From the Green - Erie Station Village

Page created by Ross Daniel
From the Green - Erie Station Village
Spring 2020

                                            From the Green
                                                Your Erie Station Village
                                                		          quarterly update...

Table of Contents:
Welcome Page 1
From Your Concierges Page 2
Spring Reminders Page 2
FAQs Page 4
N2N Page 3
Recipe Page 4
Maintenance Info Page 4

Treasure Hunt:
Somewhere inside this
newsletter is the name of an
Erie Station Village staff member
spelled backwards. Find it and
let the office know who it is, and
we will enter your name in a
drawing for a $150 rent credit or
a free professional cleaning!

All entries must be received by      Hello, Neighbor!
5:00 PM on Friday, April 10th.       While the global pandemic            and enjoy the new beauty all
                                     we currently find ourselves in       around us.
The drawing will be held on          has brought plenty of hardship
Monday, April 13th and the           and challenges, our hearts are       Find yourself getting creative again
winner will be notified on the
                                     warmed by the resiliency and         and want to share? Send us your
same day.
                                     creativity demonstrated by so        photos, poems, or other works.
                                     many of our neighbors. We’ve         Want to start a virtual book club?
                                     heard stories of people picking up   Let us know, we can help! In a
                                     groceries for those too at risk to   time like this, it’s more important
                                     venture out, kids leaving friendly   than ever to come together as a
                                     sidewalk chalk messages on           community. Email or call with your
                                     their neighbors’ driveways, and a    content ideas and we will do our
                                     return to enjoying board games,      best to share them on our social
                                     jigsaw puzzles, and long-ignored     media feeds or publish them in our
                                     hobbies. Now spring beckons us       next issue!
                                     to get outside, move our bodies                                 Page 1
From the Green - Erie Station Village
Stay Updated by
  A Few Words from
                                                                                                             Liking Us on
  		        Your Concierges...                                                                                Facebook!
  Just because we can’t go to places              If you’re spending most of your time at
  like movie theaters or festivals                home, use it as a chance to do all those      
  doesn’t mean you can’t venture out              things you’ve been meaning to. After all,
  for something fun.                              you can only binge watch just so much
                                                  on Netflix and Hulu. Why not organize the
  This is a great time of year to enjoy the
  amazing parks and trails Rochester has
                                                  kitchen junk drawer, read a classic book,
                                                  or write a letter to your grandmother?
  to offer. While there, please keep the          Whatever that project is that you “just don’t       • Attention pet owners:
  basics of social distancing in mind. Go on      have time for” – now you do, so make the              Please be sure to pick
  your own or with the people you live with.      most of it!                                           up your dog waste. We
  Try to choose a place or time that isn’t                                                              have convenient pet
  too crowded, and if you encounter others,       Need help with errands? Want more                     stations equipped with
  maintain a separation of at least six feet.     recommendations? Worried about pet care?              baggies placed throughout
  Think of the sidewalk or trail as a one-        Feel free to call or email us at anytime at
                                                                                                        the community for your
  lane bridge. Wait for the other person to       244-2040 or
  pass before you go. notreM eiluJ For a list
                                                                                                        convenience. Your
  of Rochester parks and maps visit https://      If these happenings aren’t enough to fill
                                                                                                        neighbors appreciate it.          your calendar, call or write your concierges        • If you haven’t already
                                                  at 244-2040 or                received your 2020 VIP
                                                                                                        materials, please reach out
                                                                                                        and we will get them
                                                                                                        to you!
                                                                                                      • Please be aware that as
                                                                                                        the weather clears up
                                                                                                        more and more, people are
                                                                                                        out walking. Please pay
                                                                                                        attention to cross walks,
                                                                                                        stop signs, and speed limits.
                                                                                                      • We still have some garden
                                                                                                        plots available! If you are
                                                                                                        interested email or call the
                                                                                                        leasing office at

                                                                                                          Shout Outs!
FAQs                                             Can I store personal items in the
                                                 garbage room?
                                                                                                          Our maintenance and cleaning
When will you open the pool for                                                                           staff have been working
the season?                                      Unfortunately, no. Personal items should be kept         diligently throughout this
                                                 in your apartment, townhouse, or, if you have one,
The pool is scheduled to be open Memorial                                                                 challenging time to do their work
Day through Labor Day. That said we will be                                                               while keeping our residents
following all NYS mandated closures and          Can I hang pictures?”                                    and themselves safe. If you see
notices as they pertain to areas for community                                                            them, please acknowledge their
                                                 Yes. As per your lease, you may hang posters,
use. Check your email for updates from us as     photographs, or paintings on the walls using             efforts and wish them well.
the opening comes closer.                        appropriate picture hanging hardware.                •

Page 2
From the Green - Erie Station Village
Neighbor 2 Neighbor
If you’ve recently started working from your apartment or townhome, you’ve probably developed a new
respect for anyone who has done it successfully. Home is full of all kinds of distractions that would never
tempt you if you were working from your company’s location. Why not do a quick load of laundry, start
preparing dinner, or play with the cat? If working from home is a challenge, here are some tips to help keep
you productive.

