FantreeNews The magazine for DKSH employees

Page created by Dwayne Byrd
FantreeNews The magazine for DKSH employees
Summer 2014

The magazine for DKSH employees

Fantree President Award winners 2013
Discover this year’s inspiring winners and projects

DKSH leadership principles
Get Dr. Wolle’s personal insights on
how to “lead oneself”

Grow your career at DKSH
Learn about the relaunched Fantree Academy
and its training programs

This season’s new corporate gifts
Check out our most wanted new gifts

Think Asia. Think DKSH.
FantreeNews The magazine for DKSH employees
FantreeNews The magazine for DKSH employees
Welcome      01

Dear Colleagues,

                   Welcome to the summer 2014 edition of Fantree News –
                   the magazine for you, our DKSH employees.
                   I am pleased to present you with a new,          In light of the continued emerging market
                   modern and dynamic design for our                challenges that we face, I expect you to fo-
                   Fantree News magazine. The structure of          cus even more strongly on cost efficiency
                   the magazine has also been amended to            and driving performance. Be courageous;
                   provide you with an even better reading          act with fighting spirit; and help us invest
                   experience.                                      in the expansion of our network and spe-
                                                                    cialists in areas that offer over-proportional
                   In the first section, we look at some of the     growth opportunities.
                   key Group-wide moments that have taken
Dr. Joerg Wolle    place over the past six months, notably the      I am counting on your ongoing strong sup-
President & CEO    release of our full-year results for 2013, the   port and dedication for an excellent sec-
                   winners of the Fantree President Awards          ond half of 2014, to reach our targets for
                   and their inspiring projects, and my per-        2014. Thank you for going the extra mile
                   sonal take on the DKSH leadership princi-        to build our success story and track record,
                   ples, to name but a few exciting themes.         making DKSH the company everyone
                                                                    thinks of first when they think of Asia!
                   In the second section, we then delve into
                   the latest business news from our Business       This is your magazine, so if you have any
                   Units, followed by a roundup of news from        comments on what you read, or sugges-
                   DKSH offices around the world.                   tions for what you would like to see, please
                                                                    let us know at
                   The diversity and sheer number of happen-
                   ings taking place in our DKSH offices are a      With best personal regards,
                   testament to your passionate support and
                   commitment in diligently and consistently
                   implementing our strategy for sustainable,
                   profitable growth. Those efforts help us to
                   succeed in further expanding our business,
                   increasing our market share and cement-
                   ing our position as the No. 1 Market
                   Expansion Services provider with a focus
                   on Asia.
FantreeNews The magazine for DKSH employees

                		01 Welcome

                		02 Contents

           10   		04
                       Corporate news
                       Another record year for DKSH in 2013
                       Championing the future of DKSH
                       Bringing HR at DKSH to the next level in 2014
                       DKSH buys Glory in Macau
                		12   Six DKSH role models commended with Fantree President Award
                		17   Grow within your career at DKSH
                		20   Getting to the heart of the DKSH leadership principles
                		22   Ensuring responsible behavior: compliance in practice
                		23   Increasing productivity and fostering team spirit
                			    at the DKSH Levi’s Laundry Plant
                		24   What’s new in DKSH corporate wear and gifts
                		26   The internal noticeboard

                		28 Press review

           34   		30
                       Business Unit Consumer Goods
                       Henkel and DKSH off to a bright start in Myanmar
                       Jamie Oliver brand signs with DKSH down under

                		32   Maurice Lacroix becomes FC Barcelona official watch partner

                		33   Business Unit Healthcare
                		33   Building the first high-end brand of diagnostic pregnancy tests in China
                		34   DKSH Malaysia inaugurates new Healthcare distribution center
                		35   Healthcare Own Brands continue successful journey

                		36   Business Unit Performance Materials
                		36   New Co-Heads Business Unit Performance Materials
                		37   Celebrating the launch of Luna in Bangkok
                		38   DKSH and DSM build strategic collaboration in Asia

                		39 Business Unit Technology
                		39 DKSH Anthropology: measuring the human body
                		40 DKSH’s first technology exhibition in Indonesia

                		41 New business roundup
FantreeNews The magazine for DKSH employees
Contents   03


		44 Infographic
		44 Market Expansion Services: a growing industry

		46   A visit in...
		46   DKSH Indonesia

		48   In person
		48   Sanjay Guha, Head Business Unit Consumer Goods

		50 East meets west
		50 Dennis Foo, General Manager DKSH Vietnam

		52 Newsflash: Group-wide news

		61 Recipe

		62 DKSH photo competition

FantreeNews The magazine for DKSH employees
Another record year for DKSH in 2013

On March 11, 2014, we published our full-year 2013 financial results. We are                   outsource the sales and distribution of their
pleased to have achieved another record year, despite the challenging market en-               products in Asia to transparent and reliable
vironment.                                                                                     partners like DKSH, meaning that demand
                                                                                               for our services is continuing to rise.
Sound financial performance in 2013            cementing our position as the No. 1 Market
With organic sales growth of nearly 10%        Expansion Services provider with a focus on     Coupled with our strongly diversified and
compared with last year’s figures, we have     Asia,” commented Dr. Joerg Wolle, Presi-        scalable business model, this makes DKSH
been growing faster than the addressable       dent & CEO.                                     ideally positioned to benefit from the grow-
MES industry in Asia. Translated into num-                                                     ing middle class, rising inner-Asian trade
bers, since the merger in 2002, our sales      Industry outlook remains positive               and increased outsourcing to specialist ser-
have grown from CHF 3.5 billion to CHF         Roland Berger Strategy Consultants have         vice providers like DKSH.
9.6 billion, which means that they have in-    estimated an average annual growth rate
creased more than two-and-a-half-times. In     of 7.8% for the MES industry over the next      Annual General Meeting
terms of profit, in 2013, DKSH reported an     five years. With a strong growth forecast       The successful financial year also resulted
EBIT increase of 2.5% to CHF 282.2 million,    through 2018, they predict that this will       in shareholders approving the continuation
while profit after tax (PAT) was CHF 214.1     drive the Asian MES market volume to a          of a payout of 25% to 35% of profits at
million, a 17% increase from 2012.             total of a projected USD 809 billion, which     the Annual General Meeting (AGM) which
                                               will make it by far the largest market in the   took place in Zurich, Switzerland, on April
This sound financial performance is espe-      world.                                          15, 2014.
cially good considering the challenging
market environment that we are in, with        Buoyant local consumption – the result of       In addition to approving the financial state-
the strong depreciation of the Japanese Yen    growing prosperity in the region – is one of    ments and Annual Report, the shareholders
and increased uncertainty and complexity in    the key reasons for such dynamic growth.        at the AGM also approved the nomination
some Asian markets, especially in our major    However, in light of the continued challeng-    of David Kamenetzky as the ninth member
market, Thailand.                              ing market environment with an uncertain        of the Board of Directors.
                                               political situation in our main market, Thai-
“The result was achieved on the back of        land, we need to focus even stronger on         DKSH’s Chairman, Adrian T. Keller com-
a well-established, robust business model      cost efficiency and on driving performance      mented: “I am very pleased to welcome
and the rigorous implementation of our         by being courageous and acting with fight-      David Kamenetzky as a new Board member
business strategy. I would like to thank all   ing spirit to invest in the expansion of our    as his in-depth understanding of the global
DKSH employees for their passionate sup-       network and specialists in areas which offer    consumer goods markets, coupled with his
port and commitment in diligently and con-     over-proportional growth opportunities.         outstanding professional career, make him
sistently implementing our strategy for sus-                                                   a perfect fit for our company.”
tainable, profitable growth. Those efforts     On the other hand, with the increased
help us to succeed in further expanding our    uncertainty and complexity in some Asian
business, increasing our market share, and     markets, we expect clients to increasingly

