Woodlea Primary School Prospectus 2019 2020 - Burnhope ...

Page created by Jesse Rice
Woodlea Primary School Prospectus 2019 2020 - Burnhope ...
Woodlea Primary School

                          Prospectus 2019 - 2020

1. Introduction
This prospectus sets out information about
Woodlea Primary school which should be of
help to those choosing a school, to those
parents with children who already attend our
school and to those in the wider community.
The prospectus refers to the 2019-2020
school year and was correct at the end of June
2019. It is possible that changes could affect
the things described.
If you need clarification or further
information about any part of the prospectus
please do not hesitate to contact school.
An alternative source of information about
Woodlea is our school website,
www.woodlea.durham.sch.uk. I hope this site,
especially the ‘Photostories’ section, will give
prospective parents a feel for the type of
school we are.

2. About the School
Woodlea Primary School is, despite its Tyne and Wear address, a Durham County School.
The school caters for children from the age of three to eleven years in a single building which has in
recent years, undergone extensive modernisation. We have capacity for 210 children, organised in seven
single year group classes and providing both 15 and 30 hour places in our Nursery Unit.
Outside the building is a large playground with a separate early years play area, playing field and multiple
use games area. Development of the external areas surrounding the school has recently been undertaken,
enhancing the opportunities for safe creative play.
Woodlea Primary School Prospectus 2019 2020 - Burnhope ...
3. Daily Timings and School Holidays
 Option 1:                15 Hours:                      Option 2:                  15 Hours:
 Mornings                 9am – 12noon                   Afternoons                 12noon – 3pm

 Option 3:                30 Hours:
 Monday - Friday          9am – 3pm

Key Stage 1 (Years 1 and 2, including Reception)
8.55am – 10. 30am then break
10.45am - 11.45 am then lunch
1.00pm – 2.00pm then break
2.10pm – 3.15pm

Key Stage 2 (Years 3 – 6)
8.55am – 10.30am then break
10.45am - 12.15pm then lunch
1.00pm – 2.00pm then break
2.10pm – 3.15pm

Parents are advised that children should not be on the yard before 8.45am and should have left the school
premises by 3.25pm, unless they are staying in school for a particular reason (e.g. a school club or activity), as
indirect supervision is only generally accepted for 10 minutes before and after each session. In inclement
weather the children will be allowed into the building at 8.45am.
The dates of the 2019-2020 academic year are listed below. Parents will be informed of any changes to these
dates due to election or training requirements through newsletters and class Dojo

Holiday                            Closing Date                         Date School Re-opens
Summer 2019                        Thursday 18th July 2019              Wednesday 4th September 2019
Autumn Half Term 2019              Friday 25th October 2019             Monday 4th November 2019
Christmas 2019                     Friday 20th December 2019            Tuesday 7th January 2020
Spring Half Term 2020              Friday 14th February 2020            Tuesday 25th February 2020
Easter 2020                        Friday 3rd April 2020                Monday 20th April 2020
Summer Half Term 2020              Friday 22nd May 2020                 Monday 1st June 2020
Summer 2020                        Friday 17th July 2020                TBC

 4. Our Task
 At Woodlea School we provide a curriculum of quality. One that is team planned, drawing upon the
 energy, imagination and talents of everyone. A curriculum that recognises the importance of
 experiential learning and provides wholeheartedly for the needs of individual children.

 As a whole school we acknowledge that good relationships are essential to develop our children’s
 self-image, confidence and independence. All members of staff and voluntary helpers work together
 to advance this caring and supportive atmosphere.

 Parents are recognised and welcomed in school. Their involvement and contribution is sought
 consistently across the school in a partnership that enhances the children’s education and welfare.

 The school underwent a very successful Ofsted Inspection in January 2019 and was graded as ‘good’;
 a full copy of the report can be viewed on the Ofsted website.
Woodlea Primary School Prospectus 2019 2020 - Burnhope ...
5. Promoting a Safe and Happy
                                                                To have a happy school, an orderly
                                                                atmosphere is necessary. School rules are
                                                                based about the need for a large community
                                                                of children and adults to work together.
                                                                Children should be able to come to school
                                                                happy and free of fear, knowing their rights
                                                                will be respected, and prepared to respect
                                                                the rights of others. Such rules that do
                                                                exist do so to ensure mutual respect and to
                                                                prevent injury or accident. We aim for a
                                                                caring orderly school based on self-
discipline. Parental support is sought in ensuring that school rules are respected. In general, discipline is
maintained by censure with a variety of strategies being employed for more serious misdemeanours, such
as loss of playtime or privilege, or writing a letter of apology. Consistent bad behaviour is discussed with
parents and a range of procedures initiated. However, the school’s emphasis is placed on encouraging and
rewarding the positive aspects of children’s work and behaviour throughout the school. We use the
online reward system Class Dojo throughout school as well as our own bespoke system based around
pirates. This involves the children receiving a number of rewards from stickers to ‘gold coins’ and ‘well
done’ certificates.

