Page created by Janice Marshall
                                    FOR COSMETIC DENTISTRY

Celebrating 15th ESCD Anniversary                       1
                                        MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT 							 5
                                        PASSION FOR AESTHETICS
                                        Who we are and what we stand for 						 6
                                        WE ARE PROUD OF OUR HISTORY
                                        15 years’ timeline 								 8
                                        WE ARE PROUD OF OUR LEADERS
                                        The Hall of Presidents 								 10
                                        CELEBRATING OUR PEOPLE
                                        Fellow and certified members 			            				 12
                                        ESCD AT A GLANCE
                                        Our success in numbers 								 14
                                        15 ANNUAL MEETINGS AND STILL COUNTING
                                        Attracting the best 								 16
                                        THE ESCD EXPERIENCE
                                        What our members say 								 24
                                        BEING WHERE OUR MEMBERS NEED US
                                        Our study club network spans the globe 		   				 26
                                        A LOOK AHEAD
                                        What’s next for the ESCD 								 28
                                        WANT TO KNOW MORE?
                                        Get in touch 									 30

2   Celebrating 15th ESCD Anniversary   Celebrating 15th ESCD Anniversary                     3
Message from the President

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS                                                                                 THANK YOU FOR THE GREAT 15 YEARS!
    We are very proud of, and grateful to, our partners who have been with us on                                                           certified members take very seriously.
    the journey continually supported the ESCD. The ESCD would not have been                                                               Analyzing what to do, what equipment
    possible without the great support by the following organisations:                                                                     to use, traditional versus digital
                                                                                                                                           restorative options, etc. is a critical
                                                                                                                                           component in treating patients. The
                                                                                                                                           fact that ESCD members confer with
                                                                                                                                           each other globally speaks volumes to
                                                                                                                                           how seriously everyone attending our
                                                                                                                                           conferences and study clubs regard the
                                                                                                                                           subject of esthetic treatments.

                                                                                                                                           For 15 years, the ESCD has organized
                                                                                                                                           topical and relevant meetings with a
                                                                                                                                           very high level of scientific relevance.
                                                                                                                                           Our impressive list of world’s leading
                                                                                                Dear friends,                              speakers in dentistry translate the
                                                                                                                                           science into how it can benefit dental
                                                                                                Welcome to the ESCD community! I am        practitioners.
                                                                                                delighted to celebrate with you the 15th
                                                                                                anniversary of the European Society of     After the great success of our meetings
                                                                                                Cosmetic Dentistry.                        in 2016 in Krakow and 2017 in Zagreb,
                                                                                                                                           this year’s edition could not have
    The ESCD is made up from all of us and, without the contribution of all our                 When I took over the presidency of the     found a more ideal location than the
    members from all over the world that believe in our friendship and in the                   ESCD in 2015, I decided to focus on        prestigious PT Meeting Center of Feira
    development of aesthetic and cosmetic dentistry, there would not be any                     three principles: leadership, innovation   International of Lisboa, Portugal.
    society. The energy and enthusiasm of ESCD members never fails to impress                   and analytics. My goal was to integrate
    us all and, on behalf of the ESCD Executive Committee, we would like to send a              these items to the DNA of the ESCD         As is always the case at the ESCD,
    heartfelt thank you to all members who have taken part and all those who have               over the following years.                  top speakers from multiple countries
    worked so hard over the years to sustain the ESCD and make it the success it                                                           and backgrounds, including a mix
    is today.                                                                                   Leadership is shown by the over 30         of academia, education and clinical
                                                                                                countries represented at our society,      practice are providing the best
                                                                                                guided by their top opinion leaders and    education in dentistry towards our
                                                                                                most forward-thinking specialists in       members.
                                                                                                esthetic dentistry.
                                                                                                                                           We are looking forward to having
                                                                                                Innovation is what people are seeking      very busy, interesting and extremely
                                                                                                whenever they attend continuing            educational years ahead of us.
                                                                                                education courses, innovation in terms
                                                                                                of treatment planning, visualization,      Thank you for joining the ESCD!
                                                                                                preparation protocol, instrumentation,
                                                                                                restoration techniques, etc.               Sincerely yours,
                                                                                                                                           Dr Florin Lazarescu
                                                                                                Analytics are key to any successful
                                                                                                treatment and something that all ESCD

4                                                           Celebrating 15th ESCD Anniversary   Celebrating 15th ESCD Anniversary                                                     5
PASSION FOR AESTHETICS                                                                                  What we stand for

                                                                                                        Together for new smiles!
                                                                                                        The purpose of the society is the       Another target of the ESCD is
                                                                                                        promotion of dental education in        to teach cosmetic and aesthetic
                                                                                                        the area of cosmetic and aesthetic      procedures in the maxillofacial, oral
                                                                                                        procedures in the maxillofacial, oral   and dental field to members of the
                                                                                                        and dental field. We stand for the      medical and dental professions,
                                                                                                        promotion of research, evaluation       their assistant professions and
                                                                                                        and mediation of research results.      members of other professions in the
                                                                                                        We strongly support and facilitate      health service in such a way that
                                                                                                        the transfer of information and         the acquired capabilities can be
                                                                                                        the promotion of cooperation with       put into immediate use within legal
                                                                                                        regards to practical, scientific and    limitations.
                                                                                                        ethical aspects.
                                                                                                                                                We foster international collaboration
                                                                                                        The aim is also to establish a          with a wide range of scientific
                                                                                                        Europe-wide quality assurance in        societies, institutions and partners
                                                                                                        the area of cosmetic and aesthetic      from around the globe.
                                                                                                        procedures in the maxillofacial, oral
                                                                                                        and dental field and the aesthetic
The ESCD’s mission is to work in partnership with other                                                 lab procedures.
scientific societies and institutions around the world to open
new borders of cosmetic dentistry and build capacities for
dental practitioners to enhance their skills and knowledge in
the field.
                                                                                                                                         top class
    Who we are
    ESCD - The international society that puts you first!
    We, at the ESCD, are passionate         standards of education with world-
    about cosmetic dentistry. We            class lecturers regularly presenting.                                                                            professional
    are determined to empower
    our members to develop their            Whether you are completely new to                                                                                development
    professional skills in order to offer   cosmetic dentistry or are already an
    excellent services to the public.       experienced practitioner, the ESCD
                                            welcomes you warmly. We are open
    We set the stage for our members        to students, professors and the
    to grow and learn from the best         scientific dental community as well
    international experts in the field of   as professionals.
    aesthetic dentistry, providing high

