Cadiz chairman calls Investec CEO a thief and a QwaQwa k *r

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Cadiz chairman calls Investec CEO a thief and a QwaQwa k *r
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Cadiz chairman calls                                A I creates robot racism
Investec CEO a thief                                Dirty tricks to discredit
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and a QwaQwa k****r
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                                                                               224 JUNE 2018
Cadiz chairman calls Investec CEO a thief and a QwaQwa k *r
Cadiz chairman calls Investec CEO a thief and a QwaQwa k *r
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                                                                   i Khoza
                                                            Makhos s into Zuma’s AN
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31 Smalls            Robot racism
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NOSEWEEK June 2018                                                                                                                                                   3
Cadiz chairman calls Investec CEO a thief and a QwaQwa k *r

The SARS ‘naughty list’                         the debate that follows is redundant,            there, look at the people more carefully.
                                                amounting to little more than rationali-                                Rudd van Deventer
I RUN A SMALL ACCOUNTING PRACTICE. REST         sation of the chosen line. This leads to                                    Johannesburg.
assured that this level of tax evasion is       the mudslinging, childish interjections,         We are watching closely. – Ed.
nothing new.                                    and generally unruly behaviour that
   The worst is that SARS on most               now characterise our parliamentary               n IN JERSEY THEY STILL PRACTISE
levels has individual staff members             sessions: few members feel any need to           THE “Clameur de Haro”. Beat that,
with whom a taxpayer, and particu-              listen; some go to sleep.                        Nedbank! If someone pisses you off,
larly certain attorneys, can arrange the          These habits are learned in school             you go to the Royal Square (your pic)
writing-off of tax debt for a fixed fee of      debating societies, where the competi-           and kneel down facing the statue of the
10% of the debt. (Even VAT and PAYE             tiveness encouraged by teachers leads            Duke of Normandy, Our Liege; then
can get written off.)                           to petty point-scoring rather than               say “Haro, Haro, Haro, A l’aide, a l’aide
   It is therefore okay to owe SARS a lot       rational discussion. Perhaps fruitful            Mon Prince. On me fait tort. (Hear me!
of money. If you don’t owe them a lot,          debate is possible in some of our parlia-        Hear me! Hear me! Come to my aid, my
you’ll find yourself in a world of trouble      mentary sub-committees, but it will              Prince, for someone does me wrong.)”
because then the 10% is not worthwhile          remain absent from the main chamber              Then the offender must either desist
for these crooks.                               while caucus voting persists.                    or face immediate arrest and prison.
                                  CG Cloete       If our politicians were sincere in their       Would be cool here.
       Cloete Accounting and Tax Services Inc   desire to serve the people they would                                 Renee Paul Gosselin
                            Parys, Free State   not punish the likes of Dr Makhosi                                           Johannesburg
                                                Khoza for voting according to their
Gwen Ngwenya: bitter truth                      consciences; instead they would insist           n I HAVE LEARNED THAT, SUBSEQUENT TO
                                                that voting according to conscience              the appearance of “How Nedbank lied”
PITY THAT NOSEWEEK, TO WHICH I                  becomes a constitutional duty.                   (nose223) the bank rushed copies to
subscribe, claims to care about issues                                       John Brodrick       their lawyers in Jersey who, pretending
of probity but the profile in nose223 of                                      Bedfordview        outrage, then asked the Jersey court
Gwen Ngwenya (now head of research                                                               for a contempt of court order against
for the DA) fails to mention the incident       Africa’s Unesco City of Literature               83-year-old Dorothy Brakspear – who
of IRR’s sugar tax research sponsored                                                            they assumed was the source of the
by Coca-Cola. Different strokes for             YOUR REPORT ON HOW ISSUES OF RACE AND            story, since the Bankers Book evidence
different folks?                                exclusion are threatening Durban’s status        was supposed to be kept confidential.
                               Sean Muller      as Africa’s only Unesco City of Literature          The Jersey court is yet to rule on
                                 Via Twitter    – as bureaucrats throw the book at the           the matter. Fortunately, back in South
                                                committee over race quotas – brings to           Africa, the Constitution guarantees
                                                mind these words inscribed on Kwame              (in S16[b]) our “freedom to receive and
                                                Nkrumah’s memorial in Accra, Ghana:              impart Information and Ideas”.
its worst. Bad pun! Also no mention of
                                                “Get thee the political power and all               Nedbank and its lawyers’ ongoing
Afriforum funding of IRR.
                                                things shall be added unto thee.”                outrageous conduct in the Brakspear
                           Shuaib Manjra
                                                                                 Alain Leger     matter brought to mind some quotes
                          UCT, Cape Town                                                         from Auschwitz survivor Elie Wiesel.
An interesting point we failed to notice;                                      (via Facebook)
                                                          St Martin de France, Pontoise, Paris   First, on speaking out: “We must
so we are human after all. Thanks for                                                            always take sides. Neutrality helps the
reminding us. – Ed.
                                                A Steinhoff puzzle                               oppressor, never the victim. Silence
                                                                                                 encourages the tormentor, never the
n I HAVE BEEN CONSISTENTLY IMPRESSED BY         FOOD FOR THOUGHT: WHY WOULD PSG                  tormented. There may be times when
the articles written by Gwen Ngwenya            have sold all their Steinhoff shares             we are powerless to prevent injustice,
when she was COO of the IRR. She is             (apparently seven million) only a few            but there must never be a time when
indeed a brilliant rising star and I am         months prior to “meltdown”?                      we fail to protest.” Then, on indiffer-
convinced she will go very far in her             Why would Steinhoff “strip” solid              ence: “The opposite of love is not hate,
chosen career.                                  South African assets and insulate/ring-          it is indifference. The opposite of faith
                                Larry Palk      fence same in STAR (Steinhoff Africa             is not heresy, it’s indifference. And the
                                Betty’s Bay     Retail) – even closer to “meltdown”?             opposite of life is not death, but indiffer-
                                                   Genius? Coincidence? Just asking.             ence between life and death.”
n MS GWEN NGWENYA’S LAMENT THAT                                           Luvuyo Mncanca            Wiesel concludes his argument with
Parliament is not “a place for really                                                            a wrenching memory: “Bomb the Rail
                                                                                  By email
                                                                                                 Line leading to the Concentration
in-depth engagement on policy” strikes
a chord. To change this we must outlaw
                                                Nedbank’s lies                                   Camp …Just once. (We believed that
the idiotic practice of caucus voting.          WHY WOULD NEDBANK TAKE SUCH A                    Auschwitz and Treblinka were closely
When party caucuses decide in advance           huge risk by lying for small change              guarded secrets; that the leaders of the
how they will (or must) vote, then              (nose223)? There is a bigger story               free world did not know what was going

