Page created by Joseph Robles
SHAPE Community Life          August   2021

                       BACK TO SCHOOL!
EDITOR’s Letter

                                          Dear Shapians,
                                          It must be quite challenging for a writer to start a new project, novel, or
                                          book when its predecessor has been a famous worldwide bestseller. The same
                                          goes for a top sports star, such as the case of Simone Biles in the Olympics.
                                          The pressure of success could lead to a certain blockage as the ideas popping
                                          up might make you feel uncertain, not reassuring you that the coming ones
                                          would be as bright as the previous.

                                          Unconsciously self-sabotaging our chances of success happens more often
                                          than we think. It is called fear of failure. Ways to combat it include: embrace
                                          the grey (not only black and white), don’t bottle it up, and most importantly,
                                          get inspiration from anywhere you can. Take advantage of this last summer
                                          month and write your own book with no fear, brightening your days with
                                          plenty of positive vibes and new experiences.

                                          María José Tezanos Bustamante
                                          Office of Communication & Community Affairs (OCCA)
                                          Base Support Group

                                                                       María José Tezanos Bustamante (NIC)
                                                                       Asst. Office of Communication & Community Affairs
                                                                       Mar Domínguez Martínez (ESP-Civ)
SHAPE Community Life (SCL) is an authorized unofficial magazine,       SHAPE Internship Programme: Office of Communication &
published monthly by Base Support Group (BSG). The views               Community Affairs
expressed in SCL are the sole responsibility of the authors.           María Ramírez Clemente (ESP-Civ)
Acceptance of material does not guarantee publication.
The Officer-in-Charge (OIC) reserves the right to refuse a             Web Asst. Office of Communication & Community Affairs
submission and the right to edit or shorten any material or article    Lorena Agruña Martínez (ESP-Civ)
submitted. No liability is accepted for the validity of articles,
announcements or advertising appearing in this magazine. Articles      Social Media/Office of Communication & Community Affairs
                                                                       Alba D’Alcamo (SMD)
and photos must acknowledge all sources used, as the OIC cannot        alba.d’
be held responsible for breaches of copyright. SCL cannot accept       Guest Columnist
responsibility for errors or omissions which may occur during          Mike Adubato (NIC)
production.                                                            Printer
Please Note: any materials submitted with articles (e.g.: disks,       Imprimerie European Graphics S.A.
photos), left more than 60 days, will be disposed of.                  SHAPE Community Life: Bldg. 102 Room 105 - 065/44.2069

  All the events announced could be postponed or cancelled due to security reasons related to
COVID-19 outbreak. Please, visit SHAPE2day website, SHAPE Morale & Welfare & SHAPE Notification
                  Facebook Pages for a more accurate and updated information.

                                                                                                SCL   1
COMMUNITY NEWS                                                                   CONTENTS
                                                                                        August     2021
3     Back to School
5     New Italian School Opening at SHAPE
6     Feast of Sacrifice 2021
8     Toastmasters, a Wealth of Memories
11    Brussels Consignment Shop - USAG Brussels

12    Allied Command Transformation Staff Element Europe: Brigadier
      General Philippe Boisgontier’s Farewell Ceremony
13    NATO Donates Supplies & Equipment to Afghan National Defence & Security Forces
14    ACO & NATO’S Highest Awards:
      The SACEUR Recognition Award and NATO Meritorious Service
      Medal Awarded to Two NATO CIS Group (NCISG) Staff Members
16    American Legion Post BE02 hosts historical volksmarch in Heuvelland

17    Keep an Eye
18    Legal News!
                                                                                          act staff element europe

22    SHAPE International Band
24    Life in ISS
27    Staying Well Together at SHAPE!
29    Virtue and Ethics in Ancient Greek Philosophy
30    Great Turkish Sailor & Cartographer Piri Reis
32    Safe while Travelling! Food

      Arenberg Abbey
      The Abbey of Farfa                                                                  ACO & NATO 'S Highest Awards   14
37    Italy: European Champion
39    SHAPE International Cycling Club
40    The Sporting Life


44    SHAPE Auditorium - Cinema
45    SHAPE International Library - SHAPE Language Centre
46    Rationed Items Store                                                                safe while travelling!
48    SHAPE Sports & Fitness - Rendez Vous

49    Dates for your Diaries
50    Ongoing
51    SHAPE Travel Group
52    Forum and Puzzles

                                                                                          italy european champion        37
2    SCL
Maintaining a safe and healthy environment will
                                                   be the priority number one. After a full period
                                                   engaged in fighting the Covid 19 spreading,
                                                   everyone is full of energy to face life with a
                                                   positive attitude and a mindful awareness.
                                                   Returning to school after the summer break
                                                   can leave girls and boys filled with dread and
                                                   anxiety. Why going back to school is so hard?
                                                   If this question is something you’ve asked
                                                   yourself, or if you could use some advice getting
                                                   back into study mode, these skills will soon beat
                                                   back your post-holiday blues and make school
                                                   a breeze.
                                                   Here a few suggestions to face this tricky moment:

                                                    1. Set goals for yourself so you can relieve some
                                                    anxiety about starting up again. A few days
                                                    before you go back to school, take a pen and
                                                    paper, and write a list of personal goals that
                                                    you’d like to accomplish during the semester.
                                                    These goals might be social, intellectual, or

                                                    2. Take your time getting back into the rhythm
                                                    of things. There is no point dancing around

           BACK TO
                                                    the issue; you’ll need some time before it feels
                                                    normal going to school again. Don’t be hard
                                                    on yourself. This process can take a week or
                                                    two, but coach yourself through your negative


                                                    3. Stay focused on homework from the very
                                                    beginning. Don’t do tomorrow what you can do
             By Alba D’ALCAMO, OCCA.                today.

                                                    4. Pre-pack your bookbag and choose your
       new school year is starting soon, end of     clothes every night. This will help you to reset
       August or early in September, depends        your school routine.
       on the section chosen. All SHAPE students
will come back to their class to face a new         5. Be mindful of how you and your peers are
school year that holds the promise of being         feeling. If you see a friend or a classmate
another extraordinary year of opportunities         struggling, do your best to help. Only together
for all of them.                                    we are stronger!

                                                                       SCL   3
4   SCL
Community News

      New Italian
    School Opening
       at SHAPE
    By Padre Salvatore LAZZARA & Alba D’ALCAMO, OCCA

       n Monday 21 June, the Italian
       Community inaugurated the new
       Italian section in the 700 area in a
building shared with the Norwegian, Polish
and Turkish School Sections. The new
school building includes four classrooms,
one office, one storeroom, one IT room,
two kitchens and a cafeteria to serve
children their lunch.

