SPRINGVALE HOSTEL Information for Parents and Boarders Year 11 and 12 students

Page created by Tim Howell

 Parents and Boarders

Year 11 and 12 students
Springvale Accommodation Pty Ltd
                                                  ACN 107 705 760
                                                 ABN 68 107 705 760

                                     MISSION STATEMENT

                            Our mission is to provide pastoral care for enrolled students.

                                              Vision Statement

A staff team, buildings and a student body that enriches and enhances the boarding experience to such an
extent that boarders participate from enjoyment and reward, achieve and excel as individuals and
contribute to the community life with enthusiasm and courage.

                                             Values Statement

                             Pastoral care is based on the principle of “in loco parentis.”
   Boarding students are generally considered to be operating at a disadvantage when compared to day students.
 Therefore, the hostel will be run in such a way, on the basis of Christian, family and community values, so that the
  disadvantages are redressed and the enrolled students see their experience as a positive and advantageous one.
                            Our commitment is to high quality pastoral care and includes:

                                  Pastoral care based on experience and sensitivity
                         Encouragement and opportunity to excel at individual endeavours
                 Encouragement and opportunity to participate in the community life of the Hostel
            Access to resources and programmes that redress the disadvantage of living away from home
                               Encouragement and training to develop self discipline
                            Encouragement and opportunity to develop leadership skills
                                             Assistance with job seeking
                                       Consultation with parents and schools

There is an expectation that students will participate in hostel life. Students seeking a place to eat and rest, as a
      maximum level of involvement, would be better suited to alternate accommodation.
Springvale Accommodation Pty Ltd
                                                   ACN 107 705 760
                                                  ABN 68 107 705 760

2-4 Midwood Street                                              Telephone:       Office           (03) 6228 1282
New Town TAS 7008                                                                Manager          0418 133 857
                                                                Facsimile:                        (03) 6228 0298
Postal address:
PO Box 685                                                      E-mail:          springvale@southcom.com.au
Moonah TAS 7009                                                 Web:             www.springvalehostel.com.au

Dear Year 11/12 student,

Thank you for expressing interest in boarding at Springvale Hostel. Springvale is a College hostel and preference is
given to College students ahead of grade 7 to 10 students. However, we are not obliged to take any person simply
because they apply and residence can be refused or withdrawn at any time.

Two big stumbling blocks for College students are the ability to pay fees in advance and the willingness to
participate in community life. Fees must be paid in advance and residence will be withdrawn if you fall in arrears.
If we need to engage a debt collector to recover arrears you will be liable for the debt and the debt collector’s fees.

We expect and require all boarders to participate in the community life of the hostel. This is not arduous or
demanding. You will have to do your fair share of domestic chores (about one week in six) and attend
approximately 2 to 3 events, such as a formal dinner or a House sport, per term. Therefore, if you are seeking
privacy to “do your own thing” and nothing more, Springvale will not be for you.

This package contains all the forms and information you will need. Please return the items that are underlined.
Your application will not be processed unless all the required signatures are received. Keep everything else in
a safe place. Put the fees information sheet on the fridge. You will need it each term.


            Application for Residence                      Parent/Student sign this and return it

            Health Information                             Parent/Student sign this and return it

            Code of Conduct                                Parent/Student sign this and return it

            Residency Conditions and Agreement             Parent/Student sign this and return it

            Fees Payment and Method Form

            Security Deposit Form


            Contact details

            What to bring and what not to bring

            Daily Routine

            “The rules”

            Current Boarding Fees (and explanation of methods of payment).
            Please read this carefully – it could save you money.
You should also supply the following information. Failure to do so may result in you being refused

    •   A copy of your grade ten reference or an equivalent character referee

    •   Your year ten (or equivalent) TCE results

    •   The subjects you are enrolled in at College

It is important that you read and sign all the necessary documents and return them. If you are a new boarder you
must also return a $200 security deposit. This deposit includes a deposit for room and front door keys. It is non-
refundable, and if you do not take up your room your deposit will be forfeited. Once you begin attendance the
deposit can be refunded when you leave (provided keys are returned and your room passes exit inspection), or it can
be deducted from any outstanding fees amount.

We will contact you by phone, once we have processed your application, to confirm your enrolment.


R.V. Gilmour
Springvale Accommodation Pty Ltd
                                                                                      ACN 107 705 760
                                                                                     ABN 68 107 705 760

                                   APPLICATION FOR RESIDENCE (Confidential)
I wish to enrol my child at Springvale Hostel. I agree that my child will be bound by a signed Code of Conduct and
by any other rules that may be instituted from time to time. I agree that fees are to be paid in advance in accordance
with the fees scale for the current year. I agree that if it is necessary for Springvale Accommodation Pty Ltd to
engage a collection agency to recover arrears of fees I will be liable for the full amount of arrears and the cost of
recovery. My security deposit of $200 (new students only) is enclosed.
FAMILY NAME:.....................................................................................................................................................................

STUDENT’S GIVEN NAMES:...............................................................................................................................................

