For the well-being of our workforce - newSpecial

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For the well-being of our workforce - newSpecial
                                                                                                              I G IO

                                                                                                                  IT N
                                                                   SERVING THE PEOPLE OF INTERNATIONAL
                                                                   ORGANIZ ATIONS IN GENE VA SINCE 1949

                 For the
               of our workforce

                                                  815 – DÉC 21-
                                                         JAN 22
FAREWELL                  SE DÉSTRESSER           Suivez-nous sur       WALKING GENTLY          MUSÉES LOCAUX
Exit interview with WHO   Méthodes alternatives                         Pick your path – P.18   idées pour la période
HQ Staff Association      – P. 14                 new.special                                   hivernale – P. 40
President – P. 5                                  www.
For the well-being of our workforce - newSpecial
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For the well-being of our workforce - newSpecial
                                                                                                                                        IG IO

                                                                                                                                           IT N
                                                                                             SERVING THE PEOPLE OF INTERNATIONAL
                                                                                             ORGANIZ ATIONS IN GENE VA SINCE 1949

                                           For the
@ Geralt,

                                         of our workforce
                                                                                                                                                       GARRY ASLANYAN

                          FAREWELL                  SE DÉSTRESSER
                                                                            815 – DÉC 21-
                                                                                   JAN 22
                                                                            Suivez-nous sur       WALKING GENTLY          MUSÉES LOCAUX
                                                                                                                                                       Editor-in-chief /
                                                                                                                                                       Rédacteur en chef
                          Exit interview with WHO   Méthodes alternatives                         Pick your path – P.18   idées pour la période
                          HQ Staff Association      – P. 14                 new.special                                   hivernale – P. 40
                          President – P. 5                                  www.

                        EDITOR’S NOTE / ÉDITORIAL                                                                                                 3
                                                                                                                                                       For the well-being of our                        Pour le bien-être de nos
                        FEATURED / À LA UNE
                        A farewell tinged with sadness: Catherine                                                                                      workforce                                        collaborateurs
                        Kirorei Corsini reflects on her time as the
                        president of the WHO HQ Staff Association 5
                        Innovation in career development at WHO                                                                                   8
                        A wish for Christmas and the New Year:                                                                                         The well-being of our workforce is ensured       Le bien-être de notre main d’œuvre est
                        Qui me amat, amat et canem meum                                                                                          12
                                                                                                                                                       by multifaceted and multi-layered factors.       assuré par des facteurs à multiples facettes
                        Méthodes alternatives pour se déstresser
                        pendant l’année                         14                                                                                    As a result, the better it is, the higher the    et à plusieurs niveaux. En conséquence,
                        Gentle walking paths around Switzerland 18                                                                                    impact of everything we do. We have cov-         mieux c’est, plus l’impact que tout nous
                        Conte (apocalyptique) de Noël                                                                                            32   ered some of these factors in this issue,        faisons est élevé. Nous avons couvert
                        WHO / OMS                                                                                                                      including how transparent and open staff         certain de ces facteurs dans ce numéro,
                        Discoveries from vaccine implementation 16                                                                                    associations and councils are improving          y compris comment des associations et
                        INTERNATIONAL GENEVA /                                                                                                         the relations between the workforce and          des conseils du personnel transparents
                        GENÈVE INTERNATIONALE                                                                                                          the management.                                  et ouverts améliorent les relations entre
                        In pursuit of happiness… A few reflections 20
                                                                                                                                                                                                        les employés et la direction.
                        How can academia support
                        the humanitarian sector to develop                                                                                             The outgoing President of the WHO’s
                        capacity at the local level                                                                                              26   Staff Association Committee in the               La présidente sortante du Comité de l’As-
                        Basseer Jeeawody                                                                                                         33
                                                                                                                                                       Headquarters reflects on her time in the         sociation du personnel de l’OMS au Siège
                        The quest for an Education                                                                                               34
                                                                                                                                                       office and what has been accomplished,           revient sur son mandat et sur ce qui a été
                        ART & CULTURE                                                                                                                  a farewell full of achievements, though          accompli, un adieu plein de réussites,
                        Mon expérience sur la retraite
                        méditative Vipassana                                                                                                     22
                                                                                                                                                       tinged with sadness. Innovations in career       quoique teinté de tristesse. Les innova-
                        Death in Geneva, the assassination of                                                                                          development, approaches to self-care,            tions dans le développement de carrière,
                        Empress Elisabeth of Austria                                                                                             28   paced hiking, as well as stress and time         les approches pour prendre soin de soi, la
                        « Comprendre par le geste,
                                                                                                                                                       management and pursuing happiness at             randonnée rythmée, ainsi que la gestion
                        c’est irremplaçable. »                                                                                                   30
                        Nostalgia                                                                                                                35   your workplace are also covered by our           du stress et du temps, et la recherche du
                        La Course des Rives – Thonon                                                                                                   contributions.                                   bonheur au travail sont également cou-
                        Jan : sa plus belle victoire                                                                                             36                                                    vertes par nos contributions.
                        Canton de Saint Gall : Lichtensteig                                                                                      38
                                                                                                                                                       And course, as the holidays are upon us,
                        Visite des musées locaux : idées                                                                                         40
                        Italie (½) : Entre Ligurie et Toscane                                                                                    44   we have reflections on the season with sug-      Et bien sû r, com me les v ac a nces
                                                                                                                                                       gestions for nearby travel for your time off.    approchent, nous avons des réflexions sur
                                                                                                                                                                                                        la saison avec des suggestions de voyages
                                                                                                                                                       We hope you will enjoy this issue, and we        à proximité pendant les vacances.
                                                                                                                                                       take the opportunity to wish you a great
                                                                                                                                                       holiday season! n                                Nous espérons que ce numéro vous plaira
                                                                                                                                                                                                        et nous en profitons pour vous souhaiter
                                                                                                                                                                                                        d’excellentes fêtes de fin d’année ! n

                        Au service du personnel des
                        organisations internationales de
                        Genève depuis 1949

                        Serving the people of international
                        organizations in Geneva since 1949

                                                                                                                                                                                                       newSpecial – December 2021-January 2022 | 3
For the well-being of our workforce - newSpecial
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4 | newSpecial – Décembre 2021-Janvier 2022
    ATHÉNÉE COINTRIN                 ÉTOILE GENÈVE     MARBRERIE CAROUGE                           A&S CHEVALLEY NYON
For the well-being of our workforce - newSpecial

                     A farewell tinged with sadness

                     Catherine Kirorei Corsini reflects
                     on her time as the president of
                     the WHO HQ Staff Association
                                  After three years as the president of the WHO HQ Staff Association,
                                  Catherine’s term is coming to an end. newSpecial spoke to her and
                                  found out just how much this experience meant to Catherine and her

