Footsteps to Your Future Year 9 into 10 Key Stage 4 Choices

Page created by James Marshall
Footsteps to Your Future Year 9 into 10 Key Stage 4 Choices
Footsteps to Your Future

     Year 9 into 10
  Key Stage 4 Choices
Footsteps to Your Future Year 9 into 10 Key Stage 4 Choices


Introduction                                            3

Helping you Choose                                      4

The KS4 Curriculum                                      5

Other considerations                                    7

The Choices Option Form                                 8

The Core Curriculum                                     9

The Option Choices: by Faculty and subject groupings 15

Crawshaw Academy              Y9 into 10 Choices 2021       Strive for Success
Footsteps to Your Future Year 9 into 10 Key Stage 4 Choices

There’s a saying: ‘If you don’t know where you’re going, you’ll end up somewhere else’.
Choosing courses of study for Years 10 and 11 is an important next step in your school
career. We want these courses to be interesting, challenging and extending your abilities
and skills, but also to be able to offer you real opportunities for success. They should help
meet your career needs and aspirations and support your progression into Post-16, onto
college or into work, Modern Apprenticeships or training.
All students must follow a core of English, Mathematics, balanced Science (covering
Biology, Chemistry and Physics), the Applied Learning qualification that they started in
Year 9 as well as Physical Education and Curriculum for Life which includes Social, Moral,
Spiritual and Cultural studies (Personal, Social, Health and Citizenship Education
(P.S.H.C.E.) and Religious Education).
However, this is also an opportunity for you to help create your own personalised
curriculum. There are some opportunities for you to choose subjects and courses that you
feel will interest you but also allow you to succeed. The guidance in this booklet will help
you understand where you are able to have an input into the process. It will not always be
possible to match everyone’s choices and courses will need a minimum number of students
opting for them to run, however, we will do what we can to help you get the mix of
courses that will help you succeed.
2021 is a year where we need to approach this process differently to usual (for those of
you who have older children in the school and been through a similar process before). Our
aim is for you to be given as much information as you need to make the most appropriate
course choices; at present this will need to be done remotely.
We ask you to view the video of the launch presentation first – this will outline the process
and highlight some of the key points. This booklet holds the detailed information and
should be your main guide and reference point throughout. Subject teachers are on hand
to answer questions that you may have about the qualification(s). Mr Rowe, your Year
Manager, is the central point for general questions or comments whilst Mrs Hansen,
Special Education Needs Co-Ordinator can provide support as required. Please access the
START platform, the online Careers, information, and guidance service. Use all the
information you are provided with to make informed choices.
You will be guided into taking courses that will support you to achieve. Remember, the
courses must suit your ability, your learning strengths, and your career intentions, and
they must not be chosen simply because your friends are taking them, or because you like
a particular teacher!
KS4 will make demands of you in terms of hard work and organisational skills and we will
be looking to you to step up homework and study skills to support the controlled
assessments and coursework in some of the subjects you may take, and the examinations
and external assessments in all subjects.
Key Stage 4 is an important steppingstone to the next stage of your education. All further
education courses at Post 16 will require certain GCSE, or equivalent, grades.
Make the most of the opportunities we can offer you and aim high over the next two years
– we will watch your progress with interest. We want to support you in ‘striving’ to
achieve your Personal Best!

Crawshaw Academy                  Y9 into 10 Choices 2021                  Strive for Success
Footsteps to Your Future Year 9 into 10 Key Stage 4 Choices

                                 HELPING YOU CHOOSE
When you enter Year 10 you start on a curriculum containing a more limited number of
subjects than is the case in Year 9.
Choices made now have important implications for your future employment or educational
opportunities. It is extremely difficult for you to change your subject choice once the
courses have started owing to constraints imposed by both timetable and maximum
possible group sizes.
This booklet has been produced to help you and your parents make a wise choice of
subjects and courses. In addition, the following make up the full process:
   1. A video of the launch presentation (narrated powerpoint) to help explain the
      process to parents and students.
   2. This Year 9 into 10 Option choices booklet which gives information about the
   3. The Y9 Parents’ Evening on Thursday 25th February
   4. Subject teachers will also discuss with you the various courses within the
      departments and answer questions you may have in the week commencing Mon
      22nd February. Subject areas will be able to explain their courses in more detail
      to students.
   5. Students have access to (and have been accessing during Enterprise lessons
      remotely) the START PROFILE platform. This is our online careers and
      employability platform. There are modules to help with the Year 9 Options Process
      and we recommend students access these to help. All students have a login to this
      platform ( A student’s login is their OLD email address: The password is Start123.

       From the home page, go to 'See All Modules and Activities' you will see a tab that
       says 'Making My Choices'. (Please e-mail your Enterprise teacher or Mrs Wearing if
       you have any access issues)
   6. You will be issued with a link to an MS FORMS option form on which you will be
      asked to select preferences for courses. The form will not open until FRIDAY 26th
      FEBRUARY (to ensure enough time for discussion at home) and the deadline for
      completed forms to be submitted is FRIDAY 5th MARCH.
   7. After this date, we shall look at the combinations of courses you have opted for;
      individual advice and guidance about the suitability of your choice will be provided
      as necessary.
   8. During the summer term, when all the choices have been made and decisions taken
      on which courses will run and how many classes in each option, you will be given a
      letter showing the agreed courses and subjects.

This is an important time in your education; we hope that the procedure outlined above
will help you and your parents make appropriate decisions with the fullest possible

Crawshaw Academy                 Y9 into 10 Choices 2021                 Strive for Success
Footsteps to Your Future Year 9 into 10 Key Stage 4 Choices

                             THE KEY STAGE 4 CURRICULUM
The Key Stage 4 Curriculum consists of a compulsory 'core', in which every student must
study the core subjects of English, Maths and Science – these are crucial subjects in which
to gain GCSEs or other certificates. The core curriculum in these subjects will produce five
GCSE grades (six for Separate Science students). The ‘core’ also includes the Applied
Learning Specialism subject that each student began at the start of Year 9. There are no
changes to these subjects, and they do not form part of the options process. In addition,
there will be an element of choice in the optional subjects where you may indicate your
preferences from those listed from page 15.

   A) CORE CURRICULUM (in which choices are not required)

English – Language and Literature 2 GCSEs
Mathematics 1 GCSE
Science – you will follow either the Combined Science course (2 GCSEs) or Separate
Science course (3 GCSEs) as a guided pathway

The qualification that you began at the start of Year 9. This will continue through to Year
11 gaining you a qualification of a GCSE or equivalent. Please note this subject is NOT part
of the Options process and will continue with no change.

