Fostering Christ's Love in Our Lives -

Page created by Jamie Edwards
Fostering Christ's Love in Our Lives -

                                                                         Fostering Christ’s Love in Our Lives
                                                            17 9 51 D i x i e H i g h w a y • H o m e w o o d , I L 6 0 4 3 0
                                                                             ww w.stj oeho mewood .org
Rev. Robert J. Kyfes ......................................... Pastor
Rev. Daniel F. Jarosewic……………...Associate Pastor
Rev. Richard J. Kozak ...................... Pastor Emeritus

George & Nancy Maddock .............. Deacon Ministry

Karen Shifflett…...…..Director of Religious Education
John Ligda....................................... Director of Music
Mary Bohlen, R.N. ............................. Health Ministry
Eileen Santschi…………………….....Financial Manager
Agatha Kienzle ....... Parish Administrative Assistant
Kevin Kulchawik ....................Maintenance Engineer

 Saturday Mass .......................................... 5:15 PM
 Sunday Mass ............................... 8:00 & 10:30 AM

 Tuesday -Friday Mass ................................ 8:30 AM
 Monday & Saturday Communion Service .. 6:30 AM
   MASS. Registration link is available on our parish
   website You can also call the
   office during the business hours.

Baptism                                                                           CONTACTS
 Sundays at 12:30 PM. Arrangements can be made for any                            Rectory…………………..(708) 798-0622; fax: 798-6137
 Sunday after attending a Baptismal Preparation Session.                          Director of Religious Education……..(708) 798-6311
                                                                                  Director of Music ………………….……….(708) 798-8412
 Contact the Rectory at least six months prior to the wedding.                    Parish E-mail……………
 Please call the Rectory for available times and dates.                           Prayer Ministry E-mail…
                                                                                  Office Hours Mon., Wed., Fri.……..8:00 am - 4:00 pm
REGISTRATION                                                                      Office Hours Tues. & Thurs.………..8:00 am - 7:30 pm
 New parishioners are invited to register at as soon as possible.                 Office Hours Sat.………………………..9:00 am - 1:30 pm
                                                                                  Office Hours Sun.……………………..9:00 am - 10:30 am
Fostering Christ's Love in Our Lives -
From Our Pastor                                                        WEEKLY OFFERING:
                                                                                         AUGUST 29-30
                     LABOR DAY THANKS

As we approach this day which traditionally marks the end of                 Weekend Giving...……..... $5,612.21
summer, it’s an appropriate time to thank those whose labor in               Electronic Giving…….…….$1,804.50
our parish makes life better for all of us.                                  Total ….................….......7,416.71
During these bizarre and challenging times in particular, we                   Budget………....$11,600.00
should all be grateful to the generous parishioners who have                   Down……..........$-4,183.29
stepped forward to make it possible for us to resume regular wor-
ship. Dave Wolken, Steve McDowell, Mike Cap, Jim Wright and                    CATHOLIC CHARITIES: $821.00
Karen Shifflett and the many people they recruited or who volun-              SHARING: $64.00
teered for our set-up, greeting/ushering and sanitizing teams                  ST. VINCENT DE PAUL: $44.00
have done a faithful, wonderful job of allowing us to keep the
                                                                                Thank you for your generosity!
church open for weekday and weekend masses. They’ve done
such a good job in fact that, if more people wished to return for
regular worship, we could reasonably add a third Sunday mass to
the schedule. However, until we get much closer to the maximum
number of 135 that we can accommodate at each mass (90 is the
closest we’ve come at 8:00a.m. on Sundays, with 5:15 and 10:30
hovering between 40 and 60 attendees at each), it wouldn’t be                    TO TEACH WHO CHRIST IS
prudent to make that move just yet. Still, it’s comforting to know                 PROGRESS TO DATE
that, if and when that time comes, we have generous “laborers in
the vineyard” who will help make it possible.                               TOTAL PLEDGED……...$1,197,709
                                                                           PARISH - COLLECTED TO DATE....$605,167
I’m personally grateful to our parish staff, especially to Agatha
                                                                           AOC - COLLECTED TO DATE….......$306,000
Kienzle who continued to work from home for several months
until staff members were permitted to return to onsite tasks. At
the same time, Sharon Pries and Carol Zakaras generously agreed
to return to their part-time office responsibilities at the rectory.
And Agatha continues to work from home even now on Fridays                                                  $1,100,000
and Saturdays, monitoring your weekend mass sign-ups and e-                                                 $1,000,000
mailing the lists to me to print out. During the months when                COLLECTED                         $900,000
money counters weren’t permitted to record the offerings that
you so generously continued to mail in or drop off, Eileen                  GOAL
Santschi handled that task for us in addition to writing the checks         $765,000                          $700,000