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15 years’ timeline


    2003                           2004                           2006                                   2007                          2008                                    2013                         2016                         2018
The European Society of        In 2004 in Barcelona,                                                                                The second country                    By 2013, the ESCD              Huge success of ESCD          Today, the ESCD reflects
Cosmetic Dentistry (former     the society held its first                                                                           chairperson’s meeting                 established social media       Annual Meetings in the        impressive figures. In
ESED – European Society        annual meeting, posted                                                                               was held in Nice, France.             communication, received        latest years confirms         15 years, the society
of Esthetic Dentistry) was     its application for the                                                                              the Society made a firm               its 1,000th like and           Society is providing highly   has made huge growth,
founded in 2003 by a           International Federation                                                                             decision to expand its                lunched its new website.       competitive scientific        boasting more than
group of visionary dentists    of Esthetic Dentistry                                                In February 2007, the           membership base and                                                  program and educational       500 members across
from all over Europe. Their    (IFED) and established                                               IFED General Assembly           starts hard working to                                               path for its members and      the globe. The ESCD is
                               cooperation with excellent                                           at the Chicago Midwinter        promote its vision and                                               delegates. Study Clubs        proud to have members
                                                              By 2006 the society                   Meeting accepted the
                               international associations     claimed its regulations for                                           values across the Europe                                             empowered this even           in 34 countries, not only
                               devoted to cosmetic                                                  ESCD as its member. The         dental community. During                                             more, being active in more    in Europe, but also in
                                                              certification process and             ESCD Annual meetings
                               and aesthetic dentistry,       ran the first dental student                                          next few years significant                                           than 25 countries with at     China, India, Pakistan,
                               namely the American                                                  started to take place           efforts were made to                                                 least one regular meeting     Bahrain, Brazil and Sri
                                                              awards.                               once a year in order to
                               Society of Cosmetic                                                                                  provide a respected                   At this point, the society     per year, offering strong     Lanka. ESCD study clubs
                               Dentistry (ASCD), the                                                provide the latest scientific   training pathway for                  started activating the         networking, mentoring and     hold regular meetings
backgrounds are all in the     Canadian Academy for                                                 information, raising the        members and delegates.                country study clubs for        professional development      and workshops in many
existing aesthetic/cosmetic    Esthetic Dentistry (CAED),                                           standard of education                                                 each nation with an ESCD       support.                      countries, offering
dentistry organisations.       the Society of Esthetic                                              year by year, with world-                                             country chairperson.                                         opportunities for growth
They wanted to assemble        Dentistry in Romania                                                 class lecturers regularly                                             These are intended to                                        and advancement for
the best ideas from            (SSER), the European                                                 presenting.                                                           educate and enable                                           those hungry for new
these organisations and        Academy of Esthetic                                                                                                                        members to share their                                       dental challenges. The
create a common rallying       Dentistry (EAED) and           In 2006, the society                                                                                        professional experiences                                     ESCD’s international
point where it would                                          changed its name to                                                                                         and build a camaraderie,                                     cooperation continues
also be possible to do a                                      the European Society of                                               Regular newsletters,                  as well as pride of                                          as well by maintaining
postgraduate examination                                      Cosmetic Dentistry.                                                   a website, networking                 belonging to the ESCD.                                       close links with the best
as a certified member                                                                                                               and unparalleled annual               The English version of the     ESCD Certification is         academic institutions
under the supervision                                                                                                               meetings resulted in                  Cosmetic                       recognized and highly         around the world. But
of dentists from private                                                                                                            a steadily growing                    Dentistry magazine             valued among international    it is the people behind
practice as well as from                                                                                                            membership.                           soon became the official       dental community, and         the numbers that really
leading universities across                                                                                                                                               journal of the ESCD, with      perceived by the members      count - the faces behind
Europe. On 23 May              the German Association                                                                                                                     free distribution to all       as a strong value for the     the ESCD, who strive
2003, the first general        of Dental Implantology                                                                                                                     members. Following years       future!                       every day to make it
assembly was held at the       (DGZI). The ESCD also                                                                                                                      brought great success for                                    even stronger and the
Isle of Capri in Italy. ESED   tooks its first steps toward                                                                                                               ESCD annual meetings.                                        thousands of patients
founders were determined       international networking                                                                                                                   With legendary events                                        who enjoy beautiful
to set new goals for           in January 2005 by                                                                                                                         and best-in-class scientific                                 smiles as a result of
aesthetic dentistry and        holding its first country                                                                                                                  programmes, the bar was                                      education and training
stretch old restrictions by    chairpersons meeting in                                                                                                                    raised higher and higher,                                    from ESCD. It’s for these
working with the honorable     Frankfurt in Germany. By                                                                                                                   setting new standards for                                    reasons and more that
existing academies and         that time, the society was                                                                                                                 education, presentation                                      the ESCD’s 15th year is
societies to open new          already associated with                                                                                                                    and networking.                                              being celebrated proudly.
borders for mutual ideas.      dentists from 16 countries.

