Florida Keys 3-9 Upper Keys 10-12 Cover Story 13 What's Happening 14 Real Estate 26

Page created by Darren Crawford
Florida Keys 3-9 Upper Keys 10-12 Cover Story 13 What's Happening 14 Real Estate 26
23 - 29, 2020

  Christopher Peterson Receives
   from The Studios of Key West!
Florida Keys 3-9 • Upper Keys 10-12 • Cover Story 13 • What's Happening 14 • Real Estate 26
                                  Photo: Larry Blackburn • Cover: JT Thompson
Florida Keys 3-9 Upper Keys 10-12 Cover Story 13 What's Happening 14 Real Estate 26

The Assassination                                                                                                       Rip-Off Team
By Roger C. Kostmayer                          “preemptive action” to have a
                                               clear, comparable and imminent
                                                                                    killing this senior government
                                                                                    official have prevented it? No.     Spokesperson
A    merica and the world com-
     munity both have a stake
in understanding precisely the
                                               threat - which is what the Presi-
                                               dent claimed when he said four
                                               US embassies were in imminent
                                                                                    And are America, our diplomats
                                                                                    and troops, and US civilians all
                                                                                    safer today? Clearly not.           apologizes
how, why and when of the kill-                 danger from Gen. Soleiman.              Was the President follow-
ing of Iranian General Soleiman                Senior embassy security officials    ing a rigorously debated and        By Bruce Mitchell
by President Trump’s order. The                now say they were unaware of         thoughtful strategy that would
three questions that must be an-
swered are: Was it legal under
                                               any such threat and, secondly,
                                               the President authorized the
                                                                                    enhance US security? Mean-
                                                                                    ing, was this unprecedented         I would like to sincerely and publicly apologize to any-
                                                                                                                          one who attended the Mayor’s Ball Saturday night at
                                                                                                                        Michael Halpren’s Southernmost House and was offend-
US and international law?; Was                 killing 7 MONTHS before the          peacetime decision based on an
this decision the right thing to               act took place. The explanation      international coalition with our    ed by the informational picketing by members of the Key
do to for America’s national se-               is clearly a lie, and there was no   allies, and was it discussed with   West Rip-Off Rapid Response Team.
curity? If the answers to the first            specific imminent threat that        the people’s representatives? No.      We were not protesting the mayor, the Mayors Ball
two questions are “Yes”, was                   would have been avoided by              So, based on lies, it seems      or the great charities it supports. Rather, we politely
this strategy executed effectively             killing this Iranian adversary.      this action was illegal, harmful    brought public discussion of the rip-off shops and who
in America’s best interests?                      Even if there had been a clear    to US security and was terrify-                                  X Continued on page 4
   The legality question requires              and imminent threat, would           ingly inept. n

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Panhandling zone for homeless fall on hard times
at city workshop
BY TERRY SCHMIDA                            brutal assault last week that left one                “ . . . I think the best course of       His colleague Clayton Lopez echoed
KONK LIFE STAFF WRITER                      indigent man in a mainland hospital               action is tell the commission and the     these concerns, and related reports of
                                            and another zone regular facing sec-              public what the city management in-       boxes of supplies such as toilet paper

               E   victed!
                   That’s the fate of
               Key West’s designated
                                            ond-degree murder charges. “I think
                                            it’s time that we have a conversation as
                                            a commission . . . we certainly recog-
                                                                                              tends to do with that location, leav-
                                                                                              ing aside some of the background and
                                                                                              other issues involved . . .with all due
                                                                                                                                        in the public restrooms being pilfered.
                                                                                                                                           “This kind of thing happens on
                                                                                                                                        a regular basis,” Lopez said. “It is a
               panhandling zone at          nize that it is not a positive situation in       respect,” Smith said.                     conversation we need to have.” He de-
               Mallory Square, follow-      Mallory Square.”                                     Major Johnston was in accord: “I       ferred on this issue to City Manager
ing a recent decision from City Hall.           Commissioner Sam Kaufman,                     think we can all agree . . . that the     Greg Veliz:
   The suddenly urgent issue of what        an advocate for the homeless in pri-              Sunset Celebration group . . . has           “Unless I get a direction to go an-
do about increasingly violent panhan-       vate life, asked City Attorney Shawn              had a number of issues . . . with ag-     other way,” said Veliz . . . I’d like to
dlers and their aggressive tactics at the   Smith if he might brief the chamber               gressive panhandling, and with as-        propose that we start to dismantle . .
zone was discussed at the Jan. 15 City      on the reasons behind the creation                saults,” she said. “ . . we welcome       . put the parking spaces back . .. de-
Commission workshop, where there            of the zone (and another on Caroline              900,000 people to the City of Key         terrents on the wall . . . put the fences
was near-unanimous agreement be-            Street that will remain unaffected) in            West, through this portal.”               back up at the dumpster, and perhaps
tween commissioners and the public          2012, but the barrister, and the other               Commissioner Weekley agreed with       get a keypad system . . . basically just
to close the zone down.                     commissioners agreed that the time                Smith, adding an anecdote he had          return it back to its original state of
   “There has been another incident         to discuss how and why the zones                  heard about people living in a tent at
that’s been well-publicized,” May-          came to be was less important than                the zone, as well as some other com-                  X Continued on page 4
or Teri Johnston said, referring to a       dismantling them.                                 plaints he’d heard from residents.

  A Strong Back Float Can Save Your Life!
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                                                             the back float
                                                               every time
                                                                we swim!

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Florida Keys 3-9 Upper Keys 10-12 Cover Story 13 What's Happening 14 Real Estate 26
j a n u a r y 23 - 29, 2 0 2 0                                                  FLORIDA KEYS
            Published Weekly
             Vol. 10 No. 4
               Guy deBoer

