Farmers' Market to open on May 28 - Producedbyvolunteerssince1975 Vol.46,Issue9-May2022 - Puslinch Pioneer

Page created by Nathaniel Coleman
Farmers' Market to open on May 28 - Producedbyvolunteerssince1975 Vol.46,Issue9-May2022 - Puslinch Pioneer
Produced by volunteers since 1975                                                     Vol. 46, Issue 9 - May 2022

                 Farmers’ Market to open on May 28
                                                      By Jayme Mast

All being well, the Aberfoyle Farmers’ Market is poised to
open on May 28. The board has been busy the last two
months recruiting vendors to add to our roster.

There’s no question that COVID had an impact on turnout
at the market and the range of product available, yet on the
last Saturday we were open, there was an estimated 1,500
visitors, ending the season on a strong note.

Several of the long-time favourites will be back - Parker
Family Farm, The Burrs and the Bees, and Top Market Meats,
as well as some of the newer vendors who joined last year.

While we are still finalizing arrangements with some ven-
dors, we are pleased to announce that we will have at least
two new farm vendors joining us.

The Cabbage Patch Farm is located right here in Puslinch.
Felix is a first generation farmer with a passion for tackling
food security sustainably.

We also have Forêt Mushrooms, also from Puslinch, and
Mallory will be bringing both cultivated and foraged gour-
met mushrooms.
                                                                 That said, we will still be taking some extra precautions like
We will once again have locally grown, fresh-cut bouquets        wiping down high—touch surfaces regularly and providing
of flowers available each weekend from Life Vine Creations.      hand sanitizer at the main entrance.

There definitely will be no shortage of fresh baking at the      Mask wearing is optional with people making their own
market, as well as a rotation of food trucks joining us this     choices. The market will remain a judgment-free zone, and
year.                                                            we will welcome everyone with the same smile and cheer
                                                                 they’ve come to expect, regardless of their personal choice
Local artisans seem to love our market and we have a num-        on masking.
ber of returning favourites, as well as new areas such as
woodworking, textile creations, candle making and more.          To kick off the season we will have Garden Days, where we
                                                                 will have vendors with plants, seedlings, flowers and even
With changes in legislation, this year you will hopefully find   speciality, sustainable potting mixes and organic fertilizers
craft beers for sale. We are busy in negotiations with sev-      (all made locally in Puslinch).
eral breweries.
                                                                 And finally my usual shameless plug; our doors are al-
And last but not least, the buskers are back! In fact, every     ways open to volunteers. The market is a great place for
weekend is already booked with a busker.                         high school students to complete their mandatory volun-
                                                                 teer hours for graduation. Our biggest need is always with
Based on recent conversations with Public Health it would        set-up and take-down of the market between the hours of
appear that we can adopt pre-covid operations which means        6.30-8 am and 1-2pm. We also have space on the board
that visitors will be able to come and go as they please.        of directors too. Fresh ideas and new skill sets are always
The back door of the rink will be open again and foot traffic
won’t be restricted to capacity constraints or one-way flow.     See you on the 28th.
Farmers' Market to open on May 28 - Producedbyvolunteerssince1975 Vol.46,Issue9-May2022 - Puslinch Pioneer
Editorial                                                                       Our Mission
With the provincial election looming up on June 2, we have given you a          The Puslinch Pioneer is a monthly
snapshot of the candidates running for office. We asked each one the same       publication produced by local volunteers
questions, and as you will read, their answers are different. It should be      to provide an authentic source of local
noted that as of the time of going to print, there was no Liberal candidate     information about the social and political
for our riding.                                                                 activity within the community, and to
                                                                                encourage participation in community
At the end of May we are thrilled to see that the Aberfoyle Farmers’ Market
is opening for the season. It has become such a community hub, not just
                                                                                Volume 46: Issue 9 May, 2022
for supporting our local farmers and crafters, but for connecting with one
                                                                                Published by volunteers for the community
another.                                                                        since 1975.
We are also pleased to keep you informed of what one local resident is          Ten issues are published a year and
doing to support refugees from Ukraine, and I am sure in the months             distributed free of charge throughout
ahead, more of us will get involved one way or another.                         Puslinch.

We also bring you news of several fundraisers – the sale of rain barrels, the   Note new email addresses:
Sunrise 40th year celebration in June and the Treasure Trail being hosted
by the Rotary Club of Guelph South.                                             Chair
                                                                                Karen Harding        519-820-8114
Dr. Brown gives us some suggestions on how to tackle our allergies as the
allergy season is now upon us. As someone who deals with allergies, I am
going to try the wet socks. Anyone else game? We can report back and            Editor
chalk this up as investigative journalism.                                      Anne Day		            519 767 9383
Meantime, have a good month.
                                                                                Advertising & Sales
                                                                                Dianne Churcher        519 763 6564

                                                                                Church/Community Notices & Circulation
                                                                                Stella O’Krafka		      519 658 4767
 You can receive the Pioneer and Pulse                                          Board members
     electronically - just sign up at                                           Barbara Bulmer, Barbara Chillingsworth,
                                                                                Genny Ribalko. or email                                              The Puslinch Pioneer does not necessarily                                              endorse the opinions expressed in articles
                                                                                or Letters to the Editor. We reserve the
                                                                                right to refuse items submitted and to edit
                                                                                all material. All advertising is accepted in
                                                                                good faith. The Puslinch Pioneer reserves
                                                                                the right to refuse an advertisement
INSIDE THIS ISSUE                                                               that is deemed inappropriate, racist or
                                                                                promoting hate.

                                                                                SUBMITTING ARTICLES Items of interest
                                                                                to Puslinch residents are welcome. Letters
                                                                                to the Editor must include a telephone
                COMMUNITY                                                       number.
                •   Dream. Believe. Achieve..................Page      7        We ask that articles be submitted by email
                •   Meet the candidates........................Page 16,17       and adhere to the Writers Guidelines
                                                                                which can be downloaded from www.
                •   Seasonal Allergies...........................Page 19

                                                                                Unless otherwise stated, the deadline for
                NATURE                                                          submission is the 2nd Friday of the month.
                                                                                Next deadline is Friday, May 13, 2022.
                •   Ask the expert...............................Page 23
                                                                                Because of the increased interest we
                •   Regenerative Gardening..................Page 25             cannot guarantee inclusion, especially
                                                                                those received after deadline.

                FOOD                                                            Annual subscription rate $50. Forward
                                                                                request and payment to 29 Brock Road
                •   Cook’s Corner................................Page 29        South, Puslinch, ON N0B 2J0
                                                                                Printed by Ampersand Printing
                                                                                © Puslinch Pioneer
May 2022                                                         2
Farmers' Market to open on May 28 - Producedbyvolunteerssince1975 Vol.46,Issue9-May2022 - Puslinch Pioneer
Letter to the editor                        advertising proposal in support of the
                                            committee’s approved goal “Public
                                            Engagement-Puslinch Event Spaces,
                                            Wellington Weddings”; promotion of
Ukraine article                             facility rentals.

