Eyecarrot Innovations Corp - Investor Information Q1 2019

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Eyecarrot Innovations Corp - Investor Information Q1 2019
Eyecarrot Innovations Corp.
Investor Information

Q1 2019
Eyecarrot Innovations Corp - Investor Information Q1 2019

Safe Harbour
This confidential business presentation (the “Presentation”) has been prepared by Eyecarrot Innovations Corp. (“Eyecarrot”).      Many factors could cause our actual results, performance or achievements to be materially different from any future
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                                                                                                                 www.eyecarrot.com                      info@eyecarrot.com                       1.844.600.5932                                               
Eyecarrot Innovations Corp - Investor Information Q1 2019
What is Binovi?
                Binocular + Vision
        Binocular                              Vision
           adjective                             noun

 bin·​oc·​u·​lar | \ bī-nä-kyə-lər         vi·​sion | \ vi-zhən

of, relating to, using, or adapted   the act or power of seeing; the
    to the use of both eyes          sense by which the qualities of
                                        an object are perceived
Eyecarrot Innovations Corp - Investor Information Q1 2019
  4   Who is Eyecarrot?
  5   Our History
  6   Our People
  7   Identifying Issues
  8   Who We Benefit
  9   What People Are Saying About Us
 10   Visual Skills
 11   The Solution
 12   Benefits – Software
 13   Benefits – Hardware
 14   Our Relationships
 15   Business Model Revenues
 16   Binovi Academy
 17   Market Performance
 18   Innovation
Eyecarrot Innovations Corp - Investor Information Q1 2019

Who is Eyecarrot?
Eyecarrot Innovations Corp. (TSX-V: EYC | OTCQB: EYCCF) is a Toronto-based healthcare technology
company developing a mobile-first software-centered service platform for the vision development, vision
rehabilitation, and vision performance industries.

We are a dedicated team working together to create a comprehensive software-based solution. We are
working together under a common banner to help our clients get better measurable results in less time,
and with less effort.

Eyecarrot’s BinoviTM Platform is an innovative technology solution that integrates software, hardware, data,
and expert knowledge to help optometrists treat vision-related issues with in-office therapy and doctor-led
home-based activities, and help trainers and athletes improve and maintain performance in sport and in life.

We are transforming how vision healthcare and vision performance services are performed and integrated
while addressing key challenges across the board.

                                                                        www.eyecarrot.com         info@eyecarrot.com   1.844.600.5932            
Eyecarrot Innovations Corp - Investor Information Q1 2019

Our History
1 in 4 people worldwide live with issues related to their vision that go beyond visual acuity. Despite this,
ophthalmic treatment primarily focuses on visual acuity issues and disease management, leaving many visual
performance issues undiagnosed or mistreated. Eyecarrot was founded to bring attention to these issues,
and to help those treating them by providing the tools necessary to bring treatment into the 21st century.
A broader vision is vital in how we view the world around us, and we are focused on the importance of
developing, protecting, and perfecting that vision.

                                                                       www.eyecarrot.com         info@eyecarrot.com   1.844.600.5932            
Eyecarrot Innovations Corp - Investor Information Q1 2019

Our People
Management Team                                     Board of Directors                                   Advisors
Adam Cegielski BSc                                  Adam Cegielski BSc                                   Dr Robert Sanet OD, F.COVD
President + CEO, Founder                            President + CEO, Founder                             Special Advisor – Behavioural Optometry + Vision Training

Sam Mithani PhD                                     Dr. Sam Mithani, PhD                                 Dr. Leonard Press OD, F.COVD
Chief Technology Officer                            Chieft Technology Officer                            Director – Global Education

Adrian Makuch                                       Dr. John G. Flanagan OD, PhD, FAAO                   Bryce Salvador New Jersey Devils Captain (ret)
Head of Corporate Development                       Director                                             Special Advisor – Sports

Tania Archer                                        Sean Charland                                        Joe Lia Producer, Survivor
Head of Marketing + Sales                           Director                                             Video Production

Adam Montpetit                                                                                           Todd Finch
Design Manager                                                                                           Strategic Advisor – Technology

Patrick Kukulski
Customer Service + Client Success Manager, Canada

Esther Jimenez
Client Success Manager, Americas

Fernando Gonzalez
Client Success Manager, Spain

                                                                       www.eyecarrot.com   info@eyecarrot.com         1.844.600.5932                              
Eyecarrot Innovations Corp - Investor Information Q1 2019

Identifying Issues
A standard eye exam tests for structural issues and disease, but not for functional problems. Basic testing can indicate 20/20 vision but might not show underlying issues.