               NEWS WRITERS
                 Pru Sowers
                Terry Schmida

   Ralph DePalma, Bill Klipp, Guy deBoer

Nand K. Pandey, konklifedesign@gmail.com

             PIXEL WRANGLER
                JT Thompson

                Jeff Johnson &
                 Paula Forman
                 Short Answers                   Rip-Off Team...                                           the city code. We also have staged sidewalk protests
                 Ian Brockway                    X Continued from page 2                                   in front of the rip-off shops to warn consumers and
               Tropic Sprockets                                                                            stop the deplorable practices of these businesses.
              Tammy Fox-Royer                    rents to them to a very influential group of Key
              Florida Keys SPCA                                                                               For the last five plus years, Mr. Halpern has
                 Sylvia Bogart
                                                 West citizens.                                            rented to a business many believe has no place in
              Astrologically Yours                  Our purpose was to inform the community                Key West. We are disappointed Mr Halpern didn’t
                 Joanna Brady                    minded of Key West that Michael Halpern contin-           follow through on closing the store at the end of
                    Reviewer                     ues to rent to a rip-off cosmetic shop, Oh La La,         2019 and don’t understand why he hasn’t returned
                                                 120 Duval Street, despite his public and private as-      our calls so he can explain his decision.
              SUMMER INTERN
               Emily Bracher                     surances that they would be gone by the end of last          Thank you to many of the attendees who voiced
                                                 year. This is one of three remaining cosmetic shops       their support for the fight against the rip-off shops,
             ADVERTISING                         that harass pedestrians, rip off tourists, violate city   and again my apologies to any attendee who was
     Ashley Williamson – 410.999.4917            code, and give all of Key West a bad name.                offended by our actions. I am truly sorry.
               305.296.1630                         For the last five years, our group of volunteer con-      To demonstrate the sincerity of this public apol-
       Advertising Deadline Every Friday
                                                 sumer advocates has tried to stop the cosmetic shop       ogy, I am donating $1,000 to each of the charities
  PRINT-READY advertising materials due by       rip-offs, recover money for victims, warn cruise ship     the Mayor’s Ball supports and thank all of those
Friday every week for next issue of KONK Life.   passengers, and lobby for stricter enforcement of         who attended. n
              Ad Dimensions
            Horizontal and Vertical:
     Full, 1/2, 1/3, 1/4, 1/8 page, bizcard      Panhandling zone...                                          The recommendation to remove the zone was
               Ad Submissions                    X Continued from page 3                                   even supported by an employee of the Southern-
   JPG, TIFF, PDF — digital formats only                                                                   most Homeless Assistance League (SHAL.)
    Send to production@konklife.com
                                                 being a parking lot, of being a dumpster area, and           “I completely agree with this conversation, and
              CIRCULATION                        try to dissuade people from going there as opposed        with the city manager, that this is probably not
         Kavon Desilus ASSISTANT                 to inviting them to go there. I don’t think that it’s     accomplishing what it was set out to accomplish,”
           Ben Neff ASSISTANT                    stopping people from going out into the streets           she said. “It’s a hard situation for everyone.”
                                                 and panhandling in the streets.”                             Just one speaker opposed closing the zones.
KONK Life is published weekly by KONK               Finding support on dais for this approach, May-           Other topics discussed at the workshop included
Communications Network in Key West, Fla.         or Johnston called on community members to give           restrictions on leaf blowers, future affordable hous-
Editorial materials may not be reproduced        their input.                                              ings planning including an update on the new KOTS
without written permission from the network.
                                                    The commission got an earful, including horror         homeless shelter, and sea level rise adaptation.
KONK Communications Network                      stories of drug sales and prostitution taking place          The commission will meet again on Jan. 22. n
   (305) 296-1630 • Key West, Florida            from the speakers, many of whom are Sunset Cele-
          www.konklife.com                       bration performers and merchants.                           keysscribe@aol.com

                                                 www.konklife.com • JANUARY 23-29, 2020
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Teacher of the Year
BY EMMA SCEPKOVA                                                                              touched my heart that I was nominated       summarized. Bringing a variety of per-
KONK LIFE STUDENT WRITER                                                                      by my peers and actually won.¨              spectives and styles is imperative, in Te-
                                                                                                 A common theme among each of             desco’s opinion, to allow the student to

P     erseverance, respect, integrity, and
      dedication are qualities that stu-
dents of the Monroe County School
                                                                                              these teachers is how imperative a con-
                                                                                              nection with the students is to be a
                                                                                              genuinely great teacher.
                                                                                                                                          learn the material presented.
                                                                                                                                             Rech takes a different approach. She
                                                                                                                                          remarked on one of her specific teach-
District (MSCD) aim to attain, and                                                               In the words of Barber, “The tech-       ing techniques, “Students work and as-
these very attributes are also what de-                                                       niques I use truly revolve around my        sist one another in collaborative groups
fine an exemplary teacher.                                                                    relationship with students, the reality I   twice a week tackling concepts they do
   In late November, Donna Tedesco                                                            set for the classroom, and the processes    not understand in their core classes. Stu-
was named the 2019 Teacher of the                                                             I follow in each of my classes.”            dents actually prefer learning from each
Year at Key West High School. Along                                                              These educators have been honored        other, which is rather impressive to see!”
with Tedesco, Richard Barber was rec-        Impacting student’s lives one lesson             for their exceptional teaching skills and      Barber noted how discussion is a suc-
ognized as Beginning Teacher of the          at a time, Donna Tedesco (R), Richard
                                                                                              ability to connect with the students,       cessful method of educating the pupils of
                                             Barber (center), and Pat Rech (L) stand
Year and Pat Rech was elected as In-         smiling as they receive praise and ac-           but they all have differing techniques      Key West High School. “I love discussion;
clusion Teacher of the Year.                 colades for all of their diligent work put       and perspectives on how to effectively      any way to involve discussion during a
   The teachers who received an accolade     forth toward enlightening the young              teach. “I present each topic from differ-   lesson will liven up the classroom.”
                                             minds of the future. Photo provided
felt “shocked, awestruck, and speechless,”                                                    ent points of view and try to access each
as Rech remarked of the experience, “We      have such a talented staff, so this truly        person’s learning style,” Tedesco briefly               X Continued on page 6

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                                                                www.konklife.com • JANUARY 23-29, 2020
Florida Keys 3-9 Upper Keys 10-12 Cover Story 13 What's Happening 14 Real Estate 26

Cannabis Clarity
Cannabis in the Kitchen                                                                                                                lots of options for you too. CBD

I started my career as a registered di-
  etitian leading to a life long love
affair with food. Then came a breast
                                                                                                                                       tinctures are a go-to ingredient,
                                                                                                                                       working well in beverages, desserts,
                                                                                                                                       savory dips and breakfast. I shy away
cancer diagnosis and the hunt to find                                                                                                  from baked goods or any recipe re-
meaningful healing modalities to layer                                                                                                 quiring prolonged, high heat; this
onto conventional treatments. Those                                                                                                    will breakdown the cannabinoids
modalities included cannabis which                                                                                                     and dilute their effectiveness. One of
turned my career in a different direc-                                                                                                 my favorite new ingredients to work
tion, as a founder of an online canna-                                                                                                 into recipes is CBD Bitters. Bitters
bis education platform training health                                                                                                 are a great digestive on their own and
practitioners across the US. Now the                                                                                                   when combined with CBD and oth-
stars have aligned to combine the best                                                                                                 er botanicals, they are powerhouse
of both my worlds…teaching others                                                                                                      ingredient. I just developed a new
how to use cannabis in the kitchen.                                                                                                    recipe using figs, dark chocolate,
                                                                                                                                       candied ginger and a spice-flavored
Many Delivery Formats                                                                                                                  CBD bitter. These truffle-like little
For many people, smoking or vaping                                                                                                     nuggets can be made ahead, kept in
is an irritant or just not an experience                                                                                               the fridge and enjoyed at a moment’s
they enjoy. Tinctures (dropped under                                                                                                   notice. Making your own edibles lets
the tongue as a sublingual) are effec-     patience and most of us can’t wait, eat        “lipophilic”, or it binds well to fat mol-   you control the dose, create real food
tive and quickly absorbed, but the taste   another edible and perhaps have an             ecules. A great resource on this topic,      (not just a sugary gummy) and it’s
may be off-putting. Then there’s edi-      out-of-body experience. And because            with super healthy recipes, is The Can-      really fun to play in the kitchen with
bles; those made with THC-contain-         there is no standardization with can-          nabis Kitchen Cookbook. Ten culinar-         these ingredients.
ing cannabis (marijuana) and CBD-          nabis labeling laws, what is actually          ians, from across the US, collaborated          If you want to taste those fig truffles
hemp derived edibles. THC, CBD or          in that gummy or cookie is often not           on this book and I’m delighted to have       and learn how to make other CBD
any other cannabinoid is metabolized       accurately listed on the label. Lots of        been one of the contributors. Gone are       recipes, check out my CBD Culinary
differently when consumed in a food        variables to consider.                         the days of the stoner pot brownies; we      Workshop, Monday, January 27,
or beverage. They have to pass through                                                    have moved onto heathy, luscious fla-        Noon-2pm at the Oldest House
the liver which slows downs absorp-        Cooking with Cannabis                          vors and beautiful presentation.             Museum Garden. For tickets, go to
tion and accounts for the delayed re-      Infusing oils and butters with cannabis                                                     www.keywestfoodandwinefest.com.
sults compared to the quick update         a tried and true way to create the foun-       CBD Recipes                                     For cookbooks or other questions,
into the bloodstream with other de-        dation for an endless number of reci-          If you want the therapeutic effect of        contact me directly at shieldsdonna12@
livery methods. Using edibles requires     pes. We infuse fats because cannabis is        CBD without the THC high, there’s            gmail.com. n