PE (Physical Education)
Curriculum for Life

Crawshaw Academy                  Y9 into 10 Choices 2021                 Strive for Success
Footsteps to Your Future Year 9 into 10 Key Stage 4 Choices

           B) CHOICES/OPTIONAL CURRICULUM (in which preferences are required)
     In addition to the core subjects listed, in order to support a broad and balanced
     curriculum and comply with government expectations, students are also required to study
     additional subjects. Depending upon the Core Curriculum studied, students will have the
     following options:
     Combined Science students
     Students are required to study at least one subject from the list below (and shown in
     Subject List A on the option form).
         • GCSE Geography
         • GCSE History
         • GCSE French
     (Students who are studying Spanish as an Applied Learning qualification will choose all
     their remaining subjects from List B as Spanish takes the place of a List A choice)
     Students are required to study two further subjects from a list of GCSEs or other
     approved ‘high value’ qualifications. These are shown in Subject List B on the option form.
     List B does include all the subjects from List A (so you can do a combination of List A
     Separate Science students
     Students are required to study two further subjects from a list of GCSEs or other
     approved ‘high value’ qualifications. These are shown in Subject List B on the option form.

     Please note for Languages: If you wish to consider French, please discuss this with your
     teacher to ensure that this is an appropriate choice for you. Students who have indicated
     French will be subject to agreement from the MFL department.

     Please also see the section below on the English Baccalaureate (EBACC).
     Overview of Key Stage 4 Qualification structure:

               1          2        3         4           5          6          7        8            9

 Comb.     English   English        Combined Combined List A    List B  List B
                              Maths                                            Learning
Science   Language Literature        Science  Science  subject subject subject
           English   English        Combined Combined List B    List B  List B (Applied
   Sci                        Maths
          Language Literature        Science  Science  subject subject subject Learning
Separate   English   English                                    List B  List B
                              Maths  Biology Chemistry Physics                 Learning
 Science Language Literature                                   subject subject

     Crawshaw Academy                  Y9 into 10 Choices 2021                 Strive for Success
Footsteps to Your Future Year 9 into 10 Key Stage 4 Choices

                                  Other considerations
The English Baccalaureate
The English Baccalaureate will recognise students who achieve a ‘good’ grade in English,
Mathematics, Sciences, a Language and a Humanities subject (a grade 5, 6, 7, 8 or 9).

   •   Most students can access the English, Mathematics and the Science element of this
       qualification through the compulsory core.
   •   Only Geography and History are recognised as Humanities subjects.
   •   Modern Foreign Languages (French) is available as an option. Spanish was offered
       as part of the Applied Learning Specialism.

For students to achieve the English Baccalaureate, they should choose at least one
Humanities subject and at least one Language from between Lists A and B. (See previous
page for a note on access to the French qualification).
We believe it is vital that students make choices that will allow them to achieve their
personal best. A broad and balanced curriculum will provide our students with a secure
base from which to progress. We offer a wide range of highly successful GCSE subjects
which allow students to personalise their curriculum.
The English Baccalaureate combination is appropriate for many of our students, but not

Types of qualifications and assessment
(GCSE; BTEC; other ‘high value’ qualifications)
All the courses that will be delivered in the List B box must be approved and recognised by
the government. This means that they will all be either worth 1 GCSE or equivalent.
However, BTECs and other non-GCSE courses have a different type of assessment to
GCSEs. GCSEs will usually have a heavy examination content (many will be 100% exam
based) whilst some will have NEAs (Non-Examined Assessment) as a percentage of the
overall grade (see individual subject information). BTECs and other non-GCSE courses will
have a much higher portfolio percentage. Although these will have externally assessed
examinations, these will be of a lower percentage than GCSEs. Alongside the content of
the course, you should consider how the nature of assessment within the course will best
match your chances of success.
The nature of learning styles within subjects will also differ. Some of the optional subjects
fall into the Creative and Practical category – these include the Art and Design
qualifications and Drama. Others are much more academic in focus – these include
geography, history and languages.
Finally, some of the specialist subjects on offer at Key Stage 4 have not been delivered as
core subjects during years 7, 8 and 9. You should ensure that you talk to these department
areas so that you fully understand the content and requirements of the course before you
opt for it. These include – Business/Enterprise and ICT (although these lead on from
Enterprise in Year 9), Health and Social care, Media Studies, RE, Philosophy and Ethics
(although these lead on from EPR).

Crawshaw Academy                  Y9 into 10 Choices 2021                  Strive for Success
Footsteps to Your Future Year 9 into 10 Key Stage 4 Choices

                              THE CHOICES OPTION FORM
Every effort will be made to give you your mix of choices, but additional preferences need
to be indicated for a situation where a course cannot run because of low numbers, is
oversubscribed, or where the chosen combination cannot be timetabled. This year, your
preferences will be collected remotely via an MS FORMS. The Form will take you through
the relevant steps. A summary of these is below.
You are, therefore, asked to follow these steps:
SUBJECT LIST A - for Combined Science pathway students only, except for those who
study Spanish as their Applied Learning Option
 – Please indicate a 1st PREFERENCE and a 2nd PREFERENCE.

SUBJECT LIST B - for ALL students
 - Please indicate a single 1st PREFERENCE, a single 2nd PREFERENCE, a single 3rd
PREFERENCE, a single 4th PREFERENCE and a single 5th PREFERENCE. If a subject is NOT
chosen as one of these preferences, then please leave it blank.

- You can include the SECOND preference from List A (if appropriate) as part of these
choices. Remember to consider how appropriate these choices are and that for some
subjects, Faculty Leaders will decide on this.

- Please ensure that the subjects you have indicated preferences for do not clash with the
Applied Learning Specialism you are currently studying and will be continuing with through
to Year 11 (details are indicated in the Faculty notes pages of this booklet).


- If you have a strong reason for requesting a 1st preference course please make this clear
on your application form and explaining why.

- Should you wish make any further comment then there is space also for you to do so on
the form before you submit.

Mrs Hansen – SENCO – for students with additional needs please do discuss the Options
process with Mrs Hansen before handing the form in. There may be a follow up
communication with individuals later in the process.
Remember the advice given in this booklet.
 – opt for a broad and balanced curriculum, with a choice of subjects and assessment types
that will allow you to succeed.
- you already have one Applied Learning qualification that you are studying and will
continue through to Year 11.
Remember that we will do everything we can to facilitate your main preferences;
however, we will move to later preferences where this is not possible.


