Page created by Carlos Johnston
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            ESL              NAPIER
      ESL                AUCKLAND               ESL

                  ESL     GISBORNE
ESL                     ESL      A GOVERNMENT OWNED
                              INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY


      ESL                                       ESL

  96% SATISFACTION RATING                         95% SATISFACTION                        98% OF STUDENTS
   FOR SUPPORT OVERALL*                           WITH ORIENTATION*                      FELT ENGAGED WITH
                                                                                           THEIR STUDIES*

              10,000                             1450 INTERNATIONAL                           ESTABLISHED
             STUDENTS                                 STUDENTS                                   1974
                                             from 45 different countries in 2019

            3 CAMPUSES                              RATED 5 STARS                         70+ PROGRAMMES
                                                   (offshore online review
                                                    platform Hotcourses)

          OUR AUCKLAND                             EXCELLENT VALUE                          RELAXED, SMALL
             CAMPUS                                  FOR MONEY                               CITY LIFESTYLE
   offers students a city experience,            affordable fees and a lower        in Napier and Gisborne with temperate
   with Auckland’s beaches, forests                 cost of living in Napier         weather and easy access to beaches,
 and offshore islands at your doorstep                   and Gisborne                    mountains, forests and rivers

          CATEGORY ONE                           DEDICATED RESEARCH                      MANY ACADEMICS
         Institute of Education                  & INNOVATION CENTRE                   ARE LEADING INDUSTRY
                                           to support our researchers and further         PROFESSIONALS
                                               develop our research capability

*International Student Barometer survey, 2019.
Eastern Institute of Technology offers world-class programmes to set you up with qualifications, skills
and industry experience for the future. As one of New Zealand’s leading tertiary institutes in applied
professional and vocational learning, we’re proud of our balanced approach to study that combines
practice-based learning with academic theory to prepare you for global career success.
Delivering essential knowledge and skills for the workplace,          We nurture our students to ensure they have the confidence
our programmes will also teach you critical thinking and              to achieve. Small class sizes offer personalised learning and
communication, along with analysis and resilience for a future-       our state-of-the-art facilities allow you to study with the best
proofed career. Our world-class lecturers are passionate about        resources at hand. With campuses in Napier, Auckland and
sharing their knowledge and expertise. Through our strong             Gisborne, you can choose the city and lifestyle that suits you.
connections to a range of industries, we provide opportunities for    We look forward to supporting you on your study journey and
real-world experiences to enhance our graduates’ employability.       welcoming you to our beautiful part of the world.

Eastern Institute of Technology | international.eit.ac.nz | WELCOME                                                                      1
    Three locations and campuses in Napier, Auckland
    and Gisborne; which Kiwi lifestyle will you choose?
    Cycle trails, wineries, rivers and beaches make it easy to have fun in Napier, Hastings
    and the Hawke’s Bay region. Art Deco weekend draws visitors from around the world,
    as does the outdoor concert at Mission Estate Winery. Enjoy the range of bars and cafés
    to meet friends and other students off-campus. Find out more: www.hawkesbaynz.com

                                                                              EIT Napier Campus

    1  Welcome to EIT                             11   Creative & Performing Arts                 19   Academic Entry Criteria
    2  A New Zealand Experience 		                12   Nursing & Health Science                   19   English Language Requirements
       Awaits You                                 13   Health & Sport Science                     20   Accommodation
    4 Programme Matrix 2021                       14   Veterinary Nursing                         22   Support Services
    6 Preparing You for a                         14   Education & Social Work                    23   Experiences
       World-Class Career
                                                  15   Hospitality & Tourism                      24   Fees Explained
    8 Viticulture & Wine Science
                                                  16   English Language                           25   Ready to Apply? It’s Easy!
    9 Computing
                                                  18   Immigration and Insurance
    10 Business

2                                                                           WELCOME | international.eit.ac.nz | Eastern Institute of Technology
AUCKLAND                                                              GISBORNE
The city centre’s excellent shopping, restaurants, bars and           A relaxed coastal city, Gisborne is the first to see the
galleries are surrounded by wine regions, stunning beaches,           rising sun of a new day anywhere in the world. The city
pristine rainforest and the magnificent Hauraki Gulf.                 is famous for its beaches, sunshine and surfing. If you
Wherever you are in Auckland, from the Viaduct to Pokeno,             like to listen to live music, join 30,000 other locals and
from the Waitakere ranges to Mission Bay, you will find               visitors at the popular annual Rhythm and Vines festival.
something special. Find out more: www.aucklandnz.com                  Find out more: www.tairawhitigisborne.co.nz

                                           EIT Auckland Campus

              EIT Auckland Campus

                                                                                                               EIT Gisborne Campus

Eastern Institute of Technology | international.eit.ac.nz | WELCOME                                                                  3
    PROGRAMME                                       FEES**     CAMPUS                LEVEL START DATE                            LENGTH    IELTS*
    Science Pathway                                 $11,700 Napier                      4    19 July                             19 weeks 5.5
    Bachelor of Viticulture and Wine Science        $21,900 Napier                      7    9 Feb, 19 July                      3 years   6.0
    Graduate Diploma in Viticulture                 $25,300 Napier                      7    9 Feb                               1 year    6.0
    Graduate Diploma in Oenology                    $25,300 Napier                      7    9 Feb                               1 year    6.0
    Postgraduate Diploma in Wine Business           TBC        Napier                   8    Available in 2022                   1 year    6.5
    and Innovation
    Master of Wine Business and Innovation          TBC        Napier                   9    Available in 2022                   1.5 years 6.5
                                                                                                                                 or 2 years

    PROGRAMME                                       FEES**     CAMPUS                LEVEL   START DATE                          LENGTH    IELTS*
    Bachelor of Computing Systems                   $21,100 Napier                      7    15 Feb, 3 May, 19 July, 4 Oct       3 years   6.0
    Graduate Diploma in Information Technology      $20,700 Napier                      7    15 Feb, 3 May, 19 July, 4 Oct       1 year    6.0
    Postgraduate Diploma in Information             $21,500 Napier & Auckland           8    15 Feb, 15 Mar , 3 May, 31 May , 1 year
                                                                                                              †              †
    Technology                                                                               19 July, 16 Aug†, 4 Oct, 1 Nov†
    Master of Information Technology                $21,900 Napier & Auckland           9    15 Feb, 15 Mar†, 3 May, 31 May†, 1.5 years 6.5
                                                                                             19 July, 16 Aug†, 4 Oct, 1 Nov†  or 2 years

    PROGRAMME                                       FEES**     CAMPUS                LEVEL   START DATE                          LENGTH    IELTS*
    NZ Diploma in Business                          $18,800 Napier & Gisborne           5    15 Feb, 3 May, 19 July, 4 Oct       1 year    5.5
    Bachelor of Business Studies                    $20,400 Napier & Gisborne           7    15 Feb, 3 May, 19 July, 4 Oct       3 years   6.0
    Graduate Diploma in Business                    $20,000 Napier                      7    15 Feb, 3 May, 19 July, 4 Oct       1 year    6.0
    Graduate Diploma in Professional Accounting     $20,400 Napier                      7    15 Feb, 3 May, 19 July, 4 Oct       1 year    6.0
    Postgraduate Diploma in Applied Management      $21,500 Napier & Auckland           8    15 Feb, 15 Mar†, 3 May, 31 May†,    1 year    6.5
                                                                                             19 July, 16 Aug†, 4 Oct, 1 Nov†
    Postgraduate Diploma in Digital Business        $21,500 Napier & Auckland           8    15 Feb, 15 Mar†, 3 May, 31 May†,    1 year    6.5
                                                                                             19 July, 16 Aug†, 4 Oct, 1 Nov†
    Postgraduate Diploma in Logistics               $21,500 Napier & Auckland           8    15 Feb, 15 Mar†, 3 May, 31 May†,    1 year    6.5
    and Supply Chain Management                                                              19 July, 16 Aug†, 4 Oct, 1 Nov†
    Master of Applied Management                    $21,900 Napier & Auckland           9    15 Feb, 15 Mar†, 3 May, 31 May†,    1.5 years 6.5
                                                                                             19 July, 16 Aug†, 4 Oct, 1 Nov†     or 2 years
    Master of Digital Business                      $21,900 Napier & Auckland           9    15 Feb, 15 Mar†, 3 May, 31 May†,    1.5 years 6.5
                                                                                             19 July, 16 Aug†, 4 Oct, 1 Nov†     or 2 years
    Master of Logistics and Supply Chain            $21,900 Napier & Auckland           9    15 Feb, 15 Mar†, 3 May, 31 May†,    1.5 years 6.5
    Management                                                                               19 July, 16 Aug†, 4 Oct, 1 Nov†     or 2 years

