Guide for International Researchers - Welcome to the University of Bonn! - Universität Bonn

Page created by Greg Mclaughlin
Guide for International Researchers - Welcome to the University of Bonn! - Universität Bonn
Guide for
International Researchers

           Welcome to the University of Bonn!
Guide for International Researchers - Welcome to the University of Bonn! - Universität Bonn

Guide for International Researchers

We should like to thank EURAXESS Germany and the German Aerospace Center (DLR)
for their contribution to content.
Guide for International Researchers - Welcome to the University of Bonn! - Universität Bonn
4                                                                                                                                                                   5

                                                                                                  3      University Institutions and Services                  38
    Content                                                                                       3.1    Welcome Center                                        39
                                                                                                  3.2    Family Office                                         40
                                                                                                  3.3    Equal Opportunity Commissioner                        41
    		 Words of Welcome by the Rector of the University of Bonn                               8   3.4    Human Resources Development & Career                  44
    		 Words of Welcome by the Mayor of Bonn                                                 10   3.5    Research Support                                      45
                                                                                                  3.6    University Computer Center                            46
                                                                                                  3.7    Language Courses                                      50
     1     The University of Bonn                                                            12   3.8    Libraries                                             51
                                                                                                  3.9    University Museums                                    54
     1.1   Rooted in the Rhineland – at Home in the World                                    13
                                                                                                  3.10 Culture Forum                                           56
     1.2   Research University Bonn                                                          14
                                                                                                  3.11   University Sports: “Keep Moving!”                     59
     1.3   The University of Bonn – a Global Player                                         16
                                                                                                  3.12 Dining Halls and Cafes                                  60
     1.4   We Didn’t Get Where We Are Today Overnight …                                     18
                                                                                                  3.13 Offers by and for Alumni                                64
     1.5   Rectorate, University Council, Faculties – the Most Important University Bodies   20

     2     Welcome to Bonn                                                                   22   4      A Roadmap for Your Research Visit                     68
                                                                                                  4.1    Checklists                                            69
     2.1   University City with Flair                                                        23
                                                                                                  4.2    Important Documents                                   71
     2.2   Bonn – a City with Many Facets                                                    24
                                                                                                  4.3    EURAXESS – the Network of European Mobility Centers   72
     2.3   A Quick Tour Through History                                                      28
     2.4   Culture and Leisure Opportunities                                                 31
     2.5   Customs and Events                                                                35
                                                                                                  5      Entry and Residence                                   74
                                                                                                  5.1    Visa and Entry                                        75
                                                                                                  5.2    Registering at the Residents’ Registration Office     78
                                                                                                  5.3    Residence Permit                                      79
                                                                                                  5.4    Employment Law Regulations                            81
Guide for International Researchers - Welcome to the University of Bonn! - Universität Bonn
6                                                                                                                                7

    6     Work and Research                                    82    10     Family                                        110
    6.1   Employment Contract or Appointment                    83   10.1   Childcare                                      111
    6.2   Visiting Fellowships                                  84   10.2   Schools                                       112
    6.3   Intellectual and Industrial Property Rights (IPR)    85   10.3   Family Benefits                               114
                                                                     10.4   Employment Opportunities for Partners          117

    7     Housing                                              86
    7.1   The Housing Market in German Cities                   87
                                                                     11     Everyday Life and Useful Information          118
    7.2   Searching for Accommodation                           88   11.1   Doctors and Health                            119
                                                                     11.2   Emergency Telephone Numbers                   121
                                                                     11.3   Banks and “Sparkassen”                        122
    8     Social Security                                      92    11.4   Public Libraries                              123
    8.1   Research Visit Based on an Employment Contract        93   11.5   Mobility and Transport                        124
    8.2   Research Visit Based on a Fellowship                 102   11.6   Radio, Television, Telephone and Internet     127
                                                                     11.7   Religion                                      128
                                                                     11.8   Public Holidays                               129
    9     Taxation                                             104   11.9   Good to Know – A to Z of Useful Information   130

    9.1   Research Visit Based on a Fellowship                 105
    9.2   Research Visit Based on an Employment Contract       106
                                                                     12     Before you leave Germany …                    132
    9.3   Double Taxation Agreements                           107
    9.4   Tax Return                                           108   12.1   Checklist                                     133
    9.5   Church Tax                                           109

                                                                     		     Imprint/Photo Credits                         136
Guide for International Researchers - Welcome to the University of Bonn! - Universität Bonn
8                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   9

                                                                                                                  Both nationally and internationally, the University     I hope that you will soon feel at home in our uni-
                                                                                                                  of Bonn holds a leading position and is renowned        versity community and that you will be able to
                                                                                                                  for excellent research – particularly in the clusters   make excellent progress with your research. You
                                                                                                                  of excellence, Mathematics and ImmunoSensa-             may certainly count on your colleagues at the
                                                                                                                  tion. But it is also a world leader in the natural      institute as well as on direct contact to me and
                                                                                                                  sciences in general. Outstanding researchers work       my team of Deputy Rectors. We want to create
                                                                                                                  in many other fields, as well, and top-class re-        the best possible preconditions for your activities
                                                                                                                  search of this kind thrives on dedicated, curious,      and work together with you to make the University
                                                                                                                  creative people from different countries and cul-       of Bonn a hub for forward-looking research and
                                                                                                                  tures. We are therefore looking very much forward       teaching.
                                                                                                                  to sharing ideas with you and learning about your
                                                                                                                  research results, which bring such dynamism into        Bonn is not only an excellent choice in academic
                                                                                                                  our scientific dialogue and which, I hope, will also    terms, however. The city and the region will cer-
                                                                                                                  inspire you to investigate new questions and ap-        tainly play their part in helping you to settle down
                                                                                                                  proaches in your own personal field.                    quickly. The Rhineland boasts attractive country-
                                                                                                                                                                          side and a vibrant cultural scene. The people of
                                                                                                                  At the University of Bonn, an international ap-         Bonn will welcome you to our cosmopolitan city.
    Welcome to the University of Bonn!                                                                            proach to studying and research is a matter of          Thanks to Bonn’s history as the former capital,
                                                                                                                  course: We cooperate with a host of universities        the wealth of international organizations here –
                                                                                                                  and research institutions around the world, some        particularly the many United Nations institutions –
    I am delighted that you have decided to come to the University of Bonn for your research stay.                13 per cent of our students and 14 per cent of our      and, of course, the uncomplicated, open character      Professor Dr. Michael Hoch
    I hope your time here will be successful from a professional point of view and enriching for you              academic staff come from other countries.               of the local people, you will experience a genuine     Rector of the University of Bonn
    personally!                                                                                                                                                           culture of welcome.

