Page created by Zachary Morrison


                             Issue 67 • October 2018

WILDLAND RESOURCES                                   WATER SUPPLY



                              THE ALL-IN-ONE STYLE SUPER CAFS

                              18 UNIT CAFS

              All you
                  you do
                      do is
                          is mount
                             mount itit on
                                        on your
                                           your pickup!
                    Get one
                        one ofof the
                                 the most
                                      most powerful
                         mobile CAFS’s
                                   CAFS’s ever!

                                                          The newly developed 18 UNIT CAFS is
                                          Control Panel   designed as a slide-in type CAFS module
                                                          that easily mounts on water tenders,
                                          Indicator       mini-trucks, pickup trucks, and other
                                                          compact vehicles.
                                          Foam Pump
                                                          The control panel and foam and fuel tanks
                                                          can be easily hooked up to suit your
Main engine
                                          Water pump      specifications.

                                          Water Inlet

                                          CAF Solution

                                          Fuel Tank       Advantages
                                                          -Easy and Flexible Hookup
                                                          -The 18-CAFS has an independent engine
                                                           for its pump drive.
                                                          -It mounts wherever you need, with no
                                                          -The control panel
                                                           and fuel and foam
                                                           tanks hook up
                                                           flexibly according to
                                                           user specifications.

 MANUFACTURED BY                                            Visit YONE Web-site for details on operation

                                                            23 NISHINAKAAICHO, NISHINOKYO,
                                                            KYOTO CITY, 604-8441 JAPAN
                                                            TEL: +81 75 821 1185 FAX: +81 75 801 2263


                                                                      OCTOBER 2018
                                                             4    Editor’s Comment

                                                             6    Industry Comment
                                   Issue 67 • October 2018
                                                             10   News and Profiles

Cover image: The F11 Dragonfly Structural                    FEATURES.
Firefighting Helmet from Pacific Helmets NZ Ltd

is adaptable, light, and compact. Read more
on page 11 or at                     8    CFPA Asia News
Image courtesy of Pacific Helmets

Publishers                                                   18   Review of AFAC 2018
Mark Seton & David Staddon
                                                             28   [de]contaminate!
Neil Bibby ASFM, FAICD, MIFireE                                 34   Uniting Australia on
Group Editor                                                      building compliance
Duncan J. White •

Advertising Enquires                                         38   Bright ideas: Emergency lighting
Mark Seton •
                                                                  intensity for day and night conditions
Contributing Editors
Dr John Allum, Cameron Bettany, Tom Bicknell,
Dr George Carayannopoulos, Andrew Gissing,
Costa Haritos, Travis Holland, Torbjorn Lundmark,
                                                             42   How could two states come to contrary
Andre Mierzwa, James Mullins, Li Ning, Alison
Scotland, Firas Shawash, Roger Startin, Andrew
                                                                  conclusions over PFAS?
Vasta, Scott Williams, Mike Willson, Matthew Wright.

                                                             46   Increasing emergency management

Design Manager
Richard Parsons •
                                                                  capacity through the business sector
Web and IT Manager
Neil Spinney •
                                                             50   Standards hot off the press
International Sales
Mark Seton •

Asia Pacific Fire is published quarterly by:
                                                             52   Fire starters: Shipping
MDM Publishing Ltd
The Abbey Manor Business Centre,
                                                                  dangerous goods
The Abbey, Preston Road,
Yeovil, Somerset, BA20 2EN, UK.
Tel:     +44 (0) 1935 426 428                                56   Modern technology will further improve
Fax:     +44 (0) 1935 426 926
Website:                                    fire safety around the world
MDM Publishing Ltd (Australia)
23 Richardson Street, Lane Cove,                             60   Why should the fire service
NSW 2066, Australia.
Tel:    +61 (0) 418 358 465                                       use virtual reality for training?
©All rights reserved

lSSN – 1476-1386
                                                             65   NCC 2019 draft includes
                                                                  Association proposals

DISCLAIMER: The views and opinions expressed
in ASIA PACIFIC FIRE are not necessarily those of
MDM Publishing Ltd. The magazine and publishers
are in no way responsible or legally liable for any          70   Calculating tenability conditions
errors or anomalies made within the editorial by
our authors. All articles are protected by copyright              when smoke drops below 2m
and written permission must be sought from the
publishers for reprinting or any form of duplication
of any of the magazines content. Any queries should          74   How innovative technology can lead to
be addressed in writing to the publishers.
                                                                  significant gains in lone worker safety
Reprints of articles are available on request.
Prices on application to the Publishers.

Designed, Edited and Printed in the UK.
                                                             76   Design and integrate globally, assemble
FREE Subscription
To subscribe to APF Magazine and
for unlimited access to our digital                          80   Fire protection system security
resources, please register at
                                                             85   Keeping it clean

                           The Professional                  89   The leadership puzzle,

                           Publishers Association
                           Member                                 unraveling crisis leadership

                                                             93   Satellites to help show when
    PROUD TO BE A MEMBER OF                                       the bush is ready to burn

How do we capture
innovation in the Fire Service?
                                             that manufacturers have not envisaged           creating a virtual collaboration hub with
                                             because it was the solution to a problem        a small number of projects that would
                                             a firefighter was confronting.                  have a business plan sponsored by their
                                                 Often, I have seen firefighter return       agency. The business plan would be
                                             from an incident and say if I only had          broad and include the identification of the
                                             xxxx we could have achieved our                 skills needed for product development
                                             objectives much more easily and in a            and testing. Agencies in the initial stages
                                             safer way than we did at that incident.         may need to release the initiator and
                                                 There appears to be an ad hoc               other specialists to work on the project.
                                             approach to collecting this information             Long term managing of the
                                             and often good ideas fall through the           collaboration hub could not be seen
                                             cracks for lack of a systematic collection      to interfere with the running of an
                                             process. I have seen firefighters go to         agency, they would need to be agency
Neil Bibby                                   the extent of contacting manufacturers          autonomous and would require funding
AFSM, FAICD, MIFireE                         to discuss innovations that would               independent of agencies. To this end
Editor                                       improve the operation of their products.        a small start up grant from agencies
                                             Fortunately, most manufacturers listen          that wanted to be involved would allow
                                             to their customers in this industry and         a small independent board to sell the
                                             often take on board the suggestions.            concept to industry sponsors, hopefully
                                             This however depends on the tenacity of         leading to a fully funded organisation.
‘I must emphasize that                       a dedicated individual. Some ideas are              In this short editorial I have only been
                                             taken on by the agency and developed            able to outline a concept for capturing
this isn’t about managing
                                             as an inhouse project, a prime example          innovation within the fire service, what to
projects but about giving                    of this is the use of drones in firefighting.   do with it once captured and how to get
entrepreneurs the skills,                        Governments and the private                 economies of scale across a number of
resources and networks to                    sector around the world are setting             countries that already use this concept
                                             up incubators to encourage the                  on a larger more robust scale.
make an idea work or fail                    development of ideas and provide a                  I must emphasize that this isn’t
based on the commercial                      network of support in the start-up phase        about managing projects but about
reality of the idea’.                        of a business. I don’t think the fire and       giving entrepreneurs the skills, resources
                                             emergency services sector is big enough         and networks to make an idea work or
                                             for one country to go it alone, however, if     fail based on the commercial reality of
                                             you bring together countries in our region      the idea.
                                             to concentrate on innovation and idea               If you think this is worth pursuing,
           y my assessment firefighters      development in the emergency sector,            drop me a line and let’s get something
    B      are one of the most innovative
           groups of people you will find,
                                             there is a good chance that the private
                                             sector would become involved, support
                                                                                             underway. There are many industry
                                                                                             partners that could lever of the ideas of
the very nature of their job means that      and benefit from this type of initiative.       those firefighters in the field that use their
they must solve problems in inhospitable         One of the problems to overcome             equipment in practice.
circumstances on a daily basis. Just         is nationalism and/or agency jealousy,
consider the thought processes that          we need to work as one, so we can get                 For more information, email
goes into extracting a person from a         economies of scale, no matter where              
car accident, doing it in a timely manner    the start-up hub is, everyone will want it
but without causing more injury to the       in their country. A number of countries
patient. Or in a fire situation, figuring    have proven experience in this area,
out how to rescue occupants, while           Indonesia, Malaysia, China (Hong Kong),
containing the fire and protecting           Australia and New Zealand to name a
fire crews.                                  few. So, let’s start with an innovative
    The list of appliances and tools that    regional solution, we live in a world of
firefighters have these days is large but    rapid communication, all of us are in
how often are these tools used in a way      a similar time zone. Why not start by