so we could pay our bills. As soon as we had some guidance from                                               $600,000
the Office of Catechesis regarding religious education, Karen                                                $500,000
Shifflett began to imagine ways for us to resume classes for our                                              $400,000
children and to plan for the delayed sacraments of First Commun-
ion & Confirmation. With no singing permitted and not wanting                                                $300,000

to burden our cantors (given such a limited role for them) John                                               $200,000

Ligda has taken care of all our musical needs at our three week-                                              $100,000
end masses, multi-tasking from the choir loft. And Kevin Kul-
chawik, deemed the only other onsite “essential worker” besides
me and Fr. Dan, continued to monitor our building infrastructure
from day one of the pandemic.
                                                  (Continued on page 3)

  2                                  S e p t e m b e r   6 ,   2 0 2 0    TWENTY-THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME
Fostering Christ's Love in Our Lives -
Parish Ministries
(Call Rectory for contact information.)
                                                                  Around the Parish
                                               (Continued from page 2)
Contact: Fr. Dan Jarosewic                     But now for “something completely different”….No sooner had last
ARTS & ENVIRONMENT                             Sunday’s bulletin been completed than I received word that we
Contact: Erin Roeper, Jeannine Ruse            would be able to proceed with the installation of our new church
BAPTISMAL PREPARATION CLASSES                  sound system. Our Vicariate VI Director of Operations, Deacon Jim
Contact: Paul and Deborah Hart                 Norman, engineered the release of our funds to make that possible.
BEREAVEMENT MINISTRY                           So the hope is that the work can be completed as soon as possible
Contact: Rosemarie Kearney                     and you’ll actually be able to hear the all the words of the Lord.
BULLETIN/WEBSITE EDITOR                        Happy Labor Day!
Contact: Agatha Kienzle
Contact: Karen Shifflett
Contact: Marge Hayes
                                                    On the Dignity of Work
Contact: Deb Framarin, Jack Hayes                   "Work is fundamental to the dignity of a person. Work,
GARDENING TEAM                                      to use an image, 'anoints' us with dignity, fills us with
Contact: Elaine Hoffman                             dignity, makes us similar to God, who has worked and
HEALTH MINISTRY/PARISH NURSING                      still works, who always acts..."
Contact: Mary Bohlen, R.N.
HOSPITALITY                                         - Pope Francis, Feast of St. Joseph the Worker and World
Contact: Mary Ellen Brabec                          Labor Day, 5/1/13
Contact: Joe Santschi
Contact: Mike Ormsby, Tom Brabec               Labor Day Prayer
Contact: Joyce Janowick, Janet Ormsby          Good and Gracious God,
MINISTERS OF CARE                              You created human beings
Contact: Jack Hayes                            in Your image and likeness
                                               And gave us dominion over creation
Contact: John Ligda
                                               to be stewards of the land
Contact: Jim Bova                              and co-creators of Your Kingdom.
PIECEMAKER QUILTERS/PRAYER SHAWL               Jesus, You became one of us
Contact: Marietta Burke
                                               and labored as a carpenter.
Contact: Julie Orbik                           You ask all people --
Respect Life MINISTRY                          whatever our state of life --
Contact: Teri McGinley
                                               to follow you faithfully.
Contact: Magda Hepokoski                       Holy Spirit, bless all
ST. VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY                    workers this Labor Day.
Contact: Rectory                               May all our actions be
Contact: Jim Wright
                                               animated by Your love,
YOUTH MINISTRY                                 as we do all things for
Contact: Allisa Opyd                           the glory of God.