                                                                            LISANNE HOPKIN, EDITORIAL               together. There were so many
                                                                            ASSISTANT INTERN                        conflicting ideas that kept being
                                                                            What has it been like to be the         put forward, and the ideas were
                                                                            president of the WHO HQ Staff           all strongly promoted by different
                                                                            Association for the last three          people, that it kind of created this
                                                                            years?                                  separation within the committee.
                                                                            That’s an interesting question.         It was tough. Everybody wants
                                                                            Being president of the staff associ-    their team to work well and cohe-
                                                                            ation at WHO’s HQ has been quite        sively as a group. I knew that this
                                                                            the journey for me. Initially, it was   was the first thing that I had to do
                                                                            something I didn’t think I’d be able    when I became president. If we
                                                                            to do, so I relied on the support       could learn to agree to disagree
                                                                            that I received from the commit-        and realise that it is perfectly nor-
                                                                            tee members. They were the ones         mal for everyone to have different
                                                                            who had seen the potential in me,       ideas, then it would feel a lot less
                                                                            believed in me, and trusted me          intense. In fact, it was good that
                                                                            right from the beginning. They’d        we had so many varying opinions,
                                                                            encouraged me to stand for the          as we could really represent peo-
                                                                            position. It was really encourag-       ple and what it was they believe.
                                                                            ing to have them backing me even        It was important to acknowledge
                                                                            when I wasn’t sure of myself. The       that people would disagree, but
                                                                            first year in my role was all about     we had to learn how to support
                                                                            learning and adapting. The sec-         each idea in a constructive way.
                                                                            ond one was more about setting          During my tenure, a committee
                                                                            the tone for things to come, and        member actually told me on
                                                                            the third was about performing          several occasions that we were
                                                                            well. It was a lot of hard work, but    starting to work well together as a
                                                                            I think it paid off in the end!         team. The togetherness and team
                                                                                                                    spirit that we ended up achieving
© Chris Black, WHO

                                                                            What has been your proudest             really helped when going forward
                                                                            achievement?                            with lots of our tasks.
                                                                            I have a few achievements I’m
                                                                            proud of. When I was elected as         I’m also very proud of the fact
                                                                            the president, the committee was        that I asked the Director-Gen-
                                                                            going through a difficult period        eral to support the committee by
                                                                            of time, as we were struggling          becoming a due paying member.
                                                                            with the concept of all working         And he did end up doing it!

                                                                                                        newSpecial – December 2021-January 2022 | 5
For the well-being of our workforce - newSpecial
© Allan Lemantile

                    WHO HQ Staff Association Committee and the Director-General, Dr. Tedros.

                    Additionally, one other thing that             any additional conf lict, and              fairly and equally. This is vital in       me to continue working with peo-
                    I’m very proud of is that future               smoothing over any conf lict               work and in life.                          ple in this way, as I believe that
                    presidents will now have a double              that may already have arisen.                                                         it’s my vocation.
                    module office and meeting room.                The hardest thing that I learned           What is something that you
                    Before I was elected president, this           was to represent the position that         will miss about the role?                  You have been a champion of
                    was not a thing. But I negotiated              I held, and not myself. I didn’t           I consider myself a people-per-            newSpecial magazine. What do
                    with the management, and suc-                  need to add my opinions, I was             son, as I have always loved                you think is the significance
                    ceeded in convincing them that                 just the mediator. It was impor-           working with others. I think I’ll          of the magazine for staff of
                    it was needed.                                 tant to let go of my own ideas, so         really miss this aspect of the role.       international organisations in
                                                                   that I could be objective. When            Always being able to interact              Geneva?
                    What is something that you’ve                  colleagues ask me how I get along          with others, listening to them,            I think the name gives it away.
                    learnt from your role that you                 with everyone in the committee             encouraging them if they need it,          newSpecial is a ‘special’ maga-
                    will take with you in life?                    so well, I tell them that first and        representing people who feel vul-          zine. It not only tells its readers
                    To listen, always listen. And don’t            foremost, as a leader, it is up to         nerable and maybe feel like their          of the interesting stories that
                    be quick to judge others and/or                me to separate my own feelings             voice isn’t being heard, provid-           they might benefit from, such
                    their ideas! Everyone’s opinion                and values from who I am as a              ing support and being someone              as hikes they can do for exer-
                    is valid in their eyes. It’s up to             person to the ones I will have as          that people can turn to if they’re         cise, or tips that may help them
                    you, as the leader of the team,                the president of the WHO HQ Staff          feeling a little lost or upset. I’m        in negotiation, but it also includes
                    to find a way of reconciling the               Association. It is up to me to treat       planning to look for a position            articles about Switzerland itself.
                    different ideas without creating               everyone I meet and interact with          within the WHO that will allow             As a lot of the people who live in

                     Some of Catherine’s colleagues send their lovely goodbyes.
                     Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus:                 Ju Yang: “As a committee member           Neddy Mafunga: “Her commitment             to staff until there is a solution that can
                     “Catherine, you have exuded humility,          newly joined in 2021, I have learned      and passion to the work of the office of   be proposed. She is a humble lead
                     kindness, respect, and humanity                so much from Catherine, in terms          the Staff Association in her capacity as   and an inspiration for many people
                     during your three years as President           of her diplomatic yet clear-cut           President was exemplary.”                  who come from far away, to fight for
                     of our Staff Association. Thank you            communication style, her fairness to                                                 what we believe is fair with respect and
                     for everything you have achieved               all committee members, and most           Andreas Reis: “Are you serious???          empathy.”
                     for WHO’s workforce, not just your             importantly, her desire to uphold         What are we going to do without
                     guidance and support, but also your            the staff interest. She has been          you……?”                                    Giselle von Guilleaume: “Dearest
                     positive and encouraging spirit. I have        demonstrating impressive leadership                                                  Catherine – you are a beacon of hope
                     always admired your courage, strength,         to this diverse and voluntary group       Dianna Estevez: “Catherine is able to      and strength for many of us and it has
                     and wisdom. You are a valuable                 based on consensus-building. WHO          engage the committee with passion          been an honour and privilege working
                     colleague, friend, and sister.”                Staff Committee has been fortunate        and kindness at the same time. She         with you on the committee.”
                                                                    to have her as the leader in the past 3   trusts people and allows them to
                                                                    years!”                                   brainstorm openly on issues relevant