6. Our Curriculum
As a whole school, we seek to provide a happy and secure situation where all of our children are
encouraged to care, co-operate and contribute as much as possible.
We aim to give our pupils a broad and balanced education, providing learning opportunities in language,
mathematics, science, technology, ICT, art, religious education, physical education, humanities and music.
Emphasis is placed on achievement in English and Mathematics. Over fifty percent of the school
timetable is committed to ensuring each child reaches their potential in these important areas.
Reading is taught progressively from Reception onwards. Reading is initially taught following the Jolly
Phonics programme. This is developed using published schemes through which the children progress
during guided reading sessions. A good selection of quality literature is also available to broaden the
child’s reading experience. Children are encouraged to read for meaning and enjoyment with an emphasis
placed upon the need to develop skills for reading, both for pleasure and information.

All children will have experience in the following areas: -
Speaking and Listening
Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling

The mathematics curriculum is delivered through the National Curriculum. Our aim is to equip children
with the mathematical concepts and skills relevant to the world they live in. This includes the ability to
solve problems, understand numbers, shapes and relationships and predict likely results. A wide variety
of ICT and text material is used throughout the school.
Woodlea Primary School Prospectus 2019 2020 - Burnhope ...
                                                       The school possesses a well-equipped computer
                                                       suite, enabling all children to have direct access to
                                                       the latest technology. In this environment specific
                                                       I.T. skills can be taught and use made of computers
                                                       to enhance the teaching and learning in other areas
                                                       of the curriculum. All classes have interactive
                                                       panels. In addition to this, we have embraced
                                                       mobile technology with children having access to 30
                                                       iPads and 32 laptops. The Foundation Stage
                                                       classrooms have access to dedicated early years
                                                       computers and related software.

                                                      Religious Education and Collective Worship
The religious education curriculum at Woodlea Primary School is taken from Durham’s Agreed Syllabus,
which has been discussed, agreed and ratified by Durham’s Education Committee.
The usual arrangements for daily worship are through whole school or Key Stage assemblies. Although
these are Christian based we aim to ensure our pupils gain respect, awareness and understanding of
other world religions.
All parents have a right to withdraw their children from the schools act of daily collective worship,
and/or religious education. If you wish to withdraw your child please write to the Headteacher.

Sex Education
Through this area of education the school aims to: -
    Prepare pupils to cope with the physical and emotional challenges of growing up.
    To give pupils an elementary understanding of human reproduction.
    To answer pupils’ questions sensitively having regard to particular religious or cultural factors
       and wishes of parents.
    To teach sex education in conjunction with the school's policies re health education, equality,
       behaviour and child protection.

Section 241 of the Education Act 1993 gives parents the right to withdraw their child from any or all
parts of the school’s programme for sex education, other than those which are required by the National
Curriculum Science Order. If you wish to withdraw your child please write to the Headteacher.

British Values
To reflect the world in which we live the children are given the opportunity to understand and reflect
upon the many different cultures within our society. The multicultural elements within our society are
reflected throughout the curriculum, assemblies, equipment and educational visits.

Equal Opportunities
We are committed to providing equal opportunity for all our children, whatever their ethnic origin,
gender or social class.
In our daily school life we endeavour to look at the world from everyone’s point of view. We oppose
discrimination and actively teach our children to recognise and deal with discrimination themselves.

Children with Special Educational Needs
Children do not progress at a uniform rate and a number of children require additional attention in
school. Children with learning difficulties and significant talents are identified by their class teacher in
consultation with the Headteacher. Standardised tests are also used regularly to monitor progress
across year groups of children. The Headteacher and special needs co-ordinator maintain a register of
children with special educational needs. Teachers meet regularly to discuss these children and agree
strategies for individual help. If, in the Headteacher’s opinion, a child has special needs which cannot be
Woodlea Primary School Prospectus 2019 2020 - Burnhope ...
met within the school, then outside agencies will be contacted. This may involve seeking help from
advisers, specialists, doctors and educational psychologists. If such a referral is considered then
parents will be consulted before and throughout the assessment procedure. After that assessment the
Local Authority may decide to make an Education Health Care Plan to ensure the necessary provision is

Homework is given on a weekly basis throughout the school. The amount of homework depends upon the
age of the child. The school expects homework to be completed and returned by the specified date and
looks to parental support in helping children to achieve their tasks.

