February 2020 Program Calendar - Center for Health ...

Page created by Johnnie Rivera
February 2020 Program Calendar - Center for Health ...
February 2020 Program Calendar
The Center for Health & Wellbeing (CHWB) is proud to host educational                       Seven Dimensions of
programs that inspire your healthiest self. Each program is focused on one or               Wellbeing
more of the Seven Dimensions of Wellbeing. Most CHWB programs are free,
                                                                                                 Physical                 Social
while others require a small fee.

February is Heart Health month at the Center for Health & Wellbeing. We are                      Intellectual             Emotional
excited to share our full slate of February education programs, including Heart
                                                                                                 Environmental            Spiritual
Health programs highlighted in this calendar with a yellow background.
Advance registration is required. To register, visit the CHWB’s calendar
at YourHealthandWellbeing.org/events, call 407.644.2492 or stop by the                      Register early to be guaranteed a spot.
                                                                                            Please note: some programs have a required
CHWB Welcome Desk to learn more about specific programs and to sign up.                     minimum number of attendees, and could be
                                                                                            cancelled if the minimum is not met.

Mondays, Feb. 3 through April 6,              Monday, Feb. 3, 7 - 8 pm                       Tuesday, Feb. 4, 10 am - Noon
1:30 - 3 pm
                                                          Mindful Meditation and                     Winter Park Public Library’s
        Classical Music & Painting                        Crystal Bowl Sound Bath                      FitLit Book Club
        Conference Room A                     Conference Room B                              Meeting Room 2201
Price: Free                                   Price: Free                                    Price: Free
If you’d love to create art, but you’re not   Feeling anxious or stressed lately? This is    Exercise your body and brain during
sure how to get started, this program         the class for you. Learn how mindfulness       this first meeting of our quarterly FitLit
is for you! Led by the team at Central        can help you become more present               Book Club, focused on “Beautiful
Florida Community Arts, participants          and calm. The class will conclude with         Affliction” by Lene Fogelberg.
will create abstract art while listening to   a beautiful crystal bowl sound bath.           You’ll walk the Center for Health
classical music and letting it influence      No, you won’t get wet! A crystal bowl          & Wellbeing’s indoor track while
the art. Each multidisciplinary session       sound bath involves your guide creating        discussing the reading and learning
will result in a unique piece of art. This    sounds and vibrations in crystal bowls,        from community experts, who will
program is presented by the Winter Park       transforming you to a peaceful, mindful        join the walk to offer their insights and
Health Foundation.                            state. This class will be led by Camille       enhance your experience. This first
                                              Sacco, a Certified Meditation Instructor,      book club meeting will be led by Jody
                                              mindfulness advocate and author of             Lazar, the Community Librarian at
                                                the book, “Hippiebanker: Bringing            Winter Park Public Library. Attendees
                                                    Peace, Love and Spirituality to          are encouraged to have completed all
                                                      the Workplace.” This entire            or some of the book before this first
                                                        experience will leave you            session. This program is presented by
                                                         with a balanced mind, body          the Winter Park Health Foundation.
                                                          and spirit. This program is
                                                           presented by the Winter Park
                                                           Health Foundation.

                                                        Come hang out with us!
                                                      Walking track, free WiFi, comfy seating.

