Executive Director of Resources - Recruitment Pack April 2019 - Campbell Tickell

Executive Director of Resources - Recruitment Pack April 2019 - Campbell Tickell
Executive Director of Resources
Recruitment Pack
April 2019
Executive Director of Resources - Recruitment Pack April 2019 - Campbell Tickell
Executive Director of Resources - Recruitment Pack April 2019 - Campbell Tickell
Connexus-Group - Executive Director of Resources - Recruitment Pack                                                                                                  3

                                             Your application......................................................................................... 04
                                             Welcome to Connexus Housing Group..................................... 06
                                             About Connexus Housing Group.................................................. 08
                                             Structure......................................................................................................... 10
                                             Our Executive Management Team.............................................. 14
                                             Job Description........................................................................................... 16
                                             Person specification ............................................................................. 18
                                             Key terms and conditions................................................................... 22
                                             Key dates and the selection process......................................... 22
                                             Supplementary Information............................................................. 24
                                             The media advertisement.................................................................. 27
Executive Director of Resources - Recruitment Pack April 2019 - Campbell Tickell
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Your application

Thank you very much for your interest              • Please note that applications
in this post. On the following pages,                 can only be considered if all the
you will find details of the role and                 documentation is complete. Please
the selection process to assist you                   send your application, preferably
in completing and tailoring your                      in MS Word format by email to:
application. In order to apply you                    connexus@campbelltickell.com
should submit:                                     Applications must be received
• An up-to-date CV which shows                     by Friday 10th May 2019
   your full career history – we                   (12 noon).
   recommend that this is no longer                Please ensure we receive your
   than three pages;                               application in good time. If you do not
• A supporting statement explaining                receive confirmation of receipt within
   why you are interested in this                  24 hours of sending, please call the
   role, detailing how you are a good              team on 020 3434 0990. To help
   candidate for this post and how you             avoid your submission being treated
   fulfil the person specification – we            as spam, please use a secure email
   recommend that this is no longer                address from which to send
   than three pages;                               your application and refer to the
• The declaration form (completion                 role and organisation in the header.
   of the equalities section is not                Please do call me if you wish to have
   mandatory, but is requested for                 an informal discussion about the role
   monitoring purposes in line with                and organisation, or if you have any
   our commitment to equality and                  other questions to help you decide
   diversity); and                                 whether to apply.
• Indicate on the declaration form
                                                   Kind regards
   if you cannot attend any of the
   interview dates.                                Kelly Shaw
                                                   Kelly Shaw
                                                   Senior Associate Consultant
                                                   Campbell Tickell
Executive Director of Resources - Recruitment Pack April 2019 - Campbell Tickell
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Your application
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Welcome to Connexus
Housing Group

These are exciting times for Connexus.             All is in place to deliver our ambitions,
Formed in 2017 from the merger of                  achieve our targets and secure
Herefordshire Housing and Shropshire               our future and we are now looking
Housing Group, we now deliver homes                forward to recruiting an Executive
and services across Herefordshire,                 Director of Resources with a passion
Gloucestershire and Shropshire. We                 for the issues that face us, and a track
are a key regional provider in these               record of delivery.
markets, providing over 10,000 homes               As a professionally qualified
and with a turnover of £56m and                    accountant you will have a proven
over 600 staff. We have an ambitious               track record of successfully leading a
development programme and are                      range of high performing services and
absolutely committed to continuing                 teams and will be a people-focussed
to deliver much needed homes and                   leader able to inspire your staff group.
services across our counties. As a
                                                   Connexus is at an important stage
large rural housing provider, we face
                                                   in its journey, aligning what we do
some unique challenges, but we
                                                   and developing “The Connexus Way”
know that our services are needed
                                                   – our way of thinking, behaving and
now more than ever.
                                                   working. This role will allow you to
Both of our legacy organisations                   contribute and support the delivery
have a strong track record of delivery,            of our ambitious plans and make a
and as our newly appointed Chief                   real difference in Herefordshire and
Executive I am looking to take the                 Shropshire. This is a unique chance
organisation to the next stage.                    to make an impact and difference in
We want to continue to deliver                     the housing sector.
great properties in communities
                                                   We are absolutely committed to
where people really want to live,
                                                   delivering our plans and strategies,
ensuring that some of our most rural
                                                   and the ambitions we set out when
communities can continue to thrive.
                                                   Connexus was created. If you have
To do this, we need to ensure that
                                                   the necessary drive and passion
we provide great homes and services,
                                                   for what we do, we look forward to
but also deliver desperately needed
                                                   discussing this opportunity with you.
new homes in Herefordshire and
Shropshire. We have a committed                    We welcome your interest and will be
group of colleagues, strong finances               pleased to receive an application.
and great relationships with our
partner local authorities.                         Richard Woolley
                                                   Chief Executive
Executive Director of Resources - Recruitment Pack April 2019 - Campbell Tickell
Connexus-Group - Executive Director of Resources - Recruitment Pack
Welcome to Connexus Housing Group
Executive Director of Resources - Recruitment Pack April 2019 - Campbell Tickell
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About Connexus
Housing Group