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Trio Gaspard to give Impromptu Classical
Concerts performance at St. Paul’s Episcopal
Church on Jan. 26
T   he international Chamber music
    sensation, Trio Gaspard, will per-
form an Impromptu Classical Concerts
                                                                                              Clare College, Cambridge.)
                                                                                                 Rimmer also toured international-
                                                                                              ly as organist for the renowned Clare
                                                                                                                                             No. 1 C-Minor, op. 8,“ by Dmitri
                                                                                                                                             Shostakovich; and Piano Trio G-Mi-
                                                                                                                                             nor, op. 15,“ by Bedřich Smetana.
presentation at 4 p.m. Sunday, Jan. 26.                                                       College Choir.                                    Maestros for the concert will be
The concerts are held at St. Paul’s Epis-                                                        According to L’Arena de Verona              Christine Bassett and Carey Alexander.
copal Church, 401 Duval St.                                                                   newspaper, “Trio Gaspard has excellent            Tickets for the concert cost $20,
   Because of its unique and fresh ap-                                                        credentials and immediately found its          and are available at www.keystix.com,
proach to music, this renowned trio                                                           way into the heart of the audience.”           or at the door on the afternoon of the
has become increasingly sought after.        West for one concert only.                          At the Jan. 26 concert the trio will per-   event. Cash, checks, or credit/debit
It was founded in 2010.                         Violinist Jonian Ilias Kadesha was            form the “Piano Trio G-major, op. 1, No.       cards accepted. Students will be ad-
   Trio Gaspard is the winner of ma-         born in Athens of Albanian and Greek             2,“ by Ludwig van Beethoven; and “Two          mitted free. Seating is on a first-come,
jor international music competitions,        heritage. He is currently complet-               Pieces for Piano Trio,“ by Lili Boulanger.     first-served basis.
including first prizes and special priz-     ing his Masters at Kronberg Acade-                  Following a short intermission the             For more information visit www.
es at the International Joseph Joachim       my in Germany, and has played with               trio will return to perform, Piano Trio        keywestimpromptu.org n
Chamber Music Competition in Wei-            the Chamber Orchestra of Europe at
mar; the Fifth International Haydn           the Kronberg Festival, and with the
Chamber Competition in Illzach,              Athens State Symphony Orchestra at
France; and the 2012 “Wiener Klassic”        Megaron Hall. He will soon return to
Preis de Stadt Baden in Austria.             Wigmore Hall, in the United King-
   As well as exploring and champion-        dom, to perform a Beethoven Concer-
ing the traditional piano trio repertoire,   to with the Roman River Festival Or-
Gaspard works regularly with contem-         chestra as well as take part in festivals                                               2020 Season
porary composers, while performing           at the Schubertiade, in Austria; and
seldom-played masterpieces. The en-          Molyvos in Lesbos, Greece.
semble members have given master-               Cellist Vashti Hunter of Berlin, Ger-
classes at Kyung-Hee University in           many is the first British cellist ever to
Seoul, South Korea, and also served as       be awarded a prize at the International
the resident piano trio of the Shanghai      Cello Competition Prague Spring. She
Chamber Music Festival in 2016. There        has also been the principal cellist of the
they taught talented young ensembles,        Scottish Chamber Orchestra, and the
and sat on the jury of China’s National      Oslo Philharmonic Orchestra. She won
Chamber Music Competition.                   her Laureate playing Dvorak’s Cello
   More recently, the trio was award-        Concerto with the Pilsen Philharmonic
ed a fellowship from the Royal               Orchestra in Dvorak Hall, in Prague.
Northern College of Music in Man-
chester, England.
                                                Last, but not least, is pianist Nicho-
                                             las Rimmer of Wigan, England.
                                                                                                              Jan 26 - Trio Gaspard, Violin, Cello, Piano
   All three members are successful             At an early age this talented Brit de-
                                                                                                                 Beethoven • Boulanger • Schostakowitsch •Smetana
soloists in their own right, and each        veloped a diverse musicality and stud-
continues to pursue their own careers,       ied not only piano and organ but also
                                                                                                                           at St. Paul’s Church• 4pm
giving recitals and performing inter-        composition, harmony, and conduct-
nationally in prestigious venues with        ing, as a junior student at the North-
other chamber groups. The trio’s first       ern College of Music, (subsequently
U.S. Tour is bringing them to Key            earning a degree in Musicology at

                                                                www.konklife.com • JANUARY 23-29, 2020
Florida Keys 3-9 Upper Keys 10-12 Cover Story 13 What's Happening 14 Real Estate 26
X Contd. from p 5            37th Annual Wesley                                                     Wesley House
                             House Valentine’s                                                      Family Services
   With the diversity of
methods and techniques,
the truth of the matter is
revealed: Teaching is all
about the connections
made. Rech summarized
                             Day Gala                                                               Offer Foster Care
the importance of these
connections, “Watching       T   his Valentine’s Day, take
                                 your special someone to
                             Wesley House’s 37th Annu-
                                                                ner designed and prepared by
                                                                Great Events Catering.
                                                                   VIP Admission includes re-
                                                                                                    Training Classes
my current and former
                             al Valentine’s Day Gala at         served table seating close to the          esley House Fami-              To register or for more infor-
students learn and truly
                             the beautiful Curry Man-           entertainment, premium bars                ly Services is seeking      mation call Megan Burgess at
believe in themselves as
                             sion Inn. Live music by one        and early entry to the event        nurturing families interested      305-809-5020 or e-mail at me-
they work toward their
                             of Key West’s most popular         as well as There passed hors        in providing a loving home         gan.burgess@wesleyhouse.org.
future goals, when it
                             performing groups - Howard         d’oeuvres and a dinner selec-       to children and teens who             Together, Wesley House
all comes together for
them, no matter how          Livingston & the Mile Mark-        tion of blackened mahi, prime       are in the foster care system.     Family Services and prospec-
big or small the achieve-    er 24 Band.                        rib, three cheese tortellini, as-   Classes begin February 26th        tive foster families can increase
ment, and [they] share it       Included with your tick-        sorted vegetables, salad, des-      in Key West and are held           the capacity in our communi-
with me... it’s magical,     et price is the island’s largest   serts and more.                     each Wednesday night for six       ties to provide nurturing car-
and it truly warms my        silent auction, OPEN bar,             General Admission includes       weeks, and one Saturday day        ing homes to care for the most
heart!” n                    dancing, and an elegant din-       a buffet dinner and open bar. n     class. Registration is required.   vulnerable children. n

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Florida Keys 3-9 Upper Keys 10-12 Cover Story 13 What's Happening 14 Real Estate 26

Phyllis Rose at the Friends of the Key West Library
Series January 27
O     n Monday, January 27th, the
      Friends of the Key West Library
will present Phyllis Rose, a biogra-
                                                                                           Bloomsbury in the late 1970s.
                                                                                              In 1983 she published Paral-
                                                                                           lel Lives: Five Victorian Marriages,
                                                                                                                                         Stieglitz was one of the first Amer-
                                                                                                                                      ican photographers to achieve inter-
                                                                                                                                      national fame, and for many years,
pher, literary critic and essayist. Ms.                                                    which, taking as its model Lytton Stra-    because of his active engagement in
Rose’s talk will take place at the Trop-                                                   chey’s Eminent Victorians, considered      the camera club movement, he was
ic Cinema on Eaton Street. Admis-                                                          a large issue (the institution of mar-     in effect the CEO of photography in
sion to the lectures is free. The talk                                                     riage) through portraits of individu-      America. As part of his strategy for
begins promptly at 6:00 p.m. Seat-                                                         al marriages. Anatole Broyard in The       establishing photography as fine art,
ing starts at 5:40 on a first come, first                                                  New York Times called it a “brilliant      he produced beautiful and influential
served basis.                                                                              and original book.” It has stayed in       photography magazines, including the
   Rose’s first book was the biography                                                     print for over 25 years. Nora Ephron       legendary Camera Work.
Virginia Woolf, Woman of Letters,                                                          told Time Magazine in 2009 that she           Rose lives in New York City and
published in 1978. A finalist for the                                                      read it every four or five years.          Key West, where she continues to col-
National Book Award, it was in the                                                            Her most recent book, Alfred Stieg-     laborate with her husband, Laurent
forefront of feminist re-evaluations of                                                    litz: Taking Pictures, Making Painters     de Brunhoff, on the popular series of
literary figures and contributed to the                                                    illuminates Stieglitz as a revolutionary   children’s books featuring Babar the
surge of interest in Virginia Woolf and                                                    force in the history of American art.      Elephant. n