February 2020 Program Calendar - Center for Health ...
Tuesdays, Feb. 4 and 18, 12:30 - 1:30 pm      Tuesday, Feb. 4, 6:30 – 8:30 pm             Wednesdays, Feb. 5, 12, 19, 26, 5:30 - 7 pm
                    Line Dancing                                          4th Trimester               Kickstart 30
                    Conference Room B                                     Class                       Meeting Room 2201
    Price: Free                                   Conference Room A                           Price: $10
    Line Dancing is fun fitness for your body     Price: $35                                  Are you ready to rev up your mental as
    and your brain. Join us each 1st and 3rd      *$5 off for AdventHealth Employees          well as physical wellbeing in 2020? Would
    Tuesday of the month at 12:30 PM for          and those who take the Gift of              you like to be happier, calmer and more
    a low-impact, bone-building, calorie-         Motherhood Class                            grounded this year? If so, join us for a
    burning, memory-challenging hour of           Everyone shares what to expect when         30-day program for a healthier, happier
    joy, as you enjoy moving to great music in    you’re expecting, but what about            you, led by Jill Hamilton-Buss, a Licensed
    the company of new friends. Dancers of        your body after baby? Whether you’re        Mental Health Counselor who works with
    all skill levels are welcome! Dancing since   expecting your first child or you’ve just   clients in a holistic way to create optimal
    the age of 4, instructor Bethany Mikesell     welcomed your newest addition, learn        wellbeing for mind and body. This
    also has a background as a fitness            more about the “fourth trimester”           scientifically-based program has been
    instructor, certified personal trainer, and   through this informative class about        rigorously studied and incorporates five
    Physical Therapy Assistant. When she          changes you can expect and how to           elements, that when practiced together,
    isn’t line dancing, you can usually find      prepare. This program presented by          result in measurable increases in levels of
    her at the Crosby Wellness Center. This       AdventHealth for Women.                     well-being: Exercise, Mindfulness, Sleep,
    program is presented by the Winter Park                                                   Social Connectedness and Nutrition. This
    Health Foundation.                            Wednesdays, Feb. 5 and 19, 10 am - Noon     month-long program will offer education,
                                                                                              accountability and doses of laughter and
     Tuesday, Feb. 4, 6 - 8 pm                            SHINE (Serving Health               fun. This program is presented by the
             Cooking with Chef Collette—                  Insurance Needs of Elders)          Winter Park Health Foundation.
              Well-Fed with the                   Meeting Room 2202
              Mediterranean Diet                                                              Register early because capacity is limited
                                                  Price: Free
     Nutrition Theatre                                                                        to 10 participants.
                                                  The SHINE (Serving Health Insurance
     Price: $35                                   Needs of Elders) Program provides
     You’ve heard it, you know it: The            health insurance information and free,
     Mediterranean diet is crazy healthy.         unbiased, and confidential counseling
     In fact, if the typical American ate         assistance to Medicare beneficiaries,
     a traditional Mediterranean diet,            their families and caregivers. SHINE is
     they could reduce their risk of heart        a free program offered by the Florida
     disease and stroke by 30 to 40 percent,      Department of Elder Affairs and your
     according to Walter Willett, MD,             local Area Agency on Aging. Specially
     DrPH, of the Harvard T.H. Chan               trained volunteers can assist with
     School of Public Health. But guess           your Medicare, Medicaid and health
     what else it is? It’s hands-down one of      insurance questions by providing one-
     the most delicious diets in the world.       on-one counseling and information.
     In this demonstration, Chef Collette         Registrations are by appointment-only.
     Haw of CHWB’s Nourish Coffee Bar             To book an appointment, please call
     + Kitchen will teach you how to make         407-514-1823. This program is presented
     healthy Mediterranean-inspired dishes        by the Winter Park Health Foundation.
     at home. This program is presented by
     the Winter Park Health Foundation.

February 2020 Program Calendar - Center for Health ...
Join the Growing Bolder Portal!
                      Growing Bolder, partners with the Winter Park Health Foundation on the forthcoming
                       Wellbeing Network, is exclusively offering CHWB visitors free annual memberships
                               (a $30 value) to the Growing Bolder Portal for a limited time only.

Wednesday, Feb. 5, 6:45 - 8:30 pm             Thursdays, Feb. 6 and 20, 10 - 11 am         Thursday, February 6, 12:30 - 1:30 pm

        IDEAS Hive—Let’s Love Our                     Thoughtful Thursdays—                               Eat Your Heart Out
        Oceans                                        Vision 2020                                          Nutrition Theatre
Community Conference Center                   Conference Room A                            Price: Free
Price: Free                                   Price: Free                                  Join us for adventures in healthy
Oceans are an essential part of the           What’s your vision for 2020? If it’s your    cooking with the “Eat Your Heart Out”
social, economic and environmental            year to live a happier, more thoughtful,     live cooking demonstration, featuring
health of our world. UCF assistant            intentional life, the Thoughtful             AdventHealth’s Chef Edwin Cabrera
professor Thomas Wahl, Ph.D., dedicates       Thursdays bi-weekly group is for you.        and electrophysiologist Dr. Patricia
his life to researching the connection        Together we’ll explore how to live more      Guerrero. This free demonstration will
between Civil Engineering and the             mindfully -- and what that looks and         include techniques, tips and tastings
impacts of sea level rise to the planet’s     feels like. This experiential program, led   of heart healthy foods, offering an
most vulnerable coastal regions. Come         by Licensed Mental Health Counselor          amazing range of flavors and textures.
join us for a presentation on erosion,        Jill Hamilton Buss, will explore questions   You will also learn new ways to add
coastal adaptation and how we can             like: What do I want now, at this stage      these to your meals and discover the
prioritize the health of our oceans for the   of my life? How can I be my happiest,        added bonus of their health benefits.
future. This program is presented by the      best self? What do I need to get there?      This program is presented by the
Winter Park Health Foundation.                Part meditation, part education and          AdventHealth Diabetes Institute.
                                              a lot of intentional fun and gentle
                                              accountability, this group is about living
                                              thoughtfully and making changes large
                                              or small that will help you live an even
                                              happier, healthier life. This program is
                                              presented by the Winter Park Health

