Page created by Bill Hale

Congratulations and welcome to
Western Sydney University.
You are one step closer to experiencing world class
education from leading academics in Australia.
You will learn from internationally recognised,
ground-breaking researchers, and from highly
qualified lecturers who are passionate about
teaching and learning.
We prepare our students to achieve great things
in their communities, their workplaces, and the
world. We will equip you with practical skills and
real-life experiences to future-proof your career;
with work experience placements, internships,
international mobility opportunities, and
volunteering options.
Here at Western it’s all about you. We care.
We’ll support you wherever you want to go.
This International Offer booklet will explain
the excellent services and facilities we offer that
will help you to maximise your potential while
at Western Sydney University. I look forward to
welcoming you soon.

Associate Professor Linda Taylor
Pro Vice-Chancellor, International

2                                                     Western Sydney University


                                    New Student Orientation
   Welcome                      2
   Studying in 2021             4
   Accept your offer            6
   Apply for your visa          7   Orientation for our new International Students is specifically
   Get organised                8   designed to enable a smooth transition to study in Australia
   Enrol                       10   and will be your first chance to meet your Course Advisor and
   Attend Orientation          12   learn information specific to Western. Orientation attendance is
   Things you should know      13   compulsory so please ensure you check your Offer of Admission
   Pathway Programs            15
                                    letter for the details of when your Orientation will be held.
   Services and facilities     17
   Helpful links               18   More information on page 12.
   Fees and Refund Agreement   19

                                    ACADEMIC CALENDAR

                                    WESTERN SYDNEY UNIVERSITY                  WESTERN SYDNEY UNIVERSITY
                                                                               THE COLLEGE
                                    UNDERGRADUATE AND
                                    POSTGRADUATE PROGRAMS                      FOUNDATION STUDIES AND
                                                                               DIPLOMA PROGRAMS 2021
                                    Autumn 2021                                Term 1: 1 March – 28 May
                                    Orientation date: 19 February              Term 2: 28 June – 3 October
                                    Course Advice Sessions: 22 – 25 February   Term 3: 25 October – 29 January 2022
                                    Session dates: 1 March – 27 June
                                                                               COMMUNICATING IN ENGLISH ACADEMIC
                                                                               ENGLISH FOR TERTIARY STUDIES 2021
                                    Autumn Inter-session break:
                                                                               15 February – 23 April
                                    28 June – 18 July
                                                                               26 April – 2 July
                                                                               5 July – 10 September
                                    Spring 2021
                                                                               13 September – 19 November
                                    Orientation date: 9 July
                                                                               22 November – 11 February 2022*
                                    Course Advice Sessions: 12 – 16 July       *Denotes periods where the Christmas break is in effect:
                                    Session dates: 19 July – 14 November       18 December 2021 to 2 January 2022

                                                                               ADVANCED ACADEMIC ENGLISH SKILLS
                                    Inter-session break:
                                    15 November – 6 March 2022
                                                                               Module A: Reading and Writing
                                                                               4 January – 12 February
                                    Quarterly Sessions 2021
                                                                               26 April – 4 June
                                    Quarter 1                                  7 June – 16 July
                                    Orientation: 6 January                     11 October – 19 November
                                    Session dates: 11 January – 28 March       3 January 2022 – 11 February 2022
                                    Quarter 2
                                    Orientation: 31 March                      ADVANCED ACADEMIC ENGLISH SKILLS
                                    Session dates: 6 April – 20 June           2021
                                                                               Module B: Listening and Speaking
                                    Quarter 3                                  7 June – 2 July
                                    Orientation: 23 June                       23 November – 17 December
                                    Session dates: 28 June – 12 September
                                    Quarter 4                                  MASTER OF TEACHING DIRECT ENTRY
                                    Orientation: 15 September                  ENGLISH PROGRAM 2021
                                    Session dates: 20 September –              22 March – 11 June
                                    5 December                                 13 September – 3 December
                                                                               BACHELOR OF NURSING DIRECT ENTRY
                                                                               ENGLISH PROGRAM 2021
                                                                               13 September – 3 December
                                                                               25 October 2021 – 28 January 2022                                                                                                                      3


The COVID-19 pandemic has           ONLINE DELIVERY                                   CORONAVIRUS SUPPORT HOTLINE
created unprecedented challenges    As we move into recovery from the                 Our dedicated Coronavirus Support Hotline
for all of us – disrupting how we   pandemic we will see a hybrid model of            provides assistance and advice, linking
work, how we study, and how we      teaching with both face-to-face classes           students to the support they need. To contact
                                    resuming on campus coupled with online            the Hotline phone +61 2 9852 5399, Monday
connect with each other socially.   delivery to enable our students who have          to Friday from 8am to 5pm AEST, or email
                                    arrived in Australia to begin their studies.
We want to assure you we are
doing everything we can to          We are committed to providing a high-             Western Sydney University is continually
support our international student   quality educational experience, and the           reviewing all University operations; acting on
community through this difficult    University community is working together          the latest Australian Government and health
                                    to ensure you are supported in your               authority advice; taking all of the necessary
time. There are a wide range of     studies. The quality of your learning will be     precautions; and doing our part to slow the
measures we have implemented        just as high when you’re studying online,         spread of the virus. To learn more please
for our international students,     as it is when you join us on campus.              visit our Coronavirus Information website.
to help them to continue to
                                    Our academic staff are experienced
enjoy a safe and rewarding          in online curriculum development and
experience at Western.              delivery. We will continue to deliver
                                    world class education through our online
                                    learning environment into 2021.

                                    SUPPORTING YOUR ONLINE STUDY
                                    We want to ensure you feel empowered to
                                    continue to achieve your best. We know online
                                    learning will be new to many of you and we
                                    have support services available to make that
                                    transition as easy as possible.

                                    As a Western Sydney University student, you
                                    will have access to a range of online Academic
                                    Literacy workshops and our Library’s large
                                    collection of online resources is available
                                    anytime, including Study Smart Online a
                                    service that provides assignment feedback.