  Net sales in CHF million (2009 – 2013)         Net sales 2013 by Business Unit in %            Net sales 2013 by region in %

                                                  43.6 Consumer                                      36.5 	Thailand
                                                 			Goods                                            27.4 	Greater China
                                                     44.5	Healthcare                              20.7 Malaysia/
                                                  		8.1 Performance                              			Singapore
                                                 			Materials                                      11.6 Rest of
                                                    		3.8 Technology                             			 Asia Pacific
                                                                                                    		3.8 Rest of the world
FantreeNews The magazine for DKSH employees
Corporate news          05

Three questions to David Kamenetzky,        You’ve had a very interesting career             in 2008, I have travelled many times to Asia
new DKSH Board member                       working within a wide range of nation-           as this transaction tripled our regional busi-
                                            al cultures. Can you briefly tell us about       ness. Today, I am in the region at least four
                                            some of the highlights?                          times a year. I have visited Japan, China and
                                            I started my career working with the late Ig-    Australia this year already and will again re-
                                            natz Bubis, President of the Central Council     turn to China for business reviews in July.
                                            of Jews in Germany. This was very inter-
                                            esting as Mr. Bubis was a pivotal leader         What is your background?
                                            in European civil society during the critical    I’m both Swiss and German. I have a degree
                                            post-war era. Following this, I then saw the     in Finance, Accounting and Controlling
                                            inside of American politics, working in the      from the University of St. Gallen, Switzer-
                                            office of the United States Senator Chuck        land, and a Master’s in Foreign Relations
                                            Hagel. From 2000, I then joined Goldman          from Georgetown University, USA.
                                            Sachs & Co. and worked in London and
                                            Frankfurt, before joining Mars in 2006.          What drew you to join the DKSH Board
                                                                                             of Directors?
                                            Could you tell us about your career so           DKSH, with its focus on Asia, is a very inter-
                                            far with Mars?                                   esting company for me to work with and
                                            Over the past eight years, I have worked in      learn more about. I am looking forward to
                                            various positions within Mars in Europe and      being able to contribute to this dynamic or-
                                            the US. Following our acquisition of Wrigley     ganization in the years to come.

Further information
Read the Annual Report 2013, available on
our website (

Tip of the month:                           Net sales = revenues earned for selling          terials purchased, personnel costs or other
How to read financial figures               products or rendering services. It gives an      costs for running the business (IT, rent). It
                                            idea of the scale of the business, usually re-   gives you an idea of how profitable a com-
                                            ferred to as top line earnings.                  pany is from an operational point of view.

                                            EBIT (Earnings Before Interest and Tax-          Profit after tax = this is EBIT less taxes and
                                            es) = this is also called operating profit. In   financial expenses, usually referred to as the
                                            essence, EBIT is net sales less all operating    bottom line earnings.
                                            costs, such as expenses for goods and ma-

                                                                                                                   Till Leisner
                                                                                                                   Head Investor & Media Relations,
FantreeNews The magazine for DKSH employees
Championing the future of DKSH

With the upcoming implementation of our Future Operating Model (FOM), I’m
very happy to introduce the first intake of FOM Champions, five ambitious talents
who have been selected to drive this exciting journey forward.

As an FOM Champion, these individuals
become an integral part of the FOM team,                          Khairul Anuar
driving key initiatives. They work togeth-                        “It has been my ambition to be a part of a team whose ac-
er with the FOM country implementation                            tions will impact how DKSH operates in the future, and I am
team to oversee and coordinate the neces-                         grateful to be given that opportunity with FOM.”
sary tasks to take the FOM project imple-
mentation forward in their assigned coun-
tries and Business Units, as well as taking
the lead in the FOM implementation in their
own country.                                                      Esther Cheong
                                                                  “Having the opportunity to contribute and play a part in
The global view of the FOM project has                            one of DKSH’s most significant milestones is a thrilling and
been defined. In order to successfully im-                        inspiring moment for me.”
plement it, a local approach needs to be
devised to create relevance for the local
markets. The FOM Champion – as a local,
internal candidate – will ensure that local
factors are taken into account during the                         Muhammad Hamdi
implementation process.                                           “Honored to be part of this journey for the future of DKSH
                                                                  that is leading to opportunities of learning, gaining new
In addition, the Champions’ involvement                           experience and contributing more to this wonderful com-
throughout the implementation process of                          pany.”
FOM also allows them to later apply this
experience and expertise to maximizing fur-
ther value and efficiency to the businesses,
post-implementation stage.                                        Kai Ming Lau
                                                                  “There are three major reasons for me to be excited about
The first five FOM Champions were an-                             this project. It’s a challenge, I get to meet new talents in
nounced in a ceremony on March 28, 2014,                          DKSH and it’s an opportunity to learn from everyone.”
in Bangkok by President & CEO Dr. Wolle.