Connexus is proud to have some of                 Our group includes:
the UK’s most exciting and forward
thinking housing and support
services. From the leading Careline
service, providing telecare to over
37,500 customers, to more local
innovative services such as the                   Herefordshire Housing – with over                  Independence Trust – providing a
mobile responder service, reducing                5,800 homes across Herefordshire                   range of innovative services that
the impact on ambulance and                                                                          support peoples emotional and
hospital services and the Ludlow                                                                     physical wellbeing
Foyer, providing a supported
environment for young people.                                                                        Connexus is at an exciting stage
With over 600 employees and a                                                                        in its journey, aligning what we do
portfolio of over 10,000 homes,                   South Shropshire Housing – with                    and developing what we call The
we support people, create places,                 over 2,370 across South Shropshire                 Connexus Way – our way of thinking,
and work in partnership with                      and Herefordshire                                  behaving and working.
like-minded providers to help our                                                                    This framework supports our
customers reach their potential.                                                                     corporate plan, providing a foundation
                                                                                                     for the way we will deliver core
                                                                                                     objectives to; empower people to
                                                                                                     meet their needs and aspirations,
                                                  Meres and Mosses Housing –                         provide great homes and sustain
                                                  with over 2,350 homes across                       communities, create and value
                                                  North Shropshire                                   partnerships, and be well run,
                                                                                                     delivering value for money.
                                                                                                     Our transformational change
                                                                                                     programme – One Connexus – takes
                                                                                                     us further on our journey as one
                                                                                                     organisation, with projects
                                                  Floreat – a profit for purpose arm                 focussed around;
                                                  with a fresh approach to delivering                Where we work – ensuring we meet
                                                  brilliant new homes                                the needs and requirements of
                                                                                                     our colleagues and customers, we
                                                                                                     understand the demands and are
                                                                                                     fit for the future.
Executive Director of Resources - Recruitment Pack April 2019 - Campbell Tickell
Connexus-Group - Executive Director of Resources - Recruitment Pack
About Connexus Housing Group

The way we work – ensuring we are                               Ludlow is not just beautiful, it’s         routes for those who love to cycle,
efficient and effective, emphasising                            delicious! Shropshire’s gastronomic        walk or run, whilst taking in fantastic
our organisation as a single system                             capital sits within the famous Blue        views. And all the while you’re never
and branded as one, with high                                   Remembered Hills of the south of           too far from major cities like Bristol,
colleague morale and satisfied                                  the county and is a great place to         Cardiff and Birmingham with mainline
customers and,                                                  find your inner foodie. It also has a      direct routes to all.
The people of Connexus – our                                    castle, which was once the home of         For choral music fans Hereford is
colleagues embrace and deliver                                  future Kings of England, situated at       a triennial host for the oldest in
The Connexus Way and our                                        one end of a medieval market square,       the world non – competitive three
customers are treated as individuals                            which still holds regular markets.         Choirs festival with its neighbouring
based on what matters to them.                                  And if you love the great outdoors,        cathedral cities of Worcester and
                                                                the Shropshire Hills offer some            Gloucester. For book lovers you are
Local area                                                      outstanding post work or                   not far away from the town of Hay
Working for Connexus also means                                 weekend hikes.                             on Wye with its world-famous literary
you can live and work in one of the                             Next door is the beautiful cider           festival. Against the backdrop of the
most stunning parts of the UK.                                  county of Herefordshire with its           Malvern Hills which inspired Edward
Shropshire has a wealth of things to                            meandering river wye, it’s apple           Elgar so much and offers more
do and you are never far away from                              orchards, it’s independent eateries        outstanding walks, is the annual
beautiful scenery; In the Medieval                              – including The Beefy Boys who’ve          Royal Three Counties agricultural
town of Shrewsbury you can marvel                               won awards all over the world for          show with just about everything that
at the black and white buildings and                            creating the best burgers; it’s castles    is good about rural living.
at the same time take advantage                                 that were once at the fore front
of the fact that Shrewsbury has                                 of British history, and the world
far more than its fair share of                                 famous Mappa Mundi and its ancient
independent and unique shops.                                   cathedral. The rurality offers fantastic
Executive Director of Resources - Recruitment Pack April 2019 - Campbell Tickell
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Structure Chart
                                                             Chief Executive

