Fourth Sunday of Easter May 8, 2022 - Parishes ...

Page created by Willie George
Fourth Sunday of Easter May 8, 2022 - Parishes ...
Fourth Sunday of Easter May 8, 2022
Fourth Sunday of Easter May 8, 2022 - Parishes ...
MASS SCHEDULE & INTENTIONS                    Our second graders begin celebrating their First
                                              Holy Communion this weekend. Congratulations
                                              those receiving Eucharist for the first time this
Saturday, May 7                               weekend:
5:00 p.m. All deceased mothers
                                              Saturday, May 7:
                                              5:00 p.m. Lucas Feeley, Maeve Gazerro,
Sunday, May 8                                 Hunter Johnson, Noah Mathers, Paulina Minuto,
8:00 a.m. All deceased mothers                Maeve Tuxbury, and Pearl Westcott
9:15 a.m.  All deceased mothers
11:30 a.m. All deceased mothers               Sunday, May 8:
                                              9:15 a.m.: Colton Caruso, Rocco Catallozzi, and
Tuesday, May 10                               Logan Nash
9:00 a.m. John W. Cronin
                                              11:30 a.m.: Allison Andrews, Hayley Cohen,
Wednesday, May 11                             Joseph Conrad, Adeline McKee, Teddy Powers, and
                                              Mya Robinson
9:00 a.m. Pat Briggs, Aldeoda Lambert
                                              Say a prayer for these children and their families!
Thursday, May 12
9:00 a.m. Michelle Boisvert                   Looking for Books
                                              Please remember to return all textbooks. There is a
Saturday, May 14                              return box for them underneath the large bulletin
5:00 p.m. Ray Panzica, Millie Craig,          board in the Parish Hallway. Thank you
           Beverly Lancellotta
                                              CONFIRMATION FOR ADULTS
Sunday, May 15                                  Any adult who has received the sacraments of
8:00 a.m. All deceased parishioners           Baptism and Eucharist but has not received
                                              Confirmation is invited to “receive the gift of the
9:15 a.m.  Bernadette DaPonte, John Prassl,
                                              Holy Spirit” during Mass on Pentecost Sunday.
           Gus & Terry Kern                   While the RCIA program remains in place for those
11:30 a.m. Steven Desmaris,                   who are unbaptized and have yet to receive the
          Robert Stewart, Mary Podedworny     message, this Pentecost ceremony is for Catholic
                                              adults who have accepted the message of the
                                              Gospel years ago and have been practicing the
                                              Catholic faith as initiated disciples who have
                                              already been baptized and received Holy
                                              Communion. If you would like to be confirmed
                                              during this Confirmation ceremony within Sunday
                                              Mass on Pentecost, June 5, please contact Jennifer
                                              Marran ( for more information.

                                               BOOK SALE
                                                 Fr. Joe Creedon’s new book, "Walking in The Light of
                                              His Word" will be sold after the 5 p.m. Mass on Saturday
                                              May 7, Saturday May 28, and after the 9:15 a.m. Mass on
                                              May 29. The cost of the book is $20, and Fr. Creedon will
                                              be available to sign your book on those dates. Books are
                                              also available in the office during the week.
Fourth Sunday of Easter May 8, 2022 - Parishes ...
 “The Christian faith is not just saying the      “For a variety of reasons, many no longer believe the
creed: it is thinking about the Creed and         message. Many of our parishes are struggling, on so
understanding the Creed and doing the             many levels, to support a vibrant faith community.
Creed. Working with our hands.”                   Despite the great work done by generations of priests,
- Pope Francis, during his weekly General         religious and lay people now, at times, it feels like we
Audience at the Vatican on Wednesday.             have been out all night without a single catch. We can
Vatican Dicastery for Communication. May 4,       no longer ignore the fact that much of what the Church
2022.                                             has built up in Ireland over the last two centuries is
                                                  crumbling before our eyes.