4   A SIA PACIFIC FIRE O C TO BE R 2018                                                                         

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Owners on the hook
Building owners have become unfairly responsible for the
cost of a cladding problem they had no hand in creating.
                                                     s the work to identify,            have found thousands of buildings
                                            A        prioritise and rectify buildings
                                                     with combustible cladding
                                                                                        around the country likely to have
                                                                                        combustible cladding installed. The risk
                                          steadily progresses across Australia, a       that poses to Australians is immense,
                                          consistent and unfortunate trend has          and it needs to be addressed as
                                          emerged. The responsibility for paying        quickly and efficiently as possible.
                                          for rectification work is falling on the          Unfortunately, the legal wrangling
                                          shoulders of building owners, who             to determine who is ultimately
                                          have inherited this problem through           responsible for this dangerous material
                                          no failure of their own, but through          being installed on each of these
                                          a failure of the system meant to              buildings will take years. The process
                                          protect them.                                 is still underway for the Lacrosse
                                              In Victoria, the recent introduction      building in Melbourne, which began in
Scott Williams                            of ‘Cladding Rectification Agreements’        2014 after it caught fire. That process
CEO – FPA Australia                       offers property owners and body               will now need to be repeated potentially
                                          corporates the use of low interest loans      hundreds or even thousands of times
                                          paid through their rates to finance           over coming years, with proportional
                                          combustible cladding replacement.             liability being determined anew for
                                          Under the scheme owners will be               each unique case. In time, that process
                                          charged loan repayments via their             should hopefully allow building owners
                                          council rates over a minimum of 10            to recoup the cost of rectification from
                                          years, with costs transferred with a          the liable parties.
                                          property if it is sold. While helpful,            But addressing the risk of another
                                          the scheme places the onus squarely           Lacrosse or Grenfell can’t wait for that
                                          on owners.                                    process to be completed.
                                              In Queensland, the Department                 Sadly, that means action must be
                                          of Housing and Public Works is                taken by with the responsibility for
                                          reportedly prepared to introduce              these buildings right now, the owners.
                                          legislation to require building owners        Frequently these owners, many of
                                          to remove combustible cladding, if            them residents in apartment buildings,
                                              they don’t act to do so on their own.     are also the ones facing the risk and
                                              In New South Wales, new legislation       are therefore the most motivated to
                                          retroactively banning aluminium               address it.
                                          panels with a core of more than 30%               It is not a situation building
                                          polyethylene will enable local councils       owners should be facing. They have
                                          to issue rectification orders to owners       become unfairly responsible for the
                                          of affected buildings, requiring them to      cost of rectification through no fault
                                          eliminate or minimise the risk posed by       of their own, let down by the failure
                                          the cladding.                                 of enforcement and compliance to
                                              Over all of this is pressure from         building standards. They deserve
                                          insurers, who have understandably             better from their government, their
                                          raised premiums for affected buildings.       regulators, and the construction
                                              One of the saddest facts about this       industry, of which fire protection is
                                          responsibility falling on owners is that      a part. We have some work to do to
                                          in order to have dangerous cladding           restore their trust and deliver the
                                          replaced quickly and remove the risk          quality outcomes consumers expect.
                                          it poses, there does not appear to be
                                          another option.                                     For more information, go to
                                              Audits by governments at all levels       

6   A SIA PACIFIC FIRE O C TO BE R 2018                                                                 
Since 1968

     Please contact: +852-24909120 or

        Esteri fire fighting pumps are                                                      We give our pumps a 10-year warranty.
     manufactured entirely in Finland.                                                      Esteri fire fighting pump is extremely
                                                                                            durable through certified manufacturing
     Each pump is checked, tested and                                                       methods and high quality materials.
    certified in dedicated facilities built
            specifically for this purpose.                                                  50 years of high Finnish quality,
                                                                                            reliability and flexible customer service.

                       ESTERI 10-3000 / 10-4000                                     ESTERI 10-6000
                       FIRE FIGHTING PUMP                                           FIRE FIGHTING PUMP

                       • meets the requirement of                                   • meets the requirement of EN1028-1 - FPN10-6000
                         EN1028-1 - FPN10-3000 and FPN10-4000                       • heavy duty one stage centrifugal fire fighting pump
                       • one stage centrifugal fire fighting pump                   • three 3” ball valves
                       • three 2½ ball valves                                       • outlet for water monitor and foam mixer
                       • outlet for water monitor and foam mixer                    • suction inlet 8”, 6” or customized
                       • suction inlet 8”, 6”, 4” or customized                     • driven by hydraulic motor or PTO
                       • driven by hydraulic motor or PTO                           • gearbox with 4 different assembly position
                       • gearbox with 8 different assembly position                 • 6 ratios
                       • 6 ratios                                                   • midship or rear mounted
                       • midship or rear mounted                                    • piston type or pneumatic priming
                       • piston type or pneumatic priming
                       •available also with a high pressure pump 40 /250 and CAFS

