Page created by Frederick Hodges
    L I V I NG                 PRODUC T S

        Building Better Health & Wealth

Aloe Vera Gel                                                            Aloe Berry Nectar                        Aloe Bits n’ Peaches
The miraculous aloe leaf bursts with over 75 nutrients and 200           Don’t let the great taste fool you,      Pure nutritious chunks of aloe
active compounds, including 20 minerals, 18 amino acids, and 12          it’s a nutritional powerhouse! All the   vera bathed in the flavour of
vitamins. A product of our patented aloe stabilization process, our      goodness of Aloe Vera Gel coupled        sun ripened peaches. To our
gel is favoured by those looking to maintain a healthy digestive         with a sweet blend of real apple and     aloe vitamin cocktail we’ve
system, a healthy energy level, and a good complexion. Taken             cranberry juice — high in antioxi-       added carotenoids to provide
daily, it is one of the best nutritional supplements available. Aloe’s   dant vitamins C and A, potassium         extra antioxidants and vitamin
anti-inflammatory and restorative properties provide nature’s            and pectin — to aid in cleansing the     A for the immune system. This
most perfect vitamin cocktail — one that replenishes the immune          digestive system, in turn support-       tasty, healthy drink is ideal for
system, assists in nutrient absorption, restocks your body with          ing the detoxification of the skin for   children. Pour over ice and
vital nutrients, and enhances your performance.                          a sense of wellbeing through and         enjoy.
Item No. 015 1 litre                                                     through.                                 Item No. 077 1 litre
                                                                         Item No. 034 1 litre

Forever Aloe2Go™                         Forever Pomesteen Power™                                 Arctic-Sea Super Omega-3
The nutritional benefits of Aloe         Forever Pomesteen Power’s great tasting proprietary      Maintain your healthy heart with Omega-3 and
Vera Gel and Pomesteen Power             blend is a unique mix of fruit juices and extracts,      9. Omega–3 is an essential polyunsaturated
have been combined into this single      including Pomegranate, Pear, Mangosteen,                 fatty acid found in salmon and other seafood.
serving convenient foil pouch.           Raspberry, Blackberry, Blueberry and Grape Seed.         Omega-9 is the cholesterol-lowering
Forever Aloe2Go is ready to drink        All of the ingredients of Forever Pomesteen Power are    unsaturated fatty acid found in vegetable
anytime anywhere – at your desk,         near the top of the list in ORAC value (Oxygen Radical   products, like olive oil. Studies show that these
on the trail, in the car or on the go.   Absorbance Capacity) especially Pomegranate and          essential fatty acids lower blood cholesterol
Just grab a pouch, tear at the top       Mangosteen fruit. ORAC value is an indicator of          and triglyceride levels while maintaining
and drink in the very tasty benefits.    how well an antioxidant inhibits free radical damage.    healthy joint mobility and a healthy complexion.
Item No.270                              Experience the incredible power of antioxidants from     Each capsule has an EPA content of 225 mg
30 pouches per box                       these exotic fruits with Forever Pomesteen Power.        and 150 mg each of DHA and oleic acid.
                                         Item No. 262 473ml                                       Item No. 039 60 Softgel Capsules

Forever Bee Honey                          Forever Bee Pollen                              Forever Bee Propolis
A storehouse of natural goodness, its      Bee pollen is packed with easily absorbed       Propolis is the protective substance gathered
carbohydrates and minerals, such as        vitamins C, D, E, K, betacarotene (vitamin      and used by bees to keep their hives
calcium and phosphorus, make Forever       A), B complex, minerals, enzymes,               sterile and infection-free. It’s so effective,
Bee Honey a tremendous quick energy        coenzymes, plant-source fatty acids,            the interior of the bee hive is more germ-
source. Great tasting, this natural        carbohydrates, proteins and 22 amino acids      free than the most sterile operating room.
sweetener is easily digested by children   (including all 8 essential acids). A boost to   Containing 22 amino acids, B-complex
and adults alike. At approximately 100     energy and stamina, Forever Bee Pollen          vitamins and fortified with royal jelly, Forever
calories per 30 grams, it provides the     assists in maintaining a healthy circulatory,   Bee Propolis is an excellent way to help
incredible punch of vitamins, minerals,    digestive, immune, and nervous system. A        support the body’s natural defenses.
enzymes, proteins and amino acids.         perfect food!                                   500 mg per tablet. Item No. 027
Item No. 207                               500 mg per tablet. Item No. 026                 60 Tablets
                                           100 Tablets

