It Starts Here 10 - 12 January - BT Young Scientist

Page created by Dwayne Alexander
It Starts Here 10 - 12 January - BT Young Scientist
It Starts Here
10 - 12 January
It Starts Here 10 - 12 January - BT Young Scientist
  3      Foreword from Shay Walsh                                              38     Technology

  4      Sponsors, partners and exhibitors                                     44     Special acts

  6      The awards                                                            48     World of Science & Technology

  9      BT Young Scientist & Technology Exhibition Judges                     54     Eco Zone

 10      2019 Projects - Quick search                                          56     Past winners

 14      Biological & Ecological Sciences                                      58     The Primary Science Fair

 22      Social & Behavioural Sciences                                         62     BT Business Bootcamp

 31      Chemical, Physical & Mathematical Sciences                            64     Daily event schedules

 34      Exhibition map                                                        67     BT - A business with purpose

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                                                                                                9:41 AM              100%

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Welcome to the 2019 BT Young Scientist & Technology Exhibition
I am delighted to welcome you to the 55th BT Young Scientist &             as you walk around the Exhibition you will be amazed at the results
Technology Exhibition, one of the world’s oldest and most                  of our students’ journey of research and critical thinking. I am
successful schools science and technology fairs. Since its foundation      particularly heartened to see that almost a third of the projects you
in the 1960’s by Dr. Tony Scott and the late Fr. Tom Burke, over           will see this week are based on protecting our planet from climate
90,000 students have entered a project into the exhibition, many           change, showing how in tune our young people are to the powerful
of whom went on to forge successful careers in the fields of               global issues affecting our lives today.
science, technology, engineering and maths.                                Over the course of the week, visitors will see how all the projects
At BT, we are passionate about these subjects because we see the           vary in topic, complexity and approach. From the simplest of ideas
potential they have to enhance our daily lives and be solutions to         to mind blowing multi-faceted equations, every student should be
real issues in our schools, our local communities and the wider            incredibly proud of how much they achieved to reach the final
world around us. Through the BT Young Scientist & Technology               stage of the Exhibition. They may not know it now but they have
Exhibition we want to inspire young people to be creative in the           developed skills along this process that will benefit them
classroom and to show them that through research and critical              throughout their entire careers.
thinking they have the ability to think the unthinkable, solve the         As well as the Exhibition itself, there are some fantastic science
unsolvable, break the unbreakable and fix the unfixable.                   shows to take in and a feast for the mind awaits in the world of
I am pleased to see that this year, over 55% of qualified projects         science and technology. And let’s not forget our Primary Science
are from girls and that there’s been a strong increase in the number       Fair exhibitors, our budding young scientists, whose boundless
of girls qualifying in the chemistry, physics and mathematics              enthusiasm and unique projects continue to bring an extra element
category in particular. As a company that has thrived by investing         of magic to this wonderful Exhibition.
in a diverse workforce, we believe we have a responsibility to             For one outstanding student or group, the title of BT Young
inspire more young women to consider studying science and                  Scientist & Technologist(s) of the year awaits and the chance to
technology at third level and to ultimately bring a greater balance        represent Ireland at the EU Young Scientist competition in Brussels
to the STEM industry as a whole.                                           in September 2019. Not to mention 140 additional awards for
When students begin on their project journey we encourage them             both students and teachers. But as we know with this Exhibition,
to think about the world they live in and what they could do to            it’s about far more than winning an award. It’s about making
improve, enhance or perhaps change something that holds us back            friends, meeting some hugely inspirational people, growing in
in our daily lives. It is this approach that yields the most success and   confidence and having a lot of fun along the way.
                                                                           As always, we could not deliver this Exhibition without the support
                                                                           of our key partners; the Department of Education and Skills in the
                                                                           Republic of Ireland, Department of Education in Northern Ireland,
                                                                           Analog Devices, RTÉ, Cisco and Perrigo. I’d like to thank them
                                                                           sincerely for their continued investment in this Exhibition and for
                                                                           understanding the real value of this event. Finally, to our 80
                                                                           esteemed judges who have the tough task of selecting our winning
                                                                           participants. Thank you for your time, your professionalism and
                                                                           ultimately, your continued passion for the BT Young Scientist &
                                                                           Technology Exhibition.

                                                                           Shay Walsh
                                                                           Managing Director, BT Ireland

                                                                           Proud organiser of the BT Young Scientist
                                                                           & Technology Exhibition.
The BT Young Scientist & Technology Exhibition 2019 is proudly sponsored and supported by;

4 BT Young Scientist & Technology Exhibition 2019
Leading the world
         to better health

BTYSTE              5
The awards
Main awards                                                        Category awards
                                                                   There are 36 prizes for individuals and 36 prizes for group
       BT Young Scientist & Technologist(s)                        projects. The prizes take the form of 1st, 2nd and 3rd in Junior,
               of the Year 2019                                    Intermediate and Senior sections of each of the four categories:
                     Individual or Group                                                 Social & Behavioural Sciences
   • BT Young Scientist(s) of the Year Trophy (perpetual)                                e.g. economic, geographical, psychological
   • Cheque for €7,500 / £6,750                                                          or sociological studies of human behaviour,
                                                                                         nutrition, social anthropology, political
   • The chance to represent Ireland at the European Union
     Contest for Young Scientists

                                                                                         Chemical, Physical &
                                                                                         Mathematical Sciences
            Best Individual or Best Group                                                e.g. chemistry, physics, mathematics,
                                                                                         applied mathematics, geology, engineering,
                                                                                         computer programming, meteorology,
   • BT Trophy (perpetual)
   • Cheque for €2,400 / £2,160
                                                                                         e.g. communications, electronic systems,
                                                                                         robotics, computing, control technology,
  Runner-up Individual and Runners-up Group                                              applications of technology, biotechnology,
   • BT Trophy (perpetual)
   • Cheque for €1,200 / £1,080                                                          Biological & Ecological
                                                                                         e.g. agriculture, anatomy, biochemistry,
Please note if the BT Young Scientist & Technologist of the Year
                                                                                         biotechnology, ecology, horticulture,
is awarded to an Individual, a Best Group Award will also be
                                                                                         physiology, medical science, veterinary
made. If the BT Young Scientist & Technologist(s) of the Year is
awarded to a Group, a Best Individual Award will also be made.
                                                                   The prizes, for both Individual and Group projects, are:

  Special awards
  We are proud to have a fabulous range of special awards
  at this year’s Exhibition presented by our partner                  1st prize              2nd prize                3rd prize
  organisations. Special awards recognise excellence in              €300 / £270             €225 / £202              €150 / £135
  specific areas. Examples include projects with a focus on
  innovation in technology, physics, chemistry, sustainability,
  recycling, the environment, research or improving cancer
  awareness. Each award is industry-sponsored and details          In the event of a tie in any category, the prize money will be split
  of each organisation and the awards can be found on the          equally. A number of highly commended and display awards will
  Awards section of our website           also be awarded in each category by the panel of judges.

6 BT Young Scientist & Technology Exhibition 2019
Gold Partners awards
Student awards                                                       Educator of excellence awards
Analog Devices Student Award                                         These awards will be presented to the teachers whose
This award is presented to an individual or group for outstanding    commitment and encouragement have consistently enabled
work exhibited in the Technology category, except where the          their students to participate successfully in all categories of the
project has been selected as BT Young Scientist & Technologist(s)    exhibition.
of the Year. The prize consists of a trophy and a trip to the USA    Analog Devices Educator of Excellence Award - Technology
as the guest(s) of Analog Devices, visiting San Francisco and Los
                                                                     The winner receives the Analog Devices Trophy and a trip to USA,
Angeles. In addition, Analog Devices will donate €2,500 to the
                                                                     to a destination of your choice, as the guest of Analog Devices*.
school of the winning student(s) as a contribution towards its
science laboratory equipment fund*.                                  Perrigo Educator of Excellence - Biological and Ecological
Perrigo Student Award
                                                                     The winner receives a bursary of €2,000 and a Perrigo Trophy.
Perrigo will present an award in the Biological and Ecological
category to the best placed project, either group or individual,     BT Educator of Excellence - Chemical, Physical & Mathematical
except where the project has been selected as BT Young Scientist     Sciences
& Technologist(s) of the Year. The winning project will be awarded   The winner receives a bursary of €2,000 and a BT Trophy.
                                                                     BT Educator of Excellence - Social and Behavioural Sciences
RTÉ Student Award                                                    The winner receives a bursary of €2,000 and a BT Trophy.
RTÉ will present an award in the Social and Behavioural Sciences
category to the best placed project, either group or individual,
except where the project has been selected as BT Young Scientist
& Technologist(s) of the Year.
Cisco Student Award
€2,000 will be awarded to the winner of the best Chemical,
Physical and Mathematical Project.
*Analog Devices will contact winner with details, terms and

Rev Dr Tom Burke bursary
Fr Tom was one of the co-founders of the project and sadly
passed away in 2008. In memory of his contribution to the
project, a €1,000 bursary is awarded in his name to an
individual participant who is deemed by the judges to be the
best communicator. This will be paid on application to a student
to help them in their second/third level education.
This bursary will be open to participants of all categories across
all age groups, but the winner cannot be either the overall
Individual Winner or Runner Up.