Esteri FireWater Pumps - Quality Maker with Flexibility for Customers Needs

Fire & Rescue Department
of Malaysia Director General
           he Fire & Rescue Department of        training, developing standards for national
    T      Malaysia appointed the Director
           General Mohammad Hamdan
                                                 and regional fire safety and modernization
                                                 of fire station facilities, fire fighting and
Wahid with effect from 11 June 2018.             rescue facilities and equipment, he has
    The letter of commision on the               also served in operational roles.
appointment of Mohammad Hamdan                       He commenced in 1988 as a Zone
Wahid was presented by the Chief                 Fire Superintendent in Sarawak. In 1993,
Secretary of Malaysian Government                Hamdan was the Director of the Melaka
Dr Ali bin Hamsa the most senior                 State Fire for 3 years.
officer in the Malaysian Civil Service.              He also pioneered the establishment
    The Rank Marking Coronation                  of the Malaysian Halon Bank and the
Ceremony of the Director-General was             creation of the Malaysian Air Fire and
conducted by the Honourable Minister             Rescue Unit.
of Housing & Local Government Malaysia               In 2013 he was appointed Assistant
Zuraida binti Kamaruddin who is the              Director-General Training Division, he
Minister responsible for the Fire &              was promoted to Assistant Director

                                                                                                                                                                               7 Image courtesy of CFPA
Rescue Department of Malaysia on                 General of the Fire and Rescue
11st June 2018. Also attending was               Operations Division in March 2018 in
the Secretary General of Housing                 charge of 14,700 operational personnel
and Local Government, Dato Sri Hj.               throughout the country.
Mohmmad Bin Mentek.                                  He is the President of the Institution
    Director General Mohammad Hamdan             of Disaster and Emergency Management                                       p Chief Secretary of Malaysian Government
Wahid replaces Dato Wan Mohd Nor                 of Malaysia, Vice President of Institution                                 Dr Ali bin Hamsa presenting the letter of
Ibrahim who retired earlier this year.           of Fire Engineers, Malaysia Branch,                                        commision to Mohammad Hamdan Wahid.
    Hamdan Wahid has a distinguished             Technical Member of the Fire Asia
record of over 30 years in the Fire &            Standard Writing Committee and
Rescue Department.                               Chairman of the Malaysian Standard                                         ■ Humanise the Fire & Rescue Services
    In addition to being responsible for         Technical Committee for Aerosol and                                          by community empowerment.
                                                 Clean Agent Fire Extinguishers.                                            ■ Upgrading and Reinforcement
                                                     The new administrations focus led by                                     of internal administration and
q Honourable Minister of Housing & Local         Director General Hamdan Wahid will be:                                       management system of Fire
Government Malaysia Zuraida binti Kamaruddin,                                                                                 Departments.
Secretary General of Housing and Local           ■ Enhancement of Fire & Rescue                                             ■ Modernising the Fire & Rescue’s
Government, Dato Sri Hj. Mohmmad Bin Mentek,       Emergency Services Core Business                                           resources and implementation system.
Director General Mohammad Hamdan Wahid,          ■ Strengthening the formulation and                                        ■ Excelling and glorifying research
other Government Officials and Senior Officers     enforcement of Fire Safety Codes of                                        and development facilities and findings
of the Fire & Rescue Department following          Practices, Standards, Regulations                                          in relation to the Fire Safety and Fire
the Rank Marking Coronation Ceremony.              and Laws.                                                                  & Rescue Services.
                                                                                                                            ■ Intensifying smart and strategic
                                                                                                                              partnership with Educational and
                                                                                                                              Fire Institutions.

                                                                                                                            He also hopes to modernise the fire and
                                                                                                                            rescue service, including the use of live
                                                                                                                            streaming, robotic and automation in
                                                                                                                            fire-fighting operations and an increased
                                                                                                                            number of fire stations and personnel to
                                                                                                 7 Image courtesy of CFPA

                                                                                                                            deal with growth in Malaysia.

                                                                                                                                    For more information, go to

8   A SIA PACIFIC FIRE O C TO BE R 2018                                                                                                             
New Holmatro 12 bar Lifting Bags
Holmatro introduces a new 12 bar lifting         Ease of use                                      placement easier. And to help you position
bag system, designed for safe and                The increase in lifting capacity means           a smaller bag on top of a larger one the
controlled lifting of heavy objects. With        that you can get the same job done with          bags have center markings on all sides.
50% more power the new lifting bags offer        a smaller sized bag at a lower weight. A
a 50% higher capacity than 8 bar bags of         label with visual indication of the lifting      Twelve models available
equal size. A new lightweight control unit       height helps you to quickly select the right     Holmatro offers twelve new lifting bag
allows you to apply this increased power in      bag. The smaller and lighter bags are            models, with capacities varying between
a safe and controlled way. The range has         easier to manage, especially with the new        2 and 96 tons. The full system is compliant
been equipped with many user-friendly            integrated vulcanized carrying handle.           with all relevant safety standards, including
features to help you do your job safer                To facilitate insertion of the bags on a    EN 13731.
and easier.                                      rough surface they have been equipped
                                                 with slider pads. They also have inserts for           For more information, go to
Safe and controlled lifting                      lifting eyes on two sides, making vertical        
The intuitive button operation of the
control unit allows for precise and
controlled air flow regulation. Lifting stops
as soon as the button is released. With the
built-in non-return valves there is no risk of
air pressure shifting from one bag to the
other. For improved safety the couplers on
the control unit and on the hoses unlock
in two steps: this releases the pressure
before hose disconnection.
    With the extra pressure gauge on
the control unit you can easily keep an
eye on the incoming air pressure. Even

                                                                                                                                                  7 Image courtesy of Holmatro
in the dark, as all pressure gauges are
LED-illuminated. For improved visibility
the lifting bags also have reflective
markings on both sides.

Pac+Care: Flexible
managed service for PPE/C
“A growing focus on firefighter health           PAC+CARE is a flexible managed service
and well-being has shone a spotlight on          which utilises the latest in laundering
the importance of regular cleaning of            technology and includes a state of the art
PPE/C. Accumulated soiling can reduce            filtration system. Thus ensuring potentially
thermal and electrical insulation resulting      damaging contaminants removed from
in the PPE/C becoming flammable.                 clothing and equipment whilst protecting
Contaminants and particulates on PPE/C           the environment.
also negatively impact firefighter health."           PAC+CARE’s flagship centre is based
    Australian federal and territory             in Yatala Queensland. Here, trained staff
legislation requires fire and emergency          are allocated to the provision of care for the
services to safeguard the health and             lifetime of customer’s protective equipment
safety of their employees at work.               and clothing while armed with the most
    In a continuing commitment to                up-to-date knowledge and resources to
protecting responder health and well being       ensure that PPE/C worn by agencies is fully
while ensuring longevity of PPE/C, Pac           maintained for operational purpose while               For more information, go to
Fire is proud to introduce PAC+CARE.             achieving optimum longevity.                      

10    ASIA PACIFIC FIR E O C TO BE R 2018                                                                           

F11 DRAGONFLY STRUCTURAL FIREFIGHTING HELMET with features such as clip-on face shield,
internally mounted eye protector, torch mounts, and earmuff brackets for hearing protection and
   communication units. Revolutionize your firefighting experience - without compromise.
            Certified AS/NZS4067:2012, EN443:2008, NFPA1971:2018, and NFPA1951:2013.

