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                                               PRINT BELONGS
has been the editor of Print Business          TO A NEW
since its second issue in 2005. Five years
later he took control of the magazine in a
management buyout and fully achieved
his vision to create a unique publication
for printers. There are numerous industry
titles that report the announcements in
the news: the technology, the installations,   SOMETIMES IT FEELS AS IF a there
the good or bad financial results of           is a generational shift occurring. It is not
the big corporates, people coming and
                                               simply because a good number of people
going, the events and exhibitions, often
concentrating on one aspect.                   who set up businesses 30 or so years ago
   What Print Business does is take all this   are retiring and passing the reins of their
information – supplied via press releases,     business to their offspring.
announcements at events, word of mouth            There is the recognition that print’s                Gareth Ward
or good old fashioned journalism – sorts       role is changing; that volumes are going                at Memjet in
                                                                                                        California in
the puffery from the facts, weaves it          to go down, but that these pages can carry               June.
together and puts it into context for those    greater value. And there is the coming to
who run print businesses.                      terms with the internet. The incoming
   At the heart of everything that Print
                                               generation accepts that everything has
Business publishes are the printers. Those
whose businesses are no longer about           changed, but knows too that print has a
simply feeding paper into a giant lump of      future – it’s just not the same as its past.
highly engineered metal and selling the           It is easy to be pessimistic. Consolidation     for example. But these are exceptions, not
sheet that comes out the other end. Those      is ongoing and high volume print capacity          the rule.
who face myriad decisions, some of which       is disappearing. This includes the collapse           Walstead has been more careful about
point in opposite directions, and need to      of the Circle Media group, the announced           its acquisitions policy than Circle, but in
know more than how fast it prints, what        closure of the biggest gravure plant in            announcing results for 2018, chairman
the click charge is or how much it costs.      Europe, the closing down or conversion             Mark Scanlon remarked: “For the first
   They need to know what affects them
                                               of paper mills and paper machines in               time in many years, the sector suffered
and how. Just as every print job is bespoke,
every print company is different. There is     the developed economies, and the US                substantial price increases for paper which
no one-size-fits-all in this industry.         government stepping in to stop the merger          resulted in print budgets being reduced to
   Gareth Ward is out and about all the        between the remains of RR Donnelleys’              counter these higher costs. This dynamic
time. He goes to print factories and talks     large volume print business and Quad               then created print capacity at many of
to printers in their language. He sees first   Graphics.                                          our competitors who reacted by reducing
hand the problems they face, the solutions        The age of mass circulation magazines,          prices to attract new work to fill their
they find, their achievements and their        mass circulation catalogues, mass print            presses.”
innovation. He also sees failures but there    production that demands large format
is little point in highlighting those unless
                                               offset and gravure presses, is over. And the       PUBLISHERS AND RETAILERS are
lessons can be learned by others.
   People like reading about people, and       big players know it.                               looking for smaller more lucrative audi-
especially those people like themselves.          In announcing the plan to close its             ences because they do not need print to
That is why Print Business has more case       flagship Nuremberg plant, with 4.2 metre           reach mass markets. Print is no longer
studies about printers than any other          wide gravure presses, Thomas Rabe,                 the right medium to do this. Conse-
single source.                                 chairman and CEO of Bertelsmann, says:             quently demand is shrinking and print
   Before Print Business, Gareth Ward          “The realignment of our printing activities        runs decline.
worked on the leading weekly magazine          is our answer to the far-reaching changes             The paper industry is hard nosed
Printing World for 22 years and was editor     in the printing industry. Megatrends like          about this. StoraEnso is removing more
for 15. It is this experience, and 360° view
                                               digitalisation and individualisation, as well      than 1 million tonnes of coated woodfree
of the industry, that gives him his sixth
sense about printing. His ability to spot      as the increasing convergence of gravure           capacity from Europe, some 13% of
trends, often years before they become         and offset printing, present the printing          the current market demand. And in its
apparent in the mainstream, is legendary       industry with major challenges. In the             statement added that the market position
(search for Publishing In The Digital Age      past year, paper price increases also led to       had deteriorated even faster than it had
on PrintBusiness.co.uk to see his 1998         restraint on the part of many customers.”          anticipated. Attempts to revive bankrupt
prediction of what media consumption              Some massive print runs remain: Ikea            mills that have produced woodfree coated
would be like in 2010, the year the iPad       continues to print its iconic catalogue,           papers, Scheufelen for example, have
was launched).                                 though supported by many more smaller              failed.
This is Print Business, the magazine
                                               special interest titles; free circulation retail      The paper industry in North America
for forward thinking printing.
                                               magazines and newspaper supplements,               is following the same course of action …