Founders medal
A medal will be awarded in the name of the co-founders of
the exhibition, Dr Tony Scott and Fr Tom Burke, details to be
announced at awards ceremony.

                                    BTYSTE                                                      7
Special awards
We are pleased and proud to have a fabulous range of Special         Full details of all the Special Awards and the criteria for each can
Awards at this year’s Exhibition. Each award is industry-sponsored   be found on our website
and details of each organisation and awards can be found on the
Awards section of our website                                     Schools awards
This year, Special Awards will be presented by our partner           Each year two school awards are made, one for Best School in
organisations. Special Awards recognise excellence in specific       Northern Ireland presented by BT and one for Best School in
areas, examples include projects which have a focus on innovation    Republic of Ireland presented by NAPD. These are presented on a
in technology, physics, chemistry, sustainability, recycling, the    points based system and cannot be won by the same school in a
environment, research or improving cancer awareness.                 three year period.

8 BT Young Scientist & Technology Exhibition 2019
BT Young Scientist & Technology Exhibition Judges
Biological & Ecological Sciences
                                     Dr Fidelma Butler         Dr Colin Kelleher               Dr Tadhg O Croinin
                                     Dr Stephen Butler         Prof. Mary Kelly-Quinn ✭ 1976   Dr Richard O Hanlon
                                     Ann Cullinane             Dr Eoin Lettice                 Prof. John O’Halloran
                                     Prof. Michael Doherty     Prof. Grace McCormack           Prof. Donal O’Shea
                                     Dr Evelyn Doyle           Prof. Deirdre McGrath           Dr Kathy Oboyle
                                     Prof. Marie Guidon        Dr John Monahan ✭ 1965          Prof. John Quinn
                                     Prof. Des Higgins         Prof. Niall Moyna               Dr Fiona Wilson

Social & Behavioural Sciences
                                     Siobhan Aherne            Dr Yseult Freeney               Dr Eoin O’Mahony
                                     Prof. Joe Barry           Dr Jones Irwin                  Ian Robertson
                                     Dr Barry Brunt            Dr Angela Leahy                 Aidan Ryan
                                     Dr Mairin Boland          Eoin MacCuirc                   David Silke
                                     Annette Cahalane          Dr Maeve Martin                 Dr Victoria Simms
                                     Dr Helen Connaughton      Prof. Des McCafferty            Dr Sinead Smyth
                                     Dr Tara Cusack            Michelle McCarthy-Severs        Prof. Anthony Staines
                                     Dr Jean Cushen            Lynda McSweeney
                                     Conor Faughnan            Dr Elizabeth Nixon

Chemical, Physical & Mathematical Sciences
                                     Prof. Stephen Connon      Dr Graeme Horley                Dr Fergal O’Reilly
                                     Prof. Sean Corish         Prof. Peter Lynch               Dr Rachel Quinlan
                                     Prof. Padraig Dunne       Dr Michael McGrath              Dr Tony Scott
                                     Prof. Orla Feely          Prof. Ronan Mcnulty ✭ 1985      Prof. Emma Sokell
                                     Prof. Claire Gormley      Dr Maria Meehan
                                     Prof. Pat Guiry           Dr Martina Nolan-Jones

                                     Julie Byrne               Barry Kennedy                   Brian O’Mara
                                     Bernie Capraro            Noel King                       Ann O’Sullivan
                                     Prof. Sarah Jane Delany   Dr Helen McBreen                Julie Spillane
                                     Prof. Linda Doyle         Aaron McCormack                 Dr Peter Taylor ✭ 2001
                                     Prof. John Dunnion        Dr Diarmuid O’Brien             Anna-Marie Turley
                                     Leonard Hobbs             Tom O’Dwyer

BT Chairperson                       Ruth Murphy               Special Awards                  Professor Eoin O’Neill

✭ Young Scientist of the Year past winner

                                            BTYSTE                                       9
2019 Project Quick Search
Project category

          Biological and               Social and Behavioural   Chemical, Physical and
        Ecological Sciences                    Sciences         Mathematical Sciences

          1100 - 1617                      2100 - 2714              3100 - 3608                      4101 - 4611

School name/County
Antrim                                                          Clonakilty Community College               1508, 2505, 4604
South Eastern Regional College - Lisburn                1617    Coachford College                                      2421
St Dominic’s High School                                1403    Coláiste an Chraoibhin                                 3214
St Killian’s College                                    4519    Coláiste An Spioraid Naoimh          1536, 2300, 2401, 2408
                                                                                                           2531, 4304, 4401
St Louis Grammar School                                 4216
                                                                Coláiste Choilm                1500, 1514, 1519, 1524, 1527
Armagh                                                                                   1541, 1545, 1571, 2504, 2521, 2562,
St Catherine’s College                                  4413                             2582, 3301, 3315, 4202, 4218, 4506

Carlow                                                          Coláiste Muire Crosshaven      1311, 1510, 2200, 2206, 2217

Presentation College                                    1212    Coláiste Na Toirbhirte                                 1574

St Mary’s Knockbeg College                              2700    Coláiste Pobal Bheanntrai      1529, 1531, 1569, 1572, 2570
                                                                Colaiste Treasa                1501, 2100, 2403, 2407, 2527
                                                                Gaelcholáiste Charraig Uí Leighin                      1503
Colaiste Dun an Ri                    1407, 1410, 2104, 2109
                                            2406, 2419, 3108    Gaelcholáiste Mhuire                                   3534
Loreto College                                    2538, 2558    Kinsale Community School             1412, 2102, 2405, 2417
                                                                                                           2512, 3312, 4417
St Bricin’s Vocational School                           2559
                                                                Loreto Secondary School Fermoy                   2571, 4215
                                                                Maria Immaculata Community College                     2583
Coláiste Mhuire Ennis                                   1108
                                                                Midleton College                           1550, 4515, 4542
Mary Immaculate Secondary School
                                                                Millstreet Community School                1540, 1542, 2529
Lisdoonvarna               1101, 1205, 1209, 1405, 4203
                                                                                                           2540, 2573, 3523
Scoil Mhuire                                            2705
                                                                Mount Mercy College                        1301, 1408, 1558
St Anne’s Community College                             2590                                               1564, 2557, 3303
St Flannan’s College                              4213, 4307    Mount St Michael                                 1577, 4544
St John Bosco Community College                         1214    North Monastery Secondary School                 4415, 4518
St. Joseph’s Secondary School               3506, 3537, 4539                                               4529, 4606, 4609
                                                                Patrician Academy                                1513, 1525
                                                                Pobalscoil na Tríonóide                                4530
Ardscoil Uí Urmoltaigh                            4524, 4531
                                                                Presentation Secondary School Mitchelstown     1511, 2501
Bandon Grammar School                 2572, 2586, 2599, 3209
                                                                                                         2534, 2543, 2551
Boherbue Comprehensive School                           2587    Sacred Heart Secondary School              1552, 1563, 2528
Carrigaline Community School                1215, 1573, 4106                                                     2537, 2569
Christ King Girls Secondary School    1103, 1607, 2111, 4206    Schull Community College                   1549, 1555, 2549
Christian Brothers Secondary School         1551, 2107, 4406    Scoil Mhuire                                     1611, 2530