                    6 | newSpecial – Décembre 2021-Janvier 2022
For the well-being of our workforce - newSpecial
Switzerland are expatriates and         up to date on what’s happening,       hands. However, it is vital that
come from an international              need some tips in life, or want       Dr Aslanyan gets all the support
background, reading newSpe-             to learn or explore something         and commitment from the edi-
cial can be an enriching experi-        new, I think that newSpecial is       torial committee as and when he
ence. It focuses on some of the         the perfect magazine for this! It’s   needs it. This is how we can keep
cantons you can visit, it keeps         got everything in there!              the magazine running smoothly.
you up to date with some of the                                               Although, he knows that there are
stuff that could be happening on        How do you think the last             many other ways that the maga-
your doorstep, and it has articles      two years of the magazine             zine’s publication can be a chal-
that are written in both French         have gone, and what advice            lenge, Garry Aslanyan will always
and English, which means that           would you give to the editorial       see it through until the end. His
newSpecial’s readers are not lim-       committee?                            dedication, and the dedication
ited to just one type of person.        As you may know, the magazine         that he gets from the committee,
We want to be able to reach out         started to pave its own path two      is the key to the success of new-
to everyone and make them feel          years ago, and I’m really proud of    Special magazine. A message to
included. It can also be quite          what it’s achieved and how far it’s   the committee itself: please make
helpful if you’ve just moved to         come. Having an editor-in-chief       sure you attend all the meetings,
Switzerland and are trying to           who completely believes in the        contribute your ideas for articles,
settle in; you can read about all       magazine and is fully commit-         as well as for the progress of the
the different UN organisations,         ted to its creation and growth        magazine. Don’t be afraid to share
find out about schools or uni-          has been essential when putting       your ideas if you believe that they
versities your children could           the magazine together. I believe      will better the magazine!
be a part of, take advantage of         that without Garry Aslanyan,
some of the advertisements in           we honestly wouldn’t be where         And I’d like to say a special thank
the magazine too! It is helpful         we are today and the magazine         you to the previous interim edito-
that there are some discounts           wouldn’t be what it is now. It’s      rial committee, who stood by us
which our readers may benefit           really great knowing that the         and gave the magazine its feet. n
from. All in all, if you want to stay   magazine is in good and capable

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                                                                                                         newSpecial – December 2021-January 2022 | 7
For the well-being of our workforce - newSpecial

                        Innovation in career
                        development at WHO
© mber Roberts Images

                        Fabiana Mariano and Sara Canna.

                        SARA CANNA AND FABIANA MARIANO      Year of the Workforce: Build-         members who often feel stuck          for NPOs was launched in June
                        GREEN, WHO                          ing a More Respectful Working         and disempowered in their career      2021 and the second edition,
                        Despite the many challenges         Environment.                          development: amazing, bright          addressed to GS staff, in Sep-
                        faced during t he COV ID-19                                               women who often don’t see them-       tember 2021. The programme is
                        pandemic, WHO has success-          The programme also answers            selves as leaders because they        cohort-based, with 20 NPOs and
                        fully launched an original and      one of the recommendations of         don’t hold a title or don’t have      22 GS staff from 32 country offices
                        innovative career development       the 2019 Task Force on Career         a formal position of leadership.      across five WHO regions.
                        programme for female National       Pathways and Capacity Building:       Empowerment is at the centre of
                        Programme Off icers (NPOs)          to launch pilot career develop-       the programme.                        ADVANCE’s innovation lies in
                        and General Service Staff (GS)      ment and learning initiatives for                                           two particular areas:
                        ca lled ADVANCE. The pro-           women, for leadership, young          It i s a v i r t ua l prog ra m me    – First, on its focus: Many
                        gramme has been delivered           professionals, GS and NPO staff       designed to help women discover         development programmes
                        as part of the ‘Career Path-        and support them along their          and harness the power of self-di-       for women only focus on pro-
                        ways Initiative’, one of the key    career path.                          rective leadership principles that      fessional skills, while others
                        activities linked to the Direc-                                           lead to purposeful careers, char-       on personal growth and on
                        tor General’s Transformation        ADVANCE was created to tap            acterized by harmony, connec-           needs beyond the workplace.
                        Agenda and as part of the 2021      into the potential of female staff    tion, and impact. Its first edition     ADVANCE is different. It’s

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                        8 | newSpecial – Décembre 2021-Janvier 2022
For the well-being of our workforce - newSpecial
a unique and long-awaited               “The highest form                according to the World Economic       roadmap for building a
  resource that draws from                                                 Forum.”                               purpose-driven career and
                                            of leadership is
  neuroscience and the power                                                                                     achieving win-wins in the
  of creating new habits to              self-leadership. The              The programme, which is Neu-          four domains of life: work,
  show women how to win                   highest purpose of               roscience-based, Process-focused      home, community and your
  holistically.                          leadership is to add              and Outcome-driven, uses the          private-self.
– Second, ADVANCE is                                                       ADVANCE Coaching System, a
  designed to explore key
                                           value to people.”               unique learning methodology         During the course participants
  agile mindsets and skills                   John C. Maxwell              which aims at:                      are led to explore with curios-
  necessary to prepare staff for                                           – Increasing knowledge of           ity by reframing current thinking
  the future of work and apply       we approach life and career inte-       one’s core values and vision,     through new insights, connec-
  them to career develop-            gration as, perhaps, one of the         used to create the foundation     tions and questions; they are
  ment. By now it is clear that      most complex challenges we all          for identifying and advancing     encouraged to embrace their
  successfully navigating the        face on a daily basis. We take          one’s life objectives.            creative potential by taking time
  fourth industrial revolution       advantage of this problematic to      – Examining the opportuni-          to reflect, understand themselves
  requires agility, from both        help participants face their dilem-     ties, challenges, trade-offs,     and design a new future and
  individuals and organiza-          mas and future-proof their careers      and organizational dynam-         finally move into courageous
  tions. Agility is defined as       by unlocking intentional learning.”     ics experienced by women          learning by doing: this mindset
  “the capacity to detect, assess,                                           in organizations, as well         is about the willingness to try
  and respond to environmen-         She continues: “If you think about      as reflecting on and prac-        and the importance of pursuing
  tal changes in ways that are       it, it’s the perfect challenge to       ticing effective individual       progress over perfection.
  purposeful, decisive, and          develop skills such as creativity,      behaviours.
  grounded in the will to win.”1     originality and initiative, active    – Learning how to use the           Self-leadership in career
                                     learning and learning strategies,       power of habits to align          development
The link with career development     analytical thinking and inno-           career objectives with life       With a strong focus on self-lead-
is obvious, as Fabiana Mariano       vation, and complex problem             purpose, and experience           ership, participants become
Green, the author of ADVANCE,        solving. These are all listed as        greater fulfilment at work.       aware that there are two games
explains: “During the programme      the future Top Skills for 2025,       – Designing an inspiring            involved in career development


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                                                                                                   newSpecial – December 2021-January 2022 | 9
For the well-being of our workforce - newSpecial
The five pillars of ADVANCE
© The Advance Coaching System®, Lead in Life