                                                                  Carvin Man
                                                                  “FOM is the most important project in DKSH and thanks
                                                                  for the opportunity to challenge myself and challenge the
FantreeNews The magazine for DKSH employees
Corporate news        07

“The selected Champions showed ambi-              The concept behind this idea was put for-     The second intake of FOM champions will
tious talent and a solid understanding of         ward at the last Annual Management            join in 2015 to support the rollout of the
the business and its direction,” explained        Meeting in November 2013. It was very         wave two countries. The announcement
Patricia Leoff, Vice President HR Asia Pacif-     well received and directly implemented        will be made in early 2015.
ic, before continuing: “This is a really excel-
lent career opportunity which allows these
FOM Champions to make a real difference
                                                  “This is a really excellent career opportunity which allows
to DKSH.”                                         these FOM Champions to make a real difference to DKSH.”
The Champions have the chance to net-             with the recruitment phase starting at        The FOM Champions started in their new
work through interacting and coordinating         the beginning of December 2013. By the        function on March 1, 2014. We wish them
work with colleagues from different regions       end of January 2014, the country nomi-        the best of luck in their challenging new as-
and functions, as well as the chance to           nation committee, consisting of the Head      signment!
work on a high visibility project with lots of    of Country Management, Local Business
exposure to top management. In addition,          Unit Managers for Consumer Goods and
it is a great opportunity for self-develop-       Healthcare and HR Manager, had identified
ment with trainings and on-the-job learn-         and interviewed potential candidates. The
ing putting the candidate in the position to      global FOM Steering Committee then made
career leap once this project is completed.       the final decision on who was going to join                        Empow
                                                  the team.                                                            to grow

What is the Future Operating Model?               havior based on a better understanding of     We want to be seen as a strategic, proactive
                                                  their needs.                                  and strong partner who helps our clients
With the Future Operating Model (FOM)                                                           and customers secure and increase market
project, we focus on strengthening our            We also are becoming more client and cus-     share and grow their business, thereby ulti-
growth platform and meeting client and            tomer-centric by providing customized solu-   mately also growing profitable business for
customer needs even better to continue            tions, strategic advice and on-the-ground     our company.
successfully growing their business. We           logistics to “make things happen.” We are
do this by driving their business in all sales    already doing this, but want to do it even
channels and by influencing shopper be-           better.

                                                                                                                      Bruno Sidler
                                                                                                                      Chief Operating Officer,
FantreeNews The magazine for DKSH employees
Bringing HR at DKSH to the next level in 2014

The HR team gathered in Bangkok in November 2013 for its annual Group-wide HR
workshop. This workshop brought together the HR team to further work on the
design and implementation of key HR initiatives for 2014.

Nineteen months after the kick-off work-       This includes, for example, the rollout of
shop of our HR strategy implementation,        a Group-wide performance management
the team was happy to report that the first    process supported by the DKSH Talent Por-
phase could be successfully concluded.         tal, the relaunch of our dedicated DKSH
                                               Fantree Academy and the introduction of
This is a major milestone in the implemen-     various Group-wide standards and tools to
tation of the six-year roadmap designed        assist recruitment, onboarding and contract
to evolve DKSH HR from its original state,     management. We have also set up an HR in-
which was mainly focused on handling ad-       formation system providing a global, single-
ministrative processes, to a level providing   source employee master database and a              Putting up commitment statements by participants.
real professional HR support for the entire    Group-wide platform for the administration
Group. In this first phase, the so-called      of HR.
“shape and fix” or “turnaround” phase,
we have put in place basic HR structures       Now, we are using this solid platform as a
and processes to shape a solid platform.       basis to further roll out initiatives across the
                                               organization during the “embed and devel-
                                               op” stage through 2014 and 2015.

   “(Re-)inventing HR@DKSH” is a clear six-year roadmap to evolve HR at DKSH                      Presenting Viknesh Nambiar, HRM Malaysia, and
   from focusing mainly on handling administrative procedures into real pro-                      Deanna Yap, Deputy GM HR Malaysia with award
   fessional HR support. Implementation is being carried out in three distinct                    for best DKSH HR Strategy Implementation.
Corporate news       09

Key HR objectives for 2014                       We are also running a Group-wide project
Through intense workshops, group sessions        to standardize job titles and job profiles    Global HR Workflow Suite: Simpler,
and presentations, the Country HR Manag-         with the objective of reducing complexity     more efficient and automated pro-
ers and Group HR team members present at         and enhancing targeted Group-oriented         cesses for employee leave, travel,
the meeting went step-by-step through the        HR processes across Business Units and        training and expenses submissions
implementation plan of the key objectives        countries. This will improve effective-       and approvals
for 2014 and used the combined experi-           ness and efficiency of Group-wide and
ence and expertise of all the team members       local HR processes (i.e. recruitment, per-    On January 1, 2014, another milestone
to further develop key HR initiatives.           formance management, training and             was achieved in the professionalization
                                                 development) by providing consistent          of HR support and the implementation
As we have now entered into stage two of         HR data to enable better comparability.       of our DKSH HR Strategy by going live
the DKSH HR strategy implementation, our                                                       with our Global HR Workflow Suite in
key objectives for 2014 include cascading        Other objectives for 2014 include: building   Malaysia as the pilot country, followed
existing HR instruments and processes to         up in-house assessment center capabilities    by Hong Kong as the next pioneering
additional levels of the organization and        in Asia to conduct assessments for middle     country on April 1.
introducing new HR instruments to em-            and senior management hiring, closely
ployees. We will now look at three of our        supporting business to improve retention      The Global HR Workflow Suite is a sin-
objectives for this year in more detail.         in business critical functions, piloting e-   gle platform for employee leave, trav-
                                                 recruitment solutions, and launching a        el, training and expenses submissions
We are extending the rollout of the perfor-      DKSH HR Dashboard with business relevant      and approvals within our existing Lotus
mance management process through the             HR data.                                      Notes infrastructure.
DKSH Talent Portal to another 500 senior
executives across the Group. It is through       After great engagement, discussion, shar-     The Global HR Workflow Suite will en-
the use of the Talent Portal – an online plat-   ing and learning from experiences, we all     able us to:
form that brings together employee infor-        emerged focused and ready for a fruitful      • Have ready access to a scalable
mation and performance goal setting – that       2014.                                         		 Group-wide platform for leave,
we can better implement our performance                                                        		 travel, training and expenses appli-
management, a process by which we aim            Best DKSH HR Strategy Implementation          		 cations and approvals via automated
to align our employees’ targets to strategic     2013                                              workflows
objectives and priorities.                       A key highlight of the three-day meeting      • Enable superiors to manage key
                                                 was the presentation of the award for best    		 HR approval processes in an easier
With last year’s relaunch of the Fantree         DKSH HR Strategy Implementation. This         		 and time-saving manner
Academy, our in-house corporate training         award was launched in 2013 and rewards        • Increase the productivity and effec-
and development center, we are now in the        the DKSH country HR team that has demon-      		 tiveness of HR and finance opera-
process of offering Group-wide leadership        strated the best results in the implementa-   		 tions through a reduction of manual
programs focused on developing core lead-        tion of our HR strategy in the past year.     		 work
ership capabilities required at the different
levels of seniority. Throughout the course of    At the presentation ceremony, I was ex-
2014, the Fantree Academy will be rolling        tremely proud to be able to announce that
out more programs that address the needs         the award for best DKSH HR Strategy Im-
of talent throughout the Group, from a           plementation in 2013 goes to Malaysia. I
consistent leadership training curriculum        congratulated the Malaysia HR team, un-
for all levels of the organization to profes-    der the leadership of Viknesh Nambiar as
sional skills programs that cover the most       Country HR Manager, on their success and
commonly required training needs, such           great achievement, which was made possi-
as presentation or operational finance. To       ble by their high commitment, passion and                      Martina Ludescher
learn more about the programs and how to         diligent implementation.                                       Head Corporate Development,
participate, take a look at the Brand Portal’s                                                                  Switzerland,
careers section (                                                               
DKSH buys Glory in Macau