 7. Assessment and Reporting to Parents
 Assessment is an integral part of the teaching and learning process and is the tool which aids the planning
 of work for the children.
 Alongside the continuous teacher assessments the children have more formal assessments on a termly

 Statutory assessments
 Reception – Foundation Stage Profiles
 Year 1 – Phonics screening check
 Year 2 – National KS1 SATs
 Year 6 – National KS2 SATs

 Year 6 testing takes place during May of each year and the school would encourage all parents to make
 sure that whenever possible children are present during this testing period.
 Results of National SATs testing are shared with parents in the end of year reports.

8. Parental Consultation
Performance is monitored continuously by the teachers. Progress is discussed each term when parents
are invited into school to view and discuss their child’s work and targets.
If a parent has a concern about their child, they are welcome to discuss matters with the Headteacher
at any reasonable time. Class teachers are available at the end of the school day. Appointments are
appreciated as most of the teachers run voluntary school activities.

9. Sport in the Curriculum
We aim to offer 2 hours per week of P.E lesson time through which we develop the six areas of activity
as set out in the National Curriculum. Children are given the opportunity to swim in Key Stage 2. It is the
aim of the school to ensure all children are able to swim 25 metres by the end of Key Stage 2.
Woodlea Primary School Prospectus 2019 2020 - Burnhope ...
10. Extra-Curricular Sport
                                                      The school provides a wide variety of extra-curricular
                                                      opportunities. It aims to offer all interested pupils
                                                      the opportunity to participate in sport at lunchtimes
                                                      and after school.
                                                      These include - football, cricket, netball, athletics,
                                                      gymnastics, cross-country, rugby, dance, and
                                                      adventurous activities.

 11. Residential Experiences
 The school believes very strongly in the benefits of residential experiences as a way of developing
 children socially and educationally. Pupils in Year 4 are given the opportunity to take part in an outdoor
 and adventurous experience at Hawkhirst Activity Centre, which is owned and run by the Scouting
 Association. In Year 6 children have the opportunity of a cultural residential experience in London. In
 addition, our Year 2 children are offered the opportunity to take part in a one night residential at
 Moor House Activity Centre.

 12. Admissions
 Pupils are admitted in accordance with the Durham County Council Primary School Admission Policy. If a
 place cannot be immediately offered, Durham County Council operates a waiting list and parents have the
 right to appeal. Appeals are heard by an independent panel and parents are given the opportunity to state
 their case in writing and to attend the hearing in person.
 Details of the independent appeals procedure can be obtained from the Admissions section at County Hall,
 Durham, DH1 5UJ 03000 265 893
 The nursery unit is an integral part of our school and provides both 15 and 30 hour places. Children’s names
 are entered on a waiting list in the school year in which they reach their second birthday. Children may be
 admitted into nursery from the age of 3.

13. Term Time Absence
Any applications for term time absence received will be assessed by the headteacher in order to comply
with the amended 2006 Education Act. If you feel that your need to seek absence during term time is
indeed exceptional then please contact the school office for a leave of absence form, or download from
the ‘Parent information’ section of www.woodlea.durham.sch.uk. Requests for absence for a family holiday
in term time cannot be granted. Parents will be notified of the school’s decision.
When deciding to allow term-time absence, the headteacher will consider:
       The child’s age                                   The time and duration of the leave
       Current attendance                                Whether parents can prove exceptional
                                                             circumstances relating to the request
Woodlea Primary School Prospectus 2019 2020 - Burnhope ...
We appreciate that children are unwell from time to time and that there can be exceptional
circumstances for absence, but we ask that you think carefully about keeping your child off school.