                                               and in anything we do. One is         is tapping into hidden resources     In their own words:
                                               the Outer Game played to over-        with a near zero-cost benefit to     “I went from doubt to a clear vision
                                               come external obstacles and           the organization and creating a      of the life I want to lead, both pro-
                                               win external prizes. The other is     true win-win for the ADVANCE         fessionally and personally.” Chan-
                                               the Inner Game played against         participants and coaches wishing     tal from Burkina Faso
                                               internal mental and emotional         to contribute through empow-
                                               obstacles to achieve the reward       ering their colleagues. There is     “I feel more confident that I can
                                               of knowledge and expression of        also a peer-to-peer component,       implement my strengths and
                                               one’s true potential. Both games      where participants are given the     change my focus to what I really
                                               go on simultaneously.                 opportunity to meet with col-        want.” Swit Lai from Malaysia
                                                                                     leagues in small groups to discuss
                                               With the purpose of unlocking         learnings and challenges, foster     “I learned a lot and felt that I am
                                               analytical thinking and inno-         strong connections and build         not the only one in this world fac-
                                               vation, the methodology unites        a network of support moving          ing all these obstacles in my life
                                               the analytical and the creative:      forward.                             and career. I feel ready to do my
                                               it pairs traditional career devel-                                         best to achieve my life and career
                                               opment tools with the principles      Some feedback from                   goals!” Areej from Yemen. n
                                               of design thinking.                   WHO participants
                                                                                                                          If you are interested in learning more about
                                                                                     The statistics collected at the      the programme or replicate it in your region or
                                               As a result, participants produce     end of the pilot cohort, where       organization, please contact Sara Canna at
                                                                                                                 or Fabiana Mariano Green at
                                               stronger business results, find       22 participants were surveyed,
                                               clearer purpose in what they do,      testify that:                        1 Future of work report 2020,
                                                                                                                             World Economic Forum
                                               feel more connected to the people     – 98% of learners found the
                                               who matter most, and generate           activities engaging and
                                               sustainable positive change for         thought-provoking.
                                               themselves and others.                – 96% of learners had relevant,
                                                                                       engaging interactions with
                                               Innovative learning                     the facilitator and peers and
                                               modalities: the WHO                   – 100% of learners said they
                                               Coaching Network and                    intend to apply the knowl-
                                               peer-to-peer learning                   edge, tools and best practices
                                               A n additional innovation is            in leading their life and
                                               related to the fact that the learn-     career
                                               ing experience is underpinned
                                               by the WHO Internal Coaching          Participants say that ADVANCE
                                               Network, formed by WHO staff          has helped them to:
                                               who have obtained a diploma by        – Feel more confident
                                               completing a coaching course          – Have a clearer vision for life
                                               recognized by the International         and career growth
                                               Coaching Federation (ICF). This       – Gain new strategies for work-
                                               is a great example of how WHO           life balance

                                               10 | newSpecial – Décembre 2021-Janvier 2022
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                    A wish for Christmas and the New Year:

                    Qui me amat, amat et canem meum
                    (He who loves me also loves my dog)

                                         Ah! How we love to see ourselves as “progressive”, tolerant and
                                         open-minded! But who among us is genuine and generous?
                                         Who gives the other the benefit of the doubt? Who takes the
                                         trouble of looking in the mirror? Why is it that self-reflection and
                                         self-criticism are so seldom practiced?

                                                                                                          own opinions, knowing that              paradox of not being able to live
                                                                                                          most people join band wagons            with or without the object of our
                                                                                                          and instinctively suspect lon-          passion, sic ego non sine te nec
                                                                                                          ers – vae soli – and rare birds         tecum vivere possum (Amores, 3,
                                                                                                          – rara avis (Horatius). Moreover,       11, 39). Even the Irish rock group
                                                                                                          most people believe what they           U2 was inspired to the lyrics “with
                                                                                                          want, quae volumus, ea libenter         or without you” by Ovidius’ clever
                                                                                                          credimus (Caesar, De Bello Civile)      observation1. As for friends, we
                                                                                                          – worse still, some people actu-        remember that it is in calamity
                                                                                                          ally like to be deceived, mundus        that they can prove their met-
                                                                                                          vult decepi (St. Augustine). Why        tle, calamitas virtutis occasio.
                                                                                                          is it that we tend to believe feel-     (Seneca, de Providentia 4,6).
                                                                                                          good stories, flatteries and other
                                                                                                          caricatures of reality? Ultimately,     Best is to accept others as they are,
© Alfred de Zayas

                                                                                                          we believe what suits us, what          including their right to be wrong,
                                                                                                          confirms our preferences and            their right to choose their own
                    Stainedglass windows in the Sint-Janskerk in Gouda, Holland.                          prejudices.                             perspective. Cicero articulated a
                                                                                                                                                  universal but underrated thought
                                                                                                          In any event, it is prudent to look     when he confirmed that errare
             ALFRED DE ZAYAS, UN SOCIETY OF                         ourselves as “the good guys”,         before we leap, rescipe finem, and      humanum est – that to err is emi-
             WRITERS                                                without realizing that our rivals     watch what we say, when, and to         nently human (Philippicae 12, 2,
             Often enough we find fault with                        do not always regard us as such       whom, cave quid dicis, quando et        5). I think that the best approach
             others and denounce them as                            and that some of them may very        cui. There is little use in being a     is to stick to the rule “live and let
             bigots. But, really, are we being                      well have a legitimate claim to the   voice crying in the desert, vox         live”, vive tibi et alliis vivere, and
             honest with ourselves? We see                          same etiquette.                       clamantis in deserto (Matthew           endorse an observation often
             the speck in our neighbour’s eye,                                                            3,3) or expecting recognition           attributed to Cicero – de gusti-
             but fail to acknowledge our own                        Of course, we know that there         that may, if at all, come only after    bus non est diputandum – there
             visual impediments (Matthew                            are a many disparate v iews           death, si post fata venit gloria, non   is no arguing about taste. We can
             VII, 4).                                               around, as many as there are          propero (Martial). We are well          share his optimistic maxim –dum
                                                                    people – quot homines, tot sen-       advised to keep a low profile, bene     spiro, spero – as long as I breathe,
             Greek and Roman poets and                              tentiae – (Terentius, Phormio).       vixit qui bene latuit (Ovidius), and    I have hope, also attributed to the
             dramatists often made fun of                           We also instinctively know that       accept to lose battles as long as       Greek poet Theocritus. There is so
             human frailties, contradictions                        truth is simplicity – veritas sim-    we don’t lose the war, vulneratus       much wisdom in antiquity – and
             and double-standards. Aristo-                          plex oratio (Seneca), but we also     non victus, aware that often our        all around us – that one wonders
             phanes, Sophocles, Euripides,                          realize that sometimes frankness      patience and perseverance will          why we continue repeating old
             Cicero, Ovidius, Vergilius, Juve-                      backfires and engenders hostil-       pay off – vincit qui patitur.           mistakes, bis ad eundem lapidem
             nalis documented our amazing                           ity – veritas odium parit (Ter-                                               offendere – why we keep knocking
             faculty to operate with mutually                       entius, Andria). One wonders          In love, we are well advised to         against the same stone? (Cicero,
             contradictory concepts and to                          how to navigate safely through        be moderate, marshal intimacy           Ad familiares), and why we keep
             function in cognitive dissonance.                      troubled waters, while keeping        with residual caution, so as not        ignoring Terentius’ perceptive
             We self-servingly auto-define                          our integrity and sheltering our      to succumb to Ovidius’ ominous          remark that for a wise man, a

