FEBRUARY | 2021 - Ponte Vedra Inn and Club

Page created by Leo Newman
FEBRUARY | 2021 - Ponte Vedra Inn and Club
FEBRUARY | 2021 - Ponte Vedra Inn and Club
FEB                                  FEB                                  FEB
   07                                   03                                   09
WILD WONDERS                        BOOK CLUB                            CLUB-HOSTED
ANIMAL SHOW                           10:30 a.m.                         TRIVIA NIGHT
   Surf Club Patio                    Florida Room                          6 p.m.
   1 - 3 p.m.                       We are kicking off Book Club           Virtual Complimentary
Ages 4 and up                       and starting off with, "Mao's        Reservations are taken online
Kids experience the exotic          Last Dancer" by Li Cunxin. Enjoy     from the event calendar leading
animal kingdom in an exciting       muffins, coffee, and tea. Please     up to the event and close 48
educational hands-on 45-minute      confirm attendance by calling        hours prior to the event start
program featuring magical           904.280.3626.                        time. Each individual and/or
stories, fun activities, and a      $5 per person                        family can play in the comfort
                                    tax additional
parade of animals to view and                                            of their own home. We ask that
hold. An African story introduces                                        Governors Club Members choose
the rabbit, lizard, and tortoise.                                        one club trivia per month to
A bearded dragon, a gecko,                                               participate in.
snakes, and turtles delight.
Princess Iguana waves at the
audience. An alligator makes an
appearance and for the brave
– the opportunity to be part of
Burmese python shoulder to
shoulder hold for a photo finish
makes for an exciting afternoon.
Safety and sanitizing precautions      FEB                                  FEB
are in place. The event includes        21                                   28
pizza, drink, and a dessert.        KIDCHELLA                            BUBBLE TRUCK FUN
For reservations, please call         Call for details                     Surf Club Patio
904.280.3626.                          1 - 3 p.m.                           1 - 3 p.m. Ages 4 and up
$25 per person                      Ages 4 and up                        Wear white for a colorful
tax additional
                                    We are taking kids to the desert     afternoon with the Bubble
                                    at Ponte Vedra Inn & Club for        Truck. Enjoy pulse-pounding,
                                    our mini-Coachella music and         interactive challenges during a
                                    art event. Wear festival gear,       bubble storm with unicorn dust-
                                    make cacti-themed crafts, and        color bombs that light you up.
                                    enjoy pizza, juice, and a dessert.   Enjoy pizza, drink, and a dessert.
                                    For reservations, please call        For reservations, please call
                                    904.280.3626. There is a             904.280.3626. There is a 48-hour
                                    48-hour cancellation policy.         cancellation policy.
                                    $25 per child                        $25 per person
                                    tax additional                       tax additional
FEBRUARY | 2021 - Ponte Vedra Inn and Club
FEB                                      FEB                                     FEB
    12                                      19                                      20
TRUFFLES FOR COUPLES                     DATE NIGHT SERIES:                      SEXIEST WINES
(OR REALLY GOOD FRIENDS)                 SUNSET & SUSHI                          ON EARTH WINE DINNER
  Seafoam Room | Florida Room            THE PERFECT PAIRING                     A CELEBR ATION OF WOMEN,
   6 - 7:30 p.m.                           Seahorse Grille                       WINE, FOOD, PASSION &
Few things can be more                      5 – 6 p.m.                           EXCELLENCE
seductive than chocolate. Except         Join us for a proper Happy Hour            Seahorse Grille
the chocolatier! Join Executive          as Sommelier Matt Cory pours               6 p.m. Cocktails
Pastry Chef Paige Murray as she          select wines at member only                7 pm. Dinner
guides you through a hands-on            pricing paired with Executive           Executive Chef Hermann
class that will turn you and your        Chef Erik Osol’s sushi. Live            Mueller, Chef de Cuisine Erik
significant other into honorary          entertainment awaits.                   Osol, and Executive Pastry Chef
PVIC chocolatiers. This class will       For reservations,                       Paige Murray collaborate with
guide you through the art of             Please dial 904.285.1111.               Sommelier Matt Cory to create a
making Ganache, how to infuse                                                    wine dinner celebrating women
and roll truffles along with your                                                in the wine industry. Matt pairs
personalized touches just in time                                                five phenomenal wines, shares
for Valentine's Day. Complete                                                    their stories, and celebrates
with recipes and truffle box.                                                    the excellence behind them.
$15 per person                                                                   Purchase the evening’s wines
service charge and tax additional
                                                                                 along with limited allocations
For reservations,                                                                from our wine cellar at
Please dial 904.285.1111.                                                        member-only pricing.
                                                                                 $145 per person
                                                                                 service charge and tax additional
                                                                                 Limited Seating

                                                                                 For reservations,
                                                                                 Please dial 904.285.1111.

