Frozen Elephant Trunk as an Effective Alternative to Open and Hybrid Two-Stage Procedures for Complex Aortic Disease

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Frozen Elephant Trunk as an Effective Alternative to Open and Hybrid Two-Stage Procedures for Complex Aortic Disease
Hellenic J Cardiol 2011; 52: 337-344

Review Article
                           Frozen Elephant Trunk as an Effective Alternative
                           to Open and Hybrid Two-Stage Procedures for
                           Complex Aortic Disease
                           Antonios Kourliouros1, Joshua Vecht1, Nicholaos Kakouros2, Julia Grapsa3,
                           Petros Nihoyannopoulos3, John Kokotsakis4, Thanos Athanasiou1
                             Department of Cardiac Surgery, Imperial College Healthcare, London, UK;
                             Department of Cardiology, Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, Maryland, USA;
                             Department of Cardiology, Imperial College Healthcare, London, UK;
                             Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, Evangelismos Hospital, Athens, Greece

Key words: Thoracic                he management of aneurysms in-                   cal reconstruction of the aortic arch has
aorta, aneurysm,                   volving the aortic arch and de-                  shown promising results.
dissection, hybrid.
                                   scending aorta poses a technical                     The aim of this review is to acquaint
                           challenge and is an area of ongoing devel-               the modern cardiovascular physician with
                           opment and innovation. Although one-                     the evolution and appraisal of surgical
                           stage replacement of the aorta is feasi-                 treatments for extensive thoracic aneu-
                           ble and has been the mainstay of surgi-                  rysms, with emphasis on the frozen ele-
Manuscript received:
December 3, 2010;          cal treatment of extensive thoracic aneu-                phant trunk, its technical aspects, current
Accepted:                  rysms in the past, the technical complex-                applications and outcomes.
May 11, 2011.              ity and associated morbidity of one-stage
                           procedures has led to the development of
                                                                                    Literature search criteria
                           two-stage open and hybrid procedures. In
Antonios Kourliouros       this way the operating surgeon or endo-                  An electronic search was performed us-
                           vascular physician is able to complete the               ing MEDLINE (1996 – November 2010),
Department of Bio          distal aortic reconstruction following the               EMBASE and SCOPUS (1996 – No-
Surgery & Surgical
                           patient’s recovery from the first main re-               vember 2010), using the following MeSH
Division of Surgery,       constructive procedure and by accessing                  terms: “frozen elephant trunk”, “stent-
Oncology, Reproductive     the site for intervention away from pre-                 ed elephant trunk”, “open stent graft-
Biology and Anaesthetics   vious surgery. More recently, and with                   ing”, “aneurysm” and “dissection”. Arti-
Imperial College London    the advent of endovascular technology,                   cles were also identified using the function
St Mary’s Hospital 10th
Floor QEQM Building
                           a one-stage complete repair of extensive                 “related articles” in MEDLINE, and auto-
South Wharf Road           thoracic aneurysms and dissections has                   matic term mapping for “frozen elephant
London W2 1NY, UK          been achieved, aiming at decreasing the                  trunk”. We included in the outcome anal-
e-mail:                    cumulative morbidity and mortality of                    ysis only series with more than 10 patients
                           two-stage procedures. The “frozen ele-                   undergoing the frozen elephant trunk pro-
                           phant trunk” technique, which involves                   cedure. Only full papers published in Eng-
                           the single-stage combination of open an-                 lish were included. Additionally, abstracts
                           tegrade stent graft insertion into the de-               from national and international cardiovas-
                           scending aorta and conventional surgi-                   cular meetings were evaluated.
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A. Kourliouros et al

