Gates Chili Central School District Countdown to Kindergarten Activities Calendar 2018

Page created by Annette Moody
Gates Chili Central School District Countdown to Kindergarten Activities Calendar 2018
Gates Chili Central School District
    Countdown to Kindergarten Activities Calendar 2018

The months leading up to Kindergarten are an exciting time. We hope your family will
  enjoy this calendar of fun activities as you count down to Kindergarten together!

                         Gates Chili Central School District
                            Early Childhood Committee
Gates Chili Central School District Countdown to Kindergarten Activities Calendar 2018
Gates Chili Central School District
     Countdown to Kindergarten
            Activities Calendar

        SUNDAY                  MONDAY                     TUESDAY                   WEDNESDAY                  THURSDAY                        FRIDAY                     SATURDAY

                                                                                                           1 Cut small, medium and 2 Go outside!        Build a       3 Read to your child
                                                                                                           large circles.                snowman, if you have         for 20 minutes.
                                                                                                           Have your child               snow.
                                                                                                           glue them to
                                                                                                           paper to make
                                                                                                           a snowman.

4 Ask your child to sing 5                           6                          7 Look                     8 Tape a                      9 Have your child sort       10 Demonstrate how to
     his favorite song.   Visit the                  March around the house     through junk               blue and                                           coins   cough into your elbow,
                          library                    looking for things that    mail with                  yellow                                             by      so you don’t spread
                          to look for books about              are              your child. Can he/she     crayon together and have                           size.   germs.

                          St. Patrick’s Day.                                    find letters that he/she   your child color with it…it
                                                                                knows?                     makes GREEN!

11                        12 Hide pennies in a       13 March                   14   Write a large “1”     15 Bath Time!                 16 Visit the library         17
Make                      room and have your         around the                 and next to the number,    Have your child practice       to look for books
some                      child pretend they are a      house                             put one little   drawing shapes, letters       about Spring.
muffins                   leprechaun looking for     looking for                          ball of play     or numbers with suds.
to                        their gold.                 things that are shaped              dough. Repeat
share.                                                     like a square.                 with #’s 2-5.

18     Help your child    19 Ask your child to       20                         21 Name different          22 Look for the               23 Play in a sink of         24 Arrange a playdate.
learn their address and   move like these animals                               colors of objects. Take    number “9” in grocery         warm, soapy water.
phone number.             – rabbit, horse, frog,                                one object away and        store ads.
                          bear, penguin.                                        have them tell you what
                                                                                color is missing?

25    Look for the        26                         27                         28 Teach your child        29 March around the           30 Talk to your child        31 Sprinkle salt on an
number “4” in grocery      Have your child draw a    Talk to your child about   how to set the table.      house and count how           about a time that you        ice cube, place a thread
ads. Have your child           self portrait.        whether March came in                                 many windows, steps on        played in the                on top. Wait a minute,
point or circle them.                                like a lion and went out                              the stairs, number of         snow when                               then, lift the
                                                     like a lamb?                                          chairs, etc..                 you were                                thread.

                                   Make sure to register for Kindergarten at your home school:
              Neil Armstrong: Feb. 27th and Feb. 28th , 2018 • 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.                      Walt Disney: March 6th and March 7th, 2018 • 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.
              Florence Brasser: March 1st and March 2nd, 2018 • 10 a.m. – 2 p.m                     Paul Road: March 8th and March 9th • 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.
                    Evening registrations for all schools will take place at District Office, 3 Spartan Way on March 13th and March 15th, 2018 • 6 – 8 p.m.
Gates Chili Central School District Countdown to Kindergarten Activities Calendar 2018
Gates Chili Central School District
          Countdown to Kindergarten
             Activities Calendar

       Sunday                   Monday                      Tuesday                  Wednesday                 Thursday                     Friday                   Saturday
1 EASTER                  2 Make a map of your        3 Have your child jump    4 Have your child help    5 Go outside and          6 Invite your child to      7 Pick up cotton balls
                          house. Have your child      with two feet over        with laundry by           collect some rocks.       look outside and tell you   with tweezers or kitchen
                          trace paths from room       puddles                   matching socks.           Then talk about how       what the weather looks      tongs. Then try to pick
                          to room.                    or                                                  they are the same or      like? Is it cloudy,         them up with your toes!
                                                      pillows.                                            different.                sunny, or rainy?