Cadiz chairman calls Investec CEO a thief and a QwaQwa k *r
on behind those black gates and barbed       Zip, Bmobil, Gamezz, Jamba, Get the               of it. All of it can be bought over the
wire; that they had no knowledge of          Result, Buzzy Life, Wasp, Andro Games.            counter or on the internet by anyone.
the war against the Jews that Hitler’s         Upon enquiry at Vodacom, Brooklyn                                              Paul Kirk
armies and their accomplices waged as        Mall, they accessed an SMS number,                                                Durban
part of the war against the Allies.          31050, with a message to “delete                  That might be so, but this lot is said
  “If they knew, we thought, surely those    all”. This instruction via SMS appar-             to have come as a hand-me-down
leaders would have moved heaven and          ently ensures that data reflected as              from US government sources. And
earth to intervene, would have spoken        “content services” are cancelled. I was           while the accused say it was intended
out with great outrage and conviction.       also advised to file a formal complaint           for use by SARS customs officials at
They would have bombed the railways          via email to                border posts, was it in fact used there?
leading to Birkenau… just once?”             and for a refund of
                                                                                                 Was it used legally to intercept
  The moral of my story: If you are          the amounts illegally debited to my
                                                                                               private conversations; ie, did the users
a South African and you support our          account, which I did on 21 February.
rights guaranteed by the Constitution,         I have traversed the debits in
                                                                                               have the necessary warrants? Was
such as to Freedom of Speech and             respect of the relevant cell number               this the same equipment that was
Lawful Action that are threatened by         and compiled a detailed list of all those         used to “bug” the NPA offices? What
certain Banks and Lawyers, then you          amounts illegally recovered from my               equipment was used to record the now
cannot, at the same time be a client         account, which I forwarded to those               notorious “spy tapes”? – Ed.
of those Banks or those Lawyers. You         Waspa addresses, together with my
can’t say you did not know.                  request for a refund in the amount of             n NOSEWEEK, YOU HAVE BEEN WELL
  “We must always take sides.” Choose,       R12,768.52. Both emails were returned             and truly suckered. What a load of
are you for Nedbank and its lawyers          “undeliverable”. Subsequent to the last           bollocks.
or are you for the Constitution, Mrs         date listed, I established that a further                              Michael MacCarthy
Brakspear – and Noseweek?                    R144.99 was debited to my March                                                  Rooi Els
                         Atholl Canterbury   account, despite the SMS instruction to           We were not “suckered” by anyone.
                                    Durban   delete all content services.                      Noseweek chanced upon copies of
                                               Kindly forward the contact details of           the 2015 disciplinary hearing charge
Over-rated Joburg advocates                  any Vodacom directors that you have,              sheets in a bundle of documents
                                             so that I can refute the fraudulent               “discovered” (handed over) by SARS
THESE LAWYERS ARE THE CLASS OF PEOPLE        charges debited to my account. I have             in another, unrelated criminal trial
I hope never to have to deal with or         every intention of proceeding against             we are investigating.
employ; they are totally disgusting. I       them to recover my losses and thus be             Whether the charges contained
comment as a graduate, professional          of assistance to those who have suffered          in them are valid or spy-inspired
mechanical and aeronautical engineer         the effects of this organised fraud.              malicious invention, they provide
with local and international qualifi-                                      Ferdie Ziondagh
                                                                                               interesting context for the criminal
cations plus 50 years’ international                                               Attorney
                                                                                               charges recently brought against Ivan
professional experience, who charges                                                Pretoria
absolutely nothing like those ridiculous     We have had a call from Vodacom’s
                                                                                               Pillay, Johann van Loggerenberg
rates charged by the lawyers whose           PRO pleading with us to remove the                and Andries “Skollie” Janse van
sense of self-importance leads them          telephone number of their CEO Mr Saki             Rensburg. As simple as that: no plot,
to “over-rate” themselves. Reasonable        Makozoma from our website as he was               no conspiracy.
rates lead to good relationships with        being overwhelmed by complainants’                  What has me intrigued, however,
my clients – and to future business.         calls. It’s still there if you need it. – Ed.     is Van Loggerenberg’s claim that
                           Bruce Prescott                                                      he resigned rather than defend the
                                   Benoni    Last Word in laughter                             disciplinary because it “would have
                                                                                               the unintended consequence of also
Vodacom thieving (continued)                 HA HA HA! THE LAST WORD BY HAROLD...              exposing other aspects concerning the
                                             Drop dead funny, I could hardly finish            state not relevant to my matter”.
I HAVE ENJOYED THE SERVICES OF               reading, I laughed so much... Eish, die             He added that a senior State
Vodacom for many years. Only                 madala!                                           Security Agency representative he had
recently, after reading about the                                       Mosa Damane            consulted felt the country “couldn’t
problem in Noseweek, did I notice                                     Sydney, Australia        afford more scandals”. What was
that in respect of my cell phone                                                               that all about? What serious state
substantial amounts, reflected as            Those SARS ‘rogue unit’ charges                   scandal/scandals is he hiding?
“Content Services”, have been debited                                                            Was that comment a loaded threat
to my account.                               THE “SUPER-SECRET EQUIPMENT”                      to his bosses and the prosecuting
  These are apparently debited in            referred to in the 2015 charge sheets             authorities? There is a great deal
respect of unlawful data charges gener-      as having been acquired illegally by              more to this story than meets the eye.
ated by unknown entities identified as:      the SARS “rogue unit” is a farce – all            See page 6 – Ed.