10 BT Young Scientist & Technology Exhibition 2019
School name/County
Scoil Mhuire gan Smál Blarney             2103, 2410, 3305    Colaiste Pobail Setanta                                2704
Scoil Mhuire Kanturk                             2589, 3316   Dominican College                                      2552
Scoil na mBráithre Chríostaí                          4404    Gaelcholáiste an Phiarsaigh                            1416
Skibbereen Community School                           2574    Gonzaga College                                        4302
St Aloysius College Carrigtwohill          1561, 2568, 2575   Kingswood Community College                            4103
                                     3213, 3524, 3532, 4303
                                                              Kishoge Community College                        1401, 4602
St Aloysius School                                    3206
                                                              Le Chéile Secondary School                             2580
St Francis Capuchin College                           2593
                                                              Loreto Abbey Secondary School                    2598, 3536
St Mary’s High School                     2506, 2517, 3510
                                                              Loreto College                        2211, 2414, 3103, 3302
St Mary’s Secondary School           1210, 1406, 1567, 2502
                                                              Loreto High School                    1502, 1516, 2519, 3511
St. Angela’s College                                  4300
                                                              Loreto Secondary School, Balbriggan        1213, 1216, 1576
St. Brogan’s College                                  4407                                               2713, 3529, 3533
Ursuline Secondary School                             2596    Lucan Community College                          2567, 2708
Donegal                                                       Muckross Park College                            2546, 4306
Carndonagh Community School                           3107    Pobailscoil Iosolde                        1105, 3208, 4204
Coláiste Ailigh                      1110, 1310, 1414, 2203   Pobalscoil Neasain                         1400, 2515, 3513
                                           3112, 3402, 4102
                                                              Portmarnock Community School                     1602, 1606
Deele College                                         2709
                                                              Rathdown School                                        2594
Loreto Community School                          1413, 1518
                                                              Ringsend College                                       2411
Magh Ene College                                 3531, 3606
                                                              Saint Dominic’s Secondary School                       4403
Pobalscoil Ghaoth Dobhair                 2533, 2577, 3521
                                                3604, 4510    Sandford Park School Ltd                               3508

Rosses Community School                               2536    Santa Sabina Dominican College             1418, 3535, 4540

Scoil Mhuire                                          1568    Skerries Community College                       3306, 3318

St Eunan’s College                                    4217    St Andrew’s College            1111, 1302, 1305, 3100, 3110
                                                              St Joseph’s College                                    3215
                                                              St Joseph’s Secondary School          1560, 2218, 2412, 2600
Regent House School                              3314, 3605
                                                                                                          2603, 4205, 4528
South Eastern Regional College - Bangor Campus         1306
                                                              St Louis High School                             2409, 3528
                                                 1600, 1610
                                                              St Marys College - C.S.Sp.                       2215, 4536
                                                              St Mary’s Secondary School                             2105
Alexandra College                                     3307
                                                              St Michaels College                              1204, 3515
Ardgillan Community College                           3516
                                                              St. Fintan’s High School                         1520, 2544
Belvedere College                                1107, 4100
                                                              St. Kilian’s German School                             3403
Blackrock College                         2422, 3308, 4104
                                                              Sutton Park School                                     1203
Cabinteely Community School                           2711
                                                              Synge Street CBS                           3304, 3404, 3522
Castleknock College                       4101, 4405, 4522
                                                              Templeogue College                                     1548
Coláiste Chilliain                                    1208
                                                              Terenure College                                 1609, 3526
Coláiste Eoin                             1509, 2595, 3519
                                                              The Institute of Education - Dublin                    1601
Coláiste Iosagáin                         1200, 2207, 4507
Coláiste Phádraig                    2701, 3104, 3313, 3601   The Kings Hospital                               1616, 2418
                                           4535, 4600, 4605   Wesley College                                         3603

                                    BTYSTE                                          11
2019 Project Quick Search
School name/County
Galway                                                         Portlaoise College                                     1543
Calasanctius College                                   4301    Leitrim
Clarin College Athenry                                 4201    Mohill Community College                               2592
Coláiste Bhaile Chláir                           4418, 4603    St. Clare’s Comprehensive School                       1304
Coláiste Iognáid S.J.                1409, 1417, 1615, 4212    Limerick
Coláiste Mhuire                                        1554    Ardscoil Ris                         2508, 2525, 4214, 4503
Portumna Community School                        2420, 3608    Castletroy College                               2541, 3207
Presentation College                             2588, 3102
                                                               Coláiste Chiaráin                          3203, 3204, 4520
Seamount College                                       2578
                                                               Coláiste Iósaef                            1505, 2507, 4219
St Raphaels College                        1303, 1307, 2404
                                                               Colaiste Nano Nagle                        2563, 4545, 4546
St. Mary’s College              1613, 2301, 2415, 2561, 4211
                                                               Desmond College                 1515, 1603, 2214, 3400, 3408
Kerry                                                                                                            4200, 4501
C.B.S. Secondary School                                2702    Gaelcholáiste Luimnigh                     1507, 1565, 2413
Coláiste na Sceilge                                    1535    John The Baptist Community School          2208, 2500, 2510
Gaelcholáiste Chiarraí                                 2710                                               2526, 2539, 2566

Killorglin Community College         1300, 2216, 4607, 4611    Laurel Hill Secondary School FCJ                       1538

Presentation Secondary School, Castleisland            2602    Salesian Secondary College,             1106, 1575, 2219
                                                               Pallaskenry                 2576, 2591, 4400, 4511, 4537
Mercy Secondary School               1539, 4209, 4505, 4610
                                                               Scoil Mhuire agus Íde                            2565, 4504
Pobalscoil Inbhear Scéine                              3502
                                                               St Munchin’s College                                   1415
St. Brigid’s Secondary School                          1608
Tarbert Comprehensive School                     1532, 1533    Londonderry
                                                               Loreto College Coleraine             3205, 3211, 3310, 3520
                                                               St Mary’s College                    1517, 3111, 3202, 3212
Coláiste Lorcáin                                       3105
                                                                                                          3504, 3507, 3514
Coláiste Naomh Mhuire                            1523, 1526
                                                               St Mary’s Gs                                           4601
Cross And Passion College                              3407
Maynooth Education Campus                              4105
                                                               Ballymahon Vocational School                     2554, 4525
Naas Community College                                 3600
                                                               Cnoc Mhuire                                            2601
Newbridge College                                      1109
                                                               Lanesboro Community College                1312, 2108, 2213
Scoil Mhuire Community School                          1202
                                                               Moyne Community School                                 2110
Castlecomer Community School               1530, 2209, 2706
                                                               Bush Post Primary School             1521, 2511, 2516, 3509
Coláiste Eamann Rís                              1553, 4527
                                                               Dundalk Grammar School                                 3109
Coláiste Pobal Osraí                                   1404
                                                               Our Ladys College                                1308, 3210
Loreto Secondary School         1547, 2518, 2524, 2585, 3505
                                                               St Mary’s Diocesan School                              1522
St Kieran’s College                                    1537
                                                               St Vincent’s Secondary School              2520, 2532, 3401
Heywood Community School                   1207, 1605, 2106    Mayo
                                                 2400, 3607    Colaiste Chomain                                       2555

12 BT Young Scientist & Technology Exhibition 2019
School name/County
Coláiste Pobail Acla                                   4533    St Ciaran’s High School                         4412, 4509
St. Mary’s Secondary School                            1562    Waterford
Meath                                                          Ard Scoil Na Mara                               1201, 2402
Ashbourne Community School                             2112
                                                               Blackwater Community School                           2523
Eureka Secondary School                    1504, 1557, 2560
                                                               Gaelcholáiste Phort Láirge                            1534
Franciscan College                                     3309
                                                               St Angela’s                                     1206, 3530
Scoil Mhuire                                           2304
St Patrick’s Classical School                          4410    Westmeath
Monaghan                                                       Athlone Community College           2548, 3500, 4502, 4508

Our Lady’s Secondary School                            2522    Colaiste Mhuire                     1556, 2547, 2597, 4208
                                                                                                   4308, 4408, 4411, 4521
Patrician High School                                  2550
St. Louis Secondary School                             2564    Marist College                                        3106
                                                               Meán Scoil an Chlochair                   2210, 2513, 2545
Colaiste Choilm                                  2302, 4207    Moate Community School                    1546, 1604, 4532

St. Brendan’s Community School                         2503    Our Lady’s Bower                    1411, 1612, 4416, 4516
Tullamore College                                1570, 3201    St Joseph’s Secondary School                    1566, 4534
Roscommon                                                      Wexford
C.B.S. Roscommon                1544, 1559, 2201, 3512, 3518   Creagh College                                  3406, 4512
Castlerea Community School                             1211
                                                               F.C.J. Secondary School                               4210
Scoil Mhuire gan Smál                      2205, 2604, 2703
                                                               Meanscoil Gharman                   1614, 2220, 2514, 4541
Scoil Mhuire Strokestown                         2416, 2542
St Nathy’s College                               1402, 2101
                                                               Avondale Community College                      1102, 3300
Ballinode College                                      2714    Coláiste Chill Mhantain                               1100

Jesus & Mary Secondary School                          3200    Dominican College                                     2535

Ursuline College                           3517, 3525, 3602    Gaelcholaiste Na Mara                                 2584
                                           4500, 4514, 4517    Presentation College                                  1506
Tipperary                                                      St Gerard’s                                     1104, 3101
C.B.S. Thurles                                   2305, 4543
                                                               St Marys College               1309, 1512, 2204, 2212, 4523
Cistercian College                                     2581
Coláiste Mhuire Co-Ed                                  3405
Colaiste Phobáil Rós Cré                               2712
Comeragh College                                 2553, 3527    PROJECT QUICK SEARCH IS ALSO
Presentation Secondary School                    2303, 2556    AVAILABLE ON OUR APP...
St Joseph’s College                  4402, 4409, 4414, 4608
Ursuline Secondary School                        2579, 4526
Holy Cross College                                     3317

