EXHIBITION GUIDE 12th - 14th January 2017 - RDS, Dublin - www.btyoungscientist.com - BT Young Scientist

Page created by Jamie Miranda
EXHIBITION GUIDE 12th - 14th January 2017 - RDS, Dublin - www.btyoungscientist.com - BT Young Scientist
12th - 14th January 2017 - RDS, Dublin
EXHIBITION GUIDE 12th - 14th January 2017 - RDS, Dublin - www.btyoungscientist.com - BT Young Scientist
  3        Foreword from Shay Walsh                                                     32   Social & Behavioural Sciences

  4        Sponsors, partners and exhibitors                                            34   Exhibition map

  6        The awards                                                                   44   Special acts

  9        BT Young Scientist & Technology Exhibition Judges                            48   RDS Primary Science Fair

 10        2017 Projects - Quick search                                                 52   World of Science & Technology

 14        Chemical, Physical & Mathematical Sciences                                   58   Eco Zone

 19        Technology                                                                   60   Past winners

 23        BTYSTE Alumni Showcase 2017                                                  63   Daily event schedules

 24        Biological & Ecological Sciences                                             66   BT Business Bootcamp

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EXHIBITION GUIDE 12th - 14th January 2017 - RDS, Dublin - www.btyoungscientist.com - BT Young Scientist
Welcome to the 2017 BT Young Scientist & Technology Exhibition
          Fáilte chuig Taispeántas Eolaí Óig agus Teicneolaíochta BT 2017
We believe that this exhibition is exceptional - an exceptional        Creidimid gur sárthaispeántas an taispeántas seo – sárimeacht é a
formula that has attracted 4,591 students to enter projects this       mheall 4,591 dalta chun tionscadail a iontráil i mbliana; fuarthas
year; exceptional support from thousands of organisations and          olltacaíocht ó na mílte eagraíocht agus duine aonair a chreideann
individuals who believe in the importance of youth education and       go mbaineann tábhacht le hoideachas agus le forbairt óige; agus
development; and an exceptional impact on those who take part.         imrítear olltionchar orthu siúd a ghlacann páirt.
This is the 53rd annual exhibition, and it continues to grow, a        Seo an 53ú taispeántas, agus leanann sé ag dul i méid, agus
clear testament to the exciting vision that the founders Dr. Tony      déanann sé léiriú soiléir ar an bhfís spreagúil a bhí ag na
Scott and the late Fr. Tom Burke had when establishing it in           bunaitheoirí, an Dr Tony Scott agus an tAthair Tom Burke, a
1960s Ireland. As you’ll see from the 550 projects on display this     d’éag, nuair a bhunaigh siad é in Éirinn sna 1960idí. Faoi mar a
week, science, engineering, maths and technology (STEM) are            thabharfaidh tú faoi deara i measc na 550 tionscadal atá ar
critical to the world around us and by engaging young people in        taispeáint an tseachtain seo, baineann ríthábhacht maidir leis an
these subjects we are helping them build a better future. And          domhan timpeall orainn leis an eolaíocht, an innealtóireacht, an
this exhibition isn’t just about STEM skills, it is also about being   mhatamaitic agus an teicneolaíocht (STEM) agus trí dhaoine óga a
creative, being innovative and being inclusive to find new ways to     spreagadh chun tabhairt faoi na hábhair seo, táimid ag cabhrú leo
address the rapidly changing times we face.                            chun todhchaí níos fearr a chruthú. Agus ní bhaineann an
Wrapped around the core competition here in the RDS we have a          taispeántas seo ach le scileanna STEM, baineann sé le bheith
festival of science and technology for you to enjoy. You’ll get to     cruthaitheach, bheith nuálach agus bheith uileghabhálach chun
meet our special acts, entertainers, and exhibitors, including BT      bealaí nua a aimsiú chun dul i ngleic leis an tráth amach romhainn
Young Scientist & Technology Exhibition alumni who are                 atá ag athrú go tapa.
showcasing the businesses that they have set up.                       Tá féile eolaíochta agus theicneolaíochta curtha ar siúl againn
I would like to thank you for coming to the BT exhibition – your       anseo san RDS fite fuaite sa chroíchomórtas. Beidh deis agat
support shows thousands of young exhibitors that we value and          casadh lenár ngníomhanna, siamsóirí, agus ár lucht taispeántais,
recognise their ideas and are investing in our home-grown talent       alumni Thaispeántas Eolaí Óig agus Teicneolaíochta BT ina measc
in Ireland.                                                            a bhfuil na gnólachtaí a bhunaigh siad ar taispeáint acu.
                                                                       Ba mhaith liom buíochas a ghabháil leat as cuairt a thabhairt ar
                                                                       thaispeántas BT – taispeánann an tacaíocht a thugann tú do na
                                                                       mílte de lucht taispeántais óg go léirímid luach agus aitheantas ar
                                                                       a smaointe agus go bhfuil infheistíocht á déanamh againn sa
                                                                       tallann atá forbartha anseo in Éirinn.

                                                                       Enjoy your visit
                                                                       Bain sult as do chuairt

                                                                       Shay Walsh
                                                                       Managing Director, BT Ireland

                                                                       Proud organiser of the BT Young Scientist
                                                                       & Technology Exhibition.
                                                                       Eagraí bródúil Thaispeántas Eolaí Óig agus
                                                                       Teicneolaíochta BT
EXHIBITION GUIDE 12th - 14th January 2017 - RDS, Dublin - www.btyoungscientist.com - BT Young Scientist
The BT Young Scientist & Technology Exhibition 2017 is proudly sponsored and supported by;

4 BT Young Scientist & Technology Exhibition 2017
EXHIBITION GUIDE 12th - 14th January 2017 - RDS, Dublin - www.btyoungscientist.com - BT Young Scientist
                                                                             STEM careers

                                                             school summit   www.smartfutures.ie


                                          Ireland Chapter of PMI

                                                                                                             The Duffily Bag
                                                                                                              Wrapping you in Warmth

       BTYSTE                                                                                      www.btyoungscientist.com 5
EXHIBITION GUIDE 12th - 14th January 2017 - RDS, Dublin - www.btyoungscientist.com - BT Young Scientist
The awards
Main awards                                                         Category awards
                                                                    There are 36 prizes for individuals and 36 prizes for group
       BT Young Scientist & Technologist(s)                         projects. The prizes take the form of 1st, 2nd and 3rd in Junior,
               of the Year 2017                                     Intermediate and Senior sections of each of the four categories:

                       Individual or Group                                                Chemical, Physical &
•    BT Young Scientist(s) of the Year Trophy (perpetual)                                 Mathematical Sciences
•    Cheque for €5,000 / £4,500                                                           e.g. chemistry, physics, mathematics,
•    The chance to represent Ireland at the European Union                                applied mathematics, geology, engineering,
     Contest for Young Scientists 2017 in Tallinn, Estonia.                               computer programming, meteorology,

                       Best Individual                                                    Technology
                       or Best Group                                                      e.g. communications, electronic systems,
                                                                                          robotics, computing, control technology,
•    BT Trophy (perpetual)                                                                applications of technology, biotechnology,
•    Cheque for €2,400 / £2,160                                                           automation.

                   Runner-up Individual                                                   Biological & Ecological
                  and Runners-up Group                                                    Sciences
                                                                                          e.g. agriculture, anatomy, biochemistry,
•    BT Trophy (perpetual)                                                                biotechnology, ecology, horticulture,
•    Cheque for €1,200 / £1,080                                                           physiology, medical science, veterinary
Please note if the BT Young Scientist & Technologist of the Year
is awarded to an Individual, a Best Group Award will also be                              Social & Behavioural Sciences
made. If the BT Young Scientist & Technologist(s) of the Year is                          e.g. economic, geographical, psychological
awarded to a Group, a Best Individual Award will also be made.                            or sociological studies of human behaviour,
                                                                                          nutrition, social anthropology, political

                                                                    The prizes, for both Individual and Group projects, are:
    Special awards
    We are proud to have a fabulous range of special awards
    at this year’s Exhibition presented by our partner                 1st prize               2nd prize               3rd prize
    organisations. Special awards recognise excellence in             €300 / £270             €225 / £202              €150 / £135
    specific areas. Examples include projects with a focus on
    innovation in technology, physics, chemistry, sustainability,
    recycling, the environment, research or improving
    awareness of medical conditions. Each award is industry-
    sponsored and details of each organisation and the awards       In the event of a tie in any category, the prize money will be split
    can be found on the Awards section of our website               equally.
    www.btyoungscientist.com                                        A number of highly commended and display awards will also be
                                                                    awarded in each category by the panel of judges.

