FCC - First Congregational Church of River Edge

Page created by Wade Mccarthy
FCC - First Congregational Church of River Edge
     Family Connections Newsletter
                                       Holy Week edition 2020
                                        Created by the Education Team

      Holy Week Worship Schedule
 April 5-*Palm Sunday at 10 a.m.
 April 9-Maundy Thursday Tenebrae &
     Lord’s Supper at 7:00 p.m.
 April 12-*Easter Sunday at 10 a.m.
                                                 INSIDE this issue:
 *Sunday services via Zoom at:
      https://zoom.us/j/892501398               ~ Holy Week Schedule

                                                ~ Holy Week family activities
As the season of Lent comes to a close, we      ~ Egg-stra special egg ideas
should be anticipating Jesus’ journey to the
cross with thoughts of celebrating His          ~ Easter Egg Hunt alternatives
resurrection on Easter Sunday. Instead we       ~ Fun recipes
are praying for the safety and wellness of
our global and local communities during         ~At-home Easter traditions
these uncertain times. Spring is a time for     ~Family movie suggestions
new life while keeping Jesus in our hearts
and minds. Let’s take this time at home to      ~Boredom busters
celebrate family and be thankful for the
gifts that Jesus has given us. Be well!

   Happy Easter!
FCC - First Congregational Church of River Edge
Wave those palms…Just because we won’t be having a
palm parade in church doesn’t mean we can’t show our
praise for Jesus. If you can’t pick up your palms from
the church entryway, no worries. You can make your
own with these ideas:
We would love to see you celebrating, so please send
any video clips or photos to
nbabington@fccriveredge.org. Then look for them on
our Facebook page, Youtube channel or


       “It is by His wounds that
       you have been healed.”
                               1 Peter 2:24

       Jesus died on the cross to save us
       from our sins. Celebrate Him with
       this easy art project. There is
       more where this came from:
FCC - First Congregational Church of River Edge
Celebrating Easter
     Christ has risen…Easter     is a message of hope and new life. Despite the
     current health crisis, this is a time to rejoice and renew. Spending this
     holiday in our homes will give us a chance to re-connect and reflect on all
     of God’s blessings. This Easter Sunday will be very different than any we
     have experienced before. We may not be able to continue with an old
     tradition, but we can create new ones! Enjoy these family fun activities!

What do     have to do with Easter?
                                                 Looking for some new       coloring
In many cultures, eggs are a symbol of           ideas? Be adventurous and try this
new life. For Christians, it is believed         baking soda and vinegar technique. It’s
that the hard shell represents the tomb          also a science project…
and breaking it symbolizes Jesus’
resurrection. Since eating eggs during           https://www.bhg.com/holidays/easter/
Lent was forbidden, a custom of coloring         crafts/baking-soda-dyed-easter-eggs/
them to mark the end of Lent and eating          Or try these with the rice you have in
them on Easter morning began. Finding            your pantry:
eggs during a hunt is like removing the          https://www.craftymorning.com/rice-
rock from Jesus’ tomb. To learn about            shake-easter-eggs-ziploc-bags/
other Easter traditions such as the
Easter Bunny and Easter candy go here:           Better yet, make your own salt dough
easter-symbols     or watch here:                https://www.powerfulmothering.com/h
mF3jDMc                                          Wonder what these would look like
                                                 with a bit of glitter…
     How can we hunt for eggs and still
     keep our social distance??

     *Hunt in your backyard or house

     *Stop by the church entryway to
      pick up a palm, eggs and craft

     *Search this newsletter to see how many
      eggs you can find!                            Egg Hunt Anyone???
FCC - First Congregational Church of River Edge
Easter                                 continues…
        Instead of focusing on the holiday traditions we can’t do this year, start
        some new ones. Some suggestions from Southern Living Magazine are:

        **Set-up a virtual get together with family and friends.
        **Wear your Easter best, don’t forget the bonnet!
        **Send Easter cards (homemade are the best)
        **Make a generous donation to church or a local food pantry
        Read the rest of the article here: https://www.southernliving.com/easter/easter-at-home
        Other ideas are:
        **Try a new recipe (see one below)
        **Have an Easter parade in your living room
        **Watch a holiday movie (suggestions below)
        **7 quarantine-friendly family Easter activities here:

                                                                 Looking for a fun way to tell the Easter
                                                                 story to the kids?

                                                                 Try this recipe for Resurrection Rolls. You will need:
                                                                 *canned crescent rolls

Want to watch a movie? A few                                     *3 tbsp of butter
suggestions for a family movie night..                           *cinnamon & sugar mixture
Veggie Tales-An Easter Carol (G)                                 *1 large marshmallow or Peep for each crescent roll
Veggie Tales-Twas the Night Before Easter (G)                    *aluminum foil or parchment paper
It’s the Easter Beagle, Charlie Brown (G)                        Click here for story and directions:
Greatest Story Ever Told (G)                                     https://www.catholicicing.com/how-to-make-
Hop (PG)                                                         resurrection-rolls-aka/

The Dog Who Saved Easter (PG)
                                                               How are you celebrating Easter?
Pieces of Easter                                               Send pics, videos or stories to
Rise of the Guardians (PG)
                                                               We can then share on social media.
Risen (PG-13)
Son of God (PG-13)
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