A ceremony has been organized to christen              The plaque - edited and created by Mrs. Paola
the new name of the Italian Primary School:            Pacioni, rear Admiral Pacioni’s wife – has been
“Leonardo da Vinci”. The inauguration was              affixed to the entrance of the corridor of the
held in the presence of the Consul of Charleroi        Italian Section as a symbol of Italian spirit.
David Michelut; the Italian School Director,           The plaque displays a person surrounded by
Nadia Zanetti; SHAPE School Authorities such           leaves which represents the stylized figure
as Jose Pitellioen, Director of the SHAPE              of the Vitruvian man of Leonardo Da Vinci.
international School; the Italian National             Below it the plaque also features the Italian
Military Representative Rear Admiral Enrico            flag, circled by the thirty flags of each NATO
Pacioni, amongst teachers, pupils and parents.         Allied nation.
This event was a great opportunity to present          The true purpose of this school is to allow
what the Italian education services offer to           children to continue their Italian education
Shapians, introduce the new teacher Tiziana            and to inspire them to work hard to achieve
D’Agostino, who will work at SHAPE for the next        their dreams and follow their genius living in
three years, and show a video promoting the            a multicultural environment.
activities of the Italian School. The video was        The ceremony ended with refreshments,
a project led by the Italian Consulate in close        carefully prepared by all parents!
cooperation with families and teachers.
The ceremony included acting and singing
performances by pupils, who explained the                 Best wishes to the new Italian School:
meaning of the symbol of the school.                                Leonardo da Vinci!

                                                                     SCL      5
                                                          & Celebration in SHAPE

      ll religions have special         Even similar story exists in the Old   saves believers from stinginess
      feasts and festivals which        Testament where Abraham was            and passion for worldly goods.
      have appeared from specific       willing to sacrifice his son, Isaac    It also helps the poor to thank
occurrences and orders according        until an angel stops him. In every     God through wealthy servants, to
to their own believes. This year, the   Sacrifice Feast Muslims remember       save himself from pessimism and
days between 20 and 23 July 2021        the successfully fulfilled trail       hostility about the distribution of
were the Feast of Sacrifice or called   of Abraham and his son Ismael          world blessings on earth and to
“Kurban Bayramı” in Turkish, also       about absolute obedience to            feel as a member of his society.
known as “Eid al-Adha” for Muslim       the command of God and show
Communities       throughout      the   that they are ready for similar        The four-day celebration begins
world, one of two main religious        obedience.                             on the festival’s eve called
(Islamic) feasts.                                                              “Arefe”. Traditionally, on the first
                                        The Feast of Sacrifice keeps           day of the Sacrifice Feast in Turkey,
The Feast of Sacrifice is celebrated    the spirit of brotherhood and          men of each family go to a mosque
by Muslims around the world for         solidarity alive in society and        for a special morning prayer. Then
four days. It is a worship that has     contributes to the realization         the sacrifice ritual begins. In some
various benefits for the individuals    of social justice. It is possible to   regions of Turkey, people paint the
and the societies involved. By          see this role more prominently         sacrificial animal with henna and
sacrificing, Muslims submit to          in environments where it is very       adorn it with ribbons. Families share
God’s command and vividly               difficult or impossible for the poor   about two-thirds of the animal’s
demonstrate that they preserve          to buy meat or may not eat meat        meat with relatives and neighbors,
their consciousness of devotion         often. Act of sacrifice gives an       and they traditionally give one-
towards him. The Feast of Sacrifice     individual pleasure and habit of       third to people who are in need.
is based on the experiences of          spending his wealthy goods in the      It is a different way of sharing the
the Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham).          way of God’s consent, helping and      spirit of the feast with all members
People commemorate the event,           sharing with needy people, and it      of society even with strangers.
Prophet Ibrahim’s trial, in which he                                           Wearing the best outfits during
was ordered by God to sacrifice                                                the Sacrifice Feast and sharing the
his most beloved possession,                                                   special homemade Turkish foods
his son Ismail (Ishmael). Muslims                                              and the sacrificed animal meats
believe that Prophet Ibrahim                                                   reflects the natural community
wanted to show his obedience                                                   spirit of Turkish people. They
to God by agreeing to sacrifice                                                welcome guests to their homes
his son. However, before the                                                   or visit relatives and friends
last moment of performing the                                                  during the holiday. Many people in
sacrifice his son, God sent him a                                              Turkey reserve the first day of the
ram to sacrifice instead of his son,                                           feast for visiting their relatives.
a divine substitute to sacrifice.                                              Young people greet their older

6   SCL
relatives and neighbors by kissing their hands
and touch to the forehead as a sign of respect.
Pocket money is also given to the children by the
elders. Cologne, candies and especially Turkish
homemade traditional desserts such as baklava
and Turkish coffee are an indispensable part of
the offers to the guests. All in all, the Feast of
Sacrifice is a magnificent religious event which
throughout four days emphasis the unity and
solidarity of people in Islamic communities by
giving them the opportunity to aid the people in
need and the relevance to their souls. Even the
Turkish Armed Forces join this tradition and help
needy people inside of country and any overseas
deployments during feast time to share the spirit
of the festival.
Like every year, The Feast of Sacrifice was
celebrated throughout the world among Muslim
Societies in this year too, nationwide in Turkey
and among Turkish community in SHAPE as well.
The Turkish NMR arranged a gathering on 16
July 2021 to celebrate the Feast for the Turkish
military personnel working at SHAPE. The
celebration was organized in the conference
rooms at SHAPE HQ under the current COVID-19         Veterans are not forgotten
restrictions and started with a speech by the
TUR NMR Major General Rasim YALDIZ.
In his speech, he emphasized the meaning of
the festival, the importance of remembering
the family members and elders who live far
from us at their homes and expressed his
wishes of peace, health and wealth for the
families. Following his speech, he congratulated
all personnel and sent best wishes to their
Like the previous year, family members couldn’t
be able to attend this gathering due to the          Turkish Army celebrates feast of needy
                                                     people with gift
COVID-19 restrictions.

                                                                            SCL   7
Toastmasters, a Wealth of Memories
                               By Club President Else-Marie Amundsen

    M         y Toastmaster ‘journey’ began 16 years
              ago, ‘seduced’ by my fellow Norwegian,
              Eva Sanders to join the SHAPE
     International Toastmasters Club. We were four
     ‘active’ club members at that meeting. Our club
     struggled! But, if you really believe in something,
     you do whatever it takes to get there.