DATE OF BIRTH:                              /             /                                                    GENDER: MALE / FEMALE



WHAT SCHOOL and GRADE IS THE STUDENT IN NOW? ............................................................................................


SCHOOL and GRADE FOR THE COMING YEAR?............................................................................................................


PARENT(S) or GUARDIAN(S) NAME(S):...........................................................................................................................

HOME and/or POSTAL ADDRESS:......................................................................................................................................

.............................................................................................................................. POSTCODE:...........................................

HOME PHONE:..................................................................                       BUSINESS PHONE:...........................................................

PARENT’S MOBILE PHONE: ..............................................................................................................................................

EMAIL ADDRESS:.................................................................................................................................................................

STUDENT’S MOBILE PHONE:............................................................................................................................................

BOARDING DURATION:              5-day                           7-day  □                                                         □
Please indicate whether you will be a 5 or 7-day boarder. Please note the 7-day boarding is NOT available for students in
Grades 7 to 10. Please note that 7-day boarders pay the full 7-day fee whether they occupy their room every weekend or not.
Refunds will not be given for weekends that the student does not board.

ROOM PREFERENCE:                                  Single               □                             Twin Share                  □
Please list below the name(s) of people you would like to share with – even if you have ticked a preference for a single room.
PLEAE NOTE: Single rooms are limited. Requesting a single room does not guarantee it will be delivered. Room allocation is
at the manager’s discretion. Generally Year 11 and 12 students and 7-day boarders will be given priority. High school students
are unlikely to get a single room.

Parent’s Signature................................................................................................ Date:........................................................

Student’s Signature.............................................................................................. Date:........................................................
Date received:                        Security deposit details:                                                       Enrolment confirmed: YES / NO
Springvale Accommodation Pty Ltd
                                                                                   ACN 107 705 760
                                                                                  ABN 68 107 705 760



AGE:............................................................................. DATE OF BIRTH:.......................................................................

GENDER (circle one): MALE/FEMALE

MEDICARE NUMBER:........................................................................................................................................................


If “YES”, please provide fund name and card number:.........................................................................................................

PARENT'S/GUARDIAN'S NAME(S):..................................................................................................................................


Work:...................................................... Home:.................................................. Mobile:..............................................

ALTERNATIVE EMERGENCY CONTACT (Please give address, telephone number and relationship to student):



                                                                      Has you child ever                           Does your child                               Please list any
                                                                        experienced?                            currently experience?                           medications etc.
                                                                      (please circle appropriate                   (please circle appropriate                  currently taken for
                                                                               answer)                                      answer)
                                                                                                                                                                these conditions.

Asthma                                                                       YES / NO                                    YES / NO

Impaired hearing                                                             YES / NO                                    YES / NO

Impaired eyesight                                                            YES / NO                                    YES / NO

Bedwetting or soiling                                                        YES / NO                                    YES / NO

Any allergies (please state)                                                 YES / NO                                    YES / NO

Attention Deficit Disorder                                                   YES / NO                                    YES / NO

Depression or other mental illness                                           YES / NO                                    YES / NO

Any other current illness                                                          NA                                    YES / NO
(please state)

     Please indicate present general health state:.................................................................................................

     Has your child had all routine immunisations?(please circle appropriate): YES / NO
     Please provide a copy of their up-to-date immunisation record.
Please provide any further information you consider the Hostel staff need to know about your child (e.g. habits, diet
requirements, sleep walking, etc.)





Please list any medications that your prefer your child to have/not have.



I certify that all the information contained herein is true to the best of my knowledge.

I accept that in some circumstances it is possible that my child will need hospital treatment including anaesthesia and

If it is impossible to contact me or the other emergency contacts listed I authorise/do not authorise (delete one) the
hostel manager to sign whatever hospital documentation that is required to be signed to ensure the safety and well
being of my child.

Signature of Parent(s)/Guardian(s):....................................................................................................................

Springvale Accommodation Pty Ltd
                                              ACN 107 705 760
                                             ABN 68 107 705 760

                                 SPRINGVALE HOSTEL
                                         Code of Conduct
                                          Year 11 and 12
Living in any community requires some cooperation. The attitude, “I don’t care as long as I’m OK”, will
work for any given individual for a certain time but will ultimately result in friction. Because rules create
black and white situations that cannot meet every occasion and sometimes do not reflect the realities of
life, a set of guidelines has more use. Guidelines explain what is expected and why. They provide an
indication of expected standards of behaviour but leave room for the individual to make choices and accept
responsibility for outcomes. Each member of the Springvale Year 11 and 12 community will be asked to
read, and individually indicate by signing, that they have read and accept the guidelines as a code of
conduct of behaviour while resident at the hostel. Your signed copy of the guidelines should be returned
with your application.