8    Ask your child to    9 Read a book to your       10 Cut apart the          11 Have your child cut    12 Have your child        13 Take                     14 With your child,
crab walk to the tub.     child and have them         letters of your child’s   out coupons.              count his/her snack       a trip to the library and   find words that start
                          show you how to hold        name and have him/her                               such as pretzels,                     find a joke     with the same sound as
                          the book.                   put them back in the                                                                      book. Tell      their name: Sam, soap,
                                                      correct order.                                                                            each other a    and sandwich
                                                                      M                                                                         good joke.

15 Clap out the rhythm 16                             17 Point out numbers      18 Sing “Head,            19  Put agrapes
                                                                                                          goldfish, bunch etc.
                                                                                                                          of        20 Make “binoculars”.       21 Plan a meal with
of your name and have                                 on license plates.        Shoulders, Knees and      letters on a wall, turn   Take 2 empty toilet         your child. Have them
your child do the same.                                                         Toes” with your child.    out the lights and have   paper rolls                 cut out pictures of food
Then try other people’s       Praise your child for                                                       your child point a        and tape                    and tape/glue to paper
names.                          saying “Please and                                                        flashlight at them and    them                        plate.
Jon-a-thon, La-toy-a                   Thank you.”                                                                name them.        together.

22 Earth Day 23 Continue helping                      24 Take a walk and        25    Have your child     26 Plan a playdate.       27 Have your child sort 28 Go for a
                                   your child         talk about why it’s not   look for the letters in                             the laundry                 hike on a nature trail at
                                    learn their       good to litter. Maybe     their name in the junk                              into piles of               one of our local parks!
                                     address and      pick up some litter and   mail.                                               colors and
                                      phone           show them how to put in                                                       whites.
                                       number.        the trash.

29 With your finger,      30 Have your child
draw letters on your      practice writing numbers
child’s back and have     in pudding or shaving
                them      cream.
Gates Chili Central School District Countdown to Kindergarten Activities Calendar 2018
     Gates Chili Central School District
 Countdown to Kindergarten
        Activities Calendar

       Sunday                      Monday                   Tuesday                   Wednesday                    Thursday                   Friday                  Saturday
                                                      1 Teach and sing the       2 Scavenger Hunt! Hide 3 Can your child tell          4 Read a story to your    5 Play “Simon Says”.
                                                      alphabet song with your    some items and make          you their full name?     child and have them
                                                      child.                     clue cards to help your      Or how about what Mom    retell it
                                                                                 child find them.             and Dad’s first names    to you.

6 Look for things that      7                         8 Together, find items     9 Invite your child to       10 Together, use         11 Make a card for        12 Check out the Lilac
are RED in the house or                               in the house that rhyme!   draw letters and             objects from             mom or grandma.           Festival and talk about
outside.                                                                         numbers on the sidewalk      around the                                         the different plants
                            Invite your child to
                                                                                 in chalk.                    house to                                           flowering. Parade today
                            think about things that
                                                                                                              make                                               at 10:30 a.m.
                            start with their first
                                                                                                              different sounds.

13                          14 Have your child find 15 Invite                    16                           17 Play follow the       18 Help your child        19 Plan a playdate.
                            3 things longer than      your child to                                           leader! Let your child   learn their address and
                            his/her foot & 3 that     find coins                                              copy you; then copy      phone number.
                                                                                  Play “War” with a deck
                            are shorter.              hidden in a                                             your child.
                                                                                 of cards to reinforce
                                                      container of rice or
                                                                                 number comparisons.

20 Place an item in a       21 Play “I Spy!”          22 Read                    23 Cover a table with        24 Discuss & practice    25 Go outside at night    26 Look through the
paper bag. Have your        Look for squares,         a book                     foil. Invite your child to   ways to save energy at   and look at the stars.    junk mail for
child ask yes/no            circles, triangles and    together.                  write in shaving cream!      home.                                              the number
          questions to      rectangles.               Find                                                                                                       “5”.
          guess what’s in                             matching uppercase &
          the bag                                     lowercase letters.

