FOUR CASES COME HOME Thursday June 11, 2020 - UFDC Image Array 2

Page created by Andrew Myers
FOUR CASES COME HOME Thursday June 11, 2020 - UFDC Image Array 2
Established October 1895

Thursday June 11, 2020                                                                                                                                         $1 VAT Inclusive

AFTER 17 days with-
out any new confirmed
cases of COVID-19, that
streak was ended after
four of the Barbadians
repatriated from the
United States on
Tuesday tested positive
for the virus. With
May 22nd marking the
last new case, four of
the 110 persons arriv-
ing home this week put
the numbers back up
after the 187 tests con-
ducted on Tuesday.
  This information was
revealed during a media
conference yesterday at
the Ministry of Health and
Wellness by Minister Lt.
Col. Jeffrey Bostic as he
gave the numbers to date.
Noting that the three
women and one man were
now in isolation at the
Harrison Point facility,
bringing the total number
of cases recorded in
Barbados to 96, Minister
Bostic also revealed that
two of the four persons
who were previously in
isolation went home yes-
  With these new cases
sure to raise some concern
among members of the
public, Minister Bostic
said that they did not
come as a surprise. “While
of concern, these results
have not alarmed us. The

Concerns about lack of NIS reviews
                             Senior Medical Officer in the Ministry of Health and Wellness Dr. Arthur Phillips (left) and Dr Corey Forde (right) look on as
 NEW CASES on Page 3         Minister of Health and Wellness Lt. Col. Jeffrey Bostic addressed members of the media yesterday.

AN Opposition Senator is     done on the National         placing more pressure on     and the negative impact      backdrop of less benefits      explaining that given the
concerned about the ab-      Insurance since 2016, the    the Fund, I think Sir it     that will have on social     coming in because of the       predictions for the 2020
sence of actuarial reviews   country is operating         maybe time that the ac-      security benefits, one has   lower employment levels,       Atlantic      Hurricane
on     the      National     “somewhat blindly” as it     tuarial review is actually   to wonder how those          then as I stated, I think it   Season, that it will be
Insurance Scheme (NIS),      relates to the real finan-   legislated and that I        things will impact on the    is time that maybe, possi-     well above average, it is
and is suggesting that       cial position of the         think would have been a      NIS and its ability to       bly, we legislate actuar-      important to know
such reviews should be       National Insurance.          good addition to this Bill   meet its obligations. With   ial reviews for the Fund.      whether the country is in
provided for in law.         Drakes said it was vital     this morning,” she stated.   that in mind, she again      And if it is already legis-    a financial position to re-
  Senator Crystal Drakes     that the financial viabil-     Her comments came as       said it is imperative that   lated then, why hasn’t         spond to a severe
made the comments dur-       ity of the NIS be known,     she said that in addition    there is mandatory actu-     the right action been          weather event. She said
ing the debate on the        especially given the         to the government’s debt     arial reviews done on the    taken to address this im-      this is especially impor-
Catastrophe Fund Bill        downturn in the economy,     restructuring which im-      state entity.                mediately and those who        tant to know as well,
when the Senate met yes-     which has resulted in less   pacted the NIS by as           “If we are also saying     are responsible for the        given       that       the
terday. While reflecting     contributions coming in.     much as $1 billion; the      that we have had no actu-    Fund, being held ac-           Catastrophe Fund is ex-
on the Catastrophe Fund,       “Now that we have the      over 40,000 unemploy-        arial reviews since 2016,    countable?” she stated.        pected to assist busi-
which is managed by the      significant impact of over   ment claims being            we now have an economic         Her comments came as        nesses experiencing fi-
National Insurance,          40,000 [unemployment]        processed, and the con-      catastrophe on our hands     she called for an update       nancial difficulties as a
Drakes lamented that         claims being processed       cerns raised about the       with millions of dollars     on the current value of        result of the covid-19
with no actuarial review     through the NIS and          low population growth        are being paid out on the    the Catastrophe Fund,          pandemic. (JRT)
FOUR CASES COME HOME Thursday June 11, 2020 - UFDC Image Array 2
US Embassy donates PPE
2 • Thursday June 11, 2020                                                                                                                              The Barbados Advocate

to CDEMA and the
Regional Security System
US      Coast       Guard      through the U.S. military’s    Elizabeth Riley, Executive
Commander            Steve     Humanitarian Assistance        Director (ag) of CDEMA.
Charnon, Senior Defense        Program (HAP), is being        “This donation is an ex-
Official at the U.S.           transported from the           ample of partnerships in
Embassy in Barbados, for-      Regional         Security      action.”
mally handed over              System’s headquarters to         The supplies include
US$104,000 of COVID-19         the national disaster re-      1,000 surgical masks, 500
personal protective equip-     lief agencies of Barbados,     face shields, 250 protective
ment (PPE) to the              Dominica, Grenada, St.         goggles, 1,200 latex gloves,
Caribbean Disaster and         Kitts and Nevis, and Saint     1,000 shoe covers, 4 swabs,
Emergency Management           Lucia. Thanks to assis-        and 87 hazmat suits.
Agency (CDEMA) and the         tance from CDEMA’s             These will be packaged for
Regional Security System       Regional Coordination          each country and issued
during a ceremony on           Center and Regional            to the National Disaster
Monday afternoon at the        Response Mechanism,            Offices targeting those
Regional Security System       supplies and vendors were      that are on the front line
Air Wing in Barbados.          identified within the          and highly exposed to pos-
  “Ensuring our partners       Caribbean Basin and pur-       sible COVID-19 transmis-
are well equipped to re-       chased using U.S. govern-      sion.
spond to any disaster that     ment funding. HAP fund-          The PPE delivery is part
threatens the well-being       ing also supported the pro-    of nearly US$3 million in
of their citizens is a top     curement of PPE locally in     COVID-19 response assis-
priority for the U.S.,” said   St. Vincent and the            tance to the Eastern
Commander Charnon.             Grenadines and Antigua         Caribbean from the U.S.
“This donation will ensure     and Barbuda.                   Government. It supports
our partners are able to          “The unprecedented na-      the      U.S.-Caribbean
continue their fight           ture of this pandemic re-      Resilience Partnership, a
against COVID-19, while        quires collaborative efforts   collaborative effort to
also being prepared for        between our region and its     build regional capacity to     U.S. Coast Guard Commander Steve Charnon hands over US$104,000 of
any disasters on the hori-     partners to respond effec-     confront disaster response     COVID-19 personal protective equipment to Elizabeth Riley, Executive

                                                                                             PAHO head: Early
zon.”                          tively to the needs of our     and promote strong com-        Director (ag) of CDEMA, during a ceremony at the Region Security System
  The PPE, acquired            participating states,” said    munities.                      Air Wing in Barbados.