    PROGRAMME (IDEASCHOOL)                          FEES**     CAMPUS                LEVEL   START DATE                          LENGTH    IELTS*
    NZ Diploma in Arts and Design                   $22,600 Napier                      5    15 Feb                              1 year    5.5
    NZ Diploma in Fashion                           $22,600 Napier                      5    15 Feb                              1 year    5.5
    NZ Diploma in Music                             $22,600 Napier                      5    15 Feb                              1 year    5.5
    NZ Diploma in Screen Production                 $22,600 Napier & Gisborne           5    15 Feb                              1 year    5.5
    NZ Diploma in Arts and Design                   $22,200 Napier                      6    15 Feb                              1 year    6.0
    Bachelor of Creative Practice                   $22,200 Napier                      7    15 Feb                              3 years   6.0
    Bachelor of Professional                        $25,200 Napier & Gisborne           8    15 Feb                              1 year    6.5
    Creative Practice (Honours)
    Master of Professional Creative Practice        $24,700 Napier & Gisborne           9    15 Feb                              1.5 years 6.5
    PROGRAMME (APPLIED DESIGN & TECHNOLOGY) FEES**             CAMPUS                LEVEL START DATE                            LENGTH IELTS*
    NZ Diploma in Architectural Technology          $21,100 Napier                      6    15 Feb                              2 years   6.0

In 2021, EIT is offering scholarships in a selected number of programmes as listed with the symbols for scholarships and for
postgraduate scholarships. These scholarships provide a small contribution to assist students entering higher level programmes realise
their goal of studying in New Zealand.
More information on individual programmes including entry requirements can be found on the EIT international programme information sheets
at eit.ac.nz/campus/international-students/international-programmes

4                                                                PROGRAMME MATRIX | international.eit.ac.nz | Eastern Institute of Technology
 PROGRAMME                                                     FEES**       CAMPUS                     LEVEL START DATE                                LENGTH       IELTS*
 Nursing Pathway                                               $11,700 Napier & Gisborne                  4      Napier: 15 Feb, 19 July               19 weeks 5.5
                                                                                                                 Gisborne: 19 July
 Registered Nurse Competence Training Scheme                   $8,000       Napier                        7      18 Jan, 8 Mar, 31 May,                7 weeks      7.0 (or
                                                                                                                 19 Jul, 26 Oct                                     OET B)
 Bachelor of Nursing                                           $22,500 Napier & Gisborne                  7      Napier: 9 Feb, 19 July                3 years      6.5 (or
                                                                                                                 Gisborne: 9 Feb                                    OET C+)
 Postgraduate Diploma in Health Science                        $25,100 Napier & Auckland                  8      Napier: 15 Feb, 19 Jul                1 year       6.5
                                                                                                                 Auckland: 15 Feb, 3 May,
                                                                                                                 19 Jul, 4 Oct
 Master of Health Science                                      $24,400 Napier & Auckland                  9      Napier: 15 Feb, 19 Jul                1.5 years 6.5
                                                                                                                 Auckland: 15 Feb, 3 May,
                                                                                                                 19 Jul, 4 Oct
 Master of Nursing Science                                     $24,400 Napier                             9      15 Feb, 19 July                       1.5 years 6.5

 PROGRAMME                                                     FEES**       CAMPUS                    LEVEL      START DATE                            LENGTH       IELTS*
 NZ Diploma in Wellness and Relaxation Massage                 $18,600 Napier                         5          15 Feb                                1 year       5.5
 NZ Diploma in Sport, Recreation and Exercise                  $22,600 Napier                         5          15 Feb, 19 July                       1 year       5.5
 Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Science                        $22,600 Napier                         7          15 Feb, 19 July                       3 years      6.0

 PROGRAMME                                                     FEES**       CAMPUS                     LEVEL START DATE                                LENGTH       IELTS*
 NZ Certificate in Animal Management                           $22,600 Napier                             4      15 Feb                                1 year       5.5
 (Companion Animals Strand)
 NZ Certificate in Animal Technology                           $22,600 Napier                             5      15 Feb                                1 year       5.5
 (Veterinary Nursing Assistant Strand)
 NZ Diploma in Veterinary Nursing                              $22,600 Napier                             6      15 Feb                                1 year       6.0
 Bachelor of Veterinary Nursing                                $22,600 Napier                             7      15 Feb                                3 years      6.0

 PROGRAMME                                                     FEES**       CAMPUS                     LEVEL START DATE                                LENGTH       IELTS*
 Bachelor of Social Work                                       $22,600 Napier & Gisborne                  7      15 Feb                                4 years      6.5
 Bachelor of Teaching                                          $22,600 Napier                             7      15 Feb                                3 years      7.0
 (Early Childhood Education)
 Bachelor of Teaching (Primary)                                $22,600 Napier & Gisborne                  7      15 Feb                                3 years      7.0
 Postgraduate Diploma in Professional Practice                 $21,500 Napier                             8      15 Feb                                1 year       6.5
 Master of Professional Practice                               $21,900 Napier                             9      15 Feb                                1.5 years 6.5

 PROGRAMME (HOSPITALITY)                                       FEES**       CAMPUS                     LEVEL START DATE                                LENGTH       IELTS*
 NZ Certificate in Baking                                      $21,000 Napier                             4      1 Mar                                 1 year       5.5
 NZ Diploma in Cookery (Advanced)                              $18,500 Napier                             5      9 Feb                                 2 years      5.5
 PROGRAMME (TOURISM)                                           FEES**       CAMPUS                     LEVEL START DATE                                LENGTH       IELTS*
 Tourism Opportunities                                         $21,100 Napier                             5      15 Feb                                2 years      5.5

 PROGRAMME                                                     FEES         CAMPUS                     LEVEL START DATE                                           LENGTH
 NZ Certificate in English Language (NZCEL)                    $380     Napier                          1F-5 15 Feb, 19 July                                      16 weeks
                                                               per week
 General English Language                                      $175 -   Napier                          1F-5 Most weeks from 18 Jan                               Variable
                                                               $380 per
 IELTS Preparation Classes                                     $80      Napier                            N/A    Classes through the year from 16 Feb             8 weeks
                                                               per week
Note: All fees are listed in New Zealand dollars. | * English language Entry Requirements: Other English qualifications may be accepted. Please see the EIT website
eit.ac.nz/international-students | ** The tuition fees listed are for one academic year only. If you need to study for more than one year to complete your qualification,
your fees in the second year, and subsequent years, will not be known when you first enrol. | † Indicates demi-term start dates (subject to sufficient enrolment numbers,
limited course availability).

Eastern Institute of Technology | international.eit.ac.nz | PROGRAMME MATRIX                                                                                                  5
ONE-TO-ONE CAREERS                                  INDUSTRY INTEGRATED                              HIGH QUALITY LECTURES
          COUNSELLING                                         QUALIFICATIONS                                DELIVERED BY INDUSTRY

The EIT academic portfolio has been developed to meet global industry needs. Our wide range of programmes
is delivered through applied learning by expert lecturers and supported by hands-on industry experience.