        P A C I F I C H E L M E T S N Z LT D I S P A R T O F T H E P A C I F I C S A F E T Y I N T E R N AT I O N A L LT D G R O U P .
iFire & Rescue secures
Weber Rescue Systems
iFire & Rescue are proud to announce their                        systems improve the safety of the
appointment as the distribution partner                           occupants but present new challenges
of Weber Rescue Systems for Australia                             for Emergency Services workers.
and New Zealand. This partnership will                            Weber Rescue Systems provide new

                                                                                                                                                          7 Image courtesy of Weber Rescue
provide Fire, Rescue and First Responder                          continuously improved Rescue Tools to
personnel with the latest rescue tool                             meet these challenges including the new
technology backed by dedicated sales                              E- FORCE 2 Series battery operated
and service support throughout the region.                        range, a new generation of Spreaders
    New vehicle technologies and safety                           which are lighter and easier to handle

                                                                                                            as well as advanced cutters with
                                                                                                            improved blade design.
                                                                                                                iFire & Rescue will be using the
                            Titan™ Positive Displacement,                                                   upcoming AFAC18 Conference and

                            Rotary Gear Foam Pumps                                                          Exhibition to launch their partnership
                                                                                                            with Weber Rescue Systems to the local
                            Better By Design, Superior Performance                                          Emergency Services community. Come
                                                                                                            along to Stand 210 to meet the Team
                                                                                                            and check out the latest in Rescue Tool
                                                                                                            technologies. Released for the first time
                        ™                                                                                   in Australia and on display will be the
                                                                                                            new E-Force 2 Rapid Intervention
                                                                                                            Tool (RIT) as well as the new SP44AS
                                                                                                            Spreader in both E-Force 2 and
                                                                                                            Hosed configurations offering smaller
                                                                                                            dimensions and lighter weight.
                                                                                                                iFire & Rescue are excited to have
          EX27082                                                                                           also secured the complementary
                                                                                                            Agency of Res-Q-Jack, who take vehicle
                            Timing Gears Synchronize the                                                    stabilisation to the next level by offering
                            Two Pumping Rotors:                                                             the most versatile vehicle stabilisation
                            Ø   Pump Foam or Water                                                          and lifting struts on the market. In our
                            Ø   Pump Flushing Not Required After Each Use                                   Fire portfolio, we have teamed up with
                            Ø   Run DRY without Damage
                                                                                                            the leaders in high flow Chief Fire, who
                            Ø   Use Water for Testing & Training
                            Ø   Zero Rotor Wear                                                             design and manufacture a variety of
                                                                                                            mobile firefighting equipment as well as
                            Our Titan™ Foam Pumps are:                                                      MicroCAFS who have been designing and
                            Ø Self-Priming                                                                  manufacturing Compressed Air Foams
                            Ø All Bronze & Stainless Steel Construction
                                                                                                            Systems (CAFS) since 2000.
                            Ø Suitable for Electric, Diesel/Gasoline, or PTO Drives,
                              Water-Driven or Hydraulic Drive Motors                                            For more information on the Weber
                            Ø Compatible with All Foam Concentrates and Foam Systems,                       Rescue Systems range or the other iFire
                              Fixed or Mobile                                                               & Rescue product lines, please contact
                            Ø Models from 110 to 1892 LPM, and UL Listed Models from                        David Phoenix, Operations Manager
                              110 to 725 LPM                                                                on 0455 900 097 or david@ifirerescue.
                            E-Commerce Website…                                            com. To register your interest in receiving
                            Visit our website to buy online or for in-depth information on all our          catalogues and regular updates, submit
                            products, including FOAMATE™ ATP Class B Foam Proportioners.                    your details to You
                                                                                                            can also visit us either on the Web or via
                            Trident Emergency Products, LLC
                                                                                                            our Social Media platforms
                            2940 Turnpike Drive | Suite #9 | Hatboro, PA USA
                            215-293-0700 Fax: 215-293-0701
                            Email:                                                        For more information, go to
                            © 2018 Trident Emergency Products, LLC. All rights reserved.                    

12   ASIA PACIFIC FIR E O C TO BE R 2018                                                                                     
New Volvo Fire and Emergency
FMX unveiled at AFAC18
Australia’s largest truck manufacturer Volvo
Group Australia put Volvo Trucks engineering
ingenuity on show last week when it unveiled
the new Volvo FMX designed for fire and
emergency services, at AFAC18 conference
in Perth.
    Volvo Group Australia’s State and Federal
sales Vice President Jon McLean said the
team was excited to be unveil the company’s
toughest and newest emergency vehicle to date
- the Volvo FMX 4x2, designed for metropolitan
                                                      7 Image courtesy of Volvo

emergency services.
    “The new Volvo FMX is a complement to
Volvo Trucks’ engineering and manufacturing
ingenuity which will help emergency providers
respond to the challenges they face every day,”
said Mr Mclean.
    “The demands placed upon our emergency
services are extreme - absolutely a matter of life
and death - and this creates a real necessity to
meet the exacting needs of fire and emergency

services, which vary from state to state.
    “At Volvo Group Australia we work with
our customers to develop trucks that are
designed and manufactured to meet their
individual and unique requirements.
    “The Volvo FMX 4x2 is equipped with
Volvo’s innovative safety systems and
technologies that take safety to the next
level such as adaptive cruise control, energy
absorbing safety cab and Volvo Dynamic
Steering, to name just a few.”
    AFAC is the largest event specific
to emergency services in the Southern
Hemisphere and this year’s conference
hosted over 200 exhibitors and more than
3,400 attendees.
    “Australia has some of the harshest driving
conditions in the world, particulary where our
emergency services are involved, and we know
that when a Volvo truck is designed to work
here, it can work anywhere,” Mr Mclean said.
                                                                                  We offer a full range of Internationally Approved,
    “Our message at AFAC was centred around
                                                                                  High Performance, Environmentally Compatible Fire
‘the power of knowledge’, which highlights how                                    Fighting Foams.
Volvo Group Australia drives innovation and
change both as a manufacturer in our industry                                               STHAMEX®-Class A
                                                                                   NEW      Induction at 0.5%, EN1568 pt3 Certified,
and the industries we support, including the                                                Perfect for CAF‘s and forest fire fighting
emergency services.”
                                                                                  24h Emergency Service +49 40 7361680         

      For more information, go to


Subscribe at                                                                      O C T O B ER 2 0 1 8 ASI A PAC I F I C F IRE   13
Sherwin-Williams supports
global fire safety coalition

