Seventh Sunday of Easter June 2, 2019 - Mater Christi Church 2401 S. 10th Avenue North Riverside, IL 60546 (708) 442-5611

Page created by Sam Webster
Seventh Sunday of Easter June 2, 2019 - Mater Christi Church 2401 S. 10th Avenue North Riverside, IL 60546 (708) 442-5611
Seventh Sunday of Easter
     June 2, 2019

   Mater Christi Church
    2401 S. 10th Avenue
  North Riverside, IL 60546
      (708) 442-5611
Seventh Sunday of Easter June 2, 2019 - Mater Christi Church 2401 S. 10th Avenue North Riverside, IL 60546 (708) 442-5611
Mass Intentions for the Week
Monday, June 3          8:00 a.m.     For all the people of Mater Christi Church

Tuesday, June 4         8:00 a.m.     McGlynn Family

Wednesday, June 5       8:00 a.m.     For all who are listed in the prayer list

Thursday, June 6        8:00 a.m.     For all the seniors in our community

Friday, June 7          8:00 a.m.     SSND Benefactors

Saturday, June 8        5:00 p.m.     Patricia Taglia    Jim Burns     Susan Rouse

Sunday, June 9          8:00 a.m. Helen and August Ondrejka Grandma and Grandpa Zenkevicus
                        9:30 a.m. Homer Manfredi Joseph and Dorothy Jedrychowski
                        11:00 a.m. Alberta Peruzzo Susan Rouse

Please pray for...
Donna Accetta                                Irene Horacek
Pola Aguirre                                   Mary Kamin
Mary Arvai                                  Irene Kaminski                              We Welcome the Newly
Lisa Barreto                                  Linda Kariotis
Julian Betancourt                       Katherine Karynicki                            Baptized into our Family!
Linda Bronsteader                           Theresa Kledzik
Janet Broucek                                Jim Kratochvil
Lee Brown                                  Benicio Martinez
Laura Buono                                Helen Martinkus                                 Rafael Isaias
Del Burns                                          Jim Mehr
Dorothy Caduto                                Spencer Mehr                                   Garcia
Celeste Casper                                  Lucila Nash
Catherine Costabile                        Steven Obremski
Geri Cozzi                                 Dean Pennacchio
Margaret Cukale                            Beth Pennacchio
Raymond DeBoth                               Rob Piotrowski
Rose DeSimone                                 Elsie Piszczor
Therese Dolmant                              Donna Reisiger
Edward Dragosh                                    Mark Rini
Dorothy Dunajcik                                  John Rysz
John Dunajcik                            Rosa Maria Santos
Barbara Garbarski                          Daniele Santucci
Anthony Gorski                                David Sheffer
Elena Gorski
Robert Green
                                           Margaret Shether
                                                Sam Smetko
                                                                                   Thomas Wiznerowicz
Barb Gurski
Alex Hauser-Vandevort
                                                 Fran Smith
                                                John Storcel                                &
Debra Henley                        Nicholas/Mary Szalinski
Larry Hersh
Nancy Hicks
                                               Carole Turek
                                              Max Venchus
                                                                                     Amanda Zdarsky
                                                                                         June 8, 2019
         Please let the parish office know if any names in
               the prayer list should be removed to
                accommodate additional requests.
                           Thank you.
Seventh Sunday of Easter June 2, 2019 - Mater Christi Church 2401 S. 10th Avenue North Riverside, IL 60546 (708) 442-5611
FROM FR. MATT’S DESK                                                                          JUNE 2, 2019

On April 2, 1968, a Muslim bus mechanic saw something strange hovering over St. Mary’s Coptic Church
in Zeitoun. He thought someone was going to commit suicide, but after closer examination, he saw it was a
silhouette of light that resembled a woman.

The apparition attracted a large crowd, but only lasted a few minutes.

The following week it happened again, and continued 2 or 3 times a week for a total of three years, ending in
1971. Many believed the apparition was the Virgin Mary, clothed with light. The phenomenon occurred on top
of a church that is traditionally held to be a location where the Holy Family stayed during their sojourn in

The apparition was witnessed by people of every faith, including both Muslims and Christians. The head of
the Coptic Church made an investigation of the apparitions and he declared them miraculous and an authentic
appearance of the Virgin Mary.