INDUSTRY ENGAGEMENT                                                            Industry experiences are offered across all our programmes:
TO ENHANCE EMPLOYABILITY                                                       • Business and computing students make site visits to our industry
                                                                                 partners, attend symposia, and work alongside some of New Zealand's
Our mission at EIT is to prepare students like you for real jobs in the real
                                                                                 most exciting and fast-growing technology businesses
world. We’ve designed our programmes with employability embedded
directly into course content. From internships to work placements and          • Viticulture and wine science students learn in an onsite vineyard and
industry-generated business projects, our students benefit from work-            winery, sensory room and state-of-the-art laboratories.
integrated learning that sets them up for the workplace.                       • Nursing students are hands-on from day one with more than 1,000
The value we place on our industry partnerships is shown by the calibre          hours of practical experience alongside a diverse range of health
of guest presenters we’re able to provide, along with access to the              professionals.
latest research on trends and development through our membership               EIT supports a wide range of career options so whatever you choose to
of relevant industry associations.                                             study with us, you’ll benefit from our commitment to providing the skills
                                                                               that are in demand in New Zealand and around the world.

6                                         PREPARING YOU FOR A WORLD-CLASS CAREER | international.eit.ac.nz | Eastern Institute of Technology
“I have learnt a lot about cultural
                                                                                                            diversity and aspects which will
                                                                                                            help me to treat different patients
                                                                                                            from different cultures.“
                                                                                                            Viraj Boodhun
                                                                                                            Bachelor of Nursing

Employers want people who have practical skills, can solve problems and
develop new ideas. Our lecturers are dedicated to supporting students to
gain the skills, experience and confidence to build successful world-class
careers in their chosen fields.
EIT recognises the ever-changing needs of global industry and modern
business. The programmes we offer have been developed by working
closely with employers and industry leaders. Programmes are reviewed
continuously and updated to reflect industry trends and employer
requirements. This means that students like you leave EIT equipped with
the qualifications and skills that are in demand throughout the world.
We support our students throughout their learning with workshops,
career guidance, orientation and more. Seminars, small group tutorials
and individual consultations provide a deep understanding of workplace
behaviours, cultures and expectations. We’re behind our students one
hundred percent to ensure they leave EIT with the confidence to launch
their global careers.                                                        “What I have learnt at EIT will     An Wang
                                                                              help guide my career path in the   China
                                                                              future. I believe I have found     Graduate Diploma in
                                                                              what I am passionate about.“       Information Technology

Eastern Institute of Technology | international.eit.ac.nz | PREPARING YOU FOR A WORLD-CLASS CAREER                                                7
“After my graduation, I want to
                                                                                                                                            work in a vineyard and use all my
                                                                                                                                            knowledge gained in practice.”
                                                                                                                                            Evgeniya Kochkina
                                                                                                                                            Graduate Diploma in Viticulture

                                                                                                                                           “I like the in-depth research in wine
                                                                                                                                            analysis, practical experience
                                                                                                                                            and the fact that the programme
                                                                                                                                            is linked to a real wine industry

                                                                                                                                            Ashok Dangol
                                                                                                                                            Graduate Diploma in Oenology

    Embark on an exciting career in winemaking that is a magical blend of art, science, nature
    and creativity. Launch yourself into an industry that has roots in the ancient world but is
    ever-changing for our modern times. With us, you’ll study grapegrowing and winemaking
    in New Zealand’s oldest and second largest wine region.

     PROGRAMME                                                      FEES**       CAMPUS                     LEVEL START DATE                                 LENGTH       IELTS*
     Science Pathway                                                $11,700 Napier                             4      19 July                                19 weeks 5.5
     Bachelor of Viticulture and Wine Science                       $21,900 Napier                             7      9 Feb, 19 July                         3 years      6.0
     Graduate Diploma in Viticulture                                $25,300 Napier                             7      9 Feb                                  1 year       6.0
     Graduate Diploma in Oenology                                   $25,300 Napier                             7      9 Feb                                  1 year       6.0
     Postgraduate Diploma in Wine Business                          TBC          Napier                        8      Available in 2022                      1 year       6.5
     and Innovation
     Master of Wine Business and Innovation                         TBC          Napier                        9      Available in 2022                      1.5 years 6.5
                                                                                                                                                             or 2 years

    FOR A LIFETIME OF CULTIVATION                                                             CAREER OPPORTUNITIES
    A career in viticulture and wine science brings you a world of                            Good opportunities in New Zealand’s premium wine regions:
    creativity and problem solving while working with the wonders                             Hawke’s Bay, Gisborne and Marlborough.
    of Mother Nature and science. This is a dynamic and exciting                              • Winemaker                                  • Wine Marketer
    industry with opportunities in New Zealand and around the world.
                                                                                              • Research & Development                     • Wine Consultant
    • Have the opportunity to gain work experience in the industry.                             Technician                                 • Vineyard Manager
    • Work in outstanding facilities including a purpose-built, modern                        • Viticulturist
      teaching and research winery, a world-class sensory laboratory,
      a vineyard and glasshouses.
    • Enjoy field trips and excursions while gaining knowledge
      and networking with specialists, winemakers and experts
      in the New Zealand wine industry.

    Individual programmes including entry requirements can be found on the EIT international programme information sheets at
    Note: All fees are listed in New Zealand dollars. | * English language Entry Requirements: Other English qualifications may be accepted. Please see the EIT website
    eit.ac.nz/international-students | ** The tuition fees listed are for one academic year only. If you need to study for more than one year to complete your qualification,
    your fees in the second year, and subsequent years, will not be known when you first enrol. See page 24.

8                                                                          VITICULTURE & WINE SCIENCE | international.eit.ac.nz | Eastern Institute of Technology
“The courses I have chosen for
                                                                                                                                        my EIT programme give me
                                                                                                                                        practical experience with actual
                                                                                                                                        clients as well as enabling me to
                                                                                                                                        use the latest technologies in the
                                                                                                                                        IT industry today.”
                                                                                                                                       Joshua Masangkay
                                                                                                                                       The Philippines
                                                                                                                                       Postgraduate Diploma in
                                                                                                                                       Information Technology

Discover the exciting world of computing and the wide range of opportunities available
in this industry. Information technology is the foundation of the 21st century economy
and is predicted to be the number one fastest-growing profession in the next 10 years.

 PROGRAMME                                                      FEES**       CAMPUS                    LEVEL     START DATE                              LENGTH       IELTS*
 Bachelor of Computing Systems                                  $21,100 Napier                             7     15 Feb, 3 May, 19 July, 4 Oct           3 years      6.0
 Graduate Diploma in Information Technology                     $20,700 Napier                             7     15 Feb, 3 May, 19 July, 4 Oct           1 year       6.0
 Postgraduate Diploma in Information                            $21,500 Napier & Auckland                  8     15 Feb, 15 Mar , 3 May, 31 May , 1 year
                                                                                                                                   †                 †
 Technology                                                                                                      19 July, 16 Aug†, 4 Oct, 1 Nov†
 Master of Information Technology                               $21,900 Napier & Auckland                  9     15 Feb, 15 Mar†, 3 May, 31 May†, 1.5 years 6.5
                                                                                                                 19 July, 16 Aug†, 4 Oct, 1 Nov†  or 2 years

A career in computing offers a range of exciting opportunities from
website and software development to user experience design along
with consulting and management for high-flying companies.
• Become sought after in a top-paying industry where there
  is a current skills shortage in New Zealand.
• Enjoy new discoveries daily in a fast-paced and
  ever-changing industry.
• Find the perfect training ground in our information technology
  complex with networked computer labs and purpose-built labs
  for software development, hardware and multimedia.

• Website Developer                          • IT Consultant / Manager
• Software Programmer                        • Network Technician
• Multimedia Developer                       • Systems Engineer
• Computer Technician                        • User Experience Designer

Individual programmes including entry requirements can be found on the EIT international programme information sheets at
Note: All fees are listed in New Zealand dollars. | * English language Entry Requirements: Other English qualifications may be accepted. Please see the EIT website
eit.ac.nz/international-students | ** The tuition fees listed are for one academic year only. If you need to study for more than one year to complete your qualification,
your fees in the second year, and subsequent years, will not be known when you first enrol. See page 24. † Indicates demi-term start dates (subject to sufficient enrolment
numbers, limited course availability).