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… and closing capacity amounting to 13%                                                        offer delivery as well as print – thinking
of coated woodfree demand there. And                                                           beyond the press.
there are many more closures of machines                                                          The Internet of Things is part of the
producing gravure and web offset papers.                                                       new solution. All manner of performance
   Instead paper groups are investing in                                                       data can be collected from machinery and
packaging grades, especially those suited                                                      received by press manufacturers where it
to corrugated boxes, and higher quality                                                        may be used to analyse the performance
corrugated boxes at that. It might be that                                                     of an individual press and help with
history is repeating itself as the headlong                                                    maintenance.
rush for packaging results in the over                                                            The same data amassed on a vast scale
capacity that strips away margins, just                                                        can assess the type of work that is being
as happened with coated wood free and                                                          produced if not the jobs or customers,
LWC papers. Or perhaps there will be                                                           spotting the trends in demand for different
enough demand from the likes of Amazon,                                                        products.
Alibaba and others in e-commerce to                                                               In the meantime there is overcapacity
swallow whatever capacity the mills can                                                        and however fast the market consolidates,
deliver.                                                                                       it seems that demand is dropping faster.
   There are marked effects on the                                                             The uncertainty over Brexit has not
merchanting side of the paper industry.                                                        helped, but it is hard to measure whether
Two of the UK’s major merchants,                                                               hesitancy is to do with this or for other
Denmaur and Premier have changed                                                               reasons.
hands this year. A major merger is                                                                A Smithers Pira report puts the print
underway in Germany.                                                                           market at around $475 billion today and
                                                                                               Heidelberg concurs. The market is €400
                                               New kid on the block #1. Ryan Miles
THE GENERATIONAL SHIFT is away                                                                 million it says and has been steady for
                                               steps up as managing director of
from marketing via catalogues to market-                                                       some years, reaching €423 billion by 2023.
                                               Heidelberg UK. Find out his plans on
ing on the box. Corrugated packaging,          page 26.                                           Within this, however, the share taken
once printed with the refinement of a                                                          by digital printing is on the increase.
marker pen, is going upmarket and will        Netto, let alone garden centres, DIY sheds       According to Pira, digital accounted for
be suitably decorated, if not all over        and so on are vast, but each pertains only       13.5% in 2014, 17.4% in 2019 and will
then certainly in panels or through large     to a store location closest to the delivery      reach a 21.1% share by 2024.
labels.                                       address. What is on offer in one town               Pira talks about customised packaging,
   Not all high volume commercial print       may be different in the next 15km away.          driven by increasing urbanisation and,
is disappearing. Door drop leaflets are       Data and intelligence are driving what is        though it does not say so, the hyper
on the rise, but even here it is less about   printed.                                         competition between brands in the mature
saturation carpet bombing as it used to be,      Is there scope for a leafletting war          economies where opportunities to grow
than the more precise letterbox sniping it    between the UK’s supermarkets as in              the market are limited and growth is about
has become.                                   Germany? Door drops bear watching                taking share from a competitor. On pack
   In central Europe retailers remain         and will certainly be effective for local        promotions, limited editions, added value
wedded to high volumes of leaflets to drive   businesses that find it increasingly difficult   effects and social interactivity, are ways to
shoppers into their stores with relevant      to rise above the digital clutter with           do this and all depend on print, possibly
offers delivered to their door. Overall       an online presence. Perhaps there’s an           digital print.
volumes for the likes of Lidl, Aldi and       opportunity for an enterprising printer to          Heidelberg’s big trends include web to

PUBLISHING Print Business is published six times a year by Print Business Media Ltd
Haymakers, Swamp Road, Romney Marsh TN29 9SQ | 01580 236456 | general@printbusiness.co.uk

CONTRIBUTORS Cover picture by Gareth Ward | Printed by Stephens & George | Paper supplied by
Lumipaper | www.storaenso.com/lumionline

EDITORIAL Editor/Publsiher | Gareth Ward | gareth@printbusiness.co.uk | 01580 236456 | 07866 470124
Press releases should be sent to pressreleases@printbusiness.co.uk

COMMERCIAL Publisher | Debbie Ward | 01580 236500 | debbie@printbusiness.co.uk

ADMIN & SALES SUPPORT Publishing Assistant | Sarah Cross | 01580 236456 | sarah@printbusiness.co.uk

MEDIA INFORMATION The Media Pack is available under the Information tab at PrintBusiness.co.uk

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                                                 for differentiation,” says Heidelberg’s
                                                 annual report. But differentiation is what
                                                 is needed. The new generation printer will
                                                 be less defined by the technology under his
                                                 roof, which is why unless personalisation
                                                 is needed, the technology used is not an
                                                 end in itself. Predictions about the growth
                                                 of one technology compared to another
                                                 are fraught because in the hands of the
                                                 consumer it no longer matters.

                                                 THE NEW GENERATION PRINTER
                                                 cannot survive in the price led paradigm.
                                                 Survival will be about differentiation,
                                                 about innovation and about the ability          Third generation at Ryedale: James
                                                 to forge deeper relationships with clients      Buffoni has a keen interest in
                                                 that themselves need to focus on their          sustainability on page 45.
                                                 own core activities and are already happy
                                                 to outsource design and marketing to           they are going to have to pay for something
                                                 agencies.                                      above the commoditisation level. There
                                                    A few years ago this led to the print       are countless news sites, but subscriptions
                                                 service provider or the marketing services     for those that deliver real insight are on the
                                                 provider. Many printers took on the            increase.
                                                 mantle, but few were able to go through           This is why Print Business is shifting
                                                 with it. The fixation with the printing        to a subscription led model. If you have
    New kid on the block #2. Martyn
                                                 process, the need to fill the press, always    got this far, hopefully you will appreciate
    Train has joined Duplo as its new
    managing director, just in time to miss      got in the way. Sales executives recruited     the value and difference we bring and will
    out on this issue. Brief on page 58.         on the basis of £500,000 of sales, could not   be happy to pay a sum less than an hour’s
                                                 switch to a consultative approach where        service time, less than a customer lunch,
                                                 time and expertise are the variable factors    or less than a subscription to publications
print growth, with an annual rate of 5.1%        that should be paid for and press time is      of the value of the Financial Times or the
to 2023. These printers are most able to         secondary.                                     Economist.
automate and drive to be the most efficient         The new generation printer understands
possible. The sector is already worth $23        this. There may be little advantage in         THIS NEW GENERATION under-
billion in sales it says.                        owning a press. It adds no value. What         stands also that they cannot achieve
   Automation is delivering productivity         it delivers in terms of products is more       everything alone. Help, via partnerships
gains to all types of printer. Print quality,    important. Increasingly those products         with customers and suppliers and outside
so dependent on the skills of a press            will be enhanced with varnish, foils           bodies, are part of this new generation
minder, is now in the hands of the process.      or other effects. This plays to the very       approach. It will not happen overnight,
Makeready becomes predictable and                important tactile nature of print.             and may not happen at all if printers
creates space for more jobs on press. “The          There is a further trend underway, a        continue to think that slashing prices is
high level of investment in state of the art     consequence of the internet’s ubiquity.        the way to win customers and the best
equipment leaves less and less potential         People are beginning to understand that        strategy for the future of their business.

NEWS The Monday morning News ezine is a popular collection of a handful of the week’s news, always going
beyond the press release and often exclusive. GDPR by the letter and spirit. Sign up at printbusiness.co.uk/Register

SUBSCRIPTIONS Print Business is currently free to qualifying UK printers. Subscriptions for those who would
like to contribute to securing the future of Print Business are available under the Information menu at bit.ly/2IlJxSS

EVENTS Print Business is the organiser of Forward Thinking Printing, round tables and more. Gareth Ward is in
demand for hosting, chairing and generally being an accomplished ringmaster. Apply for details on 01580 236456.

CONTENT Content is copyright © Print Business Ltd 2005-2019. All rights reserved.

ARCHIVE Previous issues are available for a modest fee. See the Archive page under
the Information tab at PrintBusiness.co.uk for downloadable and searchable PDFs.

