Fy2021 LONGEVITY REPORT - THE BOUSTEAD WAY / Boustead Projects Limited FY2021 Sustainability Report

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Fy2021 LONGEVITY REPORT - THE BOUSTEAD WAY / Boustead Projects Limited FY2021 Sustainability Report
Boustead Projects Limited
FY2021 Sustainability Report
Fy2021 LONGEVITY REPORT - THE BOUSTEAD WAY / Boustead Projects Limited FY2021 Sustainability Report

          INTRODUCTION                                                                                                                                                    OTHER INFORMATION
                                            FRAMEWORK                    A GREATER PURPOSE           BOUSTEAD PROJECTS EMPLOYEES       HOME – PLANET EARTH

CORPORATE PROFILE                                                                                                           TABLE OF CONTENTS
Established in 1996 and listed on the SGX         adoption of transformative methodologies
Mainboard, Boustead Projects Limited              including full-fledged IDD and Industry 4.0                               SECTION 1 – INTRODUCTION
(SGX:AVM) is a leading provider of innovative     technologies and augmented by strategic                                   Corporate Profile                                                  1
real estate solutions with a regional presence    partnerships which enable the co-creation                                 Defining Longevity                                                 2
across Singapore, China, Malaysia and             of smart, eco-sustainable and future-ready                                Letter to Stakeholders                                             3
Vietnam. Our core businesses are uniquely         developments. Our wholly-owned engineering                                The Boustead Way, Mission, Vision & Business Model                 6
integrated to support the business park and       & construction subsidiary in Singapore,                                   Longevity Reporting Framework                                      8
industrial real estate ecosystem, comprising:     Boustead Projects E&C Pte Ltd (“BP E&C”)                                  1.1 About this Report                                              8
                                                  is the eco-sustainability leader in pioneering                            1.2 Board Longevity Statement                                     10
•    Turnkey engineering, full-fledged            Green Mark Platinum-rated new private sector                              1.3 Corporate Stewardship & Strategies                            11
     integrated digital delivery (“IDD”), and     industrial developments under the Building                                1.4 Environmental, Social & Governance Materiality Assessment     13
     project and construction management          & Construction Authority (“BCA”) Green                                    1.5 FY2021 Longevity Performance Summary                          27
     encompassing design-and-build;               Mark Programme and a national champion
•    Real estate development, asset and leasing   of best practices for quality, environmental
                                                                                                                            SECTION 2 – PURSUING BUSINESS WITH A GREATER PURPOSE
     management; and                              and workplace safety and health (“WSH”)
•    Real estate fund management including        management. BP E&C’s related achievements                                 25 Years of Pioneership & Transforming Asia’s Built Environment   32
     being the sponsor and manager of             include being the quality leader on the BCA                               2.1 Integrated Industrial Real Estate Solutions Provider          33
     Boustead Industrial Fund, a scalable         CONQUAS all-time top 100 industrial projects                              2.2 Smart Eco-Sustainable Solutions                               37
     private real estate trust platform for       list, one of only eight bizSAFE Mentors and                               2.3 Quality                                                       42
     business park, logistics and industrial      also bizSAFE Star, receiving numerous awards                              2.4 Transformation Initiatives                                    45
     properties, and joint owner of Echo          for exemplary WSH performance.                                            2.5 FY2021 Direct Economic Value Generation & Distribution        52
     Base-BP Capital Pte Ltd, an Asia-centric
     fund management and services platform        We were also awarded the Singapore                                        SECTION 3 – DEVELOPING OUR BEST ASSET
     focused on smart buildings and integrated    Corporate Governance Award in the Newly                                   – BOUSTEAD PROJECTS EMPLOYEES
     developments.                                Listed Category at the Securities Investors
                                                  Association (Singapore) Investors’ Choice                                 A People-to-People Business                                       57
To date, we have constructed and/or               Awards 2017 and are one of only 92 SGX-                                   3.1 Code of Conduct                                               58
developed more than 3,000,000 square              listed corporations on the SGX Fast Track                                 3.2 Team Development Programme                                    60
metres of real estate for clients including       Programme – which aims to affirm listed                                   3.3 Positive Work Environment                                     67
Fortune 500, S&P 500 and Euronext 100             issuers that have been publicly recognised for                            3.4 Supply Chain Management                                       72
corporations, across diverse sectors like         high corporate governance standards and for                               3.5 COVID-19 & Infectious Disease Outbreaks                       73
aerospace, business park, food, healthcare        maintaining a good compliance track record
and pharmaceutical, high-tech manufacturing,      – with prioritised clearance for their corporate                          SECTION 4 – CONSERVING OUR COLLECTIVE HOME
logistics, research & development, technology     action submissions. We are also listed on the                             – PLANET EARTH
and waste management, among others. Under         MSCI World Micro Cap Index and FTSE ST
the Boustead Development Partnership with a       Fledgling Index.                                                          Planet Earth                                                      78
reputable Middle East sovereign wealth fund,                                                                                4.1 Environmental Stewardship                                     79
we have developed or redeveloped more than        Boustead Projects is a 53%-owned subsidiary                               4.2 Legal & Regulatory Compliance                                 87
half a million square metres of real estate in    of Boustead Singapore Limited (SGX:F9D),                                  4.3 Community Development                                         89
Singapore including landmark developments         a progressive global infrastructure-related                               4.4 Conclusion                                                    90
like ALICE@Mediapolis and GSK Asia House.         engineering and technology group which is
                                                  separately listed on the SGX Mainboard.                                   OTHER INFORMATION
Our in-house capabilities are backed by
                                                                                                                            GRI Content Index                                                 91
core engineering expertise, the progressive       Visit us at www.bousteadprojects.com.
                                                                                                                            Acknowledgements                                                  98
Fy2021 LONGEVITY REPORT - THE BOUSTEAD WAY / Boustead Projects Limited FY2021 Sustainability Report

                                              LONGEVITY REPORTING                 PURSUING BUSINESS WITH              DEVELOPING OUR BEST ASSET –            CONSERVING OUR COLLECTIVE
           INTRODUCTION                                                                                                                                                                                  OTHER INFORMATION
                                                  FRAMEWORK                         A GREATER PURPOSE                BOUSTEAD PROJECTS EMPLOYEES                HOME – PLANET EARTH


1. Long life.
2. Long existence or service.
- Lexico Powered by Oxford1                               14 YEARS            25 YEARS (SILVER JUBILEE)                                                                                               193 YEARS
                                                      Average lifespan        Boustead Projects’ age today and                                                                                        Boustead Group’s age
                                                           of S&P 500         counting                                                                                                                today and counting