This message is meant to be a ‘thank        Welcome to the Hub:
you’ for highlighting the needs in          Taking the world wide web and filtering     Hamilton Conservation Authority (HCA)
Ukraine on the front cover of the April     down to the community level, making         is excited to announce a new partnership
2022 issue of the Puslinch Pioneer.         it easier to connect Guelph Today           with the Wellington, Hamilton and
                                                                                        Grimsby Public Library Systems.
                                            readers to local businesses.
Thanks for making us aware of the
                                                                                        HCA has provided membership passes
many organizations that are doing           Sports Field Lighting:                      to these library systems, allowing
great work and very deserving of our        Old Morriston park ball diamond and         library patrons to visit HCA areas at
financial and other support.                PCC soccer field completion date            no cost! Now everyone can enjoy our
                                            October 2022 pending Hydro One              fantastic conservation areas.     This
I would also like to let you know that      approval. No lighting will be available     service is available to December 2024.
Puslinch has its own organization           for late night games for this season.
that has been actively involved since                                                   vation-areas/.
February 24 when the war began.             PCC Park Renovation & Upgrade:
                                            Anticipated construction November
Terry Gray                                  2022 to October 2023.
                                                                                                   TOWNSHIP OF PUSLINCH
                                            Home Industry By-law:                                       (519) 763-1226
                                            Planning staff will rework the by-law
Council Clips                               to address concerns raised at public
                                            meeting, so intent is to have no impact
                                            on surrounding area and residents.           Council Meetings (519) 763-1226
Truck Traffic:
Council directs staff to contact Cargill                                                 Council Meeting: May 4th at 10am
Guelph location regarding their trucks      Home businesses operate inside               Planning and Development Advisory
                                            the main dwelling. Home industries           Committee: May 10th at 7pm
not obeying the no heavy truck
                                            operate from an accessory building on        Recreation Committee: May 17th at 7pm
signs on Watson Rd and highlighting                                                      Council Meeting: May 25th at 10am
the safety concerns and financial           a residential property.
                                                                                         Public Information Meeting: May 25th
consequences.                                                                            at 7pm
                                            Culvert Replacement Gilmour Rd:              Please check the Council Calendar at
Hospice Wellington:                         Tender advertisement for replacement as meet-
A delegation was before Council to          of culvert on Gilmour Rd including           ings may be subject to change.
provide information about supports          retaining wall construction and guide
and services Hospice Wellington offers      rail.                                        Library Hours     (519) 763-8026
and promotion wants for the rural                                                        For current hours and services, please
communities of Wellington County.           Additional Residential Units:                call Puslinch Branch at 519.763.8026 or
                                            Township is reviewing changes to             visit us online at
Ontario Fire Service                        zoning by-law to bring by-law in             brary.
Modernization:                              conformity with County Official Plan
A report has been prepared in                                                            Optimist Recreation Centre Hours
                                            to permit an accessory unit in the
order to ensure Council is aware of                                                      The Optimist Recreation Centre Rink is
                                            principal building and an accessory
proposed       provincial     legislation                                                closed for the season; thank you to all
                                            unit in an ancillary building for a total    who attended and participated in our
modernizing and making mandatory;           of three dwelling units on one property.     skating programs this year. The Optimist
firefighter training, certification and
                                                                                         Recreation Centre Gymnasium is open.
fire department level of service.           Public meeting April 13, 2022.               To view the gym schedule and current
                                            Young Playground Planners: Township          rules and restrictions, please visit our
Audited Financial Statements:                                                            Recreation and Leisure Calendar page at
                                            is seeking the input of youth and their
Statement of financial position shows                                          
                                            families on playground designs for the
an accumulated surplus, end of year                                                      festivals-events/recreation-and-leisure-
                                            Puslinch Community Centre and Arkell
2021 of $27,624,825.                                                                     calendar/. For more information on our
                                            Parks upgrades.                              facilities, please visit our Community
Filming on Properties & Streets:                                                         Facilities page at
To have a formal policy in place to         Community Heritage Ontario                   culture-recreation/community-facilities/
be able to respond appropriately and        Award Nomination:                            or email
consistently to requests for filming        A member of the Heritage Committee
                                            has been nominated for a Heritage            Historical Society Archives
operations with the Township policy,
and to ensure that these filming            Ontario award for their service to a         Saturdays 12 noon - 3 pm or for ap-
                                            municipal Heritage Committee.                pointment email
operations are an economic benefit
                                                                                or 519-822-8559.
as opposed to an expense to the                                                          WDG COVID restrictions apply.
community.                                  Heritage Student:
                                            Grant application has been applied           Waste Facility      (519) 837-2601
External Advertising Proposal:              for through Young Canada Works               Open Wednesdays, Fridays and Satur-
Purpose of report is to provide Council     for a summer student to assist with          days 8 am - 4 pm. Located at 6922 Con-
with the Recreation Committee’s             public engagement regarding heritage         cession #4 between County Rd.#35 and
request for approval of an external         initiatives.                                 Hanlon (Hwy #6)
                                                              3                                                         May 2022
Farmers' Market to open on May 28 - Producedbyvolunteerssince1975 Vol.46,Issue9-May2022 - Puslinch Pioneer
The CoMotion                                     “We will continue to listen and learn how
                                                 we can better create a place of belonging
Festival                                         and serve all of our communities needs,”
                                                 adds Bulmer
Starts April 20

The CoMotion Festival, curated by Alex
Bulmer, celebrates new ideas and ex-
pressions by Deaf and disabled artists in
a multidisciplinary program including vi-
sual arts, music, performances, digital art,
workshops and panel discussions.

It is being held at the Harbour Front Cen-
tre. 235 Queens Quay West in Toronto.
                                                                                              includes artists from Canada, Iceland,
                                                                                              Mexico and the United Kingdom.
“Disability is political. Disability is commu-
                                                 A photography exhibit, Unseen, will run
nity. Disability is identity. Disability is an
                                                 from April 20-September 11 and will be       Disabled and deaf people worldwide have
experience of living in a world with a ‘one
                                                 outdoors.                                    a long history of artistic expression.
size fits one’ design.

An international artistic and cultural move-     Suzie Larke uses magical realism in her
ment is growing, and Deaf and disabled           photography to create images that chal-
artists are shouting ‘we exist!’.” says Alex     lenge our notion of reality.
Bulmer, who grew up in Puslinch.
                                                 This is not a Rehabilitation Project will
Through the inaugural International Deaf         run from April 2-July 3.
and disability Arts Festival, they deepen
the commitment to inclusion and accessi-         This work deals with disability, politics,
bility for all artists, staff, volunteers and    aesthetics of assistive devices and gender
visitors to the 10-acre waterfront site.         issues related to disabled women. Will be
                                                 held at Artport Gallery.                     Learn more about the events and exhibits
Inclusion, diversity, equity and accessibil-                                                  by going to
ity (IDEA) are foundational values in all        Then on April 20-September 11, is Not
that is on offer at the campus.                  Born Yesterday, Not Going Away which         motion/


May 2022                                                             4
Farmers' Market to open on May 28 - Producedbyvolunteerssince1975 Vol.46,Issue9-May2022 - Puslinch Pioneer
Kindness - It’s in                              He also provides practical tips on how to
                                                help a family coping with cancer. It doesn’t

you to give                                     have to be something big, although often
                                                it’s big for the recipient.
                                                                                               And as Nancy is quick to point out, she
                                                                                               gained from the relationship too, as it gave
                                                                                               her a new perspective on other people’s
By Anne Day                                     I know when I was going through cancer         lives and challenges.
                                                treatments, I had a neighbour, who I barely
                                                knew at the time, who would make din-          Brad talks about the power of words and
                                                ner for the days I had chemo, and others       how cards developed by Cheryl Rice that
                                                who would have the girls over to play so I     said “You Matter” had a profound impact
                                                could rest.                                    on those who received them.