Eastern Institute of Technology | international.eit.ac.nz | COMPUTING                                                                                                          9
“Take time to study the valuable
                                                                                                                                        Bachelor of Business Studies
                                                                                                                                        programme at EIT and gain one
                                                                                                                                        of the best business experiences.”
                                                                                                                                        Suvisesh Harikrishnan
                                                                                                                                        Bachelor of Business Studies

 Carve out that career you’ve dreamed of in the world of business. Study with us and
 you’ll gain a competitive advantage by equipping yourself with one of our comprehensive
 qualifications. Develop skills in communication, management, accounting and marketing,
 and set yourself up for an exciting future in the stimulating and varied industry of business.

      PROGRAMME                                                  FEES**       CAMPUS                    LEVEL     START DATE                              LENGTH       IELTS*
      NZ Diploma in Business                                     $18,800 Napier & Gisborne                  5     15 Feb, 3 May, 19 July, 4 Oct           1 year       5.5
      Bachelor of Business Studies                               $20,400 Napier & Gisborne                  7     15 Feb, 3 May, 19 July, 4 Oct           3 years      6.0
      Graduate Diploma in Business                               $20,000 Napier                             7     15 Feb, 3 May, 19 July, 4 Oct           1 year       6.0
      Graduate Diploma in Professional Accounting                $20,400 Napier                             7     15 Feb, 3 May, 19 July, 4 Oct           1 year       6.0
      Postgraduate Diploma in Applied Management                 $21,500 Napier & Auckland                  8     15 Feb, 15 Mar†, 3 May, 31 May†,        1 year       6.5
                                                                                                                  19 July, 16 Aug†, 4 Oct, 1 Nov†
      Postgraduate Diploma in Digital Business                   $21,500 Napier & Auckland                  8     15 Feb, 15 Mar†, 3 May, 31 May†,        1 year       6.5
                                                                                                                  19 July, 16 Aug†, 4 Oct, 1 Nov†
      Postgraduate Diploma in Logistics                          $21,500 Napier & Auckland                  8     15 Feb, 15 Mar†, 3 May, 31 May†,        1 year       6.5
      and Supply Chain Management                                                                                 19 July, 16 Aug†, 4 Oct, 1 Nov†
      Master of Applied Management                               $21,900 Napier & Auckland                  9     15 Feb, 15 Mar†, 3 May, 31 May†,        1.5 years 6.5
                                                                                                                  19 July, 16 Aug†, 4 Oct, 1 Nov†         or 2 years
      Master of Digital Business                                 $21,900 Napier & Auckland                  9     15 Feb, 15 Mar†, 3 May, 31 May†,        1.5 years 6.5
                                                                                                                  19 July, 16 Aug†, 4 Oct, 1 Nov†         or 2 years
      Master of Logistics and Supply Chain                       $21,900 Napier & Auckland                  9     15 Feb, 15 Mar†, 3 May, 31 May†,        1.5 years 6.5
      Management                                                                                                  19 July, 16 Aug†, 4 Oct, 1 Nov†         or 2 years

  FOR A LIFETIME OF GROWTH                                                                 CAREER OPPORTUNITIES
  With a career in business you’ll take your inquisitive mind to new
                                                                                           • Accounting Technician                      • Office Administrator
  heights. Enjoy constant learning, questioning and problem solving
  in this fast-paced and ever changing industry.                                           • Chartered Accountant                       • Operations Manager
  • Benefit from our strong applied learning focus; an approach highly                     • Auditor                                    • Supply Chain Manager
    valued by employers.                                                                   • Marketing Manager                          • Entrepreneur
  • Enjoy practical experience with New Zealand employers through                          • Sales Manager                              • Business Analyst
    our work-based projects.                                                               • Business Manager
  • Gain opportunities for progression to higher levels of study                           • Human Resource Manager
    at EIT through our clearly defined pathways.
  • Focus on success with our high staff-to-student ratio
    and supportive environment.
     Individual programmes including entry requirements can be found on the EIT international programme information sheets at
 Note: All fees are listed in New Zealand dollars. | * English language Entry Requirements: Other English qualifications may be accepted. Please see the EIT website
 eit.ac.nz/international-students | ** The tuition fees listed are for one academic year only. If you need to study for more than one year to complete your qualification,
 your fees in the second year, and subsequent years, will not be known when you first enrol. See page 24. † Indicates demi-term start dates (subject to sufficient enrolment
 numbers, limited course availability).

10                                                                                              BUSINESS | international.eit.ac.nz | Eastern Institute of Technology
I like that there is creative
                                                                                                                                        freedom and space to experiment
                                                                                                                                        regarding what you want to
                                                                                                                                        achieve as a graphic designer.”
                                                                                                                                       Yee Lin Gan
                                                                                                                                       Bachelor of Creative Practice

Calling all creative minds, dreamers, big thinkers and vision makers! IDEAschool is EIT's
creativity powerhouse where inspiration is nourished and imaginations are expanded.
We foster students of all disciplines to think creatively, act professionally and develop
the technical skills needed to become practising creative professionals.

 PROGRAMME (IDEASCHOOL)                                         FEES**       CAMPUS                    LEVEL      START DATE                             LENGTH       IELTS*
 NZ Diploma in Arts and Design                                  $22,600 Napier                             5      15 Feb                                 1 year       5.5
 NZ Diploma in Fashion                                          $22,600 Napier                             5      15 Feb                                 1 year       5.5
 NZ Diploma in Music                                            $22,600 Napier                             5      15 Feb                                 1 year       5.5
 NZ Diploma in Screen Production                                $22,600 Napier & Gisborne                  5      15 Feb                                 1 year       5.5
 NZ Diploma in Arts and Design                                  $22,200 Napier                             6      15 Feb                                 1 year       6.0
 Bachelor of Creative Practice                                  $22,200 Napier                             7      15 Feb                                 3 years      6.0
 Bachelor of Professional                                       $25,200 Napier & Gisborne                  8      15 Feb                                 1 year       6.5
 Creative Practice (Honours)
 Master of Professional Creative Practice                       $24,700 Napier & Gisborne                  9      15 Feb                                 1.5 years 6.5

 PROGRAMME (APPLIED DESIGN & TECHNOLOGY)                        FEES**       CAMPUS                    LEVEL      START DATE                             LENGTH       IELTS*
 NZ Diploma in Architectural Technology                         $21,100 Napier                             6      15 Feb                                 2 years      6.0

FOR A LIFETIME OF BIG IDEAS                                                               CAREER OPPORTUNITIES
If you are a creative at heart with an inquiring mind, IDEAschool has                     • Graphic Designer                            • Arts Manager
a range of exciting programmes to catapult you into a creative career.                    • Artist                                        or Administrator
Learn from some of the best minds in the industry.                                                                                      • Spatial / Interior Designer
                                                                                          • Fashion Designer
• Enjoy excellent facilities including art, design, music, screen                                                                       • Printmaker
                                                                                          • Technician
  production and fashion studios as well as modern digital
                                                                                          • Curator                                     • Illustrator
  design labs.
                                                                                          • Musician                                    • Film Makers
• Take part in our end of year showcase, where students
  show their creative work to the world.                                                  • Producer
• Learn from recognised creative practitioners who exhibit, perform                       • Film Technician
  and publish throughout New Zealand and worldwide.

Individual programmes including entry requirements can be found on the EIT international programme information sheets at
Note: All fees are listed in New Zealand dollars. | * English language Entry Requirements: Other English qualifications may be accepted. Please see the EIT website
eit.ac.nz/international-students | ** The tuition fees listed are for one academic year only. If you need to study for more than one year to complete your qualification,
your fees in the second year, and subsequent years, will not be known when you first enrol. See page 24.

Eastern Institute of Technology | international.eit.ac.nz | CREATIVE & PERFORMING ARTS                                                                                         11
“I like the style of teaching at
                                                                                                                                             EIT, through group activities,
                                                                                                                                             practicum session and labs.
                                                                                                                                             It helps students to build
                                                                                                                                             relationships with others and
                                                                                                                                             promotes critical thinking.”
                                                                                                                                             Jiazhu Dong
                                                                                                                                             Bachelor of Nursing

     NURSING &
     Make a positive difference in people’s lives with a career in nursing or health. Choosing a
     health profession offers you rewarding, challenging and varied job opportunities. Using
     your compassionate and kind nature, you will develop your skills and discover how you
     can have a real impact in our communities.