                                    STUDENT WELFARE AND SUPPORT
                                    We are here to support you. The University
                                    has strengthened its study and welfare
                                    support as part of our inclusion of online
                                    teaching, with a range of support services
                                    now available online. This includes free,
                                    confidential counselling as well as our student
                                    mentoring program, MATES. Information
                                    about the wellbeing support available to you
                                    can be found on our Wellbeing webpage.

4                                                                                                             Western Sydney University


COVID-19 SPECIAL                                  STUDENT VISA REFUSAL OUTCOME                       ENGLISH LANGUAGE REQUIREMENT

TEMPORARY                                         If you commence study online and
                                                  subsequently receive a student visa
                                                                                                     If you have been issued an offer on the
                                                                                                     basis of meeting the University’s English
CONDITIONS                                        refusal outcome, you will be eligible to           language requirements via any temporary
                                                  receive a full refund of the tuition fees you      alternative test called the IELTS Indicator
The information below outlines                    have paid. To receive a full refund, you           Test or TOEFL iBT Special Home Edition test,
temporary arrangements to assist                  must submit your refund request within             you acknowledge that this test may not meet
our new international students                    two weeks of your Department of Home               the English language requirement for your
based overseas, to commence                       Affairs (DHA) visa refusal notification.           student visa application to DHA. It will be your
in an online environment in                                                                          responsibility to meet these requirements.
                                                  You may have the option to continue and            You must have taken the English language
the following 2021 intakes:                       complete your studies for the session you are      test in the two years before you apply for
                                                  enrolled in and to receive a transcript of the     a student visa.
≥ Quarter 1 (January)
                                                  units you have completed in that session. If
≥ Quarter 2 (April)                               you choose this option, you will not be eligible
≥ Autumn Session (March)                          to receive a refund and you will not be able
                                                  to continue in a subsequent session when the
ONLINE DELIVERY AND YOUR STUDENT VISA             University ceases online delivery.

You will commence your course via online          If your student visa is refused after you have
study. If you are offshore, please ensure you     completed your first session of study, you
apply for your student visa as soon as possible   will be required to discontinue enrolment
prior to enrolment in your course. Once           and withdraw from your course. You will
travel restrictions are lifted and face-to-face   still receive a transcript of the units you
teaching commences on campus, you will be         have completed in the session of study
required to make immediate arrangements to        you commenced in.
obtain a valid student visa to enter Australia
and complete your course on-campus in             CERTIFIED DOCUMENTS
                                                  If you are not able to submit certified
Please note, some units may not be offered        documents prior to the commencement of
online. You may need to complete these units      your session, please contact International
when you are onshore in Australia.                Admissions.                                                                                                                                5

The first thing you will need to do now that      The acceptance fee deposit outlined in          The University encourages you to accept this
you have received your offer, is to formally      your offer will also be payable at the time     offer as quickly as possible to secure your
accept it. Carefully read your offer letter       of accepting. You may choose to pay more        place and avoid disappointment. Places in
that you have received via email from the         than the prescribed amount in your offer        some courses are subject to strict quotas.
University and then complete and submit           letter, this will be credited to your student
your acceptance form via the WSU Online           account. If you do not pay the full amount      For more information on accepting your
Application System. The Acceptance Form           outlined, the outstanding balance will need     offer, visit:
is available in your Offer of Admission letter.   to be paid at enrolment. Payment of the total   internationalaccept
                                                  acceptance fee should be made by logging
Refer to the Responding to your offer             into the WSU Online Application System,         Watch the How to Accept video now.
section in your offer for more details.           accepting your offer and proceeding
                                                  through to the payment gateway.

                                                                                                     PAYMENT OPTIONS
                                                                                                                Onestop – make your
                                                                                                                payment directly to the
                                                                                                                University via Mastercard
                                                                                                                or Visa.

                                                                                                                Flywire – Flywire allows
                                                                                                                you to pay securely from
                                                                                                                banks worldwide offering
                                                                                                                competitive foreign
                                                                                                                exchange rates and no
                                                                                                                hidden fees.

                                                                                                                Western Union – Western
                                                                                                                Sydney University has
                                                                                                                partnered with Western
                                                                                                                Union to provide the
                                                                                                                University with this
                                                                                                                reliable online payment

                                                                                                     Read more about these payment
                                                                                                     methods at

6                                                                                                                        Western Sydney University

APPLY FOR YOUR STUDENT VISA                    VISA CONDITIONS                                EDUCATION SERVICES FOR
                                                                                              OVERSEAS STUDENTS (ESOS)
You must obtain a student visa before you      Student visas come with a number of
come to study in Australia. The University     conditions. It is important that you do not    The ESOS Act regulates the provision of
will issue a Confirmation of Enrolment (COE)   breach them so your visa will not be subject   education to overseas students in Australia.
which you must use to apply for your visa.     to cancellation.                               It covers the conduct of providers
                                                                                              (universities, colleges, and schools), students
Please make sure you allow plenty of time      Immigration publishes a comprehensive list     and the various government departments
for your visa application to be processed by   of visa conditions:                            involved. Its main purpose is to provide
Australian immigration authorities so you               consumer protection for overseas students.
arrive on time to begin classes.                                                              Western Sydney University complies
                                                                                              with the ESOS legislation requirements:
You will need permission from the                                                   
University if you wish to transfer to
another education provider in the first                                                       The Australian Government reviews
six months of your studies. You will be                                                       its Student Visa Program regularly.
required to apply for a new student visa                                                      Please check the Australian immigration
if you change to a lower education level                                                      department website for updates:
course at any time (Bachelor to Diploma                                             
or Certificate, Master to Bachelor, etc).                                                                                                                            7