     Head of Insight
      and Change

                                          Executive                      Executive                      Executive                Executive
                                          Director of                    Director of                    Director of              Director of
                                         Housing and                    Development                     Assets and               Resources
                                          Wellbeing                                                      Repairs

                                                                                                                                 Head of ICT

                                                                                                                                 Head of HR

                                                                                                                                   Head of
                                                                                                                                 Finance and

                                                                                                                                  Head of
Connexus-Group - Director of Resources - Recruitment Pack   11
Structure Chart
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Our Executive
Management Team

Richard Woolley -                    Christine Duggan -                     Duncan Forbes -
Chief Executive                      Director of Housing and                Interim Deputy
                                     Communities                            Chief Executive
Richard has over 20
years’ experience in the             Christine has worked in                Duncan started out as a
housing sector, gained               the social housing sector              legal aid lawyer working
with both Large Scale                in Herefordshire for                   in London law centres. He
Voluntary Transfers                  over 15 years. She has                 then set up his own legal
(LSVTs) and traditional              experience across all parts            practice in Wales. Duncan
housing associations.                of the business having                 was the lead consultant on
Richard is the newly                 previously led amongst                 the setting up of Bron Afon
appointed Chief Executive.           others; homelessness                   Community Housing and
                                     and floating support,                  then went on to become
                                     business improvement, and              their first CEO and spent
                                     neighbourhood services.                over 9 years there.
Connexus-Group - Executive Director of Resources - Recruitment Pack             15
Our Executive Management Team

Vivien Knibbs -                                  Rowan Kirk - Interim
Interim Director Assets                          Director of Development
and Repairs
                                                 Rowan has over 30 years
Vivien’s an experienced                          of experience working in
housing professional,                            senior development roles
having worked across both                        in the residential and care
the housing association                          markets in the public, third
and ALMO sectors (arm’s-                         and private sectors. Rowan
length management                                has worked as a Director
organisations). She has                          at Sanctuary Group and
experience in all aspects                        Keepmoat Ltd.
of strategic and operational
housing delivery and has a
significant track record in
delivering organisational
change programs.
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Job Description