        Join us each Wednesday            Chef Nye invites you and your family    Chef Nye reimagines dishes from his
        evening for your choice of:       each and every Friday for Prime Rib      Italian heritage each Saturday. From
         'Traditional Surf and Turf,'     Night. Slow Roasted 12oz prime rib         antipastos to zuppas, hand-made
    'A Tail and Two Claws with Sides,'     accompanied a Caesar salad, fresh      pastas and sauces to carefully crafted
        or 'Fresh Catch of the Day.'         seasonal vegetable and potato         dishes just like his Nona taught him.
                                                     preparations.                       This menu changes weekly,
                                                                                            traditions made daily.
FEBRUARY | 2021 - Ponte Vedra Inn and Club
Strawberry Salad
           Arugula, Goat Cheese
           Roasted Peppers
           Tarragon Vinaigrette

           Hamachi Crudo
           Strawberry Vinegar
           Fresh Horseradish

           Filet of Beef
           Potato Pave, Allium, Beef Essence


           Saffron, Lemon, Olive


           Mushroom Middling Risotto
           Green & White Asparagus
           Wild Mushrooms

           Heart shaped macaron
           red velvet cheesecake bite
           chocolate raspberry mousse

                   $ 90 Per Person
               service charge and tax additional

For R eservations P le ase C all 904.285.1111.
    A 4 8 - H ou r C ancell at ion P olicy A ppli es
             A L a C a rt e N ot Ava i l a b l e .
FEBRUARY | 2021 - Ponte Vedra Inn and Club
PVMGA                               PVWGA                                          PVLLA
       Tuesday, February 9 –             Thursday, February 4                   WEDNESDAY PLAYDAYS
       Saturday, February 13         COLORS TOURNAMENT                                  Ocean Course
     PONTE VEDR A CUP                        Ocean Course                          Tee Time(s) start at 9 a.m.
     QUALIFYING PLAY                                                            Ladies, mark your calendars!
                                            Tee Off | 8:30 a.m.
            Ocean Course
  February 9th through 13th is the
 designated qualifying weekend
 for our 2021 Ponte Vedra Cup. 15
                                       TUESDAY SCR AMBLE
                                      Every Tuesday in February!
 low gross and 15 low net players                                                             SAVE THE DATE
    will qualify for the event on        Thursday, February 11                            Tuesday March 2
 Saturday, March 6th Lagoon and             VALENTINE’S                                PVJGA KICK-OFF
Sunday, March 7th Ocean. Pairings           TOURNAMENT                                   3:30 p.m. - 5 p.m.
  party March 5th. Please see the            Ocean Course
   Golf Pro Shop for qualifying             Tee Off | 8:30 a.m.                   GEAR UP FOR SPRING!
            parameters!                                                        Purchase a US Kids Set & Get a
                                                                                  Complimentary Dozen
                                        Thursday, February 18                       SRIXON* Golf Balls.
                                         TEAM BEST BALL                                 *While supplies last
      Saturday, February 20
                                             Lagoon Course
                                            Tee Off | 8:30 a.m.
           Ocean Course
          Shotgun | 1 p.m.
                                         Thursday, February 25
                                                                                                               L F BA L LS
                                             Ocean Course                                                 GO
                                            Tee Off | 8:30 a.m.                                       N


                                                                Stock up on golf balls with our
                                                                  two-dozen deal for just $50!
                                                                               *While supplies last

         MAT PILATES
       Mondays      5 p.m.
       Thursdays     5 p.m.
       Fridays    9:30 a.m.          GYM                                      GYM
       Saturday    10:30 a.m.        SALE                                     HIIT
 February is American Heart
Month! Take a class or two each             MIX & MATCH                                  HIIT CLASSES
week or hit the gym to care for       Purchase any two custom                       Mondays 9:30 a.m.
   and improve your heart.              ladies’ tanks for $50.                 Tuesdays Fridays 8:30 a.m.
                                         *Excludes member discounts.
FEBRUARY | 2021 - Ponte Vedra Inn and Club
   10:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.                                                  For every gift card purchase
  The Racquet Club                                                         of $150 or more, receive a $15
Love is in the air for our Valentine’s                                    voucher good towards services
Mixer. We provide tennis balls,                                                starting now through
                                                                                 December 31, 2021.
beer, wine, and a sweet for your
sweetheart. Sign up at The Tennis
Pro Shop with one of our smiling
staff members.
Complimentary for Tennis Member
Social-Members, court fee

           March 1st - April 24th.
             Registration is online.