                                                                                             flu vaccinations
                                                                                             very important
                                                                                             THOUGH the focus             groups are also at high-      Etienne stated that it
                                                                                             has been on COVID-19         risk of coronavirus infec-    was a testament to the
                                                                                             for most of 2020, and        tion.                         preparations and dili-
                                                                                             rightfully so, the             “We have encouraged         gence of governments in
                                                                                             region must still            countries to adapt sea-       the region.
                                                                                             monitor and act with         sonal flu vaccination           Dr Etienne noted that
                                                                                             regard to seasonal in-       campaigns to fit current      this year, through the
                                                                                             fluenza.                     social distancing meas-       Revolving Fund, PAHO
                                                                                                Dr Carissa Etienne,       ures. Many countries          helped secure 24 million
                                                                                             Director of the Pan          have embraced this ap-        flu vaccine doses. She ex-
                                                                                             American          Health     proach and introduced         plained that PAHO is
                                                                                             Organisation (PAHO),         innovative methods of         helping countries secure
                                                                                             addressed the issue dur-     immunization that mini-       the necessary doses of
                                                                                             ing its weekly virtual       mize the risk of COVID-       vaccines to reach the tar-
                                                                                             press briefing. Etienne      19," said Etienne.            get goal and through the
                                                                                             called for countries to be     The director noted that     Fund, resources were
                                                                                             watchful and be aware of     some of the innovation        pooled in order to pur-
                                                                                             the cases of influenza,      included offering vac-        chase vaccines for
                                                                                             even as they strengthen      cines outside of health fa-   Member States in an ef-
                                                                                             surveillance for COVID-      cilities in empty schools,    fort to expand access, to
                                                                                             19. She contended that       pharmacies or drive-thru      guarantee quality and to
                                                                                             early vaccination to pre-    posts in supermarkets.        secure better prices.
                                                                                             vent severe cases of flu     PAHO has been encour-           "Virtually all of it has
                                                                                             was critical, particularly   aged that fourteen coun-      already been delivered
                                                                                             for high-risk groups like    tries in the region have      to countries conducting
                                                                                             health workers, the eld-     begun to immunize 90          campaigns, despite the
                                                                                             erly and people with         million people against        added logistical hurdles
                                                                                             chronic conditions. What     seasonal influenza.?More      that we are all facing
                                                                                             lifts the situation to an    than half of the target       in transporting essential
                                                                                             even higher level of con-    population has already        supplies during the
                                                                                             cern was that those same     been vaccinated, and          pandemic," said Etienne.
FOUR CASES COME HOME Thursday June 11, 2020 - UFDC Image Array 2
Tourism sector’s
The Barbados Advocate                                                                                                                                  Thursday June 11, 2020 • 3

recovery high on
BHTA’s agenda
THE BHTA team has              BHTA Chairman Stephen           sons over 65 are more vul-     through” and this is what
been heavily involved          Austin whose tenure came        nerable to COVID. If the       we will do. Further, I am
with the Tourism Task          to an end this week, sug-       BHTA was a person, we          sure that many, if not all of
Force set up by the            gested that whilst there is     would be in that category,     you have heard the state-
Government                of   a lot of work to be done by     and while we have felt the     ments made about dia-
Barbados, to help pre-         the Association in helping      effects of COVID-19, we        monds, but however it is
pare Barbados for its          to move the tourism sec-        will show COVID that this      said, the story is the same,
recovery of tourism.           tor forward beyond              68 year old organisation       diamonds are created
  New Chairman of the          COVID-19, the BHTA is           has no core morbidities        under pressure” he main-
Barbados Hotel and             up to the challenge, since it   and will not be defeated.      tained.
Tourism Association            has faced numerous pres-        Barbados will not be             Roach stressed,“I am op-
(BHTA), Geoffrey Roach         sures before and has come       defeated. Our people will      timistic about our future,
acknowledged the above,        out of these situations         not be defeated” he as-        despite the current chal-
as he delivered remarks at     shining.                        serted.                        lenges that we are facing
the BHTA’s Annual                 “By now, I do not have to      “Does this mean that we      and I know that as long as
General Meeting, held          tell any of you the impact      will be unscathed? Highly      we join hands and work
over the Zoom online plat-     that COVID-19 has had on        unlikely, but we will wear     collaboratively no matter
form yesterday.                the global tourism indus-       our scars as a reminder of     what role we play or what
  “I believe in our people     try, on Barbados’s tourism      the battle that we faced       organisation we represent,
and for that reason want to    industry, on our people and     and overcame. There is a       the Diamond that is
focus on one aspect of the     each of us personally. The      quote that says “Grow          Barbados will shine

                               Unique festival experiences may draw tourists
                                                                                                                              New Chairman of the Barbados Hotel and Tourism
work being undertaken by       experts have said that per-     through what you go            bright”. (RSM)                  Association (BHTA), Geoffrey Roach.
the Task Force and that is
the Human Resource
Development (aspect).The
objective here has been to
address the needs of our
people and to provide de-      IN the future, Barbados         holders from across the re-    and       internationally       audiences, seeking key ex-     make me go and pay for
velopment opportunities        may need to consider how        gion discussed the future      would have had on the fes-      periences.                     the same costume and the
for them” Roach remarked.      it can provide unique fes-      of festivals in the            tival. I like to see opportu-     “It forces us to confront    same basic kind of experi-
   Pointing to the series of   tival experiences that dis-     Caribbean region and how       nities in every challenge       a question, a scenario         ence in Jurisdiction B or
webinars that the Tourism      tinguish it from other          countries can pivot and        and so, under the COVID-        that I first had to confront   C? Shouldn’t there be
Task Force has set in mo-      Caribbean countries, so as      adapt to the changing          19 pandemic restrictions, I     when I took over this          something else in that ex-
tion to re-tool and re-train   to make it more appealing       world, given that the          think it has presented a        post as CEO of the NCF         perience that is unique to
workers in the tourism         to visitors, who have nu-       COVID-19 pandemic has          wonderful opportunity to        in 2018 and that is,           that country that makes
sector, so they can in turn    merous destinations from        caused several 2020            take a step back, look at       while we are collaborat-       me say, ‘Well this year I
better assist the tourism      which they can choose in        Caribbean festivals, in-       the state not only of the       ing, what makes each fes-      am going to go to Trinidad,
sector in bouncing back        the region.                     cluding Barbados’ own          festival, but of the sector     tival unique within its        Jamaica and Antigua, be-
from the present COVID-            Carol Roberts-Reifer,       Crop Over Festival, to be      and come up with mean-          physical space, because if     cause I’ve been to
19 pandemic, Roach how-        Chief Executive Officer of      cancelled.                     ingful ways to identify         you look at it, we cannot      Barbados or, I am going
ever noted that while there    the National Cultural             “Barbados is very simi-      gaps (and to fill them,”        get away from the fact         back to Barbados or I am
has been a satisfactory re-    Foundation (NCF) sug-           lar to Jamaica, where a        Roberts-Reifer com-             that the costumes are gen-     going back to Trinidad, be-
sponse to the sessions, the    gested the above, as she        huge percentage of the         mented.                         erally, at the very basic      cause I am guaranteed a
BHTA would like to see a       spoke during the Inter-         participants in the              She later noted the need      level all similar. They        good time?’ Those are
further uptake, so that        American Development            festival are actually          for Barbados and other          pretty much look all alike,    some of the questions,
everyone can make the          Bank’s (IDB) online Zoom        visitors to the island. With   countries in the region to      certainly for what in          when we consider collabo-
most of these opportuni-       session held yesterday          our borders closed to          look to see how they can        Barbados we call the party     rations, that we are going
ties and assist in the         under the theme, “The           non-essential travel, you      make their festivals,           bands. So if I can buy my      to have to confront and
tourism recovery efforts.      Pivot Series: The Future        can imagine what that          including the Crop Over         costume and my experi-         find meaningful answers