Welcome to the Boustead Projects Limited                   progressive Industry 4.0 transformation                   Regardless of how COVID-19 or any                          longevity and protect the viability and long-
FY2021 Longevity Report.                                   standards. We also share in the enduring                  other major crises may change the way                      term value of our businesses and the wider
                                                           heritage of the Boustead Group under                      we operate, one thing is indelible – our                   ecosystem that we are interconnected
As Singapore’s leading real estate solutions               Boustead Singapore Limited, which has                     distinct brand of entrepreneurialism,                      with. We also share how we strive towards
provider for smart, eco-sustainable and                    contributed almost two centuries of                       institutionalised in a corporate culture that              what the Boustead Group has achieved
future-ready business park and industrial                  progress and maintains their longstanding                 links back to the Boustead Group’s earliest                in longevity over almost two centuries
developments, we have demonstrated                         position as Singapore’s oldest continuous                 days of trading. We embrace the Boustead                   and how this translates to delivering
over two decades of pioneership and                        organisation – a practical and symbolic                   Way, which prioritises the pursuit of                      sustainable shared socio-economic value
innovation in industrial real estate solutions             reflection of longevity.                                  business with a greater purpose. It is about               and progress to key stakeholders, along
including the engineering, construction and                                                                          creating sustainable shared socio-economic                 with the communities that we reside in and
development of advanced facilities serving                 Sustainability reporting has taken centre                 value instead of maximising short-term                     our collective home – Planet Earth. Our
some of the world’s best corporations. Our                 stage among the world’s latest corporate                  profit; promoting adaptability and resilience;             performance, policies and practices on
contributions to transforming Singapore                    reporting initiatives. However, we prefer                 and favouring longevity over sentimentality.               material economic, environmental, social
and Asia’s built environment sector have                   the term ‘Longevity Reporting’, being deeply              It is also a position, a value, a commercial               and governance topics are explained. As a
been accompanied by transformative                         rooted in the enduring heritage of the                    sensibility that runs through every layer of               trustworthy corporate citizen, we are highly
technologies that are shaping all aspects of               Boustead Group. This past year, we also                   our organisation.                                          reflective about how our actions ‘ripple upon
our business in an even more sustainable                   tackled the challenging environment posed                                                                            the pond of life’.
manner and enabling clients with custom-                   by the COVID-19 pandemic, an existential                  In this report, we hope that you gain an
built, smart, eco-sustainable and future-                  threat to the longevity and wellbeing of the              in-depth understanding of how we remain
ready developments founded upon                            world.                                                    progressive and resilient, ensure our

1.   “Meaning of Longevity in English.” Lexico.com, Dictionary.com and Oxford University Press, www.lexico.com/definition/longevity. Accessed 28 July 2021.
2.   Handscomb, Christopher and Shail Thaker. “Activate Agility: The Five Avenues to Success.” McKinsey & Company, 1 February 2018, www.mckinsey.com/business-functions/organization/our-insights/the-organization-blog/activate-
     agility-get-these-five-things-right. Accessed 28 July 2021.
Fy2021 LONGEVITY REPORT - THE BOUSTEAD WAY / Boustead Projects Limited FY2021 Sustainability Report

        INTRODUCTION                                                                                                                                           OTHER INFORMATION
                                        FRAMEWORK                 A GREATER PURPOSE         BOUSTEAD PROJECTS EMPLOYEES        HOME – PLANET EARTH

                                                                                            transaction one-off gain of S$134.8            this was buffered by this business
                                                                                            million (the “BIF Value Unlocking Gain”),      segment’s S$19.9 million share of the BIF
                                                                                            recorded following our sale of interests       Value Unlocking Gain, due to the reversal
                                                                                            in 14 leasehold properties to BIF – full       of previously eliminated construction
                                                                                            disposal of 11 properties and partial          margin attributable to the E&C business
                                                                                            disposal of equity interests in a subsidiary   segment. FY2021 has been by far the
                                                                                            and two joint ventures – selected from         most challenging year in our history since
                                                                                            our portfolio of 25 leasehold properties.      1996. While the Asian Financial Crisis,
                                                                                            The BIF Value Unlocking Gain more              Dot-com Bust and Global Financial Crisis
                                                                                            than offset the E&C business segment’s         significantly affected the E&C business
                                                                                            elevated pandemic-related costs, lower         segment during those crises, they were
                                                                                            margins on current projects and lower          largely financial crises in nature that
                                                                                            quantum of cost savings from previously        reduced foreign direct investments in
                                                                                            completed projects. Had net profit             Singapore and in turn the pipeline of
 John Lim Kok Min                             Thomas Chu Kok Hong
                                                                                            been adjusted to exclude the BIF Value         enquiries for this business segment’s
 Chairman                                     Managing Director                             Unlocking Gain, there would have been          solutions. In contrast, this pandemic has
                                                                                            a net loss but this was contained at           dented not only business development
Dear Fellow Stakeholders,                                                                   S$3.2 million, thanks to our entire team’s     activities but has directly affected project
                                              Our total revenue was 29% lower year-         commitment, progressive transformative         execution, from prolonged project
It is our pleasure to present to you the      on-year at S$301.4 million. Traditionally,    technologies put in place in past years        closures to significantly lower productivity
Boustead Projects Limited FY2021              our Engineering & Construction (“E&C”)        and a number of cost management                and a severe shortage of foreign labour
Longevity Report for the financial year       business segment has been the key driver      measures implemented during FY2021.            resources. This combination of multiple
ended 31 March 2021.                          of revenue and also a substantial profit                                                     simultaneous impacts has left behind
                                              contributor. However, during FY2021,          FY2021 – A Tale of Two Businesses              sector-wide repercussions.
FY2021 has been a milestone year,             the pandemic and ensuing spread of            In FY2021, the fortunes of our two key
in which we delivered a record profit         COVID-19 within the community and             business segments – E&C and Real Estate        During this crisis, priorities were first and
attributable to shareholders (“net            foreign labour dormitories, forced the        – were a striking contrast which also          foremost placed on safeguarding the
profit”) crossing the S$100 million mark      Singapore Government to impose a four-        revealed the effectiveness of our business     wellbeing of our stakeholders including
for the first time and finishing 493%         month shutdown of the built environment       model that unites the entire industrial real   our team, subcontractors and their
higher year-on-year at S$131.7 million.       sector, which affected all of our Singapore   estate value chain.                            employees, clients and surrounding
This significant accomplishment was           project sites. Following the reopening of                                                    communities by implementing strict
underpinned by the successful launch of       the built environment sector, we enacted      E&C business segment revenue was 32%           health checks, social distancing
Boustead Industrial Fund (“BIF”), a value-    a gradual ramp-up in construction             lower year-on-year at S$264.7 million, due     measures, split teams and remote
unlocking event that had been anticipated     activities in line with government            to the prolonged closure of Singapore          working arrangements. Following the
by shareholders and which we prioritised      advisories and safe management                project sites and conditions imposed by        reopening of our offices and project sites,
to deliver. Nonetheless, hidden beneath       measures, although this was far from our      and in response to the pandemic. E&C           whether here in Singapore or overseas,
this achievement was an environment           pre-pandemic peak.                            business segment profit before income          the emphasis was placed on disinfecting,
fraught with the toughest challenges that                                                   tax (“PBT”) was 84% lower year-on-year at      reconfiguring our mental frames of mind
we have had to face as an organisation,       Our record net profit of S$131.7 million      S$3.1 million, hit by elevated pandemic-       and physical spaces to ensure safe
brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic.          was supported by BIF’s value-unlocking        related costs on multiple fronts, although     distancing and implementing strict safe
Fy2021 LONGEVITY REPORT - THE BOUSTEAD WAY / Boustead Projects Limited FY2021 Sustainability Report

