Friday Happy Hours at QP - Venerdì 2 16 - 30 Giugno 5:30-7:30pm - Il Circolo

Page created by Jerome Pearson
Friday Happy Hours at QP - Venerdì 2 16 - 30 Giugno 5:30-7:30pm - Il Circolo
Venerdì 2 - 16 - 30 Giugno 5:30-7:30pm

           Friday Happy Hours at QP
                     QP - 34, Dover Street, London W1S 4NG
                            Tube station : Green Park

Il Circolo ti invita ai Friday Happy Hours
da QP, per un piacevole get-together
informale, in un ambiente glamour,
all’interno di un rinnovato ristorante
in pieno Mayfair, per concludere la
settimana ed iniziare il weekend in modo

Un Happy Hours con drinks, stuzzichini
e nuovi amici da conoscere.
Sarà gradita la presenza di eventuali
ospiti disponibili ad essere inclusi tra i
potenziali Guest Speaker di future attività
del Il Circolo o per discutere iniziative da
intraprendere insieme.

          Il costo a persona di 10£, da pagare sul posto, include un drink e canapè
                Si prega di confermare la propria partecipazione scrivendo a:

Pag. 1                                                 NEWSLETTER
                                                            Maggio 2017
Friday Happy Hours at QP - Venerdì 2 16 - 30 Giugno 5:30-7:30pm - Il Circolo
GIOVEDI’ 8 GIUGNO 2017 ore 17.

                   Essenze dall’Antichità ad Oggi
                        PAOLA CIPRARI ed ADELE DIANA

                                a casa di Paola Ciprari

     L’aromaterapia si basa sul potere curativo
       degli oli essenziali estratti dalle piante

     Venite a provare il loro aroma e a capire
   che effetti profondi possono avere sul vostro
      benessere fisico, mentale ed emotivo.

         Adele ci racconterà l’uso delle essenze
            dall’antichità fino ai nostri giorni.

                  Seguirà un aperitivo.

                                     Donazione: £20
                   Prenotazione tramite e-mail a:
          Pagamento: assegno da consegnare a Paola Ciprari intestato a “Il Circolo”
                            Oppure tramite bonifico bancario a :
                Il Circolo Account Number: 71142577 Sort Code: 40 06 03

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                                                        Maggio 2017
Friday Happy Hours at QP - Venerdì 2 16 - 30 Giugno 5:30-7:30pm - Il Circolo
30 June 2017

                      2017 Italy Made Me Award

                                  King’s College London

 The Italian Embassy in London invited young Italian researchers
 across the United Kingdom to submit applications for its annual
 research award programme “Italy Made Me”, to honour the
 accomplishments of young Italian researchers in several aca-
 demic domains.
 The awards will be presented to Italian researchers operating in
 the United Kingdom who received part of their education in Italy,
 in recognition of innovative research conducted in each of the
 three European Research Council (ERC) domains:
 •LifeSciences (LS)
 •PhysicalandEngineeringSciences (PE)
 • Social Sciences and Humanities (SH)
 This initiative is coordinated by the Italian Embassy in London,
 in collaboration with il Circolo, the Association of Italian Scien-
 tists in the United Kingdom (AISUK) and other Italian academic
 associations across the UK.
 The awards will be presented during the “Conference of Italian
 academics and researchers in the U.K.” which will be held at
 King’s College London on 30 June 2017.

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Friday Happy Hours at QP - Venerdì 2 16 - 30 Giugno 5:30-7:30pm - Il Circolo


                            a casa di Daniela McBride

  Cari amici, siamo lieti di invitarvi a
  ritrovarci dopo la pausa estiva per un
  rilassante coffee morning a casa di
  Daniela McBride che, gentilmente,
  ci ospiterà nel giardino di casa sua
  a Wimbledon.

  Questa riunione ha lo scopo di
  augurarci reciprocamente un felice
  rientro a Londra.