                                                                                                                                             7 Image courtesy of Sherwin Williams
Leading manufacturer Sherwin-Williams         improving product specification to meet
Protective & Marine Coatings is supporting    the most exacting of standards.”
a new initiative to raise the level of fire        The IFSS Coalition says that as the
safety standards worldwide.                   property market has become increasingly
    The International Fire Safety             international with investments extending
Standards (IFSS) Coalition – led by           across national borders, the sector             Engineers (IFE), Local Authority Building
a range of professional bodies worldwide      still lacks a consistent set of high level      Control (LABC), the Royal Institute of
– aims to develop a set of common             global standards that informs the design,       British Architects (RIBA), the British
high-level standards to address fire          construction, and management of                 Institute of Facilities Management (BIFM),
safety in buildings.                          buildings to address the risks                  the Singapore Institute of Building (SIBL),
    Sherwin-Williams Protective & Marine      associated with fire safety.                    the Australian Property Institute (API), the
Coatings endorses the aim to set and               Once the standards are developed, the      United Nations Economic Commission for
reinforce the minimum requirements            IFSS Coalition will work with professionals     Europe (UNECE) and The World Bank.
professionals should follow to ensure         around the world to deliver them locally.          Sherwin-Williams has supplied its
building safety in the event of a fire.       The standards will be owned by the IFSS         diverse range of fire protection coatings
    Bob Glendenning, global fire              Coalition and not by any one organisation.      to a number of landmark construction and
engineering manager for Sherwin-Williams      The IFSS Coalition will create a Standards      engineering projects including London’s
Protective & Marine Coatings, said: “We       Setting Committee that will draw on a           The Shard, Azerbaijan’s Flame Towers,
wholeheartedly support this initiative        group of international technical fire experts   and the Leadenhall Building, known as
to improve the standards for fire safety      to develop the details and ensure they are      The Cheesegrater.
across the board from design through the      fit for purpose across global markets.
fire engineering process. With our own             Members of the IFSS Coalition                    For more information, go to
developments in technology and science,       include the Royal Institution of Chartered           www.protectiveemea.sherwin-
we are continually looking at ways of         Surveyors (RICS), the Institution of Fire   

Global MDM Publishing
team united for FIREX
The Firex event in June provided an           knowledge of this diverse sector and we
opportunity for the Editorial and Marketing   are very fortunate to have the support of
Team from MDM Publishing to get               a technically skilled team at our base in
together. Directors Mark Seton and Dave       Yeovil, Somerset.”
Staddon were joined by International Sales        MDM have been publishing magazines
Manager Mark Bathard, Group Editor            for the international fire sector since 2000,
Duncan White, UK Fire Editor Phil Martin,     Director Dave Staddon said “Our aim
Gulf Fire Editor Neil Wallington and Asia     at MDM is to provide the right material
Pacific Fire Editor Neil Bibby. It was the    for the development of a global fire safe
first time that Neil Bibby had met the        environment and to provide a marketplace
UK based team in person with meetings         for our advertisers. The mix of our
normally taking place by video conference     editorial, marketing and technical team
from his home in Australia.                   ensures we are constantly evolving our             The team pictured during an evening
    Mark Seton said; “We are a close-         magazines to meet the needs of a diverse        break of sightseeing in London (L to R) Phil
knit team at MDM despite the distance         sector. Getting the team together in one        Martin, Mark Seton,Neil Bibby, Duncan
between team members who live and             place reinforced the value of the staff we      White, Dave Staddon and Mark Bathard.
work across the UK and internationally.       have who all share the ambition of making
Our editorial team is exclusively made        a positive difference to the world of fire            For more information, go to
up of fire professionals with a huge          engineering.”                                    

14   ASIA PACIFIC FIR E O C TO BE R 2018                                                                        
Avon Protection
awarded NFPA approval
Avon Protection announces                          The NFPA1801:2018 certification
NFPA1801:2018 certification of its             includes the introduction of the IGNIS
argus range of thermal imaging cameras         Engine to all Mi-TIC models. The IGNIS
which include the Mi-TIC E, Mi-TIC E L,        Engine, along with its sensor and lens
Mi-TIC 320 and Mi-TIC S models. Once           improvements, provides unrivalled scene
again, Avon Protection offers the most         detail, enabling firefighters to see more of
diverse range NFPA compliant thermal           the important background details such as
imaging cameras.                               exit points, obstacles and casualties, even
     NFPA1801:2018 is the latest edition       in the presence of a fully developed fire.
of the ‘Standard on Thermal Imagers                Commenting on the approvals, Richard
for the Fire Service’. First published in      Tweddle, Thermal Imaging Product
2013, the standard defines the minimum         Manager said, “We have redesigned,
performance requirements for Thermal           redeveloped and redefined thermal

                                                                                                7 Image courtesy of Avon Protection
Imagers worldwide.                             imaging, we continue to meet the needs of
    Key changes in the 2018 edition            our customers to ensure they remain safe
include limitations on cameras with visible    in the most demanding of environments.”
light sensors; an increased battery run-           The combination of NFPA1801:2018
time of at least 2 hours while capturing       certification along with the IGNIS engine
video: a requirement for a refresh rate of     maintains Avon’s position as the leading
at least 25Hz; and new battery locking         suppliers of NFPA1801 certified Thermal                                                    For more information, go to
mechanism requirements.                        Imagers in the World.                                                                  

Subscribe at                                           O C T O B ER 2 0 1 8 ASI A PAC I F I C F IRE                              15
New event recorder to
be showcased at Intersec
TLX Technologies will showcase our                            supervised latching solenoid actuators
newly developed event recorder for fire                       for fire suppression systems and provides
suppression systems at the Intersec                           customers with an investigative tool for
show in Dubai this coming January. The                        understanding system activation. Event
event recorder provides a historical log                      recorder features include:
of both actuator maintenance and events
(independent of the fire control panel),                      ■ Trigger points are scalable to unit

                                                                                                                                                        7 Image courtesy of TLX
providing proof of installer work and                           and environment
historical data for risk mitigation.                          ■ Event type (live vs service mode)
    The event recorder works with TLX’s                       ■ Each entry time-stamped
Gulf Fire - Asian Pac. FoamPro:Paragon 8/9/18 9:07 PM Page 1
                                                                                                          ■ Viewable history log of past events
                                                                                                          ■ Events recorded in on-board, non-
                                                                                                            volatile memory
                                                                                                          ■ Customized software can be limited
                                                                                                            or expanded based on needs
                                                                                                          ■ Customizable communications
                                                                                                          ■ Passive device provides data
                                                                                                            output only
                                                                                                          ■ Actuator functions independent
                                                                                                            of event recorder

                                                                                                          TLX releasing devices are designed to
                                                                                                          allow for easy installation and rotation
                                                                                                          to the suitable front-facing position. Our
                                                                                                          actuators and solenoids can be tailored
                                                                                                          to your system’s operating requirements.
                                                                                                          Interfacing options including connection,

           FOAM SYSTEMS
                                                                                                          thread and pipe size are available to meet
                                                                                                          the dimensional difference of your specific

                                                                                                          suppression system. Stroke requirements
                                                                                                          and pin stick out can also be customized.
                                                                                                          In addition, an optional manual actuation
     FoamPro leads the way with the most extensive foam product line in the industry. Our                 assembly and/or reset tool attachment
     customer service/product specialists are knowledgeable and available to assist you
     from your initial purchase thru operation of your system. Look to the pros at FoamPro                are available.
     to provide the solutions to your foam needs.                                                             For over 18 years, TLX Technologies
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           • Simple to use systems with intuitive operation
                                                                                                          to develop and manufacture custom
           • Widest range of foam systems, accessories & options tailored to
             your specific requirements                                                                   actuators and valves to meet the
           • Our expert product specialists offer support every step of the way                           challenging demands of active fire
                                                                                                          suppression systems. Choosing a TLX
      M U N I C I PA L • M A R I N E • I N D U S T R I A L • W I L D L A N D                              actuating device for your fire-suppression
                                                                                                          system ensures a faster, more durable,
                                                                                                          reusable solution – expertly tailored to
                                                                                                          your exact needs. Our fire suppression
                                                                                                          actuators are designed for compliance to
                                                                                                          UL, FM, CE, LPCB and VDE.
                                                Emergency & Industrial
                                                                                                              Come visit us at Intersec, Stand 4-H14!