NOSEWEEK June 2018                                                                                                                       5
Cadiz chairman calls Investec CEO a thief and a QwaQwa k *r
Dark secrets haunt ex-SARS man
                          A disturbing exchange on Noseweek’s Facebook page
AFTER READING ROGUE BY JOHANN VAN                   But it made me think back to those        innocent people (and guilty ones), and
Loggerenberg and The President’s                 days: how ignorant we were about what        the state – and that I’d have to leave my
Keepers by Jacques Pauw, it is clear             precisely was unfolding; how battered        employ in any event on the basis of no
that the so-called “rogue unit” had              and bruised I was; muzzled and unable        trust.
substantial successes, especially against        to defend myself against the media              I asked to sleep on it. I was told, in
organised crime. This is highlighted in          onslaught; the realisation that even if I    any event, since I made some internal
both Angelique Serrao’s book Krejcir:            did win, my “new” employer [new SARS         disclosures to this effect, and to the
Business as Usual and in Mandy                   Commissioner Tom Moyane]had made it          Hawks, and SSA and Inspector-General
Wiener’s latest book, Ministry of Crime.         clear I was unwanted; and not trusted;       of Intelligence, those dastardly issues
It was thanks to this unit, and a state-         losing my dad; worrying about my             would be dealt with (which they ulti-
ment by Van Loggerenberg, that Krejcir           mom’s health. Other issues included my       mately never were, but I couldn’t have
was finally brought down.                        concern about potential harm to ongoing      forseen this).
   I tweeted in 2013, 2016 and again in          investigations; not being heard or given        So I slept on it, consulted with high
2018 commending SARS for their role              a right of reply by no fewer than three      office, and someone whom I trust implic-
as well as that of Van Loggerenberg and          “panels”; an audit firm ignoring me once     itly, and then made the decision that I
Paul O’Sullivan. (I have had personal            again and my being denied access to          wasn’t going to do so, on account of the
differences with both these men but              their “reports” yet which were leaked to     harm that would follow.
I have never hesitated to give credit            the media.                                      It was time to hang up my hat, and go.
where credit is due.)                               I remembered how puzzled both I and       Which is exactly what I did. My letter of
   Getting back to the Noseweek story,           the intelligence official I consulted were   resignation specifically deals with this
it is in the public interest to be told all      at the “disciplinary charges”. Effectively   issue in so many words.
versions of events available – especially        they contained verbatim extracts from           I also, as strange as it may seem, did
relating to such a high-profile case.            my own whistleblower report. I can           not seek to embarrass the crooked spook
The fact that the State is pursuing a            confirm it was made in terms of the          by making public matters of a personal
criminal case against Van Loggerenberg           Protected Disclosures Act and handed         nature, despite the aggression directed
et al under a new president, no longer           to my employer, the Hawks, the State         at me.
fits the narrative of Zuma’s trying to           Security Agency and the Inspector-              I thought I’d maintain the moral high
neutralise specialist investigation units        General of Intelligence.                     ground, take the lessons my parents
and the NPA.                                        I realised, as did he – and I happen to   taught me, to remain a gentleman
   In light of the recent failed prosecu-        have a recording of the discussion – that    regardless of circumstance, and not
tion of Glynnis Breytenbach, it would            I’d have no choice but to enter into the     direct aggression back at this person.
be surprising if the state would pursue          record a complete data dump of three            At the time I honestly believed that
another case involving an ex senior              handsets and a data-cloud given to me        in doing so I would bring calm to my
member of the law-enforcement frater-            by a crooked spook. The dilemma that I       employer, calm to the media storm and
nity and risk of further embarrassment.          struggled with, was that:                    calm to government. I also didn’t wish to
The state must believe that they have a             a) the spook, having denied giving        cause disharmony with certain families
provable case.                                   me this, tried instead to discredit it by    with children, who no doubt would’ve
   The original SARS rogue-unit story            saying I had “unlawfully intercepted”        also suffered as a result of, shall I say,
polarised the media once before and led          it, and challenged me to produce photos      “indiscretions”.
to major embarrassment for a news-               of the handsets and written authority           Sure, I misjudged the entire back-
paper and certain journalists.                   given me (which I can do with ease) and;     story to what was really unfolding. Now,
   Why would Martin Welz run the risk               b) I couldn’t cherry-pick what I          with benefit of hindsight, maybe some
of this same embarrassment? He obvi-             submitted lest it be challenged on that      would argue I shouldn’t have cared,
ously believes in the authenticity of the        basis. I’d have to submit the complete       and gone in guns blazing. But you know
documents he has. Let the court decide           data set.                                    what? If faced with the same choice now,
on the charges brought.                              I really struggled with the thought      knowing much more than what I did
   This is the perfect opportunity for Van       of having to do so at the time, because      then, I’d most likely choose the same
Loggerenberg’s defence to lead evidence          an unintended consequence would have         path. Because of a crooked spook, others
of the entire narrative at play and for          been the exposure of genuine, hard-          shouldn’t be damaged, nor the state and
the court to decide whether or not there         working and honest state-intelligence        its good parts.
was or is a conspiracy.                          officers; some of their work and opera-         So, Mr Thomas, it is a bit more
                               Chad Thomas       tions; their methods; financial aspects of   complicated than what you suggested.
                            IRS Investigations   their work; and their informants. It was     I understand your point. At one level,
                               Johannesburg      among the most difficult decisions I had     yes, you are right. But, at deeper levels,
                                                 to make in my life, under the circum-        it’s a choice I made, and I don’t regret it.
Van Loggerenberg’s reply                         stances, and for reasons totally outside     In any event, the “disciplinary charges”
                                                 my control.                                  were withdrawn. And the “situation”
MY INSTINCTIVE THOUGHT IN REPLY TO CHAD             Collectively, between the state           would have “escalated in the way it
Thomas was to acknowledge the point,             intelligence officer and I, we debated       has” in any event – of that I have no
with the benefit of hindsight. At first          the legalities, the moral and ethical        doubt. And that’s about as much as I’m
glance, it seems a fair point. But some-         dilemma I faced, and the reality that no     prepared to say on this.
times, life isn’t as simple as one would         matter what happened at the intended                           Johann van Loggerenberg
wish it to be. This is a case in point.          disciplinary, harm would be caused to                                        Via Facebook

6                                                                                                                          NOSEWEEK June 2018
Cadiz chairman calls Investec CEO a thief and a QwaQwa k *r

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NOSEWEEK June 2018                                                                                                                7
Cadiz chairman calls Investec CEO a thief and a QwaQwa k *r

                   Martin Welz

                                                                      Who Spilged the beans?
               Assistant Editor
               Jonathan Erasmus
          Special Correspondent
                Jack Lundin
                  Tony Pinchuck