Job title: Executive Director                      Principal Duties and                                • Lead the organisation’s treasury
of Resources                                       Responsibilities:                                     management function, determining
Responsible to: Chief Executive                    Executive team:                                       the strategy, ensuring the provision
                                                                                                         of appropriate advice, and liaising
Department: Resources                              • As a member of the Executive
                                                                                                         with funders and investors in all
Number of people directly                            team, you will contribute to the
                                                                                                         material aspects.
managed: 4 direct reports; Head of                   development of organisational
                                                     strategy and plans, sharing                       • Take a lead on risk management
finance, HR, ICT, Governance
                                                     responsibility for their delivery.                  across the organisation. Ensure
Budget Responsibility: Up to £10M                                                                        the organisation has a proper
                                                   • Keep abreast of statutory, political,
Key Relationships:                                                                                       appreciation of risk management
                                                     regulatory and economic trends
• Regulators / Auditors / Lenders                                                                        and mitigation.
                                                     in the broader environment,
   & Banking officials / Other                       best practice in the sector and                   • Act as the client for the
   Professional bodies                               competitor activity and interpret                   organisation’s external and
• Colleagues / managers/SMT /                        this information to inform                          internal audit services, so that
   EMT / Board                                       strategic plans.                                    the organisation’s interests are
• Local Authorities and other                                                                            effectively safeguarded
                                                   • Operate as a key contributor to the
   Housing Associations                                                                                  and audited.
                                                     management of change, integration
Location: Herefordshire or Shropshire                and improvement through the                       • Ensure the organisation has
                                                     development and implementation                      appropriate and cost effective
Main purpose and scope of                                                                                information technology which
the job:                                             of corporate strategies and plans
                                                     across the organisation, leading and                supports business goals and digital
As a member of the Executive team,                   working with colleagues to deliver                  transformation to support improved
you will contribute to the strategic                 seamless and consistent services                    access; high quality information;
management of the organisation                       for customers.                                      and a positive customer experience.
with a clear focus on the future as                                                                    • Lead on the establishment and
well as the here and now.                          • Provide advice and information to
                                                     the Board and its committees to                     maintenance of a fit for purpose
You will provide strategic advice,                   enable effective decision making.                   and effective governance
leadership and direction for the                                                                         infrastructure ensuring
Resources Directorate, ensuring the                Resources directorate:
                                                                                                         compliance with the code of
services and advice provided enable                • Lead on the development of                          governance and regulatory and
the organisation to maximise all of its              strategic finance plans and                         statutory requirements.
resources whether they are financial,                ensure the organisation has the
                                                                                                       • Provide strategic and operational
human or technological.                              appropriate information and advice
                                                                                                         leadership to ensure that the HR/
Ensure that sound evidence-based                     to make effective decisions across
                                                                                                         OD function provides a proactive,
financial and value for money                        the business, so that it can
                                                                                                         flexible, customer focused service
decisions enable the organisation                    achieve its mission.
                                                                                                         which supports business objectives.
to fulfil its mission.                             • Develop appropriate and innovative
                                                                                                       • Lead on the management of
                                                     strategies, policies and plans either
                                                                                                         all resources in the directorate,
                                                     to respond to emerging legislation,
                                                                                                         monitoring budgets, maximising
                                                     issues or challenges, or to improve
                                                                                                         income, and developing
                                                     services or to deliver better value
                                                     for money.
Connexus-Group - Executive Director of Resources - Recruitment Pack                                                                            17
Job Description

