Gene Drive Organisms: A new dimension of genetic engineering - Applications, risks and regulation

Page created by Edith Navarro
Gene Drive Organisms: A new dimension of genetic engineering - Applications, risks and regulation
Gene Drive Organisms:
 A new dimension of
 genetic engineering
 Applications, risks and regulation
CONTENT                                                                                              04
                                                                                                     Gene drive regulation                                                                         29

01                                                                                                   Regulation of gene drive organisms in Germany
                                                                                                       Genetic Engineering Safety Ordinance: safety standards for gene drive research
                                                                                                       Positioning of the German Bundesrat
                                                                                                       Positioning of the German federal states                                                    31
What are gene drive organisms?                                                                  03     Positioning of the German Federal Ministry for the Environment                              31
   ‘Selfish’ reproduction                                                                       04     Process in the German Parliament                                                            31
   CRISPR/Cas9 makes it possible                                                                05     Positioning of the German parties                                                           32
                                                                                                       Research project on risk assessment & monitoring of gene drive organisms on behalf of
                                                                                                       the German Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN)                                     32
                                                                                                     Regulation of gene drive organisms at EU level                                                32

02                                                                                                     The European legislation on genetic engineering
                                                                                                            Legal interpretation of the EU Directive 2001/18 with regard to gene drive organisms
                                                                                                        Risk assessment by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA)
                                                                                                            Recommendation: Strengthen the precautionary principle in the risk assessment of
Potential applications of gene drive organisms                                                  09          genetically modified organisms in the EU through exclusion criteria                    35
Gene drives for the elimination of disease carriers                                             10   Regulation of gene drive organisms at the international level                               37
   Malaria                                                                                      10     Discussions about gene drive organisms in the UN Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) 37
   Lyme disease                                                                                 11   		 Provisions on gene drive organisms under the Cartagena Protocol                            38
Using gene drives to combat invasive species                                                    13   			        Provisions on gene drive organisms under the Nagoya-Kuala Lumpur Supplementary
   The discussion on gene drives in the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)   13   			        Protocol on Liability and Redress to the Cartagena Protocol                        39
Gene drives in agriculture                                                                      14      Regulations of the World Health Organization (WHO)                                         39
   Patent applications for agricultural applications                                            14      Provisions of the UN Biological Weapons Convention (BWC)                                   39
   Examples of gene drive applications in agriculture                                           17
       Spotted wing drosophila                                                                  17
       Psyllids                                                                                 17
       The New World screwworm fly
       Open questions regarding applications in plants
Gene drive organisms as bioweapons
                                                                                                     Policy recommendations                                                                        42
                                                                                                        A global moratorium on the release of gene drive organisms                                 43

03                                                                                                      Requirements for retrievability and controllability of gene drive organisms
                                                                                                        A global process for decision-making on the release of gene drive organisms
                                                                                                        An integrated system of assessment, evaluation and management of risks from

                                                                                                        gene drive organisms to the environment and health                                         44
Ecological risks                                                                                23      Concepts of international inclusive technology assessments for gene drive organisms        44
   Uncontrollability                                                                            24      Binding and specific global rules for liability and redress for damage caused by
   Irreversibility                                                                              26      gene drive organisms                                                                       45
   Outcrossing across species boundaries                                                        26      Mandatory global reporting of gene drive organism research in contained systems and
   Unexpected effects of CRISPR/Cas9                                                            27      uniform safety standards for gene drive research                                           45
   Resistances                                                                                  27      A ban on the development of gene drive organisms with potential for military use           45
   Unpredictable impacts on ecosystems                                                          27

                                                                                                     List of abbreviations                                                                         46
                                                                                                     List of references                                                                            47
                                                                                                     Imprint                                                                                       57
Enabled by new genetic engineering techniques
                   such as CRISPR/Cas9, so-called gene drives have
                   been developed in recent years that enable humans
                   to spread new genes throughout the genome of wild
01                 animal populations. Gene drives force the inheritance
                   of newly introduced genes to be inherited by all

What are gene      offspring, even if this lowers the survival chances
                   of the affected species. In the most extreme case,
                   gene drive technology could drive an entire species

drive organisms?   to extinction or replace wild populations with
                   genetically modified organisms.                                                                                        4

                   ‘Selfish’ reproduction
                   In nature, the process of evolution is slow: It takes       these genetic elements: Some gave rise to important
                   many generations before inherited changes take hold.        functional, usually regulatory, units. In many other
                   In sexual reproduction, genetic material recombines         cases, mechanisms have been developed to silence
                   in each generation. New traits are in constant              the ‘jumping genes’ in the genome (for more
                   competition with older ones. However, only one of           information, see infobox).
                   the two is passed on to the offspring. Which one is
                   determined by chance. According to Mendel‘s rules,          Gene drives are based on a similar principle. In 2003,
                   the probability that a new trait will be passed on to the   British researcher Austin Burt formulated the idea that
                   offspring is 50 percent. As a rule, a higher inheritance    genes can spread rapidly if they over-write competing
                   rate only occurs if the traits are associated with          variants. The natural evolutionary process then no
                   advantages for the survival of the species.                 longer applies.1