            8                                                                         Celebrating 15th ESCD Anniversary                        Celebrating 15th ESCD Anniversary                                                                    9
The Hall of Presidents

Our leaders are exceptional people. They understand how
to inspire and motivate others, always pushing for better
but with the empathy and communication skills to make
this a team effort. They are experts in cosmetic dentistry -
specialists who understand the need to collaborate to deliver
the best results.

                                                                                                            Dr Luca Dalloca, Italy                    Dr Florin Lazarescu, Romania
                                                and Function”. As Founding                                  Mandate: 2009 – 2015                      Mandate: 2015 – 2018
                                                President of the European Society
                                                of Cosmetic Dentistry (ESCD) in                             Dr Dalloca received his dental            Dr Florin Lazarescu is the President
                                                2003, he was significantly involved                         degree from Tufts University School       of the European Society of Cosmetic
                                                in the Europe-wide certification                            of Dental Medicine in Boston, and         Dentistry (ESCD) and a founder
                                                system and quality management.                              from the University of Pavia in           member of the most important
                                                From 2005 to 2010, Dr Richter ran a                         Italy. He was trained in advanced         dental society in Romania - the
                                                private aesthetic dental practice in                        education in Prosthodontics at            Society of Esthetic Dentistry in
                                                Salzburg in Austria, and currently he                       UCLA and he has a CDT certificate         Romania (SSER). Dr Lazarescu
                                                runs a practice in Switzerland.                             from the Dental Technology Institute      is the editor in chief of Cosmetic
                                                                                                            in Orange County in California            Dentistry Romania Magazine, Dental
                                                He is also Honorary President of the                        as well as from the School of             Tribune International’s website and
                                                ESCD and has been Clinical Lead                             Dental Technology Casati of               Today Newspaper.
                                                of the postgraduate programme                               Milan. He is a visiting Professor in
                                                “Master of Science in Restorative &                         aesthetic dentistry at the University     He is the author of numerous
      Prof Dr Wolfgang Richter,                 Aesthetic Dentistry” (The University                        Iberoamericana of Santo Domingo,          publications on issues surrounding
      Switzerland/Germany                       of Manchester in the UK and Smile-                          Manchester University in the UK, the      dentistry and he is the editor and
      Mandate: 2003 – 2009                      on Ltd in London in the UK) in 2010                         University of Geneva and the Swiss        author of the book “Immersion
                                                and 2011. Since 2005, he has been                           Academy of Esthetic Dentistry.            in esthetic dentistry”, which was
      After intense education in                a member of the Editorial Board of                          Previously, he was a visiting             published and distributed in
      Germany and the US in 1986, he            Cosmetic Dentistry International                            Professor for the postgraduate            Romania, and sold 10,000 copies.
      established his dental practice in        and member of the International                             programme in Restorative Dentistry        In 2015, Quintessence International
      Düsseldorf in Germany, with the           Advisory Board of the Smile                                 at the Department of Oral Science of      published Dr Lazarescu’s volume
      focus on aesthetic dentistry and          Dental Journal since 2009 (mainly                           the University of Siena and Clinical      “Comprehensive Esthetic Dentistry”
      oral implantology. For many years,        distributed in the Middle East and                          Associate at Tufts University School      in English and in 2017 in Chinese.
      he was the course instructor and          Gulf Areas).                                                of Dental Medicine in Boston. As
      visiting lecturer for dentists in these                                                               author of several articles in aesthetic   He holds two of the most important
      fields. In 1987, he was Founding          Currently, Dr Richter is leading                            dentistry, Dr Dalloca has been an         dental clinics in Bucharest. His
      Member of the European Academy            postgraduate education                                      international speaker since 1993.         practice is an aesthetically-based
      of Esthetic Dentistry (EAED) and          programmes in cosmetic and                                  He is also the Past President of          one, with an accent on all-ceramic
      Founding President of the German          aesthetic dentistry in the Middle                           the European Society of Cosmetic          and implant restorative procedures
      Association of Esthetic Dentistry         East and Western Asia.                                      Dentistry. Since 1996, he has             and aesthetic dentistry.
      (DGAEZ) in 1992. In 1992 and 1994,                                                                    been a member of the Oral Design
      he published and co-wrote the                                                                         Foundation headed by Willi Geller,
      double volume textbook “Aesthetics                                                                    and he is a member of several
                                                                                                            prestigious international academies
                                                                                                            and associations.
10                                                             Celebrating 15th ESCD Anniversary   Celebrating 15th ESCD Anniversary                                                    11
Fellow and certified members

CELEBRATING OUR PEOPLE                                                                               The ESCD has been fortunate to have some dynamic and
                                                                                                     influential senior members as part of its Executive Committee and
                                                                                                     leading team over the years.
                                                                                                     ESCD COMMITTEE 2015/2018
     Dr. Mauro Bazzoli, Italy
     Dr. Luca Dalloca, Italy
     Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Richter, Germany