    You will certainly discover ideal conditions here in   stay. It also contains interesting information about                                                           I should thus like to wish you every success for
    Bonn: The Welcome Center will be pleased to help       the City of Bonn with its diverse leisure oppor-                                                               your time at the university and in the Rhineland
    you and your family deal with all organizational       tunities as well as the Bonn/Rhein-Sieg science                                                                with many interesting encounters both in aca-
    matters relating to your stay – even before you ar-    region with its many research institutions and                                                                 demic and personal terms.
    rive in Bonn. This Guide is designed to give you an    science organizations that are closely linked to
    impression of our university and to offer valuable     the university.                                                                                                Sincerely,
    advice on planning and organizing your research
Guide for International Researchers - Welcome to the University of Bonn! - Universität Bonn
10                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            11

                                                                                                              In its role as the German seat of the United Na-        You will find a wealth of useful information
                                                                                                              tions, the second political center in the Federal       on everyday life, events and contact details in
                                                                                                              Republic and a major location of German devel-          Bonn (including the point people at the munici-
                                                                                                              opment cooperation, Bonn has become a pow-              pal administration) on our English website www.
                                                                                                              erhouse of sustainability – which includes a firm This is where you can also
                                                                                                              place for the academe. Bonn hosts the Vice Rec-         register for a newsletter we publish three or four
                                                                                                              torate of the United Nations University in Europe       times a year. And you can take advantage of the
                                                                                                              that also offers a joint Master’s together with the     events announced on and
                                                                                                              University of Bonn. The Center for Development          meet other expats. Delve into our city’s cultural
                                                                                                              Research is the seat of the Right Livelihood Col-       offerings, ranging from the Beethovenfest to the
                                                                                                              lege, as well, and works together with Alternative      ‘Museum Mile’, cabaret and open air events; enjoy
                                                                                                              Nobel Prize winners. Students participate in Model      the leisure opportunities in our beautiful area and
                                                                                                              United Nations simulations.                             make friends with people in Bonn who are famous
                                                                                                                                                                      for that special Rhineland lifestyle!
                                                                                                              BION, the Biodiversity Network Bonn, connects
                                                                                                              biodiversity research across the disciplines – from     We are looking forward to welcoming you and
                                                                                                              the UN to federal authorities, from research in-        wish you all the very best for your stay in Bonn!
                                                                                                              stitutes to commercial enterprises as well as to
                                                                                                              NGOs. Shaping a sustainable future – the motto
                                                                                                              of the United Nations in Bonn – will certainly in-
                                                                                                              fluence your activities as well. I wish you every                                                             Ashok Sridharan
                                                                                                              possible success and hope you will also benefit
     Welcome to Bonn!                                                                                         personally from the time spent in our city with
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Mayor of Bonn

                                                                                                              its high quality of life – a city, incidentally, that
                                                                                                              offers very interesting professional prospects
     Dear readers,                                                                                            for academics with an international background!

     A very warm welcome to Bonn! Our international       institutes as well as science policy and science
     city on the Rhine is embedded in a vibrant sci-      administration institutions. The Bonn region is
     ence region. In addition to the University of Bonn   one of the leading locations for research and in-
     and other institutions of higher education, we are   novation and enjoys a high volume of regional and
     also home to numerous international research         international networking.
Guide for International Researchers - Welcome to the University of Bonn! - Universität Bonn
12                                                                                     The University of Bonn                                                                                            13


                          1.1 R
                               ooted in the Rhineland – at Home
                              in the World
                          Globally recognized top-level research and a         The University of Bonn is not only an extremely
                          history rich in tradition shape the image of the     attractive place to do research and teach but also
                          University of Bonn. Founded in 1818, today it is a   has a unique locational advantage in Germany.
                          modern research university with an internation-      The international Federal City of Bonn and the
                          al impact. Our 35,500 students, 550 professors       surrounding region are home to a large number
                          and some 6,500 staff benefit from studying and       of scientific institutions, research funding organ-
                          working in the unique atmosphere of historically     izations, UN agencies and other institutions that
                          significant buildings paired with an excellent re-   operate internationally. The University of Bonn’s
                          search infrastructure.                               regional roots and networks are a gateway to the
                                                                               world that sustainably strengthens the university’s
                                                                               international network.

     The University                                                               Insider In
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Guide for International Researchers - Welcome to the University of Bonn! - Universität Bonn
14                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            The University of Bonn                                                                          15

                                                                                                                                                            In the interdisciplinary research field of immunol-                     In the field of detector physics, Bonn is also one           Bonn’s Gallery of Scholars
                                                                                                                                                            ogy, Bonn researchers have also made a name for                         of the premier locations in Germany. In 1989, Bonn           Famous people have taught and conducted
                                                                                                                                                            themselves with their outstanding results. Take                         scientist Wolfgang Paul was awarded the Nobel                research at the University of Bonn:
                                                                                                                                                            the “ImmunoSensation” cluster of excellence, in                         Prize for developing the ion trap that bears his
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 August Wilhelm von Schlegel (1767 – 1845)
                                                                                                                                                            which highly-qualified specialists in immunology,                       name. Currently, a new detector physics research
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Literature and humanities scholar
                                                                                                                                                            sensory systems and neurodegeneration work                              facility is under construction in the immediate
                                                                                                                                                            together closely. As a result, some 33 million                          vicinity of the existing laboratories and the Bonn           Barthold Georg Niebuhr (1776 – 1831)
                                                                                                                                                            euro flow into the university coffers. Following                        accelerator ELSA.                                            Archaeologist
                                                                                                                                                            the award of the Leibniz Prize to Gunter Hartmann                                                                                    August Kekulé von Stradonitz (1829 – 1896)
                                                                                                                                                            and Christian Kurts in 2012, the cluster could boast                    Economics is another priority area at the Uni-               Chemist
                                                                                                                                                            another prize winner in 2016, Frank Bradke.                             versity of Bonn. With its research focus on game             Heinrich Hertz (1857 – 1894)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    and contract theory, monetary and international              Physicist
                                                                                                                                                            Physics and astronomy, moreover, achieved huge                          macroeconomics, labor market economics, the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Felix Hausdorff (1868 – 1942)
                                                                                                                                                            success in the Excellence Initiative with the ap-                       financial economy and experimental economic re-
                          V–                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Mathematician
             : Uni Bonn T                                                                                                                                   proval of funding for the Bonn-Cologne Gradu-                           search, it is one of the leading institutes in Europe.
Insider Info                                     1.2 Research University Bonn                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Maria Gräfin von Linden (1869 – 1936)
           iewing                                                                                                                                           ate School of Physics and Astronomy (BCGS), a                           For his contributions to game theory, Reinhard
research v              s                                                                                                                                   collaboration between the universities of Bonn                          Selten is the only German to have been awarded               Parasitologist and first female professor
               rsity of Bon
 On the Unive            u ca n  access                                                                                                                     and Cologne. In this structured program, physics                        the Nobel Prize in Economics to date.                        at a German university
              anne  l yo
 YouTube ch                     im por-          With a global reputation and a network to match,       Bonn is an internationally-visible center of re-    students can study for their Master’s and doctoral                                                                                   Josef Schumpeter (1883 – 1950)
                dio clips on
 video and au               ed   uc ation        the University of Bonn is a research university with   search and teaching in the full range of mathe-     degrees.                                                                                                                             Political economist
                 in higher
  tant themes              te ac  hi ng. The     clearly defined fields of excellence in research.      matics. In addition to numerous research pro-                                                                                                                                            Karl Barth (1886 – 1968)
               arch and
  policy, rese                 iversity’s        The success of Bonn’s researchers is evidenced         jects and non-university research institutions,
                is on the un                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Theologist
   main focus                 h Centers          by two Nobel Prizes, numerous Leibniz Prizes and       Bonn hosts Germany’s only cluster of excellence
                ve Researc                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Ernst Robert Curtius (1886 – 1956)
   Collaborati                     e. So         other academic honors as well as “third-party          in mathematics, the Hausdorff Center for Mathe-
                   of Excellenc
                                                                                                                                                            From left to right: Maria Gräfin von Linden, Wolfgang Paul, Reinhard Selten, Joseph Alois Ratzinger
   and Clusters                an   idea of      funds” amounting to approx. 154 million euro,          matics, for which more than 57 million euro have
                 able to get
    you will be               pr  oj ects and    which are raised each year in stiff competition        already been raised. Many academics with in-                                                                                                                                             Wolfgang Paul (1913 – 1993)
    the various                    versity       with other researchers. When it comes to acquir-       ternational reputation conduct their research in                                                                                                                                         Physicist and Nobel Prize Winner
                    k at the Uni
     fields of wor                   leave       ing third-party funding for natural science, Bonn      Bonn, including MPI Director Gerd Faltings, who                                                                                                                                          Joseph Alois Ratzinger (geb. 1927)
                      before you
     of Bonn even                     desk at    actually comes in first place in Germany.              is the only German holder of the Fields Medal. In                                                                                                                                        Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI
                    of your own
      the comfort                                                                                       2016, Peter Scholze was awarded the Gottfried                                                                                                                                            Reinhard Selten (1930–2016)
      home.                                                                                             Wilhelm Leibniz Prize and is the youngest recipi-
                                        bonntv                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Economist and Nobel Prize Winner
          www.youtu                                                                                     ent of the prize in its over 30-year history
Guide for International Researchers - Welcome to the University of Bonn! - Universität Bonn
16                                                                                                                                                                       The University of Bonn                                                                           17