                   However, not all natural genetic traits follow these

                                                                                                                                         What are gene drive organisms?
                   Mendelian rules of inheritance. In plants, animals
                   and humans, there are genetic elements that copy
                   themselves into other parts of the genome with the          With gene drives humans can
                   help of enzymes, spreading independently and thus
                   increasing the frequency of their inheritance. They are     alter the genetic makeup of
                   often referred to as naturally occurring gene drives
                   and have been termed ‘selfish‘ genes because they           wild organisms and spread
                   can spread throughout the genome without benefiting
                   the species. Examples are so-called ‘jumping genes’         new characteristics that
                   (transposons). In the course of evolution, plants,
                   animals and humans have found a way to deal with            serve human purposes alone.
CRISPR/Cas9 makes it possible                             Difference between ‘selfish‘ gene variants,                             The new dimension: The difference between                             Until now, all experiments with genetically engineered
                                                              ‘natural‘ gene drives and engineered                                    genetically modified organisms and genetically                        gene drives have taken place exclusively in the
    The realization of Burt‘s idea of repurposing ‘selfish‘   gene drives                                                             modified gene drive organisms                                         laboratory or in closed containers. But gene drives
    genetic elements for human purposes failed for a                                                                                                                                                        are actually intended for use in the wild. They are
    long time due to technical hurdles. That changed          So-called ‘selfish‘ genetic elements are found in the genome of         For several years, release experiments with genetically               designed to introduce new genes into the genome of
    in 2012, when Jennifer Doudna and Emanuelle               almost all living beings. Their reproduction seems to be of no          engineered insects have been taking place in the environment          wild populations, even if these reduce the chances of
    Charpentier, now both Nobel laureates, recogni-           consequence in the short term. However, they play an important          for research purposes. For example, since 2011, the company           survival of the species concerned. 16
    zed the potential of the CRISPR/Cas9 system for           role within longer periods of evolution. They contribute to             Oxitec in Brazil has repeatedly released genetically.
    biotechnology.2 In bacteria, it can serve as a kind of    the emergence of new gene variants and may well facilitate              modified mosquitoes of the species Aedes aegypti. Their               The goal of their use in the wild may be to replace
    immune system to provide protection against viru-         adaptation to changing environmental conditions. Numerous               genetic modification was intended to render the offspring             the entire wild population with genetically modified
    ses: The CRISPR sequence in the bacteria‘s genome         protective mechanisms limit the uncontrolled multiplication             of the mosquitoes unable to reproduce.13 The goal of these            gene drive organisms or to greatly reduce it. In the
    recognizes the invader and activates enzymes that         of these elements in the genome and limit the damage to the             releases was to significantly reduce the tropical disease-            most extreme case, deployment could drive the entire
    attack the virus and cut up its genome.                   living being.                                                           carrying mosquito population. Whether the goal was achieved           species to extinction.
                                                                                                                                      is debatable.14 In any case, none of the past releases involved
    These two researchers were the first to realize that      Transposons are among the most common ‘selfish‘ elements.7              insects that inherit gene drives.
    the combination of CRISPR sequences and Cas9              They essentially consist of an enzyme that makes copies of
    could be used to specifically alter the genome of         the transposon and inserts them elsewhere in the genome.                But what is the difference between genetically modified               First field trials with gene drive
    many living organisms and introduce new segments          This is where the term ‘jumping genes‘ comes from. They were            organisms (GMO) and genetically modified organisms that
    into their DNA. It was the missing tool needed to         originally discovered by Barbara McClintock, who was awarded            inherit a gene drive, making them a gene drive organism (GDO)?        mosquitoes could be carried out
    turn Burt‘s idea into reality.3 In 2015, a functional     the Nobel Prize in 1983.
5   CRISPR/Cas9 gene drive in fruit flies was published                                                                               The new dimension of genetically modifying wild populations           in Burkina Faso as early as 2024.17                        6
    for the first time.4 In the years that followed, trials   In bacteria, a particular variant of ‘selfish‘ elements called          with gene drives is in stark contrast to the previous goals,
    in mosquitoes5 and mice6 were also successful.            homing endonucleases has been discovered.8 They, too, consist           strategies, and possibilities of genetic engineering.                 This would be an experiment
    Researchers now suspect that almost any animal            of only a single enzyme and can insert themselves precisely
    species could be manipulated with a gene drive.           into specific DNA sequences. Synthetic homing gene drives               Until now, genetically modified organisms have not been               without any safeguards:
                                                              based on CRISPR/Cas9 have been designed along these lines.              expected to produce viable offspring, have not been
                                                                                                                                      expected to survive in the wild for long, in the wild, or have        mechanisms that effectively
                                                              Engineered gene drives, on the other hand, are artificial               been prevented from mating with wild conspecifics. Thus, so
                                                              genetic elements that come with specific human-determined               far, the spread of GMO should have remained limited in space          control a gene drive in nature
                                                              purposes and functions. They have not evolved and adapted               or time outside of their point of origin in the laboratory. Neither
                                                              through evolutionary processes. They are designed to serve              these genetically modified organisms nor their modified genes         only exist in theory.
                                                              human interests. Evolutionarily established mechanisms that             were supposed to persist in nature.
                                                              control the spread of ‘jumping genes‘ are often ineffective
                                                              here. Engineered or synthetic gene drives thus set in motion            The gene drive approach breaks radically with these
                                                              a ‘mutagenic chain reaction‘9, the consequences of which                considerations. In contrast to conventional GMO, genetically          According to the current state of science, the
                                                              cannot be controlled.                                                   modified organisms that inherit gene drives aim to spread             outcome of the experiment would no longer be
                                                                                                                                      genes synthesized in the laboratory into wild populations or to       controllable by humans. All manipulations of this
                                                              Some publications refer to Wolbachia bacteria as ‘natural‘ gene         eliminate natural genes. And they do so even if this harms the        kind on animals, plants and entire ecosystems
                                                              drives. This is not quite correct: Wolbachia is a bacterial infection   species or offers it no survival advantage, which is why these        would be irreversible.
                                                              of insects that is heritable over generations.10 Wolbachia              genes would not prevail on the basis of natural selection.
                                                              bacteria occur naturally in the cells of certain insects, such as
                                                              fruit flies. They reduce the reproductive capacity of infected          Gene drives shift the locus of genetic modification from the
                                                              insects. Therefore, with the hope of combating dengue fever,            genetic engineering laboratory to the wild: In the case
                                                              mosquitoes of the species Aedes aegypti were infected with              of CRISPR/Cas9-based homing gene drives, the genetic
                                                              Wolbachia bacteria in the laboratory. It was found that certain         engineering mechanism (CRISPR/Cas9) copies itself into the

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     What are gene drive organisms?
                                                              Wolbachia bacteria can block the transmission of dengue fever           genome of wild offspring every time a GDO reproduces - over
                                                              to humans.11 Field trials with Wolbachia infected mosquitoes            generations. The ‘forced‘ inheritance of even harmful genes
                                                              first took place in 2011 for testing purposes in Australia.12 Unlike    triggered by the gene drive sets in motion a theoretically
                                                              synthetic gene drives, this approach does not use genetic               unstoppable ”mutagenic chain reaction”15.
                                                              engineering. This means that the risks of genetic side effects
                                                              associated with genetic engineering through cross-breeding              Thus, via gene drives, human-induced genetic modifications
                                                              and interaction with wild populations are not relevant in               can spread faster through wild populations much faster than
                                                              Wolbachia interventions.                                                conventional GMO, based on natural selection mechanisms,
                                                                                                                                      could have done.16
How does a homing gene drive with
CRISPR /Cas9 work?

                   Natural inheritance                                   Forced inheritance                                      How does a CRISPR/Cas based or
                                                                         with gene drives                                        homing gene drive work?

    Normal                                    Mouse with                                                   Mouse with   Normal
    mouse                                     gene drive                                                   gene drive   mouse    So-called homing gene drives based on CRISPR/Cas9
                                                                                                                                 are the most common variant of synthetic gene drives.
                                                                                                                                 Such a gene drive consists of at least two components:
                                                                                                                                 the Cas9 genetic ‘scissors’ and a messenger molecule.
                                                                                                                                 In addition, a new or modified gene can be introduced.
                     50% chance to inherit                                                                                       The gene drive is first introduced into the genome of the
                                                                         1. CRISPR identifies
                        the mutation                                                                                             target organism, e.g. a mouse, in the laboratory. This gene
                                                                         the target sequence.
                                                                                                                                 drive becomes active after fertilization of the egg cell
                                                                                                                                 and identifies a target sequence in the non-manipulated
                                                                                        CRISPR                                   chromosome with the help of the messenger molecule.
                                                                                        Cas9                                     There, Cas9 induces a double-strand break. Natural repair
                                                                         Gene Drive                                              mechanisms in the damaged cell then attempt to repair the
                                                                                        possibly                                 break using a template. The gene drive on the genetically
                                                                                        additionally          NEW
                                                                                                                                 modified chromosome serves as a template: it is very likely
                                                                                        introduced                               to be copied completely and incorporated within the target
                                                                                        new gene                                 sequence on the previously unmanipulated chromosome.
                                                                                                                                 This targeted process is called homing. In addition to the
                                                                                                                                 integration of the gene ‘scissors‘ at the target site, existing
                                                                                                                                 gene sequences can be switched off and/or new one can
                                                                         2. Cas9 creates a double                                be additionally inserted. This process ultimately results in all
                                                                         strand break at the target                              offspring inheriting a copy of the gene drive. The gene drive
                Inheritance with gene drive                              sequence.                                               mechanism is re-activated with each reproduction - and in
                                                                                                                                 all subsequent generations. It theoretically only comes to
                                                                                                                                 a halt when the target sequence has disappeared from the
                                                                                                                                 entire population.
    Normal                                    Mouse with
    mouse                                     gene drive
                                                           germ cell
                                                           development   3. With high likelihood the
                                                                         cell‘s own repair mechanism
                      up to 100% forced                                  copies the gene drive into the
                         inheritance                                     site of fracture on the opposi-
                                                                                                              NEW       NEW
                                                                         te chromosome.