Country prepared to test all arrivals
  Roach, who takes over        of Festivals”. During that      impact or that lack of         festival, unique, so as         ence cheaper in jurisdic-      to.” Roberts-Reifer noted.
the reins from outgoing        session, various stake-         participation regionally       to appeal to different          tion A, what is going to       (RSM)

    NEW CASES from             faced here. We certainly        one arriving into the is-      we have understood what         that this virus is around      abroad and who reported
         Page 1                have more capacity and          land as well as to continue    is required and will con-       us,” he said.                  that they were COVID pa-
public health officers in      experience than we had at       testing anyone who is rec-     tinue to do all in our power      When asked a question        tients, we would not turn
this Ministry were fully       the beginning,” he said.        ommended to be tested or       to identify, isolate, treat,    about if the government        them back as long as we
aware and have been ad-          Going on to state that        who wishes to be tested in     contact trace and contain       intends to continue repa-      have the capacity because
vising the Government          the public health threat        Barbados. I wish to take       the spread of COVID-19          triating persons who stay      that is a duty and a re-
that we should be pre-         was far from over and that      this opportunity to com-       in Barbados. We all accept      stranded in other coun-        sponsibility for us to look
pared for an uptick in         persons could be tested if      mend the officers at the       that it will be around for a    tries, Minister Bostic ex-     after our people and we
cases once travel from         they chose to, Minister         Best Dos Santos Public         long time, or at least until    plained that it would be       have more than enough
hotbed areas resumed. I        Bostic said that the island     Health Laboratory who          a vaccine is developed, but     wrong to deny persons the      capacity at this point in
wish to assure the public      was well armed to face          have now completed more        we are also determined          right to come home and         time to be able to do so and
that Barbados is much          what could possibly come        than 6000 tests for            that we will not be para-       that as long as the capac-     all Barbadians can con-
better prepared today to       at us at present. “We have      COVID-19 which is a sig-       lyzed by its presence. We       ity existed, Barbados          tinue to expect that we
deal with this challenge       a more than adequate            nificant achievement for a     must never retreat or sur-      would be open to her citi-     will be accepting persons
than we were in March          supply of testing kits so       small island state such as     render but we must learn        zens. “If there were           returning home,” he said.
when the viral illness sur-    we are able to test every-      ours. From the beginning,      to live with the knowledge      Barbadians who were            (MP)
FOUR CASES COME HOME Thursday June 11, 2020 - UFDC Image Array 2
Catastrophe Fund Act passed
4• Thursday June 11, 2020                                                                                                                                 The Barbados Advocate

THE way has been              million in its portfolio and   Catastrophe Fund for that      stered the point as he re-      persons which was avail-      a terrible state at this
paved for financial as-       some of that money will        purpose, he maintained         ferred to the “deleterious      able to such businesses in    point, recognising that
sistance to be given to       be used to capitalise a $40    that covid-19 is indeed a      effects” that covid has had     both April and May.           they need to assist them
eligible businesses,          million Value Added Tax        catastrophe, noting that       on this country in terms of       “They have also created     because we well recognise
which have been im-           (VAT) Loan Fund, to help       by definition a catastro-      tourism and the economy,        the       Small      Hotel    that the economy has
pacted by a catastro-         businesses which are           phe is an event with grave     with many persons hav-          Investment Fund recog-        been practically in April
phe including a pan-          struggling as a result of      impact which can cause         ing to claim unemploy-          nising how hard the ho-       and May ground to a halt;
demic; breach of cyber-       the covid-19 pandemic.         damage and/or suffering.       ment.                           tels would have been          revenue has been embar-
security, an act of ter-         To qualify for the inter-     “And I am saying that          “Every aspect of life in      struck by the repercus-       rassing in terms of gov-
rorism or natural dis-        est free loans of up to 50     the present covid pan-         Barbados has been af-           sions of covid-19. And then   ernment’s revenue, yet we
aster.                        percent of the VAT previ-      demic is, almost to borrow     fected drastically so by        we come to what we are        are expected to maintain
  This was made possible      ously filed, he said com-      a phrase from the younger      this covid pandemic. And        discussing today, the VAT     all the services, and we
yesterday when the            panies would have to be        generation, almost like a      the Government, which           Loan Fund of $40 million,     have been maintaining all
Senate passed the             up to date with their VAT      double whammy. You have        has been accused in this        recognising that busi-        the service,” he said.
Catastrophe Fund Act,         filings, have a turnover of    a pandemic, a health cri-      very chamber by members         nesses are going through      (JRT)
when the Bill came up for     at least $200,000 a year       sis, a global public health    on the other side of not
debate. Leading off the de-   and can show how they          crisis; in addition you        caring, has endeavoured
bate on the Bill, Leader of   have been drastically af-      have it resulting in an al-    to assist in all sectors,” he
the Senate, Minister of       fected financially because     most total shutdown glob-      stated.
Foreign Affairs and           of covid. He said while        ally in terms of countries       In that vein, Minister
Foreign Trade, Senator        there has been significant     in terms of their              Walcott spoke of such in-
Jerome Walcott revealed       public discourse on the        economies – so you are         terventions as the
that at March 31, this        matter, with some persons      having an economic catas-      Household         Survival
year the Fund had $51.4       opposed to using the           trophe on top of this global   Programme and the addi-
                                                             health crisis,” he said.       tional $10 million made
                                                               As such, he maintained       available to assist those
                                                             that the use of the            receiving welfare assis-
                                                             Catastrophe Fund for           tance. Moreover, he spoke
                                                             such a purpose is not far-     of the $20 million
                                                             fetched as some would          Business         Cessation
                                                             want to suggest. He bol-       Benefit for self-employed

                                                                                                                            Senator Drakes
                                                                                                                            Opposition Senator Crystal Drakes