     1.3 The University of Bonn – a Global Player
     If you speak to a member of the university in the     many projects can only be tackled by researchers    Amongst the fellows and award winners of the       In regional terms, too, the University of Bonn            The University of Bonn – Facts and
     grounds behind the main building, there is a very     from different countries pooling their expertise.   prestigious Alexander von Humboldt Founda-         makes full use of the opportunities offered by            Figures:
     good chance that he or she will come from North       And, in addition, many visiting academics and       tion, the University of Bonn has long since been   its location in the ABC-region (Aachen-Bonn-
     America, Asia or another European country. From       leading researchers from abroad come to Bonn        one of the most sought-after universities in       Cologne). The three ABC-universities cooperate            ■ Cooperation agreements with more than

     Australia to Zimbabwe, nearly 4,500 students and      to teach and conduct research every year.           Germany.                                           in many areas. And top-class non-university re-              70 partner universities worldwide
     some 700 researchers from more than 140 coun-                                                                                                                search institutions, such as the Forschungszen-           ■ Just over 300 partner institutions in the
     tries currently enliven the academic and social                                                                                                              trum Jülich, workplace of the 2007 Physics Nobel             European ERASMUS network
     life of the city.                                                                                                                                            Prize Winner, Peter Grünberg, the Life & Brain            ■ More than 1,500 international research
                                                                                                                                                                  Center on the Venusberg, or the caesar Research              projects worldwide
     This cosmopolitanism is not new: The University                                                                                                              Center in Bonn complement this multi-layered
     of Bonn has fostered relations with European,                                                                                                                research landscape. All three are closely linked to
     Asian and American universities for many years.                                                                                                              the University of Bonn.
     Cross-faculty cooperation agreements exist with
     over 70 universities around the globe, and there
     are ERASMUS agreements with no less than 300
     European universities, all with the aim of exchang-
     ing students.

     But the University of Bonn is a global player in
     research, too. Its researchers have an extensive
     network of contacts all over the world, involv-
     ing more than 1,500 collaborations. This kind of
     partnership is essential for a research university:
Guide for International Researchers - Welcome to the University of Bonn! - Universität Bonn
18                                                                                                                                                                                                           The University of Bonn                                                                              19

                                                                                                                                               Decline and Destruction                                Reconstruction and Growth                                  Famous Bonn Alumni
                                 1.4 W
                                      e Didn’t Get Where We Are Today                                                                                                                                                                                           When they were students in Bonn they were
                                                                                                                                               When the National Socialists came to power in          The university did not remain inactive for long,
                                     Overnight …                                                                                               Germany in January 1933, this marked the end of        however. Indeed, the Rheinische Friedrich-Wil-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 largely unknown. This was to change later, as
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 the following examples illustrate:
                                                                                                                                               the university’s long period of prosperity. Many       helms-Universität already opened its doors again
                                 … it took us nearly two centuries. On October 18, 1818, King Friedrich Wilhelm III founded the “Rhein-        professors and students were dismissed as a            for the winter semester of 1945/46. In the follow-         Hoffmann von Fallersleben
                                 ische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn“. In the intervening years, the University of Bonn has had          result of ‘Gleichschaltung’, the alignment of the      ing years, many new buildings were erected and             Philology student from 1819
                                 its ups and downs.                                                                                            entire university to Nazi ideology. Irrespective of    student numbers increased continually. The Uni-            Heinrich Heine
                                                                                                                                               their reputations and academic achievements,           versity of Bonn even started to attract outstand-          Law student from 1819
                                                                                                                                               lecturers were forced to leave simply because          ing researchers again. Today, 550 professors are
                                 Foundation and Revolution                                                                                     they were Jewish or held political views that devi-    involved in teaching and research at the university,       Karl Marx
                                                                                                                                               ated from the ideology of the party in power. Felix    and there are several thousand academic, techni-           Law student from 1835
                                 Founded in the Age of Idealism, the new university     A revolutionary idea: up to this time, the universi-   Hausdorff, the mathematician who took his own          cal and administrative staff. The university is one        Prinz Albert von Sachsen-Coburg-Gotha
                                 was imbued with the spirit of Wilhelm von Hum-         ties (with a few exceptions like Göttingen, Jena and   life in 1942, was one such example. Intellectual       of the major employers in the region.                      Law student from 1837
                                 boldt’s Prussian cultural policy: together with Ber-   Halle) had had the sole task of educating future       dehydration was finally followed by physical de-
                                 lin and Breslau, Bonn was one of the three Prus-       public servants, judges and the clergy. Research       struction: A heavy air raid on the center of Bonn on                                                              Adolf Kolping
                                 sian universities to introduce Humboldt’s vision of    was the prerogative of academies and learned           October 18, 1944, completely destroyed the main                                                                   Theology student from 1842
                                 the unity of teaching and research. Professors no      societies. At the University of Bonn, we are still     building of the university.                                                                                       Friedrich Nietzsche
                                 longer had to restrict themselves to reading aloud     committed to Humboldt’s ideal of the unity of re-                                                                                                                        Philology and Theology student from 1864
                                 from existing textbooks. On the contrary, they         search and teaching to this day. Back in the dec-
                                 were explicitly permitted to write the contents of     ades immediately following its foundation, the                                                                                                                           Luigi Pirandello
                                 their lectures themselves. The background to this      pioneering university was a motor for enormous                                                                                                                           Philology student from 1889
                                 was the ideal of the free researcher, unchallenged     growth in Bonn. Eminent academics were drawn                                                                                                                             Konrad Adenauer
                                 by the authorities, deriving the contents of his       to the town on the Rhine, followed by famous                                                                                                                             Law student from 1895
                                 teaching from the results of his research.             students. In the course of the 19th century, it also
     Foundation Charter of the                                                          gained a reputation as the ‚Princes’ University‘                                                                                                                         Robert Schuman
     University of Bonn, 1818                                                           – this was where the sons of Germany’s ruling                                                                                                                            Law student in 1904
                                                                                        houses came to study.
20                                                                                                                                               The University of Bonn                            21


