Preparing Your Child for School 2021 - Derinya Primary School

Page created by Nicholas Diaz
Preparing Your Child for School 2021 - Derinya Primary School
Preparing Your
Child for School 2021

                              Contact Us
                Email :
           Address : Overport Road, Frankston, 3199
                                  Phone : 9787 3633

                                          Jenny Roth

                                  Assistant Principals
                                       Janette Borrie
                                      Stuart Charles
Preparing Your Child for School 2021 - Derinya Primary School
Term 1                    Term 2                    Term 3                     Term 4
Friday January 29th        Monday April 19th           Monday July 12th         Monday October 4th
         to                         to                        to                        to
Thursday April 1st          Friday June 25th        Friday September 17th      Friday December 17th

      01                         02                          03                         04

                             Term Dates
    Interviews with Foundation parents will be conducted on Thursday January 28th, Friday
                          January 29th and Monday February 1st.

    Foundation students will attend their first day of school on Tuesday
    February 2nd (Students in Grades 1-6 commence Friday January 29th). Foundation
  students will have full days at school with the first five Wednesdays off (their first Wednesday
    will be March 10th) They will then start full time, 5 days a week. This gives them time to
   adjust to the demands of school life and also for teachers to check in with parents. Please
                     also note the Labour Day public holiday on March 8th.

        The Foundation teachers appreciate that every child is an
     individual and will enter Foundation with different skills, interests
                                and strengths.
Preparing Your Child for School 2021 - Derinya Primary School
Before Your Child
 Starts School
     To assist your child in achieving a successful and happy adjustment to
                      school life, we would like you to consider the following:

• Independence is developed by allowing children to tackle something by themselves. Parents
  who do everything for their children can be doing them a disservice. Those children who do
  not need direction in occupying themselves and solving problems, can achieve much more.
  Leave your child for periods with another adult and in a different setting, to help him/her gain
  independence and confidence relating to other adults and children, without your support. It is
  important your child has the ability to communicate his/her needs to other adults.
• Encourage your child to recognise and look after his/her own belongings. It is helpful if your
  child can recognise his/her own name.
• Encourage your child to have respect for other people/belongings.
• Encourage your child to share, take turns and negotiate with others.
• Be sure that your child can use the toilet unaided, know how to flush it, and know how to wash
  his/her hands afterwards.
• Talk about how long the school day will be. eg. “It’s longer than pre-school, but after you have
  your lunch you might have some stories and then I’ll come and get you.”
• Make sure your child knows how to use tissues and is able to blow his/her nose when
• Develop a sense of confidence in your child by praising any new achievement so that your child
  will be willing to attempt new tasks.
• Develop a sense of responsibility in your child by encouraging him/her to keep their own room
  tidy. At school, one activity has to be tidied before the next one can be started. Carrying out
  basic responsibilities at home will help him/her to adopt responsibilities at school.
• Give your children challenging and interesting things to do. Puzzles, games and sorting activities
  will all make school work so much easier. Recognising shapes of
  jigsaws will one day help them recognise the shapes of numbers
  and letters. Many children can recognise numbers, letters and their
  name before coming to school. Give them blunt nosed scissors,
  paper, plasticine, crayons etc., and teach them how to use them.
• Make starting school a positive and exciting experience. Please do
  not use idle threats regarding school eg. “You can’t go to school
  unless you can write your name”.
• Read as much as you can to and with your child.
• If your child has any special learning or behavioural needs please
  discuss these with our Assistant Principal, Mrs Janette Borrie.
Preparing Your Child for School 2021 - Derinya Primary School
School Uniform
      It is important that all belongings are clearly named.
                                      Children are expected to wear their school uniform on a daily
                                      basis. If clothing is labelled it often finds its way back to the
                                      owner. However, if your child loses some clothing, which will
                                      probably happen at some stage, there is a lost property bin near
                                      the office, which you are welcome to search!
                                        It would be terrific if your child can cope with buttons and zips
                                        unaided. Children need to practise dressing and undressing
                                        themselves especially removing and putting on their own jumper.
                                        Please teach your child to put on socks and shoes and to tie
their own shoelaces. If your child is unable to tie laces, purchase shoes with velcro or buckles that your
child can handle.
In the early years of school, parents could consider sending a spare set of clothes in their child’s bag,
just in case ‘accidents’ occur.
The Derinya school uniform is available for purchasing through PSW, located at
1/22 Watt Road, Mornington. Second hand uniforms are available from the school, please enquire at
the front desk about purchases.
The Derinya broad-brimmed hat is a compulsory part of the school uniform in Terms 1 and 4.
Whenever students are playing outside, it is expected they will be wearing their hat, those who aren’t
will be redirected towards the designated shaded area for the duration of the break.
Students in Grade 6 have their own special version of the Derinya school uniform and is something
the younger students look forward to as they get older.
Preparing Your Child for School 2021 - Derinya Primary School
                                                                     Your child will require
                                                                     a playtime snack,
                                                                     lunch and a drink
                                                                     bottle, containing
                                                                     water           only,
                                                                     commencing on the
                                                                     first day of
                                                                     attendance next year.