        INTRODUCTION                                                                                                                                            OTHER INFORMATION
                                       FRAMEWORK                  A GREATER PURPOSE           BOUSTEAD PROJECTS EMPLOYEES       HOME – PLANET EARTH

management measures. We also initiated       received its temporary occupation permit         the need for stakeholders to be present in    Other than being instrumental in the
difficult but important conversations with   just after the end of FY2021.                    the same room.                                successful launch of BIF, the Real Estate
our team, clients and subcontractors on                                                                                                     business segment was also responsible
topics such as project schedule revisions,   While Singapore projects faced                   Technologies were also implemented            for securing a number of sizeable leases
cost sharing and how to progress             pandemic-related delays, specified               to enhance onsite safe management             for leasehold properties, both completed
forward in the face of unprecedented         extensions of time were also received            measures – among the world’s strictest        and under development. New leases
challenges. Great efforts were expended      under the COVID-19 (Temporary                    – at project sites. In a partnership with     totalled over 53,700 square metres of net
to understand the positions of all key       Measures) Act 2020. Overseas, the                TraceSafe under the Open Innovation           lettable area – with the likes of Zuellig
stakeholders to ensure that collectively     situation was much better for projects in        Platform, we outfitted our team and           Pharma, NETS, Shopee, JustCo and a
we survive this pandemic.                    China and Malaysia. Sizeable projects in         subcontractors’ employees at one              Fortune 500 corporation – over the course
                                             these two overseas markets – including           project site with TraceSafe’s wearable        of FY2021. 351 on Braddell and Razer
We also proactively took several             our largest project captured in FY2021 to        safety devices. Attached to helmets,          SEA HQ also achieved at least two-thirds
measures to mitigate the impact of           design and build an advanced integrated          these devices can withstand the rugged        committed occupancy prior to receiving
delays and to protect the viability and      high-tech manufacturing and office facility      conditions of the built environment sector    temporary occupation permits.
long-term value of our businesses.           in Penang, Malaysia for a Fortune 500            and are able to provide real-time contact
Cost management measures included            technology corporation – progressed on           tracing, safe distancing and geofencing       Transforming Our Business Model with
organisation-wide cost reviews, a salary     schedule, facing only minor disruptions.         capabilities onsite. These devices send       Boustead Industrial Fund
freeze for our entire team and a reduction                                                    signals to individual workers when they       The Board had made the establishment
in Board fees and senior management          Technology continued to play a key               breach safe boundaries of separated work      of BIF a priority pre-pandemic but it
salaries since June 2020. Our Board and      role in mitigating risks associated              zones or are too close to one another,        was thanks to the commitment of our
executive directors took 10% reductions      with the pandemic, allowing for highly           making everybody onsite safer. With the       team that BIF was able to launch during
in directors’ fees and base salaries         collaborative activities including               successful implementation at the first        the pandemic, even as stakeholder
respectively, while the rest of our senior   integrated digital delivery (“IDD”), design,     project site, TraceSafe is now being rolled   engagements had become more complex
management team was subjected to             value engineering and construction to            out across all project sites.                 and global travel restrictions had taken
tiered 5% to 7.5% reductions in base         be conducted in a productive and safe                                                          effect. Had our team not gone through
salaries.                                    manner.                                          In contrast to the impact on the E&C          extraordinary efforts, any launch would
                                                                                              business segment, Real Estate business        likely have been delayed by another year.
Following the reopening of Singapore         During FY2021, our IDD Team continued            segment revenue was 7% higher year-
project sites in mid-FY2021, the E&C         to push forward with transformative              on-year at S$36.7 million, mainly due         BIF represents our maiden full-fledged
business segment commenced on                technologies implementation and                  to a full-year of rental contribution from    private real estate trust. Strategically, BIF
making up lost ground on several projects    strengthened value propositions in 7D            the fully-leased Boustead Industrial          has transformed our business model and
in Singapore including our two largest       building information modelling (“BIM”) by        Park Phase 1 in Vietnam, a short-term         integrated platform that unites all parts
projects for JTC Kranji Green and Surbana    utilising 3D scanning, artificial intelligence   sublease for 36 Tuas Road and increased       of the industrial real estate value chain –
Jurong Campus. By the end of FY2021,         and machine learning, augmented reality          management fees from Boustead                 from value-added capabilities spanning
the E&C business segment was also            (“AR”) and virtual reality (“VR”), data          Development Partnership. Real Estate          E&C and real estate development and
able to secure the temporary occupation      analytics and drone technology. Our team         business segment PBT was exponentially        asset management services to fund
permits for joint development projects       and stakeholders were able to tap on a           higher after adding in this business          management services. This significantly
– 351 on Braddell and Bombardier             combination of AR and VR and Cloud-              segment’s super majority share of the         enhances our offerings to clients and
Singapore Service Centre Phase 2 – while     based sharing platforms to review virtual        BIF Value Unlocking Gain, leading to our      adds greater flexibility to our structuring
another joint development, Razer SEA HQ      7D BIM models simultaneously, without            record net profit.                            of potential development opportunities.
Fy2021 LONGEVITY REPORT - THE BOUSTEAD WAY / Boustead Projects Limited FY2021 Sustainability Report

        INTRODUCTION                                                                                                                                            OTHER INFORMATION
                                         FRAMEWORK                  A GREATER PURPOSE        BOUSTEAD PROJECTS EMPLOYEES         HOME – PLANET EARTH