     1.5 R
          ectorate, University Council, Faculties –
         the Most Important University Bodies
                              Rectorate                                                Senate                                             The faculties are headed by a Dean or Dean’s
                                                                                                                                          Council. They are responsible for organizing mat-
                              The university is managed by the “Rektorat”, a           Altogether, there are 24 members of the “Sen-      ters relating to studies and examinations, the
                              steering committee chaired by the Rector who is          at”: representatives of the teaching, academic     range of courses offered and evaluation. The Dean
                              elected for a period of six years. The Rector is the     and other staff as well as students. The Senate    also chairs the Faculty Council which is responsi-
                              official representative of the university. In addition   is charged with matters such as changes in reg-    ble for faculty regulations, including examination
                              to the Rector, the committee currently comprises         ulations and monitoring the Rectorate’s annual     regulations.
                              five Deputy Rectors and the “Kanzler”, the head of       statement of accounts.
                              university administration.                                                                                  Faculty Conference
                              University Council                                                                                          The “Fakultätskonferenz” is a committee of the
                                                                                       These seven faculties constitute the core of the   Faculty Deans. It advises the Rectorate and the
                              The “Hochschulrat” is composed of three members          University of Bonn:                                University Council on all matters relating to re-
                              from the university itself and seven leading per-                                                           search, teaching and studies that are of basic
                                                                                       ■■   Faculty of Catholic Theology
                              sonalities from academia, politics and society. It ad-                                                      importance to the university as a whole or to its
                              vises the Rectorate and supervises their activities.     ■■   Faculty of Protestant Theology                central bodies.
                                                                                       ■■   Faculty of Law and Economics
                                                                                       ■■   Faculty of Medicine
                                                                                       ■■   Faculty of Arts
                                                                                       ■■   Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
                                                                                       ■■   Faculty of Agriculture
22                                                                                       Welcome to Bonn                                             23


                   2.1 University City with Flair

     Welcome       Alexander von Humboldt, we are told, who is re-
                   nowned for having seen and experienced so much
                   of the world on his travels, once stood at the “Alter
                   Zoll”, one of the surviving parts of the old Bonn
                                                                           However, Bonn is also a prospering business
                                                                           center and the heart of a pulsating science re-
                                                                           gion with a number of high-profile non-university
                                                                           research institutions – something many of you

     				to Bonn
                   fortifications, enjoying the view over the Rhine        will probably be able to turn to your advantage
                   to the “Seven Mountains” on the other side and          during your stay here. Many of the companies and
                   declaring it to be one of the most beautiful pan-       institutions located here not only have job oppor-
                   oramas in the world. Even if this incident never        tunities for partners but also cooperate with the
                   actually took place, and we have nothing to prove       University of Bonn itself in many fields. We have
                   it did, it certainly could be true, as anyone who has   put together everything else you need to know
                   stood on the same spot and let their eyes roam          about this university city on the following pages.
                   over the Rhinescape will tell you.                      We may not have included absolutely everything,
                                                                           but we certainly hope it will help you get off to a
                   When you start looking around your new home             good start in Bonn.
                   you will soon realize that “the northernmost town
                   in Italy” as it is known has a lot more to offer than
                   just beautiful surroundings criss-crossed by cycle                                                                City of Bonn
                   routes and footpaths. Bonn has a vibrant theater                                                          
                   and cinema scene, for example, not to mention a
                   whole host of museums. And, last but not least, it
                   has international flair that is not only a result of
                   the many UN institutions located here.
24                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Welcome to Bonn                                                                              25

     Bonn – Some Statistics                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Bonn – Some Statistics

     Geographical Location:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Population:
     50°44‘2“ north; 7°6‘8“ east                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               320,820 inhabitants, of whom some 89,000
     (point of reference: university main building);                                                                                                                                                                                                                           have moved to Bonn from 175 countries
     196.85 feet above sea-level.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              across the world; 36% of the Bonn population
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               are Catholics, 20% Protestants.
     87.73 square miles, three-quarters of which                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Health:
     are on the left bank of the Rhine; 24.48                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  According to a study carried out by the Han-
     square miles are wooded. There are 47                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     nover Medical School, Bonn is a particularly
     streams in Bonn, most of which flow into the                                                                                                                                                                                                                              healthy place to live: in their “Health Atlas”
     Rhine.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Bonn came fourth amongst the 81 largest
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               towns in Germany. The researchers based
     Climate:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  their study on the figures for healthcare, air
     With an average annual mean temperature of                                                                                                                                                                                                                                quality, green areas, sports facilities and
     10.3 °C Bonn is one of the warmest regions in                                                                                                                                                                                                                             crèche availability.
     Germany. In summer the temperature may go
     up to 30°C; in winter it may even drop below
                                                       2.2 Bonn – a City with Many Facets                                                                                                                                                                                     (as of October 2016)
                                                                                                                                                              Federal City
     Tallest Buildings:                                Bonn is one of Germany’s growth regions and,        means typical for a medium-sized city. When the    Bonn is a ‘Bundesstadt’, or Federal City: Although     Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)’ also has its
     The radio mast on the Venusberg (180 m),          despite the fact that more than 15 years have       parliament moved away, Bonn saw no reason to       the members of parliament, nearly all the diplo-       headquarters in Bonn. It‘s not surprising afterall
     the Post Tower (at 162,5 m, the highest office    now elapsed since the parliament and much of        bury its head in the sand. On the contrary, Bonn   mats and representatives of the Federal States         that about 150 international or internationally op-
     building in North Rhine-Westfalia and 5 m         the government moved to Berlin, it is more in-      has continued to pursue its goal of becoming an    have long since made their way to Berlin together      erating organizations have settled in Bonn, many
     higher than Cologne Cathedral), the “Langer       ternational than ever. Bonn started to make its     international hub for research and sustainable     with most of the lobbyists, all the ministries still   of which focusing on development policy and/or
     Eugen” (115 m, former House of Representa-        mark on the international stage right back in the   development with as much dedication as ever. And   maintain a presence in Bonn, indeed six of them        humanitarian aid. Moreover, as nearly 50 federal
     tives, now center of the UN Campus).              1950s when it was the capital of Germany, and its   with no small success as the facts prove.          have their first official residence here. One focus    agencies like the Federal Court of Auditors or the
                                                       top-class museums and concert halls are by no                                                          of Bonn‘s activities as a seat of government is        Federal Cartel Office are also located here, the
                                                                                                                                                              development policy. In addition to the Federal         old city on the Rhine still plays an important role
                                                                                                                                                              Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Devel-           in politics to this day.
                                                                                                                                                              opment (BMZ), the ‘Deutsche Gesellschaft für
26                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Welcome to Bonn                                                                          27