Not Horsing Around!                                                                             THE ANNE MCKEE                            Wednesday,
                                                                                                ARTISTS FUND                              Feb 12, 2020
                                                                                                                                          The Studios of
                                                                                                25th ANNIVERSARY                          Key West

                                                                                               FINE                                       Doors open: 6:15 PM
                                                                                                                                          Auction: 7:00 PM

                                                                                                                                          $25 General Admission
                                                                                                                                          $50 VIP Admission
                                                                                                                                          Tickets available at the door
                                                                                                                                          and at www.mckeefund.org

S                                                                                              AUCTION
    ilent auction items are sought for      ing activities. The Sunday, February 16                                                       Art preview Feb 6–12 at the
                                                                                                                                          The Studios of Key West.
    the upcoming 2nd Key West Police        event at La te Da, 1125 Duval Street,
                                                                                                                                          No admission fee.

Department Mounted Unit fundrais-           will kick off at 5:30pm with a meet &
ing event, taking place Sunday, Feb-        greet with the Mounted Unit Officers
ruary 16 at La te Da on Duval Street,       and Horses, followed by 6:00pm cock-
hosted by proprietor Christopher            tails, a grand sit-down dinner, and a
Rounds and Key West designer/busi-          dazzling 9:00pm private Cabaret Show
nesswoman Jane Gardner. Can you             starring Christopher Peterson.
donate something fun, functional or            Event tickets are $150 each for the
fabulous to help raise funds for this in-   full evening (50 available), and $50 for
valuable team of officers and equines?      the Cabaret alone (60 available).
   Why a fundraiser, you may ask? It’s         To make a donation or purchase
because the City provides stables, feed,    tickets, contact Jane Gardner at 312-
hay, and the officer’s salaries, but all    914-7546 or email jane@janegardner-
other expenses are covered by fundrais-     interiors.com. n

                                                              www.konklife.com • JANUARY 23-29, 2020
Florida Keys 3-9 Upper Keys 10-12 Cover Story 13 What's Happening 14 Real Estate 26

                                                                               Monroe County
                                                                               Installs A New Boater
                                                                               Information Kiosk at
                                                                               Harry Harris Park
                                                                                    K                  EY LARGO, FL –
                                                                                                       Monroe       County
                                                                                                   Project Management is
                                                                                                   installing a new boater
                                                                                                   information kiosk at the
                                                                               Harry Harris Park boat ramp in Key Lar-
                                                                               go. The project is funded using state boat-
                                                                               ing improvement funds generated from
                                                                               recreational vessel registrations. The kiosks
                                                                               will have signage about local waters and
                                                                               will include boater guides and other wa-
                                                                               ter safety materials. “Informing boaters,
                                                                               especially those not familiar with our local
                                                                               waters is a significant concern for Monroe
                                                                               County,” said Project Management Direc-          A crew drills the foundation for the first
                                                                               tor Cary Knight. “This project serves the        boater information kiosk being installed
                                                                               needs of the boating community and will          at Harry Harris Park in Key Largo. Mon-
                                                                                                                                roe County File Photos
                                                                               result in improved boating access, provide
                                                                               a benefit to recreational boaters, and af-         The first kiosk is being installed as
                                                                               ford for recovery of sensitive marine hab-       a pilot project at Harry Harris Park.
                                                                               itats especially since we have a high level of   As funding becomes available, project
                                                                               boating related activities from individuals      management would like to include
                                                                               who reside in other counties.”                   them at other County boat ramps. n

Key West Writers Guild
Meeting Saturday,
January 25, 2020
T   he Key West Writers Guild will meet Saturday, January 25, 2020,
    from 9:00 A.M. to noon in the Conference Room at the Condo-
miniums at 2601 S. Roosevelt Blvd., Key West Florida. Enter through
                                                                               A conceptual image of a completed boater information kiosk.

the gate just to the left of the flagpoles. Please park across the street on                                                10
South Roosevelt (Free Parking). n                                                                   www.konklife.com • JANUARY 23-29, 2020

Key West Sunrise Rotary Calling All Artists
Golf Tournament set for
Feb. 23
                                           tournament at the Key West Golf Club.
                                           Proceeds fund college scholarships and
                                           worthy local causes.
                                              Prizes are awarded for first, second
                                           and third place in each flight, as well
                                           as closest to the pin, longest drive,
                                           straightest drive and longest putt. Sink-
                                           ing a hole-in-one on any par 3 wins-
                                           $5,000. And four players will earn the
                                           opportunity to win a million dollars in
                                           a hole-in-one shootout from 165 yards
                                           on the 18th green.
                                              The $125 entry fee includes lunch,
                                           food and beverages on the course and a
                                           goody bag. To register, contact the Key
                                           West Golf Club at (305) 294-5232. n
                                                                                       A    rtists in Paradise Gallery, Big
                                                                                            Pine Key, will present Keys Col-
                                                                                       or, their 25th annual Lower Keys
                                                                                                                                  donated by our own artists, and friends
                                                                                                                                  and neighbors of Artists in Paradise.
                                                                                                                                     All entries must be delivered to
                                                                                       Artists Network judged show with           Artists in Paradise on Feb 15 and
Key West Sunrise Rotarians Zach Bent-                                                  an awards reception on February 21,        16 during gallery hours. Awards and
ley and Dr. George Lindner monitor for                                                 from 6 to 8 pm.                            prizes will be presented at the recep-
winners of the closest-to-the-pin con-
                                                                                          Artists who become members of the       tion on Feb 21. Art will be on exhibit
test during the club’s annual fundrais-
ing golf tournament. (Courtesy Key West                                                Lower Keys Artists Network for $25         at Artists in Paradise from February
Sunrise Rotary)                                                                        can enter two pieces of work, be eligi-    21 until March 13. For information
                                                                                       ble for prizes and awards and sell their   and a show application, go to www.