Even as the bulk of our wholly-owned           leasehold portfolios, particularly in         consummated, KBILF Phase 1 will allow           In this report, we hope that you gain
leasehold properties has now been              overseas markets.                             our joint venture fund to acquire seed          an in-depth understanding of how we
sold into BIF, we still retain a pipeline of                                                 assets amounting to about US$141                remain progressive and resilient, ensure
leasehold properties – mainly under joint      FY2022 – Another Difficult Year on the        million in gross asset value covering           our longevity and protect the viability
ventures – with over S$700 million in          Path to Recovery                              about 840,000 square metres of land             and long-term value of our businesses
expected market valuation. Once eligible       Given that the margins for projects           area and about 550,000 square metres of         and the wider ecosystem that we are
assets in Singapore are stabilised, they       secured pre-pandemic do not take into         gross leasable area. KBILF Phase 2 will         interconnected with. We also share how
will have the potential to be injected         consideration subsequent elevated costs,      lead to the acquisition of other potential      we strive towards what the Boustead
into BIF. With our existing portfolio and      the E&C business segment’s performance        industrial real estate assets under an          Group has achieved in longevity over
future pipeline of secured development         will continue to be affected in FY2022,       identified pipeline of targets, which           almost two centuries and how this
projects, we expect that there will be a       as we complete the last of such projects.     would have the potential to double the          translates to delivering sustainable shared
steady stream of sponsor assets that can       Despite the pandemic, we secured about        land area and gross leasable area in the        socio-economic value and progress to key
be progressively injected into BIF over        S$178 million in contracts during FY2021      portfolio. As one of the only economies         stakeholders, along with the communities
several years. As the 100% manager             that are contractually more risk-mitigated    to witness GDP growth during the                that we reside in and our collective home
and 25% unitholder of BIF, Boustead            and protected against pandemic-related        pandemic, Vietnam’s potential remains           – Planet Earth. Our performance, policies
Projects will continue to reap the benefits    disruptions, which will help us even if the   intact. Demographically, Vietnam enjoys         and practices on material economic,
of properties sold to BIF, especially when     pandemic persists. Nonetheless, lower         a sizeable young population and a skilled       environmental, social and governance
it expands. Holding the manager role,          productivity and foreign labour shortages     workforce catered to the industrial sector.     topics are explained.
we will be entitled to base management         are expected to remain in the foreseeable     Geopolitically, Vietnam is well located
fees, development fees, acquisition            future.                                       geographically and has been a beneficiary       Thank you for entrusting us with the role
fees, divestment fees and property                                                           of the world’s political situation.             of being a trustworthy corporate citizen,
management fees, similar to what               Although things may remain slow in some                                                       one which we hope to honour for many
listed REIT managers would receive for         areas, this will not deter us from building   Apart from KBILF, we are also pursuing          more decades to come, as we continue
managing their respective listed REITs.        upon our credible reputation for being        a number of development opportunities,          to be highly reflective about how our
                                               progressive, as demonstrated by our           both here in Singapore and overseas, and        actions ‘ripple upon the pond of life’. This
BIF has also established our new fund          continuing enhancement of our business        possess the financial strength to diversify     journey is an ultramarathon, which we will
management business, in which we are           model, transformative technological           our revenue and profit streams in multiple      continue running in the Boustead Way
now able to bring in and manage third-         implementations and most recent               industry sectors, real estate sectors and       and hope to have you join, even if only for
party investors’ funds for investments in      addition of BIF. Our cash levels and          geographic markets.                             part of the way. Have an enjoyable and
stabilised recurring-income assets. This       balance sheet have never been stronger.                                                       insightful read.
flexibility opens our business model to a                                                    Our progressive reputation for
new set of partners, especially those more     Many questions have been posed on             transformation continues to contribute in-      May you and your loved ones stay well,
interested in investments in de-risked         our next steps after the formation of BIF,    built resilience that will help us to prevail   healthy and safe during these tumultuous
assets rather than partnerships for joint      especially our capital expenditure plans      in this difficult environment. In addition,     times.
development projects which carry higher        and how we plan to reinvest. As seen          investments in refining our smart, eco-
risk profiles.                                 with our recent announcement of the           sustainable and future-ready business           John Lim Kok Min
                                               signing of the option agreement for the       park and industrial real estate solutions,      Chairman
BIF represents a model on which we can         intended formation of KTG & Boustead          and ConTech and PropTech will continue,
base potential future real estate trusts on,   Industrial Logistics Fund (“KBILF”), we       helping to ensure longevity for ourselves       Thomas Chu Kok Hong
if we are able to build up other sizeable      have already taken our next steps. Once       and our stakeholders.                           Managing Director
Fy2021 LONGEVITY REPORT - THE BOUSTEAD WAY / Boustead Projects Limited FY2021 Sustainability Report

                                      LONGEVITY REPORTING                                               PURSUING BUSINESS WITH                                 DEVELOPING OUR BEST ASSET –                             CONSERVING OUR COLLECTIVE
          INTRODUCTION                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 OTHER INFORMATION
                                          FRAMEWORK                                                       A GREATER PURPOSE                                   BOUSTEAD PROJECTS EMPLOYEES                                 HOME – PLANET EARTH

     The Boustead Way                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Business Model
     The Boustead Way prioritises the                                                                                                                                                                                                   In order to achieve our mission,
     pursuit of business with a greater                                                                                                                                                                                                 vision and long-term objectives,
     purpose. It is about creating                                                                                                                                                                                                      we rely on our business drivers:
     sustainable shared socio-economic                                                                                                                                                                                                  business platforms, strategies and
     value versus maximising short-term                                                                                                          e w o r ld
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        business model value chain – guided
     profit; promoting adaptability and                                                                                         yo     n th                                                                                             by the Boustead Way, along with
                                                                                                                         c iall
     resilience; and favouring longevity                                                                               so                                                                                                               our fundamental principles and
                                                                                                                  nd                    l
     over sentimentality. It is a position,
                                                                                                            a                      gica                                 Re g                                                            strong human-centric corporate
                                                                                                     ta                       n olo tion                              exp ional                       Be
     a value, a commercial sensibility                                                                                     ch rma                                        ans                                                            values. These business drivers
                                                                                                                         Te nsfo                                             ion

     that runs through every layer of our                                                                                                                                                                                               highlight how we combine our


     organisation.                                                                                                                                                                                                                      core competencies and strategies


                                                                                                                                         ha                                 Bu                                                          to allow us to achieve our long-



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     Mission                                                                                                                       u                                                                                                    term objectives to be adaptable

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     To provide technology-driven design,                                                                                                                       Inte                                                                    and resilient, deliver sustainable


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     engineering and delivery of end-to-                                                                                                                                                                                                shared socio-economic value and

                                                                       Quality and enviro

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     end smart eco-sustainable real estate                                                                                                                                                                                              progress to key stakeholders, and

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     solutions that can be deployed in any                                                                                                                                                                                              make a positive impact economically,

     sector and market.                                                                                                                               The                                                                               environmentally and socially on the

                                                                                                                                                  Boustead Way                                                                          world.