FINDING THE RIGHT HOME FOR YOU                     Hawkesbury
                                                   Situated amongst heritage buildings,                   TIP: Book your university
Western Sydney University offers a wide range
                                                   extensive sporting facilities, farmland,               accommodation early to avoid
of high-quality, fully furnished accommodation
                                                   orchards and vineyards, the Hawkesbury                 disappointment.
on each campus. Each Village site provides
                                                   campus really is a beautiful place to live. We’ve
a self-catered independent living experience
                                                   got a choice of villa, lodge and townhouse-
with support available 24 hours a day. Our
                                                   style accommodation, as well as a swimming          LIVING OFF CAMPUS
Live, Learn, Grow residential life program
                                                   pool to help you cool off in summer! Located
ensures that there are plenty of opportunities                                                         The Western Sydney region has a vast range
                                                   only 25 minutes from the Penrith campus,
to meet new people, support your studies                                                               of affordable apartments and share housing
                                                   the Hawkesbury village provides a great
and learn new skills. We’re the ideal place to                                                         options. If you are interested in living close
                                                   alternative for Penrith students who want
relax with friends after a hard day of studying!                                                       to the campus, but not on campus, check
                                                   to live in a charming semi-rural landscape.
Find out more about living on-campus at                                                                out popular real estate listing websites in                                                                           Australia, including:
                                                   Nirimba (Blacktown)
                                                   The Nirimba village has a small, close-knit         ≥
                                                   community of residents from all over the            ≥
At Bankstown we’ve got something for
                                                   world. With only 60 residents, we offer friendly
everyone, from quiet villas to brand new,
                                                   villa and lodge-style options with plenty of        Note: these sites are not run by the University.
modern apartments. While you’re here, check
                                                   opportunities to get to know your neighbours!
out our HUGE common area that we’re sure is
the envy of all the other campuses!                                                                    HOMESTAY
Studying at Liverpool campus?                      The Parramatta campus offers a choice of            A homestay with an Australian family
On campus accommodation is not                     stylish one to eight-bedroom apartments.            could also be a suitable option. You get
available at Liverpool campus. However,            Throw in a swimming pool, outdoor workout           to experience Australian culture and it
with public transport accessible between           station, BBQ area, student lounge and TV            can help you settle in quickly, providing
Bankstown and Liverpool, you may wish to           room and you’ve got on-campus living sorted!        the opportunity to participate in the
consider living at Village accommodation                                                               daily routine of an Australian family, and
on our Bankstown campus.                           Penrith                                             to practice your English language skills.
                                                   From townhouses to modern studios and               Single or shared rooms are available, and
Campbelltown                                       apartments, we’ve got something to suit all         your homestay family provide you with
At Campbelltown, you’ll enjoy a unique             budgets. We’re a short walk from the main           meals. Your bedroom will be furnished
balance between city and rural. Located on a       academic area of the campus, which means            with a bed, desk, wardrobe and heating.
quiet campus with plenty of greenery, you’ll       you can wake up and be in class in minutes!         Sheets and blankets are also provided.
be walking distance from public transport                                                    
and a large shopping centre. It’s the best         All Western Sydney accommodation is                 accommodation
of both worlds! The Campbelltown campus            managed by student accommodation
offers a choice of studios, apartments and         specialists, Campus Living Villages (CLV).
                                                                                                       FIND YOUR WAY AROUND CAMPUS
townhouses just minutes from classes.
                                                                                                       Need help getting to campus or finding
                                                                                                       your way around?

    If you choose to live at a Western Sydney University Village located at Bankstown,
    Campbelltown, Hawkesbury or Penrith campuses, you will be eligible for 50% off
    your accommodation. Simply quote promo code International2021 when applying.

    Conditions apply
    For more information visit the Village Accommodation Scholarship website.

8                                                                                                                               Western Sydney University

UNDER 18 – ACCOMMODATION                          AIRPORT PICKUP                                  AIRPORT TRANSPORT SERVICES
All students under 18 years of age are required   The University offers a free airport pick-up    Sydney’s Airport Link Rail Service offers a
to live:                                          service for international students commencing   direct link from Sydney Airport to Sydney’s
a)	with their parent or legal guardian           study at Western Sydney University. The         Central Station, with trains running every
                                                  service provides you with transportation        10-15 minutes. From Central Station, you can
b)	with a suitable relative whom the parent or
                                                  from Kingsford Smith International              catch a train to a station near your campus.
   legal guardian nominates or
                                                  Airport (Sydney) to the University campus
c)	under an accommodation and welfare            accommodation at which you will be staying.     A range of bus, taxi services and other
    arrangement approved by the University.                                                       transfer services are also available at
                                                  Students studying a pathway program             Sydney Airport. For more information,
If you choose option c above, i.e. a              (English, Diploma or Foundation                 visit
University approved accommodation and             Studies) at Western Sydney University
welfare arrangement, the University will be       The College (Bankstown, Nirimba and
responsible for issuing a Confirmation of         Penrith campuses) are also eligible.
Appropriate Accommodation and Welfare
(CAAW).                                           To arrange an airport pick-up, please
                                                  complete the online request form at
Accommodation Arrangements approved     
by the University
To enable the University to issue a
Confirmation of Appropriate Accommodation
and Welfare (CAAW), you must reside with a
homestay family arranged by one of Western
Sydney University’s approved Homestay
≥ Global Experience
≥ Homestay Network

Your parent/guardian must provide evidence
to the University that they have entered
into an accommodation agreement with the
homestay provider which sets out the specific
accommodation arrangements to be provided
for the duration of the agreement. The
accommodation agreement must begin no
later than the commencement date shown on
your Confirmation of Enrolment, and remain
in place for the duration of the student’s
enrolment plus seven days, or until you turn
18 years of age, whichever occurs sooner.

Homestay involves living with an Australian
family. On each weekday, your Homestay
family provide you with two meals, and on
weekends you receive three meals a day.
Single or shared rooms are available. Your
bedroom will be furnished with a bed, desk,
wardrobe and heating. Sheets and blankets
are also provided.                                                                                                                             9