The management of the hostel accept that adolescence is a time of change, excitement and confusion.
Young people are experiencing a range of new changes that vary from the exciting to the frightening.
These changes generate new responsibilities. It is expected that high spirits will be generated from time to
time. During these periods students are still responsible for their conduct and remain financially
responsible for damage or breakage of property belonging to the hostel or private individuals. Part of the
management’s aim is to keep the hostel at the highest level of serviceability. Accidental or unintentional
damage needs to be fixed and the manager should be informed if something gets broken. Vandalism or
deliberate destruction is not acceptable under any circumstances. If such damage does occur the student(s)
will be liable for the damage.

We share the hostel with a group of high school students and it is up to us to remember that they have not
reached our level of maturity or experience. It is also important to remember that they will be influenced
by what they see us do. These constraints apply to management and staff, as well as older boarders.
Therefore, it is expected that negative behaviours like smoking, swearing, violent or abusive language,
intoxication, temper-tantrums, vandalism and other socially unacceptable behaviour will not occur while
boarders are in residence.

Because Springvale is a community, it is expected that year 11 and 12 students will join in the community
activities. Therefore, students will be included in both entertainment and recreation activities and in
domestic chores.

Springvale is a drug and alcohol free zone. Cigarette smokers who are of legal age must leave the
premises to smoke. This applies to staff and students alike. Students who are underage may not smoke
and those who do may be asked to leave the hostel. Students who bring alcohol or drugs onto the premises
will receive little or no sympathy from the management if they are caught. Please be aware that because of
the presence of younger boarders we view this very seriously. It is highly possible that if drugs are found
on the premises that the police will be involved.

Each of us is responsible for personal hygiene and the state of personal living quarters. Everyone is
expected to shower daily and more often if required. Rooms are to be maintained at a reasonable standard
and beds are to be made each day. Clothing and bed linen should be washed regularly. The manager will
point out problems in these areas privately in the first instance. Difficulties that an individual has can be
overcome if we know there is a problem. However, dirtiness that is simply due to laziness or due to
deliberate desire to offend is unacceptable.
Most safety rules arise from experience; quite often bitter experience. Safety will not be compromised and
in areas where legislation applies the hostel has a responsibility to ensure that the right thing is done.
Under no circumstance will tampering with safety equipment, such as fire extinguishers or smoke
detectors, be viewed lightly. Safety rules are non-negotiable. Boarders are reminded that helmets are
mandatory when on bicycles on a public street and advisable if on a skateboard or roller blades.

Students with a car or motorbike are welcome to park it at Springvale. Because the staff live here, they
have priority of parking spaces (such as they are). If a vehicle is used in a way that creates a nuisance, the
owner will be asked to remove it. “Nuisance” covers such things as noisy exhausts, loud revving,
wheelies, “block bombing”, inappropriate parking and using the vehicle to discourage others from
attending school. We cannot condone the use of vehicles for illegal purposes. High school students are
not to be taken in college students’ cars or on motorcycles.

A fair amount of equipment is available at Springvale and we are always aiming to improve standards of
service. At the same time we manage to keep costs down by expecting a high standard of responsibility
from boarders. Here are some of the expectations: If using kitchen materials outside of regular meal times
– clean up, wash up and put away anything used. If an electrical appliance is finished with – turn it off.
Use all equipment in the way it was designed to be used. If it is broken or needs maintenance let a staff
member know. Turn off unused lights.

Adolescence is often a period when first serious romantic relationships are formed. These relationships
can be joyful, but have the potential to be very painful. In an environment such as Springvale it would be a
miracle if relationships were not formed between boarders. Because the demonstrated signs of affection
can be embarrassing for others, activities such as embracing, hugging, kissing and so on are not
encouraged. Discretion will reduce levels of embarrassment and envy. Under no circumstances should
boarders enter each other’s rooms. If it is necessary to be in another’s room for the purposes of study the
door should be left open. The Golden Rule: No Fraternisation!

It is an unfortunate fact of life that our daily routines are driven by the needs of others. At Springvale we
are governed by time factors, the cost of wages, legal considerations, and expectations of parents more
than we are governed by the expectations of boarders. This applies to staff as well as boarders.
Consequently, we function to a daily routine. Boarders are expected to comply with that routine wherever
possible. Breakfast timetables are strict and it is a requirement that each student gets out of bed and
attends breakfast. The routine is sufficiently flexible to meet individual needs but some things need to be
pointed out. Late meals are available but the kitchen staff needs to be notified. As a general rule the
curfew for year 11 and 12 boarders is 10:00pm. Boarders are to be in their own dorms by 10:30pm and
lights out at 11:00pm. Individuals seeking some variation to this general rule can discuss their needs with
the staff. If this routine seems overly constraining then it may be that hostel life is not for you.

The hostel will not compel any year 11 or 12 student to study and recognises that most students have large
amounts of free time during the college week. However, provision will be made for those students wishing
to study at the hostel and study is encouraged. Staff are well aware of the competitive nature of the job
market and it is recognised that the best guarantee of success at obtaining employment remains a good
education. Students wishing to do extended after-hours study should negotiate with staff.