Aloe Blossom Herbal Tea                        Essential Nutrition Program
Naturally low in calories and caffeine free!   Today’s hectic lifestyle leads to our
The flavour comes from aloe blossoms,          body being neglected and lacking
cinnamon, ginger, fragrant cloves,             the essential nutrients to maintain
soothing all spice, zesty orange peel,         peak health. For optimum health, the
(full of Vitamin C), Cardamon, fennel,         products in the Essential Nutrition Program
chamomile, blackberry leaf and gymnema         combine in synergy to replenish a stressed
sylvestre.                                     immune system, assist with nutrient
Item No. 200                                   absorption and restock the body with
25 bags per box.                               essential vitamins & minerals.
                                               Item No. 006

Forever Lite Ultra                              Forever Lite                                      Clean 9 Kit
Forever Lite Ultra is the perfect addition to   Mixed with milk or your favourite fruit           Puts you on the path to a cleaner, leaner,
your healthy Forever Living lifestyle. With     juice, Forever Lite delivers a nutritious         healthier, happier you, while cleansing
55% more protein and less than ½ the            kick of vitamins, minerals, proteins and          your body of unnatural toxins.
carbohydrates of regular Forever Lite powder,   carbohydrates. Each shake contains 18 amino       Item 216 Clean 9 Kit
Forever Lite ultra integrates new thinking      acids including the 8 essential ones plus trace
with new technologies to help you maintain a    elements including iron, selenium, chromium
healthy diet and lifestyle.                     and iodine providing you with soluble and
For an extra special treat mix with fruit and   insoluble fibre.                                  Lifestyle 30 Kit
add crushed ice.                                                                                  This will continue to aid in your body’s
                                                                                                  natural cleansing process while burning
                                                                                                  your stored fat cells.
 Item No. 237              Item No. 266          Item No. 019                Item No. 021         Item 223 Lifestyle 30 with Aloe Gel
 Ultra-Vanilla             Ultra-Chocolate       Vanilla                     Chocolate            Item 225 Lifestyle 30 with Aloe Berry
 525 gm                    525 gm                525 gm                      525 gm               Nectar


Aloe-Jojoba Shampoo                  Aloe Jojoba                         Aloe Pro-Set                           Aloe Styling Gel
Your family’s hair will be shiny,    Conditioning Rinse                  An alcohol-free, protein-rich          Express your creativity with the
soft and manageable with this        Fall in love with your hair. Give   formula, Aloe Pro-Set strength-        revolutionary aloe-based styling
pH-balanced, pure aloe formula.      it that salon look and feel with    ens, conditions and moisturizes        gel that fortifies and repairs your
Helping to maintain healthy hair     a pH-balanced conditioning          as it provides long-lasting, natural   hair. Alcohol-free Forever Aloe
and scalp, its enzymatic activity    treatment that combines the best    hold! Ozone friendly.                  Styling Gel offers optimal hold,
sloughs off and dissolves dead       of pure stabilized aloe vera gel    Item No. 066 295.7ml                   plenty of body, maximum shine
cells, allowing the restoration of   with jojoba, an agent to remove                                            and volume.
healthy tissue. Gentle, con-         the electrostatic charges, and a                                           Item No. 194 237ml
centrated, and long-lasting, it’s    secondary agent to coat the hair
suitable for all hair types.         shaft and eliminate split ends.
Item No. 260 296ml                   Item No. 261


Aloe Scrub                           Aloe First                             Aloe MSM Gel                          Aloe Propolis Creme
Jojoba oil suspended in pure aloe    No first aid kit should be with-       Aloe MSM Gel, a soothing cream        Do more than moisturize and
vera, gentle enough to use every     out it! Formulated on a base of        for relief anytime. MSM stands        condition your skin. Reach for
day working together to slough       stabilized aloe vera gel, Aloe First   for Methyl Sulfonyl Methane, an       the thick, rich, creamy blend of
off dead skin cells, open up pores   contains bee propolis as a natural     organic sulfur found in almost        stabilized aloe vera gel and bee
and clear the way for your skin’s    antiseptic, allantoin to protect the   all living organisms. In fact,        propolis, the protective substance
unique renewal process.              skin, and eleven exclusive plant       sulfur is the third most abundant     used by bees to keep their hives
Item No. 238 99gm                    extracts to moisturize.                substance in our body. The other      sterile and infection-free. To this
                                     Item No. 040 473 ml                    main ingredient in Aloe MSM Gel       we added chamomile and com-
                                                                            is pure, stabilized aloe vera. Aloe   frey, two of nature’s best skincare
                                                                            MSM Gel combines these two            herbs, along with vitamins A and
                                                                            powerful ingredients with herbal      E. Aloe Propolis Creme helps
                                                                            extracts and other select ingredi-    maintain a healthy skin tone and
                                                                            ents for soothing relief anytime.     texture, minimizes breakouts, and
                                                                            Item No. 205 118ml                    calms minor scrapes.
                                                                                                                  Item No. 051 113 gm