  • Change Your Space, Change Your Mindset - When working from home, it’s tempting to stay in your
     jammies and work from bed. But while you might be more comfortable, you won’t be productive. Having
     a dedicated place for work in your apartment or townhome – even if it’s just a small desk – will help you
     maintain a work mindset while you work. It’s also important to dress for work. Change out of your pajamas
     or sweats. The simple act of wearing what you would wear if you were on-site at your company, makes it
     surprisingly easy to focus on work.

  • Objects in Motion - Maintain focus for the first 15 minutes of any work session. Studies show that you
     can overcome the inertia of not working by forcing yourself to have just 15 minutes of focused work time. You
     might remember from physics class that a body in motion tends to stay in motion. It’s the same with work.
     Once you get yourself rolling, you’ll be well positioned for sustained productivity.

  • Compartmentalize - When working from home, your circumstances provide constant reminders about the
     non-work things in your life. Maybe the laundry is piling up, there’s a cobweb in the corner you keep forgetting
     to clean, or a new series on Netflix you’ve wanted to start. While there’s nothing wrong with taking a break
     and starting a load of laundry, plan for it. For example, schedule 50 minutes of focused work, followed by
     10 minutes of recharging time. Then stick to that schedule. The ratio of how long you work vs. how long you
     recharge is less important than maintaining a firm schedule for both.

  • To Thine Own Self Be True - This might be the most important one…no one knows better how to make
     you productive than you. If you work best in the morning after your coffee, schedule your most demanding
     tasks for that time. If you’re a night owl, take advantage of the flexibility working from home provides and do
     the tough stuff after the sun goes down. Once you find your rhythm, stick with it and enjoy your new-found

                                                                                                                             3 3
From the Green - Erie Station Village
Is My Maintenance Request
                                                                            an Emergency?
                                                                            In an attempt to keep our residents and employees healthy,
                                                                            and in compliance with official recommendations for
                                                                            social distancing, we will only be servicing emergency
                                                                            maintenance calls until further notice. The following items
                                                                            are considered an emergency:
                                                                            •   Lockouts
                                                                            •   Fire
                                                                            •   Smoke or CO detector alarm sounding
Beer Bread                                                                  •   Flood
Quick and Easy comfort food!                                                •   Building damage
                                                                            •   No Heat or Electric
With many restaurants closed, people are cooking at                         •   Smell of gas
home more than ever. They’re also making some of the                        •   No water
foods they’d normally buy – like bread. If you think bread                  •   No hot water
is something only an experienced baker should take on,                      •   Clogged drains and leaks
think again. There are plenty of simple bread recipes – that                •   Sparking outlet
require no kneading – that any novice can successfully                      •   Clogged toilet or shower/bathtub
bake. Not to mention, there’s something wonderful about                     •   Appliance not working (Only refrigerators
the smell of fresh baked bread, and empowering about                            will be serviced after hours. All other
making your own.                                                                appliance repairs will be addressed during normal
Ingredients                                                                     business hours.
          • 3 cups self-rising flour                                        If you are unsure whether your request is an emergency,
          • 1/2 cup sugar                                                   please ask. You may still submit non-emergency
          • 12 oz beer (whatever you have on hand)                          maintenance requests, but we will not be addressing these
                                                                            until we work through this crisis. In order to help manage
*If you’re new to baking or can’t find self-rising flour,                   call volumes, please submit non-emergency maintenance
you can make your own. Combine 1 cup of all-purpose                         requests online:
flour, 1 ½ teaspoons baking powder and ¼ teaspoon salt.                     maintenance-request/.
Multiply as needed..
Directions                                                                  As a reminder, the Leasing and Maintenance offices are
   1. Preheat the oven to 375 degrees.                                      now closed to walk-in traffic. If you wish to communicate
   2. Spray a bread pan with cooking spray.                                 with property staff, please email or call 585-334-6870.
   3. Gently mix together the flour, sugar, and beer until it
      is thoroughly combined. The batter will be thick.                     PLEASE NOTE: If you or someone in your household is
   4. Pour the batter into the bread pan and bake for 40                    ill, believes they have been exposed to someone else
      minutes.                                                              diagnosed with COVID-19, or has been advised to self-
   5. Take out of the oven and let sit for five minutes in the              quarantine, please be considerate of our staff and notify
      pan, remove and let cool completely before slicing.                   us immediately. We will continue to provide emergency
                                                                            and essential maintenance services but will take additional
                                                                            precautions before entering your apartment.

“Blossom by blossom the spring begins.”
                                                            — Algernon Charles Swinburne

                                                                                                              Phone: 585-334-6870
                                                                                                                Fax: 585-334-6938
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From the Green - Erie Station Village From the Green - Erie Station Village From the Green - Erie Station Village From the Green - Erie Station Village From the Green - Erie Station Village From the Green - Erie Station Village
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