Crawshaw Academy                  Y9 into 10 Choices 2021                 Strive for Success
Footsteps to Your Future Year 9 into 10 Key Stage 4 Choices

Crawshaw Academy    Y9 into 10 Choices 2021   Strive for Success
Footsteps to Your Future Year 9 into 10 Key Stage 4 Choices

                            GCSE English Language & Literature
AIMS:    To develop the skills students need to read, understand and analyse a wide range of                 ASSESSMENT:
different texts covering the 19th, 20th and 21st century time periods as well as to write clearly,
coherently and accurately using a range of vocabulary and sentence structures.                          •    English Language
                                                                                                        •    Paper 1 – Written exam: 1 hour 45 minutes
Qualification:         GCSE English Language and GCSE English Literature
                                                                                                        •    80 marks
CONTENT:                                                                          CAREER                •    50% of GCSE

English Language                                                               OPPORTUNITIES:           •    Paper 2 - written exam: 1 hour 45 minutes

                                                                               Advertising/Marketing,   •    80 marks
In Paper 1, students are examined on reading of one literature fiction text
and descriptive or narrative writing.                                          Journalism/Publishing,   •    50% of GCSE
In Paper 2, students are examined on one non-fiction text and one literary           TV/Media,          •
non-fiction text and writing to present a viewpoint.                            Teaching/Lecturing,          English Literature
                                                                                  Speech Therapy/
English Literature                                                                Linguistics, Law,     •    Paper 1 - Written exam: 1 hour 45 minutes
                                                                                Management/Human        •    64 marks
For Paper 1, students will have studied a Shakespeare play and a 19 th
Century novel. Students will have to answer one question on the play and                                •    40% of GCSE
one question on the novel. They will be required to write in detail about an                            •    Paper 2 – Written exam: 2 hour 15 minutes
                                                                                   FOR FURTHER
extract and then to write about the text as a whole.                                                    •
                                                                                  INFORMATION:               96 marks
                                                                                                        •    60% of GCSE
For Paper 2, students will have studied a modern novel or drama text,          Speak to: Mr Howard
and a range of poetry. Students will answer an essay question on the novel                                   PROGRESSION ROUTE:
/ drama and a comparative question on the poetry. The final section of the                                   A-Level English Language or Literature
exam sees students answer a question on an unseen poem and then
                                                                                                             Degrees in English Language/Literature,
comparing it to a second unseen poem.                                                                        Linguistics, Advertising/Media, Law, etc.
                                Crawshaw Academy                     Y9 into 10 Choices 2021                Strive for Success
GCSE Mathematics

 AIMS:                                                                             CONTENT:
 Mathematics teaches a number of vital skills that allow students to cope
 with the demands of the world, including the ability to think in abstract         GCSE Mathematics requires students to:
 ways and an understanding of how to solve problems logically. Mathematics          •   Develop knowledge, skills and understanding of mathematical
 exists in many different aspects of life, including art, finance, economics,           methods and concepts, including number, algebra, geometry,
 science and technology, and the course aims to foster a greater                        measures, probability and statistics.
 understanding of the part that mathematics plays in these areas. It also
                                                                                    •   Use their knowledge and understanding to make connections
 helps equip students with the level of numeracy needed to function in
                                                                                        between mathematical concepts.
 everyday situations.
                                                                                    •   Apply the functional elements of mathematics in everyday life and
                                                                                        real-life situations.
 Students will be entered for GCSE Mathematics at either the Foundation Tier
 (grades available 1-5) or the Higher Tier (grades available 4-9). Tiers of        PROGRESSION ROUTE:
 entry will not be decided until the January of Y11.
                                                                                   The acquisition of a good grade at GCSE is vital for many lines of
                                                                                   further study, including many not necessarily connected with the
 ASSESSMENT:                                                                       subject. If you get a good GCSE grade in mathematics, you might
                                                                                   decide to take A level mathematics. Further mathematics can be taken
 The exams will assess students’ ability to recall, select and apply their         at AS level. Level 3 Mathematical Studies (Core Maths) is designed for
 knowledge of mathematics and to interpret, analyse and solve problems.            those students who gain a grade 4/5 in GCSE mathematics.
 The functional skills needed for real-life contexts are embedded into the
 The course will be assessed by 3 exams (one is a non-calculator exam).            CAREER OPPORTUNITIES:
 There is no controlled assessment for GCSE mathematics.
                                                                                   Almost all jobs and careers require you to have mathematics GCSE but
                                                                                   careers in areas such as banking, medicine, insurance, teaching,
                                                                                   accountancy and computing all make a lot of use of mathematics.

Speak to: Mr Searle (Faculty Leader) or any member of the department.
Weblinks:                        Crawshaw Academy                   Y9 into 10 Choices 2021
        Strive for Success
GCSE Science - Combined:                                                                                            12

                                                   Double Award
AIMS:    Science has something to offer every student. Whether it be a
trainee chef to a nuclear physicist, a construction apprentice to a cancer           This is a linear course, so all exams are taken at the end of Y11,
researcher, everyone needs some level of relevant science understanding.
                                                                                     There are 6 exams, 2 each in Biology, Chemistry and Physics of 1HR 15 MIN
Qualification:                                                                       duration. The questions range from multiple choice, structured, closed and
                                                                                     open response.
EXAM BOARD is AQA and successful completion of the course results in 2 GCSE
numbered grades (1-9).                                                               There is no controlled assessment but there are required practicals for
                                                                                     students to undertake that will be assessed in the final exams.
             The numbered grades achieved may be different

                                                                                     PROGRESSION ROUTE:
CONTENT:         A range of essential knowledge in Biology, Chemistry and            Good science grades can lead on to traditional A levels followed by a range
Physics is covered including:                                                        of career opportunities. Essential practical and mathematical skills required
➢ Cell biology, Organisation, Infection and response, Bioenergetics,                 for applied A levels, BTEC’s or apprenticeships are also taught within the
  Homeostasis and response, Inheritance, Variation and evolution, Ecology            course.
➢ Atomic structure and the periodic table, Bonding, Chemical structure,
  Chemical changes, Energy changes, Organic chemistry                                CAREER OPPORTUNITIES:
➢ Forces, Energy, Waves and Electricity
                                                                                     A levels in the Sciences can lead to a wealth of careers. E.g. Veterinary
                                                                                     Science, Medicine, Journalism, Scientific research and development,
                                                                                     Nanotechnology, Pharmacology, Nursing and Law to name just a few!