L   ocal students and charities will be
    the winners of the 27th Annual Key
West Sunrise Rotary Golf Classic. Reg-
                                           Key West Sunrise Rotary’s custom golf
                                                                                       art with no commission fee. Awards
                                                                                       will include first, second and honor-
                                                                                                                                  artistsinparadise.com or stop in at
                                                                                                                                  Artists in Paradise on Big Pine Key.
                                           balls for its annual fundraising tourna-    able mention plus a Best in Show and          For further information call Art-
istration is open for the Feb. 23, 2020,   ment. (Courtesy Key West Sunrise Rotary)
                                                                                       People’s Choice. Prizes are generously     ists in Paradise at 305-872-1828. n

                                                            www.konklife.com • JANUARY 23-29, 2020
                                                                           P IE DR A K KE EY YS S

Midway Specialty Care Center opens 2 new
locations in the Keys in 2020
                                           Overseas Highway, Suite #10; the Key            “Key West is one of the most import-        “Our expansion into the Keys is so
                                           West site is scheduled to open February 11   ant destinations for LGBTQ people and       critical to stopping the spread of HIV in
                                           at 1434 Kennedy Drive, Unit #1 (housed       has long been known as an accepting,        the Keys. We look forward to following
                                           within the A.H. of Monroe County facili-     diverse community,” Grossman noted.         AH’s lead in understanding and contrib-

M     idway Specialty Care Center, a
      501(c)(3) non-profit clinic pro-
viding HIV specialty care and preven-
                                           ty). Both sites take insured and uninsured
                                           patients on a reduced/sliding scale.
                                              The Keys’ Medical Director, Dr.
                                                                                        “We hope to offer primary care to all,
                                                                                        with a special focus on LGBTQ med-
                                                                                        icine, including hormone affirmation
                                                                                                                                    uting to the unique medical and needs
                                                                                                                                    of the Keys,” added Jana Eschbach, Mid-
                                                                                                                                    way’s Chief Development Officer.
tion services in 11 locations statewide,   Howard A. Grossman is a renowned             therapy for transgender individuals. We        “For consumers, there can be a great
have announced two new sites in the        physician for LGBTQ Care, HIV                also look forward to working with the       benefit to having our own Case Man-
Florida Keys.                              Care and Primary Care and has served         other primary care doctors in the com-      agement and other services with medical
   Marathon, the inaugural Monroe          as former President of the American          munity and coordinating with many spe-      care all under one roof,” Scott Pridgen,
County location, is open now, at 5701      Academy of HIV Physicians.                   cialists to address our patients’ needs.”   Executive Director of AH, noted. n

                                                              www.konklife.com • JANUARY 23-29, 2020

Christopher Peterson Named by The Studios
of Key West as Recipient of the 2020 Golden
Mango Award

Christopher Peterson was honored
at the Brunch with a Golden Mango
Award. (photo courtesy the artist)

A    t The Studios of Key West’s an-
     nual Patron Brunch on Sunday,
January 19, the organization recog-
                                          “Oceans of Gratitude” Annual Patron Brunch - Under the direction of Bonnie Piceu and Paul Dietz (brunch co-chairs)
                                          and with the help of dozens of volunteers, The Studios of Key West became an underwater wonderland for one day on
                                          Jan 19 to honor Patrons of The Studios of Key West. (credit: Larry Blackburn)

nized Christopher Peterson as the         Coronation and many others. He is           ricator are unparalleled, manifesting       Recipients of The Studios’ Golden
recipient of the 2020 Golden Mango        tireless in his devotion to Key West and    in both his stage performances and       Mango Award may be artists, patrons
Award. Established in 2015 by The         its motto of “One Human Family.”            charitable work. He is featured in the   or advocates, and may be honored as
Studios, the award is presented each          Peterson’s Key West roots run           award-winning documentary “We’re         individuals, couples, or collaborative
year to an outstanding leader who         deep. He arrived in Key West in 1998        Funny That Way,” which detailed the      groups. Past recipients of the award
has benefitted Key West through sig-      with his husband of 37 years, the late      first gay and lesbian comedy festival    include Judith and Stanley Zabar, Bill
nificant contributions to the Arts.       James Mill. His extraordinary talents       in Canada and was later released on      and Ann Lorraine, Anne McKee, and
   Though Peterson is perhaps best-       were recognized immediately, and he         Showtime, Cinemax and HBO.               John Martini.
known for his live show “Eyecons”         has become a local legend as one of            Danny Weathers, former director          The Studios of Key West is an art
which he’s performed at La-Te-Da since    the foremost female impersonators           of Waterfront Playhouse and Peter-       center located at the landmark deco
2001, he is also a passionate advocate    who sing “live.” He’s known for his         son’s longtime friend and colleague,     building at 533 Eaton Street. The Stu-
for community causes. His charitable      masterful characterizations of Mari-        helped to present the award, which       dios presents hundreds of programs
efforts as a comedian, impersonator and   lyn Monroe, Madonna, Joan Rivers,           is in the shape of a mango and is a      each year including classes, exhibi-
master of ceremonies have benefitted      Reba McEntire, Bette Midler, Tina           custom work of art fabricated by         tions, concerts, performances and spe-
many organizations over the past two      Turner, Julie Andrews, Barbra Strei-        contemporary sculptor Helen Har-         cial events, and endeavors to use the
decades including AIDS Help, Equali-      sand, Liza Minnelli, Judy Garland,          rison. Studios’ Executive Director       arts to build friendships and establish
ty Florida, Special Olympics, Key West    Cher, Bette Davis, Lucille Ball, Lady       Jed Dodds and Board Chair Stephen        Key West as a beacon of cultural activ-
Business Guild, The Studios of Key        GaGa and others. In addition, his           Kitsakos were also on hand to con-       ity. Find out about Studio’ programs
West, Queen Mother Pageant, Royal         skills as a costume designer and fab-       gratulate Peterson.                      by visiting www.tskw.org. n

                                                           www.konklife.com • JANUARY 23-29, 2020

                                                                      Schooner Wharf Bar                    RAVEN COOPER BAND
                                                                      202 Williams St., (305) 292-3302      6:30 - 11:30pm
                                                                      n                                     MAGIC OF FRANK
                                                                                                            9:00 pm - 1am
                                                                      Thursday 01/23
                                                                      Michael McCloud                       Sunday 01/26
                                                                      Noon - 5:00 pm                        MICHAEL McCLOUD & FRIENDS
                                                                                                            noon - 5pm

                                                                                                            ISLAND TIME DUO
                                                                                                            6:30pm - 11pm

                                                                                                            MAGIC OF FRANK
 A KEY WEST FAMILY TRADITION of FINE FOODS -- SINCE 1926                                                    9:00 pm - 1am
                                                                      COOL DUO                              Annual Schooner Wharf Wrecker’s
                                                                      Sam Ramos & Chris Case                Cup Race
     DREAM IT UP... CALL US UP... PICK IT UP!                         6:30 - 11pm
                                                                                                            Monday 01/27
                               We make Party Platters effortless...
                               simply order 24 hours in advance                                             Raven Cooper
                                   and ENJOY YOUR EVENT                                                     Noon - 5:00 pm
                                  along with your guests! And
                                we love your custom requests!

522 Fleming Street • 305.296.5663 • Faustos.com
                                                                      MAGIC OF FRANK
                                                                      9:00 pm - 1am
                                                                      Schooner Wharf Knot & Shot
                                                                      Competition Captain’s Meeting         ZACK SEEMILLER
                                                                      Schooner Wharf Wrecker’s Cup Race     6:30 - 11pm

                                                                      Friday 01/24                          Tuesday 01/28
                                                                      MICHAEL McCLOUD & FRIENDS             GARY HEMPSEY
                                                                      noon - 6pm                            noon - 5pm

                                                                      RAVEN COOPER BAND                     TOM TAYLOR
                                                                      6:30 - 11:30pm                        6:30pm - 11pm

                                                                      MAGIC OF FRANK
                                                                                                            Tuesday 01/29
                                                                                                            TONY BALTIMORE
                                                                      9:00 pm - 1am
                                                                                                            noon - 5pm

                                                                      Schooner Wharf Knot & Shot
                                                                                                            RAVEN COOPER
                                                                      Competition                           6:30 - 11pm

                                                                      Saturday 01/25                        MAGIC OF FRANK
                                                                      MICHAEL McCLOUD & FRIENDS             EVERHART
                                                                      noon - 5pm                            9:00 pm - 1am

                                                                                        www.konklife.com • JANUARY 23-29, 2020

                                                                                  2020 35th Annual
Whats Happening                    Thursdays-Fridays 7:30pm
X Continued from page 14           Professional Standup Comedy—
                                   doors open 7:30pm.