                                                Brad was blown away by the generosity of       Just knowing that someone else cares can
                                                people – giving of their time and talents to   change your outlook on life. You learn you
                                                help them, and it started him on a path to     are not alone.
                                                learn more.
                                                                                               Cheryl’s cards were so successful, that she
As we all watch the devastation and de-         In his book he shares uplifting stories and    started the You Matter Marathon and had
struction happening in Ukraine, it can be all   provides tips on how we too can make a         cards printed which she would give out,
too easy to question and worry about what       difference.                                    sometimes to strangers who would be so
is happening to the human race.                                                                touched by the gesture.
                                                One of the stories was how Nancy, when
That is why I gravitated to the book Human      approached by a teenage boy for money for      Now in its fourth year, over a million cards
Kind: Changing the world one small act at       food, took him to McDonalds. She didn’t        have been given out across the US and in
a time by Brad Aronson.                         want to give him money as she wasn’t sure      73 countries.
                                                how he would use it.
In his book, Brad documents random                                                             There are so many easy and simple ideas
acts of kindness delivered by friends and       What started as a one-off gesture became       in this book that we can all replicate and
strangers alike, and the positive impact        a weekly activity and blossomed into a real    perhaps change the direction in someone
such action has on the recipient.               friendship.                                    else’s life.

For him it all started when his wife Mia was    Maurice credits his completion of high As the blood donor slogan says, “It’s in you
diagnosed with Leukemia, and family and         school on Nancy’s faith in him, and mar- to give.” And maybe in the giving, we are
friends immediately cocooned around the         ried now with children of his own, he’s in making a small dent in the sense of over-
family to make sure they navigated this         the construction business and mentors lo- whelm and gloom that can swallow us up
cancer journey in tact.                         cal youth, paying forward BuyingSellingFarmsAd-2018
                                                                          the kindness he right now.1/18/2018 4:33 PM Page 1

                                                                                                                                          a l w a y s H a p p y to P r o v i d e C l i e n t r e f e r e n c e s

                                                                                        y i n g  • Selli
                                                                                     Bu              s~
                                                                                           ~ Farm ms ~
                                                                                               se Far
                                                                                      ~ Hor               ~
                                                                                          r e s id ential

                                                                           Sandy Dalton toll Free
                                                                                                                sales representative

                                                                    5                                                                  May 2022
Farmers' Market to open on May 28 - Producedbyvolunteerssince1975 Vol.46,Issue9-May2022 - Puslinch Pioneer
 CREMATION                       Includes:
                        • Transfer of deceased     from place    of death  or crematorium

                             • Transfer  of deceased      from place   of death  or crematorium

                        • Coroner  and Death     Registration   fees fees
                             • Coroner   and Death      Registration
       +HST             • Cremation   fee fee
                             • Cremation
 f prepaid  by by
                        • Cremation   casket
                             • Cremation       & container
                                            casket            to hold
                                                      & container   to cremated   remains
                                                                       hold cremated    remains
                                                                                                                 FUNERAL HOME & CHAPEL
      If prepaid
                        • Procurement    of all legal
                             • Procurement      of all documentation
                                                       legal documentation
  December31, 2020
               31, 2020      • Unlimited copies of death certificates
                                                                                                   Locally owned and operated by Scott & Betty Ann Young
All Inclusive
     All Inclusive           • Notification of CPP/OAS; Filing of CPP Death Benefit
                                                                                                          206 Norfolk Street, Guelph, ON N1H 4K3
                              If prepaid by
                               and Survivor’s Benefit forms
o Extra
   No ExtraFees Fees • Memorial     Tree at
                             • Memorial      theatWall-Custance
                                          Tree      the Wall-CustanceMemorial   ForestForest
                                                                           Memorial                         519-822-0051
ordden    Charges
                           December 31, 2022
    Hidden     Charges - 400-acre
                                400 Arboretum
                                      acre Arboretumat theatUniversity  of Guelph
                                                             the University  of Guelph
                                                                                                  • Transfer of deceased from place of death or crematorium

                                                                                                  • Coroner and Death Registration fees
                           All Inclusive                                                          • Cremation fee

                          No Extra FeesIf prepaid by
                                    December 31, 2020
                                                                                                  • Cremation casket & container to hold cremated remains
                                                                                                  • Procurement of all legal documentation                                 FUNERAL HOME & CHAPEL
                       or Hidden Charges
                                                                                                  • Unlimited copies of death certificates
                                                                                                  • Notification of CPP/OAS; Filing of CPP Death Benefit
                                                                                                                                                              Locally owned and operated by Scott & Betty Ann Young
                                      All Inclusive                                                                                                                  206 Norfolk Street, Guelph, ON N1H 4K3
                                                                                                    and Survivor’s Benefit forms
                                                        No Extra Fees                             • Memorial Tree at the Wall-Custance Memorial Forest                 519-822-0051
                                                     or Hidden Charges                              - 400 acre Arboretum at the University of Guelph                                         Taylor Young

                    Subscriptions now being taken for                                                                                                            A Farm Share/C.S.A. is a way for a
                    boxes of in season vegetables, a share                                                                                                       household to get produce, fresh
                    of the harvest, for weekly and every                                                                                                         from the garden, from a farmer
                    other week packages from June to                                                                                                             right in their community.
                                                                                                                                                                 It is an investment in a farm and the
                    Additional items that can be ordered                                                                                                         local food supply.
                    include eggs, turkeys, cheese and                                                       For more information, check out our
                                                                                                                                                                 The produce is harvested when it is
                    microgreens.                                                                         C.S.A./Farm Share page on our website at
                                                                                                                                                                 ready, not when the boat/transport
                    Inclusion of extra local items including                                                              truck is ready to leave.
                    sweet corn, honey, maple syrup,                                                         or check out our Facebook page at
                                                                                                            Corwhin Herbs and Produce                            The produce is right from a garden
                    pumpkins and preserves.
                                                                                                                  (                       when it is ready, but someone else
                    Cut flowers and cut herbs included.                                                                                                          is doing the work.