  Speak to members of the Science Department


                                   Crawshaw Academy                   Y9 into 10 Choices 2021                  Strive for Success

                                          GCSE Science - Separate:
                                                Triple Award
AIMS:                                                            ASSESSMENT:
There are opportunities for further developing and               BIOLOGY GCSE: 2 written exams of 50% each 1HR 45 MINUTE DURATION
deepening understanding the concepts covered in
combined science. This is usually chosen by students who         CHEMISTRY GCSE: 2 written exams of 50% each 1HR 45 MINUTE DURATION
have a keen interest in science and aspire to a career in a
science field.                                                   PHYSICS GCSE: 2 written exams of 50% each 1HR 45 MINUTE DURATION
                                                                 The questions range from multiple choice, structured, closed and open response.
                                                                 There is no controlled assessment but there are required practicals for students to
Qualification:                                                   undertake that will be assessed in the final exams. All exams are taken at the end of
3 separate GCSE numbered grades are achieved in Biology,         PROGRESSION ROUTE:
Chemistry and Physics. The grades may be the same or
different                                                        Separate Science GCSEs can lead on to traditional A levels followed by a range of
                                                                 degree courses and career opportunities.
                                                                 CAREER OPPORTUNITIES:
In addition to the Combined Science modules studied there
are further Biology, Chemistry and Physics modules to            Good GCSE and A levels in the Sciences can lead to many career paths such as
increase the depth of knowledge in a range of areas              Veterinary Science, Medicine, Journalism, Scientific research and development,
including Cell Biology, Organic Chemistry and Astronomy          Pharmacology, nuclear Physics, Nanotechnology Nursing and Law to name just a few!

                       FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: Speak to members of the Science Department
         Weblinks: then click on Biology, Chemistry or Physics
                                   to explore the course and access resources
                               Crawshaw Academy               Y9 into 10 Choices 2021                Strive for Success

                OPTION CHOICES:
                     Design Faculty
Faculty Course related notes:
If you are ALREADY studying Art & Design: 3D for your Year 9 Applied Specialism, you MAY
NOT choose any of the following GCSE Art & Design options: Fine Art, Graphics, Textiles.
You MAY, however, choose Photography.
You may only select one of the following GCSE Art & Design specialisms: Fine Art, 3D,
Graphics, Textiles as a 1st preference. You may choose a second specialism as a reserve.
You cannot study more than one of these GCSE Art & Design specialisms in Key Stage 4.
You MAY choose Photography alongside any of these GCSE Art & Design specialisms (Fine
Art, 3D, Graphics, Textiles) – this combination is allowed.
         Crawshaw Academy          Y9 into 10 Choices 2021        Strive for Success

                                                      GCSE Art & Design:
                                                           Fine Art
AIMS:     The course examines the way artists and designers have
                                                                                                CAREER OPPORTUNITIES:
worked and looks at how their approach might influence their own
work. It explores various skills, techniques and technologies. This                             Creative Industries are booming employing over 2
exciting practical course enables the use of various art forms including                        million in the UK and forecasted to big one of the
Photography and lots of experimentation.
                                                                                                biggest growing industries in the near future. Look at
Qualification: AQA GCSE Art and Design – Fine Art                                               the following website for an extensive list of careers
                                                                                                including Interior Designer, Animator, Special Effects
                                                                           ASSESSMENT:          Designer:
CONTENT:                                                                   60 % Portfolio of
GCSE Fine Art offers a broad rand of practical activities, which
include:                                                                   40% Externally Set   PROGRESSION ROUTE:
                                                                           Task (exam)
Photography, ICT, Drawing, Painting, Mixed Media, Printmaking
                                                                                                Students can progress onto A level Fine Art and/or
and Three Dimensional Design.
                                                                                                Photography. This can lead to studying an Arts
Students develop their own sketchbook and/or design sheets                                      Foundation course and onto degree at
throughout the course. This is a source of ideas for projects and                               colleges/universities.
a collection of personal research and development. The study
of other artists and research culminates in final pieces, which
demonstrate students’ personal strengths and interests.

Speak to: Mrs Durkin or Mrs Purcell  Weblinks: Be inspired: Careers:
Guide to best Universities for Arts Degrees:
                         Crawshaw Academy         Y9 into 10 Choices 2021                  Strive for Success
GCSE Art & Design:                                                                                       16

                                                             3D Design
AIMS:     This 3D Design qualification gives students an opportunity to engage         ASSESSMENT:
with creativity and innovation to further develop their current learning at Key
Stage 3 in Design and Art, broadening their designing and practical skills. This       Unit 1: Portfolio of work. Personal themed project set by student -
GCSE covers a wide range of activities based on research, designing and making         60% of total mark.
products that are manufactured using materials such as woods, metals,
papers/card and plastics.                                                              Unit 2: Externally set brief – project set by AQA - 40% of total
                                                                                       mark.10 hours of sustained focused study (exam).
Three-dimensional design is the design, prototyping and modelling or making of
functional and aesthetic products and objects. This exciting course is especially      Architecture
suited for students who like to design and make products. NO WRITTEN EXAM.
                                                                                       Product Design
Future Prospects/Career Options: The creative industries in the U.K are rapidly
growing. They contribute £92 billion to the economy and employ over 3 million          Jewellery
people. People with creative skills are highly valued in a rapidly changing world of
work. There are hundreds of specialisms but it is competitive and you need to          Interior Design
work hard.
                                                                                       Exhibition Design
Qualification:          GCSE Art & Design - 3D Design, Exam Board AQA

                                                                                       PROGRESSION ROUTE: AS/A2 LEVEL(S): Art and Design, Product
CONTENT:-          Areas of study                                                      Design/Graphic Design, Photography. This can lead to studying an Arts
                                                                                       Foundation course and onto degree at colleges/universities.
In Component 1 and Component 2 students are required to work in one or more
area(s) of three dimensional design, such as those listed below:
•• architectural design                                                                CAREER OPPORTUNITIES:                   Architect, Animator, Car Designer,
•• product design
                                                                                       Product Designer, Fashion Designer, Jewellery Designer, Graphic Designer,
•• jewellery and body adornment
                                                                                       Furniture and Industrial Designer, Mechanical and Structural Engineering,
•• interior design
•• exhibition design                                                                   Commercial Designer, Biomedical Engineering, Measurement & Control,
•• designs for theatre, film and television.                                           Engineering Backstage Theatre Work, Aircraft Engineering, Cabinet & Furniture
They may explore overlapping areas and combinations of areas.                          Making, Agricultural Engineering, Three Dimensional Design, Web Design,
                                                                                       Interior Design, Costume Design, Set Design, Fashion Design, Exhibition Design

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION:                      Speak to: Mrs Haxby, Mrs Purcell, Miss Lansdell
                                  Crawshaw Academy               Y9 into 10 Choices 2021               Strive for Success
Weblinks: Be inspired: Careers:
Guide to best Universities for Arts Degrees:

                                                              GCSE Art & Design:
                                                               Graphic Design
AIMS:                                                                                  ASSESSMENT:
Graphic communication the exciting process of designing image and text to convey       Unit 1: Portfolio of work. Personal themed
information, ideas, meaning and emotions in response to a given or self-defined        project set by student - 60% of total mark.
brief. This is an exciting course suitable for creative and practical minded
individual.                                                                            Unit 2: Externally set brief – project set by AQA -
Future Prospects/Career Options: The creative industries in the U.K are rapidly        40% of total mark.10 hours of sustained focused
growing. They contribute £92 billion to the economy and employ over 3 million          study (exam).
people. People with creative skills are highly valued in a rapidly changing world of
work. There are hundreds of specialisms but it is competitive and you need to          NO WRITTEN EXAM.
work hard.