                    12 | newSpecial – Décembre 2021-Janvier 2022
word is more than enough, dic-          the topography of our emotions.
tum sapienti sat (Phormio 541).         Our reality is far more important
                                        than any virtual reality or Mach-
It is comforting that true friends      iavellian scam. Materialism is
and family often (not always!)          pseudo-science, a false idolatry.
practice benevolent tolerance,          The modern craze for shopping,
accepting us as we are – com-           those infamous “black Fridays”,
plex individuals who may err            replace authenticity, suppress
here and there. But no one said it      feeling, attempt in vain to fill our
better than Bernard de Clairvaux,       spiritual vacuum with lots of con-
“whoever likes me also must like        sumer goods. Vanitas vanitatum,
my dog” – in other words, those         omnia vanitas (Ecclesiastes, 1:2).
who are fair to me should also          But the more we buy, the emptier
take me as I am, with my habits,        we are. This kind of escapism will

                                                                                   © Alfred de Zayas
convictions and charades – qui          never bring us a sense of satisfac-
me amat, amat et canem meum.            tion, will only intensify the futile
                                        desire for more gadgets, more
Essentially, every human being          trinkets, more junk. While con-
wants to be loved and to be appre-      sumerism is still being hailed as a
ciated in the workplace, in social      panacea for the economy and for                                he/she produces or owns (tem-             thespians as they are, dogs dis-
associations, in sports clubs, in       our narcissistic sense of impor-                               porarily!), but is metaphysically         play a canine poetry that rattles
our families. Unfortunately, the        tance, it really does not “click”                              beyond measurement.                       our funny bones. Their symbiosis
hyper-individualistic world we          with human nature, as we fail                                                                            with humans is legendary, as is
live in numbs our capacity for          to enter the port of “happiness”,                              There are some persons who even           their loyalty and sense of belong-
empathy and fosters a tendency          condemned to continue sailing                                  consider that poetry is irrelevant,       ing, as attested to in literature,
to perfunctorily “go through the        around the world like the Flying                               unusable, a waste of time – maybe         painting and even in stained-
motions”. We act without reflec-        Dutchman.                                                      because it cannot be reduced              glass windows in many churches.
tion and our sense for proportions                                                                     to dollars, euros, nickels and
is weakened by hyperbole and            Why can’t we accept that the                                   dimes. What an unimaginative              All you readers out there – at
silly knee-jerk reactions.              source of happiness is simplic-                                viewpoint! Indeed, exposure to            least for this Christmas and the
                                        ity, harmony, gratefulness for                                 literature and music immensely            New Year – how about trying to
We are always in a hurry. But           sheer existence. Happiness is not                              enriches our lives, expands our           accept other humans as they are?
where are we hurrying to? We            money, but the simple capacity                                 horizons, gives us impulses,              – And, when we inter-relate with
forget that it is not the destination   to smile and cherish life – for no                             melancholy, nostalgia, touches            others, we can amiably smile at
– but the journey that matters.         reason, just smile at the myriad                               our very souls. There is poetry           their caprices, contradictions,
Thus, why all the hectic, why the       beautiful things that surround us                              in spring flowers, summer rains,          frailties – and not forget to pat
rat-race? We live here and now,         – at the butterflies, squirrels, cats                          autumn leaves, winter snows.              their genial dogs! n
hic et nunc, neither in the past nor    and dogs. Happiness is not util-                               There is poetry in the swallow’s
in the future, but today. Time is       itarian or pragmatic. It is a state                            f light, in the mating call of a              lyrics
resolutely not money – time is          of mind quite independent from                                 majestic blue whale. And yes
existence – breathing, seeing,          the concept of productivity. Nor                               – dogs also deploy their own
hearing, smelling, touching –           can the value of life be measured                              hilarious humour, their whim-
time is spontaneity, what hap-          in productivity. A human being’s                               sical personalities, their tail-wag-
pens in our lives, what shapes          worth is not equivalent with what                              ging metaphysics. Consummate

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                                                                    If sanitary measures allow it.

                                                                                                                                      newSpecial – December 2021-January 2022 | 13

Méthodes alternatives pour se
déstresser pendant l’année
DEBORAH RANDOLPH TALON, OMS            La MLC© (Méthode de
Je me rappelle d’un article sur        Libération des Cuirasses)
la plus ancienne retraitée de          Qu’est-ce que c’est la MLC© ?
l’OMS, que j’ai lu il y a plusieurs    La MLC©, est une méthode de
années. Une des questions qui lui      libération émotionnelle et phy-
a été posée était comment elle a       sique par le mouvement. Elle offre
géré son stress pendant toutes         un espace de rencontre avec soi
ces années. Elle a répondu qu’il       et invite à écouter les maux du
fallait deux choses: une pratique      corps. Elle ramène à l’instant
déstressante qui vous met dans le      présent dans un temps de calme.
moment présent et un animal de
compagnie. La simplicité de sa         Sur quelle partie du corps
réponse m’a tellement marquée          travaille-t-elle ?