     To be the leading provider of

     innovative real estate solutions in                                                                                                                               Pr


     Asia, offering a full suite of smart eco-                                                                                                         rseverance
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Fy2021 LONGEVITY REPORT - THE BOUSTEAD WAY / Boustead Projects Limited FY2021 Sustainability Report

                                           LONGEVITY REPORTING             PURSUING BUSINESS WITH        DEVELOPING OUR BEST ASSET –         CONSERVING OUR COLLECTIVE
           INTRODUCTION                                                                                                                                                              OTHER INFORMATION
                                               FRAMEWORK                     A GREATER PURPOSE          BOUSTEAD PROJECTS EMPLOYEES             HOME – PLANET EARTH

     Business Platforms
     Positioning and presence                          Performance                                                                                              People
     • Extensive capabilities spanning                 • Market leader in Singapore with extensive       •   CONQUAS all-time top 100 industrial                • Top engineering & construction team for
        engineering & construction, development            track record in delivering best-in-class          projects quality leader                               advanced eco-sustainable business park
        management, asset management and fund              projects                                      •   Developer of Singapore’s first truly smart            and industrial developments
        management                                     • Green Mark Platinum industrial leader with          business park development                          • Empowering culture
     • Successful spotting and positioning on              firsts in heavy industry, aerospace sector    •   Developer, manager and owner of growing            • Fair and non-discriminatory employment
        megatrends                                         and logistics sector categories and first         leasehold portfolio                                • Ability to attract, develop, motivate and
     • Growing Asian presence with local market            Green Mark Platinum – Super Low Energy        •   Commitments to quality and EHS                        retain talent
        knowledge                                          large-scale business park and industrial          performance                                        • Industry technical experts
     • Broad coverage of sectors, with clients             development
        among world’s best corporations

     Regional expansion                                Partnerships, acquisitions and investments        Risk and reward balance                                Technological transformation
     Our expansion into fast-growing Asian markets     Our continuous search for strategic               We are vigilant in ensuring that our strategies to     Our ongoing business transformation
     rides upon in-depth domain expertise, leading     partnerships, catalytic acquisitions and          enhance stakeholders’ shared socio-economic            is supported by progressive adoption of
     market positions and a diversified track record   investments is aimed at accelerating our          value are well-supported by sound risk                 digitally-enabled, productivity-enhancing
     in delivering over 3,000,000 square metres of     business expansion, enhancing capabilities,       management.                                            approaches like integrated digital delivery,
     real estate.                                      broadening revenue streams and driving                                                                   building information modelling, design for
                                                       sustainable long-term growth.                     Quality and EHS focus                                  manufacturing and assembly, and smart
     Growing leasehold portfolio                                                                         We strive to achieve the highest standards in          building capabilities. We aim to be a market
     Our growing leasehold portfolio of both           Integrated capabilities                           quality and workplace EHS, building on our             leader in the world of Industry 4.0.
     wholly-owned and jointly-owned properties         Our integrated suite of capabilities is aimed     growing achievements under the Building &
     contributes recurring, long-term income           at helping clients to achieve highly effective    Construction Authority Construction Quality
     streams.                                          and cost competitive solutions that raise         Assessment System, Green & Gracious Builder
                                                       efficiency and multi-decade building lifecycle    Scheme and Green Mark Certification Scheme,
                                                       sustainability.                                   and the Workplace Safety & Health Council
                                                                                                         bizSAFE Programme.

     Business Model Value Chain

     Uphold our excellent reputation for integrity, quality, reliability and trust
                                                        Commit to operational excellence
     Design smart eco-sustainable                       through undertaking technology-
                                                        driven design, value engineering,
     solutions including Green Mark                                                                      Deliver efficiency, performance
                                                        project management, construction                                                                      Generate revenue, profit and cash
     Platinum-rated and LEED-rated                                                                       and shared socio-economic value
                                                        management, quality and EHS                                                                           flow in a sustainable manner
     developments that meet Industry 4.0                                                                 to clients
                                                        supervision, development
     transformation standards                           management, asset management
                                                        and fund management
     Be adaptable and resilient, deliver sustainable shared socio-economic value and progress, and make a positive impact on the world
Fy2021 LONGEVITY REPORT - THE BOUSTEAD WAY / Boustead Projects Limited FY2021 Sustainability Report

          INTRODUCTION                                                                                                                                          OTHER INFORMATION
                                             FRAMEWORK                A GREATER PURPOSE       BOUSTEAD PROJECTS EMPLOYEES         HOME – PLANET EARTH


SECTION 1 MATERIAL ESG TOPICS &                    1.1 ABOUT THIS REPORT                      believe in upholding high standards of          Security Management System, ISO
APPLICABLE GRI STANDARDS                                                                      accurate, consistent, sincere, timely and       45001 Occupational Health & Safety
                                                   1.1.1 Report Period & Scope                transparent disclosure, that provides           Management System (upgraded from
This section covers the following                  This is the Boustead Projects              clarity on our ESG performance and              SS506 Part 1 and OHSAS 18001), and
material ESG topics and applicable GRI             Limited FY2021 Longevity Report,           trends over time.                               other key programmes such as the
Standards:                                         an annual publication dedicated to                                                         Building & Construction Authority
• About this report                                providing a more holistic review of our    This report should be read in                   Construction Quality Assessment
                                                   performance, especially covering non-      conjunction with the Boustead Projects          System, Green & Gracious Builder
GRI Standards                                      financial areas such as environmental,     Limited FY2021 Annual Report for                Scheme and Green Mark Certification
/ 102-1 / 102-3 / 102-4 / 102-5 / 102-12 /
/ 102-45 / 102-46 / 102-47 / 102-48 / 102-49 /
                                                   social and governance (“ESG”) topics       context. It should also be noted that           Scheme, and the Workplace Safety &
/ 102-50 / 102-51 / 102-52 / 102-53 / 102-54 /     that are material to our business and      the governance topic has not been fully         Health Council bizSAFE Programme.
                                                   key stakeholders. This report covers       discussed in this report. Our latest
• Business model, strategies and                   our ESG performance under both core        Corporate Governance Report (“CG                This report has been prepared in
  outlook                                          business segments – Engineering            Report”) is available in its full text within   accordance with Global Reporting
GRI Standards                                      & Construction (“E&C”) and Real            the Boustead Projects Limited FY2021            Initiative (“GRI”) Standards: Core, with
/ 102-2 / 102-6 / 102-11/ 102-12 /                 Estate – including our headquarters,       Annual Report from pages 58 to 88.              at least three years of comparative data
• Corporate governance                             administrative offices, significant E&C                                                    as required by GRI Standards: Core.
                                                   project sites under our control and        The terms ‘Longevity’ and                       The respective GRI Standards that have
GRI Standards                                      management, and managed real estate        ‘Sustainability’ are interchangeable.           been applied are available in the GRI
/ 102-5 / 102-12 / 102-18 / 102-19 / 102-22 /
                                                   in all geographic markets where we                                                         Content Index listed on pages 91 to
/ 102-23 / 102-24 / 102-25 / 102-26 / 102-27 /
/ 102-28 / 102-29 / 102-30 / 102-31 / 102-32 /     have a significant presence: Singapore,    1.1.2 Report Content                            97. References have also been made
/ 102-33 / 102-35 / 102-36 / 102-37 /              China, Malaysia and Vietnam, unless        Content in this report was defined by           to the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable
                                                   otherwise indicated.                       identifying and prioritising our material       Development Goals.
• Environmental, social and
                                                                                              ESG topics through an ESG materiality
  governance materiality assessment
                                                   This report contains at least four         assessment process. Efforts were                GRI Standards has been selected and
GRI Standards                                      full-years of data on material ESG         made to ensure that material ESG                used within our Longevity Reporting
/ 102-12 / 102-20 / 102-21 / 102-29 / 102-40 /     topics and is aligned with our financial   topics are reflective of the current            Framework – applied since we issued
/ 102-42 / 102-43 / 102-44 / 102-47 /
                                                   reporting period from 1 April 2020 to 31   ESG topics that are material to our             our inaugural report – because it
                                                   March 2021 (“FY2021”). Our previous        business and key stakeholders. Data             represents not only the first global
                                                   report was aligned with our financial      collection on material ESG topics is            sustainability reporting framework
                                                   reporting period from 1 April 2019 to 31   also supported by our subsidiaries’             but is independent and continues to
                                                   March 2020 (“FY2020”) and issued on        operations teams that oversee the               be the only sustainability reporting
                                                   28 October 2020. Our inaugural report      certification and implementation of ISO         framework that can demonstrate
                                                   was issued on 22 November 2018. We         9001 Quality Management System, ISO             widespread global adoption. According
                                                   voluntarily disclosed four full-years of   14001 Environmental Management                  to the KPMG Survey of Sustainability
                                                   historical data for comparison as we       System, ISO/IEC 27001 Information               Reporting 2020, 73% of the world’s 250
Fy2021 LONGEVITY REPORT - THE BOUSTEAD WAY / Boustead Projects Limited FY2021 Sustainability Report