  and implementing strategies to                                   in from staff and effective multi-       in appropriate learning and
  improve value for money.                                         disciplinary working.                    development activities.
• Monitor and manage performance                                 • Be a role model of the behaviours    •   All individuals are expected to carry
  of all services in the directorate, to                           required within the directorate,         out their duties and responsibilities
  ensure that they achieve agreed                                  acting with openness,                    having regard to the company’s
  objectives and targets, that all                                 professionalism and integrity            commitment to providing a
  advice services are high quality and                             at all times, ensuring that staff        customer focused service.
  meet the needs of the business.                                  within the operations function are   •   Act as an ambassador for the
  Take corrective action where                                     committed to encouraging and             Group at all times during the
  required, creating a culture of                                  embracing diversity.                     course of your duties.
  ambition and high achievement.                                 Key Performance Measures:              •   Ensure compliance with
• Ensure that all services within                                • Compliance with                          requirements under the Data
  the directorate fully comply with                                Financial regulations                    Protection Act 2018 and follow
  professional and accounting                                                                               the Group’s Data Protection Policy
                                                                 • Compliance with
  standards, statutory and regulatory                                                                       and procedures relating
                                                                   Housing regulations
  requirements and organisational                                                                           to confidentiality.
  policies and procedures, including                             • Decreased external attrition/
                                                                   increased internal attrition         •   To promote equality and diversity
  health and safety; equality and
                                                                                                            and to treat everyone with fairness
  diversity; and procurement.                                    • Maintenance and improvement
                                                                                                            and dignity. Whilst being committed
• Build close relationships with                                   of organisational morale
                                                                                                            to the principles of Equality
  funders, external partners and                                 • Delivery of financial budgets and        and Diversity.
  stakeholders, representing and                                   end of year company accounts
                                                                                                        •   To recognise health and safety as a
  promoting the organisation and                                 • Delivery of internal key                 responsibility of every individual, to
  building its reputation.                                         performance measures                     take reasonable care of oneself and
Leadership:                                                      • Decrease in colleague complaints/        others in the workplace and comply
• Lead, inspire, direct and empower                                colleagues disatisfaction                with policies, relevant legislation
  staff by setting challenging                                   Standard Requirements                      and any service specific procedures
  goals, providing development                                   (Applicable to all roles)                  that may apply to the role.
  opportunities and effectively                                  • All individuals are expected to be   •   Ensure practice is firmly rooted
  communicating the organisation’s                                 flexible in undertaking the duties       within the Children and Adults
  direction and objectives.                                        and responsibilities attached            Safeguarding framework. As an
• Promote a culture of customer                                    to their job and may be asked            organisation we take an assertive
  services, innovation, respect,                                   to perform other duties which            approach to ensuring the safety
  collaborative working, efficiency                                reasonably correspond to the             and well-being of all children and
  and achievement within the                                       general character of their job and       adults with care and support
  operations function, ensuring the                                their level of responsibility.           needs and colleagues will need to
  organisation’s values are                                      • All individuals are expected to          demonstrate an understanding
  embedded in all activity.                                        maintain personal and professional       and commitment to best
• Sponsor and lead programmes of                                   development to meet the changing         safeguarding practice.
  work, leading change and delivering                              demands of the job and participate
  to time and to budget with buy
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Qualifications:                                    • Ability to create and lead a culture                  to engage effectively at all levels
• Relevant professional qualification                based on the organisation’s values,                   and to present complex information
  e.g. CIPFA/CIMA/ACA/ACCA and                       to inspire, motivate and develop                      in an accessible way.
  full membership of a recognised                    staff at all levels; skilled at building          •   Excellent communication and
  UK accountancy body. Evidence                      cohesive and motivated teams who                      interpersonal skills; well-developed
  of continuing professional                         are committed to the organisation’s                   ambassadorial, influencing,
  development would be                               vision and goals.                                     networking, promotional and
  an advantage.                                    • Ability to identify and see the                       negotiating skills, particularly
Knowledge, Skills                                    potential of innovations and new                      in relation to working with
and Experience:                                      technology to deliver efficiency                      funders and investors.
                                                     and an improved service offering                  •   Shared vision and values of
• Proven track record of successfully
                                                     and to lead and manage significant                    the organisation.
  leading a range of high performing
                                                     change and create an environment
  finance services which have                                                                          •   Resilient, robust, confident and
                                                     where change and innovation are
  enabled an organisation of                                                                               determined, also self-aware and
                                                     considered and dealt with positively
  comparable size and complexity                                                                           committed to addressing areas for
                                                     and seen as an opportunity for
  to achieve ambitious goals and                                                                           personal development.
                                                     continuous improvement.
  continuing financial health.                                                                         •   Having an understanding of and
                                                   • A track record of delivering
• A thorough knowledge of the                                                                              embracing diversity; treating others
                                                     excellence in customer services,
  financial compliance and regulatory                                                                      with dignity and respect with a
                                                     for continuous improvement of
  framework relevant to the                                                                                real desire to understand and
                                                     services and service offerings
  organisation, particularly in the                                                                        meet diverse customer needs
                                                     in order to deliver increased
  management of risk.                                                                                      and aspirations.
                                                     social value.
• Substantial experience in treasury                                                                   •   A decisive and effective decision
                                                   • Ability to interpret financial
  management, managing a loan                                                                              maker who leads by example
                                                     information, analyse complex
  portfolio and being accountable                                                                          with an open, engaging and
                                                     data and present information in
  for covenants and long term                                                                              enthusing style.
                                                     an accessible way, able to manage
  financial projections.                                                                               •   A personal and professional
                                                     budgets and make sound financial
• Housing sector experience is                       decisions, continuously striving for                  credibility that will command
  desirable but an awareness of                      better value for money.                               confidence at all levels.
  the sector and services would                                                                        •   Works well in a team, with a
                                                   • Ability to make sound judgements,
  be advantageous.                                                                                         collaborative style that engages
                                                     and find solutions to complex issues
• Strategic vision and foresight,                    and problems, taking a commercial                     people at all levels and promotes
  with experience of developing                      approach, identify and manage risk.                   positive relationships throughout
  a strong service culture, where                                                                          the organisation and its partners.
                                                   • Ability to work effectively in
  organisational infrastructure                                                                        •   Committed to accountability,
                                                     partnership with board members,
  proactively supports frontline                                                                           openness, transparency and
                                                     executives, staff, residents,
  service delivery.                                                                                        equality of opportunity.
                                                     customers and external
                                                     stakeholders; with the ability
Connexus-Group - Executive Director of Resources - Recruitment Pack   19
Person Specification
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Key terms and conditions
Salary and package:                                Holiday entitlement:                                Location:
Salary is c. £110k                                 28 days rising to 30 days                           Connexus has four key locations and
Benefits:                                          (Jan to Dec holiday year)                           you will be required to work across the
                                                                                                       Connexus estate but you will mainly
Westfield Private Health, Car                      Working hours:                                      be in the Hereford and Craven Arms
allowance 10% of salary
                                                   37 hours per week based around                      offices where the finance team is
Pension:                                           the usual working week.                             based but full company estate
SHPS DC – auto-enrolment                                                                               travel is required.
scheme – 5% employer contribution                  Probation and notice periods:
                                                   6 months’ probation