                                                                                                                                                                 © Aline Suchet
que j’ai décidé tout de suite de       Un des principes de base de cette
reprendre mon cours de danse           méthode est que le corps ne ment
(mon hobby préféré que j’avais         pas, car il est le portrait révéla-
laissé tomber pendant ma gros-         teur de notre inconscient. Ainsi
sesse). Malheureusement, par           en agissant sur notre corps par              d’écouter le langage du corps,         dans chaque cours courbée et
manque de place et de temps, je        l’écoute, la MLC© touche la globa-           de se poser au sol et d’arrêter de     malheureuse et j’en sors souriante
n’ai pas pris de chien.                lité et la liberté de l’être, par la libé-   courir; nous sommes pleinement         et grandie. En tout, je sens un
                                       ration des carapaces physiques,              présents. C’est un espace où nous      espacement entre chaque vertèbre
Je peux confirmer que son pre-         psychiques et énergétiques qui               allons ressourcer le corps et l’es-    et mes anciennes douleurs de la
mier conseil est efficace. Par         peuvent entraver la vie et l’amour.          prit. Le repos qui se vit est plus     hanche et de l’épaule se dissipent.
contre, pendant les dernières          Les mouvements viennent assou-               puissant qu’une bonne sieste car       Au niveau psychique, pour moi,
années, j’ai remarqué qu’il me         plir le corps, assouplir l’esprit.           les ondes cérébrales se modifient      en se concentrant sur les mou-
fallait un peu de piment dans          Nous allons donc avoir un résultat           pour accéder à un grand espace         vements, cela devient une sorte
mes hobbies de temps en temps.         sur tout le corps, le petit plus de          de détente. Cela agit hors du          de danse méditative, la plupart
Bien que le yoga, la danse et la       la MLC©, c’est qu’elle agit jusque           temps et de l’espace, comme            de temps par terre avec les yeux
méditation soient devenues mon         dans les tissus profonds ainsi que           un reset de nos données inté-          fermés. J’ai remarqué une amé-
quotidien, j’aime toujours ajouter     dans les fascias. Avec une pratique          rieures pour repartir avec plus de     lioration de mon sommeil après
une ou deux choses qui sortent         régulière nous allons récupérer              connexion avec notre corps, plus       chaque séance et la MLC © est
du commun et qui doivent avoir         une sensation de légèreté muscu-             de conscience, plus de souplesse       devenue une pratique régulière
trois attributs: m’aider à focaliser   laire et une légèreté d’être, le corps       des muscles, les idées plus claires.   pour moi depuis six mois.
sur le moment présent ; agir sur       se réaligne et s’ouvre. Ainsi nous           Nous revenons dans notre expres-
mon physique et m’apporter un          avons une meilleure respiration,             sion qui nous mène à choisir ce        Les Bols chantants
moment de calme maximal.               les déséquilibres se dessoudent.             qui est bon pour nous, à sortir        Que ce que c’est ?
                                       Ces mouvements sont ouverts                  des schémas négatifs répétitifs        Un bol chantant est un instru-
Ainsi j’ai décidé d’essayer deux       à tous. Aucun prérequis et nul               et retrouver nos élans de vie.         ment sacré, symbole du soleil,
nouvelles choses chaque année.         besoin d’attendre d’avoir mal ou                                                    qui, de ses multiples rayons,
Pour 2021 j’ai testé :                 d’être épuisé pour pratiquer. Les            Ma conclusion                          nous enveloppe, stimule notre
1. le MLC© (Méthode de Libéra-         sportifs aussi en seront réjouis             Imaginez un mélange de «trigger        peau, traverse notre corps et
   tion des Cuirasses)                 pour assouplir les tissus après              point», stretching et méditation.      éclaire notre conscience.
2. le bols chantants tibétain          une activité intense et défaire les          Au niveau physique, la MLC© m’a        Sa plage de fréquence étendue
   Vapa Kaia                           crispations.                                 fait un bien fou surtout pour la       en fait un instrument unique.
                                                                                    colonne vertébrale et avec toutes      Les trois bols principaux utili-
Pour vous apporter plus d’infor-       Comment peut-il agir sur notre               les heures que nous passons der-       sés sont :
mation j’ai aussi interviewé l’orga-   niveau de stress ?                           rière le bureau ainsi que l’accu-       i. Bol Vapa-Kaìa, aux ondes
nisatrice: Aline Suchet du cabinet     Lors d’une séance nous prenons le            mulation de la tension au cou              hydrogène – gamma, relie
« Les Magiciennes du Cœur »1.          temps de respirer profondément,              et au niveau des épaules, j’entre          le corps et l’âme, crée un

14 | newSpecial – Décembre 2021-Janvier 2022
équilibre émotionnel, tra-                                et le mental. Reconnecter au        J’étais suivie par un physiothé-       J’ai constaté que mon mal de dos
     vaille sur l’aura.                                        corps et ouvrir nos sens.           rapeute qui m’a beaucoup aidée         a disparu après quatre jours. Je ne
ii. Bol Vapa-Yaka, la fré-                                   – Amèner l’énergie à circuler         mais je sentais toujours une dou-      peux pas lier cela seulement aux
     quence de l’eau, 178,13 Hz,                               d’une manière plus fluide et        leur plus profonde. Au troisième       bols chantants, étant donné que
     la fréquence qui amène                                    saine.                              mois de douleur persistante mais       je voyais toujours mon physiothé-
     fluidité et libère les charges                          – Apporter une meilleure qualité      moins forte, quelqu’un m’a sug-        rapeute mais je pense qu’ils ont
     négatives.                                                de sommeil. Soulager les dou-       géré les bols chantant pour déblo-     quand même eu un effet.
iii. Bol Vapa- Kesana, aux bio-                                leurs physiques                     quer les tensions émotionnelles.
     rythmes du corps travaille                                                                                                           Comme moyen de méditation
     sur tout le corps, amène                                Comment peuvent-ils agir sur          Je sentais que je n’avais rien à       les bols chantants m’ont plu et
     force et vitalité.                                      notre niveau de stress ?              perdre.                                je compte les inclure dans mes
                                                             S’immerger dans un bain sonore                                               pratiques méditatives de temps
Sur quelle partie du corps                                   apporte un grand lâcher prise.        La première séance était privée        en temps.
travaillent-ils ?                                            Cela amène les gens à arrêter de      et étant très sensible aux sons,
Sur tout le corps. La fréquence                              penser et de se laisser porter tout   l’effet méditatif a été quasi ins-     Pour 2022 je compte aussi essayer
des bols a la capacité de toucher                            en se ressourçant profondément.       tantané. Je me trouvais flotter        la nage avec les dauphins que je
des points précis dans le corps,                             Les bols Vapa Kaia augmentent         entre chaque son et quelquefois,       partagerai avec vous avec grand
là où il y a besoin de recharger                             l’endorphine, l’hormone du bien-      quand le bol était placé sur des       plaisir. n
ou guérir tout en harmonisant                                être et diminuent le cortisol qui     parties stratégique de mon corps,      1
la globalité de l’énergie du corps.                          est l’hormone du stress. Nous         je sentais une vraie douleur qui
Ils ont un effet sur les ondes du                            avons donc un résultat direct         tirait. J’ai aussi somnolé pendant
cerveau donc quand ils chantent,                             sur le déséquilibre qui est dû au     quelques minutes et petite dor-
les pensées s’arrêtent, le temps                             stress et aide à avoir une meil-      meuse que je suis, la même nuit
est suspendu. Les bienfaits sont                             leure maîtrise de notre gestion       j’ai été bercée par un sommeil
multiples et profonds. Parmi ceux                            du stress au quotidien.               profond.
qu’on retrouve le plus fréquem-
ment sont :                                                  Ma conclusion                         Ma deuxième séance était en
– Détendre et dénouer les ten-                               J’ai décidé de faire les bols chan-   groupe, et je sentais que je n’arri-
   sions et les nœuds du corps.                              tants parce que ça faisait deux       vais pas à ignorer les respirations
– Amèner à un lâcher prise pro-                              mois que j’avais un mal de dos        profondes de mes compagnons
   fond et ainsi détendre le corps                           focalisé entre les omoplates.         du groupe et je l’ai moins préférée.

                                                                                                                 Victoria Hall
                   SCÈNES        ALHAMBRA
                                 VICTORIA HALL

                                 MAISON DES ARTS DU GRÜTLI
                   DE LA VILLE   LE COMMUN
                                 THÉÂTRE PITOËFF
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                                 SCÈNE ELLA FITZGERALD

                                                                                           Let the music in !
   ville de musique                                               The Victoria Hall program is on

                                                                                                                             newSpecial – December 2021-January 2022 | 15

                     Discoveries from vaccine
                                         Hosting a podcast is probably the best part of my job. Speaking
                                         with experts on the frontline of their health-related fields is as
                                         heartening as it is enlightening. Our most recent episode of the
                                         Global Health Matters podcast reflected this perfectly.