                                   BTYSTE                                            13
Biological & Ecological Sciences

JUNIOR INDIVIDUAL                          of dosing larvae with a number           County: Donegal                            1204
                                           of caffeine solutions to see if they     Teacher: Micheál Ó Giobúin                 Title: Bacteria & Their Effect on Crude
1100                                       prevent the hatching of larvae.          Student(s): Cormac Mulrain                 Oil
Title: Will Hydroxymethylfur-              School: Pobailscoil Iosolde                                                         Overview: I want to investigate the
furaldehyde (HMF) Levels in Honey          County: Dublin                           1111                                       bacteria that are responsible for
Affect: 1) The Quality of Honey and 2)     Teacher: Lynda Jordan                    Title: How the different stages of grass   breaking down oil when it spills and
Effects of the Honey on Human Health       Student(s): Amelia Andrews               growth affect the content of milk          see if they can be isolated and used.
Overview: I will test for                                                           Overview: My project aims to find          School: St Michaels College
Hydroxymethylfurfuraldehyde levels         1106                                     out which stages of grass affects the      County: Dublin
in honey and see does it affect the        Title: Detecting the departure of a      protein and fat content in milk.           Teacher: Roisin Weldon
quality of honey and/or human health.      Queen Bee from a hive.                   School: St Andrew’s College                Student(s): Conán Hargaden
School: Coláiste Chill Mhantain            Overview: My project aims to build       County: Dublin
County: Wicklow                            a system consisting of a sensor that     Teacher: Emma Buckley                      1205
Teacher: Natasha Smyth                     targets the Queen Bee and alerts the     Student(s): Daniel Crampton                Title: An examination of ash die back
Student(s): Rían Byrne                     beekeeper if she leaves the hive.                                                   in the ash trees in an area of the
                                           School: Salesian Secondary College,      INTERMEDIATE INDIVIDUAL                    Burren.
1101                                       Pallaskenry                                                                         Overview: I am looking at the profile
Title: Evaluation of the use               County: Limerick                         1200                                       of ash trees with ash die back in an
of software as a tool to count             Teacher: John O’Flynn                    Title: Staidéar comparáideach ar           area of the Burren and comparing
populations of different shellfish on      Student(s): Katie Smith                  thruailliú micreaphlaistigh i bhfoinsí     them with uninfected trees.
seashores                                                                           uiscí éagsúla timpeall na hÉireann         School: Mary Immaculate Secondary
Overview: I am looking at how              1107                                     Overview: An aidhm atá ag mo               School Lisdoonvarna
effective it is to use ImageJ for          Title: Amplified Renewable               thionscnamh ná anailís a dhéanamh          County: Clare
studying populations of different          bioelectrical energy in Reduced          ar an méid micreaphlaistigh atá le fáil    Teacher: John Sims
shellfish on a shore.                      Carbon Footprint Livestock Waste         i bhfoinsí uisce timpeall na hÉireann      Student(s): Róisín McNamara
School: Mary Immaculate Secondary          Treatment System                         chun méid an damáiste a thomhas.
School Lisdoonvarna                        Overview: Create Livestock Waste         School: Coláiste Iosagáin                  1206
County: Clare                              System with a usable renewable           County: Dublin                             Title: High Intensity Interval Training
Teacher: John Sims                         power source, amplifying bio-            Teacher: Karen Nic Aoidh                   Overview: To prove that high intensity
Student(s): Maeve McMahon                  electrical energy from anaerobic                                                    interval training increases VO2 max,
                                                                                    Student(s): Jenni-Rose Ní Éideáin
                                           bacteria, clean water, and reducing                                                 reduces blood pressure and increases
1102                                       organic waste.                           1201
Title: Are dairy farmers wasting                                                                                               overall fitness during a duration of 6
                                           School: Belvedere College                Title: A Light Meal: An investigation      weeks.
money on footbath solutions?
                                           County: Dublin                           of the impact of varying light levels on   School: St Angela’s
Overview: Farmers spend a lot of
                                           Teacher: Thomas Morris                   plant growth for sustainable vertical      County: Waterford
money on hoof care. Living on a dairy
                                           Student(s): Garret Molloy                farming                                    Teacher: Aoife Maher
farm I would love to find a cheaper
                                                                                    Overview: Time-varying LED light           Student(s): Anna Duffin
way of maintaining hooves.                 1108                                     levels are used in growing various
School: Avondale Community College
County: Wicklow
                                           Title: Kefir & Kombucha: The Alcohol     plants to reduce the carbon footprint      1207
                                           Content, Microbial Content and Health    and economic cost of future vertical       Title: Less is better.
Teacher: Louise Bell                       Benefits of Fermented Drinks             farming.                                   Overview: To determine whether it
Student(s): Aisling Byrne                  Overview: Carrying out a qualitative     School: Ard Scoil Na Mara                  is more beneficial for you to run one
1103                                       and quantitative test for alcohol        County: Waterford                          thirty minute run or three ten minute
Title: Study on the pollution in           on shop bought and home made             Teacher: Niamh Shannon                     runs a week.
Tramore Valley Park and the impact on      fermented drinks. A bacterial analysis   Student(s): Caoimhín O’Leary               School: Heywood Community School
the plants there                           of both and health effects survey.                                                  County: Laois
Overview: My project is about the          School: Coláiste Mhuire Ennis            1202                                       Teacher: Aodhagan O Suilleabhain
pollution from the roads and old           County: Clare                            Title: Examining plant selection to        Student(s): Evan Hogg
landfill of the Kinsale road on Tramore    Teacher: Olivia Keane                    improve the biodiversity of reed beds/
Valley Park and its plants.                Student(s): Jennifer Weston              integrated constructed wetlands to         1208
                                                                                    attract pollinators.                       Title: ‘Ag baint ó Mhánas chun
School: Christ King Girls Secondary
                                           1109                                     Overview: This project will investigate    Murchadh a íoc’. Conas caomhnú uisce
                                           Title: Compostable packaging and         Integrated Constructed Wetlands            níos fearr a dhéanamh.
County: Cork
                                           food safety                              in the treatment of effluent & what        Overview: Tá atchurasáil tábhactach
Teacher: Julia White
                                           Overview: A comparison of                flowering plants can be used to            dár timpeallacht ach cé mhead uisce
Student(s): Jane Scanlan
                                           compostable and non-compostable          increase these habitats for pollinators.   a cuireamar amú nuair a ghlannamar
1104                                       packaging. To discover which             School: Scoil Mhuire Community             plaisteach chun an athchursáil sin a
Title: To investigate the incidence and    keeps food preserved for longer. To                                                 dhéanamh.
impact of microplastics on Irish farms     investigate the rate of decomposition                                               School: Coláiste Chilliain
                                                                                    County: Kildare
Overview: I aim to investigate the         of compostable packaging.                                                           County: Dublin
                                                                                    Teacher: Helena Lynn
incidence of plastics due to current       School: Newbridge College                                                           Teacher: Doireann De Nógla
                                                                                    Student(s): Adam McNulty
farming practices on farms and assess      County: Kildare                                                                     Student(s): Jo-Ellen Ní Dhonnchú
their breakdown into microplastics         Teacher: Dermot Walsh                    1203
through analysis of soil and other         Student(s): Ryan Sexton                  Title: A New Fire-Proof System For
samples.                                                                                                                       Title: A tale of two soils - a
                                                                                    Tall Buildings Using Tree Bark
School: St Gerard’s                        1110                                     Overview: I am looking to create a
                                                                                                                               comparative study of upland and
County: Wicklow                            Title: Staidear Eiceolaíochta agus                                                  lowland soils in the Burren
                                                                                    new fire-proof cladding system for tall
Teacher: John Reidy                        Bitheolaíochta den abhainn Súileach                                                 Overview: I am examining the
                                                                                    buildings using the bark from trees.
Student(s): Amelie Moore                   Overview: To carry out an ecological                                                chemical and physical properties of
                                                                                    School: Sutton Park School
                                           and biological study of the river and                                               upland and lowland soils in the Burren
                                                                                    County: Dublin
1105                                       assess its potential for developing
                                                                                    Teacher: Karen Lynch
                                                                                                                               as well as the macrofauna in them.
Title: Examining the Effect of Caffeine    a walkway for tourism and the                                                       School: Mary Immaculate Secondary
                                                                                    Student(s): Ava Casey
on the Larvae of Soldier Black Flies.      community.                                                                          School Lisdoonvarna
Overview: Investigating the effect         School: Coláiste Ailigh                                                             County: Clare

