GED Program Successes - Taylor at College - Murphy-Harpst Children's Centers

Page created by Ronald Berry
GED Program Successes - Taylor at College - Murphy-Harpst Children's Centers
Winter/Spring 2019


Successes           Services           Support
Taylor at College   Foster Care FAQs   Give While You Shop
GED Program Successes - Taylor at College - Murphy-Harpst Children's Centers
Table of Contents
                                 1             Our Misson                             6         Taylor at College
                                               Board of Directors                               Strategic Planning

                                 2             A Letter From Scott                    7         Foster Care FAQs
                                               What’s New
                                               Board Member Spotlight                 8         Give While You Shop
                                                                                                Kid’s Corner
                                 3-4           GED Program
                                                                                      9-10      Alumni Story
    Our                          4             Planned Giving                                   Advocacy Events

   Mission                       5             Christmas Recap                        10        Nutcracker Tickets
                                               Employee Spotlight
                                               Volunteer Spotlight                    11        Miles of Hope
   Provide a safe
    and nurturing
 environment where
severely abused and
                                                                    Contact Us
 neglected children              Advancement Office:                                  Murphy Campus (foster care office):
 and teenagers can               50 Hurt Plaza, Suite 1620                            130 Grady Road
   thrive and heal               Atlanta, GA 30303                                    Cedartown, GA 30125
  toward a goal of               Harpst Campus (main office):                         Questions about this newsletter?
  re-engaging with               740 Fletcher Street                                  Contact the Advancement Team:
society and leading              Cedartown, GA 30125                        
  productive lives.
                                                    Murphy-Harpst is an Equal Opportunity Provider and Employer

                                           MurphyHarpst            @MurphyHarpst         770.748.1500

                                         2018-2019 Board of Directors
    Lou Cataland, Chair              Scott Campbell                   John C. Ethridge, Jr.               Malloy Peterson
   Greenville, South Carolina        Cumming, Georgia                     Atlanta, Georgia                   Atlanta, Georgia

Rep. Trey Kelley, Vice-Chair         Martha Carroll                   Rev. Dr. Coy Hinton                    Steve Powell
      Cedartown, Georgia              Atlanta, Georgia                  Woodstock, Georgia                   Milton, Georgia

Morris Henderson, Treasurer     Rev. Larry Caywood                       Mike Maloney                        Richard Stoll
       Atlanta, Georgia               Rome, Georgia                      Roswell, Georgia                 Kennesaw, Georgia

        Scott Brown                    Kim Collins                      Tripp McKenney                 Rev. Lawrence Young
       Atlanta, Georgia              Villa Rica, Georgia                  Atlanta, Georgia                   Atlanta, Georgia

  Barbara Brown-Cooper                David Dorton                        Scott Merritt
        Rome, Georgia                 Atlanta, Georgia                  Cedartown, Georgia

                                      Bruce Elder                       Myron Newman
                                      Atlanta, Georgia                    Atlanta, Georgia

                                           Ex-Officio Board Members
      Margie DeShon               Linda Leachman                       Rev. Derek Porter                  Tryphenia Speed
        Trion, Georgia               Kingston, Georgia                   Smyrna, Georgia                     Decatur, Georgia

                                Rev. Dr. David Naglee                    Sue Raymond
                                      Rome, Georgia                       Atlanta, Georgia
GED Program Successes - Taylor at College - Murphy-Harpst Children's Centers
A Letter from Scott                                      What’s New
                            The past 12 months have seen noteworthy                   Recreation Field
                            achievement and change at Murphy-Harpst. We
                            can take pride in our accomplishments and look
                            forward to 2019! We introduced Trust-Based
                            Relational Intervention (TBRI) to our campus.
                            We wrote a Strategic Plan to guide us as we
                            move forward. Representatives from Georgia
                            State University and Georgia Division of Family &
                            Children Services (DFCS) provided training for us to
                            become a Certified Trauma Informed Provider. Our
Specialized Foster Care placed a record-breaking 47 children. We started a GED
program with Georgia Northwestern Technical College.
These accomplishments, made possible by our hardworking staff and dedicated
supporters, set the foundation for our 2019 goals. We will continue implementing
TBRI throughout our organization. In keeping with our Strategic Plan, we will
develop a Master Facility Plan, establish staff feedback opportunities, review        With the support of generous
our Board By-Laws, and strengthen our brand. We will follow the implementation        donors, we started construction on
of the Family First Prevention Services Act, looking for opportunities to diversify   a new multipurpose field to provide
our services. We will get a Recreation Field as well as an upgraded Ropes Course.     residents with the essential space
                                                                                      to participate in safe outdoor
I am confident that we will complete these and other goals by working together.       Recreation Therapy activities.
Thank you for all that you have done and continue to do to support us and the         The new field will dramatically
children in our care.                                                                 enhance our Recreation Therapy
                                                                                      offerings including team sports,
                                                                                      exercise, and other physical