P a r i s h      o f    S a i n t     J o s e p h   •   H o m e w o o d ,   I L                              3
Fostering Christ's Love in Our Lives -
Gospel Meditation                                                VIRTUAL PRECANA
                                                                               The Office of Lifelong Forma-
                                                                               tion offers PreCana virtually
                                                                               using Zoom. PreCana sessions
                                                                               are held live and led by trained
                                                                               married couples. Engaged cou-
                                                                               ples enjoy the benefit of live
                                                                               interaction with other couples
                                                                               as well as the comfort of hav-
                                                                               ing private conversations. Pre-
                                                                               Cana programs are offered as
                                                                               one six-hour session or two
                                                                               three-hour sessions. Couples
                                                                               can choose between weekend
23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time                                                   and weekday evening options.
                                                                               Couples to do not need to be
It‘s all about reconciliation and conversion, not punishment. Relation-        living or getting married in the
ships are not static adventures but wonderful gifts that continue to de-       Archdiocese of Chicago to par-
velop, grow, change, and mature. We are meant to be social beings, so          ticipate. PreCana Sessions are
isolating ourselves from others is rarely helpful. But, because human          available at the following dates
beings are on the one hand tremendously gifted, talented, and blessed          and times.
creations, they are on the other also flawed, broken, and sinful. We all
need to humbly admit that we are works in progress and not only capa-          September 8 & 10, 6 – 9pm
ble of enriching each other‘s lives but causing deep hurts and wounds          September 19, 9am – 3pm
as well. Hence, we always need to be reconciled. We are always grow-
                                                                               September 22 & 24, 6 – 9pm
ing, changing, and expanding our knowledge of who we are and how
we are meant to share life together.                                           October 10, 9 a.m. – 3 pm
Because reconciliation and conversion are always part of the mix of            October 13 & 15, 6 – 9 pm
life, honesty is crucial. Without honesty, we can easily find ourselves        November 14, 9am – 3 pm
living a lie and causing more harm than good. Being able to freely
                                                                               November 17 & 19, 6 – 9 pm
share our feelings, especially those involving pain and hurt, is a
charism necessary to pursue and an art to learn. When we are wronged           December 12, 9am – 3pm
or wrong someone else, we do not enjoy the confrontation that can and          December 15 & 17, 6 – 9 pm
needs to come. We are taught to keep our feelings to ourselves, espe-
cially when they are negative, and we tend to avoid difficult conversa-        December 19, 9 am – 3pm
tions. Hence, we never really learn how to confront another, success-          FOR MORE INFORMATION AND REGIS-
fully resolve conflict, find reconciliation, and welcome conversion.           TRATION, PLEASE VISIT:
When we hurt or wrong someone, it does not mean that we are a bad
or sinful person who deserves only punishment and excommunication.
Quite the opposite! We are simply a human person who can make poor             VIRTUAL-PRECANA
choices and sin and can be forgiven. We can restore and deepen the
relationship that has been affected and find our way home again.
Jesus clearly wants to avoid shame because it has no purpose in
achieving reconciliation and conversion. All broken relationships de-
serve a chance at reconciliation. Every person has room for growth and
a need for conversion. We have to learn to be okay with honesty and
not be afraid to hear and process what someone needs to say, even if
it is difficult for us to hear. Severing a relationship, both personally or
with the church community as a whole, ought to definitely be a last re-
sort and only pursued when all else has failed.                       ©LPi

  4                                     S e p t e m b e r   6 ,   2 0 2 0   TWENTY-THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME
Fostering Christ's Love in Our Lives -
Around the Parish
8:30am Martha Gadrim
                                                                   Mass Registration
                                                                   Registration for Masses is required.
         George W. Kuzma
                                                                 To sign up, click on the buttons below.
8:30am People of St. Joseph                            Register each person in the family individually.
                                                       Register at least 24 hours before the mass.
8:30am People of St. Joseph                            The registration is updated monthly, so please remember to
                                                        sign up each month.
8:30am Dorothy Hagen                                  You can also call the rectory office during the business hours.
         Helen Cyborski