Qualification:          GCSE Art & Design

- Graphic Design, Exam Board AQA

Areas of study                                                                         PROGRESSION ROUTE: AS/A2 LEVEL(S): Art and Design, Product
In Component 1 and Component 2 students are required to work in one or more            Design/Graphic Design, Photography. This can lead to studying an Arts
area(s) of graphic communication, such as those listed below:                          Foundation course and onto degree at colleges/universities.
· communication graphics · design for print · advertising and branding ·
illustration · package design · typography· interactive design (including web,         CAREER OPPORTUNITIES:                    Look at the following website for
app and game)                                                                          an extensive list of careers including:- Advertising Designer, Graphic
They may explore overlapping areas and combinations of areas.                          Designer, Packaging Designer, Illustrator, Typographer :

  FOR FURTHER INFORMATION:                          Speak to: Mrs Haxby, Mrs Purcell, Mrs Durkin

  Weblinks: Be inspired:
                                 Crawshaw Academy       Careers:
                                                                 Y9 into 10 Choices 2021              Strive for Success
  Guide to best Universities for Arts Degrees:

                                                        GCSE Art & Design:
                                                          Textile Design
Fashion/Textile Design is an exciting and creative course which allows you to
explore creativity in textiles, whether it be practical or just as a work of art. This        Unit 1: Portfolio of work. Personal themed project set by
course is suitable for creative and practical minded individuals who are interested
                                                                                              student - 60% of total mark.
in the world of fashion and textile design

Future Prospects/Career Options: The creative industries in the U.K are rapidly               Unit 2: Externally set brief – project set by AQA - 40% of
growing. They contribute £92 billion to the economy and employ over 3 million                 total mark.10 hours of sustained focused study (exam).
people. People with creative skills are highly valued in a rapidly changing world of
work. There are hundreds of specialisms but it is competitive and you need to                 NO WRITTEN EXAM.
work hard.
                                                                                               CAREER OPPORTUNITIES:
Qualification:          GCSE Art & Design - Textile Design, Exam Board AQA
                                                                                               Look at the following website for an extensive list of careers
                                                                                               including Interior Design, Fashion Design, Furnishing Design,
CONTENT:-                                                                                      Fabric Design, Retail :
Areas of study
In Component 1 and Component 2 students are required to work in one or                         and_design.htm
more area(s) of textile design, such as those listed below:· art textiles ·                                         PROGRESSION ROUTE: AS/A2 LEVEL(S):
fashion design and illustration · costume design · constructed textiles ·                                           Art and Design, Product Design/Graphic
                                                                                                                    Design, Photography. This can lead to
printed and dyed textiles · surface pattern · stitched and/or embellished                                           studying an Arts Foundation course and
textiles · soft furnishings and/or textiles for interiors                                                           onto degree at colleges/universities.
They may explore overlapping areas and combinations of areas.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION:                            Speak to: Mrs Purcell, Mrs Haxby, Mrs Durkin

Weblinks: Be inspired:

                                   Crawshaw Academy                       Y9 into 10 Choices 2021                Strive for Success

                                               GCSE Art & Design:
AIMS:    Photography is a new and exciting course which allows
                                                                                            CAREER OPPORTUNITIES:
students to pursue ideas in digital photography, moving image
as well as photographic manipulation through using photoshop                                Creative Industries are booming employing over 2
as well as sketchbook work.                                                                 million in the UK and forecasted to big one of the
                                                                                            biggest growing industries in the near future. . Look at
Qualification: AQA GCSE Art and Design – Photography
                                                                                            the following website for an extensive list of careers
                                                                                            including Photography, Animator, Special Effects
Students are required to work in one or more area(s) of          ASSESSMENT:
photography: • portraiture • location photography • studio
photography • experimental imagery • installation •              60 % Portfolio of          PROGRESSION ROUTE:
documentary photography • photojournalism • moving image:        Work
film, video and animation • fashion photography. They may                                   Students can progress onto A level Photography. This
                                                                 40% Externally Set         can lead to studying an Arts Foundation course and
explore overlapping areas and combinations of areas.
                                                                 Task (exam)                onto degree courses at colleges/universities.
Students develop their own sketchbook and PowerPoints
throughout the course. The study of other artists and research
culminates in final pieces, which demonstrate students’
personal strengths and interests.

Speak to: Mrs Durkin or Mrs Purcell    Weblinks: Be inspired:
Guide to best Universities for Arts Degrees:
                          Crawshaw Academy        Y9 into 10 Choices 2021              Strive for Success

Health and Wellbeing

Crawshaw Academy   Y9 into 10 Choices 2021   Strive for Success

                      BTEC Tech Award in Health & Social Care

AIMS:                                                                                  CONTENT:
The course is designed to give you an introduction to the health and social care       Component 1: Human Lifespan Development
sectors. It will also allow you to develop a range of skills and techniques that
                                                                                       You will investigate how, in real situations, human development is affected
will be useful for working life.                                                       by different factors and that people deal differently with life events.

Qualification:                                                                         Component 2: Health & Social Care Services and Values

Pearson BTEC Level1/Level 2 Tech Award in Health & Social Care                         You will study and explore practically, health and social care services and
                                                                                       how they meet the needs of real service users. You will also develop skills
                                                                                       in applying care values.