M. Scott Merritt | President & CEO
                                                                                       Therapy is a results-
                                                                                       proven component
                             Board Member Spotlight                                     of comprehensive
                             Martha Carroll                                               mental health
                              Martha Carroll joined the Murphy-Harpst board                 treatment
                              in 2016 after serving in education and school
                              administration for 40 years. A longtime Atlanta
                                                                                      activities and games. Recreation
                              resident, Martha knew Murphy-Harpst through
                                                                                      Therapy is a results-proven
                              her church, Peachtree Road United Methodist. On
                                                                                      component of comprehensive
                              a campus tour, she realized she was being called
                                                                                      mental health treatment and has
                              to serve our children in a greater capacity. “When I
                                                                                      been particularly successful in
                              visited the classrooms and saw dedicated teachers,
                                                                                      helping to heal the children treated
                              counselors, and others who monitor the day-to-day
                                                                                      at Murphy-Harpst. Our Recreation
activities of the young people who no longer can be cared for by their parents, my
                                                                                      Therapists deliver programming
heart was touched. I felt a calling to get involved.”
                                                                                      promoting healthy living, skill
A native of Eastman, GA and a lifelong United Methodist, Martha and her husband       development, and physical activity
Ken are active at Peachtree Road, especially in the Blazers Sunday School Class.      as part of overall health and as
Even with her busy social and travel schedule, she makes time to advocate for         important underlying factors of
Murphy-Harpst. “My goal is to spread the news to as many people as I can about        strong self-esteem, appropriate
the wonderful work that the leaders and employees give to the young people who        social interaction, and positive
reside and attend school there.”                                                      body image.
GED Program Successes - Taylor at College - Murphy-Harpst Children's Centers
3 | GED

GED                                                                                                              A typical day in
                                                                                         the program begins at Murphy-Harpst,

Program                                                                   with a morning spent in the Carey Carter Library and
                                                                   Computer Lab completing assignments. These online
Many of the kids who come to Murphy-Harpst arrive several        assignments include subjects like reading, math, language
grade levels behind their peers. This is due to many factors,    arts, social studies, and science. In the afternoons, students
ranging from severe abuse and neglect, to sporadic school        go to GNTC to study their subject of choice. A favorite with
attendance, to unaddressed needs. Our on-campus school,          some of our kids is welding! We have two young men who
Glenn T. York Academy, employs Individualized Education          have already completed the welding program and plan to
Plans for each child in our care to provide the remedial         pursue careers in metalworking and other skilled trades.
education they deserve. Frequently we are able to re-integrate   Our partners at Georgia Northwestern Technical College have
these young learners in school in the community! We have         been tremendously helpful in helping educate our children. In
several kids who attend public                                                               addition to providing our students
school locally. But often students            Each student is                                with the opportunity to participate
arrive disliking school, with poor                                                           in this program, they also provide
educational experiences, or at an     different, and each student                            textbooks and special online
age where re-entering a traditional          is a blessing                                   learning tools, assessments, and
school is not feasible. As the kids                                                          accommodations in accordance
we care for at Murphy-Harpst trend older, we saw a need          with the ADA to ensure the best chances of success. By
to provide a GED program for those who may not desire a          accommodating every individual’s needs, GNTC is ensuring
traditional academic experience.                                 they receive the training and skills necessary to put them on
In April of 2018, Murphy-Harpst partnered with Georgia           an even playing field with their peers.
Northwestern Technical College (GNTC) to provide a GED           This partnership is beneficial for Georgia Northwestern
program through their Adult Learning Program. This exciting      Technical College as well. In addition to growing their
offering allows our kids to make an important choice             Adult Learning program, they are providing an invaluable
towards training for their future. To participate in the GED     community service by welcoming Murphy-Harpst residents.
Program, our education and care teams identify students          “The students are a joy to teach and it is a pleasure to have
who need or want a GED and are also willing to commit to         them in the GED program at GNTC.” Says Anne Clay, Lead
completing the program. These students attend classes at         Teacher and Site Manager at GNTC Polk County Campus.
GNTC four days a week for two hours per day. With our staff      “I look forward to their arrival each day and having the
providing supervision and transportation, these students are     opportunity to teach them the skills they need to work toward
empowered to choose an educational experience that fits          their GED goals. Each student is different, and each student
their needs and desires for their future!                        is a blessing.”
GED Program Successes - Taylor at College - Murphy-Harpst Children's Centers