TERMS Apply for terms & conditions to general@printbusiness.co.uk

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Glasgow pair combine to
form Scottish super group
TWO OF SCOTLAND’S                                                                                          as managing director and J
largest printers are merging                                                                               Thomson Colour under Kevin
to create a £30 million print                                                                              Creechan.
business and one of Koenig &                                                                                  “The whole thing makes a lot
Bauer’s largest customers in                                                                               of sense,” Creechan says. ”We
Europe.                                Stephen                                                             and Bell & Bain complement
   In a deal funded through            Docherty                                                            each other in so many ways.”
Close Brothers Asset Finance,          and Karen                                                              There is no pressure for
Bell & Bain is buying J Thomson        Baillie.                                                            change to save costs or to make
Colour Printers after its chair-                                                                           changes. That work will begin
man Nick Thomson approached                                                                                after Scotland returns from its
Stephen Docherty in January.       print division who, Docherty        Muller Martini stitching and        holidays next month. To date
He jumped at the opportunity.      says, has been instrumental in      binding equipment. “We will         few people have been involved
   The two companies have          putting together the deal to buy    be the best equipped printer in     in discussions, so teams will
always been close, often putting   J Thomson Colour and allowing       Scotland with one of everything     meet and work out the best way
out work to each other, whether    Nick Thomson to step down as        it is possible to have,” Docherty   forwards.
print or finishing. And ardent     its chairman.                       says.                                  The investment in the two
Celtic supporter Docherty             Both companies are well              It will soon have more. He      Rapidas has worked for the
worked at J Thomson Colour         invested, both with Koenig &        says that another large format      business Creechan runs, but “as
under its founder Hamish           Bauer machines: Bell & Bain         eight-colour perfector is coming    a standalone business we would
Thomson. He has always             has two large format perfecting     to the business, though orders      have found it very difficult to
dreamed about returning, he        presses, JTC with a ten-colour      have not yet been placed. “We       grow” he says. “Our turnover
says.                              and a six-colour Rapida 106,        want to get to £40 million turno-   has been fairly static for a few
   “We are bursting at the seams   the latter with LED UV drying       ver within three years’ time.”      years, in order to grow the busi-
with work,” says Docherty. He      and just over two years old. Both       The combined business will      ness we would have had to bring
took full control of the Glasgow   businesses have strong balance      have 300 staff spread across five   somebody in, or this would have
book printer earlier this year     sheets with money in the bank.      sites. Both have been passion-      to happen.
and it has previously acquired        Bell & Bain also has a Ricoh     ate about recruiting apprentices       “Over the last three or four
commercial printer 21 Colour.      Pro VC60000 inkjet web press        and developing staff. They will     months, I have been trying to
It was here he met Roger           for books and journals with         retain separate identities and      find a negative to this deal,”
Aust, managing director of         JTC’s digital set up based          current management teams,           says Creechan. “I haven’t found
Close Brothers Asset Finance’s     around HP Indigo. Both use          Bell & Bain with Karen Bailie       one yet.”

US government                         It argues that the deal would
                                   vest too much control over
                                                                       bring benefits to publishers by
                                                                       allowing the printer to achieve
to challenge                       magazine and book publish-          greater efficiencies and so lower
merger                             ers in the hands of a single
                                   company, leading to price rises.
                                                                       costs; that many other compa-
                                                                       nies are able to print these jobs
THE AMERICAN Depart-                  “If this deal were allowed to    and because barriers to entry
ment of Justice has stepped in     proceed, Quad would dominate        are low, others can expand their
to block the proposed merger       the markets for magazine, cata-     market presence with ease and
between two of the largest         logue and book printing services    that the real competition is not
                                                                                                              Dean Stayne welcomes
printers in the US.                and be able to raise prices and     between printers, but between
                                                                                                               return of CP Bourg.
   QuadGraphics agreed terms       reduce quality at the expense       print and digital as channels for
with LSC Communications,           of publishers, retailers, and,      advertising messages.               manufacturer CP Bourg having
previously the volume print-       ultimately, American consum-                                            lost it to Engelmann & Buckham
ing arm of RR Donnelley &
Sons, in October to form an
                                   ers,” says Makan Delrahim,
                                   assistant attorney general in the
                                                                       TCS wins back CP                    five years ago.
                                                                                                              But now the sales, service and
$8 billion company. The deal       Justice Department’s anti trust     Bourg                               distribution are back the the
was expected to be completed       division.                                                               Nottingham company that had
around now, but that was before       However, Quad is contest-        TERRY COOPER SERVICES               looked after the business for ten
the DoJ issued writs under anti    ing this view arguing that a        has regained the agency for         years before losing the contract
trust legislation.                 single strong company would         Belgian finishing equipment         in 2014. “We have continued to

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Japanese snap up Premier
as first European merchant
JAPAN PULP & PAPER, one             Ball & Doggett where there are       tion Papers in the UK and other        ucts and a first class level of
of Japan’s largest paper groups,    shared suppliers in common and       countries in Europe selling to         service to customers across the
has bought Premier Paper            where each has benchmarked           greetings cards and magazine           UK. This in turn will ensure
through the acquisition of all      itself against the other.            publishers.                            that Premier Paper continues
the sharers of holding company         “There is very little if any         It is expected that these busi-     to prosper, providing a secure
RADMS Paper.                        conflict with any of our suppli-     nesses will remain separate.           future for the company and all
   The Birmingham headquar-         ers,” he says. “And we share         Dave Allen, managing director          employees.”
tered paper merchant becomes        suppliers with other JPP compa-      of Premier Paper, says: “For             The support that JPP can
part of a $5 billion group with     nies. This is such a good fit. The   some time the board of directors       provide will accelerate develop-
interests across the world in       logic is there to start working      has been searching for a partner       ment plans that Premier has for
sectors allied to producing         closely with their management        that can help the company build        growth.
including in paper. It has 3,900    teams.                               on our current success and               As well as diversifying into
staff compared to the 480              “The company is very inter-       achieve our full development           display materials, it is planning
working for Premier.                national in outlook and there is     potential.                             expansion in the London area
   “We had been looking for         a shared culture of openness and        “Our strategy of diversify-         with larger warehouse facilities
someone to work with,” says         doing business in an honourable      ing into parallel market sectors,      and a larger fleet of delivery
marketing director Dave Jones.      way.”                                such as display and packaging,         vehicles to provide a better
“Then we were approached six           As well as merchanting            while maintaining our position         service in the region.
months ago.”                        operations in Australia and          in the core coated and uncoated          This is carefully planned
   It was not entirely out of the   sales offices throughput South       sector, will continue. We believe      and as with other aspects of
blue. There had been contact        East Asia, JPP in 2015 acquired      that being part of JPP will help       Premier’s strategy carefully
between the two companies over      Gould Paper, one of the largest      us achieve our business growth         costed and controlled. Like the
the years and Premier has links     US merchants. It has Gould           objectives and continue to             management team, that ethos
with JPP’s Australian merchant      Paper Sales and Gould Publica-       provide a wide choice of prod-         will not change.