ASSESSMENT:                                                                            Component 3: Health and Wellbeing

                                                                                       You will study the factors that affect health and wellbeing, learning about
The qualification consists of three components that give you the opportunity to
                                                                                       physiological and lifestyle indicators and how to design a health and
develop a broad knowledge and understanding of health & social care at levels 1        wellbeing improvement plan.
and 2.
Component 1 and 2 are assessed through internal assessment that are subject to         PROGRESSION ROUTE:
external standards verification. The two components focus on knowledge and
understanding of human growth and development, how people deal with major              Any roles within the NHS or caring careers. Many students go on to
life events, health and social care services and practical demonstration of care       study Health & Social Care at level 3 and then progress on to degree
values.                                                                                courses at university in nursing, midwifery, teaching, psychology,
                                                                                       social work and occupational therapy.
Component three is an external assessment which assess health and wellbeing.
It takes the format of a set task which is taken under supervised conditions
which is then marked and graded by Pearson.                                            CAREER OPPORTUNITIES:
                                                                                        About 3 million people work in health and social care, which is one in
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: Speak to Mrs Rose                                              ten of all paid jobs in the UK. These roles include doctors,
Weblinks:                   pharmacists, nurses, midwives, healthcare assistants, occupational
awards/health-and-social-care/2017/teaching-and-learning-materials/btec-tech-award-     therapists, counsellors, social workers and care assistants. Demand is
in-health-and-social-care-guide.pdf      Academy                  Y9 into 10 Choices 2021
                                                                                        likely to rise and Strive
                                                                                                           play a for
                                                                                                                      role in UK society.
EDUQAS L1/2 VOCATIONAL AWARD IN                                                                                                 22

                                   HOSPITALITY & CATERING
AIMS:                                                                                                     ASSESSMENT:
This qualification is designed for learners with an interest in food and cookery. It will provide         Unit 1 - The Hospitality and Catering Industry –
learners with opportunities to develop skills and gain experience of the hospitality and catering         externally assessed written exam
industry. Students will develop a core depth of knowledge and a range of specialist and
general skills that will also support progression to further learning and employment.                     Unit 2 - Hospitality and Catering in Action – internally
                                                                                                          assessed controlled assessment and practical exam
                                                                                                          Learners must complete both units.
EDUQAS Level 1/ 2 Vocational Award in Hospitality & catering
Level 2 (A*-C grade equivalent) for pupils aiming to do A Levels or other level 3 courses after
GCSE.                                                                                                     CAREER OPPORTUNITIES:
Level 1 (D-G grade equivalent) for pupils who plan to go onto further level 1 or 2 courses.
                                                                                                          Employment in hospitality and catering can range from
CONTENT:                                                                                                  waiting staff, receptionists and catering assistants to
                                                                                                          chefs, hotel and bar managers and food technologists in
Unit 1 - In this unit, you will learn about the types of providers within the industry, the               food manufacturing.
operation of hospitality and catering establishments and the factors affecting their success. This
knowledge will enable you to respond to issues relating to the hospitality and catering industry
and provide you with the ability to propose a new provision that could be opened in a given
location to benefit the owner and the local community.                                                    PROGRESSION ROUTE:
Unit 2 – The purpose of the unit is for learners to safely plan, prepare, cook and present                All of the roles above require further education and
nutritional dishes. In this unit you will gain knowledge of the nutritional needs of a range of           training either through apprenticeships or further and
client groups in order for you to plan nutritional dishes to go on a menu. You will learn and             higher education. Many of our students have gone on to
develop safe and hygienic food preparation, cooking and finishing skills required to produce              successfully complete the L3 Professional Cookery
nutritional dishes.                                                                                       Diploma at Leeds City College.
Practical work will be completed on average once a week. There will be periods around the
written exam where less practical takes place.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: Speak to Mr Nicholson, Mrs Bentley or Mrs Rose
                                  Crawshaw Academy                       Y9 into 10 Choices 2021                    Strive for Success

                               Cambridge National (P.E.) Sports Science
AIMS:                                                                           CONTENT:
The course builds on the knowledge, understanding and skills                    Students will study:
established in Key Stage 3 Physical Education. It will give you
exciting opportunities to be involved in promoting an active and                    •   The application of the principles of training
healthy lifestyle. Students should have a very keen interest in                     •   Reducing the risk of Sports Injuries
P.E. and Sport and enjoy being active and appreciate the                            •   The bodies response to physical activity
benefits of keeping fit.                                                            •   Sports Nutrition

Qualification:                                                                  This is a classroom-based course and is continually assessed. Two units of work
                                                                                (including the exam) are studied in Year 10 and two units of work in Year 11.
Cambridge National Sports Science (GCSE equivalent)                             The total of the marks from all four units will determine the level of

ASSESSMENT:                                                                     The qualification will be graded: Pass; Merit; Distinction; Distinction*

4 units of work each worth 25%                                                  Cambridge Nationals are a vocational qualification offered by the OCR
3 units are project based and entail written controlled                         examination board.
assessment tasks                                                                There is very little practical work in this qualification. Fitness testing is included
1 unit is an external exam – Sports Injuries                                    as well as the development of a 6-week exercise programme in term 1 of Year
There is no practical assessment.                                               10. All other lessons will be classroom based.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION:                                        CAREER OPPORTUNITIES:                                     PROGRESSION ROUTE:
Speak to: The P.E. Department                                   The course develops the transferable skills and           As well as being preparation for the
Weblinks:   key skills that employers are looking for and can         Cambridge Technical Sport & Physical
                                                                lead to a wide variety of employment                      Activity course, Sports Science allows
                 Crawshaw is one of the only schools in         opportunities. This can include further training in       progression to related qualifications such
                 Yorkshire to be awarded Quality Mark           such areas as recreational management and the             as BTEC Nationals in Sport or Sports and
                 with Distinction for Physical Education.       fitness industry.                                         Exercise Science.

                                       Crawshaw Academy                  Y9 into 10 Choices 2021                   Strive for Success

                OPTION CHOICES:
               Enterprise Faculty
Faculty Course related notes:
If you are ALREADY studying BTEC Tech Enterprise as your Year 9 Applied Specialism, you
MAY NOT choose GCSE Business (but may choose ICT and vice versa).
Students may not study both BTEC Tech Enterprise and GCSE Business. They should
indicate their qualification preference on the form, but to support their success, the final
course a student follows may be the alternative qualification to the one originally chosen.

          Crawshaw Academy          Y9 into 10 Choices 2021         Strive for Success

                                            BTEC Tech Award in Digital
                                           Information Technology (ICT)
AIMS:                                                                                      ASSESSMENT:
Digital Literacy is a keen option choice for all students as it underpins and
compliments many other subjects. Students can be unsure of what to select for their        Components 1 and 2;
options and a decision to opt for ICT would be advantageous as it is a practical subject
                                                                                           Coursework based assessment with external moderation
and does not narrow down any progression too early in their education.
                                                                                           Component 3;
                                                                                           Externally examined
Pearson BTEC Tech Award in Digital Information Technology

                                                                                           PROGRESSION ROUTE:
Component 1: Exploring User Interface Design Principles and Project Planning Techniques    This qualification provides a broad and solid foundation for further study of
Learners will develop their understanding of what makes an effective user interface        various aspects of creative computing, such as graphic design, web design,
and how to effectively manage a project. They will use this understanding to plan,         computer games design and interactive media.
design and create a user interface.