                                                                                                                            OPPOSITION Senator            pelling the use of digital
                                                                                                                            Crystal Drakes says she       technology in a way that if
                                                                                                                            supports the changes          we had stayed the way we
                                                                                                                            made to the Stamp Duties      were we probably would
                                                                                                                            (Amendment) Bill 2020         not have been so ready
                                                                                                                            and the Registration of       and willing to accepting
                                                                                                                            Judgments (Amendment),        the normalisation of a lot
                                                                                                                            which were debated si-        of the processes that we
                                                                                                                            multaneously in the           currently have.”
                                                                                                                            Upper House yesterday.          “I support the Bill and I
                                                                                                                              In a brief intervention,    really hope that we con-
                                                                                                                            Senator Drakes said,          tinue to add pieces of leg-
                                                                                                                            “These are pieces of legis-   islation and these types of
                                                                                                                            lation that will modernise    amendments to the law
                                                                                                                            the judicial sector...        books because the world
                                                                                                                            Obviously it is a case        really does not owe us
                                                                                                                            where we are in an envi-      anything and we have to
                                                                                                                            ronment where social dis-     stay in step with what is
                                                                                                                            tancing is being required     happening globally as it
                                                                                                                            and all of these other new    relates to digitisation and
                                                                                                                            normals and possibly it is    normalisation of how we
                                                                                                                            a case that these new pro-    do things in Barbados,”
                                                                                                                            tocols are actually pro-      she said.
FOUR CASES COME HOME Thursday June 11, 2020 - UFDC Image Array 2
ILO: Release more than 150 000 seafarers
The Barbados Advocate                                                                                                                                  Thursday June 11, 2020 • 5

trapped on board ships due to COVID-19
GENEVA          –      The     cal goods during the pan-       the ILO, the situation is     return to sea have lost         and endangers maritime          cilitate their joining or
International Labour           demic.                          worsening by the day.         their income.                   safety. Action is needed        leaving ships.
Organization (ILO) has           Referring to the provi-         Many of those on board        “I urge member States         now to ensure decent work         The      International
called for urgent and coor-    sions of the Maritime           completed their tours of      to recognize seafarers as       for seafarers, avoid mar-       Chamber of Shipping, the
dinated action to release      Labour Convention, 2006 ,       duty more than four           “key workers” and adopt         itime accidents and envi-       International Trade Union
the 150,000 to 200,000         the ILO has called on gov-      months ago but with con-      the urgently-needed meas-       ronmental disasters. We         Confederation and the
seafarers trapped on           ernments to adopt without       tracts extended exception-    ures that will enable those     call on governments to          International Transport
board ships around the         delay all possible meas-        ally because of the crisis,   who have been working           work together to make           Workers’ Federation called
world because of measures      ures to facilitate crew         many are now reported to      hard to keep us supplied        these crew changes hap-         attention to the urgency of
to contain the COVID-19        changes and the repatria-       be experiencing mental        with medicines, food and        pen in safety.”                 the situation in a letter to
virus.                         tion of seafarers, while        health issues and physical    other necessities, to go           The call for key worker      the United Nation
  The ILO has urged gov-       taking steps to minimize        exhaustion, which is re-      home and be replaced by         status for seafarers was        Secretary        General,
ernments, immigration,         the risk of contagion.          ducing their ability to       fresh crews,” said ILO          underlined in a joint state-    António Guterres on 21
health and maritime au-          More than a month after       safely carry out their du-    Director-General Guy            ment issued on 22 May by        May. They highlighted the
thorities to work together     the ILO issued warnings ,       ties.                         Ryder.                          the International Civil         risks to the mental and
to recognize seafarers as      at the end of April, about        Meanwhile, the restric-       “Forcing exhausted sea-       Aviation Organization           physical health of crews
‘key workers’ who ensure       the plight of seafarers re-     tions on crew changes,        farers to continue working      (ICAO), International           trapped on board and ex-
the flow of trade and the      fused permission to leave       brought in by countries to    more than four months be-       Maritime Organization           pressed concerns about
movement of vital medical      their ships, limited            reduce the spread of          yond the end of their con-      (IMO) and the ILO. This         the most vulnerable poten-
supplies, safety equip-        progress has been               COVID-19, have meant          tract is unacceptable. This     would exempt crew from          tially resorting to self-

Straughn:                                                                                                                    BTMI working on
ment, food and other criti-    achieved and, according to      that seafarers waiting to     jeopardizes their health        travel restrictions and fa-     harm and even suicide.

Global                                                                                                                       marketing plan
outlook is key
                                                                                                                               BHTA from Back Page           financial initiatives to as-
                                                                                                                             with key stakeholders           sist the sector in recover-
                                                                                                                             such as the Ministry of         ing from closures and no
                                                                                                                             Tourism, the Barbados           business. This report was
THIS country is on a           Barbados seamlessly.                                                                          Tourism Marketing Inc.          submitted to the Prime
mission to engage in as          “It is critical that we put                                                                 (BTMI),           Tourism       Minister. Since then, the
much global business           in focus the fact that with                                                                   Development Corporation         Prime Minister has out-
as it possibly can.            a rapidly evolving global                                                                     (TDC) and Ministry of           lined some important ini-
  That’s according to          economy, as a country, as                                                                     Health.                         tiatives which will assist
Minister in the Ministry       regulators within the                                                                            A           Marketing        our Tourism enterprises
of     Finance,       Ryan     space, whether you are                                                                        Committee has mean-             to survive this challenge
Straughn, who said given       the Central Bank;                                                                             while been scheduled to         period. The announce-
the impact on tourism be-      whether you are the BRA                                                                       work with the BTMI, to          ment that VAT refunds
cause of the covid-19 pan-     by way of taxation;                                                                           have a plan in place for        will be paid, as well as the
demic, Government de-          whether you are the                                                                           when the world recovers         $200 million Tourism
cided that steps would be      Immigration Department                                                                        from COVID-19, and to           Facility (available) for
taken to build out capac-      Sir; whether you are                                                                          ensure that Barbados is         working capital, refinanc-
ity within the business        Invest Barbados; whether                                                                      ready to recapture its          ing of debt or renovations,
space in an effort to at-      you are CAIPO or any of                                                                       markets, Austin pointed         has given our sector much
tract more business.           the other agencies that                                                                       out. He also revealed that      needed financial space to
  As part of that effort, he   are involved in regulating                                                                    whilst staycations have         allow for the hope of a
said Government has            commerce and business in                                                                      been offered as one sug-        restart later this year,
been seeking to ensure         the country, Barbados’                                                                        gestion in the interim,         when international air-
that there is greater col-     mission is to do as much                                                                      such an initiative will         lines restart and as desti-
laboration among the var-      global business as possi-                                                                     have to be done a lot later     nations reopen” Austin
ious regulatory agencies       ble. And therefore the way      Minister in the Ministry of Finance, Ryan Straughn            in the summer, once the         stated.
in this country, to help       that we now have to ap-                                                                       country gets control of the       ‘The BHTA has also
keep the wheels of the         proach these things is not      tion which companies look     tax rates, he said this will    health          situation.      worked along with the
economy turning. As such,      in a silo way, but we now       to because they can pay       not only assist the country     Similarly, Barbadians will      BTPA (Barbados Tourism
he said there must be a        have to regulate for            the least tax.                to do more business glob-       be encouraged to enjoy the      Product Authority) and
consistent policy position     growth we have to regu-           “Barbados cannot be op-     ally, but local businesses      various       attractions       the Health and Safety
among the various regula-      late to engage the world        erating in a space on the     can also engage the world.      around Barbados.                Sub-          Committee
tors including the             and we have started that        basis of where you can          “It is important that we         He meanwhile stressed        Chairman         of     the
Corporate Affairs and          process,” he told fellow        pay the least tax. We are     understand that we have         that the BHTA is commit-        (Tourism) Task Force, in
Intellectual Property          Members of Parliament.          providing substance to        not given away any              ted to collaborating with       preparing Draft Health
Office (CAIPO) and the           He added, “This is about      businesses that operate       monies to corporate inter-      Government to keep the          and Safety Protocols for
Financial         Services     Barbados, if one regula-        globally. We have profes-     ests as I know has been         workers,         industry,      the reopening of Hotels”
Commission, to allow for       tory agency is doing well       sionals in Barbados and       said... In the context Sir of   Barbadians and visitors         Austin indicated.
the country and local          and the other is not, the       are certainly looking to      a global environment            safe and protected. As            “Special thanks to those
businesses to engage the       reality is that businesses      build more capacity in        where there is a pressure       such, back in March, cor-       members who assisted in
world.                         interact with all of us and     that space Sir,” he said.     on corporations to be able      respondence was sent to         the review of that docu-
  Minister Straughn            we all have to make sure          While that is the case,     to demonstrate that they        the Prime Minister and          ment and pulling it to-
spoke to this while pilot-     that we lift our game in        the minister said that the    are paying a fair share of      Government, outlining a         gether. Our consultations
ing the debate on the          respect of being able to re-    country has not over time,    tax, then all we are doing      list of Survival Initiatives.   will be wide and include
Income Tax (Amendment)         spond”.                         effectively communicated      Sir is facilitating the abil-      “These         survival      the Trade Unions and
(No.2) Bill, as he said that     Minister Straughn’s           that level of substance to    ity for this country called     Initiatives were also out-      their representatives, to
one of Government’s goals      comments came as he re-         the     wider      world.     Barbados to be able to          lined in a report by the        ensure that we provide
is to ensure that anyone,      flected on the interna-         Meanwhile, speaking to        compete in a global space       Survival Committee, led         safe work for safe people
not only those in the inter-   tional business sector and      the decision to converge      and to be able to attract       by Peter Odle in the            for a safe Barbados” the
national business sector,      contended that this coun-       the international and do-     business to this country,”      Tourism Task Force. The         Outgoing Chairman said.
can do business in             try cannot be a jurisdic-       mestic business corporate     he said. (JRT)                  report outlined a series of     (RSM)
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6 • Thursday June 11, 2020                                                                                                                                The Barbados Advocate