Standard Eye Tests                                                                                    Functional Vision Issues
Visual Acuity Test                                                                                    Oculomotor Dysfunctions
This is the standard 20/20 “letters on a wall” test to see how clearly you see at a fixed distance.   This refers to object tracking and eye movement issues that can cause things like double vision.

Retinoscopy                                                                                           Accommodative Dysfunctions
This test allows the optometrist to approximate your optimal lens prescription.                       This directly affects the ability to attain focus at certain distances or within an acceptable time.

Refraction test                                                                                       Binocular Vision Disorders
This test allows the prescription of lenses for nearsightedness, farsightedness, and/or               This refers to eye coordination and alignment, where the eyes aren’t working in tandem.

Keratometry Test
This test measures the shape and curve of the outside of the eye, known as the cornea, and
allows for optometrists to detect astigmatism.

Intraocular Pressure Measurement
This test measures the force or pressure created by the fluid in your eyes. An abnormal level of
eye pressure can be a warning sign of glaucoma.

                                                                                          www.eyecarrot.com             info@eyecarrot.com              1.844.600.5932                                    
Eyecarrot Innovations Corp - Investor Information Q1 2019

Who We Benefit
Optometry Patients                                                       Athletes                                                              Education
                                     Vision therapists and                                                  Sports vision trainers now                                          Determining whether someone
                                     optometrists using Binovi Pro                                          have at their disposal an ideal                                     needs vision therapy, or could
                                     are able to stay on track as a                                         set of tools to test, train, and                                    benefit from vision training,
                                     vision care team and ensure                                            track performance. When                                             can start early. Our goal is to
                                     that each patient has their test                                       thousandths of a second, or                                         get Binovi devices and testing/
                                     and treatment results properly                                         fractions of an inch, are what                                      diagnostic tools available to
                                     catalogued and organized so                                            separate the best from the                                          schools and educators to get to
                                     that decisions can be made                                             rest, having accurate and                                           the bottom of issues common
                                     quickly and accurately.                                                comprehensive data is key.                                          with school-age children.

Therapists use Binovi Pro to track data, assign custom-tailored          Finding the limit, and helping athletes push past that limit, is      Steps to achieve that goal have already been taken with
home therapy plans and activities to patients, and monitor               where Binovi is the ideal training companion.                         a partnership with Great Valley Academy in Modesto,
outcomes at micro and macro levels. Using Binovi Coach,                                                                                        California, USA, home to nearly 2,000 students from junior
patients can review their prescribed therapy, ensuring they are          Binovi Pro and Binovi Touch work together for athletes and            kindergarten to grade 8. As part of our work together, Binovi
completing activities correctly. They can also report back on            their trainers to collect and organize real-time data and test        will be features in the school with 16 Binovi Touch devices in
how their treatment is progressing, and stay in contact with             results, providing insight into the progress made —and                the goal of driving enhancements in vision skills relating to
their care team at all times.                                            progress to make— by each athlete.                                    academics and athletic performance.

In conjunction with Binovi Coach, Binovi practitioners have access                                                                             With a real-world screening opportunity in-place, work can
to Binovi Kit, a collection of tools and materials needed for patients                                                                         be undertaken in earnest to test and perfect our screening
to complete many of their home therapy activities correctly.                                                                                   technologies for the mass market.

                                                                                              www.eyecarrot.com                info@eyecarrot.com            1.844.600.5932                                  
Eyecarrot Innovations Corp - Investor Information Q1 2019

What People Are Saying About Us
“I have been so excited about the roll out of the Binovi platform. I believe this will make home
therapy far more effective and allow the doctor and staff more easily modify programs on the
fly. In addition, I believe this platform will be outstanding for those of us who work with sports
teams and rehabilitation centers to set up and carry our therapy plans in a consistent and
ultimately more successful manner. Now add in the Binovi saccadic fixator—and you can begin
to see the ultimate vision for this product.”