                                                                                                     in Macau with a focus on sales and mar-
                                                                                                     keting, logistics and distribution, after-sales
                                                                                                     services, technical support and tender man-
                                                                                                     agement. Glory handled pharmaceutical
                                                                                                     goods along with nutrition products, med-
                                                                                                     ical devices and Traditional Chinese Medi-
                                                                                                     cine (TCM).

                                                                                                     In the government-driven environment of
                                                                                                     Macau, Glory, like all distributors, relied
                                                                                                     primarily on government hospitals as their
                                                                                                     main source of business. Glory has over 30
                                                                                                     years of experience and relationships, and it
                                                                                                     served all private and government hospitals
                                                                                                     in Macau.
DKSH Healthcare expands into Macau: growing through bolt-on acquisitions.
                                                                                                     DKSH: the ideal new home for Glory
On February 17, 2014, DKSH announced the acquisition of The Glory Medicine Lim-                      Sammy Vong, Glory General Manager,
ited (Glory), one of the leading healthcare distributors in Macau. The acquisition of                sums up the benefits: “The partnership
Glory was an exciting and important step in developing further and consolidating                     with DKSH is a win-win situation. DKSH’s
our position as the market leader in Healthcare Market Expansion Services in Hong                    renowned reputation, regional platform
Kong and now, Macau.                                                                                 and specialized know-how makes the com-
                                                                                                     pany an ideal new owner. Beyond ensuring
Our clients are increasingly seeking a single        in mainland China and the Macau govern-         the successful continuation of what we
partner to provide a harmonized Market Ex-           ment’s fiscal prosperity.                       have created over the past 33 years, DKSH
pansion Services solution for both the Hong                                                          is now providing our clients and customers
Kong and Macau markets, operating with               Its geographic situation, positioned on the     with access to wider opportunities and an
international compliance and warehousing             other side of the Pearl Delta from Hong Kong    increased product portfolio. Its investment
and distribution standards. Acquiring Glory          and bordering the Chinese province of           in our business operations, company struc-
allows us to provide our best-in-class service       Guangdong, has led to Macau being seen          ture, IT platform and expertise are tremen-
portfolio as a single service provider in both       as a second “gateway” to Mainland China,        dous. Our specialists are very happy to have
markets. This enables our clients to grow            a major draw for many of our business part-     become part of DKSH.”
their business even faster.                          ners. In addition, Macau is a Special Admin-
                                                     istrative Region of the People’s Republic of    Glory’s integration into DKSH’s existing
The draws of Macau                                   China, along with Hong Kong, and as such,       structures in the region is anticipated to be
Macau is a small yet attractive healthcare           presents a very particular and potentially      completed in Q3 2014 through an aggres-
market – roughly 10% of the size of Hong             significant strategic situation as commercial   sive and rapid integration plan that includes
Kong – that is expected to continue double-          agreements can cover both territories.          SAP integration. In addition, and to ensure
digit growth over the next years, according                                                          business continuity, Glory’s well-regarded
to the Hong Kong Association of the Phar-            Why Glory?                                      current management team has stayed with
maceutical Industry. This is mainly due to           With 35 specialists, Glory was one of the       DKSH and continues to lead the Macau op-
cross-border consumerism from customers              leading healthcare distribution companies       erations.

DKSH’s strategy for sustainable, profitable growth consists of growing existing markets and
Business Units through organic growth, business development and rolling out success stories
across the region, complemented with strategic bolt-on acquisitions.
Corporate news        11

 Factbox                      Becoming DKSH Indonesia

 Name:                        DKSH strengthened its position in Indonesia through the integration of
 The Glory Medicine Limited   Primatek Technologies, one of the leading suppliers of premium textile
 (Glory)                      machinery in Indonesia, in 2013. Evelyn Indriani, our Brand Champion in
                              Indonesia, gives us an update on the Town Hall event that marked the be-
 Founded:                     ginning of a new era.

 Number of employees:



 Strategic rationale
 for acquisition:
 Able to provide our          Chief Operating Officer Bruno Sidler shares his vision of DKSH.
 best-in-class service
 portfolio as a single        On December 5, 2013, more than 100                  implement our strategy for sustainable,
 service provider in          employees and 30 key clients came to-               profitable growth through harmonious
 both Hong Kong               gether to participate in DKSH Indone-               cooperation between Business Units Per-
 and Macau                    sia’s first Town Hall event. The unity spir-        formance Materials and Technology.”
                              it was palpable in the air in the DKSH
                              Indonesia Office located in Wisma Jaksa             We were honored to also have Bruno
                              Tiga and the Grand Hyatt Hotel in Ja-               Sidler, Chief Operating Officer, and
                              karta.                                              Dominique Specht, Vice President Mar-
                                                                                  keting Communication, at the event
                              In his welcome address, Walter Widmer,              to share their vision of DKSH and the
                              Head of Country Management and                      importance of applying an integrated
                              Managing Director Business Unit Tech-               branding strategy.
                              nology Indonesia, said: “We are proud
                              to be a part of DKSH. Through support               This event helps DKSH Indonesia to
                              from our key clients, valuable custom-              bring all employees into their new roles
                              ers and talented and committed staff                and to live out our corporate values!
                              members, DKSH Indonesia is ready to

Richard Holloway
Vice President Healthcare,
Hong Kong,
Six DKSH role models commended
with Fantree President Award

Launched in 2007, the Fantree President Awards recognize individuals and team
members throughout the Group for being true role models and champions of our
corporate values and brand.