     Our Club’s ‘Lighthouse’ in the storm became the
     then Club President Lieutenant Colonel Steen
     Wandahl-Bundesen and his wife Thelma,
     who opened their home and their hearts to
     Toastmasters and Guests. There was no limit to
     their generosity! The couple made our club the
     place where Toastmasters and Guests wanted
     to be. Steen was instrumental in making the
     SHAPE International Toastmasters Club part of
     the SHAPE Activity Group II, with all its benefits
     and commitments.
     My ‘extended’ family. Our club grew gradually in
     membership, confidence and rewards. Today,
     we are 15 ‘active’ members of 12 nationalities of
     different origins, age groups and professions.               touched each of us, helping us to achieve
     Our club is a gateway to new friends, new                    heights many of us would never imagine.
     experiences and new adventures. It has                       Our club is an open platform where everyone can
     become my ‘extended family’, where everyone                  provide ideas, promote new methods, give
     cares, dares and has no fear.                                encouraging comments, grasp opportunities
     The group vision starts with individual vision. I was        and confront challenges.           Toastmasters
     once called the ‘persistent vice president                   International Organization offers a goldmine
     education’, which I considered a compliment,                 of information and knowledge to its members
     because talent, aptitude and education mean                  worldwide, and it is good value for money. With
     very little when persistence is lacking. However,            the latest Pathways educational programme,
     some suffered under my persistency. The Area                 with 11 paths and more than 300 new
     Director Denis Buckley’s email box increased                 competencies, the opportunity for growth as a
     by 50% (as well as his workload) during my first             Toastmaster has no limit.
     term as a novice Club President. I learnt a lot              When we volunteer to help our club and
     from our Area Director during that Toastmaster               members, we help ourselves feel enriched. We
     term, sharing my experiences with my fellow                  share memories with kind and caring people,
     club members.                                                and gain valuable competences as speakers
     Teamwork builds morale. Now, as our club’s President         and leaders.
     for a fourth time, with an inspiring team of                 Retired, but not from Toastmasters. I retired from
     six club officers prepared to make sacrifices,               SHAPE some years ago, but I continue as a
     embrace our differences and move our club                    SHAPE Toastmaster. Once a Toastmaster, always
     forward. This enriches me in every way! I have               a Toastmaster. At my stage in life, I don’t need
     been fortunate to witness how Toastmasters                   Toastmasters to boost my career. I need fellow

8   SCL
Toastmasters to boost my life. As Toastmasters,      Summer Memories with SHAPE International
we care about each other, and we understand          Toastmasters Club
each other’s struggles and trials, more so
during this difficult pandemic period.               Last 27 July, we revisited our wonderful summer
                                                     memories with stories of laughter and inspiration.
I have had the pleasure of making extraordinary
friends throughout the 16 years that I have          If you’re looking for a way to improve your English
                                                     linguistic skills, become a better speaker, and
been a member of this club. The last year has
                                                     strengthen your leadership skills in a supportive
been incredible with online meetings gathering       and friendly atmosphere, while having fun, join us!
people from all corners of the world, looking
for companionship and inspiration.                   The SHAPE International Toastmasters is an
                                                     English speaking club offering new possibilities.
The SHAPE International Toastmasters Club was        Presently, we hold our club meetings online, and
chartered on 1st July 1992, and I can think of no    the last ‘summer meeting’ is planned for Tuesday
better group of club members to prepare and          17th August. After that time, we resume our regular
celebrate our Club’s 30th anniversary next year.     club meetings, online until further notice, on the
                                                     2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month. We meet and
I am a richer person, thanks to my Club and my       greet from 18:30 hours and start the meeting at
fellow Toastmasters.                                 19:00 hours (Belgian times).

                                                                                                    As always - Stay Healthy, Active, Busy, & Happy!

To obtain a Zoom online meeting link for             We can’t stop the clock.
our club meetings, please send an email In return,         The best time to start something was yesterday.
you will receive a Zoom online link to join our      The next best time is right now!
Toastmasters as a Guest. You can also follow us on   Feel free to visit our next meeting on Tuesday 17th
Facebook:                                            August, or any other meetings. Guests are most                  welcome!

                                                                                   SCL                                      9

Members of NATO Forces receive preferential prices for Jaguar and Land Rover vehicles
through our Military Sales Program.
We supply both brands in RHD and LHD configuration to your countries specification for
all NATO members excluding US Members.
Now at SHAPE every FIRST and THIRD Thursday of the month.
Next to the opticians in the main shopping center car park.

For further information, please contact:
Peter Thomas, Geilenkirchen, SHAPE / NATO HQ BRUSSELS
+49 (0)2451 636084 • +49 (0)2451 9154232
Mobile +31 652303151 •

  10   SCL
Brussels Consignment Shop - USAG Brussels
Courtesy of IC3

W      e are excited to share some news about
       another place we can shop for second
hand treasures. Called the “Brussels Consignment
                                                              Earn and track hours with the Volunteer Management
                                                              Information System, which allows you to be recognized
                                                              in a yearly Volunteer Appreciation ceremony but also
Shop (BCS)”, it is a private non-profit community             provides an official certificate for work or future job
organization, like Grandma’s Attic, but are located on        opportunities. Bring your experience and skills, to help
the US Army Garrison Brussels base (USAG Brussels)            build the community and meet some new people!
located in Zaventem.
All profits support their community and recently,              For more information, or wish to make an appointment,
                                                               please contact Aleks: ·
raised funds that helped SHAPE IC3’s Charity Tombola.          Email:
An “Antique Corner” helps to fund scholarships at              FB:
the American School.                                           Phone: +32(0)2.2809791 (DSN 314 5979792)
                                                               Leuvensesteenweg 13, 1932 Zaventem (Gate- EUROPALAAN).
Everyone is welcome including any SHAPE ID
cardholders, but they must contact them in advance
to arrange to meet at a different gate entrance to            Note: At the time of this writing, BCS is collecting for a
be “signed in”. Bring cash (1€ = 1USD); all change will       crisis centre in Liege to support recent flood victims.
be given in US dollars.                                       Please like their FB page to be kept updated for what
                                                              they are accepting and when/where you can drop it off.
Bring items to donate, but please consider its condition:
“Would you buy it again to give to a friend?”                  VINTAGE CLOSET                By VC

If you wish to consign, contact them for an                    The Vintage Closet (VC) is situated
                                                               in the 500 area, next to the Hair
appointment; find the form on their website!                   Salon on SHAPE. We are a Thrift shop
                                                               and sell a variety of pre-loved and
Aleks Chrzanowska-Gruszka, is the new Manager                  sometimes new items. The customer
                                                               receives 80% of the sale and we
(she speaks English and German) and is in need of              retain 20%, which goes to charity.
more volunteers who can work Tuesday or Thursday,              Customers can also donate items
between 10:00 am - 4:00 pm, possibly with occasional           directly to charity and support local
weekends. Every volunteer that puts in at least 10             and international charities, and have
                                                               helped may worthy causes over the
hours a month gets 50% off on all shop property                years. We are all volunteers who run the
items purchased.                                               VC and we are always looking for help.
                                                               If you would like to find out more
                                                               about this, please get in touch via our
Grandma’s Attic - USAG Chievres                                Facebook page or call into the shop
                                                               for a chat, it really is rewarding and
By Suzanne Price                                               a great way to meet new and interesting

         pen to all Americans and all NATO ID card             We are open on the following days:
         holders, Grandma’s Attic is a private, not-for-       Tuesday 10.00 - 13.00 / Wednesday 10.00 - 13.00 (For sales only)
                                                               Thursday 10.00 - 14.00 (For consignments only)
         profit thrift shop run by volunteers in order to
raise money to sponsor military, civilian and scholastic
organizations and events in the SHAPE/Chievres                  If you know of a need in the community and wish to
community. This includes everything from local charity          learn more about our funding opportunities, please
groups to SHAPE School Sports teams, Base community             email us at
events, tutoring groups and Women/Family shelters.
                                                                If you wish to become a volunteer, we would love to
A dedicated group of international volunteers enable the        have your help. Stop by during business hours to fill out
day-to-day management of Grandma’s Attic. With their            a short application.
help, the store sort through hundreds of donations every
month and provides the community with low-priced                Don’t forget to like us on FB:
goods such as clothing, appliances and those super useful       GrandmasAtticChievres for our hours and pictures of
transformers!                                                   items currently for sale.