                                                                                                                                       by WHO and led by the health
                                                                                                                                       ministries in each of the pilot
                                                                                                                                       countries. There is also col-
                                                                                                                                       laboration with PATH, Glax-
                                                                                                                                       oSmithKline, UNICEF and other
                                                                                                                                       international and country-level
                                                                                                                                       partners. Since 2019, more than
                                                                                                                                       800,000 children in the three
                                                                                                                                       countries have been reached with
                                                                                                                                       the malaria vaccine through the
                                                                                                                                       implementation programme.

                                                                                                                                       This collective effort is an excel-
                                                                                                                                       lent example of how evidence
                                                                                                                                       b a s e d on i mple ment at ion
                                                                                                                                       research tells us how effective
                                                                                                                                       health interventions, such as
                                                                                                                                       vaccines, will be in real life —
© Margaret Gyapong

                                                                                                                                       after clinical trials show its effi-
                                                                                                                                       cacy and safety. Such evidence
                                                                                                                                       informs strategies for improv-
                     Margaret Gyapong with research team.                                                                              ing their effectiveness and ulti-
                                                                                                                                       mately improving their real-world
                                                                                                                                       impact to help save lives.
                     GARRY ASLANYAN, WHO                    speak about the important role       African children are also at the
                     “The community leader had a            of this implementation research      highest risk of dying of malaria.     Dr. Lee Hampton, who works on
                     register of everybody and knew         in making the malaria vaccine        The World Health Organization         disease surveillance at Gavi, the
                     any woman who had delivered            programme a success.                 recently made the historic rec-       Vaccine Alliance, also joined the
                     and anyone who had come into                                                ommendation to widely use the         podcast episode. He agreed on
                     the community. It was such a           Although countries have made         RTS,S malaria vaccine, and this       the importance of implementa-
                     fantastic system, and that’s why       great progress on malaria control    decision was informed by evi-         tion research to the rollout of any
                     this remote village had such high      in the past two decades, particu-    dence and experience from a pilot     new health intervention. He told
                     vaccine coverage.” This was just       larly through the scale-up and       implementation programme in           me that it is incredibly difficult to
                     one of the unexpected findings         use of bed-nets and other meas-      Ghana, Kenya and Malawi, build-       make good decisions without it,
                     from studying implementation           ures, malaria continues to take a    ing on clinical evidence gener-       especially when operating with
                     of a breakthrough malaria vac-         huge toll on human life. In 2019,    ated since 2015. RTS,S is the first   limited resources — as is often
                     cine in Ghana. Professor Mar-          the disease still killed 409,000     ever malaria vaccine for young        the case in certain parts of the
                     garet Gyapong, who works at the        people, two-thirds of whom were      children at risk.                     world. He’s right. Ultimately, if
                     University of Health and Allied        children under five years old.                                             our aim is to prevent as much
                     Sciences in Ghana, joined me on        Africa is by far the most affected   A huge amount of work has led up      death and disease as possible, we
                     the most recent episode of the         region, with 94% of malaria cases    to this significant moment. The       need a strong understanding of
                     Global Health Matters podcast to       and deaths on this continent.        pilot programme is coordinated        different local contexts to ensure

                     16 | newSpecial – Décembre 2021-Janvier 2022
© Margaret Gyapong

                     Abrewangko community.

                     that health interventions are           Abrewangko was able to reach         safety and life-saving potential    plan they’ve been given. That ini-
                     implemented correctly in those          high vaccination coverage rates      of the malaria vaccine and other    tiative is often shown by those
                     contexts.                               — higher than many areas that        vaccines.                           working at ministries of health
                                                             are far more accessible.                                                 or national health institutes and
                     Spea k i ng w it h Professor                                                 It’s equally important to assess    is absolutely critical because
                     Gyapong, it was clear to me just        The malaria vaccine pilot also       the needs of frontline workers      that’s where the best ideas can
                     how valuable her research in            showed the importance of under-      who are delivering the vac-         come out.
                     Ghana has been. Even though             standing the attitudes of parents.   cines. For example, in Ghana,
                     she is a veteran of implemen-           Professor Gyapong’s team uses a      health workers at the regional      Gavi’s Board has agreed that
                     tation research (being one of           “photo voice” approach to allow      and the district level received a   once the malaria vaccine is
                     the original architects of TDR’s        community members to be heard        full week of training, while the    licensed and recommended by
                     Implementation Research toolkit)        during the malaria vaccine intro-    ones who are actually supposed      WHO, it could discuss playing a
                     she described the study as an           duction. In response to the idea     to give the vaccinations only got   role in supporting the roll out.
                     “eye-opening” experience.               of children being vaccinated,        two or three days of training.      Implementation research on the
                                                             a woman showed a picture of          They felt under-prepared and        malaria vaccine will continue
                     The community leader Professor          a scorpion. The woman was            complained vocally about this.      to remain important as its use
                     Gyapong speaks of in the podcast        scared that the malaria vaccine      This is an insight that could be    expands into different countries
                     is someone she met in Abre-             was as painful and dangerous         particularly relevant to COVID-19   with their own local contexts to
                     wangko, a village on the banks          for her child as a scorpion sting    vaccination efforts as well, Pro-   understand. n
                     of the Volta river. A more inacces-     — something she herself had          fessor Gyapong said.
                     sible place is hard to imagine, as it   experienced.
                     takes endless hours of driving and                                           Dr. Hampton believes that some
                     ferry rides to reach. Yet because       This important information           of the most useful insights come
                     of his leadership and detailed          about attitudes informs crucial      when someone realizes that they
                     knowledge of the community,             public health messages about the     can do something better than the

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                                                                                                                          newSpecial – December 2021-January 2022 | 17

                  Gentle walking paths
                  around Switzerland
                                        Hiking can be a great source of exercise. Some of us are capable of walking up
                                        very steep paths and not acquiring any injuries along the way. However, what about
                                        those of us who can’t? What if you would still like to go on a lovely hike, but you
                                        know that climbing up a mountain would mean physically harming yourself?
© Yvonne Rogers

                  Beautiful views in Grächen.