14 BT Young Scientist & Technology Exhibition 2019
Teacher: John Sims                         investigating the reaction time when        School: St Raphaels College                  not have conscious access to them.
Student(s): Sarah McNamara                 on a cell phone conversation and            County: Galway                               School: Our Ladys College
                                           listening to music.                         Teacher: Brenda O’Dea                        County: Louth
1210                                       School: Carrigaline Community School        Student(s): Miriam Kennedy                   Teacher: Frances O’Regan
Title: Do Farms in Ireland Contain         County: Cork                                                                             Student(s): Laura Ileogben
Micro Plastics                             Teacher: Steven Corbett                     1304
Overview: My aim is to examine two         Student(s): Jennifer O Sullivan             Title: A Two Year Analysis of the            1309
different farms and examine the meal                                                   Clinical Relationship between Calcium        Title: Children with autism cannot
and water samples to see do they           1216                                        Ion, Vitamin D Levels and DEXA Scans         wait
contain microplastics. I’ll research the   Title: An Investigation into the Effect     in the Human Anatomy.                        Overview: An analysis of assessment
effect these microplastics could have      of a Farmer’s Attitude Towards Nature       Overview: Firstly I established              waiting times, age of diagnosis and
on animals.                                on the Biodiversity of the Soil on their    calcium levels in adults, secondly           provision of services for autism
School: St Mary’s Secondary School         Farm.                                       I investigated the awareness of              spectrum disorder children in Ireland.
County: Cork                               Overview: I will investigate the link       Osteoporosis in secondary schools.           School: St Marys College
Teacher: Shannen Foley                     between a farmer’s attitude and the         Lastly I investigated the relationship       County: Wicklow
Student(s): Maria Cronin                   biodiversity of the soil on their farms     between calcium and vitamin D.               Teacher: Joanne English
                                           in Ireland.                                 School: St. Clare’s Comprehensive            Student(s): Ella Devereux
1211                                       School: Loreto Secondary School,            School
Title: Why are we not wearing              Balbriggan                                  County: Leitrim                              1311
protective head gear in sports?            County: Dublin                              Teacher: Edel McPhelim                       Title: The effects of heavy rainfall on
Overview: Why we are we not                Teacher: Niamh Mc Nally                     Student(s): Rachel Mc Partlin                plastic pollution in the ocean
wearing protective head gear in sport      Student(s): Selina Xu                                                                    Overview: The aim of my project
as injuries are still happening.                                                       1305                                         is to investigate and do my own
School: Castlerea Community School         SENIOR INDIVIDUAL                           Title: Can we make mealworms eat             experiment on the link between
County: Roscommon                                                                      more plastic?                                rainfall and increase in plastic
Teacher: Pauline Dervin                    1300                                        Overview: I plan to investigate              pollution in the ocean.
Student(s): James Beatty                   Title: A systematic study into using        the ability of mealworms to digest           School: Coláiste Muire Crosshaven
                                           halophyte species to develop a              polythene and polystyrene under              County: Cork
1212                                       nutrient treatment biofilter to combat      different conditions of temperature,         Teacher: Bridget Lehane
Title: Aerosol Collection for GLOBE        oceanic deadzones.                          plastic size, light/dark cycle and food      Student(s): Olivia Gavin
Overview: Use the Calitoo instrument       Overview: The development of                supplement.
to calculate AOT measurements              semi-submerged systems which                School: St Andrew’s College                  1312
and input data to GLOBE database.          extract nitrogen and phosphorus             County: Dublin                               Title: Counting the Carbon Dioxide
Collaborate information with               from saline water using a halophyte         Teacher: Hilary Rimbi                        Cost of Our Diets: Designing a model
satellites. Compare AOTs with Israel       plant ecosystem to be used to combat        Student(s): Isabel Schmidt                   to quantify effects of our diets on CO2
and America.                               deadzones.                                                                               emissions.
School: Presentation College               School: Killorglin Community College        1306                                         Overview: To research and design a
County: Carlow                             County: Kerry                               Title: Investigation into the growth of      model that can be used to quantify
Teacher: Katherina Kinsella                Teacher: Marieke O’Connor                   algae for bio-fuel use.                      the effects of various diets on our
Student(s): Sean O Driscoll                Student(s): Timothy McGrath                 Overview: Investigating how different        carbon dioxide emissions.
                                                                                       fertilisers affect algae growth.             School: Lanesboro Community
1213                                       1301                                        The growth will be measured by a             College
Title: An investigation into the           Title: Difference in the dietary habits     colorimeter and haemocytometer. The          County: Longford
growth response of the pisum               of teenagers with and without sugar         algae will be grown in a bio-reactor.        Teacher: Michael Lyons
savitum’s roots towards different          cravings                                    School: South Eastern Regional               Student(s): Leah Farrell
acoustics and whether noise pollution      Overview: I am creating a survey to         College - Bangor Campus
affects plants                             observe and analyse the differences         County: Down                                 JUNIOR GROUP
Overview: Throughout my project,           in dietary habits of people craving for     Teacher: Michael Holmes
I plan to observe reaction of the          sugar and people neutral to sugary          Student(s): Jordan Stafford                  1400
pisum savitum plant when exposed to        foods.                                                                                   Title: A Biological investigation into
different sounds (including sound of       School: Mount Mercy College                 1307                                         the antimicrobial properties of the
water), frequencies and volumes.           County: Cork                                Title: MagicMilk - The Impact of             proteolytic enzyme bromelain found
School: Loreto Secondary School,           Teacher: Aaron O’Sullivan                   breastfeeding on early infancy health        in pineapples
Balbriggan                                 Student(s): Viktoryia Kharoshankaya         status                                       Overview: We will be comparing the
County: Dublin                                                                         Overview: The aim of my project is to        antimicrobial properties of pineapple
Teacher: Niamh Mc Nally                    1302                                        study the effects on immune response         extract with other juice extracts
Student(s): Iman Khan                      Title: Discovery of the Ideal               and long-term health of breastfed            (grape, apple/grapefruit/orange)
                                           Microenvironment for the                    and formula fed children.                    that DO NOT contain the enzyme
1214                                       Differentiation of hiPSCs into Islets of    School: St Raphaels College                  bromelain.
Title: What is the effect of music on      Langerhans                                  County: Galway                               School: Pobalscoil Neasain
systolic and diastolic blood pressure      Overview: This project aims to              Teacher: Elaine Lawless                      County: Dublin
during and after listening?                determine which microenvironment is         Student(s): Mia Joyce                        Teacher: Gemma Buicke
Overview: My project aims to               best for the differentiation of hiPSCs                                                   Student(s): Elias Rode,
examine if a person’s blood pressure       into Islets, in terms of soluble factors,   1308                                         Kacper Kolakowski, Arturs Arajs
is affected as they are listening to       cell receptors and ECM proteins.            Title: Lives without Mental Imagery
different genres and types of music.       School: St Andrew’s College                 Overview: This research is an                1401
School: St John Bosco Community            County: Dublin                              investigation into a condition called        Title: Irish Bee Diversity App
College                                    Teacher: Hilary Rimbi                       aphantasia. Though it was recognized         Overview: We will create an app that
County: Clare                              Student(s): Yasmin Ryan                     more than 100 years ago, further             will help people/scientists identify
Teacher: Margaret Walsh                                                                research has been carried out on             bees. It will also contain information
Student(s): Donnacha Ralph                 1303                                        this topic. In recent years Professor        about the threats to bees and how to
                                           Title: The Effect of Coconut on Barley      Adam Zeman of Exeter University has          make life easier for them.
1215                                       Overview: I will be exploring the effect    undertaken research and he believes          School: Kishoge Community College
Title: Can You React in Time               that coconut has on barley plants in        that people with aphantasia may be           County: Dublin
Overview: My project aims at               relation to response to drought.            able to form visual images but may           Teacher: Mary Gorman