We have also assisted SHAPE IC3 in their mission to serve
local Belgian charities. SHAPE IC3 partnered with us this
past summer to assist St. Vincent de Paul Conference Pere
Andre, donating unsold items or unusable/out of season
donations. Supporting local families in Ath, Brugelette and
Chievres, St. Vincent volunteers met our community donors.

                                                                                     SCL     11
Another warm speech was provided by Mr.
                                                          Paul Savereux, who underlined the successful
                                                          cooperation between NATO HQ and SHAPE
                                                          ACT by stating: «the key to the success that
                                                          we’ve had in the last two years is in large part
                                                          due to this man here [referring to BrigGen.
                                                          Boisgontier], because -he continued- he works so
                                                          diligently, so hard, so meticulously, on trying to
                                                          understand the process, which he did extremely
                                                          quickly! He is a very intelligent officer but also an
                                                          extremely persuasive one: he can be in front of
                                                          nations and he can “sell snow to the esquimals”
      Allied Command                                      -he laughed. He is that good! And it is indeed
                                                          an honour, a privilege, working with him.» Mr.
      Transformation Staff                                Savereux concluded his speech by giving General
                                                          Boisgontier a very special gift while saying “if
      Element Europe:                                     anyone deserves this gift, that’s you”.

      Brigadier General
                                                          Philippe Boisgontier, in response to such
                                                          generous comments, took the floor to thank all of
                                                          the ACO Soldiers and Civilians, the other service
      Philippe Boisgontier’s                              component commands such as NATO HQ, IS,
                                                          IMS, NCIA staff and the host nation of Belgium.
      Farewell Ceremony                                   In August 2017, Boisgontier assumed the title of
      Courtesy of ACT                                     DACOS DP for ACT SEE in Mons, Belgium where

                                                          he led the charge for implementation of the NATO
           farewell ceremony was held at NATO’s           Defence Planning process, in particular NATO
           Allied Command Transformation Staff            requirements, Targets to Nations and Review and
           Element Europe on Friday, July 16, 2021        he will now go onto his retirement after serving
                                                          the French Army for 39 years.
      for French Army Brigadier General Philippe
      Boisgontier in the framework of his departure.

      An outdoor lunch with over 100 people was
      preceded by some addresses from various
      element leaders and friends of the General.
      The atmosphere was charged with energy,
      emotion, and friendship. Boisgontier was
      surrounded by colleagues, including SHAPE Vice
      Chief of Staff Lieutenant General Brice Houdet,
      the French National Military Representative
      Francois Marie Gougeon, Mr. Paul Savereux, Head
      of the Defence Planning Directorate at NATO HQ
      International Staff, and a show of strong support
      from the French and international community.
      In the words of Colonel Daniel Friend, Brigadier
      General Boisgontier’s Deputy talking about him
      “as the face of the BI-SCs [Bilateral Strategic
      Command] leading NATO Defence planning
      activities by reaching new levels of transparency
      and confidence to the nations that eagerly sought
      out his military advice and trusted him to be an
      honest broker.” In addition, he publicly thanked
      him on behalf of ACT SEE: “I wish to thank you
      for your leadership, your steadfast direction and
      the positive command climate you provided, that
      made ACT-SEE an incredible place to work and
      to transform the alliance. You took care of your
      people and we are sad to see you depart.”

12   SCL
military news

               NATO Donates Supplies & Equipment
               to Afghan National Defence and
               Security Forces
               Courtesy of NATO HQ

                      ATO is stepping up deliveries of military equipment to Afghanistan as the Alliance withdraws
                      its forces from the country. So far this year, NATO has donated roughly US$72 million worth
                      of supplies and equipment to the Afghan National Defence and Security Forces, ranging from
               medical supplies to high-tech combat simulators, hospital X-ray machines, and specialist equipment
               to defuse bombs. The latest delivery arrived on Monday (2 August 2021).

               “The security situation in Afghanistan remains deeply challenging,
               so these supplies arrive at an important time,” said acting NATO
               spokesperson Dylan White.
               “As we withdraw our forces from the country, we will continue
               to support Afghanistan, including with equipment to help the
               Afghan forces better provide for their own security,” he said.

                                                                                                                                                                   NATO       Secretary       General
                                                                                                                                                                   Jens Stoltenberg reiterated
                                                                                                                                                                   NATO’s      continued      support
                                                        T                       H                          E                                                       for Afghanistan in a call with
                                                                                                                                                                   President Ashraf Ghani on 27
                                                                                                                                                                   July, noting that this will include
                                                                                                                                                                   funding, civilian presence, and
                                                                                                                                                                   out-of-country training.
                                                                                                                                                                   Among       the     NATO-funded
                                                                                                                                                                   supplies is medical gear to
                                                                                                                                                                   treat wounded soldiers on
                                                                                                                                                                   the battlefield and equipment
                                                                                                                                                                   for Kabul’s National Medical
                                                                                                                                                                   Hospital. The supplies also
                                                                                                                                                                   include firefighting trucks, body
                                                                                                                                                                   armour and teaching materials
                                                                                                                                                                   to help children spot and avoid
                                                                                                                                                                   landmines. Projects are aimed
                                                                                                                                                                   at strengthening the Afghan
                                                                                                                                                                   security forces, especially in the
                                                                                                                                                                   areas of logistics, organisation,
                                                                                                                                                                   education and medicine.
                                                                                                                                                                   The equipment has been funded
                                                                                                                                                                   through the NATO-run Afghan
                                                                                                                                                                   National Army Trust Fund.
                                                                                                                                                                   As of May, total contributions
                     E N JOY E V E R Y E DGE .                                                                                                                     made to the Trust Fund since
                                                                                                                                                                   2007 amounted to around
                                                                                                                                                                   US$3.5 billion, of which roughly
                                                       Environmental information (RD 19/03/04):                                                             $440 million have gone toward
4,9-8,4 L/100 KM • 127-192 G/KM CO2 (WLTP)                                                                                                                         supplies and equipment.

Louyet Brussels           Louyet Charleroi    Louyet La Louvière           Louyet Mons                   Louyet Sambreville            Louyet Sint-Pieters-Leeuw
Chaussée de Louvain 864   Rue de Mons 80      Rue de la Déportation 61     Rue des Sandrinettes 48       Rue Bois Sainte-Marie 180     Bergensesteenweg 720
1140 Brussels             6000 Charleroi      7100 La Louvière             7033 Mons-Cuesmes             5060 Sambreville (Auvelais)   1600 Sint-Pieters-Leeuw
Tél. 02 730 49 11
                          Tél. 071 20 22 60
                                              Tél. 064 77 30 30
                                                                           Tél. 065 40 02 00
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                                                                                                                                          SCL      13
ACO & NATO’S Highest Awards:
          The SACEUR Recognition Award and NATO
        Meritorious Service Medal Awarded to Two NATO
                CIS Group (NCISG) Staff Members
                                                        Story by NCISG Public Affairs Office

           he NATO Communications and Information Systems Group (NCISG)
           Commander, Major General Frank Schlösser presented Lieutenant
           Colonel René Crepin the SACEUR Recognition Award (SRA) and Ms
      Veneta Rusalova, NATO International Civilian, the NATO Meritorious Service
      Medal (MSM) during a ceremony at SHAPE on June 25, 2021.