Also located in the city was a Roman Catholic religious order who sent a report to the Vatican, detailing the
extraordinary phenomenon. While Pope Paul VI deferred to the leader of the Coptic Church to make a public
decision, a Vatican envoy arrived in Cairo and made their own report. They witnessed the apparition of light
and wrote the following details in a formal statement.

The apparitions occurred on many different nights and are continuing in different forms. The Holy Virgin
Saint Mary appeared sometimes in full form and sometimes in a bust, surrounded with a halo of shining light.
She was seen at times on the openings of the domes on the roof of the church, and at other times outside the
domes, moving and walking on the roof of the church and over the domes. When She knelt in reverence in
front of the cross, the cross shone with bright light. Waving Her blessed hands and nodding Her holy head,
She blessed the people who gathered to observe the miracle. She appeared sometimes in the form of a body
like a very bright cloud, and sometimes as a figure of light preceded with heavenly bodies shaped like doves
moving at high speeds. The apparitions continued for long periods, up to 2 hours and 15 minutes as in the
dawn of Tuesday April 30, 1968 (the 22nd of Barmouda, 1684 A.M.), when She appeared continuously from
2:45 am till 5:00 am.

Thousands of people from different denominations and religions, Egyptians and foreign visitors, clergy
and scientists, from different classes and professions, all observed the apparitions. The description of each
apparition as of the time, location and configuration was identically witnessed by all people, which makes
this apparition unique and sublime.

They also related how the apparition was causing a miraculous revival of the Christian faith, with many con-
versions taking place in the city. Also, various healings were recorded that occurred near the apparition site.

Furthermore, even the Egyptian government investigated the apparition. President Gamal Abdel Nasse
witnessed the apparition and the Egyptian police could not find any natural way to explain the phenomenon.
Everyone was universally stunned by what they saw and no one could offer a scientific explanation.

There was no particular message associated with the Marian apparition, but it came at a time when the
Middle East was in turmoil and after Egypt was defeated in the Arab-Israeli war. It gave people hope in a
time of darkness and strengthened the faith of many.

-Fr. Matthew Nemchausky
Seventh Sunday of Easter June 2, 2019 - Mater Christi Church 2401 S. 10th Avenue North Riverside, IL 60546 (708) 442-5611
Contributions for May 26, 2019                                Calling the Heads of the
                                                               Parish Organizations…
 Sunday Collection                   $2,976
 Sharing with St. Ann                 $456               Our Annual Calendar Meeting will be held
 St. Adalbert and St. Paul                              on June 12th at 7:00pm in the Marian Room.
 Faith Formation Fund                   $347               If your organization will be requesting
                                                           the use of any parish facilities, you are
 On-Line Giving for                  $2,128
 the month of May                                         required to fill out and return a calendar
                                                          Calendar packets will be available in the
                                                            rectory for you to pick up and fill out.
                                                          Please kindly mark the dates, times and
                                                         locations requested for your organization
    300 CLUB RAFFLE WINNERS                                   on your calendar and return to the
                                                         rectory by Monday, June 3rd. Thank you!
 May 12, 2019
 1st Prize Jorge Romo
 2nd Prize Chet Wierciak
                                                         Summer is here! With many parishioners going
 May 19, 2019                                           on vacation, now is the perfect time to register for
 1st Prize Colette Wojtkiewicz                           On-line Giving.. It’s a great way to be sure that
 2nd Prize Rosemary Kamykowski                           your contribution reaches us if you are unable to
 May 26, 2019                                           make it to Mass. If you would like to register for
 1st Prize Bob and Carol Davidson                       Online Giving and need assistance, please call the
 2nd Prize Fernando Flores                                 rectory at (708) 442-5611, Monday - Friday
                                                                         from 9am to 5pm.