  Lots of things can affect attendance                Number of days
                                                                             Percentage       Attendance
  over a school year:                                   missed in a
                                                                             attendance        category
                                                        school year
  2 weeks of holiday brings attendance
                                                            0                  100.0%
  down to 94.7%
                                                             1                  99.5%
  2 weeks holiday + 1 week sickness brings                  2                   98.9%
  attendance down to 92.2%                                  3                   98.4%             Good
                                                            4                   97.9%          attendance
  2 weeks holiday + 2 weeks sickness brings
  attendance down to 89.6%                                  5                   97.4%
                                                            6                   96.8%
                                                            7                   96.3%
  Medical Appointments
                                                            8                   95.8%
  If possible, any appointments should be
  made out of school time. If this is not
                                                            9                   95.3%
  possible, your child should miss the                      10                  94.7%
  minimum amount of school time necessary.                  11                  94.2%
  If your child is well enough to return to                 12                  93.7%
  school following the appointment they
                                                            13                  93.2%           Cause for
  should do so.
                                                            14                  92.6%            concern
  Medical Evidence                                          15                  92.1%
  If you are asked for medical evidence to                  16                  91.6%
  support an absence, you will need to                      17                  91.1%
  provide copies of GP/hospital
                                                            18                  90.5%
  appointment cards or letters.
                                                            19                  90.0%
  A Fixed Penalty Notice may be issued by             20 days or more           89.5%
  the local authority if you child misses 7                                                     absence
  days or more unauthorised absence in a
  maximum 12 school week period.                  We would encourage all parents to take annual breaks
                                                  during school holidays to minimise disruption to their
                                                  child’s education. On occasions where this is not possible
parents should apply in writing to take their children out of school for a maximum of two weeks. The
school will not set homework tasks for the children while they are away from school, but would suggest a
reading book is taken and a written diary is kept, this could be shared with the teacher and other
children on return from holiday.

 14. Attendance
 If your child is absent from school, please inform us as soon as possible, parents can contact the school
 either by telephone from 8:30am, in person, by using the office section of Class Dojo reporting directly to
 the school office.
 Schools must differentiate between authorised and unauthorised absences and report these to the
 authority on a monthly basis; Mrs Hutley (attendance officer) undertakes weekly monitoring of
 attendance. In line with the governments’ expectations, all children at Woodlea Primary School are
 expected to maintain an attendance of 96% or above. It is the responsibility of parents to ensure this
 percentage is achieved. Therefore, we will regularly monitor and review attendance for all children and
 inform parents by letter if attendance falls below 96%. Regular school attendance is essential for our
 children to progress and achieve their full potential.
 If during this process a child’s attendance gives further cause for concern parents will be contacted by
 Mrs Hutley.
Woodlea Primary School Prospectus 2019 2020 - Burnhope ...
15. Medical
 Parents are requested to inform the school about any medical conditions, dietary requirements etc.
 Parents will be informed if their child becomes ill at school. The only medication that should be brought
 into school is that prescribed by a G.P. / hospital and clearly marked as such. Where prescribed
 medication clearly states it is to be administered three times per day, the medication does not need to
 brought into school as the dosages can be administered at home eg before school, after school and
 evening. It is the parent / guardians responsibility to ensure that an Administration of Medication form is
 completed. These can be found at the ‘Parent information’ section of www.woodlea.durham.sch.uk or
 available at the school office. Special arrangements may be made for asthmatics, diabetics etc. Please
 contact Headteacher for information.
 It would be appreciated if emergency contact information is completed and updated when necessary. In
 the case of an accident first aid would be administered and parents contacted if necessary. If necessary
 an accident report will be completed and returned home with your child for your attention. This will need
 to be signed by a parent / guardian and returned to school.

16. Road Safety
Parents are requested not to bring cars to school, as parking is very limited. Cars should not be parked
on the yellow zigzag lines at the rear of the school and we would ask all parents to park considerately to
ensure residents have full access to their homes, drives and garages.
In the interest of safety it is requested that great care is exercised at all times when bringing or
collecting children by car.
To encourage good road sense, where at all possible, please use the crossing patrol with your child.
Woodlea Primary School Prospectus 2019 2020 - Burnhope ...
17. Dress Code
  When attending school all children should wear our school uniform. The school encourages all children to
  take a pride in themselves and their school and wearing a uniform is one way to promote this.
  School uniform is supplied by The School Outfit store at ‘Little Gems’, The Galleries, Washington,
  telephone number 0191 4192319 or online at http://www.theschooloutfit.co.uk/shop (a delivery
  charge will apply).
  Alternatively, parents can source uniform from any other retailer, so long as it conforms to our dress
  Boys                                                  Girls
  Grey or black trousers / shorts                       Grey or black skirt / trousers / shorts
  Bottle Green jumper                                   Grey or bottle green tights
  White polo shirt                                      Grey or black pinafore dress
  Black shoes / Black trainers                          Green gingham summer dress
                                                        Bottle Green jumper / cardigan
  No tracksuit bottoms                                  White polo shirt
  No highly coloured trainers                           Black sensible shoes

  PE Kit
  We expect that all children will wear a white t-shirt and black shorts for PE.