Pdp concerned about BOSS CCJ issues declarations against
                                                                                             CARICOM and Barbados but
                                                                                             cement tariff increase stands
A MEMBER of the Opposition People’s           cially given that the IMF in its most re-
Party for Democracy and Development’s         cent review of the economy and the
economic team, is questioning if              BERT programme, highlighted the need
Government’s Barbados Optional                to adopt new legislation to govern the
Savings Scheme (BOSS) is really not a         Central Bank, one which would limit its
“back hand way” of printing money, and        financing of the Government to short-          IN a judgment released yesterday,             COTED decision was arbitrary or irra-
is raising concern about the true state of    term advances and would improve the            the Caribbean Court of Justice                tional. The Court stated that the ration-
affairs as far as Government’s revenue        Bank’s mandate, autonomy, and decision-        (CCJ) upheld the decision of the              ale and justification presented to
position is concerned.                        making structures.                             Council for Trade and Economic                COTED by Barbados were supported by
   In an online press conference recently,       Turning his attention then to the           Development (COTED) to raise the              the factual circumstances and that in
the PdP’s spokesperson on tourism Scott       Auditor General’s report, he raised con-       tariff on “other hydraulic cement”            any event the grounds on which the re-
Weatherhead, noting that leading econ-        cerns about the state of Government’s          imported into Barbados. The CCJ               quest was approved clearly fell within a
omists have said that some printing of        revenue receipts for 2019, noting that         declared, however, that the                   category which allows COTED a broad
money will be necessary, is wondering         there were instances in the report, which      Caribbean Community (CARICOM)                 discretion and where the scope for the
whether the BOSS initiative is the way        was recently released, where it noted          and Barbados failed in their respec-          Court’s intervention is narrow.
of achieving it.                              that revenue was overstated. Among             tive duties to conduct prior consul-             On the other hand, the Court decided
   “Government needs to cut its wages         those cases, he said were in relation to       tation with the importers, Rock               to declare that Barbados and CARICOM
bill as agreed under the IMF                  Corporation Tax revenue for the financial      Hard Cement Limited (“Rock                    had failed to ensure that Rock Hard was
[International Monetary Fund] BERT            year 2018-2019 which was overstated by         Hard”). The Court’s decision was              consulted before the application for the
[Barbados Economic Recovery and               $244 million, which related to the previ-      given in the original jurisdiction            suspension was approved. Because the
Transformation] programme, but it can't       ous financial year and Value Added Tax         matter of Rock Hard Cement                    consultation required for an application
cut jobs at this time, and therefore they     revenue which was overstated by $31            Limited v The State of Barbados and           of this type was limited to obtaining in-
must make a move to take back part of         million.                                       The Caribbean Community and                   formation as to the impact of the pro-
the five percent wage increase that was          “So we question the fact as to whether      Arawak Cement Company Limited,                posed tariff increase, the Court decided
given to public workers when this             Government really did ever hit the pri-        Intervening [2020] CCJ 2 (OJ).                that the effect of the failure to consult did
Government took office. This move is also     mary surplus at all; whether                     On June 17, 2019, COTED, the organ          not call for annulment of the decision.
designed to shift a portion of its wages      Government told the truth about its fi-        of CARICOM responsible for altering or        The Court expressed dismay that CARI-
bill off its books and on to Central Bank     nances to this country and the IMF and         suspending the Common External Tariff         COM had failed to maintain an effective
accounting. Hence the original name of        if that is the real reason behind these        (CET), approved the application of            system of consultations at the national
Forced Savings and that is why, in our        bonds issuing and not in fact for capital      Barbados to suspend the CET of 5% on          and regional level as required by Article
view, the workers’ default position is in     works at all? We really question whether       other hydraulic cement in order to re-        26 of the Revised Treaty of
the BOSS scheme,” he said.                    it is that Government’s finances are not       place it with a tariff of 35%. The suspen-    Chaguaramas (RTC). The Court noted
   Weatherhead, “Even if they opt out of      in fact as they would like the public and      sion was authorised for a period of two       that the agreed procedures for the pro-
the BOSS scheme, that portion of their        IMF to believe?” he said.                      years and not the five years requested.       cessing of requests to COTED, such as
pay must still come through the Central          Weatherhead is adamant that these             Rock Hard imports other hydraulic ce-       this one made by Barbados, had not yet
Bank. So in our view, either the Central      are among the things that public ser-          ment manufactured in Turkey into              been formally brought into force. The
Bank will be covertly printing money          vants must take into consideration as          Barbados. Rock Hard was not consulted         Court found that this was a weakness in
through this scheme to finance that part      they decide whether to take bonds as           or notified before the application to raise   the system.
of workers’ salaries who opt out, or the      part of the payment of their salaries. He      the tariff was made or granted although          The Court concluded by stating that it
Central Bank will finance this on its         spoke to this while questioning if             both Barbados and COTED were aware            is a matter of Barbadian domestic policy
own,” he said.                                Government has the right to issue bonds        of the impact the COTED decision would        whether that State wished to adopt
   He made the point while contending         as part of the salary payment, or if they      likely have had on that company. Rock         measures to facilitate the importation
that either way, it does not augur well for   will have to put legislation in place to ef-   Hard claimed that the decision to raise       of cement produced extra-regionally or
the country’s financial position, espe-       fect such a move.                              the tariff should be annulled because it      encourage locally produced cement man-
                                                                                             had a legitimate expectation that             ufactured by Arawak Cement Company
                                                                                             Barbados would keep the tariff steady at      Limited. The Court emphasised, how-
                                                                                             the CET rate of 5%. The basis of this le-     ever, that any such measures and the
                                                                                             gitimate expectation was alleged repre-       processes accompanying them must
                                                                                             sentations made to Rock Hard by               comply with the rule of law.
                                                                                             Barbadian officials in 2015 when                  The judgment was delivered by the
                                                                                             Barbados reduced the tariff from 60%,         full Bench of the CCJ comprising the
                                                                                             where it stood in 2015, to the CET rate       President, the Honourable Mr Justice
                                                                                             of 5%.                                        Adrian Saunders and the Honourables
                                                                                                The Court held that, in order for Rock     Justice Jacob Wit, Justice Winston
                                                                                             Hard to succeed in the Court’s Original       Anderson, Justice Maureen Rajnauth-
                                                                                             Jurisdiction, the alleged representations     Lee, Justice Denys Barrow, Justice
                                                                                             that gave rise to its expectation must        Andrew Burgess and Justice Peter
                                                                                             have come from CARICOM, but there             Jamadar. Mr Allan Wood, QC and Ms
                                                                                             was no claim or evidence that it was          Symone Mayhew, QC appeared for Rock
                                                                                             COTED that made the alleged represen-         Hard Cement Limited. Ms Gayle Scott
                                                                                             tations to Rock Hard. The Court held          and Mr Jared Richards appeared for the
                                                                                             that subsequent knowledge by COTED            State of Barbados. Dr Corlita Babb-
                                                                                             of the alleged representations could not      Schaefer and Mr O’Neil Francis ap-
                                                                                             make COTED a party to them as those           peared for the Caribbean Community
                                                                                             representations had not been made on          and Mr Eamon Courtenay, SC and Mr