St. Domitilla Parish, Hillside, seeks a full-time
maintenance person. Must have basic knowledge           Please be generous in giving to our
of electrical, plumbing, mechanical, carpentry,
masonry & painting. Ability to perform repairs and/
                                                        second collection next weekend,
or supervise outside contractors as they make repairs   June 8th and 9th, to PRMAA,
or inspections of equipment. Ability to read and
comprehend written instructions and communicate
                                                        (Priests’ Retirement and Mutual
to others in writing. Valid driver’s license. Ability   Aid Association), benefiting the
to work outside in a variety of weather conditions.
Ability to climb ladders and stairs as necessary.
                                                        healthcare, wellness and
Ability to lift at lead 70 lbs. Asbestos training a     retirement for the priests of the
Please submit resume to Carol Knoll at
                                                        Archdiocese of Chicago. or contact Carol
Knoll with questions/full job description at            Thank you for your generosity.
708-449-8430 Ex. 13
Seventh Sunday of Easter June 2, 2019 - Mater Christi Church 2401 S. 10th Avenue North Riverside, IL 60546 (708) 442-5611
Please pray for,                                                          Holy Name Society Executive
                     Nicolas Novak                                             Board Appointments
             U.S. Marines Second Lieutenant
             Son of Michelle and Tim Novak                            During its regular meeting on
       Grandson of Bern Gordus and Virginia Novak                     May 10th, the Mater Christi
                                                         Holy Name Society announced the elected
                     Jack Halloran                       officers who will lead the organization in the
                        U.S. Navy                        2019–2020 Term. Please join us in
       Grandson of William and Bernadine DeCoster        congratulating these men. They are:

                   Lt. Bradley Basek                     Phil Santoro- President
                  U.S. Air Force Pilot                   (new appointment)
                 Grandson of Jeri Basek
                                                         Fernando Flores- Treasurer
                     Michelle Weber                      (new appointment)
                       U.S. Army                         Pat Ferriter- Vice President,
         Daughter of Ann Weber and Mike Weber            Membership

                    Jeffrey Bradley                      Andy Wozniak- Vice President,
                   U.S. Navy Officer                     Social
                Nephew of Kathleen Keen                  Gary Richied, Jr.- Secretary

                 Kenneth Skillman IV                     The Executive Committee would also like to
                  U.S. Army Officer                      thank the following men for their service over
                Godson of Kathleen Keen
                                                         the past two years:
                     Nicolas Planeta                      John Bork- President
                   U.S. Army Sergant                      Ted Watylyk- Treasurer
             Son of Jesus and Regina Planeta