                                                 2. PLAN YOUR COURSE                               Advanced Standing
                                                                                                   Advanced Standing is recognition of prior
     ENROLMENT STEPS                             Check the online handbook for information
                                                                                                   learning in terms of experience and/or studies.
                                                 about the structure of your course and choose
                                                                                                   If you have completed studies at another
     1. Activate your WESTERNACCOUNT             from available units. Your course may have
                                                                                                   recognised institution, you may be eligible for
                                                 a mixture of compulsory or core units that
     2. Plan your course                                                                           Advanced Standing for that study. Credit is
                                                 you have to enrol in, as well as optional units
     3. Login to MySR                                                                              generally assessed on an individual basis at
                                                 (elective units).
                                                                                                   the time of application for admission to the
     4. Complete the online steps
                                                 You can access the handbook at                    University, and is based on evidence.
     5. Select and confirm your units
     6. Save your enrolment receipt and                                                            Make sure you include any academic
        log out                                  Once you’ve selected units, you can plan your     transcripts and awards not already provided
                                                 timetable to make sure your classes don’t         with your original application for admission.
     7. Register for your tutorials
                                                 clash. Access the timetable planner at            All documents must be originals or certified
                                               copies and translated English versions must
                                                 aplus/timetable/#subjects                         be included. If Western Sydney University
                                                                                                   does not have an agreement or articulation in
                                                 More information                                  place with the institution where you studied,
1. ACTIVATE YOUR WESTERN ACCOUNT                                                                   you should provide either a copy of the
                                                 If you need more information or assistance
Once you’ve accepted your offer, paid fees       contact Student Central.                          related subject outline or a web link to assist
as outlined on your Offer of Admission                with assessment of your application. You can
letter and received your confirmation                                                              upload your documents directly to the online
of enrolment (eCOE), the next step is                                                              application portal.
to activate your Western Account.                  TIP
                                                   If you have                                     If you wish to be considered for Advanced
To activate your account, you’ll need              trouble                                         Standing:
your Western Student ID, which you can             selecting
find on your Offer of Admission letter.                                                            a) prior to enrolment in your course
                                                   your units,
                                                                                                   – contact International Admissions at
                                                   you can use
Your Western Account gives you a username                                                   
                                                   the online chat function on our
and password for your access to all our            website to chat to a friendly member
online services, including your student email,                                                     b) after enrolment but prior to the census
                                                   of our team for some help.                      date of your course
My Student Records (MySR – your online
student record), the Library and more.                                                             – apply online via eForms at
We send important information
about your enrolment to your student
email account, not by post, so it’s
important that you check it often.

10                                                                                                                         Western Sydney University

Once you know which units you will enrol in,                                                        Once you’ve enrolled, the final step is to
you can log into MySR to start the enrolment    You must complete all required forms and            register for your tutorials. This is a separate
process.                                        steps in order in MySR: Confirm your Details,       online process through a system called
                                                Surveys & Requirements, Government Forms,           Allocate+. For each unit you’ve enrolled in,
MySR can be accessed at                         Choose Specialisations and Units.                   you’ll need to register your preferred times                                                                  for every lecture, tutorial or practical class in
webconnect                                      Watch the Enrolment video now.                      that unit.

This page will display the steps you need to    5. SELECT AND CONFIRM YOUR UNITS                    You can find more information about tutorial
follow to complete your enrolment. If you are                                                       registration at
                                                You choose your units by adding them to your
accessing MySR from home, you need to be                                                            tutorialregistration
                                                ‘cart’. Make sure you are adding all of the units
aware that:
                                                you intend or are advised to study for the
                                                                                                    Watch the Tutorial Registration video now.
≥ MySR uses pop-up windows. Please ensure       full year. Some students may find core units
  your settings are updated and pop up          already listed, and will only need to confirm
  blocker is turned off for MySR.               their enrolment in these. Other students will
                                                                                                       TIP: Register for your tutorials through
                                                have to add all their units by entering the
≥ You need to have Javascript installed on                                                             Allocate+ as early as possible to avoid
                                                code in the ‘Unit Code’ field. Make sure you
  your computer to use MySR.                                                                           missing out on the class times you want.
                                                remember to click ‘Proceed to checkout’ and
                                                then ‘confirm’ or your enrolment won’t be
Help using MySR is available online at
                                                                                                       If you need help, call Student Central at
Note: English Language Program students         6. SAVE YOUR ENROLMENT RECEIPT
                                                                                                       any time on:
do not enrol on MySR. See below for further     AND LOG OUT
                                                                                                       1300 668 370 (from within Australia) or
information.                                    Once your enrolment has been completed, a              +61 2 9852 5656 (from overseas).
                                                receipt of your enrolment will be displayed.           Alternatively, you can email
                                                Please save and/or print a copy for your      –
   Starting an undergraduate or                 records.                                               just remember to use your student
   postgraduate degree?
                                                                                                       email account to do this.
   The Starting at Western Sydney
   University website has everything you
                                                   TIP: Are you enrolling directly into
   will need to know to succeed at uni.
                                                   an undergraduate (eg. Bachelor) or
   It’s got information about enrolment,
                                                   postgraduate (eg. Master) program?
   orientation, finding your way around
                                                   You need to complete your enrolment
   campus and much more.
                                                   before you attend Orientation. Reach
                                                   out to Student Central for help early
                                                   so that we may assist you in time.

   Are you commencing an English
   language program?
   Enrolment in English language
   program is organised by the English
   Language Programs office at Western
   Sydney University The College.
   On your first day of course, please go
   to Student Central where you will be
   assisted to commence your program.                                                                                                                                    11

STEP 5                                                                    ORIENTATION UPDATE: Due to the COVID-19
                                                                          outbreak, your orientation session may be conducted online.

                                                                          Please visit our international orientation website regularly to
                                                                          keep up to date with developments. For more information, visit