                                                                         4. Almost all germ cells carry
                                                                         the gene drive (here e.g.
                                                                         sperm cells).
Gene drives could be applied in numerous fields.
                         Currently, research is focused on three areas: the
                         control of disease vectors, the removal of invasive
                         species from sensitive ecosystems, and the control
02                       of so-called pests in agriculture.

Potential applications
of gene drive            GENE DRIVES FOR THE

                                                                                     political will, a functioning health system, good training
                                                                                     of medical personnel, national programs for education
                         ELIMINATION OF DISEASE                                      and prevention activities, medical surveillance
                                                                                     programs, rapid and correct diagnosis and treatment,
                         CARRIERS                                                    and rapid responses to outbreaks that do occur. 20
                                                                                     But there remain 87 countries where such measures
                                                                                     have not been adequately implemented. In 2017, more
                         Infectious diseases such as malaria, dengue fever           than 200 million people contracted malaria, and more
                         and Lyme disease are transmitted to humans by               than 400,000 people died from it. Sub-Saharan Africa
                         mosquitoes or ticks. Controlling these vectors has          is the hardest hit, with mortality particularly high
                         long been part of disease prevention. Gene drives are       among children under five.21 Gene Drives are intended
                         expected to take these efforts to a new level.              to remedy this situation by massively reducing the
                                                                                     number of Anopheles mosquitoes in Africa and thus
                                                                                     also the transmission
                                                                                     of malaria.
                                                                                     Target Malaria, an international research
                         The malaria pathogen is spread by several species of        consortium, is playing a leading role in the
                         Anopheles mosquitoes. A concerted global program of         development of such gene drives. The consortium

                                                                                                                                                  Potential applications of gene drive organisms
                         malaria control using mosquito nets, insecticides and       has a budget of around 100 million U.S. dollars,
                         medicines has helped push back the disease in many          most of which comes from the Bill & Melinda Gates
                         regions of the world, reducing deaths by about half         Foundation and the Open Philanthropy Project.22 23
                         between 2000 and 2015.18 In 2016, the World Health
                         Organization (WHO) identified 21 countries with the         Target Malaria‘s plans have already reached the stage
                         potential to reach the goal of zero indigenous malaria      where the first model projects have been launched in
                         cases by 2020.                                              Burkina Faso, Mali, Ghana and Uganda.

                         In the process, 39 countries have already been              To control mosquito populations, Target Malaria is
                         certified as malaria-free, most recently Sri Lanka          taking two different approaches:
                         (2016), Paraguay (2018), Algeria (2019) and El Salvador
                         (2021).19 China, Malaysia and Iran are also well on their   One aims to create sterile female Anopheles
                         way to achieving the three-year malaria-free status         mosquitoes by altering a gene called Doublesex. A
                         required for certification. Other factors for successful    CRISPR/Cas9 gene drive will be used to spread this
                         control of the disease include, above all, strong           genetic modification into the wild population. In
2018, experiments in large cages showed that this            Lyme disease
     approach works in principle: The gene drive caused the
     population to collapse after about ten generations.24        In temperate climates, the use of gene drives against             How does a gene drive with X-Shredder work?
                                                                  Lyme disease is being considered. In the U.S., Lyme
     Target Malaria‘s second approach involves                    disease spread rapidly in 2018, affecting about                   Genetically modified mosquitoes that carry an X-shredder are supposed to only produce
     manipulating the sex distribution of mosquitoes so           300,000 people annually.34 For Germany, according                 male offspring.
     that only male mosquitoes are born. This approach            to a projection from 2017, the number of new cases is
     is being tested in a project in Burkina Faso in three        estimated at about 100 000 per year.35                            During the formation of the mosquito germ cells, an enzyme is produced that cuts the X
     different phases, in which a gene drive will only be                                                                           chromosomes and thus destroys them. Therefore, only male germ cells that pass on a Y
     used in the third phase.                                     The disease is triggered by Borrelia bacteria, which              chromosome are produced. Up to 95 percent of the offspring are therefore male and can
                                                                  often infect wild mice and are transmitted to humans              spread the X-shredder in the population.37
     In the first phase, male mosquitoes were rendered            by ticks. If the infection is not detected in time, a
     unable to reproduce using genetic engineering.25 Field       chronic disease can develop that is difficult to treat.           X-Shredder variant 1 - No gene drive – If the X-Shredder is inserted on a chromosome that
     trials with these sterile mosquitoes were conducted                                                                            does not determine the sex, it is inherited according to Mendelian rules and probably cannot be
     in Burkina Faso in 2019.26 According to Target Malaria,      On two islands in the northeastern United States, a               found in the genetic material of the population after a few generations.
     these preliminary trials are aimed at gaining field          project was launched in 2016 that aims to interrupt the
     experience and familiarizing the population in Burkina       transmission of the disease with the help of genetic              X-Shredder variant 2 - gene drive – The X-Shredder only becomes a gene drive when it is
     Faso with such trials. Although Target Malaria claims        engineering. The target of the genetic manipulation is            inserted on the male Y chromosome. In theory, it could then spread through the population as
     to have involved the local population in the decision-       not the ticks as carriers, but the native white-footed            aggressively as a CRISPR/Cas-based homing gene drive. However, the development of such a
     making process, these experiments caused protests            mice, which are the most important host for Borrelia              variant currently face biological hurdles: epigenetic regulation of gene expression in mosquitoes
11   both in Burkina Faso and internationally.27 28               in these regions. An intervention in the immune                   prevents the X shredder from being activated on the Y chromosome.38
                                                                  system is supposed to make the mice resistant and
     In the second phase the mosquitoes are to be genetically     interrupt the transmission chain of Borrelia. According           X-Shredder variant 3 - gene drive – It is also possible to combine the X-Shredder (variant
     modified so that they produce predominantly male             to a citizen survey on the islands of Nantucket and               1) with a CRISPR/Cas-based gene drive. This is then called Sex Distorter Gene Drive (SDGD): If
     offspring.29 The genetic modification introduced via a so-   Martha‘s Vineyard in Massachusetts, USA, a majority               females mate with males carrying the CRISPR/Cas gene drive with the coupled X-Shredder,
     called X-shredder (see box) would be inherited according     rejected the use of gene drives. Instrad, the release             the gene drive is integrated into the gene Doublesex, which prevents the development of
     to Mendelian rules. Thus it is not yet a gene drive at       of genetically engineered mice is forseen. They are               fertile females. The additionally integrated X-Shredder causes the X chromosome to be cut
     this stage. In order to reduce the mosquito population       supposed to mate with their wild counterparts and                 during the formation of the germ cells. The overall result is predominantly male offspring.39 In
     with these releases, genetically modified mosquitoes         crossbreed a resistance to Lyme disease into the                  the combination of CRISPR/Cas gene drive and X-Shredder, both systems mutually safeguard
     produced in the laboratory would have to be released         natural population. However, should trials on larger              each other: Should one system fail, the other will function. According to model calculations,
     repeatedly in high quantities.                               land masses be planned for the future, the use of gene            the number of (biting) female mosquitoes could be reduced much faster with the Sex Distorter
                                                                  drive mice would again be up for debate.36                        Gene Drive than with an exclusive CRISPR/Cas gene drive.
     The goal of Target Malaria in the third phase is to
     produce mosquitoes that carry the X-shredder on              There are several alternative strategies to prevent
     the Y chromosome, which would make all offspring             the transmission of Lyme disease to humans apart
     male for generations and all carry the X-shredder.           from gene drives and other genetic engineering
     The genetic modification thus spreads like a gene            methods. Infection can already be prevented by simple
                                                                                                                            Formation of the male                  The X chromosome is                        Only male germ cells with a                      Only male offspring is
     drive throughout the population. 30                          means: by wearing suitable clothing, applying anti-
                                                                                                                            germ cell                              ”shredded” (inactivated)                   Y chromosome are capable                         born. In variants 2 and
                                                                  tick medication and regularly scanning the body. For                                                                                        of development                                   3, all males inherit the
     While Target Malaria focuses on reducing the number          a short time in the past, a vaccine by the American                                                                                                                                          X shredder.
     of mosquitoes, Gene drive developers at the University       company GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) was readily available,