6 BT Young Scientist & Technology Exhibition 2017
EXHIBITION GUIDE 12th - 14th January 2017 - RDS, Dublin - www.btyoungscientist.com - BT Young Scientist
Travel awards
Student awards                                                           Educator of excellence awards
Analog Devices Student Award                                             These awards will be presented to the teachers whose
This award is presented to an individual or group for outstanding        commitment and encouragement have consistently enabled
work exhibited in the Technology category, except where the              their students to participate successfully in all categories of the
project has been selected as BT Young Scientist & Technologist(s)        exhibition.
of the Year. The prize consists of a trophy and an all-expenses          Analog Devices Educator of Excellence Award - Technology
paid trip to the USA as the guests of Analog Devices, visiting San
                                                                         The winner receives the Analog Devices Trophy and an all-
Francisco and Los Angeles. In addition, Analog Devices will donate
                                                                         expenses paid trip to the USA.
€2,500 to the school of the winning student(s) as a contribution
towards its science laboratory equipment fund.                           Perrigo Educator of Excellence - Biological and Ecological
Intel Student Award                                                      Sciences
This award is presented to an individual or group for outstanding        The winner receives a bursary of €2,000 and a Perrigo Trophy.
work exhibited in the Chemical, Physical & Mathematical Sciences         BT Educator of Excellence - Social and Behavioural Sciences
category, except where the project has been selected as BT Young
                                                                         The winner receives a bursary of €2,000 and a BT Trophy.
Scientist & Technologist(s) of the Year. The prize is an all-expenses
paid trip to the USA to compete in the Intel International Science       Intel Educator of Excellence Award - Chemical, Physical and
and Engineering Fair (ISEF) in Los Angeles, California, May 14-19,       Mathematical Sciences
2017. The teacher/mentor of the winner(s) of this award will also        The winner will receive the Intel trophy and an all-expenses paid
receive an all-expenses paid trip to ISEF.                               trip to the USA to attend the Intel International Science and
Perrigo Student Award                                                    Engineering Fair which takes place in Los Angeles, California, May
                                                                         14-19, 2017.
Perrigo will present an award in the Biological and Ecological
category to the best placed project, either group or individual,
except where the project has been selected as BT Young Scientist
& Technologist(s) of the Year. The winning project will be awarded
RTÉ Student Award
RTÉ will present an award in the Social and Behavioural Sciences
category to the best placed project, either group or individual,
except where the project has been selected as BT Young Scientist
& Technologist(s) of the Year. The winning project will visit RTÉ for
a tour.

Rev Dr Tom Burke
Fr Tom was one of the co-founders of the exhibition and sadly
passed away in 2008. In memory of his contribution to the
exhibition, a €1,000 bursary is awarded in his name to an
individual participant who is deemed by the judges to be the best
communicator. This will be paid on application to a student to help
them in their second/third level education.
This bursary will be open to participants of all categories across all
age groups, but the winner cannot be either the overall Individual
Winner or Runner Up.

                           BTYSTE                                                                            www.btyoungscientist.com 7
EXHIBITION GUIDE 12th - 14th January 2017 - RDS, Dublin - www.btyoungscientist.com - BT Young Scientist
Special awards
We are pleased and proud to have a fabulous range of Special         Full details of all the Special Awards and the criteria for each can
Awards at this year’s Exhibition. Each award is industry-sponsored   be found on our website www.btyoungscientist.com
and details of each organisation and awards can be found on the
Awards section of our website www.btyoungscientist.com               Schools awards
This year Special Awards will be presented by our partner            Each year two school awards are made, one for Best School in
organisations. Special Awards recognise excellence in specific       Northern Ireland presented by MATRIX and one for Best School in
areas, examples include projects which have a focus on innovation    Republic of Ireland presented by NAPD. These are presented on a
in technology, physics, chemistry, sustainability, recycling, the    points based system and cannot be won by the same school in a
environment, research or improving cancer awareness.                 three year period.

8 BT Young Scientist & Technology Exhibition 2017
EXHIBITION GUIDE 12th - 14th January 2017 - RDS, Dublin - www.btyoungscientist.com - BT Young Scientist
BT Young Scientist & Technology Exhibition Judges
Chemical, Physical & Mathematical Sciences
                                     Prof Stephen Connon       Prof Tom Laffey                Dr Fergal O’Reilly
                                     Prof Seán Corish          Dr Michael McGrath             Dr Rachel Quinlan
                                     Prof Padraig Dunne        Prof Ronan McNulty ✭ 1985      Dr Tony Scott
                                     Prof Orla Feely           Dr Maria Meehan                Dr Emma Sokell
                                     Prof Pat Guiry            Dr Aoibhinn Ni Shuilleabhain
                                     Dr Graeme Horley          Dr Martina Nolan-Jones

                                     Ms Julie Byrne            Prof Jim Greer                 Mr Brian O’Mara
                                     Mr Bernie Capraro         Mr Leonard Hobbs               Ms Ann O’Sullivan
                                     Dr Sarah Jane Delaney     Mr Barry Kennedy               Prof Mary Shire
                                     Prof Linda Doyle          Mr Aaron McCormack             Dr Peter Taylor ✭ 2001
                                     Prof John Dunnion         Dr Diarmuid O’Brien
                                     Dr Carol Gibbons          Mr Tom O’Dwyer

Biological & Ecological Sciences
                                     Prof Ann Cullinane        Dr Colin Kelleher              Prof John O’Halloran
                                     Prof Sarah Culloty        Prof Mary Kelly-Quinn ✭ 1976   Dr Richard O’Hanlon
                                     Prof Michael Doherty      Prof Grace McCormack           Dr Padraig O’Kiely
                                     Prof Evelyn Doyle         Prof Jennifer McElwain         Prof Donal O’Shea
                                     Mr Hubert Fuller          Prof Deirdre McGrath           Prof John Quinn
                                     Prof Marie Guidon         Dr John Monahan ✭ 1965         Dr Fiona Wilson
                                     Dr Tom Harrington         Prof Niall Moyna
                                     Prof Des Higgins          Dr Kathy O’Boyle

Social & Behavioural Sciences
                                     Mrs Siobhán Aherne        Dr Jones Irwin                 Dr Eoin O’Mahony
                                     Prof Joe Barry            Dr Mary Ivers                  Mr Aidan Ryan
                                     Dr Barry Brunt            Dr Angela Leahy                Mr David Silke
                                     Ms Annette Cahalane       Ms Roisin Lyons                Dr Victoria Simms
                                     Prof Catherine Comiskey   Mr Eoin MacCuirc               Dr Sinead Smyth
                                     Prof Regina Connolly      Dr Maeve Martin                Prof Anthony Staines
                                     Ms Verena Cornwall        Dr Des McCafferty              Dr Joanne Stuart
                                     Mr Conor Faughnan         Mrs Michelle McCarthy Severs
                                     Dr Domnall Fleming        Mrs Lynda McSweeney
                                     Dr Yseult Freeney         Dr Elizabeth Nixon

BT Chairperson                       Ruth Murphy               Special Awards                 Prof Eoin O’Neill

✭ Young Scientist of the Year past winner

                                BTYSTE                                                           www.btyoungscientist.com 9
EXHIBITION GUIDE 12th - 14th January 2017 - RDS, Dublin - www.btyoungscientist.com - BT Young Scientist
2017 Projects - quick search

Project category

    Chemical, Physical and                                       Biological and                 Social and Behavioural
    Mathematical Sciences                                      Ecological Sciences                      Sciences

          1100 - 1605                    2100 - 2605              3100 - 3611                       4100 - 4713