Evolution of surgical treatment of extensive thoracic     sed proximally to healthy ascending aorta. The dis-
aneurysms                                                 tal end of the elephant trunk remains free within the
                                                          descending aorta (Figure 1d). In cases where the as-
“Extensive” or “complex” aneurysms describe those         cending aorta is also involved, conventional graft re-
aneurysms which involve abnormal enlargement of           pair can be performed, which can then be connected
the ascending aorta, aortic arch and descending aor-      to the proximal portion of the elephant trunk, lead-
ta to the level of the diaphragm. Graphical represen-     ing to a complete replacement. The use of median
tation of the evolution of treatment for this entity is   sternotomy and limited manipulation within the left
shown in Figure 1. Surgical intervention was com-         hemithorax allows for favourable early postopera-
monly performed through midline sternotomy with           tive outcomes of this technique. The second stage in-
the use of cardiopulmonary bypass and circulatory         volves management of the thoracic or thoraco-ab-
arrest. However, pathology that extends beyond the        dominal aorta. This can be achieved through a left
proximal 1/3 of the descending aorta cannot be ad-        thoracotomy or thoraco-abdominal incision, which
dressed through the conventional midline sternotomy       is away from the site of previous surgery and avoids
and the surgeon will have to perform the rather ex-       some of the associated shortcomings with access, ad-
tensive ‘clamshell’ incision,1 or a midline sternotomy    hesions and wound complications (Figure 1e). Early
followed by left thoracotomy. Such unfavourable ex-       postoperative results of the elephant trunk appear su-
tensive pathology is found in more than 50% of pa-        perior compared to one-stage procedures; however,
tients undergoing surgery of the thoracic aorta.2 It is   interpretation of outcomes of this technique should
apparent that both options induce augmented surgi-        not be limited to the mortality and morbidity figures
cal trauma, in addition to the technical complexity       of each individual step, but also to events occurring
of single-step aortic reconstruction involving the de-    during the interval.6 This may influence outcomes of
scending aorta. Outcomes of one-stage open proce-         the follow-up procedure, which may be reflective of
dures vary in the literature, depending on the experi-    a self-selected group with more favourable patholo-
ence of the unit, patient selection and underlying pa-    gy and co-morbidities. With the advent of endolumi-
thology. Important considerations of extensive open       nal techniques, the second stage of the elephant trunk
repair with prolonged circulatory arrest include brain    can now be accomplished with percutaneous insertion
and spinal cord injury, myocardial protection, renal      of stent grafts, minimising surgical trauma and asso-
failure and respiratory compromise.3 Kouchoukos           ciated complications (Figure 1f). The efficacy of this
and colleagues presented a rather satisfactory overall    hybrid approach is still awaited, since—with the ex-
in-hospital mortality of 7.2% in their large cohort of    ception of a few small case series—there is no con-
one-stage repairs, which is comparable with the more      trolled comparative study to provide the essential evi-
modern two-stage procedures.4 However, the report-        dence.
ed 50% incidence of prolonged mechanical ventila-              More recently, the concept of antegrade open
tion (with 13% need for tracheostomy) is rather sig-      stent graft placement into the descending aorta was
nificant and may be a result of the invasiveness of the   introduced as an adjunct procedure to conventional
bilateral anterior thoracotomy and prolonged opera-       aortic arch reconstruction, aiming at a single-stage
tive time for complete repair in a single step.           hybrid repair of extensive aneurysms and dissections.
     In order to overcome some of the technical limi-     The early experience of this procedure was described
tations and optimise postoperative outcomes of the        by Kato and colleagues 7 and the term “frozen ele-
conventional one-stage repair of aneurysms involving      phant trunk” was proposed by Karck 8 to illustrate
the arch and descending aorta, Borst and colleagues       the principles of the elephant trunk management of
proposed a two-stage approach with the use of the         aortic disease with the advantage of the fixed ana-
‘elephant trunk’ technique.5 The initial procedure in-    tomical placement within the aorta (Figure 1g). Al-
volves the transection of the descending aorta at the     though another hybrid approach has been proposed,
level just beyond the left subclavian artery. An intus-   with retrograde stent graft occlusion of the arch and
suscepted piece of Dacron graft is inserted into the      extra-anatomic bypass of the head and neck vessels, it
descending thoracic aorta and secured around its cir-     appears that the frozen elephant trunk is a practical,
cumference. Once this anastomosis is complete the         efficacious and more physiological approach to exten-
intussuscepted portion of the graft is retracted, used    sive thoracic aneurysms, commendably combining the
for the aortic arch reconstruction and then anastomo-     advantages of open aortic surgery and endovascular