                                             LONGEVITY REPORTING                  PURSUING BUSINESS WITH             DEVELOPING OUR BEST ASSET –            CONSERVING OUR COLLECTIVE
           INTRODUCTION                                                                                                                                                                                OTHER INFORMATION
                                                 FRAMEWORK                          A GREATER PURPOSE               BOUSTEAD PROJECTS EMPLOYEES                HOME – PLANET EARTH

largest corporations and 67% of the                       Where the relevant material ESG topics                    For a complete list of our significant
100 largest corporations in 52 countries                  have already been discussed in detail in                  associates and joint ventures as at                         Boustead Projects Limited
– a total of 5,200 corporations – use                     the Boustead Projects Limited FY2021                      31 March 2021, please refer to the                          Company Registration Number:
GRI.1 GRI Standards are aligned with                      Annual Report, we shall make reference                    Boustead Projects Limited FY2021                            199603900E
best practices, comprehensive, flexible,                  to such discussions without directly                      Annual Report from pages 134 to 137.
regularly updated, robust and provide                     replicating them in this report.                                                                                      82 Ubi Avenue 4
a good base of ESG performance                                                                                      This report does not cover the activities                   #07-01 Edward Boustead Centre
comparison across organisations of all                    Data is presented using standard                          of associates and joint ventures where                      Singapore 408832
sizes and diverse sectors, allowing for                   international units of measurement,                       we have either joint or no responsibility                   Main: +65 6748 3945
organisations to select the appropriate                   with conversion factors mentioned in                      for management, as such activities                          Fax: +65 6748 9250
standards to collect and measure                          relevant sections. Monetary values are                    fall beyond our ability to unilaterally
ESG performance on a wide variety of                      presented in our functional reporting                     influence ESG performance, policies                         www.bousteadprojects.com
ESG topics. Therefore, GRI Standards                      currency, Singapore dollars, unless                       and practices.
demonstrate strong alignment and                          otherwise indicated.
excellent presentation capabilities for                                                                             We have not sought external assurance
the ESG topics that are material to our                   Our Board reviewed and approved this                      for this report.
business and key stakeholders.                            report before it went into circulation.
                                                                                                                    1.1.4 Accessibility
In the future, we will review other                       1.1.3 Report Boundaries                                   In line with our commitment to
up-and-coming sustainability                              This report covers Boustead Projects                      environmental sustainability, this
reporting frameworks such as the                          and all non-dormant subsidiaries                          report has been issued in digital
Integrated Reporting Framework                            including our headquarters and                            format only. This report and previous
and SASB Standards issued by the                          subsidiaries in Singapore, China,                         reports are available online at www.
Value Reporting Foundation, and                           Indonesia, Malaysia and Vietnam,                          bousteadprojects.com/investor-
the Task Force on Climate-Related                         unless otherwise indicated. For                           centre/sustainability.
Financial Disclosures issued by the                       a complete list of our significant
Financial Stability Board. Assessments                    subsidiaries as at 31 March 2021,                         1.1.5 Feedback Channel
will be made as to whether these                          please refer to the Boustead Projects                     We welcome comments and feedback
standards and disclosures should be                       Limited FY2021 Annual Report from                         from our stakeholders in relation to this
integrated into our Longevity Reporting                   pages 142 to 143.                                         report and our performance, policies
Framework.                                                                                                          and practices discussed in this report.
                                                          This report also covers all non-                          If you have any comments or feedback,
This report fully complies with the                       dormant associates and joint ventures                     please email ir.team@boustead.sg.
requirements of the SGX-ST Listing                        where we are entirely responsible
Rules Practice Note 7.6 Sustainability                    for management and managed real
Reporting Guide.                                          estate, unless otherwise indicated.

1.   “GRI Remains the Dominant Global Standard for Sustainability Reporting.” KPMG Survey of Sustainability Reporting 2020, KPMG International Ltd, December 2020, page 25, home.kpmg/xx/en/home/insights/2020/11/the-time-has-come-
     survey-of-sustainability-reporting.html. Accessed 28 July 2021.