School name/County
Antrim                                                        Colaiste An Phiarsaigh                                     1534
Ballyclare High School                          1210, 2604    Coláiste An Spioraid Naoimh           1301, 1601, 2307, 4200
Ballymena Academy                               2304, 3514    Coláiste Choilm          1507, 2416, 3304, 3402, 3410, 3517,
                                                                                             3525, 3529, 3533, 4201, 4507,
Fort Hill College                                      3606
                                                                                                         4513, 4520, 4528
St Killian’s College                            2402, 2404
                                                              Coláiste Chríost Rí                                        3108
Armagh                                                        Colaiste Daibheid                                          4576
St Catherine’s College                                 3407   Coláiste Muire - Crosshaven           1204, 4207, 4304, 4702
St Patrick’s High School                               1413   Coláiste Na Toirbhirte                      1417, 4215, 4586
Carlow                                                        Coláiste Pobal Bheanntrai                   3541, 3543, 4552
St. Leo’s College                                      1113   Colaiste Treasa                       3521, 4104, 4211, 4402
Cavan                                                         Davis College                                              2520
Bailieborough Community School                  2505, 3601    Gaelcholáiste Mhuire                                       4547
Colaiste Dun an Ri       1110, 4110, 4113, 4116, 4407, 4410   Kinsale Community School       3419, 3524, 4100, 4103, 4105,
                                                                                             4108, 4111, 4114, 4117, 4118,
Loreto College - Cavan                                 4572
                                                                                       4208, 4405, 4409, 4423, 4516, 4519,
Clare                                                                                  4567, 4577, 4596, 4606, 4609, 4613
Mary Immaculate Secondary School                              Midleton College                                           3600
- Lisdoonvarna                        1102, 2208, 3103,       Millstreet Community School 4536, 4538, 4542, 4569, 4575
                           3106, 3210, 3403, 3411, 4303
                                                              Mount Mercy College                                        4300
Meánscoil Na Mbráithre                                 3424
                                                              Mount St Michael                                           3219
Scariff Community College                              1602
                                                              North Monastery Secondary School            2108, 2414, 4601
Scoil Mhuire                                           3570
                                                              Pobalscoil na Tríonóide                                    4531
St. Joseph’s Secondary School        2502, 3583, 4511, 4534
                                                              Presentation College                                       1205
                                                              Presentation Secondary School               4203, 4506, 4510
Ardscoil Uí Urmoltaigh                          1530, 3563
                                                              Regina Mundi College                                       4574
Bandon Grammar School               1418, 1527, 3110, 3215,
                                                              Sacred Heart Secondary School        1414, 3569, 4580, 4582,
                              3303, 3420, 3554, 3559, 4120,
                                                                                                               4587, 4597
                                          4417, 4550, 4608
                                                              Schull Community College       1200, 3401, 3509, 3526, 3550
Carrigtwohill Community College                        3417
                                                              Scoil Mhuire                                      4422, 4504
Christ King Girls Secondary School              3104, 4101
                                                              Scoil Mhuire gan Smál - Blarney                   1513, 4523
Clonakilty Community College              2409, 2508, 2518,
                                                2521, 3522    Scoil na mBráithre Chríostaí                               4710

10 BT Young Scientist & Technology Exhibition 2017
School name/County
                                                                                    2                            7
St Aloysius College            1522, 3539, 4556, 4581, 4612    Luttrellstown Community College                       2602
St Aloysius School                                     1412    Mount Anville Secondary School                        3422
St Mary’s High School                                  2507    Mount Sackville Secondary School                      4585
St Mary’s Secondary School - Macroom       3534, 4526, 4535,   Old Bawn Community School                             4306
                                                               Our Ladys School - Templeogue                   2501, 3504
St Mary’s Secondary School - Mallow              1108, 1508
                                                               Pobalscoil Iosolde                              3214, 3553
Donegal                                                        Pobalscoil Neasain - Baldoyle             1510, 1521, 4545
Carndonagh Community School                            4305    Portmarnock Community School                    2601, 4700
Choláiste Cholmcille                                   3536    Ringsend College                                      4709
Coláiste Ailigh                                        2309
                                                               Sandford Park School Ltd                  1209, 1423, 2107,
Deele College                                          4219                                                    3109, 4416
Gairm Scoil Chú Uladh                                  4617    Santa Sabina Dominican College                  3209, 3571
Magh Ene College                      1202, 3537, 4565, 4594   Scoil Chaitriona                                      4412
Pobalscoil Ghaoth Dobhair                  1411, 1514, 1524    Skerries Community College                            3566
Down                                                           St Andrew’s College                       2202, 3101, 3220
New-Bridge Integrated College                          2103    St Benildus College                                   2513
Our Lady’s GS                                          1511    St Conleth’s College                                  4406
South Eastern Regional College - Bangor Campus         3603    St Declan’s College                                   2305
Dublin                                                         St Joseph Of Cluny                                    1420
Adamstown Community College                      1101, 4420    St Mary’s Secondary School                            3610
Alexandra College                          3205, 4607, 4611    Sutton Park School                              1400, 2200
Ardgillan Community College           2209, 3218, 4106, 4202   Synge Street CBS                    1203, 1404, 1408, 1526
Blackrock College                                1531, 3565    Terenure College                                      2308
Clonkeen College                                       4501    Wesley College - Ballinteer                           2204
Coláiste Bríde                                         3535    Galway
Coláiste Cois Life                                     2533    Ardscoil Mhuire                                       3611
Coláiste Mhuire                                        3544    Coláiste Bhaile Chláir                    2400, 2406, 2410,
Coláiste Phádraig - Lucan             1112, 1300, 1502, 2205                                             2413, 2512, 4415
Colaiste Pobail Setanta                          3506, 4503    Coláiste Éinde                                        2603
Dominican College                                      4119    Coláiste Ghobnait                                     3556
Gaelcholáiste an Phiarsaigh                            1422    Coláiste Mhuire                                       4592
Gonzaga College                                        3527    Coláiste na Coiribe                                   1409
Jesus and Mary Secondary School, Our Lady’s Grove      4217    Dominican College - Galway                            3532
Loreto Abbey Secondary School              1214, 1505, 3531    Gaelcholáiste an Eachréidh                            4302
Loreto College - Foxrock              3405, 3426, 3584, 4421   Glenamaddy Community School                           3421
Loreto College - St Stephens Green         3404, 4216, 4615    Merlin College                                        4102
Loreto High School                         3203, 4212, 4514    Portumna Community School           2401, 3416, 3505, 3513,
                                                                                                         4107, 4502, 4508
Loreto Secondary School - Balbriggan       3425, 3528, 3561,
                                           3579, 3602, 4218    Seamount College                                      3102

                            BTYSTE                                                             www.btyoungscientist.com 11
2017 Projects - quick search

School name/County
Kerry                                                         Desmond College - Limerick 1207, 1500, 2100, 2201, 2600,
                                                                                         3523, 3604, 4109, 4404, 4562
Comprehensive School - Tarbert                  2524, 4566
                                                              Gaelcholáiste Luímnigh                     1104, 4704, 4712
Gaelcholáiste Chiarraí                                4515
                                                              Glenstal Abbey School                                  3100
Killorglin Community College              2102, 2203, 4112
                                                              Hazelwood College               1410, 2407, 3400, 4403, 4561
Tarbert Comprehensive School                          2535
                                                              John The Baptist Community School          3213, 3530, 3552,
The Intermediate School                               4713
                                                                                                         4530, 4555, 4557
Kildare                                                       Laurel Hill Secondary School FCJ                 1532, 4543
Ardscoil Rath Iomgháin                                4418
                                                              Salesian Secondary College, Pallaskenry   1403, 2515, 2522,
Celbridge Community School                            4414                                        2528, 2531, 2534, 3418,
Coláiste Naomh Mhuire                                 3574                                              3560, 3609, 4413

Geal Cholaiste Chill Dara                             4570    Scoil Mhuire agus Ide                                  4533

Kildare Town Community School                         4598    Londonderry
Maynooth Education Campus                 1111, 2303, 4595    Gaelcholáiste Dhoire                                   1421
Patrician Secondary School - Newbridge                1415    Loreto College Coleraine                   1303, 1528, 1605
Scoil Dara                                            2214    St Mary’s College                    1100, 1103, 1106, 1109,
                                                                                                         1406, 1600, 1603
Scoil Mhuire Community School                   1503, 3201
St Pauls Secondary School                             3564    Longford
St Wolstan’s Community School                         4525    Ballymahon Vocational School                           4553

Kilkenny                                                      Lanesboro Community College          3107, 4115, 4309, 4593