                                  Between April and December
                  of 2018, we had thirteen total participants in   Planned
     the program, with three students completing their GEDs!
The five current students are making significant progress
towards completing the tests, and two are working towards
early permission testing. The program is growing steadily, and     For generations, friends of Murphy-Harpst Children’s
more and more students from our Residential and Transitional       Centers have selflessly and passionately given their time,
Living Programs are showing interest. The success of several       talents, and treasure in support of providing life and hope
of their peers, as well as the autonomy the program provides,      to children. For many individuals, making a “legacy” or
is appealing to many of our kids. The GED program has grown        planned gift to Murphy-Harpst through their will or estate
enough that we have hired two additional full-time staff to        plan has allowed them to literally leave a legacy and impact
supervise and advise our GED participants!                         the children of Murphy-Harpst beyond their lifetime.
                                                                   Did you know that making a planned gift and joining the
                                                                   Murphy-Harpst Legacy Society might allow you to make
                                                                   a larger gift than would otherwise be possible and allows
                                                                   some donors to increase their retirement income and
                                                                   receive tax advantages?
                                                                   Have you made Murphy-Harpst part of your will or estate
                                                                   plans? Are you planning on leaving a legacy gift to ensure
                                                                   hope and healing for generations of children to come?

                                                                   Types of Planned Gifts
                                                                    Bequests through a will or living trust

                                                                    Insurance policies

                                                                    Retirement plan assets

                                                                    Charitable gift annuities

                                                                   Please join the Murphy-Harpst Legacy Society and
                                                                   contact Brian Scales at or
                                                                   404.309.7928 for more information.
GED Program Successes - Taylor at College - Murphy-Harpst Children's Centers
5 | Spotlights
                                                                  Christmas Recap
                                                                  Thank you to the over 50 churches, UMW groups, organizations,
                                                                  and corporations who provided our kids with a Christmas
                                                                  they will never forget! Thanks to generous individuals and
                                                                  volunteers like you, we provided gifts for every child in our
                                                                  Foster Care, Residential, and Transitional Living Programs.
                                                                  This year we were able to include for our Community Services
                                                                  clients, and we gave gifts to a record-breaking 129 children!
                                                                  We had 22 new children enter our care between Halloween
                                                                  and Christmas, and each one received gifts they wanted.
                                                                  It is all about the smiles and memories our children have on
                                                                  Christmas morning. One child said, “I got more presents than
                                                                  I ever got before in my whole life.” Another resident asked that
                                                                  we share her gratitude: “Thanks for making my Christmas
                                                                  so loving.” We are so grateful for your spirits of giving and
                                                                  generosity. We could not do what we do without you!