                                                                               Book a Spa Day Package
                                                                              in February and receive a
                                                                           complimentary Spa lunch. All
                                                                          services must be 50 minutes or
                                                                          more and must include a robed
                                                         Pantone 298 C
                                         Pantone 346 C

                                                                         service such as a massage, facial
                                                                         or body treatment. Services must
                                                                            be performed in February to
                                                                             receive the complimentary

   5 – 7 p.m.
   The Racquet Club
Triple Tennis is a fun, fast-moving,
innovative new format on the
                                                                            Friday, February 12 through
traditional game that places three
                                                                                Sunday, February 14
players on each side of the net. One
                                                                         The Spa Boutique has everything
player stands at the net; two players
                                                                           you need to make the love of
stand at the baseline with each                                           your life happy this Valentine’s
player rotating positions after every                                    Day! Look no further - we have it
point. Join us for a great time with                                     all! Enjoy 20% off ALL gift items
drinks and snacks courtside.                                                  during this amazing sale!
$25 per Tennis Member
$30 per Member-Guest
service charge and tax additional
FEBRUARY | 2021 - Ponte Vedra Inn and Club
FEB                                       FEB                            MEMBER DISCOUNT DAYS
  12                                        19                            Mondays + Tuesdays + Wednesdays
                                                                             9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
EVENT AT THE SPA                        EVENT AT THE SPA                  Members can enjoy an attractive
  10 a.m. – 3 p.m.                         10 a.m. – 3 p.m.               15% discount on spa services
  The Spa Boutique                        The Spa Boutique                every Monday, Tuesday, and
Our representative from                 Representatives from these top    Wednesday. Treat yourself to a
Obagi Medical joins us to assist        skincare brands join us for the   60-minute Signature Massage,
with winter skin issues. Take           day. Stop in and catch up on      Ponte Vedra Essential Facial, or
advantage of a complimentary            the newest lines to enhance       a Quench Body Polish for $165,
consultation. Find the right            your skin. Enjoy 20% off these    including service charge.
Obagi system for your skin              brands on February 19.
type and enjoy 20% off Obagi
products on February 12.

                                                                          GENTLEMEN'S DISCOUNT DAY
                                                                             9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
                                                                             Every Thursday
                                                                             The Spa
                                                                          Gentlemen can enjoy a discount
                                                                          of 20% off full-priced services at
                                                                          The Spa every Thursday.

                 BEE PAMPERED BODY SCRUB
                           60 minutes          $160
                          Service charge additional