Charles Shidlofsky od, f.covd
Neuro-Vision Associates of North Texas, TX

               “It is beyond exciting to be part of a team that is so passionate about getting people excited
               about vision therapy. What Eyecarrot has done, not only for our practice but for Vision
               Therapy on a global basis, is incredible! From staff training, to compliance, to communication,
               to inspiration, to providing the ultimate vision therapy experience; Binovi has revolutionized
               it all. Binovi has exceeded our expectations with their amazing support team of skilled
               professionals that quickly bring solutions to life.”

               Patti Andrich ma, otr/l, covt
               Sensory Focus / The Vision Development Team, OH

                                   “I am excited to be a part of the Eyecarrot Team. After a cochlear concussion had left me sidelined
                                   for an entire hockey season, vision therapy along with sports vision training alleviated my visual
                                   symptoms and played a crucial role in my return to playing hockey in the NHL. Not only did the
                                   therapy help me recover from this injury, but it also enabled me to see the game in a way that I hadn’t
                                   before. In joining Eyecarrot, I have the opportunity to use my first-hand experience to contribute to
                                   the development of Eyecarrot’s high performance products for athletes and non-athletes alike."

                                   Bryce Salvador
                                   Former Captain, NHL New Jersey Devils

                                                                                            www.eyecarrot.com                info@eyecarrot.com   1.844.600.5932            

Visual Skills
Sight is one of our 5 senses; our ability to see. How well we          Vision is the result of the neurological processes that stem from        Whether it’s as a professional baseball player, tracking the ball
see things depends heavily on acuity, or how clearly images            the input from our eyes to the visual cortex of the brain, and           as it leaves the pitchers hand and swinging the bat at the right
of the world are projected onto the receptive portions of our          accounts for an overwhelming majority of the sensory input               time and place to hit a home run, or a child following a string of
eyes. This alone, however, is not vision. Being able to see            our brains process. Vision encompasses things like hand-eye              letters and words and being able to make sense of what they are
things clearly is only the beginning.                                  coordination (physical movement based on visual stimulus),               seeing, vision is a crucial part of how we interact with the world
                                                                       oculomotor control (eyes working correctly together to track things      around us, and it is something that can always be improved.
                                                                       in the world), and visual-spatial awareness (the ability to tell
                                                                       where things are in space relative to the observer). These things
                                                                       may seem like specialized areas, but they’re key vision skills we
                                                                       use every day, and rely on to perform well and stay safe.

Key Vision Skills
Eye Movement Control                                                                                        Depth Awareness
The ability to move both eyes together to point at a target or follow along a path.                         Depth Perception, being able to tell that things are farther away or close up.

Simultaneous Focus                                                                                          Colour Perception
Forming a clear image of something at a specific distance.                                                  Being able to tell colours apart.

Sustaining Focus                                                                                            Gross Visual-Motor
Keeping a clear image of something at a specific distance.                                                  Moving throuh space without bumping into them using visual information.

Simultaneous Alignment                                                                                      Fine Visual-Motor
Lining up both eyes at the same point at a specific distance                                                Writing, sewing, texting, or doing other small, close-up activities with accuracy.

Sustaining Alignment                                                                                        Visual Perception
Keeping both eyes lined up at the same point at a specific distance.                                        Being aware of the environment and what is going on in the visual field.

Central Vision (Visual Acuity)                                                                              Visual Integration
Clarity in the visual image.                                                                                Bringing together vision and other senses to accomplish tasks, like reading while walking a
                                                                                                            balance beam.
Peripheral Vision
Being able to see to either side while the eyes are pointed forwards.

                                                                                             www.eyecarrot.com                 info@eyecarrot.com              1.844.600.5932                                 

The Solution
Our solution to these issues is the Binovi Platform. Here’s how Binovi helps Optometrists, Trainers, Patients, and Athletes.