Key dates and the selection process
Close for application:                             First interviews:                                   Final interviews:
Friday 10th May 2019 (12 noon)                     Thursday 23rd May 2019                              Thursday 6th June 2019
The client meeting to agree longlisted             Longlisted candidates will be                       Shortlisted candidates will asked to
candidates will take place on                      interviewed by a Campbell                           complete online WAVE profile.
Wednesday 15th May. Successful                     Tickell panel.                                      The final interview will be a panel
candidates will be informed on                     Interviews will be held at                          interview with the opportunity to
Thursday 16th May. All unsuccessful                Connexus. The Gateway,                              meet with new The Executive Team
candidates will be offered feedback                The Auction Yard,                                   for a separate discussion session.
by Campbell Tickell.                               Craven Arms, SY7 9BW.                               Interviews will be held at Connexus,
                                                                                                       Legion Way, Hereford, HR1 1L.
Connexus-Group - Chief Executive - Recruitment Pack   23
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Connexus Brand Story
The Connexus Way –
Corporate Plan 2018 - 2021
Connexus Financial Statements 2017/18
Connexus Group Documents
Connexus Group News
Connexus Group – Our Brands
Full details of Connexus can be viewed at
Connexus-Group - Executive Director of Resources - Recruitment Pack                                                                                     27
The media advertisement

          Executive Director
          of Resources
           c.£110k | West Midlands
           Formed in July 2017, Connexus                              With the recent appointment of a         You will join a dynamic senior
           brought together two successful                            new Chief Executive, we are now          management team who are keen
           housing groups providing homes                             looking to further strengthen the        to make an even greater positive
           and delivering services across                             executive team with the recruitment      difference to the lives of the people
           Herefordshire, Shropshire and                              of a new Executive Director of           and communities we serve. Working
           Gloucester. With a combined portfolio                      Resources. As a member of the            with us also offers the opportunity
           of over 10,000 homes, a £56m                               Executive Team, you will contribute      to live in some of the most stunning
           turnover, and more than 600                                to the development of the                countryside, villages, towns or cities
           colleagues we are an important                             organisational strategy and plans,       in the UK.
           regional provider whilst also having                       sharing joint responsibility for         You will join Connexus at an exciting
           a key role as place-shaper and                             delivery and have a clear focus on the   time. If you are an experienced
           community anchor.                                          future as well as the here and now.      finance professional looking for your
           There is ample opportunity to make a                       As a professionally qualified            next challenge, then please contact
           real difference in this role. We have a                    accountant, you will have a proven       our retained consultant Kelly Shaw
           strong financial position, an                              track record of successfully leading a   at Campbell Tickell on 07900
           ambitious development programme,                           range of high performing services and    363803 or 0203 434 0990 for
           recently strengthened governance, a                        teams. You will be a people-focussed     an informal chat
           willingness to innovate, excellent                         leader who will inspire your staff       Closing date: Friday 10th May 2019
           local partnerships and a great                             group, coupled with the ability to       (12 noon)
           reputation for housing, well-being,                        direct and empower colleagues by
           place-shaping and regeneration.                            setting challenging goals.
Third Floor
Olympic Office Centre
8 Fulton Road
Wembley Middlesex
020 8830 6777
020 3434 0990 (Recruitment)
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