This year, we received a staggering 71
nominations. Due to the many impressive
performances in living our corporate values
and brand, it was very challenging for the
jury to select the winners.

The ceremony took place on May 2 in the
Autobau museum in Romanshorn, Switzer-
land, during the annual Buergenstock strat-
egy meeting, which meant that the winners
spent an evening in the company of our
Chairman, members of the Board of Direc-
tors and the entire Senior Executive Team.

This provided a great opportunity for the
winners to outline their winning projects
to all of DKSH’s senior management before
they were presented with an official certif-
icate and trophy as well as a special bonus
of CHF 8,888.

Upon presenting the awards, President & CEO    From left to right: Tohru Kubota (JP), Charina F. Antonio (PH), Chairman Adrian T. Keller, Nguyen Thi Thanh
Dr. Joerg Wolle said: “Please join me in ex-   Giang (VN), Wingo Lee Shun Wing (HK), Chonticha Khunthaviti (TH), Ong Teong Dee (MY), shareholder
tending my congratulations to the winners      Fredy Lienhard, President & CEO Dr. Joerg Wolle.
and thanking them for their commitment
and efforts as role models in practicing our
values and living our brand.”

The six winners then continued their three-
day sightseeing trip of Switzerland which
included visiting Lucerne, Zurich and Jung-
fraujoch for a Swiss mountain experience.

                                               The proud winners present their projects to all of DKSH’s senior management.
Corporate news     13

Category: Entrepreneurial                     vices range for the pharmaceutical and con-      “This award is a very strong motivation
                                              sumer health brands in the pharmacy retail       for me and my team to continuously im-
Nguyen Thi Thanh Giang                        channel in Vietnam.                              prove our performance and meet our am-
                                                                                               bitious target over the next two years, and
Business Unit Healthcare Vietnam              Result                                           become the leader in telemarketing and
                                              It resulted in USD 170,000 (roughly CHF          telesales in Vietnam. It also urges us to
Awarded for her self-driven entrepreneurial   150,000) profitable service sales to clients     be operationally excellent but also inno-
spirit building up the Healthcare Vietnam     twelve months after the launch of the pro-       vate our services to contribute to company
telemarketing service innovation              ject idea. Of the 46% of clients who bought      growth.”
                                              the services, 50% made repeat purchases,
Project                                       and 95% of pharmacies reported being sat-
After a suggestion to launch a new range      isfied with the services. This is a very solid
of commercial value-added services in tele-   platform to accelerate the development of
marketing and telesales for retail pharmacy   telemarketing in Vietnam’s pharmaceutical
customers for pharmaceutical and consum-      industry and can be quickly replicated in                             Corpor
er health brands, Nguyen Thi Thanh Giang      other countries and Business Units.                                      value:
took on this project and made it her own.                                                                                  neurial
By optimizing the current customer care                                                                            Entrepre
center strengths, know-how and tools,
Giang created a specific telemarketing ser-

Category: Entrepreneurial                     core area, which ideally complements our         “I would like to share this award with
                                              product portfolio in the Food & Beverage         all my colleagues who were involved in
Tohru Kubota                                  business.                                        this project in Japan, especially during
                                                                                               the transition period. This project gives
Business Unit Performance Materials           Result                                           us the opportunity to further expand our
Japan                                         Through investigation and negotiation dur-       business in the future for which I am very
                                              ing a period of nearly three years, at the end   happy.”
Awarded for his persevering entrepreneurial   of August 2013, DKSH took over Capespan
spirit in the “hunter” project                Japan’s processed frozen and canned fruit
                                              business, customer network and team. The
Project                                       project was carried out with no additional
PM Japan has been a highly attractive and     costs beside those for hiring the transition-
successful business for us for many years.    al employees and for the stocks and assets
However, growth was only incremental,         takeover, and without having to do a fully-
and therefore, our CEO’s message to the       fledged M&A. This increased net sales
team was: “You have to grow your busi-        for Industry Cluster Beverage & Dairy and
ness more aggressively, take over business    Business Line Food & Beverage Industry
and people from other companies. Develop      substantially and expanded it into a new                              Corpor
from farmers to hunters!” Through infor-      business area, increasing market share and                               value:
mation from a key person at DKSH Japan        market coverage. Let’s hope that Kubota-                                     neurial
business partner Capespan Tohru Kubota        san’s hunter approach will inspire many of                           Entrepre
sensed that the company wanted to focus       his Japanese colleagues to become hunters,
on their core business and dispose a non-     too.
Category: Committed                              through forced escape through the barriers      “This award acknowledges our commit-
                                                 or tailgating (exiting behind other outgoing    ment to be a leading MES business in the
Wingo Lee Shun Wing                              vehicles). The team worked proactively with     car parking equipment industry. It also
Chris Lam Chak Ching                             the customer, The Link Management Ltd.          acknowledges our hard work to develop
Kash Keung Choi Wa                               (LML), to develop an innovative system that     high value-added features for our custom-
Ng Po Cheong                                     fully utilized modern software, hardware        ers and increase their competitive edge.”
                                                 and telecommunication technology, and
Business Unit Technology Hong Kong               then went the extra mile to offer additional
                                                 services that bring in a high profit margin
Awarded for their commitment in develop-         for DKSH.
ing a new generation of car park tailgating
detection systems                                Result
                                                 The system is now installed in over 250 LML
Project                                          car parks. Thanks to the team’s commit-
With car theft increasing in Hong Kong,          ment, DKSH has reinforced its leading po-                           Corpor
the team initiated a new idea of a car park      sition as the car parking equipment supplier                          value:
tailgating detection system to enhance car       in Hong Kong and Macau. The next goal is                                   ted
park security measures. The system, in-          to supply this equipment to other countries                          Commit
stalled at the exits of car parks, detects and   in South East Asia where the car parking in-
records all possible car stealing activities     dustry is increasing.