27 Have your child          28                        29   Have your child       30                           31 Go outside and play
draw a flag! Then talk                                help with laundry by                                             catch.
about what makes a flag                               putting clothes in
wave?                                                 washer, naming each one
                                                                                 Have your child make
                                                                                 letters with playdoh.
Gates Chili Central School District Countdown to Kindergarten Activities Calendar 2018
Gates Chili Central School District
   Countdown to Kindergarten
      Activities Calendar

       Sunday                   Monday                    Tuesday                   Wednesday                     Thursday                      Friday                  Saturday
                                                                                                                                         1 As you drive, ask       2 Invite your child to
                                                                                                                                         your child to find any    sort coins by their
                                                                                                                                         3’s in license plates.    value.

3 Fill a bowl             4 Give your child a       5                          6 Gather flowers on a        7                            8 Have your child draw    9 As you drive, ask
with water.               magazine and a pencil.                               nature walk & press                                       a picture of your home.   your child to count how
Invite your                       Look for these                               them between two                                                                    many flags they see?
                                                    Have your child practice
child to drop                     letters:                                     books.
                                                    writing uppercase                                       Take pictures! Have
items in to see if they           K, B, R and Z
                                                    letters.                                                your child make up a
sink or float.
                                                                                                            caption for each one.

10 Bake                   11 Trace                  12   How many blue         13                           14                           15 Put 5-10 items in a 16 Have your child
cookies                   letters into              things can your child                               .   Read a                       Ziploc bag. Ask your      make a card for Dad or
together!                 your child’s              find outside? Have                                      story.                       child to guess how many   Grandpa.
Count                     palm.                     him/her draw them                                       Invite                       there are. Then count
them when they are        Have him/her                                                                      your child to retell it in   them together.
done.                     guess the letters.                                                                his/her own words.

17                        18    Walk outside in     19 Turn                    20                           21 Plant some seeds          22 Have your child        23
                          bare feet on different    off the                                                 together! Count the          draw portraits of each    Invite your child to blow
                          surfaces: grass,          lights &                                                seeds and watch how          family member.            some bubbles!
                                                                               Have your child draw a
                          puddles, sand, decking.   read                                                    much the plants grow
                                                                               rainbow. Name a fruit
                          How do they feel: hot,    together                                                daily.
                                                                               for each color.
                          cold, smooth, rough?      by flashlight!

24 Play a board game      25 Invite your child to   26 Have your child         27 How many jumping          28 Have                      29                        30 Who can
together!                 cut out things that       tear the junk mail into    jacks can you do?            your child                   Read a                     stand
                          he/she likes to eat out   strips.                                                 help your                    story                     on one foot
                          of grocery ads.                                                                   write a                      before                    the
                                                                                                            grocery list. Go             going to bed. Make up a   longest?
                                                                                                            shopping together            new ending.

                                                    This month your child will go to Kindergarten Screening
Gates Chili Central School District Countdown to Kindergarten Activities Calendar 2018
Gates Chili Central School District
      Countdown to Kindergarten
         Activities Calendar

       Sunday                      Monday                     Tuesday                   Wednesday                    Thursday                      Friday                   Saturday
1 Help your child to        2 Cut out a large “M”       3 Plan a playdate!          4                           5 Give your child           6 Play with a balloon      7 Make a pattern with
learn their address and     and have your child                                                                 specific one-step and       by tapping it and trying   garage sale stickers or
phone number.               draw pictures of things                                                             then two-step directions    to keep it up in the air   colored pom poms.
                            that start with “M”.                                                                          and encourage                                Have your child tell you
                                                                                                                          him/her to                                   what comes next.
                                                                                                                          follow through.