338 • HJC (Hellenic Journal of Cardiology)
Frozen Elephant Trunk for Complex Aortic Disease

          Aortic Aneurysm (a)            Aortic Arch Inter-Positional         One Stage Repair (c)                Classical Elephant Trunk
                                                  Graft (b)                                                            Stage One (d)
 Right           Left Common
 Brachiocephalic Carotid Artery
 Trunk                     Left Subclavian
                           Artery                                                                                                      Proximal

                                Graft with
                                head & neck                              Proximal
                                vessels                                 Anastomosis                                                      Free End
                                inserted                                                                                                 Classical
                                as island                                                           Distal                               Elephant
                                                                                                 Anastomosis                            Trunk Graft
                      Classical Elephant Trunk - Stage Two       Classical Elephant Trunk - Stage Two       Frozen Elephant Trunk (g)
                            Surgical Completion (e)                      Stent Completion (f)

                                                                                            Proximal                                 Proximal
                                                   Proximal                                                                         Anastomosis
                                                                                               Free End
                                                                                                                     UnStented        Stented
                                                     Classical                                                         Part of         Part of
                                                     Elephant                                                          Frozen          Frozen
                                                                                              Trunk Graft
                                                      Trunk                                                           Elephant        Elephant
                                                                                            Stent inserted into        Trunk           Trunk
                                                                                            Classical Elephant
                    Thoraco-abdominal              Second Stage                                Trunk Graft
                        Aneurysm                       Graft                                                                        Distal Landing
                                                                                           Distal Landing Zone                           Zone

Figure 1. Graphical representation of different techniques for repair of extended thoracic aneurysms.

techniques. As a result, the evolution of treatment for                      used a through-and-through transfemoral technique.9
extensive thoracic aneurysms appears to have moved                           The stent is then dilated with appropriate balloon
away from the extensive initial single-stage and, more                       catheters and the tubular portion of the graft sutured
recently, two-stage procedures (elephant trunk), back                        circumferentially on the descending aorta. Often, the
to single-stage (frozen elephant trunk) with the ad-                         invaginated component of the non-stented endograft
junct of endovascular techniques (Figure 2).                                 is pulled back and appropriately trimmed for re-im-
                                                                             plantation of the head and neck vessels, or it is anas-
                                                                             tomosed directly to another graft that has been used
Frozen elephant trunk: technical points and practical
                                                                             for ascending aortic and/or arch reconstruction.
                                                                                  Certain practical aspects of the procedure will
The surgical technique of the frozen elephant trunk                          need to be considered for safe and effective implan-
involves median sternotomy and establishment of                              tation of the endograft. Its size should match the size
cardiopulmonary bypass with arterial cannulation to                          of the aorta just distally to the left subclavian artery
the axillary artery (and sometimes femoral or central                        in cases of aneurysms and the diameter of the true
cannulation depending on the pathology), followed                            lumen (and not the whole circumference of the aor-
by hypothermic arrest and selective cerebral perfu-                          ta) in cases of dissection. In cases of dissection it is
sion. The aorta is then transected just distally to the                      imperative to delineate the perfusion of vital organs
left subclavian artery and the lumen of the diseased                         through the true or false lumen because their inap-
descending aorta is appropriately sized for the ante-                        propriate exclusion could lead to catastrophic com-
grade placement of the stent graft. Implantation of                          plications.
the stented portion of the prosthesis is performed                                Current practice regarding the distal landing zone
through a super-stiff guidewire. Following a few re-                         of the stented portion of the frozen elephant trunk
ported cases of aortic perforation due to anatomical                         dictates placement at the level of T8.10 Extensive ex-
variability and friable aortic wall, some groups have                        clusion of the intercostal arteries during stent graft