Aloe                                    Aloe Lotion                            Aloe Heat Lotion                       Aloe Vera Gelly
Moisturizing Lotion                     An excellent all-over moisturizer      Stretch no further than to grab        For all the benefits of aloe our
Great for both face and body. This      for your face and body, Aloe Lotion    a tube of Aloe Heat Lotion for         100% stabilized aloe vera gel
thick lotion blends the power of        combines the highest concentra-        a soothing massage, helping            lubricates sensitive tissue safely,
pure stabilized aloe vera gel with      tion of pure stabilized aloe with      to maintain healthy mobility.          while its antiseptic agents keep
allantoin, apricot kernel oil, jojoba   jojoba oil, collagen, elastin and      An emollient oil-in-water lotion       skin clean, minimizing the chance
oil, elastin and soluble collagen       Vitamin E in a fine-textured lotion,   containing warming agents and          of infection. Absorbed quickly, this
for soothing dry, chapped or dam-       light in scent but long on soothing    aloe for easy absorption, it’s ideal   thick, translucent gel containing
aged skin.                              dry, irritated skin. It quickly re-    for soothing stress and strain.        humectants and moisturizers can
Item No. 063 118 ml                     stores skin’s delicate pH balance,     Safe and gentle enough for             be wonderfully soothing with all
                                        keeping skin supple and soft.          children to use.                       of aloe’s anti-inflammatory and
                                        Item No. 062 118 ml                    Item No. 064 118 ml                    replenishing properties.
                                                                                                                      Item No. 061 118 ml


Gentleman’s Pride                      Aloe Ever-Shield                        Forever Bright Toothgel               Aloe Liquid Soap
Feel the icy exhilaration of an        Whether under the gun or under          Your teeth gleam with Forever         A no-tears formula, Aloe Liquid
alcohol-free blend of lubricants       the sun, our clean-scented Aloe         Bright, one of the best tooth gels    Soap moisturizes as it cleans.
and moisturizers combined with         Ever-Shield deodorant stick will        on the market. This non-abrasive,     Biodegradable, pH-controlled and
pure stabilized aloe vera gel.         keep you fresh and confident.           non-fluoride formula combines         non-irritating, it’s mild enough
Gentlemen’s Pride is a soothing        Gentle enough to use directly           100% stabilized aloe vera gel         to make it an ideal shampoo for
aftershave in a clean, masculine       after underarm shaving or waxing,       with bee propolis. The result is an   babies.
scent. Formulated with rosemary        it won’t stain clothes and is free of   antiseptic formula that strength-     Item No. 038 473 ml
and chamomile for extra gentle         aluminum salts and toxins used in       ens teeth and gums, keeps
soothing, it never leaves skin tight   many deodorants on the market           breath fresh, and whitens without
and dry.                               today.                                  bleaching agents. Your family will
Item No. 070 118 ml                    Item No. 067 92.1 ml                    love the natural peppermint and
                                                                               spearmint flavors and the clean-
                                                                               mouth feel.
                                                                               Item No. 028 130 gm