5:15pm Dolores Anderson

8:00am Lillian Vidal
         Jacqueline Eden
         Ronald Eden
              Prayers and Blessings for
                 Angel Fernandez
10:30am Barbara Hecht
        George W. Kuzma

                                                       If you would like to receive emails with parish
                                                  announcements, please email

                                              Sunday:   Ez 33:7-9/Ps 95:1-2, 6-7, 8-9 [8]/Rom 13:8-10/Mt 18:15-20
                                              Monday:   1 Cor 5:1-8/Ps 5:5-6, 7, 12 [9]/Ps 5:5-6, 7, 12 [9]/Lk 6:6-11
                                              Tuesday:  Mi 5:1-4a or Rom 8:28-30/Ps 13:6ab, 6c[Is 61:10]/Mt 1:1-
                                                        16, 18-23 or 1:18-23
                                              Wednesday: 1 Cor 7:25-31/Ps 45:11-12, 14-15, 16-17 [11]/Lk 6:20-26
                                              Thursday: 1 Cor 8:1b-7, 11-13/Ps 139:1b-3, 13-14 ab, 23-24 [24b]/
                                              Friday:   1 Cor 9:16-19, 22b-27/Ps 84:3, 4. 5-6, 12 [2]/Lk 6:39-42
                                              Saturday: 1 Cor 10:14-22/Ps 116:12-13, 17-18 [17]/Lk 6:43-49
                                              Next Sunday: Sir 27:30—28:7/Ps 103:1-2, 3-4, 9-10, 11-12 [8]/Rom
                                                        14:7-9/Mt 18:21-35

P a r i s h   o f   S a i n t   J o s e p h   •   H o m e w o o d ,     I L                                         5
Fostering Christ's Love in Our Lives -
For Your Information                                             EVERYDAY STEWARDSHIP– RECOGNIZE
                                                                              GOD IN YOUR ORDINARY MOMENTS         EV

                                                                             THE BLESSING OF THE COMMUNITY
                                                                            I have been blessed to be a mem-
                                                                            ber of my parish community for
                                                                            28 years. For much of that time I
                                                                            was serving as a member of the
                                                                            parish staff, but it was still the
                                                                            community that I call home. I
                                                                            have been fortunate to be able to
                                                                            remain in that parish even as my
                                                                            life has encountered new chap-
                                                                            ters and callings. I am so grateful
                                                                            to God that I have been able to
                                                                            grow, be nourished, and find com-
          "Although the world is full of suffering,                         panionship in a parish for this
                                                                            long of a time.
           it is also full of the overcoming of it."
                           ~ Helen Keller                                   It is a natural tendency for human
                                                                            beings to desire belonging to
Wishing you joy and good health,                                            something bigger than them-
Mary Bohlen RN                                                              selves. Not everyone is fortunate                                                   enough to find the community, big
                                                                            or small, that fulfills that need.
                                                                            Unfortunately, that means that
                                                                            many communities suffer from
                                                                            not having the benefit of the gifts,
                                                                            skills, and talents that any mem-
                                                                            ber can offer. Communities are in
                                                                            many ways living organisms that
                                                                            move and breathe based upon
                                                                            the individuals who form that
                                                                            body. A community is truly the
                                                                            sum of its parts.
                                                                            Your parish community reflects
                                                                            you and everyone else in that
                                                                            community. The more each mem-
                                                                            ber gives to the community, the
                                                                            stronger that community finds
                                                                            itself. If you hold back, your com-
                                                                            munity suffers, and you gain little.
                                                                            I know firsthand what being a part
                                                                            of a community can mean to a
                                                                            person. I would be no one at all –
                                                                            and you would not be reading this
                                                                            – if it weren‘t for the life I have
                                                                            had in my parish community.