Castlecomer Community School                    3518, 3548    Louth
Coláiste Eamann Rís                                   3414    Bush Post Primary School        3512, 3520, 4579, 4584, 4708
Coláiste Pobal Osraí - Kilkenny                 3578, 4301    Colaiste Chu Chulainn                                  1416
Loreto Secondary School - Kilkenny        3555, 4537, 4578,   Drogheda Grammar School                                3558
                                                4583, 4590    Dundalk Grammar School                                 4540
Presentation Secondary School                         3580    Our Ladys College - Drogheda                     1212, 3302
St Kieran’s College                             2526, 3567    St Mary’s Diocesan School                              3406
Laois                                                         St Oliver’s Community College                          3204
Heywood Community School                        1515, 4591    St Vincent’s Secondary School              1506, 1512, 3202,
Portlaoise College                                    1407                                                     3510, 3515
St. Mary’s C.B.S.                                     4568    Mayo
Leitrim                                                       Jesus & Mary Secondary School              2504, 2605, 4588
St. Clare’s Comprehensive School          3409, 3413, 4307    Our Lady’s Secondary School                            4564

Limerick                                                      St Joseph’s Secondary School                           4213

Ardscoil Ris             2109, 2310, 2527, 3207, 4599, 4602   St Muredachs College                       2300, 4529, 4532

Castletroy College                                    2101    Meath
Coláiste Chiaráin                               1107, 3608    Community College                                2529, 4610
Colaiste Ide and Iosef                    3546, 3551, 4559    Eureka Secondary School                          3503, 4400
Coláiste Iósaef                2106, 3501, 4408, 4517, 4705   Franciscan College                                     4310

12 BT Young Scientist & Technology Exhibition 2017
School name/County
                                                                                    2                              7
Loreto Secondary School - Navan       2210, 2517, 3217, 3572    St Mary’s Secondary School - Nenagh                    4711
St Patrick’s Classical School                           1105    The Abbey School                                       4500
St Peter’s College - Dunboyne                           2509    Ursuline Secondary School - Thurles              1529, 2510
St. Joseph’s Secondary School                           3607    Waterford
Monaghan                                                        Ard Scoil Na Mara                                      4522
Beech Hill College                                      2523    Blackwater Community School                            4527
Our Lady’s Secondary School - Monaghan                  4401    De La Salle College                        2207, 2302, 4548
Patrician High School - Carrickmacross      3605, 4214, 4707    GaelCholáiste Phort Láirge                       1520, 4544
Offaly                                                          Newtown School - Waterford                 1518, 3549, 4411
Colaiste Choilm                                         3206    Our Lady Of Mercy Secondary School         2411, 3415, 4605
Sacred Heart Secondary School                           1401    Westmeath
Tullamore College                     1206, 1604, 3300, 3557    Athlone Community College                  1525, 2408, 4558
Roscommon                                                       Colaiste Mhuire - Mullingar                      2403, 2415
C.B.S. Roscommon                1504, 1523, 3507, 3516, 3581,   Marist College - Athlone                               2511
                                                  4505, 4521    Meán Scoil an Chlochair                          4549, 4551
Roscommon Community College           3519, 4419, 4518, 4703    Moate Community School                1509, 3200, 3208, 3500
Scoil Mhuire gan Smál - Roscommon          1516, 2503, 4206,    Our Lady’s Bower                           2306, 2412, 3306,
                                                 4541, 4546                                                3547, 3576, 4706
Scoil Mhuire Strokestown        3301, 3305, 3412, 3545, 4573    St Aloysius College                                    2104
Sligo                                                           Wexford
Jesus & Mary Secondary School                    1213, 1419,    F.C.J. Secondary School                          4563, 4600
                                                 3105, 4308
                                                                Loreto Secondary School - Wexford                      4604
Sligo Grammar School                                    1302
                                                                Meanscoil Gharman                                      2519
St Attracta’s Community School                          3568
Ursuline College                            1517, 4512, 4701
                                                                Avondale Community College            1405, 1519, 2105, 3577
                                                                Colaiste Chraobh Abhann                          2530, 3508
Ardscoil na mBráithre                                   4614
                                                                Dominican College - Wicklow                1304, 3562, 4616
Borrisokane Community College                           2212
                                                                East Glendalough School                                2206
C.B.S.                                                  4210
                                                                St David’s Secondary                                   2211
C.B.S. Thurles                                          4603
                                                                St Gerard’s                                            1208
Cistercian College                                3211, 3540
                                                                St Marys College                      3212, 3542, 4209, 4554
Coláiste Mhuire Co-Ed                                   1402
Colaiste Phobáil Rós Cré                          2532, 3216
Comeragh College                                        4571    PROJECT QUICK SEARCH
Presentation Secondary School                           2405    IS ALSO AVAILABLE ON
Presentation Secondary School - Thurles     2500, 3502, 3511    OUR APP...
Scoil Mhuire                                            4204
St Joseph’s College                        1114, 2301, 2506,
                                           2516, 3408, 4560