          Prenotate, per favore:

Pag. 4                                       NEWSLETTER
                                                Maggio 2017
Friday Happy Hours at QP - Venerdì 2 16 - 30 Giugno 5:30-7:30pm - Il Circolo
MERCOLEDI’ 27 SETTEMBRE 2017 ore 18.00 precise

                                  SAVE THE DATE

                                a casa di Etta Carnelli

  Francesca Centurione Scotto introdurrà Ursula
  Casamonti, titolare della Tornabuoni Art di
  Si parlerà del grande artista e anche di come
  funziona una galleria d’arte.
  Ursula – eccezionalmente – porterà un dipinto
  di Fontana da mostrare ai presenti. Anticipiamo
  solo che sarà un evento eccezionale vedere il
  retro di un capolavoro di Fontana. La Fondazione
  Fontana non dà facilmente         il permesso di
  osservare (e non concede mai di fotografare !) il
  retro dei quadri di Fontana.
  Grazie a Ursula – capiremo perché.
  Seguirà un aperitivo gentilmente offerto da Etta

                                      Donazione: £20

                  Prenotazione tramite e-mail a:

         Pagamento: assegno da consegnare a Etta Carnelli intestato a “Il Circolo”

                            Oppure tramite bonifico bancario a :
                Il Circolo Account Number: 71142577 Sort Code: 40 06 03

Pag. 5                                                NEWSLETTER
                                                         Maggio 2017
                     Italian Christmas Bazaar 2017
                                 27-28 November
                Chelsea Old Town Hall, King’s Road London SW3 5EE

  Il Circolo, Italian Cultural Association, established in London
for over twenty years, is a non profit organisation with the aim of
promoting Italian culture in the UK.
  The funds raised by Il Circolo are used to finance awards, research
projects and humanitarian initiatives and to support the chair of Italian
at Somerville College, Oxford University. In order to raise funds, Il
                                        Circolo organises exhibitions
                                        and events in connection with
                                        the Italian Embassy and the
                                        Italian Cultural Institute.
                                            The Italian Christmas Bazaar is one of the most successful
                                         traditional events, very popular among the cosmopolitan community
                                         in London. As the years go by, the Italian Bazaar has become more
                                         and more a showcase of Made in Italy and International quality
                                         products, for traders already present in the UK, as well as for those
                                         keen on becoming known to the British and International public.
                                      We welcome vendors of:
                     Regional Food - Leather Goods - Home décor- Stationary
                      Jewellery - Clothes - Personal accessories - Toiletries

                                          APPLY FOR A TABLE
 The Italian Bazaar operates a policy of selection to ensure product suitability for the Fair.
For more information and to register your interest, please send an email to
  providing your contact details, a description of your products, photographs of products or a
brochure and your website address, if applicable.

                                                             Cristmas Bazaar 2016

Pag. 6                                                         NEWSLETTER
                                                                    Maggio 2017

                      ENDOWING FELLOWSHIPS
  New Faces: Professor Francesca Southerden, whose appointment was made possible
   by our ongoing support from Il Circolo, the Italian Cultural Association in London.

For many students, Somerville’s sense of community
continues far beyond the moment they graduate and receive
their degrees. The relationship between alumni and the
College is just as important as the large community we have
of students, Fellows and staff, which has inspired the saying
‘once a Somervillian, always a Somervillian.’
Someone for whom this expression rings especially true
is Somerville’s new Fellow in Italian, Professor Francesca
Southerden. Francesca rst came to Somerville as an
undergraduate in 1997 to study French and Italian. Now,
many of her students are doing exactly the same course.
‘They’re quite intrigued when they realise that someone has
had a similar trajectory to them,’ she says.
It is an exciting year for Somerville’s Italian students, with
four new undergraduates making up one of the biggest entry
groups in many years. ‘I think some of them nd it reassuring
because they know that you understand the pressure that
they’re under,’ she continues. ‘Often, students open up a
little bit more if they feel that somehow you will have more
empathy for their situation.’
Like many language students, Francesca picked Somerville
as her rst choice college because of the strength of the language facilities. She had heard that the
Somerville Library has unparalleled holdings for Italian and French texts. ‘Honestly, people joke about
it,’ she says, ‘but if you look at the library catalogues and look for the book you need, it will be in the
Taylorian, the Bodleian and Somerville.’ She also notes that the College is very fortunate in being so
centrally located