      PROGRAMME                                                      FEES**       CAMPUS                     LEVEL START DATE                                 LENGTH       IELTS*
      Nursing Pathway                                                $11,700 Napier & Gisborne                  4      Napier: 15 Feb, 19 July                19 weeks 5.5
                                                                                                                       Gisborne: 19 July
      Registered Nurse Competence Training Scheme                    $8,000       Napier                        7      18 Jan, 8 Mar, 31 May,                 7 weeks      7.0 (or
                                                                                                                       19 Jul, 26 Oct                                      OET B)
      Bachelor of Nursing                                            $22,500 Napier & Gisborne                  7      Napier: 9 Feb, 19 July                 3 years      6.5 (or
                                                                                                                       Gisborne: 9 Feb                                     OET C+)
      Postgraduate Diploma in Health Science                         $25,100 Napier & Auckland                  8      Napier: 15 Feb, 19 Jul                 1 year       6.5
                                                                                                                       Auckland: 15 Feb, 3 May,
                                                                                                                       19 Jul, 4 Oct
      Master of Health Science                                       $24,400 Napier & Auckland                  9      Napier: 15 Feb, 19 Jul                 1.5 years 6.5
                                                                                                                       Auckland: 15 Feb, 3 May,
                                                                                                                       19 Jul, 4 Oct
      Master of Nursing Science                                      $24,400 Napier                             9      15 Feb, 19 July                        1.5 years 6.5

     FOR A LIFETIME OF FULFILMENT                                                              CAREER OPPORTUNITIES
     Bring your compassion, good humour and kind nature                                        • Registered Nurse                            • Health Promotion Advisor
     to the communities around you with a career in nursing                                    • Clinical Nurse Specialist                   • Community Health
     or health science.                                                                                                                        Support Worker
                                                                                               • Professional Carer
     • Enjoy our facilities, which are among the best in New Zealand.                                                                        • Research Assistant
                                                                                               • Health Services Manager
     • Have access to a range of state-of-the-art technologies                                                                               • Clinical Laboratory
                                                                                               • Healthcare Assistant
       including fully equipped clinical simulation laboratories and                                                                           Assistant
       resources that provide opportunities to practice skills in a safe                       • Elder Care Support Worker
       and supportive environment.                                                             • Hospital Orderly
     • Choose from two study locations for the Bachelor of Nursing                             • Educator
       programme – Napier or Gisborne.

     Individual programmes including entry requirements can be found on the EIT international programme information sheets at
     Note: All fees are listed in New Zealand dollars. | * English language Entry Requirements: Other English qualifications may be accepted. Please see the EIT website
     eit.ac.nz/international-students | ** The tuition fees listed are for one academic year only. If you need to study for more than one year to complete your qualification,
     your fees in the second year, and subsequent years, will not be known when you first enrol. See page 24.

12                                                                         NURSING & HEALTH SCIENCE | international.eit.ac.nz | Eastern Institute of Technology
“I really enjoy studying at EIT
                                                                                                                                        because I have learned a lot that
                                                                                                                                        I can use for my future career.
                                                                                                                                        The programme is very interesting
                                                                                                                                        and includes a broad spectrum of
                                                                                                                                        sports topics. Classes are small, so
                                                                                                                                        the lecturers have time to care for
                                                                                                                                        every student and they are highly
                                                                                                                                        motivated. If you need any kind of
                                                                                                                                        help at EIT, various friendly people
                                                                                                                                        are happy to assist. I am glad to have
                                                                                                                                        the chance to study in such a caring
                                                                                                                                        and motivating environment.”

                                                                                                                                        Hanna Wolf
                                                                                                                                        Bachelor of Sport and

                                                                                                                                        Exercise Science

Let your natural skill and passion shine in this exciting and diverse industry. Guide people
to health and sporting excellence or care for people as they face wellness challenges.
This industry is extremely rewarding and is built on people who care.

 PROGRAMME                                                      FEES**       CAMPUS                    LEVEL      START DATE                             LENGTH       IELTS*
 NZ Diploma in Wellness and Relaxation Massage                  $18,600 Napier                         5          15 Feb                                 1 year       5.5
 NZ Diploma in Sport, Recreation and Exercise                   $22,600 Napier                         5          15 Feb, 19 July                        1 year       5.5
 Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Science                         $22,600 Napier                         7          15 Feb, 19 July                        3 years      6.0

FOR A LIFETIME OF DETERMINATION                                                           CAREER OPPORTUNITIES
Use your unique skills and passion to inspire, teach                                      • Fitness Instructor                          • Event Manager
and guide people towards health, sport and wellness.                                      • Fitness Centre Manager                      • Health Promotion Advisor
Excite people with your knowledge and energy and help
                                                                                          • Sports Coordinator                          • Health Services Manager
them with your compassion.
                                                                                          • Sport & Exercise Consultant                 • Elder Health Specialist
• Enjoy the fantastic facility that is the Pettigrew Green Arena
  (PGA). EIT has strong links with the PGA and the arena itself                           • Massage Therapist
  forms an integral part of the local sports community.
  PGA also hosts a number of international sports competitions.
• Complement your studies with access to EIT’s facilities
  at PGA, including an exercise science laboratory, teaching gym,
  massage clinic and access to PGA gym facilities.
• Utilise our state-of-the-art facilities at the new EIT Institute of
  Sport and Health where students engage in project-based sport
  and exercise programmes.
• Connect with the local community through community-centred
  research activities led by our highly qualified research-focused

Individual programmes including entry requirements can be found on the EIT international programme information sheets at
Note: All fees are listed in New Zealand dollars. | * English language Entry Requirements: Other English qualifications may be accepted. Please see the EIT website
eit.ac.nz/international-students | ** The tuition fees listed are for one academic year only. If you need to study for more than one year to complete your qualification,
your fees in the second year, and subsequent years, will not be known when you first enrol. See page 24.

Eastern Institute of Technology | international.eit.ac.nz | HEALTH & SPORT SCIENCE                                                                                               13
     Would you like to work with all creatures great and small? Here’s your chance to learn about
     this exciting world from animal husbandry to anatomy and first aid. Study with us and you
     will be responsible for the animal residents of the EIT Veterinary Centre. You’ll learn the
     skills to assist veterinarians and use professional equipment.

      PROGRAMME                                                  FEES**       CAMPUS                     LEVEL START DATE                                 LENGTH       IELTS*
      NZ Certificate in Animal Management                        $22,600 Napier                             4      15 Feb                                 1 year       5.5
      (Companion Animals Strand)
      NZ Certificate in Animal Technology                        $22,600 Napier                             5      15 Feb                                 1 year       5.5
      (Veterinary Nursing Assistant Strand)
      NZ Diploma in Veterinary Nursing                           $22,600 Napier                             6      15 Feb                                 1 year       6.0
      Bachelor of Veterinary Nursing                             $22,600 Napier                             7      15 Feb                                 3 years      6.0

  FOR A LIFETIME OF CARE                                                                   CAREER OPPORTUNITIES
  Make plans for your dream career in animal care. This programme                          • Veterinary Nurse                           • Laboratory Technician
  will develop your skills, knowledge and practical experience for                         • Clinic Practice Manager                    • Laboratory Manager
  employment in the veterinary industry.
                                                                                           • Veterinary Supply                          • Veterinary Nurse Assistant
                                                                                             Company Representative

     Make a difference in the lives of others. Pursue a profession in high demand around the
     world. Our programmes balance theory, research and practice. Students are given the
     opportunity to work alongside social workers in the community and experienced teachers
     in local early childhood settings and primary schools.

      PROGRAMME                                                  FEES**       CAMPUS                     LEVEL START DATE                                 LENGTH       IELTS*
      Bachelor of Social Work                                    $22,600 Napier & Gisborne                  7      15 Feb                                 4 years      6.5
      Bachelor of Teaching                                       $22,600 Napier                             7      15 Feb                                 3 years      7.0
      (Early Childhood Education)
      Bachelor of Teaching (Primary)                             $22,600 Napier & Gisborne                  7      15 Feb                                 3 years      7.0
      Postgraduate Diploma in Professional Practice              $21,500 Napier                             8      15 Feb                                 1 year       6.5
      Master of Professional Practice                            $21,900 Napier                             9      15 Feb                                 1.5 years 6.5

     FOR A LIFETIME OF POSSIBILITY                                                                                           CAREER OPPORTUNITIES
     • Teaching can offer a great work-life balance and opportunities for personal development.                              • Early Childhood Teacher
       It also provides a chance to develop, nurture and inspire young minds.                                                • Primary School Teacher
     • As a social worker you'll work alongside individuals families and communities to assess,                              • Social Worker
       advocate, recognise strengths and promote social justice.