     Dr Abby Abraham, India                Jan Kurtz - Hoffmann, Germany                                 Dr Florin Lazarescu       Dr Seppo Lindroos       Dr Marco Nicastro
     Dr Aleksandr Kozhemiak, Ukraine       Dr Karl Schwaninger, Austria                                       President            General Secretary         Vice President
     Dr Alessandro Arnone, Italy           Dr Lara Bakaeen, Jordan
     Dr Alessandro Iorio, Italy            Dr Laurent Sers, France
     Dr Alina Lazar, Germany               Dr Liu Feng, China
     Dr Antonio Olivo, Italy               Dr Luca Tacchini, Italy
     Dr Attilio Muscio, Italy              Dr Marco Nicastro, Italy
     Dr Bogdan Culic, Romania              Dr Martin Jöergens, Germany
     Dr Daniel Baketić, Croatia            Dr Michael Karlstén, Sweden
     Dr Elliot Mechanic, Canada            Dr Philip Lewis, United Kingdom
     Dr Florin Lazarescu, Romania          MDT Przemek Seweryniak,                                      Dr Karl Schwaninger         Dr Mauro Bazzoli        Dr Luca Dalloca
     Dr George Freedman, Canada                  Sweden                                                      Treasurer            Country Chairpersons      Immediate Past
     Dr Giacomo Derchi, Italy              Dr Roberto Favero, Italy                                                                   Coodrinator              President
     Dr Giovanni Faccin, Italy             Dr Roberto Mannarino, Italy
     Dr Gregory Brambilla, Italy           Dr Roberto Rossi, Italy
     Dr Guido Picciocchi, Italy            Dr Seppo Lindroos, Finland
     Dr Igor Ristić, Serbia                Dr Simone Vaccari, Italy
     Dr Ivo Sighinolfi, Italy              Dr Tamás Kovács, Serbia
     Dr Ivan Puljić, Croatia               Dr Verena Nižić, Croatia

                                                                                                           Dr Igor Ristić         Prof. Dr Wolfgang         Dr Daniel Baketić
                                                                                                      Chairman for Education       Richter Chairman      Chairman for Laboratory
                                                                                                                                    for International          Techniques
                                                                                                                                Postgraduate Education

                                                                                                     EXPANDED EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE

                                                                                                     Dr Gregory Brambilla, Scientific Aspects
                                                                                                     Dr Kamila Azimova, Media, PR and Internet
                                                                                                     Dr George Freedman, International Affairs
                                                                                                     Dr Martin Jöergens, Interdisciplinary Aspects
                                                                                                     Dr Maria Csillag, Administration Affairs
                                                                                                     Dr Guido Picciocchi, Students Relations
12                                                      Celebrating 15th ESCD Anniversary   Celebrating 15th ESCD Anniversary                                                  13
Our success, in numbers

                             members worldwide
                                                                                                            international associations
                                                                                                          continuously cooperating with

                          certified members                                                               12,535likes on Facebook

                             ESCD annual
                              meetings                                                                       8,500
                                                                                                               delegates attended our

                                     top class                                                                         members in

                                 speakers at ESCD

                                  22                                                                                    countries

                                  study clubs
                                   worldwide                                                                  3,150
                                                                                                               participants in study club


                                    study club events

14                                Celebrating 15th ESCD Anniversary   Celebrating 15th ESCD Anniversary                                     15
Attracting the best

15 ANNUAL MEETINGS AND STILL COUNTING                                                                2005                                        2006
                                                                                                     Berlin                                      Copenhagen
The ESCD sets the stage for its members to grow and learn
from the best international experts in the field of aesthetic
dentistry, providing excellent standards of the education with
world-class lecturers regularly presenting. This is where the
truly world-class nature of our members access to the best
cosmetic dentistry is revealed.
Every year, a meeting is held in a different European city. The ESCD attracts lecturers
from all over the world - “household” names in dentistry as well as specially selected
presenters able to educate on specific topics vital to successful cosmetic practices.
Lectures on practice management are also always included. Dental team members
are treated as highly important as are the most essential helpers we have: dental
technicians. Apart from lectures, there is also time to visit the accompanying trade
                                                                                                     2nd ESCD ANNUAL MEETING
exhibition and to talk to other colleagues.
                                                                                                     Art and Science in Aesthetic
The ESCD invites dental professionals and technicians from all countries to become
members of our association. All our members receive special discount rates for ESCD
                                                                                                     Following the tremendous 1st meeting
Annual Meetings and free attendance to all ESCD study clubs worldwide.
                                                                                                     in Barcelona, this congress has
                                                                                                     showcased some of the top speakers
2004                                           world at our first meeting, where
                                               aesthetic dentistry set new goals and
                                                                                                     in dental aesthetics. This transformed
                                                                                                     the ESED meeting into probably the          3rd ESCD ANNUAL MEETING
Barcelona                                      stretched old restrictions! The ESED
                                                                                                     most interesting event of the year in       No dentistry is possible but Aesthetic
                                               (today’s ESCD) managed to gather
                                                                                                     Europe in 2005 - for dentists, dental       Dentistry
                                               many well-known lecturers from
                                                                                                     technicians and dental teams seeking
                                               Europe and the US - our president Dr
                                                                                                     excellence in aesthetics. Dentists and      The quality of the ESED annual
                                               Richter, Dr Winkler from the UK, Dr
                                                                                                     dental technicians from 19 different        meetings continued to rise. Participants
                                               Dalloca from Italy, Mr Michel Magne
                                                                                                     countries were all united by the same       from all over the world could smell
                                               from Switzerland, Dr Bergmann from
                                                                                                     cause - aesthetic dentistry. They           the art, science and passion in
                                               Germany, Dr Dorfman from the US,
                                                                                                     attended a parallel meeting of the          Copenhagen’s air. Prosthodontics,
                                               Dr Krüger-Janson from Germany,
                                                                                                     ESED and the German Association             periodontics, orthodontics, restorative
                                               Dr Küpper from Germany, Dr Kim
                                                                                                     of Dental Implantology (DGZI) at the        dentistry and minimally invasive
                                               Sperly from Denmark, and Certified
                                                                                                     Estrel Hotel & Convention Center            dentistry were topics covered in two
                                               Dental Technician Mr Seweryniak from
                                                                                                     in Berlin. For three days, it set the       top-class days. Again, the best were
                                               Sweden. After three exciting days at the
                                                                                                     scene for a fantastic exchanges of          there to impart their knowledge: Dr
                                               first meeting, we all had the feeling that
                                                                                                     ideas, views and different techniques       Elliot Mechanic, Dr Howard Glazer,
                                               we were a part of something great in
                                                                                                     between delegates, and was a point for      Dr André Saadoun, MDT Renzo
                                               the world of international dentistry.
                                                                                                     collection of the precious hints received   Castellini, Dr Marvin Fier, Dr Bernard
                                                                                                     from lecturers all over Europe and the      Touati, Dr Robert Miller, Prof. Dr John
                                                                                                     US. Finally, the congress party, “Stars     Sorensen, Dr Per Vult von Steyern
1st ESCD ANNUAL MEETING                                                                              in Concert”, capped off the event.          and Dr Gregory Brambilla. A boat trip
Impact on Aesthetics                                                                                                                             around Copenhagen, music and theatre
                                                                                                                                                 followed the beautiful time together and
We were honored to have more                                                                                                                     provided the most electric energy from
than 300 attendees from around the                                                                                                               this artistic world.