Employee Spotlight                                                Volunteer Spotlight
Erica Washington                                                  Kim Kulp of Hope UMC
                                  Erica Washington is the Lead                                 Kim Kulp is a dedicated
                                  Paraprofessional at York                                     Murphy-Harpst volunteer who
                                  Academy, the on-campus                                       works tirelessly advocating
                                  school at Murphy-Harpst.                                     for our kids! A Member at
                                  Mrs. Washington began                                        Hope    United    Methodist
                                  her career with us in 2002                                   Church in Dallas, Georgia,
                                  as summer staff, before                                      Kim has become a beloved
                                  joining the school faculty                                   member of the Murphy-
                                  in 2006. Since then, she                                     Harpst community. Thanks
                                  has earned her degree in                                     to her relentless generosity
                                  Human Services and begins                                    and talents, we can provide
a Master’s Degree in Clinical Mental Health Counseling this       our kids with an amazing Prom year after year. Kim and
spring. York Academy Headmaster Mr. Marvin Williams says          friends from Hope UMC coordinate, fundraise, and decorate
“She is an inspirer, empower and engager for and to students.     our campus to ensure our kids have the experience of
It is an honor to work with her!” Our students know that Mrs.     a lifetime!
Washington is a trustworthy and reliable adult who cares          The Point Store on campus is popular with our residents,
about their education and future.                                 and Kim keeps the doors open! She is constantly dropping
When asked what she loves most about her job, Mrs.                off treats and encouraging friends to donate items. She gives
Washington says, “my job allows me to be who God created          her time, her ideas, and her personal resources throughout
me to be: a servant to the people I am most passionate            the year. Not only is Kim a wonderful daughter, wife, mother,
about—youth!” Erica and her husband of 18 years, Zachary,         and aunt, she is also a friend of Murphy-Harpst!
have one son, Jerrick, who serves in the U.S. Navy. In her free   Interested in volunteering with Murphy-Harpst? Contact
time, she enjoys spending time with family, photography, and      Director of Corporate and Community Engagement, Pam
serving in ministry at Sonoraville Tabernacle Baptist Church,     Kramer: 404.376.2723
where Zachary is a pastor.
GED Program Successes - Taylor at College - Murphy-Harpst Children's Centers

Taylor at College                                               Strategic Planning
                                                                Beginning in late 2017, at the direction of the Murphy-Harpst
                                                                Children’s Centers board and management, a rigorous and
                                                                comprehensive strategic planning process was initiated to
                                                                guide program development and operations for the period
                                                                2019–2021. Individuals and focus groups were selected from
                                                                a large cadre of stakeholders, including a Strategic Planning
                                                                Steering Committee, past and current board members, past
                                                                and current donors, payers and referral sources, staff, youth,
                                                                families and volunteers.
                                                                A traditional SWOT Analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses,
                                                                Opportunities, and Threats) was conducted with both
                                                                board and staff members, in addition to more targeted
Fall 2018 was a milestone for our Transitional Living           and open-ended interviews, focus groups and surveys of a
Program! Taylor became the first young adult in TLP to enroll   broader stakeholder group. Participation was excellent, and
and live on campus at a college. Thanks to her good grades      informative data were obtained identifying clear trends,
and hard work, Taylor received scholarships and is attending    opportunities, and developmental needs of the organization.
Jacksonville State University. Members of the Murphy-           The data supports an ongoing critical need for the services
Harpst staff and their families spent the summer helping her    of Murphy-Harpst Children’s Centers in light of a growing
shop for her dorm room. She even got her driver’s license in    state and national mental health and child welfare crisis. The
anticipation of her fresh start!                                resulting Strategic Plan is organized around four strategic
When August rolled around, dozens of Murphy-Harpst staff        priorities: Board Governance, Fiscal Integrity, Operational
and family helped move Taylor into her dormitory. Hundreds      Improvement, and Brand Presence.
of friends and supporters offered her congratulations and       Interested in learning more about our Strategic Plan? Contact
best wishes on the Murphy-Harpst Facebook page. She was         Senior Associate Director of Development, James Waddey:
a little nervous at first but made the transition well and is   404.512.7462
currently enrolled in her second semester. We are so proud of
Taylor and can’t wait to see what her future holds!
GED Program Successes - Taylor at College - Murphy-Harpst Children's Centers
Foster Care FAQs
Murphy-Harpst offers Foster Care services to the Northwest Georgia community, including specialized foster care to children
who have special needs. Since 2003, our dedicated staff has provided safe and stable homes to Georgia’s most vulnerable
children. We offer wraparound services for our foster families and the children in our care so that each placement can be a

How big is the foster care crisis?
There are over 14,000 children in Georgia that are in custody of the Division of Family & Children’s Services (DFCS). We
currently have 24 foster families caring for 45 children. Unfortunately, we have to turn away 27 children every week since we
do not have enough families to care for the children who come to us.