provide spares and look after
people if they wanted,” says
                                    to handle run of one work for
                                    Precision Printing.
                                                                         opportunity for commercial
                                                                         printers,” says Santi Morera,
TCS director Dean Stayne.             The software was later spun        general manager and global             scoops Marston
“And we have engineers trained
on most of the equipment.”
                                    off into a separate business,
                                    OneFlow Systems, in order to
                                                                         head at HP’s Graphics Solu-
                                                                         tions Business. “OneFlow
   The company is best known        market the technology to other       Systems complements our                A YEAR AFTER MOVING
for its perfect binders used in     digital printers. And it became      industry leading workflow auto-        into new premises and complet-
digital printing either inline      one of the first third-party         mation solutions and will help         ing installation of a second
with the press or as offline        application for HP’s PrintOS         us continue to drive digital print     seven-colour B1 Speedmaster,
systems. The flagship is the        suite of cloud applications three    momentum for customers.”               Print-Leeds has become exclu-
BB3202 PUR-C which can be           years ago.                                                                  sive supplier of wet labels to
connected to sheet feeder and
the Bourg Preparation Module
                                      OneFlow Systems is now to
                                    be acquired by HP. It consid-
                                                                         Tharstern signs                        Marston’s Brewery.
                                                                                                                   The Leeds business has signed
for either perfect binding or       ers the software to be a strategic   pledge                                 a sole supplier contract for
saddle stitching. The binder can    plank in a workflow strategy
also be used as a standalone unit   for Indigo and a PageWide web        MIS PROVIDER Tharst-                                          Rod Fisher
accepting manually fed blocks.      presses. OneFlow has also been       ern has signed the Time to                                       says
The BB3102 is the simpler entry     key to the Piazza applications       Change pledge, committing to                                  move was
level version.                      that is intended to enable auto-     help change the stigma around                               instrumental.
                                    mated decision making and zero       mental health and to support-

HP buys single                      inventory strategies for book
                                                                         ing staff that fall ill in this way.
                                                                         “We are proud to be signing the
copy workflow                         “The demand for simple,            pledge so we can let our employ-

developer                           scalable, on demand printing
                                    continues to grow with publish-
                                                                         ees know that we are dedicated
                                                                         to supporting them through any
HP IS BUYING ONEFLOW,               ers and brands, and the addition     mental health issues they may
the single-copy workflow appli-     of OneFlow Systems under-            be experiencing,” says manag-
cation that was first developed     scores a massive productivity        ing director Keith McMurtrie.

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Micropress updates
perfector, increases storage
MICROPRESS IS replacing                                                  Inpress Control and Autoplate        additional stock ahead of the
a Heidelberg XL105 with the                                              XL we know the press will bril-      supposed Brexit date and this
latest XL106-8P with push to                                             liantly keep colour consistent       has restricted movement around
stop technology and extending                                            and improve our makeready            the plant. “We have outgrown
paper storage capacity in a £4                                           times,” he says.                     the building we have now,” says
million investment.                                                         The Southwold business            Cross. “We moved here in 2012
   The new press will cut                                                looked at the potential for a        with lots of space, but we have
makeready times in half,            capacity by making this feasi-       CutStar but eventually decided       gradually filled the produc-
says     production director        ble to print on the larger sheet.    against it. “It would involve a      tion space with lots of paper
James Cross. He opted for the       Faster set up is helped by fitting   change in paper handling, so         storage.”
15,000sph version rather than       Inpress Control to the perfector.    stuck with what we know,” he            If paper storage is tight, there
the higher speed 18,000sph          “We were the first company in        says. But there is a new ware-       is adequate capacity for plates
press as the issue is less about    the UK to use Inpress Control        house being built to provide         and finishing says Cross. And
long runs than about changeo-       so we have long recognised the       additional space for paper           it has not yet decided whether
ver times.                          benefits of this online colour and   storage and so avoid having to       to fit solar panels to the roof
   The impact may ease the          register control system. With        stack pallets in the press hall.     of the new building before it is
strain on the company’s B2          the latest generation version           The company had ordered           completed in February.

three years which will involved                                          them at meetings of the Scottish        This is the company that is
producing labels for the likes of                                        Newspaper Publishers Asso-           bidding to buy EFI in a $1.7
Marston’s Pedigree, Hobgoblin,                                           ciation. This was an ideal fit for   billion deal under its new
Wainwright, McEwans brands                                               them. They have titles around        CEO Bill Muir. While there
and is worth £2 million a year.                                          ten miles away from us, which        is no mention of EFI in the
   “This wouldn’t have been                                              makes this a nice fit.               announcement, it says that
possible before we invested £5m                                             “We have been printing,           Jacobson “will collaborate with
in new premises and a state of                                           folding and distributing the         the firm’s investment team
the art Heidelberg seven-colour                                          papers. All that goes to SPP. We     and executive partners to help
press,” says managing director                                           certainly need the production        evaluate potential investment
Rod Fisher. “Marston’s is a long                                         capacity at the moment, making       opportunities for Siris as well as
standing client and we are really                                        the deal a good fit all round,” he   help oversee the operations of
pleased to be appointed its sole                                         explains.                            its portfolio companies”.
wet glue label supplier.” Having     David George: commercial                                                    The executive partners are
                                     print booming.
two machines provides the
necessary back up that is needed    local newspapers it has printed
                                                                         Jacobson joins                       not employees of Siris, but
                                                                                                              provide their experience, advice
for security of supply.             and published for more than 50       EFI shareholder                      and assistance to the Siris team
   That, says Fisher, has led       years.                                                                    and to direct strategic and iden-
to growing inquiries for pres-         Scottish Provincial Press has     JEFF JACOBSON, MOST                  tify operational improvements
sure sensitive labels and to        taken on the three titles, print-    recently seen as chief execu-        following an acquisition.
the company’s next planned          ing and publishing these from 1      tive of Xerox, has joined private       The statement from Siris
investment. It has been inves-      July. W Peters has been owner        equity business Siris as an exec-    explains that Jacobson will be
tigating the digital print market   of the Turriff Advertiser, the       utive partner.                       involved in “identifying mean-
for labels and has already had a    oldest of the three since 1933                                            ingful investment opportunities
long look at the Labelfire inkjet   and the company has been the                                              in industrial printing, packag-
press from Gallus.                  last independent family owner                                             ing and adjacent ecosystems”.
                                    printer publisher in Scotland                                             This suggests that Siris is ready