Starting studies at university                                                                 Quarter Intake Session
                                                                                               Students enrolling in postgraduate business
is exciting. Studying in another                  ORIENTATION CHECKLIST                        programs offered by the Sydney Graduate
country is exceptional: a new                     If you plan to get in touch with us          School of Management (SGSM) must attend
environment, new faces, and a                     about your offer or enrolment during         the SGSM Orientation held in the week prior
new way of learning. At Western                   Orientation, please have the following       to classes commencing.
                                                  ready to assist with your enquiry:
Sydney University, we strive
                                                                                               Students enrolling in the Bachelor of Nursing
to play a key, supportive role                      	
                                                     Offer letter                              (Graduate Entry) program are required to
in your academic growth. Our                        	                                         attend their Orientation in early January prior
                                                     Confirmation of Enrolment
Orientation program will help you                                                              to classes commencing.
in your transition to university –                  	
                                                     Photocopy of passport
                                                                                               Check your offer letter for details of your
and to a new chapter in your life.                                                             Orientation.
                                                    	ALL relevant original certificates
Orientation is compulsory for all international       and transcripts from previous
                                                      courses (if applicable) AND one set      For more information, visit
                                                      of photocopies of these documents
Orientation introduces you to the University          for Western Sydney University            orientation
and key staff members, and provides you               undergraduate and postgraduate
with crucial information and advice that              provisional and conditional offers.      ORIENTATION FOR ACADEMIC PATHWAYS
will assist you in adjusting to the living and                                                 PROGRAM STUDENTS
learning environment of the University. You         	Tuition fee payment (ONLY if
                                                                                               For students enrolling at The College
will also receive academic advice about               making payment on the day) – only
                                                                                               (Bankstown, Penrith or Nirimba campuses)
your course and have the opportunity to               a credit card or cheque is accepted.
                                                                                               please visit The College Orientation website
get help with your enrolment and tutorial             Cash will not be accepted.
                                                                                               for session details.
registration if you have been unable to
complete this prior to Orientation.                                                            For more information
Orientation for Autumn session 2021 will be                                                    the-college.html
accessible to you from anywhere in the world,     TIP: For information on how to travel
held online via the Zoom platform.                to Parramatta South campus or how
                                                  to find your way around campus,              ORIENTATION FOR ENGLISH LANGUAGE
For all other Sessions during 2021, please        visit our campus map page:                   PROGRAM STUDENTS
check the Orientation website for details.                  For students enrolling in an English language
                                                                                               program at The College (Sydney Olympic
                                                                                               Park campus) please visit The College English
                                                                                               Language Orientation website for details.
     TIP: Discover all of the online
     workshops and sessions for Orientation
                                                                                               For more information
     month at the Orientation website:
     Undergraduate Orientation
     Postgraduate Orientation

     Already in Australia for Orientation?
     There are a number of face-to-face
     social activities and events available to
     you. Refer to the Orientation websites
     mentioned above to find out more.

12                                                                                                                      Western Sydney University


If you enrol in an English Language program                                                           The fees listed in your offer letter are variable
you must ensure that you complete                 Overseas Student Health Cover is compulsory         and are subject to change without notice on
your English Language program before              for student visa holders. You will need to          an annual basis.
commencing your studies at Western Sydney         purchase OSHC for the proposed duration of
University. All results must be submitted         your student visa and include this payment          ADDITIONAL FEES AND COSTS
to Western Sydney University International        with your tuition fees when accepting an offer
before you commence your studies.                 of study at Western Sydney University. The          Annual tuition fees only cover the cost of
                                                  following cover types are available:                your tuition. They do not include other                                                                 expenses associated with university study
                                                  ≥ Singles: covers only the valid student visa
                                                                                                      such as accommodation, books, equipment,
                                                                                                      photocopying, printing, stationery and living
                                                  ≥ Dual family: covers one valid student visa        expenses.
Students wishing to bring children and/or their     holder plus either one adult spouse or
spouse (dependants) will need to consider           recognised de-facto partner or one or more        Some courses will have additional compulsory
≥ visas                                             dependent children                                costs as a requirement for completion of units
                                                  ≥ Multi- family: covers one student visa            in the course. For example, nursing students
≥ health cover
                                                    holder plus more than one dependant               will be required to obtain a current First Aid
≥ schooling                                                                                           certificate and will have extra costs such as
                                                    which can only include one adult spouse
                                                    or recognised de-facto partner and one or         immunisations and a Lab Pack.
                                                    more dependent children.
                                                                                                      Make sure you find out what additional costs
SCHOOL-AGE DEPENDANTS                                           you’ll have while studying at Western Sydney
All school-age dependants must attend
school in NSW. Please note that school fees                                                 
will apply to all school-age children.
students/index.php                                FIRST DAY OF CLASSES AND LATE START                    TIP: If you need academic
                                                                                                         preparation or English lessons,
                                                  Western Sydney University classes begin on             The College can help you!
GUARDIANSHIP                                      the date specified on your offer letter. If you
When a student is under 18 years of age,          are unable to start on the date specified in
a responsible adult must be nominated to          your offer letter you must apply in advance
supervise that student during their stay in       to receive written permission from Western
Australia. The nomination of a responsible        Sydney University International to begin your
guardian ensures that the student is properly     program late. You must email the admissions
cared for until they are 18 years old.            officer listed in your offer letter and explain
                                                  your reason for the request. If you have not           received written approval for a late start from
                                                  the University you should not leave your home
                                                  country. Please allow 48 hours from request
                                                  for a response from the University.

                                                  NOTE: Requests for approval for a late
                                                  start will NOT be considered if lodged after
                                                  TUESDAY before the first day of classes.

                                                  NOTE: Applicants for the Bachelor of Nursing
                                                  (Graduate Entry) are not able to start at a later
                                                  date. Bachelor of Nursing (Graduate Entry)
                                                  students start in the first week of January.                                                                                                                                  13