Staff are entrusted with a responsibility and the governing principle is in loco parentis, or literally, acting
as parents. If some incident occurs that goes beyond the confines of the hostel, it is by this principle that
staff and the hostel will be judged. Consequently, staff are instructed to err on the side of caution. By the
same token we recognise that older students need a greater degree of autonomy and should have room to
make mistakes so they can learn from them. There are very few situations that cannot be settled by
negotiation and wherever possible discussion should occur on mutually respectful terms. In public places
staff and boarders should address each other in terms that indicate mutual respect. Excessive familiarity is
not needed and is probably undesirable in view of the responsibility entrusted to the staff.

Experience has shown that many of the problems that do arise stem from the inability or unwillingness of
boarders to be responsible for visitors. Therefore, boarders are not permitted to bring visitors to the hostel
without prior approval. In any case, visitors are not to be taken into boarder’s bedrooms or into any private
areas of the hostel. Visitors should be off the premises prior to 8:45pm when the youngest boarders begin
going to bed.

When an issue arises that indicated a disciplinary measure is required there are a number of possibilities
that may occur. In most instances direct negotiation between the management and the student may be all
that is necessary. If issues are unresolved by negotiation then parents or teachers may be included in the
discussion. Solutions may include making good of damage, apologising to others involved, a written
undertaking not to repeat the offending actions and so on. The management reserve the right to refuse
continued accommodation to any individual if it is the management’s belief that the continued residence of
that individual is not in the best interests of the hostel or its other boarders.

I have read the guidelines for conduct at Springvale Hostel and agree to accept them as a framework for
my behaviour.

Name of Student:............................................... Signature of Student:...........................................

Name of Parent/Guardian:................................. Signature of Parent/Guardian:.............................

Springvale Accommodation Pty Ltd
                                              ACN 107 705 760
                                             ABN 68 107 705 760


This is not a complete inventory of rules and regulations but defines the major conditions of boarding life.
The following conditions apply to all boarders resident at Springvale:

   •   The hostel operates on Christian values. We aim to encourage a family and community ethos. All
       boarders are required to participate in any community activities that may organized from time to

   •   All fees must be paid a minimum of TWO WEEKS in ADVANCE.

   •   The resident/parent is liable for any costs incurred by the hostel as a result of having to engage a
       debt collection agency to recover bad debts.

   •   Rooms and bed spaces are rented for the school year and fees are due for the full year whether or
       not the student sleeps in the room for the full year.

   •   Refunds may be given for absences of longer than two weeks, but refunds cannot be taken for
       granted. Applications for refunds must be in writing and addressed to the manager.

   •   The hostel accepts no liability for loss or damage of residents’ personal property unless such
       property has been handed to a member for staff for safekeeping.

   •   The person(s) causing the damage will pay for any damage caused to hostel property by deliberate,
       negligent or careless behavior including the triggering of the fire alarm system. Where damage
       occurs in a room the occupant(s) of that room will be regarded as liable for the cost unless they
       disclose the name of the person(s) causing the damage. Damage due to fair wear and tear is not
       regarded as a recoverable cost.

   •   All residents are required to sign and abide by a Code of Conduct and any other rules that are in
       place or that may be amended from time to time


 I/We (full name of parent(s)/guardian(s))_______________________________________________
_have read and understand the above conditions of residence. I/We agree that my/our child and I will be
 bound by them.

Signature(s)_____________________________________________                Date       /       /

I (full name of student)_____________________________________________________________
__have read and understand the above conditions of residence. I agree that I will be bound by them.

Signature ______________________________________________                 Date       /       /
Springvale Accommodation Pty Ltd
                                  ACN 107 705 760
                                 ABN 68 107 705 760

2-4 Midwood Street                           Telephone:   Office        (03) 6228 1282
New Town TAS 7008                                         Manager       0418 133 857
                                             Facsimile:                 (03) 6228 0298
Postal address:
PO Box 685                                   E-mail:      springvale@southcom.com.au
Moonah TAS 7009                              Web:         www.springvalehostel.com.au

                     SPRINGVALE HOSTEL
                       Contact Details
Street Address:       2-4 Midwood Street
                      New Town TAS 7008

Postal Address:       PO Box 685
                      Moonah TAS 7009

Telephones:           Office, Deputy Manager and Duty Supervisor(s)
                            (03) 6228 1282

                      Use this number to speak to the duty manager or the
                      supervisor(s) on duty.
                      Best times to call are before (7:00 – 7:30 am) and after
                      breakfast (8:00-8:30 am) and after school until bedtime (3:00
                      – 10:00pm). Please don’t call during dinner (5:45 – 6:30 pm)
                      or homework (7:00 – 8:30 pm).