                         Zach Frey                       The Holy Name Society Mass with the installation of new
                   U.S. National Guard                   officers will be celebrated at the 9:30a.m. service on Sunday,
               Close friend of Becca Borow               June 16th with hospitality to follow. Please join us as we pray
                                                         together, welcome our new officers and have an opportunity to
                                                         thank the men who have led and will lead the organization in
                                                         the coming year.
Access Credit Union wants to help members
of the community prevent identity theft by shredding     The Mariapolis is multitasking that works:
unwanted papers containing personal information for
                                                         both a vacation and a retreat! Bring your family
free at its Broadview branch, 1807 W. Cermak Rd,
from 10:00 AM to noon on Saturday, June 1, 2019.         for three days of faith and fun on the shores of
The credit union will have a shred truck on site and     beautiful Green Lake, Wisconsin. With parallel
participants are asked to bring no more than two         morning programs for children, teens and adults
large boxes of papers.                                   (including nursery), the Mariapolis continues
                                                         with optional afternoon and evening activities
In addition, participants are asked to help members
                                                         for all ages (boating, fishing, swimming, hiking,
in the community in need by donating a non-
perishable food item for each large box of papers        golf and special group activities). Sponsored by
they bring to have shredded. The Society of              the Work of Mary (Focolare Movement), this
St. Vincent de Paul at Mater Christi, will receive all   year’s theme is “The Holy Spirit: Soul of the
food items donated at the Shred Day/Food Drive.          Church and the World,” June 28-July 2. Please
                                                         register by April 29 for best choice of lodging,
Access Credit Union invites everyone to bring
                                                         from hotel-style rooms to family cabins to
two banker’s-size boxes of unwanted personal
documents, such as old account statements,               camping, (
cancelled checks, and old tax documents. For more        Contact John & Lori Chesser for more info
information call (708) 343-0228.                         (515-314-8516 or
Seventh Sunday of Easter June 2, 2019 - Mater Christi Church 2401 S. 10th Avenue North Riverside, IL 60546 (708) 442-5611
Even science rolls over before the                           If you or a loved one needs anointing, or it’s an
              Blessed Sacrament.                                      emergency and you need to see the pastor but
                                                                      can not travel, please call the church office so
                                                                          we may assist you as soon as possible.
The Catholic Priest José Manuel Otaolaurruchi , saw one of the                              Thank you.
most beautiful and great Eucharistic miracles. The faith in
Jesus Eucharist is reaffirmed, body and living blood present on
the altar. "A few weeks ago I was in Brazil and it struck me                   Need to schedule a mass intention?
                                     that weddings, except for a
                                     few exceptions, take place          Please remember that space is available for Mass
                                     during the rite of marriage     Intentions for loved ones, especially during our weekday
                                     without Holy Mass. I asked                  Masses. Please call the rectory at
                                     the reason and was told this    (708) 442-5611 at least two weeks prior to the Mass that
                                     was done to protect the                you would like the intention scheduled for.
                                     dignity of the Eucharist. If
                                                                                            Thank you!
                                     the Mass were celebrated,
                                     all the guests would go to
Communion because they do not believe in the real presence of
Christ in the consecrated bread and wine. The couple and             Is there any among you sick?
godparents are given communion after having confessed and
prepared properly. “Respect for the Eucharist is an expression       They should call for the elders of the Church and
of our faith. How many opportunities do Catholics have to
witness our faith through caring for our behavior in the Church;
                                                                     have them pray over them, anointing them with oil
whether on our knees, keeping silence within the church or           in the name of the Lord.
praying with the fervor of those who know they are in the            James 5:14
presence of God! If the Eucharist were a symbol, the Satanists
would not seek so hard to desecrate it. How ironic! The
demons have no doubt of faith, because they are fully
convinced of the divine presence of Christ in the consecrated
bread. If the Eucharist were a deception, the desecration of the
sacramental hosts would not be punished with the                                North Riverside/
excommunication reserved by the Holy Father. As current
evidence we can illuminate the case of Dr. Ricardo Castañón,                Riverside Golden Agers…
specialist in the human brain, and an atheist. This doctor asked
the Vatican to verify some samples of a Eucharistic miracle          Join now and have fun all year long!
that took place in 1992 in Bueno Aires. A person picked up a
consecrated host from the ground and returned it to the priest.      The North Riverside/Riverside Golden Agers are an active
The father put it in a bowl of clean water to dissolve it and        group of men and women who enjoy fun and friendship
stored it in the tabernacle. A week after, the priest realized the   with others. The club was founded in 1969 for the purpose
water had turned to blood.                                           of sponsoring good fellowship.

The Church entrusted this scientist with the analysis of the         Membership is open to any resident, 62 years of age or
liquid and he realized that it coincided with the blood group of     older. A younger spouse may also become a member or
the left ventricle tissue of the myocardium of the holy sheet and    attend as a guest.
of the rest of the Eucharistic miracles recognized in various
parts of the world. This miracle achieved his conversion and         Dues are only $10 per year. Meetings are held from 10:30
the doctor affirmed that in the Eucharist science and faith meet.    a.m. to 2:00 p.m. on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each
“This same miracle is performed every day in all the altars of       month at the Village Commons in North Riverside. Join
the world where God offers us in the holy Mass the living            us for lunch and see for yourself.
bread and the bread of life that is "his flesh so that the world
may have life"                                                       Activities include: bingo, field trips, holiday parties and
                                                                     functions, informative speakers, community happenings,
NOTE:      Eucharist Adoration is held every Mon-                    etc.
day from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm at Mater Christi                         For more information, please contact Dolores
church                                                               Rizzitiello, President of the Golden Agers at 312.343.0667
 Jesus ask us: "Come Pray with me, stay with me,                     or the North Riverside Recreation Dept. at 708.442.5515
watch and pray.
Seventh Sunday of Easter June 2, 2019 - Mater Christi Church 2401 S. 10th Avenue North Riverside, IL 60546 (708) 442-5611
Mater Christi Holy Name Society
                                                                       Annual Golf Outing.
                                                                             June 14, 2019
                                                                        Gleneagles Country Club

                                                     The M.C.H.N.S. Annual Golf Outing will take
                                                     place at Gleneagles C.C. in Lemont, IL on
     Home Run Inn Benefit Day!!!                     Friday, June 14th. The cost is $100.