  The Bee Pampered Body Scrub features a sweet, buttery nectar
   milk that warms and softens the skin followed by a spicy cider
  scrub down. A warm honey glaze covers the body as a hot towel
       wrap rejuvenates skin and moisturizes the body. Finally,           MEMBER
   a honey-chai steeped coconut milk protocol nourishes the skin.         APPRECIATION
                Enjoy a complimentary Chilled-Toddy                          10 a.m. - 5 p.m.
                 if you book this service in February.                       The Spa Boutique
                                                                          Members enjoy a 15% discount
                                                                          on retail products in The Spa
                                                                          Boutique. Discounts do not apply
                                                                          to gift cards and on-sale items.
FEBRUARY | 2021 - Ponte Vedra Inn and Club
SUN                     MON                   TUE                         WED                   THU                       FRI                       SAT
                          1                    2                         3                       4                       5                         6
                                MAT PILATES        STRENGTH + CORE                BOOK CLUB          STRENGTH + CORE            MAT PILATES                PICKLEBALL
                                  5 P.M.               5:30 A.M.                  10:30 A.M.             5:30 A.M.               9:30 A.M.                 9 - 11 A.M.
                                                                           SURF & TURF NIGHT           MAT PILATES            PRIME RIB NIGHT             MAT PILATES
                                                                               6 - 10 P.M.               5 P.M.                 5:30 - 9 P.M.              10:30 A.M.
                                                                                                                                                        ITALIAN NIGHT
                                  MEMBER               MEMBER                      MEMBER                                                                 5:30 - 9 P.M.
                               DISCOUNT DAYS        DISCOUNT DAYS               DISCOUNT DAYS    GENTLEMEN'S SPA DAY
7                         8                    9                         10                      11                      12                        13
    SUNDAY BRUNCH               MAT PILATES        STRENGTH + CORE         SURF & TURF NIGHT         STRENGTH + CORE            MAT PILATES               MAT PILATES
    SEAHORSE GRILLE               5 P.M.               5:30 A.M.               6 - 10 P.M.               5:30 A.M.                9:30 A.M.                10:30 A.M.
     10 A.M. - 2 P.M.                               VIRTUAL TRIVIA                                     MAT PILATES              OBAJI EVENT            VALENTINE'S MIXER
     WILD WONDERS                                        6 P.M.                                            5 P.M.               10 AM - 3-M                 10:30 A.M.
     ANIMAL SHOW                                                                                                              PRIME RIB NIGHT          SEXIEST WINES ON
        1 - 3 P.M.                                                                                                              5:30 - 9 P.M.            EARTH DINNER
                                                                                                                                 SHAKE YOUR                   6 P.M.
         4 P.M.                   MEMBER            MEMBER                         MEMBER                                         BON BONS               ITALIAN NIGHT
                               DISCOUNT DAYS    APPRECIATION DAY                DISCOUNT DAYS    GENTLEMEN'S SPA DAY                6 P.M.                 5:30 - 9 P.M.
14                        15                   16                        17                      18                      19                        20
    SUNDAY BRUNCH               MAT PILATES        STRENGTH + CORE         SURF & TURF NIGHT         STRENGTH + CORE            MAT PILATES                PICKLEBALL
    SEAHORSE GRILLE               5 P.M.               5:30 A.M.               6 - 10 P.M.               5:30 A.M.               9:30 A.M.                 9 - 11 A.M.
      10 A.M. - 2 P.M.
     YOGA WITH MIA                                                              SUNSET & SUSHI         MAT PILATES        SKIN MEDICA EVENT               MAT PILATES
                                                                                    5 P.M.               5 P.M.             10 A.M. - 3 P.M.               10:30 A.M.
           4 P.M.
       VALENTINE'S                                                                                                            PRIME RIB NIGHT           ITALIAN NIGHT
          DINNER                                                                                                                5:30 - 9 P.M.             5:30 - 9 P.M.
                                  MEMBER               MEMBER                      MEMBER
                               DISCOUNT DAYS        DISCOUNT DAYS               DISCOUNT DAYS    GENTLEMEN'S SPA DAY
21                        22                   23                        24                      25                      26                        27
    SUNDAY BRUNCH               MAT PILATES        STRENGTH + CORE         SURF & TURF NIGHT         STRENGTH + CORE             MAT PILATES               PICKLEBALL
    SEAHORSE GRILLE               5 P.M.               5:30 A.M.               6 - 10 P.M.               5:30 A.M.                 9:30 A.M.               9 - 11 A.M.
     10 A.M. - 2 P.M.                                                                                  MAT PILATES             FOODIE FRIDAY              MAT PILATES
       KIDCHELLA                                                                                           5 P.M.                 4 - 5 P.M.               10:30 A.M.
        1 - 3 P.M.                                                                                                             TRIPLES SOCIAL
                                                                                                                                   5-7 P.M.             ITALIAN NIGHT
         4 P.M.                   MEMBER               MEMBER                      MEMBER                                     PRIME RIB NIGHT             5:30 - 9 P.M.
                               DISCOUNT DAYS        DISCOUNT DAYS               DISCOUNT DAYS    GENTLEMEN'S SPA DAY             5:30 - 9 P.M.
    SEAHORSE GRILLE                                       The-Six-Foot-Rule                                            CLUB EVENTS               TENNIS
     10 A.M. - 2 P.M.
                                                                                                                       GOLF                      SPA
     BUBBLE TRUCK                                           Our seahorses                                              DINING                    SHOPPING
       1 - 3 P.M.                                           are practicing
                                                           social distancing.                                          KIDS                      FITNESS
         4 P.M.

                         HISTORIC INN                                 GOURMET SHOP                                       SURF CLUB PATIO
                         DINING ROOM                                Daily ◆ 6 a.m. – 7 p.m.                             Closed for the Season
                     Daily ◆ 7 – 10:30 a.m.
                                                                                 TAVERN                                 SURF DECK GRILLE
                                                                 Daily ◆ 4 p.m. – Midnight                               Daily ◆ 11 a.m. – 9 p.m.
                Daily ◆ 11:30 a.m. – 3 p.m.
                 Bar Menu ◆ 3 – 6 p.m.
                                                                    SEAHORSE GRILLE                                     FOR RESERVATIONS
                                                                      6 – 10 p.m.                                                  Please dial,
          Friday & Saturday ◆ 5:30 – 9 p.m.                    Sunday Brunch ◆ 10 - 2 p.m.                                       904.285.1111
FEBRUARY | 2021 - Ponte Vedra Inn and Club FEBRUARY | 2021 - Ponte Vedra Inn and Club
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