Category: Pragmatic                              abled colleagues to become more assertive       “It has motivated me in my work with
                                                 in negotiating this sensitive and emotional     DKSH and encouraged me to think out-
Chonticha Khunthaviti                            topic with clients on an equal footing.         of-the-box. I was able to overcome the
                                                                                                 challenges while maintaining good rela-
Business Unit Healthcare Thailand                Result                                          tionships with clients.”
                                                 This resulted in the smooth implementation
Awarded for her pragmatic manner of hand-        of the project, and we maintained good
ling the sensitive project: minimization of      relationships with clients. The situation of
excess pallet storage                            excess pallets at the distribution center was
                                                 also considerably decreased by reducing the
Project                                          number of clients’ pallets or charging those
Healthcare’s distribution center in Thailand     who could not reduce their pallet levels.
was running at full capacity, with new busi-     These charges added up to THB 12 million
ness coming in soon, and many existing cli-      (roughly CHF 325,000) in 2013.
ents utilizing more distribution center space
than the level for which they had contract-
ed. With these excess pallets becoming an
increasing challenge, Chonticha Khunthavi-                                                                           Corpor
ti took on the task to decrease excess pallets                                                                         value:
– or alternatively get clients’ agreement to                                                                                 tic
pay additional charges for utilizing more of                                                                          Pragma
DKSH’s storage capacity. Through business
analysis and pragmatic people skills, she en-
Corporate news     15

Category: Customer-centric                       DKSH integrated DKSH Smollan Field Mar-         “Winning this award is highly motiva-
                                                 keting (DSFM) capabilities into our sales op-   tional to me and the project team as this
Ong Teong Dee                                    erations by having a DSFM representative        gives recognition to the great work and
                                                 posted in each outlet. To better manage         effort we have put in. More importantly,
Business Unit Consumer Goods Malaysia            this new setup, the project team then de-       this is a testament to DKSH’s commit-
                                                 veloped a customized smartphone applica-        ment to continually transforming itself to
Awarded for the successful implementation        tion to track in-store merchandising, pro-      maintain its competitive edge in line with
of a customer-oriented project: the Modern       motion set-up, stock withdrawal from the        the changing market dynamics.”
Trade Transformation                             distribution center and service calls.

Project                                          Result
To better serve international key accounts       This project created operational visibility
like Tesco with the management and re-           and transparency across all 58 internation-
plenishing of stock in outlet stores from        al key customer outlets in the Central Ma-
centralized distribution centers, DKSH im-       laysian region on a daily basis and enabled
plemented a project, led by Ong Teong            DKSH sales operations to work closely with
Dee, to drive additional sales revenues and      customers to address operational issues
increase operational efficiency at store level   and identify opportunities to further grow                             value:
on a daily basis.                                sales. This is a win-win-win model for cli-                           Custom
                                                 ents, DKSH and customers that will lead to                              centric
To enhance the sales capacity of Business        increased sales and better customer service
Unit Consumer Goods in modern trade,             through increasing executional excellence.

Category: Passionate                             actual supply of high-quality ingredients,      “This award is a culmination of all the
                                                 DKSH helped the Bounty Group become             hard work, not just for the sales and
Ma. Charina F. Antonio,                          the market leader in the home delivery/         technology team, but for each individual
Bryan Lee Antigua                                takeaway food segment. By thinking out-         directly or indirectly involved in the busi-
Geraldine Cordenete                              side the box, DKSH introduced several           ness with Bounty Group. This award is a
                                                 product innovations which set the Chooks        testament that if we truly believe, we can
Business Unit Performance Materials              to Go brand apart from competition.             make it happen.”
Awarded for their passionate belief in help-     These product innovations enabled the
ing their customer to exploit its market po-     Bounty Group to develop its current product
tential: the sweet roast to success              lines, ranging from “sauceless” roast chicken
                                                 to value-added products. DKSH then helped
Project                                          the Bounty Group launch a new variant in
Thirteen years ago, DKSH Industry Cluster        record time, giving our customer speed-to-
Sales Manager Charina Antonio and her            market advantage. Through a great sense
team began to work closely with the Boun-        of knowing the customer, believing in their
ty Group. During its initial years, the start-   passion and delivering complete coopera-                              Corpor
up offered value-added chicken products,         tion and collaboration, the team has grown                              value:
but the team had foresight of its long-term      business together by almost twenty-fold.                                       te
potential. By providing technical assistance                                                                            Passiona
and support, new product development,
product trial runs, consumer tests and the
DKSH Values in Action in Hong Kong

Understanding our corporate values better through games.

DKSH Hong Kong has put in place a                 The winning team, decided on by the         developing more effective HR tools for
great local initiative for employees to           local Country Management Team, was          Business Units and kicking off the Fan-
understand more about our corporate               the local HR team. The team had strived     tree Academy – to more strategic ones
values. Last October, over 30 colleagues          hard to drive the high performance cul-     – building a high performance culture
joined orienteering games on the differ-          ture locally in the last year, exhibiting   through implementing global and local
ent corporate values. They then held a            high levels of commitment and passion       performance management processes for
Local Fantree Awards competition that             in their work. The team had altogether      all employees and developing a struc-
received very high quality submissions.           accomplished 20 Group-wide and local        tured mentoring program.
                                                  initiatives, ranging from tactical ones –

                                                                                                                   Abigail Goundry
                                                                                                                   Communications Specialist,
Corporate news       17