16                                                               Celebrating 15th ESCD Anniversary   Celebrating 15th ESCD Anniversary                                                 17
2007                                        dental practice is based on its learned
                                            traditions.                                           2009                                       new ideas they had learned, in their
Vienna                                                                                            Paris
                                            Florence                                                                                         2010

                                            5th ESCD ANNUAL MEETING
                                            Aesthetic Excellence: Fusion of Art
                                            and Science

                                            A delightful welcoming ceremony was
                                            arranged at the magnificent Palazzo
                                            Medici Riccardi, announcing a truly                                                              7th ESCD ANNUAL MEETING
                                            exciting meeting.                                                                                Esthetics Meets Aesthetics
                                                                                                  6th ESCD ANNUAL MEETING
                                                                                                  Aesthetic Objectives: Achievements
                                            The 2005 conference departed from                                                                “Esthetics meets Aesthetics” brought
4th ESCD ANNUAL MEETING                                                                           and Potentials
                                            the familiar format of long lectures to                                                          together over 500 delegates from
New challenges to update dentistry
                                            provide numerous short presentations                                                             around the world. The ESCD was
                                                                                                  The outstanding beauty of Paris formed
                                            giving overviews of subjects that                                                                involved from the outset in the planning
The meeting was opened with a pre-                                                                a perfect backdrop to the outstanding
                                            delegates could choose to explore in                                                             and promotion of the meeting,
congress session of members’ pearls                                                               beauty that was created and displayed
                                            more detail. The intensive three-day                                                             and efforts were rewarded by the
- a ceremony introducing new certified                                                            at the 2009 ESCD Annual Conference
                                            seminar featured both famous and                                                                 attendance of colleagues supporting
members.                                                                                          by some of the world’s finest clinicians
                                            lesser-known lecturers from throughout                                                           the society and joining its educational
                                                                                                  and dental technicians.
                                            the world. While the clinical team                                                               aims.
The official programme revealed great
                                            lectures were in progress, parallel
presentations and highlights from Dr                                                              Lecturers from Europe and beyond
                                            sessions provided postgraduate                                                                   The society provided a number of
Paul Belvedere from the USA, Dr Andrej                                                            treated delegates to information and
                                            education for both dental technicians                                                            world-famous speakers at the event.
Kielbassa from Berlin, Dr Douglas Terry                                                           practical training during the two-day
                                            and dental hygienists.                                                                           President Wolfgang Richter lectured on
from Houston, Dr Naosaki Otimoto from                                                             meeting. This conference was another
                                                                                                                                             the selection and use of composites,
Japan, Dr Nasser Barghi from Texas, Dr                                                            tour de force of educational delight as
                                            More than 500 delegates who attended                                                             while Dr Martin Jörgens and Dr Marcel
Andreas Kurbad from Germany and Dr                                                                well as a hugely enjoyable social event.
                                            the congress experienced, and could                                                              Wainwright from Germany delighted
Bill Dorfman.
                                            afterwards attest to, the value this sort                                                        delegates with excellent presentations
                                                                                                  Well-organised and varied, the
                                            of meeting can provide.                                                                          featuring lasers and piezoelectric
Hard work during the day was relieved                                                             programme offered something for
by parties in the evenings, and Vienna                                                            everyone with an interest in the dental
proved to be a great venue. The old-                                                              cosmetic field.
                                                                                                                                             Dr Ulf Krueger-Janson gave a well-
world charm of the city combined with
                                                                                                                                             received lecture on composite artistry
its more modern elements reflected a                                                              Delegates left feeling motivated and
                                                                                                                                             accompanied by a beautiful and
truth in dentistry as well - that current                                                         eager to implement some of the