 “Since the election of Pope Francis and with      “The more and more I see, the more and more I am
his signaling for a greater openness to           convinced that much of our infrastructure, our systems,
LGBTQ persons, there’s indeed a major thaw        our pastoral practices that were beneficial in the past,
in the Church’s relationship with the LGBTQ       now hinder rather than help the life of faith. Here, too,
community. However, it’s early spring, so it      we stand at a 'threshold moment.' Inevitably, there will
can still have a winter chill.”                   be a sense of genuine mourning in letting go but these
- Fr. Bryan Massingale, priest and professor      Easter days tell us that out of such death comes new
of theology, in a new film “Building a Bridge,”   hope and new life. Perhaps the Lord is asking us to
based on the ministry of Fr. James Martin.        throw out our nets in a different direction. In the
”Building a Bridge toward LGBTQ+                  direction of a new and profound re-evangelization of
Catholicism: ‘Nothing converts like a story.’”    ourselves. As individuals and as a community, perhaps May 3, 2022.                           we now need to focus on rediscovering that living
                                                  presence of the risen Christ among us. We need to
 “As a gay Methodist, I’m still not on board      experience again the joy and excitement that His
with the Catholic Church’s stance on gay          message gives. We need to rekindle our confidence in
people. This is one of the biggest reasons        its ability to transform our oft broken lives and
why, despite my interest, I’ve held off           transfigure our suffering world for the better. We need
considering converting to Catholicism.            to sense anew that, this joy, like all joy, is a joy that calls
However, I appreciate that the Catechism          out to be boldly talked about and respectfully shared
also demands that we be treated with              with our fellow travelers on life’s journey.
‘respect and sensitivity.’”                        “It is clear that in the future, we will be a smaller faith
- Connor Brennan, “Defending Catholicism          community, but with the help of God we will be a more
as a Protestant.” Quis Ut Deus? (    faith-filled, vibrant, welcoming, grounded community. A
May 3, 2022.                                      faith community that is aware of our individual human
                                                  weakness while, at the same time, ever striving to
 “She needs to apologize to Catholics             overcome such weakness with the merciful healing help
immediately. She is a disgrace… The time has      of God. A faith community that lives the message of
come for her to be either reprimanded or          Jesus in a way that better speaks in equal measure to
censured. Her irresponsible behavior has          the lives of our fellow women and men. A faith
already caused her to be removed from             community that builds bridges not barriers and that
committee assignments. Accordingly, her           reaches out in compassion to aid those who find
burst of anti-Catholicism now demands             themselves in need. A faith community that is less afraid
stronger sanctions against her.”                  of those who see life differently from us.”
- Bill Donohue, president of the Catholic         - Bishop Michael Duignan, during his installation as
League for Religious and Civil Rights, in         Bishop of Galway and Kilmacduagh in Ireland last
response to Georgia Rep. Marjorie Taylor          Sunday. Commincations Office, Irish Catholic Bishops
Greene, who said last week that the Catholic      Conference. May 1, 2022.
Church’s support for immigrants in the
United States was an example of “Satan             "Perhaps we have grown complacent over the
controlling the church,” the church “not          centuries. Today, one even hears talk of a smaller, more
doing its job,” “not adhering to the teachings    faithful church, as if that were preferred over 'a great
of Christ,” and “not adhering to what the         multitide, which no one could count (Rev 7:9).' ...
Word of God says we’re supposed to do.”            "Pope Francis is clearly right when he urges us to go
“Marjorie Taylor Greene feuds with                out to the people on the margins of society... Go to
conservative Catholics over ‘Satan’ remarks.”     them. Do not be afraid to share the love of the Lord
Religion News Service. April 28, 2022.            with them."
                                                  - Bishop William Wack of Pensacola-Tallahassee,
                                                  Florida. "Bishop Wack: we need more evangelical
                                                  Catholics." America. April 29, 2022.
Fourth Sunday of Easter May 8, 2022 - Parishes ...