Newspapers                          “if not the UK” says managing
                                    director David George.
                                                                                                              to make further acquisitions,
                                                                                                              either separate from or as part
sold for                               “Like all newspaper publish-                                           of EFI.

commercial                          ers we have been aware of
                                    declining figures. This has
                                                                                                                 Jacobson had been chief
                                                                                                              executive of Kodak Polychrome
drive                               been coming to a point over the
                                                                          Jacobson will at further
                                                                                                              Graphics before becoming chief
W PETERS & SONS HAS                 last four or five years. We have                                          operating offset of Kodak’s
                                                                          acquisition opportunities.
parted company with the three       known the guys at SPP, meeting                                            Graphic Communications

10    July/August 2019 www.printbusiness.co.uk
                     the coated choice
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No alternative to going
digital says Heidelberg
SUBSCRIPTIONS AND                      customers on five year deals that   Amazon of print: everything a        in new technologies, the ramp
contract revenue will account          are worth €1 million a year.        printer needs will be available      up in the area of digital print-
for 10% of Heidelberg’s sales             It aims to sign more than        via the platform.                    ing can be expected to be more
within the medium term,                three times this number in the         The Prinect production            conservative than originally
covering both service and              current financial year.             management tools will be avail-      planned”, Hundsdörfer says.
consumables and press sales,              And the subscription model       able on a per use basis and the         The company is therefore
according to CEO Rainer                is being expanded to software       Heidelberg Assistant is already      predicting a result of the year to
Hundsdörfer. The new business          and applications, typified by its   being used by 1,000 customers        March 2020 that is in line with
models will account for a sales        acquisition of Crispy Mountain,     to monitor the status of their       the result in the last financial
volume of at least €250 million        developer of the Keyline MIS        production and any job. Printers     year. But this is only reinforcing
in the medium to long term, the        which is already a cloud based      will be able to select the package   the importance of the digital
company says in its 2019 annual        application with a per month        or mix of contract and purchase      strategy.
report.                                revenue stream.                     that best suits their needs.            “There is no alternative to
   This is part of the strategy for       The approach becomes a              Before then Heidelberg needs      the ‘Heidelberg goes digital!’
turning a sell and fix model for       foundation stone for the HeiOS      to continue the transformation       strategy. We will continue to
selling presses and then looking       approach to creating a complete     he was brought in to implement.      see the fruits of our strate-
after them into one based on           environment for all printers to     There are obstacles to prevent       gic activities. Unfortunately,
annuity revenues and on shared         find all manner of software and     the smooth execution of the          current economic develop-
rewards from growth achieved.          applications where provided         plans: slowing economies and         ments are dampening our
   The early success of the            by independent developers           uncertainties caused by Brexit       growth dynamic, even though
subscription model offers a            or by Heidelberg. Whether           and deeper trade wars.               the market potential for digiti-
pointer to the potential of this       Heidelberg’s Saphira brand             Printers are cautious about       sation in the printing industry
approach. By the close of the          consumables or those from           investment, leading to longer        and for digital packaging
financial year, Heidelberg had         alternative suppliers. Hunds-       buying cycles “making compa-         printing remains high,” says
signed up “approximately 30”           dörfer wants this to become the     nies more reluctant to invest        Hundsdörfer.

Group. This led to the CEO,            from the likes of Enfocus and
                                                                            The Glastonbury Free Press has published its last edition,
president and chairman role at         Callas software.                     until the Glastonbury Festival 2020. The paper is printed on
Presstek before joining Xerox             The GWG work has resulted         a 65-year-old Heidelberg Cylinder that belongs to the event
in 2012.                               in a specification that is avail-    organisers. It operated by Adrian Manning, who first took to
                                       able for workflow specialists        ink and type in 1978, when the festival was very much smaller
Ghent to tackle                        to use to take a further stride
                                       towards standardised quality
                                                                            than it is today.

large format                           control, ensuring consistency in

colour                                 handling digital files and from
                                       there to management of output
THE GHENT WORKGROUP                    quality.
has kicked off the beta test phase        There is a huge range of vari-
of a new specification designed        ables in wide format display
to enable sign and display print-      printing creating greater chal-
ers with large format inkjet to        lenges for the developers of the
offer a preflighting service.          specification, David van Driess-
   This will improve the integrity     che, executive director of GWG
of digital files through to print as   and CTO at Four Pees, says:
a step towards full automation in      “The sign and display market
this part of the print market. At      segment covers everything
Fespa this year there was a strong     from banners, over car wraps to
focus on colour management             billboards.
with a steady flow of visitors            “Each of these products has
through a colour management            its own technical requirements
education area. The documenta-         and capturing all of them in one
tion for the specification is fully    specification was no easy task.
                                                                                                                                    © Frankie Ward
available with preflight profiles      After some research, it became