      The awards were bestowed on behalf of                                   The NCISG Commander said: “I am proud
      the Supreme Allied Commander Europe                                     to work with such an outstanding performer
      (SACEUR), General Tod D. Wolters, and of                                who has developed innovative processes in
      the Secretary General, Mr. Jens Stoltenberg,                            order to improve and facilitate the operational
      for outstanding NATO service.                                           capability of NCISG personnel”.
      In his speech, Major General Frank Schlösser                            Lieutenant Colonel Crepin started working
      first praised Lieutenant Colonel Crepin for                             for NATO in July 2019,
      his exceptional service and outstanding                                 serving as the Training
      individual achievement in strengthening                                 Management      Branch
      the links between NCISG HQ and the NATO                                 Head in the J7 Division
      Communications and Information Agency                                   at the NCISG.
      (NCIA) and the NATO Signal Battalions (NSBs).                           As the Branch Head
                                                                              in charge of individual
          “I am proud to work with such an                                    training, he first adapted
           outstanding performer who has                                      the bidding phase for the
         developed innovative processes in                                    reservation of courses
         order to improve and facilitate the                                  to be consistent with
           operational capability of NCISG                                    the needs of the NSBs
                    personnel”.                                               and HQ.
                                                                              Despite the COVID-19
                                                                              crisis, he was determined
                                                                              to continue individual
                                                                              training even in the face
                                                                              of all the challenges and
                                                                              constraints related to
                                                                              the pandemic.
                                                                              He pushes for, and was deeply involved in,
                                                                              the modernization of individual training, in
                                                                              particular through the development of on-
                                                                              line or virtual courses provided by the NCIA.
                                                                              The SACEUR Recognition Award was
                                                                              established in order to recognize exceptional
                                                                              service and outstanding individual achievement
                                                                              in a way that may be career enhancing for the
     Rene Crepin-right-Major General Frank Schloesser                         recipient and stands below the NATO MSM
                                                                              but above awards and commendations by

14   SCL
uMs Veneta Rusalova-right-Major
General Frank Schloesser

the individual Allied Command Operations           The NATO Meritorious Service Medal is the
(ACO) Commands, making it the senior ACO-          highest NATO medal awarded by the NATO
awarded honour.                                    Secretary General to a select number of
Major General Schlösser also had the honour        military and civilian personnel serving under
of presenting the NATO Meritorious Service         NATO command and control.
Medal to Ms Veneta Rusalova.                       The NATO MSM was established by the North
She started working for NATO in April 2014 as a    Atlantic Council in 2003, for meritorious
Technician in the J2/6 Division at the NCISG. Ms   service in recognition of remarkable service
Rusalova has played a major role in supporting     in the interest of the Alliance.
NATO Response Force (NRF) exercises.               The NCISG Commander concluded by
She has provided exemplary guidance to the         congratulating the recipients, thanking their
NATO Signal Battalions’ technicians during         families for their behind-the-scenes support,
training workshops.                                and wishing them continued success.

The Commander NCISG, Major General Frank Schlösser
underlined that:

“Ms Rusalova is fully deserving of this highest award
and can be extremely proud of her achievements,
which go well beyond the scope of her normal

                                                                 SCL    15
American Legion Post BE02 Hosts Historical
              Volksmarch in Heuvelland
                                           Courtesy of the American Legion

      HEUVELLAND, Belgium—In a joint venture                 Those interested in participating are
      with the WandelSport Vlaanderen, the                   encouraged to sign-up in advanced by emailing
      American Legion “Flanders Field” Post BE02   , or the
      is hosting a historical volksmarch from 9              day of the event at the registration booth
      a.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturday, August 28, 2021            outside the Heuvelland Tourist Center. While
      to commemorate the Battle of Vierstraat                participation in the walk is free of charge,
      Ridge.                                                 donations are being accepted.
      There are three different walking trails,              Limited refreshments will be available for
      18K, 11K and 7K, complete with historical              purchase along the route.
      facts and re-enactors. Along the 18K route,            An American style barbeque will also take
      participants can visit the Bayernwald                  place at the Kemmel Market Square from 11
      Trenches, the Pool of Peace, and the Cold              a.m. to 5 p.m.
      War Command Bunker.
                                                             Mitchell A. Yockelson author of “Borrowed
      “U.S. involvement in the liberation of Belgium         Soldiers,” will also be available to sign copies
      during World War I is not well known,” said            of his book.
      Joseph Schram, Flanders Field Post BE02
      commander. “This walk provides an opportunity
      to walk the battlefield and learn how Americans
      supported the overall war efforts.”
                                                            Battle Background
                                                            During July and August 1918, units from the
                                                            U.S. 27th and 30th Divisions rotated in and out
                                                            of defensive positions occupied by British
                                                            forces. The purpose was to learn tactics
                                                            and provide a baptism of fire to the men. On
                                                            August 31, two regiments of the 27th Div
                                                            ision occupied the front lines on Vierstraat
                                                            Ridge while two regiments of the 30th
                                                            Division occupied the left flank of the line
                                                            up to Zillebeke Lake (near Ypres). Fighting
                                                            continued for three days with the 27th
                                                            moving forward to the ridge near the village
                                                            of Wijtschate. Keeping in line with the 27th
                                                            Division, the 30th Division captured the village
                                                            of Voormezele.
                                                            On September 3, 1918, both Divisions were
                                                            relieved by British forces and transported to
                                                            Northern France to fight on the Hindenburg


16   SCL
SHAPE Field Office - ACCI SHAPE Field Office
                                                                                                           Bldg. 101, Room K125
                                                                                     065 44 8809

Keep Your Eye Open
Belgium in the Spotlight
Courtesy of ACCI SHAPE Field Office

If you are a fan of spy novels and movies, you are used   With so many targets of opportunity of espionage in
to the settings centered around major glamorous           one place, Belgium is ranked one of the highest states
cities such as New York, London or Geneva. The            to fall victim to spy activity. However, this does not
setting that is often overlooked, but far more            mean you and your family have to fall victim to these
realistic is Brussels, Belgium. Home to several major     efforts. Being exposed to so many cultures in one
international organizations, Brussels is a beacon for     space is great for learning and experience, but make
espionage of all varieties.                               sure to monitor what you expose about yourself,
                                                          your family and the SHAPE community. We need you
Belgium is a target for spies for two reasons. First,
                                                          so assist us to keep NATO safe. If you feel as if you
is that it is the headquarters for many international
                                                          are talking to someone who would like to know more
institutions such as the European Union, NATO,
                                                          about NATO or SHAPE than they should, fell free to
Universities and Centers of Excellence. Second, there
                                                          contact an allied Agent in the SHAPE Field Office to
are several diasporas who have made Belgium their
                                                          discuss your concern. They are available 24/7 when
home. Not only are there micro-communities of NATO
                                                          you need help. Help us, help you to stay safe.
member nations associated with SHAPE, Belgium also
boasts cultural contingents from Morocco, Turkey,                  If you think you need to speak with ACCI,
Rwanda and many countries in Africa including the                   contact us at:
Congo and Senegal. This vast array of cultures, makes              SHAPE Field Office (SFO):
Brussels a convenient location to gather information               Bldg. 101, Room K125
about other nations, without having to enter their                 Tel: 065-44-8809/8811
borders.                                                           Email:

                                                                                       SCL      17
Legal News!
      Mission Appeals Tribunal (MAT):
      The Creation of an Independent and Impartial Appeals Tribunal for
      Civilian Hires in NATO Mission Iraq (NMI)
      By Beatriz Pino Barranco (CIV)ACO / SHAPE Office of Legal Affairs

                                                                                        Creation and Functioning of the MAT
                                                                                        The MAT was born from the imperative necessity
                                                                                        to update existing means of dispute resolution for
                                                                                        the sector of personnel cited above2. Once JFCNP
                                                                                        launched the project in 2018, the creation process
                                                                                        of the MAT proceeded through several phases;
                                                                                        starting with its approval by the Budget Committee
                                                                                        in 2019, directly followed by the official request
                                                                                        for NATO members States to propose judges. In
                                                                                        2020, the appointment of judges from the list of
                                                                                        proposed candidates took place, up to the present
                                                                                        day, where the last arrangements are carried out
                                                                                        following scrupulously legal criteria assessed with
                                                                                        the support of renowned external experts like Dr.
                                                                                        Niels Blokker3.

         n October 2018, the first two sets of                                          As such, the MAT is to be primarily managed
         rules applicable to International Civilian                                     by the JFCNP, without prejudice to potential co-
         Hire (ICH) and Local Civilian Hire (LCH)                                       management with other NATO bodies within the
      personnel, respectively, were approved for                                        Allied Command Operations (ACO) constellation
      the NATO Mission Iraq (NMI)1. The difference                                      as the MAT system expands to missions beyond
      between the two types of personnel being the                                      NMI. It shall consist of three independent and
      fact that ICH are nationals of NATO member                                        impartial Judges (‘members’) and one alternate.
      countries, or of Troop Contributing Nations                                       Additionally, the court will be provided with a
      while LCH are Iraqi nationals or persons                                          Registrar offering administrative support.
      legally and officially residing in Iraq. However,                                 The jurisdiction of the MAT extends to all appeals
      they both share their status as civilian hires                                    against a final decision of a mission’s Commander
      not covered by the NATO Civilian Personnel                                        (COM) after all available pre-litigation means have
      Regulations (NCPRs). Similarly, they do not                                       been exhausted in accordance with the applicable
      hold the status of contractor, nor are they                                       regulations. Additionally, the tribunal will count
      part of NATO military forces. In this sense, the                                  on a special interim chamber dedicated to ACO-
      CSR ICH/LCH not only contain the legal basis                                      wide Data Protection claims. All rulings of the MAT
      governing the contracts of civilians in NMI, but                                  are definitive and will constitute the termination
      they formally introduce a pioneering system of                                    of internal channels.
      appeal at second instance for said personnel
      faction. The idea of creating a mission-specific                                  Independence and Impartiality
      tribunal crystallized into the establishment of                                   As has been asserted by extensive international
      the Mission Appeals Tribunal (MAT) at the Joint                                   jurisprudence, the right to a fair trial requires that
      Force Command Naples (JFCNP) headquarters,                                        a case be heard by an independent and impartial
      which is to guarantee the right to a fair trial                                   tribunal. The European Court of Human Rights
      of those specific categories of personnel not                                     (ECtHR) addresses this question by applying an
      covered by existing procedures.                                                   independence and impartiality ( I&I) test geared
        NATO JFCNP, Civilian Staff Rules for International Civilian Hires employed by NATO Mission Iraq, 31st October 2018; NATO JFCNP, Civilian Staff
      Rules for Local Civilian Hires employed by NATO Mission Iraq, 31st October 2018. In the following, CSR ICH/LCH.
        2011 Report of the External Panel on the Modernization of the NAB, identifying the lack of proper remedies in AD 045-003, Management of
      Manpower for NATO Operations and Exercises.
          Professor of International Institutional Law at the Grotius Centre for International Legal Studies, Leiden University.