                                                                            – Tracy Earl Welliver


  6                                 S e p t e m b e r   6 ,   2 0 2 0   TWENTY-THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME
Fostering Christ's Love in Our Lives -
Saint of the Day
                                              SAINT MOTHER TERESA OF CALCUTTA
                                              (August 26, 1910—September 5, 1997)
                                              FEAST DAY: SEPTEMBER 5
                                              When we think about the difference that love can
                                              make, many people very often think of one per-
                                              son: Saint Mother Teresa of Calcutta. A tiny
                                              woman, just under five feet tall, with no tools ex-
                                              cept prayer, love, and the unique qualities God
                                              had given her, Mother Teresa is probably the most
                                              powerful symbol of the virtue of charity today.
                                              ―I was to leave the convent and help the poor while living among them. It was
                                              an order. To fail would have been to break the faith.‖ — Saint Mother Teresa

                                              THE NATIVITY OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY (FEAST)
                                              FEAST DAY: SEPTEMBER 8
                                              We know that everyone has
                                              a birthday. The Bible doesn‘t
                                              say anything about Mary‘s
                        US                    birth, but we know that she
         EDUUCATION                           was born. Like all parents,
The archdiocese has advised reli-             Mary‘s parents—we call them
gious education programs to de-               Joachim and Ann—probably
velop the capacity to offer classes           took one look at their new-
in both virtual and in-person for-            born daughter and knew that
mats. To do this we need cate-                she was special.
chists who can teach both virtual
                                              Joachim and Ann loved God
classes or 'at-home formation'
and in-person classes. For in-                very much, and they were
person classes to be executed                 filled with gratitude to God
safely we need a new cadre of                 for the gift of a child. They
volunteers to monitor safety                  raised Mary as a child of God, teaching her to love and serve God.
measures such as social distanc-              When the angel Gabriel told Mary that she had been chosen to be the
ing upon entry/exit and in the                Mother of Jesus, she already had great faith in God. Her strong faith
hallways, and that all persons in             and trust allowed her to say yes to God‘s plan for her. We cannot be
the school building are wearing               certain what the future holds for any newborn infant, but we do know
masks. Catechists and other vol-              that the life of each person has meaning and purpose. When Mary
unteers associated with the reli-             was born, the world did not know who she was. Sometimes others—
gious education program must                  and maybe even you—don‘t see how special you are. Maybe you for-
complete archdiocese compliance               get that God is calling you, too, right now, to do what Mary did—to
requirements including Virtus                 bring Jesus into the world.
training, mandated reporter train-
ing, and a background check. If               When we celebrate his mother‘s birth, we honor Jesus too. Today
you can help in any way please                thank God for the gift of life, and give honor to both Mary and Jesus
contact Karen Shifflett at                    by showing respect and concern for one another—remembering that or                God has created each person with love and with a call to something
708-798-6311. Thank you.                      very special in life.
                                                         © 2020 Loyola Press. All Rights Reserved. Used With Permission.

P a r i s h   o f   S a i n t   J o s e p h     •   H o m e w o o d ,       I L                                                       7
Fostering Christ's Love in Our Lives -
Today’s Readings
Sunday, September 6, 2020

First Reading
Ezekiel 33:7-9
The Son of Man is appointed as guardian of Israel.

Responsorial Psalm
Psalm 95:1-2,6-9
Song of praise to God, our salvation.

Second Reading
Romans 13:8-10
The Law is summarized in the commandment to love
your neighbor as yourself.

Gospel Reading
Matthew 18:15-20
Jesus teaches his disciples how to settle disputes in
the Church.