The Smokin’ Tuna
4 Charles St., (305) 517-6350
                                   Blue Room available for private parties
                                                                                  Schooner Wharf Bar
                                   Little Room Jazz Club
                                   821 Duval Street,
                                   Key West FL 33040
                                                                                  Wrecker’s Cup Race Series
Thursday 01/23                     littleroomjazzclub.com
Scott Kirby 5pm                    n
Caffeine Carl & The Buzz 9:00pm
                                   Thursday 01/23
Friday 01/24                       Piano Bar Happy Hour with Coffee

Key West Songwriter Sessions       Butler 5:30-7:30
Concert 7pm $                      Peter Diamond and Friends 8-11

Caffeine Car and Friends 9:00pm    Friday 01/24
                                   Piano Bar Happy Hour with Larry
Saturday 01/25
Scott Kirby 5pm
                                   Smith 5:30-7:30
                                   Ericson Holt 8-11
                                                                                  T   he much anticipated first race of
                                                                                      the Schooner Wharf Bar Wreck-
                                                                                  er’s Cup Race Series is scheduled for
                                                                                                                               film footage taken of the race by the
                                                                                                                               official race committee boat and dance
                                                                                                                               to the popular rhythmic steel drum
Caffeine Carl and Friends 9:00pm                                                  Sunday, January 26th at 1:00 p.m.            sound of the Island Time Duo!
                                   Saturday 01/25
                                                                                  The course is 7 miles from Key West             Trophies, Pusser’s Rum and Schoo-
                                   Piano Bar Happy Hour Peter                     Harbor to Sand Key, re-enacting the          ner Wharf bar tabs and Wrecker’s
Saturday 01/26
                                   Diamond and James King 5:30-7:30               ancient wrecking tradition of Key            Race tee shirts are earned by the top 3
Dr VonHilsheimer 2pm                                                              West…a series of ruthless one way rac-       vessels in 6 classes --schooner, multi-
                                   Denis Hyland Jazz Quartet 8-11
Caffeine Carl & The Buzz 9:00pm                                                   es to the reef to claim the booty.           hull, classic, monohull 29’ and under,
                                   Sunday 01/26                                      This all-in-fun race series recalls the   monohull 30-39 feet and monohull
                                   Piano Bar Happy Hour with Any                  tradition of the wreckers in the Key         40 feet and over. There could also be
Saturday 01/27
                                                                                  West of the 1800’s. Vessels laden with       a separate class for Hoebee Cats this
MIKE McADAMS DUO 5PM               Mayo 5:30-7:30
                                                                                  rich cargoes from Gulf and Caribbean         year! At the race start Key West har-
Caffeine Carl & The Buzz 9:00pm    Barry Cuda 8-11                                ports often became victims of storm          bor is a magnificent sight, filled with
                                                                                  and the unmarked reefs off Key West.         colorful sails and spinnakers on vessels
                                   Monday 01/27
                                                                                     The first wrecker to reach the site had   ranging from 16 feet to 120 feet.
Saturday 01/28                     Sing-A- Long Piano Bar Happy                   the responsibility to save the passengers       This original nautical event is another
MIKE McADAMS DUO 5PM               Hour with Malathi 5:30-7:30                    and crew---but they also won the right       creation of Schooner Wharf Bar owners,
MILE 0 FEST KICKOFF                Christine Cordone Jam Session 8-11             to salvage the cargoes. Some historians      Evalena and Paul Worthington, and is
AFTER PARTY 10PM                                                                  have written that it was not unusual for     enjoyed by visiting yachters, local private
                                   Tuesday 01/28                                  20 or 30 boats to race to a wreck.           boats and Key West charter vessels. You
                                   Piano Bar Happy Hour with Gayla
                                                                                     The Captains’ Meetings are held on        don’t need a boat of your own to partic-
Saturday 01/29                                                                    the upper deck of Schooner Wharf at          ipate, book passage and crew on one of
                                   Morgan 5:30-7:30
MIKE McADAMS DUO 5PM                                                              7:00 p.m. the Saturday before each           the charter boats in the Wreckers’ fleet.
                                   Bluesday Tuesday with Larry                    race. Captains enjoy complimentary              2020 Race Dates are Sunday, January
                                   Baeder 8-11                                    Pusser’s Rum punch and Schooner              26 – February 23 – March 29 and April
                                                                                  Wharf Galley hors d’oeuvres while re-        26. Come join the fun. Fair Winds and
Bottlecap / Blue Room              Wednesday 01/29                                viewing race procedures.                     Full Holds --- Wreck Ashore!
1128 Simonton St.,                                                                   The Awards Ceremony & Party is               For information please call 292-
                                   Piano Bar Happy Hour with Karen
(305) 296-2807                                                                    held at 7:00 p.m. on Sunday, race day.       9520. Visit SchoonerWharf.com. Pho-
                                   Heins 5:30-7:30
bottlecapkeywest.com                                                              The popular Wreckers BBQ is served           tos of previous races are available on the
                                   Victoria Horne 8-11
n                                                                                 to captains & crew while they view           Schooner Wharf facebook page. n

                                                       www.konklife.com • JANUARY 23-29, 2020
TROPIC SPROCKETS                                                                          W H AT S H A P P E N I N G
                                                  IAN B R O C K WAY
                                              With each forbidding location the two
                                           walk through, the suspense is palpable.
                                                                                          and of pushing the physical body to its
                                                                                          limit. Carroll Shelby (Matt Damon)            Cheap Dates
                                              You will hold your breath.
                                              There is one very pesky black rat that
                                                                                          loves to race cars going well over the
                                                                                          limit even while he is in danger of hav-      Play the Hog’s
                                           sets everything in ominous motion.
                                              Suffice to say events are frequent-
                                                                                          ing a heart attack. Cars, danger and
                                                                                          death are all inter-related.                  Breath Saloon
                                           ly deadly and episodes unfold upon                His friend Ken Miles (Christian
                                           Schofield so quickly that he becomes
                                           like a Marvel Avenger in a video
                                                                                          Bale) is a modest man and more ret-
                                                                                          icent, but he is equally driven by ac-        T    he Cheap Dates - A fun “fresh
                                                                                                                                             water” cover band from Kalam-
1917                                       game, dodging bullets at a pace that
                                           would make Indiana Jones shake his
                                                                                          celeration. Both men put their lives
                                                                                          second to the superiority of the auto
                                                                                                                                        azoo, Michigan, plays the Hog’s
                                                                                                                                        Breath Saloon’s mid shift, 4:30 –
                                           head in wonder.                                on the track.                                 8:30 pm, Jan. 23 – 26.
                                              Again and again, Schofield and                 In the film, a restless CEO, Henry            The Cheap Dates are a guitar and
                                           Blake endure one mishap after an-              Ford II (Tracy Letts) is eaten by jeal-       drum duo. Together for 16 years, the
                                           other. All is done with very little dia-       ousy and wants to beat Enzo Ferrari.          two have been performing an aver-
                                           logue. The camera in a long master-            He hires Shelby to design a racing            age of 180 shows a year up and down
                                           ful takes sets the tone. One look into         machine, one to win the 24 Hours of           the coastline of Lake Michigan and
                                           Schofield’s eye says it all as his olive       Le Mans.                                      University towns. They cover a wide