18                                                            Celebrating 15th ESCD Anniversary   Celebrating 15th ESCD Anniversary                                                   19
impressive slide presentation. Dr
Luca Dalloca from Italy mesmerised
                                              day scientific meeting, presented in
                                              collaboration with the Croatian Dental               2012                                     with a trade exhibition, live
                                                                                                                                            demonstrations and fabulous social
delegates with his lecture on how to          Chamber.                                             Bucharest                                events.
delight patients by creating beautiful
smiles, illustrating his talk with a superb   The scientific programme was stunning,
audio-visual presentation which was
appreciated by all.
                                              with great speakers presenting on
                                              different topics of cosmetic dentistry,
                                              including lectures on materials, how
Many other ESCD lecturers provided            to produce impressive results, internet
even more information and clinical tips,      marketing for dental practice promotion
but the meeting was not only about            and even new technics in modern
learning - ESCD members always                cosmetic dentistry. Delegates were
expect to have a good time! And they          able to see particularly impressive
were not disappointed in London.              demonstrations and to participate in
Starting with the welcome reception on        hands-on sessions.
the first night, through to the tour of the
famous Houses of Parliament on the            Other highlights of the scientific
second day to the Gala Ball on the last       meeting included the judging of
night that completed the celebrations.        the Poster Session where very high
                                              standards were maintained. During
                                              the meeting, delegates could visit
2011                                          the excellent trade exhibition where a
                                              variety of products and services were
                                              presented to help the modern cosmetic

                                              All work and no play?
                                              Certainly not! ESCD
                                              Meetings are known for
                                              their social events - from the                                                                10th ESCD ANNUAL MEETING
                                                                                                                                            Aesthetic “Truffles”- The Gold
                                              ESCD and Friends party to                                                                     Standard in 2013
                                              the President’s Dinner.                              9th ESCD ANNUAL MEETING
                                                                                                                                            Great success was achieved with the
                                                                                                   International Congress of Aesthetic
                                                                                                                                            Turin ESCD Congress, where more
                                              Many of our regular                                  Dentistry
                                                                                                                                            than 250 people from all over the world
                                              attendees look forward to                            This time, the ESCD Annual Meeting
                                                                                                                                            attended, with one attendee even
                                                                                                                                            travelling all the way from Hawaii.
                                              the fabulous time they have                          was organised jointly with the Society
                                                                                                                                            Speakers came from abroad, and many
                                                                                                   of Esthetic Dentistry in Romania
                                              relaxing with friends and                            (SSER).
                                                                                                                                            from the old Europe, with presentations
                                              enjoying the evening events.                                                                  that enthused all the participants.

                                              Their partners have a great                          The Bucharest meeting managed
                                                                                                                                            The quality of the images and the wide
                                                                                                   to gather more than 1100 delegates
                                              time too, exploring the                              from all over Europe and well-known
                                                                                                                                            screens on which they were shown
8th ESCD ANNUAL MEETING                                                                                                                     allowed speakers to valorise all their
Artistry and Technology                       wonderful cities the ESCD                            speakers lecturing on the most popular
                                                                                                                                            works to an unbelievable level.
                                                                                                   topics in aesthetic dentistry.
                                              chooses each year                                                                             The 2014 meeting gave the entire
Hundreds of dentists and dental                                                                                                             dental team the chance to partake and
                                                                                                   Top-class education was accompanied
team members arrived for the two-

20                                                             Celebrating 15th ESCD Anniversary   Celebrating 15th ESCD Anniversary                                             21
enjoy, with lectures for clinicians, dental
technicians, hygienists, office personnel
                                              ESCD Board put together a programme
                                              with the best professionals in the                    2016                                     The 2017 annual meeting was a truly
                                                                                                                                             unbeatable experience! The ESCD were
and chair assistants. Two social events       field that encompassed all related                    Krakow                                   involved from the outset in the planning
garnered the participation of more than       disciplines. Along with the lectures,                                                          and promotion of the meeting.
150 people in which each attendee had         interesting workshops were offered
the opportunity to taste the exceptional      too. The best cases of the I-Poster                                                            The scientific programme was
quality of the Piedmont cuisine, the          presentation were awarded 4th prize for                                                        outstanding, lectures and hands-on
wines, the truffles and the friendly          young dentists under 35 in memory of                                                           sessions impressed all participants
atmosphere that included live music           Prof. Lorenzo Dalloca, and 1st prize for                                                       and the social events were stunning.
and dancing.                                  dental students in memory of Dr Carlo                                                          By now, the ESCD has proven that it
                                              Bazzoli. As always, all participants had                                                       offers unparalleled education and social
                                              the opportunity to attend social events,                                                       content for whole dental team. The
2014                                          including the ESCD and Friends Dinner
                                              and the President Party.
                                                                                                                                             society board and members worked
                                                                                                                                             hard to promote the congress and
                                                                                                                                             improve it every time. This conference
                                                                                                                                             buzzed with electrifying energy,
                                              2015                                                  13th ESCD ANNUAL MEETING
                                                                                                                                             fantastic networking opportunities, the
                                                                                                                                             best lecturers, and workshops spiced
                                                                                                    Royal Aesthetics                         with loads of fun.