REFLECTION                                               SUPPORT GROUP FOR GRIEVING PARENTS
 “Human beings, while capable of the worst, are           Have you experienced the death of a child?
also capable of rising above themselves, choosing       Many grieving parents feel alone in their grief.
again what is good, and making a new start.” (Pope      You do not have to grieve alone. These meetings
Francis) We have a difficult time figuring out what     are an opportunity for us to companion each
is true and best for us. There are many voices          other on our grief journey.
talking and so many trying to get our attention. We     Our next meeting will be Tuesday, May 17, at 7:30
wrongly convince ourselves that the true voice is       p.m. in the Church.
the voice of progress, the one that speaks of           Feel free to call Michelle Saslow (401-222-0015) if
contemporary wants and desires, enticing us with        you have any questions.
the latest trends and causes. We are taught, by
listening to the voices around us, that truth is         LAWN CREW
found in feelings and thought, and ideals must            It is that time of year again to sign up for our
match current and popular human wants. Because          Lawn Crew. It takes a team about 2 hours to
we feel a particular way it must be true. Then, we      cut/trim our lawn. If we have enough teams, you
find a shepherd who empathizes with us and              would be on about once a month through
affirms us. We follow that voice even though            September. Training on our tractor provided. For
listening to that voice will render us powerless and    more information or to sign up, please call Beth in
lead us to harm. There are many with me in this         the office, 783-7459. Thanks for your time!
procession to this pasture. I must be on the right
path and listening to the right voice.                  CATHOLIC CHARITY APPEAL
We are very confused. What can keep us safe and           Thank you to all who have donated; our total is
from harm? Where do we go to find life, love, and       $125,908 so far!
happiness? Jesus tells us that he is the way, the         To make or pledge an online donation, please go
truth, and the life. The only way to get to Truth,      to our CTK web page and click on the Catholic
who is God, is through him. There is no other way.      Charity Appeal logo. You can make a donation
The Church, the gate around God’s pasture of life,      using a credit card or go directly to
is charged with the mission of directing us where
God desires that we go. In the midst of all of the      Remember to pick Christ the King as your parish.
conflicting voices around us, the voice of truth is     You can also mail your gift to:
often muffled in all of the noise, but it beckons us
to a life of virtue and grace. Helping us understand    Catholic Charity Appeal
who we are and where we have to be, it discerns         Diocese of Providence
the voice of God, providing us with the safety net      PO Box 6605
we need to stay straight on our path to life eternal.   Providence, RI 02940-6605
We have to trust the voice of God, the true
Shepherd, even when it does not mirror what we          PAROUSIA: THE BIBLE AND THE MASS
want and what others may believe. Faith goes way          Join us this Spring for a bible study to discover
beyond feeling and involves a radical trust in          why the liturgy is a major theme that runs
Someone who can lead us and form us. At day’s           through the entire Bible, from Genesis to the
end, if we do not know to find our way home, we         Book of Revelation. We will not only look to the
will be truly lost.                            ©LPi     Law, the Prophets, and life and teachings of Jesus,
                                                        we'll also lean on the Doctors of the Church to
                                                        enhance our understanding of the Mass. We'll see
                                                        how the New Testament is concealed in the Old,
                                                        the Old is revealed in the New, and why both
                                                        point directly to the Mass, the sign of the New
                                                        Covenant. Scott Hahn's series will present a
                                                        chapter each week using a short video followed by
                                                        small group discussions. All materials will be
                                                          We will be meeting for 4 more sessions in the
                                                        Spring: May 12, 19, 26 and June 2 at 7 p.m. in the
                                                        parish hall. In the fall we will conclude with
                                                        Lessons 6-10.
Fourth Sunday of Easter May 8, 2022 - Parishes ...
  Centering Prayer is a receptive method of Christian
silent prayer which deepens our relationship with                            MOM
God, the Indwelling Presence … a prayer in which we
can experience God’s presence within us, closer than             Your mother is always with you.
breathing, closer than thinking, closer than
consciousness itself.
                                                                  She’s the whisper of the leaves
  Are you a practitioner of Centering Prayer? Would                as you walk down the street.
you like to practice with some other followers?                  She’s the smell of certain foods
Would you like to learn about Centering Prayer?                           you remember,
Please call or email Patricia Knight-Bellisle (860) 559-               the flowers you pick,
6286 or She and others
                                                                    the fragrance of life itself.
are trying to organize a once-a-week group that
would meet at Christ the King Church and center in              She’s the cool hand on your brow
front of the Blessed Sacrament and share the                      when you are not feeling well.
upcoming week’s gospels in a lectio divina fashion.                 She’s your breath in the air
    The time and day of the week will be determined                   on a cold winter’s day.
by what works for those interested. We hope to meet              She is the sound of the rain that
you at the Center!
                                                           lulls you to sleep, the colors of a rainbow,
                                                                    she is Christmas morning.