                                           BTYSTE                                                                       15
Biological & Ecological Sciences
Student(s): Sophianne Connolly,               1407                                         County: Cork                                County: Galway
Aqlan Ardy, Japnitt Singh                     Title: Chicken Feather Insulation            Teacher: Shaun Holly                        Teacher: Eimear Hennelly
                                              Overview: An investigation into              Student(s): Laoise O’ Mahony,               Student(s): Ailbe Dooley,
1402                                          the insulation properties of chicken         Orla Good                                   Aoife Waldron
Title: Changing Tastes                        feathers.
Overview: By preparing a wide range           School: Colaiste Dun an Ri                   1413                                        1418
of concentration of sweet, sour, bitter       County: Cavan                                Title: Yummy plastic filled                 Title: An Investigation into Making
and salty, we will investigate how taste      Teacher: Lorraine Marron                     wormies: An investigation into the          Food Waste into Bioplastic for
changes with age, gender and health.          Student(s): Freya Watterson,                 environmental impact of micro-plastic       Everyday Use
School: St Nathy’s College                    Alannah Clarke, Lauren McCabe                exposure on the growth rate and             Overview: We aim to develop a
County: Roscommon                                                                          mortality of the humble earthworm.          sustainable means of producing
Teacher: Oonagh Redmond                       1408                                         Overview: The project aim is to             bioplastics from school waste with a
Student(s): Ella Coleman,                     Title: Identification of plant extracts      investigate the effects in growth           view of producing sufficient materials
Grace Sharkey, Anna Cox-Kenny                 and oils as insect repellents                and mortality rates of earthworms,          to manufacture canteen utensils.
                                              Overview: To investigate the use of          (Eisenia fetida), upon continuous           School: Santa Sabina Dominican
1403                                          plant extracts and oils as a repellent       exposure to LD-PE micro-plastics.           College
Title: Could Nutraceuticals Stop              for pests instead of chemical pesticide.     School: Loreto Community School             County: Dublin
Cancer?                                       School: Mount Mercy College                  County: Donegal                             Teacher: Paul Nugent
Overview: Which nutraceuticals                County: Cork                                 Teacher: Roisin Coyle                       Student(s): Aoife McMahon,
(spices: chili powder, turmeric,              Teacher: Aaron O’Sullivan                    Student(s): Oisin Farrell,                  Rachel Ingle
paprika, garlic and ginger) could             Student(s): Eneyal Sivakumar,                Thomas Cannon
stop cell growth in yeast which could         Maria Vieira, Chloe Doyle                                                                INTERMEDIATE GROUP
potentially stop cancer cells from                                                         1414
growing.                                      1409                                         Title: Imscrúdú ar an Éifeacht atá ag       1500
School: St Dominic’s High School              Title: PAWS-itively Dangerous -              Turmeiric ar an Córas Imdhíanach i rith     Title: Text Neck: The Effects of Phone
County: Antrim                                Antibiotic Resistance                        Seasúir an Slaghdán                         Usage on Neck Tension
Teacher: Conor Waters                         Overview: Consider the levels of             Overview: Imscrúdú ar cé chomh              Overview: Our project is about how
Student(s): Catherine Walsh,                  antibiotic resistance bacteria in our        éifeachtach agus atá Turmeiric ar an        the angle at which we look at our
Cara McFadden, Sophie McGregor                companion animals and the potential          dóchúlacht go gheaobhaidh duine             phone screens affects the tension in
                                              risks posed to human health. Trojan          slaghdán i rith seasúir an slaghdán.        our neck.
1404                                          pets and superbugs.                          School: Coláiste Ailigh                     School: Coláiste Choilm
Title: Imscrúdú ar éifeachtúlacht             School: Coláiste Iognáid S.J.                County: Donegal                             County: Cork
Cuileann ar an borrphéist                     County: Galway                               Teacher: Siobhán Ni Laighneach              Teacher: Paudie Scanlon
Trichophyton verruscom                        Teacher: Clodagh Mitchell                    Student(s): Ella Ní Ghallachóir,            Student(s): Michelle Mc Carthy,
Overview: Tá breathnúchán déanta              Student(s): Aoibhe Briscoe,                  Iseult Ní Mhathúna, Aisling Rodriguez       Éabha Sheehan, Greta Fleming
ag feirmeoirí go réitíonn cuilleann           Ellie Concannon, Kate Owens
fadhbanna le borphéist i mbeithígh i                                                       1415                                        1501
sciobóil. Táimid chun éifeachtúlacht an       1410                                         Title: The impact of diet and exercise      Title: Reducing Toxic Heavy Metals in
leighis seo a iniúcadh sa saotharlann.        Title: An Ecological Investigation into      on BMI in secondary students in             the Global Food Chain
School: Coláiste Pobal Osraí                  Dún an Rí Forest Park, Kingscourt,           Ireland                                     Overview: This project investigates
County: Kilkenny                              Co. Cavan                                    Overview: The aim of the project was        the viability of using F113/MB004
Teacher: Lughaidh Ó Néill                     Overview: Our project investigates           to investigate the effect of diet and       Pseudomonas Fluorescens and
Student(s): Pádraig Ó hOldain,                the high prevalence of millipedes,           exercise on secondary students BMI          L228/L321/L111 Pseudomonas
Bo Connery Butler                             beetles, robins and blue-tits in Dún an      body fat.                                   Fluorescens to reduce levels of heavy
                                              Rí Forest Park, Kingscourt, Co. Cavan.       School: St Munchin’s College                metals in the global food chain.
1405                                          School: Colaiste Dun an Ri                   County: Limerick                            School: Colaiste Treasa
Title: Snail communities in three             County: Cavan                                Teacher: Bairbre Ni Fhlatharta              County: Cork
habitat types in the Burren                   Teacher: Michelle Hough                      Student(s): Nathaniel Zabetakis,            Teacher: Joanne Corkery
Overview: We are looking at the               Student(s): Ilona Mc Carthy,                 Darragh Hanly, Rory Butler                  Student(s): David Grey,
number and population structure of            Caoimhe Byrne, Éabha Garvey                                                              Cillian O Sullivan
four species of snail in three different                                                   1416
habitats in the Burren.                       1411                                         Title: An Éifeacht A Bhíonn Ar Teocht       1502
School: Mary Immaculate Secondary             Title: Move Over Manuka! – Irish             Ón Láithreacht Agus Iompraíocht             Title: Trouble “aHead” for Hockey?
School Lisdoonvarna                           Heather Honey means BuZZness                 Ar Baictéir Sna Aibhneacha Agus             An investigation into the incidence of
County: Clare                                 Overview: This project is to see if          Sruithléann Áitiúil.                        head injuries in hockey.
Teacher: John Sims                            Manuka Honey and Irish Heather               Overview: Sa thionscadail seo táimid        Overview: Investigating the
Student(s): Leah McNamara,                    Honey made in different locations in         chun fáil amach an chaoi ina mbíonn         vulnerability of the cranium and
Jessica O’Donohue                             Ireland, is effective at killing different   éifeacht ar an láithreacht baictéir         the risk of suffering head injuries in
                                              types of bacteria.                           agus a chuid iompar de bharr teocht         hockey in comparison to hurling/
1406                                          School: Our Lady’s Bower                     an t-uisce                                  camogie. Should hockey players wear
Title: An investigation into the              County: Westmeath                            School: Gaelcholáiste an Phiarsaigh         helmets?
translocation of Geomalacus                   Teacher: Ellen Maguire                       County: Dublin                              School: Loreto High School
Maculosus in the Macroom area                 Student(s): Hannah Duffy,                    Teacher: Nora De Blaca                      County: Dublin
Overview: We will investigate the             Niamh Jordan                                 Student(s): Dearbhla Ní Chlúmháin,          Teacher: Angela Benson
new habitat of Geomalacus Maculosus                                                        Fern Ní Chathasaigh, Eilís Ní Dheagha       Student(s): Amelia Daly, Anna Brophy
following it’s translocation to facilitate    1412
the development of the N22 bypass.            Title: An investigation into the effects     1417                                        1503
School: St Mary’s Secondary School            of soil compaction on autumn carbon          Title: Can Scientists Tame the Lion’s       Title: An Éifeacht a Bhíonn ag d’Aiste
County: Cork                                  sequestration in grassland soils.            Mane?                                       Bia ar Fás agus Láidearacht d’Ingne.
Teacher: Jennifer Butler                      Overview: Atmospheric CO2 causes             Overview: We aim to research the            Overview: Táimid chun staidear a
Student(s): Aine Sheehan,                     climate change. We aim to find out           recent increase in numbers of Lion’s        dhéanamh ar an éifeacht a bhíonn
Nadia Sliwa, Sophie McCrory                   if grassland soil compacted by heavy         Mane jellyfish off Galway Bay and           ag d’aiste bia ar fás agus láidearacht
                                              cattle and tractors are worse at             investigate their positive effects to the   d’ingne agus do ghruaige.
                                              sequestering carbon.                         medical world.                              School: Gaelcholáiste Charraig Uí
                                              School: Kinsale Community School             School: Coláiste Iognáid S.J.               Leighin