                                                                                             Teachers praised
                                                                                             COTED’s behalf. The Court also dis-           Raphael Ajodha appeared for Arawak
                                                                                             missed Rock Hard’s claims that the            Cement Company Limited.

                                                                                                   DONATION from Back Page                 knowledge the hard work of the teachers
                                                                                             classroom to be able to get that one-on-      during this period. This has not been
                                                                                             one, hands-on tutoring that there really      easy for a lot of the teachers. We had
                                                                                             is no substitute for it. Even if we get to    thought to phase in the technological in-
                                                                                             complete E-learning, there is still going     puts into education but they were thrust
                                                                                             to be a place for hands-on teaching. But      upon the teachers with little chance and
                                                                                             when we send the children back to the         little warning and they had to hit the
                                                                                             classroom we have to make sure we are         ground running and I want to commend
                                                                                             doing it in a safe way,” he said.             the Ministers, I want to commend the
                                                                                               Taking the opportunity to heap praise       Chief Education Officer, I want to com-
                                                                                             on the teachers, Abrahams said that they      mend all the teachers in Barbados who
                                                                                             needed to be lauded for their commit-         seized upon this opportunity and have
                                                                                             ment during this time. “I also want to ac-    made the best of a bad situation.” he said.
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The Barbados Advocate                                                                                                                                      Thursday June 11, 2020 • 7

Chinese consumers will continue
to drive global purchases
CHINESE consumers will                willingness to make pent-up             safeguard struggling supply
continue to drive global              purchases put off during the first      chains. In the medium term, the
luxury purchases, buying              several months of the year.             objective is to work on digital
nearly 50 percent of luxury              Continued travel restrictions        transformation,relaunch tourism
goods worldwide by 2025 as            mean that many purchases that           and ensure there is an even
the country has been leading          would have been made abroad             stronger focus on environmental
the global recovery of the            will instead take place in China,       and social sustainability, Lunelli
COVID-19-hit          high-end        said the report.                        said. The report estimates an
products’ market, said an                Globally, following a positive       average decrease of 20 percent in
industry report.                      final quarter of 2019 and a very        the consumption of personal
  According to the latest Luxury      promising start to 2020, the            luxury goods globally in 2020.
Goods Worldwide Market Study,         personal luxury goods industry             By region, that means a 29
produced by research firm Bain        was hit hard by the coronavirus         percent decrease in Europe and a
&Co in collaboration with Italian     crisis, consequent national             22 percent drop in the Americas in
luxury industry monitor               lockdowns and air traffic               terms of luxury consumption can
Fondazione Altagamma, the             restrictions, with a negative           be expected due to the regions'
global luxury market will reach       impact witnessed across all             longer exposure to the crisis and
320-330 billion euros (US$354-        product categories and all              lack of international tourist flows,
365 billion) in 2023 thanks in        markets for the current year, said      especially from China.
large part to Chinese consumers,      the report.                                Spending       by     Chinese
online channels and young                Matteo Lunelli, president of         consumers (down 9 percent, the
customers.                            Altagamma, said:“The pandemic           first region to come out of the
  Chinese consumers will make         had an immediate impact on the          crisis), Japanese consumers
up around half of luxury              luxury goods industry worldwide,        (down 14 percent) and the rest of      Pedestrians pass by a jewelry store on the Han Street of
purchases globally by 2025,           and it will lead to a 20 percent fall   Asia (down 16.5 percent) is            Wuhan, capital of Central China’s Hubei province, on March 30.
compared with 35 percent in           in turnover in 2020.The industry        expected to drop sharply in 2020,
2019. Luxury purchases made           will get back on its feet, however,     albeit to a lesser extent than         in 2020.                                The report estimates that
within China itself will take up 28   and the long-term trend remains         European and North American              One very positive sign is the       global consumption of personal
percent globally in 2025 than 11      positive. Altagamma Bain                consumers (down 25 percent and         performance of online channels,       luxury goods dropped by 25
percent in 2019.The report found      Monitor on World Markets                21 percent, respectively).             with 2020 retail seen up 16           percent in the first quarter,
that in the fourth quarter of last    estimates a growth of 2-3 percent          In terms of product categories,     percent and wholesale up 12           compared to the same period of
year, luxury spending in China        between now and 2025.”                  the hardest hit are expected to be     percent.Companies will certainly      2019.
accelerated and then started             He said the Italian creative         jewelry, down by 23 percent,           be boosting their digital               Looking beyond 2020, the
strong this year, but was soon hit    industry, with its unique               watches, by 25 percent and             transformation,and the crisis will    evolution of the global market will
by traffic restrictions and           manufacturing, creative and             clothing, by 21.5 percent.             lead to new lifestyle trends, with    be based on four key drivers:
lockdowns due to the epidemic.        entrepreneurial resources,has the          The report predicts a sharp         consumers           prioritizing      regional macrotrends, local
  After months of store closures      credentials to recover and return       decrease in world consumption,         sustainability and embracing          consumer confidence,tourist flows
and social distancing, Chinese        to its leading role.                    with profits among companies in        moderation and conscientious-         and strategies proactively taken
consumers will likely show a             In the short term, the aim is to     the luxury sector down 30 percent      ness, said the report.                by individual brands.