February 2020 Program Calendar - Center for Health ...
Thursday, Feb. 6, 1 - 2 pm                 Thursdays, Feb. 6 and 20, 6 - 7 pm             Friday, Feb. 7, 10 - 11:00 am
            HeartMath—The                              Ballroom Dancing                                                Laughter Yoga
              Psychophysiology of Stress               Feb 6: Conference Room B                                         Conference
              and Emotion                              Feb. 20: The Commons                                             Room A
    Conference Room A                          Price: $5/session                              Price: $5
    Price: Free                                                                               Laughter Yoga, a gentle form of
                                               Dancing isn’t just fun, it’s really good
    HeartMath products, tools and              for your health. Recent studies prove          exercise combining unconditional
    techniques are based on more than 25       it’s one of the best ways to get fit and       laughter with pranayama (yogic
    years of scientific research conducted     to live longer. So, let’s dance! This fun      breathing), is a revolutionary idea
    at the HeartMath Institute on the          and energetic class will teach you the         sweeping the world. A complete
    psychophysiology of stress, emotions,      basics of ballroom dancing; no partners        workout and wellbeing exercise in one,
    and the interactions between the           required! Billy Bowser teaches dance and       Laughter Yoga was developed by Dr.
    heart and brain. In this session,          theatre classes across Central Florida         Madan Kataria, an Indian Medical
    learn more about groundbreaking            and his lively class will get you moving       Doctor, and is practiced in more than
    HeartMath technology and test              and improve your self-confidence. This         100 countries. In this class, laughter
    products that provide an innovative        program is presented by the Winter Park        is initially simulated as a physical
    approach to improving emotional            Health Foundation.                             exercise while attendees maintain
    wellbeing. Wellness coach and                                                             eye contact with others in the group.
    consultant Kelly Andrews, who has          Thursday, February 6, 7 - 9 pm                 In most cases this soon leads to real
    more than 30 years experience in the                                                      and contagious laughter. It is a fun
                                                           Infant and Child CPR
    health and wellness field, will lead the                                                  and powerfully healing practice that
    session. This program is presented by                                                     releases stress, boosts the immune
    the Winter Park Health Foundation.         Conference Room A                              system and fosters a positive, loving
                                               Price: $35                                     and accepting mental attitude. No
    Thursdays, February 6, 13, 20, 27,                                                        yoga mats are needed – just be ready
    5:30 pm                                    You’ve covered all the basics — how            to laugh lively and find peace in
                                               to feed, bathe, and comfort your baby.         90 minutes. This class is hosted by
                                               Now, learn how to save your baby’s life        Dana Kaplan, E-RYT 500, a Certified
                                               should she suddenly stop breathing, have       Laughter Yoga Teacher, and is
    AdventHealth Walk with a Doc               cardiac arrest, or begin to choke. This        presented by the Winter Park Health
    Healthy Living Experience                  program is presented by AdventHealth           Foundation.
    Price: Free                                for Women.
    Bring your friends or come solo and
    enjoy a 45-minute walk with a doc
    through beautiful Winter Park.
    AdventHealth Physicians and health-
    care professionals are on hand to offer
    support and answer questions you
    have about your health. It’s a great
    way to exercise, get connected to
    reliable health information and meet
    new friends.

    This event happens rain or shine. If the
    weather isn’t ideal, we’ll walk around
    the CHWB’s indoor walking track.

    No RSVP needed. Walk-ups
    welcome! Call 407-619-0410 for
    more information. This program is
    presented by AdventHealth.

                                               The multi-disciplinary team at AdventHealth Sports, Med & Rehab, located on the
                                               second floor of the Center for Health & Wellbeing, offers a wide range of services –
                                               including physical therapy and specialty rehabilitation – to address your health from
                                               every angle, helping you become healthier, happier and stronger in everything you do.

February 2020 Program Calendar - Center for Health ...
Fridays, February 7, 14, 21,
10:30 am – 12:30 pm
        Baby Bunch
        Conference Room B
Price: $8 for One Visit; $20 for Three
The Baby Bunch is a weekly gathering
for new mothers where you can support
one another and share parenting tips,
milestones, and joys. This program is
presented by AdventHealth for Women.