                          0418 133 857

                      Use this number to speak to the manager, Bob Gilmour,
                      during normal business hours. Please don’t call Bob on the
                      weekends unless it is urgent. You wouldn’t call the school
                      Principal or teachers on the weekend or of an evening when
                      they are at home, so please consider the time before calling.
                      Most things can be dealt with the next morning or on

Facsimile:            (03) 6228 0298

E-mail:               springvale@southcom.com.au

Web:                  www.springvalehostel.com.au
Springvale Accommodation Pty Ltd
                                            ACN 107 705 760
                                           ABN 68 107 705 760

                                SPRINGVALE HOSTEL
                                         Daily Routine

The following schedule is subject to change from time to time. Some variations occur for Year 11 ad 12

     7:00am                             Everybody wakes up and gets up

     7:00 to 8:10am                     Breakfast, showering, room tidy and lunch cutting

     8:10am                             Room inspection

     8:15 to 8:30am                     Leave for school

     3:00pm                             Hostel reopens for grades 7 to 10

     3:10 to 4:30pm                     Afternoon tea

     5:45pm                             Evening meal

     7:00 to 8:30pm                     Self directed study (may vary with daylight savings)

     8:30pm                             Supper

     9:20pm                             Grade 7/8 boarders shower and ready for bed

     9:50pm                             Grade 9/10 boarders shower and ready for bed

     10:30pm                            Year 11/12 boarders to be in their own dorms and ready for bed.
                                        Year 11/12 boarders shower daily to suit individual timetables.

     11:00pm                            Lights out and Hostel secured. Only Year 11/12 boarders who
                                        have made individual arrangements with staff should still be up.
Springvale Accommodation Pty Ltd
                                                   ACN 107 705 760
                                                  ABN 68 107 705 760

2-4 Midwood Street                                               Telephone:       Office           (03) 6228 1282
New Town TAS 7008                                                                 Manager          0418 133 857
                                                                 Facsimile:                        (03) 6228 0298
Postal address:
PO Box 685                                                       E-mail:          springvale@southcom.com.au
Moonah TAS 7009                                                  Web:             www.springvalehostel.com.au

Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s),

If you are reading this then it is probable that your child is about to begin a career as a boarder and will be living
away from home for the first time. It is a stressful period for both parents and boarders. Sometimes it seems to me
that it is more stressful for the parents than the boarders. There are some things that can be done to minimise this


    •   Before sending you son or daughter, come and see the Hostel first-hand and meet the staff.
    •   Read the information package carefully. It tells you nearly everything you need to know.
    •   If you have questions, ring and ask before term opens - but not during the holiday break (around mid-
        December to mid-January each year).
    •   Share the load. Boarding is a family experience and all members of the family should be involved. Don't
        leave it to one parent and the child. Both parents should be involved and Grandparents can often be useful
    •   Plan your first day carefully - do not leave it to the last minute.
    •   Make sure that you are confident that your child has everything they need. If you are feeling confident then
        it is easier for the new boarder to feel confident.

I cannot stress confidence enough. Every year we see that it is the confident children who adapt fastest and suffer
least from homesickness. The major cause of loss of confidence is often a lack of skill, especially personal care
skills. Make sure your child knows how to use a washing machine and dryer, wash and dry dishes, put on their own
clothes in the morning, make their own beds, look after their own personal hygiene and cut their own lunch. If your
son/daughter does not already do these things, spend the summer training them how to. They will have to do all of
this in the Hostel and there is nothing more confidence sapping for a boarder than to find out that they can't do these
things, that suddenly a parent is not around to do it for them, and that other kids don’t seem to have any troubles at

This may sound silly to some parents but over the years we have had boarders who could not dress themselves, tie
their own laces, tie a school tie, use an iron, make toast, cut lunch or mix up cordial for a drink bottle. This lack of
skill and the subsequent lack of confidence will leave the student floundering and boarding can quickly become an
unpleasant experience. Staff and senior students will be assigned to identify and help overcome these problems but
the boarders can settle so much faster if they can already look after themselves to some extent.

    •   If possible, make sure you already know at least one other person who is coming to Springvale. It will be
        even better if that person is in the same grade.
    •   Bring some of your favourite things; this will help make your room seem more like home.
    •   If there are things you do not already know how to do: like making beds, drying dishes or ironing your
        clothes, then make mum or dad teach you. You will need to know these things when you are a boarder.
    •   Read all the information, especially the Code of Conduct. This will tell you what your rights and
        responsibilities are.
    •   Get Mum or Dad to bring you to see the Hostel. Spend a bit of time finding your way around, that way it
        will not seem so strange on the first day of term.


Springvale wants your boarding experience to be a positive and happy one and we will do everything we can to
ensure that it is. If you can help out by making sure you are well prepared then the whole thing becomes so much


R.V. Gilmour
Springvale Accommodation Pty Ltd
                                                      ACN 107 705 760
                                                     ABN 68 107 705 760

                                            SPRINGVALE HOSTEL
                                      What to bring and what not to bring

The following personal items are required:
    • School uniforms or equivalent clothing
    • Bedding (most bring a quilt/doona, sheets, pillow-case and pillow)
    • Casual clothing suitable for wearing after school
    • Nightwear, including a dressing gown and slippers
    • Bathers
    • Towel(s) and face washer
    • Personal hygiene gear (brush/comb, toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, shampoo/conditioner etc)
    • Shoe cleaning kit
    • Lunch box and a drink bottle
    • A wash bag for soiled linen and clothing
    • Thongs to wear in the shower
    • Large bag(s) for packing up (the striped bags available at Chickenfeed are ideal).