                                                                                                                             Aberfoyle 2022

                                                                                                                         Saturday Special Antique Show
                                                                                                                         150+  Saturday June 11
                                                                                                                             t this Spec
                                                                                                                   Dealers a y Show!
                                                                                                                     Satu  rd a

                                                                                                                                        Regular Sunday Market Days:
                                                                                                                                    Sunday April 24 to Sunday October 30
                                                                                                                              (Sundays only!) 8am–4pm, $5 admission, rain or shine

                                                                  1-877-763-1077       57 Brock Road S, Puslinch N0B 2J0
                 May 2022                                                                                                       6
Farmers' Market to open on May 28 - Producedbyvolunteerssince1975 Vol.46,Issue9-May2022 - Puslinch Pioneer
Dream-Believe-                                                                      Dental services
Achieve                                                                             relaunched

By Ann Caine                                                                        The Healthy Smiles Ontario (HSO)
                                                                                    program seeks to reduce financial
It’s Sunrise 40th Birthday Celebration
on Sunday, June 26th.                                                               barriers to dental care for eligible chil-
                                                                                    dren under 17.
Join donors, Sunrise families and com-
munity members at the Sunrise Farm                                                  Services include teeth cleaning, seal-
for a gourmet BBQ, seated lunch, pre-                                               ants and oral health education. WDG
pared by local chefs Emily Richards                                                 Public Health also sees children ex-
(Best of Bridge Cookbook series) and                                                periencing dental emergencies from
Connie Rasso (Cafe Two Forty Five,        6 days & nights at the Heritage Safari    families that cannot currently afford
Guelph).                                  Lodge or the Hemingway Tented style       the cost of care through the HSO
                                          Safari Camp, South Africa.                Emergency program.
Meet the horses, watch the filmed Mu-
sical Ride by Sunrise young riders and    Plus annual sponsorships of some
senior competitive riders.                wonderful therapy horses, where the       HSO is a provincially funded dental
                                          highest bidder receives a tax receipt     program that provides free preven-
Engage in an exciting Live Auction led    for the full amount of the bid, and the   tive, regular and emergency dental
by Auctioneer Robert Milburn — all        horse makes a positive impact on the      services to eligible children and youth.
to celebrate 40 years of innovative       lives of hundreds of children through-
programs for vulnerable children and      out the year.
                                                                                    Residents seeking more information
adults who have taught us all so much
                                          Or send a child for a great inclusive     about Healthy Smiles Ontario or other
and continue to do so!                    camp experience — and many more           dental services offered through WDG
                                          items!                                    Public Health can call the WDG Public
Apart from a full slate of great silent
auction items ,the Live Auction fea-      Mark your calendars and plan to at-       Health Dental Line: 1-800-265-7293
tures “ ZULU NYALA” — Two Photo           tend.  Help Sunrise to achieve its        ext. 2661, or visit wdgpublichealth.
Safari Packages for two people each -     dream.                                    ca/HSO.

         Thirty-one seasons of plant joy! We look forward to your visit as we celebrate this season!
                                                            7                                                        May 2022
Farmers' Market to open on May 28 - Producedbyvolunteerssince1975 Vol.46,Issue9-May2022 - Puslinch Pioneer
Why Ted Arnott on June 2nd?
                                    Ted Arnott keeps his word.
       At election time, he makes no promises except his best efforts on behalf of all of us.
                          It’s a promise he has kept for almost 32 years.

             First elected to the Ontario Legislature in 1990, Ted Arnott’s constituents have
             re-elected him ever since. He has served in both Government and Opposition,
               and he’s always been willing to work across party lines to get things done.

               Throughout the pandemic, Ted Arnott responded to literally thousands of
            constituent inquiries. At the same time, he served in a challenging leadership role
                           in the Legislature as it continued to meet, in person.
       In the next provincial Parliament, MPPs need to listen, seek consensus and work together.
                          If re-elected, he will continue to be a voice of reason,
                      working hard on behalf of all of us as the Province re-builds.

      Re-elect Ted Arnott
     Wellington-Halton Hills

      Approved by the CFO for the
     Campaign to Re-Elect Ted Arnott

May 2022                                            8
Farmers' Market to open on May 28 - Producedbyvolunteerssince1975 Vol.46,Issue9-May2022 - Puslinch Pioneer
Six reasons to buy a rain
                                                                          Lack of affordable
                                                                      housing affects our
                                                                         neighbours, co-workers,
                                                                      friends and

1.   Save water. Water your garden, grass and plants.
2.   Better gardens. Feed them rain water without
     chemicals found in tap water.
3.   Clean outdoor furniture and
4.   Reduce risks of basement
5.   Moisten your compost bin when it’s drying up                                  MAKE WELLINGTON
6.   Save money. Save the environment.                                             COUNTY HOME
And if you need a seventh reason, buy it from Rotary, and
the proceeds go to supporting local community groups.
                                                                                   Everyone should be
                                                                                   able to live here
The rainbarrels, composters are on sale through the Rotary
Club of Guelph Trillium.                                                 

Cost of barrels ranges from $45-60.                                                OM
                                                                                     Official Mark of
They can be ordered through                                                        The Corporation of the                                               County of Wellington
Orders available until May 13.

Collection on May 18, 3-7pm from                                                   Alternate formats available upon request.
Original Home Furniture
259 Woodlawn Road W, Guelph.

                                   “THE Approved CAA Garage For Cambridge, Guelph & KW”

                                                                  166 Queen Street West,              519-658-9331
 “Serving Cambridge & Area Since 1905”                           Cambridge (Hespeler) ON,
                                                                        N3C 1G4           
                                                             9                                                        May 2022
Farmers' Market to open on May 28 - Producedbyvolunteerssince1975 Vol.46,Issue9-May2022 - Puslinch Pioneer
Fall fair
By Joanne Holt                                                     Gloria moved here
Save the date: the Aberfoyle Fall Fair is back. September 9
                                                               for a great job and
and 10th, 2022.                                                   community.
Finally we can celebrate our 180 th year in the community.
Our goal is to promote agriculture among the people in our
                                                               She needs more
community.                                                     housing
Agriculture is what you eat. We have many types of dis-        options.
plays and competitions you are welcome to join in.
                                                               Read her story.

Starting off, Friday night with a Wrestling Match then Sat-
                                                                           MAKE WELLINGTON
urday is the main event.                                                   COUNTY HOME
Saturday at 9:30am we are having a grand opening cer-                      Everyone should be
emony to kick off the 180th fair day.                                      able to live here
We are planning many surprises and hope you appreci-             
ate all the efforts to help you enjoy learning about
agriculture in your community.
                                                                             Official Mark of
Have a bit of fun while you are there!
                                                                           The Corporation of the
We extend a special invitation to those new to the area.                   County of Wellington
Come and see what we have for you to enjoy.

Check our web site for regular updates WWW.Aberfoyleag-                                                      Alternate formats available upon request.
Mark the date September 9,10, 2022 Aberfoyle Fall Fair.

May 2022                                                  10
In Memoriam                                   He will be missed by many nieces and
                                                                                            youth and families of the Township of
                                                                                            Puslinch with educational expenses.