                           BTYSTE                                                             www.btyoungscientist.com 13
Chemical, physical &
                                          mathematical sciences
JUNIOR INDIVIDUAL                         Heliospheric Observatory) to look for      1111                                       School: Magh Ene College
                                          and hopefully discover new comets.         Title: To investigate the maximum          County: Donegal
1100                                      School: St Patrick’s Classical School      height a water rocket can achieve          Teacher: Yvonne Higgins
Title: SCOBY SCOBY Do                     County: Meath                              Overview: The aim of this project is       Student(s): Conor Herity
Overview: SCOBY produces cellulose        Teacher: Sinead O’Sullivan                 to study the factors that affect the
fibres. Ways to waterproof the            Student(s): Brendan Watters                maximum altitude a water rocket can        1203
material for clothing and its possible                                               achieve.                                   Title: Methods of Representing
use for the removal of metal ions from    1106                                       School: Maynooth Education Campus          Primes That Distinguish Between the
water are investigated.                   Title: A comparative investigation of      County: Kildare                            Components of Twin Prime Pairs
School: St Mary’s College                 sugars in fizzy drinks versus sugars in    Teacher: Tom Dixon                         Overview: This project seeks to
County: Londonderry                       sports drinks                              Student(s): Toby Markham                   establish if there are consistent
Teacher: Ann Blanking                     Overview: This project investigates                                                   differences in the properties of the
Student(s): Maeve Stillman                the amount of sugar in fizzy drinks        1112                                       smaller and larger number in twin
                                          compared to that in sports drinks.         Title: Anagramic squares                   prime pairs.
1101                                      School: St Mary’s College                  Overview: Is there a maximum square        School: Synge Street CBS
Title: Go Bananas! Using Banana Peel      County: Londonderry                        number possible from the set of all        County: Dublin
for Eco-Friendly and Low-Cost Nylon       Teacher: Ann Blanking                      anagramic pairs?                           Teacher: Shane Freeman
Production                                Student(s): Miadach McSwine                School: Coláiste Phádraig - Lucan          Student(s): Haroon Hussain
Overview: Using the starch in banana                                                 County: Dublin
peels to synthesise a type of nylon       1107                                       Teacher: Jacqueline Farrell                1204
with superior properties to regular       Title: How Old Is The Universe?            Student(s): Oscar Nolan                    Title: Modelling the Mathematics of
nylon 6/6 in a cheap and eco-friendly     Overview: To find the minimum age                                                     the Cork Accent
way                                       of the universe using globular clusters    1113                                       Overview: I will analyse the Cork
School: Adamstown Community               and Hertzsprung Russell diagrams.          Title: Effect of microwaving and           accent, derive mathematical functions
College                                   School: Coláiste Chiaráin                  boiling on the Vitamin C content of        that define it, create a mapping
County: Dublin                            County: Limerick                           fresh orange juice.                        function between Cork and other
Teacher: Jane Halloran                    Teacher: Edel Farrell                      Overview: To examine which cooking         accents and test its predictability.
Student(s): Haritha Olaganathan           Student(s): Hannah Lucey                   technique microwaving or heating           School: Coláiste Muire - Crosshaven
                                                                                     on a hob effects Vitamin C levels the      County: Cork
1102                                      1108                                       most and to determine if raw foods         Teacher: Martina McMahon
Title: Could rushes be used as a fuel?    Title: Assessment and evaluation           are preferable.                            Student(s): Andrew Nash
Overview: I am looking at the             of the production and combustion           School: St. Leo’s College
feasibility of using rushes as a          of fuel pellets made from waste            County: Carlow                             1205
renewable energy source.                  coffee grounds; Impact on waste            Teacher: Anne Rennick                      Title: How to throw better.
School: Mary Immaculate Secondary         minimisation in Ireland​                   Student(s): Katie O Sullivan               Overview: Conduct a quantitive
School - Lisdoonvarna                     Overview: Investigating the                                                           analysis of athletic output during the
County: Clare                             possibility of converting waste coffee     1114                                       throwing, kicking, hitting phase of
Teacher: John Sims                        grounds into bio-fuel pellets to be        Title: Solar sleeve                        a ball and contrast the performance
Student(s): Dylan Egan                    used as a wood pellet substitute or an     Overview: A solar sleeve that fits         under conscious or sub-conscious
                                          alternative fuel for barbecues.            around the tower of a wind turbine in      mind
1103                                      School: St Mary’s Secondary School         order to maximize renewable energy         School: Presentation College
Title: A comparative study of various     - Mallow                                   output into already installed grids.       County: Cork
types of biscuits and their ‘dunking’     County: Cork                               School: St Joseph’s College                Teacher: Ian Lehane
abilities                                 Teacher: Rory Coote                        County: Carlow                             Student(s): Conor Cronin
Overview: An investigation of             Student(s): Emily Murphy                   Teacher: Tipperary
different types of biscuits for their                                                Student(s): Joseph O’Donoghue              1206
ability to withstand ‘dunking’            1109                                                                                  Title: The Answer Is Blowing In The
in various drinks of various              Title: A comparative investigation of      INTERMEDIATE INDIVIDUAL                    Wind
temperatures. Which biscuit is the        the antibacterial abilities of different                                              Overview: An investigation of the
best ‘dunker’?                            types of Honey                             1200                                       energy and cost saving potential of
School: St Mary’s College                 Overview: This project investigates        Title: Comparing antioxidant levels        sails on diesel powered ocean going
County: Londonderry                       different types of honey for               of berries grown under different           vessels.
Teacher: Ann Blanking                     antibacterial action against the gram      conditions using the Briggs Rauscher       School: Tullamore College
Student(s): Ann Blanking                  negative bacteria, e.coli and the gram     reaction in conjunction with a             County: Offaly
                                          positive bacteria b.subtillis. Is Manuka   photometer.                                Teacher: Jillian Browne
1104                                      best?                                      Overview: This project aims to             Student(s): Cillian Fogarty
Title: The energy efficiency of the       School: St Mary’s College                  investigate the comparative levels of
kettle/ imscrúdú ar éifeachtacht an       County: Londonderry                        antioxidants in berries from various       1207
chitil.                                   Teacher: Ann Blanking                      sources in my locality, including          Title: The Physics of a Skateboard
Overview: I will be comparing the         Student(s): Jennifer Doherty               organic and conventional farms.            Overview: I will be looking at the
the electrical efficiency of the kettle                                              School: Schull Community College           physics behind maneuvering of the
to one that is insulated and under        1110                                       County: Cork                               two most basic skateboarding tricks,
pressure and will estimate the power      Title: Waste Not Wash More. An             Teacher: Larissa Kelly                     the “Ollie” and the “Shuvit”.
saved.                                    investigation into how much washing        Student(s): Fionn Ferreira                 School: Desmond College - Limerick
School: Gaelcholáiste Luímnigh            up liquid you should use                                                              County: Limerick
County: Limerick                          Overview: Im making a dilution series      1202                                       Teacher: Donal Enright
Teacher: Maria Kennelly                   to see which amount of washing up          Title: An investigation into developing    Student(s): Ben Montgomery
Student(s): Seoda Ní Chaoimh              liquid can wash your dishes the most       a more efficient method of drying
                                          efficiently.                               woodchip for use in boilers.               1208
1105                                      School: Colaiste Dun an Ri                 Overview: This project will be testing     Title: To investigate the torque output
Title: Using the SOHO Spacecraft to       County: Cavan                              the effect of temperature, air velocity    of a 2-stoke internal combustion
Discover Comets                           Teacher: Lorraine Hickey                   and compression pressure on the            engine when adjusting the
Overview: I will be using data from       Student(s): Evan O’Reilly                  drying of wood chips for use in boilers.   compression ratio
the SOHO spacecraft (Solar and                                                                                                  Overview: To build a 2-stoke engine

14 BT Young Scientist & Technology Exhibition 2017
and an adjustable connecting rod and        County: Dublin                             Teacher: John O’Brien                        County: Dublin
crankshaft to measure the torque            Teacher: Aideen Lambe                      Student(s): Rachael Millea                   Teacher: Kate Walsh
output of a 2-stroke engine when            Student(s): Mia Foley,                                                                  Student(s): Talha Moktar,
changing the compression-ratio.             Iris Benny, Isolde Healy                   JUNIOR GROUP                                 Abdulrhman Abouryana
School: St Gerard’s
County: Wicklow                             SENIOR INDIVIDUAL                          1400                                         1405
Teacher: John Reidy                                                                    Title: The design and testing of a safe      Title: The Age of Make-up: The
Student(s): Peter O’Flynn                   1300                                       drinking water system for developing         Chemical Composition of Make-up
                                            Title: P-Adic Numbers: A Method for        countries                                    Overview: To compare modern-day
1209                                        Determining Pythagorean Triplets           Overview: We have designed and               make-up to make-up used thousands
Title: A Quantum Random Number              Overview: An investigation into            are developing a safe drinking water         of years ago and the affects of make-
Generator for cryptographic                 p-adic numbers and their applications      system for communities with lack of          up on your skin.
applications                                to Pythagorean triplets and                access to safe and sanitised water in        School: Avondale Community College
Overview: This project presents a           quadratics (determined by positioning      developing countries.                        County: Wicklow
quantum random number generator             on the unit circle).                       School: Sutton Park School                   Teacher: Deirdre Doyle
for a multitude of cryptographic            School: Coláiste Phádraig - Lucan          County: Dublin                               Student(s): Sinead Doyle,
applications based on the alpha decay       County: Dublin                             Teacher: Catherine Tattersall                Aoife Healy
of a household radioactive source.          Teacher: Jacqueline Farrell                Student(s): Xiangyu Carbon Mallol,
School: Sandford Park School Ltd            Student(s): Dáire Byrne                    Méabh Scahill                                1406
County: Dublin                                                                                                                      Title: Investigating the pH of
Teacher: Dana Kilroy                        1301                                       1401                                         toothpastes
Student(s): Louie Lyons                     Title: Case study of Data Mining           Title: The Effects of Chewing Gum on         Overview: We assume that
                                            in Observational Astronomy: The            Shoulder Internal Rotation                   toothpastes are weak alkalis based on
1210                                        search for new OB stars in the Small       Overview: An investigation looking           the premise that they neutralise any
Title: Augmented Reality Sudoku             Magellanic Cloud                           at the link between chewing gum and          acid that may be in our mouths. Are
Solver                                      Overview: Interdisciplinary                loss of shoulder internal rotation.          they alkaline?
Overview: This camera solves Sudoku         observational astronomy and                School: Sacred Heart Secondary               School: St Mary’s College
puzzles by holding it to a live image,      data science project using virtual-        School                                       County: Londonderry
once solved the camera outputs the          observatory tools & spectral energy        County: Offaly                               Teacher: Ann Blanking
numbers onto the correct squares            distributions to more effectively          Teacher: Kevin Gallagher                     Student(s): Sinead Ferreira,
School: Ballyclare High School              identify OB-candidates for                 Student(s): Rachel Conroy,                   Amy Lough
County: Antrim                              spectroscopic follow-up in the SMC.        Hannah Daly, Roisin Kenny
Teacher: Paul Wilson                        School: Coláiste An Spioraid Naoimh                                                     1407
Student(s): Alexander Baine                 County: Cork                               1402                                         Title: Bottled Water vs Mains Water
                                            Teacher: Tim Kerins                        Title: An Investigation into the Effect      Overview: Water should be colorless
1212                                        Student(s): Cormac Larkin                  of Adding Cow Manure to Concrete             odorless and tasteless. We will analyse
Title: A mathematical study of Frieze                                                  Composite                                    three different bottled water suppliers
patterns and their use in the early         1302                                       Overview: We will investigate if cow         and compare to the mains water in
Celtic Manuscripts, The book of Kells       Title: To produce a filter incorporated    manure can be a beneficial additive          that particular area.
Overview: Frieze patterns occur in          with Graphene and to use this filter to    to concrete, thereby reducing the            School: Portlaoise College
mathematical geometry.An infinite           purify contaminated water                  environmental impact of both the             County: Laois
strip of a repeating pattern is called a    Overview: To incorporate Graphene          agriculture and concrete industries.         Teacher: Christine Lawlor
frieze pattern.All frieze patterns show     Oxide as a substrate into a water filter   School: Coláiste Mhuire Co-Ed                Student(s): Emma Lynch,
mathematical symmetry.                      as there are no credible solutions to      County: Tipperary                            Saorcha Lawlor, Ben O’Rourke
School: Our Ladys College - Drogheda        the current worldwide soiled water         Teacher: Mairead Hayes
County: Louth                               issue.                                     Student(s): Cormac Walsh,                    1408
Teacher: Frances O’Regan                    School: Sligo Grammar School               Rebecca Elphick                              Title: Generalisations of Feynman’s
Student(s): Judith Ugwuja                   County: Sligo                                                                           Triangle Theorem
                                            Teacher: Sandra Tiernan                    1403                                         Overview: Richard Feynman’s
1213                                        Student(s): Paddy Bird                     Title: GIDI for books                        Triangle Theorem is a surprising
Title: Fairly Biased? - Is the stroke                                                  Overview: We are developing an ink           result in Euclidean geometry. The
index system in golf benefitting a          1303                                       for books that will glow in the dark so      goal of this project is to prove various
particular handicap?                        Title: Bead Fountains                      that bookworms can read in the car           generalisations of his theorem.
Overview: The development of a new          Overview: We wish to investigate the       and in bed at night without disturbing       School: Synge Street CBS
mathematical method of surveying            phenomenon of the bead fountain,           the driver or your room mate. We             County: Dublin
and indexing a golf course so as to         test models proposed to explain this       have called it GIDI (Glow In the Dark        Teacher: Martha Nolan
create a fluid stroke index system.         and to develop a model based on our        Ink) for books.                              Student(s): Carl Jones,
School: Jesus & Mary Secondary              measurements.                              School: Salesian Secondary College,          Keiron O’Neill
School                                      School: Loreto College Coleraine           Pallaskenry
County: Sligo                               County: Londonderry                        County: Limerick                             1409
Teacher: Luke Saunders                      Teacher: Katrina Brolly                    Teacher: Lisa Downey                         Title: Autonomously Landing Rockets
Student(s): Andrew Blakeney                 Student(s): Emmett Brolly                  Student(s): Megan Browne,                    Overview: This project is about the
                                                                                       Niamh Cusackk                                possibilities of reusing spent stages
1214                                        1304                                                                                    in a simulator called Kerbal Space
Title: Does Your Speed While Running        Title: Can coffee be used to remove        1404                                         Program.
Vary Depending On The Surface That          lead and other heavy metals from           Title: New Conjectures Concerning            School: Coláiste na Coiribe
You’re Running On?                          drinking water?                            the Partition Function                       County: Galway
Overview: We will investigate how           Overview: We investigate the               Overview: Some of Ramanujan’s                Teacher: Maidhc O hEanaigh
fast a person can run on five different     possibility of using spent coffee          most important work concerned                Student(s): Cathal Lawlor,
surfaces and compare their average          grounds infused into a porous foam         partitions. We have discovered many          Conor Dixon, Oisín Fitzgerald
speeds on each surface to one               made from silicon and sugar to             new partition function congruences
another.                                    remove heavy metals from water.            that differ greatly from those that he       1410
School: Loreto Abbey Secondary              School: Dominican College - Wicklow        discovered.                                  Title: An Exploratory Investigation
School                                      County: Wicklow                            School: Synge Street CBS                     into the Acoustical Conditions

