected by
the tested traps. Water was placed in the        each trap were compared using the Analysis
center of the arena, while the shelter, the      of Variance (ANOVA), followed by the
food and the trap were located 3 cm away         Tuckey’s test for post-hoc comparison.
from the wall, equidistant from each other.      The software used was SPSS for Windows,
The gap between the trap and the wall was        version 13.0. Finally, the last analysis
kept to prevent the occasional entrance of       checked if each typology of trap caught more
cockroaches into the trap; since cockroaches     ♂♂, or ♀♀ or juvenis (neanid and nymph).
are thigmotactic (26), they could possibly       Data were normalized and tested with
walk along the arena’s walls and enter the       Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) followed
trap by chance if it was placed adjacent to      by the Tuckey’s test if normally distributed,
the wall.                                        or else with Kruskal Wallis test followed by
    Arenas were placed in a room at a            a Dunn test. These statistical analyses were
temperature of 25 ± 1 °C and a RH 50 ± 5%.       performed in R version 3.6.1.
Tests were carried out in the dark to avoid
insects using the trap as a shelter when the
light was on.                                    Results
    The four species of cockroaches were
tested in different arenas with one kind of          Each species of cockroach was caught
trap at a time. Each arena held 10 ♂♂, 10        more by the INDIA traps, particularly by the
non-gravid ♀♀ and 30 juvenis (neanid and         INDIA-A (p
Sticky traps to monitor cockroaches                                                                                 5

Figure 2 - Percentage of catch by each trap on the total of cockroaches released in the arenas. The value includes all
species, all the life stages and both sexes, Bars represent Standard Error.

Table 1 - Comparison of the performance of catch per trap per species through the Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)
followed by the Tuckey’s post-hoc test.

Stage                        Trap                        Mean ± sd             ●      F-value          P-value
                             INDIA-A                     30.00 ± 4.74           a
                             INDIA-E                     24.20 ± 7.66          ab
Blattella germanica                                                                   23.17
6                                                                                                   A. Drago et al.

Table 2 - Analysis of captures of females, males and juvenis with ZAPI trap for each specie. Data were normalized
and tested with Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) if normally distributed or else with Kruskal Wallis test followed by
a Dunn test.

Species                     Test applied          Typology               Mean ± sd              ●    P-value
                                                  Females                38.00 ± 26.83
B. germanica                ANOVA                 Males                  56.00 ± 16.73               0.10
                                                  Juvenis                27.33 ± 11.88
                                                  Females                20.00 ± 7.07
S. longipalpa               ANOVA                 Males                  36.00 ± 16.73               0.12
                                                  Juvenis                22.67 ± 9.83
                                                  Females                6.00 ± 5.48            a
P. americana                Kruskal Wallis        Males                  4.00 ± 5.48            a    0.01**
                                                  Juvenis                18.00 ± 6.06           b
                                                  Females                42.00 ± 13.04
B. orientalis               ANOVA                 Males                  66.00 ± 19.49               0.07
                                                  Juvenis                62.00 ± 13.46

●Non-significant differences among trap catches for each species (Tukey post-hoc test) are marked with equal letters
Sticky traps to monitor cockroaches                                                               7