                                                                     Don’t panic if they don’t eat
                                                                     everything initially, as they may be
                                                                     anxious and therefore not be very
                                                                     hungry. A sandwich, a piece of fruit
                                                                     and maybe some dry biscuits are
                                                                     quite sufficient, particularly at the
                                                                     start of the school year when the
                                                                     weather is hot.
                                                                     Show your child the food that you
                                                                     have packed each mor ning,
                                                                     explaining which is for playtime
                                                                     snack and lunch. Using different
                                                                     sections of the lunchbox or two
                                                                     separate bags helps children
                                                                     distinguish at the early stage the
                                                                     different food for each time.
                                                                    Foundation students have a fruit
                                                                  break generally at 10am to recharge
for the next session. It is not uncommon for the children to have half of their sandwich mid-morning as
they adjust to their new daily timetable.
It would be great if parents could help enforce our Healthy Eating Program. It is expected that every
child will bring one piece of fruit per day to eat. Our policy is that uneaten food will be sent home.
From this you can gauge how much food to provide each day.
Please note Derinya Primary School is a NUT FREE school. This means that no peanut butter or nut
products of any sort are permitted to be brought into the school. This is for the safety of all people
within our school who suffer from nut allergies, to minimise risk of an allergic reaction.
Water bottles are allowed inside class for children to access whilst working. Please send your child
with a clearly labelled water bottle that they can put on their table, especially during the hot weather.
Children are able to re-fill their water bottle as required.
On Fridays we have Derinya Kitchen Day – DKD. A range of healthy food options is provided
from our kitchen which is co-ordinated by our Community Connect Mums at a very reasonable cost
to parents. Notes for DKD go out at the start of the week and orders are due in on the Thursday.
Where possible we use vegetables and herbs from our garden in our cooking.
Preparing Your Child for School 2021 - Derinya Primary School
Parent–Teacher contact is initiated early as part of our
Foundation entry assessment. Our aim is to develop a three-
way partnership which will work towards the optimum
development of your child.