16 BT Young Scientist & Technology Exhibition 2019
County: Cork                                 County: Cork                              1514                                         toxic herbicide instead of synthetic
Teacher: Niamh Furlong                       Teacher: Patrick O Keeffe                 Title: The effect of a full moon on the      weed-killing products.
Student(s): Anna Feenan,                     Student(s): Conor O’Flynn,                amount of precipitation                      School: Coláiste Choilm
Leah Nic Cárthaigh,                          Jack Deasy, Lorcan O’ Leary               Overview: The use of historical Met          County: Cork
Sarah Ní Mhuirgheasa                                                                   Éireann data to show the effects of a        Teacher: Lillian Heylin
                                             1509                                      full moon on precipitation.                  Student(s): James Kelleher,
1504                                         Title: Codladh agus Cumas Aclaíochta
                                                                                       School: Coláiste Choilm                      Sean Gavin
Title: Thumbs Up: A Scientific               i Déagóirí
                                                                                       County: Cork
Investigation into Texting Style and its     Overview: An tionchar a bhíonn ag an
                                                                                       Teacher: Paudie Scanlon                      1520
Relationship with Finger Strength, and       méid codlata a fhaigheann déagóir ar                                                   Title: Long distance farming
                                             an gcumas aclaíochta atá acu.             Student(s): Ben Buckley,
Frequency or Increase in Localized Pain                                                Jason Breathnach                             Overview: To create a device that will
Overview: We aim to explore how              School: Coláiste Eoin                                                                  record environmental information on
                                             County: Dublin
texting style can affect digit strength
                                             Teacher: Cionnaith Ó Dubhthaigh
                                                                                       1515                                         a distant field to an app for monitoring
and increase risk of localized pain and                                                Title: A scientific investigation into       via radio then wifi or Bluetooth.
pins and needles in the upper limbs.         Student(s): Peadar Breathnach,                                                         School: St. Fintan’s High School
                                                                                       the wild growth and abundance of
School: Eureka Secondary School              Donal Ó Nualláin, Alex Binley                                                          County: Dublin
                                                                                       Agaricus campestris in West Limerick
County: Meath                                                                          Overview: A scientific investigation         Teacher: Jenna Behan
Teacher: Mary Wright
                                             1510                                                                                   Student(s): Peter Han, Pavel Iliin
                                             Title: From fish to fork - ingestion of   into the factors affecting the growth
Student(s): Ruth Smyth,                                                                of Agaricus campestris (the wild field
                                             microplastics by commercial fish off                                                   1521
Katie Conachy, Emma-Jane McKeon                                                        mushroom) that lead to an abundance
                                             the Irish South Coast                                                                  Title: The Effects of Global Warming
                                             Overview: We propose to compare           of the species in West Limerick during
1505                                                                                   Autumn 20 18.                                On Crops
Title: The Adverse Effects And Warning       the amount of microplastics found in                                                   Overview: How changes in
                                             various fish species from the south-      School: Desmond College
Signs Of Crohn’s Disease                                                               County: Limerick                             temperature and rainfall affect
Overview: We aim to investigate              west Cork coast and identify visually                                                  crop yield in Ireland this year and
                                             using a light microscope.                 Teacher: Aoife Culhane
people’s level of knowledge on Crohn’s                                                 Student(s): Conor Fox,                       the previous 5 years to deduce a
disease and to inform them of it’s           School: Coláiste Muire Crosshaven                                                      relationship between the two.
                                             County: Cork                              Victoria Brouder
adverse effects and possible causes.                                                                                                School: Bush Post Primary School
                                             Teacher: Bridget Lehane
School: Coláiste Iósaef
                                             Student(s): Rachel Cotter,
                                                                                       1516                                         County: Louth
County: Limerick                                                                       Title: Plastic as a dish, what’s in our      Teacher: Emily Kerr
Teacher: Brian Clarke                        Jack Mullen                                                                            Student(s): Thomas McCarragher,
Student(s): Brendan Mc Kiernan,                                                        Overview: An investigation into the          James Savage
Cathal Clery
                                             Title: Squeeze the Stress Away - Do       presence of microplastics in fish and
                                                                                       local bodies of water and the possible       1522
1506                                         Stress Balls Actually Work?                                                            Title: Does the strength of your sense
                                             Overview: We will investigate what        effects on our ecosystem.
Title: Blue is the New Green: The                                                      School: Loreto High School                   of smell have a correlation with the
feasibility and possible application of      effect stress balls have on people’s                                                   strength of your short-term and long-
                                             stress levels and what effect regular     County: Dublin
water harvesting in Irish schools                                                      Teacher: Rachel Hiney                        term memory
Overview: Investigation of the               use of a stress ball has on stress.                                                    Overview: We hope to measure our
                                             School: Presentation Secondary School     Student(s): Ciara Barry,
feasibility and potential application of                                               Caoimhe Brennan                              participants sense of smell and also
rainwater harvesting in Presentation         Mitchelstown                                                                           their smell recognition and test it
                                             County: Cork
College Bray and other schools in our
                                             Teacher: Julie Hanlon
                                                                                       1517                                         against their long and short-term
area.                                                                                  Title: Investigating the Effect of           memory strength.
School: Presentation College                 Student(s): Natalia Nowak,                                                             School: St Mary’s Diocesan School
                                                                                       Vaping on Live Cells
County: Wicklow                              Cora O’Sullivan, Karina Rest                                                           County: Louth
                                                                                       Overview: There is very little known
Teacher: Stuart Hannon                                                                 about the health effects of ‘Vaping”.        Teacher: Sophie Caine
Student(s): Rory Mulcahy,
                                             1512                                                                                   Student(s): Calum Agnew,
                                             Title: Rounding up the bees: Is there     We are investigating the effect of
Killian Bourke,                                                                        vaping liquids and vapour on e.coli          Seb Lennon
                                             Roundup in our honey?
                                             Overview: We aim to test different        (live cells).
1507                                                                                   School: St Mary’s College                    1523
Title: Anti-Antibiotics!: Staidéar ar        types of honey samples and investigate                                                 Title: Observing The Antibacterial
                                             if there is glyphosate present when       County: Londonderry
úsáid antaibheathaigh i gContae                                                        Teacher: Ann Blanking                        Effect of Processed Honey in
an Chláir / A study on the use of            bees collect pollen from Roundup                                                       Comparison to Raw Honey.
                                             infested areas.                           Student(s): Hollie Harkin,
antibiotics in County Clare                                                            Caitlin Mc Fadden                            Overview: Our project aims to
Overview: A model is developed               School: St Marys College                                                               establish if the processing of honey
                                             County: Wicklow
to represent the consumption of
                                             Teacher: Joanne English
                                                                                       1518                                         alters its antibacterial effects while
antibiotics in Co. Clare; analysis will be                                             Title: An Investigation Into the Effects     comparing it to the antibacterial
completed to find opportunities for          Student(s): Elizabeth Kent,                                                            effects of raw honey.
                                                                                       On Cognition of Sucrose, Fructose,
more efficient antibiotic use.               Maeve Shortall                                                                         School: Coláiste Naomh Mhuire
                                                                                       Glucose, Saccharin and Caffeine
School: Gaelcholáiste Luimnigh                                                         Overview: Does the consumption of            County: Kildare
County: Limerick
                                             1513                                                                                   Teacher: Nadine Hennessy
                                             Title: To investigate the reduction of    caffeinated or of sugary drinks have
Teacher: Maria Kennelly                                                                a noticeable impact upon a person’s          Student(s): Sarah Fleming,
                                             plastic waste in a secondary school by
Student(s): Seoda Ní Chaoimh,                                                          cognitive functioning? And how do            Linda McDonald, Laura Rooney
                                             the introduction of a reusable water
Muireann Ní Shé                                                                        different sugars affect it?
                                             bottle                                                                                 1524
                                             Overview: To investigate the              School: Loreto Community School
1508                                                                                   County: Donegal                              Title: The Secret Life of Plants - An
Title: Home to Roost, A study to assess      percentage decrease of plastic waste                                                   Investigation into the Communicative
                                             in an all-boys secondary school by the    Teacher: Roisin Coyle
the high tide roosting routines of                                                                                                  Capabilities of Plants
                                             introduction of a reusable school water   Student(s): Anne Caulfield,
waterbirds and future Conservation                                                                                                  Overview: To investigate the methods
                                             bottle.                                   Robin Turner, Amy Orr-Strain
Applications.                                                                                                                       through which plants communicate
Overview: We aim to investigate              School: Patrician Academy
                                             County: Cork
                                                                                       1519                                         through their roots and airborne
factors affecting formation of high tide                                               Title: Round Down Round Up                   messages.
roosts by Oyster catchers and develop        Teacher: Orla Dineen                                                                   School: Coláiste Choilm
                                                                                       Overview: We aim to evaluate the
a format to assess other roosts in the       Student(s): Luke Barrow,                                                               County: Cork
                                                                                       potential of the allelopathic properties
same way.                                    Henry Egbo, Conor Lavery                                                               Teacher: Karina Lyne
                                                                                       of walnut leaf extract as a safe, non-
School: Clonakilty Community College