Robert (Bob)Bruce                             Robert going to High School was very
                                              interested in the military. When he
                                                                                            This year three scholarships of $1000
                                                                                            each will be awarded to qualified ap-
Williams                                      got out of school he joined the Air           plicants commencing in September
                                              Force, stationed overseas and fought          2022 for the 2022-2023 school year.
                                              in Desert Storm.
                                                                                            A scholarship will be awarded to one
                                              When he returned from Europe, he              student who is pursuing a university
                                              joined Milton Legion 136, and worked          degree, one who is pursuing a com-
                                              at different jobs. (Toronto Auto Auc-         munity college degree, and one who
                                              tion and Chudley Farms). He loved to          is pursuing a vocational-technical ap-
                                              golf and went to North Carolina with          prenticeship/diploma.
                                              friends he made from Desert Storm.
                                                                                            To be eligible to apply for any of the
                                              His service was held at the Milton Le-        scholarships the applicant must be: a
                                              gion with a military Service which was        resident of the Township of Puslinch;
                                              exceptional and showed how we’ll all          21 years of age or younger in the year
                                              miss him. A special thank you to Mil-         the award is given; entering their first
                                              ton Legion Branch 136.                        year of post secondary education; and
                                                                                            enrolled in a program.
                                              He’ll be remembered by         family,
                                              friends and fellow comrades.
                                                                                            The due date for this year’s submis-
                                                                                            sion is June 30, 2022.
October 30, 1953 - March 23, 2022
                                                                                            For further information and applica-
Robert passed away March 23, 2022.
Son of the late Eileen and David Wil-
                                              Optimist Club                                 tion forms please go to our web site;
liams, also brother Paul Williams.            Scholarships                                  go to programs/scholarship; contact
Survived by Eileen and Joe, Roger                                                           your high school guidance depart-
and Carol, Rose, Paul’s wife Mary, Lin-       The Optimist Club of Puslinch is once         ment; or Don McKay (519) 822-2984,
da (late Rick Newman) and Bernice.            again offering scholarships to assist

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                                                               11                                                           May 2022
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May 2022                                           12
Helping Ukraine                                                                     employers and contractors can con-
                                                                                    nect and find each other.

                                                                                    Other refugees want to create eco-
By Anne Day                                                                         nomic opportunities for themselves in
                                                                                    the countries where they have settled
When Terry Gray wrote to thank us for                                               by creating and launching a business.
our Ukraine coverage and mentioned
that his registered charity, Impact                                                 Acting as an intermediary and broker
Bridges Group, based in Puslinch was                                                is nothing new for the IBG group who
already working with organizations in                                               has a track record of assisting social
Ukraine, I was curious. I wanted to                                                 programs in finding appropriate inves-
know more.                                Poland and then across the border         tors or funders to take the programs
                                          into Ukraine where Hosanna Church         to the next level.
Prior to the war there his organization   Lviv and other Ukrainian partners
was working with a local partner in       have distributed the supplies.            While they have only been talking
Lviv, and through their contacts they
                                                                                    about the work platform idea for a
have been moving medical supplies         However, another important need
                                                                                    couple of weeks, there has been much
from Poland into Ukraine.                 has been identified – helping those
                                                                                    interest, and already they have re-
                                          remaining in Ukraine and those who
His organization has 3.5   x 4.75                                                   ceived around 50 enquiries.
                        been   working    have left, find work so they can finan-
closely with other international orga-    cially support themselves.
nizations in Ukraine. On the essential                                              Right now they are looking for organi-
medical supplies the Canadian-based       One source of income would be to          zations and individuals that can help
partners have been ICROSS, Health         take on contract work, where they can     make this happen. As Terry observes
Partners International Canada, and        work remotely. This would lend itself     working in partnership creates the
Stirling Public Health.                   well to software development, IT, or      right synergy to move a project along
                                          digital marketing.                        more quickly.
A church in Langley BC, Christian Life
Assembly, has placed a logistics          Leveraging their contacts both in         If you are interested and/or want to
expert in Warsaw who has been             Canada and Europe, IBG is working to      learn more, contact Terry Gray at
instrumental in getting supplies into     develop a platform through which

                                                    Call Mike for a free estimate on all of
                                                    Call Mike
                                                         your for a free
                                                              stump       estimate
                                                                       grinding    on all of
                                                    Call Mike for a free  estimate on all of
                                Call Mike for a free estimate stump
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                                     your stump grinding needs.    call today
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                                                                519  803-1915
                                                                519 803-1915
     2021 Audited Financial Statements         call today       519 803-1915

     Take notice that the Corporation of the              519 803-1915
       Township of Puslinch 2021 Audited
      Financial Statements are available for                                                                                 Caption

       viewing on the Township website at                                                                                    Caption


                                                            13                                                    May 2022
                                                                                          Leaf and Yard
                                                                                          Waste Collection
                                                                  • Leaf and yard waste will
                                                                                                          The next leaf and yard
                                                                    be collected curbside in
        Regular Sunday Market Days:                                 urban areas only.                     waste collection date
    Sunday April 24 to Sunday October 30                                                                  for Puslinch is:
                                                                  • Place materials curbside by
    (Sundays only!) 8am–4pm, $5 admission, rain or shine            7:00 am on the date listed                    WEEK B       519-763-1077              here. Collection may take place
                                                                    any time during the week.                 Monday, May 16
                                                                  • Set out materials in brown paper
                                                                    yard waste bags and/or reusable
                                                                    cans clearly marked “Yard Waste.”
                                                                  • Small sticks must be in tied bundles.        YARD
                                                                  • Loose materials, and materials in
                                                                    plastic bags, WILL NOT be collected.

                                                                  519.837.2601 |
                                                                   Official Mark of The     Alternate formats available upon request.
                                                                  Corporation of the
                                                                  County of Wellington

                                                           21                                                         February 2021

May 2022                                                    14
Treasure trail                             Just think of the decluttering you could
                                           do, and all for a good cause.

                                           And if you like to find a bargain or a
                                           good book to read, a map of the Trea-
                                           sure Trail will be available, so you can
                                           check out all the treasures available.
                                           It’s May 14, 7.30am – 1.00pm

                                           If you are interested in getting in-
                                           volved, please contact Shelley Adling-
                                           ton at 226 820 6446 for more details.        Story Time
                                                                                        Grab a favourite book (or two) and
Remember that saying one person’s                                                       have story time outside. A bench in
junk is another person’s treasure?                                                      the park, a blanket on the grass or a
                                           Family Activity –                            chair in your backyard—anywhere is
                                                                                        a good place to curl up with a book.
Well the Rotary Club of Guelph South
is keen to collect your “treasure” for
                                                                                        If you’re feeling adventurous, tuck a
its upcoming May 14 treasure trail.                                                     book in a backpack and head out to
                                           By Julia Preston                             explore somewhere new.
Their plan is to have 20 locations
across the area where people will set                                                   Hike of the month
                                           May is traditionally a time of festivals
up and sell their items, with the pro-                                                  Invite a friend or family member to
                                           and fun. Flowers are blooming, sun is
ceeds going to Rotary.                                                                  join you on a hike. Visiting while you
                                           shining, temperatures are rising.
                                                                                        walk is a great way to catch up and
                                                                                        enjoy the outdoors.
Rotary in turn will donate the money       This month is a great time to be out-
to local community organizations such      side and enjoy the beauty that is            Consider making it a multi-generation
as Sunrise and Elora House as well as      Puslinch.                                    hike. No matter how old we are, we
helping with international causes, like                                                 all benefit from connecting with each
the efforts in Ukraine.                    Here are some ideas:                         other and nature.