                                   BTYSTE                                                                                        www.btyoungscientist.com 15
Chemical, physical &
                                          mathematical sciences
Exerienced by both Primary and            milliseconds                              Daisy Gavigan                               1503
Second Level students in County           School: Patrician Secondary School -                                                  Title: The harmful effects of dry
Limerick                                  Newbridge                                 1421                                        burning an electronic cigarette.
Overview: Measure, Analyse and            County: Kildare                           Title: Éifeachtaí Leictriceimiceacha        Overview: In doing this project we
Compare the sound intensity levels        Teacher: Colin Doheny                     agus Eile na gCadhnairí Cnaipe              aim to investigate what happens
that primary and second level             Student(s): Zack Giles,                   Overview: To quantify the nature of         when you ‘dry burn’ an electronic
students and teachers are exposed to      Nikita Grinfogels                         the damage caused by ingestion of           cigarette.
on a daily basis.                                                                   button batteries and identify its exact     School: Scoil Mhuire Community
School: Hazelwood College                 1416                                      cause, and whether voltage affects          School
County: Limerick                          Title: Hydrobags - A protection           electrochemical reaction rate.              County: Kildare
Teacher: Michelle Herbert                 against flooding                          School: Gaelcholáiste Dhoire                Teacher: Helena Lynn
Student(s): Yvonne O Kelly                Overview: We came up with an              County: Londonderry                         Student(s): Gráinne Lawlor,
Caitlin O Connor, Holly Hennessy          alternative solution for protection       Teacher: Barra Ó Dochartaigh                Enya Nordon
                                          against flooding by using hydrogels in    Student(s): Cliodhna Ní Mhianáin,
1411                                      sandbags instead of using sand.           Rhíannon Nic Fealóin,                       1504
Title: Ag Fiosrú Teoiric Pick ag úsáid    School: Colaiste Chu Chulainn             Ferdia Ó Catháin                            Title: Slurry runoff and its effect on
Lego ( Investigating Picks Theorem        County: Louth                                                                         surface tension
Using Lego)                               Teacher: Andrea Mhic Eachain              1422                                        Overview: Surface tension is essential
Overview: In this project we are          Student(s): Leon Browne,                  Title: An dhéanann déantús croí an          for many organisms like the pond
investigating using Lego to explain       Victor Akinsowon                          sliotar difríocht in éifeachtacht an        skater, our project looks at whether
and prove Picks Theorem.                                                            sliotar?                                    agricultural pollutant slurry effects
School: Pobalscoil Ghaoth Dobhair         1417                                      Overview: Táimid chun ceithre               the surface tension of water
County: Donegal                           Title: An analysis of the water quality   ábhair éagsúla de croí sliotar a chur i     School: C.B.S. Roscommon
Teacher: Susan Ní Loinsigh                in Bandon area and effective purifying    gcomparáid lena chéile chun féachaint       County: Roscommon
Student(s): Daire Ó Gallchóir,            methods                                   an mbeidh difríocht eatarthu in             Teacher: Louise Gallagher
Jack Mac Giolla Bhride                    Overview: Take water samples from         éifeachtacht an sliotar.                    Student(s): Dean Gallagher,
                                          a variety of tributaries and analyse      School: Gaelcholáiste an Phiarsaigh         Daniel Garvey, Diarmuid Feeley
1412                                      the water quality. Investigate cost       County: Dublin
Title: A comparative study of the         effective ways of purifying the water.    Teacher: Fionnuala Nic Giolla Bháin         1505
natural sugar and vitamin C content       School: Coláiste Na Toirbhirte            Student(s): Oscar Mag Uidhir,               Title: To investigate quantities needed
in commercial Bear Yoyos, our own         County: Cork                              Mícheál de Faoite,                          to make a biodegradable polymer
homemade equivalent and fresh fruit.      Teacher: Declan Cronin                    Éamon Máirtín O’Deagha                      Overview: To investigate quantities
Overview: By testing for sugar and        Student(s): Grace McWeeney,                                                           needed of Carbon Dioxide and
vitamin C, we will determine the          Niamh Tobin, Niamh Trunwit                1423                                        D-limonene (from orange peel) and
healthiest of the three, Bear Yoyos,                                                Title: The Cloud Chamber                    B-Diiminate, to make a biodegradable
our own homemade equivalent and           1418                                      Overview: Working Cloud Chamber,            plastic.
fresh fruit.                              Title: Does the temperature that          What can be seen passing through.           School: Loreto Abbey Secondary
School: St Aloysius School                batteries are stored at affect battery    School: Sandford Park School Ltd            School
County: Cork                              life?                                     County: Dublin                              County: Dublin
Teacher: Katie O’Donovan                  Overview: Many people argue about         Teacher: Ken Forbes                         Teacher: Aideen Lambe
Student(s): Lydia Punch, Sarah Lane       where to store batteries, so we want      Student(s): Adam Boyle,                     Student(s): Alice O’Loughlin Kennedy,
                                          to find out what is the most efficient    David Bogdanyi-Dor                          Sophie O’Neill, Niamh Crean
1413                                      temperature to store batteries.
Title: Blocked Heads                      School: Bandon Grammar School             INTERMEDIATE GROUP                          1506
Overview: Blockages in boats’             County: Cork                                                                          Title: ARIA or Manual?- a statistical
heads is a problem for sailors due to     Teacher: Marie Hogan                      1500                                        analysis into which method of grading
calcification. We believe we can solve    Student(s): Michael Ross,                 Title: Honey Bees: Natural Born
                                                                                                                                retinal images for diabetic retinopathy
this problem without using HCL or         Edward Abbott                             Mathematicians
                                                                                                                                is the most effective
Brick cleaner!                                                                      Overview: Honeybees are some of
                                                                                                                                Overview: We aim to statistically
School: St Patrick’s High School          1419                                      nature’s finest mathematicians, they
                                                                                                                                analyse a large sample of results
County: Armagh                            Title: Flint on the Moy? A Geological     can calculate angles and live in one
                                                                                                                                from diabetic retinal screening as
Teacher: Colleen Connolly                 Study of an Area of Shoreline on the      of the most mathematically efficient
                                                                                                                                graded by manual human graders and
Student(s): Sarah Rafferty,               Moy Estuary                               architectural designs around: the
                                                                                                                                two different automated software
Blathnaid Campbell,                       Overview: An investigation of the         beehive.
Austia Rackauskaite                       geological and geographical origins       School: Desmond College - Limerick
                                                                                                                                School: St Vincent’s Secondary School
                                          of rocks in an area of shoreline on the   County: Limerick
                                                                                                                                County: Louth
1414                                      eastern side of the Moy Estuary           Teacher: Donal Enright
                                                                                                                                Teacher: John White
Title: An Investigation into Flexagons    School: Jesus & Mary Secondary            Student(s): Micheal Murphy,
                                                                                                                                Student(s): Rachel Campbell,
Overview: Flexagons are polygons,         School                                    Leona Mullally, Rhea Crowley
                                                                                                                                Bronagh Cassidy,
which can be “flexed” to reveal faces     County: Sligo                                                                         Aoife Lowth
other than the original front and         Teacher: Luke Saunders                    1502
                                                                                    Title: The effect of temperature and
back ones. They have a surprisingly       Student(s): Matthew Blakeney,                                                         1507
complex mathematical structure.           Mark Mc Dermott                           viscosity on a sonoluminescence
                                                                                                                                Title: Why an apple a day keeps the
School: Sacred Heart Secondary                                                      Overview: Does temperature or the
                                                                                                                                doctor away
School                                    1420                                      viscosity of the a sonoluminescencent
                                                                                                                                Overview: We are investigating the
County: Cork                              Title: Analysis of the mineral content    liquid play a greater role in its ability
                                                                                                                                change in the levels of vitamin C
Teacher: Colm Kiely                       and taste of bottled and tap water        to produce light?
                                                                                                                                and starch in apples using titration
Student(s): Caoimhe Diffley,              Overview: Analysing bottled and tap       School: Coláiste Phádraig - Lucan
                                                                                                                                methods after different time intervals
Jennifer Deasy, Caoimhe Collins           water for their mineral content and       County: Dublin
                                          taste                                     Teacher: Jacqueline Farrell
                                                                                                                                School: Coláiste Choilm
1415                                      School: St Joseph Of Cluny                Student(s): Evan Carroll,
                                                                                                                                County: Cork
Title: Can a slinky defy gravity?         County: Dublin                            James McDonagh
                                                                                                                                Teacher: Robert Nolan
Overview: we wanted to investigate        Teacher: Catherine Holohan                                                            Student(s): Claire Barry,
why the slinky defies gravity for a few   Student(s): Cara McCrystal,                                                           Chloe Madden, Sophie Koster