12    July/August 2019 www.printbusiness.co.uk


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ASL to accelerate growth
after MBO
MARK GARIUS AND PAUL                Geerings Digital in November.       says: “Private equity is alive to    Mark and Paul several years ago,
Derry have led a management         Each has added a slew of custom-    the opportunities for buy and        we continued to track the busi-
buyout of equipment supplier        ers. It now provide services        build platforms in managed           ness and are delighted to now
ASL backed by Primary Capital       to 5,000 customers across the       services including printing          partner with them.
Partners.                           country, and increasing it is       and related services. We are            “Their knowledge of the
   The company has been             moving into production print.       delighted that, having demon-        industry is unparalleled in the
expanding through acquisi-             ASL supplies printers from       strated a strong track record        UK, and we are excited to work
tion under managing director        Ricoh, Konica Minolta, Canon,       in growth through making and         with them and their colleagues
Garius, who says: “This is an       Kyocera, Xerox, Riso and Intec      successfully integrating acqui-      to enable the company to accel-
important and significant mile-     in the commercial print arena.      sitions, ASL now has a new           erate its acquisition strategy and
stone for ASL that will enable us   It employs 158 from nine loca-      financial backer to support its      become the pre-eminent inde-
to continue to grow our business    tions with a head office in         continued success.”                  pendent managed office services
both organically and acquisi-       Peterborough.                          ASL was formed in 1991 with       provider.”
tively in the market. Having           The deal has allowed Mobeus      Garius and Derry joining the            The challenge now is to
acquired ten businesses in the      Equity Partners to bow out          business in 2009. It has always      accelerate the pace of growth
last ten years, we look forward     after nine years supporting the     remained supplier agnostic           through spreading into new
to the new opportunities that       buy and build strategy. This        allowing it to make fair recom-      areas and expanding in the
the investment will bring as        has latterly seen the company       mendations to customers.             relatively under developed
we continue to drive better         expand beyond office equipment         For Primary, partner Alec         office services sector. Thus the
business performance for our        into IT, software, communica-       Parkinson says: “ASL is a leading    acquisitions will continue as will
customers.”                         tions and now production print.     operator in a highly fragmented      creation of additional comple-
   The most recent of these was        Mobeus director Ed Wass          marketplace. Having first met        mentary services.

clear we would have to introduce
two key variables – viewing
                                                                        KM announces                            It will also register a
                                                                                                             preprinted reel, allowing a
distance and scaling factor – to                                        new label press                      company to lay down a white on
derive one specification.                                                                                    film using flexo or screen print-
   “We could have created                                               KONICA MINOLTA HAS                   ing and then to overprint on the
different specifications for each                                       announced its third label press.     AL230. The press will run both
product type in sign and display,                                       The new Accurio Label 230            250mm and 330mm reels as well
but that would have been very                                           retains the 1200dpi toner tone       as other web widths, rather than
complex to create and maintain,                                         based imaging system though          having to decide at the point of
instead we incorporated the         of Route 1 Print, says: “The        with a speed increase to 23.4m/      investment.
concepts of viewing distance        current XL106 has been instru-      minute making it “faster than           The press is built on a chassis
and scaling factor and end up       mental in what we’re trying to      comparable toner machines”.          from Danish company Grafisk
with one set of rules for the       achieve here, which is offering        The press will receive its        Maskinfabrik and assembled
whole market segment.”              low cost, high quality and fast     public launch at Labelexpo           in Europe as the AL190 has
                                    turnaround print to our custom-     in Brussels in September. By         been. The outward appearance

Heidelberg                         ers. So, we’re really excited
                                    to be having the second press
                                                                        then Konica Minoltas will have
                                                                        thousands of hours’ operating
                                                                                                             is therefore the same. This and
                                                                                                             the earlier version have 350
beats Landa                         installed.”                         time under its belt as shipments     installations worldwide in label
                                       The press will be commis-        of the new press have already        printers, commercial print and
BLUETREE HAS TAKEN                  sioned ahead of the company’s       begun. None has yet been             inplant organisations.
delivery of an eight-unit Speed-    peak period which starts in         shipped in the UK.                      “The AccurioLabel 230’s
master XL106 LE UV press,           September, so will be in place to      The AL230 also expands            robust and simple to operate/
ahead of the arrival of a Landa     help the company cope with the      KM’s ability to handle heat sensi-   maintain concept makes for the
S10P.                               extra demand.                       tive materials and will now print    perfect entry level digital label
   The Speedmaster will be             The Landa is on course for       on most coated and uncoated          press, with productivity and
fitted with CutStar as are the      delivery after the summer. The      papers, polypropylene and PET        print quality performance to
three long perfectors already       company delayed the installa-       substrates at full press speed.      match and exceed presses over
in place in the Rotherham           tion waiting for the full S10P to   This is 47% faster than the          three times the cost,” says Jon
factory, two B1 presses and an      be available rather than upgrade    current AL190 which it supplants     Pritchard, leader of the KM
XL75-10P. Mark Young, head          the press on site.                  as the flagship in the range.        UK’s print business unit.

14    July/August 2019 www.printbusiness.co.uk
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Xerox joins battle with
Canon in sheetfed inkjet
XEROX HAS ANNOUNCED                  Xerox’s own W-series piezo         ability to continuously advance      the need or presence of addi-
that it is open for orders on a      printheads. This is the first      the platform at a faster clip.”      tional drying systems. Colour
new sheetfed inkjet press able to    Xerox inkjet press to offer           The press has the option of       control is maintained by arti-
print high quality commercial        1200x1200dpi resolution and        feeding paper on the long edge,      ficial intelligence monitoring
work as well as transactional and    the first to use its own piezo     which opens the opportunity          of colour quality and nozzle
direct mail documents.               print head.                        to print a four page sheet with      performance. A diagnostic page
   The Baltoro will replace the         “We engineered the Baltoro      some relatively minor adjust-        is printed every 250 sheets.
Brenva in its portfolio, which       HF by leveraging the best of       ments to the transport system,          Since the introduction of the
also includes the Rialto small       our iGen and High Fusion inkjet    but there are no announcements       Iridesse cut sheet press, Xerox
format web press and the three       technologies,” says Tracey         of any such project.                 has reported a drop in sales of
models of the Trivor family          Koziol, senior vice president         Currently the focus is firmly     the iGen range of machines.
topped by the Trivor 2400 HF         of Global Offerings at Xerox.      on establishing Baltoro as a         The option of what amounts to a
using high fusion inks to print in   “The result is a breakthrough      better option than the Canon         press that is twice as productive
offset quality on standard offset    platform that expands into         i300 inkjet press. It runs faster,   as the iGen 150 will add to pres-
papers. This ink technology has      the commercial print environ-      needs no primer and is half the      sure on the toner technology.
been ported to a cut sheet press     ment and supports high quality     footprint says Xerox. The inks          Like all Xerox inkjet presses,
that shares transport and quality    production with economics          Xerox says will adhere to coated     this continues the trend of
control mechanisms with the          similar to offset printing.        and silk coated papers as well as    naming machines after moun-
iGen range.                             “Designing and manufactur-      uncoated without application of      tains. Baltoro is a mountain and
   Baltoro will print at 1200dpi     ing the Baltoro HF from frame      a priming coat.                      glacier in the Karakorum range
at 150 sheets a minute, using        to the engine gives us a greater      There is no information about     in northern Pakistan.