During the initial three days of school every parent will be required to attend a 1-hour individual visit
with their child. They then get the opportunity to have a further interview after the first 3-4 weeks to
discuss their child’s initial progress.
Informal discussions are welcome, however, please understand that the children must have the
teacher’s undivided attention during school hours. After school discussion is the most effective. If you
wish to make an appointment please approach your teacher at a convenient time or contact the
school office. You may email your child’s teacher directly if you wish. E-mail addresses will be supplied
at the beginning of the year.
Please inform your child’s teacher, either verbally or via written communication, if there is anything
which may affect his/her attitude and learning at any stage during the year eg. troubles at home,
anxieties. These will be treated confidentially.
All school notices are given to the youngest child in each family to take home, please check your child’s
school bag every night. School newsletters are emailed to families each Thursday. Families can
subscribe to the newsletter via our web site ( It is important to record
your correct email address at the start of the year and update any changes on the school information
portal - Sentral ( The school web site is also home to the
weekly Principal’s news as well as the school calendar and other happenings around the school.
Sentral is the online home to some of the administration you’ll need to do as a parent. This will be the
place for booking parent-teacher interview times, downloading copies of your child’s report, reporting
absences and more. All families will be given instructions as to how to sign up on Sentral early in the
Teachers will contact all families via email with a brief, fortnightly overview of what to expect in the
classroom in the coming weeks.
Students will receive written reports in June and December and further interviews throughout the

                           Regular information and a calendar of events relating to Derinya
                           can be found in the school newsletter and on the Derinya web
                            site. Our Facebook page ( is
                            used for delivering useful information. We regularly post
                            interesting readings, recommended by our teachers, to further
                            assist parents in helping their children with their learning journey.
                        Each year level also has a Facebook Group which we encourage you
                        to join and become a part of our community.
Preparing Your Child for School 2021 - Derinya Primary School

     Communication about your child’s progress through their educational journey is
     captured in a digital portfolio called Seesaw. Throughout each term, every
      student will publish snapshots of their work captured on their iPad, including
      evidence of their learning and the achievement of goals they’ve set for
     themselves. Follow along with their portfolio and receive notifications on your
              mobile device any time they post to Seesaw, by downloading the app
              and creating an account linked to your child. Details on how to do
              this will be sent to you early in Term 1.

Expect your child to be tired upon commencing
school. A combination of hot weather, a new
environment and some anxiety may result in a hot,
thirsty, hungry and tired child.
To ensure that your child is operating at his/her
optimum potential, ensure that they have a good
night’s sleep.
Preparing Your Child for School 2021 - Derinya Primary School
Things Required for
 The school booklist is distributed to all families each year early in Term
 4. This will clearly outline the stationery requirements your child will
 need and monetary contributions you need to pay for the upcoming
 school year.
 The stationery will come in individual packs, and all goods are delivered to the school by the supplier,
 to save you any hassles. Books will be available for collection on Orientation Day, Tuesday December
 11th. Payment is required on collection of books.
 During the first week of school, when your child is having his/her 1-hour interview, we will be asking
 you to organise your child’s booklist supplies. All supplies need to be brought to school on this day.
 Before arriving, each individual item is to be named (first name and surname), including all individual
 pencils, crayons, textas etc.
 Other items required can all be purchased from PSW (school uniform shop) situated at 1/22 Watt
 Road, Mornington. This includes;
 • Long sleeved smock (clearly named on the outside)
 • Waterproof library bag (clearly named on the outside)
 • Chair bag (clearly labelled)
 • School hat (clearly labelled)
 • School uniform (clearly labelled)
 • Take-home reading book bag (clearly named on outside).
 Please remember that children will be required to wear suitable clothing and sneakers for Physical
 Education, fitness and the Perceptual Motor Program (PMP). They will be required to wear suitable
 footwear and clothing for optimum participation. At times they may be required to remove their
 shoes and socks.