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Potential applications of gene drive organisms
     of California in San Diego are taking a different            but it was taken off the market again due to lack of
     approach. With a multi-million dollar grant from India‘s     interest.
     Tata Foundation31, they are looking for a way to create                                                                x
     resistance in Anopheles mosquitoes that kills the malaria
     pathogen and prevents the infection of humans.32
     However, such gene drive organisms had proven to have
     only limited viability in initial cage experiments.33                                                                                                                                                                                                         Offspring

                                                                                                                                    Illustration adapted from: Galizi, R., Doyle, L.A., Menichelli, M., Bernardini, F., Deredec, A., Burt, A., Windbichler, N., Crisanti,
                                                                                                                                    A., 2014. A synthetic sex ratio distortion system for the control of the human Malaria mosquito. Nat. Commun. 5, 3977.
USING GENE DRIVES                                           stoats and the Australian fox cusu. With the Predator        An analysis conducted by the research and advocacy        GENE DRIVES IN
                                                                 Free 2050 program, the New Zealand government                organization ETC Group48 concluded that a majority
     TO COMBAT INVASIVE                                          pursued the goal of eradicating all invasive predators       of the report‘s authors were known proponents             AGRICULTURE
                                                                 by 2050. The measures have already been successful           of genetic engineering and should not have been
     SPECIES                                                     on more than 100 smaller islands. To achieve success         engaged by IUCN, in part because of their economic
                                                                 on the main islands as well, the use of gene drives was      self-interest in developing the technologies studied.     In the long run, agriculture could become the most
                                                                 considered.                                                  In a subsequent open letter signed by 231 civil society   important field of application for gene drives - a fact
     Humans have carried numerous animal species to                                                                           organizations and several scientists, the report was      that has hardly been discussed in public so far. Patents
     foreign islands and continents, where they have             In light of the consideration of using gene drives           criticized as ”regrettably one-sided”, ”biased”, and      on CRISPR/Cas-based gene drives list hundreds of
     become a serious threat to native flora and fauna.          for invasive species eradication in New Zealand,             ”inappropriate for the intended policy discussion”.       animals and plants whose containment or eradication
     Major problems are caused, for example, by rats and         two gene drive developers published an article in            This report, they said, is not consistent with the        could increase agricultural yields. However, a number
     mice, which significantly reduce populations of smaller     2017 warning against hasty releases and the use              precautionary considerations of the Hawaii resolution.    of hurdles would still have to be overcome along the
     animals and native birds. Conventional measures such        of gene drive organisms in conservation.43                   The undersigned organizations therefore called on         way.
     as hunting, trapping, or poison baiting have been able                                                                   IUCN to commission another scientific report based on
     to drive invasive species off small islands. On larger      Since the change of government that same year,               a precautionary analysis of the risks of the technology
     land masses, these measures reach their limits. Gene        there has been greater restraint in New Zealand in           and to wait until such a counter-report is available
     drives are intended to offer an alternative here.           this regard. Before Predator Free returns to the topic,      before taking a decision on the issue.49 In a similar     Patent applications for
                                                                 the many technical, social and ethical considerations        vein was the request of an October 2019 letter from
     The Genetic Biocontrol of Invasive Rodents (GBIRd)          and regulatory hurdles first have to be explored and         23 IUCN members to the IUCN Council. According to         agricultural applications
     project, which is supported by seven universities,          overcome.44                                                  its signatories, more time is needed for a fundamental,
13   public authorities and non-governmental organizations                                                                    comprehensive, balanced discussion based on the           At least six patents on gene drives refer to               14
     from the USA and Australia, is investigating this                                                                        precautionary principle, with greater involvement of      specific applications in agriculture. The focus
     approach.                                                                                                                IUCN members, prior to any IUCN decision-making.50        is on controlling pests and weeds and reversing
                                                                 The discussion on gene drives                                                                                          herbicide resistance.
     GBIRd aims to address the question of whether                                                                            Confronted with this criticism, the IUCN Council
     mice can be eradicated through gene drives and              in the International Union for                               withdrew its plan to adopt a position at its Members‘     Two key applications come from leading developers
     under what conditions this intervention would be                                                                         Assembly, originally planned for June 2020. Instead,      of the CRISPR/Cas-based Gene Drive, the research
     acceptable. The bulk of the project is funded by the        Conservation of Nature (IUCN)                                principles51 for the discussion on the topic were         groups led by Kevin Esvelt52 and Ethan Bier53.
     U.S. military‘s Defense Advanced Research Projects                                                                       defined in a consultation open to members. These          Numerous claims are also filed in a patent by Bruce
     Agency (DARPA) to the tune of $6.4 million.40               In view of the possibility of using gene drives to           are to be voted on at the IUCN World Conservation         Hay‘s group.54 Most of the claims are general, but one
                                                                 remove introduced invasive species from sensitive            Congress in 2021 and will serve as the basis for a for    patent already contains detailed goals and methods
     Among the most active members of GBIRd is the small         ecosystems, the International Union for Conservation         discussions until a position will be voted on at the      that enable commercial use.
     conservation organization Island Conservation. It has       of Nature (IUCN), also known as the World Conservation       following Members‘ Assembly.
     been dedicated to the protection of seabirds for 25         Union, has also been discussing this technology since                                                                  However, the commercialization of gene drives faces
     years and says it has already rid 63 islands of rodents.    late 2015.                                                                                                             a fundamental problem: their spread cannot yet be
     So far, this has been done using conventional methods,                                                                                                                             contained, either spatially or temporally. Individual
     but Island Conservation believes that further progress      At its General Assembly in Hawaii in September 2016,                                                                   releases could result in the transboundary spread of
     will require the use of gene drives.41                      IUCN adopted a resolution45 that, among other things,                                                                  GDO into neighboring ecosystems for decades. The
                                                                 mandated IUCN to prepare a scientific report on the                                                                    classic business model of agribusinesses, which is
     The first steps in this direction were taken at the         implications of synthetic biology and gene drives for                                                                  based on continuous sales of the products, would be
     University of California in San Diego, USA, when gene       biodiversity conservation. Based on this scientific                                                                    difficult to apply under these conditions.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Potential applications of gene drive organisms
     drives for mice were developed there for the first time     report, IUCN originally intended to take a position on the
     in 2019.42 However, the developers encountered an           role of gene drive technology for nature conservation at                                                               In theory, its use appears commercially interesting in
     unexpected phenomenon: CRISPR/Cas9 was able                 its subsequent General Assembly in 2020.                                                                               two scenarios: A gene drive could eliminate natural
     to cut the DNA strand in all test animals, but only                                                                                                                                resistances that wild plants have developed to
     in females did the repair mechanism kick in, which          In part through public protest and at the urging of                                                                    common herbicides. An agribusiness could then profit
     activley spreads the new DNA segments in the                global conservation luminaries46 , IUCN committed                                                                      from increased sales of the herbicide because they
     genome. The gene drive was therefore only successful        in its 2016 resolution to refrain from any support or                                                                  would become usable again. Another scenario would
     in one of the two sexes, and even there it only achieved    endorsement of research, field trials, or use of gene                                                                  be for large agricultural associations to fund
     an efficiency of about 70 percent. The gene drive in this   drive technology until this report would be available.                                                                 the development of a gene drive that would benefit
     form is probably not suitable for manipulating wild-                                                                                                                               all association members.
     living mammal population.                                   The report, entitled ‘Genetic Frontiers for
                                                                 Conservation47, was published in May 2019 and
     New Zealand‘s former government also showed                 was met with harsh criticism from IUCN member
     interest in using gene drives. The country‘s unique flora   organizations as well as conservation and
     and fauna suffer great damage from introduced rats,         development organizations around the world.
Number of patent claims on possible
agricultural gene drive applications