     FoamPro       631.724.8888                     YOUR SAFETY. OUR MISSION.              For more information, go to

16   ASIA PACIFIC FIR E O C TO BE R 2018                                                                                   
                           NFPA Special Achievement Award
                           for Telgian Executive Chairman
                           Russell B. Leavitt, Executive Chairman                Over the course of 18 months, Leavitt                              conferences, answering questions, and
                           of Telgian Holdings, Inc., was recently           exhibited incredible dedication to the                                 ultimately alleviating any lingering concerns
                           recognized with a Special Achievement             project, attention to essential details,                               around the restructuring. The daunting
                           Award by the National Fire Protection             and strong leadership skills. “Under his                               undertaking of this restructuring was
                           Association (NFPA).                               direction, the task group developed a                                  made successful and seamless by Russ’s
                               The award, which was presented                methodology for tracking changes of each                               personal investment in achieving the task
                           during the Technical Committee Session            section of the 2016 edition,” says Bell. In                            assigned by the Correlating Committee.”
                           at the NFPA Conference in Las Vegas,              addition, “Russ educated stakeholders
                           celebrates the significant contribution           of the impending reorganization:                                                 For more information go to
                           of a committee member to a single                 presenting at several industry association                                 
                           project that has enhanced the NFPA
                           Standards Development Process. “The
                           NFPA Standards Development process                                                                TM

                           is a consensus process that encourages                                                                                 WE DON‘T JUST SELL GLOVES
                           participation of all facets of industry,                         A U S T R A L I A                                         “WE MAKE THEM“
                           trades, government, enforcers, and anyone

                           interested in improving safety and reducing


                           fire loss,” says Kerry Bell, Standards

                           Council Chair. “Through this process,                                                                                              Textile Structural Fire

                           countless volunteers share their expertise                                                                                            Fighting glove

                           and time to ensure that NFPA standards are

                           developed and updated/revised to address

                                                                                                                                                                                             granite - silicone - carbon

                           safety concerns and technologies.”
                               Leavitt’s active role as Chair of the NFPA
                           13 Restructuring Task Group for the 2019                                                                                                                                                            Ergonomic

                           Edition led to the recognition. “NFPA 13
                                                                                                                                                          Test reports for all gloves are available
                           is recognized globally as the benchmark
                                                                                                                                                                       upon request
                           standard for the design and installation

                           of fire sprinkler systems. The reformatted


                           NFPA 13 is designed to make this widely

                           used document easier to use and interpret

                                                                                                                                                              Wildfire Multi purpose

                           for non-expert users,” explains Leavitt.                                                                                                    glove

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7 Image courtesy of NFPA

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                           Subscribe at                                                            O C T O B ER 2 0 1 8 ASI A PAC I F I C F IRE                                                      17
                                                                            APF Magazine_109mm x 175mm with icons.indd 1                                                                                                                   21.02.18 09:53

Changing for the better at AFAC18
            his year the premier annual       the expo helped us to imagine what          he has identified over the course of 500
  T         conference for the emergency
            management sector, AFAC18
                                              is possible for the sector, and the
                                              partnership with ADRC allows us to
                                                                                          Presidentially-declared disasters. Mr
                                                                                          Fugate said the public is a resource,
powered by INTERSCHUTZ, returned              take a more holistic approach to            not a liability during disasters and
to Perth for the first time in six years.     protecting our communities. ”               when it comes to saving lives “it’s not
Over 2,800 attendees came together                The conference opened with the          just uniforms and lights and sirens, it’s
to explore the changes to their industry      Bushfire and Natural Hazards CRC            neighbours checking on neighbours.”
and the communities they protect,             Research Forum, providing insight into          Singapore’s Civil Defence Force
informed by the latest in emergency           the ways research shapes emergency          (SCDF) Commissioner Eric Yap offered
management research and practice.             services and how it can be embedded         another international perspective,
    The event was held at the Perth           into practice.                              presenting the innovations in emergency
Convention and Exhibition Centre in               Senior Principal Research Scientist     management driven by the complexities
conjunction with the inaugural AIDR           of the Department of Biodiversity,          faced on the densely populated and
Australian Disaster Resilience Conference     Conservation and Attractions WA Dr Neil     urbanised island state. SCDF is working
(ADRC), bringing the critical topics          Burrows opened the program by tackling      toward a ‘Nation of Lifesavers’ by 2025,
of emergency services and disaster            the conflicting evidence between bushfire   engaging the public through mobile app
resilience under the same roof.               observations and simulations, urging land   MyResponder to report and respond
    The four-day event, from 5-8              managers to question bushfire science       to hazard and health emergencies in
September, centred on the theme               that contradicts their experience. Chief    real time.
‘Changing Lives in a Changing World’          Executive of the Australian Academy of          First Assistant Secretary of the
and provided stimulating thought and          Science Anna-Maria Arabia followed,         National Resilience Taskforce Mark
discussion on how change is fast              suggesting scientists deepen their          Crosweller AFSM brought the topic back
becoming the new normal for emergency         relationships with policy leaders and       home, taking a philosophical perspective
services and how the sector can change        improve their communication skills to       on the importance of identifying our
itself for the better.                        better influence national and regional      vulnerabilities to develop our resilience.
    “The conference theme changing            policy development.                         Individualism, materialism and a
lives in a changing world encouraged              In recognition of ADRC’s launch,        separation from nature has eroded social
attendees to think about the future of fire   many speakers took the stage to address     cohesion and community resilience
and emergency services and the direction      the importance of disaster resilience.      ahead of a challenging fire season.
of our industry,” AFAC CEO Stuart Ellis       President Obama’s former FEMA                   Safety was the focal point of an
AM said. “The impressive schedule of          Administrator Craig Fugate opened           entertaining presentation from former
speakers on stage and an extensive            the proceedings by sharing the ‘seven       NASA Astronaut Mike Mullane that
display of technology, equipment at           deadly sins’ of emergency management        opened the third day of the conference.
                                                                                          He drew comparisons between space
                                                                                          exploration and the emergency service
                                                                                          sector as both high risk, high pressure
                                                                                          environments where people must put
                                                                                          their lives in their colleague’s hands. He
                                                                                          used the 1986 Challenger tragedy as
                                                                                          a grave example of the importance of
                                                                                          upholding best safety practice.
                                                                                              Strong leadership is a key component
                                                                                          of safety and the subject of Dr Dana
                                                                                          Born’s research at the Centre for Public
                                                                                          Leadership at Harvard Kennedy School
                                                                                          of Government. Although there have
                                                                                          been over 1,000 studies of leadership,
                                                                                          there is little evidence that any set of
                                                                                          traits ensure effectiveness. Dr Born
                                                                                          identified this as a good thing, because
                                                                                          it destroys the concept of a leadership
                                                                                          mould and celebrates individuality and
                                                                                              The conference program was
                                                                                          populated with panel discussions, inviting