     Employment in Bonn:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Science and Research Institutions in
     For years, Bonn has had one of the lowest                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Bonn:
     unemployment rates in North Rhine-
     Westphalia. Every day, some 80,000 people                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Institutes in the Fraunhofer Society
     travel to Bonn to work.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             German Aerospace Center (DLR)
                                                            UN City                                                their headquarters in Bonn when they were pri-         other important institutes like the Center of Ad-      Art and Exhibition Hall of the Federal Republic of
                                                                                                                   vatized. These listed service giants are of eminent    vanced European Studies and Research (caesar)          Germany, the Bonn Museum of Modern Art , the                Center of Advanced European Studies
                                                            Today, the political and administrative center Bonn    importance to the city and the region – symbolized     which focuses on user-oriented basic research in       House of the History of the Federal Republic of             and Research (caesar)
                                                            also enjoys international significance as a base       by the Post Tower, one of the landmarks of the         the neurosciences. Other outstanding establish-        Germany, the Deutsches Museum Bonn (museum          
                                                            of the United Nations. Some 19 UN organizations        2,000-year-old city on the Rhine. Post and Tele-       ments include the Life & Brain Research Center         of post-1945 research and technology in Germa-              Max Planck Institutes
                                                            have now established their seat in Bonn so that        kom not only mean thousands of workplaces for          and the German Center for Neurodegenerative            ny), the LVR-LandesMuseum (museum of cultural       
                                                            around the German UN Headquarters in the for-          highly-qualified personnel; they also draw their       Diseases (DZNE). And in addition to all this, you      history of the Rhineland) and the Alexander Koenig
                                                            mer House of Representatives (“Langer Eugen”) a        own suppliers, sub-contractors and service pro-        do not need to go far to find the most important       Research Museum (natural history museum and                 Life & Brain Research Center
                                                            continually growing UN Campus has established          viders to the business center. There are, of course,   research funding organizations: The German             zoological research institution). So there is plenty 
                                                            itself. Directly next door is the new World Con-       other companies apart from Post and Telekom –          Research Foundation (DFG), the Alexander von           to do apart from working.                                   German Center for Neurodegenerative
                                                            ference Center Bonn (WCCB) which hosts many            such as SolarWorld, a company dedicated to the         Humboldt Foundation and the German Academ-                                                                            Diseases in the Helmholtz Association
                                                            national and international conferences.                manufacture of photovoltaic products, and the          ic Exchange Service (DAAD) are all located in          What Else?                                           
                                                                                                                   global sweets manufacturer Haribo.                     Bonn.                                                                                                              German Research Foundation (DFG)
                                                            Business Center                                                                                                                                                      Bonn is a green city in an attractive location at the
                                                                                                                   Center of Research and Learning                        Cultural Center                                        entrance to the romantic middle section of the
                                           ospects          Even if the city used to be a bit too self-satisfied                                                                                                                 Rhine (UNESCO World Heritage). Here you can live            German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
                           to brilliant pr
         When it comes                be en  given an       with its role as capital of Germany, it has long       Without a doubt, Bonn is one of the leading            Culturally, the Beethoven city Bonn has a lot to of-   extremely well and you can find many appealing      
                         , Bonn ha  s
         for the future                     cording         since recognized the significance of the business      centers of research and learning in Germany.           fer, too, and not just in connection with its famous   leisure opportunities. Whether you seek recrea-
                          of approval: Ac                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Alexander von Humboldt Foundation
         “official” seal                  ings, which       factor. Bonn is a dynamic and growing business         Apart from the University of Bonn and the four         son who is appropriately honored with the Bee-         tion, nature adventures or family activities - the
                           nk‘s city rank                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             
          to the DeKaBa                  ence, growth       location. It was, of course, a real stroke of luck     universities of applied science in the region, there   thoven House and the annual Beethoven Festival.        opportunities are most diverse and accessible
                          ors like afflu
          compare fact                    nn actually       for the city that some of today’s global players       are a whole host of research institutes belonging      Bonn has an opera house and theater, a symphony        by public transit. Wine tasting in the Ahr valley?          The Bonn Region – A Base for Science
                           education, Bo
           potential and               gst the German       like Deutsche Post DHL and Deutsche Telekom,           to the Fraunhofer Society, the German Aerospace        orchestra and countless fringe venues. There is a      Hiking in the Eifel National Park or a relaxing Rhine       and Technology
                            ace amon
           came in first pl                al importance
                                                            together with their subsidiaries, decided to make      Center (DLR), the Max Planck Society and many          plethora of distinguished museums including the        cruise? There is a lot to discover!                 
                           nal and region
           cities of natio
28                                                                                                                                                                                       Welcome to Bonn                             29

                                                                                                                    Bonn the Capital

                                                                                                                    Let’s quickly skip over the imperial years, the We-    Initially, people in Bonn were less than happy
                                                                                                                    imar Republic, the Nazi regime and both world          about losing their role as capital of Germany.
                                                                                                                    wars to 1949. This was the year in which the Fed-      But the people of Bonn are also the people of the
                                                                                                                    eral Republic was founded, and it was a very spe-      Rhineland, and so they soon reminded themselves
                                                                                                                    cial year for Bonn: on November 3, 1949, the Ger-      of the paragraphs in the “Basic Law of the Rhine-
                                                                                                                    man “Bundestag” (Federal Parliament) narrowly          land” which state: “Et es, wie et es” (Things are
                                                                                                                    decided to approve the recommendation made by          what they are.) and “Watt fott es, es fott” (What’s
                                                                                                                    the Parliamentary Council (which had drafted the       gone, is gone.). This may smack of resignation, but
                                                                                                                    Basic Law) to make Bonn, and not Frankfurt, the        it is actually the extraordinary ability of people
                                                                                                                    provisional capital of the Federation. In 1991, nine   in the Rhineland to adapt quickly to new circum-
                                                                                                                    months after the reunification of the two German       stances. After all, they know “Et hätt noch emmer
     2.3 A Quick Tour Through History                                                                              states, the “Bundestag” decided – once again by        jot jejange” (It’ll all come out in the wash.).
                                                                                                                    a narrow margin – to move itself and parts of the
     The fate of this city, which celebrated its bi-mille-   were of particular importance for Bonn (and its        government to Berlin. This took place in 1999.
     nium in 1989 (after Trier but before Cologne), has      university). Fed up with the continual in-fighting
     always been determined by the River Rhine, and          with the confident citizens of their own town, in      Bonn can look back with genuine pride on the 50
     continues to do so to this day. On the left bank the    1601, they decided without further ado to transfer     years dividing these two decisions. It was from the
     Romans erected their castra bonnensia, a mighty         their residence to Bonn where the citizens were        “Small Town in Germany” of John Le Carré fame
     fort on the border to the lands of the Barbarians       apparently less obstreperous. Here they set them-      that the economic miracle of the post-war years
     on the other side of the Rhine. Even soldiers need      selves up as befitted their station with a palace in   was launched; it was in the “Bundesdorf” (“federal
     provisions, so tradespeople and craftsmen, farm-        town (today’s university main building), “Schloss      village”), as the seat of government was mock-
     ers and innkeepers, servants and riffraff of all        Clemensruhe” (today’s “Poppelsdorfer Schloss”          ingly known, that by way of the European Coal
     kinds gravitated towards the camp. The town of          which belongs to the university) and the “Jagd-        and Steel Community (ECSC) and the European
     Bonn was born, even if it only received its formal      schloss Herzogsfreude”, a hunting lodge in the         Economic Community (EEC), many of the seminal
     charter much later in the Middle Ages.                  “Kottenforst” forest near Bonn which no longer         decisions were taken that have created Europe
                                                             exists today. This continued until Napoleon oc-        as we know it today: a continent (almost) without
     Let’s take a quick tour through Bonn’s history:         cupied the Rhineland, which was then allotted to       borders, with (almost) identical aims and ideals.
     The Romans were followed by the Franks, Roman           the Prussians at the Congress of Vienna. Friedrich     In retrospect, the major achievement of the “Bonn
     gods by Christianity; then came the secular and         Wilhelm, King of Prussia, founded the University       Republic” was to ensure its citizens peace and
     religious rulers of the Middle Ages, the kings, em-     of Bonn in 1818, gave it his name and threw in the     prosperity.
     perors and prince electors of Cologne. The latter       palaces to become places of learning.
30                                                                                                                                Welcome to Bonn                                                                      31