Friday, February 7, Noon - 1 pm
                Healthy Bones Series
                Conference Room A
Price: Free
Get educated — stay strong! Join the
senior health specialists at AdventHealth
Medical Group for these free, enriching
events. Meet skilled and knowledgeable
health care professionals, have your
questions answered, and receive free health
and wellness information. This program
is presented by AdventHealth Medical
Group Senior Health at Winter Park            When you want to eat healthy, whole food, but it’s hard to find time to cook
Benmore in partnership with the National      every night—let us do the cooking.
Osteoporosis Foundation Support Group
— Building Strength Together.                 Nourish Meals:
                                              • Available for Gluten Free and Vegan Diets
 Friday, Feb. 7, 5:30 - 8:30 pm
                National Go Red For           • Begin at $10
                 Women Dance-A-               • Include an entree and two sides
 The Commons                                  • Are fully prepared and cooked. All you have to do is buy, heat and eat.
 Price: $1 minimum donation                   Order one meal for a weeknight dinner, or stock up on enough meals for
 Put on your dancing shoes and join           healthy eating all week! Meals are made fresh daily. Reserve a meal online at
 us for a fun evening of dancing, prizes      NourishCHWB.com, or stop by and pick one up at Nourish Coffee Bar + Kitchen
 and fun, all dedicated to raising money
 for a good cause. Go Red for Women           inside the Center for Health & Wellbeing (first come, first served).
 is the American Heart Association’s
 signature women’s initiative, designed
 to increase women’s heart health
 awareness and serve as a catalyst for
 change to improve the lives of women
 all across the world. And what better
 way to get your heart beating than
 with an evening of dancing! Come
 participate in Zumba, Cardio-Jam,
 Latin, Hip-Hop, World Music and
 more. This program is presented by the
 Crosby Wellness Center, in conjunction
 with the CHWB.
 Space (and t-shirts) are limited so
 register in advance at the Crosby
 Wellness Center Member Services
 Desk or call 407-644-3606.
February 2020 Program Calendar - Center for Health ...
Mondays, Feb. 10 and 24, 10 - 11 am          Mondays, Feb. 10, 17 and 24;                  Wednesday, Feb. 12, 6:30 - 8 pm
                                                 March 9, 16 and 23, 7 - 8:30 pm
            Basic Balance Movements for                                                                Dinner for Two — Cooking for
            Beginners using Tai Chi                      Mindfulness for Health and                    Valentine’s Day
    Conference Room A                                    Wellbeing                             Nutrition Theatre
    Price: Free                                  Conference Room B                             Price: $30
                                                 Price: $15 for series
    Tai Chi has been a beloved form of                                                         Looking for recipe ideas for dinner for two
    movement for centuries. If you’ve been       Mindfulness practices can help us             for Valentine’s Day? The Edible Orlando
    wanting to try it but you’re not sure        embrace change, live with compassion,         magazine team will demonstrate how to
    where to start, these sessions are for       create more harmonious relationships,         make three easy courses: winter greens
    you. Each class will give you a sense        and find relief from the harmful effects      with anchovy dressing and breadcrumbs;
    of balance, focus and tranquility.           of stress. Faithful practice over time        butter-basted ribeyes with citrus-fennel
    Under the guidance of certified yoga         lowers blood pressure, decreases anxiety,     slaw; and easy chocolate cake with
    instructor Dawn Marzlock, you’ll learn       increases compassion, and fosters             Chantilly cream. All three dishes are
    simple, easy-to-follow therapeutic           healthier relationships. This six-week        guaranteed to impress your Valentine!
    and empowering movements used by             comprehensive course offers group             This program is presented by the Winter
    Emperors of China for generations.           support on your mindfulness journey.          Park Health Foundation.
    Dawn will demonstrate and teach the          The sessions will incorporate instruction,
    eight basic movements of Tai Chi that        inspiration, and direct experience            Thursday, Feb. 13, 12:30 - 1:30 pm
    help with balance. This program is           of mindfulness practices including                    Music and Parkinson’s
    presented by the Winter Park Health          meditation, breathing exercises, gentle
                                                                                                       Conference Center
    Foundation.                                  physical movement, introspection, self-
                                                 compassion, deep listening, and group         Price: Free
    Monday, Feb. 10, 2-3 pm                      support. It’s designed for active adults of   What impact does music have on
            Growing Bolder Presents — A          all ages and abilities that would like to     someone living with Parkinson’s disease?
            Conversation With Explorer           experience stress relief, increased ability   The answers may surprise you! Michael
            Jeanne Socrates                      to weather the storms of life, and receive    Dean, Chair of Vocal Studies at UCLA,
    Conference Room A                            support to develop a wellness practice        a regular soloist at the annual Bach
    Price: Free                                  that enhances all areas of health. The        Festival Society of Winter Park and a
                                                 program will be led by Rachel Chase,          nationally renowned voice teacher, will
    In 2019, British yachtswoman Jeanne          a long-time meditator, experienced            share the results of his extensive research
    Socrates, 77, became the oldest person       Certified Yoga and Meditation Teacher,        into the benefits music has on people
    ever to sail around the world unassisted.    a teaching artist and expressive arts         with Parkinson’s disease. Come join us to
    In the process, she also became the first    group facilitator. Floor mats, cushions,      learn more about this fascinating topic.
    woman to sail solo nonstop unassisted        and chairs will be provided. Participants     This program is presented by the Winter
    around the world from North America.         will need to bring a journal and pen,         Park Health Foundation.
    Fresh off her world-record trip around       wear comfortable clothing to practice
    the world, Growing Bolder is proud to        gentle movements and sit in meditative
    welcome Jeanne to the CHWB, where            postures, as well as have personal water
    she’ll share stories from her incredible     vessels for water. If participants have
    journey. Growing Bolder Founder/CEO          their own meditation cushions and yoga
    Marc Middleton will lead a moderated         mats, they are welcome to bring them.
    discussion with Jeanne about her             This program is presented by the Winter
    persistence, tenacity and determination.     Park Health Foundation.
    Her story is shocking, surprising and
    most of all, it is inspiring. This program
    is presented by the Winter Park Health
    Foundation, in partnership with Growing