        WO 2015/105928 A1                                                                                                                WO 2017/049266 A2
        Titel: RNA-Guided Gene Drives                                                                                                    Title: Methods for Autocatalytic Genome Editing and Neutralizing Autocatalytic
        Assignee: President and fellows of Harvard College                                                                               Genome Editing and Compositions Thereof
        Inventors: Kevin Esvelt, Andrea Smidler                                                                                          Assignee: The Regents of the Univeristy of California
        International publication date: July 16, 2015                                                                                    Inventors: Ethan Bier, Valentino Gantz, Stephen Hedrick
                                                                                                                                         International publication date: March 23, 2017

         12 corn pests                            9 cotton pests                            13 small grain pests                         301     agricultural                      20 agricultural                           96    agricultural
                                                                                                                                         insect pests                              pest mites                                pest nematodes

         10    soybean pests                      11 grape vine pests                       13 palm tree pests                           68 plant                                  48 insect                                 27   ornamental
         mentioned ”within the                                                                                                           pathogenic                                vectors of plant                          insect pests
         scope of the present                                                                                                            nematodes                                 pathogens

         16   pests of nightshade                  14 stone fruit                           8 cyst nematode                              6 mollusc                                 18 grape                                  6 strawberry
         crops, including peppers,                 pests                                    species                                      pests                                     pests                                     pests
         tomatoes, eggplants,
         tobacco, petunias,

         24 bark beetle                           11 pests of                                           186                              8 honey bee                               34 mentioned weeds
         species                                  mollusc pests                                         name brand                       pests                                     resistant to pesticides or
                                                                                                        herbicides                                                                 herbicides

         11 pests of                              27 agribusinesses
         moth species                             named

         112     noxious weed                     52  ”additional weeds                                 46 pesticide
         varieties (19 aquatic                    within the scope of the                               species, e.g.,
         weed species, 5                          present disclosure” (e.g.,                            atrazine, glyphosate,
         parasitic weed species,                  ragweed, poison ivy,                                  napthalene, copper
         88 terrestrial weed                      goldenrod)                                            hydroxide

Infographic adapted from: ETC Group, Heinrich Böll Foundation (2018). Forcing the Farm. How Gene Drive Organisms                Infographic adapted from: ETC Group, Heinrich Böll Foundation (2018). Forcing the Farm. How Gene Drive Organisms
Could Entrench Industrial Agriculture and Threaten Food Sovereignty.                                                            Could Entrench Industrial Agriculture and Threaten Food Sovereignty.
Examples of gene drive                                        Asian citrus psyllids (Diaphorina citri), which ingest
                                                                   the bacteria while sucking plant sap and can then
     applications in agriculture                                   infect other trees. Within three years, the disease,
                                                                   called Huanglongbing, spread across most of
     The use of gene drives would be conceivable for almost        Florida‘s cultivation regions, with citrus production
     every field crop and for numerous farm animals or             plummeting by 70 percent.60 Europe has so far been
     so-called pests. In three cases, there are already            spared from the disease, but spread cannot be ruled
     concrete plans.                                               out.61