18   SCL
towards article 6 of the European Convention                                         with ICH and LCH status (ratione personae). It
of Human Rights (ECHR). This was the line of                                         will furthermore be activated after exhaustion of
foundation in the Gasparini v. Italy and Belgium4                                    available pre-litigation remedies and, in any case,
case in 2009, which confirmed the compliance of                                      within a period of twenty days after the situations
the then called NATO Administrative Board (NAB)                                      enumerated in Chapter XII, Art. 33.3 CSR ICH/LCH
                                                                                     (ratione temporis). The geographical jurisdiction
–currently the NATO Administrative Tribunal
                                                                                     (ratione loci) extends to the mission area, in this
(NAT) – with the criteria contained in such legal                                    case Iraq, without prejudice of future expansions
examination. In this specific case, the ECtHR based                                  to other missions.
its decision on the Bosphorus presumption, which
embodies the existing assumption of compliance                                       c) Manner of appointment of judges and terms
by States and/or international organizations                                         of office
with their obligations under the ECHR unless                                         Applicable case-law, e.g., Sramek v. Austria and
the protection of fundamental rights equivalent                                      Luka v. Romania7, has evidenced the relevance of
to what the Convention requires is proven to be                                      the composition of a judicial body, as well as the
“manifestly deficient”5. The foundations of the                                      manner and period of appointment of its members.
NAB have inspired those of the MAT, reason why                                       When analysing the I&I of a court, the ECtHR
                                                                                     has often extrapolated this to the characteristics
the criteria used in that specific case will serve as
                                                                                     of the selection process of judges, which shall
guidance for the analysis of the I&I of the latter.                                  offer sufficient resilience against external
a) Establishment by law                                                              influences to pass the test. On the other hand, the
                                                                                     ‘irremovability’ of members of a decision-making
In order to be compatible with I&I requirements,                                     body during their assigned office terms appears
a tribunal must be established by law, as it would                                   as a corollary of their independence8, as “[j]udges
otherwise lack the legitimacy required in a                                          may be dismissed only on serious grounds of
democratic society to hear individual cases. The                                     misconduct or incompetence, in accordance with
obligation to offer a means of internal conflict                                     fair procedures”9.
resolution is expressly recognized in Art. XXIV of                                   The compliance of the MAT with the enlisted criteria
the Ottawa Agreement6 in line with the principle of                                  becomes evident as members were appointed by
functional necessity. Being as it is a reference point                               means of a two-phased system, in which judges
through which NATO’s activity and development                                        were firstly proposed by NATO nations through
unfolds, this principle translates into, inter                                       their NATO Military Representatives (NMRs) to
alia, NATO’s immunity from jurisdiction, which                                       then be included in different ‘judges rosters’ by the
                                                                                     JFCNP Chief of Staff (COS). The nations nominated
implies; 1) NATO’s prerogative of non-subjectivity
                                                                                     candidates on the basis of merit and conformity
to national courts and, simultaneously; 2) the                                       with objective pre-requisites , i.e., according to
obligation to guarantee an alternative judicial                                      professional credentials, relevant experience as
channel to staff members. Complementarily, the                                       judges or professors of international law, personal
MAT operates on the basis of the principle of due                                    attributes, absence of incompatibility of interests,
process, the CSR ICH/LCH, and the Operations/                                        and the holding of a valid security clearance
Missions specific Status of Forces Agreement.                                        prior to the taking of office. The JFCNP COS, on
                                                                                     the other hand, serves as the final sifting within
b) Jurisdiction                                                                      a system of check and balance by eliminating
The I&I criteria equally require the compliance                                      the possibility of incompatibility or connection
of the tribunal with the rules that govern it so as                                  between members of the same roster (internal),
                                                                                     with presented legal cases or the parties involved
to assure that the assignment of a legal case to a
                                                                                     (transversal). The judges serve for defined periods
particular judge/court falls within their margin of
                                                                                     of time depending on their particular post within
appreciation in such matters, i.e., clearly defined
scope of jurisdiction. The legal basis for the MAT’s                                 the MAT10. The continuity of exercise is guaranteed
jurisdiction is enshrined in the CRS ICH/LCH, which                                  during said periods, as it is within the nature and
stipulate its competence (ratione materiae) to hear                                  logic of any mission-dedicated mechanism, to offer
cases on employment matters affecting personnel                                      uninterrupted and efficient services.
    Gasparini v Italy and Belgium, Admissibility, no. 10750/03, ECtHR, 12 May 2009.
    Bosphorus Hava Yollari Turizm ve Ticaret Anonim Sirketi v. Ireland [GC], no. 45036/98, ECtHR, 30 June 2005.
  NATO, Agreement on the Status of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, National Representatives and International Staff
(Ottawa Agreement), Ottawa, 1951.
  Sramek v. Austria, no. 8790/79, § 38, ECtHR, 22 October 1984.
  Luka v. Romania, no. 34197/02, § 44, ECtHR, 21 July 2009.
  Sara Joseph, M. C., ‘Part III Civil and Political Rights, 14 Rights to a Fair Trial – Article 14’ from: The International Covenant on
Civil and Political Rights: Cases, Materials, and Commentary (3rd Ed.), Oxford Public International Law, 1 July 2013, para. 20.
   See Annex E, Rule 5 CSR ICH/LCH.

                                                                                                                  SCL   19
d) Appearance of independence                                                  and personal qualities is thoroughly assessed as a
                                                                                     precondition for the appointment, is inextricably
      As stated in the Grace Gatt v. Malta11 case, “justice
                                                                                     linked to the objective test. Depending on the
      must not only be done, it must also be seen to be
                                                                                     circumstances, the appointment and/or extension
      done”. What is at stake is the confidence which
                                                                                     of the judges’ terms of office, will depend on the
      the court in a democratic society must inspire
                                                                                     compliance with conditions set out in Rule 5 CSR
      in the public, i.e., whether it could give rise to
                                                                                     ICH/LCH among others, i.e., “independence and
      legitimate doubts among the litigants, regarding the
                                                                                     impartiality in the performance of duties”, “no
      independence of the members – specifically – and
                                                                                     [interference] directly or indirectly with the work
      the tribunal –generally. According to the mentioned
                                                                                     of the MAT”, “adjudicat[ion] [of] matters without
      case, tribunals in which a member of the board is
                                                                                     favours or bias”, and “refrain[ing] from any activity
      subordinate in rank to the Head of that organ “in
                                                                                     in conflict with the interests of the MAT or which
      terms of duties and the organisation of service, may
                                                                                     could damage the MAT’s reputation”.
      give rise to [such] doubt vis-à-vis the parties”.
      This is addressed in the rules applicable to the MAT                           Conclusion
      in terms of the expected non-hierarchical dynamic                              The MAT is the result of a well-awaited reform
      towards NATO bodies, particularly JFCNP, thus                                  recommended in 2011 by the External Panel on
      precluding the possibility of directly influencing the                         the Modernization of the NAB16. It is a tribunal
      fate of the parties to a grievance. As stated in Rule                          specifically designed with due regard to the
      3 of the CSR ICH/LCH, “any dispute as to its own                               fulfilment of all requirements of I&I developed
      competence shall be decided by the MAT itself”.                                by international jurisprudence on the right to
      It is a question of independence not only discernible                          a fair trial (art. 6 ECHR; art. 14 ICCPR). When
      in the rules of procedure of the tribunal, as it                               applying the Gasparini v. Italy and Belgium
      also reflected in such factual aspects as the non-                             rationale, the compliance of the MAT with the
      inclusion of MAT members into the payroll of any                               Bosphorus presumption becomes irrefutable as it
      NATO body while similarly not filling any post                                 stands in concordance with all criteria taken into
      of the Organisation. The judges follow strictly                                consideration by EU case-law to demonstrate (or
      parallel procedures inherent to their condition of                             discard) the I&I of a given tribunal for the sake of the
      independent agents appointed and paid on an ad                                 ECHR17. This becomes even more evident when it is
      hoc basis.                                                                     realised that the NAB underwent a similar review
                                                                                     in 2009 whose I&I was confirmed by the ECtHR.
      e) Impartiality                                                                The rules governing the MAT have evolved from
      Applicable international jurisprudence12 points at                             the same foundations as those of the NAB, so that,
      two aspects to the requirement of impartiality: 1)                             it must be concluded that very intentionally NAB
      the tribunal must be subjectively free of prejudice                            judicial safeguards have been replicated in the MAT.
      or personal bias (subjective test); and 2) it must
      also be impartial from an objective point of view
      (objective test). In applying the former, it is
      commonly held that “the personal impartiality of
      a judge must be presumed until there is proof to
      the contrary”13.
      Although subjective impartiality has proven to
      be difficult to demonstrate, the CSR ICH/LCH
      cover aspects assessed by the ECtHR14, such as
      the member’s mandate to “comply with ethical
      considerations” and to “be persons of high moral
      character”15. The selection procedure of members,
      where the concurrence of suitable professional                                                   MAT 3rd Training Session - June 2021
           Grace Gatt v. Malta, no. 46466/16, § 77, ECtHR, 8 October 2019.
           Maria Cristina Lagunas Castedo v. Spain, no. 1122/02, U.N. Doc. CCPR/C/94/D/1122/2002, HRC, 20 October 2008; Clarke v. the United Kingdom
      (dec.), no. 23695/02, ECtHR, 25 August 2005.
           Inter alia, Le Compte, Van Leuven and De Meyere v. Belgium, nos. 6878/75 and 7238/75, § 58, ECtHR, 23 June 1981.
           Buscemi v. Italy, no. 29569/95, §§ 67- 68, ECtHR, 16 September 1999; Golunovic v. Croatia, no. 43947/10, § 62, ECtHR, 27 November 2012.
           See Annex E, Rule 5 lit. f) CSR ICH/LCH.
           Supra, note. 2.
         1) Establishment by law, 2) clearly defined jurisdiction, 3) fair and transparent manner of appointment, 4) defined terms of office, 5) appearance of
      independence, and 6) impartiality.