                  Fiona Harrison                                 HE PROCEEDINGS IN       COURT 17 OF THE       Bennett: I must ask your Lordship to
                                                                  South Gauteng High Court in Johan-        declare whether that is in connection with
                                                                  nesburg on 4 May began with a bit         you or not?
      Sibusiso Biyela, Helen Grange,
                                                                  of banter between Judge Brian Spilg,         Judge: No, it is clearly wrong. I am an
Michiel Heyns, Sue Segar, Harold Strachan,
     Anne Susskind, James Watkins
                                                                  and the second accused in the case        up-to-date taxpayer.
                                                          before him, Ms Susan Bennett.                        Bennet: This is from back in 2002 M’Lord.
                 Cartoonists                                 Bennett told the judge she received a call        Judge: It would never be. My tax affairs
              Stacey Stent, Dr Jack                       from a friend asking if she had seen an article   are up to date. I have never done any side
                   Accounts                               in the “current [May] Noseweek” – a maga-         deals with anybody or asked for anything
             Nicci van Doesburgh                          zine, she pointed out, that she does not read.    …In fact I get angry because, despite being                               Judge Spilg: I am not prepared to disclose     given documentation, they take over a year at
                 Subscriptions                            when I last read Noseweek , but it was a long     times to refund me; my refunds are generally
                  Maud August                             time ago. And I did enjoy them…                   over R100,000-a-year since becoming a judge.
                                Bennett: Well I never subscribed, but I        What year do you say it was?
                  Advertising                             was told on one occasion that it referred to         Bennett: It is just a list generated by SARS,
               021 686 0570                               Mr [Gary] Porritt [her co-accused in the case     listing defaulting taxpayers, and at the top of
                              before court] as ‘Horrid Mr Porritt’ [nose65],    the list is Dave King for a huge amount. [She
                                                          so I refused to buy them.                         goes on to explain that she had appended the
   All material in this issue is copyright, and belongs      Spilg: Their rhyming skills seem to have       list to her early affidavits as it evidenced the
  to Chaucer Publications (Pty) Ltd, unless otherwise     left them.                                        tax debt of another person featuring in their
   indicated. No part of the material may be quoted,         Then the banter was over and Bennett           case: Gavin Varejes, who was number 3 on the
     photocopied, reproduced or be stored by any
                                                          moved on to the more “difficult” matter           list.]
  electronic system without prior written permission.
 Disclaimer: While every reasonable effort is taken to    arising from a Noseweek article that had been        Judge: Where do I appear?
ensure the accuracy and soundness of the contents of      brought to her attention. She felt it was only       Bennett: No. 30 on the list is B S Spilg.
this publication, neither the authors nor the publisher   fair to also bring it to the judge’s attention.      Judge: B S Spilg? Well that is my initials,
  will bear any responsibility for the consequences of
 any actions based on information contained. Printed
                                                             Bennett: They printed an article which         that is me.
    and Published by Chaucer Publications (Pty) Ltd.      referred to an affidavit I had put up many           Bennett: Yes, M’Lord.
                                                          years ago to [then head of the NPA] Advocate
                                                          Vusi Pikoli – it has appeared in various
                                                          court papers since then. It had a list of SARS
                                                          defaulters or taxpayers [attached to it]. You
                                                          might recall having seen it in the [document]
                                                          bundle that has [also] been placed before you.
                                                             Judge: I have seen something that identi-
                                                          fied a number of persons. I did not think it
                                                          came from Noseweek. Carry on.
       SUBSCRIPTION RATES                                    Bennett: They printed an article that
                  Print                                   referred to my affidavit and they printed
                                                          excerpts from the SARS list attached to it. I
SA only                                         R420
                                                          have brought a copy with me.
Neighbouring states (airmail)                   R620
Europe, Americas and Australasia                R760
                                                             Judge: Do you want me to see it?
                                                             Bennett: I do want you to see it, M’Lord,
            Internet edition
1 year                                          R305
                                                          because of something that I have never
                                                          noticed before. It was pointed out to me
                                                          when I received this phone call that the list
Print+Internet (SA only)                        R520      reflected … is reported to be a tax defaulter
              To subscribe                                with R3.661 million. It says B S Spilg.
By phone (021) 686 0570                                      Spilg: For how much?
Online (pay by credit card):                                 Bennett: R3.661 million. I believe …I do                                        not know how many other B S Spilgs there
Email                                 are, but I believe I should bring it to Your
                                                          Lordship’s attention. I have got a copy of the
(Note: cheques no longer accepted)                        Noseweek for your Lordship.
                                                             Judge: I am totally unaware of that.
           Further information
Call (021) 686 0570; fax 021 686 0573 or
Cadiz chairman calls Investec CEO a thief and a QwaQwa k *r
Judge: I think it is time to make          Coetzee: I understand, but all I           it? It could have been done in my cham-
inquiries then. It could explain why it     can say is the document was unlaw-           bers… You know, the press, they are
takes so long for me to get refunds.        fully obtained and disseminated by Ms        here.
   Bennett: It could do, yes.               Bennett, not our revenue authorities.           l Which leaves it to Noseweek to pose
   Judge: Okay, but thank you, I appre-     [How Bennett obtained the document           the question: How did Judge Spilg’s
ciate that.                                 is explained in the “Naughty List” story     name appear as No. 30 on SARS’s
   Shortly before the court adjourned,      in nose223.] I will bring it to the atten-   internal list of its top 200 debtors? And
later that day, Judge Spilg returned to     tion of SARS’s legal section and tell        how was it “sorted out”?
the matter of the SARS list that had        them they must have a representative            l Come Wednesday, no representa-
appeared in Noseweek.                       present on Wednesday.                        tive from SARS arrived to testify.
   Judge: It has been raised in open          Judge: If it is in the public domain       Instead the Judge announced that
court that I am supposed to be some         SARS must sort it out publicly. Do you       there was no need. No explanation was
defaulter in SARS’s list, and [addressing   follow where it leads to? It leads to a      required of Ms Bennett.
the lead prosecutor, Advocate Etienne       suggestion that somewhere or another            l Noseweek had not identified Judge
Coetzee SC] since you are representing      my tax affairs were compromised to a         Spilg’s name on the list when we
SARS, I want to know by Wednesday           point where I cannot deal properly with      published it and have a reader to thank
next week: am I on a list, or am I not on   a matter where SARS itself has laid          for bringing it to our attention.
a list, and I want it in open court.        significant charges of tax avoidance.           l Gary Porritt was arrested on 14
   Coetzee: M’Lord, we are not repre-         Coetzee: The way I understand it,          December 2002; it took the state until
senting SARS…                               [the list] has got to do with outstanding    29 July 2005 to produce an indictment.
   Judge: You are getting paid by them.     tax debts, and nothing else.                 The case was transferred from the
Ms Bennett raises things for a reason.        But be that as it may, SARS must           magistrate’s court to the high court in
That reason may well be that somehow        satisfy Your Lordship as to why…             2006. The next ten years passed with
or another I may be compromised. How          Judge: …(a) my tax affairs are in          a few procedural applications and
did my name come up in the public           order and (b) that at no stage have I        endless postponements, most of them
domain? […]                                 sought to compromise any tax issue           requested by the state prosecutors.
   Bennett: [The list] is an attachment     between SARS and myself in any way           The actual trial began on 5 September
to an affidavit I did, I think in 2007      other than an open way.                      2016. Sixteen years down the line, the
or earlier, at the request of Advocate        Ms Bennett, you will need to explain       case is not nearly done. Noseweek has
Pikoli…                                     why you did this in open court.              launched a major investigation into the
   Judge: Well, I am not sure I can           Bennett: M’Lord?                           conduct of the case, and SARS’s role in
proceed with a matter of this nature          Judge: Whether there is a motive to        it. We will report fully in due course. n
if there is a suggestion …either some-
thing in my tax is compromised or not.
I need that clarified by Wednesday. As

far as I am concerned my tax is up to
date and at no stage have I ever been
in a situation where a figure of that
nature was ever an issue. Whether it is
false information that is being spread
or not, I need that sorted by Wednesday.
   Coetzee: M’Lord, we will bring it to
SARS’s attention but with the limited
facts that I am aware of, that internal
SARS document was never meant for
public dissemination. It is a document
that was unlawfully obtained from
SARS’s records and attached…
   Judge: It is in the public domain.
   Coetzee: I am not disputing that
   Judge: Well then I need that thing
sorted out. I am not going to proceed in
a matter where SARS contends that I
at some stage owed them R3.5 million.
And that has not been resolved[…] Do
you not see what the potential is?
   Coetzee: M’Lord if I could just
address you …
   Judge: Yes, sure, but you can see how
upset it makes me now.

NOSEWEEK June 2018                                                                                                               9
Cadiz chairman calls Investec CEO a thief and a QwaQwa k *r
Notes & Updates
If it smells of state capture...