                             Show & Tell
Share times and oral communication activities are timetabled into the
Foundation program during the week. Children are encouraged to
discuss and share things relevant to the program. Please discourage
your child from bringing any breakable or valuable toys to school. A
favourite toy lost or broken can result in heartbreak.
Preparing Your Child for School 2021 - Derinya Primary School
Derinya Primary School is lucky enough to have the support of a
trained, full time First Aid Officer to care for the children's medical
The First Aid Officer (Mandy) is available to treat
children for minor injuries and will phone parents        Please ensure you inform the school/teacher
to arrange pick-up if a child is too ill/injured to       if:
remain at school.
All staff are trained in CPR and Anaphylaxis              • Your child has special medical
Management on a regular basis. We also have                 considerations, e.g. asthma, hearing, sight,
several Level 2 trained First Aid staff.                    allergies. Asthma plans will be required for
                                                            all students suffering from asthma.
The Visiting School Nurse visits the Foundation           • Your child requires medication at school, as
children during the year. They are available to             it is necessary to complete a medical
discuss medical concerns and check your child’s
general health, eyesight, hearing etc.                      authorisation form at the school office.
                                                            Medication must be left with Mandy at First
If you have any doubts or concerns about your               Aid, who will administer it.
child’s hear ing, speech or eyesight, it is               • Your child has been treated for head lice. As
recommended that you take your child to your                soon as lice is identified in the year level, all
family doctor before school starts. Poor hearing or         parents within that year level will receive
eyesight will affect your child’s progress at school if     notification to check their child’s head.
left unattended.
                                                          • Your child has been diagnosed with an
Our school has a Sunsmart Policy. During terms 1            infectious disease e.g. chickenpox.
and 4 all children must have a school hat                 • Your child is not immunised. Every parent
purchased from PSW, which is to be worn for all             must produce an immunisation certificate
outdoor activities. 30+ sunscreen is also                   stating the status of the child’s immunisation.
encouraged to protect their skin. Children must
supply and apply their own sunscreen!

   Membership of the Ambulance Service is an important consideration.
    In cases of emergency, valuable time can be saved if this service is
                                                 accessed by families.
Preparing Your Child for School 2021 - Derinya Primary School
   Foundation children are closely monitored in the school environment,
   particularly in their first term of school.
Foundation children are not encouraged to walk to or from school during Term 1. When bringing your
children to school it is a good time to model appropriate safe behaviour e.g. crossing the road at school
crossings, car safety, road safety. The school yard is patrolled by staff from 8:45am and students are
discouraged from arriving before 8:30am
We like to make sure that every child is picked up at the Foundation meeting place by a responsible adult
at the completion of the day, particularly for first and second term. Then, as both the child and you as the
parent feel confident, we are happy for them to go with older sibling/s or walk down to the gate
independently, but you need to inform your child’s teacher when you would like this to begin to happen.
Foundation recess times are initially held at a different time to the rest of the school so that they can
discover the different play areas under the supervision of their teachers.
During the school day it is expected that a Foundation child can approach a known adult for help and this
is a skill we encourage very early. Yard duty teachers all wear fluorescent orange vests and are available to
solve difficulties in the yard.
Please inform your child that he/she is not to leave the school grounds under any circumstances, without
permission or in the presence of an adult. (Beginners sometimes get confused with dismissal times.) It is
important to note that children never wander the school unaccompanied, during class time. Trips to the
toilets, running errands etc, are always done in pairs.
Parents are asked to please observe the parking signs around the school. The parking inspectors are not
lenient if anyone does the wrong thing and fines are often given. Please also ask anyone collecting your
child, including grandparents, to go where it is safe to park and get out of the car to come in and collect
your child.
The drive-through zone at the front of the school is not a designated car-park. Parents are not to leave
their cars in this zone during pick-up and drop-off times. If you need to leave your car to collect your child,
you will need to find an alternate place to park along the surrounding streets.