PROGRESSION AND ATTENDANCE                          studying at another institution in Australia       WORKING WHILE STUDYING
                                                    and need more time to complete your study.
As a condition of your visa, you must                                                                  Your student visa for coursework studies
                                                    If your request to defer is successful, the
satisfy course progression, attendance and                                                             comes with limited work rights (40 hours per
                                                    University will issue a new Letter of Offer,
participation requirements, and maintain                                                               fortnight when the course is in session).
                                                    which you must accept, and a Confirmation of
a valid enrolment for your course. If your
                                                    Enrolment.                                         Research students have unlimited work rights.
progress is less than satisfactory, or results in
a suspension or exclusion from the University,                                                         Please note that you or your dependents must
                                                    Your student visa may also be impacted.
your student visa will be impacted.                                                                    not start working before your course starts.
For additional information, visit                                                                      Familiarise yourself with your student visa                                                                    conditions at
                                                    Students who do not meet the University’s
ELICOS and Foundation Studies courses have          academic progression requirements may be           Fairwork ombudsman
additional attendance requirements.                 excluded from study. Being excluded means          If you become concerned about conditions
                                                    that you cannot study at this University for       in your workplace or require assistance with            a period of time because your academic             resolving workplace issues, contact the Fair
westerncentral/faqs/continuing                      progress has not been satisfactory. It is          Work Ombudsman on 13 13 94 (8am-5.30pm,
                                                    reported to Immigration as a breach of             Monday to Friday except public holidays).
The University monitors the academic                student visa conditions and can result in          You can also access information about your
progression of all students to ensure you           visa cancellation.                                 employment rights and conditions from the
pass enough units to progress to graduation.                                                           Fair Work Ombudsman website at
Progression identifies poor academic                For additional information, visit:       
performance while also giving you an      
opportunity to address your performance             current_students/exams/progression/
                                                                                                       STUDENT MISCONDUCT
and seek counselling advice.                        progression_rules
                                                                                                       The University has a number of policies and
For additional information, visit                                                                      rules in place that are designed to promote
                                                    LEAVE OF ABSENCE                                                                    ethical and safe behaviour among students.
academicprogress                                    Leave of absence from study will only be           These set out important information about
                                                    granted in compassionate or compelling             standards of behaviour expected from all
Completing within visa grant period                 circumstances that prevent you from                students at Western Sydney University.
For student visa holders, the expected              attending classes. If you are granted a leave of
completion time is the end of their                 absence your student visa may be impacted          This includes when students go on placements
Confirmation of Enrolment, issued by the            and you may need to apply for a new student        or undertake fieldwork or research. It is
University for student visa purposes. Enrolling     visa to remain in Australia to complete your       your responsibility to know and understand
in less than a full-time study load will require    course.                                            what misconduct is and it is in your interests
permission from the university in most cases.                                                          to make yourself familiar, particularly with
Visa extensions without such permission may                              plagiarism and class collaboration.
be refused.                                         internationalstudentsupport
                                                                                                       For more information, visit westernsydney.
More information on completing within visa          COMPLAINTS AND APPEALS                   
grant period can be found at westernsydney.         The University has a complaints and appeals        student_misconduct_rule/faqs_for_             process, and treats each complaint seriously. If   students
education_services_for_overseas_                    a problem arises, there are several options you
students_esos/intervention_strategy                 should consider:
DEFERMENT                                           ≥ talk directly to the relevant person – the one
                                                      who made the decision/whose behaviour
If you have accepted your offer and wish              caused the problem
to defer the start of your degree to a later        ≥ talk to the University Counselling Service
session, you must contact Western Sydney
                                                    ≥ contact the Complaints Resolution Unit at
International to request a deferment.
Deferment can only be considered if you have
not already arrived in Australia or if you are

14                                                                                                                             Western Sydney University

Western Sydney University The                                An electronic Confirmation of Enrolment              Academic Pathways Program
                                                             (eCoE) will be issued for each program of            University Foundation Studies and Diploma
College (The College) offers
                                                             study you have received an offer for. However,       programs are delivered at the Western Sydney
students a pathway into a Western                            the benefit of being issued a packaged offer         University’s Bankstown, Nirimba and Penrith
Sydney University degree.                                    from the University is that you have the ability     campuses.
                                                             to apply for a single student visa to cover the
As a student of The College you will be                      entire duration of your studies in Australia.        Small class sizes and individualised attention
considered a student of Western Sydney                                                                            from academic staff provide a well-supported
University from day one of your studies. You                 Direct entry to Western Sydney University            environment for students to succeed in their
will access Western Sydney University’s full                 Successful completion of a University                tertiary studies.
suite of state-of-the-art facilities, including              Foundation Studies or Diploma program
lecture theatres, science and computer                       guarantees entry into a corresponding                We develop, design and deliver programs
laboratories, libraries, gyms, restaurants, as               Western Sydney University undergraduate              that support students to succeed in studying
well as a full range of support services and                 degree program.                                      and in their chosen careers. As a result, there
social experiences.                                                                                               are high levels of satisfaction, retention and
                                                             Where a package includes English, no further         progression among students.
WHAT IS A PACKAGED OFFER?                                    external English test will be necessary before
                                                             beginning your next course at The College or         English Language Programs
If you have received a conditional offer, you                Western Sydney University.                           English language programs are delivered from
will need to satisfy conditions to meet the                                                                       the University’s Sydney Olympic Park campus.
University’s entry requirements. To help you
                                                             WESTERN SYDNEY UNIVERSITY
do this, the University may have issued you                                                                       The College has a national and international
                                                             THE COLLEGE
with a Packaged Offer to study at The College.                                                                    reputation for excellence built on the results
Upon successful completion of your studies                   Western Sydney University The College is             we deliver. A member of English Australia
at The College, you will be eligible for direct              wholly owned by Western Sydney University.           and University English Centres Australia
entry to Western Sydney University.                                                                               (UECA), all of our English programs are
                                                             The College has over 20 years of experience          accredited with Tertiary Education Quality and
A Packaged Offer is a combination of                         in providing English and Academic Pathways           Standards Agency (TEQSA) for the Australian
courses at The College with Western Sydney                   Programs to domestic and international               Government (CRICOS Provider Code 02851G)
University (WSU):                                            students. This experience enables The                which means we are licensed to teach English
                                                             College to provide high-quality education            to international students. The College is also
1. The College English course + WSU degree                   opportunities, and our relationship with             quality endorsed by NEAS (National ELT
2. The College English course + College                      Western Sydney University allows us to               Accreditation Scheme).
   Diploma + WSU degree                                      leverage expertise and resources from the
                                                             University. This is why students from around         All English Language programs are accredited
3. The College Diploma + WSU degree
                                                             the globe rank The College and Western               courses that can give you the confidence
                                                             Sydney University as their preferred education       and communication skills you need to meet
                                                             destinations in Australia.                           the challenges of university study and attain
                                                                                                                  a level of language proficiency required for
                                                                                                                  entry to Western Sydney University.