                                                                   Citrus growers in California are considering the
     Spotted wing drosophila                                       use of gene drives to protect their plantations.62
                                                                   One option would be to release gene drive psyllids
     Originally native to Southeast Asia, the spotted wing         that cannot transmit the bacteria. A research              How does a Medea Drive work?
     drosophila (Drosophila suzukii) is a fruit fly that has       project on this was completed in 2017 and
     spread worldwide and causes significant crop losses in        identified a number of genes that could prevent            The goal of a Medea Drive can be to replace or decimate a wild insect population. The Medea Drive consists of two
     numerous fruit varieties. It lays its eggs in nearly ripe,    transmission.63 However, a gene drive has not              genetic components that act according to the principle of poison and antidote. A new gene variant can be inserted
     undamaged fruit with thin skins. In 2008, the spotted         yet been developed from this.                              as the third component, which is inherited by all surviving offspring. Both males and females can inherit the Medea
     wing drsophila reached California and caused more                                                                        Drive. But the toxin is produced only by the mother and is deposited all eggs. The antidote, on the other hand, is
     than $38 million in damage to cherry orchards the                                                                        not deposited in the eggs but is formed in the fertilized embryos. For embryos to develop in the poisoned eggs,
     very next year. According to calculations, these losses       The New World screwworm fly                                the genetic information for producing for the antidote must also be anchored in their genome. The offspring are
17   can rise to over $500 million annually in the western                                                                    therefore only viable if they carry the Medea Drive in their genome, which also produces the antidote. Since the
     United States.55 Since 2011, it has also appeared in          The New World screwworm fly (Cochliomyia                   female fly carries only one copy of the Medea Drive, only half of her offspring inherit a Medea Drive. Thus, only half
     Germany, jeopardizing the harvest of cherries, grapes,        hominivorax) is found primarily in the Americas and        of the offspring can produce the antidote. The Medea Drive is available with and without CRISPR/Cas based homing
     raspberries, blackberries and strawberries.56                 lays its eggs near body cavities or open wounds of         gene drive.67 The gene drive version without CRISPR/Cas probably spreads less invasively.68
                                                                   mammals and birds. The hatching larvae burrow
     In 2013 the California Cherry Board, an association           deeply into the tissues of infested animals, causing
     of California cherry growers, began funding                   severe inflammation. The New World screwworm
     research on a gene drive with $100,000 annually.57            fly also infests livestock such as cows, sheep, and
     A group of researchers at the University of San               goats, which can die from the inflammation without
     Diego, USA, developed a so-called Medea Drive.                veterinary treatment.64 The screwworm fly was
                                                                                                                                  Medea Drive: Poison and antidote
                                                                   eradicated from the continental United States and
     The flies‘ offspring are not viable. This can affect one or   Central America in the 1960s by releasing sterile
     both sexes (for more information, see infobox).               male flies. To prevent new introductions from                                                                                                              The Medea Drive is a genetic
                                                                   South America, a protected zone was established                                                                                                            element that spreads genes for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              a ”poison” and an ”antidote”.
     In initial laboratory experiments, a high number              in Panama, but it is very costly to maintain.
     of modified flies was necessary to establish the              Scientists at the University of North Carolina, USA,
     Medea Drive in the population. In addition, many fly          therefore proposed the use of gene drives.65 It
     populations in the wild have natural resistances that         could also be used to eradicate the screwworm fly                                                                                                          Female flies, which inherit a copy
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              of the Medea Drive, deposit the
     would probably strongly hinder the spread of the              in South America. In 2019, an international group of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              ”poison” in all of its eggs.
     Medea Drive. The researchers therefore suspect that           researchers was able to apply CRISPR/Cas9 in the
     a very large number of modified spotted wing fruit            screwworm fly for the first time, altering a gene in

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Potential applications of gene drive organisms
     flies would have to be released to keep the Medea             the fly that is crucial for the development of the fly‘s
     Drive in the population for several years. No field tests     sex. This resulted in females that had male sexual                                                                                                         One half of the decendents inherits
     have been planned yet.58 The patent applied for in            characteristics and were presumably sterile.66                                                                                                             only the natural genes and dies.
     2017 on this Medea Drive also covers other species of         This intervention is a first step toward developing
     tropical fruit flies as well as mosquitoes of the genera      a CRISPR/Cas-based gene drive that would aim to
     Anopheles and Aedes, which transmit malaria and               completely eradicate the screwworm fly.
     numerous viral diseases.59                                                                                                                                                                                               The other half of the decendents
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              inherits the ”antidote” and survives.


     Other potential target organisms for a gene drive                                                                        Quelle: Volker Henn.
     are psyllids. In 2005, bacteria that infect citrus trees
     and render their fruit inedible were detected for
     the first time in the USA. It is spread by introduced
The Gene Driven Farm                                                                                                                         Gene drives to eradicate, for
                                                                                                                                             example, rats, mice, flour
                                                                                                                                             beetles and moths that
                                                                                                                                             infest grain silos.
This picture illustrates the areas in
which gene drive organisms are
being developed or considered for                                                                                                            Gene drives to eradicate, for
                                                                                                                                             example, the screwworm fly,
agricultural use.
                                                                                                                                             which lays its eggs in the wounds
                                                                                                                                             of cattle.

Gene drives to eradicate, for example,             Gene drives to eradicate the                                   Gene drives to eradicate         Gene drives to
psyllids that spread Citrus greening               spotted wing drosophila, a fruit                               nematodes that cause             decimate
disease (Huanglongbing in Chinese)                 fly which lays its eggs in ripe                                plant diseases.                  cabbage moths.
in citrus fruit.                                   fruit, such as cherries.

Illustration adapted from ”The Gene Driven Farm” in ETC Group, Heinrich Böll Foundation (2018).
Forcing the Farm. How Gene Drive Organisms Could Entrench Industrial Agriculture and Threaten Food Sovereignty.
Open questions regarding applications in plants             Gene drive organisms as                                 While the effect of a gene drive   Conflict from the use of gene drive technology
                                                                                                                                                            in the environment could also be triggered by a
     Theoretically, gene drives could also be used in plants.    bioweapons                                              organism might be considered       lack of public (or international) consensus on a
     The U.S. National Academies of Science identified                                                                                                      release of gene drive organisms in one‘s own or
     as one of the possible targets the foxtail plant            A release of gene drive organisms could, in theory,     positive in a particular region,   neighboring countries. Resulting damages, such as
     Amaranthus palmeri69, which has become a resistant          have large-scale and long-lasting negative effects on                                      crop loss, biodiversity loss, or unintended health,
     superweed in the United States since the 1990s due          ecosystems and societies. The release of gene drive     its consequences might be          social, or economic effects, can lead to conflict if
     to the overuse of herbicides such as glyphosate.70          organisms for civilian purposes could therefore cause                                      there is no adequate compensation for them. Even
     Amaranthus palmeri is a dioecious plant that produces       conflict or lead to misuse. The targeted development    considered undesirable or          the unintended presence of a GDO in a country
     either male or female flowers. Researchers have             of gene drive organisms for hostile purposes is also                                       that has not consented to a release can lead to
     identified a gene that controls the formation of female     conceivable.75                                          negative in other affected         interstate conflict or diplomatic crises.79 For these
     flowers.71 If it were possible to switch off this gene                                                                                                 reasons, experts at the UN Biological Weapons
     by means of a gene drive, only male plants could be         One way that gene drive organisms could be used         regions, leading to insurgency     Convention have been monitoring and discussing
     formed, making natural reproduction impossible.             as bioweapons would be to use them to eradicate                                            the issue for years.80
                                                                 important beneficial insects for agriculture in a       or conflict.
     Another theoretical possibility would be to reverse         particular region.
     resistance to common pesticides that dozens of plant
     species have developed and that pose major problems         However, until gene drive organisms and their
     for industrial agriculture. These resistances caused by     harmful effects can be limited both spatially or
     genetic changes that are often well researched and          temporally, there are few convincing scenarios for
21   could theoretically be reversed by a gene drive.72          government gene drive weapons programs.76                                                                                                          22
                                                                 Despite these challenges, the U.S. military‘s Defense
                                                                 Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is
     Several technical hurdles                                   one of the largest funders of gene drive research
                                                                 and is financially involved in almost every gene
     must be overcome before                                     drive research project. 77

     gene drives can be applied                                  The DARPA research program, titled Safe Genes,
                                                                 sets out to control, limit, or recover GDO from the
     in plants.                                                  environment. There are numerous gray areas in the
                                                                 spectrum between unexpected negative effects of
                                                                 gene drive organisms in nature, their misuse, and
     Double strand breaks caused by CRISPR/Cas9 in               the deliberate development of gene drives for hostile
     the genome of plants are often repaired using error-        purposes.
     prone mechanisms.73 This prevents the gene drive
     from taking hold in plants. To inherit the gene drive
     to all offspring, another type of repair mechanism
     would have to repair the double-strand break using a
     template. In addition, many plants have significantly
     longer generation times than insects. The effect