Today‘s Gospel reading is taken from a chapter of Matthew‘s Gospel, which is sometimes called the
―discourse on the Church‖ or the ―church order‖ discourse. In this part of Matthew‘s Gospel, Jesus speaks
more directly about matters of Church discipline and order. In today‘s reading we find one of only three in-
stances in which Jesus uses the word church in Matthew‘s Gospel. In Matthew‘s record of Jesus‘ teaching,
we can hear echoes of the kinds of issues faced by the early Christian community.
In the first part of the ―discourse on the Church‖ (Matthew 18:1-14), Matthew addresses the Christian com-
munity‘s concerns about rank. Jesus responds to the disciples‘ question about who is greatest in the king-
dom of heaven. Jesus indicates that those who wish to enter the kingdom of heaven must be like children,
and he cautions those leaders who might lead these ―little ones‖ astray. He also responds with the parable
of the lost sheep, indicating how God will seek out and bring back those ―little ones‖ who have strayed.
In today‘s Gospel reading, Matthew 18:15-20, Jesus addresses a common occurrence in the Christian com-
munity: a dispute between two members of the Church. Jesus outlines a procedure for settling such matters
fairly. The victim should privately address the offender and attempt to resolve the dispute without outside
involvement. If that fails, then the victim should bring two or three witnesses and confront the offender
again. If the dispute is still unresolved, the matter should be brought to the attention of the entire commu-
nity. If the offender refuses to adhere to the reparations prescribed by the community, then Jesus suggests
that the offender may be expelled from the Church.
Jesus does not discourage disagreement within the community of the Church; he acknowledges the reality of
conflict and error and offers his disciples a means for addressing such matters. It is in the conclusion to this
teaching that the message of hope is found: Jesus is present with the community and will guide the commu-
nity in its relations. If decisions are taken in prayer, then the community can be assured of God‘s assistance.
                                            © 2020 Loyola Press. All Rights Reserved. Used With Permission.

  8                                     S e p t e m b e r    6 ,   2 0 2 0     TWENTY-THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME
Fostering Christ's Love in Our Lives -
Growing with the Gospel

     OFFICE AT 708-798-0622.

 or you can email Joseph Santschi


Articles and Mass announcements
are due by 10 AM on Fridays (eight
8 days prior to publication date).
Please email electronic
submissions to:
Questions regarding the parish
       bulletin/website:                   Jesus said to his disciples: ―If your brother sins against you, go and tell                 him his fault between you and him alone. If he listens to you, you have
     or (708) 798-0622.                    won over your brother. If he does not listen, take one or two others
                                           along with you, so that ‗every fact may be established on the testimony
Please patronize the businesses and
services who advertise in our bulletin.
                                           of two or three witnesses.‘ If he refuses to listen to them, tell the
Without their help we would not have       church. If he refuses to listen even to the church, then treat him as you
such a communications tool as this!        would a Gentile or a tax collector. Amen, I say to you, whatever you
                                           bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on
                                           earth shall be loosed in heaven. Again, amen, I say to you, if two of you
        CHANGE OF ADDRESS                  agree on earth about anything for which they are to pray, it shall be
 It would be greatly appreciated if you
 would contact the rectory concerning
                                           granted to them by my heavenly Father. For where two or three are
 changes of your address / phone.          gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.‖