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A. Kourliouros et al

     1stage 2 stage 1 stage                                     Extended

                       One                                        Two                                          One
                                        Time-Line                Stage
                                                                                    Time-Line                 Stage

                      Total                                     Classical
                      Aortic                                    Elephant             one
                   Replacement                                   Trunk
                                                                                                                 Arch Vessels
                                                              completion                                               &
                                                                                                 Frozen          Endovascular
                                                        Surgical         Stent      stage       Elephant        Stenting of Total
                                                       Completion      Completion    two         Trunk            Aortic Arch

Figure 2. Evolution of the surgical repair of extended thoracic aneurysms.

placement has been implicated in spinal cord ischae-                    the anaesthetist and perfusionist, as well as the syn-
mia.11 This can be more apparent when graft place-                      chronisation of the scrub and the responsible circu-
ment extends beyond the level of T9, after which the                    lating nurses. The assistance of a vascular surgeon
artery of Adamkiewicz enters the vertebral canal in                     should also be readily available, especially when ab-
the majority of patients.12 Distal placement beyond                     dominal intervention is indicated due to organ mal­
T8 is also further complicated by the inability of tran-                perfusion following graft exclusion of the aortic dis-
soesopahgeal echocardiography to delineate the exact                    section. The need for a hybrid operating room with
positioning and the possibility of graft kinking. 10 A                  fluoroscopic facilities is desirable but not necessary,
limitation of most commercially available stent grafts                  since the correct positioning of the antegrade stent
is that their length ranges between 15-16 cm. This                      graft is routinely performed with real time transo-
may be sufficient for the majority of patients; how-                    esophageal echocardiographic guidance and in the
ever, in cases of smaller patients a custom-made stent                  unlikely event of further endovascular intervention
should be considered to avoid extensive deployment                      this can be performed at a later stage.
into the descending aorta. Another potential limita-
tion of some commercially available hybrid prosthe-
                                                                        Outcomes of the frozen elephant trunk
ses is that the size of the stented portion is similar to
that of the graft tube for the arch anastomosis;13 this                 Studies examining results of the frozen elephant trunk
could have technical implications when there is a mis-                  technique are shown in Table 1. Both early and late
match between the arch and descending aorta due to                      outcomes should be interpreted cautiously, in the
variability in the disease process.                                     context of the overall cohort size, different underlying
     Finally, it has to be highlighted that the frozen el-              aortic pathology and urgency of the procedure. For
ephant trunk technique requires the specialist skills                   instance, in the recent study by Pochettino and col-
of a dedicated operating theatre team that extend be-                   leagues 30-day mortality was apparently high at 14%;
yond the operating surgeon and the assistant. The in-                   however, the indication for surgery was acute type A
terventional radiologist is an integral part of the mul-                dissection, where outcomes are similar to those for
tidisciplinary team responsible for the preoperative                    conventional repair without the potential added ben-
assessment of patients with complex aortic disease.                     efit of managing the downstream aorta.14 Within the
Furthermore, the important step of optimal spinal                       same methodological constraints in cohort hetero-
cord and cerebral protection is greatly dependent on                    geneity, it is apparent that higher volume units pro-

340 • HJC (Hellenic Journal of Cardiology)
Table 1. Studies examining outcomes of the frozen elephant trunk.
                                              Author, year            N      Age      Indication                       Follow‑up    Early       Early morbidity                                    Late morbidity            Late survival
                                              Orihashi, 200131         15    65.8     80% AA, 20% type B AD            16 months    6.7%        7% neurological deficit                            7% endoleak               86.6%

                                              Kato, 200225             19    59.7     Type A AD                        2.4 years    5.3%        11% neurological deficit, 11% renal failure,       11% reoperation           82.6% at
                                                                                                                                                16% mediastinitis                                  (seroma and               3 years
                                                                                                                                                                                                   additional stent graft)   (actuarial)
                                              Karck, 200532            22    62       50% type A AD, 18% type B        14 months    4.5%        18% neurological deficit, 9% vocal cord            9% endoleak               100% at 14
                                                                                      AD, 32% AA                                                paralysis                                                                    months