February 2020 Program Calendar - Center for Health ...
Friday, Feb. 14, 6:30 - 8 pm                  Tuesday, Feb. 18, 6 - 8 pm                  Tuesday, Feb. 18 at 6 - 7 pm and Monday,
                                                      Cooking with Chef Collette—         Feb. 24 at 1 - 2 pm
        Improv for Couples
                                                       Well-Fed with the                          Qigong for Beginners
        Conference Room A
                                                       Mediterranean Diet                         Conference Room A (Both
Price: $10/person                                                                                 offerings)
                                              Nutrition Theatre
Candy is sweet. Cards are nice. Roses         Price: $35                                  Price: $5
are fine. But maybe what you should get
                                              If you missed the first offering earlier    Qigong is a stress reduction, health
your love this year for Valentine’s Day is
                                              this month, this class dedicated to         supportive style of movement to balance
the gift of you. Come spend an evening
                                              the Mediterranean diet is back! The         the flow of life energy in the body. Slow
playing, laughing and connecting in
                                              Mediterranean diet is crazy healthy.        movements, conscious breathing, self-
a whole new way. Improv for Couples
                                              In fact, if the typical American ate        massage, and visualization combine
was designed to be a fun, immersive
                                              a traditional Mediterranean diet,           to enhance wellbeing. Join instructor
experience where couples of ALL kinds
                                              they could reduce their risk of heart       Georgiana Johnson, who has more
can come together and learn how to
                                              disease and stroke by 30 to 40 percent,     than 26 years of practice with energy
connect, communicate, listen and play.
                                              according to Walter Willett, MD,            techniques including Qigong, Reiki and
Taught by veteran improv performer
                                              DrPH, of the Harvard T.H. Chan              Eden Energy Medicine, and experience
and teacher Bob Kodzis, Improv for
                                              School of Public Health. But guess          the many benefits of this ancient
Couples will introduce you to the world
                                              what else it is? It’s hands-down one of     practice. This program is presented by
of YES AND, whole body listening, self-
                                              the most delicious diets in the world.      the Winter Park Health Foundation.
forgiveness, mutual support and finding
the funny. It’s the kind of Valentine’s       In this demonstration, Chef Collette
Day experience that just might change         Haw of CHWB’s Nourish Coffee Bar
everything. This program is presented by      + Kitchen will teach you how to make
the Winter Park Health Foundation.            healthy Mediterranean-inspired dishes
                                              at home. This program is presented by
                                              the Winter Park Health Foundation.

The Crosby Wellness Center features two pools, including a lap pool and a warm-water activity pool.
February 2020 Program Calendar - Center for Health ...
Tuesday, February 18, Noon - 1 pm          Wednesdays, Feb. 19 and 26th, 2 - 3 pm