W       ith breathtaking cinematog-
        raphy by Roger Deakins, Sam
Mendes’ “1917” takes you to the realm
                                           green iris becomes the exact shade of
                                           his helmet.
                                                                                             Shelby in turn, gets Ken Miles to drive.
                                                                                             The film is an engaging portrait of
                                                                                                                                        range of music from old to new and
                                                                                                                                        a little in between. This marks their
                                              The film won a Golden Globe for             two obsessive figures. Shelby is a cool       11th trip to Key West. n
of World War I, one of the most lethal     Best Motion Picture and it earns its           cowboy type while Miles is slightly in-
wars in Western history. The film is       place among a long history of war              ward and more reserved, but both con-
immersive, vivid, sardonic and surreal.
It is epic in scale and never lets go of
                                           films that include “Apocalypse Now”            nect by their love of fast cars.              Atlanta’s Mike
                                           and “Saving Private Ryan.”                        Letts is entertaining as the stone-
its tension.
   The film focuses on Blake (Dean-
                                              “1917” carries us along in its journey      faced boss who goes to pieces once            Veal Band
                                           feeling like a 3D film with its visceral ef-   Shelby takes him for a spin, beyond a
Charles Chapman) and his partner in
war Schofield (George MacKay) and
                                           fect that is poignant as well as jarring. n    comfortable pace.                             at the Hog’s
                                                                                             Catriona Balfe has a scene-stealing
their friendship shared in crisis.
   Blake is ordered to deliver a message
                                           Ford v. Ferrari                                moment as Miles’s wife who drives in
                                                                                          a bloodcurdling reckless fashion to get
                                                                                                                                        Breath Saloon
across enemy lines essentially calling                                                    to her husband’s truth.                           he Mike Veal Band, Atlanta’s fa-
off an allied attack, because the Ger-                                                       Bale does handily as driver Ken                vorite party band brings its en-
man forces are planning an ambush.                                                        Miles, who has a near supernatural            ergy and excitement to the Hog’s
Blake is determined to succeed, espe-                                                     merging with the racing machine               Breath Saloon, 400 Front St., Jan. 23
cially because the mission will save the                                                  in terms of how the car feels, its            - 26, rocking the night stage from
life of his brother.                                                                      strengths and weaknesses. Damon               9pm – 1am. n.

   The film excels in atmosphere and           or decades I have thought that             gives another fine performance as a              The band plays a hot combination
virtuosic camera maneuvers. It also            J.G. Ballard’s Crash (1973) is one         designer with only one thing on his           of blues, rock, and funk. Diverse
unfolds like a horror film. The two        of the most daring works of literature.        mind: racing.
young boys are put in thick trenches.                                                                                                   musical backgrounds and region-
                                           Specifically, it is about symphorophil-           In watching “Ford v. Ferrari” one
All seems the color of shit. Boots are                                                                                                  al influences color each member’s
                                           ia, the sexual arousal and obsession           sees two people: Shelby and Miles,
deep in mud and soiled water and gray                                                                                                   contribution to the tight sound for
                                           with cars and collisions. Though not           pointing to a new beginning of man
corpses pop up like jellyfish, mouths                                                                                                   which the band is admired.
                                           for all tastes, it is a great work of Sur-     merging with the automobile, a being
agape in mute terror, tongues poking                                                                                                       Atlanta partiers and club patrons
                                           realism and I have yet to read any-            of metal and mind, chrome and flesh
from the teeth like bologna, as if mak-    thing like it.                                                                               throughout the Southeast know the
                                                                                          poised for our millennium.
ing a joke of death. Barbed wire pre-         In the film “Ford v. Ferrari,” directed        Ballard would have approved. n             band delivers a killer show every
vails over the barren land like a net of   by James Mangold, there is something                                                         time. Stop by the Hog’s Breath and
poison crosses that draw black blood.      of an obsession with cars and speed,             Write Ian at ianfree11@yahoo.com            see for yourself. n

                                                              www.konklife.com • JANUARY 23-29, 2020

Glass: The World Premiere of a fascinating true story
                                          an alcoholic has-been on her ump-                an unopened bottle of scotch. Will      Will Lorette find Amanda—and more
                                          teenth comeback attempt. Williams                she or won’t she? And will her deci-    important, will Amanda find her? The
                                          is understandably nervous, sure that             sion alter the chances of success for   answers may not be what you think.
                                          she’ll drink, forget her lines, and ruin         the play, and the man who wrote it?
                                                                                                                                           X Continued on page 20
By Joanna Brady                           his play—or not show up altogether.
                                             In Lorette’s dressing room, they

T   he Waterfront Playhouse contin-
    ues to celebrate its 80th year with
fresh, exciting work, this time with
                                          thrash out their differences, occa-
                                          sionally reaching agreement on some
                                          things. But it becomes clear that Lor-
the world premiere of a terrific new      ette’s interpretation of the character of
two-person play, titled Glass, by Mi-     Amanda differs from the playwright’s,
chael Aman.                               even to the color of the dress Amanda
   Aman’s play is based on a true story   is supposed to wear.
about a pivotal moment in the career         Williams knows something isn’t
of Tennessee Williams, a time when        working and has criticized her in re-
he was most vulnerable, facing per-       hearsals.
haps his last chance at success.             The problem is that Lorette is having
   Glass is set in Chicago on Dec. 26,    difficulty feeling like the character she
1944. At the heart of the play is the     is playing. Lorette is earthy and Irish,
terrible fear of failure by two people    fierce and tempestuous. Amanda the
locked in an adversarial relationship.    character is an ethereal Southern belle
A very young Tennessee Williams has       stuck in the past. One has to question
written a play called The Glass Menag-    whether Williams isn’t struggling with
erie, and it is opening night.            the character of Amanda himself.
   The actress playing the lead role of      Through it all, a very important
Amanda Wingfield, is Lorette Taylor,      prop sits on Lorette’s dressing table:

Photo: Larry Blackburn

                                                             www.konklife.com • JANUARY 23-29, 2020
                                              FLORIDA KEYS SPCA

 Rescue Tail                                                                        Breezy. We couldn’t understand why
                                                                                     the days turned into weeks, weeks into
Easy Breezy                                                                          months, and eventually into an entire
                                                                                     year. Breezy remained at our Mara-
Beautiful                                                                            thon Campus until the fateful day that
                                                                                     she met Robert, the day she met her
BY TARA MCFARLAND                                                                    person.
Director of Operations, Marathon Campus                                                 Robert was looking for companion-
                                                                                     ship, someone to share his life with,

T   here’s always that one dog that
    seems to linger around the shelter,
overlooked by potential families. The
                                                                                     someone to wait patiently by his side
                                                                                     while he worked on his novels; a friend.
                                                                                     Robert was instantly drawn to Breezy,
one that’s sweet, friendly and full of                                               and she climbed all over him and
personality. We do introductions, meet                                               showered him with sloppy kisses. The
and greets, we highlight that particular                                             two went for walks, played together,
animal in our pet of the week segment,                                               and their connection was felt by all of
or bring her to events, and yet at the                                               us. We held our breath when the meet
shelter she remains. At our Marathon                                                 finally ended, and with a warm smile
Campus, that dog was Breezy.                                                         he asked for adoption paperwork. It
   Social, curious, friendly and always                                              was finally a match!
smiling Breezy was instantly a staff and                                                Now, for the first time in her young
volunteer favorite. She could make you                                               life, after a year of patiently waiting,
laugh for hours watching her antics.                                                 Breezy was finally going to be in a
On one particular day, when she was                                                  home! For 365 days her spirit never
feeling particularly clever, she stood in                                            wavered, as if all along she knew what
the yard upon her dog house, toy in                                                  she was waiting for. Together they
mouth, and jumped up on top of the                                                   swim, walk and play, they read and
shade sails protecting her outdoor play                                              write together, they complete each
yard from the summer sun. It was as                                                  other. Robert understands her funny
if she had been planning it all along,                                               ways and even sends photos of Breezy
she knew instantly what to do once                                                   winking at the camera, or sleeping un-
she was up there. She ran and jumped                                                 der her dog bed instead of in it. Her
from shade sail to shade sail, bounc-                                                personality shines even brighter now
ing from one to another like a carefree                                              that she’s with her new dad.
child on a trampoline. All the while,                                                   The Florida Keys SPCA is a no time
her big smile shining and that toy dan-                                              limit shelter. Healthy adoptable an-
gling from her mouth. We laughed and                                                 imals stay at the shelter as long as it
laughed as each time we told her to get                                              takes to find them the right family. For
down, she simply jumped higher and                                                   some this can be a year, or even longer.
bounced faster. You see, Breezy was no                                               Caring for dogs like Breezy takes more
Chihuahua, but a sixty pound Ameri-                                                  than just time, it takes love and re-
can Staffordshire mix! When the antics                                               sources such as food, medication, pre-
were over and Breezy came down, for                                                  ventatives, vaccines and spay/neuter
her safety her dog house was moved                                                   surgeries. To help us care for dogs like
but she’d always look up at the shade                                                Breezy your donations to the Florida
sails, reflecting on her time atop the                                               Keys SPCA stay here in the Keys and
colorful bouncy sails.                                                               help pets in Key West, the Lower and
   It was days like that that made                                                   Middle Keys. For more information
staff and volunteers so enamored with                                                visit our website at www.fkspca.org n