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                                                                                    Dr. Laura M. Brown
                                                                                    Naturopathic Doctor

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                                                             15                                                       May 2022
Provincial Election 2022 - Meet the candidates

Ted Arnott, Conservative                                             Diane Ballantyne, NDP

Member of provincial parliament                                      Wellington County Councillor
Age 59                                                               (Ward 6) and high school teacher
Lives in Fergus                                                      Age 53
                                                                     Lives in Fergus

For 45 years, the Morriston Bypass has been an                       For 45 years, the Morriston Bypass has been an
identified need. Will you and your party commit to                   identified need. Will you and your party commit to
final phase funding by putting it back in your first                 final phase funding by putting it back in your first
budget, five-year plan and if no, why?                               budget, five-year plan and if no, why?

As always, I make no promises except my best efforts on              Morriston has been asking for this bypass for years, and
behalf of our community. I have continually advocated for            both the Liberals and Conservatives have dragged their
the Highway 6/Morriston Bypass project. The Minister of              feet to act. The NDP will ensure that this is fixed.
Transportation has repeatedly restated the Government’s
commitment to complete the Morriston Bypass, and it has              Do you and your party agree that priority funding
been specifically referenced in the 2021 Budget. I want to           should be given to building Hwy 413 over more
see the Morriston Bypass built as soon as possible, and              pressing health and education needs? Please ex-
continue to push for firm timelines for its construction and         plain.
                                                                     We would not build Highway 413. Doug Ford wants to pave
Do you and your party agree that priority funding                    over farmland and the Greenbelt for a highway that mu-
should be given to building Hwy 413 over more                        nicipalities oppose, and doesn’t reduce commute times.
pressing health and education needs? Please ex-                      Dollars are better spent on public transit projects. Only
plain.                                                               Ford’s developer buddies benefit from the 413 as they
                                                                     own the land along the proposed route.
I have raised many questions about the proposed Highway
413 on behalf of area residents. Before final decisions are          We have a plan to revamp Ontario’s broken long-term
made, alternatives should be evaluated and there should              care and home care systems. We also have a plan to make
be more consultation with affected communities. Environ-             sure we fix our education system and undo Ford’s cuts to
mental impact studies and an independent cost-benefit                classrooms.
analysis should also be completed. At the same time, I
continue to push for our fair share of health and education          Aggregate operations receive low assessment val-
dollars to meet our local needs.                                     ues acting as a subsidy from rural tax payers. Will
                                                                     you and your party press MPAC to adjust their as-
Aggregate operations receive low assessment val-                     sessment formula so the aggregate industry pays
ues acting as a subsidy from rural tax payers. Will                  its just share of taxes? If not agree, why?
you and your party press MPAC to adjust their as-
sessment formula so the aggregate industry pays                      The wear and tear on local infrastructure from aggregate
its just share of taxes? If not agree, why?                          operations is considerable, and often local taxpayers have
                                                                     to pick up the tab. We would make sure that the burden is
I have worked closely with the County of Wellington and              shared more fairly. We support a moratorium on new and
the Township of Puslinch on the issue of the assessment of           expanded aggregate operations until we have a strategy
aggregate properties. Gravel companies should pay their              that lays out what is needed and where it should be mined
fair share of property taxes to local municipalities, and the        from. Currently, approvals are not based on any cohesive
economic value of the aggregate should be included in the            plan. We are committed to stopping new mining opera-
assessed value of the aggregate properties.                          tions and reassessing Ontario’s approach.
May 2022                                                        16
Provincial Election 2022 - Meet the candidates

Ryan Kahro, Green Party
                                                                      Election 2022
Work Mother
Age      40
                                                                      Is taking place on June 2, 2022.
Lives in Rockwood
                                                                      Puslinch is part of the Wellington-Halton Hills Riding and
                                                                      includes the town of Erin, Town of Halton Hills, Township
                                                                      of Centre Wellington, Township of Guelph/Eramosa.


                                                                      To be eligible to vote in an Ontario election, you must be:

                                                                      •   18 years of age or older, a Canadian citizen and a
                                                                          resident of Ontario.

For 45 years, the Morriston Bypass has been an                        How to get on the Voters’ List
identified need. Will you and your party commit to
final phase funding by putting it back in your first                  You can use eRegistration to confirm, update or add your
budget, five-year plan and if no, why?                                information to the voters list if you change your address,
                                                                      name or become eligible to vote.
I and Mike Schreiner, leader of the GPO, officially support
this bypass. There are exceptional negative effects im-               You can also notify Elections Ontario of a death to have
posed on Morriston from Highway 6 due to ever increas-                that person’s information removed.
ing traffic and this bypass is needed even though the GPO
does not view highways as a general solution to Ontario’s
transportation needs. Mike Schreiner has been very vocal              How to submit your vote
on this issue and we condemn the delays by the Ford and
previous governments including that of the NDP and Lib-               •   You can vote in person on election day from 9 am to 9
erals. Ford is delaying further by putting emphasis on the                pm at the voting location assigned to you
proposed highway 413 debacle.
                                                                      •   You can vote at any of the advance voting locations in
Do you and your party agree that priority funding                         your electoral district (10am -8 pm)
should be given to building Hwy 413 over more
pressing health and education needs? Please ex-                       •   To vote by mail, you will need to complete a Vote by
plain.                                                                    Mail application and provide a copy of at least one
                                                                          piece of government-issued ID. You can apply to vote
I adamantly oppose highway 413. The $ billions proposed                   by mail once an election in your electoral district has
for 413 should be invested in a proactive healthcare sys-                 been called.
tem and in our youth through a much improved education
system The 413 proposal is a divisive election ploy in an             •   You can also vote at home or if in hospital. Check on
attempt to distract the public from tangible issues needing               the special arrangements available.
focused attention now.
                                                                      When you visit Elections Ontario, ( you
Aggregate operations receive low assessment val-                      can download their app, which will give you
ues acting as a subsidy from rural tax payers. Will
you and your party press MPAC to adjust their as-                     •   a scannable version of your voter information card
sessment formula so the aggregate industry pays
its just share of taxes? If not agree, why?                           •   a full list of your voting locations and dates

The GPO wants a complete overhaul of the aggregate act                •   customizable election notifications
in Ontario. Levies are so low there is little incentive to use
this resource wisely. Aggregate extraction has huge en-               •   a list of candidates for your electoral district
vironmental and social consequences impacting precious
ground water and air quality. I support increasing the lev-           At the time of going to print, there was no Liberal candi-
ies per tonne to better reflect the true cost to the health           date.
and the environment.
                                                                 17                                                          May 2022
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                                                         R E C YC L A B L E S                WA S T E