      A Venue Like                                       Diet, Exercise and Tips                Caregiver Advocacy Circle
                                                           for a Healthy Heart                  Meeting Room 2201
        No Other                             Conference Room B                          Price: $5/session
                                             Price: Free                                This is a gathering of caregivers who are
                                             In honor of American Heart Month,          seeking a safe place to be heard, voice
                                             join electrophysiologist Patricia          ideas and gain insight. Each member will
                                             Guerrero M.D. to learn heart healthy       have the opportunity to find comfort and
                                             foods and prevention tips that the         encouragement while connecting with
                                             whole family can use. This program is      others who have similar experiences.
                                             presented by AdventHealth.                 The group discussion will be gently led
                                                                                        by facilitator Sara Wright, the CHWB’s
                                            Wednesday, Feb. 19, 11 am - Noon            Wellbeing Guide, and participants
                                                          Wellbeing Wednesday           will be able to share their stories. This
                                                          — How To Practice             program is presented by the Winter Park
                                                          Emotional First Aid           Health Foundation.
                                            Healthy Living Experience
                                                                                        Space is limited to 10 participants, so
                                            Price: Free                                 register early to save your spot.
    Plan your next gathering in Winter      Please join us for a screening of “How
                                            To Practice Emotional First Aid” by         Wednesday, Feb. 19, 5:30 – 7 pm
     Park’s newest, most unique event
                                            Guy Winch. Stay for a group discussion              Turn Your Passion into a
      space and inspire your group in       related to improving, enhancing and                 Business
     the Center’s light-filled, natural     maintaining your emotional wellbeing.
                                                                                        Community Conference Center
                                            This discussion will be facilitated by
               surroundings.                                                            Price: Free
                                            Sara Wright, the CHWB’s Wellbeing
     The Center for Health & Wellbeing      Guide who holds a master’s degree in        Many people have a secret desire to earn
                                            mental health counseling. This program      extra income or start a business doing
       offers a wide variety of flexible    is presented by the Winter Park Health      something they enjoy passionately.
     meeting spaces, from comfortable       Foundation.                                 Why not consider turning your favorite
      meeting rooms and state-of-the-                                                   hobby or special skills and gifts into
                                             Wednesday, Feb. 19, 11 am - Noon           a business you love? Author, Rollins
       art conference spaces to serene                                                  College business professor and former
                                                         Fight Back Against
    gardens and the Nutrition Theatre, an                  Sugar!                       15-year franchise owner Christy Wilson
     innovative demonstration kitchen.                                                  Delk will describe a step-by-step process
                                             Conference Room A
                                                                                        to help you get started and share the
                                             Price: Free                                two numbers you need to know before
       Our Venues are Perfect for:
                                             Raise your hand if you sometimes feel      you do anything. Bring your ideas, your
                 Fundraisers                 like sugar is taking over your body. Do    questions and your open mind for this
                                             you have an almost uncontrollable          motivational and enlightening seminar.
              Board Meetings                                                            Appropriate for adults of any age. This
                                             urge to eat sugar at times? Do you
          Off-Site Staff Meetings            want to cut back on sugar but don’t        program is presented by the Winter Park
                                             even know where to start? Join             Health Foundation.
           Team Building Events
                                             Sarah Geha, MS, CNS, LDN for this
             And So Much More!               enlightening discussion on sugar and
                                             your cravings. You’ll delve into what
     Non-profit and weekend discounts        makes you crave sugar, learn how to
                  available.                 cut the biggest sources of sugar in your
                                             diet, and even discover a few shortcuts
     Let us make your next event one to      for lessening those cravings. The
                 remember:                   program is presented by the Winter
                                             Park Health Foundation.


February 2020 Program Calendar - Center for Health ...
Wednesday, February 19,                     Thursday, Feb. 20, 1 - 2 pm                 Friday, Feb. 21, 10 am - 2 pm
Registration 5:30 pm | Seminar 6 pm
                                                    Memory Improvement                          CHWB Garden Market
            Overcoming                              Strategies                                  The Commons
            Incontinence                    Conference Room A                           Price: Free
Conference Room B                           Price: Free                                 Shop local with us at our monthly
Price: Free                                                                             CHWB Garden Markets. On the third
                                            After being introduced to someone,
Urinary incontinence affects 1 in 3         do you forget that person’s name            Friday of each month, Central Florida
women throughout their lifetime and         before the introductory conversation        makers and growers come to the CHWB
there are a variety of causes, including:   is over? Can you recall what you ate        to share their creativity and passions
pregnancy, childbirth, and menopause. If    for breakfast yesterday morning? The        with you and form new relationships
you’re experiencing urinary incontinence    brain is a complex storage device and it    with the community. From handcrafted,
or other uncomfortable symptoms,            is programmed, in a sense, to remember      artisanal goods to locally sourced honey
you’re not alone – let’s talk about it!     certain pieces of information and to        to delicious farm-fresh produce, it’s the
Join urogynecologist Lindsay Kissane,       discard other bits of information. But      perfect opportunity to try out new and
MD, to discuss overcoming these issues      sometimes there is information you          seasonal products, and support small
with personalized treatment plans. This     want to remember that your brain            businesses. Vendors change monthly so
program is presented by AdventHealth.       conveniently forgets so what we have        make plans to attend and check back for
                                            to do is tell or train our brains what is   specific details on our February offerings.
Thursday, Feb. 20, 11:30 am - 12:30 pm      important to remember. This engaging        The CHWB Garden Market is presented
        Parents Circle: Lunch N’ Learn      and interactive session is led by Beverly   by the Winter Park Health Foundation.
        Conference Room B                   Engel, who has nearly 30 years in
                                            creating innovative training and
Price: $10
                                            educational programs designed
Normalize the parenting experience!         to promote health and wellbeing
This program, hosted by licensed mental     for elders and their caregivers.
health counselor Marisol Tobey, offers      BrainUp! programs and resources
a safe space to express and discuss         are provided by the Winter Park Health
the joys AND challenges of parenting        Foundation to inspire and educate
with empathy, lightheartedness and          people of all ages to engage
humor. Refreshments will be served. This    in and commit to a brain
program is presented by the Winter Park     healthy lifestyle.
Health Foundation.