   Mater Christi Church will host a benefit          It includes continental breakfast, golf, cart,
  day at Home Run Inn, 6825 W Cermak Rd,             halfway house refreshments, lunch, beer, soda
   (just west of Oak Park Ave) Berwyn, on            and prizes! There will also be a 50/50 raffle.
              Tuesday, June 25th.                    This year’s Golf Outing will be a SCRAMBLE
                                                     format. Registration began April 12th, at the
 Similar to Buona Beef, 20% will be returned to      Holy Name Society meeting. Sign up as a
  Mater Christi. This is the third event that will   single, a twosome, or a foursome with your
help finance and enhance our Parish Block Party      friends or business associates.
             on Sunday, August (?).
                                                       Notice: Continental Breakfast begins at 7am.
   More details and redemption flyers in the                    Shotgun start is at 8:30am
 coming weeks, but for now, save the date and
  mark your calendar for Tuesday, June 25th.         Hole Sponsorship
                                                     Hole sponsorship is a unique and effective way
     Please join us for lunch and/or dinner.         to advertise. Your place of work, your own
             Hope to see you there!                  business, do side work? Starting business? We
                                                     will help get the word out with 1) a sign on the
                                                     golf course at a designated hole, 2) in the Golf
                                                     Outing program, 3) in “THE WORD” this
                                                     summer. The hole sponsorship “PACKAGE” is
                                                     available for $75.

                                                     Would you like to make the golf outing a
        The Holy Name Society will                   success? DONATIONS are being accepted
        provide a partial Educational                for the raffle. Golf balls, gift certificates, or
       Scholarship, in the amount of                 other items would be greatly appreciated. Your
                                                     generosity would be recognized in the golf
       $1000 to a graduating student                 outing program.
     who will be enrolling in a Catholic
     High School this fall. Scholarship                       For more details and to reserve
                                                                   your tee time contact
    information and application packets                        Guy Belmonte at 447-9212
      are available in the vestibule of                      Or Stephen Piszczor at 447-3421
     church for any interested students.
      All necessary materials are to be
                                                                  Mater Christi CatholicChurch
          returned by June 9, 2019.                                  @MaterChristiChurch
Liturgical Ministers’ Schedule ~ June 8 & 9, 2019
                                                 MINISTERS          SERVERS

 Saturday,                                     Patricia Borow                                      Al Cimino
  June 8       Fr. Matt        PJ Folz          Richard Kral      Anthony Sarro       Ensemble    Joe Messlein
 5:00 pm     Nemchausky                        Carlene O’Brien                                    Ted Watylyk

 Sunday,                                        Carol Davidson                                   Warren Binder
  June 9        Fr. Cy                            John Bork       Yemaya Ramirez      Jeanine     John Bork
                            Cary Behrendt
 8:00 a.m      Nemecek                        Mary Ann Kratochvil  Sofia Zavala       Watylyk     Bill Lacey
                                                                                                  K.C. Skama

 Sunday,                                          Julie Paitl                                      Jim Cashin
  June 9       Fr. Matt     Virginia Kott      Kathleen Ranieri     Kevin Paitl        Choir      Nina Corrigan
 9:30 a.m    Nemchausky    George Zdarsky      Geraldine Dulik      Karen Paitl                     Ed Dulik

 Sunday,                                         Ida Clary                                        Joe Edmonds
  June 9       Fr. Matt     Rosann Lorenz       Don Zielonka      Will Roudebush      Rosemary   Fernando Flores
11:00 a.m.   Nemchausky       Al Sarro           Judy Moy         John Roudebush      Santorro    Gene Koszala
                                                                                                 Tom Roudebush