Please make sure that all items are clearly and indelibly marked with the student’s name.
As wardrobe and drawer space is limited do not bring non-essential items.
Students may bring a bicycle, roller-blades and a personal stereo.
Skateboards are NOT permitted unless the appropriate agreement has been signed.
College students may bring a television for use in their room.

Please note:      On some weekends (about 4 a year) students are required to pack up their room to make space available for
visiting groups. This commercial business is essential to the Hostel budget and allows us to keep fees at an absolute minimum.
Students should bring one or two large bags to enable them to pack up their room. “Candy-striped” bags can be purchased at
Chickenfeed. When rooms are packed up for weekends belongings can be stored at the hostel.

  • Knives of any kind
  • Spray deodorants and hairspray
  • Firearms or parts of firearms, bullets or ammunition
  • Cigarette lighters or matches
  • Televisions (Grade 7 to 10 students)
  • Water pistols or spray guns
  • Slingshots
  • Pets
  • Chewing gum
  • Water bombs
  • Tools of any kind

Any item such as those described above will be confiscated. Dangerous items will be destroyed.

Please note:       Spray deodorants and hairsprays can activate the smoke-detectors/fire alarms. Activation of the alarms
requires the fire brigade to turn out. The brigade bill us an amount of $430 for each false alarm and we will be very happy to
forward this bill to the parents of any student responsible for causing such an alarm. As a matter of course, any wilful,
negligent, stupid or reckless damage caused by a student will become the financial responsibility of the student and/or their
Springvale Accommodation Pty Ltd
                                                  ACN 107 705 760
                                                 ABN 68 107 705 760

                                    SPRINGVALE HOSTEL
                                                    The Rules

We do not have a “Book of Rules” as such. Such a thing would be a pointless exercise and a book of “thou shalt
nots” becomes a restrictive and activity killing dead weight. Our expectation is that people will honour their own
signatures on the Code of Conduct and keep their behaviour within those guidelines. Below are some of the “Thou
shalt nots” that occur when people don’t stay inside the guidelines.

    • Students are not be out of bed before 0700hrs. Some leeway must be given to year 11/12 students, but not if it
      means they are getting up to spend 45 minutes each in the shower! Hot water is plentiful but not unlimited!
    • At 0700 all students will wake up and get moving.
    • Stereos will be at normal speaking volume.
    • Water wars, yelling, throwing toilet rolls and toilet tissue, bullying, hazing, ducking, flushing initiations and
      rough-housing in the showers/toilets are not on.
    • Every student will shower daily and more often if needed.
    • By 0810hrs each student will be up, dressed, breakfasted and ready for room inspection. Lunch cutting is
    • Hats are not to be worn in the dining room.
    • Students are to be appropriately dressed for all meals. Tank tops, dirty clothing and overly revealing clothes
      are to be replaced. Footwear must be worn at all times.
    • Students, especially their hands, are to be clean for all meals.
    • Thanks will be given at the evening meal. There will be silence before and during Thanks.
    • At all times the noise level in the dining room should be held down to conversational level.
    • At all times the behaviour in any area of the hostel is to be consistent with common courtesy rules.
    • Students are not to run, yell, scream, swear, fight, throw/kick balls, skate, cycle, draw, or scribble, in any
      corridor or room of the hostel.
    • Students are not, at any time, to be in any other student’s room. This applies to all students and all rooms.
      Year 11/12 students who have asked permission may be in each others rooms for the purpose of study only,
      but they must have the door open at all times.
    • At room inspection the rubbish is to be picked up off the floor, bins are to be emptied into wheelie bins, not in
      the corridor, beds are to be made, wardrobes and drawers tidied. This is the minimum.
    • All students are to be gone by 8:20 am unless ill.
    • Ill students may remain at the hostel. Schools and parents must be notified that students are ill.
    • On returning from school all students will change into casual clothes before afternoon tea.
    • All foodstuffs are to be consumed in the dining room. Food/drink of any kind is not to be taken into dorms.
    • Chewing gum is not permitted.
    • Students must sign the leave board before leaving and on return.
    • Grade 7-10 students are to be back by 5:30 pm. They are not to leave the hostel after that unless it is on an
      organised outing and we know about it. A signed note from parents is required.
    • Mobile phones are permitted but are to be turned off during homework, meals and after lights out.
    • Self-directed study starts at 7:00 pm. Students need something to write on and write with, and enough work to
      keep busy for the study period. This is the minimum standard. The noise level during study is to be
      conducive to work.
    • During self-directed study all students should be in their rooms or an approved study area.
    • After self-directed study students may watch TV or be in other public areas of the hostel.
    • Any potentially dangerous activity is to be supervised.
    • Students are not to congregate in the corridors. If they want to assemble in groups they are to be in the public
    • Students are not to congregate by the phone. One person on the phone – everyone else, somewhere else.
    • Students are not to sit at the phone. They are to stand.
    • All visitors are to stay in the public spaces and are to leave at 9:00 pm.
    • Skateboards are banned unless the required agreement is signed.
•   TV watching is banned after breakfast (all days) and after school (unless the weather is wet).
    •   Students are to get ready for bed early enough so that lights are ready to go out at the appointed bedtime.
    •   Students are not to back chat, swear at, disobey or argue with staff.
    •   Before bed all toileting, filling of drink bottles, washing etc is to be complete. After lights out the students are
        to settle to sleep – nothing else.
    •   Unless studying the 11/12’s are to “lights out” at 11:00 pm.
    •   All of the behaviour rules listed above apply to 11/12 in general terms.
    •   The private property of any individual is out of bounds to all others at all times.
    •   The property of Springvale is out of bounds to students at all times. Students are not to take or move chairs,
        wardrobes, desks etc without seeking the approval from the manager.
    •   The blanket store, linen stores, cleaners stores, pantries and cool rooms, fire extinguishers, hose reels and
        switch boards, staff quarters and staff bathrooms are out of bounds at all times. Entry is to be only, and
        totally, under supervision.
    •   Students are not to ride bicycles or roller blades indoors, nor are these things to be taken to dorms. Students
        on bikes are to wear helmets.
    •   The hostel is a drug and alcohol free zone. It is unlawful for people under 18 to have or use alcohol, cigarettes
        and non-medical drugs.