18   ASIA PACIFIC FIR E O C TO BE R 2018                                                                  

attendees to share and discuss issues
at the current core of the emergency              AFAC/CRC Conferences
management sector. Prescribed burning,
Indigenous partnerships, volunteering             Delegates were given time to explore the exhibition at the Welcome Drinks on the opening day and
and public warnings were all debated,             given the opportunity to meet their fellow delegates and exhibitors.
with positive engagement from the                     Exhibitors included all of the major truck manufacturers such as Volvo, Scania, Mercedes-Benz,
audience. Other topics popular with               ISUZU, Fuso, HINO, Rosenbauer, Magirus/IVECO and TATRA.
attendees included mental health and                  Other exhibitor categories included PPE, fire suppression, aerial solutions, rescue and
wellbeing, climate change and diversity           respiratory equipment, confined space equipment, first aid, communication technologies, detection
within the sector.                                systems, fire station high-speed doors and dispatch systems and more.
    Last year at AFAC17, AFAC CEO                     The exhibition featured several product launches. Amongst these were the all-new Scania
Stuart Ellis and President Paul Baxter            CrewCab; CITIC / ENGYTECH RXR Mobile Reconnaissance & Firefighting Vehicle; Humanihut
announced a new partnership with Male             innovative field infrastructure system; All Sat Communications satellite communication solutions;
Champions of Change that began an                 Code 3 and BMW’s new emergency response and police vehicles; Spookfish launched new aerial
active effort to move towards gender              real time condition imagery technology; TPL Systems new critical paging messaging systems.
equality, inclusion and a broader goal of         From Germany, Weber Rescue Systems launched a series of Rapid Intervention Tools (RIT).
culture change throughout the fire and                The live demonstration area proved to be a huge drawcard to attendees and TV crews alike!
emergency services sector. One year on,           This year’s demonstrations included:
they returned to the stage to share insights
from the ‘listen and learn’ engagement            ■   CITIC / ENGYTECH RXR Mobile Reconnaissance & Firefighting Vehicle
sessions undertaken across the industry.          ■   Husqvarna DXR140 Demolition Robot
    Achievements in the sector were               ■   PVStop – Solar Solution
recognised at the opening ceremony, with          ■   Deakin University – FLAIM Trainer
Dr Simon Heemstra of the NSW Rural Fire           ■   Fire System Supplies – Deployed Logix ASAP18 Shelter
Service taking the Laurie Lavelle Award for       ■   ARRO – Road Crash Rescue
his dedication to fire behaviour research         ■   Roadrunner Parts – Foxfury Nomad 360
and the SA Metropolitan Fire Service
received the Stewart and Heaton Award             Another feature of the exhibition was the Expo Stage which had over forty presenters on the
for leading practice in mental health.            program. The Expo Stage was open to all attendees and provided a broad variety of content,
Zoe Mounsey of Fire and Emergency                 sessions included topics on the future of firefighting and technological advances, resilience
NZ was awarded the Individual Motorola            planning, and PPE advances right through to climate change impacts.
Solutions Knowledge Innovation Award,                 Simulators were also popular destinations on the showfloor. The RAC virtual reality helicopter
and Bushfires NT were celebrated with             and the DFES truck simulator being the highlights.
the agency equivalent. The Bushfire and               Also on display was the newly commissioned DFES Incident Control Vehicle, which was due to
Natural Hazards CRC awarded their                 leave for the Kimberley region of Western Australia the day after AFAC18. This contrasted nicely
Special Recognition Award for research            with the range of boutique classic appliances, again supplied by DFES.
support and advocacy to John Schauble                 AFAC19 powered by INTERSCHUTZ will take place at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition
from Emergency Management Victoria,               Centre from 27-30 August 2019 and will see a larger exhibition of 12,000 sqm. At the time of writing
the Outstanding Contribution to Research          over 50% of the larger exhibition space had been reserved. Further details available from Rob Keen,
Award to Dr Melanie Taylor and the                the AFAC19 Sales Manager (
Special Recognition Award for Early
Career Researcher Dr Briony Towers.
    Barry Kennedy from the NSW Rural
Fire Service Association won the AFAC
and Bushfire and Natural Hazards CRC
lucky dip prize, taking home a large
trauma first aid kit donated by St John
Ambulance WA.
    Proceedings from the conference are
available to view at view on the AFAC
website at
    The event will return to Melbourne next
year, 27-30 August 2019, with AFAC19
running concurrently with the Institution
of Fire Engineers national conference.

      For more information, go to

Subscribe at                                              O C T O B ER 2 0 1 8 ASI A PAC I F I C F IRE       19

Magirus AirCore
A new generation of firefighting
           he efficiency of water mist in                                    July 2017 when a fire developed in               Firefighting robot or truck – two
  T        beating fires is no secret in the
           firefighter community. Water mist
                                                                             the chemical production site after the
                                                                             leakage of a corrosive and flammable
                                                                                                                              solutions allowing fire brigades
                                                                                                                              to be ready in any situations
has a greater cooling effect and needs                                       liquid, which immediately combusted.                 AirCore TAF = Firefighting robot:
less water at the same time. The problem                                     Initial extinguishing attempts were only         Implemented as a remote-controlled
so far was, that with traditional methods                                    moderately successful. “We used the              firefighting robot, the turbine can
and tools nothing could bring water mist                                     remote control to direct the AirCore TAF35       access the operation site without
at long distances. The idea of using a                                       safely to the fire, raise the turbine with the   putting firefighters lives in danger.
turbine to atomize the water into fine water                                 lift arm and – thanks to the built-in camera     A wide range of options like winches,
mist, brought two successful players                                         system – directly targeted the source of the     forks, GPS geo system or a rail way kit
together: Magirus and EmiControls.                                           fire, without endangering any firefighters,”     make this robot a multi-versatile and
In 2014, both companies decided                                              explains Mr. Bucci, Department Head of           flexible firefighting machine.
to combine state-of-the-art turbine                                          Technology at Wacker. “Water or foam                 AirCore Truck = turbine aided
technique with over 150 years’ experience                                    was selectively and efficiently used for         firefighting vehicle: If the turbine is
in the field of firefighting vehicles and                                    direct firefighting. No comparable fire          mounted on a truck chassis, it can be,
technology and to collaborate in the                                         truck on the market can do this.” He was         raised to 50°, and lowered to -20°. The
development of an innovative firefighting                                    particularly surprised at the low noise level    drive is electric or electro-hydraulic and
concept: The “Magirus AirCore”.                                              of the AirCore TAF35. Even at maximum            needs only 25 kW of drive power – an               C

                                                                             performance, efficient communication             advantage in terms of the reduction in             M