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for languages as we are just across the road from the Taylor Institution Library and Francesca teaches
many classes at the Wellington Square of ces of the Modern Languages Faculty.
Her love of languages began at a very early age. While she was growing up in Chester her mother, an
Italian polyglot who can speak an additional three languages, raised her to be ‘practically bilingual’. She
remembers being enamoured with how speaking in Italian caused her to think and behave in a slightly
different way – using different slang terms and hand gestures. That fascination, paired with a passion for
reading, resulted in her rediscovering Italian in her teens through literature.
‘I was with my students yesterday,’ she says, ‘and we were reading another work by Dante and studying
his very visceral, incredibly affective bond with his mother tongue. He was saying that asking him whether
he loves his mother tongue is like asking someone if they would save a child from a burning building.
Through his work, you realise how bound up language is with identity and self-expression.’
Francesca’s own passion and enthusiasm with which she discusses language and medieval literature
was also very present while she was a student at Somerville. ‘I remember I was one of those students
who was so excited about everything that I was doing,’ she says. ‘I handed in these essays that were just
incredibly long and thorough, writing pages more than I was expected to. I am beginning to get similar
essays handed in now.’
The Italian course was taught by Dante scholar Professor Peter Hainsworth, who was the Italian Fellow
at Lady Margaret Hall. He called her aside after a tutorial one day and asked her if she had thought about
graduate study as he felt it would be something she would really enjoy.
This encouragement was enough to inspire Francesca to pursue a career in academia, but not before
she took a two-year break from studying to work at the Oxford University Admissions Of ce. Her role was
to widen access – a cause that she has been committed to ever since. ‘It’s so exciting to be at a College
that is very much at the forefront of trying to encourage students from non-traditional backgrounds to
She notes that remaining in an educational environment reinforced the fact that she was gravitating
towards something that would be fundamentally academic. After the two years, she was awarded a place
at Hertford College for her Masters in Italian. It wasn’t long before she was drawn back to Somerville –
this time as a Mary Ewart Postdoctoral Research Fellow in 2007.
For her DPhil, her focus was primarily on 20th century Italian poetry and she didn’t begin to specialise
in Medieval Italian Literature until her Fellowship at Somerville began. She credits her predecessor and
friend, Professor Manuele Gragnolati, for inspiring her, acting as an ‘informal mentor’, and for getting her
excited about Medieval Studies again. She was then invited to participate in conferences which helped
develop her research.

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Next, in 2010, her journey would take her to Wellesley College in Massachusetts, a liberal arts college
where she taught for six years. Francesca’s Fellowship at Somerville was made possible by Il Circolo,
the Italian Cultural Association in London, who have been generously supporting Somerville’s Italian
Fellowship for the last 12 years. Il Circolo was founded with the aim of promoting Italian culture in the UK,
and they support scholarships, students and academics linked to Italy.
For Francesca’s own academic focus, she is working on a book entitled Dante and Petrarch in the Garden
of Language: Towards a Relational Poetics. The book focuses on their major works, La Commedia by
Dante and Rerum vulgarium fragmenta by Petrarch, and looks at the relationship between language and
desire, focusing her analysis around the garden spaces in each text.
‘When Pertrarch goes into the narrative about Adam and Eve, there’s something very seductive about
the vernacular language for him,’ she says. ‘He’s con icted in his love and his erotic passion and I see
the tensions coming out. I try to interweave an attention to desire, language and body and the fact that
gardens are also fundamentally material spaces.’
One of the bene ts of teaching is that often it becomes very much in sync with an academic’s research.
As Francesca was hired for her specialism, she frequently nds that she is re-reading texts that she has
been using in her own research. The subsequent discussions and questions from students can shed new
light on a topic and allow her to think about things from a variety of perspectives.
Having been a Somerville undergraduate once herself, does Francesca have any advice for her current
students? ‘I want them to know the joy of learning,’ she says ‘and realise that there is something valuable
in the experience in itself. I gradually started understanding more and more that that’s what learning is –
realising the freedom that you have intellectually. I hope that my students will also be understanding that.’
‘Il Circolo aims to promote a love and understanding of Italian culture in the United Kingdom and we’ve
been delighted to see Italian studies at Somerville and Oxford grow and ourish over the years that we
have supported the College’s Italian Fellow.’
DANIELA MCBRIDE, Director of Il Circolo

Pag. 9                                                        NEWSLETTER
                                                                    Maggio 2017

Consolato generale d’Italia a Londra

Istituto Italiano di Cultura a Londra

La Scuola Italiana a Londra
The Italian Bookshop                              
Villa Scalabrini, Shenley, Herts

Visitatori Volontari Italiani

Somerville college, Oxford

FIWAL, Federation of International
Women Associations in London

Accademia Apulia

The London Library

The Italian community

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