      Know what should be recycled
      and what needs to be thrown away
                                                                    Plastic                    Coffee Cups

      Look for Recycle                                                                         Leftover
      Everywhere bins                                               Beverage                   Liquids
      around town to                                                Cartons

      dispose of empty
      beverage containers.                                                                     Food Waste

      Contribute to a                                               Juice
      cleaner environment                                           Boxes
      and help protect                                                                         Soiled Food
      natural resources                                                                        Containers
      in Puslinch.                                                  Aluminum

                                                                    Glass                      Take-out
                             Supported by                           Bottles                    Cups

May 2022                                    18
Seasonal allergies?                             Calm Stress                                    Wet Socks

                                                It goes without saying that stress makes       Wet socks and other hydrotherapy “tricks”
                                                everything worse. Allergies not excepted.      help move upper respiratory congestion,
By Dr. Laura Brown, ND                          Stress can alter states of mucus produc-       boost immunity and ease sleep.
                                                tion via the vagus nerve.
                                                                                               Here’s how you do it:
                                                Cold therapy and bitter herbs can stimu-
                                                late the vagal nerve. So will things that      •   Get a thin pair cotton socks wet in
                                                are relaxing like sound and vibrational            very cold running water.
                                                healing, acupuncture, meditation, forest       •   Ring out.
                                                bathing, breath work, yoga, Qi Gong, Tai
                                                                                               •   Bring them to bed with you.
                                                Chi, creative activities and laughter.
                                                                                               •   Sit on the side of your bed, pull the
                                                                                                   wet cotton socks on.
                                                Gut Health
Seasonal allergies, allergic rhinitis (AR) or                                                  Yes, this feels weird. Just go with it. It’s
hay fever, is inflammation inside the nose      Short chain fatty acids ( SCFAs), or “post-
                                                biotics” so termed in CBC’s recent radio       free after all!
stimulated by pollen from trees, grass or
weeds. Up to forty percent of the global        post, are the large intestine bacterial by-
                                                products of dietary fibre fermentation.        Slide under the covers and say good night.
population is affected.
                                                                                               A circulation pump will pull the congestion
                                                The balance of SCFAs, namely acetate,          out of your head as the body warms the
Symptoms include itchy, red, watery eyes
and nose, scratchy throat, sneezing and         propionate, and butyrate, provide critical     feet and dries the socks. The socks will be
swelling of tissues.                            anti-inflammatory mediators in airways.        dry in 4-6 hours. Repeat as needed.

Nasal congestion is the hallmark of the         Interesting to note, when children at one      Vitamins and minerals
allergic response. In more than eighty          year of age have higher levels of the SC-
percent of people with seasonal allergies       FAs butyrate and propionate, they are sig-     There are numerous ways vitamins and
breathing is affected, especially during        nificantly less likely to have allergies and   minerals contribute to airway health and
sleep.                                          less likely to develop asthma at three to      modify the immune response.
                                                six years of age.
This leads to decreased productivity and                                                       Vitamin A helps the mucous membranes
increased daytime sleepiness.                   Although administration of probiotics and      cells regenerate.
                                                fermentable fibre (prebiotics) do not elimi-
Twenty five percent of adults and forty-five    nate allergies, they may help balance the      Vitamin C, magnesium and medically su-
percent of children report they are unable      production of SCFA’s and reduce the inci-      pervised high doses of some B vitamins
to sleep or are awakened during the night       dence and duration of allergy symptoms.        can help act as an anti-histamine.
because of nasal allergy symptoms.
                                                Dietary sources of probiotics include co-
                                                                                               Vitamin D keeps the mucous membranes
Despite the many prescription drugs avail-      conut or milk kefir, unpasteurized sauer-
able for seasonal allergy treatment, there      kraut, kimchi and yogurt.
remains room for improvement in the
                                                                                               Vitamin K reduces inflammation and zinc
quality of life, frequency and duration of      Dietary sources of prebiotics include fi-
                                                                                               helps balance mucus production.
allergy symptoms.                               brous vegetables, onion, garlic, globe arti-
                                                choke, banana, asparagus, flax, psyllium,
Here we start with five natural approaches      dandelion root, and burdock root.              All of the above suggestions need to be
to reduce seasonal allergy response.                                                           dosed appropriately so please consult your
                                                Acupuncture                                    health care provider as this article does
1.   Calm stress                                                                               not intend to provide individual medical
2.   Gut Health                                 Naturopathic doctors and licenced acu-         advice.
3.   Acupuncture                                puncturists are regulated to perform safe
4.   Wet Socks                                  modes of acupuncture that can reduce           Dr. Brown ND has her own clinic and can
5.   Vitamins and minerals                      nasal inflammation.                            be reached at

                                                                    19                                                            May 2022
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                                                                                           meal options and details.
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May 2022                                                               20
Puslinch Branch, Wellington County Library
For current hours and services, please call      details.                                        Keyes, Marian     Again, Rachel
the Puslinch Branch 519.763.8026 or visit        Tuesday, May 17 at 1:30 pm – 2:30 pm            Mandal,E          Sea of Tranquility
us online at                                                          Mytting, Lars     The Sixteen Trees of
                                                                                                                   the Somme
Story Time (Preschool)                                                                           Novak, B          Summer on the Island
Join us in person for live songs, stories,                                                       Stringfellow, T   Memphis
rhymes, and activities aimed at develop-
ing your child’s early literacy skills. Please                                                   Non-Fiction
Thursdays, May 5 - 26 at 11:00 am –                                                              Bangerter, Jason
11:45 am                                                                                         Langdon Hall: A Cookbook