Highly efficient operating in                                                amongst the team members was possible.           requirements for the chassis. E.g. built           Y

chemical industries without                                                       With the Evonik Industries AG, another      on an Iveco Daily 4x4, the AirCore is a
endangering firefighters
                                                                             world-wide leading specialty chemicals           highly maneuverable vehicle for off-road
Wacker Chemie AG (Germany) positions                                         company has lately placed an AirCore             use, which offers fire brigades a variety         MY

itself as pioneer in the field of chemical                                   TAF35 in service.                                of tactical advantages in operations.             CY

industries when it has been purchasing                                                                                                                                          CMY

a Magirus AirCore TAF firefighting robot                                     Revolutionary concept:                           AirCore firefighting trucks                        K

in 2015. The Burghausen plant, Wacker’s                                      mobile firefighting turbine                      at Audi and BMW plants
principal production site and the largest                                    The Magirus AirCore concept is based on          Since a couple of weeks an Magirus
chemical site in Bavaria, is using to this                                   the idea to use forced air plus nebulized        AirCore firefighting truck is located in
day two completely remote controlled                                         water or foam to control a fire in a short       Mexico in San Luis Potosi at BMW.
AirCore vehicles to protect pipeline                                         time with less water. It combines three          A new plant will be built here with
openings or incipient fires.                                                 operations in one machine:                       planned production start in 2019 where
    The AirCore TAF already demonstrated                                                                                      the AirCore mounted on Dodge Ram will
its strengths during an operation in                                         1 VENTILATION to push out smoke and              be in service. Already in 2015, another
                                                                               temperature and carry nebulized drops          AirCore firefighting truck based on a
                                                                             2 COOL-DOWN the fire temperature and             MAN chassisruck was sent to Mexico,
                                                                               gas emission                                   this time to the Audi AG plant in San
                                                                             3 EXTINGUISH fire                                José Chiapa, Puebla. The 12th plant in
                                                                                                                              the Audi production network has been
                                                                             The heart of the concept is the                  put in operation in 2016 and is producing
                                                                             innovative high-performance firefighting         the premium SUV Audi Q5.
                                                                             turbine. The advantage of using a                    Besides chemical, petrochemical or
                                                                             turbine is that the water jet can reach a        automotive sectors, the highly efficient
                                                                             distance of up to 80 metres. Compared            AirCore firefighting technique can also be
                                                                             with conventional monitors, the droplets         used effectively in forest, tunnel firefighting
                                                                             produced by these mist cannons are               or terroristic attack scenarios as well as
                                                                             smaller and are sprayed by a propeller.          on airports or industrial facilities of electro
                                                                             These small droplets have a relatively           technology or mining industries.
                                               7 Image courtesy of Magirus

                                                                             large surface area and therefore a large
                                                                             heat-transfer area. The fine mist also has              For more information, go to
                                                                             a lower rate of deposition and can reach         
                                                                             hidden areas of the fire source better.                 aircore

20   ASIA PACIFIC FIR E O C TO BE R 2018                                                                                                         
All Green for REACH 2020
     ...3 Years Early!

                 Fluoro-                                                                                C6
                Surfactant                                                                             AFFF

C6 Fluorosurfactants                                                       C6 AFFF Concentrates for EN / UL Performance

                           PFOA             PFOA-Related                                             PFOA             PFOA-Related
                           Impurity         Impurities                                               Impurity         Impurities
Dynax C6                                                                   6% C6 AFFF                ~0.25 ppb        ~9 ppb

Jacinto – You know us, you trust us
The company, the new urban
vehicle and the ARFF Lusitano
            or over 30 years building fire      new vehicles a year for all over the world.                                  the company launched about the vehicle,
  F         fighting vehicles of excellence,
            Jacinto attends to all the
                                                At the moment the main markets are
                                                Europe, South America, North Africa,
                                                                                                                             which will show some more details about
                                                                                                                             the innovations that this product contains.
requests of its clients by customizing the      Middle East and Asia too.                                                        This model is a MAN TGM 18.340
vehicle to meet their needs, integrating             In May, Jacinto launched its new Urban                                  4x2, it has 4000L capacity (3700L water
the customer in the same project. Due           Vehicle, with a new design and able to                                       + 300L foam), and equipped with a
to the materials most used, as stainless        fit to different cabins. The new fairings                                    pump of 3000l/min at 10 bar with foam
steel and aluminum, thus ensures grater         design by Jacinto, also have some LEDs                                       inductor, Telescopic mast, a 10 Kva
durability and functionality of its products,   that were developed by the company.                                          Electric Generator and an Hydraulic
always bearing in mind the constant             The true structure is always there, but                                      extrication group. Full equipped for the
improvement and simplification, always at       some new materials and some new ideas                                        first Portuguese Fire Department of
the forefront of technology.                    have made the vehicle with visual lines                                      Póvoa de Santa Iria.
    It is located in Esmoriz, 25 km             much more attractive and will improve its                                        Jacinto has developed also a ARFF
south of Oporto, in Portugal, with 130          aerodynamics too. People can find more                                       vehicle named Lusitano, with several
employees and it builds about 200               of it in Jacinto website and in a video that                                 features that comply all standards of
                                                                                                                             NFPA; ICAO and ECR29. The named was
                                                                        t Jacinto Urban                                      inspired in the Portuguese horse Lusitano
                                                                        Vehicle 2018.                                        since it is fast, reliable and can be trusted.
                                                                                                                             The cabin was designed totally by Jacinto
                                                                                                                             and has the ability to fit in standard
                                                                                                                             chassis of different brands, like the
                                                                                                                             prototype was built over a MAN chassis,
                                                                                                                             this will make the vehicle cheaper and
                                                                                                                             easier to get maintenance. The prototype
                                                                                                                             has only 2,5 meters width which can be
                                                                                                                             driven in civil roads too and it was sold to
                                                                                                                             Oman. Although the prototype has these
                                                                                                                             features, Jacinto can provide different
                                                                                                                             options to their clients, since a chassis
                                                                        q ARFF Lusitano.                                     4x4, 6x6 or 8x8, and a tank capacity till
                                                                                                                             14ooo liters. The vehicle can be 2,5 or
                                                                                                                             3 meters width, depending on what the
                                                                                                                             customer wants it, and it can be fully
                                                                                                                             customized. Despite its height, the center
                                                                                                                             of gravity is low due to the location of
                                                                                                                             the tank.
                                                                                                                                 Jacinto already sold vehicles to
                                                                                                                             around 30 countries, and its continued
                                                                                                                             growth can be seen in the improvement
                                                                                                                             of quality of all vehicles that they produce.
                                                                                                                             Jacinto is always trying to innovate
                                                                                                                             and presenting new products to their
                                                                                                                             customers, and they are preparing some
                                                                                                                             big news to announce in 2020 that will
                                                                                                                             change the paradigm of firefighting to
                                                                                               7 Image courtesy of Jacinto

                                                                                                                             the world.

                                                                                                                                    For more information, go to

22   ASIA PACIFIC FIR E O C TO BE R 2018                                                                                                        
You can also read