Arctic Snow                                                             Crispy Mountain                      under the umbrella of HeiOS.
                                                                                                                The deal will accelerate
comes to Kent                                                           will be HeiOS                        Crispy Mountain’s development

                                                                        foundation                           path, enabling it to tap into
                                                                                                             Heidelberg’s software expertise
is adding an ultra white matt                                           HEIDELBERG IS CREATING               and to recruit further program-
coated paper, Arctic Snow, to                                           a cloud based ecosystem for          mers of its own.
its portfolio as a paper suited to                                      print, linking its online portal        They will be directed to creat-
both litho and digital printing.                                        for ordering consumables, its        ing versions for niche verticals.
   “We are continuing to                                                reporting technology and its         A books version will be followed
expand our portfolio with excit-                                        subscription services, now           by packaging and labels, tying
ing products that enable our                                            expanded to include Prinect          in with Heidelberg’s strategic
customers to differentiate and                                          and MIS.                             directions.
win business. Arctic Snow is an                                            This will be developed into          Keyline already has exten-
exceptionally white paper, and                                          the HeiOS as a fully configured      sive connectivity to third-party
it will prove more than a match                                         system for print by the opening      applications through its API.
to some of the established high                                         of Drupa in a year’s time.           The approach will be expanded
white brands that sit in prestige                                          A foundation stone comes          to plug in any number of
area of commercial print,” says                                         through the acquisition of           independent third-party appli-
director Andy Buxton.                                                   Crispy Mountain, the devel-          cations “to give print shops
   “Arctic Snow provides the                                            oper of the Keyline MIS which        easier access to comprehensive
versatility that other grades                                           reached the UK last year and         services at the lowest possible
simply don’t. It’s stocked for                                          is based on open interfaces and      administrative burden”, accord-
both litho and digital applica-                                         cloud computing.                     ing to Heidelberg.
tions, but we can also provide                                             The development of the               More ambitiously it wants to
reels on very quick lead times                                          HeiOS may entice others soft-        extend the HeiOS to encompass
for web offset and CutStar                                              ware developers either to sell       printers that do not currently
printing.”                                                              out to Heidelberg or else to         use Heidelberg’s digital, litho or
   Arctic Snow comes with FSC        ing through the World Land         make their applications through      label printing technology as an
certification and can be further     Trust. The merchant is making      what Heidelberg hopes will be        Amazon for print, according to
certified through carbon balanc-     swatches available.                print’s app store. This comes        CEO Rainer Hundsdörfer.

16    July/August 2019 www.printbusiness.co.uk

JV for packaging names
Robert Stabler as MD
ROBERT STABLER, ex Xerox             Durst SPC 130 in its portfo-                                              upon the R&D resources that
and ex HP Indigo, has been           lio. Both are single pass inkjet                                          are already in place, but will
named managing director of the       machines for corrugated sheets.                                           need a management team to
Koenig & Bauer Durst, its joint      These will be sold through the                                            lead the business in order to
venture in inkjet packaging.         global network of both part-                                              make the most of the oppor-
   He takes up his new role on       ners. The headquarters of the                                             tunity. This is acknowledged
1 August having spent seven          new business will be in Würz-                                             by K&B chief executive Claus
months as a consultant after         burg which is marginally easier                                           Bolza-Schünemann.
leaving Xerox at the end of last     to reach than the Durst head                                                 “This is the start of some-
year, following British colleague    office in Brixen, at least for the                                        thing very special in the printing
Andrew Copley out of the door.       UK based Stabler.                     Robert Stabler takes over           and packaging industry. We are
   The immediate task is focused        “I am really excited to take on    joint venture.                      incredibly excited by the oppor-
on completing the Varijet 106        this new challenge in the folding                                         tunities ahead of us and we are
hybrid carton press in time to       carton and corrugated pack-          tions. Durst with its expertise      confident being able to form
demonstrate this at Drupa.           aging markets,” says Stabler.        in digital imaging, production       a superb team led by Robert
Stabler is already familiar with     “Both are ripe for digital trans-    systems, inks and software           Stabler,” he says. And Christof
the concept and the machine. In      formation with run lengths           integration, Koenig & Bauer          Gamper, CEO of Durst, adds:
its first form this was to use an    declining in both segments and       with all its mechanical knowl-       “The team we’ll create for the
inkjet array supplied by Xerox.      brands crying out for very good,     edge, high duty cycle process,       joint venture will supply the
At the last Drupa, this arrange-     cost effective, short-run and        engineering, paper transport         necessary solutions in markets
ment was shown by both KBA,          versioning solutions.                capabilities plus, of course, the    where digital production lines
as it then was, and Xerox.              “We will add all the compe-       great go-to-market expertise of      offer huge opportunities for the
   The new business will also        tencies of Durst and Koenig &        both teams.”                         folding carton and corrugated
have the Corrujet 170 and the        Bauer to leverage the best solu-        Stabler will be able to call      fibreboard industries.”