20   SCL
Then she addressed the issue of the use of force by
                                                                   individual soldiers and units, and delved into the main
                                                                   concerns regarding the Rules of Engagement (ROE)
                                                                   and their interrelation with the right to self-defence,
                                                                   bearing in mind that this latter right is never restricted
                                                                   by these military directives.
                                                                   Besides, depending on whether we are in an armed
                                                                   conflict or in a peacetime situation, International
                                                                   Humanitarian Law (IHL) or International Law of
                                                                   Human Rights (ILHR) might be applied and possible
                                                                   suspension/derogations from human rights treaties
                                                                   can take place, leading to contrasting outcomes.
                                                                   The different challenges that the NATO Allies have
Lecture on the Use                                                 experienced in the last decades regarding the use of force
of Force within NATO                                               were analysed as well (e.g. detention in armed conflict
                                                                   and cyber operations), taking into account the divergent
to UCAM                                                            interpretations and national caveats that may sometimes
By Borja Montes Toscano LAWFAS Content Manager
                                                                   hamper the effectiveness of operations and exercises.

ACO Office of Legal Affairs

     ast 5th July, Colonel Nathalie Durhin (ACO                    Further remarks were made in relation to the purposes
     Office of Legal Affairs / Operational Law                     of ROE as regards the control of the level of hostilities
     Branch, Head) gave a lecture on “The                          by graduating the violence escalation or coordination of
Use of Force within NATO” to students from                         joint and allied military actions, among others.
the Master of International Relations at the                       UCAM students showed enthusiasm for the lecture
Universidad Católica de San Antonio de Murcia                      provided by Colonel Durhin and exchanged enriching
(UCAM).1                                                           views on legal but also political aspects of global security
Colonel Durhin started explaining the legal grounds                in support of SACEUR’s mission. These trainings are
for the use of force by NATO as an international                   essential in order to draw lessons on complex legal issues,
organisation, and the legal framework for NATO                     especially in times when
operations upon the basis of Articles 3, 4 and 5 of the            instrumentalization of the
North Atlantic Treaty (NAT).                                       law by different stakeholders
                                                                   is becoming the rule.
Since May 2019, ACO OLA holds an academic arrangement with the Universidad Católica de San Antonio de Murcia (UCAM).

                                                                  IN MEMORIAM
                                               The entire SHAPE community offers its most heartfelt condolences to
                                               Luigi Monteleone’s family for his sudden demise.

                                               Luigi, for many of his friends Gigi, was a cherished member of the
                                               Italian Community, always friendly and helpful to all, beloved equally
                                               by family, colleagues and friends. His loss will be deeply felt not only
                                               by his wife and his daughter, also by the whole Italian and international
                                               community and all who had the luck of getting to know him.

                                               We would like to thank all SHAPE community for all the support and
                                               affection we have received in this very terrible moment.
                                               CIELI BLU PER TE, GIGI !

                                                                                               SCL     21
          International Band                                                                  By Staff Sergeant Nicholas Cressotti (U.S. Army)

          The SHAPE International Band is a joint-service, international military band comprised of twenty musicians
          representing NATO member nations, dedicated to performing in support of SHAPE, SACEUR, and the
          NATO Alliance. To mitigate the spread of COVID-19, the SHAPE International Band has temporarily
          postponed some upcoming public performances. However, as operations slowly resume, we are once again
          performing for official functions – some of which are featured here

Sergeant First Class Tony         Master Sergeant Stephanie Doehr (U.S.      The Task Force Ten horn section             Technical Sergeant Jeffrey Hall
Williams (U.S. Army) sings with   Army) and Sergeant Nicholas Tolman (U.S.   performs at a U.S. Independence             (U.S. Air Force) Takes a solo at
the Task Force Ten.               Army) perform with NATO Unplugged.         Day celebration.                            the Canada Day festivities.

    22   SCL
In The Swing Of Summer
In recent weeks The SHAPE International Band had           Master Sergeant Rebecca Wischmann (U.S. Air Force) sings with the
the honour of performing for Canada Day and the            SHAPE International Band
United States Independence Day. These events took
place both in Brussels and here in Mons with great
people and food. The United States Independence
Day celebration at Chievres Air Base gave families
the opportunity to mingle and kids a chance to play
with bounce houses, a mechanical bull and eat some
delicious barbecue. Please take a moment to visit the
SHAPE International Band facebook page to see
some more photos from these summer performances:

Band Member Spotlight: Staff Sergeant Henry Soriano
The SHAPE International Band recently had the honour       Staff Sergeant Henry Soriano (U.S. Army) plays drums with the SHAPE
of performing a song Staff Sergeant Henry Soriano was      International Band.
born in Baguio City, Philippines. In 1992 he moved to
the United States and gained citizenship in 1999. He
began the Jazz Studies program at the University of
Nevada, Las Vegas and in 2006 left to tour around the
world. In 2014 he enlisted in the U.S. Army and has
served with the Army Bands at Camp Zama, Japan and
Fort Jackson, South Carolina. Throughout his career he
has performed with many high caliber musicians such as
Phil Woods, Monty Alexander, Marlena Shaw, Shirley
Horn, Harvey Mason, Kenney Burrell, and Ron Carter.
He has also won the Army’s Music Performance Team
of the Year award twice with the United States Army
Japan Ceremonial Band. At the SHAPE International
Band, Staff Sergeant Soriano performs as the drummer
in the NATO Jazz Orchestra, Task Force X, the NATO
Jazz Combo, and NATO Unplugged.

Want to request the SHAPE International Band?
  0032 065/44 3322                                         Visit our website, download our request form and                                 email it duly completed to us!

The SHAPE International Band features the following ensembles:
NATO Jazz Orchestra: Large jazz ensemble performing        NATO Unplugged: Acoustic small ensemble
big band music from the 1930’s through today.              performing Popular, Folk and Americana music.
NATO Jazz Combo: Small jazz ensemble performing            Ceremonial Band: Traditional military marching
R&B and traditional & modern jazz.                         band performing marches, anthems, and ceremonial
Solo Vocalist: Soloist performing anthems for ceremonial   music for large indoor and outdoor ceremonies.
and official events.                                       NATO Brass Ambassadors: Small ceremonial brass
Solo Instrumentalist: Soloist performing a variety of      ensemble performing anthems, marches, and chamber
styles for socials, balls, and official events.            music.
Task Force X: Show band performing Popular, Rock,          Ceremonial Bugler: Solo bugler performing for
and Dance music for large events.                          ceremonies and official events.

A note about upcoming events:

                                                                                               SCL    23
You can also read