                                                                                                    The ESCD Royal Aesthetics Congress
                                                                                                    in Krakow was hugely successful!
                                                                                                    The meeting boasted more than 400
                                                                                                    participants, over 20 sponsoring
                                                                                                    companies, exciting presentations from
                                                                                                    top speakers and an amazing roof top
                                                                                                    party! Participants enjoyed top-notch
                                                                                                    lectures from speakers, hands-on
                                                                                                    sessions, an awards ceremony for the
                                                                                                    best posters and Casimir night. Once
                                                                                                    again, the conference was marked by
                                                                                                    three wonderful days of education and
                                              12th ESCD ANNUAL MEETING
                                              Stars and Smiles: Latest cosmetic
                                              solutions for better dentistry

                                              The 2015 meeting was a huge success                   2017
11th ESCD ANNUAL MEETING                      for science and for the participants.                 Zagreb
White and Pink Aesthetics                     Delegates from 39 different countries
                                              worldwide attended the conference,
The ancient city of Rome provided             including a large delegation from
a wonderful experience. The 2014              China. This time, the programme was
meeting’s topic was probably one of
the most exciting for aesthetic dentistry
                                              conceived for the entire dental team,
                                              with many workshops for clinicians
                                                                                                                                             LOOKING FORWARD
- the perfect soft tissue integration, a
“must have” for aesthetic success. A
                                              and dental technicians. In keeping with
                                              tradition, the congress programme
                                                                                                                                             TO OUR JUBILLAR
synergistic relationship between the
dental technician, the restorative dentist
                                              included the best international lecturers
                                              sharing their knowledge and expertise
                                                                                                    14th ESCD ANNUAL MEETING
                                                                                                                                             15TH ANNUAL
and the periodontist is necessary to          in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere,
achieve the desired goal. This time, the      and legendary social events.                          Heart of Aesthetics
22                                                              Celebrating 15th ESCD Anniversary   Celebrating 15th ESCD Anniversary                                              23
What our members say…

                                                                                                                        DR VERENA NIŽIĆ
              DR KAMILA AZIMOVA                                                                    The ESCD means very much to me.                activity within it is always recognised.
              GREAT BRITAIN                                                                        The first time I was able to be a part of      The ESCD is not a standard association.
                                                                                                   ESCD was in 2011 in Dubrovnik. From            Other than the possible realisation
Hello from London! I’m Kamila, Country       warmth and friendliness right from the                then on, many things have changed              of professional goals, the ESCD also
Chairperson and Media Director of the        beginning. Our team progressively                     in my professional life thanks to the          provides the opportunity to meet new
ESCD. I’ve been a proud team member          expanded over the last few years.                     organisation.                                  people.
of the ESCD since 2013 and it’s one of       Besides the scientific programme and
the best achievements in my career.          the beautiful social programme during                 After the certification process, things fell   The most beautiful thing in the ESCD
                                             the ESCD annual meetings, as well                     into place due to the fact that the ESCD       is the fact that I made new friendships
To answer why the ESCD became such           as the study clubs, you meet lots of                  gave me the possibility to advance by          that I’m sure will last for a lifetime. A
an important part of my dental life, I       motivated dentists from all over the                  increasing my visibility - something           particular thank you goes out to the
need to go back to 2013 to share with        world that love dentistry with a passion              it does for all of its members. One’s          board members for their support, their
you my memories of the first time I          and are ready to share and help each                  commitment to the organisation and             positive energy and enthusiasm.
attended the ESCD annual meeting in          other to provide better dentistry. Every
Turin. It was exciting and, at the same      year, I look forward to meeting my old
time, a bit worrying as I was travelling     friends during the meeting and, at the
on my own without knowing anyone             same time, meeting new members too.
from the team. All worries disappeared       The ESCD is not just a society, it’s a
immediately after I met the members          family for me that I hope will become
of the society that enveloped me with        your family too.                                                           DR ABBY ABRAHAM
                                                                                                   My journey with ESCD started in Krakow.        The certification process also changed
                                                                                                   Looking back on that day, I realise that       my perspective on dentistry. ESCD
                                                                                                   moments like that are few and surprises        helped me bring out my organisational
                                                                                                   like that were, and will always be, an         skill’s and clinical abilities to the fore.
              DR BOGDAN CULIC                                                                      unexpected gift for all who join the
                                                                                                   organisation as a new member.                  My mentors and friends in ESCD and
              ROMANIA                                                                                                                             back home have been a motivation and
What does it mean to me to be an ESCD        our everyday work (dentistry) raised to               An Amazing organisation and very               inspiration.
member in two alignments?                    the rank of art, combined with the joy of             friendly and affectionate board members.
                                             making new friends with beautiful, open-              They welcomed me and my group with             Looking forward to meeting them all at
First of all, the ESCD is a society that     minded and talented people from all                   open arms.                                     the 15 year Celebration of ESCD family.
primarily aims to gather talented,           over the world. Along with that, we get                                                              The perfect blend of scientific and social
creative and passionate dentists from all    to visit new places that are loaded with              Was given the responsibility of country        interaction .
over Europe and beyond to share their        culture and art, to enjoy the goodness                chairperson and they supported us in all
experience in this field in a friendly and   of local dishes, and to exchange ideas,               the activities of the study club.
bohemian environment, with the aim of        opinions and emotions.
evolving both in the dental sphere and in
human beauty.                                You are very welcome to join our family -
At the same time, it also means a great      the ESCD family!
experience - a pleasant combination of

24                                                             Celebrating 15th ESCD Anniversary   Celebrating 15th ESCD Anniversary                                                            25
Our Study Club network spans the globe


ESCD Country Study Clubs are in
operation in each nation in which our
society has a country chairperson.
These are aimed at educating members
and enabling them to share their
professional experiences and to build
camaraderie and pride in belonging to
our association. Here, our members
meet their colleagues and are able to
learn more on a variety of topics that
are presented by certified members
of the society as well as leading guest
                                          and market services to patients, how to
All ESCD members have free                overcome difficulties in both promotion
                                          and clinical techniques, what sort of
attendance to all ESCD study clubs        laboratory to use, where to obtain
from around the world!                    supplies and where to go for further
                                          information, training and advice.
The study club meetings have many
more benefits in addition to the          So far, the society has 22 study
excellent clinical information they       clubs in Europe and beyond. Thanks
provide. These include networking         to our dedicated members and
with local colleagues and discussing      huge contribution from our Country
issues common to all, how to promote      Chairpersons, this number is growing
cosmetic dentistry, how to announce       every year.