Grow within your career at DKSH

With the relaunch of the DKSH Fantree Academy starting in September 2013, let’s                 as functional skills trainings such as client
look at what’s happened so far in this exciting DKSH corporate training and devel-              management, sales, customer account
opment center, get some feedback from some of the first participants and look at                management, trade marketing and field
what the next steps are.                                                                        marketing. Thanks to a Group-wide design
                                                                                                concept, we can avoid multiple customiza-
                                              The relaunch of the DKSH Fantree Academy          tion and design efforts to make the pro-
Introducing Head Talent Lifecycle             is a key milestone on our journey to “(re-)       grams DKSH-specific. The delivery of these
Management Monita Lee                         invent HR at DKSH.” It aims to support the        skills programs, however, is always on a lo-
                                              development of our internal pool of talents       cal level.
How long have you been with DKSH?             at all levels of the organization and estab-
I joined DKSH in October 2012 as Head         lish a common DKSH leadership culture. By         Development of leadership programs
HR & Administration DKSH Hong Kong.           designing our own in-house university, we         To develop the strategic and advanced lead-
                                              provide a learning experience that is based       ership trainings, the Senior Executive Team
When did you start in this role?              on our unique, DKSH-specific content and          held a workshop in November 2012 to
I was appointed as Head Talent Lifecycle      enables us to grow the skills of our internal     jointly discuss and define the expectations
Management in March, but the new role         talent pool.                                      they have in terms of tangible outcomes
actually started in June 2014, so I had to                                                      from these programs. In other words, what
carry out a dual role for a few months.       What does the Fantree Academy offer?              kind of skills and capabilities do they believe
                                              The DKSH Fantree Academy offers a fo-             need to be developed in order to success-
What is the objective of the role?            cused Group-wide aligned architecture that        fully implement our strategy for growth?
In my new role, I have Group-wide re-         bundles our development needs into cus-           Their insight served as the basis for the de-
sponsibility for all aspects of talent man-   tomized programs. It has two main branch-         sign of the programs as well as the choice
agement activities, including recruitment     es: leadership and skills programs.               of faculty to bring it to life.
strategies, training and development,
performance management, talent pool           The leadership programs focus on develop-         Following that meeting, we worked
management, employer branding, com-           ing core leadership capabilities required at      through a careful vendor selection process
petency management and organization           the different levels of seniority (see graphic    and looked at more than 20 potential part-
development. One of my key objectives         group A on page 18): from front line man-         ners to support us with the design and de-
is to develop the framework, processes        agers in their first leadership roles, right up   livery of the trainings. We eventually select-
and tools that enable DKSH to build its       to our DKSH top executive team members,           ed the Human Capital Leadership Institute
talent pool and leadership pipeline to        who carry substantial responsibilities at         (HCLI) in Singapore as our partner.
support business growth.                      both regional and country level.
                                                                                                HCLI was established by the famous “Eco-
                                              The programs aim at establishing a com-           nomic Development Board (EDB)” of Singa-
                                              mon DKSH leadership culture and support           pore in 2010, with which DKSH has main-
                                              the development of our internal pool of tal-      tained a close relationship for many years.
                                              ents at all levels of the organization thereby    Given the fact that HCLI does not have its
                                              supporting the implementation of our strat-       own permanent faculty, it offers the op-
                                              egy for sustainable, profitable growth.           portunity of cherry-picking and bringing
                                                                                                together best-in-class faculty and thought
                                              The skills programs support staff members         leaders from various sectors and sources,
                                              to further develop specific skills and capa-      very much customized to our specific needs.
                                              bilities relevant to their respective functions
                                              and areas of development (see graphic             The leadership programs so far
                                              group B on page 18).                              Last September, President & CEO Dr. Wolle
                                                                                                personally opened the first “strategic lead-
                                              The skills program curriculum covers the          ership” course, our flagship program that
                                              most essential, commonly required training        addresses our group of most senior leaders,
                                              needs, such as presentation, operation-           which marked the relaunch of the Fantree
                                              al finance and interview modules, as well         Academy. This first program, which was at-
tended by 25 of our most senior executives,
was held in two modules during Septem-
                                              “The energy and passion of all participants was sustained
ber and November 2013 in Singapore and        over the program’s duration, and many points of view were
Bangkok, respectively.
                                              exchanged on how we can all effectively execute our DKSH
This was followed up by the “advanced         strategy for sustainable, profitable growth through fostering
leadership” program for the next manage-
ment level down, which was rolled out to
                                              customer orientation and maintaining client focus.”
two groups in March/April and May 2014.
This course targets managers reporting to     Resources DKSH Malaysia, attended the re-     view were exchanged on how we can all
senior executive roles, and the main objec-   cent “advanced leadership” program: “It is    effectively execute our DKSH strategy for
tives are also to impart a common DKSH        certainly one of the best-in-class programs   sustainable, profitable growth through
leadership culture and support the success-   I have attended in my career. The pro-        fostering customer orientation and main-
ful implementation of our strategy for sus-   gram included thought-provoking sessions      taining client focus. The delivery of the
tainable, profitable growth.                  on how to work with industry trends, the      team-assigned real-time business challenge
                                              importance of the focus of Market Expan-      projects kept our hunger and enjoyment
For both the “strategic” and “advanced        sion Services on market growth, and the       of winning, as well as contributing to each
leadership” programs, we opted for a          service-for-profit chain. It was a welcome    other on our leadership journey.”
central, Group-wide delivery to enable        blend of academic theory coupled with real-
networking opportunities across Business      time practical examples and applications      The other two levels of leadership pro-
Units, functions and countries. This pro-     that allow you to instantly grasp the mod-    grams, “leadership foundations” and
vides participants with a comprehensive       ule contents.”                                “leading people and teams,” aim to sup-
understanding across all functional areas.                                                  port first time and newly appointed manag-
                                              She continued: “The energy and passion        ers to transition into their new roles. They
Deanna Yap, Deputy General Manager Tal-       of all participants was sustained over the    are held locally. The “leadership founda-
ent, Organization & Performance Human         program’s duration, and many points of        tions” program has already been carried

                                                      Fantree Academy
Corporate news          19

out in Australia, China, Europe, India, Hong
Kong, Malaysia, Myanmar, Singapore and
Thailand. “Leading people and teams” is
currently in the design phase and will be
rolled out in 2014.

The “leadership foundations” program em-
phasizes mastering self-awareness, person-
al development and building relationships.
Graduates from this program then have the
opportunity to progress to the next step in
their journey from individual contributors to
first line managers by attending the “lead-
ing people and teams program,” which
sets the foundation for leadership tools in
action.                                         Advanced leadership program 2014: group one, March 2014.

The power of the Fantree Academy
Alongside talent development, the Fantree
Academy is a powerful and versatile tool
for bringing DKSH values and leadership
principles to life (read more about these in
the next article). By teaching and exercising
these leadership principles through these
programs, we are able to truly make DKSH
culture live, and by doing so ensure ongo-
ing, sustainable success.

Dominique Specht, Vice President Market-
ing Communication, attended the “stra-
tegic leadership” course in 2013. I was
interested to hear how he has applied the
principles learned there in the longer term:    Advanced leadership program 2014: group two, April 2014.
“At first sight, one of the principles, ‘mas-
ter deal making,’ did not occur to me as
extremely relevant because I don’t work in
sales. However, the next time I had to ne-
gotiate with a vendor, it suddenly became       Next steps
clear to me. One important learning I took      As 2014 progresses, the Fantree Academy
with me regarding ‘master deal making’ is       will roll out more programs that address the
to put myself into the other person’s shoes.    needs of talent throughout all levels of the
I have practiced this in recent negotiations    Group.
and it has worked very well to better under-
stand the position of the other party and       Further information
thereby I’m able to negotiate the best deal     DKSH Brand Portal (
for us.”                                        > Quick links > Careers)                                   Monita Lee
                                                                                                           Head Talent Lifecycle
                                                                                                           Management, Hong Kong,
Getting to the heart of the
DKSH leadership principles

Dr. Joerg Wolle, President & CEO.