     Individual programmes including entry requirements can be found on the EIT international programme information sheets at
 Note: All fees are listed in New Zealand dollars. | * English language Entry Requirements: Other English qualifications may be accepted. Please see the EIT website
 eit.ac.nz/international-students | ** The tuition fees listed are for one academic year only. If you need to study for more than one year to complete your qualification,
 your fees in the second year, and subsequent years, will not be known when you first enrol. See page 24.

14                                      VETERINARY NURSING | EDUCATION & SOCIAL WORK                            | international.eit.ac.nz | Eastern Institute of Technology
“My passion has always been
                                                                                                                                        cooking. This programme has
                                                                                                                                        helped me to take that passion
                                                                                                                                        to the next level.”
                                                                                                                                        Samidda Fernando
                                                                                                                                        Sri Lanka
                                                                                                                                        NZ Diploma in Cookery

Share your passion for food and travel with the world as you embark on a career in hospitality
and tourism. Whether it’s cooking up a storm, sharing your love for travel or unleashing your
host-with-the-most nature, these exciting programmes of study will answer your calling.
Discover a world of opportunities and explore what this industry has to offer.

 PROGRAMME (HOSPITALITY)                                        FEES**       CAMPUS                     LEVEL START DATE                                 LENGTH       IELTS*
 NZ Certificate in Baking                                       $21,000 Napier                             4      1 Mar                                  1 year       5.5
 NZ Diploma in Cookery (Advanced)                               $18,500 Napier                             5      9 Feb                                  2 years      5.5
 PROGRAMME (TOURISM)                                            FEES**       CAMPUS                     LEVEL START DATE                                 LENGTH       IELTS*
 Tourism Opportunities                                          $21,100 Napier                             5      15 Feb                                 2 years      5.5

This is a unique industry that allows you to share your love
for food, travel and tourism. Ignite your passion and hone
your knowledge and skill with our comprehensive,
hands-on programmes.
• Get your hands dirty with real-world industry work experience
  included in all programmes.
• Enjoy our large, modern training kitchens, complemented
  by the fully licensed training restaurant and On The Terrace Café,
  where you’ll practice all aspects of the trade.

HOSPITALITY                                  • Tour Guide
• Chef                                       • Hotel Manager
• Baker                                      • Maitre d’Hotel
TOURISM                                      • Event Manager
• Flight Attendant
• Travel Consultant

Individual programmes including entry requirements can be found on the EIT international programme information sheets at
Note: All fees are listed in New Zealand dollars. | * English language Entry Requirements: Other English qualifications may be accepted. Please see the EIT website
eit.ac.nz/international-students | ** The tuition fees listed are for one academic year only. If you need to study for more than one year to complete your qualification,
your fees in the second year, and subsequent years, will not be known when you first enrol. See page 24.

Eastern Institute of Technology | international.eit.ac.nz | HOSPITALITY & TOURISM                                                                                              15
“I have experienced huge progress
                                                                                                               in my second language which
                                                                                                               will be highly beneficial for my
                                                                                                               communication skills.”
                                                                                                               Carlos Aliaga

 Gain the knowledge, confidence and practical experience you need to command the
 English language. At EIT’s English Language Centre, we have a proud reputation for
 excellence in teaching English to international students and new migrants to New Zealand.
 You’ll be welcomed into a fully supportive environment and community and have the
 opportunity to flourish as your English develops.

     PROGRAMME                                       FEES     CAMPUS               LEVEL START DATE                                  LENGTH
     NZ Certificate in English Language (NZCEL)      $380     Napier                1F-5 15 Feb, 19 July                             16 weeks
                                                     per week
     General English Language                        $175 -   Napier                1F-5 Most weeks from 18 Jan                      Variable
                                                     $380 per
     IELTS Preparation Classes                       $80      Napier                N/A      Classes through the year from 16 Feb    8 weeks
                                                     per week

  Develop your understanding and passion
  for English through our programmes.
  We offer high quality courses and support
  you in your learning journey.
  • Learn from highly qualified and
    experienced teachers.
  • Gain entry to our mainstream academic
    programmes without sitting an IELTS test
    by successfully completing NZCEL.
  • Enjoy our modern technology: large
    flat-screen TVs, video cameras, voice
    recorders and up-to-date computers
    and software.
  • Choose from flexible study options.
  • Experience our practical task-based
    learning including going out into
    the community.

 Note: All fees are listed in New Zealand dollars.

16                                                               ENGLISH LANGUAGE | international.eit.ac.nz | Eastern Institute of Technology

Develop your language knowledge and improve your skills with the New Zealand Certificates        Level        1 (Foundation) - 5
in English Language (NZCEL) programmes. These are designed to help you at your own specific
                                                                                                 Length       16 weeks per qualification
level, to gain confidence and to help you “live the language”. You will:
                                                                                                 Start date   Napier:
• Acquire practical and academic English skills.   • Learn how to communicate with people
                                                                                                              15 February, 19 July
• Widen your vocabulary knowledge.                   in a variety of situations.
                                                                                                 Fee          $380 per week
You will also receive a New Zealand recognised certificate. Successful completion of             Campus       Napier
NZCEL Levels 3, 4 and 5 offers an academic pathway to further study at EIT or any
other New Zealand tertiary provider.

Develop your knowledge of the English language and gain confidence through our English           Level        1 (Foundation) - 5
language short courses. These are a flexible option if you wish to study English but do not
                                                                                                 Length       Variable
require a qualification or cannot commence on NZCEL start dates. Short courses can
                                                                                                 Start date   Most weeks from
be used for personal development such as helping you communicate better while you
                                                                                                              18 January
live in New Zealand or helping you get a better job in your home country.
                                                                                                 Fee          $175 - $380 per week
Students who choose to study English language short courses can study at any level
                                                                                                 Campus       Napier
and will learn alongside NZCEL students.
Note: Sometimes a student takes an English language short course for a few weeks
before joining the NZCEL programme.

This programme is designed to improve your test-taking strategies, to familiarise you with the   Length       8 weeks
IELTS test format, and to improve listening, reading, writing and speaking prior to taking the   Start date   Classes through the year from
IELTS test.                                                                                                   16 February

Entry Requirements: Most appropriate for students in NZCEL Level 3 or higher, or equivalent      Fee          $80 per week
proficiency level.                                                                               Campus       Napier


   EIT is a registered British Council IELTS Test Centre offering exams throughout
   the year. The International English Language Testing System (IELTS) is the
   world’s most popular English language test for study, work and migration,
   with more than 2.2 million tests taken each year. EIT offers both paper-based
   and computer-delivered testing options.
   Fee: The IELTS exam fee is $399.00.
   Contact: ielts@eit.ac.nz or phone +64 6 830 1809
   Test Centre Location:
   EIT Napier Campus, 501 Gloucester Street, Taradale, Napier 4112, New Zealand

Eastern Institute of Technology | international.eit.ac.nz | ENGLISH LANGUAGE                                                                  17
     This section contains important information about immigration,
     insurance and the policy governing international student welfare.