                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Potential applications of gene drive organisms
     of a gene drive would only take effect after many
     years. And ultimately, the seeds of some plants can
     persist in the soil for years, significantly delaying the
     breakthrough of the Gene Drive.74

     The implementation of a gene drive in plants is not
     yet possible with the current state of knowledge.
Gene drives are at an early stage of development. The
             discussion about possible consequences and risks is
             therefore still largely speculative. However, numerous
             critical points are already emerging that must be taken
03           into account before considering a release.

risks                                                                                                    24

             The vast diversity of natural habitats and ecosystems
             affected will make the prediction and control of
             potential risks much more difficult.

             In 2016, the U.S. Academy of Sciences recommended
             that gene drive organisms first be tested on small
             and remote islands.81 However, calculations using
                                                                          Once released into nature, a
             models show that this would not provide sufficient
             containment individual GDO can reach other regions
                                                                          gene drive organism actively
             through water, wind or unintentional transport and
             spread the gene drive further.82 Moreover, GDO could
                                                                          spreads in wild populations
             be spread deliberately.
                                                                          and can spread rapidly over
             A group of researchers led by gene drive developer
             Kevin Esvelt at the Massachusetts Institute of
                                                                          large distances.

                                                                                                         Ecological risks
             Technology (MIT) in Boston, USA, is working on a gene
             drive variant that can be limited in its spatial spread.
             They call this gene drive the Daisy Chain Drive.83 So far,
             however, this gene drive variant exists only in theory
             (for more information, see infobox).
Irreversibility                                             Outcrossing across
     What is a Daisy Chain Drive?
                                                                                                                                     A gene drive causes a permanent genetic modification        species boundaries
     The Daisy Chain Drive is a variant of gene drive based on CRISPR/Cas9 that has not yet been                                     of the genetic material, which is passed on to
     implemented. In theory, the CRISPR/Cas-based gene drive would consist of individual elements                                    all subsequent generations. Even if a gene drive            Gene drives are tailored to the genome of a single
     located on different chromosomes.84 Element C consists of the gene ‘scissors’ and a guidepost                                   encounters resistance and no longer spreads on              species, but in many cases outcrossing across
     for B. Element B is the gene ‘scissors’ Cas9 plus guidepost for C. C is the target site of the gene                             its own accord, these changes can continue to be            species boundaries could be inevitable. For
     drive, an essential gene that is knocked out by the DNA double-strand break and replaced by                                     inherited according to Mendelian rules and persist          example, the malaria-carrying mosquito Anopheles
     a new gene if necessary. Component C is inherited according to Mendelian rules. Therefore,                                      for a long time in the genome of the population. Only       gambiae belongs to a complex of seven different
     the process should stop on its own at a certain point, which could limit its spatial and temporal                               if the deactivated gene drive severely impairs the          subspecies that are genetically very similar and can
     distribution.                                                                                                                   survivability of the individuals do the mechanisms of       produce fertile offspring with each other.87 A gene
                                                                                                                                     natural selection take effect, eliminating the change in    drive by Target Malaria targets disruption of the
                                                                                                                                     the natural populations.                                    Doublesex gene, which has undergone little change
                                                                                                                                                                                                 during the evolution of the mosquito species. This
          Standard Gene Drive:                                             A leads to the                                            As early as 2014, a discussion started about the need       approach could drive all seven related mosquito
                                                                           inheritance of A
                                                                                                                                     for a so-called Reversal Drive, which would be intended     species to the brink of extinction, although at least
                                                                       A                         A
                                                                                                                                     to reverse the changes caused by a gene drive in the        one species does not transmit malaria.88
                                                                                                                                     manipulated populations. In principle, this is a modified
                                                                                                                                     version of the original gene drive that overwrites          A similar risk exists in fruit flies of the genus
                                                                                                                                     the previous genetic manipulations and prevents             Drosophila, which have played a central role in the
25                                                                                                                                   their further spread. However, even such a Reversal         development and application of gene drives. It has      26
                                                                                                                                     Drive can not restore the original genetic state of         been known for over 90 years that different species
                                                                                                                                     the population, but only introduce further genetic          of Drosophila can interbreed and produce fertile
                                                                                                                                     modifications into the genome of these populations.         offspring.89 Thousands of other animal and plant
                                                                                                                                                                                                 species form natural hybrids, so the spread of gene
                                                 cuts                                    repairs                                     In a study on fruit flies, genetic elements were            drives would not be limited to one species but could
                             W A                                           A                                   A A
                                                                                                                                     presented that were designed to switch off or               also extend to its closer relatives.
                                                                                                                                     completely remove CRISPR/Cas-based gene drives
                                                                                                                                     from the genome. Specific signposts of the CRISPR/
                                                                                                                                     Cas9 ‘gene scissors‘ are used to terminate the chain
                                                                                                                                     reaction of a CRISPR/Cas-based gene drive. The result:
          Daisy Chain Drive:                                               C leads to                B leads to the                  the ‘gene scissors‘ paralyze themselves. Results from
                                                                           inheritance of B          inheritance of C
                                                                                                                                     cage experiments show that these elements can
                                                                       C                         B                         A         prevail for 10 generations. However, synthetic genetic
                                                                                                                                     elements remain in the genome and are inherited
                                                                                                                                     according to Mendelian rules. In addition, unintended
                                                                                                                                     changes to the genome occur. It is difficult to estimate
                                                                                                                                     how these remaining genetic changes will behave in
                                                                                                                                     the wild populations in the long term and whether they
                                                                                                                                     will be influenced by external factors.85

                                                                                                                                     According to current knowledge, any release of
                                                                   cuts /                                                            a gene drive carries the risk of irreversibly and
                      W C           W B          W A               repairs             W C           B B          A A                uncontrollably altering the genetic material of a
                                                                                                                                     natural population.86

     Illustration adapted from: Noble C, Min J, Olejarz J, Buchthal J, Chavez A, Smidler AL, DeBenedictis EA, Church GM, Nowak MA,
     Esvelt KM (2019). Daisy-chain gene drives for the alteration of local populations. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 116:8275.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Ecological risks
Unexpected effects of                                       Unpredictable impacts
     CRISPR/Cas9                                                 on ecosystems                                                Food web of mosquitoe larva and mosquitoe