           Screening + Testing                                    Assessment + Training                                           Care + Maintenance
          IP Based Vision Performance Screening                       Licensed Therapy Video Library                             Patient Care Platform via Binovi Coach
              Digitized Testing Infrastructure                    Modernized Vision Performance Hardware                    Doctor-prescribed personalized home therapy plan
       Globally Standardized Symptom Questionnaire

                                                                          www.eyecarrot.com            info@eyecarrot.com          1.844.600.5932                           

Benefits – Software
Eyecarrot’s integrated approach benefits therapy teams and athletic trainers and their clients.

                                                                                                                Real-Time Data + Insights for each user

                                                                                                                User-centric data

                                                                                                                Uniformity of user instructions within the practice

                                                                                                                Therapy/Training efficiency + collaboration

                                                                                                                Therapy/Training plans + communication

                                                                                                                Care and Training regimens and sessions

                                                                                                                Capture of symptom data

                                                                                                                Increase in user compliance + performance

                                                                          www.eyecarrot.com       info@eyecarrot.com        1.844.600.5932                         

Benefits – Hardware
A purposeful and powerful tool for vision therapy and vision training, Binovi Touch is the result of over 30 years of experience
in over 1,500 practices in over 20 countries around the world on children, athletes, and seniors resolving issues from
development, to performance, to rehabilitation.

                                                                                                                                   Connected Control
                                                                                                                                   Connected through Bluetooth to the Binovi Touch iPad app, a
                                                                                                                                   single iPad can control any number of Binovi Touch devices!
                                                                                                                                   Launch the Binovi Touch App from Binovi Pro to record data
                                                                                                                                   directly to user profiles and track their progress.

                                                                                                                                   Tried-and-tested vision therapy and vision performance
                                                                                                                                   activities from the Wayne Saccadic Fixator have already been
                                                                                                                                   ported to the new Binovi Touch.

                                                                                                                                   Completely customizable tests can drill down into specific
                                                                                                                                   aspects of a user’s vision skills, or can be broadened to get a
                                                                                                                                   bigger picture of how they are progressing.

                                                                                                                                   An ever-growing range of new accessories to be used with
                                                                                                                                   the new Touch are currently under development, designed for
                                                                                                                                   seamless integration with Binovi Touch and the Binovi Touch
                                                                                                                                   App, including a number of 3rd-party devices such as heart-
                                                                                                                                   rate monitors and the new Binovi Balance Board.

                                                                                     www.eyecarrot.com             info@eyecarrot.com             1.844.600.5932                                  

Our Partnerships + Relationships
We have partnered with leading experts in the optometry field as well as some of the largest optometric associations
around the world to bring the best of what they have to offer to Binovi. We are also working in conjunction with a number
of influential sports vision practices and some great professional sports teams! Binovi gives athletes a competitive edge in a
world where fractions of a second mean the difference.

               Australasian College of Behavioural Optometrists                               Tennis Canada                                           GPG Consulting
               ACBO                                                                           National Team                                           High Performance Training

               British Association of Behaviourla Optometrists                                Sporting KC                                             Performance Lab Toronto
               BABO                                                                           Major League Soccer                                     High Performance Training

               Behavioral Optometry Academy Foundation                                        Swope Park Rangers                                      xHockey Performance
               BOAF                                                                           USL Affiliate – Sporting KC                             High Performance Training

               College of Optometrists in Vision Development                                  Chicago Cubs                                            Great Valley Academy
               COVD                                                                           Major League Baseball                                   Modesto California, USA

               Canadian Optometrists in Vision Therapy & Rehabilitation                       Los Angeles Dodgers
               COVT&R                                                                         Major League Baseball

               Neuro-Optometric Rehabilitation Association                                    Valdemar Eriksen Racing
               NORA                                                                           Formula 4

               Optometric Extension Program Foundation                                        Institut National du Sport du Québec
               OEPF                                                                           National Sports Institute

               Sociedad Internacional de Optometría del
               Desarrollo y del Comportamiento

                                                                                     www.eyecarrot.com              info@eyecarrot.com   1.844.600.5932                          

Business Model Revenues
Software Subscription $300 / month                                                                    Hardware One-Time $3000 / device

                              250   $1,085,000                                                                 $900,000
 Practices / Organizations