     IMMIGRATION                                          Students should contact our Registry team           CODE OF PRACTICE
                                                          as soon as possible if they decide to organise
     New Zealand Immigration Service requires                                                                 EIT observes and is bound by the Education
                                                          their own insurance as all insurance policies
     a student to have NZ$15,000 in their bank                                                                (Pastoral Care of International Students)
                                                          must meet a minimum standard of care
     account to cover living costs for one year                                                               Code of Practice 2016 administered by the
                                                          and cover for Immigration New Zealand
     of study, or NZ$1,250 per month, plus                                                                    New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA).
                                                          and Code of Practice requirements.
     a return ticket to their home country.                                                                   The Code is a document that provides a
                                                          Most international students are not entitled        framework of outcomes for educational
     Full details of visa requirements, advice
                                                          to publicly funded health services while in         providers and their agents to deliver for their
     on employment rights in New Zealand
                                                          New Zealand. International students may             international students. The purpose of the
     while studying, and reporting requirements
                                                          be liable to pay the full costs of medical          Code is to ensure high-quality pastoral care is
     are available through the New Zealand
                                                          treatment in New Zealand. Full details on           delivered to all international students studying
     Immigration Service and can be viewed
                                                          entitlements to publicly funded health services     at New Zealand institutes.
     on its website at www.immigration.govt.nz.
                                                          are available through the Ministry of Health
                                                                                                              The Code provides both required outcomes
                                                          and can be viewed on its website at
     MEDICAL AND                                                                                              sought for international students and key
                                                          www.moh.govt.nz. Students who do not
                                                                                                              processes to support their well-being,
     TRAVEL INSURANCE                                     choose EIT’s insurance must show evidence of
                                                                                                              achievement and rights. The Code applies
     International students must have appropriate         insurance prior to departure to be able to enrol.
                                                                                                              to pastoral care and provision of information
     and current medical and travel insurance from
                                                                                                              only, and not to academic standards.
     the time they leave home until the expiration        ACCIDENT INSURANCE                                  Copies of the Code are available on the
     of their student visa. EIT’s preferred provider is   The Accident Compensation Corporation               NZQA website at www.nzqa.govt.nz.
     Studentsafe Insurance (www.insurancesafenz.          (ACC) provides accident insurance for all
                                                                                                              Please note:
     com/studentsafe) brought to you by Marsh/            New Zealand citizens, residents and temporary
     Allianz. There is no insurance application           visitors to New Zealand, but visitors to            A student's application to study at EIT is the
     paperwork to complete as insurance fees              New Zealand may still be liable for all other       initiation of a contract with EIT. The Offer of
     are included in the invoice along with tuition       medical and related costs. Further information      Place issued to the student is EIT’s acceptance
     fees. It is easy, and students can have the          can be viewed on the ACC website                    of the contract. The payment of fees by the
     confidence that they are covered from                at www.acc.co.nz.                                   student indicates the student’s acceptance
     the day they leave home for New Zealand.                                                                 of the contract.

18                                                                     FURTHER INFORMATION | international.eit.ac.nz | Eastern Institute of Technology
The minimum academic requirements for entry into our programmes can be viewed on the Programme Information
Sheets available on the website at: www.eit.ac.nz/campus/international-students/international-programmes
If you have any questions about EIT’s recognition of qualifications from your country, contact EIT International
or your agent.

Below is a guide to the minimum English language requirements that qualify a student for enrolment at each
programme level. Some programmes at EIT may vary from the requirements listed below. For specific details,
please refer to the individual programme entry requirements or contact us. Please also note that the English
language proficiency outcomes listed below must have been achieved within 2 years of the enrolment date
into your programme.

                               IELTS                 TOEFL Internet-based   OET                NZCEL      Pearson Test of      Language Cert
                                                     test (iBT)                                           English (Academic)
                                                                                                          - PTE

 Certificate at Level 3        Academic score of 5   Score of 35 (with a    Minimum of         Level 3    PTE (Academic)       B1 Achiever IESOL
                               with no band score    writing score of 14)   Grade C or 200     Academic   score of 36 with     (LRWS) with PASS and
                               lower than 5                                 in all sub-tests              no band score        no less than Pass in
                                                                                                          lower than 36        each skill

 Certificate at Level 4        Academic score of     Score of 46 (with a    Minimum of         Level 3    PTE (Academic)       B2 Communicator IESOL
                               5.5 with no band      writing score of 14)   Grade C or 200     Academic   score of 42 with     (LRWS) with PASS and
                               score lower than 5                           in all sub-tests              no band score        no less than Pass in
                                                                                                          lower than 36        each skill

 Diploma at Level 5            Academic score of     Score of 46 (with a    Minimum of         Level 4    PTE (Academic)       B2 Communicator IESOL
                               5.5 with no band      writing score of 14)   Grade C or 200     Academic   score of 42 with     (LRWS) with HIGH PASS
                               score lower than 5                           in all sub-tests              no band score        and no less than Pass in
                                                                                                          lower than 36        each skill

 Diploma at Level 6            Academic score of 6   Score of 60 (with a    Minimum of         Level 4    PTE (Academic)       C1 Expert IESOL (LRWS)
 Degree at Level 7             with no band score    writing score of 18)   Grade C or 200     Academic   score of 50 with     with PASS and no less
                               lower than 5.5                               in all sub-tests              no band score        than Pass in each skill
 Graduate Diploma at Level 7
                                                                                                          lower than 42

 Postgraduate Diploma or       Academic score of     Score of 79 (with a    Minimum of         Level 5    PTE (Academic)       C1 Expert IESOL (LRWS)
 Postgraduate Certificate      6.5 with no band      writing score of 21)   Grade C+ or        Academic   score of 58 with     with HIGH PASS and
 at Level 8                    score lower than 6                           300 in all sub-               no band score        no less than Pass in
 Bachelor Honours Degree at                                                 tests                         lower than 50        each skill or C2 Mastery
 Level 8                                                                                                                       IESOL (LRWS) with PASS
                                                                                                                               and no less than Pass in
 Master’s Degree at Level 9
                                                                                                                               each skill

Eastern Institute of Technology | international.eit.ac.nz | FURTHER INFORMATION                                                                           19
 EIT Napier offers three accommodation                    To apply for EIT accommodation, please indicate on your application
 options to international students –                      to study at EIT which accommodation you are interested in. We will send
 EIT Student Village, homestay and                        you an application package for the accommodation option of your choice.
 flatting. Students are also welcome                      More information is available at www.eit.ac.nz/accommodation
 to make their own accommodation                          Please note: Spaces fill up very quickly. Accommodation fee payment
 arrangements.                                            is required to help secure a room.

                       EIT STUDENT VILLAGE                HOMESTAY                            FLATS ON YORK                      FLATS ON GLOUCESTER
     Capacity          12 villas with 6 bedrooms          More than 40 hosts                  5 flats with 2 bedrooms in each,   6 flats with 2 bedrooms in each
                       (capacity of 72 people)            (capacity of 55+ people)            up to 4 people per flat
     Location          One-minute walk to campus          Varies; up to 20-minute walk        35-minute walk to campus,          2-minute walk to campus
                       across the road                    to campus                           10-minute bike ride, 5-minute
                                                                                              drive / bus ride
     Accommodation     Own furnished room with shared     Own furnished room with shared      Own (or shared with one other)     Own (or shared with one other)
                       kitchen, bathroom, lounge and      kitchen, bathroom, lounge and       furnished room with shared         furnished room with shared
                       living area                        living area                         kitchen, bathroom, lounge and      kitchen, bathroom, lounge and
                                                                                              living area                        living area
     Food              Self-catered. Kitchen facilities   Food for three meals per day        Self-catered. Kitchen facilities   Self-catered. Kitchen facilities
                       provided but students purchase     provided. Students will receive     provided but students purchase     provided but students purchase
                       and cook their own food            a cooked dinner but may             and cook their own food. There     and cook their own food.
                                                          sometimes prepare their own         is a supermarket across the road
                                                          breakfast and lunch
     Bedding & linen   Bedding pack available from        Provided                            Provided                           Provided
                       EIT for $150, which includes
                       a pillow, sheets, duvet, duvet
                       cover and towel
     Internet          Included in weekly cost            A fair and reasonable amount        Included in weekly cost            Included in weekly cost
                                                          is provided. You will need to
                                                          clarify this with your individual
                                                          homestay family
     Electricity       Included in weekly cost            Included in weekly cost             Included in weekly cost            Included in weekly cost
     Airport pickup    EIT will arrange pickup for you    Your homestay family will collect   EIT will arrange pickup for you    EIT will arrange pickup for you
                       at Hawke’s Bay Airport. FREE!      you from Hawke’s Bay Airport        at Hawke’s Bay Airport. FREE!      at Hawke’s Bay Airport. FREE!
     Cost              $190 per week ($300 deposit)       $240 per week (Minimum 4            $210 per week, + bond ($420)       $220 per week + bond ($440)
                       (Minimum 20 week stay)             weeks stay)                         (Minimum 20 week stay)             (Minimum 20 week stay)