Aloe Body Toning Kit                   Aloe Bath Gelée                      Avocado Face &                       25th Edition for Men and
Indulge yourself with an at-home       Whether your day calls for an        Body Soap                            Women
body wrap designed to help trim,       invigorating shower or a relaxing    This pure and gentle soap bar        Allure your senses with the fresh
tone and tighten, minimizing the       soak in the tub, this gentle         contains the rich, moisturising      and aromatic fragrances of
bumpy texture of cellulite and         moisturizing bath and shower         properties of avocado butter,        25th Edition Eau de Parfum and
flattening fat cells. Available as a   gel, rich in pure aloe vera gel,     leaving your face and body feeling   25th EditionCologne. Expertly
collection or sold separately.         penetrates the skin to soothe        wonderfully smooth and clean. It’s   blended and created especially
Item No. 055 For Kit                   away dryness and invigorate          fresh citrus scent will invigorate   for Forever Living, each scent
Item No. 056 Body Toning               circulation. Used with our loofah    you each time you bathe.             captures its essence in a subtle,
             Creme                     mitt, it helps remove dead skin      Item No. 284                         pleasing elixir.
Item No. 057 Body                      cells, revealing smooth, clean                                            Item No. 208 for Women
            Conditioning               skin. Pour it under running water,                                        Item No. 209 for Men
                                       climb in, and the rest will speak
                                       for itself.
                                       Item No. 014 250 ml

Aloe Family Essentials Kit                Forever Aloe MPD                        Aroma Spa Collection                  Aloe Sunless
Your Family’s health is important and     A biodegradable all-purpose             This collection of aromatherapy       Tanning Lotion
using top quality products every day is   detergent concentrate that’s great      spa products is the ultimate          Give yourself the kissed-
essential. These Aloe Vera personal       for lifting grime, cutting grease       in-home spa experience. The           by-the-sun look (without
care products are safe for the whole      and removing stains. Non-               Dead Sea Salts found in the           the damaging UV rays)
family from babies to grand parents       abrasive and phosphorous-free,          Relaxation Bath Salts have            with a natu­ral-looking,
and particularly suitable for people      it’s as safe for your family as it is   been used for centuries to feed       smooth, even tan. Forever
with sensitive skin.                      for the environment.                    essential minerals back into the      Aloe Sunless Tanning
Item No. 007                              Item No. 050 1.89 Lit.                  skin. Lavender is known to lift the   Lotion pampers skin with a
                                                                                  spirits, calm the soul and restore    luxurious aloe-based blend
                                                                                  the skin. Treat yourself to this      of hydrating moisturizers for
                                                                                  luxurious spa collection and enjoy    safe, year-round results.
                                                                                  the skin conditioning benefits of     Item No. 239 118 ml
                                                                                  aloe vera and the calming powers
                                                                                  of these select essential oils.
                                                                                  Item No. 285

Marine Mask                       Alpha-E Factor                        Alluring Eyes           Epiblanc                      R3 Factor
Specially formulated blend of     This light, emollient fluid is rich   Reduce the              Most of us dream of           Retain moisture, Restore
Aloe and sea plants to help       in a cornucopia of dynamic            appearance of           having a smooth clear         resilience, and Renew a vibrant,
tighten, hydrate and soften       ingredients, starting with            wrinkles, fine lines,   skin, however our lifestyle   healthy glow. Your first line
the facial skin. The amazing      pure stabilized aloe vera gel.        under-eye puffiness     and exposure to the           of defense against the signs
tightening action of Forever      Fortified with vitamins A, C and      and dark circles .      elements often result in      of aging, R3 Factor is a rich
Marine Mask works to help         E, borage oil, bisabolol, and         Item No. 233            spots, blemishes and          combination of stabilized aloe
diminish the appearance of        other protective ingredients,         14.2gm                  hyperpigmentation.            vera gel, soluble collagen, alpha
fine lines and wrinkles. At the   Alpha-E Factor provides                                       Forever Epiblanc’s            hydroxy acids (AHA), and the skin
same time, it absorbs excess      optimal antioxidant protection                                exclusive formula is          nourishing sustenance of vitamins
oils and promotes healthy         against environmental                                         specifically designed to      A and E. It’s ideal for crow’s feet
cell growth by clearing the       factors and free radicals. It                                 brighten the complexion       and can help maintain healthy
skin of dead cellular debris.     enhances elasticity, balances                                 and even out our              skin color, texture and feel.
Item No. 234 113gm                dry sensitive skin, reduces                                   sometimes patchy skin         Item No. 069 56.7gm
                                  scaliness.                                                    colour.
                                  Item No. 187 30 ml                                            Item No. 236 28.3gm