     The People of the Rhineland

     Apropos the people of the Rhineland or “Rhein-
     länder”: Who and what is a “Rheinländer”? This
     brings us back to the river that gives its name to
     the people, the main traffic route of ancient times.
     Everyone arrived by river: Celts and Romans,
     Franks and Goths, Vikings and Frisians and, later
     on, Bavarians, Swiss, Dutch, French, Prussians and
     many others – some as peaceful traders, others
     as hostile invaders. And many of them stayed on
     indefinitely. So, as the German author Carl Zuck-
     mayer put it, they are a bit of everything. And this
     is even truer of the Bonn population today: when
     Bonn was the capital, people were recruited from        2.4 Culture and Leisure Opportunities                                                                           Culture and Leisure Opportunities
                                                                                                                                                                              in Bonn:
     every single Federal State to work at the ministries
     and supreme federal authorities, and they have                                                                                                                   
     now become “locals”. At some stage, they got the        Da da da daaa. Got it? Correct: Beethoven, Ludwig      The city on the Rhine is to Beethoven a bit what            > Tourism & Culture, Sport & Leisure
     bug, too, infected by the charm of the town with        van, 1770 to 1827, one of the greatest composers       Bayreuth is to Wagner and Salzburg to Mozart: a   
     its almost Mediterranean flair, its elegant avenues     of all time and Bonn’s greatest son. If you are tal-   festival city. There have been festivals of various
     like the “Poppelsdorfer Allee”, spacious parks like     king about Bonn as a cultural center, you will not     kinds in Bonn since 1845, and with varying degrees
     the “Rheinaue”, dense forests like the “Kotten-         get round Beethoven: the “Beethoven-Haus” (his         of success. Today, the annual Beethoven Festival          Beethoven Jubilee:
     forst”, panoramic views from the “Drachenfels” or       birthplace), the “Beethovenhalle” (concert hall),      has become jours fixes in the diaries of classical
     the “Petersberg” and the hiking trails in the “Eifel”   “Beethoven-Kammermusiksaal” (chamber concert           music fans. Every year in autumn, a four-week fes-
     and “Ahr” regions. And they were also infected by       hall), Beethoven Archives, Beethoven Orchestra,        tival takes place in Bonn featuring world-famous
     the overwhelmingly happy-go-luck inhabitants            Beethoven Foundation, Beethoven Statue, Beet-          performers and highly talented young musicians.
     of this region themselves who tend to be more           hoven Competition, Beethoven Ring (awarded to          And in time for the anniversary year in 2020, the
     tolerant than opinionated, more hedonistic than         outstanding young musicians)‚ “Bürger für Beet-        city‘s largest concert venue, the Beethovenhalle,
     spartan, art lovers rather than philistines.            hoven“ (friends of the International Beethoven         will reopen after major refurbishment.
                                                             Festival), Beethoven Guided Tour, “Beethoven-
                                                             straße” (street name) – and in the very near future,
                                                             the celebrations to mark the 250th anniversary of
                                                             Beethoven‘s birth.
32                                                                                                                                                                                         Welcome to Bonn                                                                33

     It goes without saying that the Beethoven Or-           From the Rheinaue it is just a short distance to       Another highlight of Bonn’s museum landscape is          A word should be said about the contribution               Museum Mile
     chestra does not only play Beethoven, and apart         the famous Museum Mile. Here you will find the         the “LVR-LandesMuseum”, a recently renovated,            made by the University of Bonn to the city’s mu-   
     from Eroica and Elise, there are plenty of other        Art and Exhibition Hall of the Federal Republic        state of the art museum dedicated to the cultural        seum landscape. Although primarily intended for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Kunst!Rasen Bonn
     opportunities to enjoy the arts in Bonn. Bonn’s         of Germany. Inhabitants and visitors alike have        history of the Rhineland. Here you can trace the         study and research purposes, the university’s
     Opera House has a very good reputation, as does         been able to visit excellent exhibitions here, from    history of the area – from the Neanderthals of the       museums and collections are also open to the
     the Theater in Bad Godesberg. Experimental per-         “Tutankhamun” and “Guggenheim” via the “Gold           Stone Age via the Romans and the Middle Ages             public. Every so often, the university museums             Beethoven Orchestra Bonn
     formances can be seen at the “Werkstattbühne”           of the Incas” to “MoMa New York”, to name but          to modern times. Another feature of this diverse         and collections even hit the headlines around the  
     or the “Halle Beuel”. There is also a private theater   a few. And every year, hundreds of thousands           landscape is the Women’s Museum, once the                globe as is the case when the largest flower in the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Theater Bonn
     and concert scene serving all tastes from comedy        of people from far and near wander through the         very first of its kind in the world, focussing, as the   world is in bloom in the Botanical Gardens. A visit
     to political cabaret, from Blues to Rock. Venues        permanent and special exhibitions in the House         name implies, on the work of female artists. And         to the university museums is also guaranteed to
     include: the Contra Kreis Theater, Kleines Theater      of the History of the Federal Republic of Germa-       finally there is the Beethoven House, the compos-        be an exciting, entertaining and instructive outing.       Beethoven House
     Bad Godesberg, Euro Theater Central, Brotfabrik,        ny (‘Haus der Geschichte’) marvelling at Konrad        er’s birthplace, containing treasures like original      Give it a try!                                     
     Pantheon, Haus der Springmaus, Junges Theat-            Adenauer’s official car, an original 1950s ice cream   scores and musical instruments from the period,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        LVR LandesMuseum Bonn
     er Bonn, Theater im Ballsaal, Pathologie, Theat-        parlor and the other 6,000 or so exhibits from the     some of which belonged to the maestro himself.
     er im Keller, Harmonie, Anno Tubac and many,            post-1945 period on show at the 43,000 square
     many more. One venue deserves special mention:          foot exhibition center.
     “KUNST!RASEN”. On this plot in the Rheinaue park,
     open-air concerts take place throughout the sum-        Just a stone’s throw away from the “Haus der
     mer. Many thousand people can come here to              Geschichte” you can find the Alexander Koenig
     listen to international names from the pop, rock,       Research Museum. This natural history museum
     blues and folk circuits.                                also has a place on Bonn’s Museum Mile as does
                                                             the Bonn Museum of Modern Art which, together
                                                             with the Art and Exhibition Hall, is housed in a
                                                             unique architectural ensemble. The Art Museum
                                                             focuses on the work of the “Rhenish Expression-
                                                             ists”. Much smaller and slightly off the main track,
                                                             but a gem in its own right, is Bonn’s “Deutsches
                                                             Museum”, little brother of the Munich “Deutsches
                                                             Museum”, showcasing masterpieces of science
                                                             and technology.
34                                                                                                                                                                                                               Welcome to Bonn                                                                          35