 EIT STUDENT VILLAGE NAPIER HOMESTAY                                                                           FLATTING
 The EIT Student Village (SV) is a self-catering          We strongly recommend English language               The Flats on York and Gloucester are
 complex of 12 villas housing six students in             students apply for homestay accommodation.           self-catering complexes of 11 units with
 each, and on-site managers providing 24-hour             Our homestay families provide a warm and             2 bedrooms in each flat. These are ideal
 support for resident students. The SV is                 welcoming environment giving students                for students who want flexibility and
 located on campus next to the Sports Centre              their own room and food for meals. It offers         independence, or those with partners.
 and bus stop.                                            students the opportunity to assimilate
 Students will be required to pay a one-off               into the New Zealand way of life by becoming
 $300 deposit plus 20 weeks’ rent in advance              part of a local family. All of our homestay
 and sign a contract with the SV for a minimum            families are carefully selected and supervised.
 of one semester (20 weeks).                              They have been vetted by police and inspected
                                                          by EIT staff.

20                                                                      FURTHER INFORMATION | international.eit.ac.nz | Eastern Institute of Technology
Students are welcome to arrange their
own private accommodation. Rent ranges
from $150–$250 per week depending
on the location and if utilities are included.
Please check the accommodation information,
which will be sent to students who are
accepted to study with us at EIT.
The Lime Tree offers a new, modern
student lifestyle. It has a mix of spacious,
comfortable single and twin share rooms
with separate well-appointed bathrooms
and open study areas.

                                                 There are many different types of accommodation available for international
                                                 students in Auckland. EIT Auckland has identified two accommodation options
                                                 that may be suitable for students, including homestay with a New Zealand
                                                 family or flatting at one of our partner apartment complexes.

                                                 HOMESTAY                                          APARTMENT COMPLEX
                                                 A homestay offers students a chance to stay       A popular option for apartment-style
                                                 in a house with a New Zealand family.             accommodation is the Empire Student
                                                 It provides a warm and caring environment         Apartment Complex. Empire provides
                                                 and is a great opportunity to learn about         a safe, secure, friendly, and comfortable
                                                 Kiwi culture. Locations vary within the wider     living environment. Contact EIT Auckland
                                                 Auckland region. Bookings are arranged through    for bookings.
                                                 a homestay company, Host Families NZ.             www.empireapartment.co.nz
                                                 www.hostfamilies.co.nz                            Typical costs are as follows:
                                                 Typical costs are as follows:                      ROOM TYPE                RATES
                                                  ROOM TYPE                  RATES                  Single room in a         $270/week
 Students can either choose to stay
                                                  Single room                $280/week              three-bedroom
 with a homestay family or in private
                                                  – 2 meals Mon–Fri                                 shared apartment
 accommodation. Staff at EIT will help with
 the arrangements for your accommodation          – 3 meals Sat–Sun
 including pickup for you at Gisborne             Lunch (Mon–Fri)            $50/week
 Airport free of charge. Please indicate on      Note: A placement fee of $220 applies
 your application form your requirements
 and staff at EIT Gisborne will contact you          For more accommodation options visit the EIT Auckland website: www.eit.ac.nz/auckland
 directly to discuss the arrangements.
                                                   Staff at EIT can help with the arrangements for your accommodation: accommodationak@eit.ac.nz
 Please note: There is no Student Village
                                                                  For EIT student support in Auckland: AKstudentsupport@eit.ac.nz
 complex on our Gisborne campus.

Eastern Institute of Technology | international.eit.ac.nz | FURTHER INFORMATION                                                                    21
 The availability of support services and facilities below are indicated for each of the
 three campuses in       Napier,     Auckland and        Gisborne.

      FACILITIES                                       INTERNATIONAL                                      ACADEMIC INQUIRY
      • Free Wi-Fi                                     STUDENT ENROLMENT                                  COURSE
      • Cafés
                                                       OFFICERS                                           EIT offers a free essential academic skills
                                                       Our Enrolment Officers provide dedicated           course to assist students transition into
      • Gym and sports arena
                                                       support to EIT students through the process        graduate level study.
      • Muslim prayer room                             of student visa extensions, variation of           Key skills covered:
      • Bookshop                                       conditions for work and study and post-
                                                                                                          • Academic integrity
                                                       study work visas. Students can contact an
      • Library                                        International Student Enrolment Officer
                                                                                                          • Research skills, paraphrasing and referencing
                                                                                                          • Critical reading, evaluation and analysis
      • Medical clinic                                 at visas@eit.ac.nz.
                                                                                                          • Team work
      • Computer labs                                                                                     • Written and oral communication
                                                       ACADEMIC LEARNING
                                                       SERVICES                                           The course is delivered across disciplines.
     INTERNATIONAL STUDENT                                                                                It provides a great opportunity to meet
                                                       Academic Learning Services assist students
     SUPPORT TEAM                                      throughout their study by providing free one-
                                                                                                          students on other programmes, both
                                                                                                          domestic and international.
     The International Student Support Team is         on-one support; for example, in regards
                                                       to study planning, computing, academic             Evidence shows that students who have
     the main support for all international students
                                                       writing, learning, exam techniques and             taken this course find it easier to transition
     before they arrive and once they are on campus
                                                       mathematical and study skills.                     to the New Zealand learning environment
     and living in New Zealand.
                                                                                                          and achieve greater academic success.
     The International Student Support Team            Disability Support Services and a Chaplaincy
                                                       Team are also available if students require        For more information, contact
     is available for all questions, concerns or
                                                       further support.                                   international@eit.ac.nz.
     troubles, providing confidential and non-
     judgemental support, including a 24-7
                                                       CAREER DEVELOPMENT                                 EIT STUDENTS ASSOCIATION
     emergency contact person.
                                                       SERVICES                                           (YOUNITED)
     Support is available for information on
     banking, driving in New Zealand, sexual health,   EIT provides free one-to-one counselling on        At the Napier campus, EIT Students
     homesickness and culture shock, travel in         employment in New Zealand. Our specialised         Association (Younited) runs a variety of
     New Zealand and insurance – basically any         careers counsellors will help students in the      student events throughout the year to assist
     question students may have about study            following ways:                                    students to get to know each other and
     and life in New Zealand.                                                                             become part of the EIT campus community.
                                                       • Develop skills and knowledge to plan
     The International Student Support Team also                                                          Younited introduces students onto the campus
                                                         and manage their careers
     provides an accommodation placement service.                                                         each year during orientation (O Week) at
                                                       • Provide information relating to the job market
                                                                                                          the start of semesters one and two, which
                                                       • Provide information on job search strategies
     INTERNATIONAL STUDENT                             • Assist with the preparation of job
                                                                                                          includes activities such as student games,
                                                                                                          live music, information stalls and free lunches.
     MENTORS                                             applications, including assisting with writing
                                                                                                          During the year, Younited will also offer
     Academic Mentors are available to support and       a CV and covering letter and completing
                                                                                                          students a range of activities both on and off
     assist international students in their studies.     online job applications
                                                                                                          campus. These include cultural celebrations,
     At the start of the semester, students will       • Develop interview techniques
                                                                                                          inter-school quiz events and sports days.
     meet an international mentor who will support     EIT also has a dedicated Industry Partnerships     younited.ac.nz
     them with any academic issues throughout          Manager based at our Auckland campus. The
     the year.                                         Industry Partnerships Manager works closely
                                                       with students to enhance their employability
     INTERNATIONAL STUDENT                             through interactive workshops, specialised
     PEER MENTORS AND                                  employment coaching, visits to workplaces and
     REPRESENTATIVES                                   providing in-depth industry research support.

     International students are also further
     supported by our student Peer Mentors and
     Student Representatives at the Napier and
     Auckland campuses.

22                                                                  FURTHER INFORMATION | international.eit.ac.nz | Eastern Institute of Technology
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