16 BT Young Scientist & Technology Exhibition 2017
1508                                         County: Louth                              temperatures and how this affects            developing countries.
Title: Uptake, accumulation and              Teacher: John White                        the perception of people in different        School: St Aloysius College
transfer of Alpha Radioactivity by           Student(s): Ruth Clarke,                   countries with these conditions.             County: Cork
five common food crops grown in              Dearbhla Mc Court                          School: Ursuline College                     Teacher: Carew Hyland
selected Cork soils, some amended                                                       County: Sligo                                Student(s): Kate Hyland,
with Phosphate Fertiliser; impact for        1513                                       Teacher: Anthony Carolan                     Caoimhe Mulkeen, Orla O’Shea
human health                                 Title: A Comparative Study of Willow       Student(s): Ava Connolly,
Overview: Investigating the transfer         and Other Woods for the Purpose of         Lara Mcdonagh                                1523
of alpha radioactivity through the           Ascertaining the Best Properties for                                                    Title: Natural ways of removing
human food chain,the effect of               the Manufacture of Cricket Bats            1518                                         micro-organisms in water
Phosphate Fertiliser on radiation            Overview: We will test other woods         Title: To Investigate the Efficiency of      Overview: Our project investigates
levels in crops and its implications for     with similar densities to see if there     the Magnus Effect in Different Modes         the possibility of using natural ways
health.                                      is a better alternative to willow for      of Transport                                 of removing micro-organisms from
School: St Mary’s Secondary School           cricket bats.                              Overview: Incorporate the Magnus             water.
- Mallow                                     School: Scoil Mhuire gan Smál -            Effect in aerodynamic designs and            School: C.B.S. Roscommon
County: Cork                                 Blarney                                    prototypes of different modes of             County: Roscommon
Teacher: Martin Timmons                      County: Cork                               transport, allowing us to compare            Teacher: Louise Gallagher
Student(s): Shauna Murphy,                   Teacher: Sean Foley                        their efficiency to conventional             Student(s): Rory Gacquin,
Caoimhe Cronin                               Student(s): Seanán Jones,                  designs used today.                          Ryan Doorly
                                             Jordan Keohane, Callum Higgins             School: Newtown School - Waterford
1509                                                                                    County: Waterford                            1524
Title: Can Plants Lead the Way to            1514                                       Teacher: Bryan Ronan                         Title: Ag cuardach an modh is
Unleaded Soil?                               Title: Turas go Croí-Lár na h-Éireann      Student(s): Isobel Collins,                  éifeactaí chun Ailgéabar a theagasc
Overview: Comparing the                      - Samhail Mhatamaticiúil (Journey          Erika Beyers                                 don chéad bhlian.
effectiveness of synthetic and               to the Centre of Ireland - A                                                            Overview: Our goal whilst working
organic chelates at promoting lead           Mathematical Model)                        1519                                         on this project is to investigate
phytoremediation in a range of Irish         Overview: We are using various             Title: Can milk be turned into plastic?      wheather or not book learning is the
soils.                                       mathematical rules to find the centre      Overview: Investigation to see if            most effective way to teach algebra to
School: Moate Community School               point of Ireland, applying Simpson’s       pasteurised milk can be converted            beginners.
County: Westmeath                            Rule, Trapezoidal Rule, Antiderivative     into casein plastic, and what are the        School: Pobalscoil Ghaoth Dobhair
Teacher: Mairead Cusack                      and Pick’s Theorem                         benefits to the environment.                 County: Donegal
Student(s): Ronan Murphy,                    School: Pobalscoil Ghaoth Dobhair          School: Avondale Community College           Teacher: Siobhan Ni Shearcaigh
Gerard O’Reilly                              County: Donegal                            County: Wicklow                              Student(s): Claire Ní Bhraonáin,
                                             Teacher: Siobhan Ni Shearcaigh             Teacher: Amy Murphy                          Alannah Ní Bhaoill
1510                                         Student(s): Emma Nic Aoidh,                Student(s): Eimer Butler Litster,
Title: A chemical analysis                   Aoife Ní Dhochartaigh                      Sarah Lalor, Sadhbh Ní Dhubhsláine           1525
investigating the effects of exposing                                                                                                Title: Pedal Power
the polymer Bisphenol A (BPA) within         1515                                       1520                                         Overview: This project investigates
plastic bottles to ultra violet light.       Title: Striding for speed; An              Title: We will map the current beach         the relationship between heartbeat,
Overview: Our project aims to                investigation into the most influential    profile. We will compare our results         cadence, speed and power output
investigate if ultra violet light            factor regarding speed                     against historical maps/data. We will        under cycling strain.
influences the depletion/ leaching of        Overview: Our project aims to              extrapolate forward into the future too      School: Athlone Community College
Bisphenol A (BPA) in water bottles.          discover which factor influences           Overview: We will map the current            County: Westmeath
School: Pobalscoil Neasain - Baldoyle        speed most. We will use video analysis     beach profile. We will compare our           Teacher: Martina Roache
County: Dublin                               software (logger pro) to collect data      results against historical maps/data.        Student(s): Robert Kelly,
Teacher: Gemma Buicke                        and analyse it.                            We will extrapolate forward into the         Michael Lynch
Student(s): Alex Molloy,                     School: Heywood Community School           future to
                                             County: Laois                              School: GaelCholáiste Phort Láirge           1526
Amadeus Anjos                                                                                                                        Title: Proving New Theorems Using
                                             Teacher: Aodhagan O Suilleabhain           County: Waterford
1511                                         Student(s): Sarah McMahon,                 Teacher: Seán Ó Catháin                      Barycentric Coordinates
Title: An Investigation of the Salinity      Jessica Barrett, Floriana Mezzapelle       Student(s): Clíodhna Fullam,                 Overview: We use barycentric
of Irish Coastal Waters                                                                 Lily Corcoran                                coordinates to prove a number of new
Overview: Analysis of dissolved salt         1516                                                                                    theorems in Euclidean geometry.
in sea water samples to determine            Title: “The Condensation Tree”- An         1521                                         School: Synge Street CBS
if there is significant presence of          investigation into the quantity, quality   Title: A Mathematical Analysis               County: Dublin
fresh water, thus explaining low pH          and production of water for third          Applying the Golden Ratio to                 Teacher: Elaine Egan
readings.                                    world countries.                           Snapchat Filters                             Student(s): Benedek Goz,
School: Our Lady’s GS                        Overview: Grey water purification          Overview: Our project aims to                Gleb Kurilenko
County: Down                                 using natural evaporation and a            investigate if the Golden Ratio
                                             “condensation tree” for maximum            (1:1.62) is present within snap chat         1527
Teacher: Deirdre Dunford                                                                                                             Title: The Statistical Analysis of
Student(s): Eve Dunford,                     surface area using different materials     filters altering the symmetry of the
                                             for effectiveness and efficiency.          face adhering to phi.                        the Birth Dates of Thoroughbred
Annie Smyth                                                                                                                          Racehorses and the subsequent
                                             School: Scoil Mhuire gan Smál -            School: Pobalscoil Neasain - Baldoyle
1512                                         Roscommon                                  County: Dublin                               impact on their Racing Career
Title: “Park and Stride” is there a          County: Roscommon                          Teacher: Gemma Buicke                        Overview: To prove that the rule
correlation between exposure to              Teacher: Padraig Harlow                    Student(s): Jack Graham,                     declaring all thoroughbred horses to
atmospheric pollution at peak traffic        Student(s): Ruth McDermott,                Dominik Guzowski, Dáithí Geary               share a universal birthday of January
times outside of the school.                 Abby Mullally, Síofra Mahon                                                             1st ultimately determines the careers
Overview: We will examine the                                                           1522                                         of all flat racehorses.
hazardous atmospheric pollutants             1517                                       Title: Think outside the sink                School: Bandon Grammar School
that are emitted from car exhausts,          Title: Mirages and the refraction of       Overview: We hope to find a natural          County: Cork
which children are exposed to during         light in our world                         alternative to the use of chlorine           Teacher: Paula McGath
their ‘Park and Stride’ endeavor.            Overview: Investigating how light          in the treatment of drinking water,          Student(s): Eva Murphy,
School: St Vincent’s Secondary School        refracts in different humidities and       especially for water treatment in            Lynn Sweetnam