        INTRODUCTION                                                                                                                                     OTHER INFORMATION
                                      FRAMEWORK                 A GREATER PURPOSE        BOUSTEAD PROJECTS EMPLOYEES       HOME – PLANET EARTH

1.2 BOARD LONGEVITY STATEMENT               to seize opportunities to deliver             Longevity Reporting Structure
Our Board is committed to ensuring          sustainable shared socio-economic
our longevity including reviewing our       value and progress to key stakeholders,
performance, policies and practices         while being well-supported by sound
                                                                                                       Board of Directors
in relation to material environmental,      risk management. Our risk appetite
social and governance (“ESG”) topics.       considers material ESG topics that
                                            may affect reputational risk, ethical
Our Board is assisted in this by the        and moral considerations, and have
appointed Group Longevity Reporting         significant financial and non-financial
Champion & Lead (“Group Champion”),         implications.
                                                                                                      Longevity Reporting                           Group Headquarters
who is advised by our Executive
                                                                                                       Champion & Lead
Directors and extended leadership           Other than financial performance
team in Group Headquarters. The             targets, our Board and the
Group Champion coordinates the              Remuneration Committee have set
implementation of the Longevity             key ESG performance targets for
Reporting Framework across the              our Executive Directors to meet
functions. Our Board is further             annually, which are directly tied to their
assisted by our existing robust systems     remuneration packages. Our Executive                     Business Development                                 Legal
including audit, compliance, enterprise     Directors have further set key ESG                        Longevity Reporting                           Longevity Reporting
risk, financial, environmental, health      performance targets for functional
and safety (“EHS”), human resource, IT      directors and/or managers to meet
and operational management systems,         annually, in relation to their respective
which feed into our Longevity Reporting     functional roles and which are directly
Framework.                                  tied to their respective remuneration                          Finance                                   Human Resources
                                            packages. Examples of such ESG                            Longevity Reporting                           Longevity Reporting
Our Board assesses opportunities and        performance targets include targets for
risks presented by material ESG topics.     improving eco-sustainability, quality,
This helps our Board to determine the       EHS, team development and technology
appropriate strategies that will provide    performance, policies and practices.
us with the adaptability and flexibility                                                                  Operations                                  Quality and EHS
                                                                                                      Longevity Reporting                           Longevity Reporting

        INTRODUCTION                                                                                                                                                  OTHER INFORMATION
                                        FRAMEWORK                  A GREATER PURPOSE         BOUSTEAD PROJECTS EMPLOYEES       HOME – PLANET EARTH

1.3 CORPORATE STEWARDSHIP &                    Board & Board Committee Oversight Responsibilities & Key Terms of Reference

1.3.1 Corporate Stewardship for                                                                             3 2 1 4 5 6
Longevity                                                                                                                                      Independent director     Non-independent director
Our Board of Directors is collectively                                                                         Board
responsible for our corporate
stewardship, overall leadership,               •   Corporate governance                      •   Annual operating and capital budgets     •    Annual reports and financial statements
                                               •   Ethics, corporate values, culture and     •   Business affairs and senior management   •    Shareholder meetings
management, strategies, controls and
                                                   standards                                     team performance                         •    Dividend payments and distributions
long-term success. In line with this,          •   Sustainability performance                •   Financial performance                    •    Material acquisitions and disposals of
our Board also oversees performance,           •   Risk appetite and internal controls                                                         assets
policies and practices in relation to          •   Corporate strategies and policies
ESG topics and considers ESG topics
integrally with all other aspects of their
                                                                1 4 5                                       3 2 1 4 5 6                                               1 5 6
collective responsibility.

1.3.2 Corporate Governance                                Audit & Risk Committee                     Nominating Committee                          Remuneration Committee
Our Board is committed to maintaining          •   Appointments and reappointments of        •   Appointments and reappointments          •    Remuneration policies and packages of
a high standard of corporate                       external auditors                             of Board Directors, Board Committee           Board Directors and senior management
governance and transparency within             •   Internal controls                             members and senior management team            team
the Group, in line with the principles         •   External and internal audit plans and     •   Board and senior management team         •    Service contracts of senior management
set out in the Code of Corporate                   results                                       succession                                    team
Governance 2018 (“CG Code”) and the            •   External and internal audit functions     •   Board performance                        •    Senior management team performance
accompanying SGX Practice Guidance,            •   Enterprise risk management                •   Board professional development and
which forms part of our continuing             •   Interested person transactions and            training programmes
                                                   conflict of interest                      •   Board independence and conflict of
obligations to the SGX Mainboard
                                               •   Internal investigations and whistle-          interest
Listing Rules. This establishes and                blowing
maintains our Group’s ethical, legal and       •   Annual reports and financial statements
business environment to enhance the            •   Regulatory filings
interests of all key stakeholders.

Made up of well-respected and                 Our Board currently comprises:                 3. Thomas Chu                                    6. Professor Yong Kwet Yew
experienced business and academic             1. John Lim Kok Min                               Managing Director                                Independent Non-Executive Director
leaders from diverse backgrounds, two-           Chairman &
thirds of our Board is independent, with         Independent Non-Executive Director          4. Tam Chee Chong                                More information on the individual
all three Board Committees headed by                                                            Independent Non-Executive Director            profiles of our directors is available
an independent non-executive director.        2. Wong Yu Wei                                                                                  within the Boustead Projects Limited
                                                 Deputy Chairman &                           5. Chong Lit Cheong                              FY2021 Annual Report from pages 46 to
                                                 Executive Director                             Independent Non-Executive Director            47, 69 and 83 to 88.

       INTRODUCTION                                                                                                                                   OTHER INFORMATION
                                     FRAMEWORK                  A GREATER PURPOSE       BOUSTEAD PROJECTS EMPLOYEES       HOME – PLANET EARTH

Our latest CG Report outlines our           available in its full text within the       1.3.3 Overall ESG Recognition                on the SGX Mainboard in April 2015,
corporate governance practices              Boustead Projects Limited FY2021            While gaining overall ESG recognition        we have been recognised for our
with specific reference made to the         Annual Report from pages 58 to 88 and       from our key stakeholders is not an end      performance, policies and practices in
principles and guidelines of the CG         is referenced in this report, rather than   in itself, it indicates that we are moving   relation to overall management of ESG
Code and accompanying SGX Practice          completely repeated.                        in the right direction as a trustworthy      topics as shown on this page.
Guidance. Our latest CG Report is                                                       corporate citizen. Since our listing

Overall ESG Achievements & Significance
            Achievements                                                                      Significance
Nov 2019    •   Boustead Projects named on SGX Fast Track Programme                           •   Recognised among only 92 SGX-listed corporations on programme
                                                                                                  affirming listed issuers publicly recognised for high corporate governance
                                                                                                  standards and maintaining good compliance track record, with prioritised
                                                                                                  clearance for their corporate action submissions
Mar 2019    •   Boustead Projects Limited FY2018 Longevity Report nominated                   •   Inaugural Boustead Projects Limited FY2018 Longevity Report – along
                as Finalist for Asia’s Best First Time Sustainability Report at Asia              with inaugural Boustead Singapore Limited FY2018 Longevity Report
                Sustainability Reporting Awards 2018                                              – nominated among only eight finalists for Asia’s Best First Time
                                                                                                  Sustainability Report
                                                                                              •   Judged by Singapore’s academic and sustainability reporting
                                                                                              •   Presented by Asia’s foremost sustainability reporting awards
Sep 2017    •   Boustead Projects awarded Singapore Corporate Governance Award,               •   Recognised for excellent standards of corporate governance
                Newly Listed Category at Securities Investors Association (Singapore)         •   Judged by Singapore’s academic, accounting, financial, governance,
                Investors’ Choice Awards 2017                                                     investment, legal and media communities
                                                                                              •   Presented by Singapore’s foremost retail investors association with
                                                                                                  support of SGX
May 2017 •      Boustead Projects E&C awarded Singapore Quality Class Certification in        •   Recognised for attaining robust business fundamentals and meeting
                Enterprise Singapore Business Excellence Framework                                standards for good business performance based on global benchmarks
                                                                                                  in areas including leadership, customers, strategy, people and process,
                                                                                                  knowledge and results
                                                                                              •   Presented by Singapore Government’s lead agency for enterprises