                                             BTYSTE                                                                      17
Biological & Ecological Sciences
Student(s): Katie Lordan,                   Geopathic Stress, its harmful and           Overview: We plan to harness the           Overview: Our project is a stainless-
Rachel Hughes, Jodie Sullivan               beneficial effects for humans and the       energy created by decomposing              steel mesh water-trough filter which
                                            natural world.                              plant fibers and use it to aid the         would be a tremendous benefit to
1525                                        Overview: An in-depth exploration           germination of other plants.               farmers in the removal of algae, silt...
Title: Dance And Cardiovascular             of Geopathic Stress, its harmful and        School: Coláiste An Spioraid Naoimh        while conserving water.
Fitness: The Breakdown                      beneficial effects for humans and the       County: Cork                               School: Coláiste Choilm
Overview: We will investigate if dance      natural world, to create awareness          Teacher: Aileen O’Mahony                   County: Cork
improves the cardiovascular fitness         and dispel myths.                           Student(s): David Rasmussen,               Teacher: Lillian Heylin
of 12-14 year old boys more than            School: Coláiste Pobal Bheanntrai           Ben Shorten, Eoin Twohig                   Student(s): Denise Murphy,
traditional forms of cardiovascular         County: Cork                                                                           Rose Murphy, Cliona Dooley
fitness training such as circuit            Teacher: James McSweeney                    1537
training.                                   Student(s): Louise Downey,                  Title: Comparing Resting Heart Rate        1542
School: Patrician Academy                   Chloé O’Sullivan, Sophia Hanrahan           Variability In Leaving Certificate         Title: An Evaluation of River Pollution
County: Cork                                                                            Exam Students Versus Transition Year       Monitoring in the North Cork Area
Teacher: Orla Dineen                        1532                                        Students                                   Overview: We aim to see if the EPA
Student(s): Glen Singleton,                 Title: Our Plastic Problem!                 Overview: Heart rate variability           are testing water quality efficiently
Daniel Sheehan, Robbie Kelleher             Overview: Our project aims to               data will be gathered from transition      by comparing their results from set
                                            highlight the negative effects of           year students and leaving certificate      points to our results from random
1526                                        plastics on oceans and marine life          exam students to establish whether a       points.
Title: How do different brands of Cola      and to raise awareness of reusable          difference exists between the groups.      School: Millstreet Community School
affect the calcium levels of bones?         alternatives.                               School: St Kieran’s College                County: Cork
Overview: We aim to find out if Cola        School: Tarbert Comprehensive School        County: Kilkenny                           Teacher: Francy Lyons
affects how much calcium is in our          County: Kerry                               Teacher: David Hennessy                    Student(s): Luke O Donoghue,
bones and find out if this is caused by     Teacher: Gerard Nash                        Student(s): Jack McGuirk,                  Patrick Cronin, Dylan Downey
phosphoric acid.                            Student(s): Ciara O Donoghue,               Patrick Brennan, Thomas Carroll
School: Coláiste Naomh Mhuire               Ellen Godfrey                                                                          1543
County: Kildare                                                                         1538                                       Title: Does heading the ball in
Teacher: Nadine Hennessy                    1533                                        Title: Ditch the Decks or Feel the         Football affect your memory and
Student(s): Sarah Rowland,                  Title: An investigation into the            Effects!                                   reaction speed?
Lucy O’ Reilly                              economic advantages of employing a          Overview: The effcect of deck shoes        Overview: A project to test the effects
                                            plastic reformer to recycle plastic farm    on people’s feet. The popularity           of heading the ball in Football.
1527                                        waste into sustainable farm products.       in different regions and different         School: Portlaoise College
Title: Investigation of bacterial spread    Overview: This project involves             genders. The short and long term           County: Laois
through the use of hand-dryers              conducting a study of typical farm          problems they can cause.                   Teacher: Aoife Fox
Overview: To determine the levels of        waste and testing its suitability for use   School: Laurel Hill Secondary School FCJ   Student(s): Lee Carroll Talbot,
bacteria present in jet air hand dryers     in a plastic reformer.                      County: Limerick                           Luke Kelly, Byron McGuirk
and to generate a recommendation            School: Tarbert Comprehensive School        Teacher: Mary Frawley
report on the use of hand dryers.           County: Kerry                               Student(s): Issie Murphy,                  1544
School: Coláiste Choilm                     Teacher: Gerard Nash                        Lauren Walsh, Orla O’ Connell              Title: Effects of copper sulphate, zinc
County: Cork                                Student(s): Oisin Prendiville Brown,                                                   sulphate and formalin on footrot
Teacher: Karina Lyne                        Eamon O’Connor, Ciaran Mulvihill            1539                                       Overview: We will examine three
Student(s): Cliona Reardon,                                                             Title: An Investigation into whether       chemicals used to treat footrot:
Hilary Scragg, Louise Clarke                1534                                        Graphene is an Effective Alternative       copper sulphate, zinc sulphate and
                                            Title: Cad atá muid ag ól? An mbíonn        to Plastic                                 formalin and how they affect the
1529                                        tionchar ar an fad a thaistlíonn d’uisce    Overview: In our project we carried        growth of duckweed, Lemna minor.
Title: A study on the accuracy of           ar a chaighdeán agus do sláinte?            out several tests on graphene and          School: C.B.S. Roscommon
temperature and toxin levels in             Overview: Inár tionscanamh                  plastic in order to investigate whether    County: Roscommon
mussels in Bantry Bay based on the          beimid ag déanamh mionscrúdú ar             plastic can be effectively replaced by     Teacher: Louise Gallagher
Marine Institute forecast.                  chaighdeán an uisce ó sconna faoi           graphene.                                  Student(s): Ronan Lambe,
Overview: We aim to calculate the           mar a taistlíonn sé níos faide ón           School: Mercy Secondary School             Daniel O’Brien, Conor McNulty
accuracy of the Harmful Algae Bloom         taiscshorcóir.                              County: Kerry
Forecast provided by the Marine             School: Gaelcholáiste Phort Láirge          Teacher: Eimear Nolan                      1545
Institute of Ireland using temperature      County: Waterford                           Student(s): Natalia Talaga,                Title: Are Tractors Squeezing The Life
and toxin data.                             Teacher: Claire Joyce                       Temisan King-Chaninomi                     Out Of Irish Soil? The Impact of Heavy
School: Coláiste Pobal Bheanntrai           Student(s): Caoilfhinn Harte,                                                          Machinery On Soil and How It Affects
County: Cork                                Ailbhe Munro                                1540                                       Plant Growth
Teacher: Cornelia Hourihan                                                              Title: Can alternative pastures            Overview: Our project aims to
Student(s): Eoghan O’ Mahony,               1535                                        outperform artifical fertilizers?          examine how farm machinery impacts
Rory Lennon                                 Title: Does an apple a day keep the         Overview: Our project hopes to             soil structure and quality, as well as
                                            doctor away?                                promote Herbal Leys and investigate        assess how it delays the rate of grass
1530                                        Overview: We will be testing the            their benefits on Irish Agriculture        growth.
Title: ‘Camogie vs Hurling’ - Whose         effect that fruit sugar has on the          and the Enviornment thus improving         School: Coláiste Choilm
Body Works the Hardest?                     blood pressure of 12-14 year old            biodiversity in nature.                    County: Cork
Overview: Our project aims to               students.                                   School: Millstreet Community School        Teacher: Lillian Heylin
compare the physical exertion of            School: Coláiste na Sceilge                 County: Cork                               Student(s): Niamh Hegarty,
camogie players and hurlers.                County: Kerry                               Teacher: Jennifer O’Donoghue               Eimear Collins
School: Castlecomer Community               Teacher: Jane Bryan                         Student(s): Bevin Murphy,
School                                      Student(s): Emily Jouen,                    Darren Kiely, Omar Daly                    1546
County: Kilkenny                            Rachel Houlihan                                                                        Title: Purification to save the nation
Teacher: Nora Henderson                                                                 1541                                       Overview: About 33% of Zambians
Student(s): Yvonne Dooley,                  1536                                        Title: To create a filter for water        don’t have access to safe water. We
Katie Murphy, Eva Brennan                   Title: To investigate how heat              troughs on farms to conserve water,        wish to implement solar stills in their
                                            produced by decomposing plant               gather compostable algae to use as         homes to purify their contaminated
1531                                        matter could aid the growth of new          fertilizer and reduce manual labour        water.
Title: An in-depth exploration of           plant life                                  while removing silt and algae.             School: Moate Community School

18 BT Young Scientist & Technology Exhibition 2019
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