                                           Firming Foundation Lotion                Aloe Activator                        Exfoliating Cleanser
                                           Rich in emollients and Vitamin A, C      An exclusive moisturizing             A non-greasy, non –irritating Lotion
                                           and E to firm, re-texture and tighten    and cleansing agent formulated        that removes make up and dirt with
                                           pores under make up. It helps the        with aloe vera gel and allantoin.     just a few drops. Hypo-allergenic, Ph
                                           skin retain vital moisture balance.      Item No. 052 120ml                    and moisture balanced.
                                           Item No. 044 60ml                                                              Item No. 043 120ml

Aloe Fleur de Jouvence Kit
To create one of the most effective
restorative beauty collections ever
assembled, we took pure, stabilized
aloe vera gel, combined it with nature’s
own hydrolyzed elastin and collagen,                                               Recovering Night                       Mask Powder
and added exceptional moisturizers,                                                Cream                                  A combination of rich ingredients
emulsifiers and humectants. The            Rehydrating Toner                       Minimizes the appearance of            when mixed with Aloe Activator
Aloe Fleur de Jouvence collection is       A gentle non alcoholic toner            wrinkles. Natural lipids, wheat        Will moisturize, cleanse, tighten
available in an elegant mirrored box or    combining Aloe, witch hazel,            germ glycerides, jojoba and apricot    pores and smooth the skin.
sold separately.                           collagen and allantoin. Removes         kernel oil control oil/water balance   Item No. 045 30gm
Item No. 041 For Kit                       traces of cleanser and lifeless         while collagen and hydrolyzed
                                           surface cells and reduces pore size.    elastin reduce fine lines.
                                           Item No. 042 120ml                      Item No. 046 50gm

                                       Sonya® Aloe                               Sonya® Aloe                         Sonya Eye Make-up
                                       Refreshing Toner                          Nourishing Serum                    Remover
                                       Aloe Refreshing Toner with White          Aloe Nourishing Serum with        A unique oil free formula providing
                                       Tea provides vital moisture to help       White Tea replenishes your skin’s gentle yet effective removal of eye
                                       keep your skin properly hydrated.         moisture.                         makeup whilst conditioning and
                                       Item No. 279 177ml                        Item No. 281 118ml                moisturising the lashes.
                                                                                                                     Item 186 118ml

Sonya® Skin Care
The Sonya® Aloe Skin Care
Collection contains Aloe Purifying
Cleanser, Aloe Refreshing Toner,
Aloe Nourishing Serum, Aloe
Balancing Cream, and Aloe              Sonya® Aloe                           Sonya® Aloe Deep-                       Sonya® Aloe
Deep-Cleansing Exfoliator.             Purifying Cleanser                    Cleansing Exfoliator                    Balancing Cream
Indulge in this five-step process,     Aloe Purifying Cleanser               Aloe Deep-Cleansing Exfoliator          Aloe Balancing Cream contains
and treat your skin to the luxury it   will leave your face feeling          contains aloe and natural jojoba        aloe plus revitalizing extracts and
deserves!                              wonderfully soft, fresh and           beads to leave your skin feeling soft   advanced moisturizers. Used with
Item No. 282                           clean.                                and smooth.                             Aloe Nourishing Serum, your skin will
                                       Item No. 277 177ml                    Item No. 278 118ml.                     feel soft, smooth, and hydrated.
                                                                                                                     Item No. 280 71gms
Forever Living Products invites you to join the Company as a Distributor.
Ever dreamt of having your own home based business?
Forever offers you the opportunity to have your own business sharing these wonderful products.
To help you get started there are 2 kits with great savings in them ready for you to begin your Forever business.
Ask today for the full details.

TOUCH of FOREVER-Combo Pack                                                                           SUPER 8 KIT
Our introductory combo includes Nutrition                                                             This kit contains the 8 Top selling products in
products, Skin Care (including the Aloe Fleur                                                         quantities that give you products to use and
de Jouvence Kit), Personal and Hair Care                                                              products to immediately sell. Includes Aloe
products. A full range of products for you to use                                                     Gel, Aloe Berry Nectar, Arctic Sea- Omega 3,
and show people.                                                                                      Bee products, Pomesteen Power and Personal
The Kit also includes Product brochures, price                                                        Care products. The kit also includes Product
lists DVD and a whole lot of items to help you in                                                     Brochures, Price lists, DVD and a whole lot of
your new business.                                                                                    items that will help you in your new business.
Item No. 001                                                                                          Item No. 004

                                                                                        DISTRIBUTED BY:

  (See Separate
 For Full Range)
                                                                                                                                         Item No.8101
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