the glue.                                            The strength of the INDIA trap glue instead
    Only 23% of the specimens of S.                  prevents cockroaches from escaping without
longipalpa were caught, just a little more           tearing off a part of their leg. There were no
compared to P. americana. In residential             footprints in the CATCHMASTER trap, but
buildings, S. longipalpa is often found on           cockroaches were often found on the border
vertical surfaces at eye level or above (32).        of the glue surface. It is possible that they
Consequently, to improve the catch of this           detached from the glue without exceeding
species, the traps could be placed in vertical       the threshold of the trap.
position - for example, attached to the                  The ability of detaching from the glue
walls or on the lateral surfaces of furniture.       varied also according to the species. Moore
Moreover, in domestic spaces, traps should           et al. (30) found that P. americana and B.
also be positioned inside the furniture.             orientalis were particularly able to escape
    None of the traps caught all the specimens       from sticky traps.
present in the arena. The hypothesis for this            The presence of the attractant in the
is that cockroaches are able to memorize the         INDIA-A did not increase the catch in a
risk related to the trap (30, 33); the insects       significant way in respect to that of the
that managed to escape from the trap did             INDIA-E. Smith et al. (24) also found that
not re-enter it. Many studies show that traps        a trap provided with its attractant tablet only
cannot replace the insecticide treatment (26,        improved its catch by 5%. Although the
30, 33-35) precisely because they never              CATCHMASTER contained an attractant
catch all the specimens even if there is still       inside the glue, its performance was the
free space on the glue surface.                      worst. Several studies showed that food lures,
    The effectiveness of a sticky trap is strongly   like peanut butter, distiller’s grain and bread
influenced by its physical characteristics (24,      soaked in beer, have a higher attractant power
26, 30, 35). A seemingly important feature           than commercial lures (35, 37). According to
is the presence of entryways with a sloped           this statement, best results could be obtained
ramp; studies showed that catch is enhanced          by traps herein tested by replacing their
by inclined ramps (24, 36). Moore et al. (30)        attractants with a more powerful lure.
found that a trap with a rectangular section
(Raid Roach Trap®) was more efficient than
a trapezoidal one (Holiday Roach Coach®),            Conclusions
but the first had internally directed flaps
at both openings that probably improved                 In conclusion it is clear that the trap
the catch. In our study, the INDIA and               design, the type of glue and the aroma of
the ZAPI traps were equipped with two                the attractants used make that not all the
entryways with sloped ramps and their                traps are appropriate for all the species of
catch rate was considerably higher than the          cockroaches.
CATCHMASTER, which only had openings                    Within the tested traps our results indicate
without ramps.                                       that the INDIA-A is the best trap to employ
    On the glue surface of all the traps,            with each species we tested. P. americana
tarsi and tibiae of all species were found,          and S. longipalpa were not adequately
particularly of P. americana. Furthermore,           caught by any of the tested traps; therefore,
in the ZAPI traps also footprints were               the behavior of these species should be
found, especially with P. americana. These           better investigated, to more successfully
observations suggest that the ZAPI trap’s            create traps modeled to catch them. When a
glue is less powerful than the INDIA one,            monitoring of cockroaches is implemented,
and so, cockroaches are able to walk on it.          the right choice of the trap will deeply
8                                                                                                        A. Drago et al.

affect the results. The risk of a bad choice                    specie più abbondantemente catturata da tutte le trappole,
is the underestimation of the population of                     seguita da B. germanica, S. longipalpa e P. americana.
                                                                Nessuna differenza significativa è stata osservata nella
these pests with important consequences on                      cattura secondo lo stadio di sviluppo. In generale, non si
environmental hygiene.                                          è evidenziata una particolare predisposizione di alcuna
                                                                trappola nel catturare una determinata specie.
                                                                   Conclusioni. Non è possibile indicare un modello
Acknowledgements: We thank Dr. Gioia Capelli (Isti-             di trappola per ogni specie di blatta ma è chiaro come
tuto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale delle Venezie, Padua,         le trappole abbiano prestazioni differenti in termini di
Italy) for assistance with the statistical analysis and         attrattività e cattura. La scelta della trappola influisce
Madelaine Michican for the English review.                      pertanto sui risultati del monitoraggio e, di conseguen-
Conflict of interest: The authors declare the absence of        za, sulla valutazione della popolazione infestante, con
a conflict of interest.                                         importanti conseguenze sulle misure da intraprendere
                                                                per il loro controllo.

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Corresponding author: Agr. Moreno Dutto, Entomology and Phytopathology Office, Via Papò 4, 12039 Verzuolo
(CN), Italy
e-mail: dutto@entostudio.com
Orcid-ID: 0000-0002-9122-5306.
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