                                                             Your mother lives inside your laughter.
                                                            She’s the place you came from, your first
                                                               home, and she’s the map you follow
                                                                     with every step you take.
                                                              She’s your first love, your first friend,
  Registration is now open for our annual summer                      even your first enemy,
Vacation Bible School. The theme this year is               but nothing on earth can separate you –
"Monumental: Celebrating God's Greatness."                    not time, not space, not even death.
 VBS will be August 1-5 from 9-11:45 a.m.                                    (Unknown)
Students entering grades K-5 are welcome to
register now. Registration forms are available on
our website at                                              To all moms – HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY or on the
religious formation bulletin board in the church
hall. The cost is $25 per child, $40 per family.
Please contact Heather Skidds with questions. We
are looking forward to a great week of faith sharing
and fun!

VBS Volunteers Needed
  Volunteers are needed to help staff our Vacation
Bible School this Summer on August 1-5. Students
entering grades 6 & up, and adults are needed as
junior counselors, crew leaders, and station
leaders. We will have a VBS meeting for those
interested on Sunday, May 15 at 10 a.m. after the
9:15 a.m. Mass in the church hall. If you would like
to help, please contact Heather Skidds at VBS is a wonderful way for
our young people and adults to share their faith,
engage in community service, and have a fun
summer experience!
Fourth Sunday of Easter May 8, 2022 - Parishes ...
                                                           Saturday: 5:00 p.m.
                                                  Sunday: 8:00 a.m., 9:15 a.m. & 11:30 a.m.
Parish Office Hours
Monday - Thursday: 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.         BAPTISM
Friday: 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.                    Parents should speak to Jennifer Marran to make
Phone: (401) 783-7459                            arrangements.
Religious Formation Office: (401) 789-0417
                                                 ADULT INITIATION
Rev. Jared Costanza (   Adults wishing to receive the sacraments of Baptism,
Pastor                                           Eucharist, and/or Confirmation should speak to
                                                 Jennifer Marran.
Rev. Joseph Creedon (
Parish Priest Emeritus                           CONFIRMATION
                                                 Eighth graders receive Confirmation in the spring.
Jennifer Marran (              Please speak to Eva Mancuso for more information.
Pastoral Associate
Tom Kendzia (                Engaged couples should speak to Fr. Jared at least nine
Director of Music Ministry                       months prior to the wedding.
Heather Skidds (               RECONCILIATION
Associate Director of Music Ministry             Saturdays at 4:30 p.m. or anytime by appointment.
Georgann Lardaro (            ANOINTING OF THE SICK
Director of Religious Formation                  Please call the parish office to make arrangements.
Eva Mancuso (              MINISTRY TO THE SICK & HOMEBOUND
Director of Confrmation Prep & Youth Ministry    If you or someone you know is unable to attend Mass
                                                 and would like to receive Holy Communion, please
Beth Hogan (                    speak to Jennifer Marran to make arrangements. On the
Parish Office Manager                            third Tuesday of each month, Mass is celebrated at
                                                 South Kingstown Nursing & Rehabilitation Center and
Ron Bernier (                 at Brookdale Assisted Living.
Fiscal Manager
                                                 BIBLE STUDY w/Fr. Jared (Gospel of Luke) 1 & 7 p.m.
Doug Paquin (                May 11 & 25
                                                 BIBLE STUDY (Shared/Group) 7:00 p.m.
Mike Mitchell                                    May 12, 19, 26, June 2
Website Administrator (
                                                 GODPARENTS & SPONSORS
Trustees: Mark Noble & Phil Tracy                Please visit, or see Fr. Jared after
Auditors: Richard Gervais & Carol Hartley        Mass.
Prayer Chain (             BELONG TO CHRIST THE KING!
                                                 Welcome to our growing family of faith! Call the parish
URI Catholic Center                              office or visit for more information.
90 Chapel Way, Kingston, RI 02881
Office: (401) 874-2324
Rev. Carl Fisette, Chaplain
Fourth Sunday of Easter May 8, 2022 - Parishes ...
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Fourth Sunday of Easter May 8, 2022 - Parishes ...
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Fourth Sunday of Easter May 8, 2022 - Parishes ...
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