         It took me almost four months,
         and two rounds in the Small
         Claims Court to get paid
         R5,500 by Denel contractor
Yaha Designs for the editorial work
I did for the March edition of Denel’s
monthly newsletter.
   Yaha Designs is a “PR media rela-
tions” company that Denel contracted
at the end of last year to produce their
newsletters, although it’s immediately
apparent from its website, www.yaha., that their only real offering is
litho and digital printing, which in any
event, is outsourced.
   Nomsa Humphrey and Prudence
Mnusi from Yaha Designs contacted
me in December, having been referred
to me by a newspaper colleague, to
edit and write for the December
edition of the Denel newsletter. The
deadline was ridiculously tight – three
days – and against my better judgment,      including most of my ghost editorial for       IF YOU RENT PROPERTY
I agreed to do it.                          Qinga. He also established that Yaha
   My price was beaten down by              Designs had already been paid R40,000          KEEP THIS NUMBER
Humphrey to a nominal R5,500 per            by Denel for this newsletter. “The court
newsletter, and I managed to deliver all    finds little difficulty finding in favour of   I CAN HELP YOU WITH
Denel’s edited content in time, together
with the ghostwritten editorials for
                                            the plaintiff,” said the commissioner.
                                              Not to be kowtowed by a mere court
                                                                                             PROBLEM TENANTS
Denel Group CEO Zwelakhe Ntshepe            ruling to pay me, however, Humphrey            I CAN ASSIST YOU WITH THE
and for Vuyelwa Qinga, Denel’s group        simply defied it. Thus I applied to the
executive of communications and public      SCC for a warrant of execution, and
                                                                                           RENTAL HOUSING TRIBUNAL
affairs. The newsletter was published,      also emailed Black Umbrellas, a PPP
                                            “incubation” project to develop black
                                                                                           IF YOU DON’T NEED ME NOW,
and all was well, until work started for
the next newsletter.                        entrepreneurs. Yaha Designs is on their              YOU WILL LATER
   As before, I edited and delivered all    programme.
content sent to me by Denel group’s           I asked Black Umbrellas’ regional             JOHN: 082 901 0824
internal communication specialist           manager, Mzingaya Kahla, how its
Adelaide Rabotho, and ghostwrote            incubatees are screened, and he
Qinga’s editorial. Ntshepe’s edito-         responded: “We run a paid incubation
rial just needed editing this time. But     programme where clients pay to utilise
on inquiring about the status of the        our services. We run credit and criminal
newsletter, I was simply informed by        checks on all our clients to ensure they
Humphrey that the “client doesn’t like      are law-abiding citizens. We however do
the writing”, with no further explana-      not form part of their business dealings
tion. In a phone call a few days later, I   as they are independent entities and
was bluntly told by her sidekick Mnusi,     we only provide them with business
that I would not be paid.                   support services.”
   I lodged a complaint at the Small          Nonetheless, Kahla called Humphrey
Claims Court, and at the second hearing     and Mnusi asking them to explain them-
on April 18, the court commissioner was     selves, and ten minutes later I received
presented with the published version of     a notification of payment for the work I
the March newsletter. It didn’t take him    did for them. Note to self: if it’s tainted
long to realise that my edited work had     by state capture, even by extension,
been published virtually unchanged,         don’t touch it! – Helen Grange

NOSEWEEK June 2018                                                                                              11
Dirty tricks to discredit me,
says key witness against Zuma
Forensic auditor claims that despite KPMG apology there is
good evidence that SARS rogue unit did exist

       SENIOR   FINANCIAL   INVESTIGATOR   thing, to get me out of the prosecution
        lined up to be a key pros-         of Zuma,” he told them. Van der Walt,
        ecution witness in the state’s     who resigned from KPMG in January
        forthcoming corruption trial       2017, does not deny saying this, but
        against     former    President    refuses to repeat or elaborate on his
Jacob Zuma believes there is a politi-     fears to Noseweek. He declines to be
cal campaign under way to discredit        interviewed.
him and get him off the case.                Zuma’s next appearance in Durban’s
   The investigator is forensic auditor    High Court is provisionally set for 8
Johan van der Walt, the highly-            June. Van der Walt met state pros-
regarded former KPMG partner who           ecutor Billy Downer last month to
led the 30-strong KPMG South Africa        review the      evidence against the
team which concluded that an illegal,      former president.
covert and rogue intelligence unit had       So what do we make of this new
operated within the South African          Byzantine twist to the Zuma and
Revenue Service.                           SARS rogue unit stories? A review
   Last September KPMG Inter-              of the available evidence suggests
national sensationally ordered the         that Van der Walt is in all probability
withdrawal of the report’s findings        correct.
and conclusions and in the aftermath,        His meeting with prosecutor
nine of the firm’s senior South African    Downer came within days of the publi-
executives, including CEO Trevor           cation of nose223, which recounted a
Hoole and head of forensics Herman         host of covert intelligence operations
de Beer, were forced to resign.            conducted by the so-called rogue
   Van der Walt is also the author of      unit outside the legal framework
an earlier 2005 KPMG report commis-        and in violation of the SARS Code
sioned by the state into the nub of the    of Conduct. Noseweek’s report was
pending case against Jacob Zuma – 783      based on SARS’s 2015 disciplinary
alleged payments to the former presi-      charge sheets against two suspended
dent that were handled by Schabir          employees, investigative unit manager
Shaik, the businessman who acted           Johann van Loggerenberg and his
as Zuma’s financial adviser. Most of       superior, Deputy Commissioner Ivan
these funds ultimately emanated from       Pillay.                                    Forensic auditor Johan van der Walt
foreign companies associated with the        Both Pillay and Van Loggerenberg
arms deals concluded by the govern-        resigned on the eve of their discipli-
ment in 1999. Zuma is accused of illic-    nary hearings; Van Loggerenberg’s         the contents in February 2015.
itly pocketing a total of R4,072,499       had been scheduled for 27 January            Noseweek has been unable to estab-
from these payments.                       2015, Pillay’s a month later, on 26       lish whether the charges against
   Van der Walt has told friends that      February – so the allegations in the      Van Loggerenberg were also previ-
the ongoing rubbishing of his KPMG         confidential charge sheets were never     ously published. However, when he
report into the SARS unit is deliberate    tested. The list of 10 charges against    resigned, Van Loggerenberg and SARS
– and designed to discredit him as a       Pillay was leaked at the time to the      said in separate statements that the
prosecution witness. “It’s a political     Sunday Independent, which splashed        parting of the ways was amicable.