Smile please! as                     three years in charge of the
                                                                          Friedheim                            ers enough time to see the kit.
                                                                                                               We’re trying to give an honest
photo printers                          And with the completion of        succeeds with                        representation of the capa-
merge                                the deal for Shutterfly, Apollo
                                     will buy rival Snapfish, but
                                                                          Zechini                              bilities of the machines and not
                                                                                                               simply rush bodies through the
THE TWO GIANTS OF the                contingent on the first deal being   FRIEDHEIM International              door.”
online photo printing world          completed in Q4. Both deals will     has declared its open house for         Those that have come to
are to be merged under single        complete at the same time.           Zechini book making equip-           Hemel Hempstead represent
ownership. But this is not a case       Snapfish is a subsidiary of       ment a success.                      specialist binders, digital print-
of Snapfish acquiring Shutterfly,    District Photo which bought             The aim has been to demon-        ers and photobook producers.
nor the latter buying the former.    what was an HP facility in 2015.     strate a full case bound book           All are chasing a fast growing
Both are being bought by Apollo      It is also the owner of Harrier      production line to printers          sector of the market in short run
Global Management to create          LLC the UK’s largest photo           and trade binders by appoint-        hard cover book production,
what will be comfortably the         products printer in Newton           ment only. This allows time          whether for printed books or
largest player in online photo       Abbott, Devon. Under the terms       for production staff as well as      straightforward notebooks.
product printing.                    of the deal, Snapfish is valued at   directors to get to grips with the      In 2018 hard cover book
   Under the terms of the            $300 million. District Photo will    Italian made machinery without       production increased to the
deal Shutterfly’s shareholders       continues as a fulfilment partner    time pressure – or a rival peering   point it is now a £2.5 billion
receive $51 each equating to         to Snapfish according to District    over a shoulder.                     sector.
$2.7 billion. The company has        Photo CEO Neil Cohen.                   Friedheim had welcomed               And the Zechini equip-
been on the block for a while           Both are major customers for      15 companies in the first ten        ment is priced to enable new
having created a strategic review    HP Indigo. Shutterfly ordered        days of the event with a similar     entrants to take advantage or
committee at the start of this       25 B2 Indigos at Drupa and later     number already lined up before       for larger binders to run short
year. The first change will be the   followed up with another order       the doors closed on 19 July.         run jobs without tying up
recruitment of Ryan O’Hara as        for the Indigo 12000, ousting           Stuart Bamford, national sales    heavier production machinery.
president and CEO from.              Xerox as preferred supplier          manager for postpress, says:         A complete line represents an
   Outgoing CEO Christopher          in what HP Indigo called “its        “We’ve made sure that we can         investment of £110,000, says a
North returns to London after        biggest ever competitive win”.       give as many of our custom-          Friedheim spokesperson.

18    July/August 2019 www.printbusiness.co.uk
Impremia IS29 inkjet digital printing system
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The march of the internet
is slowing say reports
A TRIO OF REPORTS has                 for 33% of ad spend and 38%          and 45% believe they spend           the advertising industry under
questioned the seemingly              of the consumers’ time with          too much time with electronic        the title Rebranding Advertis-
unstoppable rise of the inter-        media.                               devices. It says 70% believe in      ing. It aims to demonstrate the
net, with even Mary Meeker’s             And overall time spent online     the importance of being able to      positive impact that advertis-
Internet Trends report raising        continues to climb and access        switch off.                          ing across all channels has. The
questions.                            to the internet reaches 78%             And the same cohort likes         headline findings declare that
   This has charted trends            for Europeans. In the UK this        print: 69% find print works best     advertising adds some sparkle
and developments across the           is higher still with everyone in     for books, 61% prefer reading        into people’s lives, twice as many
online world for more than two        this country having some kind        printed magazines and 54%            as those that find it a distraction,
decades, pointing to discrepan-       of online access.                    prefer newspapers in this way.       with 10% only finding that they
cies in how advertisers continue         But this is giving rise to        The UK preferences are slightly      are overwhelmed by offline
to support print when increasing      concerns about the mental            lower than this, but are still       advertising compared to 15%
amounts of time are spent with        health impact of this continual      weighted towards ink on paper.       who claim to be overwhelmed
online media.                         access leading to campaigns             As this is Two Sides, there are   by online advertising.
   In 2010 this meant that print      to reduce online usage and           statistics to show how consum-          Television adverts are the most
swallowed 27% of advertis-            promoting time away from             ers also want transactional and      welcome (52%), out of home is
ing dollars, but only 8% of           social media in particular. And      functional communications to         the favoured channel for 22% and
the consumers’ time. By 2018          Meeker points to the growing         be available in print. And that      only 11% say that digital is their
print’s share of the overall          number of apps that measure          consumers continue to be misled      favourite style of advertising.
advertising spend had dropped         how people divide up their time.     over the environmental impact           It amounts to a point where
to 7%, still more than the 3% of         A survey from Two Sides           of paper and misinformed             there is greater awareness about
time that consumers spend with        about reading habits for Euro-       about the rate of recycling          the digital world, that it is not in
newspapers and magazines.             peans puts further meat on this.     across Europe. And only one in       itself a panacea for all and that
   In contrast advertising on         It found that 48% expressing         three are aware of certification     there is real value on the more
mobile devices was unrecord-          concern about the impact of          schemes like FSC.                    mature ways of communicating,
able in 2010 and now accounts         electronic devices on health            The third report comes from       print included.

Mercian looks                                                                                                   moment a lot of theses people
                                                                                                                simply do not understand what
ahead as it                                                                                                     is available.”
celebrates 50th                                                                                                    The company is working with
                                                                                                                a hotel chain in the Maldives to
year                                                                                                            supply a label which dissolves in
MERCIAN LABELS IS looking                                                                                       water to allow the glass bottle to
forward positively to a second 50                                                                               be reused with a new label, he
years’ trading as it celebrates its                                                                             explains.
                                        celebrated with
golden jubilee with a ceremony                                                                                     In the same vein of innova-
                                        Lord Stafford.
involving all staff and VIP                                                                                     tion led change, Mercian Gold
guests including Lord Stafford.                                                                                 has been introduced to bring
   “Labels will always been                                                                                     together the embellishments
needed in some form or other,”                                                                                  that are possible on a label
says sales director Hugo Gell.                                                                                  from varnishes, embossing and
And that form has already             nothing goes to landfill, that       the conversations, and we have       foils and materials to create the
changed towards digital where         production avoids the use of         to keep doing that until people      impact that the customer is
Mercian is one of Xeikon’s key        solvents, label stock is recycled    understand what is avail-            looking for.
UK customers. It is currently         or from certified forests and that   able and what is possible,” he          “It’s about taking the digital
looking for a further Xeikon          the digitally printed labels are     says. Raw materials manufac-         capabilities and mixing them up
operator.                             completely de-inkable.               turers will also be invited to       to produce unique effects. It is
   The next shift, according to          Now the company is plan-          participate.                         one of the advantages of digital
Gell, will be towards sustain-        ning a seminar on the subject           “We should all be consider-       printing that you can create
ability. The company has this         to engage designers and brands       ing something a little different     these effects, varying them for
year launched Mercia Zero,            owners to the benefits of            because more of the same isn’t       each label if necessary,” says
an initiative to guarantee that       working sustainably. “It sparks      going to last forever. At the        Gell.                          n

20    July/August 2019 www.printbusiness.co.uk
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