8 Have your child sort      9 Make a                    10                          11 Invite                   12 Move like different      13 With your child,        14 Make a set of
         the silverware     Venn diagram with your                                  your child                  animals: bear, snake,       think of words that        cards 1-10. Shuffle
            by size and     names.                                                  to draw                     duck, horse, bunny.         rhyme with bat.            them and ask your child
            shape.                                                                  shapes:                                                                            to put the numbers in
                                                        Practice counting aloud
                                                                                    square, circle, rectangle                                                          order.
                                                        to 20 while driving in
                                                                                    & triangle.
                                                        the car.
15   Think of words         16 Visit the library!       17                          18 Sing “Itsy Bitsy         19 Clap the syllables in 20 Try different ways         21
with your child that        Find a book on farm         Invite                                      Spider”     a farm animal name.         of walking: giant steps,   Invite
begin with these letter     animals.                    your                                        with        Horse, pig-let              baby steps, tip-toeing,    Your child to look for
sounds: J, S, W.                                        child to                                    your                                    backwards, on heels.       things that are
                                                        draw his/her favorite                       child.                                                                          while
                                                        farm animal.                                                                                                   driving in the car.

22    Do a puzzle           23                          24                          25 Write your child’s       26 Play with playdoh!       27 Label objects in        28 Show your child how
                             Invite your child to cut                               name with a highlighter     Make letters with it or     your child’s room. Have    to make their bed.
                            out shapes!                                             and have them trace it.     cut it                      your child read these
                                                                                                                with                        words.
                                                         Go outside and roll like                               scissors!
                                                        a log & do a somersault!

29 Put number cards on        30    Ask your child      31 Read aloud to your
the wall. Have your           questions that begin      child. Move your finger
child use a flashlight to    with who, what, when       under the words as you
point to them in the              and where.            say them.
correct order.
Gates Chili Central School District Countdown to Kindergarten Activities Calendar 2018
Gates Chili Central School District
   Countdown to Kindergarten
      Activities Calendar

       Sunday                    Monday                     Tuesday                 Wednesday                     Thursday                   Friday                   Saturday
                                                                                1 Plan a playdate!        2 Go outside at night      3   Have your child         4 Say part of the
                                                                                                          and count how many         think of words that         alphabet, stopping in the
                                                                                                          fireflies                  begin with these letter     middle. When you stop,
                                                                                                          you can                    sounds: P, B, T             have your child say the
                                                                                                          see.                                                   next letter.

                                                                                                                                                                      A, B, C, _, E
5 Take a walk and point 6 Have your child solve       7 Have your child take    8 Have your child tell    9                          10 Ask your child to        11 Have your child
to sights along the way.   a riddle: “I am thinking   out the garbage.          how he/she and a good                                name their favorite         practice writing their
Ask your child to tell     of something that                                    friend are alike and                                 insect. Then read a         name in shaving cream.
you what                   rhymes with red. You                                 different.                                           book about it and look
sound it begins            sleep on it.”                                                                  Pick up various objects.   for those insects in your
with.                                                                                                     Which one weighs more?     yard.

12 Go outside and play     13 Visit the library!      14 Read a story to        15 Have                   16 Make a grocery list     17 Visit your child’s       18 Play a board game!
hopscotch!                                            your child and discuss    your child cut out the    with your child. Allow     school and play on the
                                                      whether or not the        letters of the alphabet   him/her to try to find     playground.
                                                      story could really        from the newspaper and               the items in
                                                      happen.                   put them in order.                   the store.

19 Continue to help        20 Practice counting       21 Play with              22 Have your              23 Sing the alphabet       24 Have your child          25 Plan a playdate!
your child learn their     aloud to 20 while                  Playdoh!          child                     song!                      practice writing their
address and phone          driving.                                             wheelbarrow                                                        first
number.                                                                         walk.                                                              name.

26 With your child         27 Look                    28 Read a story to        29 Go outside and play    30 Have                    31 Have your child tell
think of words that        in the                     your child and have       catch!                    your child                 a story by drawing
rhyme with PIG.            grocery                    them retell it in their                             clean up                   pictures.
                           ads for the                own words.                                          their
                           number “6” and circle                                                          room

                  This month there will be the Reading Caravan, Kindergarten Orientation
                                        and School Bus Orientation!!
Gates Chili Central School District Countdown to Kindergarten Activities Calendar 2018
The staff of the
 Gates Chili Central School District
wishes you a fun-filled, safe summer.

        Calendar designed by Pamela DeMarsico
Gates Chili Central School District Countdown to Kindergarten Activities Calendar 2018 Gates Chili Central School District Countdown to Kindergarten Activities Calendar 2018
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