                                                                                                                                             2.5 Customs and Events
                                                                                      Bonn and leisure – this means a quiet glass of         “In Bonn ist was los!” (There’s loads happening in    And this is how it came about: in the 19th century,
                                                                                      beer in a beer garden, a cup of cappuccino at the      Bonn). This slogan that was originally the motto of   Beuel was a laundry servicing center. The women
                                                                                      “Kaiserplatz”, or “Rievkoche” (“Reibekuchen” – like    a municipal summer program for children is actu-      did their employers’ washing in the Rhine and their
                                                                                      hash browns) at the Christmas Market. There is no      ally true all year round. Any excuse is better than   husbands took it back to the owners, as far away as
                                                                                      shortage of eateries in Bonn – from fast food to       none to have a celebration in the Rhineland. And,     nearby Cologne. At carnival time, the men particu-
                                                                                      haute cuisine, from one end of the culinary world      if there is no excuse, you simply devise “events”.    larly enjoyed their work, staying on for several days
                                                                                      to the other. Both in terms of price and atmosphe-                                                           in the cathedral city and only returning home when
                                                                                      re a lot of restaurants cater for a largely student    One event that did not need devising is the fa-       their purses were empty. At some stage, the wom-
                                                                                      clientele. Be it in the multicultural “Altstadt”, in   mous, indeed infamous, traditional “Rheinischer       en got really fed up with their husbands’ escapades
                                                                                      “Poppelsdorf” or in the cultural hotspot “Ende-        Karneval”. The carnival season officially opens at    and used their absence to celebrate their own car-
                                                                                      nich”, you will not need to go far to find something   11 minutes past 11 o’clock on 11 November every       nival. When the men came home they were duly
                                                                                      to please your palate.                                 year and lasts until the beginning of Lent, usually   ashamed and ate humble pie, but to no avail: they
                                                                                                                                             in February or March. It culminates in a street       were excluded from the proceedings and continue
                                                                                      And what could be nicer on a balmy summer eve-         carnival that lasts from “Weiberfastnacht”, which     to be so to this very day. And that is the reason why
     Silent Film Festival       Another highlight not to be overlooked is the In-     ning than fleeing the lab or lecture hall in favor     is the Thursday before Ash Wednesday, until the       the Thursday before “Rosenmontag” is the highest   ternational Silent Film Festival in Bonn that draws   of a seat in a beer garden on the Rhine – with a       end of “Karnevalsdienstag” (Mardi Gras). Under        point of the carnival season on the right bank of the
                                cinema lovers from far and wide to the inner cour-    direct view of the river and the Seven Mountains       the motto “jeck simmer all”, “jeck” being a pun       Rhine. On this day, the “Wiewer” (women) storm
                                tyard of the university main building every sum-      in the background                                      meaning that everyone is crazy/a carnival reveller,   Beuel Town Hall and, every year, the men posted to
                                mer. For 11 days, Germany’s largest festival of its                                                          people in the Rhineland don costumes and launch       defend it experience the most monumental defeat.
                                kind shows famous and less famous movies from                                                                themselves into the merry-making, be it at indoor
                                the early days of cinema – exactly as they were                                                              events known as “Sitzungen” or at the equally
                                shown at the time: in some cases, hand-colored, in                                                           popular street carnival which reaches its climax
                                the original picture format and at the right speed.                                                          with parades on “Rosenmontag” (Carnival Mon-                                                                                                  al?
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              hen is carniv
                                The whole event is a feast for the ears, too: some                                                           day). Bonn, or more precisely the part of town on                                                             Insider Info: W
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         et carnival is
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          te of the stre
                                of the best and most renowned silent film pianists                                                           the right bank called Beuel, played a special role                                                            The precise da                  ster: Ash
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           the date of Ea
                                in the world provide the appropriate musical ac-                                                             in the history of carnival in the Rhineland. It was                                                           determined by                  ival and the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           e end of carn
                                companiment.                                                                                                 here that “Weiberfastnacht” (Women’s Carnival                                                                 Wednesday, th                fast, Lent, is
                                                                                                                                             Day) was born.                                                                                                              the Christian
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            beginning of               st  er Sunday.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          ys before Ea
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            always 46 da
36                                                                                                                                                                                           Welcome to Bonn                                 37

                                                             employers do expect people to work off the time          Music Festivals                                         “Pützchens Markt”
                                                             beforehand or afterwards). Invoking the right of
                                                             custom and practice, some of the public servants         People in Bonn love music and the open air. So,         Every year, on the second Friday in September,
                                                             who had to move from Bonn to Berlin in the 1990s         every year in the summer three open-air festi-          it is time for a big happening, and one that lots
                                                             even tried to get “Rosenmontag” recognized as            vals take place in Bonn: Rockaue, the Green Juice       of people in Bonn look forward to for weeks be-
                                                             an official public holiday in Berlin; but they failed.   Festival and Panama Open Air. Famous and less           forehand: “Pützchens Markt”. Pützchen, part of
                                                             Incidentally, the battle cry of the Bonn carnival        well-known artists from all over the world guar-        Beuel, becomes a place of pilgrimage for young
                                                             revellers is “Alaaf!”, as it is in Aachen and Cologne.   antee top entertainment and atmospheric sum-            and old alike, as it has been for the last 640 years
                                                             On no account should you shout “Helau” or “Ahoi”         mer evenings. The City Garden Concerts at the           – because what actually used to be a place of
                                                             – these exclamations are used by the revellers in        “Alter Zoll” are also very popular - they are free of   pilgrimage is now the venue for Germany’s fifth
                                                             Düsseldorf or Mainz, and when it comes to carni-         charge and take place right next to the university      largest annual fair, attracting up to 1.5 million visi-
                                                             val, local patriotism has it all down the line.          main building.                                          tors. Hundreds of fairground rides – from Loop-O-
                                                                                                                                                                              Planes to Chair-O-Planes – lottery booths, snack
                                                             “Rhine in Flames”                                                                                                stalls, beer tents and wine bars all haul in the
                                                                                                                                                                              crowds. And, to cap it all, there is a “Plundermarkt”,
                                                             One of the most spectacular events of the year                                                                   stalls selling every kind of bric-à-brac you can
                                                             takes place on the first Saturday in May, the mega                                                               imagine. It is a gaudy, strident, noisy world of ad-
                                                             firework display: “Rhine in Flames”. People con-                                                                 venture in which the children are not the only ones
                                                             gregate in their thousands between Linz and                                                                      to gape in open-mouthed astonishment.
                                                             Bonn to experience the kaleidoscope of lights.
     On the left bank of the Rhine, however, it is           A mighty convoy of illuminated ships sails down                                                                  Well, that was it, although it was, of course, by no
     “Rosenmontag” that brings the revellers onto the        the river, passing the banks and vineyards bathed                                                                means everything. The Easter Fair in Beuel, the
     streets in their thousands. When “de Zoch kütt”, i.e.   in Bengal fire. Rockets shoot up and explode in                                                                  Museum Mile Festival, Bonnfest, Deutsche Post
     the parade passes by, they line the streets sway-       the night sky, raining down millions of colored                                                                  Marathon, the Bonn Triathlon, United Nations Day,
     ing in time to the music, cheering the floats and       stars. The whole event ends with a magnificent                                                                   Open Monument Day, Family Play Day, the Bonn
     participants on foot and shouting for “Kamelle”         pyrotechnical display in the “Rheinaue”, the park                                                                Beer Festival, marksmen’s festivals and, on every
     (sweets) and other items being thrown from the          along the bank of the Rhine, which is the venue                                                                  third Saturday in the month, the enormous flea
     floats. Although “Rosenmontag” is not an official       for a huge party lasting the whole day. It is an                                                                 market in the “Rheinaue” – you could keep adding
     public holiday, everything from ministries to cor-      absolute must see, especially as it is completely                                                                to the list indefinitely. But now it is your turn to get
     ner shops shuts down on this day (although some         free of charge.                                                                                                  out and discover Bonn yourself. It will not take you
                                                                                                                                                                              long to decide on your own favorites.
38                                                                         University Institutions and Services                                                                  39