These rules apply generally to all students, including year 11/12, although there are areas where 11/12s will be given
leeway. The list of rules is by no means exhaustive, but if you haven’t got the picture by now you never will. These
seem to be the common areas where students get into trouble and find themselves being disciplined.
Springvale Accommodation Pty Ltd
                                                ACN 107 705 760
                                               ABN 68 107 705 760

                          BOARDING FEE INFORMATION
                     PLEASE read this. It could save you money, embarrassment or both:

Our preference is that payments are made in four (4) installments, promptly at the beginning of each term.
You may also elect to pay the full year’s fee and receive a 5% discount. We can accept cash, personal
cheque, bank cheque, money order, EFTPOS or arrange for direct deposit. Eligible students can also set
up payments via Centrelink Centrepay, Assistance for Isolated Children (AIC) or Abstudy.

We will also accept payment by smaller installments.

PLEASE NOTE the following information if you decide to pay in small installments:-

   •   We will ONLY accept payment via regular DIRECT DEPOSIT or via CENTRELINK’S
       CENTREPAY facility
   •   All small installments will attract a $5.00 administration fee
   •   All small installments must be paid IN ADVANCE

Direct Deposit
   • Payments should be sent to CBA BSB 067-100, Account Number 1012 9963
   • All direct deposits need to include the student’s name so the payment can be identified
   • Please forward a copy of the bank transfer details (by mail or fax 6228 0298) to assist us in
       reconciling your payment

Centrelink - Centrepay
   • Students who are receiving Centrelink can arrange for fees to be directly paid to Springvale
      Accommodation on a fortnightly basis using Centrelink’s Centrepay facility
   • You will need to set this up well before the start of 1st Term
   • You will need to provide Centrelink with Springvale Accommodation’s Organisation CRN, which
      is 555 057 085 B for the purposes of Centrepay

Assistance for Isolated Children (AIC) and Abstudy
   • If eligible, you will need to contact Centrelink to organize for payment via these methods.
   • You will need to provide Centrelink with Springvale Accommodation’s Organisation CRN, which
       is 555 014 161 V for the purposes of AIC and Abstudy.

Students who are managing their own affairs MUST organize for payment of
boarding fees via DIRECT DEPOSIT or through Centrepay (a service offered by

All new students must return a security deposit of $200 with their application. Returning students do not
need to do this. If no deposit is forwarded, no room will be allocated. If a room is allocated but the
student does not take it up, the deposit is forfeited. Security deposits will be refunded when the student
leaves the hostel if the room is left clean, tidy and undamaged, if all keys are returned and if all fees are up
to date. You will need to apply in writing to have you security deposit refunded.
Students are enrolled for the school year and are required to pay the annual fee. Therefore, short weeks,
public holidays and absences have no effect on the total fee required to be paid.

Seven-day boarding is available to College students only. Students who have indicated in their
Application that they are 7-day boarders will be required to pay the full annual 7-day boarding fee,
whether they travel home on some weekends or elect to stay at the hostel on all weekends. No discount
will be given for weekends not spent at the hostel.

Unless special circumstances exist boarders will not be accommodated over Easter or Term Holidays. No
fees are charged for Easter or Term Holidays. Students may be required to remove their belongings from
their dormitories over holidays.

Except for 7-day boarders SPRINGVALE ACCOMMODATION retains the right to use rooms for other
purposes at weekends. Students may be required to pack and store belongings for some weekends (about 4
per year). Occasional weekend boarding for 5-day boarders will be considered in special circumstances.
Arrangements must be made well in advance and a fee will be charged.