26                                                         Celebrating 15th ESCD Anniversary   Celebrating 15th ESCD Anniversary   27
What’s next for the ESCD                                                             Join the ESCD and you’ll get:

A LOOK AHEAD                                                                         WANT TO KNOW MORE?
16th ESCD ANNUAL MEETING                                                                      A regular newsletter                     Certificate
Sankt Petersburg, 2019
                                                                                              Featuring the latest in cosmetic         Hang it proudly on your wall.
One of the world’s most beautiful cities,                                                     dentistry, upcoming events, news         Membership of the ESCD
St. Petersburg has all the ingredients for                                                    from members and much more. Do           demonstrates that you are serious
an unforgettable travel experience: high                                                      you have an interesting article you      about dental education and do
art, lavish architecture, wild nightlife, an                                                  would like published? Or news you        everything to provide your patients
extraordinary history and rich cultural                                                       think other members would like to        with excellent service.
traditions that have inspired and nurtured                                                    hear about? Send it to us and we
some of the modern world’s greatest                                                           will almost certainly include it!        Listing on our website
literature, music, and visual art.
                                                                                              Study Clubs                              Patients looking for a cosmetic
                                                                                                                                       dentist will find your details on our
17th ESCD ANNUAL MEETING                                                                      ESCD study clubs arrange regional        website. If you hold certification
Heidelberg, 2020                                                                              meetings all over Europe and             by the ESCD, they will have the
                                                                                              beyond. ESCD study clubs are an          confidence of knowing your work
Surrounded by forest, Germany’s oldest and                                                    ideal place to meet other members        has been approved by your peers
most famous university town is renowned                                                       from your district, gain some            and is of a high standard.
for its baroque Altstadt, beautiful riverside                                                 education and enjoy the company of
setting and evocative half-ruined hilltop                                                     like-minded professionals. Special       The opportunity to obtain the
castle, which draw 11.9 million visitors a                                                    offers are given when you attend our     valued ESCD Certificate in
year. They follow in the footsteps of the late                                                superb annual meeting, featuring         Cosmetic Dentistry
18th- and early 19th-century romantics,                                                       internationally acclaimed speakers
most notably the poet Goethe and Britain’s                                                    and fabulous social events.              Certification by the ESCD
William Turner, who was inspired by                                                           ESCD meetings are legendary!             demonstrates that you have
Heidelberg to paint some of his greatest                                                      Consistently excellent speakers          completed a number of clinical
landscapes.                                                                                   from all over the world offer top-       cases to a very high standard
                                                                                              class education to what many             and have been examined on
                                                                                              people agree is the friendliest dental   your knowledge of cosmetic
18th ESCD ANNUAL MEETING                                                                      society.                                 dentistry. The opportunity to
Athens, 2021                                                                                                                           obtain certification is valuable
                                                                                                                                       and all members should aim for
With equal measures of grunge and                                                                                                      certification. It provides great
grace, Athens is a heady mix of history                                                                                                professional satisfaction and can
and edginess. The cultural and social life                                                                                             help develop your practice.
of Athens plays out amid, around and in
landmarks that are centuries old, if not
millennia. The remnants of Ancient Greece
get the most attention, of course, thanks
to a little thing called democracy. Oh, and
mythology, and drama, and philosophy. But
don’t overlook the ‘later’ years: thousand-
year-old Byzantine churches, for instance,
which squat, unruffled in the middle of
streets and attached to hillsides.

28                                               Celebrating 15th ESCD Anniversary   Celebrating 15th ESCD Anniversary                                                         29
The opportunity to meet dentists         Membership of a truly
     from all over the world and share        international group that always
     in their professional experience         places members’ interests first

     ESCD members love meeting                The ESCD does everything it can
     each other! Exchanging views and         to support its members. If you have
     comparing working practices in           questions about clinical dentistry,
     different countries is one of the most   practice management or any other
     valuable benefits of membership.         dental issue, ask our team and we
     On top of that, everyone has a           will find someone to help. Send your
     wonderful time.                          questions to
                                              We are always open to suggestions
                                              about how we can improve the
                                              society and always try to act on our
                                              members’ comments.

     Special subscription rates for your
     assistants, hygienists and other

     We all work better as a team.            Superb value
     That’s why the ESCD encourages
     all members of the practice to           Annual individual membership of the
     join. Attending lectures with team       ESCD costs only €95.00 / €190.00
     members greatly improves the             (GDP per country) for dentists /
     implementation of new ideas when         dental technicians. The ESCD really
     you return to work.                      is for everyone. We are passionate
                                              about cosmetic dentistry. We
                                              know it is what more and more of
                                              our patients are asking for, so we
                                              are determined for our members
                                              to get the best possible support
                                              and education to be able to offer                                                      Join now at!
                                              excellent services to the public.
                                              Whether you are completely new
                                              to cosmetic dentistry or whether
                                              you are already an experienced
                                              practitioner, the ESCD is for you.

30                                                           Celebrating 15th ESCD Anniversary   Celebrating 15th ESCD Anniversary                                    31
ESCD - European Society of Cosmetic Dentistry
          Lochhamer Schlag 6, 82166 Gräfelfing, Germany
            Tel. +40 21 3175864;

     Copyrights © European Society of Cosmetic Dentistry, 2018

32                                                  Celebrating 15th ESCD Anniversary
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