February 2020 Program Calendar - Center for Health ...
Friday, February 21, 6:30 - 8:30 pm       Tuesday, Feb. 25, 6 - 8 pm                     Wednesday, Feb. 26, 2 - 4 pm
                     All Star Dads                     The Freedom Series Part 2 —                    “A Touch of Sugar”
                                                       Ignite Your Passion and Embrace                  Community Conference
                     Meeting Room 2201
                                                       Bliss                                            Center
     Price: $25
                                               Community Conference Center                    Price: Free
     Caring for a new baby is a partnership.   Price: Free
     Our Boot Camp for New Dads covers                                                        Join us for a screening of the film
     the basics of baby care, including how    It’s the season of love! This spicy session    “Touch of Sugar,” which dives into
     to help and care for the joyful new       will give you permission to stop pushing       the diabetes healthcare epidemic
     mom. This program is presented by         pleasure away and to usher more love,          that affects every community in the
     AdventHealth for Women in partnership     meaning, and pure bliss into your life.        United States, told through the voices
     with All Star Dads.                       Give yourself permission to identify and       of people united in their struggle with
                                               receive all the love, pleasure and support     this chronic disease. In honor of Black
      Friday, Feb. 21, 7 - 8 pm                you’ve ever wanted!                            History Month, this session will also
                                                                                              take a close look at a traditional recipe
                Fun Day Friday—Salsa           In part 2 of the Freedom Series, join          prepared in Hebni Nutrition’s test
                  Dancing                      best-selling author and speaker                kitchen. Hebni is a community-based,
      The Commons                              Lisa Broesch-Weeks and personal                not for profit agency formed in 1995 to
      Price: $5                                empowerment coach Regena Garrepy               educate high-risk, culturally diverse
                                               as they guide you to uncover what you          populations about nutrition strategies
      Did you know that dancing is great       really want to achieve in 2020, what’s
      exercise for your mind and body? And,                                                   to prevent diet-related diseases. After
                                               standing in the way of your success,           the film, you’ll experience a fresh take
      it’s fun! Step things up by attending    and develop a practical plan to help
      this Salsa Dance class where cha-cha-                                                   on the same recipe with a discussion
                                               you empower yourself to reclaim your           led by Hebni’s registered dietitians and
      cha meets ha-ha-ha. During this          lifestyle on YOUR terms. . . without
      workshop, Bobby and Judi Chapman,                                                       facilitated by AARP volunteers. This
                                               apology or guilt! Refreshments will be         program is presented by the Winter
      who have taught thousands of             served. This program is presented by
      people in Central Florida to dance                                                      Park Health Foundation.
                                               Helen Von Dolteren-Fournier, JD, CFP, in
      during their 30-year partnership,        partnership with the Winter Park Health       Wednesday, Feb. 26, 6-8 pm
      will teach you basic steps and simple    Foundation.
      combinations sure to kickstart your                                                                   Spring Gardening Class
      new year. You’ll meet new friends        Wednesday, Feb. 26, 11 am - Noon                             Conference Room B
      so plan to attend. Partners are not                    Wellbeing Wednesday             Price: Free
      required. This program is presented by                 — What Makes a Good             Spring in Florida is the best season to
      the Winter Park Health Foundation.                     Life?                           grow a highly productive vegetable
                                               Healthy Living Experience                     garden! Come join the experts from Fleet
                                               Price: Free                                   Farming who will walk you through basic
                                               Please join us for a screening of “What       growing needs and what to expect in
                                               makes a good life? Lessons from the           the cooler months. Bring photos of your
                                               longest study on happiness” by Robert         garden and allow the Fleet Farming team
                                               Waldinger. Stay for a group discussion        to be your garden guidance counselor,
                                               related to improving, enhancing and           giving you advice during a breakout
                                               maintaining your social wellbeing.            session at the end of the lecture. This
                                               This discussion will be facilitated by        program is presented by the Winter Park
                                               Sara Wright, the CHWB’s Wellbeing             Health Foundation.
                                               Guide and a personal trainer at the
                                               Crosby Wellness Center. This program
                                               is presented by the Winter Park Health