                               3.1 Welcome Center
                               Service and Advice for International Researchers

                               The Welcome Center is the University of Bonn’s         Our services at a glance:
                               central service and advisory point for international   ■■ Online portal in German and English
                               researchers.                                           ■■ Assistance in finding accommodation
                                                                                      ■■ Checklists for preparing your stay and manag-
                               We offer wide-ranging advice and practical sup-           ing the first few days after arrival
                               port when you are planning your research stay          ■■ Advice on formalities (visa, residence permit,
                               as well as once you have arrived. We will provide         health insurance, pension schemes etc.)              Welcome Center
                               you with information and tailored help on all the      ■■ Support in your dealings with the authorities          Poppelsdorfer Allee 102
                               aspects that are important for your research stay      ■■ Help in finding a kindergarten or school for           53115 Bonn
                               in Bonn. We aim to make it as easy as possible for        your children
                                                                                                                                               	0228 / 734823 or 734040
                               you to relocate to the University of Bonn and find     ■■ Excursions and events
                               your feet here. We also run regular information        ■■ German courses                                        	0228 / 735891

     University Institutions
                               sessions and excursions which we hope will play                                                        
                               a major role in ensuring your research stay is both                                                    
                               successful and pleasant.

     and Services
                               On our website you will find regularly updated information and links, which should help you to organize
                               your stay and manage everyday life, as well as information on current events and offers. Please do
                               not hesitate to turn to the team at the Welcome Center if you have any questions, problems, wishes or
                               suggestions. You can reach us by e-mail, phone or just drop by – we are here to help you!
40                                                                                                                                                                                                 University Institutions and Services                                                                  41


                                       3.2 Family Office
     Family Office                     Service and Advice for Families                          Come to the office and speak to us personally.                                                                                                                        Equal Opportunity Commissioner
       Konviktstraße 4                                                                          We will be pleased to help find solutions that fit                                                                                                                    at the University of Bonn
       53113 Bonn                      The University of Bonn actively promotes the             your particular needs. If you wish, these advisory                                                                                                                      Konviktstraße 4
                                       reconciliation of work and family life. As part of       sessions can be held in English.                                                                                                                                        53113 Bonn
       0228 / 736565
                                       our central services, we therefore have a Family                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        0228 / 736573 or 737490
                                       Office which will give you advice and help on the        Family-Friendly University   following issues:                                                                                                                                                                                                      
                                       ■■ Maternity leave, parental leave                       Since December 2011, the University of Bonn has                                                                                                               
                                       ■■ Parental allowance                                    held an “audit” certificate for family-friendly uni-
                                       ■■ Childcare                                             versities. To obtain this certificate the university
                                       ■■ Care of dependents                                    pledges to build a family-friendly infrastructure
                                                                                                and to continue developing regulations and offers
                                       You will encounter a lot of information, rules and       that help members of the university to reconcile
                                       offerings on the topic of reconciling work and           childcare and other care-related responsibilities
                                       family life. We will help you to find the right infor-   with their professional obligations. The “re-audit”
                                       mation and contacts to suit your own personal            that was conducted in March of 2015 confirmed
                                       situation.                                               that the University of Bonn has proved successful
                                                                                                in this area.                                          3.3 Equal Opportunity Commissioner
                                       Make our online portal your first port of call: Here
                                       you will find a raft of important information and
                                       advice which will help you to acquire an overview                                                               The main contact person for all women working,        agement in implementing gender equality policy.
                                       of the main topics and discover the many offers.                                                                studying, teaching or researching at the University   She campaigns to ensure that university structures
                                                                                                                                                       of Bonn is the “Gleichstellungsbeauftragte” (Equal    observe gender equality, that any disadvantages
                                                                                                                                                       Opportunity Commissioner). Her tasks, rights and      relating to women are removed and that the gen-
                                                                                                                                                       duties are legally defined. The Equal Opportunity     eral conditions for women entering academia are
                                                                                                                                                       Commissioner is chosen by a women’s electoral         improved.
                                                                                                                                                       body. She advises and supports university man-
42                                                                                                                                                                                          University Institutions and Services                                                                                 43

     Mentoring and Training Program

                                                                                                                                                  Maria von Linden Program

                                                                                                                                                  The University of Bonn has elaborated a number      finding mentors who help female scientists and
                                                                                                                                                  of measures to recruit more women for science, to   scholars to plan their careers.
                                      The Equal Opportunity Commissioner’s main tasks include:                                                    motivate them to continue their academic careers
                                                                                                                                                  and to support them on their path in science and    Furthermore, the Maria von Linden Program of-
                                      ■■ Developing and implementing measures to             ■■ Enhancing awareness of gender-relevant is-        research. These measures are part of the Maria      fers a comprehensive raft of measures tailored
                                         increase the percentage of women in profes-            sues and gender equality                          von Linden Program, named for the first titular     to the needs of each individual qualification level.
                                         sorial or managerial positions                      ■■ Advising in cases of sexual harassment and        female professor at the University of Bonn.         These include fellowships, for example, or finan-
                                      ■■ Accompanying and monitoring professorial               discrimination in university life, at the work-                                                       cial and personal support for the various phases
                                         and other appointment procedures                       place and in connection with applications         The mentoring and training program “MeTra” for      of academic qualification. Not least with an eye           Maria Countess von Linden
                                      ■■ Developing measures to promote female junior        ■■ Promoting the institutionalization and dissem-    female doctoral candidates, post-docs and junior    to how the figures for the number of women at              Parasitologist at the University of Bonn and
                                         researchers                                            ination of gender research                        professors is a permanent constituent of the pro-   the various qualification stages develops, these           first female professor at a German university
                                      ■■ Improving the reconciliation of science, studies,                                                        gram. It features a framework program of training   measures are regularly evaluated and adjusted.
                                         job and family                                                                                           seminars and networking meetings as well as

                                      We are here to help you whether you need information on gender equality or require concrete assis-
                                      tance in problem situations.
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