Chinese researchers publish
inactivated COVID-19
vaccine’s effect on animals
BEIJING – China’s inactivated         Biotec Group, the Chinese
COVID-19 vaccine has shown            Center for Disease Control and
potent protection against SARS-       Prevention, Chinese Academy
CoV-2, which causes the disease,      of Medical Sciences as well as
in animal experiments,                other institutions.
according to a study published          Researchers reported the              A sample of the COVID-19 inactivated vaccine is seen at a vaccine production plant of China
in the journal Cell.                  pilot-scale production of the           National Pharmaceutical Group (Sinopharm) in Beijing, capital of China, April 10, 2020.
  Inactivated vaccines use the        vaccine candidate that induces
killed version of the germ that       high levels of neutralizing             2.                                     dose provided strong protection         In addition, the vaccine
causes a disease.                     antibody concentrations in mice,          A neutralizing antibody can          against          SARS-CoV-2           exhibits high productivity and
  Research on the vaccine             rats, guinea pigs, rabbits and          defend a cell from a pathogen          intratracheal challenge in            good genetic stability for
candidate BBIBP-CorV was              nonhuman primates including             or infectious particle by              rhesus macaques. No antibody-         manufacturing, which supports
jointly conducted by the Beijing      cynomolgus monkeys and                  obliterating any biological effect.    dependent enhancement of              its further evaluation in a
Institute of Biological Products      rhesus macaques to provide                Two-dose immunizations               infection was detected in the         clinical trial, according to the

China says clinical trials show African swine fever vaccine safe so far
under the China National              protection against SARS-CoV-            using two micrograms of each           experiment.                           research.

BEIJING – A Chinese vaccine           fever.                                  developed was safe and effective       testing the vaccine in stages         understanding what the vaccine
against African swine fever             The disease, which kills              against African swine fever in         from April to June.                   actually does,” said Dirk Pfeiffer,
appears to be safe in clinical        almost all pigs infected, has           laboratory tests.                         CAAS added that it was             a professor of veterinary
trials now underway, the official     devastated the huge hog herd              Clinical trials were approved        running clinical trials to test the   epidemiology at City University
Xinhua news agency said               since arriving in China in 2018,        in March and have been                 effectiveness of the vaccine.         of Hong Kong.
yesterday, a step closer to           and is still killing pigs there and     underway since on 3,000 pigs in        Such trials are a critical step in      “We’d need to see more data.”
preventing one of the world’s         elsewhere in Asia.                      three locations, said Xinhua,          proving its value, experts say.         Until now, vaccinated pigs
most devastating livestock              In a paper published in               which cited a CAAS news                   “To know whether it works, it      have proved healthy, Xinhua
diseases.                             March, Chinese researchers at           conference.                            needs to be tested in an              said, with no miscarriages in
  Progress on the vaccine is          the Harbin Veterinary Research            The three farms in the               environment where you’d have          sows or differences in litter
being watched by pig farmers in       Institute, part of the Chinese          northeastern province of               all the different circumstances,      sizes, when compared to a
China and around the world,           Academy of Agricultural                 Heilongjiang, the far western          like different types of farm and      control group. The vaccinated
with no cure or vaccine now           Sciences (CAAS), said a live            region of Xinjiang and the             densities, and then you’d become      pigs are neither shedding nor
available against African swine       attenuated vaccine they had             central province of Henan began        more         confident           in   transmitting the virus, it added.
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8 • Thursday June 11, 2020                                                                                                                                                  The Barbados Advocate

                                                                         Pope sends strong message to
    ‘For the cause that lacks assistance, ’Gainst the wrongs that need resistance, For the future in the distance, And the good that I can do’

 Our population                                                          US Catholics after Floyd death
 dilemma                                                    VATICAN CITY – Pope
                                                            Francis called George
                                                            Floyd by name, twice, and
                                                                                          anti-racism protesters
                                                                                          while making a clear
                                                                                          statement about where
                                                                                                                               support for the civil
                                                                                                                               rights movement and
                                                                                                                               Martin Luther King Jr.’s
                                                                                                                                                                            reaction” by chance,
                                                                                                                                                                            Melloni said.
                                                                                                                                                                              Last week, Francis
IN a recent address, Prime Minister Mia Amor                offered support to an         American Catholics                   message of nonviolent                        denounced the “sin of
Mottley touched on the issue of the country’s low fer-      American bishop who           should stand ahead                   protest. History’s first                     racism” and twice identi-
tility rate (births per woman), and the major impact        knelt in prayer during        of President Donald                  pope from the global                         fied Floyd as the victim
it could have on our labour force in the future. She        a Black Lives Matter          Trump’s bid for a second             south is no different. He                    of a “tragic” killing. In a
pointed out that the rate has been declining continu-       protest.                      term in November.                    quoted King at length                        message read in Italian
ously since the 1960s, and with an increasingly age-           Cardinals black and          Francis “wants to send             during his historic speech                   and English during his
ing population, there is obviously a cause for concern,     white have spoken out         a very clear message                 to the US Congress in                        general audience, Francis
especially as it relates to our labour force and the        about Floyd’s death, and      to these conservative                2015 and met with King’s                     expressed concerns about
viability of the National Insurance Scheme.                 the Vatican’s communi-        Catholics here who are               daughter, as his predeces-                   violence during the
   The PM noted that Barbados had failed to grow the        cations juggernaut has        pro-Trumpers          that,          sor had done.                                protests, saying it was
population as needed, such that rather than having          shifted into overdrive to     ‘Listen, this is just as               But the degree to which                    self-destructive.
the 360,000 people we need today, there are around          draw attention to the         much of an issue as                  Francis and the Vatican                        He also said, “We can-
280,000 people living here. And she went further,           cause he now represents.      abortion is,’” said Anthea           have seized on Floyd’s                       not close our eyes to any
warning that by 2035 the workforce would be smaller            Under normal circum-       Butler, a presidential               killing is unusual and                       form of racism or exclu-
and would not be able to sustain the economy and earn       stances, Floyd’s killing at   visiting fellow at Yale              suggests a coordinated                       sion, while pretending to
revenue as needed.                                          the hands of a white po-      Divinity School.                     messaging         strategy                   defend the sacredness of
   The picture painted by the Prime Minister is indeed      lice officer and the global     Butler, who is African             aimed at a national                          every human life.”
a sobering one, but if we are to be true to ourselves,      protests denouncing           American, said the                   church that Francis has                        It was a clear effort to
we would admit that this is something we have known         racism and police brutal-     Vatican       is    telling          long criticized for its                      call out some conserva-
for a while. The country, we are sure, well remembers       ity might have drawn a        Catholics “to pay atten-             political and ideological                    tive Catholics for whom
that some six years ago former Minister of Education        muted diplomatic re-          tion to the racism that              partisanship,         said                   the abortion issue is
Ronald Jones maintained that it was urgent that             sponse from the Holy See.     is happening and the                 Alberto Melloni, a church                    paramount, while other
Barbados increase its population within 10 years.           But in a US election year,    racism that is in your               historian and secretary                      “life” issues dear to
But his comments were met with harsh criticism from         the intensity and con-        own church in America”.              of the John XXIII                            Francis      –    racism,
some who argued that the island was already densely         sistency of the Vatican’s       The Vatican has long               Foundation for Religious                     immigration, the death
populated and could not sustain more people.And six         reaction suggests that,       spoken out about racial              Studies in Bologna, Italy.                   penalty and poverty –
years on, nothing has been done to start to correct the     from the pope on down, it     injustice, and popes dat-              “It’s not like seven peo-                  play second fiddle at the