                                    BTYSTE                                                                                        www.btyoungscientist.com 17
Chemical, physical &
                                            mathematical sciences
1528                                        Teacher: Eoghan O’Leary                  Student(s): Kate Corcoran,                 Teacher: T. J. O’Halloran
Title: Phone Book Physics                   Student(s): Calum O’Donnell,             Pat Tracey, Seónaid Lally                  Student(s): Danny Hynes,
Overview: We’ll attempt to explain          Patryk Lis, Kieran Murphy                                                           Aaron O Brien, Ciaran Hickey
the physics behind why it is so difficult                                            SENIOR GROUP
to separate interleaved phone books,        1531                                                                                1603
especially the role of friction in this     Title: Protein Glue                      1600                                       Title: The Microbead Dilemma
                                            Overview: To see what would be the       Title: Investigating Evaping               Overview: Microbeads are contained
                                            strongest glue made from protein in      Overview: A comparative                    in various products as abrasives. This
School: Loreto College Coleraine
                                            various milk types                       investigation of the pollutants            project investigates the microbead
County: Londonderry
                                            School: Blackrock College                contained in the vapour from various       content of various products and
Teacher: Maeve Close
                                            County: Dublin                           e.cigarettes using a range of e.liquids.   their ability to absorb waterborne
Student(s): Dónal Close,
                                            Teacher: Killian Grumley Traynor         School: St Mary’s College                  pollutants.
Sian Donaghy
                                            Student(s): Fergus Woods,                County: Londonderry                        School: St Mary’s College
1529                                        Sam O’Carroll                            Teacher: Ann Blanking                      County: Londonderry
Title: To investigate the effect on the                                              Student(s): Kayleigh Doherty,              Teacher: Ann Blanking
milk for processing of the possible         1532                                     Caoishe Mc Laughlin                        Student(s): Lauren Mc Callion,
overuse of peracetic acid when              Title: An Investigation Into How The                                                Rebecca Wright
sterilizing milking machines and bulk       Impact Force Of Rain Onto A Surface      1601
tanks.                                      Can Be Converted Into Energy.            Title: Epidemic Models for Secondary       1604
                                            Overview: To investigate how the         Schools                                    Title: The Chemistry Of Chlorophyll
Overview: We are investigating the
                                            force of rain hitting of a surface can   Overview: We adapted a                     Overview: We are investigating the
effects that cleaning milking machines
                                            be converted into energy and how it      compartmental epidemic model and           effects of temperature and enzyme
and bulk tanks with peracetic acid has
                                            would be more beneficial for Ireland.    used it to model the behaviour of the      action on the chemical structure of
on the composition, taste and safety
                                            School: Laurel Hill Secondary School     common cold in a secondary school.         chlorophyll and its stability in aquatic
of the milk.
                                            FCJ                                      School: Coláiste An Spioraid Naoimh        and terrestrial plants.
School: Ursuline Secondary School
                                            County: Limerick                         County: Cork                               School: Tullamore College
- Thurles
                                            Teacher: Andrea Enright                  Teacher: Tim Kerins                        County: Offaly
County: Tipperary
                                            Student(s): Alison kilbridge,            Student(s): Dylan Morley,                  Teacher: Elaine Howlin
Teacher: Anne Molony
                                            Edel kelleher, Alannah Browne            Conor McKeown, Nathaniel Grant             Student(s): Alana Dillon,
Student(s): Sarah Ryan,
Lauren Cloonan, Laura Maher                                                                                                     Ciannait Goulding
                                            1534                                     1602
1530                                        Title: An Éifeacht Atá ag Fad an         Title: An Application of Finite Element    1605
                                            Fearsáid don Chlub Gailf ar Luascadh     Analysis Techniques to Study How The       Title: Crumple Zone
Title: The Maths of Rigged Roulette
                                            an Imreoir                               Geometry of Common Sports Bats             Overview: In this project we aim to
                                            Overview: Táimid chun cruthú             Affects The Performance of The Bat         explain the physics behind a crumpled
Overview: Our project examines
                                            nó díchruthú gur chuirfidh fad an        Overview: The project investigates if      paper ball, and why it is much
the probability distribution of an
                                            fearsáid don chlub gailf feabhas ar      the position of the radius of gyration     stronger than a sheet of paper.
old fairground roulette wheel and
                                            an cruinneas atá ag an imreoir ag        of a sports bat/hurley relative it’s       School: Loreto College Coleraine
investigates the factors that influence
                                            buaileadh liathróidí.                    sweet spot affects the performance of      County: Londonderry
the degree of bias of the wheel.
                                            School: Colaiste An Phiarsaigh           the bat/hurley.                            Teacher: Maeve Close
School: Ardscoil Uí Urmoltaigh
                                            County: Cork                             School: Scariff Community College          Student(s): Fearghal Close,
County: Cork
                                            Teacher: Niamh Furlong                   County: Clare                              Dominic Bradley, Seán Doherty

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