“Van Loggerenberg has served SARS                                                       with sufficient budget to cater for all
for a period of over 16 years, a degree                                                 litigation”, ran Steven Motale’s story.
of loyalty SARS appreciates,” said the                                                  Confronted at the time, Gordhan
revenue service.                                                                        denied playing any role in the book.
  Van Loggerenberg’s statement said
that his resignation was done in good
                                                 Van der Walt has                       Pillay said: “I do not and did not have
                                                                                        contact with the author. I am not
faith and in the best interest of SARS                                                  aware of how the author got his infor-
and the country. Recent disclosures            told friends that the                    mation.” Van Loggerenberg’s lawyer
by Van Loggerenberg about a confi-                                                      said his client considered allegations
dential “whistleblower’s” report he
compiled and submitted to his bosses           ongoing rubbishing                       against him “false, malicious, spurious
                                                                                        and defamatory”.
(see Letters on page 6) suggest that                                                       According to the Sunday Indepen-
much more was at stake which both
parties preferred to keep under wraps.          of his KPMG report                      dent, those who have so far instituted
                                                                                        legal action against Pauw for his
  Some of the nine charges against                                                      book are former intelligence opera-
Van Loggerenberg, a one-time deep
cover spy – Agent RS536 – in the                into the SARS unit                      tive George Darmanovich (who has
                                                                                        described Pauw as “a serial liar”) and
police’s Organised Crime Intelligence                                                   the family of State Security Agency
Unit, concerned his relationship with
Belinda Walter, an attorney and secret
                                                   is designed to                       Director-General Arthur Fraser.
                                                                                           In December 2015 the Press
agent of the State Security Agency,                                                     Ombudsman ordered The Sunday
who was chairperson of the Fair-Trade
Independent Tobacco Association.
                                                 discredit him as a                     Times to retract its repeated stories
                                                                                        suggesting that there had been an
  “I acknowledge that I erred in                                                        illegally-established “rogue” unit at
personal judgment concerning a
matter in my private life and that
                                               prosecution witness                      SARS, and to apologise to Pillay and
                                                                                        Van Loggerenberg.
this led to unforeseen consequences                                                        In his 92-page complaint to the
that were outside my control,” read                                                     Press Ombudsman, Van Loggerenberg
Van Loggerenberg’s public statement                                                     claimed that the investigation
issued at the time of his resignation.       of journalism I have encountered in        processes (against him) at SARS were
He apologised to SARS, its employees         my life”. He insisted that “there was      flawed and he had no opportunity to
and the country.                             nothing secret about the unit and          put his side of the case.
  The introduction to the nose223            members were treated like ordinary            The ombudsman’s panel concluded
story described Van Loggerenberg as          SARS personnel”.                           that The Sunday Times reportage
one of two architects of the special           Why the vehemence? A journal-            “has unnecessarily tarnished Van
investigative unit when it was formed        ist’s sources are, of course, sacrosanct   Loggerenberg’s dignity and reputa-
in 2007. Although his internal charge        and in the normal course it would          tion”. To rub it in, after publication
sheet states that he was involved in         be improper to inquire where Pauw          of The President’s Keepers last year
the management of covert intelligence        picked up his inside information that      Pauw publicly blasted Sunday Times
operations since “about April 2007”,         vindicated Pillay, Van Loggerenberg &      reporter Stephan Hofstatter on Radio
Van Loggerenberg only became head            Co. When The President’s Keepers was       702 for “not checking his sources”.
of the controversial unit the following      launched in Cape Town last December           Pauw lives in Riebeek Kasteel in
year, when he took over from Andries         the Sunday Independent reported that       the Western Cape, where he runs a
“Skollie” Janse van Rensburg.                Pauw had had no intention to write         restaurant called the Red Tin Roof.
  Especially incensed by our report          the book until he was approached by        Former spook Van Loggerenberg has
is Jacques Pauw, author of The               an influential group led by former         a house nearby and the pair are close.
President’s Keepers, who insists in his      finance minister Pravin Gordhan. And          Despite abject apologies by KPMG
recent book that there had never been        the newspaper said that “impeccable        to SARS and the refund of the R23m
a “rogue” unit in SARS. Pauw tells us        sources” had told them the book came       it received for its now-denigrated and
he has an interest because our report        about after several meetings between       “withdrawn” report, feelings still run
in nose223 “directly rebuts the facts        Pauw and Gordhan, former intelli-          high within the KPMG team that
in my book” [Pauw’s book was not at          gence head Mo Shaik and, yes, Ivan         conducted the audit. There is ample
issue; we simply published what was          Pillay and Johann van Loggerenberg.        convincing evidence, they say, in the
stated in the charge sheets, for better or   “Sources say virtually all informa-        850,000 emails and 1.36m documents
for worse. – Ed.]                            tion regarding affairs at SARS was         they scrutinised over 13 months, that
  Ignoring the fact that the Noseweek        provided by Gordhan, Pillay and Van        SARS had indeed harboured an illegal
article merely lays out SARS’s 2015          Loggerenberg,” reported the news-          spy unit.
internal charges against Pillay and          paper.                                        “The documents are all there, on
Van Loggerenberg, Pauw said our story          When Pauw expressed concern at           the machines at KPMG,” says one
was “riddled with factual mistakes”          possible lawsuits, “he was given the       team member, who has since left
and was “probably the worst piece            assurance that he would be provided        the firm. “Because of confidence and

NOSEWEEK June 2018                                                                                                           13
privacy etc we weren’t allowed to take                                               alleged ‘rogue’ unit had catastrophic
anything with us. But if there are legal                                             consequences. Almost the entire top
processes we can get access to them,
on discovery.”                                  Van der Walt urged                   executive at the revenue service was
                                                                                     purged as a result.”
  Although the audit team leader                                                       The document records some of the
Johan van der Walt refuses to speak
to Noseweek, we have established that
                                                  a New York Times                   findings of the forensic report:
                                                                                       • “Under the guidance of Ivan
last month a reporter for the New York                                               Pillay, a covert and rogue intelligence
Times called him, keen to unravel the
SARS rogue unit riddle. Nose223 had
                                                 journalist to read                  unit in contravention of the rule of law
                                                                                     was established in SARS.
just hit the streets and Van der Walt                                                  • “We found no evidence that
told the journalist he couldn’t oblige,
but urged him to read Noseweek’s
                                                Noseweek’s article,                  [Pravin] Gordhan was informed about
                                                                                     the existence of the unit. However,
article, which he told the reporter is                                               considering his position as Accounting
“one of the most accurate, in my view,
because it’s based on fact, as opposed
                                                 which he told the                   Officer, it is reasonable to expect that
                                                                                     he ought to have known. This aspect

                                                 reporter is ‘one of
to the rest of the press that is lopsided                                            requires further investigation.
towards a narrative that my report                                                     • “The members of the ‘rogue’ unit
was used to fire people.”                                                            had exited SARS before the comple-
  In recent developments, Auditor-
General Kimi Makwetu has ordered                the most accurate,                   tion of the first draft KPMG report.
                                                                                       • “KPMG did not intend to provide
the termination of all government                                                    legal advice as that did not form part
contracts with KPMG. Sasfin and
Barclays Africa are among the host             in my view, because                   of the scope of our agreement. It is
                                                                                     suggested that our recommendations,
of other clients who have abandoned                                                  insofar as it may be construed to be
the auditing giant. One member of the
KPMG team on the rogue unit project
                                                 it’s based on fact’                 legal advice, be considered by the
                                                                                     SARS legal advisers.”
believes that the exodus and threat                                                    The confidential document points out
to the future of KPMG South Africa                                                   that KPMG International concluded
following the debacle is “unfair, but       with regard to certain internal and      that there had been inadequate risk
our leaders played the wrong game”.         risk management processes, and           oversight, and specifically that their
He said, “As opposed to doing their jobs    partly to KPMG International not         standards required a second partner
and the right thing, they apologised to     having adequately reviewed the perti-    to review the work done; however, the
people they didn’t owe an apology, and      nent facts,” it begins.                  final “deliverable” was not subjected to
withdrew bits of the report that put          The author points out: “None of        second-partner review.
Pravin Gordhan in a bad light.”             the factual findings contained in the      Response: “The assignment was
  A confidential note by one of the         report have been withdrawn or called     always on the agenda of the Risk
senior auditors involved lists their        into question. And the factually inac-   Oversight Committee. Initially its risk
bosses’ failings: “The so-called ‘with-     curate narrative regarding the SARS      rating was a 1. During the course of
drawal’ of aspects of the SARS report       investigation continues to do the        the assignment JvdW (Johan van der
by KPMG International seem to relate        rounds in the media.” The document       Walt) raised this to a 3, due to the
to differences in approach between          quotes from a piece in Daily Maverick:   contentious subject matter.
KPMG SA and KPMG International              “After all, the KPMG report into an        “The SARS report was the subject of

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                                                                                             is read
                                                                                           by 40,000
                                                                                          people each
                     Former SARS investigator Johann van Loggerenberg