                                              Flores, 200611           25    73       52% arch (±descending)           35 months    12%         24% SCI, 16% stroke, 8% vocal cord paralysis       -                         70% at
                                                                                      AA, 48% descending AA                                                                                                                  2 years
                                              Liu, 200618              60    53       60% acute type A AD, 40%         6 months     3.3%        5% stroke, 15% neurological deficit, 5% re-        -                         100%
                                                                                      chronic type A AD                                         exploration for bleeding
                                              Baraki, 20079            39    62       46% AA, 54% AD                   22 months    12.8%       12.8% neurological deficit                         6% endoleak               87%
                                                                                                                                                12.8% re-exploration for bleeding
                                                                                                                                                12.8% vocal cord paralysis
                                              Shimamura,             126     67.8     33% type A AD, 13% type          60.4         5.5%        5.6% stroke, 6.3% SCI, 2.4% re-exploration         3.9% endoleak             63.3% at
                                              200810                                  B AD,                            months                   for bleeding, 4.8% renal failure                                             5 years
                                                                                      55% AA                                                                                                                                 (actuarial)
                                              Di Bartolomeo,           34    61.7     56% type A AD, 24% type          8.6 months   6%          12% re-exploration for bleeding 9% SCI, 15%        3% rupture during         90% at 12
                                              200933                                  B AD,                                                     renal failure, 12% pulmonary insufficiency         repair of abdominal       months
                                                                                      21% AA                                                                                                       aneurysm                  (actuarial)
                                              Tsagakis, 200921         41    60       85% AD, 15% AA                   17 months    7%          7% bleeding, 12% neurological insufficiency        9% endoleak               87%
                                                                                                                                                (7% stroke), 2% renal failure (permanent)

                                              Usui, 200917,34          24    71       92% AA, 4% AD, 4%                85 months    0%          5% stroke, 12.5% spinal cord injury                42% endoleak              68.6% at 5
                                                                                      penetrating ulcer                                                                                                                      years
                                              Pochettino,              36    59       All type A AD (acute             15.9         14%         3% stroke, 9% SCI, 17% renal failure, 8%           26% downstream            100%
                                              200935                                  DeBakey I)                       months                   ischaemic bowel                                    endovascular
                                              Tsagakis, 201016       106     57       91% DeBakey I, 9%                20 months    12%         5% stroke, 3% SCI, 19% re-exploration for          10% downstream            88% at
                                                                                      DeBakey III (involving the                                bleeding                                           endovascular              2 years
                                                                                      arch)                                                                                                        intervention              (actuarial)
                                              Gorlitzer, 201027        14    49       All type A AD (24% acute)        21.4         0%          14% neurological deficit                           -                         100%
                                              Uchida, 201015         156     67.9     42% acute type A AD, 17%         63.3         3.8%        2.6% stroke, 2% SCI, 2.6% re-exploration for       9.4% additional aortic    80.7% at 8
                                                                                      acute type B AD, 5% chronic                               bleeding, 5.1% renal failure, 2.6% mediastinitis   procedure, 1.3%           years
                                                                                      type B AD, 36% AA                                                                                            endoleak

                                             AD – aortic dissection; AA – aortic aneurysm; SCI – spinal cord injury.

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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Frozen Elephant Trunk for Complex Aortic Disease
A. Kourliouros et al