     Many engineered gene drives use CRISPR/Cas9 to              Every living creature, even if it appears dangerous or
     create a double-strand break at defined locations           harmful to humans, performs important tasks in its
     in the genome. However, this tool does not work             habitat. The extinction or even manipulation of one
     flawlessly.90                                               species will therefore have consequences for the
                                                                 entire ecosystem.
     CRISPR/Cas9 can change the activity of the target
     gene in unpredictable ways, increase the mutation           This can be well illustrated by the example of                                 01
     rate in the genome, lead to unexpected mutations,
     or be disrupted in its function by emerging
                                                                 mosquitoes. In the course of their life cycle, they
                                                                 form important food sources for various animals. For
                                                                                                                                          10           02                 Mosquito larva
     resistances. For example, there are increasing              example, mosquito larvae living in water are a food
     reports of so-called off-target effects, unintended
     changes to non-target sequences that can occur
                                                                 source for water bugs, beetles, flies, spiders, flatworms,
                                                                 tadpoles, fish and crustaceans. It is assumed that 95
                                                                                                                                    09                      03            1. spiders
                                                                                                                                                                          2. flatworms
                                                                                                                                                                          3. tadpoles
     when the CRISPR/Cas system is applied.91                    percent of the larvae of the African malaria mosquito                                                    4. fish
                                                                 Anopheles gambiae are being eaten before becoming                                                        5. crustaceans
                                                                                                                                                                          6. decaying detritus
     Moreover, the genetic modifications not only affect
     the target area, but often also other areas in the
                                                                 adults.94 Adult mosquitoes are also an important food
                                                                 source and are consumed by dragonflies, spiders, bats
                                                                                                                                    08                      04            7. aquatic micro-organisms

27   genome.92 One of the reasons for this is that in wild       and birds, among others. In the Camargue, a nature
                                                                                                                                                                          8. beetles
                                                                                                                                                                          9. water bugs                         28
                                                                                                                                                                          10. flies
     populations there are more sequences in the genome
     to which CRISPR/Cas9 can dock than the computer
                                                                 reserve in southern France, reduction of mosquito
                                                                 populations with a biological control agent has also led                 07           05
     programs used for this purpose were able to determine       to a reduction in the number and diversity of birds and
     in the laboratory. Gene drives can therefore lead to        dragonflies.95 A role in plant pollination also cannot be
     the development of organisms with unpredictable             ruled out, as adult mosquitoes feed on nectar, among
     characteristics.93                                          other things.96 The role of mosquitoes in their tightly
                                                                 interwoven ecosystem has hardly been studied so far,
                                                                 so the consequences of a possible extinction are not
                                                                 These consequences can also affect humans: If one
     CRISPR/Cas-based gene drives search for a clearly           mosquito species is displaced, other species, which
     defined DNA sequence at which they are to cut               may transmit even more dangerous diseases, can
     the genetic material. Even single mutations to              spread more widely. Such risk scenarios are known
     this sequence can therefore render the target               with regard to the control of the dengue fever-                                01
     unrecognizable to them. The organism thus becomes           transmitting yellow fever mosquito (Aedes aegypti) in
     resistant to the gene drive. Such resistance can arise      North America and Brazil, which competes with the
     if the DNA double-strand break generated by CRISPR/         invasive Asian tiger mosquito (Aedes albopictus).97                 06                   02              Mosquito
     Cas9 is incorrectly repaired by the cell and alters         If the yellow fever mosquito disappears, this could
     the target sequence. However, resistance could also         further promote the spread of the tiger mosquito,                                                        1.   spiders
                                                                                                                                                                          2.   birds
     occur naturally, especially in populations with high        which is no less dangerous and also transmits dengue                                                     3.   bats
     genetic diversity.                                          fever.98                                                                                                 4.   blood (only female mosquitoes)
                                                                                                                                                                          5.   dragonflies
                                                                                                                                                                          6.   nectar
     If a gene drive encounters resistance, it will break off
     at this point and only change part of the population.
                                                                 But even if a species is not wiped out, gene drives
                                                                 harbor considerable risks: If the characteristics of
                                                                                                                                     05                   03
     Whether it disappears again completely, however,            the organisms change unintentionally, they can,
     depends on the number of individuals already changed
     and the disadvantages that the gene drive brings
                                                                 for example, change their behavior, transmit more
                                                                 diseases, or even disturb or destroy the habitat of
     for their survival. It is therefore entirely possible for   other species. Because the respective species are
     the gene drive to persist for a long time in an animal      closely linked to their ecosystems, the effects of

                                                                                                                                                                                                                Ecological risks
     species despite resistance.                                 uncontrolled spread cannot be predicted reliably.99
The political debate on the regulation of gene drive
             technology is still in its infancy, both in Germany
             and Europe, as well as internatonally. There is no
             specific and binding regulation for handling this
04           new technology.

Gene drive


             In Germany, the political discussion and regulation of      According to the Genetic Engineering Act (GenTG), the
             gene drives is still in its infancy. An official position   approval of a research project with GMO, its classification
             of the German government on the evaluation                  by safety level and monitoring of safety requirements is
             and regulation of gene drive organisms is not yet           the responsibility of regional authorities. According to
             available.                                                  §10 paragraph 7 of GenTG, these authorities are obliged
                                                                         to obtain an opinion from the Central Commission
                                                                         for Biological Safety (Zentrale Kommission für die
             Genetic Engineering Safety                                  Biologische Sicherheit, ZKBS) in this process.

             Ordinance: safety standards                                 In 2016, in the absence of a uniform regulation by
                                                                         the Genetic Engineering Safety Ordinance, the ZKBS
             for gene drive research                                     had defined safety level 2 as sufficient for the work
                                                                         with gene drive systems in the laboratory.100 This was
             In the March 2021, gene drive organisms have been           changed when the new version of the GenTSV came
             included in federal genetic engineering legislation         into force on 01.03.2021.
             for the first time. The Genetic Engineering Safety
             Ordinance (GenTSV) sets safety standards for                In the revised Genetic Engineering Safety Ordinance,
             handling GMO in research laboratories.                      laboratory work with genetically engineered
                                                                         organisms containing gene drives is assigned to
             In this context, laboratory work with genetically           safety level 3 as a precautionary measure101. This

                                                                                                                                       Gene drive regulation
             modified organisms is assigned to one of four safety        ensures that every research project involving gene
             levels depending on its hazard potential for humans,        drives is reported to a supervisory authority and that
             animals and the environment. Safety level 1 applies         a case-by-case risk assessment is carried out by the
             to work with no hazard potential, while safety level        ZKBS before experiments begin. In order to reliably
             4 applies to work with a high hazard potential.             prevent the escape and spread of GDO into wild
             Depending on the safety level, different safety             populations, Article 1, §11, Paragraph 6 stipulates the
             measures must be upheld during experiments.                 ZKBS has to recommend specific safty measures to
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