                              500                $2,170,000                                                    $1,500,000

                             1000                             $4,340,700                                         $3,000,000

                             1500                                                     $6,511,100                  $4,500,000

                                                                  www.eyecarrot.com     info@eyecarrot.com   1.844.600.5932             

Binovi Academy
Binovi Academy forms the educational hub of the Binovi Platform. Working with a pool of knowledgeable experts and industry
leaders and influencers, we have created a collection of interactive, multi-media e-books that bring rich content and an engaging
experience to readers. This expert knowledge is supplemented and integrated with software and hardware tie-ins. Binovi
Academy content packs include testing and therapy protocols and pre-set activities for Binovi Pro, as well as custom test
configurations for Binovi Touch, and more. Binovi Academy helps tie together the four pillars of the Binovi Platform and aims to
bring as much new information, tools, and techniques to users as possible.

                                 Foundational Home Vision Therapy Library
                                 Dr. Robert Sanet’s library of at-home and in-office vision therapy activities (120+) complete with
                                 photo slideshow and step-by-step hd video instruction.

                                 Dr. Len Press Academy Theory
                                 Adapted from his book Applied Concepts in Vision Therapy for therapist training, Dr. Press’
                                 added content explains the how and why of many of Dr. Sanet’s activities.

                                 Advanced Primitive Reflex Library
                                 Patti Andrich’s collection of occupational therapy activities are now available, and include
                                 accompanying photos, hd video instruction, and step-by-step instructions.

                                 Advanced Sports Training Library
                                 Training and therapy protocols from the International Sports Vision Association to standardize
                                 and improve the treatment and training given by their members. (Expected 2019)

                                 Functional Syntonic Optometry Library
                                 Dr. Stefan Collier’s book on functional syntonic optometry in an engaging and multi-media format
                                 to help spur the use of neuro-photonics in treatment and training (currently in development).

                                 More on the horizon
                                 With more partnerships from both the vision therapy and sports vision worlds, our goal is to
                                 expand the Binovi Academy library to include a wide variety of useful and informative content
                                 packs to help trainers and therapists better help their clients.

                                                                                         www.eyecarrot.com              info@eyecarrot.com   1.844.600.5932            

Market Performance + Capital Structure
Share Price + Share Trading Volume (2018-03 — 2019-03)                           Share Structure
                                                                                   Shares Outstanding           120,426,474

                                                                                                 Warrants       50,034,512

                                                                                                   Options      11,550,000

                                                                                        Total Fully Diluted     182,010,986







 $0.00                                                                0
 2018-03-25                    2019-09-19                        2019-03-16

                                             www.eyecarrot.com     info@eyecarrot.com          1.844.600.5932                      

Binovi continues to grow. Development is underway to bring the Speed of Stereopsis test to the Binovi Touch App, bringing a
new diagnostic and assessment tool to both vision therapists and sports vision performance trainers. This exercise is an excellent
and quick way of determining if a person has a potential issue with convergence, depth perception, or eye teaming. Also under
development is a new version of the balance board accessory originally made for the Wayne Saccadic Fixator. The new wireless
balance board will incorporate a full gyroscopic sensor and be available as a standalone item and as an accessory for most Binovi
Touch activities. Together, these tools expand the possibilities surrounding the Binovi Platform.

                                  Speed of Stereopsis
                                  Building on the intellectual property developed by Chief Scientific Advisor Dr. Selwyn Super,
                                  Binovi will soon incorporate the Speed of Stereopsis diagnostic tool, a test designed to
                                  determine a person’s ability to distinguish the position of an object in 3D space. Coming
                                  soon to the Binovi Touch App.

                                  Binovi Balance Board
                                  The Wayne Saccadic Fixator —from which we built Binovi Touch— was often paired with a
                                  balance board, used as a controller input device. While the core idea remains the same, the
                                  actual functionality has been greatly improved and connection is now wireless. Add-on packs
                                  incorporating new bases that increase difficulty or add new control parameters are in the
                                  works, set to be released sometime in 2019.

                                                                                         www.eyecarrot.com            info@eyecarrot.com   1.844.600.5932            
© 2019 Eyecarrot Innovations Corp
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