Why is foster care so important?
Foster Care provides loving, stable homes to children, allowing them to thrive and heal. Entering foster care can be scary,
especially after experiencing neglect, abuse, and other difficult circumstances. Our foster care team provides extensive
training, support, and resources to each foster family to help their foster child feel safe.

Why is fostering with Murphy-Harpst different?
At Murphy-Harpst we have a foster care staff of nine highly-trained individuals dedicated to supporting our foster families.
We offer specialized trainings to help parents navigate the foster care experience, as well as innovative ways to help
our families through crisis and adjustment periods. Our team is on call 24/7 in order to provide our families with quick
responses, crisis intervention, and any help in times of need. At Murphy-Harpst, our foster care staff becomes an extension
of our foster families!

Support MH Foster Care
There are many ways you can get involved with our foster
care program even if you can’t foster a child right now.

  Refer a potential foster family

  Invite us to speak to your church or organization

  Volunteer with our monthly trainings

  Help foster care staff at recruiting events

           After working with
    Murphy-Harpst, I see foster care
   in a whole new light. The team is
   so amazing and supportive of the                             Pictured is the Hyatt Family. Todd and Megan adopted their three children
    children and foster parents.                                out of Murphy-Harpst foster care!

Learn More                Agnetta Delancy                  
                                                           Director of Specialized Foster Care        678.704.9291
GED Program Successes - Taylor at College - Murphy-Harpst Children's Centers
Give While You Shop                                                                                                           8

Did you know that there are ways to support Murphy-Harpst
with your everyday purchases? Murphy-Harpst participates
in three “Give While You Shop” initiatives offered through
popular national retailers—Amazon Smile, Kroger Community
Rewards, and Publix Partners. These charitable initiatives
provide a portion of each purchase you make directly to
Murphy-Harpst—at no added cost to you! All you need to do
is register for these programs online, and then follow specific
steps while shopping online or in store. Each process only
takes a few minutes but provides big benefits to the kids at

You can contribute directly to Murphy-Harpst just by doing
your normal shopping on Amazon. Simply start by going
to When prompted to “Select a
Charity” search for “Murphy-Harpst Children’s Centers” and
follow the instructions. When you make purchases through
AmazonSmile, the AmazonSmile Foundation will donate 0.5
percent of each eligible purchase to Murphy-Harpst! Just
remember—every time you shop on Amazon be sure to go
through to receive the benefits for
the children in our care!
                                                                  PUBLIX PARTNERS
                                                                  The Publix Partners program has changed, and in order to
It’s easy when you enroll in Kroger Community Rewards! To         support Murphy-Harpst at checkout you must create an online
enroll, go to and navigate to the Community        account and select Murphy-Harpst as your school of choice!
Rewards Page. You will sign up with your Plus Card and            Go to and select “Log In” or “Sign Up.” Once
select a local organization you wish to support. Once you’re      you create an account or fill in your personal information, it
enrolled, you’ll earn rewards for your chosen organization        will take you to account settings. Then, follow the prompts
every time you shop and use your Plus Card! Remember to           to select Murphy-Harpst as your school of choice. When
swipe your card or enter your alternate ID at checkout to         checking out, remember to key in your phone number to
quickly and easily support our kids.                              benefit the kids at Murphy-Harpst!