Thursday, Feb. 27, 10:30 am - Noon          Friday, February 28, 10 am - 2 pm
                                                           Teal Brunch
        Local Cuisine from the Roots Up:
        Eggs—From Hen to Table                             Community
                                                           Conference Center
Nutrition Theatre
                                            Price: $10
Price: $35
                                            AdventHealth is proud to host the
Ever wonder where your food comes
                                            Teal Brunch, a program focused on
from? What goes into it? And what do
                                            women’s gynecologic health. Join Drs.
all those terms on the label really mean?
                                            Holloway, Kendrick and McKenzie,
Join us as we explore the journey that
                                            gynecologic oncologists, as they discuss
your food takes on its way from the farm
                                            screenings, cancer prevention, treatment
to your fork. This month, it’s all about
                                            innovations and whole-person health.
the small but mighty egg. In this class,
                                            Don’t forget to wear your best teal attire
participants will follow the journey that
                                            to enjoy brunch and many interactive
an egg takes from the chicken to the
                                            activities! To register or for more
kitchen. Along the way, we will learn                                                      An active mind is a
                                            information, please call 407-303-1700 or
the basics of good chicken husbandry,
                                            visit AdventHealthCancerInstitute.com/          nourished mind.
better understand the importance of
food safety, and explore healthy ways to
                                            TealBrunch. This program is presented          Visit us for breakfast,
                                            by AdventHealth.
incorporate eggs into your cooking. The                                                  lunch or a snack before
class includes printed material, recipes,    Thursday, Feb. 27, 6:30 - 7:30 pm              or after your CHWB
and tasty samples. Taught by UF/IFAS                                                              program.
Extension faculty JK Yarborough and
Agriculture agent and dietitian Virgilia
Zabala, this program is presented by the     Laughter Yoga                                  Monday – Friday:
Winter Park Health Foundation.                                                                  6 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.
                                             Conference Room A
                                                                                           Full Menu and Coffee Bar
Thursday, Feb. 27, 1 - 3 pm                  Price: $5
                                                                                                2:30 p.m. – 7 p.m.
        Expressive Art Journaling            Laughter Yoga, a gentle form of              Coffee Bar and Grab-and-Go
        Conference Room A                    exercise combining unconditional
                                             laughter with pranayama (yogic                   407-993-6225
Price: $10 (includes materials)
                                             breathing), is a revolutionary idea            nourishchwb.com
Explore art journaling in this class led     sweeping the world. A complete
by artist and Atlantic Center for the        workout and wellbeing exercise in one,
Arts ambassador Heather Pastor. The          Laughter Yoga was developed by Dr.
goal of therapeutic art journaling is to     Madan Kataria, an Indian Medical
reduce stress and promote relaxation         Doctor, and is practiced in more than
by increasing participants’ ability to       100 countries. In this class, laughter
play, experiment and gain self-guided        is initially simulated as a physical
insight and understanding of one’s own       exercise while attendees maintain
emotions. Added benefits can include         eye contact with others in the group.
self-growth, discovery, and joy through      In most cases this soon leads to real
visual storytelling in a supportive group    and contagious laughter. It is a fun
environment. This program is presented       and powerfully healing practice that
by the Winter Park Health Foundation.        releases stress, boosts the immune
                                             system and fosters a positive, loving
                                             and accepting mental attitude. No
                                             yoga mats are needed – just be ready
                                             to laugh lively and find peace in
                                             90 minutes. This class is hosted by
                                             Dana Kaplan, E-RYT 500, a Certified
                                             Laughter Yoga Teacher, and is
                                             presented by the Winter Park Health

                                                       3         4


                                          The Commons



                                                                                        Peggy & Philip B. Crosby

       FIRST FLOOR                         SECOND FLOOR                                 Wellness Center
       i Welcome Desk                      6 Meeting Room 2201
       1 Nutrition Theatre                 7 Meeting Room 2202
       2 Elinor & T. William Miller Jr.
         Community Conference Center                                 Entrance
             3 Room A                                                Elevators
             4 Room B                                                Stairs
       5 Healthy Living Experience                                   Public Restrooms

                                                                                                                             2005 Mizell Ave
                                                                                                                   (at the intersection of Crosby Way
                                                                                                                       and South Edinburgh Drive)
                                                                                                                          Winter Park, FL 32792
                                     6     7
                                                                                                                   Monday – Thursday: 5 a.m. – 10 p.m.
                                                                                                                          Friday: 5 a.m. – 9 p.m.
                                                                                                                         Saturday: 7 a.m. – 7 p.m.
                                                                                                                          Sunday: 7 a.m. – 5 p.m.

     FREE Parking in CHWB garage located at the corner of
     Crosby Way and South Edinburgh Drive.                                                                            YourHealthandWellbeing.org

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