        INTRODUCTION                                                                                                                                         OTHER INFORMATION
                                      FRAMEWORK                 A GREATER PURPOSE          BOUSTEAD PROJECTS EMPLOYEES       HOME – PLANET EARTH

1.4 ENVIRONMENTAL, SOCIAL                   key stakeholders, and make a positive          in the geographic markets and sectors           their significance, conversations and
& GOVERNANCE MATERIALITY                    impact economically, environmentally           that we operate in, along with the views        channels of communication, as shown
ASSESSMENT                                  and socially on the world. The views of        of key stakeholders. These are then             on pages 13 to 17.
Boustead Projects conducted an ESG          both external and internal stakeholders        updated in our assessment process.
materiality assessment process in order     are taken into account when                                                                    In FY2021, most conversations with
to determine material ESG topics that       determining the material ESG topics            1.4.1 Key Stakeholder Engagement                key stakeholders were in relation to the
should be included in this report. ESG      that should be included in this report.        We define key stakeholders as being             COVID-19 pandemic and the impact on
topics are considered to be material if                                                    groups that our business may have               our business segments – E&C and Real
they may have a significant impact on       To ensure that material ESG topics             a significant impact on or vice versa,          Estate – as well as how our response
our business and ability to achieve our     remain up-to-date, we periodically             and who have a vested interest in               to the pandemic would impact key
long-term objectives to be adaptable        review current and emerging                    the way that we conduct business.               stakeholders. This was consistent
and resilient, deliver sustainable shared   megatrends, changes in the economic,           After a thorough review, nine key               across almost all key stakeholder
socio-economic value and progress to        political, regulatory and ESG landscape        stakeholders were identified, along with        groups.

 Key Stakeholders, Significance & Conversations
 Key Stakeholders                           Significance                                   Conversations                               Engagement Channels
 Board and Team                             Boustead Projects’ team is our best            •   Economic performance                    •    Board meetings
 • Board of Directors                       asset. Attracting, developing, managing        •   Business model, strategy and outlook    •    Townhalls
 • Managers                                 and retaining our team is a core priority      •   Smart eco-sustainable solutions         •    Quarterly newsletters
 • Executives                               given our knowledge-driven business                (“Solutions”)                           •    Monthly management meetings
 • Non-executives                           model, which generally focuses on              •   Corporate governance, policies and      •    Weekly functional meetings
                                            high value-added activities across                 practices                               •    Weekly QEHS meetings
                                            the industrial real estate value chain.        •   Legal and regulatory compliance         •    Daily QEHS toolbox meetings
                                            These activities include design, value         •   Talent acquisition, development,        •    Team training sessions
                                            engineering, project management,                   management and retention                •    Cloud-based technology platforms
                                            construction management, development           •   Succession planning                     •    Code of Conduct
                                            management, asset management and               •   Quality, environmental, health and      •    Team Development Programme
                                            fund management and the application                safety (“QEHS”)                         •    Open door policy
                                            of proprietary domain expertise that           •   Data and information security           •    Performance appraisals
                                            extends over a regional network of key         •   Responsible communications              •    Team surveys
                                            stakeholder relationships. Creating the        •   COVID-19 and infectious disease         •    Whistle-blowing mechanism
                                            ideal environment for our team to thrive           outbreaks                               •    Virtual meetings
                                            in will eventually translate to the delivery                                               •    Websites
                                            of sustainable shared socio-economic
                                            value and progress to key stakeholders.

       INTRODUCTION                                                                                                                                  OTHER INFORMATION
                                     FRAMEWORK                A GREATER PURPOSE       BOUSTEAD PROJECTS EMPLOYEES       HOME – PLANET EARTH

Key Stakeholders, Significance & Conversations (cont’d)
Key Stakeholders                           Significance                               Conversations                               Engagement Channels
Clients                                    We aim to gain an in-depth                 •   Economic performance                    •   Business Development Team
• Direct clients                           understanding of clients’ needs so         •   Solutions                                   communications and meetings
• End-user clients (clients of clients)    that we are able to deliver progressive    •   Legal and regulatory compliance         •   Integrated Digital Delivery (“IDD”)
                                           answers to them in the dynamic global      •   Talent acquisition, development,            Team communications and meetings
                                           business environment. Collaborating            management and retention                •   Project Management Team
                                           with clients allows us to push the         •   QEHS                                        communications and meetings
                                           boundaries of paradigms, research          •   Data and information security           •   Real Estate Team and Property
                                           and technologies to help clients           •   COVID-19 and infectious disease             Management Team communications
                                           improve business performance and               outbreaks                                   and meetings
                                           sustainability.                                                                        •   Project site visits
                                                                                                                                  •   Leasing and tenant policies and
                                                                                                                                  •   Annual reports (“ARs”) and longevity
                                                                                                                                      reports (“LRs”)
                                                                                                                                  •   Quarterly newsletters
                                                                                                                                  •   Virtual meetings
                                                                                                                                  •   Websites
Strategic Partners                         Working with like-minded and               •   Economic performance                    •   Business Development Team
• Technology partners                      reputable partners has allowed us to       •   Business model, strategy and outlook        communications and meetings
• Associated companies                     pool our complementary capabilities        •   Solutions                               •   IDD Team communications and
• Joint ventures                           and expertise to widen our offerings       •   Corporate governance, policies and          meetings
• Co-investment partners                   and concurrently take on larger-scale          practices                               •   Project Management Team
                                           projects, while simultaneously reducing    •   Legal and regulatory compliance             communications and meetings
                                           commercial, operational and ESG            •   QEHS                                    •   Construction and Site Management
                                           risks related to a particular geographic   •   Data and information security               Team communications and meetings
                                           market or sector. Our partnerships with    •   COVID-19 and infectious disease         •   Real Estate Team communications
                                           technology partners that offer proven          outbreaks                                   and meetings
                                           transformative technologies also enable                                                •   Project site visits
                                           us to ensure that our solutions are                                                    •   ARs and LRs
                                           progressive.                                                                           •   Quarterly newsletters
                                                                                                                                  •   Quarterly reports and updates
                                                                                                                                  •   Virtual meetings
                                                                                                                                  •   Websites
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