Risk Oversight Meetings and was inter-
nally reviewed by senior KPMG part-
ners independent from the investigation
                                              resulted in the dismissal of senior SARS
                                                • Failing to challenge the legitimacy/
on an on-going basis. A second reviewing      authenticity of the “leaked” executive
partner (head of forensics Herman             summary;
de Beer) was formally appointed. The            • For falsely alleging that no second
reports were made available to De Beer,       partner reviewer was appointed and
and after required changes had been           that the report was not subject to risk
discussed these were signed off by him.       oversight;
KPMG, including the then CEO, Trevor            • For falsely alleging that the
Hoole, publicly defended the report.”         increased risks had not been appreci-
  The document points out that on             ated, when the risk rating of the project
completion, the project was subjected to      had in fact been raised;
a Quality Performance Review overseen           • For falsely alleging that inappro-
by a non-local reviewing partner and          priate legal opinions had been provided
reviewed both as regards content and          and made no reference to the report’s
process.                                      specific disclaimers and caveats in the
  “The project received a Green review        report;
rating. A Green QPR rating would not            • For stating in the context of the
have been possible if there had not been      SARS report, that JvdW (Johan van
an adequate second partner review and/        der Walt) was “no longer with the firm”,
or other risk management shortcom-
  The author hits back at KPMG SA
                                              thereby intentionally creating the
                                              impression that his resignation (on 10
                                              January 2017) was related to the report;
                                                                                          To advertise
and KPMG International’s joint “desire          • For meeting/apologising to then
to undermine its auditors’ report and         finance minister Gordhan, deputy
factual findings” by:
  • Failing to refute the “cut and paste”
                                              minister Mcebisi Jonas and senior
                                              SARS ex-officials, given that the report    contact Nicci
allegations regarding the draft report        did not implicate Gordhan or Jonas in
and to refute that its findings were          the activities of the rogue unit and the
dictated by the SARS lawyers;                 officials resigned of their own accord
  • Failing to refute allegations that
its team’s report found complicity on
                                              before KPMG produced any findings.
                                                l Readers can find the full 2015 SARS
                                                                                          021 686 0570.
the part of, and thereby compromising,        disciplinary charge sheets against Pillay
Minister Gordhan;                             and Van Loggerenberg on Noseweek’s
  • Failing to refute that the report         website. n

NOSEWEEK June 2018                                                                                     15
The Crocodile’s
QwaQwa kerfuffle
 Cadiz chairman calls Investec CEO a thief and QwaQwa k****r
 for allegedly misappropriating shares worth R46m. Investec man
 counters, claiming his Cadiz colleague stole R1.9m dividend and
 charges him with crimen injuria. By Jonathan Erasmus

    Titi is being accused by a former
    Robben Island political prisoner
    of scamming him out of his lucra-
    tive multi-million-rand shares in
three thriving FM radio stations.
  So bitter is the dispute between the
Investec boss and his old struggle-
veteran friend Peter-Paul Ngwenya –
who is today an influential company
director – that it has found its way
into the Randburg criminal court
where legal history, regardless of the
findings, will be made in a case of
crimen injuria (criminal libel).
  Fani Titi is reportedly one of the
most searched people on Bloomberg.
The FM called him “a corporate
kingpin with a Midas touch” .
  Ngwenya, who is described as
“a sophisticated businessman,” is
chairman/director of Cadiz Asset
Management,         Cadiz    Corporate
Solutions, Airlink Ltd, Alumicor
SA, Realm Resources and Hulamin
Limited. If he is found guilty, it would
be the first case of a black man being
convicted for using an actionable
racist word against a fellow black                     Cadiz’s Peter-Paul Ngwenya (left) and Investec’s Fani Titi
man. Judgment in the case is expected
in June.
  So committed is the new Investec         Congress of the People (Cope) leader      You chose a wrong Bantustan man
boss Titi to getting a conviction that     Mosiuoa Lekota. How it got to this is,    (meaning Titi). He misled you. You
he has employed advocate Barry Roux        on the surface, straightforward. On 22    will bleed you are a bloody SWINE!
SC to be on a watching brief.              June 2016 Ngwenya mistakenly sent         Sue me, I will appreciate it. He is as
  Ngwenya, whose name means                an SMS to his friend Titi instead of      greedy as you. You are a fool to be
crocodile in Zulu, and Titi have been      the intended recipient, Titi’s second-    used by a Qwaqwa k***** [Noseweek’s
friends for 20 years, having met           in-charge Aqueel Patel. It read:          asterisks]. You bloody GREEDY racis!
through their common acquaintance,           “You bloody swine of a racist.          You will very soon know what you

are dealing with. I call you a FART!
You have to have an MAKANA Radio
board meeting. You Bantustan boss
                                             Is it a crime for a black person to use the k-word?
tells me to challenge him and he will
see his MOTHER! You are FUCKING              IT WOULD BE A LEGAL FIRST IF THE         with under the crimen injuria law.
THIEVES! SUE ME! (all sic.)”                 Randburg Magistrate’s Court were           According to the Wits Justice
  Titi applied for an interim protec-        to convict Peter-Paul Ngwenya of         Project “crimen injuria refers to
tion order in July 2016 and obtained         crimen injuria for sending an SMS        a deliberate injury to another’s
the final protection order against           to his estranged business partner        dignity by using racially offensive
Ngwenya in October that year. Titi           Investic CEO Fani Titi, calling him      or obscene language or gestures”.
had painstakingly pointed out that           a “Qwaqwa k****r”.                         South African law technically
“the plural FUCKING THIEVES” was               Use of the k-word is not illegal       knows no colour, but context is key.
in reference to both him and Patel and       but it is categorised as hate speech.    Ngwenya intended to be offensive
the reference to his late mother was a       The first legal question is: can it be   towards Titi. So the second legal
death threat. He admitted it all had to      deemed hate speech if uttered by         question is; was he being racist?
do with a “commercial dispute”.              one black person to another?               The judgment will be signifi-
  Noticeably, in the protection order          South Africa’s proposed hate           cant. Legal history was made in
application the “Qwaqwa” part was            speech bill (nose208), would have        March when Vicki Momberg was
merely mentioned in passing. He              seen Ngwenya go to jail. So draco-       sentenced to an effective two years
sought the protection order in view          nian is the proposed bill, that          in prison for verbally abusing a
of the “deadly attack threatened…            merely calling someone a mompara         black police officer and some call-
[which] can take place at any time and       could land you behind bars.              centre agents by using the k-word
at any place, including my home”.              Currently hate speech is dealt         a total of 48 times. n
  Ngwenya broke the protection order
when he stormed into Titi’s private
office in Sandhurst on 23 November                                                    making him an influential partner.
2016 demanding a dividend be paid                                                       It was correctly presumed that
to him. This resulted in the crim-                                                    Titi, with his connections to Investec,
inal charges being brought in the                                                     would help provide the finance too.
Randburg Magistrate’s Court.                                                          The plan was that they would split the
  But the back story to all of this is                                                stake on offer in Makana Radio, using
contained in several hundred docu-                                                    two special purpose vehicles (SPVs),
ments first filed at the South Gauteng                                                namely Alphabet Street Properties
High Court, Johannesburg, in August                                                   98 (Pty) Ltd – controlled by Titi – and
2017, when a civil case was opened by                                                 Columbia Media (Pty) Ltd – controlled
Titi and associates against Ngwenya.                                                  by Ngwenya. They would do a similar
The reams of documents have been                                                      transaction in acquiring the 50.1%
copied by Noseweek. No court date has                                                 stake in Shanike and both deals
yet been set.                                                                         would become known as the Alphabet
  In 2008 Ngwenya was chairman of                                                     Agreement and Shanike Agreement
the Makana Investment Corporation                                                     respectively.
(MIC) which was set up to help                                                          Because of his conflict-of-interest,
former political prisoners – and in                                                   being chairman of MIC, Ngwenya left
which he has extensive interests in a                                                 the negotiation up to Titi who in turn
range of businesses from shipping to                                                  delegated much of the work to his
asset-management. Early that year                                                     lawyer, Zoe Banchetti, of Tugendhaft
Ngwenya got inside knowledge that                     Mosiuoa Lekota                  Wapnick Banchetti and Partners, who
the investment corporation wanted                                                     helped set up the two SPVs.
to sell its stake in two communication                                                  Ngwenya thought she (Banchetti)
assets. The first was its 33.3% share in   radio stations in the country.             represented both of them, while Titi
Makana Radio Communication (Pty)             Ngwenya approached Titi to see if        saw her as his legal aide. Ngwenya
Ltd which owned Heart FM (Cape             he wanted to come on board as a 50/50      was of the belief that the deal was
Town) and iGagasi FM (Durban);             partner in purchasing these assets.        concluded on 3 April 2008 at a price
the second was its 50.1% stake in a        Titi already owned 33.3% of Makana         of R48.8 million, of which R32.6m was
company called Shanike Investments         Radio through his own company, Tsiya       raised through a loan from Investec.
42 Corporation (Pty) Ltd, referred to      Radio (Pty) Ltd, while his business        The remaining R16.2m had to be
as Shanike, which, among its various       partner Aqueel Patel held a further        raised by both Ngwenya and Titi, split
communication assets, owned a              8.4% on his behalf. The other share-       down the middle.
24.9% stake in Johannesburg’s Kaya         holder was Kagiso Media (Pty) Ltd            Ngwenya, through Columbia Media,
FM which, incidentally, in 2016 was        with 24.9%. Titi had once served as the    borrowed the R8.1m directly from Titi
among the top ten most profitable          founding Chief Executive of Kagiso,        at an interest rate of 20% per annum.