Component 2: Collecting, Presenting and Interpreting Data

Learners will understand the characteristics of data and information and how they
help organisations in decision making. They will use data manipulation methods to
                                                                                            CAREER OPPORTUNITIES:
create a dashboard to present and draw conclusions from information.                        Many opportunities are available from apprenticeships with
                                                                                            design/IT/Computing companies to animation, computer graphics, web
Component 3: Effective Digital Working Practices                                            development and design.

Learners will explore how organisations use digital systems and the wider implications
associated with their use.
                                                                                            FOR FURTHER INFORMATION:
                                                                                            Faculty Leader for Enterprise – Mrs Rogerson

                                  Crawshaw Academy                     Y9 into 10 Choices 2021                   Strive for Success

                                               BTEC Tech Award in Enterprise
  AIMS: To inspire students to study business and develop a broad understanding of what it takes to
  build a business and the factors that influence it.
                                                                                                                    BTEC Tech Award in Enterprise – 60% internal assessment through
  Qualification: BTEC Level 1/2 Tech Award in Enterprise
                                                                                                                    coursework and 40% External Assessment through a 2 hour exam.

 This course provides an engaging and stimulating introduction to the world of business and enterprise.             PROGRESSION ROUTE:
 Students study 3 units to develop enterprise and financial skills which provide students with many of the skills
 necessary for the transition work or further study.                                                                A level Economics, A level Business, BTEC Level 3 Business –
                                                                                                                    Apprenticeships, the world of work and Universities
 Component 1: Exploring Enterprises (Coursework Assessed)
  - Examine the characteristics of enterprises
  - Explore how market research helps enterprises to meet customer needs and understand                             CAREER OPPORTUNITIES:
    competitor behaviour
                                                                                                                    Everyone works in a business, so it’s good to know how they work as it
  - Investigate the factors that contribute to the success of an enterprise.
                                                                                                                    provides the opportunity to follow any careers within businesses. It also
 Component 2: Planning for and Pitching an Enterprise Activity (Coursework Assessed)
  - Explore ideas and plan for a micro-enterprise activity                                                          enhances pupils understanding of different career routes and application
  - Pitch a micro-enterprise activity                                                                               processes.
  - Review own pitch for a micro-enterprise activity.
                                                                                                                    FOR FURTHER INFORMATION:
 Component 3: Promotion and Finance for Enterprise (Exam Based)
  - Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of elements of promotion and financial records                          Speak to: Mr Murtagh
  - Interpret and use promotional and financial information in relation to a given enterprise                       Weblink:
  - Make connections between different factors influencing a given enterprise                                       awards/enterprise/2017/specification-and-sample-
  - Be able to advise and provide recommendations to a given enterprise on ways to improve its

 Within the business department we value the opinions of the students that take the course very highly, this is so we can teach engaging, entertaining, highly informative and
                                       useful lessons. Here are the results of that survey and some quotes from students taking BTEC Business.
92% of students on the course in Y10 would recommend it to someone in Y9. 92% of students on the course in Y10 find the lessons enjoyable.
 ‘Lessons are interesting, fun and I feel comfortable in lessons’. ‘Sir highlights and proves that if we listen we can get high grades as proven in my exam!’. ‘All the teachers in the
    department are always there to support me, in lessons and after school I get 100% help and constant encouragement!’. ‘I learn about valuable life skills like writing CV’s,
  applying for jobs and Sir has spent his own time helping me apply for my apprenticeship’, ‘This is the most relevant subject out of all my subjects, as it is happening right now
           across the world’, ‘I feel like this subject is making me more employable, as we are writing CV’s, searching for apprenticeships and jobs as part of the units’
                                            Crawshaw Academy                           Y9 into 10 Choices 2021                       Strive for Success

                                                               GCSE Business Studies
                                                                                                            100% of the overall mark is generated through two exams. Both exams are 90
To inspire students to study business and develop a broad understanding of what it takes to build a         minutes with a variety of multiple-choice, short- and extended questions.
business and the factors that influence it.

Qualification: Pearson (Edexcel) GCSE in Business                                                           PROGRESSION ROUTE:
                                                                                                            A level Economics, A level Business, BTEC Level 3 Business – Apprenticeships, the
                                                                                                            world of work and Universities
Unit 1: Investigating Small Business: This unit contains five separate sections designed to give students
an understanding about how small businesses become successful:
                                                                                                            CAREER OPPORTUNITIES:
• Spotting a Business Opportunity • Showing Enterprise and Entrepreneurship • Putting a Business Idea       Everyone works in a business, so it’s good to know how they work as it provides
into Practice • Making the Business Effective • Understanding External Influences on Business               the opportunity to follow any careers within businesses. It also enhances pupils
                                                                                                            understanding of different career routes and application processes.
Unit 2: Building a business: This unit also covers five main topic areas that are designed to enable
students to deepen their understanding on how a business can build itself following the start-up of a
new business. The topics include:                                                                            FOR FURTHER INFORMATION:
• Growing the Business • Making Marketing Decisions • Making Operational Decisions • Making                  Speak to: Mr Lewis
Financial Decisions • Making Human Resource Decisions                                                        Weblink:

Both units are exam based.

Within the business department we value the opinions of the students that take the course very highly, this is so we can teach engaging, entertaining, highly informative and useful lessons.
                                                  Here are the results of that survey and some quotes from students taking GCSE Business.
                                         100% of current Y10 students would both recommend the course to someone in Y9 and enjoy the course.
  ‘The course is fun and exciting learning about the world of business’. ‘I am being taught the fundamentals of starting/running a business’. ‘Sir makes it easy to understand’. ‘I enjoy the
 lessons, which is why I think I work harder in business.’ ‘I want to run my own business, so I chose the course’. ‘I am loving learning something new I haven’t studied before!’ ‘Lessons are
    interesting, some lessons are computer based so there is a mix’. ‘It teaches valuable life skills which will help me in my career’. ‘I’m being taught how to make millions in the future!’