                  LISANNE HOPKIN, EDITORIAL             so physically demanding, but you        was one of the few ways to keep         them go a really long way. They
                  ASSISTANT INTERN                      still got the same feeling of being     doing these kinds of walks, and I       can be quite scary and daunting
                  Well, I spoke to a family friend of   up in the mountains, breathing in       really wanted to do them. That’s        though, as they are built into the
                  mine, Yvonne Rogers, who enjoys       the fresh air, and feeling accom-       how I got started. Trying to look       mountains, are quite narrow,
                  going on walks, but who chooses       plished. I find that Switzerland is     for hiking that was more ‘fami-         and you can go along the cor-
                  ‘gentler’ paths.                      a great place for this, as you can      ly-friendly’ and less demanding.        ner and suddenly there’s only a
                                                        get to many places by cable car,                                                wooden bridge that’s taking the
                  Please can you tell me about the      which can be quite handy for a          How do you find these walks?            water along. In the past, and even
                  walks that you go on? (Where do       lot of the walks that I do. You can     A lot of them I find through            now actually, some of the people
                  you go? How do you get there?         go up to the top of the mountain        Google, though, usually, I am           from the villages have to maintain
                  What are they like?)                  by cable car, go for a short walk       following some kind of theme.           them as they’re still being used,
                  In the past, I was a very keen        around there, and then come             There’s a great place I like to go to   and because these watercourses
                  hiker, and used to go for a full-     back down again, so you don’t           called The Bisses of Valais. They’re    are their livelihood. There are
                  day climbing up the mountains.        have to do any walking that             old watercourses that used to take      loads of walks that are a part of
                  However, more recently, I have        may put a strain on you. When           the water from the glaciers and         The Bisses, so I did lots of them,
                  problems with my knees, so I          I started these walks, I felt like it   mountain streams across to where        and you can look at all the differ-
                  can’t do that anymore, and I really   was a bit of a waste of time having     the pastures and fields were, to        ent trails and see what they’re like.
                  missed it. Not wanting to stop        to travel for two hours and then        water them. These watercourses
                  completely, I started looking for     going for a walk that was the same      have paths next to them, which          I’ve also got into swimming more
                  walks that were shorter and not       amount of time, but I realised this     is ideal for a walk, and some of        recently, so I’ve been going to all

                  18 | newSpecial – Décembre 2021-Janvier 2022
end up going to the spa! If your         I also spent one summer a few
                                                                                                muscles ache, it is quite handy          years ago going to work with a
                                                                                                to be able to go to the spa. I also      small rucksack, and by the time
                                                                                                quite like walks where you don’t         I’d leave work at 3pm on Friday,
                                                                                                go back to where you started, and        I’d decided somewhere to go by
                                                                                                this is one of them.                     train. I went to different places
                                                                                                                                         every weekend. It was great, and
                                                                                                Is there anything else you’d like        most of the places were fantastic!
                                                                                                to add?                                  And that led to more exploring.
                                                                                                Only that I wish I did more walk-        It was a nice thing to do because
                                                                                                ing. I spend my weekends just like       you don’t need to plan too much.
                                                                                                everyone else; going shopping,
© Yvonne Rogers

                                                                                                cleaning the house, might go out         So, there you have it! I hope this
                                                                                                sailing with a friend. But any time      interview has inspired you to
                                                                                                that I do go up to the mountains, I      maybe give these kinds of walks
                  The Bisses in Grächen.
                                                                                                always think to myself: ‘why don’t       a go! Or maybe you’d also like to
                                                                                                I do this more often?’. It’s right       pack a rucksack and just disap-
                  the outdoor 50-metre pools in          watercourses that link up in a         here on our doorstep, it’s so easy       pear for the weekend. Whatever
                  Switzerland and then looking for       sort of circular shape, and a long     to get to – trains and the post bus      you decide, make sure you do
                  walks you can do around them           cable car journey up the moun-         go almost everywhere you could           your research! No heights for
                  and in the mountains nearby. It        tain, which has some great views.      want to go to, so it’s not that much     me, thanks. n
                  all fits together quite well. Some-    It’s quite varied, too! Part of the    effort. I just think it’s a shame that
                  times you see things interesting       walk is in the forest, one part had    I spend so much time at the week-
                  on the way, like walks that are        this view of the valley that just      end doing chores when I could
                  advertised, or you talk to peo-        seemed to keep going, and there        be up in the mountains. And
                  ple. Usually, I’m following up on      was a really nice restaurant, but I    hotels in the mountains aren’t
                  something.                             got there at 10am. I’m going to go     that expensive, lots of them are
                                                         back and start at a different place,   also owned by families, so they’re
                  Do you always look for new             so that I can get to the restaurant    usually quite welcoming.
                  walks or are there some that           by lunchtime!
                  you like to go back to?
                  There are some that I like to go       Is there a walk that you find the
                  back to with other people. Some-       easiest/would recommend peo-                         START
                  times I go somewhere, and it’s         ple start with?                            YOUR INTERNATIONAL CAREER
                  really nice, so I come back and        Again, I think The Bisses can be
                  tell everyone all about it, and then   quite good walks to start off with.
                  make a trip out of it. I don’t tend    You just have to make sure that if
                  to go exploring with someone else      you’re going on one of their walks
                  in case it’s a disaster! Sometimes     and you’re scared of heights, they
                  it’s much longer or more difficult     don’t have any of the very narrow
                  than expected. Once I even mis-        wooden bridges you have to walk
                  calculated the distance. I went        on. When you Google them, you
                  recently to the Lac d’Emosson,         can find out more about the routes.
                  it was really lovely, and I went       But apart from that, they’re fine.
                  there because I wanted to see the      They’re easy and beautiful. Maybe
                                                                                                                                      sig ner: there
                  dinosaur footprints. But I misread     the dinosaur footprints walk too!               For the sake of the de
                                                                                                                                       d. Photo 1 is
                  it as five kilometres and when I       But I haven’t seen them yet.                    are 3 photos to be use
                  got there, I realised it was actu-                                              NEW the photo of the view of Grächen. It
                                                                                                                                        e caption is:
                  ally five hours, so I only got there   Another classic walk is Gemmi                   is cal led: ‘Grächen’. Th
                                                                                                  Double degree       with    University
                                                                                                                                    äch   en. Creof ditPlymouth
                                                                                                                                                       s         (UK)
                  at about 2pm. I’m planning to go       Pass, which links Kandersteg in                  Beautifu l views in Gr
                                                                                                                                        oto  2 is of the
                  back to see the footprints. I found    Bern to Leukerbad in Valais. You                 are: Yvonne Rogers. Ph
                                                                                                   BACHELOR      AND
                                                                                                                 en   waMASTER
                                                                                                                         ter wa y. It  is cal led ‘The
                  the Lac d’Emosson because I was        can go by train to Kandersteg, and               wood
                  looking for a swimming pool, but       while you’re there you can go up          PROGRAMS
                                                                                                          BissesIN:in Grächen’. The captio
                                                                                                                                                    n is:

                  it was absolutely gorgeous.            and see the Lac Oeschinen. Then           • International
                                                                                                          The BissesManagement
                                                                                                                        watercourses in Grächen

                                                         you take a cable car, and it’s about      • International     Relations
                                                                                                           Cr ed its are  : Yv on ne Ro ger s. An       d
                                                                                                     and Diplomacy                       . It is cal led:
                  Is there a particular walk that        13 kilometres, but it’s very gentle,              photo 3 is of the goats
                  you like the most?                     and you go right over Gemmi Pass          • Digital‘Go
                                                                                                                ats’. The captio   n is:  You’re never
                  There’s a really pleasant Bisses       and then down the other side into         • Business
                                                                                                           alone Analytics
                                                                                                                   in the mountai Credit
                                                                                                                                      ns.           s are:
                  walk in Grächen, which is on           Leukerbad. So not only is it a very       • ComputerYvon Science
                                                                                                                  ne  Ro ger s.
                  the way to Zermatt. It has four        nice journey, but you can also

                                                                                                                            newSpecial – December 2021-January 2022 | 19
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