P a r i s h    o f   S a i n t   J o s e p h   •   H o m e w o o d ,   I L                                        9
Fostering Christ's Love in Our Lives -
                          Body & Soul                                                                   JAY SCOTT
                                                                                                        RANDOLPH SCOTT
                                  IRENE FRAMARIN                    IRMA LOPEZ                          CONNIE SIMMS
Pray for the Sick                 RACHEL FRAMARIN                   EASON MA                            DAVE SINWELSKI
LIZ ADDUCCI                       ALBERT FOUTS                      LYNN MARYNOWSKI                     MARY CATHERINE SMITH
MARIAN ADDUCCI                    JOAN FURLONG                      TORI MASZAK                         PAT TAYLOR
EILEEN ALSEN                      LOIS GEORGE                       CAROL MCCLEMENTS                    EMMY TIORAN
SAM AMUNDSEN                      TERI GIBLIN                       MEAGAN MCHUGH                       GORDON TOMLINSON
BABY EMMA AZOGAN                  JOHN GNEZDA                       CHRIS MCNELLIS                      ANTHONY VAN
NOREEN BAKER                      AURORA GRAHAM                     JOHN MCCLOSKEY                      ANNIE WARDS
KARRIE BIEKER                     ANDREW GUTTER                     MADISON MINNICH                     BENJAMIN WICKS
JOANNE BONER                      BOB HADERLEIN                     AZAREA MOORE                        PAT WILLIAMS
BOB BROWN                         DAN HASKE                         JOE MORAN                           AMY WINDJU
JOAN BULF                         JANET HERNANDEZ                   EILEEN MORRISEY                     TOM WOLKEN
STEVE BURKE                       JOYCE HIGHSMITH                   TOM MOSKWA                          JIM WRIGHT
LOU BUTTICE                       DOLORES JANOWIAK                  AMY MURPHY                          MICHAEL WRIGHT
MYRA CALZAVARA                    JOYCE JANOWICK                    CHARLES NELSON                      ISABEL YOUNG
LARRY CAMPBELL                    JOHNNY JOHNS                      RICK NYE                            JANET ZAIO
JOSEPH CHLOPECKI                  STANLEY JOHNS                     TIM NYE
MELISSA CHLOPECKI                                                                                       COLOR DENOTES RECENTLY ADDED
                                  MARY ROSE KELLER                  CAITLIN O’SHEA                      Attention Family Members
MARY CLARKE                       SUE KELLY                         GERLENE OLIVER                      After 4 weeks, please notify the
ROBERT CLARKE                     JERRY KILLIAN                     MIKE ORMSBY                         Rectory if your loved one still
VIRGINIA COLLINS                  TEDDY AND BILL KING               SUSAN ORMSBY                        needs our prayers.
JOYCE CONLEY                      DON KIRKPATRICK                   VERNA POWELL
ROBIN COYNE                       ANNE MAHER KOCH                   CHARLOTTE POWELL
JAMES CURLEY                      MARY KOCH                         GAIL PURCELL
JIM DAVIS                         LAURA KRAUSE                      TONI PUSATERI
FRANK DIVILA                      DENNIS KUROWSKI                   MARY REID
VALERIE EASTER                    LINDA LINK                        BERNICE RUBARTH
ROBIN B. EGGERT                   TARA LINZY                        TONY SANTONE
ADELINE ENGDAHL                   LORETTA LIPINSKI                  JOHN SCHMIDT
                                               SCPO Peter Donaldson                       PFC Anthony Termini
Prayers for OurTroops                          Airman Alex Fuentes                        LncCpl Dillon Thompson
Please pray for the men and women in           SF Ranger Christopher John Jones           Airman Gavin Tienstra
our Armed Forces. May God protect              Private Arthur Krueger                     Maj. Jonathan Troutman
them and return them safely to their           Seaman Thomas Krueger                      MGYSGT Joseph Unwood
families:                                      Pvt. Nathan A. Mach                        PFC Alexander D. Urban
LncCpl Connor John Anderson                    Specialist Joshua S. Mitchell              Lt. Col. Kevin J. Walker
Pfc Paul Bisceglia, US Army                    LCpl Jarod Mizgalski, USMC                 1st Lt. Daniel J. Webb
Lt. Rebecca Conti-Vock                         Maj. Samuel Modica, USMC                   Capt. Jennifer Worman
Captain Noel Conrad                            Lt. Danielle Peterson
Lt. Aaron Deal                                 A1C. Jessica Polacek
Lt. Thomas Devane                              GYSGT Louis Rodriguez

                                                 Communion to the Sick                    Prayer Ministry
                                                 The Priests, Deacons & Ministers of      Prayer requests* can be submitted :
 From Death to Eternal Life. Please Pray for
                                                 Care will bring Communion to the sick
                                                                                           On the Parish website
                                                 & the homebound either at the
          the Dearly Departed                                                              By calling the Rectory and dial 77
                                                 hospital or in the home upon request.
                                                                                           Email:
                                                 Please call the Rectory Office to make
May the choirs of angels lead them into          arrangements.                            *Also, to Add / Remove from the bulletin sick list.

  10                                            S e p t e m b e r    6 ,   2 0 2 0    TWENTY-THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME
P a r i s h   o f   S a i n t   J o s e p h   •   H o m e w o o d ,   I L   1 1
12   S e p t e m b e r   6 ,   2 0 2 0   TWENTY-THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME
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