The DKSH leadership principles are eight principles that embody the heart of                   build a strong and stable leadership culture
DKSH’s leadership culture. We met up with our President & CEO Dr. Joerg Wolle, to              to support our strategy for sustainable,
get his personal reflections and insights on the first four rules for “leading oneself”        profitable growth.
and how you can apply them in your daily life and work.
                                                                                               Can you briefly explain the structure of
Why did you develop leadership princi-         the history of DKSH that we have clearly        the principles?
ples for DKSH?                                 defined and articulated the leadership prin-    The core leadership principles are simple
For quite some time, I have been thinking      ciples, expressed in a way that they can be     and clear – four rules for leading oneself,
about how I, as the President & CEO of         consistently taught and cultivated.             and four rules for leading others. Leading
a company with now more than 26,000                                                            oneself is the basis for being able to lead
specialists across 35 countries, can ensure    Why are they important?                         others, so they are closely interlinked with
that my beliefs and leadership principles      These principles embody the heart of the        each other. I have defined the basic prin-
are practiced throughout the organization,     DKSH leadership culture. The first step was     ciple of “leading oneself” as “striving to
even without my personal presence and in-      to provide transparency on what the lead-       win.” The four principles of leading others,
volvement everywhere at all times.             ership principles are, to write them down       be it your employees, your superiors, your
                                               on paper and make them known to every-          clients or customers, I have put under the
Having the leadership philosophy now           body. Now, the focus is on developing and       heading of “an iron fist in a velvet glove.”
precisely spelled out [see graphic] is quite   exercising these principles, thereby bringing
a historical moment. It is the first time in   them to life. By doing so, we are able to
Corporate news      21

Why is the Fantree Academy important
in bringing them to life?
The idea is to create a process whereby
these principles are not simply stated as high
expectations, but a process that supports
all members of the DKSH family in bringing
them to life. With this, we transform a “paper
tiger” into a real and common practice over
time. I strongly believe that for values to
evolve into behavior, a development pro-
cess is required that allows everybody to
mature and evolve. The curriculum of lead-
ership programs under the umbrella of the
Fantree Academy provides this opportunity
to develop and train these principles.

How do you describe the first rule, “en-
joy winning?”
You must love to compete, proving yourself       How would you describe “grow and
and winning. Every time you meet a client        contribute?”
or a customer, expect to win them over –         DKSH provides the opportunity for per-
and never give up. Even after a long period      sonal and professional development. Take
of success, continue wanting to win – the        on challenges, seize opportunities to build
race is never really over! To remain a winner,   successful businesses, work to shape the
you need to practice and compete – if you        company and leave your mark. Stay inter-
rest on your laurels, you will lose.             ested in expanding your knowledge, skills
                                                 and expertise.
What does “stay hungry” mean to you?
Never be satisfied with where you are, and       Further information
constantly seek ways to improve further.         In the next edition of Fantree News, we will
Luck does play a role too, but I have found      learn more about the other four rules, for
that the harder you work, the luckier you        leading others.
get! One of my favorite sayings is that it is
easy to be hungry when you have nothing
to eat, but staying hungry once the fridge is
full is far more challenging.

How can we apply “write your own
Each of you is responsible for growing busi-
nesses and expanding your professional ex-
pertise. Responsibility comes with account-
ability – success is rewarded, and failure
teaches you. Have a passion for outper-
forming, be self-motivated and focus on
getting things done. Believe and act in the                                                     Abigail Goundry
spirit that everything is possible based on                                                     Communications Specialist,
hard work and a bit of luck.                                                                    Switzerland,
Ensuring responsible behavior:
compliance in practice

“Compliance” is a word that is frequently heard, but what does it really mean?
Media often report about it, but always from a negative angle, when companies                   Factbox:
are being highlighted for acts of non-compliance. Examples of this include recent               DKSH compliance milestones
allegations of bribery by multinational pharmaceutical companies in China.
Compliance in simple terms means “con-          Why is compliance important to us?              Centralized compliance function
forming to a rule,” such as a specification,    It ties in with our company values, as quot-
policy, standard or law. This sounds fairly     ed by our President & CEO Dr. Joerg Wolle:      2010:
straightforward, but in reality poses mul-      “non-compliance is simply not an option.”       Updated Code of Conduct setting out
tiple challenges for companies in times of      For DKSH, as a service brand, compliant         standards on how we do business
ever increasing regulations and constantly      and ethical behavior by all of our employees
shifting societal values.                       is of paramount importance. Compliance is       2012:
                                                a strong pillar in our so-called value propo-   Enhanced Code of Conduct with
Each of us in our daily work is permanently     sition to our business partners.                internal reporting process for events
confronted with compliance without spe-                                                         of non-compliance
cifically noticing it. Finance staff passing    Non-compliance would have a direct nega-
accounting entries or Regulatory Affairs        tive impact on our business – clients now-      2012:
Specialists applying for product approvals      adays carefully evaluate whom they entrust      Enhanced anti-bribery and corruption
are two examples of routine activities that     with their business, and an intact reputa-      policy
touch upon compliance.                          tion is a pre-condition for any sustainable
                                                business relationship. In fact, we have won
While many of our daily compliance chal-        business through differentiating ourselves
lenges are addressed by qualified experts       as a transparent and trustworthy business
(e.g. by a licensed pharmacist), there are      partner. At the same time, we are very dil-
others that target specific behaviors by        igent in assessing new business opportuni-
companies and their employees, like com-        ties using our compliance framework as a
petition laws, or anti-bribery and corruption   benchmark.
                                                A robust compliance framework strength-
Governance Risk Compliance function             ens our position as a preferred business
Our function, Governance Risk Compliance        partner and enhances our reputation in the
(GRC), as part of Corporate Affairs, focus-     employment market as well as with inves-
es on creating awareness and fostering, as      tors and other stakeholders. All employees
well as monitoring, compliant behavior by       are responsible for compliance in their work
all our staff. We place great emphasis on       – your contribution and adherence matters!

A robust compliance framework strengthens our position as a preferred business partner                             Elaine Khoo
and enhances our reputation in the employment market as well as with investors and                                 Compliance Manager,
stakeholders. All employees are responsible for compliance in their work – your contri-                            Governance Risk Compliance,
bution and adherence matters!                                                                                      Singapore,
adherence to our core compliance policies,      Further reading
such as the Code of Conduct, the Fraud          Read the Code of Conduct policy and oth-
policy, or the Anti-Bribery and Corruption      er documents on the policies section of the
policy (available on the policies section of    Brand Portal (                                Andreas Wuest
the Brand Portal). We constantly develop                                                                           Vice President Governance
our function in line with evolving business                                                                        Risk Compliance,
needs and provide training and assistance.                                                                         Singapore,
You can also read