                                           Crawshaw Academy                           Y9 into 10 Choices 2021                         Strive for Success

 Performance Faculty

Crawshaw Academy   Y9 into 10 Choices 2021   Strive for Success

                                                     GCSE Drama
AIMS:    You will apply your knowledge and understanding of Drama when
making, performing and responding to drama. You will explore performance                   •   Devising Drama 30% - Creating a piece of Drama
texts, understanding their social, cultural and historical context including the               from a stimulus. Internal performance assessment,
theatrical conventions of the period in which they were created. You will also                 with written portfolio.
develop a range of theatrical skills and apply them to create performances.                •   Presenting and Performing Texts 30% -
QUALIFICATION: OCR Exam board, GCSE Drama                                                      performance of a scripted group piece & either
                                                                                               duologue or monologue for a visiting examiner
                                                                                               with written pro forma.
                                                                                           •   Performance and Response 40% - written
                                                                                               examination evaluating live theatre and a play we
CONTENT:                                                                                       will study.
    •   Component 1 Devising Drama - You will research and explore a
        stimulus, work collaboratively and create your own devised drama.               CAREER OPPORTUNITIES:                 Career prospects –
    •   Component 2 Presenting and Performing Texts - You will develop and              Teacher, Actor, Playwright, Theatre / Television/ Film
        apply theatrical skills in acting by presenting a showcase of two extracts      Director, Business, Project Management, Screenplay
        from a performance text.                                                        writer, Producer, dancer, Props Master, Choreographer,
    •   Component 3 Performance and Response - You will explore a                       Set/Costume/Sound Designer, TV Extra.
        performance text practically to demonstrate your knowledge and
        understanding of Drama. You will analyse and evaluate a live theatre
                                                                                        PROGRESSION ROUTE:                 A Level/BTEC: Drama &
                                                                                        Theatre Studies, Performing Arts, Dance.
                                                                                        University/Degree Level: Drama / Theatre Studies,
                                                                                        Performing Arts, English, Acting, Musical Theatre, Dance,
                                FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: Speak                          Media Studies, Education, Costume Design, Film Making.
                                to Mrs Lord or Miss Elmer
                            Crawshaw Academy                  Y9 into 10 Choices 2021          Strive for Success

 Humanities Subjects

Crawshaw Academy   Y9 into 10 Choices 2021   Strive for Success

      GCSE Geography                                           AIMS:     Geography helps you to make sense of the world around you. It is hands on, it
                                                               is relevant, and it is fun. The current GCSE course has a good mix of topics such as
                                                               urban issues, world development, extreme environments, rivers and tectonic hazards –

          (AQA)                                                to name but a few. Geography will give you the chance to get to grips with some of the
                                                               big questions which affect our world, and understand the social, economic and physical
                                                               forces and processes which shape and change our world.

CONTENT:                                             PROGRESSION ROUTE:
•   Natural hazards (including earthquakes,          Geography is a broad-based academic subject which will open up options for you in the future.
    volcanoes, tropical storms and an extreme        Leads to Geography AS/A-Level but also complements Science, History, Business, Maths, Economics
    weather event in the UK).                        and Sociology AS/A-Levels. Employers and universities see geography as a robust academic subject
•   The living world (including tropical             rich in skills, knowledge and understanding, with universities placing it on their lists of
    rainforests and hot deserts).                    ‘facilitating’ subjects.
•   Landscapes of the UK (including coastal
    landscapes and rivers).
•   Urban issues and challenges (including
    challenges and opportunities in Rio de            CAREER OPPORTUNITIES:                       ASSESSMENT:
    Janeiro and Leeds).
                                                      Geographers often enter a wide range        There are three exams to sit at the end of Year 11:
•   The changing economic world (including
                                                      of exciting and dynamic career paths.
    development, aid and the economic future          To put it simply there is no such           •   Paper 1: Living with the physical environment 1
    of the UK).                                       thing as a geography                            hour 30 minutes 35%
•   Management of food, energy and water              job, rather there are jobs that             •   Paper 2: Challenges in the human environment 1
    resources.                                        geographers do. For this reason,                hour 30 minutes 35%
                                                      Geography remains one of the most
There will also be two fieldwork enquiries one                                                    •   Paper 3: Geographical applications 1 hour 15
                                                      employable and impressive courses
physical and one human – these will be assessed                                                       minutes 30%
                                                      you can study at GCSE.
in the paper 3 exam.                                  Examples include law, business,
                                                      marketing, teaching, architecture,
We run a 4-night residential visit to Sorrento,
                                                      politics, armed forces, police, travel      FOR FURTHER INFORMATION:
Italy which is only open to GCSE Geography
                                                      and tourism industry and
students.                                                                                         Speak to Mr Hand, Mrs Lewis or Miss Brierley

                                  Crawshaw Academy              Y9 into 10 Choices 2021                Strive for Success

Speak to Miss Turner or your History teacher.
                                                                           GCSE History (AQA)
                                                                                                       PROGRESSION ROUTE:
AIMS:                                              CONTENT:
                                                                                                       History is a very well respected, academic
History helps to develop your understanding of     Paper 1                                             subject. It is an excellent preparation for
the past in order to apply this to the modern                                                          all evaluative and academic subjects you
                                                      •   Part A – A period study: America
world. It is interesting, relevant, well-                                                              could wish to study at post-16. History is
                                                          1840-1895: Expansion and
respected and enjoyable. We have chosen a                                                              considered to be rigorous and it is valued
specification that covers a diverse range of                                                           very highly by colleges, Sixth Forms and
                                                      •   Part B – A wider world depth study:
topics, so they can engage with key issues and                                                         Universities. It is what is commonly
                                                          Conflict and Tension, 1918-1939
understand how the past influences the                                                                 known as a ‘facilitating subject’ meaning
present. It also develops key skills, such as                                                          that it is accepted for all types of courses
critical thinking, analytical skills, forming an   Paper 2                                             (not just for History).
argument and developing their written
communication.                                        •   Part A – A thematic study: Britain:
                                                          Health and the People, c.1000 -
                                                          present day
                                                                                                       CAREER OPPORTUNITIES:
ASSESSMENT:                                           •   Part B – A British depth study:              Historians frequently enter a wide range
                                                          Norman England, c.1066 – c.1100              of exciting and dynamic career paths.
There are two exams to sit at the end of Year                                                          There is no typical job for a History
11 with each of the four modules making up                                                             student to go on to as a background in
25% of your final grade:                           There will also be a site study as part of the      History is applicable to so many different
                                                   Norman module. We complete a visit for this         career options. History is one of the most
                                                   depending on the site study for your year           employable and impressive courses to
•   Paper 1: Period study and wider world          group (the current site study is based around       study at GCSE. Examples include: law,
    depth study, 2 hours                           ‘Yorkshire’).                                       accountancy, business, media, marketing,
                                                                                                       teaching, politics, medicine and many,
                                                   We also plan to run our popular trip to Berlin
•   Paper 2: Thematic study and British depth                                                          many more. No degree course or
                                                   which will be open to all GCSE History
    study, 2 hours                                                                                     professional job would turn you down for
                                                                                                       having History GCSE.

                             Crawshaw Academy                Y9 into 10 Choices 2021                Strive for Success
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