                                            www.konklife.com • JANUARY 23-29, 2020

Pianist Jim Rice Takes The Spotlight at The Red Barn
    J            oy Hawkins, the Red
                 Barn Theatre’s Artistic
              Director, has been ask-
                                                                                    Clark, both veterans of many musicals
                                                                                    and musical events around town.
                                                                                       “They’re such good players,” Rice said.
                                                                                                                                  Blondie, and some Crowded House.
                                                                                                                                  It’s all about the mood, right?”
                                                                                                                                      And the Red Barn plays right into
              ing Jim Rice to do a solo                                             “Their versatility allows me to do go pret-   that mood, Rice says. Now celebrating
              show on their stage for                                               ty much anywhere I want to musically.”        their 40th consecutive year of bringing
years. To her great delight, he finally                                                And Rice’s show will definitely be         top professional theater to Key West,
said “Yes”.                                                                         taking quite a journey. While it’s a cab-     it’s an intimate 88 seat beauty perfect
   So on February 2 and 3, Jim Rice                                                 aret-type show, Rice stresses that it’s not   for shows like Rice’s. In recent years,
will take the Red Barn stage in the                                                 a recital – all of the songs have stories     they have brought several shows like
spotlight for his own cabaret show,                                                 connected to them. And he won’t be            “The Mood I’m In” to their stage, in-
“The Mood I’m In”. Tickets are al-                                                  sticking just to the American Songbook.       cluding another popular show coming
ready in short supply, so head to red-                                                 “I will be doing show tunes, of            up in March by Key West troubadour
barntheatre.com or call 305-296-9911       JIM RICE                                 course,” Rice said, “but not how they         John Wells.
to make sure you get yours.                                                         were originally done. I like to give              Curtain time for Rice’s show will
   “I’ve worked for everybody else,”       nessee Williams, and an awful lot of     them different and unusual arrange-           be 8 pm. The Red Barn’s Gil’s Bar will
Rice said recently, “and on every stage    the musicals at the Waterfront and       ments, which is fun. There will be            open at 7:30 pm each evening, and pa-
in town, usually as the musical ac-        Red Barn. Guess it’s time to take the    a little country and western, some            trons are allowed to bring their drinks
companiment. I’ve done the arrange-        mic myself.”                             Texas swing, some Paul Simon, some            into the theater. For more information
ments and led the band for most of            Joining Rice on stage will be bass-   Cole Porter, some David Frishberg.            or tickets, visit redbarntheatre.com or
Randy Roberts’ big shows at the Ten-       ist Joe Dallas, and drummer Daniel       And then we’ll really cut loose – some        call 305-296-9911. n

West Texas Singer-
Songwriter Cliff Cody
Plays the Hog’s Breath
W      est Texas singer-songwrit-
       er Cliff Cody plays the Hog’s
Breath Saloon, 400 Front St., mid-
shift gig – 4:30 – 8:30 p.m., Jan. 27
– Feb. 2.
   “Chasin Whiskey,” Cody’s first re-
corded cut was recognized as a high-
light of Julie Roberts’ album “Men
and Mascara” by Rolling Stone Mag-
azine. Since first playing the Key
West Songwriters Festival, Cody has
become a favorite and regular per-
former in the Keys. His soulful voice
and story telling style of writing has
helped him build a loyal following.
He makes fast friends and forever
fans and once you hear him, you’ll
become both. n

                                                            www.konklife.com • JANUARY 23-29, 2020
BUSINESS KEY WEST                                                          T H E AT E R R E V I E W
                                          Glass: The World Premiere...                          a sensation for over five hundred performances.
                                          X Continued from page 17                              When she died, it was a long time before any-
                                                                                                body dared replace her. It was Williams’ first
                                             If you consider the title of this play, Glass,     successful play; he went on to become one of
                                          fragility comes to mind. And you wonder if            America’s most highly regarded playwrights.
                                          the characters will be the fragile element. Will          The casting in this production is terrific.
                                          they be delicate, breakable, easy to crack? Or        Tim Torre, no stranger to the Key West stage,
                                          perhaps the play is about what goes into a            is excellent in delivering Williams in a rich Mis-
                                          glass—like scotch?                                    sissippi accent in his dress clothes and dazzling
                                             On the surface, it’s a battle of a woman strug-    patent leather black and white spectator shoes.
                                          gling to regain her glory and a playwright desper-    Merry Jo Cortada is a fabulous, seasoned pro-
                                          ate to gain a foothold in the theatre world, but as   fessional, with a CV too long to list here. She is
                                          the play unfolds, we discover there is more to it     the perfect Lorette, even to the slight Irish lilt.
                                          than that. There is a third element to this play—         Orchestrating their repartee, arguments,
                                          the demon they both share.                            and reconciliations, is director Michael Bush,
                                             Williams had a lot riding on The Glass Me-         the Artistic Director of the Jerry Herman Ring
                                          nagerie. Through the rear view mirror, we all         Theatre at University of Miami. Michael Boy-
                                          know that he needn’t have worried: The Glass          er has designed the set with his usual amazing
                                          Menagerie was the play that catapulted him            talent and creativity.
                                          from obscurity to fame; the success of which              What more perfect venue to attend a play
                                          could hardly have been predicted in 1944.             about Tennessee Williams than in Key West-
                                          Further, though he denied it was a ‘memory            -a place he once called his home? This is en-
                                          play’, The Glass Menagerie, with its strong au-       tertaining drama, beautifully acted, and not
                                          tobiographical elements, featured characters          to be missed.
                                          based on its author, his histrionic mother, and           Glass runs from Jan. 14 till Feb. 1, 2020. A
                                          his mentally fragile sister, so the play meant a      special talk-back with the author and director
                                          lot to Williams personally.                           follows the Fri. Jan. 17 performance. The play
                                             Glass is a superb play, delivered with a whole     runs about 90 minutes. There is no intermis-
                                          range of emotion, even humor at times. The style      sion. Order your tickets by calling the box of-
                                          reflects the tightly wound intensity of the char-     fice at 305 294-5015 or by visiting waterfront-
                                          acters, perfect for their interplay of insults and    playhouse.org. Ask about date night, student,
                                          compliments in a claustrophobic dressing room.        and military discounts. n
                                             The Director’s Notes tell us that after its pre-       (Joanna Brady is a local writer, author of the
                                          miere in Chicago in 1944, The Glass Menagerie         historical Key West novel, The Woman at the
                                          went on to Broadway where Lorette Taylor was          Light, published by St. Martin’s Press)

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                               ONE DUVAL STREET | 305.295.3255 | PIERHOUSE.COM | Reservations Recommended

                                    www.konklife.com • JANUARY 23-29, 2020
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