The Academic Pathways Program is delivered by Western Sydney University The College (CRICOS 02851G) and Western
Sydney University International College (CRICOS 03663C) under arrangement with Western Sydney University.                                                                                                                                                15

Academic English For Tertiary Studies               Advanced Academic English Skills                Bachelor of Nursing Direct Entry English
(CRICOS Code 082069M)                               (CRICOS Code 082209D)                           Program (BNDEEP) (CRICOS CODE 102180J)
Academic English for Tertiary Studies has           This program has two components:                This course is designed to develop students’
been specifically designed to develop ESL           ≥ Module A: Reading and Writing                 English language proficiency to an
students’ English proficiency to enable you                                                         equivalent IELTS 7.0 with a minimum 7.0
                                                    ≥ Module B: Listening and Speaking.
to communicate confidently, express ideas                                                           in speaking, listening, reading and writing.
effectively and achieve rhetorical competence                                                       The course incorporates practice in
                                                    Module A provides students with the intensive
so that they attain a level of language                                                             academic study skills and practice in
                                                    writing and reading practice they need. It is
proficiency corresponding to the standard                                                           language skills particularly pertinent to
                                                    designed for students who either have IELTS
required for entry to Australian tertiary                                                           nursing in the Australian nursing sector.
                                                    (Academic) 6.5 or above but only a 5.5 in
educational institutions.                                                                           Additionally, the course incorporates
                                                    reading and writing, or need to polish their
                                                                                                    Pearson Academic (PTE) test preparation.
                                                    reading and writing skills before entry to
This course has five modules, English for
                                                    tertiary studies.
Academic Purposes (EAP) 1 to EAP 5, catering                                                        It runs over 12 weeks and includes 20 hours
for Pre-Intermediate to Advanced English                                                            of face-to-face teaching per week.
                                                    Module B focuses on providing students
level students. Each module consists of 10
                                                    with high-level spoken communication skills
weeks and includes 20 hours per week of
                                                    for work or further study. It is designed to
face-to-face teaching.
                                                    help improve fluency, pronunciation and
                                                    public speaking skills. It combines well with
≥ EAP 1 – This course provides a bridge
                                                    Module A.
  between general English skills and
  academic skills in reading, listening,
                                                    Master of Teaching Direct Entry English
  speaking and writing. During the course,
                                                    Program (CRICOS Code 084618D)
  students will concentrate on basic grammar
                                                    This program is designed to provide an
  and sentence structure, leading to more
                                                    integrated skills program of listening,
  complex texts.
                                                    speaking, reading and writing to develop
≥ EAP 2 – provides students with a                  students’ English language proficiency to
  foundation in academic writing, reading,          an overall 7.5 IELTS with a minimum of 8
  listening and speaking skills through             in Speaking and Listening and minimum
  general coursework, oral presentations,           of 7 in Reading and Writing. The course
  factual reports and regular assignments.          incorporates practice in academic study
≥ EAP 3 – This level consolidates students’         skills and practice in language skills
  understanding of a range of academic texts        particularly pertinent to teaching in the
  and builds on the skills developed in the         Australian school sector.
  EAP 2 course.
                                                    Master Qualifying Program (MQP) and
≥ EAP 4 – This course extends students’
                                                    English Enhancement Program (EEP)
  proficiency in academic English with
                                                    This is a pathway program to the
  opportunities to strengthen their language
                                                    postgraduate courses in Western Sydney
  and critical literacy skills in preparation for
                                                    School of Business. For students who have
  tertiary study.
                                                    6 IELTS only, they can study concurrent
≥ EAP 5 – This level allows students to further     English (EEP) with their MQP program to
  develop their language skills in academic         complete both their English and academic
  writing, reading, listening and speaking to a     requirements for Master level study.
  competent level. It is excellent preparation
  for the university environment. Students
  who successfully complete EAP 5 do not
  need to take any further English language
  tests to gain entry to their study at Western
  Sydney University.

16                                                                                                                         Western Sydney University


                                                   Student Central                                  To support you in adjusting to a university
Western Sydney University offers support           This is your first point of contact for          learning environment, new international
services to all students as well as extra          information, forms, advice and referrals to      students are invited and encouraged to attend
services to international students to assist you   other services. You will have direct access to   the free, pre-session workshops which are
achieve your personal, academic and ultimate       a dedicated Student Central Officer located      especially designed for international students.
career goals. You will have access to top class    at Student Central across nine campuses.
facilities to help you succeed in your studies.    The Student Central Team helps international     These workshops will assist you in your
                                                   students with enquiries in regards to            transition to the Australian university setting,
The University provides a range of services        student visas, overseas student health cover,    giving you valuable information and hands-on
and valuable information for all students.         enrolment, admission, and the provision and      practical experience of:
These include advice on careers, employment,       lodgment of forms.                               ≥ Australian academic culture
learning skills, emotional & religious support,
                                                                                                    ≥ tutorial participation and working in groups
social connection and support for students
with disabilities.                                 Student Welfare Service                          ≥ time and stress management                              The Student Welfare Service provides welfare     ≥ forms of assessment
internationalstudentsupport                        and support to all international students.
                                                                                                    ≥ assignment preparation
                                                   The Student Welfare Service operates on all                    campuses and has professionally trained staff    ≥ academic writing
                                                   to help students work through the unexpected     ≥ rules of plagiarism.
                                                   problems that can arise. The Student Welfare
                                                   Service provides assistance on financial         For more information, visit
                                                   hardship, emergency accommodation,     
                                                   personal and health related issues and can
                                                   also assist with student advocacy needs.
                                                   In addition, international students can get
                                                   advice regarding study and enrolment
                                                   changes and how this may affect their visa.
                                                   The Student Welfare Service also acts as a
                                                   referral service to other university services
                                                   as well as external agencies.


International Admissions                            Student Central                                 Education Services for Overseas Students
Western Sydney University undergraduate             +61 2 9852 5656 (from overseas)       
and postgraduate programs and Western               1300 668 370 (within Australia)
Sydney University The College programs                 Visa Conditions
(Sydney Olympic Park, Bankstown,             
Penrith and Nirimba campuses)
                                                    Public Transport Information                    Study Requirements
+61 2 9685 9280
                                                              Overseas Student Health Cover
Western Sydney University
International College programs
                                                    Have fun – trips and tours                      healthcover
(Parramatta City campus) +61 2 9685 9860
                                                                                                                Living Costs
                                                    The Village                           
Western Sydney International
                                                    Getting to Uni
The College Pathways Program
International College Pathways Program
                                                    Prepare to Arrive
Western Sydney Campus Information
On-Campus Accommodation
                                                    Study and Life
Airport Pick Up
                                                    Working in Australia
Student Support