  Hair styles
  Hairstyles should be in keeping with the principles of the school’s dress code i.e. smart appearance. No
  extreme hairstyles, including tramlines, shaved patterns, Mohicans or hair colouring should be worn to
  Make up
  Make up and coloured nail polish is not to be worn in school.
  No jewellery, apart from watches and small studs in pierced ears, is permitted.
  In the case of newly pierced ears, the best course of action is to wait for the summer holidays before
  having your child’s ears pierced, as this will give the piercing time to heal before returning to school. As a
  last resort, taping may be considered for a limited period. I ask that parents provide micro pore tape for
  this purpose.

18. ParentPay
ParentPay is a secure online payment system and schools method of paying for school lunches, educational
visits and other school activities. You can keep up to date on credits against your child’s dinner money
account and be able to pay the relevant amount for the week.
ParentPay offers you the freedom to make payments whenever and wherever you like, 24 hours a day, 7
days a week - safe in the knowledge that the technology used is of the highest internet security available.
Log-in details will be supplied to parents, activated by using a unique username and password.

 19. Educational Visits
 Educational visits are a valued part of our curriculum. We ask for voluntary contributions towards meeting
 the costs of these visits and no child will be excluded because they have not paid. However the school wishes
 to make it clear that should insufficient funds be raised to cover the costs visits may have to be cancelled.
 Every child participating in a visit over half a day’s duration must complete a County Indemnity Form (EV4),
 which will be provided by school on admission. For insurance reasons children who have not returned this
 form will not be allowed to go on the visit.
Woodlea Primary School Prospectus 2019 2020 - Burnhope ...
20. School Meals
   At the time of writing, it is anticipated that in September 2019 school meals will cost £10.25 per week.
   Dinner money should be paid via your ParentPay account where you can keep up to date on credits against
   your child’s dinner money account.
   We would appreciate at least one week’s notice of your child’s preference for either a packed lunch or
   school meal. Children are able to select the exact meal choice for the day from the three choices available
   via the classroom whiteboards on a system called Biostore Fastrak. Alternatively, children are welcome to
   stay for a packed lunch.
   If you think you might be entitled to benefit related free school meals, please call into the school office
   and complete a simple form, which can be submitted to Durham County Council on your behalf to check your
   For future years, a large part of school funding will be allocated according to those who are entitled to a
   free school meal; therefore it is important that we are made aware of your entitlement. We are very keen
   as a school to ensure that our children receive the maximum funds available to them, and as you may be
   aware from the extensive press coverage, extra resources, entitled ‘The Pupil Premium’, have been allocated
   to schools for children of families on low incomes.

20. School Staff and Governors
            Mr P Adamson, Headteacher                               School Governors:
Year 6      Mrs A Key (Deputy Headteacher) / Mrs H Murray           Mr K Reed (Chair)
Year 5      Mrs R Willingham                                        Mr M Willoughby (Vice Chair)
Year 4      Mrs H Roberts                                           Mr A Erskine
Year 3      Mr J Brown                                              Mrs Z Galloway
Year 2      Mrs S Brannan (Lower School Leader & SENCO)             Mr M Hood
Year 1      Mrs C Francis                                           Mrs V Holding
Reception   Mrs S Brooke                                            Mr P Holland
Nursery     Mrs C Churchill (EYFS Lead)                             Mrs G Kennedy
                                                                    Mrs A Key
Mr G McIntyre (PPA Cover)                                           Mr G Lumsdon
                                                                    Mrs K Swirles
Classroom Assistants                                                Dr M Turnbull
Mrs C Wilkie (HLTA)                                                 Non-Teaching Staff
Mrs T Nichol (HLTA)                                                 Secretaries - Mrs K Farrer
Mrs E Bell (HLTA)                                                                  Mrs H Collinson
Mrs L Tate                                                          Caretaker -    Mr R English
Mrs C White                                                         Supervisory Assistants Mrs K Calvert
Mrs G Gallagher                                                                               Miss S Watson
Mrs A Bradley                                                                                 Mrs J Henderson
Miss L McCartney                                                                              Mrs A Quinn
Mrs V Reed                                                                                    Mrs J Simpson

Attendance Officer
Mrs J Hutley
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