All parents/boarders will be required to sign a tenancy agreement (enclosed in the enrolment package) that
highlights the major conditions of board payments and arrears recovery.

Students are enrolled for the whole year and are expected to pay the full annual fee. There are no
automatic refunds for any type of absence and we are under no obligation to give refunds. If you think that
you are entitled to a refund you must apply in writing. Each case will be judged on its merits. Refunds
may be considered where a student incurs a long absence through illness; through representing their
school/state/country in any event; or where the student has been withdrawn from the hostel for any reason.
Refunds will be calculated to a maximum of 80% of the fees paid. When students are suspended, excluded
or expelled refunds may not be given.

A minimum of 2 weeks notice of intention to withdraw is required. In the absence of such notice fees
must be paid for the notice period. Fees are not required to be paid once a student has been withdrawn.
If a student is withdrawn a written application for a refund of unused fees should be forwarded to the

Through the school week parents visiting students are very welcome to stay overnight if we have available
space. There will be no charge for this. Parents are welcome to board at weekends at the same cost as
Springvale Accommodation Pty Ltd
                                                ACN 107 705 760
                                               ABN 68 107 705 760

                    PLEASE complete and return this form with your application.

   1. Please indicate who will be responsible for paying the fees:

                □ Parent(s)/Guardian(s):                Name(s).......................................................

                □ Student:                              Name...........................................................

   2. Please select one option by ticking the box:

                □ I will be paying the annual discounted fee.
                •   Payments can be made by cheque, cash, EFTPOS or by Direct Deposit.

                □ I will be paying by term installments.
                •   This option consists of a total of 3 payments, due by the end the first week of each term.
                •   Payments can be made by cheque, cash, EFTPOS or by Direct Deposit.

                □ Term payments will be sent via Assistance for Isolated Children (AIC)
                •   Please ensure that you have made arrangements with AIC well before the start of the 1st term.

                □ Term payments will be sent via Abstudy.
                •   Please ensure that you have made arrangements with AIC well before the start of the 1st term.

IMPORTANT: If you elect to pay by small installment the ONLY payment options we will accept
             • Regular DIRECT DEPOSIT to Springvale Accommodation, or
             • CENTRELINK deposit to Springvale Accommodation using CENTREPAY

                □ I would like to arrange pay by WEEKLY small installment
                □ I would like to arrange pay by FORTNIGHTLY small installment
                □ I would like to arrange pay by FOUR WEEKLY small installment
                •   Details about DIRECT DEPOSITS and CENTRELINK CENTREPAY can be found on the FEE
                    INFORMATION sheet.
                •   Please ensure that you have made arrangement for your preferred payment method well before the
                    beginning of 1st Term.
                •   Payments need to be made IN ADVANCE and on a REGULAR basis.

   Please indicate which method you will use to make small installments:

                □ DIRECT DEPOSIT                               □ CENTREPAY
Springvale Accommodation Pty Ltd
                                                                                                          ACN 107 705 760
                                                                                                         ABN 68 107 705 760

                                                                                   SECURITY DEPOSIT
                                                      PLEASE complete and return this form with your application.

Student’s Name:..................................................................................................................
        •        All new students must return a security deposit of $200 with their application.
        •        If no deposit is forwarded, no room will be allocated.
        •        If a room is allocated but the student does not take it up, the deposit is forfeited.
        •        Security deposits will be refunded when the student leaves the hostel if the room is left clean, tidy
                 and undamaged, if all keys are returned and if all fees are up to date.

Please select one option by ticking the appropriate box:

□ I have enclosed a cheque/money order for $200
        •        Please make cheque payable to SPRINGVALE ACCOMMODATION PTY LTD

□ I have directly credited $200 to Springvale Accommodation
        •        Direct Deposit can be made to the CBA Account Name: Springvale Accommodation Pty Ltd, BSB: 067-100, Account
                 Number: 1012 9963
        •        Please ensure that you use the student’s FIRST NAME and SURNAME with the payment so we are able to identify
                 your payment on our bank statement
        •        Please provide evidence of payment, such as a copy of the bank transfer details

□ I have paid Springvale Accommodation by EFTPOS, date: □□/□□/□□□□
        •        This can be done over the phone in most cases. We accept VISA and MasterCard
        •        Please provide the date that your payment was made

□ Other (eg cash), please give details..............................................................................
        •        Please note that you need to contact us to discuss any other arrangement before completing your application and
                 returning it.
                                   FOR OFFICE USE ONLY
SECURITY DEPOSIT RECEIVED:                                                                                                                                                     Date:     ........./........./.........................


KEYS RETURNED:                                                                                                                                                                 Date:     ........./........./.........................


ROOM INSPECTION COMPLETED:                                                                                                                                                     Date:     ........./........./.........................


SECURTIY DEPOSIT RETURNED/PART RETURNED/NOT RETURNED:                                                                                                                          Date:     ........./........./.........................

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