         Remember that starting
       school is an exciting time.
              We look forward to
              working together in
           partnership with your
          family and believe that
         together we will achieve
       great things for your child.
       Most importantly we look
        forward to a most happy
               and positive start.
   Regular attendance is vital to promote continuity in your child’s
   learning and social development. Punctual arrival at school is
   also important to ensure optimal learning. We prefer all children
   to be at school by 8.50am, with the bell ringing at 8:55am.
Absences affect a child’s progress. The first year is MOST important and unnecessary absenteeism can delay
your child’s progress.
We understand however, home is the best place for a sick child. If your child is unwell we expect you will
keep them home until they are well enough to cope with the expectations of the day and rejoin the group. It
is unfair to other children and teachers to send a child to school who is ill. An infectious diseases chart is
located in the First Aid room. Please notify the school if your child contracts an infectious disease or head
Please alert the school to an absence as soon as possible. This can be done in two ways - via the Sentral
portal or via the school absence line (ph. 9787 36333). It also best to notify your child’s classroom teacher via
email at the start of the day. If you have not completed this by 10:00am you will be sent an SMS alerting you
to the absence of your child.
Children must attend school fully in order to benefit most. Where possible family holidays should be planned
in term breaks. In the event that this is not possible, an absence learning plan will be developed by the teacher
for the child to ensure that children do not miss out on new concepts being taught.


     How to Support your Child

    In making the transition to school encourage your child to take responsibilities, such as carrying their
    own bag to school and caring for their own belongings. They would also feel very independent if they
    could assist in packing and unpacking their school bags each day. This enables children to develop good
    habits and a strong sense of responsibility.

    As the year progresses, the children are gradually introduced to all the expectations and values of
    school. You can help your child by giving praise and encouragement for all efforts.

    Don’t panic if your child appears to be developing at a different rate to his/her peers. Children don’t
    always learn in a linear fashion, all children are individuals. If the teacher has concerns regarding your
    child’s development they will always approach you and discuss these concerns. We value and respect
    children’s individuality.
School Assembly & Awards
           Our Friday morning School Assembly is one of the many
        highlights of the school week. Assembly gives students the
   chance to be recognised for their academic achievements, their
         efforts in demonstrating the school values, showcasing the
   performing arts, innovation and so much more. Assembly starts
                                                        at 9:00am.
Parents are always most welcome to attend our weekly school assembly. Many parents love to come
along in weeks where their child has been awarded or recognised for their achievements, or they’re
performing or presenting in front of the school. There are plenty of seats for all of our guests and
family members. Please note that whilst we do love to have younger, pre-school aged siblings come
along, respect for the students needs to be maintained. Bring along a quiet toy or book to keep them
distracted and be aware that assembly usually runs for about 40 mins., sometimes longer.
Each assembly begins with the National Anthem, acknowledgement of our Indigenous past and then
followed by the Derinya Oath (pg.15).
Below is a glossary of terms you may hear at one of our weekly assemblies. You will find it very useful!
WOW Award. This stands for Writer of the Week. WOW awards are given to students who
perform well in writing - whether it be for encouragement in achieving a goal or something new, or for
completing a special piece of writing.
Mathlete Award. Similar to the WOW, Mathletes are acknowledge for their hard work in Maths.
In the Spotlight. Each week, a child from each class is ‘in the spotlight’. They have their name read
out at assembly and are presented with a ribbon in class. They have the chance to present something
about themselves to their own class - in the form of a poster, digital presentation etc. Each class does
‘Spotlight’ differently. The aim of being in the Spotlight is for all of us to get to know children better.
Leaves. If your child has received a ‘leaf ’ then they’ve done something pretty special that someone
has taken the time to acknowledge - usually a friend or a teacher. Each week, a few leaves are given
out to students who have followed the Derinya values and the leaves are put up on display on the
tree outside the Principals office.
Principal’s Award. At the final assembly of each term, one child from each year
level is highlighted and awarded the Principal’s Award. It is awarded to students who
perform well in many areas; academically, socially, personally and more. This is a
significant acknowledgment and one that parents won’t want to miss! Parents are
individually notified if their child is to receive a Principal’s Award.
Library Award. Students are rewarded with borrowing from the library.
When they’ve borrowed 10 times, they’ll have their names read out at
assembly and have the chance to choose a small prize from the prize box.
Art Award. A special award given out to a student who has given an
outstanding effort in their Art lesson. Only one Art award is given each
Perky Pear. The Perky Pear Cafe operates in the foyer of the Derinya
Stadium every Friday morning before and after assembly. We welcome
parents to stay for a coffee, cake and chat.
    Picking up your child after school can be quite a challenge when 400
    cars populate the vicinity at 3:30pm. It requires patience and respect
                                      for the procedures we have in place.