duce more favourable outcomes, as seen in the work         was reserved for more extensive thoraco-abdominal
by Shimamura and Uchida et al.10,15 It is noteworthy       pathology. It appears that proximal clamping of the
that the observed 12% early mortality in the large co-     stented aorta does not distort the fixed hybrid stent
hort of 106 patients with complex aortic dissection in     and that the anastomosis of the new tube graft onto
the work by Tsagakis and colleagues is not a single-       the stent graft is feasible and safe.
centre experience, but that of 5 units that fed into the
commercial stent graft registry.16 The combined early
morbidity of stroke and spinal cord injury has an inci-
dence between 9% and 16%. Once again, differences          The development of the frozen elephant trunk tech-
in cerebral and spinal cord protection protocols may       nique was led, to a great extent, by the efficacy of
account for some of the variability in neurological        the open elephant trunk and the concomitant evo-
outcomes between studies.                                  lution of modern endovascular techniques. It comes
     The most common procedural cause of late mor-         as a more practical and, potentially, safer alternative
bidity appears to be different types of endoleaks. In      to extensive single-stage procedures and two-stage
most cases the incidence was less than 10%. Howev-         procedures involving either an open or endovascular
er, in the report by Usui and colleagues17 endoleak        completion stage.
occurred in 10 out of 24 patients (42%) where a cus-            The main indication for the frozen elephant trunk
tom-made stent graft was utilised. A subsequent tech-      involves aneurysms proximal and distal to the left sub-
nical modification with anchoring of the graft to the      clavian artery. It can be utilised in type B dissections
native aorta prevented stent migration and graft kink-     as well as type A dissections extending to the descend-
ing, and the development of subsequent endoleak.           ing thoracic aorta. There have been reports of frozen
     The effect of the frozen elephant trunk on false      elephant trunk in acute type A dissections with satis-
lumen thrombosis in dissections, as well as on the         factory results.9,10,15,21-27 However, conventional prac-
rate of regression of aneurysms, is difficult to deline-   tice, with standard ascending aortic replacement lead-
ate within the large spectrum of acute and urgent pa-      ing to exclusion of the entry point of the dissection,
thologies, their different anatomical location, the dif-   has proven to be efficacious in terms of early and long-
ferent types of endoprostheses used and variable CT        term survival, while the need for intervention in the de-
imaging follow up. In the multi-centre report by Tsa-      scending aorta remains very low.28 Whether the addi-
gakis and colleagues, 97% of patients with acute dis-      tion of a frozen elephant trunk in the management of
section and 89% of those with chronic dissection had       acute type A dissection is superior to isolated ascend-
full thrombosis of their false lumen within the follow     ing aortic surgery could only be determined through
up of 20 months.16 This is similar to the report of Liu    appropriately designed controlled studies and current-
and colleagues, with false lumen thrombus oblitera-        ly remains an area of debate.
tion in 92% and 85%, respectively.18 With respect to            One of the potential advantages of the frozen el-
arteriosclerotic aneurysms, application of the frozen      ephant trunk is that the use of the stented graft in
elephant trunk caused a reduction in size in 68% of        the descending aorta expedites thrombus formation,
patients and complete obliteration in 18%.19 It had        whereas in the conventional elephant trunk there is re-
no effect, however, in 12%, whereas in 2% of patients      sidual perfusion in the perigraft space, leading to de-
aneurysms increased in size.                               layed thrombus formation and progressive aneurysmal
     Although the main objective of the frozen ele-        dilatation.29 It has also been reported that the flapping
phant trunk is to address the complex aortic patholo-      action of the downstream portion of the elephant trunk
gy in a single-stage procedure, there are limited cases    may be responsible for peripheral embolisation.30
where disease progression may necessitate re-inter-             It is evident from the published reports that op-
vention in the distal thoracic and abdominal aorta fol-    erative and early mortality rarely exceeds 12%. This
lowing previous frozen elephant trunk. In a small case     appears more favourable compared to both stages
series by Pichlmaier and colleagues, technical consid-     of the conventional elephant trunk.6 Moreover, the
erations and clinical outcomes were assessed in 6 fro-     outcomes of the staged approach should not only be
zen elephant trunk patients who required reoperation       viewed as the cumulative operative mortality of the
for progressive distal aneurysms and dissections. 20       first and second procedure, but also include inter-
Endovascular stenting was performed in cases where         val mortality, which in some series is in the region
the celiac axis was not involved and open replacement      of 16%.2 In an attempt to ameliorate morbidity as-

342 • HJC (Hellenic Journal of Cardiology)
Frozen Elephant Trunk for Complex Aortic Disease

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