First Friday Book Club (Adults)                                                                  Barr, Suzanne
Discussing Warlight by Michael Ondaatje.                                                         My Ackee Tree: A Chef’s Memoir
Please contact branch staff for meeting                                                          of Finding Home in the Kitchen
Friday, May 6 at 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm                                                               Ferrante, Elena
                                                                                                 In the Margins: On the Pleasures
                                                 Scrabble Club (Adults)                          of Reading and Writing
                                                 Drop into the branch for an afternoon of
                                                 casual word building entertainment! No          Greer, Tasha
                                                 experience necessary. Please register.          Weedfree Gardening:A
                                                 Wednesdays, May 4 and 18 at 2:00 pm –           Comprehensive and Organic
                                                 4:00 pm                                         Approach to Weed Management
                                                 Take-and-Make Kits                              Linden, Eugene
                                                 Get creative with activity kits for all ages!   Fire and Flood: A People’s History
                                                 Contents may include a hands-on activity,       of Climate Change, From 1979 to
                                                 activity sheets, and suggestions for addi-      the Present
                                                 tional library resources.
                                                                                                 Price, Devon
                                                 Pick up at your local branch on a first-
                                                                                                 Unmasking Autism: Discovering
                                                 come, first-served basis.
Baby Time (0-12 months)                                                                          the New Faces of Neurodiversity
Introduce your baby to the library and a         Just for You from WCL
love of books through finger plays, songs,                                                       Strutt, Laura
rhymes and stories. Please register.             Wondering what to read, watch, or listen        Cut & Craft: Digital Die-cutting:
Tuesdays, May 10 - 31 at 10:30 am –              to next? Wellington County Library staff        Getting Started with your Machine
11:00 am                                         are here to help! Tell us what you love
                                                 and we’ll hand-pick a selection of titles for   Taylor, Eva
Making the Most of Online Resources              you to borrow. For more information, visit      My Mother’s War: The Incredible
– Using BibloCommons (Adult)                              True Story of How a Resistance
Curious about the library’s new online cat-                                                      Fighter Survived Three
alogue? Would you like to know everything        While you’re waiting for Just for You           Concentration Camps
you can do while searching for the latest        selections, check out this list of new
book or item?                                    books at the library.                           Vater, Linda
                                                                                                 The Elegant & Edible Garden:
Bring your questions and we will do our          Fiction                                         Design A Dream Kitchen Garden
best to answer them! Please register.                                                            to Fit your Personality, Desires,
Thursday, May 12 at 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm            Carr, Robyn       A Family Affair               and Lifestyle
                                                 Graham, G         Bluebird
Third Tuesday Book Club (Adults)                 Graham, H         Crimson Summer                Wakeman, Cy
Discussing Born a Crime by Trevor Noah.          Green, Jane       Sister Stardust               Life’s Messy, Live Happy: Things Don’t
Please contact branch staff for meeting          Harris, C.S.      When Blood Lies               Have to Be Perfect for You to Be Content

                                                                     21                                                               May 2022
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Ask the expert                                    This is where the trunk meets the
                                                  first main root. Remove the soil to
                                                  expose the flare and remove the
                                                  soil across the top of the root ball.
By Sharon Zadorozny                               Developing a root flare is impor-
                                                  tant for tree stability, getting oxy-
                                                  gen to the roots and for helping
How do I plant a tree?                            to prevent disease and girdling.

This is a good and timely question be-       4.   Refill the hole with the soil you
cause in the past few years there has             took out. Do not amend the soil.
been a dramatic change in the think-              Tamp firmly with your hands but
ing about the best way to plant a tree.           do not stomp with your boot. No
                                                  need to stake the tree unless it is
You want your new tree to adapt                   top heavy.
quickly to its new home and sur-
rounding native soil.                             A tree that isn’t staked will natu-
                                                  rally build strength. Any stakes
The previously common practices of                used should be removed after a
planting deep, adding compost, ma-                year.
nure, and peat moss, and mulching
up to the trunk will limit the success       5.   Mulch evenly and to a depth of
of your tree’s growth by preventing               2-4 inches around the tree but
proper root development.                          not touching the trunk.

Steps in planting

1.   Dig a hole the same depth as      the
     root ball. Keep the soil you      dig
     out for refilling. The width of   the
     hole should be 2 to 3 times       the
     diameter of the root ball.

2.   Remove the tree from the pot and
     remove any material around the
     root ball, including wire and bur-
                                                          A Volcano tree
                                                     Photo U of New Hampshire
     Any material left will impact the
     growth of the roots. Gently loos-            You do not want to create a “Vol-
     en the roots around the outside              cano Tree”. For a small tree leave
     of the ball.                                 a small gap between the mulch
                                                  and the trunk. On a larger tree
     Try and remove as much of the                you want the mulch at least 3
     nursery soil as possible as it is            inches from the trunk.
     very different from the native soil
     the roots will grow in.                      This will leave room for a proper
                                                  root flare to develop. Too much
3.   Place the tree in the hole. The              mulch against a tree trunk en-
     bottom of the root ball should sit           courages disease and decay as
     on top of the undisturbed soil.              the trunk stays moist and pre-
                                                  vents proper root development.

                                             6.   Water immediately and at least
                                                  throughout the first year for
                                                  health and survival. Water deeply
                                                  and allow the soil to dry out at the
                                                  top before watering again. There
                                                  is no need to fertilize.

                                             By planting a tree you are not only
                                             making your yard more beautiful but
                                             you are also providing a home for
                                             birds and wildlife and helping the en-
                                             vironment by providing oxygen and
                                             sequestering carbon.

     The top of the ball should be           And in the words of Joyce Kilmer - “I
     slightly above the surrounding          think that I shall never see A poem as
     soil level to expose the root flare.    lovely as a tree”.
                                                                 23                       May 2022
Don Davidson
                     M.O.E. #6013
  4614 Sideroad 12 N.               Phone: 519-822-3039
  Puslinch, ON N0B 2J0                Fax: 519-837-9811

                                                                          FE            FROST

                                                                       JOHN FROST            Master Electrician
                                                               Electrical Contractor/Owner    ESA/ECRA Licence #7014426


                                                                        TOP SOIL & MULCH
                                                               OPEN TO THE PUBLIC - DELIVERY AVAILABLE
                                                               661 Watson Rd. S, Puslinch 519-993-7192

May 2022                                                  24
Regenerative                             length and with discounts for 10C
                                                                                  Minga by 10C in partnership with The
                                                                                  Community Farmer
                                         Get ’Em in the Ground: Ways to           Registration Link:
                                         Make or Break Your Garden
                                         Saturday, May 14 | 10:00-11:30AM         erative-gardening-in-your-own-back-
                                         Weed ’Em and Reap!                       ets-300079705477
                                         Saturday, July 2 | 10:00 - 11:00AM

                                         Season Extension: Tucking Your
                                         Garden into Bed                            Sign up to receive the
                                         Saturday, August 13 | 10:00 -                Pioneer and Pulse
                                         11:30AM                                        electronically.
                                         Focus on Seeds                            www.puslinchpioneer.
                                         Saturday, September 10 | 10:00 -                   com
                                                                                           or email
                                         Perennial Crop Spotlight
Minga by 10C, in partnership with The                                              editorpuslinchpioneer@
                                         Saturday, October 8 | 10:00          -
Community Farmer, is proud to pres-      11:00AM
ent Regenerative Growing in Your Own
Backyard, a series of urban gardening
workshops throughout the year from
                                                                                                  Create a setting with
seed to harvest.
                                                                                                that special atmosphere
Workshops will take place at 10C                                                                 of being outdoors, but
Shared Space and at community                                                                    with all the indoor style
gardens in Guelph.                                                                               and comfort you love.

Seb Ramirez has been working in
the ecological food sector for over 10
years. His passion for using food and
farming as a way to create a better
world have led him to becoming a sea-
soned market gardener, land steward,
educator and food literacy advocate.

Seb is passionate about using food to
bring people together in a joyful and
empowering way.

He offers garden and small farm con-
sultation and coaching through his
business, “The Community Farmer.”
Workshops are 60 to 90 minutes and
cost $35 - $60 each, depending on

                                                         25                                                       May 2022
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