Parents who choose to drive their children home after school are required to follow the procedures
we have in place in order to minimise the issues related to traffic congestion and safety. Drivers found
parking in the wrong areas or violating the rules face fines imposed by the Frankston City Council. It is
the obligation of all families to make sure that whomever does the pick-up is educated on the correct
procedures to avoid traffic congestion, frustration and tension in our school community. Please do your
part in educating grandparents or other caregivers about the correct procedure.
The drop-off/pick-up zone at the front of Derinya after school is where significant issues can arise from
the simplest of oversights. If you intend on driving through the pick-up zone and it is full, you must
continue driving UP Overport Road to the roundabout, turn around and try again. Cars ARE NOT to
wait in the roundabout to get through, or cut in in front of other cars in the pick-up zone. With
patience, you will find that the pick-up zone clears within a few minutes.

 Parking on Overport Road                                         Parking on Derinya Drive
 Opposite Derinya                                                 Derinya Dve. becomes a one-way street during pickup/
 5 minute parking from 8:30-9:15am                                drop-off times (8:00-9:15am and 3:00-4:00pm)
 5 minute parking from 3:30-4:00pm
 In front of Derinya                                              No Standing (marked with yellow lines) between staff
 No parking in the drive-thru 8:45-9:00am (keep moving            carpark and roundabout
 No parking in the drive-thru 3:30-3:45pm forward)
 No U-Turn in front of Derinya (please use roundabouts at         2 minute parking from bus zone to end of school boundary
 all times)                                                       (8:30-9:15am and 3:30-4:00pm)
 No left/right turn into Derinya Dve.                             Never double-park on Derinya Dve and have students
 8:00am-9:15am and 3:00-4:00pm.                                   approach your vehicle in between others.

 Disabled Parking                                                 Staff Carpark
 Disabled parking is available at the top of the drop-off zone    The Staff Carpark is strictly for the staff at Derinya. Parents
 in front of the school and in the staff carpark if needed.       are permitted to use the staff carpark after 5:00pm for
 Please inform the office if you are requiring regular or semi-   basketball training, after-school care pickup etc.
 regular access to these parking spots.
Community Connect
  The Derinya Community Connect team is made up of a class parent
    representative from each of the school’s classes. Meeting once per
     term, the Community Connect team assists in helping to organise
    fundraisers, parent/student get togethers and help to keep parents
   informed about things going on in the Derinya School Community. If
  you would be interested in becoming a representative for your child’s
     class, please let their teacher know at the start of the school year.

After-School Care
TheirCare, an independent organisation, offer after-school and before-
school care for the students of Derinya in our Multi-Purpose Room.
Foundation students will be collected from their classes by the
TheirCare Assistants to help them find their way until they are
comfortable enough to walk to after-school care themselves. Booking a
place in after/before-school care can be done online at
Derinya Values
          Derinya has a core set of values that we instil into our students.
       Teachers explore the actions that go alongside each value and the
 personality traits that support the development of a strong value system.

                   Respect I treat others the way I want to be treated.

                   Humour I bring happiness to others.
                              I do what is right, even when no one is

                              I try to look on the happy side of every
  Optimism & Resilience

                Friendship I care about others and show kindness.

                              I make good choices for how I behave and
                              I care for my belongings.

The Derinya Oath is recited at the commencement of every school assembly.

    I promise to do the best for myself, my family,
      my school Derinya, my country Australia and
               other people at all times.
   Email :
Address : Overport Road, Frankston, 3199
            Phone : 9787 3633

              Jenny Roth

           Assistant Principals
             Janette Borrie
            Stuart Charles
You can also read