NOSEWEEK June 2018                                                                                                           17
According to Ngwenya, the deal           dend paid by Makana Radio.                going on and was in fact getting legal
was done and dusted. From time to            He started asking questions such as     advice all along from the Makana
time either Titi or Banchetti would        where his cut was. As far as he was       Investment Corporation’s company
send over a driver with documents          concerned all debts were settled, as he   secretary John Nassel-Henderson –
for him to sign – which Ngwenya duly       had received a dividend in December       which Ngwenya also denies.
did without reading them, while the        2013. He claims he then found out           After a series of meetings, email
driver waited. Ngwenya believed he’d       that he was a shareholder of Tsiya        exchanges and swopping of legal docu-
landed a sweet deal, owning consid-        Radio and that the company had sold       ments in mid-2015, Titi said, all trans-
erable stakes in several lucrative,        its stake in Kaya FM for about R62m       actions were “properly authorised and
predominately black-owned radio            in 2011. He said he also found out he     legally executed”.
stations. He thought he owned 16.67%       no longer owned 100% of Columbia            “Columbia chose not to participate
each in iGagasi FM and Heart FM            Media. He asked more questions, such      in the rights issue and Columbia and
and 12.5% in Kaya FM.                      as: why wasn’t he invited to Tsiya        Ngwenya consented to these commer-
  However, the documents he signed –       shareholder meetings; why wasn’t          cial arrangements. It was unam-
and this is key to both Titi’s civil and   he a director at Tsiya; where was         biguously clear... that Ngwenya’s
criminal cases – tell a different story.   his shareholder certificate; and why      [claim that his] economic interest in
  According to Titi the initial Alphabet   didn’t he get his 25% cut in the sale     Columbia was illegally diluted, holds
Agreement did not work because             of Kaya FM?                               no merit.”
Kagiso Media exercised its right to          The reason he did not get a portion       Titi said he and the other share-
block the deal – although, according to    of the R7m, it was now explained, was     holders were prepared to sell back
Ngwenya, they had no reason to do so       because it was used to pay debt. And      their equity in Columbia Media to
as they could not buy the remaining        he now learned that the December          Ngwenya for R4.8m.
stake in Makana Radio due to compe-        2013 dividend he received was in fact       Ngwenya told Noseweek: “Titi told
tition laws.                               not a dividend but a reimbursement of     me about the rights issue in Tsiya but
  So Titi’s lawyer Banchetti devised       an advance he made to Tsiya Radio – a     I just thought I was being told that
a new “elegant” plan. Instead of           claim Ngwenya emphatically denied.        I had an option. At that stage I was
Alphabet and Columbia buying the             The claims of being bamboozled          oblivious to the fact that I, through
Makana Radio stake, Tsiya Radio,           have been rubbished by Titi who said      Columbia, was a shareholder in Tsiya.
which was already a part-owner of          Ngwenya knew exactly what was               In his court papers Ngwenya said:
the asset, would buy it instead and                                                  “There is no conceivable way that, in
Columbia would have a 24.5% share-                                                   addition to the high loan premium
holding in Tsiya Radio. The Shanike                                                  [R8.1m at 20% per annum backed by
Agreement was also altered to allow                                                  solid assets in which Titi already had
Tsiya to hold the 50.1% in Shanike.                                                  his own interest via Tsiya] I would
  Ngwenya claims he knew nothing
about these transactions although he            After the racist                     give away 49% of the equity in my
                                                                                     company”. He added that the provi-
signed the documents.                                                                sions to hand over equity, outlined in
  Key to Ngwenya’s gripe is that Titi
and Banchetti embarked on a clandes-           SMS rant, Lekota                      the signed agreements, were “secreted
                                                                                     in by Banchetti”.
tine process to dilute his stake in the                                                At one stage Titi, realising they
radio assets by misleading him from
as early as April 2008.                        tried to mediate,                     were at an impasse, recommended
                                                                                     the appointment of a forensic auditor
  In Titi’s version, Columbia Media                                                  and a senior counsel or retired judge
not only took an R8.1m loan from him
but also handed him a 49% equity
                                               with little success,                  to review all legal arrangements. He
                                                                                     suggested advocate Vincent Maleka
stake which he later sold parts of to                                                or retired judge Lewis Skweyiya (now
other shareholders between 2011 and
2014, for which Banchetti issued the
                                               except that it was                    deceased).
                                                                                       He also said the entire issue was so
share certificates.                                                                  sour that he was thinking of getting
  A further dilution of shares took
place in 2013 when Tsiya Radio raised
                                               decided Ngwenya                       out of the investment completely.
                                                                                     None of this happened.
a further R21m through a rights issue                                                  Despite all the drama, dividends
picked up by both Titi and Patel’s              would propose a                      kept rolling in to Columbia Media –
                                                                                     at least half a dozen (although some
families, while Titi also sold an 8.5%
stake of Tsiya to Banchetti for R5.2m.
  The net result was that Ngwenya              settlement offer                      are disputed) between 2013 and
                                                                                     November 2016. In total it came to
now owned only 8.35% of Tsiya Radio.                                                 more than R3.5m.
  What sparked his renewed interest                                                    Makana Radio administration staff
in the asset in which he had been an                                                 made all the payments knowingly to
idle partner was when in February                                                    Ngwenya’s personal FNB account. He
2015 he became aware of a R7m divi-                                                  claims he was never contacted by Titi

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