                                                                                     US-Polish Fort Trump
problem.                                                    is seeking to encourage       ing to Paul VI have voiced           ple had the same type of                     ballot box.
   In fact, the problem has gotten worse. In 2016
the fertility rate was 1.84, and it seems now to be

                                                                                       project crumbles
somewhere in the region of 1.7 or 1.6. If we add that
sobering reality to the fact that we have an ageing
population with the average life expectancy of 79
years as at 2018, according to the World Bank – and
babies are not being born – we are on course for a
population crisis, which would seriously impact the
delivery of social services and life we have become         WARSAW/WASHING-                 A year on, government              where US troops are ac-                      be at the expense of its
accustomed to in this country.                              TON – Fort Trump              officials in Washington              cused of crimes on Polish                    NATO ally and neighbor,
   There is no doubt that the National Insurance has        appears to have fallen.       and Warsaw say they still            soil, but Poland is balk-                    a key element in its own
been analysing these facts, for if they are paying out      Poland’s grand proposal       cannot agree where the               ing.                                         security plan.
pensions in excess of what is coming in through con-        in 2018 to name a mili-       troops should be sta-                                                                “In general, every with-
tributions from employees, then that fund could face        tary base in honor of         tioned, and how much of              ‘Very complex’                               drawal of military forces
tremendous difficulty in staying capitalised. Not to        Donald Trump, in return       the multi-billion-dollar             Polish Deputy Foreign                        in Europe is a risk, and
mention the fact that COVID-19 has dealt the social         for the US president plac-    deployment Warsaw                    Minister Pawel Jablonski                     it’s not that we as a Polish
security scheme a heavy blow, having now to process         ing a permanent presence      should fund.                         calls it all “a very compli-                 government see this pos-
in excess of 40,000 unemployment claims, which is           there, has crumbled amid        Poland wants to put                cated process”.                              itively, because we think
putting added strain on the limited resources.              disputes over how to fund     them close to its eastern              “There’s the question                      the American presence
   Over the years, in looking for answers to this prob-     the deployment and            border with Russia’s ally            of financing, of the place-                  should be larger,”
lem of the declining population, there has been the ar-     where to garrison the         Belarus, but on past                 ment, of legal rights,                       Jablonski said.
gument put forward that the family planning efforts         soldiers, sources say.        form this is certain to              under what principles                           Some of the US troops
in Barbados have been too successful and that is why          A US official familiar      antagonize Russia, and               these soldiers will                          currently in Poland were
women are not having children. Others say that the          with the matter said the      Washington would prefer              function here,” he told                      deployed by NATO after
current economic environment is a disincentive, and         idea had been doomed          to deploy them further               Reuters.                                     Moscow sent shivers
another argument has been that families are not             from the start: “There is     west, the officials said.              “The discussions are                       through Warsaw in 2014
growing because women are putting their careers             no Fort Trump.”                 Warsaw initially talked            taking a long time be-                       by seizing the Crimean
first. Indeed those are plausible and likely reasons,         On June 12 last year,       of contributing $2 billion,          cause the subject matter                     peninsula from Ukraine,
but many persons are not considering the possibility        Trump agreed, with            already a challenge now              is just very complex. I do                   which borders both coun-
that there are women who desire children, but for           Polish President Andrzej      that the coronavirus has             think we will come to a                      tries.
whatever reason cannot have them.                           Duda beside him at the        dented its economy, but              final decision, but this                        For the additional
   Perhaps that is considered too taboo a subject to        White House, to send          the United States wants              will still take some time.”                  US troops, six locations
discuss, but the infertility factor is often overlooked     1,000 more troops to his      it to pay more, the offi-              And that time may just                     were shortlisted when
and deserves due consideration, for we cannot ignore        NATO ally, bolstering its     cials added.                         have got longer.                             Vice President Mike
the fact that many of the patients seen at the local        defenses against Russia         Then there is the legal              Last week, a senior US                     Pence visited Warsaw in
fertility clinic are reportedly resident in Barbados. So    to the east and cement-       status of US troops per-             official said Trump had                      September.
perhaps the relevant government authorities should          ing bilateral ties.           manently stationed in                decided to draw down                            High-level talks to deal
engage the health specialists, so as to determine if this     Many officials called       Poland for the first time;           9,500 of the 34,500 US                       with sticking points,
is indeed a factor that should not be ignored.              the project “Fort Trump”,     currently, around 4,500              troops currently deployed                    scheduled for March,
   We cannot ignore either that having and raising          although the name was         troops are regularly ro-             in Germany.                                  were called off after US
children is also expensive – from the medical costs for     never official, and the       tated through.                         US officials said some                     defense undersecretary
pregnant women, to the cost of food, clothing and           idea of building a new          Washington wants en-               of these could be sent                       John Rood left his post
child care. These are expenses that people will find        base for the troops was       hanced legal immunity,               to Poland, which is dis-                     at Trump’s request, the
hard to meet in an economically challenged environ-         soon dropped.                 for example in situations            mayed that its gain might                    US official said.
ment, with low wages. So, indeed there are numerous
issues that need to be looked at, and sooner rather                                                                                     News Editor: Dorian Bryan            Executive Editor: Allison Downes
                                                                                          Telephone: 467-2000 News Fax: 434-1000
than later we must act, as it is clear that the future                                                                                  Business Editor: Jewel Brathwaite    General Manager: Sandra Clarke
                                                                                          E-mail Address:
of our country, as we know it, could be in jeopardy.                                      Website:
                                                                                                                                        Sports Editor: Corey Greaves         Assistant Managing Director: Sean Eteen
                                                                                                                                                                             Publisher: Sir Anthony Bryan
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