     NOTE: Western Sydney University is a            Western Sydney University is a registered     The courses offered at Western Sydney
     multi-campus institution. The University        provider under the Commonwealth               University, Sydney City Campus are
     reserves the right to alter the location of     Register of Institutions and Courses for      delivered on behalf of Western Sydney
     its courses between campuses and other          Overseas Students (CRICOS). Provider          University by SIBT (CRICOS 01576G).
     locations as necessary. Students should         Number 00917K.                                For more information, please visit
     be aware of the possibility of change of                                            
                                                     Western Sydney University Enterprises Pty
     location for the whole or part of a course                                                    western
                                                     Ltd, trading as Western Sydney University
     for which they enrol and should plan for the
                                                     The College, is a registered provider under   The Academic Pathways Program is
     need to travel between campuses.
                                                     the Commonwealth Register of Institutions     delivered by Western Sydney University
                                                     and Courses for Overseas Students             International College and Western Sydney
                                                     (CRICOS). Provider Number 02851G. It is       University The College under arrangement
                                                     a wholly owned entity of Western Sydney       with Western Sydney University.
                                                                                                   CRICOS Provider Code: 03663C

18                                                                                                                        Western Sydney University


PART 1 – SCOPE, PURPOSE AND DEFINITIONS                                     Continuing        A student enrolled in a course at the University
                                                                            student           who has completed at least one teaching session
SCOPE AND PURPOSE                                                                             of study and who is eligible to continue into a
1. The terms and conditions of this Agreement apply to all                                    subsequent teaching session and who meets
                                                                                              the enrolment requirements of clause 16 of the
   international students who:
                                                                                              Enrolment Policy.
   1.1. accept an offer of enrolment to a course of study at Western
   Sydney University (the University); or                                                     NB: This definition is the equivalent to the “overseas
                                                                                              student” for the purpose of the ESOS Act.
   1.2. are enrolled in a course of study at the University.
2. This Agreement applies to courses registered with CRICOS by              Course       The agreed start day of a course or session. The day
                                                                            commencement when the course of study starts as identified as the
   the University (CRICOS provider number 00917K) and which are
                                                                            date         “proposed start date” on your CoE. The dates for all
   delivered by the University or its partner institutions.                              teaching sessions are available here.
3. This Agreement, and the availability of complaints and appeals
                                                                            CRICOS            The Commonwealth Register of Institutions and
   processes, does not remove your right to take action under
                                                                                              Courses for Overseas Students.
   Australia’s consumer protection laws (ESOS National Code,
   Standard 3.4.5) as well as your right to pursue other legal remedies.    Deferment         An Agreement between the student and the
                                                                                              University permitting the student to commence a
4. This Agreement should be read in conjunction with:                                         course of study after the date shown on the original
   4.1. ESOS Legislative Framework (click here to view or download)                           CoE.
   4.2. The University’s obligations under the Simplified Student Visa
   Processing framework;                                                    Due date          The date that international fees are due to be
                                                                                              paid. For each study session this is the advertised
   4.3. The following University policies (click here to view or
                                                                                              commencement date of the session. For a course,
   download):                                                                                 the due date is the proposed starting date shown on
   – Admissions Policy;                                                                       the CoE.
   – Enrolment Policy;
   – Student Fees Policy; and                                               ESOS Act          Education Service for Overseas Students Act 2000
   – Progression and Unsatisfactory Academic Progress Policy.                                 (Cth).

5. This Agreement is provided in accordance with the ESOS Act and           Exceptional       Circumstances that involve something exceptional,
   the ESOS National Code.                                                  circumstances     compelling or compassionate that has affected a
                                                                                              student and the cause of which was outside the
                                                                                              student’s control.
                                                                            Full-time study   Unless otherwise specified, 0.5 Equivalent Full-
6. For the purpose of this Agreement, the following definitions apply:
                                                                            load              Time Student Load (EFTSL) or 40 Credit Points of
                                                                                              study in a half calendar year or 20 credit points in a
Agreed starting The first day of a course shown on the CoE. The first                         Quarter.
period          day of any subsequent teaching session. If a student
                is unable to start on the agreed starting day due to        International     An international student means a student who is
                circumstances beyond their control and notify the           Student           not:
                University in writing, a new agreed starting day may                          ≥ An Australian citizen
                be negotiated. The University will inform the student                         ≥ A New Zealand citizen
                in writing of a new agreed starting day in such
                                                                                              ≥ The holder of an Australian Permanent Resident
                                                                                                Visa; or
                NB: This definition is the equivalent to the “agreed                          ≥ The holder of a permanent humanitarian visa.
                starting day” for the purpose of the ESOS Act.
                                                                            Letter of Offer   A letter or email issued by the University which sets
Census date        The official deadline for finalising enrolment for the                     out the offer being made to a student, including but
                   teaching session. The census dates for all teaching                        is not limited to an Offer of Admission, a Package
                   sessions are available here.                                               Offer of Admission or a Conditional Offer of
Commencing         A student intending to enrol in a course at the                            Admission.
student            University in their first teaching session.              Non-packaged      A student undertaking a stand-alone University
                   NB: A commencing student may also be either              student           course of study that is not part of a pathways
                   an “intending overseas student” or an “overseas                            package with Western Sydney College or any
                   student” for the purpose of the ESOS Act.                                  another provider.

Confirmation       The CoE provides evidence of a student’s enrolment       OSHC              Overseas Student Health Cover.
of Enrolment       with a provider registered on the Commonwealth
(CoE)              Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas        Packaged          A student who has accepted a Package Offer of
                   Students (CRICOS). This evidence is required before      student           Admission to undertake up to three preliminary
                   DHA will issue a student visa. The CoE contains                            courses packaged with a principal University course
                   information about the Provider, agent (if involved),                       of study.
                   course and duration of study in which the student        Preliminary       Courses undertaken by packaged students which
                   has enrolled.                                            course(s)         are prerequisites to the principal course at the
                                                                                              University. A separate CoE is provided for each
                                                                                              preliminary course.
                                                                            Principal course The main course of study at the University for a
                                                                                             packaged student, for which the CoE and student
                                                                                             visa is issued.

19                                                                                                                            Western Sydney University
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