Basketball Team
Murphy-Harpst has a new intramural basketball team! The
boys are currently practicing three times each week and
doing an amazing job learning skills, patience, and teamwork.
They are preparing for their first off-site practice game with
a neighboring team in February. Jerseys are on the way in
anticipation of their first game! We are so proud of these
young men and how hard they are working to make this team
a success! GO SOLDIERS!
GED Program Successes - Taylor at College - Murphy-Harpst Children's Centers
9 | Alumni

                                                              Alumni Story
                                                              Vance Roden
                                                              Murphy-Harpst has a long history of serving Georgia’s most
                                                              vulnerable children. Since 1924 we have cared for thousands
                                                              of children, youth, and families! While our services and
                                                              facilities have changed over the decades, our mission has
                                                              stayed the same: to provide a safe and nurturing environment
                                                              where children can thrive and heal. Unfortunately it is difficult
                                                              to keep in touch with many of our former residents for a variety
                                                              of reasons. But with new technology and social media, it is
                                                              becoming easier and easier to stay in touch with our former

Advocacy Events
This winter the Murphy-Harpst Advancement Team is             Special thanks to hosts: Cindy and John Ethridge, Shannon
launching the first round of what we hope will be many        and Scott Campbell, Whitney and Greg Watts, Martha and
in-home awareness events. Many of our Board Members           Ken Carroll, Belle and Wilds Pierce, Lisa and Harold Wyatt,
have graciously offered to host events in their communities   Andrea and Lou Cataland, and Heather and Bruce Elder!
with a goal of raising awareness about Murphy-Harpst          The Advancement Team is seeking volunteers to host similar
among their friends and family. In partnership with the       events through the Summer and the Fall. If you are interested
Advancement Team, each event is driven by the host, with      in hosting an Awareness Event in your community, please
  their connections and community in mind. Most of our        contact Claire Wood, Senior Marketing & Communications
supporters are hosting events in their homes, some at         Manager, at or 404.783.1176.
their churches, and others at their clubs and businesses.
Each event is a unique reflection of the hosts, with the
Advancement Team supporting the programming and
information at each event.

Last fall, former resident Vance Roden and his wife Cathy          Vance said Murphy-Harpst was his family, and he had so
visited our campus. Vance lived here from 1969 to 1978.            many fond memories of the children he grew up with here.
Vance and Cathy toured the campus with Pam Kramer,                 It was amazing to hear his stories and memories. Several
Director of Corporate and Community Engagement. They               current residents came to introduce themselves and Mr.
walked around as he reminisced and visited his first               Vance shared words of wisdom and friendship with them.
bedroom on campus—currently Susan Stroup’s office in               They loved talking to Vance and sharing their stories together.
Noble Hall! When Vance was a resident, he planted the              Watching our current and former residents connect and share
ginkgo tree in front of James Hall, which has now grown into       was a wonderful reminder of why we do the work that we do
a beautiful fixture on campus. Vance even found the spot           at Murphy-Harpst.
where he carved his name into the Pavilion—hopefully our           Are you or someone you know a former resident of Murphy-
kids don’t get the same idea! After their tour, the Rodens         Harpst? We would love to stay in touch! Please contact Claire
looked in the old scrapbooks Susan maintains, and they             Wood, Senior Marketing & Communications Manager, at
saw pictures of Vance getting tutored, catching his first fish, or 404.783.1176.
playing ball and more.

Nutcracker Tickets
Several of our foster children and families attended the
Atlanta Ballet’s The Nutcracker in December! It was the
kids’ first visit to the fabulous Fox Theatre, and they were
absolutely mesmerized by the beautiful show. The children
were so excited—they dressed in their prettiest outfits,
munched on popcorn, and smiled the night away in the best
seats in the house!
We are so grateful to our generous friends at the Atlanta Ballet
and Chris Carlos for providing this magical, unforgettable
experience for our families.
If you or your organization are interested in providing the
children in our care with tickets, passes, or other experiences,
contact Pam Kramer at or
Murphy-Harpst Children’s Centers
740 Fletcher Street
Cedartown, GA 30125

6th Annual

Miles of Hope
Saturday, March 16
This year’s 6th Annual Miles of
Hope will be held on Saturday,
March 16th on the Silver Comet
Trail in Cedartown! The 2018
Miles of Hope ride raised over
$3,800 for the kids at Murphy-
Harpst, with over 50 community
participants and a dozen of our
kids joining in for the fun. The
University of Georgia Wesley
Foundation will be back to
support our kids and staff in this
exciting annual event.
Individuals, teams, churches, and
corporate sponsors interested in
the Miles of Hope Ride or Walk
can visit
Miles2019 or contact Scott Fuller
at for
more information.
You can also read