    If you would like to volunteer for any of the following ministries, please contact the office at
    (708)442-5611 to leave a message for the corresponding ministry coordinator during regular
                         office hours, Monday-Friday from 9:00am-5:00pm.
     Lectors— Marie Kelly          Wake Committee — Bern Gordus          Eucharistic Ministers— Rich Sima

      Altar Servers— Julie Paitl         Cantors/Choir— Jeanine Watylyk           Ushers— Eugene Koszala

                            ~ EVENTS AT A GLANCE ~
June 3, 2019       6:00pm Eucharistic Adoration (C)
                   6:00pm Girl Scouts Meeting (MH)
                   7:00pm St. Vincent de Paul Meeting (MR)
May 29, 2019       6:30pm Choir Rehearsal (Loft)
May 30, 2019       8:00am Daily Mass— Intentions of the Mother of Mothers Shrine (C)

                                                            If you were unable to come to Mass and
               The Rosary is said every
                                                             would like a weekly bulletin, copies of
                  Monday through
                                                            The Word are in the parish office and are
                 Saturday at 7:30am
                                                                    also available online at
                    in the Church.
                COME PRAY WITH US!
Safe Family Resources                                                        Mater Christi Church
                                                                                       2431 S. 10th Ave
                      Emergency: 911                                               North Riverside, IL 60546

             Domestic Violence Hotline:                                                     Pastoral Staff
                                                                    Rev. Matthew Nemchausky                              Pastor
               800.799.SAFE(7233)                                   Rev. M. Cyril Nemecek                     Pastor Emeritus
       and                                    Julie Paitl                   Faith Formation Coordinator
                             Jeanine Watylyk                          Director of Music
                                                                    Bernadine Gordus      Director of Baptismal Prep & Wakes
     Catholic Charities Counseling: 312.655.7725
                                                                                             Office Staff
            Alcohol Issues: and                          Kathleen Keen                                Business Manager
                                           Ann Weber                                      Office Secretary
                                                                    Yolanda Infante                                Office Secretary
          General site:
                                                                                            Facility Staff
                                                                    Bryant Rouleau                                Facility Manager

                                                                                      PARISH CONTACTS
                                                                    Rectory/Parish Office                  (708) 442-5611
   Mother of Mothers Shrine Engraved                                Fax                                    (708) 442-1306
                                                                    Convent (School Sisters of Notre Dame) (708) 447-0032
    Bricks are available to order to be                             Fr. Cy Nemecek                         (708) 442-8168
 installed in the Fall of 2019. A 4” X 8”                           Fr. Matthew Nemchausky
 brick is available with a gift of $200 to
  $500, and an 8” X 8” brick is available                                     Web Site:
  with a gift of $500 or more. If you are
   interested, please stop by the Parish
    office during regular office hours.                                            Organizations
    Monday through Friday from 9a.m.                                  Holy Name Society -- Women’s Guild
                  to 5 p.m.                                    

                    MASS SCHEDULE                                                 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION
Sabbath Liturgy                                                     R.E. classes are held on Saturday mornings during the school
         Saturday                                     5:00p.m.      year. Please contact the rectory office for further
         Sunday                          8:00, 9:30, 11:00a.m.      information.
Daily Liturgy                                                                         MINISTRY OF CARE
         Monday thru Saturday                       8:00a.m.        Ministers of Care visit the homes of the sick, homebound or
Holy Day Liturgy                           8:00a.m & 7:00p.m.       hospitalized and bring Holy Communion to them. The
                                                                    Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick is administered by the
                   RECONCILIATION                                   parish priest upon request. Medical privacy laws necessitate the
The Sacrament of Reconciliation is offered each Saturday from       family’s notification of the Church if a patient would like to
4:15 - 4:40 PM or by appointment.                                   receive a visit. Please call the Parish Office to make
Sacrament of Baptism is celebrated at 12:30 on the first &
third Sunday of each month but we gladly accept any requests.
If you are celebrating the Baptism of your first child we ask you
participate in a parent meeting. Please call the rectory to
schedule your child’s Baptism.
If you are recently engaged, Congratulations! Please call the
rectory to set a date!
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